The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 07, 1888, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
. This powder never vailcs. A manrel of parity
strength and wholeaomeneas. More economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In compe
tition with the multitude of low test,short weight,
alum or phosphate powders. Bold onlj In oana.
ltOTAL IUIINO rowDm CO,. Wall Bt., N. Y
The Columbian
wrubllahcd every Friday. Subscription price
Entered at the rest onico at Bloomsburg, Pa.,
as second class matter, March l, U88.
liLooMsnuno & soluvan hailroad
Taking effect WKDNK9DAY. AUGUST 1st, 1933.
Bloomsburg,.. T 31
Main street 7 20
Irondale 7 is
Taper Mill.... . T 11
Llghutrcet. 7 os
orongevllle t M
Korku, e 43
Tubbs 0 41
Stillwater- 6 3
Denton, 6 vs
" A
EdSODB, 0 S3
oolea crock, o a
Sugarloaf, 6 19
Laubochs, 6 17
Central. 6 10
Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv.
r. K. a.m. a. h. r. H.
3 10 8 00 9 00 40
8 08 7 60 V 11 8 61
S 04 7 43 8 13 M
1 S3 7 39 V S3 T 04
1 47 7 S3 II 30 7 08
1S37S5 (MT!0
I 14 7 13 10 01 7 84
1 08 7 08 10 07 7 88
t 01 7 03 10 IS 7 41
13 60 M 10 SO 7 53
13 10 Ml 00
12 03 0 49 11 08 7 60
12 00 8 45 11 10 S Oil
II 66 8 40 11 15 8 08
11 50 8 37 11 20 8 09
11 40 0 30 11 30 8 18
Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar.
A. X. A. K. A. K. A. K.
A. H.
8 00
8 08
8 II
8 18
8 27
8 37
8 41
8 48
8 54
8 57
7 00
7 03
7 03
7 12
A. at.
Trains on tho P. & 11. R. R. leave Rupert as
7:27 a. m. 11:00 a. m.
3:38 p. m. Sttl p. m.
Trains on tlio D.L. & W. It. It. leave Bloomsburg
aa louowai
7:12 a. m. 8:33 a. m.
11:07 a. m. 12:03 p. m.
2:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
8:38 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains on the N. W. B. Railway pass Bloom
rerry as ioiiows :
10:48 a. m. 11:48 a. m.
a.M p. m. 4-19 p. m.
10:18 a m 8:39 p m
tij.oo Reward
Will bo paid for information leading to
conviction of any person or persons fishing
wltb gill nets, seines, explosives, poisonous
baits or by any other unlawful means in
any of tno waters ot uoiumoia county.
Columbia County Game and Fimi Asso.
aug. 2443m.
BKiTEMnEi: 8th. John P. Jones, trustee.
will sell valuable real estate known as the
Welsh Baptist church property situate in
tlio town of Bloomsburg, at 2 p. m. Bee
advertisement In another column.
Round oanvab tent for sale. Good as
new, 40 feet In diameter, for $75 cash.
L. n. Hows.
2t Mauch Chunk, Pa,
For Baiji. A dcBlrablc and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas ana steam. Apply to
u. ft.
1000 bushels of baking apples
wanted by E. DclffcDbacb, Bloomsburg. tt
Ton Pale. A special "Pony Star"
bicycle, latest pattern, In first-class order,
nas not necn run over w nines.
Joe. Weixs.
Bloomsburg, Pa. nug-24.
M'Killip Bros, have complete
ly relitted their studio with me
best and most approved instru
ments for portraiture, from lock
et size up to me size, and instru
ments especially adapted to pho
tographing out door groups and
residences, together with the mt
est scenic effects and accessories,
Babies' pictures par excellence
for which has been added a spec
ial extra rapid Voigtlaender
Euryscope. Copying, enlarging
and photographic reproductions
ot drawings, patent models anu
machinery intelligently execut
ed. Animals photographed by
the flash light process. Lite
size crayon portraits in gold
frame only $10.
Tho Misses Purecl of Danville aro visiting
at F. D. Dcntlcr's.
Capt. Jamison and family of Washington
aro visiting at H. W. Sloan's.
Mr. I. 8 Kuhn brought a car load of cat
tle from Buffalo, Wednesday.
Prof. S. F. Coffin of Lafayette College
spent Tuesday in town.
Mr. Joromo Caswell Is now located at
York, Pa., wlicro ho Is engaged in a wool
en mill.
Elmer E. Person, a graduate of tho Col
umbian office, has assumed sole control of
tho Wllllamsport Daily Item. "We wish him
success in the journalistic field.
Miss AmellaJArmstrong Las rented rooms
on tho third floor of John Lockard's new
building, in which to hold ber school the
comlug year.
Register and Recorder Campbell, of
Bloomsburg, Mcsrs. Ingalls, of New York
and Postmaster Campbell were fishing for
pike at South Pond yesterday. ShiekMnny
Have you been registered f
The Berwick fair begins September 12th
continuing four days.
Bcforo purchasing your school supplies
examine tho stock at W. II. Brooke &Co's.
Fruit tree thieves bavo already commenc
ed work In various parts of tho state.
Tho oyster season will soon bo in full
Great clearing salo of shoes at F. D.
Tho unbroken llmestono spawls have
been rake,d up from Main strcot this week
and carted away,
A ycry pleasant party was given by Miss
Hattlo Fetterman, at her homo on Main
street Monday night.
W. J. Corcll& Co. aro building an addi
tion to their furniture store room, 25 by 01
A number of Bloomsburg people attend.
ed tho Granger's "plcnlo at Williams' Grove
last week.
rrh rrnnrt nf tho W. 0. T. U.. COnVCn-
tlon last week was handed us too late for
Wo go to press on Wednesday this wcok.
as Thursday Is a local holiday. A full re
port of Grand Army day will appear next
Tho Thomas Beaver Free Library at Dan-
vlllo was formally opened to tho public
Wednesday of last week with a big demon
Ladles' and Gents' gold and sllvor walcli.
I. iowclrv of nil kinds ami atlvnrwsrn nnd
clocks warranted at 0. E. Savago's, Mala
au uoors above Market street.
Tlicro aro $81,000,000 lnvcstod In more
than ono thousand different kinds of busi.
ncss enterprises In the city of Bcranton. ex
clusive of coal and railroad interests.
