THE COLUMBIA! AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. l'teo Whiskey. Silt. COX I'lCTUttM A IlKl'lUlUCAN OAM I'altlNKIt ON TUB 8TIJM1' KOR TIIK CI1I0AI1O I'l.ATIOItM. How onn you go out nuil answer tho questions portiuont to thh campaign without entangling nlhanocfl and con fused Idonal Sonio taxpayer, tired of your pro toctlvo oxactlons, twits: "Why should only 2,738,895 people, tho pots of protection, bo favored at tho oxpenso of over 70 per cent, of their ou.uw.uuu lollow citizeiwl What fort Tho voico from tho stiM warm with the tear of widows and orphans huskily 'aiidwors, "For free wntskoyr "Why should wo not cheapen clothes, blankets, and carpets by ad mitting wool free, since tho woollen mills have a capacity for 600,000,000 pounds, and only 210,000,000 pounds aro raiscu nt, nomer Tho answor comes like tho bleat of a thousand flocks, "Boforo clothes, or blankets, or carpets tako freo whiskey." But ssys an honorable rccusaht Re publican from Minnesota: "Worthier, better and justcr it seems to my mind would it be to givo our people, tho tolling masses, cheaper food cheapor fuel, orteaper clothlnR, and cheaper shelter, cheaper because to- leased from tho heavy and unnecessary urn-uen ot high-tariff taxes." "Pshaw!" says tho hido bound pro tcctionist, "thoso articles must remain taxed to vindicate the American svs tern." This system has as its genius tree whiskey. A taxpayer inqulros'of you: "Have not tho American pcoplo paid in sixty years over 820,000,000, 000 in the hopo of getting goods cheaper by and by. after tho infants have attained their maturity? What, my Kopublican brother, will you now dot" Tho brother answers, "Freo whis key." "Has invention done anything for us! asks the impoverished moehamc, "What do you show us as tho result of our American genius for a century in meohaniosl The answer corars: "Wo tender. yon the worm lit tho still, tho finest in vention of tho devil. It may take away your brains and impoverish your fami lies; but protection must standi We offer you untaxed, cheap, freo whis key!" Another inquirer asks, "Why do vou not tako the tax off my coat of 'reversiblo nap'" Tho answor comes: "Protection first, but always freo whiskey." An old lady of WoBt Virginia asks with anxiety, "Why must I pay CO cents in addition to every dollar for tho crockery from which I drink my sassafras teat" "Ah!" says tho protectionist, "is not whiskey better than teat" A scries of questions and answers might bo fired off in the following or der : "Are you goint; to allow that re duction proposed by tho Mills bill from 47 per cent, duty to 40 on car potst'' "No, but we will repeal tho tax on cigarettes for your young boys, and add freo whiskey." "Wont you support that reduction of 10 per cent, on cotton goods?" ' "iTu, ui'.t i wouia cove to lower the whiskey tax." "Won't you reduce tho tax on cas tor oil below 194 per cent its present rate!" "No, I won't condescend .to help anybody but those who want the cost of whiskey reduced." "Please help us reduce tho tax on cheap woolen cloth from 89 per cent, to 40 per cent., as Mills proposes will yon nott" "No; I do not want to engago in anything else tiil I havo taken the tax of ninety cents a gallon from whiskey." "Wo aro making a last effort to re iluco the duty on wool hats from 54 per cent. Cheap hats. Won't you help ust" "No, sir; tho Republican platform doesn't say anything about cheap hats. It docs advocato taking tax from whiskey, and I stand by the platform.'' "Tho worsted goods for my family is taxed 68 per cent. Help me pull that down to 40 per cent, will you nott" "No, Sir; lqt yonr worsted goodn go to grass! Whisky is more than a dol lar a gallon. I want to tako tho ninety-cent gallon tax off of it." "Now, ray friend, the Mills bill pro poses to take eleven and one-half mill ions off of supar; won't you help us to pass itt" "No for it don't propose to cheapen whiskey one cent." "It makes salt free. Won't you fa vor thalt" "Is salt whiskoyt Salt ain't in our platform." "Jt mikes tho tin, of whioh our tin stove vo-uel-i and cans, and roofs aro mado, free; won't you givo us that?" "Tin is not in the platform; whiskey is." "It makes lumber for our homos to keep us warm free. Won't you fa vor that!'' "No. 1 want to legislate to warm the inner man, not the outer one. (Jive us free whisky." When these questions are answered let me read as a summing up to the gentleman what was said by an old farmer friend of mine in Iowa. Ho had evidently been pursuing Sydney Smith on taxation: I neyer wore any clothes that wore not increased in price by this polioy of making an almshouse of every possible factory. lined to rise on Sunday morning from my humble cot in a log farm-hou-e, throwing off the bed clothes taxed 40 to 100 por cent., eat my taxed breakfast from dishes taxed 45 per cunt, on a table cloth taxed 40 per cent, and when the S ibbath bell taxed 35 per cent, sounded its inviting notes, I tK)k my bible taxed 25 per cent, and went to tiio church built ol lumber taxed 20 per cunt., aud there in a Sunday-school pong book taxed 25 per cent, (and all these taxes paid to tho objects of my charity, not to the iioveruiuem;, I read: jar out uportlho prarlo JIow many children dwell Who nem read tho Wble Nor hear tho Sabbath belli Great laughter and applause. What is the relief my old farrw friend receives from you and platform? "Freo whiskey." you Does this give comfort to