0 THE COLUMBIAN AKD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I 14 t IL :c The How "Tootometer." I A NOVEL INVENTION WHICH HKtltSTRIU V 11811.3 Or" A I-OCOMOTIVR ENOINE. BiiiDOKPORT, Jnly 28. Frank B. Taylor, tho Inventor, of tho "socoplio no" for transmuting incasagoa or hold ing conversation with enRincoors wuilu nndor full xpeed on their loco motive, ban just tlntontcd a dovlco which ho calls a tootometer. In real lty it U a gpecies of tihonortraph. Mr. Taylor was led to bellovo that noino tnoohanical dovioo could bo employed to Bottle the oft-disputed question In regard to whistling at grado crossings. There aro a larpo number of grado crossings in mm aiaio upon which an nually many lives aro lost. Tho rela tlvca of those killed almost invariably claim that the loooinotivo whistlo was not sounded in tlmo to warm tho vic tims. The railroad companies, to pro tect themselves against damages, (lis Mite tho Doint ro often taken. Mr. Taylor now comes to tho front with a tolf-talo whistlo rogistor, which takes tho sound from the whistle every titno it Is blown and records it. In order to explain its workings tho run oi any engine on the New York and New Haven road may bo used for illustration. Say ongino No. 120 draws tho 7 o'clock train from New Haven to Now York. Tho engine is backed up in front of tho depot and attacbod to the train. Tho cnginocr, Ueorgo (Jorkctt, steps into too ues patchers oflico to get tho time or set his watch exactly with the standard time. Tho deBpatchcr hands the in gineer a "tootometer," which is nl ready set for Enrriner Corbett's run, It is numbered to correspond with tho ongino's number and is dated and offi cially locked, so it is impossible lor any one to alter tho register of tbo whistlo soundings. Tho "tootometer" is placod in a pocket bracket on the front of the cab, just beneath tho whistle. Inside tl o "tootometer" a long roll of tin foil, upon which aro stampod cross-lines representing every grade crossing on the road. Tho roll is unwound from ono axle to another by means of a small clock attachment, so that each lino representing a cross ing will be brought to tho "sounder opening'' precisely at tho samo mo ment that the locomotive speeds over tho grado crossing. At tho propor distance beforo reaching the grado crossing the engineer blows tho stand ard signal, two long and two short blasts, , or T o ot, t o ot, too, too. These sounds aro registered by tho "tootometer. ' should tno ongineor tan to sound Jits whistlo tho "tootomo tor" would show an empty blank. And so the run is made to New York, the "tootometer," rolling oil its strip of tinfoil in time and unison with tho movement of the ongine. All trains aro ran on exact timo on this road, so thoro is very littlo chance ot tho "tootometer disagreeing with the time grado crossimrs aro reached. If extra whistling is dono to drivo cows off the track or blows for other purposes than grade crossiugs tho sounds are all registered and an exact record taken of the whistle':) blasts and tho exact location of tho engine on tho rails at tho timo of the blast is denoted from one end of the road to "the other. At the completion of the trip the "tootometer" is handed bv the engineer to tho proper official, wfio re moves tbo roll of sounds and prepares and adjusts tho "tootometer" for tho return trip. Tho strips of tinfoil aro carefully indexed and preserved for future reference, and tho engineer cre dited or charged with omissions of whistles. In the event of a person being killed on a grado crossing tho (ootomcter will truthfully indicato tho whistlo blasts and denote the distance at' which they woro blown beforo tho crossing was reached. Tho tinfoil strips can bo produced at an inquest or in a court of justice In evidence and dissipate tho necessity of an immense amount of swearing as to tho fact of tho whistle sounding or not. By running tho strips throuch a phonograph tho cx- aot volume of sound and tho key of the whistlo can bo reproduced. This can bo dono at any futuro and convenient time. Mr. Taylor, tho inventor, has the assurance that his invention will go into very general use. A Reporter's Bevenge, Notico has been taken of tho Duke of Cambridge's visit 10 Liverpool in 1853, but ono remarkable opisodu of that visit ts now nearly forgotten. A newspaper man who was then in Liver pool gavo. a graplno description of it tho othor muht. Tho Duko of Cam. bridge, Mr. Cardwull and several other distinguished men wero to dine with the Mayor at tho Town Hall. Their Hpecohes wore expected to bo nf Euro pean importance, and great interest at tached to tho occatiuti. Owing to thu great attendance, the Mayor could find .room for only ono reporter, There was rouuh piotest on tho part of the press, but it was of no avail. An expert reporter named Murphy was selected for the work, nnd arrange. monta inado to. supply all England with his roport, which ho was to dic tate, when tho banqm t was over, to a dozen stenographer?; tiut Air. Murphy nau ueen ireaiou witn mo utmost dis courtesy by the Town Hall officials. He placod apart from tho miosis, and was was either supplied with a seat amongst tho pots and pans ot tho waiters, or in nn orchestra occupied by tho fiddlers. Howover, he took his revenge as well as his notes. When he returned to tho oflico, where a dozen reporjers wore awaiting him with breathless anx iety, ho smiled benlgnantly upon them nnd told t. hem to go home, "Go home," gasped a celebrated idi'or, "what do you meant Have you not uot tho report! "1 Jiavo taknn it down Hery syllable,'' said tho mloub, table Murphy, "hero aro my iiutoa,'' slapping his pocketbook, "and there they remain. 