The town Is perfectly respondent with
banners, flags, shields, bunting, arches and
other decorations. It surpasses any pre
vious occasion In tlio history of iho town.
A request to the Norms I students. Do
not buy your tablets, pencils, box paper,
school books, slates, &c until you have
seen our stock. J, II. AlsKOfit.
Mr. J. K. Ever of this placo and Mrs.
Mary Snyder of Llghtstrcct, woro married
recently at Ocean Grove, New Jersey, Hov.
A. M. Barnltz of Catawlssa. Dcrformlne
the ceremony.
Many handsomely decorated buildings
and arches aro now to be seen In town.
Preparations for Grand Army Day aro bo
Ing rapidly consummated, and everything
points to a big day on Thursday.
A now dlseaso has made Its appearance
among tho colts of Bnydcr county. Tho
first Indication Is stiffness of the Joints, re
fusal of food, they becoino constipated and
die in a short time.
A lawn tonals league has been formed,
Including tho towns of Mauch Chunk,
Tamaqua, Mahanoy City, Bloomsburg,
Lewisburg, Ashland, Pottsvlllc, Shenan
doah, Shamokln, Sunbury, Danvillo and
Tbcro will be two games ot ball Thurs
day at Athletic Park, between tho home
and Frceland nines, one at 10 o'clock a. m.
and the other at 4 p. m. Two good games
aro expected and they will probably be
witnessed by hundreds of spectators.
What, would have been excellent music
at tbo Episcopal church last Sunday night
was marred by the condition of tbo organ
The church had been closed for two weeks,
and tho dampness so affected the Instru
mcnt that several ot the pipes sounded con,
stantly, producing discords.
"It goes right to tho spot," said an old
gentleman, who found great boncflt In
Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Ho was right. De
rangements of the stomach, liver, and kid.
neys aro more speedily remedied by this
medicine than by any other. It reaches
tho trouble directly.
Got your watches, clocks and Jewelry re,
paired and guaranteed at C. E. Savage's,
Main St 4 doors above Market street.
You can, it you will, round out this week
of recreation by an excuislon to that popu
lar resort for picnics, Hess' Grove, near
Central. The Reformed Sunday school
picnic was postponed on account of un
favorable weather from last Saturday, until
next Saturday, Sept. 8. Fare for round
trip only 40 cents. Children from 7 to 12
years 25 cents.
Tho recent order of tho Pennsylvania
railroad company causing the arrest of any
one not in the employ ot the company for
riding on cars, has mado a panic In the
ranks of tbo vagrant tramp has been very
scarce about these parts lately, and it Is
likely that they give railroad trains on this
lino a wide berth. Twenty were arrested
recently between Bunbury and Renovo.
There will be a re-nnton, parade and ball
at Watsontown September 5th, under the
auspices ot Frceland Castle, K. O. E. No,
217, It Is the desire of Freeland Castle
that sister Castles in this part of tho Stato
Join in forming a Permanent Association
and hold annual re-unlous each September
in different towns in tho district, to bo
formed at tho meeting on September 5.
All tho school books used at tho Normal
kept in stock at Mercer's drug and book
A change ot proprietorship has taken
place in tho Wllkesbarro Record, a dally
Republican paper published there. Tbo
firm of Bnyder, Johnson & Powell, who
have been tbo proprietors tor tho past five
years, has been dissolved, Charles B.
Snyder retiring. The paper will pass Into
the hands of F. C. Johnion and J. C. row.
ell, under the firm name ot Johnson &
Powell. The change went into effect last
The theatrical season was auspiciously
opened at the Opera House Tuesday night
by Fisher's "Cold Day" company, ana the
play was witnessed by a good sized au'
dlenco, which Judging from tho frequent
bursts of applause, seemed to bo well
pleased. Everybody was delighted with
tbo now seals, which are very comfortable
and rIvo a much better appearance than
did the old onus. The house had already
taken on the decoration for Grand Army
The tramps out in Ohio have hit upon
now and as yet very successful begging
scheme Ono enters a house, saying that
he has been looking for work all tho morn
ing, but ho has not succeeded In finding
any, and oilers to buy a tew sucos ot ureau
and butter. When ho receives It ho searches
In his coat to find tho money. Much to bis
apparent amazement, he discovers that it
has fallen out of a hole in his pocket, and
he offers to return tho food. Ills offer is
never accepted, and ho gets a good meal
besides lots ot sympathy for his loss.
School books, slates, tablets, everything
needed In school work, at W. II. Brooke &
All tbo arrangements for tho completion
nftho W. & W. to Shlckshlnny having
been made, the work of cradlng was com
mrmr-rwi here vealerdav. J. 1. uigoy,
mincrlninnilnnt of construction, says tbo
work will now be pushed forward as fast
practicable. Tbo completion oi tuis toau
as orlgnally Intended from Bhickshlnny to
Bellefonte Is now only a question of a
rnni.blo length of time, and whon com
pleted there can be no doubt as to its prov
Inir one of the most successful' and profit
able railroads In the country. As fast as
the grading is done tho road bed will be.
ballasted, tbo trace law anu iub now pur
ilnn nut in oneratlon. The force at work
is not very large, but the number will be
Increased as the work progresses, until at
fount nnfl hundred men are employed. Tbo
portion of this road now operated U steadily
Increasing Its business, maaingii necessary
to add new equipments to meet the wants
of the nubile. Tho managers deserve
credit for its success. Millvllle Tablet
The only way to euro fever and aguo Is
either to neutralize tho poisons wuicu
cause tho disease or to expel them from tho
system. Ayer's Aguo Cure operates In both
ways, It Is a warranted spcclflo for all
forms of malarial disorders, and never falls
to cure, Try It.
Mrs. Fred Burl died suddenly at ber homo
at Danvillo last week. About tbreo weeks
ago, she gavo birth to a child, and seeming
ly, was Improving rapidly. Suddenly a
rclapso occurred and no medical assistance
could restore her. A loving husband and
two children aro thus early bereft of a
molhci's Influence. Tho remains were
brought to this placo Monday morning and
Interred In Roscmont Cemetery.
Court Proceedings.
Argument Court wis held on Thursday,
August 80. lion. II. M. Ulncklcy presid
ing, with associates McIIcnry and Murphy.