his fami ly, his pin He, or his soul? xmow, you gentlemen want to go among tno men, women, and children ol tins country ami sa: "Wo will uot tako tho tax off of eheap clothing, cheap lumber, cheap food, but we will tako tho tax off of whiskey, to make it eh an aud com nion, and more hurtful to houl and body.'' Is not that an inspiring issuo for a pany ol moral elevation? Oh, gentlimaii, it is tho old, old story. You gentleman must havo often heard it sung- oti, what n tangled web wc weave When flreuve practice todwetve I A Uloud in tho llonoymoon. Three shorl. blissful months had passed over tho heads of Callithumplan W. Magnnler and his brido, and not a cloud had dimmod tho brightcoss of tiicir domestic sky, Tlio angel ol poaco hovered over thoir housohold its full ten hours n day, aud the crl kct ol oanmihial joy chirped contently about tholr hcarthstono tho rest of tho time. Thoro was nothing tho proud young huBhand thought a task if it gratified tho slightest wish of his heart's idol or brought a smile to her lovely face. Time and again ho had rlson in tho dead of tho night to drive some low spirited cat off tho premises or tobatho lila head in rosewater or diluted carbo lic add If tho odor of tho cigars smok ed in his down town oflico during tho tho day was found to havo liugored about him. Tho Fourth of July had como and gone. With bloodshot eyes Callith umpian W. Magrudor But at breakfast trying with unsteady hand to lift a cup of coffco to his lips. "Darling," Ban tho young wife, ob serving for tho first time that hor hus band appoared indisposed, "what is tho matter with you? Aro you ill?" "I I'm rather rocky this morning, Elllcda," ho responded, "hut It will pass. I shall be allright again." "Callithumplan," rejoined tho wifo with that tender anxiety that leads woman Heaven bless her to minister to a sick man by trying to stuff him with food, "won't you have some eggs and a larger picoo of steak!" "Elfleda," was tho reply m ho put up a trembling hand to ward off tho prof fered consolation, "I shall havo to tell you what tho trouble is. It will come out sooner or later at tho Coroner's in quest. You slept well last night, of course?" "Certainly." "Oveicomo by tho excitement of tho day aud tho disturbed slumbers of the night boforo your sleep was sound aud dreamless as that of a tired ohild. You heard no noise down cellar iu the mlddlo of tlfo'night?" "I did not, Callithumpian," replied Elfleda", turning pale with apprehen sion. "Well, I did. It aroused me from a restless and unquiet sleep, anil, without waking you, I dressed myself quietly, seized a heavy cane and stole softly down-stairs. I found a man in tho cellar do not start, Elfleda, Ho was a little, dried np, withered, insignifi cant sneak thief, not half so dangerous as a setting hen. He was helping himself to your finest canned fruit. I lifted the little ras jal out of tho cellar with tho toe of my shoe." "I am glad nothing worse happened, my love. But why are you bo un nerved! It is all over now." "No, it is not all over!" exclaimed tho husband, as ho looked off into va cancy with a hollow-eyed despairing gaze; "remorse is left!" "Remorse?'' "Yes, bitter, gnawing, agonizing remorse! Listen! Beforo 1 kicked the thief out I looked about for some means of inflicting a punishment upon bim that he would remember and a temptation from the Evil One .came in to my mind. On a plate upon one of the hanging shelves was something yon had prepared, with 'your own hands "Yes, I remember, it was a pudding I mado my self. vVhy " "Elrleda," said tho husband, hoarse ly, as he looked 'at her" in stony de spair; "I made him eat that pudding!'' Chicago Tribune. " Photographs of Lightning. Tho Royal Meteorological Society are appealing to photographers, both professional and amateur, to take ad vantage of the present state of the weather to obtain photographs of lightning. Last season they received sixty impressions of lightning flashes, taken in various parts of Europe an ' America, but the information thus gained, whilo most interesting, was not sufficient for nny trustworthy de ductions to bo .drawn from it. All that can bo conTidtiitly asserted is that the popular idea of tho form of forked lightning is entirely eirorneous. Tho mo-it typical forms are as follows: i . ... I ! l . - . 1 I l i) Hireuui uuvuiug, pisiin, uruau, rather smooth streak ot light; (2) mil lion ligb.ning, when the flash keeps in one general direction, nut the lino is ssnuos, bending from sido o side in a very irregular manner; (3) ramified lightning, in which part of the flash' appears .to branch oti from tho main Btreak like tho fibres from tho root of a tree. (4) meanderiut; lightning, in which the flash appears to meander about in the air without any definite course, and form small irregular loops; (5) beaded or chapletted lightning, in which bright beads appear in a general whilo streak. In photographing light ning, a rapid plate and ordinary rapid lens, with full aperture, aro left uncov- red for a short time at night during a thunderstorm. Tho focus is arranged for a dh-tant object, am), if possible, some point of laudecape is included to give tno position ot the horizon, it this is not possible, then the top of the picturo is marked. A single lens is prefered to a doublet, in order that there may bo no possibility of a second mago being propucul by reflection betwoon two portions of the lens. for a somewhat