The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 31, 1888, Image 4

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My darling Alice I will try find bo
with yon to night. My business takes
mo to a small town obout twenty miles
from your houso, and I could not bear
to bo so near you without looking into
your awect eyes and hearing you say
that you aro truo to me, sol slial1 rido
over in tho nltemoon, and God willing,
shall hold you in my arms to-night.
Yourt Own Jack.
Having despatched my day's busi
ness and eent this letter to my sweet
heart I, tho Jaok therein mentioned,
hastened to hiro a horso for tho purpose
01 namg iuo iwcniy miles wntcii scpa
ratod mo from Alice, my betrothed
bride. As my business which was
that of traveling agent for a prosper
ous hotisc obliccd mo to bo often
nway from homo a chanoo liko this to
bco Auvo was very precious to mo.
It was six o'clock in tho cvoning
wnon 1 siarica out on my norso irom
tho door of tho inn whoro I had been
stopping. In vain wos it that tho
landlord tried to dissuade me ; his ac
count of tho lonely and desolate road
and of tho frightful things which had
happened on it, of tho murders and
midnight horors which hung over it,
couiu not mm mo irom my purpose.
Even tho thoucht that I must nass bv
tho haunted rook, in tho dark mono and
with no hopo of aid, should I require
It, that I must rido through passes
whioh tho villago legends peopled with
spirits and ghosts of tho departed
travelers, could not deter me. I spurred
onward amid tho dark forobodings of
those assembled to witness my rash de
parture, my landlord s prophecy of a
sudden and violent storm ringing in
my ears as I went. I treated theso
superstitious talcs as mcroly the in
ventions of ignorant villagers, and tho
sounds which were reported to issuo
from the haunted rock, as, at best, com
ing from the throat of somo human
cnomy, against whom a pistol would
bo most effective.
Thoro were still two hours of day
light beforo me, and as I rodo along I
was lost in thought of my sweetheart.
I seemed to seo her standing on her
vino-covered porch, ready to welcomo
me with her bright smile. Tho dainty
figure, with its bluo eyes and waving
hair, roso beforo my eyes, and so vivid
was the vision that I spoke her name
half nlond. Tho sound of my own
voice startled me, and, looking up for
the first time, I'saw that tho sky was
growing black, tho wind was howling
and rumbling, distant thunder was in
tho air.
It had come tho storm which my
landlord had foretold. I spurred on
my horso ; a big drop of rain splashed
over my face ; the darkness thickened ;
and at tho samo instant through tho
gloom loomed up the outlines of the
huge boulder, which a turn in the road
had bofere hidden from my sight. A
slight shiver crept over mo as I recall
ed the tales connected with it and
thought uppn ray own lonely situation.
Something of this feeling seemed to
enter into my horse, for as we neared
tho rock, shrouded in darkness, he
trembled from head to foot Using
all,my strength I forced him past it
and ' at tho same instant there sounded
upon my -car a low burst of laughter
so peculiar in its tono as to send an icy
shndder through me. A something
that was not human sounded in it. It
was fiendish devilish. Conquering
my momentary weakness I strained
my' eyes to piefco the darkness in the
hopo of discovering tho shape from
which those sounds proceeded, but all
was silent and, deserted as the grave.
The form must have been swallowed
np in darkness for I saw nothing. A
strange feeling of dread weighed on
my heart, vague and indefinite, and the
nighf grow blacker and blacker.
Tho storm drow nearer, and my
every effort was now directed to gain
some place of shelter from tho rain. I
looked in vain for a light in the dis
tanco ; all was black and desolate ; tor
rents of rain poured down, soaking mo
to tho skin ; thunder crashed, nnd my
poor horso galloped a for his life.
Once, between tho thunder peals, 'I
seemed to hear that same low, mad
laugh in my ear, and shuddering, I
wildly spurred my poor horse. Just
then a vivid flash of lightning illumin
ed the road, disclosing n hut about 100
foet in advance ; a second flash enabled
me to reach tho opening which had
onco been a door ; but tho wholo miser
able place was in a ruinous condition.
For years it had been abandoned to
wind nnd weather.
Fearfully I entered, and found mv-
self in the largest, of the two rooms
which tho hovel boasted. The ceiling
was broken away and the rain poured
in upon the rotting floor and beat
through the broken window.
Nothing moro wild could bo iraagin-
J l.... .fil T , -a s. i
eu, um sun i weicomeu n, ana, mrn
ing tho poor horse looeo outside, I pa's
ed into the inner room. A lightning
flash illumined it, and standing bolt
1 . . 1 T-I r.Vit annin.t nrmn.ilA ...nil T
saw the form of a man, his face dis
torted by a srailo of wicked cunnlug,
and, as the darkness tell again,
shrieking laugh mingled with the
Made desporato by the terrors of the
night and ol my loneliness, 1 nrnck
match and rushed forward ; but the
figure was gono, the room dtserttd.
Tnrning, I passed into the first room
but is was equally tenantless. Full of
wonder and strange forebodings
chose a dry spot and threw myself upon
the noor and tried to sleep. Vain en
deavor ; th6 figure haunted me, and
often, as fatiguo ovcroowered me and
sleep seemed on the point of relieving
me, the memory of that laughter
would ring throui.-h my brain, and I
would start wildly up to find myself
aiono upon tno floor witb tno storm
etui raging without.
b many quite exhausted, I fell into
a deep slumber, which lasted I know
not bow long but which was suddenly
and violently broken by that sanii-
demoniao noise.
. This timo I tried to rise, in vain ;
fearful weight was on my chest
Straining opon my eyes I beheld in the
light of tho moon, which now shone
through tho window that samo man'
faco bending over mino. Terrified bo
ybnd expression, I struggled to free
myself of tho creature upon mo ; but
my arms and legs were fast bound i
the samo cunning smilo distorted tb
face, and tho leering oyes rolled as
struggled vainly. I strovo to shriek
bat the connd camo not; a faint gurgle
was tho only result of my frantio effort.