G. II. Gordncr, P. W. Bones and I. A.
Dowltt appointed viewers ot a rotd In Ben
ton near B. & B. R. R. depot
Report of commission in lunacy of Emily
K. Gilbert filed.
Petition of II, C. Kclchucr for dlschargo
as ono ot tbo cxecuUrs ot John Kelchncr
Petition for sale of land ot D. F. Seybcrt
for benefit ot creditors filed. Balo ordered.
Tho argument list was called over, and
tho case ot E. I'ctcrmun's estate, exceptions
to auditor's report, was argued.
Adjourned to Etcpt. 5, at 10 a. m.
Counterfeiter Arrcsteil.
ED passing! noaua money.
Wilkes-Barre, Aug. 29. An arrest was
mado to-day at Shlckshlnny which promises
to throw much light upon tho mystery at-
tending tlio circulation of n largo amount
of counterfeit money which has been set
afloat In this county within tho past two
months. It has long been evident that n
gang of accomplished counterfeiters wcro
at work. Tho district has been flooded
with spurious money, both In coin and In
$5 Bllvcr certificate?. In most cases tho
counterfeiting was excellent. Tho arrest
of Alonzo Pascaral'at Kingston with over
$100 of spurious money In his possession a
few days ago, it was hoped, would lead to
tbo detection of tho offenders, but he
would not say a word, and nothing further
camo ot the arrest.
Within the past three weeks a largo
quantity ot counterfeit silver dollars have
been put Into circulation In tho lower end
of tho county and In Shlckshlnny and
Yesterday Frank Layelley, residing six
miles from Shlckshlnny, Was detected pass.
Ing the bogus money at Patterson Grovo
camp meeting. Tho authorities wcro noti
fied and to-day, when Lavclley droyo Into
Shlckshlnny ha was arrested. Deputy
United States Marshal Barring and Darby
made tbo arrest and tho three then drovo
to Lavellcy's house. A search was mado
and about $80 In counterfeit dollars was
found hid away, together with a complete
set of dies and other tools. When they
realized what had happened, his wifo and
sister wero utterly prostrated and fainted
Lavclley, who at first refused to say a
word, broke down and mado a full con,
fcssion, implicating a number ot others and
stated that they came to hU houso and
made tho coins, and be, with others, wero
in tho gang for tho purposo of circulating
them. Ho knew nothing about the counter.
felt silver certificates. The officials will
not give out further details of the confess
ion, but state that they expect to mako
several arrests In tho next few days.
Lavelloy was committed to Jail to await
trial at tho United States Court at Pittsburg.
His family is a mo9t respectable one. Ho
was widely known and bis friends are
astounded at the discovery.
Wiikes-Basue, Pa., Aug. 80 United
States Marshal Barring to-day arrested
John Orogory another of the gang of coun.
tcrfeltcrs operating In this vicinity. His
house was soarched and valuable evidence
was discovered. Gregory was brought
here' this evening and locked up.
A Ini-frp. sfnr.k nf children's suits
just received at LOWEN BERG'S.
"Optician" Swindlers Again.
Edqewood, Ta., Aug. 80. The old "optl
clan" swindlers havo mado their appear
anco in this'neigbborhood within the past
few days.- Their modo of operation Is to
ascertain who lives in certain houses, nnd
after getting what Information they dcslro
by quizzing somo ono In tho vicinity, they
call at a placo and ask for tho lady whom
they have picked out as their proy. Thero
are two of them traveling together. They
Introduce themselves as "Dr. Henry," or
somo other name, "of the Eyo and Ear In
firmary of Philadelphia." They explain
their presence by saying that the family
physician, whoso name they ascertain be
forehand, sent them to examine tho eyes of
their Intended victim, and If tho plan suc
ceeds they ask as large a price for a pre
tended euro as they think the case in hand
wlil stand. They have been using the
name of Dr. Richards, of Fallsmgton, who
practices extensively In this vicinity, as tbo
physician who sent them, but the doctor
has no knowledge whatever of them.
One of the residences visited was that of
Mr. D. N. Cook. They asked for Mrs.
Cook and when that lady appeared they
went over the usual preamble, saying that
Dr. Richards, ber family physician, had
sent them to examine her eyes. Mr. Cook
here appeared on tho sceno, ahd th swind
lers, finding themselves foiled at tho out
start, were profuse in their apologies for
"intruding," saying that they had evident
ly mado a mistake In tho name. As they
wero not known to havo succeeded in
swindling anyone In this vicinity, there
was of course, no charge on which to hold
them, and they wero allowed to move on.
Tlint Gold nnd,
In reference to the reported gold dis
covery in Centre county tho Centre Democrat
saysi "Tho "gold linir at nartnaus, a
very elaborate account ot which appcarcu
In tho Daih Newt of last week and which
was copied in tho Democrat, appears to bo a
figment of imagination, wo nave it irom
a gentleman thoroughly conversant with
tho ceolozical formations of tho county and
of tho Btatc, who Bays 'a trace ot gold may
havo bcon found, but alio ut an tue avauauie
pold In Centra countv Is In coin, Jewelry
and plate.' As to tho Iron oro tho gentle
man says 'there Is somo good iron ore oi
two kinds bog oro and eray carbonate
with lirnwn hematite outcrop, but there
cannot bo much specular or red bematllo
both about the same. The coal is goou
and tho Iron ore Is worth development and
mining if it proves extensive by further in
vestigatlon.' It will bo seen that the find
Is not as great by considerable as reported,
yet In some respects it is a valuable ono
and may prove on further development a
valuable addition to the mineral interests
ot tho county."
All the latest fall styles of hats just
received at Lovoenbere s.
Cr, Thli tbo celebrated Specialist has
yet to find an equal In curing ncrvous,)kid
ney, blood, skin and special, diseases,
His superior power of healing is duo to his
complete practical knowledge of allopathic,
bomopathlo and electric systems ot medl
clno, All sufferers should consult him per
sonally or by letter at his 'office, 613 North.
Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Tlio Ilcrvrlctt Fnlr.
Tho fifth annual Fair of tho Northern
Columbia and Southern Luzerne Agricul
tural Association will open at Berwick on
Wednesday September 12th. Tho managers
bavo begun to rcallzo tho necessity of treat
ing this Fair as a business venturo, tho ro-
suits of which aro soon In tho numerous at
tractions offered and tho unusual Interest
manifested therein. Barring bad weather,
this exhibition will provo a complete suc
cess. Gen. Beaver has consontcd to bo
present ono day) exact dato will bo publish
ed later. A Cyclorama of tbo battlo of
Gettysburg will exhibit on tho grounds.
