The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 17, 1888, Image 4

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Tho Imllan'g. Tntaro,
Motor John M. Burke, Buffalo Hill's
rlght-bowor, who Is known in tho West
as "Arizona Jnok," thus speaks of tho
Indiau and his condition :
I know tho Indian Territory well,
having ridden over a groat part of it,
nnd had occasion to know many of its
legitimate inhabitants, and I sneak ad'
viscdly when I say that no policy inoro
antagonistic to tho spread of civiliza
tion and Injnrlouj to tho best interests
of tho Italians could possibly bo adopt
ed short of a gonoral merciless maasa
oro of tho red men than that which
excludes whlto settlors from that por
Hon of that country which is unoccu
pied by tho Indians and is of no uso to
them, and to which thoy havo no legal
or moral right. Tho Torritory Is too
vast for tho Indians alouo to occupy
with any trood result. Tlmv rnttln
nround like a crnin of alint i
dram. Kvon if thoy wuro restricted to
iuuir roHervauons iney would still Havo
far moro land than thov could mako
any good uso of it. Tho latest and
closest consus of tho Indian In tho
Territory that wo havo shows that thero
woro only 10,374 of them all counted,
to occupy reservations amounting to
11,C85,035 acres, nnd their numbers
are decreasing alt tho time. Why, this
is a sampio ot now tnoy nro scattered :
j. no last time 1 was out tboro I wont
with Brave Bear to call upon Whito
Eagle, both Pawnee chiofs. Wo had
supper with Whito Eagle, nnd after
ward Bravo Boar told mo ho expected
us both to go to breakfast with him
"next door," as ho expressed it. I ac
cepted tho invitation, innocently sup-
UOsinCT that if, m;.mt In rrn n Lnlf miln
or bo, and at daybreak wo saddled up
and statted for his house 'noxt door.'
Imagine, if you can, my disgust and
knA. mU. 1 . T . I 1 ' 1
uugui wucii juu leiirn as i men aiu,
that it was eighteen or twenty miles
from Whito Eagle's to Bravo Bear's.
They thought nothing of it, but I did.
and when wn irnt fn HmM Ttanr'a Lia
children fled at sight of my whito face
as ii i uaa Deen a gnost. l don't think
they had ever seen a whito man before,
and not many red ones either. What
can you expect of children growing up
in suoh isolation but that thoy will bo
savages t Aro they subjected to any
influences of civilization t Hardly.
Yet tho Pawnees havo a smaller al
lotment of land in their reservation
than most of tho other tribes, which
seems to me, by the way, an injustice,
sinco they have long been the staunch,
reliable friends of the whites and were
brave soldiers of our government on
tho frontier, fighting tho Sioux during
tho Rebellion, when so many other
Indians were enlisted by the Southern
Confederacy against us. They havo
but 207J acres per capita, whilo the
Sacs and Foxes havo 1,049, thoPotta
wotamies and Tonkawas 1,047 and
1,087, respectively, tho Choycnnes and
Arapahoes 1.103J, tho Iowas 2,56GJ,
and the Wiohitaws no less ihan 8,000.
That is per capita, mind you, buck,
squaw and papoo&c. Give them 160
acres for each family of four all round
whioh would be as muoh as thoy would
over mako any good use of, and 462,
940 acres would settle them all com
fortably. Mind you, I am not in favor
of robbing them of an aero that now
belongs to them. I simply believe that
it would bo for their highest good for
tho government to condemn their sur
plus land for tho purposo of planting
upon it aotual whito settlers, paying
them a reasonable price for it. Tho
bill now before Congress proposes to
allow them not more than $1.25 per
aero for all tho land to which they have
even a disputable claim. That means
81.25 of course, less what thoy have
already received for it and tho "not
moro than'1 goes for nothing in all suoh
matters. It looks liko a liberal price
and it is j but oui nation can afford to
be liberal. Wo havo dono well in land
transactions. Wo only paid 6 cents
per acre to Mexico for 400,000,000
aores of land, out of which we havo
made threo thousand millions ot dollars.
And the $1.25 per acre for this land
the government will readily get back
from actual settlers.
The talk of impractical theorists,
rank hypocrites and interested, deign
ing schemers that it is "for tho good
of the Indian'' that they wa-it civiliza
tion kept out of the Torritory is the
most arrant, impudent nonsense. It is
precisely for his good that I want to
seo tho example of thrifty agriculture
set him upon all sides ; towns, school
houses and churches established about
him; railroads extended through bis
lands to enhance their value j commerce
and manufacturers flourishing in his
vicinity. Then his land will beoome
of great value to him ; he will havo
learned the whjte man's lessons of in
dustry, economy and self-help, and ho
will bo in timo a oontented, happy,
law-abiding citizen and with tho start
he will have from the sale of his sur
plus land a very well-to do one, much
belter off than the averago whito agri
culturist But keep him in his present
isolated condition, and you compel him
to bf come a savago, or rather to re
main one. Even tho bright Indian
boys you are educating in Carlisle and
teaching various handicrafts to, when
you send them b.ick to the Indian
Territory, aro compelled to lapse into
savagery for lack of demand up'n them
for exercise of their several callings,
owing to tho ipatseness of tho popula
tion and the limited wants of its savmm
mode of existenof. Indeed, they are
u, oy reason or ineir Hopeless plight,
the advance they havo mndo in civiliza
tion and the (lecrailinL' retrnrnvMainn
forced upon them, to sink even lower
than tho primitive savage and spek
their associates among tho whito crimi
nals who in largo numbers, in defiance
of tho law, find shelter in tho Indian
Territory. The ouly Indian wo lmye
over had to discharge from tho Wild
West and send back to tho reservation
because he was n drunkard was an in
terpreter educated in tho Carlisle sohool
I Pitied the lioor fellow. hnnnuHn T nt
predated tho forces that mado him
...i . i .
wnat no was.