At tho same instant tho creature
abovo me rose, and with chuckles and
leers drew forth a coil of rope. Nod
ding his head and gibbering ho ar
ranged a uoose, and with nnothor blood
curdling laugh he placed it about my
My God, the agony of that moment,
when 1 realized that I was absolutely
at the rneroy of that madman I Tight
er and tighter he drew tho rone until
my face grow black witb suffocation
and my eyes and tonguo started from
my head.
consciousness was almost gono,
when tho prcssilro was slowly. Btoadilv
relaxed and tho inanities features glar-
cu uown upon mo once inoro. 1 breath
ed again t ho had spared mo t tho rush
pf joyful feeling ovrrenmo mo. Ho
marked tho orprcsslon of my face, and
chucklinc, drow tho nooso nualn. ox
tilting to watch my faco pirrpto nnd my
eyes protrude Twenty times I thought
ray ueain agony at hand, nnd twouty
times, with a maniao's cunning, ho to-
stored ray uroatb and prolonged niy
torture, now Ho chuckled nnd mut
tered -to himself, wagging his fiondish
head, nnd oh I my God, how, when I
struggled to get free, wrestling in
ngony with death and torture, ho utter
wi uib uifiuif, uniting laugn.
now j. louccd nnd pfaved for death
how I hoped tho madman would once
draw tho nooso so light that, when ro
laxed, my breath would still refuse to
come. Suddenly his brain seemed
possessed with somo now plan.
Slowly ho drew off tho ropo and with
ono backward glaoco left tho room. At
first I dared not hope for life, but when
tho titno went by and still ho camo not
1 began to think that ho was gono on
tiroly and that my lifo might bo saved.
I struggled to frco mysolf onco moro t
struggled and writhed until mv heart
nearly burst through my body, but in
vain. Just then ( a now s.ound caught
my ear, filling it with unuttcrnolo
dread. A fork of light shot up. Yes,
it was true, tho maniao had set firo to
tho hovel. And now I saw his faco
grinning at mo through tho window.
Making ono last supcrhumaif effort I
uttercua fearful shriek. Tho madman
leaped in at the window and nt tho
samo instant another form followed
him. Somo ono seized mo. I know no
When consciousness returned I was
lying upon a bed in my sweetheart's
own protty room, and bIio with tears
in her gentle eyes, was watching my
slow return to life.
1 learned afterwards, when my
strength returned, that tho madman
had escaped from an asylum in the
neighborhood, and being missed, his
keeper, attracted by tho Bight of the
tlames, arrived just in timo to save mo
trom the horrible fate which seemed to
await me. I had fallen into a deep
swoon, nnd from that into a raging
fover, and dunng my ravings enough
was learned to send mo to tho
house which had been my destination
when 1 started out the previous night.
As soon as 1 was well again Alice and
were married, and were surely hap
pier than it falls to the lot of most
mortals to bo ; but never while I livo
shall I forget tho agonies of that ono
night of my life.
A Massacre of Indians.
The Paxton church is about three
miles cast of Harrisburg, and is an
edifice of small, rough blocks of lime
stone, joined by the limo which that
stone can mako when burned, and over
the doors aud windows aro limestone
arches holding out wonderfully well.
Tho church is perhaps sixty feet long
by thirty-favo or forty feet wide, and
only ono story high, with a slate roof
recently added, and with two chimneys
down at the bottom of tho slopo on
each side of the roof, showing that it
mnst havo been warmed on the insido
by iron fireplaces or old-fashioned
stoves with their long pipes. The
South Mountain, which has come down
to be a mere rolling succession of hills-,
draws very near this church, and there
fore the North Irish of Scotch extrac
tion who people tho neighborhood set
tied thereabout, for they were a peoplo
of tho hills. They had learned in Ire-
laud rouali. individual retaliating hab
its, and when they found themselves in
rennsylvania they soon began to hate
both the Quakers of English stock and
tho new Dutch. Some years before
tho American revolution they rfsolvcd
to kill the Christian Indians on tho east
ido of the Susquehanna river, chiefly
because they were Indians, and some
other Indians, acting under the stimu
lus of tho civilized states of Europe,
liko France, had come into that region
and killed somo white people. Taking
tho view now generally Receptee! by
violent folks that all negroes are. blaok,
and therefore of tho same, moral com
position, and that all Indians are of the
same family, aud that one deserves to
die for another, these men of "the rax
ton meeting who' prayed to" God and
asked for mercy resolved to co and kill
tho Indians at the mouth of the Cones-
toga creek, which runs into the Susque
hanna below .Lancaster. J. bey went
there and killed all tho Indians they
could bnd children, women and men.
The Pennsylvania authorities had a
shibboleth regarding Indians and with
drew the remnant .of these Indians to
Lancaster jail. Thereupon tho Paxtou
youths resolved to go down to Lancas
ter and kill the Indians in mo jail.
l bo preacher at i'axton church camo
out with his horse and tried in vain to'
make these young people May at home.
They asked birn to lead thpm to tho
massacre anu torn mm iu gee out 01 rue
road anyway or they might shoot him.
So they wont down to Lancaster and
sent in somo spies to get iuto the jail
and hnd what Indians wete there.
Too next morning, Sund xy, while the
people wero going to chuich in .Lan
caster, these lads broke into the prison
and there, in oold I loou, dispatched all
theso poor Indians, who wi re calling
upon" the riania of Jesus. They were
tomabawked, shot or clubbed to death,
withcut any questioning or scruple,
When tho province arcse in indigna
tion, Philadelphia being its capital,
Paxtou men resolved to march upon
that city, which thoy understood to bo
inhabitated chitrly by Quakers, who
did not fight, and they thought they
would take tho town and bring a now
era into tho world. They did actually
march to the very environs of tho city,
whioh is about one hundred miles dis
tant from Harribburg. There, between
persuasion and a show of opposition,
thoy wero stopped and a great danger
averted. All this happened about 1757,
twenty years before the battlo of
Drandywine, which happened on the
soil of Pennsylvania.