Pacing and trotting races ovcry day. Tho
colt trot, which Is restricted to colts under
four years old, owned In Luzcrno nnd Col
umbla counties, will glvo the owners and
brecdors of fast young stock an opportunity
to show whothcr their Judgment can bo re-
lied on. A handicap foot race will bo run
on Saturday, for $00.00 at 100 yards, to
which all runners aro Invited to enter; an
experienced handicappcr will bo on hand)
entries to this race will r.loao on tho night
bcforo tbo race. Tho managers nro looking
for still more attractions, notlco of wblcb
with tho order of their appearance will bo
circulated on programmes a fow days bo
foro tho Fair. Coino nnd bring your friends
oven If it doos snow.
Orders taken for school books and school
supplies ut Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
Tho community was startled Thursday
evening of last week by a shrill whlstlo an
nouncing fire. It was about fifteen minutes
after six o'clock. Tho word soon was given
that it was in the direction of Iho School
Desk Works. Tbo fire companies, answer,
cd the call promptly tho Friendship Com'
pany reaching there first, and followed
closelv bv thn Winona and Rcscuo. Tho
Friendship was tho first to nttach to tho
plug, but their hoso not being long enough
they uncoupled nnd tho Winona's attach-
Inug to tho plug tho Friendship coupled to
their hose, nnd then tho firo was reached1
When tbo water was turned on it was
found that tho distance of tho plug from
the firo was bo ercat that n stream could
not be thrown upon the burning building.
Tho firo companies Immediately abandoned
tho burning building and turned to save
tho lumber. Had a plug been located near
tho building or more pressuro been upon
tho mains thero is no doubt but that the
buildings wltb tho finished work might
havo been saved. Tho firo originated near
tho cngino In tho machlno shop anu is sup
posed to have been from an explosion near
tlio dipping p n whero the Iron was Jap.
paned. The watchman was In the holler
house, and when tho explosion occurcd,
opend the door leading Into the machlno
shop to see tho cause, tho room wasj so
filled with smoke that ho was obliged to
close tho door at once. Thero wcro also
workmen In tho finishing room. They
wcro crowded with orders and were work,
Ing twelve hours a day. They expected to
work that eveninE. At the time of firo
there was about six thousand desks finish
cd ready for shlpmeut, and many moro
jcnrly completed. About ono hundred
Schools will bo embarrassed on account of
the firo as they wero expecting desks ready
for tbo fall and winter terms of school,
Tho loss Is estimated at nearly $00,000
with nn Insurance of $27,500. About 100
workmen aro thrown out of employment,
The insurance has not yet been adjusted,
and no meeting ot the stockholders has
been held, so that wo cannot give any in
formation as to whether tho works will be
Five hundred pairs of ladles' shoeb to be
closed out at less than cost at F. D. Dent-
Second Hpeclnl Exc urslon to Mia
earn Fnlis via rcuusyi
vnnla Railroad.
The first excursion of this season run to
Niagara Falls under tho auspices of tho
Pennsylvania Railroad Company proved so
popular, and the demand for others ot hkc
character Is so widespread, that tho com
pany has arranged a second for inursuay,
September 13th. This excursion will bo
conducted on the samo high grade as tho
ono previous. It will be run under the di
rection of tho Tourist Agent, nnd tno
nnrtv -n. Ill in hv sner.ial train of dav coaches
and Pullman parlor cars through to- Nla-
niira. Tho dato is without uouoi wen
plmsnn. nn thn ten ilfivs contemplated In
tim limit of tickets will cover tho most do
llirhtful portion of tho early autumn season
Stop off at Watklns, with an opportunity
tn visit thn famous clen. will bo allowed
either coine or returning. Excursion tick
et pnml for ten days will bo sold from
Washlneton and Baltimore at $10, and
from principal stations In tho following
nrr tnrv nt extremelv low rates: Biauons
nn tim main lino between Lancaster and
Altnnna. hotb inclusive: stations on Colum.
bla and Port Deposit Branch; Frederick
Division between Littlcstown and Wrights-
villi-, both Inclusive: stations on Cumber
land Valley Railroad; stations on Sunbury
and Lowistown Branch and Lewisburg and
Tyrone Branch; stations on the Northern
Ontrnl Ilallwnv between Harrlsburg and
Wllllamsport, Including Sunbury and tiha.
mokin Division; stations on rmiaoeipma
and Erie Railroad betwecu Driftwood and
Wllllamsport. including Tyrono and Clear
field Branch. Tho special train will leave
Waeblngton 7.10 A. M. Baltimore 8.10,
IlRrrliiimrp 11.15 A. M.. StOPring at pflncl
pal stations nnd at Junction points, where
connection from stations off tho main lino
mav bo mado bv rccular trains.
For rates and detailed Information con
sult ticket agents.
A New Ilevlce.
A Connecticut Yankco suggests the use
of flash light photography as a means ot
protectine bank vaults from burglars. Hi
says: "I would bavo a camera placed I
a position whero it would command In tho
field of tho lens a placo of ten feet square
or more In front of tho door or vault, and
have tbo other apparatus so arranged that
as soon as tampering with tho vault door
was attempted tho whole would bo placed
In operation. My plan would of courso In
elude retaining tho burglar alarm connect
ing with police headquarters. A soon
the burglars bad begun operations tho po
lice would bo alarmed, and at tbo samo In
Btant a picture ot the men would bo made
by the camera and flash-light combined, so
that even if tho mon escaped tbo police
they would leave behind them evldcnco
which would very probably ovcntually re
suit In their detection.
Elegant flannel shirls at Lowen
berg s. u
Literary Moled.
