THE ' COIIDMBEAflS kW DEMOCRAT. BLOOMtftRGv COIUMBM COUNTY, PAi if Attlfidat rroaVs. WIIF.nK MUMMIES MAIDS ARE MADE. HOW AMI AND MKR. AK'OLt) M0Y7MAM OIVKS TIIB SNAP AWAY AND TKI.U ABOUT T1IR VAKM TIIK FINEST AU1IST IN TIIB WORM) IN TIIF. MANUFACTURfi OP CURIOSIT1F.3. It ww.our old friend, tho aliowman tho only survivor of A. Ward, Esq , truthful an tho needle to tho pole, writes a New York Graphic man. IIo is a oncer dock, ia thin friend of ohm the old ehowinan, with a raro eyo for. neeiog mo curious ana me unique, with a strong fancy, with a cosmopolitan instinct and with a nemo of tho charm of successful humbuggery. IIo be'dewa with tho idol of tho show world tho venerable sago of Bridgeport that tho publio likes to be humbucccd. A good square, snnp aidoishovr attracts, him as a drop of sngar attracts flics. He is nevor so happy as when with his shiny tall hat on the back of bid head, and with his keen eyes dancing in tho cxc'itemont of tho hour, he is aloft on tho box of tho sido show in front of tho circle of pictures of tho Circassian woman, and tho fat woman and tho line of freaks, orating to a crowd of be lievers on tho wonders of his show in side tho canvas. "The show man," quoth he, "rises early and retires Into. I know him. 1 know all about him. IIo puts' all his nerve, strength, vigor and brains into tho business. The show man is usually a show man because bo couldn't be any thing else if ho had overy oppbr- tunny in tue woria. no a ratner be a showman and have to go to bed while his only shirt was beiuc washod than bo a bank cashier rolling in somebody cisos minions. "Well, sir, smco I'm talking on the" fako, did you know that tbe finest, ar tist in the world in the manuf xture of freaks and curiosities is an Alaskan? It s a fact. I was surprised myself. lor I always supposed that ho would be a Yankee He was away when we called, but his assistant was there.- Thoy were making Egyptian Wnmmies that day, a lull line of toot i for a ma seum in Fans. They avo made of filaster of Paris' and bollod in tobacco nice, and they are stunners when they arc done. It is a curious yarn how the reporters got on to nig place.' He oc copies a place'imder tbe roof and dries his curiosities oh1 the fiat roof in the sun. The elevated railroad pushes along over tho city here, and, some travolers by the morning train saw a curious sight on' on one of tho roofs. It looked like a collection of dead bod ies drying in tho sun, and a conglom eration of hideous monstrosities and blood-curdling freaks of nature. Of course somebody investigated it, and as a result tbe birth plaou of the freak was found. "I wish I could givo you that Alas kan s name, but1 1 can't. It's a stunner in length, and he is an nrtist of as dis tinguished talents as his name is long. He made the man-ox that struck the professors of anatomy everywhere. He drew the skin over tho ribs so adroitly that there seemed to be absolutely no fault in it, and it puzzled the scientists as well as the common people. There are two or three other freak makers in the Bowery that we called on, but there aro no o here that approach this fellow. He ia a jim-dandy, and no mistake, a mermaid is nothing at all for hint He can draw a chicken's skin over the skeleton as handily as you uiw uu juur giuvv, aim no man can swear that it is artificial." "Are none of these freaks-genuinef "Mighty few that I know anything about are very genuine. Most of lh& man-ox, man-horse, mermaid, sea ser pent, Egyptian mummv, royal anato'ml cal marine museum tluff is inanfactar ed. Of course, there are some freaks of nature in the way of monstrosities that aro genuine The India rubber man is a freak of nature, and I was in to see tbe centaur of a man-borso at tbt dimo museum. That's genuine if you like it- It's a coon with his legs twisted out oi snapo. The poor cuss was marked in birth and' can't walk npright a dead give-away of a fake tnai don't excite any particlar interest 'Australian children' are idiots. Cirr cassias women can be made with case and celerity. Bearded women cani be found 'any where. The country is full oi AiDinoes, ana it it were not tbey can bo manufactured to order at anv time. "Do you remember that sea serpent that we exhibited a year or two ago! It was twenty or thirty feet long, and was tbe the queerest looking thing I ever saw. It had big chunks of bone on tbe side of it, and had a mouth (big enough to take in a long boat Well, this Alaskan made that How did! he make itt Blamed if I know. lie's ahead of mo on that It was a good job. Ho made a Bea serpent latoly, and I rac across it at Exeter. One of the professors at Phillips' Acaktmy went in and looked it over, Ho said he had doubts about its being Leonine. "Hal Ha! Well I don't blaino him. I had my doubts, too, bnV they were based on a different foundation, the difference between theory and ftfet, you sec. Tho owner of tho show had a mighty good lecture to go with his museum. Ho bad one or two mer maids, and one of them be considered a particularly valuable specimen. He noyor Jailed in tho course of his ad dress to relate that this was positively uiu uuiy niermuiu ever captured alive. He said that she seemed to mourn for her homo at the bottom of the sea. and to' continually utter plaintive cries fcnd sing in a mournful, heart-breaking koy. Tbev fed her everv ihinrr in ha line of fresh fiob, but she pined away and died and thus ended the existence ot tiio only mermaid ever captured olivo. "Tho doctor bad a bang-up show on tbeoutsido. His pictures wero verv gorgeous and true to fact In front of his mermaid ho had a largo patch of green grass and the green waves turl tog up. "One day an old chap, with bis town meeting hat on tho crown of his head clear to his ears, came up and looked at tho mermaid as she fluttered in canvas truo to tho pioturo of ber home beneath the wave "As be gazed at her in rapt sufiponse and noticed that she was the only specimen ever captured alive; ho look ed up to tho orator at tho door, and said: 'Say, mister, what do yon feed heron?" . .. "There may Jiavo beon truth as well as ppetry In tbe reply of tho'doc-or as ho looked down, and said: "My- dear on, ru ic jtjr euuriiiy UJl BUCKlirB. oho has to have something verv fresh "By" tho way, you may quoto nier maids this season as very cheap my wuero irom ?o to $ao. Burned bones are useful in the poul try.yard, but do not equal those that are procured in tho ground condition, Bones from the butcher, pounded into pieces, are p'reforred by the hens, aa they contalii wore or less meat. rami' Notes. Think how much you are dependent upon your horse and farm animals now and use them well. Tho general aspect of tlis dairy ani mal Is thinner,- sharper and mor auga lar than the feeding animal. It is surprising to hoo whit a groat ohange a liltlo paint will mako in the appearance of farm buildings. The Farmers' Alliance w introduc ed into Mississippi in, March, 1887, and now has 1,200 lodges and 40,000 members. Many of tho ready-mixed paints are ,Talable'joKefiJ net ithAiptJnting oan be done by ono of tbo boys or hir ed man at dddlimbs. A hnhdroaj'bf'fehljtf on'' a' farm 'abovd actual need' become1 s tax on labor and'material'thatfthay' better be cWbf. brcmoVing thfeaco.1 A new vegetable fiber, called "ga mootio," ii imported from Cellbes into "Holland, and is made to lake the place of moss and bir in upholstery. It is estimated that to oollcot a nonnd of honor from clover1 62.000 heads of olover must be deprived of nectar and 3,700,000, visits Irom boos must bo mado. Watering troughs by tho roadside at convenient distances are highly ap preciated by travelers and are' pretty sure indications of kind and hospi- ,tabio larmers. A good coat of paint will pronervo the buildings, edd to the beauty and attractiveness ol tho premises, and transiorm oia run-uown xarmnoases into, neat and - tasty homes. Going- to law is expensive, whether it bo for the purpose'; ofrsbentintr jus, tfjoeor rovongo, and U almost tcortaiq to ehdin' (Mtappolkw'sM and loss of .money to both parties. It isqqeeriidesjtome farmers have that crass Vill crow after toil is ex- haiistM'UyiiHmttaneV and that grasa.will.restoroJeitilUy.uter it is so f ar-gooe that;4lBgmu fail. One way to make.yourboya dislike farming is to be continually, finding fault complaining of the hard lot and slavish life of farmers and telling thbm of tbe ease and comforts of:city lifai With all the talk about the Value) of Jerusalem artiahokes for hogsi fewer are planted overy year Whilo large crops of them are sometimes raiBed, the average yield appears to be very small and dependent on tbo season Experiments in raising' alfalfa are being made at the Iowa Agricultural college. It is likely that this forage plant will grow in Iowa and do fairly well, but there is no prospect that it will be as valuable for stock foodi as olover and grass. Dr. balmonaaya there aro two con tagions diseases known as bos cholera. one affecting thebowels, the other the longs. The one itr the genuine hog cholera, the other the swine plague. It is possible for an animal to have both diseases at the same time. sheep are one of tbe bestrpaylog things that can be had; for portuvPa kota. One farmer got three sheep two years ago; aadfr6m them he now has ele ven. Another farmer bad in' lata with addition to other stock, -100 sheep and he has now 350 besides 120 yoang lambs. The pig that brings the farmer the most money is not one that yields him the greatest; profit- Fall-pigs winler ed'over arid'fattened'the next-fall (are almost invariably, expensive- aniraals. Where corn is fed to' cattle wholrj, a few pigs may be kept to follow'them .without much outlay, but only a'fow. ;i ' Warner's Loo CXbin Remedies. "Sarsapiril- la;" 'Cough' and-Oon- sumption Remedy," .'Hops and Bdcbu "Extract," "Hair To nic," "Liver Pills," ('Plasters," (Porous-Electrical); "Rose Cre'am," for catarrh. They are the simple, ef fective remedies of the old Log Cabin days. Everybody uses Warner's "Tip pecanoe.1' Ifodeat Noll and Dr.. Johnson. After Goldsmith had written the Vicar of Wakefield he rose consider ably in tbe estimation of blunt oldlDr. Johnson, who extolled the' book to the skieo. Goldsmith's natural modesty maoe me entnusiastio nraise ot his work exceedingly painful to hist and he invariably did his beat in self-depreciation when his friend began sounding bis praises. Upon one occasion Johnson. Bos well, and Goldsmith were lunching to gether in a Kleet Street' chop house. when an acquaintance of Johnson's entered, and approaching the .croup groaned tbo Doctor's hand, and- asked him now he did, "air,' said the Doctor, with bis ao customed courtesy, "I don't'1' Then turning toward Goldsmith tobo wad trying to hide behind a bottle of Wor cestershire sauce, he roared out : "Mr. ltobison, permit me to introduce my friend Goldum th. Goldsmith is the author of the Vicar of Wakefield, you tuuvv. "Indeed 1" cried Robison. with pleased smile. "Aro you the author oi mat aeiigniiui work! ' -X1-HO, sir, p-piease, sir, replied Goldsmith,, overcome- with sbame. lho effect of' this renlv unon Dr. Johnson may be better imagined than described. Editor's Drawer; in Harper's Magazine for. September. Pond's Extraot is never 0ld by measure nor bulk nor in any drutfgitt bottles. Anyono who tell ypu he buys it by the gallon or barrel or in any way except in our bottles, is falsifying and deceiving you. Prepared and bot tied only by Pond's Extraot Co., New York and London. See our name! on every wrapper and label. Pond's Ex tract has been used by pbysiolans and the people oyer forty years' for Hem orrhages lain and Injlamqiqtiqnp, " Compound THE CELEBRATED NERVE TONIC. e40 A healthy boy has as many as you, but he doesn't Jcnow it That is the difference between slck" and "well."