1 havo been grossly in milted, and not a lino of tho speeches shall ever sou print." He was m good as his word, and ro far as KngUnd nnd1 tho world were concerned, tho great men at tho Town Hall might havo utteicd their words of wisduir, congratulation, and warning in thunderBtfirhi from tho top of Snow don. Liverpool (Jiiiyland) J'ost. Vigor and Vitality. Aro quickly given to evi ry part of the body by Hood's Sur-nnai iIIh. That tired fi fling is oi iiely overoouio. The blood is piirili. d, enriched, and vitalized, and carries health instead of disearo to uvory organ. The stomich is toned and strengthened, tho appetite lotloied, Thu kidneys and liver aio louxed and iiivigmated. Tim bralu is icfrerhed, thu mind made clear and icady lor otk. Try it. Ilfl t II a lYiimiiiug jer ones money is gen t rally toiiridirid hcpeluHi but Mih. iSIuw Imij matin ft tutress of it in Kiijlloiid, J'xtck, All BkU of Tartgraplis. Tho raifin crop of Fresno. Cal., this season is estimated nt 600,000 boxes. I was born nn American. 1 live nn American, I shall dio an American. Daniel Wcbttcr. Tho skeleton of a peddler, murdered 20 vcars aero at Imlianola. Nob., has just been discovered. During tho month of Juno $1,832,. 000 in gold and silver wero coined in tho mint In can Francisco. Forty-fivo Ramblers, $31,092 in mon ey nnd a great amount of gamblers' pharaphernalia were captured In a raid at Tomoca, W. 1. During 22 weeks of this year 8,1 10 patents wero issued by tbo United States Patent Ofllce, but of tliltt num ber only o3 wero issued to women. After nn expenditure of thrco-qnatt- cra of a million of dollars for machine ry and prospecting, Egypt has abanih oued tho search for pelrolem. Grand Island, Nob., has a citizen 73 years old, who is just now through with Ins attack of whooping cough. The yacht Coronet mot but a single vossol during its trip, oconpvintr 100 days, from Now York to San Diego, Ual. Ventura, Cal., evidently wishes to attract Boston immigrants. There arc just 0,000 acres in ono bean field out there. Sir. John Lubbock, of England has studiod tho habit t if a ts for 22 years to discovor that their averago life is only 35 days. A Chioago barber says ho charged delegates to tho convention as high as .50 cents a piece tor a poor shavo, and all were so excited that none kicked. Mount Kenia, in Zanzibar, is de clared by its first ncondant, Count Telcka, to bo higher than the neigh boring mountain, Kilima Njavo, which .i . , o I . t. 1. is raiuu at io,wu met, uigu. At Wolf Island, Lako Ontario, tho shoro is covered with dead potato bugs, which have teen washed up by tho waves to tho depth of two or three inches. A Clinton, Iowa, baby lias two grandfathers and two grandmothors. two great-grandmothers and ono great grandfather, besides parents, to pet it to death. By the bursting' of a waterspout near Herhstead, Ky tho othor day, many fields were Hooded six to eight feet deep, and much damage done to stook, crops and fences. "A sweet girl graduate" in Homing ford Neb., lectured last season on "The Bright Possibilities of the Broom." Sbo mndo a grand hit. Last week she was married to Mr. Broome. Six hundred pounds of quicksilver wero shipped from tho Gipsy mine, San Benito county, California, last week. Tho mines aro now working in oro that yields 75 per cent of tho shining motal. Japan has 250 newspapers, l,UUU miles of railway, and 2,000 or 3000 of telegraph line. A Japaneso report er collects news, but docs not in any case writo it. Ho tolls what ho knows to nows writers. Lincoln Chestnut and Edwina Ar rowstnith were wedded at Grafton, Neb., last week. The bride's reply to the usual formula, "Do you take this ChesnutT" was a painful strain on tho solemnity of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Field, of Chel sea, Mass., aged respectively 88 and 85, after living in wedlock CQ years, aro both in fair health, tho possession of all facilities and comfortable com petence, and as a consequence, more than fair spirits. Mr. Boyd, of Collinsville, La., piust lo set down as a fast man, howover exemplary ho may bo. Lately ho ha"k'd lumber, built a house, and mov ed into it all in tho space of a day and a night, which certainly beats the re cord up to date. A Dodgo county, Nebraska, farmer has notified whom it may concern that "If any man's cows or oxen gits in theso oat, his or hi r tail will be cut off, as the caso may be. I am a good Christian man, and pays my taxes, but dash a man who lets his critters run lose, I say." , At Brunswick, Gn., a man named Tilton had an alligator that was being fed on ico cream. Mr. Till on neglcto ed to give his pet the usual amount of cream ono hot day last week, and tho novt morning tho reptile was dead A Maine deacon on his return from quarterly meeting, ono Sunday not long ago, hiw a string of trout laying sn a bridgo. IIu spring from his wagon, seized tho trout and drows on, fitly punishing tho Sunday angler for his wickedness. Eighteen years ago Mr. Colton of Norfolk, Va., paid $5,000 for 50 acres of land there and his neighbors quot ed proverbs about a fool and his mon ey. Now ho has just sold tho lot for 50,000 and they are kicking them selves beoauso thoy did not go and do likewise. Marnngle, Pa, has a case of witch craft on band, and ihn whole town sits up o' night to watch "an animal like n cat, only larger and without a head, L1..I. .1 1 II oiacK aim wun an extra lung tun, which is said to havo been expelled from a bewitched patient by a conjur or out that way. S. A. Ginn, residing near Itoyston, Ga., becamo frightened in his sloop a fow nights ago. Dreaming a burglar was trying to break into his house, ho Jtimpoi up, grabbed his pistol, fired at tho marauder nnd waked nut of his somnambulism in time to find ho was minus a finger on ono hand. J. II. Jenks claims to bu the young est grandfather for miles around. Ho lives in Montclair, N. J. Ho was born March 31, 1850. His son Aug, ustiH, was born January 0. 1871, and becamo tho father oi a "bouncing girl" Juno 1. 