The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 28, 1888, Image 3

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Itrl tllf' I
111 MOli
V'lIX Hit
tutr.a ii'
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lUpM Hill
111 mum
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,Ifl' .IU until
vll II tf "L
Ol 'lUrm 11IH11I
lUinl'.q I flu Hill
A V"1 in I
il 'I'
Absolutely Pure.
This powder novcr varies. A marvel of parity
strength and wholeaomencss. More economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In compe
tition wllhtne multitude ot low test,short weight.
'"' v. yuvdcuuw fuxucia, CHJIU UlllJT lU CHUB.
gi uftMnu i unvEH til.. lailBL,,tf, X,
The Columbian
rrubllshcd ovorjr Friday. Subscription price.
Entered at the Host oraco at liloom9bunr. l'a..
FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1888.
Taking erfect WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1893.
bloomsburt',-...... 7 31
Main street 7 SO
Irondale 7 18
l'aper Sim.. ....... t 11
Llgbtstrcct. 7 lis
Orangevllle 0 61
Forks, 6 45
Tubbs 6 41
Stillwater......... 6 M
Uenton,....... 0 18
Edsons, fi 55
coles creek, 0 il
Sugarloaf, 6 m
Laubacus, 6 17
Central. e 10
p. u.
Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv.
r. SI. i.M. a. m. p. M.
2 10 8 00 I) 00 C 40
A. It.
6 00
e 05
8 OS
6 15
6 18
8 27
8 41
8 46
6 61
6 67
7 00
7 03
7 05
7 13
A. If.
3 08 7 60
S 04 7 48
1 63 7 83
1 47 7 33
1 83 7 S3
U 11 6 61
9 13 8 M
V 23 I 04
9 30 7 08
9 50 7 20
1 14 7 18 10 01 7 34
1 08 7 08 10 07 7 38
1 01 7 03 10 15 7 44
13 CO G 54 10 30 7 52
13 10 Lll 00
13 05 0 49 11 05 7 C6
13 00 6 45 11 10 8 00
11 53 0 40 11 13 8 05
11 60 6 37 11 20 8 09
11 40 30 11 30 8 16
LV. Lv. Ar. Ar.
A. If. A. M. A. W. A. K.
Trains on tUo r. It. It. It. loave Hupert as
NORTH. 80UT11.
7:27 a.m. 11:00 a.m.
3:38 p. m. 6M p. m.
Tralnsontbo D. L. & W. it. lt.loavo rjioomsburs
ma ivuunni
7:13 a. m. 8:33 a. m.
11:07 a. m. 13:03 p. m.
2:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
8:38 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains on th N.&W. 1). Hallway pass Bloom
svuj uaiuuuvvdi
10:48 a. m. U:48 a. m.
8.S8 p. m. 4'19 p. in.
10:18 a m 8:39 p m
$.23.00 Reward
Wilt lio paid for information lending to
conviction of any person or persons Ashing
with gill nets, seines, explosives, poisonous
baits or by any other unlawful means in
any or tno waters or uolumbia county.
Columbia County Gamb and Fish Asso.
aug. 24-!)m.
88rTEUBKit8lh. Jolin P. Jonca. trustee.
will sell vnluablo real cstnto known as tho
Welsh Baptist church property Bituato in
the town of Bloomsburt', ot 2 p. m. Sec
advertisement in another column.
Fon Balk A desirablo and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas anu steam. Apply to
JanBOtf. L. N. Moyib.
Wantkd. 100 bark peelers. Apply to
Thos. Wheeler, at Wilson Colo's above
ucntral, uolumbia county, l'a.
For Salb, A sorrel horse, seven years
of age, a line family horse, can be driven
single or double, wcigha about 1100 pounds.
CiiAiass Ash,
aug. 17.2t. Btillwater.
Wanted. 1000 bushels of baking apples
wanted by E. Delffenbacli, Dloomsburg. tt
Fon 8alk. A special "Pony Star"
bicyclo, latest pattern, in flrst-class order,
has not been run over CO miles.
Joe. Wells.
Uloomsburg, Pa. aug-24.
M'Killip Bros, have complete
ly refitted their studio with the
best and most approved instru
ments for portraiture, from lock
et size up to life size, and instru
ments especially adapted to pho
tographing out door groups and
residences, together with tho lat
est scenic effects and accessories.
Babies' pictures par excellence
for which has been added a spec
ial extra rapid Voigtlaender
.Euryscope. Copying, enlarging
and photographic reproductions
of drawings, patent models and
machinery intelligently execut
ed. Animals photographed by
the ilash light process. Life
size crayon portraits in gold
frame only $10.
Michael Cbemberlln of Dunmore is visit
ing relatives here.
P. E. Wirt Esq. went to New York on
(. W. Bcrtsch and wife aro at Atlantic
E. Skylcs M'Killip is spending a fow days
at Carlisle, Pa.
Tho Misiea Kline, of Hughesvlllc, visited
Miss Annie Miller Thursday of last week,
Mr. Freaa Brown went to Ocean Grove
Tuesday morning.
Miss Mamo Frlck, of Danville, is visiting
the Misses Clark.
Dr. B. Clark's advertisement appears in
another column of this paper.
Miss McGowcn of Heading, is tho guest
of Mrs. P. E. Wirt.
Clias. McLTcnry of Bcranton, has been
visiting friends here during tho past week.
Will Armstrong, now of WUUamsport
, but formerly of this place, was in town
this week.
Mrs. D. A. Creasy, Miss Ada Ilartman,
Mrs. K. 0. Knt, and daughter, and Mr. J.
K. Eyer are visiting at Ocean Grove.
Itev. J. 8. Wagner will conduct tho ser
vices at the Reformed Church, Catawissa,
next Sunday evening.
II. M. Hupert attended tho funeral of his
uncle, Geo. B. Markle, at Hazlcton Thurs
day, T. Frank Maloy is much Improved in
health, and has gone to Wilkesbarm with
Ids sister.
0. E. Myers, who has been visiting at
Catawissa for several weeks, started for his
homo at Chadron Neb., on Monday.
E. P. Williams, of Bcranton, has taken
tho place of W. 0. Dougherty at tho United
b'tates Express ofllco.
Mr, n. 0. Kelchner ot Llgbtstrcct, start,
cd on o western trip Thursday morning.
Ho will visit In Ohio and Michigan, and
may remain In tbo latter state.
W. It. Illiigrose was taken suddenly ill
with a congestive chill whllo at work at
the Normal schoo) last Monday. Ho Is
now Improving.
r t nTDRjUiiR sour car
j.flrMk Aurood
n(tii.i)tUicy rcn
Hrlrt nitw viwriiiiin
iMimIinBgiHinii OCIT1C
if piiwiki lunoix
ah .m ri h:
ju. ti urti-flTjn-iniiii itr .i'i,x ' l 'in
niOreat clearing) salei.' of' ?snocs ft F. D
Dcntlcr'8. "'; V
Grand Army Day one week from next
For school supplies of
nil kinds go to
A "little German bund" discoursed mus.