With tho September Isbuo Book News
(John Wanamaker, Philadelphia) enters on
Its seventh year. Book News has long
passed tbo experimental stago and now
easily ranks as tbo foremost publication of
its kind. The leading artlclo Is by Julian
Hawthorne, who describes wltb his usual
felicity the quality ho calls "Atmosphere" in
the literary att. Tho monthly chat "With
the New Books" and tbo roviows aro fully
up to tho standard; tho miscellany Is varied
and interesting, and accompanying tho
number is an excellent woodcut ot tho lato
E. P. Roe.
A I'oltttcr I'or I'rult Thieve,
Tho laws of Pennsylvania provldo a flno
of not less than $5 or moro than $100 and
costs for wilfully entering an orchard, gar
den, hot-bed or greenhouse, clubb'ng, ston
ing, breaking or otherwise Injuring tho
fruit or ornamental trcos, or wilfully tres
passing upon, walking over, beating down
or tramping upon, or othofflso Injuring
nuy grass, grain, vines, vegetable or other
growing crops; nnd In default of said fine
and cost, tho offender may bo committed
to Jail for not less than twenty or moro
than sixty days. Fruit stealing or tbo wil
ful taking and carrying away of fruit,
vegetables, fruit or ornamental trees, Is de
clared by law to bo a misdemeanor, and
any person convicted thtrcot In tho Court
of Quarter Sessions shall bo fined not ex
ceeding $00, and be Imprisoned not exceed
ing sixty days.
The latest colors in stiff and slouch
hats are golden brown, tobacco and
cedar. You can get them at Lowen
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, D. 0., Bcpt 8, 1888.
Speaker Carlisle has gone to Virginia to
mako Bcvcral speeches. Mr. Blount, of
Georgia, has been elected Speaker pro tcm.
to act during Mr. Carlisle's absence
Representative McCrcary, from tho Com-
mlttco on Foreign Affairs, has reported to
tho Houso tho bill conferring upon the
President tho authority for which bo asked
in his message on tho rejection of tho fish
cries treaty. The bill will be called up to
morrow, and will bo passed thts week, as
tho Republicans aro afraid to oppose it.
Representative S. S. Cox, who has just
returned to tho city, is very sanguine of
victory for Cleveland, Thurman and tariff
reform. Ho said: "Thero will bo trouble
about Cleveland's carrying New York. Tho
outlying States New Jersey and Connecti
cutmust bo looked after. I do not know
how It is thcic. People have been talking
about somo antagonism to Mr. Cleveland
among tho New York Democrats. Now,
down In tho lower part of the city, with
which I am somewhat associated, they aro
all right for Cleveland, and they aro
straight on tariff reform. I havo not the
least doubt about Cleveland carrying tbo
State." Mr. Cox also believes that Mr.
Blalno's speeches havo mado many votes
for Cleveland, and tn this belief he Is by no
means alone, many Republicans share it.
The House Committee on Manufactures
are engaged in making an Investigation
Into tho cotton-bagglng trust Thoy may
decldo tn favor of tho bill which Senator
Reagan has introduced in the Senate to
break down tho trust by putting tbo bag.
glng on tho treo list.
Chairman Barnum, of the National Com,
mitto was here two days last week. He
reports everything as moving smoothly at
the committee's headquarters, and says:
'Wo are bound to win this time."
Tho Republican Senators have at last
reached nn agreement, through tho action
of a sllmly attended caucus, on their tariff
bill. They will leave tho lumber duty as it
is, and also tho wool duty, except tho addi
tion of ono cent per pound on tbo flno
grades oi wool; sugar will ho cut W per
cent. Thero aro rumors to the effect that
no attempt will bo mado to do moro than
report this substitute for the Mills bill, and
then adjourn. The foundation for these
rumors seems to bo the absence of several
Senators, who wero in tne city from tho
caucus. Chief among the absentees were
Senators Ingalls and Plumb, both ot whom
aro known to bo bitterly opposed to any
cut In tbo sugar duty, and It Is said that
their Republican colleagues know that these
men will never vote for a bill reducing tho
duty on sugar one-half, and tbcrctoro they
will not attempt to pass tho bill for fear of
failure. However, as tbo bill will bo re
ported on the 10th Instant, it tbo caucus
programme Is followed, we shall havo not
long to wait to find out what tho Republi
cans propose to do.
Unofficial news has reached hero of tho
rejection of the new Chineso Govcrnmtnt,
Perhaps they expect a hotter ono If Harrison
should be elected, and hao concluded to
wait and sec. Senator Coko expressed tho
general opinion among the Democrats In
Congress when he said, speaking ot tho
matter, ' 'Congress can regulato this question
of Chinese immigration by legislation.
which will chop them right off short." No
regrets aro expressed over the rejection of
tho treaty because, it is believed, that
legislation is after all the bost remedy.
Senator Vest Jumped on Senator Cullom
in a manner that fairly staggered him
while he was prating about civil service ro,
form, etc., by sending to the Clerk's desk
and having read several letters from Sena
tor Cullom to tho Jate Commlsioncr nt
Pensions, Mr. Dudley, asking leavo of ab
sence, with pay, for a pension examiner
who he wanted to come to Illinois and go
on tho stump. To Mr. Cullom's credit, bo
it said, he did not attempt to deny the
letters, but owned right up.
Slnco the report got out that Mr, Clove,
land bad contributed $10,000 to the demo,
cratlo campaign fund, It Is said that the
Governmont officials big and little are
sending checks by tho hundred to the
national committee.
Tho Demncr ats in Congress propose mak
ing it warm for the various trusts, even 11
Mr. Blaine docs insist that Congress has
nothing whatever to do with these "private'
concerns. Mr. Blaine has been out of this
country so long that he has probably tor.
gotten somo things.
Mr. Cleveland returned Friday from
three days' fishing 'trip.
Judgo Thurman will speak at tho mon'
stcr ratification meeting, which Is to bo
held In this city on tho 12th instant.
The reduction of the public debt during
August was $7,824,070.28.
Secretary Vilas has gono west for
vacation. Ho will speak at a democratic
mooting at Milwaukeo Wednesday night,
Couldu't Nee a I.iun.
Iho showman, Dau Rice, was standing
outsldo ot tho tent ono day proclaiming
loudly tho attractions within. A man hold
ing a llttlo boy by tbo band shouted i "I'll
bet a dollar you cannot let mo see a lion
"Done," yelled Dan ; put up your money.'
Thomonoywas put up. "Now walk In
hero," said Rice. "Thero, look at that I
That's tho finest Hon In tho States."
don't Bee any," Bald tho man. "You don't 1
What In thunder alls you ?" '-I'm Btono
blind," said tho man. "Guess I'll tako
them dollars."
Children' Day.
In accordance with the recommendation
ot tho General Synod ot tliu Reformed
church, Children's Day will bo celebrated
In tho Reformed church of Bloomsburg,
next Sunday, Sept. 0, at 10.80 a. m. An
interesting service, consisting of music
recitations and responsive readings, will be
rendered by tho Sunday school.