similiar reason it is recommended that tho sensitive film should be on paper instead of glass. l ho society will be very pleased it copies of lightning photographs bo sent to them at 30 Great Georgo Street, Westminister, together with any available particulars as to tho direction in which tho camera was pointed, tho state of the weather, acd tho like. Engineering. The hottest article of a mail's attiro are liin yinpemlers. Hut, oh! how much hotter and inoro uncomlnrtahlo he feels when they happen to givo way in public. Jiurlington Free J'ress. THE CELEBRATED NERVE TONIC. A Word to the Nervousl'lSi ... A healthy boy has as many as you, the difference between "sick" and Why don't you cure yourself? cry Compound will do it. Pay once more. l housanus nave, wny not your WELLS. RICHARDSON & Cg.,ProprJotors, Burlington, Vt, At Canton, China, boiuo 250,000 pcoplo live continually on boats, and never step foot on Rhnm from ono year's end to another. Tim young childien liavo a hnbit of continually falling overhoatd and thin c.miso a great deal of trouble in affecting a rescue, which In many Instances is ImpoHHlbte and u child is drowned. China is an overpopulatcd country and tho Chlno'o have profited by this drowning prodivlty in reducing tho surplus population. Thoy attach floats to tho male child so that they call bo fished out when tl.ey tumble into tho rivor. Tho females aro without suoh protection and nro usually loft to drown. Hard Times. Kobloy Uy Jovel I can't sco how old Grinder's clerks can afford to liyo on tho pay ho fives them. Wiggins Afford to livo? Why, man aiivel it's becauso thoy can't af ford to die. Funerals cost something nowadays. Judge. A gonuino hum-bug Tho locust. It is queer that Queen Victoria did not confer tho Order of tho Hath on somo of Hnffalo Hill's Indians. Pitts burg Chronicle. When a girl pays her husband's railroad faro on her bridal trip, its a pretty good example of love's trans port. Merchant Traveler. "Young man," said tho old deacon solemuly, "do you realize that when you retire at night you may ho called Dofore morning dawns?" "I hopo so; I'm a young doctor and 1 need en couragment of some kind." Texas Sijtings. SOME DOCTORS honestly admit that they can't ears llheumatlsm and Neuralgia. Others say they can but-on't. Ath-lo-pho-ros says nothing but curti. That's the secret of Its success. Years of trial havo provtd It to be a jufcA, $afe, $ure cure. Conoora,N.n.,8ept.lS87 . In my ercro family AthlorhorMi wm osei as a lost resort, the user bavlna; suffered from rheumatism for years ana haelns; teen treated for the disease br different I'bysldans in this State and Masoachn. Mtla without even temporary relief. Upon my recommendation score) of poo dle hare used this remedy with the name nsniu claimed for It. U. 1L Wilbox. Dubuque. Iowa. Jan. 8, tfflft. Auuopnorcs nas completely curea me ox nervous headache, and I feel thankful ret ail the rood it has done me. Mrs. Looms Omaav. WScntf 6 rents for tho beautiful colored pic ture, " Moorish Maiden." THE A THL0PH0R0S CO. 112 Wall St. M. Y. nowsn cicoSms. Tho treatment of many thousands ot cases ot those chronlo weaknesses and distressing ailments pocullar to females, at the invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, Iluffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast experience In nlocly adapt lnar and thoroughly testing remedies for tho oure of woman's peoulfar maladies. Dr. lMcrce's Vavorlto Prescription is tho outgrowth, or result, ot this great and valuable ozperlence. Thousands of testimo nials, received from patients and from physi cians who havo tested it In the more aggra vated and obstinate cases which had battled tholr skill, prove it to be tho most wonderful remedy evor devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It is not recommended as a "cure-all." but as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar ailments. A a powerful, Invigorating: tonic, It Imparts strength to the wholo system, and to the womb and Its appendages in particular. For overworked, "worti-oul," "run-down." debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Vrescriptlon i the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic Am a soothing and trongthonliiK norvlne, "Favorite Prescription" Is une- aualod and is lnvaluablo In allaying and sub ulng nervous excitability, irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and organlo disease ot tho womb. It Induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency. Dr. IMorceU Favorite Prescription Is a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by art experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It la purely vegetable In its composition and perfectly harmless In its otfecu In any condition of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach. Indigestion, dys- Sepsla and kindred symptoms. Its use, In small oses, will provo very beneficial. "Favorite Prescription" la apoil. tlvo euro for the most complicated and ob stinate oases of leucorrhca, excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of tno womb, weak back, female weakness," anteverslon, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronlo congestion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb. In flammation, pain and tenderness In ovaries, accompanied with "Internal heat," tlonal action, at that critical period ot change jaa a regulator ana promoter or runo- from