: on our streets Wednesday.
Bcmcmbcr that tho Cth of September .Is
the last day for tho reglstintlon of voters.
Slates, pencils nnd tablets of all descript
ions at Mercer's druir and book store.
A party of canoelsU from Wllltn.l
passcu uown tho river Tuesday, en routo
lor (jnesapeako l3ay.
All tho school books used nt the Normal
kept In stock at Mercer's drug and book
Tho Grangers picnic at Wllllama' rim
will begin Monday next and continue for
six days.
Tho Methodist parsonage, at tho corner
ot Market and Fifth streets, 1ms been much
improved by a fresh coat of paint.
Three new coaches wcro plnccd on tbo
1. 5 a. railroad Fndav ast. Tbo next
addition will be a new and larger engine.
Peaches 1 Peaches I A carload will bo
received at tho Bloomsburg Car Co'a store,
Thursday of next week.
Uccollcct that Grand Array Day Is only
one week from next Thursday and make
your preparations accordingly.
The contract for tho building of the stack
and boiler nnd engine house at tho 811k
Mill has bccTi awarded to Thomas Gorrey.
A number of families from this nlace
have been camping out tho past week near
W. M. Colo's.
Pimples, bolls and other humors aro lia
ble to "appear when tho blood gets heated.
To euro them, tako Hood's Sarsapj rilla.
Mrs. B. Carmen, the milliner of Benton,
Is visiting friends In Threo Itlvera, Michi
gan. Bho will return about tho 10th of
Joseph E. Zclgler, administrator of Geo.
Zeigler, deceased, will sell real estate and
personal property on the premises, in Scott
township, Thursday September 20th 1888.
Soon tho theatrical season will open.
The first entertainment at the Opera House
will be given by the "Cold Day" company
on September Cth.
A request to the Normal students. Do
not buy your tablets, penoila, box paper,
school books, slates, Ac, until you have
seen our stock. J. II. MEncgrt.
Tho Sunday School of the Hidtay Union
church of Centre township will hold a festi
val in tho grove near tho church on Friday
and Saturday ovenlngs Aug. 31 and Sept. 1.
A car load of Delawaro peaches will be
received at the Bloomsburg Car Co's storo
corner of Main and Iron streets, Thursday
of next week.
Danvillo vs. Bloomsburg at Athletic
Park Friday afternoon. Let there bo a
largo turn out and fewer dead-beats look
ing over the fence.
Tbo Bonlta Tonnis Club lias a tourna
ment to-day (Thursday with the Catawissa
Club Wo go to press too early to learn tho
The galvanized iron cornlco that makes
such a handsome finish to tho roof of J. K.
Lockard'a new building la tho work of
Esbleman & Wolf. It is a first class Job.
Mr. J. K. Lockard ia now in Delaware
purchasing a car load of peaches for tho
Bloomsburg Car Co's store. They will be
hero Thursday of next week.
Tho law ofllco of Geo. E. Elwcll has been
removed to the second floor of tho Colom
bian building. Judge Elwcll occupies the
samo office, and may be consulted on legal
Tho young assistant superintendent of
tho Bloomsburg & Sullivan railroad arrived
Friday evening of last week, and took up
his residence on Centre street. Both mother
and son aro doing well.
Tho Milton Ecanomiit says: Milton has
more eossips and mischicf-makiog slang
whangern to tho squaro foot than any town
in the state. This may appe ar as a broad
assertion, but tbo facts bear it out.
A game of ball was to have been played
last Friday afternoon at Athletic Park be
tween tho Berwick and Bloomsburg nines,
but did not take piaco on account of tho
Inclemency of tho weather.
The Itcformcd Sunday School of Blooms
burg will picnic at Hess' Grove, near Cen
tral, on next Baturday week, Bept. 1. A
general invitation is extended to all who
desire to spend a day pleasantly in a beau
tiful grovo. Further notlco next week.
Tho Game & Fish Protective Association
offers a reward of $23.00 for information
that will lead to tho conviction of any ono
who uses unlawful means of taking flab.
This Is no bluff game, for tho Association
means to put a stop to tho wholesale de
pletion of tbo streams if there Is any cf.
flcacy in tho law.
The officers and a number of tho mem.
bcrs of tho Knights of the Golden Kaglo of
Berwick camo to Bloomsburg Thursday
evening of last week to Institute the
Theta casllo at this place. Tbo institution
ceremonies took place in tho hall in the
Barton building. About 80 members Join-
ed tho organization.
f.Iflt ot letters remaining in tho Poet Of.
flee at Bloomsburg for week ending Aug.
21, 16SS.
Mrs. E. Bradford, Mr. Charles Bartlet,
Bloomsburg Nursery, 0. M. Hep, Geo. 0.
Uatghs, It. It. ilartman, Slm.m Kinney,
K. P. Mead, Mrs. Mary L. Sbultz.
Persons calling for theso letters will
ploaso say "advertised."
Geobok A. Cliiik, P, M.
Tho additions recently mado to li! riat.
dence by Paul E. Wirt Esq, aro completed,
and they speak highly for tbo taste dls.
played In tho design by tbo owner, and for
tuo SKiii in execution ot the work by
Thomas Gorrey, the builder, Tho dining
room Is a perfect gem. It Is finished In
antlquo oak, with inlaid floor and wain,
scotlng. Tho walls above tho wainscoting
are covered with Llncrusta Walton, and
the celling Is a unlquo deslen In rouuh
plaster. At tho tide Is a beautiful stained
glass window, and at the end a smaller one
over a window seat. A corner cupboard
anil a fireplace completo tho room,
al (.no tin ' K , iiiVi iiniQ innTi
UUUMU-irarrlsvn scarfipinl atnO) K'i
Wrrjl'HIl ' All OIUI "! III
n -
"Hi K 111 HUI r
n-jvut ia mi
mi.. n.llli4 n iy.iil wr.T .1011
ibelngitbe lowest blddCt1lW8"Wji7)ld,jthp,
The Jobbing patronago of this ofllco still
continues constantly to Increase. Tho
number of jobs dono In 1887 was ahead of
any previous year, and thus far this year it
exceeds 1887 largely Unsurpassed facili
ties, good work and low prices nccouut for
A new edition of tho Laws nnd Ordln.
anccs of tho town of Bloomsburg Is in
preparation at this office, and will bo ready
soon. Slnco tho publication of tho first
cuition ten yeata ago, fUtccn additional or
dlnancca havo been passed, Tho book
will contain nearly 100 pages and should
be In tho hands of cycry tax-payer.
'iwonly-flvo cents a day purchases a
43,000 policy in Tho Travelers, of Hartford,
which is payable in event of death by ac
cldent, with $15 weekly indemnity for
wholly disabling Injury. J. H. Maize,
agent, second floor Columbian building
liioomsburg. tt
Ccntro county is excited over whnt Is
claimed to bo tbo discovery of a vein of
gold bearing quartz In tho Karthaus basin
Tho news from thcro declares that analysis
shows that tho article Is there in paying
quantities, and companies nre being or
ganized to work it.
Tho grand Jury of Northumberland
county met Thursday of last week, Judge
Buchcr, of Union county holding court,
and brought in two Indictments acainst P.
A. Hubcr, tho man who embezzled 29,030
from tho P. & It. II. R. Co. Tbo indict.
ments wcro for cmbczzlcmont and embez
zlement ns bailee.
An exebango in tho antbracito region
says tho production of coal continues nt an
unprecedented rate and the output for tho
month of August will exced all previous
calculations on records. Tho quantity of
anthracite sent to market for tho week end-
ing August 4 reached nearly eight hundred
thousand tons, whilo tbo total tonnago for
tho year to that date exceeds tbo product
ion for tho corresponding period of 1887 by
about ono million4 tons.
Frederick Hendcrshott died at bis rcsi
d.nce on Iron street on Sunday morning
last at eleven o'clock. Ho bad been in ill
health for some time, but was confined to
tho bed only a few days. He was born In
Fishlngcreek township in 1824, nnd moved
to Bloomsburg In 1841. In 18411 he married
Miss Catharine S. Vannatta, who with five
children, survives him. Ho was a member
of tho M. E. Church. The funeral was held
at tho M. E. Church on Wednesday after-
noon at 2 o'clock.
James I. Dougherty and Lewis Tittle,
two prominent Democratic politicians of
Danvillo mado a wager in relation to tho
delegate election held on last Baturday at
that placo that which ono should loso
should wheel tho other man from one hotel
to another and spend $5. Last Monday
night the bet was carried into effect. Tbo
wheelbarrow was draped with tho stars
and stripes. Dougherty sat Inside, wheeled
by Tittle, and followed by a brass band.
They paraded through tbo street, literally
blocked on both sides by people.
James McGco of Philadelphia was in
town on Tuesday, for tho purpose of con-
sldering the question of removing ills car
pet factory from Philadelphia to Blooms,
burg. Mr. McGco baa been hero twice be
fore, and has expressed himself as delight
ed with tbo facilities afforded for factories
by our town. If proper inducements aro
offered tho carpet factory can bo brought
hero. What Mr. McGce asks is by no
means unreasonable, nnd n strong effort
should bo made to bring him hero with his
establishment which would givo employ,
mcnt to moro than 100 hands.
Miss Elizabeth liucklo of Llgbtstrcct was
found dead in bed Sunday morning. Aug
ust 19th. Her death was caused by dropsy,
with which sho has suffered for n number
of years, yet was not confined to her bed.
She was an exceedingly largo woman, be
ing nearly six feet. In height and weighing
over 800 pounds. Her death was uncx-
pectcd and consequently a shock to tho
community. Sho was about 55 years of
age, and leaves ono sister, Mrs. Conrad
Ulppcnstccl of west Scott township and
threo brothers, Mr. Geo, liucklo of Centre,
.Mr. Wesley Ituckel of cast 8cott, and Mr.
Joseph Itucklo ot Bloomsburg.
The largest excursion ot the season went
over tho B. & S. railroad Saturday last.
Thero wcro 23 car loads numbering in all
nearly two thousand people. Threo engines
wero used in taking the excursionists up
and two in returning. Superintendent
Leader secured an engine, several coaches
nnd an engineer from tho D. L. & W. rail,
road. With tho addition ot tho threo now
coaches, and tho gondolas having perma
nent covers, nearly all wcro ablo to be pro
tected from tho sun and storm. Tho cngl
necr of tho D. L. & W. expressed himself
as being delighted with tho road, and wish
ed ho could run regularly over it.
Georgo B. Markle, ono of tbo most cx
tcnslvo coal operators of the Lehigh region,
died at tho residence ot his son in Hazlcton
last Saturday evening. Ho had been
Identified with this region slnco 1849, when
ho accepted a position witli A. Pardee &
Co. In 1858 ho opened up tho Jeddo Col
lieries. Since then other colllctles havo
been added until this Arm Is third largest
In men employed and tonnago shipped in
the Lehigli region. Ho retired from active
business In 1870, r.nd resided much of bis
time in Philadelphia. His health was bad
ly shattered and ho spent much tuno in
travel. As was his usual custom ho went
to Ilazleton in tho early summer and re
sided with his son John. About ten days
ago his condition was such as to alarm his
sons, who at onco telegraphed tho remain
der of tho family, who wcro visiting Georgo
B. Markle, Jr., at Portland, Ore. Tbo lat
ter started from that city on a special train
August 8, and arrived at his bcdsldo by
Saturday evening, tho entire trip ot over
8000 miles being made in less than eighty,
four hours. Mr. Markle wns a director ot
tho Lehigh Valley Itallroad, tho Hockhlll
Iron and Coal Company, tho Highland
Coal Company, tho East Broadtop Itallroad
Company and tho Union Improvement
Company, lie was born at Milton, Pa.,
July 1, 1827. In 1847 ho was married to
Miss Emily llobison, of Bloomsburg, who
survives him. Of tho nlno children born
to him flvo are living. Ho was an unclo ot
il. M. ltupcrt, ot this place, and brother-in-law
of J. II. Itoblson Esq.
Many bodily ills result from habitual
constipation, and a fine constitution may
bo wcako.itd and ruined by simple neglect,
Thcro il no medicine, for regulating tho
bowels and restoring a natural action
to tbo digestive organ, equal to Aycr'i
Hi )up ii'uua -ul olJii umii ii.ikhi ia u
,i nmWiOdlBJii tivnnval' flru eti lliomMonlouri
Tbo intor! WtfUrfii:,flniiir tfiU"-ffiaWi
mllppulaT,,kWfiin)drs VcHo'rl 'PcnMjrL
'VftfflCfsXL'aW 'TW'IH 0i6' Alleghany
irMinlalliK'mWhtMM'lt hV, hlgii'Movc
'lb6'D'ri,s16Yn'd'iilfm6'lV'6f ilfo Wisy'wirld,
VMM Mm M'Ml StAm BlKtcs.
NUmrM IWn'rY YnBm'UdUimW 'tul-ro.
nain longer! fea'g'lcs' iio'rs Is'tuf pjct-
urcsquo namo or tho pretty iittio vuiago
that clusters around Its banks. It Is com
posed of summer cottages nnd boasts of
four first class hotels, which are Oiled to
overflowing during tho entire summer,
Tho Bcason Is now drawing to a closo yet
tho guests nro still flocking In and tho sea.
son promises to bo a long one. Cottagers
usually remain until lato In September and
even until October.