Tho country that it is proposed shall
bo oponed up to whito rrttleniHiit
under such restrictions as will prevent
all butaotual settlers cetting a foothold
there oontita of a liit'o over eleven
and a half millions of mien. It is that
portion of tho Territory west of the
five already civilized tilling south to
tho Cimniarron river, nml in .,,i i..
i ., j'iii, vvi
the Canadian, and thenno went alcng
Mm nurinurii imeiui uiu present lcP'.
vatloua to tho Texas pan )muiu and
taking in the publio land hi rip, or, as it
is better kt OM n cut there, "No Man's
Land." Tho die'iio' known a Okla
homa, which is 1,888,000 acres in ex
tent, is about in tho middle of it. . "No
JilunV Land,'1 so onllo because it dois
pot belong to any Stito and has po
semblanco of govt run ent or lav, ni d
iu flu. ait.i rrfvanrr. nf nvuru L;.,. I
enauo oi mgiiivo criminals nom
over th country, comprises 8,072,0 iO
acres. Tho "Cherokco outlet'' a vast
tract conditionally granted to tho
Chorokccs simply as a highway for
them to get out from tho reservation
to go buffalo hunting on tho plains, but
which tboy havo no uso for now, sino
there aro no longer nny buffaloes to
hunt has in it a little over 0,022,000
aarcs. Tho rost of tho country which
it 1 con emplated shall bo set apart to
form tho now Territory of Oklahoma,
within tho boundaries I havo mention
ed, brliiRH tho grand total up to Bomc
whoro nbout 25,000,000 acres.
Concerning Oklahomt, winch gal
lant Captain l'aync, now dead, nnd his
confrere, Captain Couch, had mado
such hcroio efforts to havo opened up
to settlement, it is simply a wicked nb
surdity to say that any Indians havo
any rights there at all, and that boni
fide whito settlers shall not bo allowed
to go in there nnd dovclop its rich nat
ural resources. Tho government
bouuht back tho land from the Semi
notes nnd Creeks, with tho idea of
hiving there some of tho dangerous
Northern Indians, particularly the
Sioux, and moro or less of tho freed
men of tho South, but tho latter, being
elevated to tho dignity of citizonship,
nroferod to stay whero thero was more
uootblacking, whitewashing and wait
ing to bo done, and nobody had auy
right to sond them to a reservation.
As for tho Sioux, thero was a grand
concerted kick among tho moro or less
civilized Indians already on other re
servations against such dangerous
noiuhbors forced upon them, so tho
project, so far as thoy wcroooncorned,
was abandoned, and that beautiful,
fertile, well-watered, finely timbered
and healthful country lies idlo.
Even if the Sioux had not been kill
cd off by tho joint efforts of their
noighbors had thoy boon sent down
thero tho measure would havo been
fatal to them. However bleak, inhos
pitable tho country may bo in which
the Indian is born and bred, you kill
him when you transport him to anoth
er, even though tho now may bo in nil
respects infinitely better than that to
which he has been accustomed. He
pines away and dies. That was de
monstrated in the caso of the Nez Per-
ces. Thoy wero brought down from
tho North nud given a reservation
that was a paradise in comparison
with their former home, right in tho
best part of the Indian Territory, yet
thoy got so homeoick that they died
off liko rotton sheep, and tho govern
ment had to send them back whenco
thoy camo to save them from utter
Much of tho strongest opposition to
tbo encroachments ot civilization upon
tho Indian territory comes from tho
"cattle barons." Tho cunning Cho
rokees assumed the responsibility of
Ioasing to tho "Cherokee Live Stock
Association," fcr a term of five years,
tho vast track known as the "Chero
kee outlet," over whioh they had actu
ally no moro right of disposal than you
or I have, and got 100,000 for it.
Then tho still moro cunniDg whito
men who had got tho lease sublet it
in sections to nearly one hundred cat
tle barons and speculators lor an ag
gregate of S500,000. All those leases
expire noxt October, by which timo it
is to bo hoped Uoncress and a Uemo-
cratio administration will havo settled
this wholo question in the way that the
people of tho West looking for homes
have a right to expect, and that is
unquestionably for tho best interests
of tho Indians.
The red man must bo absorbed by
tho whito race, or, if thoy aro unable
to adapt themselves to civilization, must
pass away. 1 do not trunk that the
latter will be their fate, though it is
altogether probable that their num
bers will be sadly reduced before, they
fully accept in spirit as well as deed
their altered conditions of life and tho
reaction comes to savo them. But tho
locio of tho situtation is incxorablo.
Thoy can no longor live, as their an
cestors did, by tho chase: nor can they
exist as tho holpless, idle, dispirited
wards of the government. To bo Bav
ed from extinction they must learn to
help themselves. For a term of years
they should bo protected in business
and in possession of their lands by
such rigid laws as would be for them a
safeguard against the wily whito man,
tor tiioy are, as a mass, merely big
children. But thoy aro not bv any
means unintelligent children, nor aro
they naturally vicious ones, except in
such vices as are to them the virtues
of their old predatory, lshmaelitish,
savage life. Throw open to civiliza
tion tbo country about them and you
will ere long havo them educated to
self-reliance, a sense of moral responsi
bility and an appreciation of the yaluo
and dignity of labor. They will mako
good citizens. And at the samo time
y-m offer to a hundred thousand white
men, eagerly and anxiously looking
for it, tho most inviting land of homes
on all this broad and glorioUB conti
A President on Brandy for Slokness.
The President of tho Baltimore
Medical Colloge, Dr. Byrd, who has
thoroughly tested Speor's wines, eta,
I havo prescribed Speer's Port-Grapo
Wine with marked and decidedly bene
ficial effects. I am prepared to bear
testimony to tho valuo of his Pedro J.
Brandy, aUo, as a pure and valuable
article in all cases of disease in whioh
a reliable stimulant is required. I
would be happy to feel that I was in
strumental iu inducing my fehow citi
zens to patronize these productions, to
the exclusion of the foreign "doctored,"
and harmfully adulterated wines and
brandies with which our peoplo nro
often injured.
Presidontand Professor of Obstetrics
and Diseases of Women and Children,
Baltunoio Medical College.
Tho oxiioiiso of living in tho oity of
Now York may bo conjectured from a
remark lu tho Mall and JUxpresi that
a man with an income under $5,000
finds tho country healthier than tho
, It BT.d my Otuld'a lift,
i " When mr child m hern,
tho dootor ordered on of tlu
tXbtt roods. 8h ste thst no.
tllsh.nurIyalKL I hid threo
doctors, Trha ssld tho trouble
vu Indigestion, sad ordered
tho food chanted to LtcUtod
Food. It utoJ ray chlld'i lilt,
sM I owe you rosny touts
for It I regard your Food as
UTslaiUo, and superior to all
ether irtlsclil food for babies.
ik, imMtfi A
t- - m m m m m. a t
Aw m M m m m i v
Pom&mm tntnr Important AdvantwrM
ortr U ether )ieirod J'wda.