President Cleveland's Prlrs for' the three best babies at the Aurora County Fair, In US7, wsj
given to these triplets. Mollle, Ida, and )ly, children of Mrs. A. K. Dart. Hamburgh. N. V.
the writes t "Lost AugnU the llltle ones became very sick, and as I could get no other food
that would agree with them, I commenced the use of Lactttcd Jood. It helped them Imme
diately, and they were awa as well as ever, and I consider it very largely doe lo the rood
thai they ut now so well." Lact.ted JW Is the best rood fur botOa-fod babies. It keew
them well, and is belter than medlclno when they are.slck. Tares sliest ato, Wo.. IUW.
Al ilrugzUU. Cabinet photo, of the, triplets sent fro to the mother of any UhJ bom toll I tat.
1 ti-lirw WiLLt, RtOHAnD80N,.CO..irilPrt9nJttu
Novol Punishment of a Bank Oiork.
A new method of punishing dishon
est bank clerks Is now being tried in f
certain institution of that kind in Now
York. Somo timo ago n clerks no-
counts were investigated and ho was
found to bo several thousand dollars
short. To removo nnd prosecuto tho
man would havo been troublcxoirio nnd
apt to hurt tho reputation of tho bank,
bo thov havo mado hlin stay, nsif noth
ing had happened, but havo placed him
In such n position that ho can tako no
moro and informed his fellow-clerks of
tho defalcation. He is avoided by tho
insiders, nnd his position Is "about as
disagreenblo as can well bo imagineu.
Constantly under surveillance, ho will
work out in timo tho amount ho has
taken, and will then bo discharged,
Philadelphia Times.
Proposed for the Wrong Girl.
Tho following story is told in the
nowlv-pnblished "Random Recollec
tions of Courts and Society," of Baron
de Bonrgoing ! "I am extremely dis
trait," ho said "and my marriago was
tho result of my absence of mind.
When I wns a voung man I fell mlovo
with a charming girl I used to meet nt
balls and parties. I found out that
sho rcolnrocatcd mv sentiments, and
obtained her permission to speak to
hor father. Tho noxt morning 1 oallod
on him. was shown into his study, and
nrosented mvself as a Btiitor for his
daughter's hand. Tho old gentleman
seemed surprised at first ; but whon I
had assured him of tho sincerity and
stability of my affections ho offered no
fuathor objections, and, accepting mo
as his son-in-law, sent for his daughter.
As tho door opened I ran to greet my
nnancce it was anotner young way
your mother, my child," ho continued,
suavclv smiling nt Mllo. do Bonrgoing.
"I had abstractedly como to the wrong
bouse, profsed my.suit with tho wrong
fatbor and been given to tho wrong
wilo ; but of coiirso I oould not retract
or put upon tho young person tho in-
dipnitv of refusing' her. She did not
'Prnv take some moro wine P Zon-
don Life.
Musio For The Campaign
Wo havo lust received from tho
publishers, S. Brainard's Sous, 1-15
Wabash Ave., Cniesgo, a copy of the
Red Hot Democratio" Campaign
Song Book, containing sixteen pieoes
of music, arranged for malo quartette,
with words and musio complete. The
musio was arranged by a quartette of
Campaign Singers especially for the
coming Campaign. Tin prico of the
book is but 15 cents.
The State Mall Service.
Figures appeared in tho Postoffice
Department show that the postal ser
vice in this Stato is a "big thing."
The total length of all mail routed is
15,163 miles, and to operate this im
mense system coats 9i,ius,z'ju.iu a
car. When this service is classified
it is fonnd that there are 0,091 miles
of star routes, or horso power service,
but, while containing the groatest num
ber of miles, it only costs $274,506.30.
The length of the service is 7,077
miles, and it costs for each year $923,
693.30. w
DO ron feel fluU. languid, low-spirited; life
less, and Indescribably miserable, both plijsl-
call? and mentally; experience a senso of
fullness or bloating after eating;, or of "gone-,
lntr, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste In
moutb. Irregular appetito, dizziness, frequent
headaches, blurted eyesight, "floating specks"
before the eyes, nervous prostration or ex
haustion. Irritability of tomper, hot flushes,
alternating with chilly sensations, sharp,
biting, transient pains nero and there, cold
feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or
disturbed and unrefreshlng sleep, constant,
lndoscrlbablo feeling of dread, or of Impend
ing calamity?
If you bare all, or any considerable number
of theso symptoms, you are suffering from
that most common of American maladies
Uillous Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated
with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Tho mora
complicated your diacoso ba9 become, tho
greater the number and diversity of symp
toms. No matter what staeo It has reached.
Dr. Pierce's Coldou Medical Discovery
will subdue It, If taken according to direc
tions for a reasonable length of time. If not
cured, complications multiply and Consump
tion of the Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart Disease,
liheumatlsm. Kidney Disease, or other grave
maladies are qulto liable to set In and, sooner
or later, Induce a fatal termination.
Dr. Plerco'a Golden Medical Dis.
eovery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and
through that great blood -purifying organ,
cleanses tho system of all blood-tolnta and Im
ness." or ompuness 01 szomacn m tno morn
purities, from whatever cause arising.' It Is
equally efficacious in acting upon the Kid
neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing,
strengthening, and healing their diseases. As
an appetizing, restorative tonic. It promotes
digestion ana nutrition, thereby building up
both Uesh and strength. In malarial districts,
this wonderful medicine has gained great
celebrity In curing Fever and Ague. Chills and
Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases.