1888. As a 38-yoar-old grandfather, tho senior Junks feels pretty proud. WARIVHWAVESl Are rolling In. You can't escape tbtm ; but von can escape tho sleep less nlghu, loss of appetite, anil languid feeling that result from drain. Ing the nervous force by muscular net's torrid days. The Compound, that great strengthen the nervous against the attacks of preparation Is a medl scientific combination of benefit to body and brain nnd has brought new life weakened nerves were the especially valuable at this so liable to sunstroke, a fatal. 1'aWs Celery .health, utmost entirely re disease. If you feel the cflects mm1 delay another day before gaining the vitality only obtained by the use of this great medicine. Sold by DrvgyUtt. ft.00. Sit Jvr fS.00, (lend for elgtit-pogs paper, with laaur tCetjnoalaU, WELLS, RICHARDSON 4 CO, BURLINGTON, Tho book-rcvlower, uiiliko other lit erary men can do his best work when in n critical condition. Jjife. Hie car stovo doesn't bother the travelers lust at present nt much as docs ihu hot Ico water." I'uck. In nil this discussion about tho tariff it seems strango that tho sugar men havo not as yot domnnded any tariff on sand. oston 1'ost. MOTIIKKS WILL find a blessing in POND'S EXTRACTS during tho warm weather. Put i littlo in n bowl of water and sjiongo off the littlo ones bodiot with this mixture. It will cool tho heatod skin, sooth nnd quiet their cries.. It is healing too, and of gtoat benefit lor prickly heat, and improves tho skin in ovcry way. Bo euro and get tho genuine, put up in bottles only, enclosed In buff wrappers, by the . . ... . , - , i I'ond s Kxtrnct uo., iNcw ioik nnu Loudou. Mite lamhcape Jrade Mark. Mrs. Snvdor, of Chamborsburg Pa., who fell from a cherry trco and died in 15 minutes fancied that a 'vhito dog was following her to the tree, and when she recovered conciousucs cried, "Tnko tho uog awayl" when n6 dog was there. So her supeistiti us neigh bors think it must havo been a warn ing vision. DON'T SCOLD a nun for groaning when lie him Kheiunatism or NcurnlBln. The pain U simply awful. No torture in the ancient times was more painful than theio twin diseases. IJut oughtn't a man to bo blamed If, having lthcu mntlsm or Neuralgia, ho wont ueo Ath-lo-pho-ros, when it has cured thousands who have Buffered la tho samo vaj 1 It has cured hundreds after physicians have pronounced them incnrablc. "Tho Bknl of fire phrtldtns eoold not cure me of lthnamAtlniii which bad settled lotbehlptneckandchcralderf. Solntenne wae tbepaln that aloep was altnoat Lmpoa- 10 e. insnm now oi Auucraon k,tb me relief, and the third enabled mo to ftleep f i four and a half home without waking. 1 oonunoea ite um,, anf, am now weu.--Uiv. H. 11. TKOYlilt, New Albanr. Ind. J-ScuJ 0 cents for tho lunutlfUl colored Jilc lure, "Moorish Maiden." THE A THL0PH0R0S CO. 112 Wall St. N. r. nov23n.c&o oint. V HAT AILS YOU? DO yotl feci dull. lanRuld, low-spirited, llfo lea, and Indescribably miserable, both physi cally and mentally: oiporlence o senso of fullness or bloatlnir after catinpr, or of "uono ness." or emptiness of stomach fa tho morn Intr, tongtio coatd, hitter or bad taste In mouth. Irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred eyesight, " Uoating specks " beforo tho eyes, nervous prostration or ex haustion. Irritability of temper, hot Hushes, alternating with chilly sensations, sharp, bltlnsr, transient pains liero and thoro, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefrcsblmr sleep, constant, Indescribable fooling of dread, or ot Impend log calamity? If you have all, or any conslaerablo number ot these symptoms, you aro suffering from that most common of American maladies Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Tho mora complicated your dlseaso has become, tho ?:reatcr tho number and diversity of symp. omff. No matter what stage It has reached. Dr. rtorco'e Uoldcu medical Discovery will subdue It, if taken according to direc tions for a reasonable length of time. If not cured, complications multiply and Consump tion or tne j.ungs, oain uiseoscs, iicart uiseoso. Rheumatism. Kidnev Dlseaso. or other crave maladies aro quite llablo to set In and, sooner or lator, lndueo a fatal termination. Dr. IMcrco'n Joldon ITledlcnl Dis covery acts powerfully upon tho Liver, and through that great blood-purifying organ, nleanaes the system nf nil blnod-tnlnts and Im purities, from whatever caUBQ arising. It Is equally efficacious In acting upon tho Kid- nors. and other czcretorv nre-ans. cleanslnir. strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative tonic. It promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both llesb and strength. In malartil districts, this wonderful mcdiclno has gained great celebrity In curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Aguo, and kindred diseases. Dr. I'lorcC Goldou Medical DU eovory CURES ALL HUMORS. from s common Illotch, or Eruption, to tha worst Scrofula. Holt-rheum, " Fever-sores," Scaly or ltougb Bkln, In short, all diseases caused by bad blood aro conquered by this powerful, purifying, and Invigorating medi cine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal undor Its benign intlucnce. Especially has it mani fested Its potency In curing Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Dolls, Carbuncles, Soro Eyes, ScroN ulous Sores and Swellings, lllp-Jnlnt Disease, "White Swellings," Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents In tamps for a largo Treatise, with colored plates, on Skin Diseases, or tho samo amount for a Trcatlso on Scrofulous Affections. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cleanso It by using Dr. I'lercc'a Golden nlcdlcnl Discovery, and good dlgcstlou, a fair skin, buoyant Bplrlls, vital strength and bodily health wlU bo established. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofula or tho Lungs, Is arrested and cured by this remedy. If taken In the aarlier etagos of tho dlseaso. From Its mar velous power ovor this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-famed rem edy to the public. Dr. I'lerco thought seriously of calling It his " Consumption Cuiie," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medlclno which, from its wonderful com blnaUon of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, ontl-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties. Is unequaled, not only as a remedy for Consumption, but for all Gbroule DUobmh ot tho Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of ninod. Short ness ox lircam, inromo nusai latarrn, uron chltls, Asthma, Bovnro Coughs, and kindred aHectlons, It Is an efficient remedy. Sold by Druggists, at $1.00, or Six Dottlci tor HK.OO. ' CB Send ten cents la stamps for Or. Flerce't dook on lansumpuon. Aaareos, .World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 UalD St., BUFFALO, K. V, yAINWIUGIIT &0O., WHOLESALE GROCERS, PlIILAnELI'lIIA, I'A.X TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, bUOAlt, MOLASSES mOE, Bl'lOBS, IlIOAItll SOI1A, kTO., ETO. N. E. corner Second and Arch Sts. WOrdoni will recelvo prompt attention. WANTED OrdrrN for oiirTr,PMfVIiu'N,lr. Steady Work Tor Honett, Soke, Induitrloui Men. ouuuiltiluD .((.mitrrtx,. Vt po full Dm rf fruit Hid OrUMiKiUI thJBk. Cwjdilng ityWI ImimiUm THC BUtlNCtS QUICKLY IXARNED SatUfactlon Guaranteed to Cuitomert and rtgenw, vt nt .'limwiaiDiy tor term. Addrcv. II. 41. CHANT. A .. 1430 So. Perm Square. Philadelphia, Pa, or y-mcntal exertion In sum-1 use of l'.lne's Celery 1 nervetonle,v(Ill at onco 1 sv.tetn, and fortify It I summer uebimr, Thu cine not a drink. It is a the heat tonics, giving lasting It cures all nervous disease. ami health to thousands whose causo of their many Ills. It la season, when feeble persons tin disease which Is ncarljr always Compound, by restoring perfect moves'the liability to this dread of summer's heat, you can't afford to VT. yvs. I .1 i J R AIXKOAD 71MB TABLE DELA.WAHE, LACKAWANNA AND nftgiaiVal nniDiiwnifi BLOOMSHUItG DIVISION. STATIONS, NOltTlt, A. M, A. r f 40 6 65 , 0 11 , 0 OS , a S3 6 3d r 1 85 M. NORTHUMBERLAND,,, Cameron Chulasky Danrlllo Catawlssa 10 10 10 25 10 29 10 3H 10 6.1 11 00 11 07 11 15 11 22 11 28 11 30 11 37 11 41 11 4H 11 M 12 (IS 12 18 12 10 12 21 12 30 12 37 12 41 12 45 12 50 19 65 1 03 1 It 1 19 1 25 1 30 r M 6 19 30 5 31 0 40 6 6 7 1)5 7 12 7 20 7 27 7 81 7 85 7 42 7 49 55 8 f6 8 17 8 22 8 3S 8 31 8 33 8 45 3 49 8 63 8 64 9 W 9 09 9 17 9 23 9 80 9 33 A M 1 53 i 14 9 19 S it S ! llupert.. Hloomsburg B 8S Kpy 42 Lime ltldgp. ............... 50 Willow Urovo SI llrlarcreck. e ti lierwlck - I ? Iicacli Haven.,.. 7 11 nick's Kerry. T 11 3 44 2 51 2 51 3 tri 3 111 a w ss'i 3 3D 3 43 Hhtckshlnny 7 "5 IIUnlOCK'H ' " Nantlcoko 7 50 Avonitalc, 7 51 1'iymuuiu ,. . "t- l'ljtnouthjunctton,.... 8 03 Kingston 8 09 uennett l Maltby 17 Wyoming - 6 West Huston 8 27 ltttston 8 M Uckawanna 8 40 Taylorvllle. 8 48 Dellevue 8 51 SCH1HTON v co r M 3 52 3 68 4 01 4 22 r STATIONS. AM AM KCRAHTOH... 10 50 BCllOVUe . 8 18 9 65 Taylorvlllo so low Lackawanna. o 10 08 Iltlston 6 3a 10 16 West ltttston 8 41 10 22 Wyoming 47 10 27 MJnby.T.-. 6"t 10 30 llennett 8 65 10 SI Kingston 8 68 JO 3S Plymouth Junction...... 7 05 10 43 Plymouth 7 0 10 47 Avondalo 7 14 10 M Nantlcoko 7 19 10 55 Ilunlock's 7 2 11 02 Shlckshlony 7 47 n 12 Hick's Kerry 7 5J 11 M lleach Haven 8 01 IS Berwick s 07 II 87 Unarcreek. 8 13 ....... Willow drove 8 10 11 4J Umeltldge...-. 8 20 1152 Kspy.. ..- - 8 29 11 t9 uioomsmirK -.. 32 12 pi ltupcrt 8 37 12 111 Catawlssa 8 '2 12 15 Uanvllle 8 67 12 30 Chulasky 9 03 . .... Cameron 9 07 12 40 NORTUUMBRRLIND 9 22 U 5 SOUTH, PM PM 2 03 i'i'i 2 21 2 23 2 31 2 39 2 '47 2 60 2 64 2 69 3 03 3 118 3 19 8 2l 3 81 3 45 3 61 3 57 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 2 4 22 4 46 4 54 6 00 5 16 e so, 6 25' C 80 6 37 5 43 6 60 A 66 69 7 03 7 07 7 12 7 16 7 21 7 S3 7 4.1 7 61 8 07 8 IS 8 20 8 27 8 31 8 36 8 41 8 47' 8 52 8 57 9 16 9 21 9 21 9 45 r m A n r r Connections at ltupert wun l'hllfidclnhlft Ilcadln Hallroad for Tamancnd, Tamaqua, will- lamsport. Sunbury. Potlsvllle, etc. At nonnum. &7land 1 with l. E. Ulv.i-. II. It. lor Harrlsburg, UK Haven, X-. SELf1 scranton. Pa Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. W TIME TABLE. In etrect At'O. 5, 188i. Trains leave snnbury KAHTWAHD. .. . b uhnm Rxnrpsa (dally except snfivv rnrTiarrisbureandlntcrmedlaMstatloLS, arriving' at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. ; & pi m!. -pnlVadeiphla for all Sea EhftM Thrfiupii nassenger cuauu m '""' i.ian. m.-Day our, reus dally except Sunday),! or Harrtsburg and Interne dlate stations, arriving at P h 1 1 a d e 1 P b la ,50 p.m.: new orn, . v, . m. Washington. 8.00 p. m. llntlet Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coacnes through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7V45 p. m,-llenovo Accommodation (daily tor Harrtsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. : New YorkJ.ib a. m. "tmore, "... JRKhttSSS, vl hla. Philadelphia passenger can remain in sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. l50a.m.-KrleMall(dallj)lor narrlsburg and Intermediate stations, arriving at pbUodelPb'J 1.25 a. m. new lora, it. u. m. ; .- ger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore. WESTWARD. 5.10a. m.