PROFESSIONAL CARDS, u vmrz ATTOHNEY.AT.LAW, Okfiok- Front Room, Over PoBloffloe. ULOOMBlJOItU, I'A. J II. itAIZK ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OKcis.-noom No'. 8, Colummah building. Hl.OOMStlUKO, PA. jy u.punk; AT1UKNH X-AT-LAW. U31C0 In itnfs Building. BWokmom, PA J OHN M. CJLA1UC, A'l TOHNE V-AT-L AW AMD JUsTIOE OF THE PEACE. BLOOM8IOB0, VI Ofllco over Moyor Bros. Drug store. lie 0. S. HLWELL. i J X BITTSHBEKSSB. PtOM. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1888. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XXII.NO 20 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VOL til, NO 17 Nat'rally. Well, I'm ft nlnlco robber uf litm mid bIio nlu't got marriedl Yes, sir, yoro It la la llio paper. Tlioy gay lliu obi man's richer than Hlno Gnlch, givo 'om n couplo of hundred thousand to Btnrt ou, ana wot'n more, among tho weddln' presents thoy got was a solid silver tea not with 'eoriptlon on it, ait how it wan presented to Lioutonant ard Mrs. Goorgo W. Calverly by Well's, Fargo and Company's Express, 'In rrratoful rcmcmbranco bf their gal lant dofenao of the Johnstown Btago.' " Robert JIowo JPlelcher, in the Ar gonaut. Q W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, omo la Brower's bulldlng.sooond No.l Bloomsburg, Fa. g FRANK ZAliR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. Office corner ot centre and Main streets. Clark a Building. Can bo consulted In German, a EO. E. ELWELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IJLooMsnuna, Pa. Ofllco on second floor, third room of Col ombian lluilding, Main street, below Kx- cliango Hotel. pAUL E. WIHT, Attomey-at-Law. onico in Colombian boildiho, Third noor. BLOOMSBURG, PA, JJ V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BL00M8BURQ, PA, Ofllco la liiowcrs' Building, 8nd;floor. may 14f 8. KNOBB, L, S. W1KT1R8T1BH. KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, Attorneys-at-Law. nninalnla. Hallnii.l tl.Kl.kiill.l.. nrat door to the left. Corner ot Main and Market streets uioomsourg, i. 99Pctmont and liouiUia Collected, JP P. BILLMEYKR, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. KTOfllco over Bloomsburg, Pa. Dcutlcr's shoo store, apr-30.80. w a. RIIAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlssa, Pa. omoe.cornerof Tblrdand MalnHtreeta jyjIOUAEL F. EYEIILY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND LEOAL ADVICE IN THX SETTLEMENT OP ESTATES, 0. taronico in Denver's building with F. r. Bill merer, attorncy-at-law, front rooms, 2nd Door BloomBDurg, pa. apr--84. D It. UONOKAA. ROBBINS. Offlco and residence. West First street; Vlooms- ourg, ra. novo so jy, TB. McKELVY, M. D.urgeon and Phy . elclAD, north side Main Btreet.below Market J)R. J. 0. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN &SCKG.KON, Office, North Market streot, Bloomsburg, Fa rR. WM. M. REBER Bureeon and l.Phy8lolan. Office corner otKock and Market ESTABLISHED 1BT0. J J. BROWN. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Offlco and residence on Third street near Mctho- dist church. Diseases ot tbo ere a specialty; J 0. REIF3NYDER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlco with Dr. wants in Mrs. Ent's building EXCHANGE HOTEL. T. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMSBUBO.PA. OPPOSITE COURT HOU8E. Large and convenleht sample rooms. Balb room) not and cola water; ana ou moaern convenienses, B F. UARTMAN BirSBSBXTS THI rOLLOWIKO AMERICAN INSURANCE:C0MPANIES North American ot Philadelphia. Pranklln, " " Pennsylvania, " " York, ot Pennsylvania. Ilanover, ot N, Y. Sueens, ot London. Office on Market Strest, No, 1- s, Bloomsburg. Bloomsburg Fire anil Ins. Agency. established iso. HI. P. LUTZ (Successor to Freaa Brown) AUlUU'AftU linun.SU Cow-anus BirRiSBMTsn: Assets Htna Flro Ins. Co., ot Hartford,., f 9,5ss,ssa.Si Hartford at Hartford v-si9.eou.V7 Phoenix of Hartford 4,i;s'46.13 Nprlngfleld of Springfield. s,09,uo3.W Fire Association, Philadelphia 4,512,7.S (luardlan of London ., .. co,603,8l Phoenix, ot London e,l,663.s Lancashire ot Kngland(U. 8. branch) i.cis.tmoo Royal ot England ". " 4,853,51.00 Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. of New , ark, N.J 4 41.ST9.848 33 Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this offlce. F IRE INSURANCE est Hum! lows, Prices ! ! D S ANDRES $ CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Stcinway, Krauicli Clinch Fischer, Hhiici'soii, Pease wi&mmt AND THE CELEBRATED Wilcox & White Organs. 9"Planos Juried and Repaired by com. petcnt workmen. Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Williamsport, Pa. M, C. SLOAH & BRO: BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BllQQIES. PHAETONt LEIQHS. PLATFORM WAOONS AC Fim-oloss'work: always 'on band. BEPAIBIO NBA 1LYD ONh. Priett reduced to tuit the timer. Business men who have tried It rind It ere&tvr to their advantage to bave Account' Books made to order, to suit their special needs. Every kind ot Blank Book, with or without printed headings, Check Books and Ruled Blanks I make in the beat manner at honest prices. UnexceUed taciutles for Numbering, Kyletfng, Perforating, Punching and stamping.