Dr. llercea Uoldou medical Sis.
'cures all humors,
rrom a common Blotch, of eruption, to the
worst Scrofula. Balt-rbeum. " Fever-sores,"
Scaly or Hough Skin, la short, all diseases
caused by bad blood aro conquered by this
powerful, purifying, and Invigorating medi
cine. Great Katlng Ulcers rapidly heal tinder
Its benign Influence. Especially bat It mani
fested Its potency In curing Tetter, Eczema,
liryslpelas, noils. Carbuncles, Bore Eyes, Scrof
ulous Sores and Swellings. lllp-Jolut Disease,
"White Swellings." Goitre, or Thick Neck,
and Enlarged 0 lands. Send ten cents in
stamps for a large Treatise, with colored
Flatei, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount
or a Treatise ou Scrofulous Affections.
Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce's
Roldcu Medical Discovery, and good
digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital
strength end bodily health wlU be established.
which is Scrofula or the Lungs, Is arrested
and cured by this remedy. If -taken in tho
artier ataire nf the ritfu-au,. Frnm It, tn a r
velous power over this terribly fatal disease,
when first offering this now world-famed rem
edy to the public Dr. Pierce thought seriously
of calling it his "Coksuhption Conn." but
abandoned that name as too restrictive for
a medicine which, from Its wonderful com
bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative,
or blood-cleansing, ontl. bilious, pectoral, ana
nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only
as remedy for Consumption, but for all
Chronic Diseases of tho
Liver. Blood, and Lungs.
For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short
ness of Iirrath, Chronlo Nasal Catarrh, llron
chltls, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred
affections. It Is an efficient remedy.
Soldb Druggists, at 11.00, or Six Bottles
. CsT" Sen'd ten cents in stamps for Dr. Plerce'l
cook on Consumption, Address,
.World's Dlspaosary Medical Association,
063 Bala St., BUFFALO, N, V.
WTiatf Cured among elhcrt the
following. The? write l
N9 Central Ave., CincinniU.O., I
January 4th, !A I
Ath'pt'horo Till. br cured me ef 11 tot
com, Tslnt and drFrersla. I nre ten nf
ttv lUstos frliSdwhol. troubled with
InaitfTfUoa and ho hu Inii-rorM won.
corfuUx. T. It. ltcwKKiiir,
tt Eosctt St, New lisven, Ct, I
Ftbrnsryloth, ltm I
Athlophoros PIUs worked wonders In my
cafioofilitprrela, Esuiucuu.
Alh-ltt-pho-ros Tills are small nnd
pleasant to take, yet wonderfully
effective. Invaluable for kidney
nnd liver complaints, dyspepsia, In
digestion, constipation, headache,
etc. They'll tako nway that tired
feeling giving new life nnd strength.
flcnd6 cents for th6 boautllul colored fie
turc, ' Moorish Maiden."
THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. H. t.
r u
S 40
5 65
0 Oi
6 S3
5 S3
6 50
6 tt
0 5t
7 05
7 11
7 18
7 SO
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10 25
10 29
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11 16
11 22
11 SO
11 30
11 37
11 44
11 48
11 S3
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12 20
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12 30
12 37
12 41
12 45
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6 34
1 53
S 14
! 19
3 SI
8 2D
6 40
Catawlssa.. .......
T 05
7 19
7 20
x.ime iuuK......
7 27
7 31
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Hick's Kerry.
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7 35
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3 19
3 SI)
3 39
3 43
7 41
7 49
8 06
8 IT
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8 68
9 03
9 09
9 17
9 SO
9 35
7 50
Avondale. !M
Plymouth .... 7
Plymouth Junction..... 8 03
IClncaton.., 8 03
Uonnett 8 la
Maltby 8 H
Wyoming 8
West IHtston 8 2T
Plttaton 8 SS
3 53
3 M
4 01
Lackawanna 8 40
Taylorvllle..... 8 48
4 23
9 50
9 55
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10 42
10 47
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3 29
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4 54
5 00
6 15
Plttston.. 8 3a
westntuton o
Wyoming; 6 "
Maltby -- 1
Bennett -
Kingston 6 58
Plymouth Junction.-... 7 05
riymoutn ..
Avondale. T 14
Nantlcoke 7 19
Shtckshlnny 7 47
nick's Ferry. T 65
Beach rtaven,..., 8 01
liumock's..... i
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Ilnarcreek. -. .. 8 13
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Llmellldge. 8 SO
Kspy... .... 6 5
Bloomsburg 8 82
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Chulasky. . M
Cameron 9 07
NORTIiroiBSHLAND..-..- 9 &
Danville mi
r M
Connections at Kupert with rauaaoipnia s
A. M
Reading Kallroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Will
lamsport, sunbury, rottsvtlle, etc At Northum
berland with p. & E. Dtv. r. K. It. for namsburB,
Lock llaven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie.
1 v ,iAVj5THAT). cen. Man..
Scranton, Pa,
Pennsylvania Eailroad.
'hiladolphia It Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effect AUQ. MSSS. Trains leave sunbury
n ,a - e. Eiinr, Rrnress fdallT except
' Washington
5.55 p. m.. connecting at 1-niiauKipmt on
shore points. Through passenger coach, to
Philadelphia. n excreaa
IHuiuuuivi - . - - li oast
dally except 8unday.fornarrlsbureand Interme
diate stations, arriving at P h 1 1 a del p h la
a. 60 p.m.: New York. e.S5 p. ta. : VaUman
6.45 p. m. : Washington. 8.00 p. m. BuBet Parlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
through to Philadelphia and BalUmore.
( iiorHohitrff nnrl nil Intarmftllftte BtatlOnB. amv-
Inpat rnuaaetpnla4.25 a. m. : New YorK a. m;
Pullman sleeping car from Wllllamsptto Phlladel
nhia. Phiiadelnhla naasengers can remain in
sleeoerundlsturbefl until 7 a. m.