girlhood to womanhoc Lion" la a perfectly safe remedial sent. too, " and .can produce only good results. It Is sa eauallv e icacloua and valuable In Its effects when taken for those disorders and derange menu Incident to that later and most critical period, known as " The Change of Life." . "favorite) Prescription," when taken In connection with tho use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pleroe'a Purgative FeUeta (Little Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and Illadder disease. Their combined uso also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. "favor Its Proscription" Is tho only tnedlclno for women, sold by druggists, under a positive, guarantee, from the manu facturers, that It will give satisfaction In every case, or money will be refunded. This guaran t, has been printed on the bottls-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. 'argo.boitle. flOO doses) 1.00, or lx bottle for tS.OO. For large. Illustrated Treatise on Diseases of SnSter-LW1"' Mml World's Oispiflury Medical Association, 093 naln St, BUFFALO, N. Y. 'AINYVHIGUT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, I'UILADSLI'IIIA, I'A. 1KAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, BlKJAlt, MOLASSEi biob, bi'ioks, moAitn sonA, etc., eto. N. E. corner Second and Arch Bta. ("Orders, win receive prompt attention. WXLLIAIYT HART BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A., AQENT FOU TUB KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. manufactruersof tho celebrated Keystone Dyns, mite. This explosive la giving universal aatlafac ion. Quotations cheerfully given, (Aug w Si dim OMP0UND but he tloesn t know it. "well." , That is It is easy. Don't wait. 1 your druggist a dollar, and Faine's enjoy RAILROAfl TZMtB TAILS Mwti liil D KLA.WAHE, LAOKAWANNA AND WESTKltN UA1LIIOAD. BLOOMSUUIIG DIVISION. STATIONS. T NOUTII. r M A. I, A, H. 1 BS 1010 i) 1.1 10 S3 6 3d .... io?9 est 1 68 10 30 40 I! 14 10 M 6 51 3 IV 11 00 7 05 ! it 11 07 7 19 2 2 11 15 7 SO II ti 7 !7 .... 11 !S 7 31 II 30 7 35 S 41 11 37 7 43 3 51 It 41 7 4 3 5'J 11 49 55 3 1)9 II 69 8 P5 3 ID 13 OS 8 17 3 35 13 15 8 23 13 30 8 31 3 33 13 Si 8 31 3 89 13 30 8 38 3 43 12 37 8 41 .... 19 41 9 49 13 45 111 3 58 12 50 8 61 3 50 19 55 M 4 01 1 03 9 CM 1 It 9 17 1 19 9 25 1 !5 9 80 4 22 1 30 9 35 P U T M A V SOUTH. AM rx TU 9 50 S 03 6 20 9 65 .... 6 25 10 00 2 14 SO 10 08 2 21 5 37 10 16 2 93 C 43 10 22 3 31 6 50 10 27 2 39 6 65 10 30 .... 59 10 31 2 47 7 03 10 31 2 50 7 07 10 42 2 64 7 12 10 47 2 59 7 H 10 61 3 03 7 21 10 65 3 01 7 !5 11 09 3 19 7 41 11 12 3 29 7 55 11 22 3 39 8 07 11 28 3 45 8 13 U 37 3 61 8 20 3 67 8 27 11 41 4 01 8 31 11 53 4 03 8 85 11 69 4 12 8 41 12 05 4 18 8 47 12 10 4 84 8 52 12 15 4 39 8 57 12 30 4 4 9 13.: 4 64 9 23 13 40 5 00 9 28 18 65 6 15 9 46 r y r M r x MAUHITURKRt.lffD t 5 40 Cameron. 5 !5 t'liuiamcy Danvlllo. 01 Uatawlssa , J mipert.. ? !" Hlooinsburg J JJ )gpy .,.,,..,..... S 42 Llmo Itlrtge willow orovo ; llrlarcreek - J; lierwlck J ?J lipftch llavcn 11 lllck's Ferry 1 is Shlckshlnny J V Nantlcoko J w tntnincK'B , v Avondalo., 7 M 7 6U Plymouth I'lyinouthJunctlon,, Kimraton llennctt.... Jlaltby Wyoming West Mttston....... Plttston " T Anlrn.apannA .. 8 01 8 03 a 13 8 17 8 it 8 27 R 33 40 Taylorvlllo. J llollovuo. 8 54 SCRAMT0H., V 00 r m A II S 10 STATIONS. SCRANT0K, S 15 Taylorvlile. J Lackawanna 8 sj Iiellevue. llttston s j" West Plttston Wyoming Jj Jlaltby J " llennctt 5J Kingston " "? Plymouth Junction 7 m Plymouth I ? Avondalc, J Nantlcoko J Shlckshlnny - ' lllck'a Kerry ' J? neacu Haven s oi llunlock's - ucrwlck Unarcreek..; - J J; Willow tlrove 8 I LlmeUldge. u KHpy -; Uloomsbunr S a? Hupcrt Caiawlsaa Chulaaky . UJ Cameron Jj, NORT110BRI.ND...... S3 Danville ? v. Heading ? a.lroad flir Kmanend.Tamaqu'a will IsSStSSi. i nJtmrv. PottBvlllo. etc. At forthum. Connections at ltupcrt with. Philadelphia . lock uaven, nuitHm"'.A rvHi ti. r . Jiil Uui 4Ha " t -'- T Scranton, Pa Pennsylvania Railroad. hiladolphia & Eria R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. x TIME TABLE. in effect JUNE 4, 188 Trains leave sunoury EASTWARD, .. . u,o itTTirpafl fdally exceDi Sunday,, VnMWtMlnteiUtjo t. Phiiadelnhla S.15 p. m. i. new '" Shore points. Througn jjiuxkubo. rnuaaeipma. , n. m. Dav omrcsa dally except Sundayl.for Harrlaburg And Menne auti ata&na. arriving at Phi a d el PhU thSraSh to Philadelphia and Baltimore. for'llarrWand m HflnOVO ACCOIHB"U"V" at Philadelphia .-.:o . .... j f;-y nuaaeipuiai.-"' .... ,f--v- . m. . 8leeperunai8yiroea u ... . .. MonflaTi fJJ, anrtturmmrinassonger coaches to pnuaaei- phla and Baltimore. WESTWAUB. .- ..... .uv eTr-enf Hundavl. fo 5,loa.m.-5rieJ; ..-.Vt ...nanam. ace cars anapaaaeniir estor. ,....., Ononr. sundavl for 9.M-N6W8 -- - ii ig ar dalgua and principal inwrm --- aXer'co m: tt ".,"Y-.r,' mediate stations, MDBandlntemedlaWrt nenirer coaches to ltenovo and Watxins. , f soaTrnV-iunday mall for Henovo and Interme diate station- . THliOUOn TRAINS TOR SUNBlrllY FROM THE iliAO 1 All u ow u Sunday mall leaveB Philadelphia .4.30 a. m nirriabnre 7.40 arriving at tsunpury " through sleeping car irom ruuuc.i.u. llamsport. M,.,nMi a.m. rmrrinrmrir. 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.53. -,ara K!prcsa leavea Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury K.Mp, , m., .,. t,,M.,. tnrin ear from Phllaaeipnia and tnrough passenger coachoa from rauaaei phla and llaltlmore. . .T,h.rtoi v Faat Line leaves New York 9.00 a. m. faUom'ba.m;.