., -. -,.& - , Why don't you cure yourself? It Is easy," Don't wait Paine's Celery Compound wJUdo, it. Pay your druggist a dollar, and enjoy lifo once more. Thousand aiyti Why not, you? -y--3 vv WLL$, MCHAAMM CO.; foprittvt, ijtingtM? VL A New Theory 'of Bleep. tiikuk is A CURE OR ALt, VUOM INSOMNIA. BUI-TKIURS From tbe London spectator. It Is now, I behove", genoraliy ao oepted that our conscious, daylight thinkinc nrooesscs aro carried on in tho' sinister half of our brain I. o., in tho lobe which controls tho action Ot the right arm and leg. Pondi ring on tho use of tbe deiur half of tho brain possibly in all unconscious' colebra-, lion, and whatsoever may- be genuine of the mysteries of planohoito and spirit rapping; I oamo to tho conclus ion (shared, no douut, ay many oiner bettor' qualified inqulreri) that wo dream with this lobo, nd that tho fan tastic, unmoral, sprite-like character Ot dreams is in somo way traceable to that fact. The practical inforenoe then struok mo.- TO bring oacic .sieep wnen iohi urn mint nnif-t the conscious, thinking. sinister Bide of our brains, and bring into aotivity only tbo droam side, tbe dexter lobe.. To, do this the,only. plan I could deviio was to compel myself to put asido every waking thought, even soothing and pleasant onoa, and ovefy effort of daylight memory, suoh as counting numbers or the repetition of easy-flowing voracs, the latter having been my not wholly unwocessini prno tico for many years. Instead of all this I saw-1 must think of a dream, tbe more recent theibetter, ond go over and over tho 809no it presented. Arrnea ith this idea, tho next timo I found myself awakening at 2 or 3 o'olook in tho morninc. Instead of meroly trying to banish painful thoughts and repeat . . i - . .... ing, as was ray nauu, mat reuummuinj able soporific,' "Paradise and tho Perl,'' I roverted at onoe to the dream from whioh I had awakened and tried to go on with it In a moment I was asleep! And from that timo the experiment, often repeateuVhas scarcely over failed. Not seldom the result is sudden as tne fall of a curtain and seems like a charm. A friend to whom I have confided my little discovery tollsime that, with out any- preliminary theorizing;abaut tho lobes of the brain, she bad hit up on the same plan to produoe sleep and bad found it wonderfully efficacious. A Good Apttite- Is essential to good hpalth ; but at this season it ia often lost, owing to the novertv of impuritv.of the blood, ,do- rnnoemnnt of tho dlL'estivo orcans, afad the weakening effect of the changing TT .1 O.M.M..illa la n tit ri.l dorfnl medicine for creatine an appe tite, toning the digestion, and giving strength to the Whole system. Wow is tho timo to take it. Bo sure to get Hood's SaTnaparilla. Justifiable Homioidt- "Did you kill that man?" asked the prosecuting officer of a man who was on trial tor muraer. "Yes, sir. But it was in self-do fense." "I nresume so. Such affaire Usually tie. What necessity was there for von to defend vounelf from him?" "He was my cook." Merchant traveler. A man who don't know anything) is pretty sure to tell it the first chance he geiA Mi x. star. uvuuve Livtn , VnfT4 BM Or IVlTATIOin. JU.WAT8 IslC SOB DS.'-FISBCX'a FEZXXTt, cm ZITTLB tVOAJt-COATXa riLLM. Belnr nilrel'r ventabl, ther dp ratirlout dKtaibanoe to th tirUm. dlft, or occupation. Iu( up In lUM viwi. hernw- lazatlvfla-aluratlvet-ot'Pi ucso miio rcuevi nn in ttlsfcUoa, SICK HEIMCHE. Billons mdBliis, llzzlu, Coniilpo Hon, liidlretl5n. Bill aua. Atlaelca, ana allf aeratiRomenu oi tno eiora ach and bowels, aro prompt ly irlluvbU and pcrmuncntly Plcreea paaant l'ursatlT Vcllsia. In explanation or tbu remedial power of theae Pclleta over bo great a variety of dlteuea,' It mar trutbfullr be aald thutithalr action upon the lyntem Ii universal, not a giand or tlaauai ncaplne tliclr. aunntlvo lntluenc,L Sold bj druztrlit'.U centa a vial. .Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory ot WoKLrVa DniBUST Mkdiuai. AssoiJUTiOK, Buffalo, N, V. Ay. .for a caaa Cbronlo-Naaal Cktarrh -which tbey cannot cura. BYKIPTOiria Or CATAnnll.-Dull. heavy hiuulacbe,-. obttructlon ot tbe naial pauHjree, dlacbarsea falling- from tbe bead Into .tbo throat, aoroctlmia profuie, watery, and acrid, at othera, thick, tenacious, mucosa, purulent, bloody andi:putrld: tbe yea-are weak, watery, and Inflamed j there la rlngbif In tbe oar a. daa&ieat, htcklnr or coufhlnrito clear tbe throat, eipoctoratlon of offenalva matter.! tocethcr with acaba-from ulptra; the. voleo la changod' and. baa a naaal twang; (ha breath la offcnalvat amell anaitaataiara un paired 1 there la a aenaatlon of dlizloeta, with mrntjil di-nreaalon. a haoklnar ooua-h ana van 00; imed ral Uelilllly, Only a tow of tba above-named ymptoma are uaeiy to urn preaent it one Thouaanaa-ofAoaaaa. annually; without l maniieaunr nair ot ue anoye iymputna, re lult In'coninmptlon.'and' end In' the grave. No dl-case la ao common, mora dacaptlva and dangeroua, or leaa underitood by phyilctani. Dy Its mild, aoothlnr, and healing propertlei i Dr. Bage'a Catarrh ltemedy curea the, wont casea of CatarrU, "cold In tha head.' Coryza, and Catarrhal Ueadaaka, - Bold by druggitU everywhere (0 cent.