2.60 a. m.-Erte Mail (dally) for narrtsburg and
Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia
1.25 a. m. New York, 11.30 a. m. : uuu o-.-.
. ,i.ah,,nn dm. m. Thrnncrti Pullman
Rleeplng oars are run on this train to Philadelphia,
Baltimore and Washington, and through passen
ger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
5.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally), for Erie and all
Intermediate stations ana cananaaigua ara
intermediate stations, Rochester, Buffalo ana
cars and passenger coaches to Brio and Roches-
. fHrnnc-t, iniimnn 1'siace
9.w-News Express (daily except Sunday) for
Lock Haven and intermediate stations.
12.52 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun
l'iy) for Kane nnd Intermediate stations and Can
ar rtalgua and Principal Intemedlate MatlonR,
R-chester, Buffalo and Niagara ?$te with
through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester
and Buffet Parlor carto Watklns
57sop. m. Past Line (dally.except Sunday)! or Re
novo and intermediate stations, and Elmlra, Wat
klns and Intermediate stations, with through pas
senger coaches to Renovo and Watklns.
9.20 a. m. ounuay maiiiurcuw,w uw luwu.
o--w Mail I..MB PMtfirtplrthlA 4.80 a. m
n.-.M,M t in m-rlvlnc At Knnhnrv 9.20 a. m.Witb
through sleeping car from Philadelphia to Wll-
News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a, m.
narrtsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday
Phlladelphla.7.40 a. m. ; Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally
with through Buffet Parlor car from Philadelphia
ana tnrougn passenger coiwuca uum
phla and Baltimore.
Fast Lino leaves New York 9.00 a.m.! Phlladel
. - . . . n - . ip..hlnrtnn Q HI, Tt RBlt.t
puis,!;. . uu , b-'r:, r,'Vt
more, iu.a a. m., tumi rAtyvouum.j ..
aunDury. D.ap. m., .iu ,uiuu,ia "--
coacheafrom Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Erie Mall leaves New York 8.00 p. m. ; Phiiadel
nhla. 11.25 n. m. : Washington. iu.uu p.m.: jiaiw-
through passenger coaches from Philadelphia.
UA11.UIJA1I Anil . "
ritniir nxcent Hunaay.l
witkeabarre Ma!
B Mail leaves Sunbury 9.55
arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.46 a. m.,
3.15 p.m.
Express East leaves Sunbury 5.S5 p. m., arriving
at Bloom Ferry 5.26 p. m., wiiKes-Darre i.o v. . iu
n,inhuiv v AUipnvfAvtikeAbarre 10.20 a.m. arriv
ing at Bloom Ferry 11.49 a. m.,8unbury 12.35 p. m
Express west leaves Wllkes-barre 2.55 p. tn.. ar-
riving at Bloom Ferry 4.19 p. m., Bunnury o.iup.m
Bnnfiav mAii leATeaSunbnrv 0:25 a. m.. arriving
at Bloom Ferry 10:16 a. m.. WUkes-Barre 11:45 a.m.
Sunday accommoaauon leaves iu,co.,aiw-v
i. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry, 6.3S p.m., Sunbury,
f-lT 1 it T'TimT J. P. WOOD.
wen.Manager ueu, j-mwun-i wj
rwu,r(nf!vA nf tlift Mall, fulutatr. Productions.
.llaDuliiciurlnu liulu.lrlr. ana Jllnrrnl Wealth
srviraiulu and other Southern fctates. Write to
W. B, DEVILL, Ocn'l Pass. Agent,
Enclosing J-cent stamp
Msdiest and Surolcsl Office,
f or tbe treatment or l ouiwui inipniwouwi
I.ii of Vlior. Nervous Debility and Hpeclal
DUeancs. Oomultat Ion by mall ftse or charge,
Hook Kent Pres.
Office toon from 0 a.m. to J r.x.A from 0 to9 r.M
Of Interest to Ladies.
H. will nd FREE SAMPLeof our wonderful
rci&o for ftrcnaiM cooipUtnu to maj Udr who wlabM
lo Uit lUfltcAcr Uforv i-urcbfutoy. Bnd ump f
ro-Uiu EUEBRlMlcr C0.,BolICH,2uffilo,N,Y,
IVt.n iH,r,1,l tsrliK Ihnuinnntliiit I mirat svritiM ma rollowlaa coldort-ipoinra, or from Oorv
UttiUuJul Wvk.u o pMallai ta tutir MX, sUiouiq
Ua DR DuCHOlNE's uaispraiea
Tbrr Straagt&tnlntf toths ntlrw ifvtan. Imixrt
tono, vtor and iu!iMo fore to all f anctloni of bodr
nd mind. Btnt br mail, wvurulf H4ld, IU Add",
Dr.HarterModlclnoCo.,aT.lOUI3, HQ.
Tha Burial of ft Dog.
Tho burial of a dog in a 3200 lot in
Woodland Ccmotcry, Now York, lias
raised a rumpus among tbo other lot
owners, who insist that tho cemetery
shall bo restricted to tho burial of hu
man bodies alono. Jay Gould, O. P.
Huntingdon and other wealthy Now
Yorkers own lota In this cemetery,
where aro burled many persons who
wero promlnont beforo tholr death. It
Is not likely that tho authorities will
permit any moro dogs to bo burled in
that ocmelory.
drape Oaro Establishment.