- work for county and borough offices especially solicited. Miscellaneous Book Binding ot tbo highest class. Missing magazines supplied. Estimates and particulars cheerfully furnished. CHRISTIAN F. KNAPP, BLOOMSBUKO.PA, hum n, ur n. x. MERCHANTS',! OF NEWARK. N. J. t' LINTON, N. Y, PEOPLES' N. Y. ItKAniNO. FA. GERMAN AMERICAN INS. CO..NEW YORK, nJ.'KNU'llMT 1NH. I'll. KKWYOHK. JERSEY CITY FIRE INS. CO., JERSEY CITY, N.J. These old cobforations are well seasoned by aa and viuk ricfiTKD and have never vet had a lnxH wttli1 tiviinv court of law. Their assets are all lnvostod in soud siccbitiij are liable to the baiardofriBBonly, . M Losses raoHi-TLY and uonbstlt adjusted and atd as soon as aeterminea oy uuhibtian w. KKArr, IHCIU AOBKI AMD ADJUSTS B BLOOUSBUUO, Pa. Thnnfnnlanf Columbia oountr should ratroa- Ue the agency where losses if any are settled and pall by ono of tberown cltuena. CjUPKOMPTNESS. EOU1TY, FAIR DBALTNO. r a. house, DENTIST, Bloomsuuro, Columbia County, Pa All styles ot work done In a superior manner, work warranteaas repreaeniea. tiitujtut id witdoot Paik by the uae of oas, and Irooof ohargeubenartutclalteeth are Inserted. "Offlco in Barton'i building, Main street, below Market, five doors below Klelm'i drug store, nrat floor, lo be open at all Aouri during the da; HOT J3.1J Exehanae Hotel BENSON, PA. The undersigned has leased this well-known bouse, and is prepared to accommodate the publlo with all the conveniences of a nrst-ciaas uoieb 7tna7 irMl'KI N'AKS, Proprietor, GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIA OFFICE novti-87-ly. IhnUi: THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant light, u win not smoke the chimneys. It will not char the wick. It has a high Are test. It will not explode. It Is pre-eminently a family safety OIL WE CHALLENGE COMPARISON With any other Illuminating oil made We Stake Our Reputation, As rotlners, upon tho statement that It is THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. Ask your dealer for CROWN ACME. Trado tor Bloomsburg and Vicinity Supplied by MOYER BROS., Beps-ly. Bloomsburg, Pa. J. w. 7 and 9 Market St., WILKES-BARRE. scplMycbro. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! G. W. BERTSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. lienls'Fiir&islii&EllooisJ&lsisll&is OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. butts made to order at Bbort notice 'and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. Call and oxamine tbo largest and best selected stock of goods over shown in uoiumbia county. Btorc next door to First National Bank, MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg Pa. Spring Specialties. A LiiUMs, rnoTOGRArn, autoohaph and ccrap, a large ana complete una ai j, u, fflCIUCl D UJU(f uuu AJUUJS Diun.'t iiVftUS uiws. LL TIIK FINEST EXTRACTS COLOONK BacnetB. l'omaaefL liair uvpflund navitnm t ! ii. mrcera urutr ana uook feioro. Jyana' uiwv! vjvcuoivu Ajyiitvuptll (Juurcil. AT ALL PROPRIETARY AND PATENT MEDICINES at J. 11. Mercer's Drug and Book store, oppo- LOWEjvBERGS OOKS, STATIONERY AND WALu PAPER, A fine stock at Mercer's Drue and Ilonlr Htfim uppuaiie jtpiscopai unurcn, liioomsDurg', i'a. iirlir 1 ; ft l fulfill Clieriots in C Store, Upper Main street. COMBS OF ALL KINDS. WELL SELECTED, AND " at Terr low nrlcea at J. II. Mercer's linur untl Book Store, third door above Iron Rtrcct. Itloomn UUJ, I lk SACK 0NDEN8ED MILK. COXR'S. NELSON'S AND CooDer's Gelatine. Taoloca. Saep. Arrow Root and all the prepared foods for children and in valids at Mercer's Drug and Book More, first door atove ji ess' uoot and bhoe store, Bloomsburg, Pa. and 4-Button CUTAWAY SUITS, WITH LOW CUT VESTS. Fine Dark Blue and Black "Worsteds, Corkscrew, Broad- wale Diagonal and Block Worst ed in Sacks and Cutaways, andl HANDSOME OVERCOATS, a special leader at $5.00 Very Pretty Children's SUITS Plain or pleated and belted dark and light colors. PRINCE ALBERTS in all aiiaimcs. NICE LIGHT SPEING Sailor Suits with Bluo and Gray, also, KILT with Pleated Children SUITS Skirt for smaller AT D. LOWENBERG'S INSURANCE AGENCY OF J. H. MAIZE, Office 2nd floor Columbian Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. LIFE. Northwestern Masonlo Aid lAssoclatlon, mem. bersH.m Paldt3bcncncianessi,iei,ej.ii, in sures nou Masons. Travelers Lire and Accident ot Hartford. FIRE. CONTINENTAL of New York, t5,M3,U61.S9 a m ciiiL'AN of PhlladelDhla. .'.S01 NIAGARA of New York, ' t2,S60,47.S Liverpool. London and Globe Fire Insurance ua, ot London, tne largest w ito wonu, ana ins iu nrlAl nf iAndOD. A liberal share of the business Is respectfully ooUciied and satisfaction guaranteed. 