The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 31, 1888, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ROYAl W LRDYALfJS'fll J POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powaor novor varies. A marvel o( purity strength and wholesomencsa. More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In compe tition with t ho multitude 01 low tcst.short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans. ltOTlLBAXlNd I'OWDEB CO,. Wall St., N. Y. The Columbian iw-rubltshcd every Friday. Subscription price, f 1.50 a year. Entered at tho 1'ost omco nt Bloomsbure, ra., as Bccond class matter, March 1, 1(88. FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1888. connicT Btitnotn the Tim. BLOOMSBU1M S SULLIVAN llAlLItOAD Taking effect WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 1st, 1833. SOUTH. WltTll. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lr. Lv. STATIONS, r. m. r. h. i.u. a. w. p. u. a. st. BlOOmsburg,. 131 2 1C 8 00 0000 40 ooo Main street Tin) 2 00 7 to u n o 51 oos Irondale 7 13 2 04 7 48 IIHU 0 os 1'aperMlU ;.. 7 11 1 52 7 89 V S3 7 04 S lit Llghtstrcet. 7 08 1 47 7 85 80 7 08 6 18 Crangevllle 6 M 1 S3 7 S5 9 50-7 20 8 27 Porks, t 0 41 1 U T 13 10 01 7 34 0 37 TubbS 0 41 1 08 7 08 10 07 7 3S 8 41 (Stillwater.......... 6 30 1 01 7 03 10 15 7 44 6 48 DCDtOn 0 '.8 12 50 6 M 10 30 7 63 6 54 A IS 10 Ml 00 EdSOns, 8 25 IS 03 6 49 11 05 7 56 0 67 coles creek,.,..,, o S2 12 00 6 43 11 10 8 00 7 00 Bugarloaf, 0 11) 11 55 8 40 11 15 8 03 7 01 Laubaclrt, ,. 0 17 11 60 0 37 11 20 8 09 7 05 central... 0 10 11 40 0 30 11 30 8 18 7 12 Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. II. A. M. A. M. A. it. A. If. A. M. Trains on tho P. & "it'll. It. leave Rupert is tollows 1 NOHTD. SOUTH. 7:21 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 3:38 p. m. 61 p. m. 0 Tratnson tho O. L. & W. It. It. leave Illoomsburg as tollows s HOKTD. SOUTH. 7:12 a. m. 8:32 a. m. 11:07 a. m. 18:05 p. m. 2:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 8:47 p. m. Trains nnths N. W. 11. Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as tollows 1 noktii. Bocrn. 10:48 a. m. 11:48 a. m. 8.28 p. ra. 4-19 p. m. SUNDAY. NORTH. BOOTH. 10:18 am 6:39 pm 8.13.00 Rcwnrd Will ho paid for Information leading to conviction of any person or persons fishing with gill nets, seines, explosives, poisonous halts or hy any other unlawful means in any of tho waters of Columbia county. Columbia County Game and Fish Asso. atig. 21-Sm. HAI.EH, BuiTKMiiEit 8lh. John P. Jones, trustee, will sell valuablo real estate known as the Welsh Baptist church property situate m tho town of Illoomsburg, at 3 p. m. See advertisement in another column. Foi: 8 alu. A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to janSOtf. L. N. Moykb. Wanted. 1000 bushels of baking apples wanted by E. Dciffenbach, Bloomsburg. tf Foit Bale. A special "Pony Star" bicycle, latest pattern, in first-class order, has not been run over CO miles. Joe. Wells. Illoomsburg, Pa. aug-24. M'Killip Bros, have complete ly refitted their studio with the best and most approved instru ments for portraiture, from lock et size up to life size, and instru ments especially adapted to pho tographing out door groups and residences, together with tho lat est scenic effects and accessories. Babies' pictures par excellence for wluch has been added a spec ial extra rapid Voigtlaender Euryscope. Copying, enlarging and photographic reproductions of drawings, patent models and machinery intelligently execut ed. Animals photographed by the flash light process. Life size crayon portraits in gold frame only $10. Personal. Judgo Rockefeller and son of Bunbury have returned from their European tour. Dr. and Mrs. Bhattuck are at tho North Mountain. Mr. Cbas. Walters and wlfo of Bomcrsct, Somerset county, aro visiting relatives here. Miss Lottlo Powell of Now York Is visit ing Mrs. L. B. Wlntcrstecn. Mr. Clydo Mercer of Ohio, Is visiting his brotbcr.Mr. James H. Mfrcer, tho druggist. Miss Ida Bcrnhard has returned from her visit to Dcllefontc. 0. C. Trench spent tho week at the Grangers' picnic at Williams' Grovo. Mr. J. Baltzcr has been confined to his bed tho past week by illness. Mr William Iphcr of Benton township spent last Saturday in town on business. Miss Mary Falrchilds, of Montandon Pa., is tbo guest of Mlas llatllo Bloan. Mr, and Mrs. David Winner spent Bun day with friends in Nantlcoko. Col. J. G, Frcczo and wlfo went to Gan oga Lake Thursday of last week, Fred Williams, of Northumberland, was In town Monday visiting friends. Mrs. S. B. Henderson of Montgomery Btation Is visiting friends in this place Miss Lottto and Bcsslo Kuhn returned Tuesday from their visit among friends at Uughcsvllle. Messrs. Kaso and McGUl, of Danville, at tended tho ball gumo hero last Friday after noon. Mr. John Moran of Central m drovo up on Monday with his daughter who has en tered as a student at tho Normal. a. Fred Dllley, tho errntio editor of tho Kingston Valley Timet, who has been so much talked about, has returned to his post on that paper, Mr, John Zaner, of Forks, Columbia county, visited relations In this place and vicinity several days this week. Zhuhore Review, Mr. 0. Mears Is at Williams' Grovo this week Introducing his celebrated washer. Ho is meeting with success wherever ho in troduces his machine. Mr. I, Maicr has leased ono of tho finest store rooms In Bloomsburg and will remove thcro with his family shortly. Wo are sorry to loso Mr, Mnler as ho is a good citizen and successful businessman. Ho docs not feel llku letting well enough alone aod wo trust the change of bate will prove lo his advantagc.