Twcnty.flve cents a day purchases
$3,000 policy In Tho Travelers, of Hartford,
which is payauiu in event oi ucatu uy ac
cident, with $15 weekly indemnity for
wholly dlsabllug injury, J, II. Maize,
agent, second floor Columbian building
Trial I.lHt.
Mary E. Heacock v. Phlla. & ltoallng
It. R, Co. et. al.
A. B. Btewart vs. McKclvy Brink.
Androw Fowler vs. C. D. Fowler.
Daniel F. Bcybcrt vs. Gideon a. Hosier.
8. W. Adams vs. A. B. Croop.
Samuel Applcman's Exr. vs 0. W. Miller.
William E. Tubbs ct al. vs. Freeman Mc
Allen B. Croop vs. U. B. Low.
Henry 0. Snyder vs. Jackson & Woodln
Mfg. Co.
Daniel Reedy, Receiver, vs. Cordelia
Bloomsburg 11 kg. Co. vs. Stephen Pohe
ct al.
Daniel H. Sponcnberg vs. George K.
Geo. B. Fleckenstlno use vs. A. A. Wil
Charles W. Colo vs. Ezcklcl Colo.
J. B. Wilson vs. I. K. Patterson.
Irvln Bros. vs. James Uagcrty, ct ux.
John U. Rlchter vs. Borough of Danvillo.
Do not bo induced to take somo other
preparation when you call for Hood's Bar
parllla. Bo sure to get Hood's, which Is
List ot letters remaining In the Post Of
fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Sept.
28, 1888.
Miss Dora Eggctt, Harry Faust, Miss
Sadie Hohnbaum (2), W. W. Kratz, Joel B.
Paul, Jos. Paul (2), Peter Partyka, Mrs.
Catharine Rollout, Mrs. Susan Shaffer,
Mrs. Wm. Bhaffcr, William Bhaffcr (8).
Mrs. Susan Shaffer.
Persons calling for theso letters will
plcaso say "advertised."
George A. Clark, P. M,
For school supplies of
all kinds go to
Methodist Itinerant System.
Tho Bishops of tho Methodist Episcopal
Church havo decided that the radical modi
fication of tho Itinerant system resolved up
on by tbo National Conference of last May
shall not be delayed. Tho action then tak
en was to permit a minister to remain In
ono pastorato five years, instead of only
three. Thero was a general feeling ;ln the
denomination favorablo to an extension of
the term, but when the Confcrcnoe came
to discuss the proposition a powerful oppo
sition was developed. Singularly, this did
not como from lay delegates, but from somo
of the most Influential of tho clergymen,
who urged that a fundamental principle of
Methodism would be Just so far abandoned
as any chango was made.
The question was referred to a commltte
ot thirteen, of whom eight reported In favor
of prolonging the term to four years; but
the minority advised five, and the confer
enco sustained the latter report. Tho Blsh
ops have now ruled that tho amendment of
the discipline took effect upon its passage,
and therefore Methodist pastors throughout
the country will not have their usual dis
turbance next spring. However, It re
mains optional with the presiding ciders to
transfer pastors eyery tbreo years, as bcforo
If the good' of tho service seems to demand
it But a pastor may bo left in one pulpit
five years out ot ten, if his elder thinks
best, and those flvo years may bo alternate
or consecutive. Tho talk at the Methodist
Book Concern is that tbo practical effect
ot the new law will be to leavo nearly the
cntlro Methodist clergy unmoved next
Slates, pencils and tablets of all descript
ions at Mercer's drug and book store.
Jurymen for September Term.
The following named persons were
drawn to serve as. members of the grand
Jury for September court:
Berwick W. V. Palmer.
Briaroiieek Lamon - Martz, Clarence
Oatawissa Frank Gable, C. W. Harder,
Centre Samuel Lutz.
Conyngiiam G. W. Billman, John P,
FisniNGCRBEK Daniel Wenner,
Greenwood M. M. Appleman, Jackson
Jackson Joshua Savage.
Locust Jacob 1. Stlne.
Main D. S. Brown.
Madison John A. DUdlnc, John M,
Mifflin Aaron Andreas.
Mt. Pleasant Frank Davis.
Orange H. C. Bowman, Aaron Patter
Pine S. J. Eckman. A. J. Lyons.
Scott Boyd Henry, Martin bavagc.
The following is a list of traverse jurors
drawn for September term ot court,
Pint Week.
Benton W. L. Cole, W. S. Laubach.
Behwck C. C. Long, Stephen Vauhou
ten, John Reedy.
Bloom Lloyd Fox, William U. House!
John Klinger, L. D. Kase, Henry Ohl,
F. Savltts, Wm. Wolf, Alfred Hower.
Oatawissa Lloyd Bcrger, II. J. Strouse,
Charles Sharpless.
Centralia John O'Donnoll, James
Conynquam L. W. Sanger,
FisniNGOREEK William J. Smith.
Greenwood 0. B. Johnson.
Jackson Henry Uagenbuch.
Locust Adam Claybergr, Lawson H,
Mifflin Freeman Bmoyer.
Montour Daniel Fry.
Orange David Grovcr, Abner Wclscb.
Scott William Englchart, John Grett,
Stephen Pettlt, Stephen Pobe, 0. 0. Trem
ley, Dayid Whitmlre.
Buoarloaf Hanford Cole, James W.
Second Weds
Benton James Conner, John 0. Wenner.
Berwick Harvey Bower, James He
Michael, Emanuol Roup.
Bloom George Aurandt, T. M. Dawson,
0. S. Fornwald, Poter E. Knapp, Daniel
Biiiaroiieek A. B. Croop, Abraham
Oatawissa M. V. B. BJlne, Albert KUno.
Central! a Patrick Currao, Joseph U.
Centre David 11 ay man, J. Wllson.MUlcr.
Conynquam John L. Kllno,
FisniNGOREEK Jacob Gclslnger, E. M.
Laubach, Francis Welscb.
Greenwood J, W. Lore.
Hemlock Edward Ivey.
Jackson William Brink, Geo. Ulrleman
Locust Washington George,
Madison Robert Johnson.
Mifflin Horace Creasy,
Mt. Pleasant -William Kitchen.
Montour Peter A. Evans.
Scott Lewis Lee, Greely Bncldman,
Daniel Whtman, B. G. Wapples.
Scqauloaf David Ivocher,
Buy Lester's School
EVery pair warranted.