-Erle Mall (dally), lor Erie and all Intermediate stations ann canannaigi a Bra i.t.Muii.,. Bt.tinn, itnphpnter. uunalo and ... n.n. niih thrnnrrh rtlllirtfln I'SlRTP nuLLrunt inns, ni,u . - - - cars and passenger coaches to Erie and nocnes 9.51-Newa Express (dally except Sunday) for lock naven ana intermBuiio.u;uji.. ,n.n M V1i,f.ora KTnrPHfl dtllV eXCCPt HUn- . v.V. oHintprmpdiiitpfltatlons and Can, .5!.. ..rinHnMnni intermediate stations. K-x-hester, Buffalo and Niagara Kalis with thrnuch pasienger coaches to Kane and Rochester nn4 IlittTnt Tarln J. , fft Wfltktnn 6.S0 p. m. Kast L'noiaaiiyiexoepipuuuajriiui nr. novo and intermediate stations, and Elmlra, Wat- klns and intermeaiaw Btaiionn, wim tuiuugu ip senger coaches to itenovo nnd watklns. 9.20 a. m. Sunday mall for Henovo and Interme diate statlon- THItOnaU TRAINS FOR SDNnilUY FROM THE 1AUT Any SUU111, Hnnnr mail lpnven I'lllladclnhla 4.30 a. m narrlBhurg 7.40 arriving at Sunbury 9.20 a. m. with tnrougn Bieepiugcar iivui 1 imauciiium u ,. " v2SP1sirrirp!i leaven Phlladclnhla 4.30 a. m, narrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday nnlnrf n, flltnMirv Q.KS. R. IT1. Phllodelnhla.7.40 a. m. : Baltlraoro 7.30 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury. 12.52 p. ra., with through Buffet rarlor car from Philadelphia ana tnrougn passenger coacnes iruui i-uuaut.- pbia ana nammore. Fast Line leaves Now York 9.00 a.m.; Thlladel nhta.it.50a. m.; Washington. 9.60 a. m.lBaltl, more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at coaches rrom Phiiaacipnta ana naiumore. Krie Mail leaves wew iorKti.uip.iu.; i-Hiitwit-i. tihu ii.an. m Washlncton.10.fi0o. m.: Haiti morc.ll.uup. m.,tuaiiy rnvniB ub ouuuuij Otiu a. m., witn tnrougn ruuman Biecpingi urairum PhtladelDhla. Washington and Baltimore and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. HUNIHIUV.IIAZr.KTON WII.KEmiAIt.UK ltAll.ltliAll Ann mili'l'ii Ami wht UlfANCII RAILWAY. (Dally excem sunday.l Wllkcsbarre Mall leaves Sunbury 9.65 a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry ia4 a. m., Wllkes-barre Kxnress East leaves Sunbury 5.35 v. m.. arriving at Hioora rerry o.aep.m., wintes-oarre v.k p. in sunburv M all leaves Wl lkcsbarro 10.20 a. m. arriv ing at Bloom Ferry 11.46 a. m., sunbury 12.35 p. m Kxpress west leaves wiiKes-oarm a.wj p. m.. ar. riving at Bloom Kerry 4.19 p. m sunbury MOp.m SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:25 a. m.. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:16 a. m.. Wllkes-llarre 11:45 a.m. Hunaay accomraoaaiion icavea viiKes-uarreo:iu p. m., arriving at moom irerry, n.sv p. m., ounoury, i:su p. m. CUAS. B. PPOII, Gon.Manacer J. K. WOOD. Oen. Paswncer Aceni FREE! -H 20.PAGE LUSTKATED 'APE It DescrlptlVO ot tho Noll, Climate. Production, .tluniirnrtiirliiif ImluatrlrN and .lllnerul Wrnllli ofviriilnln and other soutliern states. Write to W. B. IlKVILb oen'l Pass. Afcnt. ltOaNOKK, VA. Unclosing j -cent stamp (11,1) ANIJ INAni!(JVATC STEAM MAOUINERY! can be made sallsfactory, to that loss ot time and oxpenso or Kettlni; now can be avoided. It will i:oi notiunt; to correspond witn the MaCJUNEIIY IjU'ItOVEJrKNT Co State your caso and Una out what they can do for you. Address LOCK 1IOX -JSOi, NEW YOUK 1'OST OKF1CK, giving full particulars. July so-r-lm Of Interest to Ladies. tv will .nd a FREE SAMPLE of our wondcrfa! (,eil.c or lolnalf couiplaluu toanyladr who wlibea lo tt iUl&oacr IwforMnurchaHtDB. rUnd atamp for (iUttiKB. Ulll(SSRtHtDrCO.,BoilM1lluffalo,N.Y. nov jftnc&coiy. SUFFER1NCW0MEN MARRIED OR SINGLE. Vhn troableil with tho snnorloii IrrBuUrltlfaMi IreuuBUtlr fullnwluaia cotiinr iiiiiiur. or from fVirv. itltutlooul Vakntrf) uo cullar to their ei, thoaU Use DR. DuCHOINE'S Calobrnted FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Theyttra tltrengtbnlDtf to the entire urate ra, Impart tune, rlnor and tiinifneue forcotoall function of liodr mm mi ihu. own nj uiuii, vtwuruir whim, i. AtiarmM or. liartor Modlolno Co., ST. LOUIS. MO, H0YMa.ocoly. AND SHORTHAND INSTITUTE uur patrons enter our elegant now bulldlnir Jriici M.'!'laa1'-.. "urproancn.? nboerpin-ShoVtlmnd " A'pwi. e''SSf 2I.hX,, ru. ' "UMNKH8 iliUfATlXw, at the IC mini. N. V M A Mil If ii I...... .v.vj , ... .,. ... ,.-.. , tva. nas revolutionized the world dur. j"K iuu iusv nan century. Not least amouff the wonders ot in. cuum iirutrrran la m.thM an system of work that can be performed all over the rumurjr nuiiuut oi i iiuf iae womem rrom their hemes, ray liberal; any one can do the work! t Uher sx, younif or olds no special ability ro. A . r' v.iibi - .wuni, juu uio eiuru1!! tree. Cut this out and return to ui and we win un t)U free, something of great value and Import ance lo roiUhal v. Ill start you In buslnessLwhtch fill bring you In mora money right away, than ilnj thing else In tha world. rrand ouWi A. Addrtfu Yari Co., Augusta, ilalne. ly aoo 8 A Wonderful Bailroad Wlicn tho rallroml was flint ononotl IjotwcuiMoiieow nnd St. I'tttirtiliiirgit wns nn olijoct of iiont terror to tliosiiii- llons iiunsmilry of tiortlicru HueNin, who Oionuht there must certainly bo Homo wltulmraft or tuacio In nn Invon tlon which could ninko a train of heavy cars run along without horses nt tho rnto of twenty miles nn hour, when the best pml ot tho wagoim to which they wero Accustomed was only tli ico miles nil hour, or four at tho very outside ooino ol them would not even bo within siaht of n train, and mndo if.o sign of tho cross whenoyer they heard ono rattle past. Utlicrs peeped limul- r over thu palisnuu of tho railway sta on to catch a climimo of tho fearful Piuoko hrenthlng cn nture, which they believtd to he a livinu inotiHtor, nnd when tbo stenm-whi-tlo sotimlcd they cried out, "Hear him fcrtniningl He s iiinRiy, and wants to oat eomebodyl nnd took to thoro heels at onco. But llltlt) by littlo this terror bogan to wear away. The villagn priests wero seen to go to nnd fro by train, and tho simplo country folks thought that what they did could not be wrong. Uy degrees tho peasants themselves began to try the "etnoko, wagons" too, nnd ono day an dd man named Ivan l'etrovitoh Wassloff, who had never been out of his own villago till