1, U, MAIZE, Agent. lone 1, 18S3, M. IASTILLE. TOILET AND MEDICATED HOAP8. run lino at J. U. Mercer's Drug and Boole c: SELECT STORY. THE BTORY OF A WOMAN'S COIHAGE, CHAPTER I. Tho Johnstown Btacu was duo at City of Rocks at 5 o'clock. About tbal hour a man in a flannel shirt dirty sol dior trousers tucked in bis boot and a slouch hat on tho back ol bis bronzed, bcardtd, unkempt head, matoralizcd in tho obscurity of tho doorway of tbo station bouse, and shading bis oyes with his baud, looked down tho road. As ho stood thcro a cloud of dust be oamo visiblo in tho distance. It floated and wavored nearer and nearor, until tho creaking and jingling of dry wood, leather and motal, and tbo pounding of hoofs woio heard. Then, as the oloud approached tho station, an ap parition of two horses and a stace coaoh was seen within it. Tho cloud stopped in front of tho houso, tho dust settled and tho ooaoh, ooatod inside anil out witn the whito powder, was disclosed. The driver, looking liko miller, laid his whip on the roof and prepared to descend. Tho station keoper, who meanwhile had stepped out in tbo road and silently comuieuo od to unhook the traces, looked up for tho first time. Tho noxt momect he dropped the trace with an cxolamation of wonder, whilu his hand slowly but instinctively sought the revolver which nunc in a belt loosely about bis nips. For a fow seconds ho scrutinized the faco of the man who was swinging himself down from tho box and then his look of surprise changed to one of recognition, his hand relaxed its hold on the pistol nnd he said heartily, "Well, I'll be darned! Lieutenant, is that you? Why, what's come of Jim?'' 'Ho was taken siok down by Shot gun Creek, and had to lay off at tbo tniiK rancn,' Bam tne man addressed, taking off his hat and beating out tho dust against his kg. Ho was tall and broad-shouldered, but Blende-, and was dressed in tho samo manner as tho sta tion keeper, even to tho revolver which hung about his hips. His voice and bearing, however, the only obaracter. istics unaffected by the dust, betrayed a aiitereuce oetweon tnem. "It leaves me in a purty fix,'' said tho hostler. "Frank's out after stock, and thero's no ono ycro but mo. Who's goin to take the stago on 7 "I'll take it on a9 far as Pack City, if you like," said tho lieutenant. "Tho old man will nnd someono thcro to take Jim's placo easy enough." The st-tion keeper, without reply. ing, mechanically resumed his duties of taking out tho horses, and watched them meditatively as thoy walked slowly off to the stables. Then finally turning to tho lieutenant, with the air of one whose mind is mado up, ho said: "By thunder, I guess that's the only thing wo kin do. I can't leave here. Iwouldn't have a head of stock left bv the time I got back. Them damned Iujuiia is glttin' worso and worso. not to mention tho.hoss thieves and road agents that's gittin' thicker'n lleas on a doc's back. It s sort crowdin' you, though, lieutenant, and I his mind back to tho subject. Tho stago when it lolt City ol Kocka was twenty minutes lato. uut tno ack-rabbits, which laid back their ears and souddod at Its approach, found it no mean ri nl that afternoon. "I'll bot S10 ho makes it pp afore he gits to Stonoy Creek and not turn a lialrl" said tho station keeper to Him self. Then, after a furthor contcmpla tion of tho fast receding cloud of dust. ho added m a more reckless tono, "i ll uct $10 ho makes it up aforo bo gits to iJick uav s rancn, and not turn a hair!1' As no ono accepted cither of theso gonerous propositions ho shook Ins head and remarked confidently, "Thero ain't many can copper tho Lieutenant, now, if you year me!" and, disappearing in the doom of tho inter lor of tho houBo, the City of Rocks was left onco moro to tho hot silence of its fantastic stones. 0 ANARY, HEMP, RAPE, MILLET, MAW AND Mixed Seed for the blrdR. nt J- II. Mercers Drug ana Book store, nrst door below Croasy'B Grocery Store. TX. I! In Tablet form, at J. It. Mercer's Drai? and Book Store, Bloomsburg, Pa. NURSING BOTTLES. NIPPLES, RUBBER RA'l. ties. Teething Rings and all requisites ol the Nursery that win contribute to the baby's happi ness, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book Moro, two doors above Evans & Eyer'a Clothing store. I)HY8ICIAN8' PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY receipts carefuuy prepared at all hours at ercer's Drug and Book btorc, Bloomsburg, Pa. rPOILET AND INFANT POWDERS. ROUGE. X cosmetic and gold and Mirer Diamond Dust, at J. 1L Mercer's Drug and Book Store, No es Main Biroet, uiuuinsuurg, ra. WALL PAPER-MANY KINDS AND MANY prices at Mercer's Drug and Book stnre, uiipusne apiscuimi tuunu, viuuui&uuix, ru. 0.R..SMITH&CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., Dealkrs IN PIANOS, By the follow log well known makers: ChickcrinK, Knabcy Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be tore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. septs- sett. Help Wanted! Wanted at once a responsible party of good address to represent A NEW WORK, HON. THOS. E. HILL, Author of Hill's Manual of social and Business Forms, IN Bloomsburg and Colubia County An excellent opportunity to secure a good position and MAKE MONEY. Bales can bu made on the Installment Plan when desired. Address for terms and particulars, Hill Standard Book Co,, Fublishers, 103 State St., CHICAGO, ILL, July 0-lw. 1ArA Uftn MONTH can be made tslw 10 iJUU working tor ua. Agents pre (erred who can lurnish their own horses and give their whole time to the business, spare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacan. cles m towns and cities. B. IT. Johnson ti Co. 10u Mam St., luonmond, va. June u-r-u man 11 say. you, at any CHAPTER II.