To Inventory.
Persons having money to Invest at n high
rate ot Interest should consider tho ad
vantages offered by tho Guaranty Invest
ment Company of Now York, which has a
capital of $250,000, and suarantccs the
payment of all loans mado by IL L. A.
Riley of Ccntralla Is ono of the officers.
Full Information can bo obtained by apply
ing either In person or by letter, to Geo. E.
Elwcll, Bloomsburg, agent. tf.
Buy Lester's School Shoes
Every pair warranted.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Cistoria.
When Baby wm tick, wet at e hr Cwtorla.
When she was a Child, aha cried for Cutorla,
When ah became Htm , she clung to OaatorU,
When she had Children, ah rave them OaitorU.
Open all day on Saturdays.
When you come to the city
bear in mind that Wanamaker s
is a meeting and restinef ana
waitincf place as well as the
bippest store in the world.
There are reading and sitting
and retiring rooms for you : tele
phone, telegraph, and mail facil
ities. Your parcels will be
cared for without charge. We
try to make you welcome whetli
er you care to buy or not.
eirruiu I
' 1 rnijtr'ttHTti u
-j , r
You know that there is no
worthy hot weather (or any
weather) thing for wear or home
use but we have it. If you can't
come to the store, write for
whatever you want, samples or
goods. Shopping by mail has
come to be simple and certain.
A few scratches of a pen, and
all the facilities of the store are
John Wanamaker.
Go to C. C.
Marr's for dress goods, at
low prices.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
$3. doz. Life size Crayons only
$10.00. Viewing, copying and
enlarging. Instant process
used. tl.
Oak Leaf Boap beats all 6c. cakes,
by C. U. Marr.
C. C. Marr will pay cash for one can
nice lard.
for Fall are now being 'received
I. l H a r t m a n I Sons'.
Black and colored Henriettas,
Cashmeres, Raye, Serges, Tri
cots, Broadcloths, &c.
Velvets, Plushes, Braids and
Ribbons. A full line of Coats
now being opened.
Wool and cotton carpet chain at C. C,
C. 0. Marr wants butter, eggs, lard,
chickens and potatoes.
Frank Haydkkson, of Beverly, N. J,
writes. l sullcrcd ten years with nervous
Debility and Constitutional weakness, dur
ing that time have consulted physicians ot
all schools, paying largo fees without bene.
fit. In 1880 1 consulted Dr. Theel, S3S
North, Fourth Street, Philadelphia, after
thorough examination be pronounced mo
curable. Although at tho time having
utile raltn in Doctors irom past experience.
I placed myself under his care, and am
happy to say be has restored me to Bound
physical Health. Knowing Dr. I heel ai
do, I hesitate not in advising all sulTercrs
no matter what their experience has been
to C0D8UU mm. as tucy can put lull conn
dence in his skill and Integrity.
Dr. Theel, Pbladelpblas renowned special
1st ior nervous ueutmy, uioou poisons, Mil
ney and special diseases has cured more
cases than all others combined, ile has
curod cases pronounced insurable by leud
Ing physicians. We would advUu those
suffering to consult him personally or by
icticr at msoiiice, oaa worm rourtu street,
rnuaueipuia, i a.
To PitBSxitvE Natcbai. FtowBisa. Dip
tho flowers in melted parafliue. withdraw.
ing them quickly. Tho liquid should be
only just hot enough to maintain Its fluid
ity and tho flowers should bo dipped one
at a time, held by tho stocks and moved
auout ior an instant to get riu oi air uuU'
bles. Fresh cut flowers, froo from moist'
tire, make excellent specimens In this way,
If vou would preserve vour health and In
vlgorato your entire system uso Pcrrinc's
Puro Barloy Malt Whiskey, "0r salo by
u. it. iiouuins, uioomsuurg, in eow,
as well asthehandsomcst.and others are in,
vited to call on any druggist and get tree a
trial bottlo of Kemp's Balsam for tho
throat and lungs, a remedy that is selling
entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed
to euro and relieve all chronic and acute
coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consump
nun. iTico ou cents anu $i.
is about 5,000, and wo would say at least
one-bait aro troubled with some affection
ot the throat and lungs astboso compluiutB
arc, according to statistics, moro numerous
than others. We would advlso all not to
neglect the opportunity to call on their
druggist and get a bottlo of Kemp's Bal,
Bam for the throat and lungs. Price 60c.
ana 1. Trial size free Hold by all drug
B .
Eczema, Itcliy, Hculy, Hklu
The simple application of "Swavnu'i
Ointment," without any Internal medicine
win cure any case (i letter, Salt Hhtum
Ringworm. Piles, Itch, Bores, Pimples
Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions
no matter bow obstinate or lone standing
It is potent, effective, and costs but a tritle
allow a cough to run until It gels
beyond the reach ot medicine. They
often sav. "Oh. it will wear ruuv"
but In most cases it wears them
away. Could they be induced to try tho
successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam.
which wo sell on a positive guaruntco to
cure, tucy wouui immediately aeo tho ex,
cellent effect after taking the flrst dose.
Price 00c. and $1, Trial size treo. At all
Tho crown of Queen Victoria consists or
diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapphires and
emeralds, set In silver nnd gold. Ita groat
weight is 8U or a uwu irny. inonumiAr
of diamonds nro fl,802 pearls, 37B
rubles, 0; sapphires, 17 emeralds. 11. It
Is nn old saying Uneasy lies tho head that
wears a crbwn. It Is uetter to wear tho
crown ni pcrlcct licaitu nnu peace oi
mind through tbo curntlve effects of Per
rlno's Pure Barley MlU Whiskey. For
salo by 0. B. Bobbins, Bloomsburg,Pa.
I'lICHt I'lICHl IldllllK IMlCH.
Stuptoms Molsturo i Intense Itching and
stinging) most at night) worse by scratch
ing. It allowed to continue tumors lorui,
which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming
verv sore. Swavne's Ointment stops tho
itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and
in most cases removes mo tumors. a.i
drturclsls. or br mall, for CO cents. Dr.
Swnync & Son, Philadelphia, may-4 ly.
"The good old ways are (not)
good enough for us.
Uur lathers walked to wisdom
in them, and wo by following
meekly where they trod, may
stumble whero thoy fell."
This is not exactly as John G.