--ioci Jlaien RtpMican. ifiss Laura Burnhard will rnmnln unit attend tho BoIIcfonto Academy. Elegant flannel shirts at Lowcnborg'a. Tho Grangers' IntcrstatoPIenlo at Will. lams' Grovo began on Tuesday. Groat clcarlne salo of shoes nt V. tv Dcntlcr's. E. A. KawllnBS' two llltlo dailffhtnrn li a ltttlq brother, and Ed. Is happy. Tno annual Chatitaunua nlcnln wnsi at Oak Grovo yesterday, Thursday. Orders taken for school books nnd school supplies at Mercer's Drug and Book Btoro. Tho Hughesvlllo First National bank bo gan business last Monday. Tho "Cold DttV" Comnanv nnen tin. theatrical season at tho Opera llouso next Tuesday evening, September 4th. Next Thursday will bo Grand Armv Dav and tho biggest day that Bloomsburg has Known for n number of years. Tho full text of tho President's recent message to Congress Is given on our first page this week. All tho latest styles of bracelets. Cleve land ana Harrison scarf pins at C. E. Bav- age's. " M. S. Williams will have n stand nt cor. ncr of Main and Market on Grand Armv Day. E. Jacoby will ODCn his "Ovster Hav nn Friday. Shell oysters, tub oysters and fresh fish. Thursday, September Oth. Is the laBt dav for tho registration of voters. Bco to It that you nro assessed and registered by tiiat time. A handsomo sign In tho shapo of a largo yellow boot, has been swung across Main street In front of tho ilouscl Bros. Shoo store. Don't fall to see Perkins D. Fisher's company In tho musical comedy, "A Cold Day," at tho Opera House Tuesday evening, September 4th. Boring for oil near Encllsh Centre. Lv. coming county, Is In progress. Two strong veins of salt water and a flow of gas havo already been struck. Miss E. Barkley will open a good assort ment oi tan milllncrv about Hcnt int.. Lat est styles, lowest prices. Call and see. Main Bt. below Market. A request to the Normal students. Do not buy your tablets, pencils, box paper, school books, slates, &c, until you have seen our stock. J. U. MKiioaii. - - . uj i willuiuutlUU, jiiujjuriuu and process peculiar to Itself. Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hitherto 1 1 r ri ft ttt n Itcgular services will now again bo held In tho Lutheran church, commencing next babbath morning, Mr. Manhart having re turned from his summer vacation. Go to tbo Opera House and try tho new scats at tho performance of "A Cold Day" by Fisher's comedy company next Tuesday evening. We return thanks to Mr. Jacob Dieffon bnuch for tho luscious watermelon left at this office a few days ago. It was of an ex cellent variety of which Mr. DIclTenbauch has a flno crop this year. The ladles of tho W. C. T. U. will serve lunch at their rooms on the Ctb of September. They will also haye barrels of water on tho streets for tho uso of tho pub lic. An accident on the Pennsylvania road Monday prevonted tho daily papers from reaching hero until ovenintr. Tho occur. renco was tho burning of a train of oil cars at Wayne station. Tho Bloomsburg school board has made somo vast Improvements in tho Fifth street public school building. Tho walls have been calcamlncd, tho wood work repainted and new floors laid. The Normal school began its fall term Tuesday under very favorable conditions. The female side of tho boarding house Is crowded, thcro being jnoro than at any preceding fall term. Tho annual harvest services of tho Orangovillo charge will bo held ns follows: Hidlav. Sent. 2. at 10:80 a. m.: Brlarereek. Sept. 2, at 2:30 a. m.i Zlon. Sept. 9, at 10:30 a. m.i urangevllle, Bept. 10, at 10:30 a. m. and St. James, Sept. 23. at 10:15 a. m. Mr. Samuel Kressler of Espy, who Is over eighty-four years of ago was the last to rcccivo his duplicate from tho commis sioners olllco and was the first to make his return. Ho camo into tho ofllco Tuesday with the gold In his hands. Twenty.flvo cents a day purchases a $3,000 policy In Tho Travelers, of Hartford, which is payable in event of deatli by ac cident, with $15 weekly indemnity for wholly disabling injury. J. H. Maize, agent, second floor Columbian building Bloomsburg, tf. II. M. Hockman will have chargo of tho dinner stand at tho Berwick fair. lie will movo the stand from its present site inside of tho raco course. Mr. Hockman has established himself as just tho man to have chargo of tho dinner stand. Ho pleases everybody. Tho lawn tennis tournament at tho grounds of tho Bonita Club of this placo Thursday afternoon of last week between the Catawissa and homo clubs resulted In tho completo defeat of tho visiting club, the Bonltas taking every net. Superintendent Leader will issuo excur sion tickets over tho B. Ss B. railroad, Thursday September Oth, Grand Army day. A special train will bo run which will leave Central at 7:30 and Benton at 8:00 a. m. Itcturning will leavo Blooms, burg about 11 p. m. It costs something to rido across tho United States on a special train. Mrs. G. B. Markle, wifoof the wealthy coal operator who died recently at Jcddo, Luzerno county, paid $2,G0O for tho run from Port land, O'o., to Chicago in coming homo to attend her husband's funeral. Tho Pennsylvania Itcscrvo meeting at Bloomsburg, Pa., on Grand Army Day Sept. Ctb, promises to bo an unusually large and Interesting gathering. It will bo interesting for all Reserves to go because, besides tho opportunity of meeting com rades not scon sinco tho war, the monu ment question will rcccivo particular at tention and Important action will bo taken. Thcro is no longer a doubt remaining in tho mind of anyono that Bloomsburg is about to experience a big boom. It has been sleeping for many years, but at last, with tho coming of tho new bridge, tho Bilk Mill and Carpet Factory, and other la dustrlcs that will doubtless follow, it will awaken from its slumbers, and, like Hip Van Winkle after his twenty year nap, wonder whether it is Itself or somo other town. Buy Lester's School Shoes. Every pair warranted, Tho public schools of this placo will open next Monday. For school supplies of all kinds go to Mercer's. Tho Autumn meeting of tho Sunday schools of Ctntro township will tako placo at tho Llmo ltklgo Evangelical church, Baturday beptcmber 8th, when an interest ing program will be carried out. A nlco top spring wagon wont through this placo on Tuesday, from Tho Mlltvlllo Wagon Works, on its way to Moses Slicker's at Mountain Grove. Tho pcoplo over tho riycr aro finding out whero to go for good wagons. A. N. Brico & Sons of Bunbury havo com. menced tho publication of tho "Northum berland County Legal News, a weekly publication devoted to legal doings in county and Btatc." Tho first number is full of interesting matter. That oil may bo found In this placo Is now an open secret. An expert was hero last week and took away samples of tho oil for analysis. Mr. Messenger refused a $500, cash offer for his well Just as It stands from a Philadelphia gentleman, last