- -1N THE SILENCE OP THE CANON. on't know what tho old "Ho won't say thank rate, said tho lieutenant. "You km gamble ou that,1' said tbo hostler, approvingly, "Who's this Johnny cotno latelyt" ho addod, as passenger from the msido of tho stago strolled toward tnem. "Jim said ho was a stockman," said tho lieutenant; "bo's billed for Paok Citv." Jim," growled tno Hostler, con tcmptuously. "Jim's a stranoer hi elt in tneso parls. now suouid lie know?" And when the traveler, an elderly man, -joined tnem witn a sociablo re mark that "it was pretty tol'abl warm,'' tho hostler vented his scorn for Jim by ignoring him altogether, and continuing his talk with the lieutenant about waybills, express, mail and other etcgo matters. But the passenger ap pearing in nowiso attected by this lack of cordiality held his ground, and if ho did not join in the conversation, listened to it so persistently that tho hostler finally turned to him and said, rather sarcastically, "Stranger, is thcro anything 1 can do lor youi ' "Well, no, pard, replied tho travel er good liumoredly, "theres nothin ycr kin do fer me, but I reckon you kin do somethin' fer that lady inside; bIio's petered plumb out, and tho kid's yelling like all possessed. At this the amateur drivor opened tho stage door and looked in, Thero was tho usual litter of mail bags and small bundles, and smell of dust and leather. Addre sing the woman, who in a long linen duster and with a veil over her lace, reclined limply in ono comer, half holding a crying baby, tho lieutenant said, "Supper station, madam. 1 ms announcement producing no reply, he repeated it in a louder tone, 1 ho only result was an added forco to tho baby s cries. I reckon sho's fainted.1' 'said tho other passenger, appearing at his elbow with a oup ot water; "try this yere." The lieutenant got inside, followed by tho old man, to whom ho uncere moniously handed tho baby. Taking out his pocket-flask, ho mixed a little whisky and water, and pushing tho veil up from tho unconscious mouth, he succeeded in partially reviving tho exhausted woman. "Now, then," ho said, in an authoritative tone, "you must come outRido in tho opon air and wash your faco and hands; that will braoe you up quicker than anything. Xhon, when you nave Had somo dinner, you will bo all right. Wo nayent much time, he added. Tho woman obediently arose, but cramped and worn out by tho long days ride, haJ to bo assisted to tho ground. She succeeded in walking over to tho water trough; and, sitting down on its edgo, silently took her baby, Tho lieutenant brought her a basin and towel, and left her to her toilet. Presently he returned and said, "Supper is ready." "Thank you, I don't want any sup por," was tho reply. As ho hoard her speak for tho first timo tho Lieutuuaut looked at tho shrouded form in surprise. Tho voico was low and trainod, tho voico of a gontlowoman. It startled him with n swift suggestion of perfumed laco and six-button kid gloves, of waltz music, yachting and low murmured words in dim conservatories. Tho recollection of the fried pork and beans awaiting them in tho station, however, brought Tho sun was settintr behind Bald Tttlt t n nn t.lin .Tnlmntnron nt.nrrn nil. proachcdtho five-mile grado which led down to Stonoy Creek. Down grado tho stago went, with tho driver on the brake and tho horses trotting loosely in their harness, until, with a final jolt and lurch, tncy fetched up on tho bank of Stonoy Creek! Tho driver swung himself off tho box and taking an Iron pail out of the boot, proceed' ed to water his horses. Tho elderly passenger emerged from the Btago with a tin cup, and scooping up eomo of tho bright, cold water lrom tho noisy mountain stream, gallantly took it to tho lady inside. Then, helping himsolf. nu ruiu wj tuu unver, wuu a inugn: "i jeogo you vo been making up time. Yo herded em along pretty lively down mat grado,' 'llio .Lieutenant nodded his head, Tho position in which he found him self had responsibilities that dlsoour agod sociability. Going to tho other stdo of tho Btago ho got out his overcoat and put it on. It was a garment mado of rough bluo cloth, long and voluminous, with a capo that camo to l.! i-l -v..:...i , ! l.t- - inn wuibu wuieuy mippiuir ms ru volvcr from its holster ho put in a nar row pocket in tho lining of his coat, This pocket, apparently mado for tho purpose, dispensed with tho ostonta ti us and cumbrous method of boiling tho pistol on outside. Theso prepara. Hons for tho night completed, ho mounted, to bis place and mado the usual warning inquiry, "All Bet!'' "it you don t mind, pard, said the passenger, "I'll ride outside for a ways ami givo tuo latiy a ouanco to stretch. "1 don t mind.' sas tho Lieutenant. and tho elderly stranger climbed labor iously to his Bide. Tho horses' hoofs splashed and tho stago wheals crunch ed their way through tho stream, wliilo tho water fretted and foamed noisily about tho wet fetlockB and through tho cleaned Bpokes. The hoofs and wheels came out of tho soft batik and tho stago sped sileutly along tho dam bot tom land. Dark lorms shaped them selves into cottonwood trees and alder bushes and dissolved again into tho darkness, while the fresh odor of the earth and growiug things scented tho cool night air. "Have a drinkl" said tho passenger, sociably, drawing out a bottle. "Mo, thank you,'' said tho Lieuton ant; "I don't drink on tho box." "Right