then, made up his mind to go and navo a look at "mother Moscow, which all rusninn peas inU rcveronco a the fineit city In tho world, and tho real capital of KiiSHia. iNow it happened that the down ox- press and thu up cxprrss met each other at thu station of Uologuo (mid way between Moscow nnd Su Peters burg), where tho papscno,rs of both trains stopped for half an hour to havo supper. Among tho crowd of peoplo that got out of tho other train Ivan suddenly recognized nu old friend, The two went into tho rcfrcahment room together, had a chat over their steaming tumblers of tea and lemon juice, and then Ivan, without thinking of what ho was do'ini;, not iiito his friend's train instead of his own, and was soon traveling back toward tho spotwut'iieo ho had started. lncirtalk went on menily lor a while for Ivan's friend nover thought of asking the old man which way bo was going. Uut preBi ntlv Ivan beuan to grow silent and gravo, as if ponder ing something whioli puzzled him very much; nnd at length, alter sillinc for nearly five miiiutcs without uttering a word, no suddenly broke out: "Ah; ravel Vnriuvitch (I'aul, son of Georee), "what a wonderful thing tliese railioads arc, to be tun I Here am I guine to Moscow, and hero aro you going to St. Petersburg, and yot woro both traveling in tho panto can 1Javii Ivkk, m Jlarners Maaazme jor August. Our readers havo doublleps often noticed that IIood'n Sarsaparilla ih well spoken of in tbo neweiiaperu. Tho pi ops in quick to recognize merit, and docs not hpriitatc to give praiso where it la due. llio lollowini: la lrom the Baptist Weekly, a leading religious paper: "Advertising may bring an artiolo prominently buloro tbo public, but no advertising can long belp it if it baa lint ical merit. Hood h bareaparilla is well advertised; but tbo best proof of its value is that so many pers' ns lined it on tbo recommendations of friends who havo proved its peculiar virtues.' A Ghastly Invention. a 1'itisuurg piiysician, named Coop er, has just applied for a patent on u process to prcnervo hitman bodies by compression, uy a curious combina- ot steel presses and hot rollers he ex cludes all tbo moisture and reduces tun grown uony to a very small hize 12 by 15 inches, rendering it as hard and impcrishablo as rnarblo. Ho has mado cveral eipeiiments with perfect success. Tho doctor and others who havo investigated tho process think it will supercede cremation, as bodies thus preserved aro not only not ofJcn sive, but can be made to asmimo vari ous ornamental shapes and bo kept in tho parlors ur elsewhere as constant reminders of tho depailed. Tbo doc tor has ou his cenlro tablo the remains of a child pressed into tho form of cross. It resembles tho purest marble, is highly ornamental, and is perfectly odorless. Tbo inventor proposes to place a largo number of specimens on exhibition in a few days. A company win oo tormed to pusn tno invention Jx. Best Nourishment for Consumptives. Coi)6umptivo persons aro said to bo greatly benefited by tbo ttso of Speer's Port Qrapo Wine, Doth Fermented and Unfcrmcntcd. It seeim to give nourishment when oven thing elso fails. Tho rich properties of tho wino derived trom tho iron in thu soil on which tno grapes grow makes now blood and if it does not cure, wo bo, novo it prolongs life in many cases of consumption. In faot, cases havo been roported of perfect curc being effected by tho uso of Speer's Port Wino. Tho Modern Golden Itulq "Join our combine and obey its rules, or wo 11 starvo you oil tbo faco of tbo earth." I'uck. ' Curo of Cnneor and Uleerfl. Judge T. O. McLonion writes, to tha Bwltt Hpoclflo Co. ! "About throe years go, Jerry llradley, had a cancerous oro on his faoe, near tho rlgkt eye. It caused him a great deal ot pain, and he lost the sight ot tho oyo, but vras llnallr cured by the uio ot Swift's BpoclQc. rhlscaio Is well known in Wiike Co., Oa., whore he lived." fr. L. Cox, of Arkabutla, Tote Co., Ulss,, wrltest "I suffered a great deal trom old ulcers for roars. Your medl. etne was recommended, and after using tz bottles I was completely cured. Your medicine does even more than you claim for It I have known It to cure oases which were thought hopaless." Mrs. A. M. Ooldimlth, No. 674 Warren Bt., Urooklyn, N. Y., tvrltsu "I com menced using S. a. B. about thrse years ago. lhad. suffered with n tore throat for over a year, I used a grot many other remedies with no good roaults. Uy littlo girl, alio, bad sore fingers It commenced from the quick, and then tho nails woUld come off. Wo doctored her for ovor two yoars, and when I com menced using H. 6. H. I thought I would soe what it would do for her. I am tbaakful to say that it entirely cured th8 be' romsdylknow of for tho blood. I really believe It was tho means of saving my life, "be doctor told mo I had a throat dls. oaie slmllar to General Oram's. I cheerfully rocommond it to all suffering from disordered blood. Treatise ou Blood and Bkln Diseases mailod froe. Tui Swift Spicirio Co.. Drawer 8, Atlanta, Qa ' POLITICAL lavklalUnn llait to th piwci. HISTORY OF THEU.S. UU4UOIU, Tjttis-wtiif ruutirmi and rrtnoIplM. Qaciti v wtitum-him irvici, rrviitniai, rim ! fillllMe Altlhf AMU rHGI TRADE. with evrgnmeuU lor nd wtiiut. UIO pairs. 