(dAllyc Hunnury. d.sip. m.. ooacnes Brie more, 11.80 p. m., (dally except:saturday) arriving at sunbury 5.10 a. m., with through PnUman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and liaiiunoro ana inrougu im&auuKcr uttviuco uuu Philadelphia. SUNnUItY.HAZI.KTON ' WH.KKHnAimE llAIL,KlfAli Ann ni'tti " " . . . IllfANCII IIA1I.WAY. (Dally except Sunday.) wntMham. lnnvPH Hunburv 9.65 a. m. arriving at Bloom yerry lft m., Wiuea-barre '"Express' East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. m., arriving u.mhn,. Mail lAavm wi itp-iharro 10.20 a. ro. arrtv. ,ng at llioom r erry 11.10 , iu., nuuuu J " "r . . . . n 1 , .. , ,n tt. , rn Kxpress v eBt icavca n -, iv," riving at Bloom Ferry 4.19 p, m., Sunbury MOp.m SUNDAY ONLY. . an,invmnu loaves sunburv 9:85 a. m.. arriving atBloomI'erryl0:l5a.irnr.W , m., arriving at mmmx vnirt y.i b""h 30 p. m. on 1 U IP lTTtlTT J. It- WIJU11. U6IIJM&uaKer udu. i tww;ii,vi FREE! niMrintlirn nt tl.n Mnll. f'llnistr. Proilurllons rvlrnlnlit ana oiuer oouiucru ciuit-a. nmo.u W. B. BEVII.L, Oen'l Pa&s. Agent, UOANOKB, VA. Enclosing 2 -cent stamp OLD AN1J INAUKQUATE STEAM MACHINERY ! can bo mado satisfactory, bo that loss of time and cxnenso of getting new can bo avoided. It will coat nothing to correspond w ItU tho Maohinkiiy Imi'uovement Co State your case and ilnd out what they can do for jou. Address LOCK 110X S50I, NEW VOllK POST OFFICE, giving full particulars. July so-r-lm Oi Interest to Ladies. iV trill prnd a FREE SAMPLE of Our wonderful rptidtlc for (ouittlt coojpUinUtonnyladjwLo vrUbtM to tenHU't6cty boforo iiuroharlDB. Hndtsnspfff Iatua BAXIB RlUtDt CO., Sox 101, fiuffftlo. W.Y. iiov wncicoiy. SUFFERINGWOMEN IMARRIED UH SINGLE. Whsn Iroohled vlth tko armorliii! Irreaolsrltle. u frequeDtly followlnaa cold or Mipo.ure, or from (Jon BtlWtlonal W mIdumm o pMollar to tblr mii, thoold Usa OR, OuCHOINE'S ceianraieo FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Theraro Btrenirthi.nlntf to tho ntlrj Bratcm, Import tone.Tiuori.ud msunetlo fortoto all f auctions of body sutlmlnd. tiot by utsil, socurwlr sol1, il. Atldr, Dr. Hortor Medlolno Co., ST. LOUIS, HO. Eov35n.ocoiy, ELMIRA- AND SHORTHAND INSTITUTE our patrons enter our decant new building which will be completed this fall. Ourprosnerlty arises from tho thorough practical tralnfnt; In liooic-keculnir. Shorthand. iSncwililnir. and all other branches ot llUBlNKSS KliUOATHiN. at tho School of Cominercu (Allen Iiuslness Colki') Aiiuira, n, x., Si. A. fliiuwiiw i ivo. nas revolutionized the world dur ing the last hair century. Not least among the wonders ot In ventive nrOL'ress Is a method and system ot work that can be perlormetf all over the country without separtlng tho workers from their homes. Pay liberal! any one tan do the work; either sex, young or olil; no special ability re qulreil. capital net needed! you are Btarted Ireo. Cut this nut and return lo us and wo will send you free, something ot great valuoand Import anre to you,that will start you In buslnesshwhlch win bring you In more money right away, than anvtblng else in tho world. (irani oulM Aee. Address WI K CO., Augusta, Alttlne. lyuwe. Illgh-Prleod Uheap Ohlnosa Labor. 1 Imvpn't liccn licro lontr cnouali to learn uiuoli nliout tlio rcnl jicrils that llirfittun tlio country liy tliu" Importa tion of ohcnp Clilncso labor. I cannot say nnytliliif? about It, In fact, becauso thoy haven't been Irajiortinrr that kind nrnliml wlinrn T llflVd ilOPIl. Attf frlomlg. both id San Francisco ami In tho coun try towns, who employ Chineso domes tic help pay $25 and S30 a month for n mnn anrtnnt.. And bn In iuflt ns In dependent nnd impudent as tho lady who smashes giasswnronmiciiips cuma In your own Brooklyn homo. lie Innvna nil n mlnilLn'M 110MC9 111 tllU height of tho busy seascnt if lie bo nn lll tom- pcred follow lio oliases tno ianiuy out of his kitchen. He is liko other peo- 111. rrnrtf 1 tmil mid indifferent. Ho does not nccordmg to tlio generally re- ccived nunc, require nut ono wjiiiug in order to do that very thing that very saiuo w.iy ever after. Th ro is ono iu our houf o now, a good, docile, willing, obedient, stupid fellow. I think ho is almu-r. nil 1 mill nbnut 100 times how to do a thing, ard oven then ho doesn't always do ft right. Thcro may bo somo very cheap ones, but I haven t found them. Some of thtm send homo our laundry with every indication of recovering trom ft proiongeu nttncK oi mnliimnnt. bvdrni'.hobla. BO Brent has iinnn tin nriVwirr.'iion of water. Others. again, rival tho matohlcss Troy laun- dry work, unco, in oan rranciaco, wo got tired of Hop Soon, nnd patronized a"Whito Labor Laundry." Well, I had nn "all-wool undershirt'' iu that wnh. nnd 1 havo been wcarinc it for a npflilupn nunr alnnn. Tho rest of tho suit the bifurcated raiment, I gave to a nitio girl lor ncr nou. men wo iu turned to tho Chinaman. Ho ohnrged us moro than ever, and his rates weio higher than Mclican man to begin with. Mob Jitirdctte, in jsroomyn M,ayte. Ann That Kill Snakes and Build Boats. onto Tint flllK' llllltd l)OalS. but launch them, tooj only these boats aro foru ed of their nwn bodies. They aro called "di'iven." because of their fero city. Nothing can stand betoro luo attacks of thteo little creatures, uargu pythons have been killi d by them in a cingle liiglil, wnno eiiicKenw, i w m.iinnU in Western Africa tlce from them in terror. To protect tliemeclvcs from the heat they erect, mi ili.r which numerous armies of them pass iu safety. Sometimes the arch is maoo oi grass aim w ....... tniTotlinr liv sniho secro- .IUU jjUUUUVU WS...... -J ---- tinn nml nndin it, is formed by tho bodica of tho larger ants, wiiioii num ,1. ...c.l, Innntlil.r llV tlieir HtrOtlC : IP. ...t.!t. nippers whilo tho workeis pass under mem. iVl curvaiu mura u ". j - ,.io ni.,ilnw tlin nniintrv inhabit ed by the drivers, and it is then that tut so nuts go lo sea. mc phu.wuh.-. . ...i.i. ...i.. ihn walla nf "their houses ate broken in by tho flood, but, instead of coming to the sunnco in huuuoicu l 1 . n.wl l.oinry iinrniit oil to do- uuui.iiua ui..Hg . - slructioti, put of tho ruin rises a black ba 1 that rides salelv on tuo water mm A-u,a ,,. At tlm fi rwt. wnrniiitr of dancer tho littlo creatures rush together and form a solid body oi anm, u;u 1.... :.. ..n.,trn. nftpn till! ball IS larger than a conimou base ball, and iu Jiis way thoy tloat about uinu uiuv l.l .;,,al gnmn Irnp. UDOU the branches of which thoy aio soon safe and souud. Grape Juico for Sickness. Tho nrt of cultivatincr tho Oporto Vines and fermenting tho Uporto urapo into winn in this country, and of pre serving the Grapo Juico fresh without Iihh been brousht to a fTi-p.iter iWreo of Perfection by Mr. Altrca Spcer, oi rassaiu, xi. o., num hv nnv othpr netaon : in fact, ho was the pioneer in introducing and adver tising Native Wines. Ho lias purchas ed hundreds of tons of grapes, besides his own vintage. Mr.. Specr's success linn ni-iann frnm l.hQ BlrlCl PUrilV uuu yaluablo properties of his wines for in valids and feeble persons, and his repu tatiou extonils arounu tno wonu. Moorish Fattened Houri, Tim tinsitinn of women aniontr the Moors does not differ greatly from that in all jMoiiamineuan countries), ami therefore need not bo touched upon. Onn r.natnm. howovor. is a curious one. that of fattening tho bride for her wed- 3- im.. :-1 1 n .Ir. n oil Ulllg. J.I1U VUUUg flll IB .V o.v in a half darkened room, wearing ank lets so heavv that she can move with difficulty. She is then crammed with pellets of wheat liowcr ana raaao to drink enormous quantities of water, bo tVint. Vipfnrn tlio liridcrrroom sees her sho shall bo bloated to tho desirable degree. The Moorish root), themselves so lean, straight and tall, are groat nd mirera of adinoee tiBBUo i n women, fat be ing to them an essential clement of beauty. "A good joaa lor a earner is ono of their compliments, and every thing is aono that can conduco to this state. Tho women, seated always up on soft cushions and crammed with sweetmeats, soon grow enormously fat. Lack of exerciso increases tho size of their limbs -to such a degreo that en largement of tho anklen becomes ajdia eabe. Commercial Advertiser. "The gentleman who is about to shoot,'' said the master of ceremonies at a tarcet practice, "is a famous French duelist. Then tho frightened crowd cot richt in front of tho tarcet and becan to bieatho easy. New York Sun. Inherited Diseases. Ro taot of noturo U mora prafnaat with 'awful meaning than ths fact ot'lh. lnharlun'ca of dlssai. Uodarn tcltnoa, whioh has UlumtnaMd o many dark soraevs ot nature,hss shed onsw light oo ths ominous words of tho Scriptures, "Ths tint of ths fathers, (hall ba visited, upon the chlldran unto tho third and fourth gsnaraUon." yifly por coot, of cases of consumption, cancer and scrofula, rust In families ttroush luherltaoce.- Insanity Is hered. Ilarjr In a marked degree, but, fortu nately, Ilka many other hereditary diseases, tends to wear Itself out, the tack becoming extlict. A distin guished scientist truly says i "No organ or texture of the body le exempt from the chance of being the subject of hereditary disease.1' Probably mere chronlo aleeases. which psrmansully modify the structure end fuaotloue of ths body-ere more er Use liable te be In herited. The Important and far-reaching praotloal deduotloa from such f sots are ebvleus lo reflecting minds, and the best meeae for preventing or eurlng these dlseasee Is' a eubst of Intense In terest to alL yertuneiefy nature has provided remed. which experience lies attested as Infallible, and the reme dy Is the world-famous Uwlf t'e Bpeoldo, pure vegetable compound nature's antidote for all blood polsous. To tee ataietedltli a bleeslng of Inestimable value. An Interesting treatise oa "lllood and Bkla Diseases" will be mallei free by addressing Til Bwirr Brimno Co., Drawer, AtUate, Uei POLITICAL HI8TORY OFTHEU.S. Vr.lltUi Uaiinrai It INK nrl rnar.ltililiK' llv.latllisrf llssee to tho prosus. fcdoiln ressrs sa4 Tl liuthntp Plulfnrmsi and IMncj IK. ct ti boui-CUII llfvki, Fffclilllt. ltfiln Hi villi. TARIFF AND r KCE TRAUB, with eVrrameoUor ftod udaiit. 040pale XOO r.ngruiittK uiitv i rire wiiva nun A BHlHiarilIIItelllRI'l,igillt Ungal HMD VI woman in wa cossi- uti oraen tot isu vopaw Ma imv irulrwuiua. na f o oucuiat, Juifvr-z a Co-na. Hon. Jos. P. Bass li tho licst, known man In iwlcrn Maln, l-xcept xinMii.i, nun, tuiuii',1 u. mninn. -t no reason ror hh Ural ll tho fact Hint lie H i imshln. enrnrrtlo bufilnefs man, nnd having wealth, Ii Interested In many enterprises, giving employment lo many people. About four years ago ho took a largo tract of land In Uanitor. on which ho built a nno race track, where, for tho last two yeara, tho New Kngland Agricultural Soclsty havo held their annual exhibitions. At this tlmo. Mr. llass over taxed hla powers, weakened hli system by expo, tire, and the result was he found himself a victim ot Dyspopsla nnd Kidney dlwaso. Ills food distressed him, no hailthn lame back, thntlrwl renting, that weary, continuous pain, so often described nnd so familiar to all surterlng from these troubles. Ho was In despair of getting well when, ono day, a "sudden whim," as Mr, llasi terms It, changed tho whole current of his life, llo Is a lnrgo owner In tho liangor IMIIv Com inerctal, theoniceof which Is directly across tho street from t ho llrown't. Harsnparllla establishment and seeing several bottles dliplafed In the win dow, yielded to tho "whim," went over, bought ono anl used tho contents. It astonished him, In asmuch as it aided him moro than all the pliysl cUns and a southern trip, lie took tho tccoud bottle, which was equally as efrectlvo as tho first, and when tho lion, tleo. II Lorlng, ot Massachu setts, lion, (loo- Noyes, of tho Massachusetts l'Umghmnn, and other managers of I ho N. K Fair camotaiungorln August, imm, tley found Mr. itjiss in ixTit'i-t, m'luui, uiiusuieiy 10 mu use ui BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not genuine unless mado by Ara Warren Bangor, Me, Mayas-d-ly. Li Alt nrugfliti, 33c, 0c., Dd iai. FrrpBTfd only by Dr. Bto Arnold Blt4. Corp. Woooiocfcal. K. Z CS81&10 Symptoms : Want of Appetite. Furred Tongue. Bitter Taste. Constipation. Headache. General Depression. Tre&ImenI : DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. This is sure and always safe. Tot Sale by all Druggists. Pries 2S cts. p.r Iwis 8 boxes for G3cts.:or sont by mall, poaUgs fr.., on Kc Ipt of pries. Dr. J. II. tklnuck Jt Sun, rhllsd's. Kcwnrilvcl aro thoso that read this and then act: thev will nnd honor. nble employment ihivt will not take tnem irom tnetr nomas una ratnines. Tho proms are laruo nnd sure for every lnduatn- ous oerson. manv have made and aro now innklnt- Beveral hundred dollars a month. It Is easy for nny one to make t.i and upwnrr.K per day, who is willing to work. Hither sex, youni; or old; capital not needed; we start you. Kveiythlnt: new. No special ability required: you, render, can do It as well aa any one. Write to us at onco for full par ticulars, which we mall free. Address stlnson & io., roniana, mainu. 2yacc30. PATENTS, caveats and Trado Marks obtnlned.nnd nil Tatcnt business conducted forMODKIIATB i'lCUS. OUlt Ol'FICB 18 OI'I'OSITK U. S. PATENT OFFICK. Wo havo no sub-nsencles, all business direct, hence can transact patent business In leas time and nt LESS COST than thoso remote from n usiiingion. Send model, drawlnt?. or nhnto.wtth rifwrtntlnn We advlso If patentable or not, free ot charge. Our fee not duo till nntentu ow-nrM. A book,"llow to Obtain l'atents,"wlth references vuuuiuni clients in your stale, county, or town. C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite ratent omce. Washington, D. C. Hen Wonder exist In thousands c forms, but ure surpassed by tbe marvels luiiniiuii, j iiuau nuuumiu J1LTU Ui prOe- itttuionuiK luuiuau nouoiiowmio living ii it t i uiiu wnu iiieir auure&s u full information liow cltlier sex, of all apes, can ever they live. Vou are started free. Capital not dftv at thin wnrlr. All atiwto ioaoa0 EXHAUSTED VITALITY TUB SCIKNClt ov LIFE, Uie great Medical Work of the age on Manhood,Nerv ons snd Physical De bility, Premature Do- VlinW TUVCn C cllne,Krroreof Youth, nnUfl I nlOtLr land th untold miser, les conseqnent thereon, 800 pages 8 va, 1M pre- BCriptloDi for Ml diseases. Cloth, Toll ellt, only fl.Ou, tj mall, sealed. Uliutratlve sample free to all young nod middle-atjod men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to theanthor bytheNatlorv al Medical Aiktociatlon. Address P.O. liox. 1805.Uoe ton. Mau.,or Or. W.H. l'AHKKlt, (rradaate of Har V&rd Medical College, U-5 jearti' practice la llo ton, who may be consulted confidentially. Ofllce, No. 4 Itulnncu KL tiecialtjr, Diaeiwee of Man. Cut tills out. You may nevar aev It asaln aug3d4t. DRS. J.N.&J.B. HOBENSACK Medlcsl snd Surgical OfBea, 206 NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADA. KSTA1ILIS1IEU 40 TKAUS I'or ths treatment of Youthrul Imprudenee, Ijosi of Tlgor, Norvous Debility and HpecUl Ulsaases. Consultation by mall free of charge, Dook Kent Fr... Office hours from a a.m. to2 f.m.a from C to o v.u DYSPEPTICS REJOICE ,Ia ths Speedy Relief OBTAINED BY USIW1 nP.,rr,,.,la Scltzi'r Al'rrlrnr. B..I.1 l.r Tun oilta Co., N.V., and UruL'lil.ts vnrrivh.-r.. LADIES ! Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! They will dye everything. They nro sold overy. where, l'rleo 10c a package. 40 colors. They haeno equal for strength, brightness, amount in packages, or for fastness of color, or non-fading qualities. They do not crack or smut. For sale u aiojer uros. ana jas. u. aicrccr. reoirriy. SALESMEN WANTED to rtnvsis for ths sale of Nnrstry ' :l Steady employment fuersnUed. SALARY EXPENSES PAID, Apply ( once, sUUng tie. lock AND m.... 11. .a... n. t vueic uiguicrs vvuivaur, rocheste n, n.y. Aug. nml Oct. PARKER'S HAIR BAL8AM OLnsoi nod Uvuittflai th bJr, 1'ruiuuUi a luiurUu irrowth. Nvtr FalU to lttort Gray Hilr to Id Youthful Color. CUM BCAJ J) tl I eH'ait Alul liAir UHllke HINDERCORNS. BtoievUruln, Lnmirvi comfort to tho twC NtTtr VtJIj The Mfeert, cunC and Uwt cure for Cor nti-Hunt on. Jko, ivvvi wuiiti at ' wieiuva. firHF'WirMr'ch July 13-Mt. PERRINES vmut HAULHY from nnlcrlnl llirlcy Atall.nnd itimrniiltcd lo ho chemically p it and, frrn Inmi Injurious oils nml iiliWiiltrii (niiinlntif In nlcohollc llqurns. It ctipccmlly ndnplcd topCrwin roquliliiKri M imnlnt Ihk Intilr, t'onaumptlrca luitilf greatly bcncntltil by tla tiw. Iici niiifnrtidrd by lontllnr ploslclntin n ft luiin tUs Ncrvlno, Totlo and Alterative. For CoiifcUinptlveH It in lnnluablo. l'KlllilNK'H 1'UllK llAlll.KY .MALT WIIISKKY Insure a return of vlpor to tho Blomnch, u Rood appetite, n rich anil abundant Mood nnd Increased flceh and muscular tlrsve. A atlmulant mild nnd gcntloln clTect. Djspepsla, indigestion nnd nil watlD( dla, eases can be entirely conquered by tho use or I'crrlne'B l'uro Dsrley alt Whiskey. It Is a tonlo and dliiretto and n po eriul atrengthener to tho entire system. l'Kll. KINK'S I'UHE liAHLRY MALT WlllHKKl has rrocd it medicinal protection lo thOso who pursue their avocations in tho open air nhd whoso dally work calls It ojceptlonni -powers of endutnnco. Ask Jour neatest drupglst or irroccr forfor rKltlllNK'Sl'UllK HA1ILKY MALT WIIISKKY revives thocncrRlca of thonoworn out with excessive bOillly ormentnlerrort nnd acts nn a safeguard against cxpo3uro In wet nnd rlfc'oroue Heather. It will drlvo all matatlous diseases from tho system. nam worKers or every vocation iivsn icpsta nnu in j'crrine'S l'mo Vol saie lit all druglsis and eroccre throughou tho united states and canadas. Mall Whiskey a powerful lnlcoratit and helper to iltt'eslloii. l'KIIHINl.'H PUIIK llAllI.UY MALT WlllSllKT without ii in In tj- stimulating tho kid. neys Increase! their flagging activity, counteracts tho effecti of faltgue, has tens convalescence nnd Is a wliolcsnmO nnd prompt diuretic. Watch tho label 1 Mono genulno unless bearing tho slgna. ture 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHILA Rffl HIO'IVJR'V ! ! li AfiUNTH WANTISIl nt once to supply Ten - JC i 1 Million mtn-a with tho onlv olllclnl Hvch ot CLE .ELAN ujslT HURMAN liy lion. w. v. iIciihcI t also Mfoof Mrs. uarinugo liox, nerorm Trade roiicy, sc., complete. Aug id-It. c jb. moBMia DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. GREAT INDUCEMENTS! We are offerinc: creat iiuhiccmonts to nersons desirine to purchase Pianos, Organs ami Sewing Machines. & 'So IS - Among the Pianos we handle are the IYERS S? POND, a a brig as, ba us $ co., sen oma cker Gold String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos are all first-cla&B and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTE 1', MILL' ER, UNITED STATES and other macs. Our leading Sewing Machines are tlie celebrated WJBITE NEW DA VIS, NE W D OMESTIO, NE W HOME, HOUSEHOLD, ROYAL ST. JOHN and STAND ARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, the finest nnd best Rotary Sewing Machine in the world. Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa. PENNEY QOOD8 Alexander Bros. (6 Co, WHOLESALE DKALEI1S IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLK aUKNTS FOIt I1EKRY MA1LLAHDS HHCANDIES: I'JIKSII SVEBY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. A SPECIALTY. BOLX 10IXTB FOB V. Y. ADAMS & CO., PINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO 80I0 agents of tho fol lowing brands ot (Jlgara. UBNHY CLAY, LONDHES, NOltMAL, INDIAN l'ltlNCESS, SAMSON, BlLVKlt Asn. Tint's Pills Till, poneilar remedy nevar rail, to orreciii.lly euro Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And all diseases arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. TUe natural reenll l.ftoorl appetite) and eolld riesu. Uoe. .mall i teicaut ly euar coated and ea.y tu .MallorT. ' 150ID EVEEYWHEEE. --fl novt5n.ctcolir. BYSC3iVS5(iur5,i1JiilW"n'. Us. ARKKR'S OINQER TON O ollbuut U.Uj. It . e.v iiuTJ '.. "it" i ui 'udy tor mil ttfticlluBl of tb. thrbst sad lunus, and dlnu. s iri?lJ."',mY!" "l"! n4 .sUuslKs. TbrCTi k.'iTOtV!1"' ", and iolI drlfUo; itirX t"" rrr thHrT.eUi It Ud olsoraws U swuuk uiUvtli. Ocmiink MALT WHISKEY. nnu pcrtwin. w noin a ne u.-n i ,ir.v me rentiers prone to uaney Tho analysis ns It appears by tho Lai bel on every bottle! 1 ha o carefully an alyzcd tlio rente IUrlkt Malt Wms skv mado by M. & J, K I'crrlno and nnd it entirely ireo rromiusci on.iuriuroi. metals and nclda nnd Is absolutel) puro." Alpiied, CVitpWrt Arthur Mater, (IraaiuUe 6lm'lftiiiersIffesoifunIcn, ( wrti ana n ftsoaatn CaveaveaBiBBBE9BBtaeiasBBiBBiBBBBBBBajaiBBasM FOH BALK UY DHUUUISTB ANU ALL UEALSIia. a Clvclantl i exnulsito steel portraits. Voters v. .iiici Outfit B50 AkviiIh report fimncnso jhhwss. For best iiuiiuAioi uitus, Philadelphia, IM ANY OlIDEIt FOU PESTIVAIr will bo BUPPLIED WJTU the LOWEST Market Prices, AS FOLLOWS : ORANGES, LEMONS, 15ANANAS, PEANUTS. ENGLISH WALNUTS! CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. BLOOMSBUKG PLANING MILL 10. The undersigned bavluB put his Planing M n Itatlroad street, in first-emus condition, la nro ared to do all kinds of workln hlsllne, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS.MOUuDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlshco uv rousuuauioprlcee. All lumber uso a well spasoned and none but skilled workmen areemployed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS urnlshed on appllrotlon. nans and epecirt one prepared by au experienced draughtsman CHAIH.ES KIIDG, llloiiiiiNbtir, I'a SURSIJUIHE EOU TIIK COLUMBIAN