week. Laporte Republican. The Berwick fair commences ono week from next Wednesday. Tho exhibition promises to bo better this year than at any previous year. Invitation has been sent to Gen. Dcavcr and ho has replied that ho will accept, and will bo present, probably on Friday. Tho cyclorama of tho battlo of Gettysburg will bo ono of the attractive features. A telcgrr.m was received hero Wednes day evening nnnouuclng tho sudden death of Mr. Zebulon 8. Bobbins at Ocean Grove. At tho time of going to press wo can not get tho particulars, except that ho was known to bo well on Sunday, and that no word had been received of his sickness, until tho mcssago announced his death Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Uhl, Lutheran missioncry to India, gave an address Sunday in the Lutheran church. Sixteen years ago Mr. Uhl first wont Into tho mission field. Threo years ago ho returned to tho United States to re gain bis health, and ralso funds for build ing a college in India. He has succeeded well, and has now tho greater part of tho necessary twenty-flvo thousand dollars sub scribed. Tho Grand Opera llouso was literally packed last nigh, and tbo comedy "A Cold Day, or tho Laplanders," is gaining tho favor of tho public. Messrs. Sampson and Lcssenger aro creating great merriment for tho audiences nightly, and tho plcco has caught on. Brooklyn Eagle. This excellent company may be seen at tho Bloomsburg Opera Houso next Tuesday evening, September 4th. Don't miss It. Flvo hundred pairs of ladles' shoeb '.o he closed out at less than cost at F. D. Dcnt- ler's. The Scranton Bicycle Club will take nn excursion on September 3d, to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Buffalo International Fair, which begins on tho 4th, to remain open ten days, and tho World's Bicycle Tourna- mcnt, which will bo In progress on the 4th, Gth, Oth and 8th, and will bo tho greatest event of tho kind over undertaken by wheelman. Tickets for tho round trip aro $0.35 from Plymouth, good until tho 12th Inclusive. The Y. M. C. A. at Berwick has just completed its arrangmonts for holding out door entertainments. A grand stand has been erected for tbo use of tho band or or chestra. On all sides of tho stand aro paint- cd beautiful landscapes. Tho settees scat. tercd throughout tho lawn aro in various colors giving a flno effect. Tho pcoplo of Berwick aro justly proud of their associa tion, and do everything possible to mako It pleasant for tho young men of the place. New and very comfortablo scats are be ing placed in tho Opera House by tho management, In ordor to insure comfort to their patrons. It will make a great lm- provement in the house, tho lower portion of which will seat G32 persons. Don't fail to try them next Tuesday evening when tho comedy company presenting the musical comedy "A Cold Day," will appear there. List of letters remaining in tho Poet Of fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Aug. 28, 1888. Mr. Dan Baumau, Mrs. J. W. Fox, Wm. Guist, Mies Alico Hutchlngs, Mr. Betij. KIngslcy, Miss Anna Lyons, Mr. Peter Synnon, Miss Gertrudo Wagner. l'OSTALS. Miss Ella Lunger, Melford Vcrnoy. Persons calling for these letters will please say "advertised." Geokok A. Clakk, P. M. The occupants of tbo houses at Locust Gap wrecked by tho explosion lsst spring have brought suit against tho P. & R. Rail road Co. to recover damages. Tho houses wero tho property of tho Coal and Iron company, which Is virtually tho samo as tho railroad corporation. Tho plaintiffs claim damages In tho neighborhood of 100,000. Under tho law tho Railroad Co, is required to show that it did not In any way through Its negligence- contribute to tho accident, which caused tho fatalities at Locust Gap. Tho veterans of tho G. A. R. are making great preparations for Grand Army day at Bloomsburg on Sept. Gth. Mabanoy City will bo represented by Severn Post, and delegates of tho Gen. E. O. C. Ord Camp, Sons of Veterans, Soyern Women's Relief Corps, and a number of visiting citizens. Posts and auxiliary corps from Shenandoah, Ashland; Girardvllle, Frackvlllo and per haps Taraaqua, will go on tho samo train, via tho P. & R. over the Catawissa route, AMand Advocate. The latest colors in stiff and slouch hats aro golden brown, tobacco and cedar. You can get them at Lowenberg's. A most cnjoyablo party was given by Miss Matno McIIcnry last Friday evening at tho homo of her father, Mr. Daniel Mc Uenry, at Stillwater. About forty youne pcoplo from this placo wero present, tho party going up and returning on a special train of two cars over tho B. & S. road. Tho evening was very pleasantly spont in dancing and other social enjoyments ox. cellent refreshments wero served about twelve o'clock and tho party broke up and started on tho return trip shortly after two, arriving at homo at threo o'clock, Tho Reformed Bunday school o' Blooms burg will picnic at Hcss's Grove, near Con. tral, next Saturday, Bept. 1, Tho faro for tho round trip has been fixed at tho low rate of 40 cents. Tho train on tho B. & B. R. R. will leave tho D. L. & W. station at 8:30 a. in. sharp. This may bo tho last cheap rato excursion to tho abovo named popular placo during tho present season. Avail yourself of this opportunity. If tho weather proves unfavorable on Saturday, tho oxcurslon will bo postponed to tho fol lowing Monday or Tuesday, notice of which will ho given. Slates, pencils and tablets of all dtscript- J Ions at Mercer's Urug and book store. Tho Blxth Annual Reunion of tho G. A. 11. of tho middle district of Pennsylvania will bo held at Bloomsburg Thursday, September sixth. Tho following program will bo carried outt Thcro will bo a parade of all posts and bands In attendance, at 2 o'clock p. m., and in the ovcnlng camp-flro in tho Opera Houso at 7:80. Tho Ore will be kept burning by Thos. J. Stowart, Asst. Adjt. General, of Philadelphia) Gen. J. P. B. Gobln, of Lebanon, It. G. Williams, Asst. Quartermaster Gen. of Philadelphia, Thomas Kay of Philadelphia, and many others. Thcro will bo two games of ball at Athletic Park during tho day, at 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 p. m. Excursion tickets at low rates will bo issued on all roads and trains will bo run to suit everybody. All tho latest fall styles of hats Just ro- cclvcd at Lowcnbcrg's. It would bo almost impbsslblo to bestow too much praise upon tho side-splitting musical comedy now running at tho Grand under tho title of "A Cold Day, or tho Lap landers." It Is the greatest of tho Grand season for amusing situations, and yet throughout there Is nothing but a refined cast to tho mlrth.provoklng scenes. In oddltlon to the comedy element of tho piece, each act is flavored with a number of popular songs which always win favor with an audience, and especially whero tho company possesses so many really good voices. Somo of tho renditions wcro su. perb, and an encore was responded to after each. Tho charming llttlo songster. Zoo Prouty, fairly captured ovcry heart In tho audience by her cxqulslto rendition of tho song, "I'm so Shy." Nothing more tak- Ing has been given hero for somo time. As comedians, Messrs. Lcssenger and Samp son aro flno, und keep tho nudlcnco in constant stato of merriment. Individually and collectively, tho company Is unusually strong, and this will surely bo ono of tho great weeks at tho Grand. Tho audiences yesterday were largo and appreciative Tho same bill this afternoon and tonight. Ohio Stale Journal. Bloomsburg Opera House, Tuesday even ing, September 4th. Head W. II. Brooke & Co's. advertise ment this week. If Davy Boonton, of Lewlsburg, former. ly of this place, tells tho truth, says tho Northumberland lw, ho had a thrilling experience with a highwayman on Bluo Hill, on last Sunday whllo on his way with n horso and buggy to the colored camp- meeting at Clement's park. Davy was alono in the buggy, and when ho reached a lonely placo on tho road ho met a stranger on foot, and whllo endeavoring to show courtesy to tho footman by turning to ono side of tho road, the footman In turn took advantage of the kindness nnd grabbed tho roins of tho horso and at the point of a re volver commanded Davy to deliver up his looso wealth or die. Davy being a llttlo slow in disgorging, and whllo planning what courso to pursue to retain ono of the two dollars ho had In his pocket, tho high wayman gave him to understand that ho would not stand any trilling by firing shot over Davy's head. Tho shot brought Davy to time, and ho handed his cash without makinc any division, and hl3 watch and chain, to tho robber. When Davy reached Northumberland his coun tenance bore a pitiful expression, which led us to beliovo that he told tho truth about tho attack. David will bo well remembered at this place, ho having been employed as porter at sov.ral of our hotels at different times, He made a great record for himself as base-ball player while hero. A largo stock of children's suits just re ceived at Lowenberg's. ic. r. iucicr, r.Hci. Tho following sketch appeared in tho Danville Daily Sun of August 10th. "Tho subject of this sketch was born In Greenwood township on February 27, 1838, Ills father was an Industrious and frugal farmer and early instilled in the mind of his son that no ambition was honorablo but to do well tho present duty, and tho great nobility of work. Mr. Ikcler's early years wcro spent in working upon tho farm and attending at tho public schools of tho neighborhood. At tho ago of sixteen ho became a student nt tho Greenwood Seminary, which at that time enjoyed tho reputation of being one of tho leading schools in this section. Sub- scquently ho Icaraedthe miller's trade, and upon completing his apprenticeship ho purchased an interest in tho mill and con tlnucd in that business up until 18C5, a period of ten years. Thii business was en gaged in when very profitable, and was prosperous. During tho timo that ho was in tho milling business ho purchased good miscellaneous library, and continued reading and Improving himself for future usefulness. Through tho advico of his old instructor, Mr. Burgess, a prominent teach- cr in the schools, und by tho persuasion of friends, ha determined to sell tho mill an commence tho study of tho law. In 1805 ho moved to Bloomsburg and entered the ofllco of Col. John G. Frcezo as a law student, and in regular course was admitted to tho bar. His ability as a lawyer was early recognized and his riso at tho bar was rapid. Raised from among tho pcoplo, and of tho people, ho enters into tho sympathies and feelings that guido tho masses. Kind and agrceahlo In his manner he loves tho association of tho people, an' as a lawyer ho has always conducted him self with becoming dignity, yet never felt himself elevated abovo his fellows of tho farm and mill. Ho Is Industrious to a fault. and always quick to grasp tho point upon Klilch a causo must hinge. Theso traits of character besides being good and effectivo speaker havo mado htm a successful lawyer and strong with Juries, His practice has been retained in tbo lm portant causes at tho bar and frequently heard in the Supremo Court of tho State, No lawyer of his years ever did raoro work for nothing. A poor man's causo ho never left undefended, even when thcro was no hopo of reward. Mr, Ikcler served for ono term us District Attorney, nnd has frequently been accord cd positions ot trust and responsibility by his fellow citizens. Success never mado him giddy, but rather spurred him on with renewed effort to attain higher rank In his profession. His life has been governed by a deep moral senso and a great regard for tho right, no is now in tho vigor and prime ot llfo nnd capable of doing tho labors of a Judgu's position." It has not been our purposo to give any extended biography of Mr. Ikelor, but briclll to men tlon tho elements of hla character, which havo mado him great as a lawyor, and which so eminently qualified him for tho office of President Judgo. Successful as a man of business, success ful as a lawyer, and if tho suffrages of his fellow citizens will grant him tho prlvllcg ho will be successful in tho olllco of Judgi a wlso and conservative interpreter of tho law and safo guardian of tbo pcoplo right." Arscnlo and qulnlno aro dangerous drugs to nccumilato In one's system, and It Is bo hoped that these poisons, us a remedy for ague, havo had their day. Aycr's Aguo Curo is a sure antidote for tho ague, Is per- fectly safo to tako, and Is warranted cure. Last fall tho Columbia county court mado decrco for tho construction of a road from tho titato road, near Nuinldla to Roaring Creek, tbo Northumberland county lino, 1th tho expectation that tho movement would bo seconded by a similar act on tho part of our own county officials. Nothing, howovcr was dono. At the solicitation of tho farmers of tho Numldla section Post master Brofee Is now securing signatures to a petition to bo presented to Judge Rockefeller asking for a decrco which will tako up tho construction of the road where Columbia's work ends and bring tho thor oughfaro to Mt. Carmcl, a distanco of three miles. It Is estimated that tho road can he constructed for $500 per mile. This would rcqulro an outlay of $1600, an Insignificant sum, when It Is remembered that a rich ag- rlcullural region would bo brought eight miles nearer our doors, and tho traveling public saved eight hard miles in journey ing to Catawissa. Bloomsburg and other points. It is so seldom that any counly Improvements aro asked for in this end that wo feci assured that o proper prescn tatlon of tho subject to tho county officials will meet with favorablo action. Ml. Oar met Xtwii. Tlic nanvlllc Pair. The eighteenth Annual Exhibition of the Montour Agricultural Boclcty will bo held at Danvlllo Pa., on September 12th, 18th; 14th nnd 15th, 1888. Extcnslvo prepare- tlons are being mado for the samo and it promises to bo tho largest nnd finest fair over held by this socloty. All tho old build ings and sheds havo been removed and new and substantial buildings erected in their places. Tho track and grounds have been leveled and put In first class condition and now and pleasant drives made. Tho so- clety belongs to tho Central Pennsylvania Trotting Circuit and fine exhibitions of speed may bo expected. Tho Cyclorama of Gettysburg will bo on exhibition and numerous other attractions will bo had. Hon. Mortlmore Whitehead of Washington City will deliver an interesting and instruct, ivo address on "Husbandry" on Friday morning, tho 14th, at 10 o'clock. Firemen's day on Saturday. Tho premium list is largo and liberal. Tho citizens ot this sec tion aro cordially invited to bo present All school books bought of W. U. Brooko & Co. covered freo of charge. Grnucl Army liny. Preparations are being made for a great time next Thursday and if tho weather is favorablo there will bo the largest crowd hero that has ever visited Bloomsburg, A grand arcb has been erected at Main and Market streets by Ent Post, nnd there will be other arches at different points. The public buildings and many business places and residences will bo appropriately decor ated, an export decorator coming from New York for tho purpose. Everybody who can, should put up decorations, and mako tbo town look as gay and attractive as possible. There will bo a train going south on the D. L. & W. ut about ten o'clock p, m. and ono north at about 12. Trains on tho P. & R. will transfer passengers by rail, on tho D. L. & W. Tho control of eating stands has been given to Ent Post by tho town council and all applicants for permits to erect such stands must be mado to the Post. No fak Irs or swindlers of any kind will bo allow. cd to opcrato in tho town, and any one found engaged in such schemes will bo promptly dealt with. The lino of tho parade will bo as follows: Form in threo divisions, 1st division on Market south of Main; 2d division rcstiug on Main, west of Market; 3rd division rest- ing on Market. Up Main to East, to Fifth to Market, to Third, to West, to Main, to Normal School, countermarch down Main From information received thus far re ceived there will be at least 2500 men in line. All the school books used at tho Normal kept in stock nt Mercer's drug and book store. Council IrocccdlutrH. August 13, 1883. Special meeting. Present President P. S. Uarman and members Hassert, Sterling, Rlngler, Wolf and Wells. Tho president stated that tho object of tho meeting was: 1st, to tako action on n request of tho Bloomsburg Btcam nnd Electric Light Co. to dig a well In Sterncr's alley betweon Oth and Oth streets; 2nd, consider tho pro priety of laying drain pipes on Iron street from north side of Sixth street to south sido of Seventh street; 3rd, to take action In re gard to disposing of tho storm water on cast stdo ot East street at or near Lockards' shops. Moved and seconded that permis sion bo granted tho B. & E. L. Co. to dig a well in Sterncr's alley, the company to leave tho alley In as good shapo as before tho dig. glng, and before digging said well, to give to the town such indemnity against dam. ago as tho solicitors directs. Agreed to Moved and seconded that tho proposition made by Mi. McGUl, supervisor of tho D. L. & W. R. R. Co., that tho Co. would put n drain plpo for draining storm water down Iron street across said railroad if the town continuo said pipe to carry tho water to the canal, tho railroad company would do all tho trenching, bo accepted. Agreed to. Moved and seconded that a culvert bo placed across East street from a point at or near Lockards' enr shops to the culvert at tbo corner of East and Sixth streets. Agreed to. On motion council adjourned. Reduced Rates to tlio I'enilKyl. vauln Hlnlu l'nlr via I'enuHyl vaula ltallroad. Tho Pennsylvania State Agricultural Association will hold its thirty-fourth annual exhibition at the fair grounds in Philadelphia, September 3d to 15th, 1888, Since tho last exhibition a largo amount ot money has been expended in improving the grounds, enlarging tbo buildings, and add Ing now accorrmodatlons for exhibits and Stock, so that tho equipment of tho grounds is now unsurpassed In the country. Tho display of agricultural products, imple ments, machinery, and live stock will bo very large, and tho $25,000 offered In premiums will render the competition spirited. Beside theso departments tbo trotting races, polo contests, athletic sports, and a largo number of novel and interesting special features will add a variety of enter, talnmcht and Instruction never before of fered. Tho proximity of tho fair grounds to tho Pennsylvania Railroad renders access from all parts of tho country very easy. For tho accommodation of visitors tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tick cts September 3d to 14th, from principal stations on tho main lino and branches at greatly-reduced rates. Special arrange, ments will be mado, and trains will run as occasion requires, duo announcement of which will bo made later. Mr. Jons Keilak, Gerraantown, writes, I despaired ot a euro ot a long standing caso of nervous debility having been treat od by many so called advertising special lstt, family and hospital physicians with out effect, .when Dr. Thcel, 538 North Fourth Bt, Philadelphia, took my caso and made a permanent cure. Thank God and Dr. Thccl's knowledge I am a pcrferctly sound and healthy man and would adviso all sufferers to consult him. Tlicy Slurried TticnlHclvcn. B. W. Bcctncr, a merchant, of Taylors. villc, Lackawanna county, and -Jenny D. Thomas, a young and really handsomo girl, of Bcranton, entered tho office of the Register of Wills nt Wllkcsbarrc recently, and applied for a marriage license. All tho necessary questions wcro answered and tho ltccnso given them, Tlicy then staled their desire to avail themselves of the pro visions of tho act ot Juno 23 1835, and marry thomsclvcs. Thoy did so then and there, tho necessary papers being mado out and signed by both nnd tho marrlago com. plctcd without any minister or Justice and without nny form or ceremony whatever. This Is, so far as known, tho Dr,t caso of tho kind under that provision of that law. a ncrcnt. Our boys on Baturday last met their "Jonahs" when they crossed bats with tho Danvlllo ball playors, and ai umal met with a crushing defeat. Just think ot It 1 Not ono earned run and scoro 7 to 1 ; what was tho matter ? Nothing, only Shaffer couldn't play a llttlo bit, llagcnbuch was oh" nnd Ent surprised his admirers hy dropping an easily thrown ball, spoiling a pretty assist of Hagcnbuch's these, our threo best play ers aro partly responsible for tho defeat. Hayes again did noblo work, striking out eighteen (18) men, an unprecedented record of any Bloomsburg pitcher ; Deal was off in his playing, having flvo passed balls. Ikcler made two pretty stops but mt do ono wild throw to first. Danylllo's all around playing was of a high order, especially tho playing of Reed tho short stop. Hoff ner,as a kicker, excelled. Ilouscl umpired im partially. Following is tho scoro i Bloomsbdrq. R 1BAPOE ShnlTnr 2b 0 12 2 llagcnbuch 3b O O 1 1 a Haves n 0 1 18 2 0 Ent 11, 0 118 1 Svlv scf 1 O O O U Deal c 0 0 2 14 0 Itnlatrf O 1 O O U Ikelerss 0 0 10 0 Ever If 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 1 4 25 27 0 R IB A PO E Danville. Ammcrman cf 1 10 0 1 J Shannon 2b 0 0 2 2 0 W Shannon lb 1 1 0 14 0 Hoffncrp 0 0 0 1 0 Goshc , 0 0 10 0 Ross 3b 1 0 3 11 Reedss 2 0 9 1 0 Martinlf 1 10 2 0 Wyantrf 1 110 Totals 7 4 22 27 Sooiie nv Innings. 128450789 Bloomsburir . . , O-0)-O-O-0-O-l -0 1 Dauville 1-2-0-3-0-0-0-0-17 Pu in marv Earned runs Bloomsburg 0 ; Danville 0. Btolcn bases Ammcrman 1, Ross 1. Double nlnv Heed to J. bhannon to W Shannon 1. Hit by pitched ball Heed, l ; J. Shannon, a ; Deal, i. isaso on balls Hoffner. 1. Wild pitch Hayes, Passed -bulls Deal, 5. Missed 3d strike- Deal, 2. Wild throws Ikcler, 1 ; Bylvls, 1 ; Hayes, 1. Fumbled grounder Shaffer, 1 ; Uagenbuch, 1. Mulled thrown ball Hint, 1. Umpire Housel. S. E. F. I.Ivch of tbc CnudldnlCH. A TIMELY AND DIONIFIED W011K I1Y W. U, IIEN, SEL AND QEOKOE F. 1'AIIKEII. An agreeable variation from the hack- ncyed eulogies of campaign literature is furnished in tho "Lives and Public Services of Grover Cleveland and Allen G. Thur man" by William Uhler Hcnscl, ex-Chalr-man of the Democratic Stato Committeo of Pa., and George F. Parker, managing edi tor of the New York Press. At this late day anything like a eulogy of Grover Cleveland would bo a work of gro- tcsquo supererogation, and yet, inevitably, one feels that the nearer gllmpso of the man afforded bv this work must elevate him in tho esteem of all thinking men. This is not a work of apology for any of Mr. Cleveland's acts; and yet, tho real facts ot certain parts ot his life which havo been seized upon by his enemies to bolittlo him or put him in an' undivided light, show very clearly a good purposo and clear sense. From first to last it may truthfully bo said that office has sought Grover Clcve land at first, indeed, in vain, as when, 1807, ho declined the U. 8. Assistant Dls- trlctAttorncyshlp forjtho Northern New York district. But on January 1, 1882, when he became Mayor of Buffalo, it was with tho approval of tho largest majority the city had ever given. Tho kind of political "availability" which consists in official integrity has nb been that for which Mr. Cleveland was known. His career as Mayor, tho arts which have just been recited and which characterize tbo wholo of his official lite, wcro of tho sort which rendered him "avail, able" for the candidacy for Governor. 1882, tho year of political change and up heave, favored the man of destiny. From this point tho career of Grover Cleveland belongs to tho history of tho nation, und it is needless to rehearse- it in theso columns. Tho criticism of this biog raphy, however, upon Mr. Cleveland's work as Governor, being largely a matter of fact. Is well worth reprinting. Of tho book before us it may bo said that it is a valuable and excellent work, ono in which great compass and variety havo not led to tho sacrifice of literary grace and interest. It is, Indeed, almost a library of reference. Bpaco forbids any such extend ed comment upon the excellent review ot tho llfo of Allen G. Tburman, as has been given to that ot the President. In addition to theso leading topics will bo found a record of tho Democratic National Conven tion of 1833, including platform and reso lutions, a statement of the principles of tho leaders of Democracy from Washington down, the President's famous mossago of December 1887 on tariff reform, the "Clti- zcus Hand-Book" (a largo reference book in itself) and many portraits. Pp. 587, Cloth. Tho work Is Issued by tho well known houso ot Hubbard Bros., of Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City,and Is beautifully illustrated. Wo are not surprised to hear it is having a wonderfully rapid salo through agents. Hero is a flno chanco for energetic young men to mako money, as every family in tho land should bo afforded a chanca to procure this remarkably interesting and important work and that right speedily. Trial I.lHt. Mary E. Hcacock vs. Phlla. & Healing R. R, Co. et. al. A. B. Btowart vs. McKclvy Brink, Androw Fowler vs. O, D. Fowler. Daniel F. Seybert vs. Gideon G. Hosier. 8. W. Adams vs. A. B. Croop. Barauel Appleraan's Exr. vs C. W. Miller. William E. Tubbs ct al. vs. Freeman Mc Afee. Allen B. Croop vs. H. B. Low. Henry 0. Snyder vs. Jackson & Woodln Mfg. Co. Daniel Reedy, Receiver, vs. Cordolla Klsncr. Bloomsburg Bkg. Co. vs. Stephen Poho ct al. Daniel II. Bponcnbcrg vs. George K, Hess. Geo. 8. Fleckenstino use vs. A. A. Wil son. Charles W. Colo vs. Ezcklel Colo. J, B. Wilson vs. I, E, Patterson, Irvln Bros. vs. James Hagerty, et ux, John II. Richter vs. Borough of Danvlllo. To Inventor. PcrsoDS having money to Invest at a high rato of Interest chould consider tho ad vantages offered by tho Guaranty Invest mcnt Company of Now York, which has a capital of $250,000, and guarantees the paymont of all loans mado by 11 L. A. Riley of Ccntralla Is ono of tho officers. Full information can bo obtained by apply ing cither In person or by letter, to Geo. E. Elwcll, Bloomsburg, agent. tf. Jurymen for September Term. GRAND JUltT. Tho following nomcd persons were drawn to serve as members ot the grand jury for September court! Behwiok W, V. Palmer. BnunoRBEK Lnmon Martz, Clarence Bpononbcrg. Catawissa Frank Gable, C. W. Harder. Centoe Samuel Lutz. Contnoiiam G. W. Billman, John P. Uannon. FisniNacnKEK Daniel Wcnncr, Greenwood M. M. Applcman, Jackson Bobbins. Jackson Joshua Savage. Loocst Jacob 1. Btlnc. Main D. B. Brown. Madison John A. Dildlnc, John M. Bmlth. Mifflin Aaron Andreas. Mt. Pleasant Frank Davis. OiiAKOE H. C. Bowman, Aaron Patter. son. Pine S. J. Eckman. A. J. Lyons. Soorr Uoyd Ucnry, Martin bavago. TRAVERSE JCROIiS. The following is a list of traverse jurors drawn for September term of court. First Week. Benton W. L. Cole, W. S. Lauboch. Beuwok C. C. Long, Stephen Vanhou- ten, John Reedy. Bloom Lloyd Fox, William II. Housel, John Klinger, L. D. Ease, Henry Ohl, B. F. Savltts, Wm. Wolf, Alfred Uower. Catawissa Lloyd Bcrger, H. J. Strouse. Charles Bharplcss. Centralia John O'Donnell, James Kcllly. Convnoiiam L. W. Sanger, FisniNaoREEK Wllltam J. Smith. Greenwood C. B. Johnson. Jackson Ucnry Uagenbuch. Loocst Adam Claybcrger, Lawson H, Lee, Mifflin Freeman Smoyer. Montour Daniel Fry. Orange David Grover, Abncr Welsch. Boott William Englehart, John Grett, Stephen Pettit, Stephen Poho, C. C. Trem ley, David Whitmlre. Scoarloaf -Uanford Cole, James W. Pennington. Second Week Benton James Conner, John C. Wcnncr. Berwick Harvey Bower, James Mc- Micbael, Emanuel Roup. Bloom Gcorgo Aurandt, T. M. Dawson, C. S. Fornwald. Pettr E. Knapp. Daniel Miller. Briarobeek A. B. Croop, Abraham Lnckard. Catawissa M. V. B. Kline, Albert Kline. Centralia Patrick Curran, Joseph U. Davis. Centre David Uayman, J. Wilson Miller. Conynqiiam John L. Kline. FisniNaoREEK Jacob Gclstngcr, E. M. Laubacb, Francis Welsch. Greenwood J. W. Lore. Hemlock Edward Ivoy. Jackson William Brink, Geo. Uirlcman Br. Locust Washington George. Madison Robert Johnson. Mifflin Horace Creasy. Mt. Pleasant William Kitchen. Montour Pater A. Evans. Scott Lewis Lee, Grcely Sneidman, Daniel Whtman, B. G. Wapplcs. ScaAitLOAFDavld Kocher. Sufferers from indigestion, loss of appe tite, liver or kidnoy complaints, rheuma tism or neuralgia, would do well to give Aycr's Sarsaparilla a trial. For all such disorders, no mcdiclno is eo effectivo this, when faithfully and persoveringly used. Buy Lester's School Shoes Every pair warranted. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Babr ii tick, we gave her Cutorla. When she M a Child, she cried for Cutort, When she become SIUs, the clung to OutorU, When she had Children, the giro them OutorU. WANAMAKER S. Clnspn Snrnrri.nvc i V AT ' When you come to the city bear in mind that Wanamaker's is a meeting and restinir and stinging j most at night; worse by scratch u it l'ng. If allowed to coutinuo tumors form, waiting place as well as the biggest store in the world l here are reading and sitting and retiring rooms lor you : tele phone, telegraph, and mail facil Uies. Your parcels will be cared for widiout charge. We try to make you welcome wheth er you care to buy or not. errymu squAti WANAMAKER'S 14 Ac re FLOORSPACE PHILADELPHIA i r you Know that there is no worthy hot weather (or any ir i . weather! thing lor wear or home use but we have it. If you can't come to the store, write for whatever you want, samples or goods, shopping by mail has come to be simple and certain. A few scratches of a pen, and all the facilities of the store are yours, John VVanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. BLOOMSBURG. Fino Cabinet portraits only $3. doz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. O. O. Marr pays 'Ho for butter and 18c lor eggs. Red, white and bluo material for decor. atlng ou urana Army Day ut li. w. moan's. Bedroom suits of latest styles and best finish at Baker & Bender's. 0. 0. Marr pays 12o for lard. Tim balance of our French 871 cent satlncs will bo closed out nt 25c. American 15c. satlncs will be closed at 10c. , at n. oioim s. p.,11 1ln nf "nolumlila Yarns" now opeucd consisting of Gcrmnntown Wool, Saxony, Shetland, Blocking Yarns.nll kinds it UlarK s con s. l!imimlif.r Ihftt It will PSV VOU to BCt your furnlturo at Baker & Bender's. Oak Leaf soap is the best and largest Cc. cake sold. By O. C. Marr. Now lines of Ladles Habit Cloths now open at Clark & Son's. Cheap nualtty red white nnd blue ribbon for decorating at H. W. Sloan's. All tho latest Btylcs in parlor goods at Baker & Bender's. If you want dress goods of any kind go to Clark & Son's. Our stock of corsets has been filled and embraces some ot tho best makes. Mine. Foy corset always on hand nt ii. y. Dioan s. Full lino of red nnd white flannels, cot ton flannels, tickings, muslins, &c. at Clark & Son's. Go to C. C. Mnrr for the latest styles ot prints and ginghpms. For bargains in furnltum eo to Baker iSa Bender's, Cor. Main and West Bts. Dress goods very cheap at C. C. Marr's. You will find full lines of jackets, wrnns. &c, at Clark & Son's. Our own make nlcklo harness for fifteen dollars at C. B. Furman's. aug. 31-21. Puro elder vinegar at 0. C. Marr's 3 years old. BUSINESS NOTICES. Frank Havderson, of Beverly. N. J., writes. I suffered ten years with nervous Debility nnd Constitutional weakness, dur ing that time havo consulted physicians oi all schools, paying largo fees without bene fit. In 1880 I consulted Dr. Theel, 633 North. Fourth Street. Philadelphia, after thorough examination he pronounced mo curable. Although at the timo having llttlo faith in Doctors irom past experience. I placed myself under his care, and am happv to say ho has restored me to sound physical health. Knowing Dr. Thcel as I do, I hcsltnto not in adyising all sufferers no matter wnat tucir experience nas ucen to consult him, as they can put full confi dence in his skill and integrity. Dr. Theol. Phladclnhias renowned special- 1st for nervous ueniuty, bioou poisons. Kid ney und special diseases has cured more cases than all others combined. He has cured cases prononnced Insurable by lead ing physicians. Wo would adviso thoso suffering to consult him personally or by letter at ins oiucc, ojo JNonn r ourin street, Philadelphia, fa. To Preserve Natural Flowers. Dip the llowers In melted parallluc, withdraw Inrr them ciuicklv. Tho liuuid should bo only just hot enough to maintain its flnld- liv and the liowcrs snouui uo uippcu ono at a time, held by tho stocks and moved about for an instant to get rid of air bub bles. Fresh cut flowers, free from moist ure, mako excellent specimens in this way. it vou would nrcservo vour ueaitn and in- vlgoruto your cntiro system use Perrino'a Pure Barley Malt Whiskey, for salo by O. IS. Bobbins, Bloomsburg, i o cow. THE UOMLIEST MAN in BLOOMSBURG as well as the handsomcst.nnd others aro In vited to call on any druggist and get tree a trial bottle ot Kemp's . lialsam lor the throat and lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to cure and relieve all chronic and acuto coughs, asthma, brouchitis nnd consump tion, rncc ou cents ana THE POPULATION OF BLOOMSBURG is nbout 5,000, and wo would say nt least one-half are trouhlcd with somo nuccllon of tho tnroat and lungs as thoso complaints are, according to statistics, more numerous than others. Wo would advise all not- to neglect tho opportunity to call on their druzclst and cct a hottlo ot Hemp's iial- sam for the throat and lungs. Price 50c and SI. Trial sizo free. Sold by all drug. gists. Eczema, Itcliy, Hcaly, SUln Tortures. The simple application of "Swnync's Uintment," without any lntornal medicine will curo any case of Tetter, Salt Rh'tum Ringworm, Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter now ousiinato or long standing. It is potent, eEcr.tlve, and costs but atrlllo. BOMeTFoOLISH PEOPLE allow a cough to run until it gets boyond tho reach of medicine. They oticn say, "un, it win wear away,1 but in must cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try tho successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam. which wo sell on a positive guarantee to cure, tuey would immediately sue me ex. cellent effect after taking tho first dose. l'rlco ouc. and si. 1 rial sizo tree. At all druggists. , CJUBKN VICTORIA S CROWN. Tho ci own of Queen Victoria conslfts of diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapphires and emeralds, set in silver and gold. Its gross wcigut is an oz. j dwt. troy, i no numtir of diamonds aro 3,352; pearls, 273: rubies, 0; sapphires, 17; emeralds, 11. It is an old saying Uneasy lies tho head that wears a crown, it is nelter to wear tho crown of perfect health and peace of I mind through tho curative effects of Per rine's Puro Barley Malt Whiskey. For sale bv 0. B. Bobbins. Broomsburir.Pa, Piles! IM1ch ItcliltiK IMleH. Symptoms Moisture : Intense Itchlnc and which oltcn bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore, awaync's uintment stops tho Itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in roost cases removes tho tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 50 cents. Dr. Bwayno & Son, Philadelphia, may-4 ly. The Favonte Modlclno for Throat and Lung Diffi culties has long been, nnd still Is, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. It euros Croup, Whooping Cough, Ilronchltls, anil Asthma; soother Irritation ot the Ijirynx and Fauces; strengthens tha Vocnl Organs; allays soreuoss of tho Lungs; prevents Consumption, nnd, even in advauccd stages of that dlseaso, rollovcs Coughing anil Induce Sleep. Thcro Is no other preparation for dis eases of tho throat and lungs to bo com parod with thU remedy. "My wlfo had a distressing couzh, with pains In tho sldo and breast. Ve tried various modlciues, hut nono did her any good until I got a bottle ot Ayer's Cherry IVctornl, which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had tho inoasli-s, and tho cough was relieved by tho use of Ayur'H Cherry Pectoral. I havo uo hesitation in rccommoudlug this Cough Rfledicine , to every onn nflllcted." Itohert llorton, Foreman Headlight, Morrlllton, Ark. " I havo huon aflllsted with asthma for forty years. Iust spring I was takon with a violent cough, which threatened to terminate- my days. Every ouu pro nounced mo In consumption. I deter mined to try Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral. Its ofTocts wero magical. I was iiumodi-' ately relieved and continued to Imnrovo until entirely rocoverod." Joel llullard, (lulltord, Conn. " filx months ago I had n sovcro hem orrhage ot tho lungs, brought on hy an incessant cough which deprived mo ot sleep and rest, f tried arious reme dies, but obtained uo rollet until I be gan to tako Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, A few bottles ot this modlclno cured mo." Mrs, K. Coburu, 10 Second St., Lowell, Mass, "For children afflicted with colds, coughs, soro Uiroat, or croup, I do not know of any romody which will slvo moro spoody relief than Ayer's Cherry lVctoral. I have found it, alko, invulu ahlo In cases of Whooping Cough." Ann Lovojoy, li'7 WashhiRtou Mrcet, llostou, Muss. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I'UKl'AllEU UT Dr- J. O, Aycr & Co., Lcwoll, Mass. Uol4 Oy ll Druggliu. l'rlcl, ! bolllca, ).