Mr, Spcor, of Now Jcraoy, whoso
wiues have such a wido merited and
oxtended reputation all over this coun
try and Europe, for their ago and ex
cellent properties in cases of sickness,
and aro so famous for their curative
properties, is about to build a largo
Hotel or Grat'O Curo Establishment on
ono bfirnor ol his vineyard, Tho House
will aucommodato five or six hundtcd
guests who aro lo have tho privilego oi
roaming among tho vines, in the morn
ing to pluck tho ripe grapes and break
fast on them whllo the cool dew is yot
The first Liar haano Chance-
In tho early days Klino's ranch, in
south western Colorado, was a famous
stopping-placo for the stago coaches,
ana thero was always a goodly (and
somewhat diversified) assemblage of
traveiors around tho fircsido ovory
ovening. Ono evening a tourist, who
had been devoting tho summer to
trout-fishing in tho Cimarron, was toll
img some pretty good-sized fish storica
to a long-caired frontiersman, who,
whilo listening, was evidently studying
how ho might "see" tbo tourist and
"raise him" on tho eizo of his yarn.
Tho tourist ended. Tho frontiersman
shifted his quid of tobacco to tbo other
cheek, and said: "Well mister, them
was pretty good-sized trout yo caughtj
but, Lord! ye should ha' bin with mo
np at tho mouth of tho Columby, in
Oregon. Why, wo used to ketch sal
mon there every mornl'n that would
run all tho way from ninety to a hun
dred and fifty pounds."
For a moment tbo tourist was si
lent, then, lookii.g sadly at tho trium
phant frontiersman ho said: My friend,
I don't doubt your story in tho least.
Uu tno contrary, I behove it fully and
implicitly. I will only remark that
my experience has taiight mo that in
Colorado the man who tells tho first
story has a darned poor show.'1 Har
per's Magazine.
Loa Cabins were in
the Harrison-Tippecanoe
campaign of 1840 eroded
iu the largo cities and vil
lages, and used for hold
ins political meetings.
Barrels of hard cider were placed in
front of tho cabins, and tho "Log Cabin
hard-cider campaign of '40" bas passed
into history as the most enthusiastic of
our political contests. Log Cabins
have for this reason a permanent place
in American history. Warner's Log
Cabin Hops and Buchu Remedies aud
"Tippecanoe'' tonic bitters have secur
ed a permanent place because of their
Never Too Late-
Everybody in B.'s Hotel was in a
state of anticipation and exoitoment.
The landlord had inadvertently re
marked that morning that a bridal
party was expected on the afternoon
train, and tho best rooms in tho houso
wero being put in the most perfect or
der. Ono of the young ladios conceived c f
a briliant idea.
"Let us decorato their rooms with
Chorus. "Yes, let's do."
It was tho general topio of conversa
tion for the day.
Angelina and Augustus wondered
whether "the brido would bo lient or
dark. Sweet seventeen, or graceful
eighteen, bold nineteen, or sour twen-
ty-" ....
lienedict declared his sympathy for
the misguided youth.
Lady Jiounty wroto a poem dedicat
ed to the happy pair ust starting out
on life's fitful journey; which poem was
to be carelessly, as if by accident, left
in somo sightly place in tho bridal
In spito of the rather chilly fall
afternoon, five o'clock p. m. found
every boarder cither on "the lawn or
lront piazza of tbo hotel.
.Fitzgerald x itzsmons saw tho car
riage first, and in lust two seconds
every body was looking happily uncon
scious and innocent.
In eichteen seconds moro Ancelina
and Augustus were nearly smothering
themselves with their naukerclucis to
hide their cifreles. Benedict walked
coolly around the corner of tho house.
Lady Bounty's bland expression- turn
ed into one of mild dismay as tho sil
ver-haired bride of seventy-seven sum
mors was assistei to alight from the
carriage by the trembling groom of
eighty-three winters.
"To think," saia the young ladies,
"of all our beautiful flowers wasted."
A Letter Prom "Buffalo BilL"
DEAIt SIRS. I gives mo much
pleasure to state that I consider
POND'S EXTRACT an invaluable
remedy. I have used it, and I attri
bute its crrt-at success to tho fact that
it does all that you claim for it. I
have never fouud its equal, and it
would be impossible for mo to over
estimate its value. Yours truly,
Now York, Dec , 9, 1880. IiutTaloBill,
Inherited Diseases.
No (sot of nature) is mora pregnant
with awful meaning than the fact ot Uio
Inherl tanco of disease).
Modern science, whioh has illuminated
o many dark corners oi oature.has abed,
c new light on the ominous words ot the
Bcriptures, "Tho sins of the fathers,
shall bo. Ttalte4 upon tho children
unto the third and fourVh generation."
Vlfly per eon t. of cases of consumption,
cancer and scrofula, run in families
Ihreuyh Inheritance. Insanity la hered
itary In s marked degree, but, fortu
nately, like masy other hereditary
diseases, tende to wear itself out, the
took becoming extinct. A distin
guished scientist ttulyaayai "No organ
or texture ot the body la exempt from
the ehaneo of being the of
hereditary disease." Probably .more
chronlo diseases, which permanently
modify tho structure end lunotleas of
tha body, aro more or less liable to be In
herited. Tha Important and far-reaching-practical
deductions from such facts
are obvious to rofleoUng tnlods, end tha
best means for preventing or curing
these diseases Is a subject of Intense in
terest to all. Pertunately ealure has
provided a remedy, which experience)
has attested as infallible, and the reme
dy It tbo world-famous Bwif t'e Bpoclnct,
n puro vegeublo .compound usture'a
kntldoto for all blood poisons. To the
affllctodltis a blessing of Inestimable
value. An Interottlog treatise on
"Blood and Bkln Diseases" will U
mailed free by addressing
Tkx Bwirr Brsciyio Co..
.t.v sasMiseasaeesMeeMfcSi , i
Bobbv had roluctantly kissed his sis
ter good night and was off for bed.
"Don't you go to bod rather catly,
BobbyT" Inquired young Mr, Sampson,
"it's but a littlo past1 8.'
"I havo got to go to bed early on
tho nights you call on sister," explain
ed Bobbyi "sho makes mo.' iVcw
York Sun.
It Won't Baku Bread. In other
words, Hood's Sarsaparilla will not do
impossibilities. Its proprietors toll
plainly what it has done, submit proofs
from sources of unquestioned rcliabil'
ity, and ask you frankly if yoil aro
suffering from any disease or affection
caused or promoted by impuro blood
or low stato of tho system, to try
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tho oxperienco
of others Is sufficient assuranco that
you will not bo disappointed in tho ro-
Lady, angrily, to tramp at back door
lou can't fjet anything to eat hero.
Tramp, politely I beg your pardon,
madame. I don t want anything to
cat. I havo just oaten a good dinner
at tho houso of your neighbor; but if
you could givo me a small cup of oof
feo and a cigarette you would place
mo under many obligations. Wash
ington Critic.
Well, Charlie, what nre you staring
at!'' a-ked an unwary guest of a bluo
oyed cherub in whito duck trousers
who was gazing intently at her back
"Nnthin' much. Only mamma said
you wero double-faced, and I was tryin
to seo the other end." Charlie's re
mains wero" taken out on n shovel.
Jioston Globe.
12 Pounds of Tumor
Is a hideous thing to havo attached to a human
frame, yet Jlr. iteuten Sovoranjc. ot Upper Still
water, (part ot Old Town, Me.,) had one in his
groin which he carried for about ten years. It bo
Ban to form nbout fourteen years ago, being at
nrst hardly larger than a pea. Mr.beveranco,i in
his sworn statement beforo ex-OOTernor B. Y.
Davis, ol Maine says:
"At first it did not tmtlhln tnn mui-h hnt , tt
grew In me It was accompanied by severe darting
cuw uiu uub Ull-M, USU atUlCltS OI QlZZl
Bess: roaring sounds In ears and nnfand Aippnipra
nlRhts. In la tumor weighed several pounds
and extended to knee. Kow ia9t exertion caused
Intense, tearing pain Uko sticking of needles In
flesh. Abandoned hope and took to bed. Physl-
wouo w wi, if, uui, saying i was too old
and weak to survive. Am ?s yearn of aim. RnmA
one recommended Ilrown's Sarsaparilla. I exper
lenced immediate change for better. Appeute re
turned; food ceased to troublo me; ringing noises
left my head, and best of all tumor began to shriv
el up and disappear, it Is now and has been for
Borne time entirely gone, can and do do good
days work. I say God bless the man who invent
ed this medicine. lie should wear a crown. I
mean always to keep by me a bottle of Brown's
Sarsaparilla while I live."
With this statement wo have paper signed by
postmaster, druggist, as well as seTen ot the town
officials, stating they know the abovo to be true,
and ex-uor. Davis also adds his evidence. There
lS nO CaSO Of blOOd dlWnM whlr.h nnnnt u ,,M
Not genuine unless made bv AmWAm-ni- rvi
Bangor, Mo. maySB d ly
BEST IN THE wnrtr.n.
Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually
onUuUng two boxes of any other brand. Hot
effected by heat. K7GET TUB OENUINE
aug lo-r-4t-
trtm Cittilil ill
Rmlstlisarf tlail
to the DrsMnt.
ti ur A." I
VrtMldrats sad
T I KM tholr Plktfanna
of tUtunr-Clill Isnlcf, PnMsltlMilanln Isnsas.
ith irrnmenU for ftnd Milan. G4Qjn(e. COO
eelliDc book. A
STaringa. i.utv itic. uuicrL Hue.
a bi m aiiiis-.Tiscitn.sisMiis,
Bristol nun or woman in aseh ooaty
la take erden for this Dowilar and tut.
ellrac book. o4 rer ahaad. Sma far oireaUc.
r.W. Z1KQLEB CO, 140 ChssUst St. Pails. Fa.
JulyW-Z s co-im.
A Rare Busines Chance.
Confidential corresnondnce desired with reliable
party In this sectloD, who can invest One Thou
sand Dollars Cosh. A fortune In a few years guar
an teed to the right person. Largo and steady in
come from the start. Business easy, safeand sure
and no former experience necessary. Full particu
lars by inaU.
General Fostonico, Newark, New Jersey,
KcwnrtltMl aro those that read
this and then act; they will rind honor
able employment that will not take
them from thplr homon nnrl fAmlllpa.
The profits are lanro and sure for every lndustrt.
ous person, many nave made and are now making
several hundred dollars a month. It is easy for
any one to make H and upwards per day, who is
willing to work. Either sex, young or old; capital
not needed; we start you., Everything new. no
special ability required; you, reader, can do It as
w mi us &uy uuu. niv uj us ai onco ior mil par
ticulars, which we mall tree. Address Stlnson &
Co., Portland, Maine, lydecso.
Caveats and Trade Marks obtalned,and all ratent
business conducted for MODKlt ATK FEES.
OFFICE. We have no sub-agencies, all business
direct, hence can transact patent business in less
time and' at less cost than' those remote trom
Bend model, drawing, or photo,wlth description.
We advlso it patentable or not,- free ot charge.
Our fee not due till patent Is secured.
A bookvnow to Obtain Patents, "with references
to actual cUentsln your State, county, or town,
sent free. Address
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. O
Hen tVoiulerH exist in thousands of
forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of
Invention. Thoan who im(n nf ni-nr.
ltahle work rhnrtn
M,h?.mli0U,1,11 at 0nC9 8611(1 Delr address w
;:.,r,-. :. w"anu, Maine, ana receivo free,
full Information how either sex, of all ages, can
earn from isto tracer nav ami nnwnnfa whom
ever they live. Vou are started free. Capital not
required, borne have made over liu In a single
The science oir
LIFE, tli great
Medical Voik of tha
age on Manhood perr
ons and Phjelul De
bility, IVematote De.
HMniM TUVCri C cUne.Erroraof Youth,
itilU n I ill OtLr land tha untold miMr.
ka couaquent thereon, soo pane 8 to., Its pre
ecrlptloM lor all diseases. Cloth,rull gilt, only I LOO,
by mau, waled, lllostraUre sample free to all yoanir
and middle-aged men. Send now. The Gold and
Jewel ird Medal awarded to the author by the Nation
al Medical Association. Addreu l'.O, liox la5, lio
ion. Ms.,or Dr. Vf.U. l'AHKBK, gradosteofUir
vard Medical OoUege, S5 yeare' practice In Uovlon.
lio rasr lie consulted confidentially. Cuke. No?
I itulfuich St. bpedalty, Dlaeuea of Man.
Cut I lila out. You mar never see It aiuln.
Do Your Own Dyeing, nt Home, with
They will dye everything. They are sold every,
where. Price loc a package. 40 eolors. They
have no equalfor atrengtu, brlgiunoss, amount
C .nH(wa va eua iihhuin VI VVIVIi Vf Li 1J 11-1 laAil UaT
qualities. They do not crack or binut. Hor sale
by Moier Ui-os. and J as. n. Mercer. febUrly.
. ! for tteiale of Hurserr ci,M'l
Chuc BwtheitSwpuy, .SiWj
Aug. and Oct.
If " "iWUCI '"CUT
" Distltixi) from selected nsrlcy Maitnna guarnnteca to bo chemically m
ahd'.freo from Injurious oils and eclda often tohuincd In alcohollo Uquors. h
Mpecially adapted to persons requiting a' stirnu sting tonic, Consutprtivcs bcln
greatly benenttcd by its use. Hecommended by.lcadlnr physicians as a Dlnreu d
Krrvtne, Tonlo and' Alterative. For consumptives It is lnvalusblc. rEliRiNK1?
PUltK 11AULKY MALT.WitiKi naurc'' "f ui4 lu siornacn, a goos
ItlNK'S PU11K UA11LKYMAI,T'W11I8KB1 has broyed a medicinal protection to
iiril , or.v.riiinrii in i in onen air and whose dal r nnrinon. .V
''exceptional powers of endurance. Aak joiir nearest drugglAt, or grocer tor for
MCitlilNK'srunKliAHUCY MALTWlHSlCKYrovlvcs the energies of thorn nora
1 out with cxcesSlvo oodlly or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposure
S?L.' JSX!,m!ii,i.p. itwm drive all malarious dlsoascs from tim Im,
I Hani WOrXCrSOl UTCrj miuuimw try...- -w ....... .,,
'.Dyspepsia nnd in l'errine;. l'uro llarley L kl,.tlo.lt1,tA
1U ,
Mall wnisaey Fwitiui
nd neiper to nigi-anou, i
. iatit.ev XIAI.-P
i.,K.,.t nniiitf HmiilAtlnir
'neys Increases th"lr nagging activity,
counteracts tho crfetts f fatigue, has
lens convalescence nnd is n wholesome
and prompt diuretic. Watch tho label I
None genuine unless bearing the signature
01 Bate uy all druglsu
and grocers throughou
the united States nnd
lifil TV01V3,'V f f 5,o" AflRNTH WANTljn at once to supply Ten
" lM.rM I I .Minimi votrrt with tho onty official liven ot
Ily Hon. W, TT. IIcniel t also life ot Mrn. Cleveland 1 exquisite steel portraits. Voters'
cartndgo uox, Iteform Trado Policy, Ac, complete. AkciUh repc
work, apply quick and make fitt) to JOO a iiumth. Outfit itte 1IU1)
AUg 3-U-ll.
Foreign mmtll BommMe,.
wines And liquors
We are offering great inducements to persons desiring to
purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines.
if) c
Among the Pianos we handle are the IVJSHS & PQND,
String and Overa Pianos.
and fully warranted for five years.
Our leading Organs are the
Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WHITE,
ABD BO TAB Y Sewing Machine, tho finest nnd best
Rotary Sewing Machine in the wprld.
Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S
DEPOT, Main St., Bloomshurg, Pa,
boli lasxTS roa
Alexander hi. d Co,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
p. f. Adams co.,
Bole agents of the tol.
lowing hrands of
Tutt's Pills
This popular' remedy never rails) to
effectually cort.
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
And nil' diseases arising' from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion.
Tb natnrul result Is good appetite
and eolld (lean. Dose nuiall 1 elcguut
ly suar coated and vaay to sis allow
Dorian. Utcolr.
inanuf actruera of the celebrated Kejatone Drna
Bilte, TtusuplosireurlTing unirenal satlafao
out- (juGwueMweniu KiTin. l&lMdsT
n MKMinawhnm A dlvlAtlt n 11, A Mn.H. . .
prone to
TlmhlitiHfJfinnlt'htrtW'iirn lirih.i.
oei on every liuvvu-i i iiavocarciunyatj
alrred the Pirn lURLXt Milt U n
the kid.
kkt mado by M. & J. K Perrlne and nn'ri
11 entirely iron trom iuwji oii.turturol
metals and acids, and Is ausoluteli
pure." Slgnta, Camilla Artltur HaUr
lUmauattuftrm UnlnrtUlet ofllunwh
uqneva una eisofroen
IlAIU) liltos, 1'hUadelphla, Pa
ri iri,ii7ip iiars. tor best
These Pianos are all first-cla&n
celebrated ESTEY. MILL'
and other maes.
Market Criess,
The undersigned Having pat bis Planing M
n liallroad street. In nrsuoiasa condition. Is pre
aredtodp allklndsof work in nts line.
urnlsned at reasuuuuieprlces. All lumber use
wen Beoaonca ana none oui siuioa worsmra
arc employed.
urntstied on application, runs and ucclg
one prepared by an ezpcrlenced draughtsman
ciiAncr.s KRVO,
nioniiiHbiirK, Ia