you are," said his companion; "well here's luck! You h'aitit been long on tbo line, I tako it. Tho Btago had commenced to ascend tho grado on tho other sido of Stonny Creek. Tho road wound up through a canon or gulch in tho bottom of which was tho dry bed of a winter tor rent, it was a long, tedious pull to tbo top of tho mesa, and the horses ha 1 to tako their timo to it. Notwith standing mat a turn lino ot light on the brow ot a distant mouutain signal ed that tho moon had rison, it was very dark in tbo canon; so dark that al though tno lieutenant kept peering ahead of tho horses, ho could sco but little more than a bend of tho winding road, faintly defined by the denser ob, scurity on each side of it. Tho pas Bonger himself, notwithstanding his steady flow of talk, seemed affected by tho gloom, and maintained an alert gazo upon the side of the road. Tho Lieutenant spoko to his horses, which were showing a restivo disinclination to proceed. Thoy wero almost at tho top 01 tho grado now. A clump of scrub-oaks at tbo top of tho canon was in sight, iho shadows horo wero very denso by contrast with tho moonlight, which lay in tho open boyoud. It was at theso shadows that tho horses were pricking their oars. Tho Lieutenant cracked his whip over tho unruly nnl mals, but as ho did so, ho looked sharp ly in the direotion of tho oaks. Was not something moving thoreT Or was it tbo moonlight shadows playing their usual tricks ou highly htrung nervcsT Then ho remembered that thero was spring under those oaks, and that cattlo woro always around it; or perhaps stray deer from the mountains might iiuvu uuiuu inuru iu uruiK, ills null, tary training and frontier oxpcrionco made him guard against unreasoning alarm, At 1110 samo timo tho station keepers open secret that tho paymaB tersiunus woro aboard Hashed aoross his mind. It would novor do for him an army officer, to hand down VoU l nrgo s box to tho first road agent who asked lor it. l'rotcssional pride, if naught clso, forbado it. Ho said nothing to tho man nt his side, but 11 11 dcr cover of his capo he slippod tho lines and whip into his left hand, and with his right cocked tbo revolver in his pocket. Tho elderly passenger. notwithstanding mat his oyes wero also fastened on tho dump of oaks Boemed qulto unsuspicious, and ooutin uea to talk. A shrill whistlo suddenly startled tno siieuco ol tho night. Tho paBson ger on tho box, almost without pause, leaned over, ami loaning 0110 hand on tbo lines, with tho other point od a pistol at tho driver's head, and said, but no longer in tho accents of an uneduoatod person; "Hold up your hands, Ltoutenantl At tho samo instant a man with maskeu laco and Homing a gun ap peared in tho middle of tho road and stopped the horses. Tho Lieutenant turned palo and stared in awaz'omeut at tho man by his eide. "It's no use," said the elderly pas Bengor, sternly. "Wo'vo got tbo drop on you! Be quiok or I'll'1 "Well," B.tid the Xleutenant, defeat edly, ''you have got tho drop ou me, for i fact!" And drawing a long breath, ho slowly raised his arms. But when his left elbow was high as his shoulder with his right hand ho press ed tho trigger of tho revolver in his pocket. Thero was a inuillcd report, a Bliriok and a curse followed by another ro- ort, then another and nnothor, con- used and intermingled, tbo sharp crack of tho rillo ringing out over tho duller noiso 01 tno pistois. vvneu tno sounds ceased the man in tho road was crawling on his hands and knees to ward tho shadow ot oaks whenco no had emerged. Thero was no ono on tho box but tho Lioutonant and ho was standing erect. Tho next moment he pitched head first over tho dash-board on to tho off-horses back, and from thero rolled on to tho road. It ncoded but this to goad tho frightened ani mals into a Btampodc, and, with the lines under their heels, kicking and shying, they galloped out over tho prairie. It is not easy for two horses to run away with a Concord coach, especially after coming up Stoney Croek grado. And so, after tno stago had lumbered and lurched at their heels for half milo or so, tho horses camo down to trot, and then to a walk, and finally stood still and gazed around trembling and toady for a second flight The moment that tho vehicle stopped tho veiled taco ot tho lady passenger ap pcarcd at tho door an I her terror- stricken voico criod, but almost inand ibly, "My Godl what has happonodl'' Aroused from a troublod Bleep by the report of a pistol, followed by a man's shriek, moro shots, curses and groans, bIio had opened hor eyes lust in time to seo a heavy body fall over tho wheol and on tho ground. Then tho stage had startod forward tho wheel going over tho thing on tho ground w th sickening jolt. As tho stago bounded on sho had boon thrown violently to and fro, clinging convulsively to her baby, unablo to realizo what this griBly horror of the night might be. With shaking hands she now unfastened the door, and, stepping out, found herself alono in tho awful silence and solitudo of tho night. Hark! what was that? Sho tore her veil from her head, and with it came her hat. Great masses of black hair fell down her shoulders, and a whito young faco shono out in tho moonlight, lovely oven in its terror. Tho noise was but tho piping of au insect, but it sounded liko a distant shriek. Then tho wind stirred tho dry bulfalo grass, and it seemed to tho panic-stricken wo man as though it was tho voices of TT. 1..!. 