Perfectly Nourishes n Bnby with
or without tha addition of milk.
Three Biz,,. SSo. BOo, tl.OO.
Avels.Mo pamphlet on "The Nutrition
Boston. Mass,
II Indians Vlaoe.
w Aiuenu sua
The Last Look at ths Head.
sueridan's oakht.
Wapiiinoton, Aug, 10 A fow itiln-
nlos befoio 8 o'clock this morning Mrs.
Sheridan nccoinpaiiiod by Uentral and
Mrs. lluckir. her fathi r and mother,
Colonel Sheridan, nnd other members
of thu family, entered St. Matthews
church whero tho remains of the doad
central lie in clato. She leaned upon
ihu arm of her father. At 8 o'clock a
special r q ion v, jh celebrated by
Father Korvii-k and on tho oincminn
of the Reivico thi chmeh wan olearcd
nnd Mrs. Sherulnn milium l alono
with her dra 1. A bIio loft thu church
tho guard retimed their places ni:d
visitors wero again admitted. A
st v stream of peoplo poured in and
out of tho church all day. They in
cluded nil classes, Members of con
gress nnd laboring men in their every
day clothes looked upon tho carkot
containing tho remains of tho great
commander. Those who wished to
stop in tho ohuroh to attend to their
tlovotions, took seats in tho pows, but
tho II'. o kept passing on, at times di
minishing in numbers and then again
thronging tho broad nislo. In accord
ance witli tho wish of Mr'. Sheridan,
tho s-mplo effect of tho casket, covorcd
rmly with tho American llatr, wan not
broken by placing iloral tributes on it.
Such lhwers as wero received woro plac
ed on the steps iusidu tho altar rail. A
wreath of ivy leaves with pihn bran
ches arrived at tho ohuich Ihis morn
ing from somo unknown source. It
was thought lo havo been sent by tho
president. Tho church will remain
open n-t mual until 8 o'olook to-morrow
morning, llio usual parochial
mass being colobiated at 7 o'clock.
Tho salute at tho gravo will consist of,
first, seventeen guns from tho light
batterioH, and sotiond, three salvos of
musketry from the batallion, followed
by "taps" from a cavalry trumpet.
Tho church was cleared of all per
sons this ovening including tli9 guards
of honor, and tho casket was opened
in tho presence of Pr. O Heillv, Uolo.
nel Blunt and Klein, the general's
body servant, to allow John bheridan,
tho generals brother from Ohio to
view tho remains. Tho General's face
is said to have a very natural appear
anoe. Cardiual Gibbons and Bishop
Faloy arrived in tho city this evening.
New Tork Bacball Club.
Office Polo Grounds Now York,
May 7, 18S7.
(iKNTS, I have nsed your
FUND'S jfiATltAUT lor myselt and
family for some timo nnd find it to
be the best article ot tho kind i ever
nsed. It will remove stiffness and
soreness of tho muscles in a very xhort
time, and in my opinion no baseball
player or athlete sl ould bo without
this valuablo compound: Yours truly.
Manager New York Baseball Club,
It is said that tho expiration of tbo
copyright on many of Carlylo's works
is to result in tho republication of
many magazine articles which ho would
never allow to bo re-printed, but which
have been unearthed in tho library of
tho British Museum.
Vans tvxvt 'TJLE
Iloliitr entirely vegetable, they op
erate without disturbance to the ivstom, diet,
or rccupntlon. Put up In plass vlnK hermctl
cnlly Bcnlod. Alwnys trcsh end rellnblo. As
x Inxatlvc, alterative, or purgative,
theso llttlo 1'cllota giro tho most perfect
1M II on llcnilnclio,
KM7.ziiioi3, Const tim
Hon, Inilttfoti t Ion.
ISlIluus Altncltn, imtlntl
clcmntrcinenta of tho stom
ach ami bowels, nre prompt
1 y rt llcved nnd permanently
ninf1 hv thn itso nf Ilr.
IMorro lMcnMint Vurpatlvo Pellet.
lu explanation ot tlifj remedial power of theno
Tellcta over o preat n variety of diseases. It
may truthfully lo sutd that their action upon
tho lystcm la universal, tint a gland or tissue
CMonpinjr their kumMvo influence. Sold by
drui,TEui?,i r-ciitu a vial. Manufactured at tho
Chemical laboratory of Woklu's Dirpsxs-UIY
Medio ai. Association, Iiutfulo, K. V,
is offered by the manufactur
ers of ir, Snges Catarrh
Itcmoilv, for a case of
Chruuio Nasal Catarrh which
r' , thoy cannot euro.
heavy headache, obstruction of tho nasal
passaged, discharges fulling from the head
Into tlo throat, sometimes profuse, watery,
and act id, ut others, thick, tenacious, mucous,
purulent, bloody and putrid; tho eyes aro
wi-uk, watery, and fnf lamed; there Is ringing
In tho cars, deafness, haclcinir or coutrtilntr tn
clear tho throat, expectoration of offensive
matter, together with scats from ulcers; tho
vofco Is changed and has a nasal twang; the
breath Js ollcusiro; smell and tosto aro Im
paired; thero is a (ton sat Ion of dizziness, with
mental depression, a hacking cough and gen
eral ilt.ltll.ty. Only a few of tho ubovc-nained
symptoms are likely to bo present In any vuo
casus. Thousands of cases uunually, without
manifesting half of tho abovo symptoms,, re
sult In consumption, and end in the grave.
No disease is so common, more deceptivo and
uhukwuuh, ur less iiuutTBinou DY ptiyEiciaos.
Uy Its lutld, soothing, and hcnllnjr properties.
Dr. Bage'R Catarrh
Itoinc-dy cures the worst
cases or uainrrn
'cold In tho liead."
Coryza, and C'nturrliul lloadaclie.
(Sold by druggists everywhere; 60 cents.
"Untold, Agony from Catarrh."
Prof. W. nAuSNKR, tho famous mesmerist,
nf Ithaca. AT. y writes : " Some ten years ago
I suffered untold agony from chronlo nasul
catarrh. My family physician garo mo up as
incurable, and said I must die. My caso was
such a bad one, that every day. towards sun
set, my voloo would becomo so uoarso 1 could
barely speak above a whisper. Iu the morning
my coughing: and clearing of my throat would
almost strangle mo. lly the uso of Ur. Sage's
CaUrrb Itemed, In three months, I was a well
man, and the euro bos been permanent."
"Constantly Hawklnc; nnd Spitting.')
Thomas J. Itcsnmo, Esq., tXI Pint Strut,
St. iouls, Afo., wrltcsi "I was a great sufferer
from catarrh for threo years. At times 1 could
hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking
and spitting, and for tho last eight mouths
could not breathe through tho nostrils. I
thought nothing could bo dono f or lue. Luck
ily. I was advised to try Dr. Sago's Catarrh
Uemody, and 1 am now a well muu. I bullovo
It to lie tho only sure remedy for catarrh now
manufactured, and ono has only to give It a
fair trlul to ejpcrleaoo astouudiag results and
a permanent cure,"
Threo llottlci Care Catarrh.
EfJ ItODBins, Jlunian P. CotumMa Co
Pa., says t "My daughter had catarrh when
she was live years old, very badly. I saw Dr.
Sage's Catarrh ltemedy advertised, and pro
cured a bottle for her, and soon saw that it
helped her t a third bottle elected a perma
nent cure. She Is now eighteen years old and
sound and hearty."
12.S No Equal.
"V. are mlng In our nnr.
cry (containing forty Infants)
your lAcUtod Food, and find
it far anterior to all other food
which has been used during
the peat ten years that I bar.
been vtelUng physician. The
Bisters of Charity, who have
rhanr. of the Institution, ur
It has so equal.
W,E.Cocect,HP.. '
BtJowth's Foundries-Asylum,
IS, Clacumeu, Ohio. -
iutiuuo,- is
She Tried and Knows.
A lending chemist of New York
sityM "No rluter of such merit tu
theAth-lo-pho-ros 1'lo.ilcrshiweevcr
beforo been produced." They nro
ci novelty because they nre not made
(Imply to sell cheap, they nro tho
best that science, skill nnd money
can produce, nnd will do what la
claimed for .them. For sprains,
riches, weakness, lameness, etc,
they nre uneinnlcd.
101 Fulton fit , Randnrtr.O , Not. SI.W.'
Tho Athlophorr Planter .acted lis
Eimrlo. It 1h tho b.rt I ever tried and 1
live nwd many ilmls., )ur dmwln
r.ld "rtawtcrt aro all atwut the sme " but
1 don'i think so now. . I sprained ray arm
and ehouldrr In July, and It has been
patnf nl eluoK, but It lo;e not pain me at
all now. Mrs. Wiujs Miciiu.
a- Bend 6 cents for tho beautiful colored pic
ture, " Moorish Maiden."
THE A THL0PH0R0S CO. 112 Wall St. N. rt
r u
1 35
A. M
A, H.
a 15
0 30
6 34
6 40
R 63
7 P5
7 12
7 20
7 "7
7 31
7 35
7 42
7 49
8 06
8 17
8 22
8 33
8 S3
8 38
8 45
9 49
8 63
8 63
9 03
9 09
9 17
9 26
9 CO
9 35
Cameron..... B M
chulasky n 11
Danville 04
CntawKsa 0 25
ltupert.. sj
Iiloomsburg .. 0 39
Lime WdRO. 6 M
Willow urovo -.. ... M
llrlarcreck A 6
Uerwlck 7 05
Uracil Haven 7 11
Ulck'B Ferrv. 7 It
10 10
10 25
10 29
10 3D
10 63
11 00
11 07
11 IS
11 23
11 26
11 30
11 37
11 41
11 43
11 63
12 03
13 16
12 20
12 SI
12 SO
12 37
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12 45
12 60
12 65
1 03
1 11
1 19
1 25
1 30
t 58
2 11
2 19
2 21
2 29
2 4?
2 54
2 69
3 09
3 19
3 26
3 39
3 43
Nhtckshlnny . 7 no
Ilunlock's 7 43
NnntlcoUC 7 CO
Avonditie i ti
lymoutn e
lrraouth Junction 8 03
Kingston 8
Bennett 12
Mnltby a 17
Wyoming - 8 23
West llttston 8 27
Httston 8 33
Ijickawanna 8 40
3 52
3 66
4 01
Taylorrltlo. 8 48
lieliovue oi
I 00
r u
4 22
9 60
9 65
10 00
10 03
10 16
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10 27
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10 (1
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H 02
11 12
11 22
II 23
11 87
11 52
11 t9
12 05
12 10
12 16
12 30
12 55
2 05 0 20
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0 IE
6 25
0 30
6 87
C 45
0 10
6 56
6 59
7 03
7 07
7 12
7 16
7 21
7 25
7 43
7 51
8 07
Tavlorvlllo. .
0 50
2 14
2 21
2 28
2 31
2 39
2 60
2 51
2 59
3 03
3 06
3 19
3 29
3 39
3 45
3 61
3 67
4 01
4 05
4 12
4 18
4 21
4 29
4 46
4 64
5 00
6 15
L.ncKawaunu u
lttUton 6 3B
West Httston 6 42
Wyoming. o 47
Maltby o M
Bennett . B 53
Kingston 6 t8
Plymouth Junction 7 05
riymouth 7 10
Avondale. ? 14
Nanticoke 7 19
Ilunlock's 7 2
Shlckahlnny - T 47
Hick's Kerry T bs
beach Haven 8 01
Berwick 8 07
Dnarcrcek. 8 13
Willow Grove . 8 16
Lime wage 8 so
Espy....... 8 26
iiloomsburg 8 32
ltupert 8 37
Catawlssa 8 '2
Danville 8 57
Chulasky. 9 03
Cameron u 07
NOKTUUMBEBLiND.. ...... 9 22
8 13
8 20
8 27
8 31
8 31
8 41
8 47
8 62
8 67
9 16
II 23
9 28
9 45
r m
Connections nt ltupert with Philadelphia
ItoadinK ltallroaa rnr Tamancna, inmaqua, win.
lumnnnrt. Hunhnrv. rottsvlllo. etc. At NorthUm
berland with P. & K. Dlv. P. It. It. for Harrlsburg,
hoc Iiaven, Jtmponum, warren. corry uuujiriB.
'V. Y. HALSTEAD, Gen. Man.,
Scranton, I'a
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effect Alio. 5,18SS. Trains loave sunhury
a jn n Ron HiinrA TCxnress fdally excect
Sunday), for liamsourg anainierrntuiuiramviuuo,
arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 1. m-i.NlYl?
5.50 p. m. : Baltimore, 4.45 p. m. s Washington
5.55 6. m.. connecting at rhllodelphla for all sea
Shore points. Through passenger coocn to
v 1.43 p. m.-Day express
dally except Sunday),for Harrlsburg and Interme
diate stations, arriving at V u 1 1 a d e 1 p h la
a ui n m . tjpw Ynrir. 0.35 rt. m. ! Baltimore
6.45 p.m. i Washington, 8.C0 p. m. Buffet rarlovcar
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
throughtoPhlladelphlaand Baltimore.
1.13 U. III. JIUUUIU llliliUlllluwittiwu xu....j
tor Harrlsburo and all Intermediate stations, arriv
ing at Philadelphia 4.23 a. m. ; New York 7,10 a. m.
Baltimore. 5.15 a. m. ; Washington 6.30 a. ra. ;
Pullman sleeping car from wuuamsptio luiiauei
nhtn. Phlladelnhla oassencers can remain In
sleeperundlsturbe d until 7 a. m.
2.60 a.m. Erie Mall (dally) for narrtsburg and
Intermediate stations, arrWlng at Philadelphia
8.25 a. m. New York, 11.50 a. m. Baltimore 8.15
a. m. s Washington, 9.30 a. m. Through Pullman
sleeping cars are rnn onthlatralnto Philadelphia,
Baltimore and Washington, and through paoson
ger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore
6.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally), for Erie ana all
Intermediate stations ana Oanandalgua erd
Intermediate stations. Rochester, Buffalo and
HtArmrn Pniiq. with throiicrh Pullman Palp'.e-
oara and passenger coaches to Erie and Koch ..
ter. . t M . .
9.63 News Express taatiy excepi, ounanyj lai
Lock naven and intermediate stations.
12.62 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun.
any) for Kane and Intermediate stations and Can-
ardalgua and principal Intermediate stations,
n-chester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with
thrnughpassenger coaches to Kane and ltocnestor
and Buffet Parlor carto Watktns
6.30 p. ra. Fasiiiineiaauyiexcepi.aiiuuujjiur iw
novo and intermediate stations, ana Eimtra, wa
kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas
senger coaches to Henovo and Watklns.
9.20 a. m. Sunday mall for Henovo and Interme
diate BtatlOD"
is AST ahuhjuiu.
HnntlftT mall leaves Phlladelnhla 4.30 a. m
Harrlsburg 7.40 arriving at Sunbury 9.20 a. m. with
through sleeping car from Philadelphia to Wll
llamsport. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m.
Harrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday
arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m.
Phlladelphla.7.40 a. ra. : Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally
except Sunday arriving at Banbury. 12.62 p. m.,
with through Buffet rarlor car from Philadelphia
and tnrough passenger coaches from Phlladel.
pnia ana uaiiunore.
Fast Line leaves Now York 9.00 a.m.; Phlladel
phla.11.60 a. m.! Washington, 9.60 a, m.i Balti
more. 10.45 a. m.. (dally except Sunday) arriving at
Sunbury, 5.3i)p. m., with through passenger
coaches trom Philadelphia and Baltimore.
una Man leaves new i one o.uu p. ra. j i-unauei-phla.ll.25p.
m. j Washington, 10.00 p. ra. : Ualtl.
moretii.ip.m.tiaauy) amviuirai. ounuurjciu
a. m., with through Pullman Sleeping cars from
Phlladelnhla. Washlneton and lialtlmore and
through passenger coaches Iron) Philadelphia.
(Dally except Sunday.)
Wllkesbarre Mall leaves Sunbury 9.65 a. ra.
arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.46 a.m., Wllkes-barre
mo p.m.
Express East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. m., arriving
at Bloom Ferry 6.26 p. m.. Wllkes-barre 7.65 p. m
sunbury Mall leaves Wllkesbarre 10.80 a. m.arrlv.
Ing at Hloom Ferry 11.46 a. m., Hunbury 12.35 p. m
express west leaves wiiaes-oarre p. ui., ar
riving at Bloom Ferry 4.19 p. ra,, sunbury 5.10p.m
Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:25 a. m.. arriving
at Bloom Ferry 10:16 a. ra.. Wllkes-Barre 11:45 a.ra.
sunaay accorainoqaiion leaves wuKee-iiarre e:iu
. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry, 6.89 p. m,, sunbury,
so o. m.
CHAS. k. ptian, j, it. wood.
tien.uanagor uen. ruawnrer aktoj
A 20-1'AOK
Descriptive Of the Hall, ( Ilinate. l'nxlortloiia,
itliiniil'iirinrlnu ImluftrleH and .lllnernl Wenltli
of virtiiuiit ana other bouthein nates, wrlteto
W. 11. BEV1LU Gen'l Pass. Agent,
Enclosing 2ent Stamp
enn bs mado satisfactory, bo that losi ot time and
expenso ot getting new can bo avoided. It will
cost nothing to corirsnonit with the
MACHixnitY Jmirovi:mi:nt Co.
State yorr case and llnd out what they can do for
ynu Addws LOCK BOX 2WI, NKW VoitK I'OST
Ofl'ICU, glvlug luUpurtlculani. July 20-Min
)i Interest to Ladies.
Vowtll"-...!. FREE PAMPUEof oar wonderful
c'n-vitiQfor f mitlai cptuplktula toanyln47wbowUlitt
talNctitactfiCaU-j Urort'urchHiilokt. tuaUtamnfor
trQUate. CAKIR REMID COsoxlOf, fiiiffalo.If.Y.
Vba tmatM with tho Annoying JrrwttirHlea
fregucnttr fallowing a ouU or i-iposura, ct irooitlup-
ThnUra Htrangthf alntf totii fenllra r't'in. Infari
loniJrlifurand iuaunt.tra forrutoall fnuctlouvot uidf
ltd ill ad. bitntbf niail,fliiivl7MittlM.I,il. A.Ury,
Dr.MrtorMoulolntCo.,r.l0UI3, U0,
Tho "Mome Markete" Toolory,
Tlio "liotnn m.VKet" pntriolH loll us
llml If wo liailn't wrtr' tnxo wo would
bo filillircd In liiiy rvcrytliliifr wo nco
nbroiul, nntl tlmt It in "protection" that
prevent tin from being "invfttlctl by
I'rUish gooils." Let's boo.
Ccrtnln things nro "protected"
rind coilrtln others nro not, or (whnt 1b
the nnnio In cflt ct) tho surplus output
is so urnni, ns In loo caso of groin,
brentigtir', pttroloum, cotton, insat
nnd hurting nrtlolcs of ngrictiltural
prodiictioi', that wo must export and
must go into tho world's maikcts nnd
soli nt llio world's prices. This oondi
is oxnetly ( qti'qilont to "frco trade,"
ni will bo readily stent for tho prico
obtained for our ox-ports, and of tho
"homo markoi," loo, of tho things ox
ported is detci mined by tho averajjo
ttf nil men tho wheat grower on tho
Black Sua, In SoiiUipm Russia, iu
Kgypll I ho cot'on producer of India,
tho cattlo grower of South America
nnd tho great oil producing Hold of
llaku in nsintio Russia, which is now
looming into great importance. These
nro America's competitors for n sliaro
of tho world's purchases of her orport
ablo surplus. To ronoat, thereore.
our producers of thuso cnum .-rated ar
ticles work under conditions exactly
equivalent to perfect "freo trade." If
tho war tariff theory wero correct,
suoh a condition would result in swam.
Hint' America with Indian cotton. Rus
sian and Egyptian whoat, South Ame
rican eatllo and Russian petroleum.
As a imtter of fact, America has not
only hor own "homo market" in tlicso
thinriB, but exported during tho quarter
ending March 31,1888,a quantity whose
value is fixed by tho liurenu of Statis
tics nt $125,C.')0,G57, and for llio samo
period of tho proceeding year 5152,211
402. Tho percentaco that theso ex
ports of "unprotected" productions
boro to tho wholo export trade wero
7fi.2 and 80.6 respectively. In other
words, wo possess tho '"homo market"
iu tho productions not protected, add
in tho first quarter of tho current
year fold to Joreicntrs an amount
equal to 7o per rent, of all our export
trado. so much for ouo half of the
protectionist theory.
During tho samo period of this voar.
tbo quarter ending March 31, 1888, tho
United States imported merchaudiso to
trio value of 1 88,410,822, of which
S126,322,4G7, or 07.4, was subject to
tiatv, "protected ' in other words,
That is to say, wo buy of foreigners
quarterly Sl26.322.407 worth of things
wmon ino "home mtrkct lellows tax
to keep out so that wo can "make it
al home" So muoh for tho other half
of tho "h mo market" theory.
Our farrmrs and producers of col-
ton, breadstuff?, provisions, pi troleutn
ana meat havo shonn that thov Scan
carry a tremendous load of. taxation
and sell abroad 75 per cent, of all our
export Irado without protection, and
under conditions which render " pro
tection" impossible II these men can
stand tbo lincstico nnd actual loss of
bomg obliged to buy ovurytliiiiK thev
need in a taxed market, and beii g
compelled to sen in tho irec, open,
competitive markets of tho world, and
yet bo ablo to boII hugo quantities
every jear, why cant manufacturers
do put in tne samo category! All our
manufacturers need to bo ablo to do
tbo same thing ' is to bo relieved of
needless taxation on their materials.
Give all our citizens, fnrmcrs and
manufac.urcrs a chance. Evening
Jn tho combination, proportion, and
preparation ot its ingredients, Hood's
barsaparilla accomplishes cures where
other preparations entirely fail. PecU'
liar in its good namo at home, whioh
is a "tower of strength nbroad," pocu-
!! :.. I :.t.. ...
iiai iu in iiiciiuiuuuui nuierj JlllUHUllur
ncd, Hood's Sarsaparilia is tho most bu&
ccssful medicine or puiifyincr thn
blood, giving strength, and creating an
A Vaccination Matineo in Trinidad,
I watched my friend, tho doctor, ono
morning as ho held a vaccination matr
Tho law requires the recistrar of
births to furnish each mother with
blank form, and that tho parents shall
present the child to a public vaccina'
tor within six months thereafter under
a small penalty. Notico is civen of
day and hour when bo will be at his
ollico to vaccinate, and a largo attend
ance, is certain.
I had boon wondering all breakfast
timo at tho amount of style in tho way
of bright colors and brown babies in
tho garden, and when wo wont down
to tho ollico rooms, there wero about
dozen women, as many babys and two
or three men waitinj tor tho perfor
manco. Sorao spoke Hindustani, and
"Salaam, sahib," oroeted us from thetnt
soino spaniel), ana, "isuenos dias was
their salute; but what tho rest said I
could not mako out. Every mother
was dressed in all tho finery sho owned;
with neck, arms nud ankles decorated
with string of ooins, having solid ail
ver coram and bracelets ot the same
metals, bangles they oall them, up to
the elbows. And tho babies wero
small copies of their mothers, lacking a
lew baugles and collars.
As they wero presented aud doltly
scratched, tho doctor handed each her
cortiiiuato, with an injunction in her
own Jancrtiaco to keep it carefully.
Ono must be polyglot in Trinidad, un
less ot very tender age, whou wo all
talk the samo language, and these littlo
tots, as neat aud spotless ot attiro as
if they were rich men's hairs, cried
lustily in the samo perfectly intelligible
hvery ono waited patiently her turn,
and tho bright uuercstod faces woro
anything but servile in expression,
while all wero porlectlv respect I ul
Evidently, tho (rood doctor was their
mend JJr. Win. J. Jiutcimson, in
Jie American Jlayannefbr August.
A Horrible Inheritance.
Tha transmission of the tearful effect!
of contagious blood poison la the most
horrlblo lnbcrltanoo which any man
can leavo to his Innocent posterity; tut
It oan be certainly mitigated and In tho
majority of oasos, provouted by the
use ot tha antidote which Nature fur
nishes, and which is found In tbo reme
dy known nil over the world as Hwlf t'l
Bpeclrio-commonly called "S. B. B."
Mr.J.II.Ilrown, of Hornellsvlllo, N.Y.,
wrltest 'Three years I aufforod with
this horrlblo disoaso. Bwlft's Bpoclllo
ourod mo oomplotely."
l'rof. Edwin Baar, 231 E.53nd st,N. Y.,
wrltest "Bwlft'a Bpoclllo cured mo
of a fearful oaso ot Wood 1'olson."
Dr. 1). 1'. Wlnstleld, of the Boldler's
Homo, HlchmouJ, Vn., wrltest "tiwift's
tiuoctno cured, mo of a sovoro caso of
lilood Poison."
1). W. K. BrljRS, Ilrooklyn, If. Y.,
wrltest "I was a perfect wreck from
Wood 1'olson. Bwlft'a Specific restored
health and hopo, and I am well to-day,"
U. V. Langnlll, Harannah, Oa.i I
I ufforod loiiK with lilood 1'olson. I tried
Bwlft'a BpeulBo nnd am perfectly well
A. W. ftuoll, of rower's liotul, Koch,
estor, N.Y., wrltosi "Hit tho best blood
ramody on oarth. I curod myself with
It. 1 recommended it to a friend and It
mado him wall."
Mr. K. h. Stanton, of tho Bmlthylllo,
(Ga.) News, writes that a friend was
allllcted with a oaso ot Blood l'olsoo.
and two bottloi of 8, B. B. effected a
eomploto euro.
Treatise on Blood tnd Bkla Ulseasat
mailed free. Tti Swift Srsoirio Co..
12 Pounds of Tamor
Is a hideous thlwr to havo attached lo a human
frame, yet Mr. Iti'itfcrn Hnvornn.w,' of' tinner mill
water, (part nf old Town, n.,) bad une In bis
Kroln which lie carried Air about ton rears. Ittx
(ran to form nliont fourtwn years nan, being at
nrsthardlylarirerthanapea, Mr. bovr ranee, In
his sworn statement before bx-tlovcrnor 11. K.
Davis, ol .Malno says;
"Atllretltdulnottroublo mn much but aa It
Krcw In I70 It was accompanied by severe dartln
pains, l'ood did notdliresl; had atwoksotdl.r.
noas; roaring Boundi In cars and passed sleepless
nlfclits. In lsw tumof weighed neveral poundt
nnd extended U knee. Now least exertion caused
Intense, tearing pain like sticking of needles In
flesh. Abandoned hope and took to bed. Physl.
clansdecllnedtorutltout.Baylng I was too old
and woak to survive, AmiCjonrs of ago. sorao
ono recommended ltrown"B ttnnuiparllla I exper.
lenccd tmmedlato change for better. Appetite re
turned; fowl ceased tolronbloinc! ringing nolsej
left my heail, and beat of all tumor began to shrlv.
cl up and disappear. It Is now and liaa been fof
somo timo entirely gone. Can nnd do do good
days work. I say God bless the man who Invent
ed this mcdlclno. Ho should wear a crown. I
mran always to keep by mo a bottlo of Hrown'a
sarsanarllla while I Uvo."
tth this statement wo have paper Blincd by
postmaster, druggist, as well ns seven of the town
omclals, stating they know tho abovo to bo trne,
and ex tiov. Davis also adds his .evidence. There
Is no caso ot blood disease which cannot be cured
Not genulno unless mtdo by Ara Warren & Co.,
uangor, mo. mayssdly
lllllilitttf rlrrM
All I Drurenn, 2Jc.. SOc.aiid ltu. l'rrpirxl onljbf .
Dr. Beth Arnold, MeJ. boro., Wooaioctet. It I.
Both are Symptoms of a Disor
mandrake 13 a sedative, and
as Compounded in
Dr. Schenck's
Mandrake Pills
For Sale by all Drnggtatfl. Trlco 23 ctf, pr boxj
3 boxen for 05 eta.: or tent lirmail, lwsnigo free, oa
receipt uf iirico. Dr. J.U.&cheuck A 8tn, 1'hllad'a.
Rewarded are those that, rend
this and then act: they will find honor
able employment that will not take
mem irom ineir nomes nnd ramnies.
The profits aro large and sure for every indus'rl
ous person, many havo made and are now making
soveral hundred dollars a month. It Is easy for
any ono to make $5 and upwards per day, who Is
willing to work. Either sex, yeJung or old; capital
not needed; wo start you. Everything now. No
Bpectal ability required; you, reader, can do it aa
well as any one. Write to us at onco for full par
tlculars, which we mall free. Address Htlnaoa &
i unianu, aiainu. :yacC30.
Caveats and Trade Marks ohtalned.end all Patent
business conducted forMODKItATK FEES.
OFFICE. Wo havo no sub-aeencles, all business
uurvi., ucucu uun iruusucb paieut Dusiness in less
time and atusss cost than thoso remote from
send model, drawing, or photo,wlth description.
Wo advise It patentable or not, free ot charge.
Our feo notuo till patent Is secured.
A book,"iiow to Obtain ratents,"wlth references
to actual clients In your Stato. countv. or town.
sent free. Address
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
Opposite Patent omce, Washington, d. O
Hen "VVoiirterH exist In thousands ot
forms, but are surpassed by tho marvols ot
Invention. Those who aro In need of prof.
vuu.u ,,wiiv kUHL Villi UUUUUeWUllO UVmg
at homo should at onco send their address to
Ilallet Co., Portland, Jlolne, and recelvo free,
fulllnformatlon how either sex, of all ages, can
.u .onr uii) una upwnras wner
cvor they live. You are started free. Capital not
day at thla wort. All succeed. ly dec30.
LIFE, tho great
Medical Work ot tha
age on Manhood ,Nerv
ous and Physical De
bility, Prematura Do
HNniAf TI1VCPI C cUne,Krror of Youth,
nnUII IlllOHriandtheuntold mUer-
hu iiiiMueni uieroon, bid pages s m, ii pre
acripUona for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, only i!.W,
tiy niall.eealcd. IUusu-utlve sample free to all young
and mtadle-agod men. tiend now. The Gold and
leweUcd Medal awarded to the anthor by the Nation
al Modlcal Association. Addresa P.O. Ifox ltys.ilo.
ton, Mmia.,or Dr. W.1I. PAIiKUlt, graduate of liar.
toiii uwuu vuiice, z3 years- pracucein iKMton,
who may lie consuliwt eonfldentially. ODlco, Na
iBulllnchBt. Specialty, Dlscaaes of ilan.
Cut Ihla ut. Vuu war never see It aural.,
aug 8-d-lt.
Msdlesl and 8urglcil Office,
For the treatmont of Yontliful Imprudence,
Ijoii ofTlgor, Nervous liability and Special
Diseases. Oomultatlon by mall freo of charge.
Hook Hent Freo.
Otflco hours from S a.m, to'i v.m.A from c to a r.v
la tho Speedy Relief
. Thithim.
7. nellv.i.r An.. .....
yrf.y'j. H TrrahtOi..N.Y.,
Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with
TIlPP U'lll rid. .UA..II.I... N . ..
.,l"iulu iuey are sola every.
1 "cn. I"6 a Package. 40 eolors. They
ft." ,.?i?..Jn',a"?r 'W- hrlghtness. amount
fiy i6jcr lirei'and XS. U.Tnolr. uSSnT
V1 ? evis forth sals of Nursery i
IK Try D''t'a"re0,';,.0l'?,?, ?araiited. SALARY
ANDtXPEN6E8 PAID. AppU-atonce.iUUDgasa.
Chase Urolters Compiny, (RocHE8uKN.t
Aug. nntl Oct.
manufactruersol the, celebrated Keystone Byna.
mile. This exploblvoli giving urdvcraal MtlSao"
ton. flotations the a tuiljr glve v ftg j;
fll.Ttl l.wn trohi aelnMrvl
and Inn from liijnrlniiHollM
fsiii-eially ndn
ijiIojI In pernios
fteil bv )1h iifte.
rrenny iiencii
Nervine, Tonlfl nnd Alterative. For Comntnptlvos It Is Invnloabloy l'illltlNK H
I'Ultlt liAHI.Rr MALT W1IIHKKY Insures a return of vigor to tho Momnctu a good
appetlto, a rich nnd abundant blood ' and Increased flesh and mtiseulartlmuo. a
stimulant mild and gentio In, effect. Dytpeppln, Indigestion nnd all wnatlng di?
eases can bo entirely conquered by the uco or I'crrlne'a I'tiro llorley alt Whisker.
It Is a tonlo and diuretic nnd npowerfiil strengthener to tho entire system. pkIi.
ItlNK'.S PUHH UAItLKY MALT Wil!8KK hn proved ft medicinal protection to
thosowlio pursue their avocations inthoopenalr ahd whoso dally workcalls It
exceptional powers of endurance. Ask rourlEcareat druggist jor grocer for tor
PKItltlNK'SPUlinilAllI.KY MALT W11I8KKY revives tho energies of those worn
out with excessive bodily or mentaleuort and acts as a safeguard against exposure
In wet and rigorous weather, Itwlll drlvo all malarious dlwases trom tho system.
nam Horaera oi every vncauunnii'i ih'iwjuw n mmnrj uiprcnoers prono to
Dyspepsia find in ifrrtne's Pure Ilnrlcy V"" aMamaaaaaanMn.i
Malt whHkcy a powerful
and helper to digestion.
without unduly stimulating the kid
neyB Increases their tlagulng activity,
counteracts the effects of fatigue, has
tens convalescence and Is a wholesome
and prompt tlluretlo. Watch tholabel I
None genulno unless bearing tho signature
Kui tuiieuj All druglMfi
and grocers throughou
tho United States an4
run hal.b uv
RIG MONEY ! ! s-00" AonisTH -vAjrni nt mice to supply tCh
UM.JU X I 1 Million men with the only ofllclnl Uch ot
lly lion. W., V. Ilctmcl i also Life of Mrs, Cle t-liincl i cxnulslto steel portraits. VotCM'
Cartrldgo Uox, ltcform Trade Policy, Sc., complete. Agents report immenim nnm Wr best
Au id'it. " " n"mUh 0um " UUllUAHD II1IOS, Philadelphia, Pa
Foreign andMomestie,
Wo are offering great inducements to persons desiring to
purchase Pianos, Organs nnd Sewing Machines.
Among the Pianos we handle aro the IVERS & POND,
String and Opera Bianos. These Pianos aro all iirst-cla&iJ
and fully warranted for fiye years.
Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEJ '. MILL'
EB, UNITED STATES and other macs. '
Our leading Sowing Machines are the celebrated WHITE.
ARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, the finest nnd best
Rotary Sewing Machino in tho world.
Beforo purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S
DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa.
Penney goods
Alexander Bros, d Co,
Bloomsburg Pa.
eon iqints roa
P. V, ADAMS ft CO.,
Solo agents of the fol
lowing brands ot
iinmtY clay,
Ms Pills
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Hoadacho, Biliousness
And nil diseases arising from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion.
Tho natural reanlt UaToodBpnetlto
nnd nollil rieab. Iiuae kiiirII uliruul
ly luar coated and cany to alloMT,
PARKIR'8 OINOER TONIO wllliuut ilrkr. It
ltr aUJ KItlCllun at IhA ti.ivuak aiul lnn. bh.I AI..ZT
llnrlev Mnlt.Anri rrllrtrnniiM.r1 In )ul t.Amlfln'ii.
and iclilsnllni In nhoilollo Illinois. 1
reiiilrliig aiMlmiilallnglonle, fonsumptlvin 11
liei oininelidcd by lending bhislelntiH aa n iiin.ii.M
invigorontn tho analysis ns it appears by tho Ln
uei iiu Dicry mnimi luavecnrciiuiyan
ilrred IholTHs Mjit um
xxr tnadoby M. & J. N l'crrlnoabd m..!
Itentlrely fieo from fusel oll.fu'furol
metals nnd acids nndMsiabsolutcU
pure." ntpirct carntita.Arthw llatef.l
tlraduatfi of the Uniiirstltrt of Munich,
liiiuuuisrs amu all ukalriis. Ja
will bo
Market Prises,
as follows:
The i undersigned having put hU Planing at
n Hailroadstroet, In nrBt-ciasB oondltlon.labre.
ared todo allklndaot work In hta lino,
urnlahed ai roasouauiorriceg. All lnmbernae
a well noasoned and none Mit Bkliled workmen;
are employed,
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