Tho lake Is a beautiful sheet of water,
and on clear days nnd evenings its surfaco
is covered with merry boat loads of visitors
at tbo Merc. Each morning tho little
steamer that plys tho water of tho lake
takes a load of pcopla to the upper end
whercn largo bath house is erected nnd
thcro all who wish may batho in tho limpid
waters. In tho evening thcro Is a bop or
nn entertainment of somo kind at ono of
tho hotels, each ono of which possesses an
orchestra, or at the skating rink, now used
mostly for dances nnd festivals. Tennis
and baseball aro other amusements.
Religious scrvicca aro not wanting at
Eagles' Mere nnd each Sabbath tho sum.
mer sojourners may bo seen wending their
way to tho picturesque little stono chnpcl
which has been rccentl) built.
A summer pleasure seeker, who haa
spent n week or two nt tho delightful spot
nnd tasted of its many and varied enjoy.
ments always returns to his homo In tho
sweltering city with the greatest reluctance.
I'rnliibltlon County Convention.
According to announcement tho Prohibi
tion Convention of Columbia Co., met in
Winona Hall, Bloomsburg on the 18th Inst
and was called to order by the Chairman
of county committee, J. B. Patton, prayer
by Itev. H. A. Straub, music by Mlllvillo
and loin quartcttec. Tho chairman stated
tbo obect of the convention. Prof. Walk.
cr was elected chairman for the day. A
committro was appointed to nominate ofll
ccrs for tho next year. Minutes ot meet-
lag held at Mlllvillo April 9, 1883, read and
approved, Commlttco on offices reported the
names ot J. B. Patten for chairman ot the
county commlttc, T. C. Wilsou, for Sccro-
tary, Sbadrack Eves for Treasurer, M- P.
Lutz a nd W. J. Bidlcinan for members of
cxect tivo committee. Tho report of tho
commlttco was adopted and tho candidates
declared elected. A committeo wa3 np
pointed to prepare Constitution and By-
Laws, Also a committeo to present names
of candidates for county officers to be elect
ed at tho next election. Tho Convention
wns addressed by Itev. H. A. Straub of
Itohrsburg, Ilcv. W. A. Lcpley ot Buck
born. Itev. A. B. Still of Danvillo and
others. The report of commlttco on con.
stitutlon and by-laws waa read and adopt
ed. The committeo on nominations mado
the following report which was adopted,
Judicial Conferees M. P. Lutz, G. W. Cor-
roll and Maud C. Wnlker. Representa
tives Dr. I. L. Edwards and T. C. Wilson,
Sheriff, A. Smith; Coroner Thos. Seaborn.
Tho conferees were instructed to opposo
fusion with any other party. Tho follow,
ing resolution was adopted:
Resolved: That wo hereby endorse tbo
resolutions adopted by this committeo at
their last meeting held at Mlllville, April 9,
1888. Also tho platform adopted by our
Uato convention held at Harnsburg in
May, 1888.
The convention wns enlivened by sever
nl pieces of music by tho quartette. Tho
thanks of tho convention wero extended
to tbo musicians and speakers, after which
tho convention adjourned.
T. C. Wilson, Secretary.
Ilolicrt A Otz, Architect oftlic HllLc
Mill, Killed.
Robert A. Otz of West Ilobokcn, was1 tho
architect of tho now silk mill, now In
courso of erection at Sixth and West streets,
and has been coming here every month to
inspect tho wqrk. Ho mado many friends
hero nmong thoso who had tho pleasure of
hla acquaintance. On Monday evening
Mr. O. S. Robblns received a telegram
from Mr. Stopfer, ono of the Silk Mill Co.,
saying that Mr. Otz was dead. A letter
received Wednesday morning gives tho fol
lowing particulars from a Hoboken paper i
Edward Otz, tbo owner of a silk mill in
West Hoboken, recently had a bridgo built
at the entraVico of his factory. Whilo Robert
Otz, his brother, who is an architect, and
Julius Mahler, the superintendent ot the
mill wero standing under the arch ot tho
bridgo a workman wheeled a heavy cornlco
upon the structure, which suddenly col
lapsed, buryiug tho two men under tho
ruins. A number of factory hands went to
work at onco to cxtricato them but when
found Otz and Stabler wero dead. Both of
them were terribly bruised about tbo head
and body. Tho man who wheeled the
cornico on the bridgo escaped with a fow
scratches. It la thought that tbo mortar
between tho bricks of tho arch was not dry
and that consequently tbo structure could
not support tbo weight which was placed
upon it.
Tlie l'ollmer Iteimloii.
The annual reunion of the Follmer fara-
lly will be held on Tuesday, tho fourth day
of September next, at tbo Follmer Church
in Turbut Township. Owing to circum
stances over which tho committeo has had
no coutrol tbo monument to bo dedicated
at this meeting has not been completed,
and tho dedication will therefore bo post
poned. Tho commlttco havo met with en
couraging success in tho securing of
funds for tbo monument, and aro fully as.
surcd that by tho following reunion it will
bo in placo for dedicating and a completo
record of tbo members ot tho Follmer Fam
ily will bo compiled. Tho presence of all
tho members ot tbo Family is especially re.
quested at this reunion. O. Frank Follmer,
Sec. of tho Follmer reunion. J. M. Foil,
mer, Sec. of tho Follmer Monumental Com.
Tile. Htiitc l'lilr.
Tho Pennsylvania State Fair will bo held
September 8d to 10th, 1883, Broad and Lc.
high avenue, Philadelphia. Among tbo
new and fresh attractions may be mention
ed tho facilities for reaching and leaving
tho grounds will bo greatly improved. Ex
ccplional low railroad rates j tbo accom.
modatlons on tho grounds for ladlts and
children, as well as men havo received
special attention, and will bo far in advuuco
of other years j more liberality will charac
terize tho premiums for trotting, running
and jumping matches j whllo the strictest
rules will bo observed regarding tho char
acter ot tho participants ; pleasing enter,
talnmcnts for children will lio a prominent
and unusual feature) better rauslo will bo
had this year than ever, and In greater
variety) Ills expected that tho present ex.
hibltlon will far excel that of any former
year; entries free. Premium Hats and
other Information 6uppllcil on application
to D, W. Boiler, Secretary, No. 10 South
Broad street, Philadelphia,
SWSySS.,teiala County'
tKiiuiiiiiimi .cumui)' mil no Ufiu iu ui joins.
bWgVqdlibcr "10 to'H)At''l3tir? and 13lh.
Wic'fHWWrtb'grWWf'WMJo placfl
thens Ki tin t
..i ..rv . , .ii.'! .
t.TiilMuiKoriiL-lIjaai.clisa. Puria.
4V133A'l!ftaffm'W4i!aSfe7.60. Nc
-itr-JcM!.'VJ H7 n-i'iMi A l.i unit
-nJUllJ5l,Uil t .11 .A tl .lll.,-, UN 1 IjuU '
VMhixnm?,z;3,&v,m"'mm, pacing
rrta82W.,'irop,-a3Q-$2o. No..
4.-30 cla'ss. , rTUfad,"$200:,!;i9,100-550
$30-520.. 1 ' '
Satdiiday No. 5.-2:48 class, Purse,
$15q. $75-$37.00-$-22.50-$15. No.
0-Opon to all. Purse, $400. $200
$100 $00 $10.
Classes. No. 1 for Columbia county
horses owned and used by farmers) Nos. 2,
3, 4, 5 nnd 0 open to ail horses eligible.
Mile hcati, best 8 In 5 In harness; not less
than 4 to enter and 8 to start. Entrnnco
fco ton per cent of purse and must accom
pany tbo nomination or It will not bo rccog.
nized. National rules to govern. Horse
men aro requested to open correspondence
with tho Secretary nt once. Entries closo
on Saturday, October Cth at 11-o'clock p.
m., and must bo addressed to
H. V. White, Secy.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
All I'.loplllK Couple Cnuiclil.
Milton, Aug. 18. In tho latter part of
last Jujy John Btclgcrwalt, an engineer,
left his wlfo nnd threo children and took
with him tbo wife of William Everett and
hor 10-year-old daughter. When they reach
ed Georgetown sho sent tho daughter back
to her home. Everett put a detcctiyo on
his wife's track. She was found at Steel,
ton, stopping with a brother. Stiegcrwalt
was captured In Heading.
Both were brought hero this morning.
They were placed on ball by a justico ol
tho pcaco. Being unable to secure bail
thry were taken through the most promi
nent Btrccts -en routo to tho depot, hand
cuffed together, with a crowd at their heels
shouting and guying them. They were
lodged in tbo Bunbury Jail.
Fivo hundred nairs of ladles' shoes iri In
closed out at less than cost at F. D. Dent
jurymen for Bcntcuibcr Term.
Tho following named persons were
drawn to servo as members of tho crand
Jury for September court:
Berwick W. V. Palmer.
Briarcreek. Lamon Martz, Clarenco
Catawissa. Frank Gable, C. W. Harder.
Centre Samuel Lutz.
Conyngiiam G. W. Billman, John P
Hannon. FisiiiNOCKKEK Daniel Wenner.
Greenwood M. M. Applcman, Jackson
Jaokson Joshua Savage.
Looust Jacob I. btine.
Main D. 8. Brown.
Madison John A. Dlldlnc, John M.
Mifflin Aaron Andreas.
Mt. Pleasant Frank Davis.
Orange II. C. Bowman, Aaron Patter
Pine 8, J. Eckman, A. J. Lyons.
Soott Boyd Hensll, Martin Savage.
traverse jurors.
The following is a list of traverso iurora
drawn for September term of court.
First Week.
Benton W. L. Colo, W. S. Laubacb.
Berwick C. 0. Long. Stephen Vanhou-
ten, John Reedy.
Bloom Lloyd Fox. William H. Housel.
John Kllnger, L. D. Kase, Henry Obi, B.
F. Savitts. Wm. Wolf. Alfred llnwnr.
Catawissa Llovd Bercer. II. J. Btrouso.
Charles Sharplesa.
Centralia John O'Donnell, James
Convngiiam L. W. Banger.
FisiiiNaoHEBK William J. Smith.
Greenwood 0. B.. Johnson.
Jaokson Henry Hagcnbuch.
Locust Adam Claybcrcer. JLawson H.
Mifflin Freeman Smoyer.
Montour Daniel Fry.
Orange David trover, Abner Welsch.
Suott William Eoglchart. John Grett.
Stephen Fault, Stephen Pohe, C. C. Trcm
ley, David Whltmlre.
Sugarloaf Hanford Cole. Jamea W.
Secoml Week.
Benton James Conner, John C. Wen.
Berwick Harvoy Bower. James Mc-
Michael, Emanuel Roup.
Bloom Georgo Aurundt. T. M. Dawson.
C. B. Fornwald, Peter E. Knapp, Daniel
Uriaroreek A. B. CrooD. Abrnhnm
Catawissa M. V. B. Kline, Albert Kline.
Centralia Patrick Curran. Josenh U.
Centre David Hayraan.J. WllsonMlller.
Convnoiiam John L. Kline.
FisuiNGOBEEK Jacob Gelsluirer. E. M.
Laubacb, Francis Welsch.
Greenwood J. W. Lore.
Hemlock Edward Ivcy.
Jackson William Brink, Geo. Hlrleman
Looust Washington George.
Madison Robert Johnson.
MiFFLiNHoraco Creasy.
Mt. Pleasant William Kitchen.
Montour Peter A. Evans.
Scott Lewis Lee. Greelv Sneldman.
Daniel Wirtman, B. G. Wapplcs.
Sugarloaf David Kocher.
A Very Proper iteply Indeed.
From the errfngneld Union.
Oh, Fred, I'vo been rummaclnc around
in tho ntlic, and what do vou sunnoso I'vo
found ?"
"Don't know Government bonds, ner.
"Don't trlllo, Fred, Its horrible. What
will you say if I tell you I found a great
holo gnawed in tbo big trunk and my wed.
ding dress all in tatters ?"
"Well, I should say rats!"
HwenrcrH, Attention.
Persons who are in tho habit of unlncr
profauo language on tho streets should givo
their attention for a moment to tho follow.
ing: "If any person shall willfully, pre-
mcdllatcdly and dcsnltctullv blasnhcmn nr
speak loosely and nrofanclv of Al
God, Christ Jesus, tho Holy Spirit or tbo
cnpiurcs or truth, such persons, on con.
vlction thereof, shall bo sentenced to
flno not exceeding $100, nnd undorgo an
impnsonmont not exceeding threo months,
or either, at tho discretion of tho Court.
Act ot March 81, 1800."
A nCrfprt mtrmlnvlnn Iron fvv.n l 1
. . , . . ,., tivm jiuujiiu
or blemish, is very rarely seen, becauso
iuw peopio uavo perfectly pure blood. And
yet, all disfiguring eruptions aro easily re
moved by tho uso of Aycr's Sarsaparilla.
Try it, and surnrisa vour fnn nils wllli iIia
Buy Leater's Suhool
Eyory pair warranted,
'"Wft .ft'.W'ft.rVrfor.
A' 'IU-aonMoJ. saldlJroittlieiy ilinjMlrlnv JV
atUiFjtJrJnklnH.liiaienthi.RlaaiiiofJticcri 'Il
can't get up any eusatlon on this sti ftV
Jriid llciU' Is inllltnfc Imt tlVfrlrlt's?wea
0 iQorintf y Hrd cltV WnVslCllv1 tAM V Hi
VcTVtnlnso'A."l Ura-etf tircW'rVo'lWrV
dbltr'tr"' 'CoiirltrV L'alffVar'mWuTf of Wink'.'
WMilft-A.iUJi1rtl J " 1 ' 1 UK 101 11,
i a-vJuiiidj.y'T ut. X. 'if "jnJt"
in., - r -TT'.v-irr.-r ?Tr7r-fv-. ii'mr'fui j.
.L nl Kin IT R! nn 1 1 ir l lipmlel I nrmir vl
.'If-."1.?.!8 'W'Wtfoyr Mr. p.'HqRgnrji.J'
.Mr. 0'H.-"Surc, Mr. Mcl'lll, U didn't want
anybody to tell mo that. 1 can sco your
liniments In his face."
A trlho In tho palm region of the Ama.
zon cradles tbo young In palm lcavos.'' In
this country a palm also enters largely in
tho work of bringing up tho young, but It
la used moro In threshing than lu cradling.
As a literary ccntro Chicago now out.
ranks Boston. Tbo facts seems to bo
clearly establish! d that a Judicious mixture
of pork with beans makes a diet moro con
ductive to tho growth and development of
literary culturo than beans alone.
Will run through tho week. "You seem
to bo fond of roast beef, Bobby." said tbo
minister who was a guest at Sunday din.
ner. "Yes, sir," replied Bobby, "but I will
bo tlrcd.of it by tho tlmo that roast beef is
all gone."
Mother (to mcddlcsomo child) "Edwin,
If you don't stop putting your fingers in
that oxalic acid, tho first thing you
know you will bo on your way to heaven."
Elder Sister (solemnly) "Yea, and if you
do go, Just think) you would never sco
your dear mother again!"
Tired and worn. Mother (to daughter at
an evening party) "You look tired nnd
worn, Cicely, dear. I cautioned you
against dancing too much." Daughter
"I haven't danced for an hour, mamma;
Mr. De Lyslc, this is my mother."
Daughter "Papa, dear, Mr. Sampson la
coming to-night, and I wish when you go
to bed that you would close tho transom
over your door." Father (humbly) "Do I
snore so loudly as all that?" "Yes, pappa)
and I dont want Mr. Sampson to think that
that sort of things runs iu tho family."
But I don't uderstnnd about this phono,
graph. How Is it done? What Is it like?"
"Why, it is simply talking to a machine in
stead of to cars of flesh and blood." "Talk,
ing to n machine?" "Yes, talking to a ma
chine) not precisely as I'm doing now, but
very much the same."
Tbo polico officers at Niagara Falls havo
been Instructed to arrest all persons who
may hereafter visit there for tho purposo of
performing daring feats. This doesn't in
clude tin- young man who lakes his brido
to the Fulls, witli only fifty dollars in bis
pocket and expects to have enough left to
pay his faro homo.
"Now, Cicely," bo said as they seated
themselves on tho grand stand, "if thero 1b
anything you don't understand, Just nsk
me and I'll tell you all about il." "Thank
you, George," replied Cicely. "Who i3
that young man going about with tho
glasses; is ho tho umpire?" "No; he's tho
soda-water man. Here, young man, givo
us two glasses of lemon."
"Will nobody separate these dogs?" ex-
claimed tho humano man, with righteous
indignation. "Have you no feelings, sir?"
he continued, addressing a big fellow who
seemed to bo taking a delighted Interest in
tbo combat. "Fcclin's, pard?" was tho re
ply. "Fcelin's? I'vo got $20 bet on this
fight, and my dog's on top. Chaw 'irn,
Culture among tbo masses. A fact.
Old lady (looking over art student copying
at South Kepslngton from tho old masters)
"Now that's uncommon bright and
pretty, ain't it, John? Something liko a
picture I calls that!" Old gentleman
"Yes, my dear. I wonder (ruminativcly)
what they're going to do with tho old
ones ?"
Tailor "To tell tho truth, Mr. Sprlgo
lett, this plcco will hardly bo suitable for a
bathing costume, for it U sure to shrink
after being wet." Hprlgglet "Oh, I novah
go near tho nawsty horwid wattah, deab
boy. Just sit wound on tbo sand and en
tcrtaiu tho deah ladies, don't vo know.
Just givo mo something stwikinrr. uud
something that the sun doesn't fade."
Fiank (In the lobby). -Ex-Liberul Whtn
"I say, Watkln, you have shown a little
cross-yotlng lately. What aro wo to con
sider you now Conservative or Radical,
Whig or Tory?" Sir Edward Watkin
"My Lord you must not consider mo Con
servative or Radical, Whig or Tory, 1 am
for tho Union of Franco nnd England; I
am a Channcl-tunnellst."
Tremlow "Gono completely. 8!ccv!"
Slgamund "What is it? I saw you nn
hour ago, and you wcro getting on swim
mlngly with that Btuuning Mrshmallow
girl Tremlow "So I was, mo deah boy,
so I was; but just when I began to get over
my bashfulncss a little, sho turned around
and asked mo if I wouldn't like to como
over nnd play with her littlo sister somo
"I don't seo how I can co." said Mrs.
McStyle; "really I havo nothing to wear,"
''Nothing to wear!" exclaimed Mr. McS.;
where is your cream satin?" "Why, John,
how ridiculous you are! You know that
that is worn threadbare!" "I don't see how
that can bo. You havo not worn it above
threo times." "Very true; but theu, think
of tho times I bad to try it on while it was
"Of courso I sco you'ro ioklnc."
Mrs R., with a knowing look, Interrupt.
lnif Iter npnhniv tulm lm.1 l...t nm ..i
ituinug muuu iuo ime 01 a paragraph lu b
newspaper, "A University for Waleu."
You can't taku mo In quito so easily. Uni.
versity for whales, indeed? And yet." sho
added reflectively: "when I waa In Corn,
wall, I heard them frequently speak of a
'school of herrings.' 80 you may bo right,
after all."
Two brothers, William and Stenhnn
Grant lived on contiguous farms in Now
Brunswick. William bad a lawsuit with a
mau named Somcrs, and defeated him.
Soracrs started to drive homo from town
ono day, aud overtook a son of hla enemv.
Tho boy was unknown to him. Althouch
kno xlng Bomers well, thu boy asked for a
ride, resolving to bo vory careful to bide
bis identity. After driving a short dlatanm
Bomers said, "Let's seo you are a Grant.
olnll ...... 9 Wl . .. I
U.U .;um Uuou son aro your". Tho boy
realizing that tbo crisis bad como, resolved
to bo equal to it and answered, "I'm Unclo
Stove's son!" I am sorry to add thht 11, n
man had so littlo sense of humor that ho
put tho boy out of tho wagon.
The Blato Normal School of this district
at Bloomsburg will examine candidates for
tho Benlor class, August 14, 1888. Tbo
Fall terra will begin August 28, Tuesday.
Attention Is especially invited to tho ro.
ductlon In rales. Tuition in tbo Nnrmni
course Is nlmost freo and tbo expense of
uuunuog is very small.
A specialist In tbo Natural Rein..-
Prof. II. Ii Chopin, will succeed I'rof.
Feme All our Seniors and Juniors wero
approved by tho State Kxamlners, although
they wore tho largest number
cd by us, aggregating over ono hundred.
iuu professional standiuir is rnnr..r..i
by tho diploma. Many students aro pro
pared for college. For catalogue address
JUv. I). J. Waiash Jit, '
, Principal.
,. , 1 . ... ,,. 1
lJiT1lro!:A rtuthernartsHrfcB9lum hll
'btguUcrtribtll dtoyinwlloYilhi 'nbVeV'bccn
WHmmfidK'iji!fcfttu W'vnmnm is1
MhrMlvtlc'lirittlnVr' HAtt'llon mWWJUn.EXt JlH&iiaWf'VnWfMyiWr.rn.
tVirl ?lr-Alfrrj!'Wli!t6,,!i'oJ-dJl IcrMJoiiJlD.) .ti.-U. lbhiiyimi Vb.
notMarfle (VKW Hr.WtllH&Vy' manmiWlJJilSkWSo!
YMM MfmmHtl yWrMriKlnif-
UfmViriirlg ttiatWjVil" TMcfe K
'rryuTlinrl.c,nt"ai,A WiU'U Jgalb rt'lSMerf
Superintendent Leader Is winning mmy
friends In this section by his management
or the Bloomi'jurg & Sullivan railroad. Ho
is n good guardian for tho railroad com.
pany, and endeavors to please tho traveling
public. Tbo latest addition nnd convenl.
enco was tbo placing of nn additional pas
senger train, which leaves Bloomsburg nt
0 a.m. arriving nt Central at 7:12. Return
ing leaves Central nt 0:10 p. m. arriving at
Bloomsburg at 7:31. This will give all an
opportunity of spending a whole day at the
head waters either for business or pleasure.
With this extra train there nre now threo
trains running dally each way. Thcro is
considerable of travel over this road, and
It to bo hoped that with this additional
train the travel may bo so increased as to
Justify tho continuance of this early train.
TeciniiHeli nt IIIH Old TrlcliH.
From tho New York Tribune
When General Sherman called on tho
Blaino party on Friday evening tho old
veteran went through n round of kissing
which would havo staggered any ono less
accustomed to that mode of Shlutc, but in
which ho took tho Initiative. Tho"imackB"
sounded like pistol shots as he greeted tbo
young ladles, and tho gentlemen in tho
room wero all prompted to mako remarks
on tho Bubjcct ot osculation.
A Modest Jinn iiIuhIicm nnd llollH.
From the Augusta Chronicle
Ono of tbo illustrated papers prints a por
trait of a lady at Saratoga who has threo
hundred dresses. A careful study of tho
portrait suggests the Inquiry nstto why sho
didn't put ono on when sho sat for her
Buy Lester's School
Every pair warranted.
HILLEY In Sugarloaf township Aug.
17, 1833, Mrs. Mary Hillcy aged 72 years
11 months and 0 days.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby w sick, we gave her Cmtorla.
When she was a Child, tho cried for CtstorU,
When she became Miss, sho clung to OwtorU,
When she had Children, she gave them CuterU.
Closed Saturdays at 1 P. M.
When you come to the city
bear in mind that Wanamaker's
is a meeting and restincf and
waiting place as well as the
biggest store in the world.
There are reading and sitting
and retiring rooms for you : tele
phone, telegraph, and mail facil
ities. Your parcels will be
cared for without charge. We
try to make you welcome wheth
er you care to buy or not.
. , , emutu I
1 f
You know
worthy hot
that there
is no
weather for anv
weather) thing for wear or home
use but we have it. If you can't
come to the store, write for
whatever you want, samples or
goods. Shopping by mail has
come to be simple and certain.
A fev scratches of a pen, and
all the facilities of the store are
John Wanamaker.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
$3 doz. Life size Crayons only
$10.00. Viewing, copying ana
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
Bee tbo new Corset at Clark & Son's, can-
"wi. uienit uu iiiu uip
llm ...nrt.... i. . . .r. V , . w
""""ti. mm uusi iruit, in auoiu a nays,
I imccs.
All kinds of summer goods very cheap,
neinnanis 01 all Kinds must go. Sco tho
prices. Claris ce eou.
Ready mixed paint one dollai a eullon at
Schuyler's Hardware Stoic.
Tho ladies' Dress "cloths, Henriettas,
wu...,., uu ulutr , jjrcsg uoous aro
uciug luuaeu at.
at I. W. Ilartman A Sons.
"Aivinu t'OWUEit at
Baby carrlago Afgans at Clark & Son's,
Rasa fishing tacklo at Bchuylcr's bard.
Huntings for Grand Army day at Clark
us Son s.
Whltn and colored Flannels aro now in
-.ui.a m. 1, u, iiartman a Bons.'
Plain, twilled and
Clark is Son's.
Shaker Flannels at
Grand Army Day will bo a great day In
Bloomsburg and everybody will bo looklr-g
for something good to eat. P. B. Remcm.
ocr iuo UKKAT KASTEIIN will havo
Rn,i Aiu v i ' . 8C' b0,0y ilried beef
BUUAlliU UrtaU to feed thn mnlll
tudo, and cheaper than any where elso In
A car load of bushel baskets Just rccelv.
... umujicri naruwure store.
Now Uucblngs, Collars, Culls, Hair pluf ,
Combs etc at Clark & Sou's.
A Fall Shawl will now bo comfortuble
Beo tbcm at I. W. Ilartman & Sons'.
1 ho GREAT EA8 PERN Is the placo they
havo them fresh aud cheap.
Loaded shells fur breech loading shot
guns at Bchuylcr's hardware store.
"KTrw r. 1.4l .
T rV,. . V'UW1B ew colors, nowj
r.i ...... 1 .1. T I IIIKMIK. 1.1 - , 1 1 I
I llio unr.n.1 rjio 1 r.ivn win receive Vina
WWk arxrWHfclilH whldfr wmWtllJll(scd
oJwbclwaUiitrrliraDiUraTiEfc'Alhat will
MtOUlSU tho clOSCHUHiycre.
wi ,s;'T;&
writts."ilJsiifl.Vred tf n toutJ' ttrv"firtt)us
Debility -and Constitutional .weakness, dur.
ing thai tlmo hnvc consulted physicians ot
nil schools, paving largo fees without bone,
fit. In 1880 I consulted Dr. Thccl, C33
North, Fourth Street, Philadelphia, after
thorough examination bo pronounced mo
curable. Although nt tho tlma having
littlo faith in Doctors from past experience,
I placed myself under bis enre, and am
happy to any ho baa restored tno to sound
physical braltli. Knowing Dr. Thccl as I
do, I hcsltnto not lu udylslng all sufferers
no matter what tbelr experience has been
to consult him, ns they can put full confl.
denco in bis skill and Integrity.
Dr. Thool, Phladelpblaa renowned special
1st for nervous debility, blood poisons, kid
ney nnd special dlscnccs has cured more
cases than nil others combined. He has
cured cases pronounced in"urablc by lead
ing nbvsicinns. Wo would advlso thoso
sulTerlng to consult him personally or by
letter at his omcc, om norm i'ourtu street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
tbo flowers in melted parafilno, withdraw,
ing them quickly. Tho liquid should bo
only just hot enough to maintain its 11 aid
tty und the llowcrs should bo dipped ono
at n time, held by the stoekB atid moved
about for nn instant to gel rid of air bub
hies. Fresh cut llowcrs, freo from moist
ure, mako excellent specimens in this way.
If you would preservo your health and in
vigorate your cnllie system uso Perrlno'.i
ruro liarlov JHnit whiskey, vor satoliy
C. B. Robbins, Bloomsburg, 1 n feow.
as well as tbohandsomcst.nud others nro in
vlted to call on any druggist nnd get free a
trial bottlo of Kemp's Balsam for tho
throat and lungs, u remedy that is selling
entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed
to cure nnd relievo nil chronic and acuta
coughs, asthma, broucbitis and consump
tion. Fries 50 cents und $1.
is about fi.OOO, and wo would say nt least
ono-balf aro troubled with some affection
of tho throat and lungs as thoso complaints
arc, according to statistics, moro numerous
than others. We would advise all not to
neglect tho opportunity to call on their
druggist and get a bottlo ot Kemp's Bal
sam for thu throat and lungs. Prico COc
and SI. Trial slzo free. Sold by all drug,
Eczema, Itcliy, Hcaly, Hliln
Tho slmnlo nnnllcation of "Swnyno's
Ointment," without any intornal mcdicino
win euro any case ot letter, sail liutum
Ringworm, Flies, Itch, Sores, Pimples,
Eczema, nil Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions,
no matter how obstluato or long stauding.
It is potent, effective, und costs but a trlllo
allow n cough to run until It gela
beyond the reach of mcdlcin"o. They
often say, "Oh, it will wear nway,"
but in must cases it wears them
away. Could they bo induced to try tho
successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam,
which wo sell on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would Immediately seo tho ex
cellent effect after taking tbo first dose.
Price SOc. and $1. Trial size free. At nil
Tho ciown of Ouecn Victoria consists of
diamonds, pearls, rubies, sapphires and
emeralds, set in silver nud gold. Its gross
weigiu is or s uwt. troy, tho numttr
of diamonds nre !),J52; pci?rls, 278;
rubles, 9; sapphires, 17: emeralds, 11. It
Is an o'.U saying Uneasy Ilea tbo bead that
wears a crown, it is uettcr to wear tuo
crown of perfect health nnd Tieaco of
mind through tho curative effects of Per-
rino's Puro Barley Whiskey. For
sale by C. B. Robbins, Bloomsburg,Pa.
I'llCH! IMIch! ItClllllK I'IIcb.
Svmi'TOMs Moisture : Intense itchlnc and
stinging; most at night; worse by scratch.
ing. it nuowcu to contluuo tumors form,
which often bleed nnd ulcerate, becoming
very sore. Swnyno's Ointment stops tbo
Itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and
In most cases removes tbo tumors. At
druggists or by mail, for CO cents. Dr.
Swayne ifc Son, Philadelphia, may-4 ly,
W. I. IWU I H.
Our sheet music, vocal or in
strumental, is fast disappearing.
Two weeks apro there were 1300
pieces this week there aro but GOO
left. The prico did it two pieces
for five cents. If you want to seo it
come while thero is a choice to
select from. Two sheets for five
A largo line of pocket books,
card cases and ladies' hand
satchels, etc. Somo of theso aro
without snot or blemish, somo
slightly shop worn find faded by
tuo light; tnese go under the
cutting knife; if you want ono
for service these aro just as good
as new. Sonic that wero $2.00
now 7oc.
W. IT. Brooke & Co.,
Exchange Hotel Building,
Bloomsburg Pa.
Is desired and admired by all. Among
tho thfaigs which may best bo dono to
enhnnco porsonal
beauty in tbo dally
uso ot Aycr's Hair
Vigor. No matter
what tho color ot
tho hair, this prepa
ration gives it a lus
tre and pliancy that
mills greatly to its
charm. Should tho
' hair bo thin, harsh.
tt dry, or turning gray,
Ayor's ITnlr Vigor
will restore tho
color, bring out a
now growth, nnd
render tho old soft and shiny. For
kticplng tho scalp clean, cool, and
healthy, there is uo better preparation
lu tbo market.
" I am freo to confess that n trial ot
Aycr'H Hair Vigor haa couvincod mo
that it is a gcnulua article Its uso luu
not only cnusod tho hair of my wlfo and
laughter to bo
Abundant and Glossy,
but it haa given my rather stunted mus
tin'ho n rciipuctabfo lonutli nnd appear
nnco." U. llrlttou, Oakland, Ohio'
"My hair a coming out (without
any asilstnnco from my wlfo, either).
I triod Ayer'it Hair Vigor, uslug only
ono buttle, uud I now havo ai lino n
lioad of hair ru any onu could wih for."
H. T. Bchmlttou, Dlckkuu, Touu,
"I havo usod Ayer'a Hair Vigor In my
family for a uumhor ot jenra, aud re
gard it iu tbo bout hair pre-ukration I
I. now of. It koop tho scalp clean, tho
hair soft nud lively, nud piiwiirve tho
original color. Mv wlfo ban ued il for
n long tlmo with m.wt satUfaotory ro
Hulta,'1 lluulimiti M. Johnson, M. D.,
Thomas Hill, Mo,
" My hair was becoming liareh and dry,
but nfttr tmiiiif halt a liottln of Ayer'.-f
Hair VlK'ir it urew black and glowy. I xpu-iM the Joy aud gratitude I
toul."-Mulj l C, Hardy, Dclavuu, III.
Ayer's- Hair Vigor,
Or, J. O, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man,
Bold by DrugzUU and Perfumers,