1 -1, mon pursuing, nor nair rose anu an tho blood rallied in hor heart. Sho would havo fainted had it not been for the wailint' of the dependent baby in her arms. What should sho dot Her first impulse was to run from what might bo behind her. But her feeble nibs failed at tho sight of tho wild plains and obstructing sagebrush. If sho could but get upon the stago and drive. Sho went to tho horses and spoko to thorn. One of them whined reply, and that encouraged her. Sho crept between them, talking to them all tho timo in trembling, be seeching tones, and got tho lines out from beneath their hoofs. Thou, hold ing tho reins and tho baby on ono arm, sho scrambled on tho wheel, and from thero to tho drivers seat. Kverything was so big, tho linos, the seat, tho brake, her littlo feet did not reach the dash-board but rested on somo Backs of barloy that filled tho forward boot. In this barley sho mado a nest for tuo baby. When sho was roady to start it was evident that sho was not ignor ant ot driving. Sho held the lines and whip liko tho amateur drivers of tho New York coaching olubs. The horses had been restivo during theso prolong ed preparations, and they startod off lreely at her timorous word. CHAPTER HI, A DRIVE FOR LIFE. this trcatmont, nnd, again sitting up, took out bis knife nnu askcu nor to cut his Bleove off. "I am losing blood terribly from my arm, ho ex claimod. Sho bravely but tremblingly did as sho vras told. Whon sho had cut away tho soaked oloth and barod the massivo arm ho helped hor to lm- proviso a tourniquet with his handker chief and a picco 01 stick, aim tne bleeding was stopped.. After a second doso of whisky and water he comraono- od to improve rapidly. Sho bound another oloth around his head. "The fellow with tho rillo did that,'' ho said "That is what knocked mo off tho box. It is only a graze, but it was a mighty closo call." Then he struggled to his feet, and, looking around, saw the stago, "Thoy didn't got tho box, did thovt" ho cried eagerly. "I don't know, she said, taking up her baby and hushing its cries, "l dont' think so. Tho horses ran away.1 "Tho horsos ran nwayl" ho said, staring wondoringly for tho first timo at tho pretty whito faco that was rais od to his. "Well, but why how did tho stago get back here! ' "I brought it back," sho replied, lowering her head tinder his persistent gazo. "you brought it back! ' bo exclaim. ed; "yon!" rrora fow minutes tho wonnded lieutenant looked down at tho slight form of tho woman who stood before him in tho moonlight, veiled in her long blaok hair. Then, as ho realized what sho bad done, ho took off his bat and dropped it in tho road, having but one available arm, and offered tier bis hand. Sho placed hers frankly, within it, and he raised the littlo gauntlet respectfully to his lips. "You are very bravo," bo said with considerable feeling; "I am glad to think that perhaps I owo you my lite. The Johnstown stage was later than over that night when it drow up in front ot Abo (ioldstom s store in l'ack City. Simultaneously with its arrival tho drinking and gambling saloons and other places of puoho resort suddenly becamo desorted. It was Baid that a woman had driven the stago in, and that a man with his head bandaged and his arm in a sling was sitting along side ot her holding a baby. TIT, T.T-,I T1 , J .t i yv 11110 y ens-r argo s uox ana uie man sacks woro being taken out (for Gold stein's store was also tho oxpress and post-office) tho story was briefly given to tbo orowd. Then a cheering, pistol firing proocssion accompanied tho stago down tho street to tho hotel. Hero a dozen strong arras lifted the woman from tho box, while tho baby was only rescued "from a mob of volunteer bearded nurses by tho inter ventioh of tho muscular landlady. Tho lieuten ant himself, after boing enthusiastical ly asked to drink iu the aggregate liquor enough to havo stocked a whole sale whisky store, was put to bed, and messenger despatohed tor tho surgeon at tho fort. Meanwhile a party of horsomen swiftly and silently rodo out of the town in tho direction whence the stage had come. Tho novt day tho lieute nant was informed that Whistling Dick had been found dead in the road at tho head of Stony Creek grade. A talso gray beard bad been picked up near tho hody and was thoughtfully offered to tho lieutenant as a memento. 'We struck the other fellow's trail," aid tho informant, "in a olump of scrub oak. Ho was wounded, and And now tho distraction of driving and tho senso of motion dimiuished her first ghastly horror, and replaced it with nervous oxcitement. Sho had no difficulty in finding tbo road, the horses took her back to it. When sho reach ed it, however, sho stopped to look around, and determined which way led to l'ack City. It would bo fright, fill to mako a mistake, and drivo back to that awful tragedy. Sho thought with a shudder of what might be there, dead or living, in tho moon-lit road or in tho blackness of tho bushes. Sho wondered what had become of the driver. Was it his body she had seen fall from tho stage? Ho must bo either dead or wounded; perhaps ho was only wounded. Sho would Bond back help instautly from Pack City, 'But when Hhe decided on tbo diroction sho still hesitated. Tho recollection of tho tall, broad-shouldered young driver, who had been so kind and courtoous to her, uersistod in obtruding'itsolf on her mind. I'crhaps it no was only wounded ho might bo dying now lor want of a littlo help. He had helped her in her need; bo had helped her baby. Iu common humanity ought sho not to go back to his assistance! Was it not cowardly to tako tho stago and desert himt Longing to go the other way, and weeping hysterically, sho finally turned tho reluctant horses toward tho canyon. Tho moon had lit up tho vicinity of tho (ci'iib oaks by tho timo the stage moved slowly back ou tho scene. All was silent and deserted. Suddenly the horses snorted and shied nt a mass of bluo cloth lying in tho road. Tho wo mail turned tho team to ono sido and drovo it against somo trees. Thon taking her baby in her anus bIio crept down from her perch, mid, starting at every sound, stole hor way to tho pros trato form. It was tho driver's faco which eho uncovered, as ghastly white as her own and smirched with blood and dust. Thon sho slipped her hand under his coat and laid it over his hcai t. It was still beating. Hurriedly sho searched bis pockets for tho flask that ho had used in her service but a fow hours before It was hor turn now. Sho had lifted his head and poured tbo raw whisky gouorously down his throat. Ho responded with a groan and a gasp that frightened her auow. aud then struggled to a sitting posture "Water!" ho criod, "for Gods sake, water!" Then, as she hositatod, ho oontiuuod, faintly; "My hat. There's a spring over there," aud lay down with another groan. Her foar was dispelled by tho sound ot uis voico. 0110 found the Bpring, and, filling his hat, lot him drink ami bathed his faco and head. Ho revived KISSING LINKS. A Vermont minister has rcachod 121 Cinnrnl anrmnns. With net returns Ot two barrols of applos and a silver dol lar. Thero is not a cross-oyed base ball player In the, country. It is; a general superstition that a cross-oyed man would irretrievably noo-aoo mo game. An Krio County, Now York, physi cian issuod a certificate stating that tho causo nf a littlo girl a death was "information of tho lungs." Justus Schwab, tbo notorious New York Socialist, is ono of tho fugitive from military scrvioo in Uormsny am nestied by Emperor Frederick's proclamation. Tho North China Herald ays that asents of tlu Panama Canal mado ar rangements to kidnap 80,000 Annamo so coolies to work at Panama, but tho ontorpriso failed. Mrs. P. L. Collins who is employed at tho Dead Letter ofllco at Washing ton at a largo salary to dcoiphor "blind" handwriting, can read overy known language exoopt Russian and Chinese. Matthew Arnold drow a pension from tho British Civil List. The pen sion lapsed at his death, Hbut it is understood that Queen Victoria will bo asked to oontinae tho pension to Mr. Arnold's widow, The cornflower that was the favor ite of Kaiser Williamthe blue "bach elor's button" of this latitude is said to be tho badge of tho Liberal party in lielgium, wbiio ttio rea poppy is mim. of the Conservative or Clenoal party. As an evidence of tho progress that modern idoas aro uiakiug in Japan, it is stated that that country is now building thirty-four now railroads, at aioost of over S50.000, and it has hun dreds of miles of railroads already built. Tho old Ilohenzollern curse that no king was to be succeeded by his oldest son, and tho heir was always lo havo somoi malformation or damaged limb, has been broken, and oven tho most superstitious havo begun to doubt tho spell. John Hutchinson, tho only brother left of the onco famous Hutchinson family ot singers, now lives at Eynn, Mass., and is as earnest a worker for temperance aud women suffrage as tho , family wero in tho causo of tho slave. Tho two-year-old son of a Bohemian farmer living near Oakdale, Neb., fell into a dry well seventy feet deep; and was thero sixty hours before he was rescued. When.taken out the lad ap peared to bo none tho worso for the adventuto. Out in Sydney, Australia, acoordiog to report, if you want to uso tho tele phone, you must ring tho pewon np with whom you wish'to communicato ' and then take a cab and go and boo him. An answer by telephono is never expected. Mrs. Llllie M. Pavy, of London Eng land, is a commercial traveler now vi Biting tho Western States in the inter est of an English house. Sho travels alone aud finds that in this country a woman does not need an escort to pro tect her from annoyance. Senator Muruaga, the Spanish Minister at Washington, sometime ago presented Mexican opals totnreo young ladies, two of whom have slnco been thero wasn't any troublo in following marrjed, and tho third is engaged. So Wo finally corratcd him down in qpPml, thr-ro is real v something in Stony Ureok. lint ho was game, and ttje ml0ient superstition concerning tho u;ijeu uiui, j;iiu ui um iu, uu 11. m luck attaoued to tuo opai. worth boforo wo took him in. Yon nover would havo guessed, now, that it was Jim Gatesby himself, the com pany's now driver. But that's who it was, for a fact. 1 vo heard since that tho express folks kind of suFpicioued him ot standing in on. that last rob bery." Thero is said to bo a blind jeweler in Bradford, Pa., who is able to repair jowolry and watohos entirely through his sense of touch. Tho blindness camo upon him after ho had liecomo a proficient workman, ana mon, Dy. cul tivating the sensibility in his finger ends, ho overcame in a great measure his lack of eyo sight. This is certainly a most rcmarkablo instance. Tim nrmv ridden bv the late Prince outlino in theshimmoringheatof a July Imperial of Franoe when he received aftornoon. On tho bench outside the his "baptism of firo" at Baarbruok the stagehouso door Nato, tho statiou- during tho b ranoo-l'russian war baa keeper, is sitting, reading a month-old just come to a sudden end, liko its un- newspaper. Un tho edgo ot tho lortunate master. Oliver ouuuu iuu water trough opposite him, Frank, the pony was bought by a German baron helper, is mending a hoiso collar, and was kept on his estate in Silesia Presently Nate threw down tho paper for his children to ride. Recently it and said: "Well, 1 11 be durned! I lell down on a Biipoery roau aim urux-u Frank looko'd up inquiringly, Nato its leg and; had to bo Bhot. rolling a cigarrotto from a pieco of ,.. eraaociation of slaves is pro- brown wrapping paper, continued: -, rdmnlv in Brazil. Thero still CHAPTER IV. A ROMANTIC ENDINO. Onoyear has passed. Again the si lent City of Uocks has lost us sharp "Yo reo'leot the old cen'l'man from tho States wot went up tbo lino about two months after Lieutenant Calverly laid out Whistling Dick and that tmarty of a Gim Gate6by!" Frank nodded his hoad. lie was a man of few words. "Yo reo'leot bow many questions ho asked about that little rumpus! Spe cially 'bout tho lady with tho kid, who showed such a heap o' Band! That old geiiTman was bur father." "I kuowed that, said P rank in a tone that resented having his interest exoited to no purposo." "Of courso yo kuowed it," replied Nate, calmly. "Uidu t ho perk up his head like a grass-fed cayuse aud toll yo so when ho btought her down the line ngiu about two weeks afterward! Of courso yo knowed it. U1U11 1 ho tell every mother's sou all along tho lino that it was his daughter! why, when ho went out to tho feahatlm Agency and got her to givo up tcachiiv tho In remain about 3,500 black bondmen in K10 Jaueiro, but it is proposed to UDer ate theso on tbo 20th of Juno, in con nection with tho celebration of tho Emperor's return from his protracted tour abroad. In other parts of the Brazilian Empire tho planters are set ting freo their slaves in large numbers and paying them wages lor mo wont performed. Herman GotUchalk, a Now York merchant, possesses one of tho raro and valuable coins of King Solomon's timo known as a holy shekel. It is of bronze and gold, about the size of an ordinary copper ceut, and derives 1U namo from tho fact that it was only used insidrt tho old temple at Jerusa lem on certain festival days, GotU chalk is Baid to havo been ofJerod 500 for it by tho authorities of tho Anti quarian Depaitment of tho British Museum. Rosooo Conkliog was strongly averso aim roi nor vo g.vo up tcuom.. me in- t X). intcrvioWed, but his freedom juns' kids and go homo with hnn thoy - , convor8atiou oftcn iod t0 trill tnn (lint hn unr 11 ti tlin r1t'itlu frtr I. .P. ... . .. .... toll mo that ho set up the drinks lor tho whole derned town. But yo did'nt your how it was that tho lady evur co mo out into this country to teaoh siwashes, did yo? No! Well, then, tbo way of it was this: sho bucked acin tho old man in gittin' married Sho lowed her jodgraent laid over his, but it uidn t pan out worth a dnrn. Hor husband was no good, and whon ho found her father wasn t goiug to chip iu and help em along ho wont back on hor. But sho didn't go nos ing 'round tho old man to be tuk back. That warn t her stylo. Sho jiut got au appointment as school teacher out yore, which was 'bout as fur away as sho could giu nut biio 11 ami 1 no moro'u gono when her husband passed in his checks in a railroad smash-up. Well, tho old man didn't know whero sho wero, till 0110 day ho camo across a newspaper telliu' 'bout a stago being jumped out yere. Then ho got ou her trail, and followed her homo. I about two month tenant went baok to his beincr victimized without his know ledge, when Sullivan and Ryan had thoir famous meeting in Madison Gar den tho ex-Senator occupied ono of tho press seats. While awaiting tho ap pearance of tho pugaiistio stars no oh at ted freely with those around him, and tho next day ono of tho afternoon papers had a oolumn interview witn him, in which tho wholo rnugo of ath letio sports was discussed in a peculiar ly happy mauuer. A Letter prom '$10,000 Kelly,' The Author op 'Play Bali. "PnntTaJExlract Comvanv.New iorfs City : DEAR SIRS : I havo used POND'S EXTRACT and find it particular good for Bprains, wounds, and bruises, I havo also used it successfully when tho musoles of tho arm becamo contracted from throwing tho.ball. I rcootnmcud allowed hor up and tuk it highly to all Athletes and Ball Play raps yo reo'leot that ers, Yours truly, ths afterward tho lieu- M. J. KELLY. tho States. Boston, May 10, 1888."