200 tj jgMOWTIIlWtlll..TMUlf,ll.,,,J ttrUht man or wocuta lo mvcix oaaati--mW to Uk ordr fur this) popalu ud fi Ulllt brnYf A. gr, fit tvWd. for elrokui. Hon. Jos. P. Bass Isthotiest.known man In eastern Maine, Mrept IHisslbly Hon. James (I. lllalnn. The reason for this ilea In I ho fact that he Is a pushing, energMlo biislnefs man, nnd hating wealth, Ii Inierfsleil In many enle vnu'o. Klvlni; employment lo many people. About four years ago ho took a largo tract of land In llancor, on which ho bnl't a nne race trnck, where, for tho lost two years, tho New Kngland Agricultural Sotlety havo held their annual exhibitions. At this time Mr. Ilassovcr taxed his powers, weakened his system by expos ure, and tho result waa lin found himself a victim of liyspersla nnd Ktdner dlseaso. Ills food distressed film, no had the lamo back, tho tired feeling, I hat weary, continuous pain, no often described nnd no familiar to nil suffering from theso troubles, Ho was in despair of getting well when, ono day, a "suddon whim," as Mr, ltjuit terms it, changed tho whole current of his life. Ho Is a largo owner Initio li,ingorrii own. inerelal, the oflico of which Is directly across tho street from tho llrewnl-Harsnparllla establishment and Beeln'f neveral bottles illsnlajed In Ihn win. dow, yielded lo tho "whim," went over, bought ono and used thn contents. It. astonished him, In asmuch as It aided him more than nil the physt. rltns and a southern trip, lie look tho teoond bottle, which was equally as ellectlvo a tho ilrst, and when tho Hon. Oeo. II horlng, of Massachu setts, lion. (leo. Nojes, of tho Massachusetts rUniQhuum, nnd oilier tnanagersof tho N. Ii Katr catnntollaiigorlu August, inso, ttey found Mr, Hans In iicrfect health, duo solely to tho uso of BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not genulno unless mado by Ara Warren & Co., Bangor, Me, JloySJ-d-ly. rrnnnm All llruf rliii, ISC., 50c. and 1 ou. frtparrd only bf pr. Icth Arnold, Hcd. Corp. ooniotitt. K. X. DR. SHOCK'S Msmtrake Tills have a value as a house hold remedy far beyond the power of lan guage to describe. The family can hardly be true to itself that does not keep them on hand for use in emergencies. MANDRAKE 3'.'. Is the only vegetable substitute for that dangerous mineral, Mercury, and while its action as a curative Is fully equal, It possesses none of the perilous cflects. In Constipation, Mandrake acts upon the bowels without disposing them to sub sequent Costivcncss. No remedy acts so directly on the liver, nothing so speedily cures Sick Headache, Sour Stomach and Biliousness as these PILLS. For Sale l.v all Prtipxhls. Price 2.1 ct. por Iwl; 3 Itoxt for IA els; or ai-tit ly nniil, mtuirf, ttft. nn rcceiit uf prico. llr. J. 11. Sclicoclc Si Sua, riillad'a. Rcwnriletl aro those that read 4t,,n nnH .linn ..I, fl.nvurlll fn linnn. nblo employment that will not take mem irom ineir uomes ana ramiues. Tho Dronts are largo and sure for every Indus-n ous lierson. manv have made ami aro now maklntr several hundred dollama month. It Is easy for any one to mako J5 ana upwards per day, who Is willing to work. Hither sex, young or old; capital not needed; wo start you. Everything new. No special ability required; you, reader, can do it ns well as any ono. Wrlto to us at onco for full par tlculats, which wo mall free. Address Ktlnsoa & uo., i-oniano, siaino. :yacc30. PATENTS Caveats ana Trado Marks ohtalned.and all Patent business conducted for MOHEltATK l'HKS. OUIt OFFICE IS OlTilSlTK II. H. PATENT OFl'ICK. Wo havo no sub-ngencles, all business uin-ci, ncnuo run transaci patent Dustness in less tlmo and atLKSS COST than thoso remote from wasuingion. Send model, drawing, or photo,wlth description, Wo aclUso If uatentnblo or not. free of chanre. Our fee not duo till natent Is secured. A book,"Ilow to Obtain l'atents,"wlth rcforenses luuciuui ciiuiimiu your otate, county, or town, C. A. SNOW & CO., opposlto l'atent Office, Wathlngton, D. O Hen W'onclerH exist in thmiaarnls ot forms, but aro surpassed by the marvels ot Invention. Thoso who aro In need of prof itable work that mn hn ilnnnnhllR lfplnr- at homo should at onco send their address to Hallet Co., Portland, Maine, and recelvo freo, full Information how either sex. of all ages, can earn from t5 to ts per day and upwards wher ever they live. You aro started free. Capital not required, somo have made over (50 In a Blngle day at this work. All succeed. lydecao. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rnriK SCIENCE OF J-LIKE, Uie great Medical Work of the age on Manhood,Nerv oai and Thyilcal Da. hllity. Prematura D- kNnW TUVCCI P clla,Krror9or Youth, Mill II I nlOtLr land the untold mWr ie conwqucnt thereon, 800 pajes 8 va, 123 pro scriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, only i LOO, by mall, scaled. Illustrative sample free to all yooni; and muldla-agcd men. Bend now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Nation al Medical Association. Addresa P.O. box lSOS.IIoe ton, Maaa.,or Dr. W. IL 1'AHKElt, graduate of Har vard Mukcal Collegi', 45 yeara' practice In lloaton, m"' moj uaiuin( cuiiaucnuaiiT. uiuce. no. 4 llulanch Bt. nut. laity, uiseaaes of Man. Cut tllla out. nug s-d-lt. i ou may never see il again. D! RS. J.N.&J.B. HOBENSACK Msdiotlsnd Surgical Offlee. 206 NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADA. ICSTAlir.lSIIEU 40 YKA11S 1'ortlio treatment of Youtliful Imprudence, In of Vigor, Nervous Detilllty and tlneclul inaeaaea. Consultation by mall free of charge. Hook Kent Fre, OlDee hours from a a.m. to i r.v.,x from e to 9 r.u Mayli.p.t-caly. DYSPEPTICS REJOICE In tho Speed Relief OUTAINI'.B IIV USINO , , Tlilrnm'a relf.i'r Aperient. fcnl.l lir Turraiit t CO..N.V., Ult4 biui,sUl turywlieru. July l3-r-4L LilDIES ! Do Your Own Dicing, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! They will dyo everything. They aro Bold every, wuere. rrico lie, u package. 