- -vatoU Afonr rocaurri Prof. W. Haushkb, tba famoua meaoiarilt, of Ithaca. N. r wrileai "boma ten yearaajro 1 suffered untold agony from, chronic naaal catarrh. My family physician gave tne up. us luourable; and aald! I- must die. Uf caae waa sucb a bad one, that every day, towards sun set, my voice would become ao coarse I could barely speak abovfawhlaper.. In tba morning; my coughing-and clearing of my throat would almost strangle! ma. By tha uaa of Dr.Bagc'a Catarrh tbamedy. In three months, I wai a well man, and tba aura haa been permanent' uconatamtlr Bawklny and apltUngji mokn 3. Rnsntaa. Eed asf Ptm Strut. St. Loufi. lfo. writes 1 I waa a sreat sufferer from catarrh for three years. A t time I oouU hardly breathe, and was eonataatly. hawking and spitting, and for the last eight months could not breathe through -the-nostrils. I thought nothing could be done for me. Luck llv. I waa trr Dr. Bava'a CaUrrl Itrmedy, and I am now a well man. . t beUeve It to be the onlr aura remedy for can manufactured, and one haa fair trial to eiptrleaoa tftoi a permanent cure." nly to give It a idJsjr rvaulu and TkrM miotllM Cbra Catarrk. Bu'Itoiama, lunvon P. O, CblumMa'Co, lv-da.inrb.ter! had catarrh when rasr; sail the waa five yeara old, Terr badly. I taw Dri Bage'a CaUrrl rn itemeny advertised,- ana 'pro- oured a bottla for btr, and aoou saw thai It helped' aarf a intra bottle effected a perma nent cure, noeis now eur Bleat) jean oh ana eg unit ana awany wit pv t m uialtva, oh Venn RrS5'l offered by tbu tninufactdr Tf " v)rT- en of Dr. Catarfh km & V 1 llAineily. .for a caaa rit SOME DOCTORS honestly admit hat the can't ear Bheumallnn and Ntaralgia. Others anv they can but don't. Ath-lo-Tho-rM aart nothlnr butrre. That's the tecrtt of Its rnoceM. years of trial have provtd It to be a pUtjMtjt, sura cure. In toy cwSSSIyAWfcpnorSi ' la a but rMxirt, tne near bavtaa S.1W 1 mtiM from rhetunatKm for rear and barlna bnn treated for the duraae br dlfterjnt t-hvtlelans in tola State and Kbq. Mtu wflboai enn Kmrorary r--ilf. Ilron inyroonmmctnitatlon poorrtof pro. Ilron inyroonmmctnitatlon poorrtof pro. pie bare awid Ikla n-medy with, tbe aana hnlU cUlmed for Ik all VituoM. AUnR-bcroeuI'' 0',oiWroe of BeriFlaSS, and Ii fSa UuSftu tot ' WIMgcodltaaadotiemii. IST Benfl 8 rents for the beantlfnl colored pic ture, "Moorish Maiden." THE A THLOfHOROS CO, 112 Wall St. KX KAXX.KOAD TXMtX TABLB DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. HTAT10N8. Noivrn. rs . S 40 . 5 to . 00 . S 08 , ii , t SO , 3 . 4 , 8 60 . 64 , S 53 . 7 05 . 7 11 . 7 18 . 7 BO . 7 . , 7 60 , 7 64 . 7 89 , 8 03 . 8 04 r x a. if. K. NORTH OUBIRLAKD 1 is 10 to 10 23 10 29 10 36 10 53 11 00 II 07 11 It 11 22 11 21 11 30 11 37 II 44 11 49 11 68 12 03 12 It 12 20 12 23 12 30 12 37 12 41 12 43 12 50 12 55 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 23 1 30 it 880 Cameron... Chula asky 8 84 8 40 658 Danville. Catawlasa 1 53 2 14 1 19 2 i4 2 29 ltupert..-. 1 05 7 11 7 20 uioomaourK Kspy -- Umo ltldgo. willow (IrOTO... , 7 27 7 31 Tlrlaroreelc.-.. . 7 33 7 41 7 49 55 8 08 2 49 2 64 2 69 3 09 3 19 3 St s'as 3 39 8 43 Berwick Beach Haven lllck'a Kerry... .1.,. Shlcksblnny... - Uunlock's NanUcoke.. Avondale. Plymouth Ply mouth Junction,, K intra ton..... 8 II 8 29 8 39 833 8 88 8 49 8 49 8 63 8 68 9 03 9 09 9 17 uennett.- , 8 19 Maltby 8 17 Wyoming-1 - West FUtatoiu.. Plttston Laokawanna . 8 w 8 27 8 33 3 62 3 6t 4 01 8 40 8 48 8 64 9 00 Taviorville.. 9 25 Beuevne 9 SO 9 83 AM 4 22 r at A u 9 60 9 66 10 00 10 08 10 It 10 22 10 27 10 80 10 34 10 39 10 42 10 47 10 61 10 65 11 02 11 12 11 22 It 28 11 87 11 43 11 52 11 69 12 05 12 10 12 It 12 30 1240 12 5V r X AM , 10 f 16 6 SO , 623 , at 6 42 , 6 47 . a si , 63 , 6 68 . 7 06 . 7 10 , 7 14 , 7 19 . 7 2 . 7 47 7 65 r K SOUTH, TU STATIONS. Ttt HCBAKTOK. Bellevue.) - Taylorvllle...... 2 06 i'u 2 21 9 98 2 34 2 39 2 '47 2 60 2 64 2 69 3 03 3 01 3 19 3 29 8 89 8 46 3 61 8 57 4 01 4 05 4 11 4 18 4 24 4 29 4 41 4 64 6 00 5 It 5 20 8 25 t 30 8 37 6 41 860 8 63 8 59 7 03 7 07 Lackawanna.... Plttston. , we est Plttston Wyoming. 1 Maltby., Bennett . - Kingston. Plymouth Junction Plymouth Avondala, Nanticoto Uunlock's , snlckahlnny Tnr-k-'a Vf-rrr.. ....... 7 12 7 II 7 21 795 7 43 7 51 807 TtAonti Haven.. .....1... 8 01 8 18 Berwick u' Bnarereek. -. . s is wulow Grove..., 8 It Lime Ridge.... 20 Rapy.. 8 16 Bloomsburg,...,..... 8 32 Hupert.....:.... 8 37 c&tawiaaa 8 42 Danville 8 67 Chul&sky. 9 03 Cameron 9 07 NOKTHUHBiaHMD.. ...... 9 22 820 827 8 31 8 35 8 41 8 47 8 62 8 67 9 It 9 23 9 28 9 45 r r if r h r-nni-u-tlnna ttf. Vfnnrt. with Phlladelnhla s wnsrttnv ti AiiHi&rt for TamanentL Tamaaua. Will- l&msport.Hunbury.PottavUle.rtc. AtNorthnm berland with P. Jc K. Dlv. P. n. H. for narrlsburg, Lock uaven. Bmnonnm. warren, loiii wunne. V. T. IIALSTXAU, Oen. Man., Qcranton, Pa Pennsylvania Railroad Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. N TIME TABLE. In effect AUG. 5,1 sets. Tr&lna leave sunbury EASTWARD 9.40 a. to.. 8a Shore Kxpress (dally Sunday), for Hart abuw and IntermedlaMtUna. .n n ., mAM A 4R T. Tfl. ! Wa&blllKtOn B.Sp. m. connecSniratPhUadelphla for all; Bea Shore 1 pMBta, Tnroosn paaBeiurer ouut. PhltailAtnhla. 1.43 p. m. Day expreas dally.exoeptBandayl.fornaniaburs'aBd Interme dlats atatlona, arriving at Philadelphia 6.&op.m. i New Tort, 9.85 p. m.t Baltimore 8.45 p. m. I Washington, 8.00 p. m. lrarjet ranorcar through to Philadelphia and passenirer ooachei tnrouan to rnuaaeipnia ana - naiiimoro. t m n. m itenovo Accommodation laally for iiarrlabunr and all Intermediate atatlona. arrtv- iniratrniiaaeinniat.X5a.m.:new lorar.iua. m. mmmnm. n.inv m.! wumnruju b..m n. 111. : Pullman tleeplnir car from WlUlamsiytto Phlladel nhla. Philadelphia casaenEern can remain In aleeperundlitnrbed until a.- m. i.ko a. m. Krle Mall (dally) for narrtsbnrg' land Intermediate station, arriving at Philadelphia 25 a.m. new yok, 11.30 a, m. : uaiiiraore . m. : Waahlneton. 9.30 a. m. Thronirh Pnllman aleeplng ears are run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington,, and through passen ger eoaebeato Philadelphia and Baltimore. WESTWARD. 5.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally), for Erie aid all Intermediate stations ana canandalgna land Intermediate stations. Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Palls, with throueh Pullman Palace oara and passenger ooachei to Erie and Roohes- ler. 9.5 News Express (dally except Bandar) for Lock: Raven and intermediate stations. 1Z.S2 p. m. mag&ra jnpress tuaiijr oaucpb buu ii3n for Kane andlntermedlate atatlona and Can andalgna and principal Intermediate stations, R"cheter, Buffalo and Niagara Valla with through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Buffet Parlor car to Watklns 8.80 p. m. Vast Line (aauyrsxcepi nunaayuor He. novo and intermediate stations, and Elmtra, Wat. kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to Benovo and watklns. y.iH a. m. Bunuay maiiior newvo aua luunw-dlatostatloD- THHOUOH TRAINS FORSONBiraY VROM THE juurr Aniinuuiu. , tmndar- mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m namsburg 1.40 arriving at Bunbnrr 9 m a. m. with through Bleeping car from Philadelphia to WU- liamsport. Hews Express leaves Philadelphia 4-30 aim. narrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday ..Hrinc f finnhnrv fLSa. a. m. Phlladelohla.7.40 a. u. : Baltimore r.30 a. in. (daily MftAfif. Hniuttv arrtvlno at Snnburr. Ifl.RS rj ' m.. wttniurouRa uunub i anuruanruiu ruiiMieiuiu. and tnrougb paffienger coaches from Phlladel- uaiuiuora. ne leaves New York 9.00 a. m. t Phlladel- phla.11.50 a. m. Waahlngton, 9.B) a. m. : Balti more, 1U.4D a. m., laauy rxuepv ounuayj umvuijf m snnbary1. 5.30 c. m., with1 through paaaengei coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Erie Man leaves new iorKB.uip.rn. ; rmiaaei- pme, p. w.:nHuiuKwu.iu,wv,iu,i vnti-i. mor0,ll.)fup. m.,taaiiy) tmnnxst nuuDurya,iv a. m., witn tnrougn muman Bleeping cart irom Phlladelnhla. Waahlnirton and Baltimore land through passenger coaches Iron) Philadelphia. HUNBUnY, HAZr.KTON aV WII.KKHnAlIHE ttASa.stUArs-jtnu nutt-rii janu nam IlVNi:n RAILWAY, mallv except Hunjay.) leaves Bunbun Wllkesbarre Mail leaves Bunburr 9.ts a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10,41 a. m., Wlttea-barre , p. m. Kxore&s East leaves Sunbury 5.35 0. m.. arrtvtng at uioom Ferry 5.24 p. m., Wllkea.barre f .55 p, m Sunbury Hall leaves Wllkesbarre 10.20a. m. arrlv. ur at 11100m Ferry ii.4t a. m..Hunnury .UD.m RxnreaaWeatlfa&VM Wtlkea,barre 2.65 n. m.r. ar. rlvUig at Bloom Ferry t.19 p. m., Sunbury tUp.m SUNDAY ONLT. Sunday mall leaves RanburT9;l3 a.- m.. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:lt a. tn.. wilkca-Barre 11:43 ajn. uunaay accommoaauon leaves wuaBa-Jiarru v.iv i. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry, t.89 p.m., bun bury, -jo n. m. (THAH.U. FTlOn. J.R.WOOD. uen.Manage" uen. raBasuger geoi FREE! A 20-PAQE U.LU8THA.TEU l'APKU Descriptive of the Hell, Climate. ProdartlpBe, Alaauraei-arlng Induatrlra ana Mineral Wealth ryirii and other Sputhern states, Wrteto W. U. UEVILL, oen'l I'ass. Agent, uoaSokk, va. Enclosing i-ceut stamp D! RS.J.N.&J.B.HOBENSACK 206 N0RTH SEC0ND ST., PHILADA. KSTAULISUr.D AO-YKAUli In of Vigor, Nervoua Debility and Hpeelat Ulaeaaea. (JoniulUtlon by mall free of charge, Book Sent Free. Offlco hours from a a.m. to a r.M.,A from t to 9 YM ayii.p.i-co,ly. Of Merest fo Xgdie ",ni'Mad a FREK 8AMPLoroaral.rl toUftlUtfflcMf UforapurobMlotf. 8Btuinp Kta. UR(Mi0fC0.,aexl0fButalt.X, bOV U B C-tCO ly. suFFERiNcwoMEN",::-;:; Wha Ui iluiMtBatorlog ImUrittMsa frtaaaUr fotjovia ooU or xoiiDr, or from Ofiw lUttitlO&ftl WMkDtMtMel ftO pMUlltVt Ul thtilt MI, liQlil Uto DR. DuGHO.MB'8 CUbrted FEMALE REQULATINQ PILLS. 2i9tM Btransthvolaa to the fatlre'irsUm, lrapart na, vltfor and latgnt-trp force to all f anutloat ot bodr (04 "la. tt"t l-l nu.ll, foorlf MaUd, tl. , Addniw Dr.HrtM'MdlolnOo.,6TfVoUlla?; &0TSSu.noOir. Mill Borne, Faou about. Bherlilmi, "Wk Arr The TwiNe.''. General Shoridarf wvi a bachelor np to the 40th vear of hit -life. Then he married MIkh lrono Itucker,- daughter of Uooeral Ilt'okcr. Sho was a dozen years yonngor than her -husband.' The Gen eral liad four' liltlo ohlldrenj but. two of tbcnvdo not aoknowlodga that des ignation, wime they were nil tramp ing along with their father not. long ago an ' interested, pasior-by. stopped the two girlt walking bobind and aak od 1 "Aro you all General Sheridan's ohildren!" "No, auswered one. with a show of impatient disgust. "Ihcy aro (itinera! Hlioridans chiU- rco, earn tno other, pointing to tho boy and tho Bill walking with their father 1 'wo aro tho twins.'' Hk Paid, Attention to Ilia Oivn VIB.t "General Sheridan," says the Pittsburg Ditpatch, was not so popular as was Ueneral Sherman, with the ladies. He waa fonder of staying at homo 'ban of gojngabont in society.' iie took more pleasure in paying at tention to-his own wife than to other men s wivts." His Fkrsomai, Appearance. Tliore was no better known figuro about tho National Capital than "Littlo Phil." He -rarely wore his uniform, and a'raoro nnmilitary looking man nover lived in citizen's dress. Sheridan was very shdrt and each' year seemed to add to tho rotundity ot his pudgy figure. "When I saw bini in tho lobby," says a-Washington writer, "ho wore upon tho, back of his round bullet head a very slim, high, old-fashioned silk hat of a stylo that was very popular about the timo of tho close of the war. It was about two sizes too small. Hh short, iron-gray hair stood out from under tho rim of his hat at nearly right angles with it. His red, weather-beaten faco did not show any new lines of advancing age, but the grizzly, iron gray muatach'o and imperial were whitening very last, lie wore a abort, licM, yellow-gray overcoat which had only two buttons and thoy woro nearly ready to fly off fromthe undue strain of Sheridan's ronnd Cguro. Tho coat like tho bat, appeared to have been long out grown. The trousers wero a gray-plaid and fitted very snugly1 to the General's fat legs. His boots wero thiok-soled and un-blaoked. He wore no cloves.'' Pugnacious From Boyhood. An Ohioari who was familiar with Sheri dan's boyhood and parentage spoke to a Boston Globe reporter on Sunday night as follows: "He came from as good stock as ever came over in the steerage. Phil was a little bit of a fellow, but I guess he whipped cviSry fighting lad of Som erset, tie oecamo in early lite a most daring horseback rider. His first experience as a cavalryman waa on the back of an ugly beast without a strap about him. The brute Btarted to run at a terrible pace and did not stop until he reached a tavern ten miles distant There ho ran into a stablo shed. Phil bung on like' an Indian and did not seem to be in the least frightened. When asked bow be had managed to stiok his reply was characteristic: 'I'd been told how to do it, I iust hag- ped his neck and' stuck my knees in his siae. jMODoay naaever oeiore buo- oeeded in riding the beast. Baitt.e-Field Propanitv. "Mnoh of Sheridan's reputation asa profanity expert," said a writer in the Boston Herald of yesterday, "may be attri buted to Buobanan Read's poem des cribing Sheridan's famous ride from Winchester to Cedar Creek. Sheri dan, according to Head, rode down the line with a terrible path, whioh was so- soul-inspiring as to bring back the demoralized and' scattered soldiers to their senses,, and instill them with new courage. Sheridan was accompapied on that ride by two staff officers, Bri. gadier-General Georce A. Forsvthe and Col. O'Keef. This is what Sheri dan said according to General Forsy the, when he rode up and met his sol diers fleeing'frora tho enemv: 'Bovs. those of you who are not cowards fol low mo, for I'll sleep-in camp to-night or I'll sleep in hell!" The effect of these words, General Forsythe says, was magical. The bovs turned 'with a cneer ana loiioweu Sheridan to man." A Telegram repbrter'saw an amus ing incident in a down-town Sixth avenue "IV ear today; A prepossess ing lady,1 becomingly attired in t Bpring costume and with' square-t oed patent' leather shoes peeping from' un der her skirts, took a seat- next' to a lean old gontloman who was reading a Dooir. oy tno aid ot a pairc;old-rimmed spectacles, lie' had entered the train at fiftieth street and the lady at Forty- second At first she eyed all tho other ladies in tho oar,, saw what they wore,- and then qmetly sought to. discover what book her neighbor waB, reading. Tins she finally accompUsticd: by gradually eoging up bo oioso to mtu inav ner oheek was within an moll of bis whisk ers. Just before tho guard called out rare piaoo tuo oiiiuax oamc, An exclamation ot "Wait now.a ve only two llnea to fip'wh," startled the old man almost-out ot his. wits.. Ho bad. turned the page before bis fair neighbor, had .finished, the paragraph, and so interested was she that, she foreot where she was, and unconscious ly gave her dear self away. Her new equaro-toed shoes didn t save tier, -Uut ber (cap neighbor was equal to emergonoy, and, taking in tno situation at a glance, be taid,- srailincly: "far don me, madam," and turned tbo leaf back strain. Every ouo exoopt the lady laughed With lior faco suffused with blushes she hastened from tho train, looking neither to the right nor to the lott. "Wimmin will lot their curiosity carry em cloan ou, said tho conduc tor as be closed the prate witb a sontl mental slam. New York Telegram Out of the Breastworks.' Tats Sprinci, Tenk., Tnlrjj i88t. The Swift Spedfie Co,, Atlanta. Ga.! Gentlemen Seven years an I contracted1 an eiceedinjlv bad case o( blood poison, I tried x'phvslclan, the best at command, but secured no benefit; My throat began 'to get tor,:au4 ray body covered, with sores and, ulcers. Gofnr tronj bad to worse', I felt that my grave must be reached tn the. near future. I gave up the doctors' treat, ment, and with a despairing hope I com menced taking- your, mcdidne.. I began to Improve fromthe Arst bottleand In a 'short time the ulcers healed, and my tkia cleared oil and waa entirely well. One year ago a cue of catarrh developed In my system, -The physldan did his best, but. could not cure-me; but two bottles of Swiff's Specific gave m pennAnent "lie; JtM RQMr'SOfi, KAUFMAN, Tkx.i June ti, i688. The Swift Specific Co., AtUnUi Ga.1 Gentlf meo-rl have Uen afflicted with a sVIn disease for about twelve years, and the best medical treatment failed to give tne re. lief, I am now using Swift's Spedficj and have received' tbe greatest benefit from itt use. Yours truly, 'V. JONM. For sale by all druggists. Tint Swift Bricmc Co., Drawer-3, Atlanta, Ca, Mew York, 7j6, Broadway. Uft&i, Hut; I45WH. L coDllcman and ladv, are now, slopping at Bar Harbor- holtb who havo had a queer oxpetieoca Tbtoy, met on tbo Atlantio ocean.-ho uroDos- ed in Sweden, was nccePted in ltus- ila. asked her father's ncriuisiian in England, the marriatro settlements wero drawn up in tho United States, tliny wero married in Algiers, and aro now sponditig tnoir Honeymoon 111 nar Harbor. Matches aro sometimes 111 ado in ollior-plaocH'than lhe-iiroverb says. President Garfield's Physician Dr. Bliss and other eminent inodical men sponk in the highest terms of SpcerV Wines.- Dr Bliss prescribes these wines in his pract'cey whenever wines aro necessary. The following is part of a letter received by Mr. Specr s I have boeu greatly' pleased with your N. J. Wines, and specially, so with tbe Llaret, liurgundy and 1'ort. Wish you to send mo twoioates ot Claret and one of Burgundy to my nieoo Miss New York City, and send . tho bill of bcth orders to mo. Yourg, truly,, D. W. BLISS, Hi D. Washington, D. C. All tbo world's a stage, and most of the men and women on it merely sup ers. Puck. 12 Pounds pf Tumor Is a hideous thing to bnro attached to a human frame, yet Mr. lteucen Scveranse, of Upper Htlu water, (part o( Old Town, Me.,) had one in hit groui which he carried (or about ten years- It be gan to form about fourteen years ana, being i at first hardly larger than a pea. Mr. bovsrancc, in his sworn statement before ex-oovemor B. V. Davis, ol xalne.-Baysl "At nrst it did not trouble me much but as It grew In IZe It was accompanied by severe darting pains. Food, did notdlfrest; had attacks of dial, aess; roaring sounds In ears and passed sleepless nlfthtav In ishs tumor weighed several- pounds and extended to knee, Now least exertion caused intense, tearing pain like etloltlng of needlesiln flesh. , Abandoned hope and took to bed. Physi cians declined to cut It oubBaylng 1 was too old and weak to survive,. Amity turret age,- Dome, one recommended Brown's SarsaporUla, lexpef. lenced Immediate change (or better.' Appetite rN turned: food ceased to trouble mo; ringing noises left my head, and best ot alt tumor bcg&h to Bhrlv- ei up ana disappear. itunowiana naBioeon tor some tune entirely eone. Can and do do rood days work. I say God blera tbe man wbo Invent ed this medicine.- Uo should wear a crown.- I mean always to keep by me a bottle ot Brown's Barsaparllla while I lire.'! With this statement we have paper signed by pmtmastcr, druggist, as well as seven ot the town oniclala, stating they know the above tq(boi true, Is no case of blood dlscoae wblcb cannot, bh' riiirod by BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not genuine unices mado by Ara.WarrenSiCa, Bangor, Me. mails d ly AXLE GREASE OESTi TW TTT DnnT.n. ft r ,,H--. -n.llHn. fcM ... . . . ! . .u.uiWMJtMlUUV ouUastlng two boxoe of any other brand. Mot j iv.vnt- ua km ma in no cull BAUS lir PKir.KBB GEjnulAIXT. aug 10-Mt. -OLITICAL rW HISTORY c ne viie a I PrlealMaaeana. . RIKB mat VA.L1j ef 1a1 ec tae hoar-CUII ttrvlce, rvallMtUt.IanHil TAIIFF.ANn Patarat vsabs. ADS, with argiimtmUfoeaadacateiri. eHrjilSfJFeev. fOO) i.t urn a-rice. uuauja, ruuH, i fi tWaaiitifiirtr)fi.tletttla, aev o Uka erdera for thla poBslat aad taitt fMllluTfcaoIj 'A graet yew ahead, fleadfereiranlas. P.w7ilimiBCO.rtocketatthC ralla,ra. JulyS7-Z A co-im. A- Rare Busines Chance. Oonddentlal cormnondenoe desired with reliable party In this section, who can invest,, one TbouJ Sana uouars i-aau. a inrvuurj in a icrv years guar anteed to the rleht nerson. Lariro and , ateadr tn. come (rom the fatart.' Business easy, sa(e and sure ana no former experience nrjeessary.' run particu lars by mall. Address CHAItLKS C. MCDONALD, General Fostonico, Newark. New Jersey. augg4-r-4w. ' E11II Ro-niirdctl arc those that read mm anu vueu acu r,uey win una nosor able employment that will not take tbem from ,tbelr homes. and famtllos. Tho pronts aro large and sure for every lndumrt ous person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month.. His easy. for any one to make 15 and upwards per day, who It willing to work.- Hither sox,-young or old; capital not needed; we start you. Everything new. , No special ability required; you, reader, can do It as, wcu aa auy uuu, write to ua at onoe tor lull par ticulars, which we mall free. Address Stlnson 4 rjo,, rortiano, Maine :yaoc30.i PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for MODEK ATE FEES. OUR OFFICE 18 OPPOSITE fU. 8. PATENT OFFICE, We have no sub-airenoies. an buainrwa direct, hence can transact patent business In less uniowiu m,iiK-i;u3 i-T.uan tnoae remote iron rt nauiufc-iuuj send model,' drawing, orphoto,wlth description'. We advlso i( patentable or' not, tree, ,ot oharge. Our fee not due till Date nt is wvurr-il. Abook''liow to obtain patent3,wlthretereaoes f fvi ' .Kf our Blale county, or ixrwo, C. A SNOW & CO., opposite Patent office, Waahlnirton, p. o I nuiiucr MIHli ill LUUUIMtUtla O I rnrms hilt ava oiimkAnAj 1. . Mt . v.wu. vuv wiu out faoquu vj tuo iUtUVCltl Ui lnvAntlrvn- irTinaa ua.A t .n , . Cl uvou nilU ellDlU UUCII UtlUiUI imuipwuiniuuiuu PB UOQOWUUe UTILE HU)et & Oa . rorUtna, Maine, and receive tree, tuUIntonnatlou how either all ages, can earn from $sto t25pei day and upward wher- reqmreil. some hare made over $60 tn a ainrle EXHAUSTED, VITALITY TUEBCUSNOKOr' , , LIFE, the great Medical Work of the aad Phynlwl Uo. bUlty. lremature D. ai consequent tbereon, too paeei 8 va, lis pre" acrintlon (or all diaeaaea, Unlh. f all gilt, only tLOU, by mall, iwaled.'lllaiUatlveaamtile free to all youag and middla-afd men, tknd now. The Gold a3 I twelM Medal awarded to the author by the Natlop al Medical Auoclatlon. Addrcu P.O. Box 18,Bo. Ion, Kwa.or Dr. W.B. PA11KBH, rradnateotllar. van)-i(tKlica College, ag yeara'. practice In Boston, who may be consulted confidentially. Office. Na I llulfinch at. Bpedalty, Diaeaaea of Man. Cut tlila out. You war never eee It axnja. augsi.d-it. LADIES t Do Your Own Dyeing; at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! have no equal (or strength, brightness, amount lu package, orlor fiuitneisi oi couir, or non-fadlnr qualities. They do not erackor smut. FortSe W A. JKM J.XUJ , J?"f"hesaleofNarier av Aug. and Oct. " .--r-rriV-n YAiNwmaiiT & go., WHOLESALE QRQCERS, PlIILADBLPlIU, 1A, tuas, avnui's, ooffeb, buqak, wousajai ItlOS, BPI0B8, BIOAUB BODA, fa, KTQ. . Qpfner secctm am) Arch ata, word will receive ftoapt autttion. FRAZER FrHlS&trNfirk SALESMEN PERRINES PU11K UAIILE5T Di aTti t in froni aeleeted andlfree from Injurious oils and scldsoMen contained in alcohollo Honors, it especially adapted to persons requiring a stimulating tonic, Coneurnpttveii greatly benenlted by Its use. ltecommendcd by leading rhyslclnnifaa a IHim-ii fiervmeTonlo and Alterative. For consumptives it Is invaluable. 1'Kiuiink-. 1'UIIK IIAULBV MALT, WIII8KKV Insures a return ol vigor to tho stomach, a & annetlte, a rich and abundant blood and Increased flesh and tnURculartiPtn? ? stlmuUntBilld'andpontialn effect. Dyspepsia, Jndlgretlon and all waftiog au eases can be entirely conquered by the use or l-errme's lurs Barley Mt Whlkpv It is a tonlo and draretic and a powerlul strtftb?' 10 the entlro system, i-ift HINK'8 I-UltK BAItLKY MALT WIII8KK1 hu, proved a ueaMclnal protection tn . ihnuiHho ntirauft tbnir nvucatlona In tbe open an andwhoaorlallv tcnrirr-oii. ''exceptional jpowers of endurance. Ask your nearcet'drngtjkst or grocer foMor ,JKHluNK'ruilBUAl(LKV MALT WIILSKBY revives thetiwglcs ol Ibose wotn anil riirorniia wrnlhcr. .. . A. AHM .m.flnn Dyspejiila find tn rcfrlne's rure Malt ViniSKcy a poweriui (tTjdthelner to digestion. '-Without unduly stimulating neys Increases their tlairKlng i tens convalescence and is a wholesome and prompt dlurctlo. Watch the label I None genuine unless bearing the signature Voi Brno vj an dnifftsis Mid (rroccn throughou ino uniiw Bui icq aoa 37 NORTH PEONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL POU SALE BT DnUaOtSTS AND ALL DBALgKB. BIG'DIONRV ! ! Stooo AOENTH wANTKI) nt attce to supply Ten i'AWrili Kit jtiiiiiou rTi with the onlv oITIclnl liven ot CLEVELANDTHURMAN rJ .on? wt.S" I wbo mo or Mrs, cicvcinua i exnuLsito steel portralti Votorn' Cart riticrn nor. IMfnrtn Trnrln Jfn annA "r'" rs WArln inn.T nnlrlr . fYiim onn tn i-wintnwiih C. IB. DEALER IN Foreign sad Memestie, WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CICARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. GREAT INDUCEMENTS We are offerinc creat inducementa to persons desirine to purchase Pianos, Organs and 6 w it fiiC IS JO 8 in a 5 if e S a Among the Pianos we handle are tho I VERS 8r- POND, C O. BBICrGS. BA US Sr CO., SCBOMACKER Gold String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos are all first-claba and fuUy warranted for five years. Our leadinc OreanB are the EE, UNITED ST A TES Our leading. Sewing Machines are the celebrated WHITE. NE W DA VIS, JVE W DOMESTIC, NE W HOME, HOUSEHOLD, R0Y4L ST. JOHN and STAND ARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, tho finest nnd best Bjotary Sewing Machine in tbe, Before nurchasiner write PALACE OF MUSIC AN? GREAT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomgburg, Pa. PENNEY GOODS A SPECIALTY. iolkaoimis ron P. F. ADAMS ft CO., FINE CUT'"" CHEWING TOBACCO Bole agents ot the fol lowing brands ot cigars. UBN11Y QLAVi LONDUKS, HOSMAIi, INDIAN PKINCESS, tJAUSON, H1LVBH AHU. Alexander Bros, & Co, WII0LESALB DEALEItS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS Ap NUTS, SOLS AGENTB FOK HEBRY MAILLAEDS HEGA.NDIES PltESI EVEKY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. WsP ills Oy$nepiia, Constipation, Slqk - HsSrChe,' Biliousness AsftftU'dlMeues arlalnK from a Torpid Liverand Bad Digestion. The aatnral reealt Is cood uppetlt ua aolla fiesta. JJoee eniall I alecanie Ijr auar coated aadeaer to awallurfT1 (J0LI) EVEEY WHEBK, nomn.cAcolr. WIIiIiIAIft HART BL00M5BURO, PENU'A., AQENT FOIl TUB KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. manuf actrueri of the celebrated Keystone Dvna rston iraalt -.w, ,uuvwtwilvtlilU UUlItJIMU rULllrliail aw mm Uugm MALT WHISKEY; Barley Malt and miarontecd to be rhrmi.n . Itwlll drive all malarious diseases from the .nri nnrcmnB wafim a eivlntif fiM. 1 If a rn.'u ' 1 "pronotn Barley MaaeBHawaMtltoaeaMBaeaa The analysis as It anceara bv ih.i. iuiiuiuu. rKItKINR'S Del on every bottlei have carefully nr. alyced thel'caa IUri.kt Hut Wnia. xkt msdabr M. ft J. K I'crrtna anH n.J the- kid. activity fiv l-ULircij. irt-ci iii'iu iwrtt-i -vii.iuriurol. wrinia aim uutusiaiHi M aDRD tare." SInwri, CamiU Arthur UaUr ,i, '. ,i i ... , . tu,tnt una titiVutiiMt nunu n,ti--.f r r J'St Sewing Machines. celebrated ESTEY. MILL- and other inaes. world. for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S ANY 0I1IJEK FOIl FE3TrVAIi will be SUPPLIED WITH T11E LOWEST Market trices, AS FOLLOWS : ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS' CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, TOP CORN BALLS. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL :o, The undersigned having put his Planing M n Ilallroad Street, In flrst-oiass condition, Is pre ared todo all kinds of worn In his line, frames, sash, doqrs, BUNDS.MOUuDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. nrnlshed at reasuuuuioprlces. All lumber use a well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUJPJQS urntshed on application. Flsns and ipcclo ons prepared by an experienced draughtsman CHARLES KnilO, IIIoolUbblirrTi IK SUBSORIBE FOR the; cpyBiAN