Holland juita it but it suits our
purpose. Take a look at our
window full of slates and tablets
and you will see that "the good
old ways" are not good enough
for this progressive age. This
will put you to thinking nbout
your own school days, and what
the boys and girls will need for
their school work. Then come
in and see that we have antici
pated your wants and are ready
to supply you with everything
they will need in school work,
that goes to make the road to
learning a pleasant oue
W. H. Brooke & Co.,
Demands prompt treatment. Tho re
sults of ncgloct may bo sorlous. Avoid
all harsh and drastic purgatives, tho
tendency ot which Is to weaken tha
bowels. Tho beat remedy Is Ayern
Pills. Being puroly vegetable, their
action la prompt and their odect always
beneficial. Thoy aro an admlrabla
Liver and After-dinner pill, and every
where endorsed by tho profession.
" Ayer's Pills aro highly i
eally spoken of by the tw
hero. 1 mako daily uso of
y and nnlver
twonlo about
daily viso ot them In my
practlco." Dr. I. E. Fowler, Bridge
port, Conn.
" I can recommend Ayer's Pills abov
all others, having long proved their
value as a cathartic for myself and
family." J. T. Uess, Lcithsvlllo, Pa.
" For several years Ayer'a Pills hv
been used tn my family. We find them
Effective Remedy
for constipation and indigestion, and
are never without them in the house."
Moses Grenicr, Lowell, Mass.
"I havo usod Ayer's Pills, for liver
troubles and indigestion, during many
years, and havo always found them
Erompt and clScient in their action."
,. N. Smith, Utlca, N. Y.
" I suffered from constipation which
assumed such an obstinate form that I
feared It would cause a stoppago of tha
bowel. Two boxes of Ayer'a Pilla ef
fected a complete cure." D. Burke,
Baco, Mo.
" I havo used Ayer'a Pills for the cost
thirty years and consider them an in
valuable family medicine. I know ot
no better remedy for liver troubles.
and have always found them a prompt
euro for dyspepsia." 'James Qulnn, ttJ
Mlddlo St., Hartford, Conn.
nz b.
ness, which seems inevitable with per
sons of sedentary habits, 1 have tried
Ayer's Pillt, hoping for relief. I am
clad to say that they have served ma
better than any other medicine. I
arrive at this conclusion only after a
faithful trial ot their merits." Samuel
T. Jones, Oak it., Boston, Mass.
Ayer's Pills,
Or. J. C. Ayer tt Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold br all Dealers In Hedldae.
Any book learned in ono reading.
Mind wandering cured.
BseaklDc without notes.
Wholly unliko artlnclal systems.
Tlracy condemned by Supremo Court.
Great Inducements to correspondence classes.
Pro'oectus. with onlnlonaof Dr. Wm. A. Ham
mond, tbo world-tamed (Specialist In Mind dis
eases, Daniel Oreenleat Thompson, tlio great Psy
chologist, and others, Bent post free by
rrot. A. LOISKTTE, S37 Fltth Ave., New York.
air ait
ft wepk and you have the Cntit-poll'tad ttovt la the
"ona. l- or sue vj in uroccro ovore ueAien.
Wojer Urothers Jobbing
Agents. Woomsburg,
aug. S4 'tb-Mn.
Cleanses and beautifies the hair,
Promotes a luxuriant imtwlh.
Never Fail, to Raster Qrsjl
niiriam Toainiui i.oior.
Prevents Dandruff and hair falllna-
V tKhvand tl OOat Dru evMa,
Our patrons enter our elegant new building
winch win bo completed thla falL our prosperity
arises from tlio tUorougU practical training in
Uootkeeplng, (Shorthand, Typewriting, and all
other tranches ot UUblNKSSKDUUATlON, at tho
school ot commerce (Allen lluslncss College)
Elmlra, N. Y., N. A. JlILLKli, Pros.
nas revolutionized the world dur
Ing the last halt century. Not
least among tho wonders otltn.
ventlvs nroirrcsals a method and
system oi work that can bo pertormei) all over tho
country without Departing tho workers from their
homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work";
either box, young or old; no special ability re
quired. Capital net needed; you aro started free.
Out this out and return to us and wo will Bend
you tree, something ot great value and Import
ance to rou,that villi Btart you In buslnessl, which
will bring j ou In moro money right away, than
ani thing else In the world. iVriiMd ouuttjree.
Address Tkck Co., Augusta, Name, lydcos
Mft Nnriri I 'mart Is Him. hlaw
000 Grt.o, rui-v-ltl,...!, I'. With
C4tr (venulne) nrticllual iDrl
rate, k tit mat l u, Kior
uleltif, .vltir!a.l ptituftutitllr Utfta 407
d rrtUsB i&jiIcUb. bo Dattttr h b
uir If rrouvbaVt Collet- ha tTavdtaUd.
or bi tt id 17 cium u da. jlr TimI
olftrt 10 fcof ivdrtr title f ftijiioua
SttUftd ibMl.vV.1), h Cta tittl Liu 1b tt Oorrnl
ilifQMlnc tool tutifiil iMtimtat of til Carabla
I.XJS.IM'MMMATIO.V. IostVltft!lty
Karly lleciiy. VliyMrul nuU Menial
I'rov.rut.oii, Melouchullii, lUtulUer
and lildncy DUeutteM. (Acute cuea 4-10
onblBlsgtb A Dot! til. Uiui' KU1 4 Botkal
jtttma nttlleits. lae oa Lawwn thatfitr
FcrnMrntlr e. uritilUMpiUI M4
Ilea. lJMfll KattttrleBM fettla art Iff tttaltiT aea&
mtutt fcBovn ivMitito fwr t)nkktti rMfr7 nd ptrnv
otnt lie uiiMfc
L d UB ruUal aMaat ullltaa4.
Trail k.
udc. Hi
, mttlJIi t4 ui tli men, trit or ell (or toot
.Yfl.rV,. TL
iiMttiac frudt, tbvlr Mlitata 1 tUUmli
Ttxjdtn.dt r dliftix.lall t7 40ltt,tbtr K
4b1 UIb .4trtJttBti ntt m til M tbut elftiw
ftttaftriUii.t 411I LrlBf
lad n lo tt itrt iprUncblth ttj it sot poutM.
boil km la tb btflaulof will iut moai,ttt(frlflf taJ d
17. liBwt. -,-. WtJrmity tuX UkMUs suiiifisis
Hub (I.) It, baoJ;i, U4l.
Insertion m llui tuue,