40 i-olors. Thor iiuvono tipiaiior strength, brightness, amount In packages, or for fastness of color, or non-fading qualities. They do not crack or smut. For sale . w.w. uuuuva. fi.juvicer. leuirriy. SALESMEN WANTED " x. . I? '"van for the isle of Nonary tock 1 Etaady cmnlomiiDt narauua.1. l mv AN0 EXPENSES PAro. Apply at one, lUtluaja. Chise Brothers Company, jteiu Aug. anil Oct, WIIjiL.IAIYI hart BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A., AGENT FOlt TUB KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. raauufactruciuof tho. celebrated Keystone Dyna mite. .This explosive ts giving universal aatlAai ton, liuotatlonschOCTiuiiy Kiven, augirw rKfiariwiwreraCi PERRINE'S SSS& Mutii.i.iw from selected Jwirley Mall and gtmrnhlfi'd to tie chemically n and frre from Injurious oils und uldsotlin tniilaliHil In nleohollo llnnora, , V especially nilainnl lopersohs ieitililiig a Ktliiililnllngiiintc, Consumpfitts hcii m Ptid lopersohs .,..,1 . in.tfli M hv naijui Nervine, Torld and llerallvf. f'nr cnntuinptltPM It fi Invaluahlo. riiimwic-J 1'UHK UA1II.KY MALT WIII8KKY Insures a return ot vigor to tho stomach, i ,od appetite, a rich nnd abundant Mood and Increased flesh and muscular tlssni. a Btlmulant mild and gentle In effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and alt wasting ai?. cases can bo entirely conquered by the use or ferrlno's l'uro liarley alt Whiskey It Is a tonloand diuretic and a powerful Mrengthener to tho cntlra system, pkii'. 11INKH ruilK HAItLKVMALT WIIWKKI has proved a medicinal protection i to lllUTO W11U lillinuu mil uwiuuna excentlona ,1 powera or rnnurnncc. l'KltltlNK'.S mil uiih nun-mi vn tmiiiv nr mental effort and nets an a sn In wpLArifl riirorniiM wpnther. nam workers or overy vocation ii, nut inn, iiiiu lu luniioniuiu m-sncn' Malt Wliisker a powerful and helper to ingestion, ni-r to il Urcst on. l'K tlllK llAltl.KY MALT WHIHKHY wittiniit tinrlulv ntlmtilfltmip neys Increases their nagging activity, eoiinternctsllio offecta of fatltruo. lias. tens convnlcwcnco and Is a wholesome and nroinnl illtiretlc. Watch Nonogoniilno unless bearing tho signature Km suir uy all nrugliia and grocers throughou the united states and canadas. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL POIt HALE I1Y UllUOaiHTS AND ALL DBA.LKIIS. )a IITfl 1ffrt'rV17"V f ! .0" AOHNTH WANTBn nt onco to supply Ten iMWrt 1 I I Million twiers with tho only olllclnl liven ot CLEUELANOTHURMAN lly Hon. W. V. IIciiHcl i alsoLlfootMrH. cartridge uox, itetorm Trado Policy, c., complete work, apply quick and make 200 to fMio rt numttu Allg o-uiu C. B. BOBBINS, DEALER IN Foreign antt MamesUe, WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. INDUCEMENTS! Wo are ofleriiifr. great intluccniciits to iicisohb desirinc to purchase Pianos, Orgitns and Sewing Machines. 'ii m m 9 a m ss SS M to I O a a Among the Pianos tvo handle aro tho IVERS & POND, G. G. B BIGGS, BA US CO., SCJI OMA CKER Gold. String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos are all lirst-cla&a and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated JUSTJEY, MILL EB, UNITED STATES and other macs. Our leading Sewing Machines are tho celebrated WHITE. ME W DA VIS, NE W DOMESTIC, NE W HOME, HOUSEHOLD, BOYALST. JOHN and S1AND ABD BO TAB if Sewing Machine, tho finest nnd best Eotary Sowing Machine in the world. Beforo purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GEAT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Blooinsburg, Pa. I'ENNKY G00D8 A SPECIALTY. bolx laiMTS rou V. V. ADAMS CO., Alexander Bros, (t Co, WIIOLKSALB DEALKlia IN CIGARS, ITOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. HOLK aUKNTH VDIt 11ENRY MAIIUEDS HEC INDIES: FitESII EVEItY WEEK. Bloomsburg. Pa. FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO solo agents of tho fob lowing oranasot Cigars. HENltV CLAY, LONDltES, NOltMAL, INDIAN riilNCESS, BAMSON, H1LVUII ASU. Tutt's Pills Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And all dlscasos arlslnr from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. The natural result larnnilannnu mud solid Hull, lloae small i cIcmtuu. ly auar coatad anil eusy to SHUllovf. BOLD EVEEYWHEEE. noTJsn.ctcoiy, RllaraTOT fVnigh, PronrhlUi, Anthma, ladlimUonl Uia ARKIR'a OINQIR YoNIO ltl'uut dclar. It iHi""'1 "' I1" 'Oroal and luaia, and oCSSi. arWn trow lini.ur. blood and .,haii.trun. Tha fjiuj ly uaa of lWkar-a OlosarTonlo, tut d.UjUdau. Taaa II U Uma. lif. loTaluiM. tatlai Tl!ns Ud UMitiiut July sium t. MALT WHISKEY. tit leiitinuig a Ktiiiiiiintiiigiiinic, consumrfitia iioiri iif.t rimnifiinisi itv ii'mniir 11111 Liin,ia no t. .. in inu w'lu .... iiiiu nwiwitiaii, nuiKCail. )t vpk your iwmra uruKKisfc or grocer for for IIIIK IIAIILKV MALT WIIISKKY revives tho energies of those worn leguaia against eiponura 1LW111 drlvonll malarious diseases from tlmiitij. ana prr.wiiiiiiiroriitrr iiio renners protin i n i.nioj Invlgorant The analysis as It appears by tho u; l'KltliINK-M tltlt "I llll UILTT UJLLIL'I I J1UVII TH rPIII 1 1 1. , . alyicd thol'UKK lUiii.sr Mai.t Wins tho kid, nitr inado by M. 4.1. s. rerrlno and fliw it entirely free from fusel oll.fnrfnrol. uiviuin ii n.t.o ,.w ta UUSU1UUJ pure." Slgnra, Camilla Arthur Malir Uraiuate of U;r ltifrerslIfMoJfunWi' tholabel I v a Clcvctiinil t exqutsito slccl portralta. Voters' V. .IKL'I OltW ISO Akciiih repoit finnMiM turrets. For boVt iiuuiiAiiu iiitus, rnuadelphla, pa ANY OIIDEK POIt 'festival wiu bo BUIU'LIKD WJTU the LOWEST Market Frices, AS FOLLOWS ORANGES, LEJIONS, 1JANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS) OHEAM NUTS, ALMONDS, TOP COHN BALLS. BLOOMSBUKB PLANING MILL 10. The underslgnod havlnc put his I'lanlnc M n Kallroatl Htreet, In flrst-oiaBS condition. Is pro aredtodo allktndsof work in his line, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, -BLINDS.MOUuDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlsliea at reusuuuuie prices. All lamooruro s well seasoned and none but skilled worsrun are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS urolshed on aprllcatton. Hans and apecin oca prepared by an experleoct d draUKbtsman CIIAIII.E8 KRDfl, lllooiiiNburfr, ra BUUSOU1IJE BBBamBBBBBBaVHBSSBaiJBlHBBiawl FOU THE COLUMBIAN ft 4fiuv Via. .tfe. i.sJtm.r, .a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers