The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 13, 1888, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vaitCB. A marvel of parity
strength and wholesomeness. More economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot be told In compe
tition with the multitude of low test.onort, weight,
alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans.
tvrubllshcd every Friday. Subscription price, a year.
Entered at the rest omco at Bloomsburg, ra.,
as Bccond class matter, March 1, 1W.
FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1888.
'.rrlvo. Amvo. Leave. Leave,
r. x. .n. i v. r.ti.
1 55 rWJ 140
. 1 44 7 63 8 4 .42
1 41 7 M 00 6 45
,. 1 33 I 40 i 14 ' 8 61
. 1 38 7 35 VOI (61
.113 7 13 0 40 7 10
.12 67 7 11 68 7 83
. 18 60 7 06 10 05 7 S7
.18 43 7 00 10 15 7 83
, IS 80 69 10 80 7 45
Leave. Leave. Arrive. Arrive,
r. h. a. . a. m. r. v.
orange vUle..
Denton ..
Trains on the P. K. n. It. leave import as
follows i
MOKTB. ..'S?'
7-81 a. m. ll:oo a. m.
3:88 p. m. ' P- m.
Trains on tho D. L. & W. It. R. leave Bloomaburg
north. $PTn-
7:H a. m. 8:33 a. m.
11:01 a. m. 12:03 p. m.
2:84 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
M)6 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains on the N.fcW.B. Hallway pass Bloom
Ferry as louowa :
10:48 a. m.
4. so' p. m.
10:H Rm
11:44 a. m.
4-iv p. m.
6:89 p m
For Balx- A desirable nml commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply lo
jan20tf. N. Motkr.
Wanted. 100 bark peelers. Apply to
Thos. Wlieeler, at Wilson Cole's above
Central, Columbia county, Pa.
July 28. The administratrix of Bamucl
A. Worman deceased, will sell valuable
real estate In Espy at 10 a. m.
AcacsT 2. Tho executors of Jobn Fester
deceased and John ICclcbner deceased, and
others will sell valuable timber land In
Brlarcrcck and Fisblngcrcek township at
10 a. m.
Lost. On Saturday last, a pair of gold
spectacles. Tho finder wllPconfer a great
favor by returning them to Mrs. Itobert
Young, Market St. below Third.
To Tlie Public,
Wo aro manufacturing and bavo in bond
a puro artlclo of Ryo Whiskey one year old.
We use nothing but clean ryo and double
on a copper linen, and It is as puro as tho
ryo that grows In the field, and If any per
son will find any drugs or adulterations in
It as it leaves our distillery or salesroom,
wo will give a reward of ono hundred dol
lars. Roim MoHknby & Co.
Benton, Juno 1888, Ow.
Cnll lor nelciratc Illectlou and
County Convention.
Tho Democratic voters will meet at the
several places for the holding of tho Gener.
at Election Id their respective Districts on
Saturday August 11, 1888 between tho hours
of 3'and 7 o'clock p. m. and elect delegates
to be sent to tho. County Convention and
vote Instructions for tho persons thero to be
nominated, subject to tho rules of the
Democratic narty ot tbo county. Tho Dele
gates elected will meet In County Conven.
tlon at the Opera House Bloomsburg, Pa
on Tuesday Aug. Hth, 1888 at eleven
o'clock a. m. and place in nomination, ono
person for President Judgo of this Judicial
District, ono person for Member of tho U.
H. House of Representatives for this Con-
cressional District, two persons for Mem
bers of Uouso of Representailvcs of the
Btatc. one person for District Attorney,
one ncrson for Sheriff, ono person for Jury
Commissioners. And to transact such other
business as may properly como beforo tbo
E. M. Tkwksdcby, Chairman.
Apportionment ol Delegated.
Tho following apportionment of Dele
Rates has been made by the Standing Coin-
mlttee, In accordance wltu tuo ucviseu
Rules, viz s Rule 2nd. Tho representation
of Districts in County Convention shall bo
In nroDortlon to tho Democratic voto of
each, as cast at tho most recent election for
Governor, but tbo wholo number of dele
gates shall not exceed clghty-flvc, and no
district shall be allowed less than two, nor
more than four delegates.
Rule 3d. Delegates shall bo allowed to
districts upon a ratio of sixty votes for a
delegate, allowanco being roado for tbo
Districts. Vote
Berwick, E.,
Berwick, W.,
Bloom, E.,
Bloom, W.,
Conyngham, N,,
Conyngbam, B.,
Flshingcreek, '
Jack ton,
Mt. Pleasant,
Bcott, W.,
Bcott, E.,
for Gov'r. Delegates,
108 3
218 4
41 3
1)9 3
170 3
120 2
373 -1
297 4
140 2
140 2
GO 2
257 4
07 2
180 8
117 2
123 2
223 4
144 2
110 3
107 8
73 2
80 2
115 3
93 2
73 3
71 2
08 3
100 3
4184 75
Tho Inestimable value of Ayer's Bursa.
parllla as a blood.purlfer should bo known
to every wife and mother. It corrects Ir.
regularities, elves tone and strength to the
vital organs, hnd cleanses tho system of all
Impurities. Tbo best family medicine.
Buy Lester'B School Shoes,
Every pair warranted.
M'KilHn Bros, liavotomnlcfn-
ly refitted their studio with the
best and most approved instru-
mniiln n 1 t
inula iui porintiiuro, irom iock
ct size up to lifo sizo, and instru
ments especially adapted to pho
tographing out door groups and
residences, together with the lat
est Bccnic effects and accessories.
Babies' pictures par excellence
for which has been added a spec
ial extra rapid Voigtlaender
Euryscope. Copying, enlarging
and photographic reproductions
of drawings, patent models and
machinery intelligently execut-
uu. -miimuts pnotogriiplicu by
the Hash light process. Life
sizo crayon portraits in gold
iramo only $iu.
Prof. Wilbur with his family will spend
bis summer vacation at Mllford, N, Y.
Misses Ida and Laura Hcrnhard are visit
ing their sister, Mrs. Vorls, at Uellcfonte.
W. K. Tubbs and J. K. Bchuylcr spent
tho 4 tli at Lock Uaven.
Misses Mlnnlo and Ollio Fritz, of Bcran-
ton, aro visiting at Mr. J. It. Townsend's.
Mr. Q. T. Richmond, of Bcranton, was
In town on business the latter part of last
Mrs. A. A. Marple and Miss Helen liar.
man of Bridgeport are visiting relatives
Dr. J. P. I'urscl, of Wllllainsport, form
crly of this place, has been lyina very 111
for some time. past.
Lea Alexander started the latter part of
last week on a trip to his former homo In
Prussia, expecting to bo gono several
W. II. Jacoby, editor of tho Nantlcoke
&'ur, spent Baturday and Bun day In town
Ho has many friends hero who are always
glad to see him.
Tho silk mill Is going up rapidly.
A large picnic party from Bcranton held
possession of Oak Grove on Wednesday.
Rev. M. L. Ganoo and family went to
Mountain Grove Wednesday.
llcv. II. G. Rico will preach in tho Pres
byterian churcb on Sunday.
There Is talk of another democratic news
paper being established in Bullivan county
E. A. llawllnes Is painting tho front of
bis market building.
A party of gypsies have been camping
out along tho creek near tho doublo bridge)
during tho past week.
Tho new stono pier at the Red Rock
Bridge is nearly completed. J. Bochman
the contractor, Is doing a good Job.
The new stablo at tho jail la nearly ready
for occupancy. The commltsloners bad It
Insured on Tuesday.
Camp meeting at Mountain Grovo will
begin Wednesday, August 1, and closo
Thursday, August 0.
E. 0. Wells 1b icmoving from the Nor.
mal Bchool to the house on Main street
formerly occupied by J. W. Eyer.
John Fowler has resigned as superintend
cnt of the water works, and Frank Bolce
has been appointed to the place.
A children's service was held In the Epis
opal Church at half past six o'clock last
Suuday evening instead of tho regular
evening service.
The many remarkable cures Hood's Bar.
saparllla accomplishes aro si flklent proof
that It docs possess peculiar curative pow
There Is a rumor In the air that thero
will be a wedding soon, and when It hap,
nens there will bo another county com'
A pleasant dance and lawn party was
given at tho Banltarium on Tucfday even
ing. About twenty young peoplo were
C. E. Randall is now sole owner of tho
Catawlssa A'etsj Item, having recently pur.
chased tho half Interest of J. O. Yocum.
Tho Item is a bright newsy paper, and wo
wish brother Randall abundant success.
Prof. Fcrrco and family left Bloomsburg
on Wednesday. They will camp out for
some time at Wayne, when they will leavo
for Minneapolis, whero thoy will make
their future homo.
Tho erection of an oral school for tho
deaf and dumb at Bcranton will bo proceed
ed with at once, and tbo building will be
completed by March 1, 1889. The cost of
the structure will be about $25,000.
The total eclipse, of tho moon nn tho 22d
Inst, will bo visible In this latitude. Tho
eclipso will begin at 9:55 p. in. and end at
3:44 on the 23d. The period of total eclipso
111 occur at 1:20 a. m.
Twcnty.flvo cents a day purchases a
$3,000 policy In Tho Travelers, of Hartford,
which Is payiblo In event of death by ac
cident, with $15 weekly indemnity for
wholly disabling injury. J. H. Malzo,
agent, second floor Coluviuian building
Bloomsburg. if.
Col. David Taggart, a prominent citizen
of Northumberland, died on Baturday
June 80. Ho was once prominent In 1'enn.
sylvanla politics, having been Btato Sena
tor, caudldate for Governor in 18(50 and
Paymaster in tho regular nriny,
Invitations havo been extended for the
marriaco of Miss Blanche Edgar, formerly
of this place, to Mr. I. O. Dietrich, former,
ly of Berwick, to take place at Crawford,
Nebraska, Wednesday evening, August u,
at Ihe homo of Mr. Will D. Edgar, tho
bride's brother.
A parly of Welsh singers, who accom
panied the picnlo party from Bcranton that
spent Wednesday at Oak Grove, made
some lino music nt tlio bxebange iiotei in
tho afternoon. They also serenaded I. W,
McKelvy's storcand were loudly applauded
at both places.
W. M. Monroo and wife and Misses Bes
sie, Mary and Nellie Monroe, of Rupert;
Miss Sue Itaum, ot Towanda; Mr, and Mrs.
A. H. Church and family of Ashland, anu
Harry Chamberlain of Rupert, wero onter.J
talned at Sherift Search's on tho fourth.
Shickhinny IkKo.
It Is said that tho Pennsylvania railroad
company is trying to make an agreement
with the Lehigh Valley about the running
of passenger trains between Hazlcton and
Pottsville. It Uio agreement shall ho con.
summated, tho Pennsylvania will only
carry freight and tho passenger traffic will
be solely under tho control ot tho Lehigh
Buy Lester's School Shoes.
Every pair warranted.
Grand Army Day will lako tho ptaco of
tho Fourth of July this year In Bloomsburg.
From Ihe present Indication that day will
bo a big ono. It will be if everybody takes
an Interest In it and assists the G. A. R. In
tho celebration of It.
Tho Banltarium is well filled wllh sum-
mcr guests. It Is fast acquiring a reputa
tion as a delightful summer resort. Few
towns anywhere possess greater attractions
than Bloomsburg. Tho scenery in every
direction Is charming, and tho numerous
drives cannot bo surpassed.
Wo publish elsewhere an advertisement
of "Help Wanted." Wo have examined
tho work therein described and think an
agent should meet with much success wllh
It. Any ono desiring the agency should
wrlto at onco for terms and outfit for can.
vaasors. tf
On tho morning of tho 4th, John Frcas,
foreman on tho D. L. &. W. road was struck
In tho right eye by a splko whirl: lebound.
od as It waa being driven into a tie. Drs.
Wlllltts and Relfsnydcr dressed the wound.
It is probable that tbo sight of tho rye is
gone. Mr. Freas Is an Industrious man and
has much sympathy In his misfortune.
List of letters' remaining In tho Post Of.
flco at Bloomsburg for week ending July
10, 1888.
Mr. G. D. Baker, Mr. Warren C. Culver,
Mr. Harrie O. Hoy, Mrs. Emma D. Kclloy,
Mr. William Kclloy, O. H. Pierce.
Persons calling for theso letters will
pleaso say "advertised."
Gxohcie A. Clauk, P. M.
William McAfco had bis leg broken be
low the knee, nt Espy on Tuesday morning.
He was assisting In unloading n traction
engine at tho R, It. station, when tho en
gine slipped and fell on him. Ho came
with the engine to set it up for William
Uldlay, the purchaser. Dr. Rcdckcr set
tbo leg, and McAfee was taken to his homo
at Mcrccrsburg, Pa.
Serious cyo affections arc frequently so
obscure that those who have tbcm are sup
posed to possess perfect sight. They are
tho cause of headaches and annoying
nervo troubles. Dr. Brown devotes much
attention to tbo eye. Ho uses tho opthol-
moscope and test glasses, thus fitting spec
tacles by the latest approved methods. Ho
operates successfully for catcract restoring
sight to tbo blind. OBlco 3rd Bt. , Blooms
burg, Pa.
Boyd Cadman, six years of agn, passed
through town on Monday morning on his
'bicycle, bound for Pottsvlllo and Miners-
yille. He was accompanied by bis father,
also on a bicycle. They live In Bloomsburg,
and left that place on Baturday to attend
the Ellis-Uazcldlne wedding at Krcb's sta
tion, wheeling the distance In three hours.
They left Hazcldtne's Monday. Boyd Is an
expert blcyllst, and sports-a gold medal
showing that ho Is tbo mascot ot tho Wlll
lainsport wheelmen. Anhlaiid Advocate.
Bloomsburg passed n quiet Fourth. Tho
occasional popping of a fire cracker or tor
pedo was about the only sound that broke
the stillness of Its streets. A large number
of people spent tho day at places In which
tho Fourth was celebrated, while a number
of picnic parties went to tho woods. The
ball game at Athletic Paik In the afternoon
broke the monotony somewhat and tbero
were, displays of tiro works, and fire-crack
era popped loudly In tbo evening.
List of letters remaining In tho P. O. at
Benton, Pa., for month ending Juno 30,
F. E. VanLoan, Mr. W. G. Morris, Fred
Slacd(2), J. I. Lanswe, C. P. Lemon, Esq.,
John H. Lundcr Esq., Miss Bertha Angle.
Frank E. Van Loan, Mr. John Wlnlcy.
Persons calllne for theso letters will
please say "advertised."
Ella E. Aitlbman, P. M,
MarBhal Barring, of Wllkesbarre, arrest
ed J. A. Sbsdle, of Bhaille's Mill, Snyder
county, Batui day night and took him be
fore United States Commissioner James 11.
McDevitt, of Bunbury, who gavo him
preliminary hearing and bound bun over.
Shadlo Is charged with sending obscene
matter tbrouch tho mails to a party out
West. Both of the men arc amateur pho.
tographers, and they wero exchanging
work wllh each other.
Phillip Ruber, tho man who was recently
arrested for stealing $29,000 from tho
Adams Express Company and at present
confined in the Bunbury jail, is not put to
work making carpet with the other prison
era of tho jail but Is allowed to do about as
he pleases. He remains In his cell most ot
the time, with tho door partly closed, and
places himself in a position whero visitors
cannot obtain a glimpse of his face. Ho Is
not nearly as anxious for notoriety as his
son, who rode at tho head of tho Fourth of
July firemen's parado on his bicycle,
Two gamo of ball wero played on tbo
Fourth ot July, between" tho Bloomsburg
and Danville nines. Tho morning game at
Danvlllo resulted In the defeat of tho homo
nine and in tho afternoon at tho gamo
which took place at Athletic Park, Blooms.
burg for tho first time succeeded In defeat-
lnc Danvillo by a scoro of 7 to 5. lho
scoro by innings of both games is as fol
Bloomsburg 010000001 0-!
Danville 000200000 4-1
Blooomsburg 3 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Danville 10000111 1 J
The Danvillo gamo was an excellent one,
the scoro at the end of tho ninth inning
standing 22. Tho tenth Inning was then
played, when Danvillo succeeded In mak.
Inc four runs wbilo Bloom mado nono
giving tho gamo to Danvillo.
The Giihat BookisForthComino.
drcds aro anxiously waiting for an oppor.
tunlty to purchase- It. Wo refer to tho lire
and public servlcos of our great reform
President, Stephon G rover Cleveland, to
which Is added tho llfo and public services
of tho "Old Roman," Allen G. Thurman
our next Vice-President. Wo havo been
shown some advance sheets of this volume
by Mr. J. A. J. Cumralngs, who has accept
ed tho agency for this valuable work, tor
this county. Every family should not fall
to nrocuro a copy and read It carefully. It
is an excellent work and well worth th
cost to any ono. It Is tho only authorized
and official edition. Tho best Is
the cheapest. Beware ot worthless catch
penny books. Caution. Tho country is
being flooded 'with unreliable, catchpenny
lives of President Cleveland. Do not be
deceived. Bee that tho book, you buy con
tains an account of all our Presidents from
Washington to Cleveland, and line portraits
ot all of them. Beo that it contains
superb steel plate portrait of President
Cleveland. Beo that It contains statistical
tables of tbo votes cast at all Presidential
elections. No other campaign work con
tains half so much Interesting and valuable
matter as this book docs. It Is endorsed by
tho leading men ot tho Democratic party
and by President Cleveland's most Intimate
friends, and is tbercforo tbo OUlclal History
of the Dcmocratlo Convention and candl
dates. Good Agents are wanted to assist
In the canvass for this work In Columbia
county. Call on or address J, A. J. Cum
inlngs, Bloomsburg Pa.
A New Store,
It would bo imposslblo to attempt to
enumerate the different goods displayed at
tho variety storo recently opened In llen
dcrsholt's building, next to Gllmore's by
Jobn Mastellcr. Ho has gents' furnishing
goods, overalls, musical Instruments, tin.
ware, glass-waro, soap, and a thousand and
ono different articles, useful and ornament
al, and all nt astonishingly low prices. A
visit to this storo will well repay you, for
you will be suro to sco just what yon want,
Mr. Mastellcr has had a number of years'
xpcrlcnco In the mercantile business, hav
ing been with A. B. Btewait at Orangevllle
for a long tlmo.
IixcctitloiiH In Ietiiinylvnnli.
From 1778 to 1888, a period of 110 years,
there havo been 283 executions ot crlmln.
als in Pennsylvania. In 1778 there was
ono execution for murder, two for high
treason, ono for robbery nnd two for bur
glary. Tho largest number of executions
In any one year was In 1770 six for mur
der, ono for high treason, lour foi robbery,
two for burglary, three for uttering and
passing counterfeit money, and two whero
the offense, is not stated. In 1704 an act
was ;pas9C(l abolishing punishment by
death) except for murder. Tho next larg
est number of executions was In 1877,
when elghteo murderers paid tho extrcmo
penalty of tho law, and ten in 1870 suffered
like penalty. Up to 1834 nil executions
were public when by an act of Assembly,
all subsequent ones took place. In tho jail
yard. Thero wero no executions in 1782,
1787, 1790, 1791, 1793, 1704, 1700, 1800 to
1800, 1807, 1808, 1810, 1811, 1813, 1814,
1815, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1825, 1827, 1831,
1833, 1837, 1843, 1855 and 1804.
Thirty '1'crHuiiH Injured.
Tho down passenger train on tho Pcnn
ylvanla Railroad, leaving Wilkcsbarro for
ottsvllle at 8:50 a. m., collided with the
up train, due nt Wilkcsbarro at 9 o'clock,
n point five miles below that city last
Friday morning. Tho trains generally pass
each other at South Wilkcsbarro, but If the
up train is late It Is held at Nantl"okc,
and tho down train passes It there. That
morning both trains were a little late, and
Dispatcher W. II. Beidleman, at Wilkes
barre, intended to order tho down train to
stop at South Wllkesbarre. lie neglected
to do so until it had left there. Ho tele.
grapheit at once to Nantlcoke, but tho up
train had left.
The track between theso points Is a single
one. lleluleman realized at onco that
collision was inevitable, and, appalled at
the result of his carelessness, fled llko a
madman from tho office and has not been
seen since. Tho trains camo together lust
below tho littlo station of Butzbacb's Land.
ing. Fortunately they met on n straight
piece of track and tho engineers saw each
other's trains four hundred ynrds apart.
Both wero running at over forty miles an
hour, and, thongh they reversed engines
and put on the brakes, the trains enmo to.
gcthcr with an awful crash. The engineers
and firemen jumped. One cnglno climbed
half way on tho other and fell over on Its
Bide. One ot tho baggago cars was shatter
ed, but tho passenger cars held firm.
Tho passengers wero terribly shaken
The scats wero torn looso and hurled.
together with the passengers, In a confused
heap to tho end of the cars. There were
two hundred people In tho two trains and
hardly ono csenped unhurt. Thirty wero
severely injured, but it is thought that none
aro fatally. Tho sccno was ono ot the
wildest confusion and excitement for a few
Ayer's Pills possess the curative virtues
of the best known medicinal plants. These
pills are scientifically prepared, arc easy to
take, and safe for young and old. They
are invaluable tor regulating tho bowels,
and for the relief and cure ot stomach
Council I'roceedliiRH.
July 6th, 1R88.
Regular meeting. Present, P. S. Har,
man, president, Hnd members Rlngler,Bter-
llng, Cadow, Wolf, Wells.
Geo. E; El well appeared and stated that
by request he appeared lo give terms for
copies of town laws, viz: 335 for 100
copies, $50 for 200. Moved nnd seconded
that 100 copies bo ordered. Agreed to.
Dr. Jacob Schuyler appeared and pre.
sented a petition asking that Market street
bo macadamized two perches wide from
Bccond street to n point 200 feet below Fifth
Moved and seconded that petition be re
ceived and filed. Agreed to.
I. W. Hartmau appeared and presented
a petition asking council to erect a drink
Ing fountain on Market Square. Moved
and seconded that the petition bo received
and filed, and that the commltteo on water
asceitaln from water company cost of water
for such fountain and also cost of fountain,
Wm. Ringroso and others appeared and
asked for permission to erect arches over
the streets at suitable places on tho Oth ot
September, Grand Army Day, and further
that council prohibit tho putting up of
stands for sale of sundry articles by parties
from out of town, unless such persons first
obtain a llccnso from tho president of town
council. Moved nnd seconded that per
mission bo granted to put up arches. Lat
ter request held over for consideration.
On motion circular No. 8 from tho Btatc
Board ot Health was referred to Board of
On motion, agreed to, Bamucl Ncyhard
was elected Superintendent of sewers.
Proposals for terra cotta pipe wero turn
ished by Geo. T. Richmond, viz i Ho will
furnish terra cotta pipe at 50 per cent, oft
from tho prlco list nnd 3 per cent, off net
for cash in ten days from dato ot bill. Also
a bid from tho Wyoming Terra Cotta works
offering 50 per cent, olt, etc., and ono from
the Scranton Supply and Hardware Co,
offering plpo samo as tho Wyoming Terra
Cotta Works. Moved and seconded that
tho bids ho received and held i
until next meeting,
Ordinance No. 39, an ordlnanco to chango
tho curbstono market to Market Bquaro
was read and adopted.
Ordlnanco No. 40, an ordlnanco to im
prove Eighth street, commonly called Canal
street, by making It ot the width ot thirty,
three tect, east of Strawberry alloy, whero
tho lot ot M. P. and Harriet Paul projects
into said street, was read and adopted.
Tho town engineer reported that tho cul
vert built by Messrs. Old and Rcmley Is
completed nnd that tho samo was built ac
cording to contract.
On motion, seconded, the report of Com
missioner ot Highways and bills and ac
counts were read npd approved and secro.
tary directed to isuo order tor samo. Total
On motion council adjourned to meet
Thursday July 12, at 3 p. m.
llnrbyH lropliylnetle l'liild,
Use It in every Will keep the
atmosphere puro and wholesome; removing
all bad odors from an source.
Will destroy all disease germs, Infection
from all foyers and all contagious diseases.
Tho efUclont physician J, Marlon Sims,
of New York si ys; "I am convinced that
Prof. Darbys Prophylactio Fluid Is a most
valuable disinfectant,"
Drowned in tlio Catinl.
DimiiiT nor loses ms life while iiatiiinu
Milton, July 7 Amlrow Ganger, a
bright boy aged about 0 .years, the son of
Mrs. 0. 11. Gaughcr, was drowned lata last
ight In lho canal. In tho company ot two
playmates ho went to tho Walnut Htrcct
bridge, to take n swim. Taking off his
clothes ho asked tho boys to follow him.
Supposing ho could swim and not aware of
the depth ot tho wator, young Ganger
plunged In from a board extending a short
distance ovcr,tho watchmaking tho remark!
'Now, watch mo dive." Ho roso to the
urfuco twice, but being unable to swim
and becoming exhausted, ho soon went
down lor the last tlmo.
Ills companions then nunounccd tho
fact to those nearby, but when assistance
arrived tho boy was in tho bottom of tbo
canal, and after somo tlmo bis body was
brought out and taken to his grandfather'
house. Dr. J. II. Mills' worked for three
hours to bring back lite, but It waa too lato.
OrnucI Army liny.
And now that tho solemn Fourth has
passed Bloomsburg waits In eager expect
ation for tho day lt celebrates this year
Grand Army Day. Tbo G. A, R. have tak
en great Interest In having the celebration
ot this day tako place hero and by their en
deavors havo succeeded In doing so. There
Is no doubt that, this being tho biggest day
that Bloomsburg has known for some time
past, our peoplo will all turn In nnd help to
make it n grand success. If only In honor
to the G. A. R. this should be. But, put
ting that aside, tho day will bring many
thousands ot people to our town, nnd It Is
tbercforo to tho Interest of our business
men, as well as everybody else, that they
should turn In and assist In Us celebration.
Everybody who Is able sbould assist in the
decorations; tho town should bo resplend
ent with buntlnc and evergreens and those
who visit us on that day should leave with
the thought In their minds that tho Blooms
burg peoplo aro fully as hospitable and en
terprising a) any who havo entertained tho
G. A. R.
KnlRlitH of tile Golden Knglc.
Several Castles of this flourishing Order
arc organizing in tho county. It is benefi
cial, benevolent, social nnd scmi-mllltary.
Founded in Baltimore 1873, introduced in
to Penna. 1875. In successful operation in
23 States, with a membership of over 41,.
000 In 411 Castles. Slnre January 1st.
1884, Its growth has been unprecedented In
tho history of kindred organizations. Dur
ing that period it was introduced into 18
States, 380 Castles wero instituted and the
membership increased over 37,000. Dur
ing 1880 ajd 1887, 21,480 candidates were
admitted In Pennsylvania, 160 Castles
Instituted, and membership Increas
ed 18,115. There aro 270 Castles ami over
31,000 members in Penna. Optional with
the members as to whether they participate
In the military feature.
Each member must pay not less than
tbrco dollars which entitles htm to receive
tho three degrees. The ngc is from twenty
years and upwards. Tho charter feo Is
thirty dollars, and Includes dispensation,
chatter, rituals, installation work, funeral
ceremony and odo cards. Castles can bo
instituted to work In the English or Ger
man language. The fifteen officers of all
Castles Instituted previous to April, 1889,
will receivo tho Past Chief's Degree. The
railroad expenses of tho Grand Castlo offi
cers In attending the institution arc defray
ed by tho Grand Castle.
Any Information will bo given by Gland
Master of Records J. D. Barnes, 720 Spring
Garden street, Philadelphia, Pa.
EnHt Ilcntott.
Tho golden grain is now being reaped.
It is a bountiful crop.
A festival was held at St. James on the
4th, afternoon and evening. An address
by Rev. Houtz on the origin of Indepenct
enco Day was well received, after which
Cleveland's March" was played by Miss
Mary Houtz, wero features of afternoon
A festival was held at Hamllino last Sat,
urday evening. Proceeds to ho applied
for repairs at parsonage.
There aro symptoms of a heavy drought.
The mail boy, Oily Shultz, was shaken
up last Saturday. The horse became fright
ened at the cars at Stillwater and ran away.
Miss Mattlo Kunkel of Roaring creek
spent a few weeks visittug fricuds in this
Mrs. Spinnogle who was Informed that
her boys drank so hard when out, rebuked
the insinuation by saying that "I do not
bellevo It for they aro always so dry
(thirsty) when they como homo."
Nights nro getting longer, a littlo moro
time for talking. "Leap year," you know
Unless wo get a soaking rain soon poll.
tics will not bo half a crop.
Harrison bay making and harvesting all
conccntrato to Cleveland.
Political HlandererH.
"Ho hath not seen the sun" was the text
upon which the Rey. J. O. Wilson preach,
ed at the Tabernacle M. E. church, Phlla
delphla last Sunday evening. This text he
said, was primarily descriptivo ot a now.
born babe who rrcets its death on Its en
tranco Into lifo and is carried out to the
grave without ever seeing the sun. It Is
also equally descriptivo of many nstrono.
mcrs who, though they often look at the
sun, never seo anything but tho black spots
upon it. Their chief pleasure Is tho dts
covery ot the sun's imperfections, not the
discovery of Its unspeakablo splendors,
Alas for human kind that like tho astrono
mcr, finds Its chief delight in tho discovery
ol black spots upon Its fellow-man
"What," asked Mr. Wilson, "is tho rulln
passion of tho editor? Is it not for black
spots on men who shlno In public places?
Did ever ravenous wolves more furiously
devour unfolded lambs than docs tho secu
lar press devour Its unfortunate victims?
How many an honest aud good man ho
been ruined and blasted by this passion ot
tho editor for black spots? I am not cen
suring tho press for showing us black spot
where they exist; this Is tho mission ot tho
journalist; but I denounce this accursed
passion which takes delight In obscuring
shining buu, and which has cultivated such
a set nt for detects and Haws that It can dls
cover black spots In human character
whero thero aro nono! This Is diabolical
Tho politician Is as bad as tho editor.
his ambition bo would mount to heaven
oven though ho must drag angels down,
At tho conclusion ot his sermon Mr. Wll
son offered an eloquent prayer that tho
coming campaign might bo a puro and
charitable one.
More IennloiiH nnd laoimty.
A gentleman representing MUo B. Stcv
ens & Co,, of Washington, D. C. can be
seep during tho day and evening at (ho
City Hotel, Danville, Tuesday July 17 1 Ex
chango Hotel, Bloomsburg, Wednesday 18
Ferguson IIoubc, Shenandoah, Thursday
10; aud Derrick House, Mahanoy City
Friday 20, by persons desiring Information
concerning pensions, bounties, etc., or bay
Ing claims which they may desire to havo
I prosecuted by said attorneys,
J W. Omin .l.nnt . f .!. In tn.n
vtslttnn friends.
Chlldrens day was observed on tho first
ot Jul v at tho M. Ji. Church. Homo Inter,
cstlng exercises wero engaged in, ono of tho
most nolo worthy was tlio singing of tho
tow verses of tho familiar hymn, "Thero
Is n fountain filled with blood," by Maggie
Howell, four or five years of age.
Harvesting is tho order ot the day, Lloyd
Sterling leading, ho having cut several
shocks on the 29th of June.
Candidates aro looking nround factions
aro booming that should bo broken up.
This you ttcklo mo and I'll tlckto you
ought to bo slopped by the nohlo people of
tho county.
G, P. Stlncr and family of Orangevllle,
spent a short tlmo In town Sunday.
Jay Letscr Is now spending his vacation
from Gettysburg school at homo.
A nulsanco to bo abatod, fast driving In
town Sunday evenings.
Mrs. C. O. Trench nf Bloomsburg, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Clias. Leo jr.
Sr. Thool, Philadelphia's renowned
Specialist for ncryous debility, blood poi-
ins, kidney and special diseases has cured
moro cases than all others combined. He
as cured cases pronounced lncurablo by
leading physicians. Wo would advise those
suffering to consult him personally or by
letter at his office, 538 North Fourth Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Asbury Is on the Improvement list.
Butllff has repainted nil his buildings.
Tbo Doctor won't bo excelled by any of bis
elghbors. Ho has been having some
troublo with his foot, causing him much
Cyrus Robbtns Is remodeling his house by
way of now siding and new cornice, and
xpecU to paint it soon.
Millie Robbins is suffering very much
with lung trouble.
Our summer schools all closed last week.
Miss Margarctt Genscl nt Catawlssa has
been teaching the Asbury school for three
years, six successive terms, with good sat
isfaction, and has the thanks of the employ
ers gener illy for tbo Interest taken to ad
vance the pupils.
Tho grass crops wont bo moro than 50
per cent, of last year. The wheat and ryo
crop will be ten per cent, better than last
year at least
Corn crops are growing finally.
Farmers ore very busy now getting ready
to sow buckwheat; somo havo sown already.
Lemons and Pcaler lost a valuable horso
Inst week with pneumonia.
Quarterly meeting was held in the M. E.
Church at Jonestown Friday and Saturday
week. This is the second quarter of this
conferenco year.
Ml?ses M. Ella Androws, Lizzie Robbins
and Verne Jones attendid Commencement
at Bloomsburg.
i no ceo. ii. u. is snipping iiuilo a
good deal of lime and phosphate at Forks.
The engineer corps of the Wllkesbarre &
Western R. R. has been on tho road now
for business. Thoy came as far as tho
Coleman farm on Saturday, on tho More
head survey, down on tho south sldo of
Huntingdon creek. I was In hopes they
would come on tho north side. A railroad
company Is like a thunder storm ; they i;o
whero they please and wc must bo content.
Mr. East Benton reporter, how is this for
high f Your W. B. & W. H. R. egg you so
long expected has not hatched very good,
thought I would remind the E. B, report
er what ho said some timo since about our
railroad and will say by way ot conclusion
despise thou not tho day of small things
for thou dost not know what a day will
bring forth
of June nt Wllkesbarre by Rev. A. Houtz,
of Orargcvllle, Pa., Mr. L. P. Btcrucr,
former principal of the New Columbus
Academy, to Miss Florence Kashner of
Catawlssa, Pa.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was alck, wo (are her Castoria.
When she wu a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When he became Mist, she clung to Castoria.'
When she had Children, the gave them Cutoria.
Closed Saturdays at i p. m.
When you come to the citv
bear in mind that Wanamaker's
is a meeting and resting and
waiting place as well as the
biggest store in the world.
There are reading and sitting
ana retiring rooms lor you : tele-
pnone, telegraph, and mail facil
ities. Your parcels will be
cared for without charge. We
try to make you welcome wheth
er you care to buy or not.
. , , MTYmt I
J I , I jqiu L.
1 1 r
r i . .i ., .
xou Know mat mere is no
worthy hot weather (or any
weather thine for Wfinr fir hnmn
nc Kiii- !,.,, V ir
v.jv. wm. vv- uuvc it, ii yuu can l
come to the store, write for
,i,lintn,m i
Wliatever VOU want, samples Or
l- f i , .. .
yuuub. onODOincr DV mail has
nnio f K i t
COme tO DC Simple and Certain.
Af, i r ,
lew Scratches Ol a pen, and
nil tli rnr.iUf.:o f ,i' i
t... in,. (i.!iibia ui luc iurc tire
John Wanamaker.
Ilcady.trlmuied huts and Imnnntu ,.,!
i.IiII,Ifu mm o.i . i .......
T"',V . . K"uu greauy
ruuiccu in pneo at n,. uaraiey's. Call soon
auu seuuru uurtuus
India linen lawns 10c yd- at I. V.
man & bons'.
$3. doz. Lifo size Crayons only
$ 10,00. Viewing, copying and
Ullllirglllg. inawni process
Great bargains In remnants ot rrnbrold.
cries and laces this month at I, W, Hart-
man pons',
2 crates ot fancv nnd wlilto dishes lust
" " """""
, 0B "!";,- dcsimwc awciiinn
I nuuat-B uii rirsi bucci near jiiukui. .n
modern Improvements. Apply to Z. B.
I. W. Hartmau A Bona havo n oncclal
sale nf remnants of all kinds of wash goods
on Friday and Saturday.
Btamplne And rrinklnc donn to order at
E. Barktoy's, Main street below Market.
Beforo rcnalra I. W. Hartrnan & Bona
offer 12 yds bunting tor 30c., 12 yds lawn
The latest sliane In ladles' hats for sum
mer lust received at Miss E. Barklcy's.
Also flowers, feathers. laces, materials for
tancy work, notions etc, at reasonable
White dress soods and laces a special
sale at 1. W. Hartrnan & Sons' for two
nswell as thohandsomcst.and others aro In
vited to call on any druggist and get tree a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the
thrnftt nnd lunirn. n rnmpriv Hint Iff srllinir
entirely upon Fts merits nnd is guaranteed
to cure nnd relieve all chronic and acute
coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consump
tion. 1'rlco ou cents anu l.
allow a cough to run until it gets
beyond tho reach of medicine. 'Ihey
often say, "Oh, It will wear away,"
but In most cases it wears them
away. Uoultl thoy be induced to try the
successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam,
whirl, van anil nn ft nnflltlvn irtmrnnlpn tn
cure, they would immediately sco lho 0I.
ceiicnt ciiect auer taaing tnc nrst nose.
Prlco COc. and $1. Trial size tree. At all
IJcxeiua, itcliy. Scaly, Skin
Tho slmnlo application of "8wavne's
uintment," wituout any internal meaicine,
will euro any caso of Tetter, Salt Rbtum,
Rlncworm. Piles. Itch. Bores. Plmnlcs.
Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions,
no matter now obstinate or long standing.
It Is potent, effective, and costs but a trifle
To Pkesxrvb Natoiial Flowers. Dip
tho flowers in melted parafllnc, withdraw.
ing them quickly. Tho lliiuld sbould be
only just hot enough to maintain Its llulu-
liy and tuc uowcrs buouiu uo dipped ono
at a time, held by tho stocks and moved
about lor an instant to .get rid or air bub
bles. Fresh cut flowers, frco from moist
ure, make excellent specimens in this way.
If you would prerve your health and ln
vigoruto your emirc system use Pcrrlnc's
l'urc Barley Mall WhlsKey xr sale by
U. B. Itobblns, Bloomsburg, i n eow.
Tho ciown of Queen Victoria consists of
diamonds, pcarlu, rubies, sapphiren and
emeralds, set In silver and gold. Its grosi
weight is 80 ox 5 dwt. troy. Tho number
of diamonds aro 3.852: pearls. 2TS:
rubies, 0; sapphires, 17; emeralds, 11. It
Is an old saying Uneasy lies tho head that
wears a crown. It is Dottcr to wear tho
crown of perfect health and peace of
mind turougii mo curative cuccts or rcr-
rine's Puro Barley Whiskey. For
sale by C. B. Robbins, Bloomsburg,Pa.
Piles I IMleH I ilclilUK IMleit.
Symptoms Moisture : Intense Itching and
slinging ; most at night ; worse by scratch
ing, ir allowed to continue tumors lorm,
which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming
very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the
Itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and
in most cases removes the tumors. At
ilrupfrlats. or bv mall, for 50 cents. Dr.
Bwayne & Son, Philadelphia. may-41y,
Is about 5,000, and wc would say at least
one-halt aro troubled with some affection
of tho throat and lungs ns those complaints
are, according to statistics, more numerous
than others. Wc would advise an not to
neglect the opportunity to call on their
druggist and get a bottle ot Kemp's Bal
sam for thu throat and lungs, l'rlce wc.
and $1. Trial sizo free. Bold by all drug,
Is doslred and admired by all. Among
tho things which may best bo done to
ennanco personal
beauty is tba dally
uso ot Ayer's Hair
Vigor. Ko matter
what tho color of
the hair, this prepa
ration gives It a 1 as
tro and pliancy that
adds greatly to Its
, charm. Should tho
1 balr bo thin, harsh,
' dry, or turning gray,
Ayora Hair Vigor
will restora tho
color, bring out a
now growth, and.
render tho old soft and shiny. For
kcoplng tho scalp clean, cool, and
healthy, thero Is no better preparation
in tho market.
1 T am frao to confess that a trial ot
Ayer's Hair Vigor has convinced mo
mat n is a geuuino ariicio. als ubu utu
not only caused tho hair of my wife and
daughter to bo
Abundant and Glossy,
but It has given my rather stunted raus
tucho a rBarwetttblo longth and appear
ance." 1(. uritton, uauianu, uuiu.
"My hair was coming out (without
any assistance from ray wifo, either).
1 trlod Ayer's Hair Vigor, using only
ono bottle, aud I now have as lino a
head ol hair as any ono could wish for."
It. T. Bchmittou, Dickson, Toun.
" I havo used Ayer's Ilalr Vigor In my
family for a number ot years, and rc
card It as the host hair preparation I
know of. It keep tho scalp clean, tho
hair soft and lively, and preserves tlio
uriglual color. My wife has used it for
a long tlmo with most satisfactory re
sults." Benjamin M. Johnson, M. D.,
Thomas Hill, Mo.
" My holr'was becoming harsh and dry,
hut after using half a bottle ot Ayer's
Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy. I
cannot cixpross tlio joy and cratltmlo I
tool."-Mabol O. Hardy, Delavan, 111.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
ruxrAnKD sr
Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Mast.
Bold by Druggists and I'erfuraeri.
Colcubu County, ss.
HIVU. Jt lULJ. Ill VU.JI "11U injlj, .BinUI
Doty, Luther 11. Doty and Martha A. Mlnler, all ot
Columbia county; tleorgo Doty ot Luzerno
TV f fl Ton TV. n.M TV...
Ellsworth Co.. Kansas.
ana sarau tiuauciu uozeiie or
ttl Whereas, at an Orphan's Court held at lllooms-
I tlcos ol the said court, tho petition of J. o. Dotj
and lraiwty, sons otJonasDotylaleot tho town
shin of KlslilnircrecK. Columbia county, renna.
deed, was uroHoniod. Bettlm: forth that a netlllou
was presented to this court on tho veto day of
Beptoinber. A. I), iw.setttng forth that lha said
Jonas Doty died on or about August 8tb, lb7, In
testate, and that he died seized In his demesne as
ot fee of and In certain rel estate, which Is dc-
I Bcnueu in urn saiu petition, anu luriner mat me
petitioners omitted in mo said petition tbo folio
Inir described real estate.
All that certain tract or piece of land altuato la
the towuslilD ot Urlarcrcek. and county aforesaid.
contains one hundred acres more or less, belm? tun
I western end of tho unnerNaihan llfacti tract in
whli h said decedent held an undivided one balf
Interest reserving to bis grantor and bis own uso
excepting stone coal, asalso the rlghtof way am
aiivuu mil uru uuu uiiucruus ui etcry ueacnuuon,
fill 1 nn irnn nro Hfm muifrniH nr Hvprv nnwnininn
I necessary privileges 01 access to and digging lo
s 10 ana uigging 1
re and minerals
and working all tbO iron
I every description excepting stono coat as aiore-
said at all times and In all Places on tbo said
tract. Ho partition ot tho foregoing tract having
been had.
Take notice mat in pursuance 01 me foregoing
writ an Innuesl will be hold upon the said liretu-
lsrs on Saturday August 4th W8. at ten o'clock a.
m. to make partition ot tuo laud to and amonir
thehclraauil legal, representatives ot the said
decedent, or jo value and appraise the same, aa
me case may uo, uuaor me laws 01 una common-
neanu, wucu uuu wuere yuu may aiivau u you
OAaiU&UO.ltllll, DUCriU.
viuuuuiuurif, 1 uuijr la, .aw.
Mm,n h"!S1I?a'p.'"' of n",i"crerK
Letters of admlnUtratton cum tcsiamento
noxoiu sum usiuie uayiug ucuu grauieu 10
underklirned adinlnbilrator. all Dersona lndebviid
to Maid estate are hereby liotined to nay the same.
ana uiose naving claims turainst. saw estate
prea - 1
enl lho same to
VUA.I14W1 nuiiAmuiw,
Al.UK. a t. 1.
JuncM Ct
Forks, Pa,
Br virtue of a writ of MurH. Pa. Issued out M
tho Court ot Common rieas of Columbia countr,
Pa., and to mo directed thero will bo exposed to
pnblio sale on tho premiss In Catawlssa township
Colombia county, Pa,, on
at o'clock p. m., tho following described ro-1 es
tate, to-wlt i
All of those two certain massages and tracta of
land sltnato In tlio township of catawlaaa, Colom
bia county, Pennsylvania. Tlio firm tract nouna-
od and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at
a stone In lino ot lands of Ooorgo Karr deceased,
and running from thence by lands now ot William
Ccrnlngcr, south ten and a quarter degrees, west
ten perches to tho north end ot tbff county brldgo
over Catawlssa creek, Uicnco through tbo centra
of said brldgo south thirty-eight degrees cast nt
toca porches to tbo Intersection of a publio road
loading to Ashland, thence by raid road south
eight and a quarter degrees west nine and two
tenths perches to a point In tho centre of said
road, In lino ot land of Mrs Burger, thence by said
rllno south clgbty-ono and a bait degree west
twenty-Uiree and a half porches to a post origin
ly a spruce tree, thence, by Und ot Jonathan Fort.
ncr north ntty-elgbt and a half degrees west sixty
four perches to originally a maple on tbo south
silo ot Catawlssa creek, tbenco south eighty-two
and a balf degrees, east, crossing said Catawlssa
crock and running by a publio road leading down
Catawlssa creek to tho town ot Catawlssa, tony-
four Probes to a point In B&ld pubuo roAd. thenoa
bylandof VMUIom long and land belonglnj to th
estate ol ucurgo zarr, ueceasoa, norm severny.
tour and a halt degrees east tbirty-ntnO perches to
tbo placo ot beginning, containing: nine acres and
thlrtr-elgat perches (bo lbs same morn or leas) on
which aro erected a
Fire-proof lnpcr Mill, Four Double
Dwellluic IIouhch, Two Hlnule
Dwelling IIouHctt, an Office,
n IllacUHiiiitli shop, BIn
clilue Hliop,Hurii,Wniron
Hlied, HtrnwslicU,
and all necessary outbuildings.
The second lot or parcel of land boundol an
described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at a po
In line of lands ot Jonathan Fort ner, a corner ot
lot ot ground belonging to Mrs. Burger and run.
nlng from tbence by the samo north eighty-three
and a halt degrees east Bcrcn and a halt porches,
thenco by the sams north seventy-two and a hair
degrees east nineteen and a half perches to tho
south part ot a gate, thenco by land ot Mathlas
dingles south mtcen and a quarter degrees treat
nineteen and a hall perches to a chestnut trco
thence by tho samo south twenty-nve degrees
west eight porches to a post, thence by tho same
south nineteen degrees west six and six-
tenths perches to a post, thence by the same south
forty-three degrees west nbie and a halt perches
to a corner of a lot on tract ot ground known aa
the Foundry lot, now ownod by Samuel J. Freder.
clc, thenco by said lot north forty-ono degrees
west nineteen perches to a post In line At land ot
Jonathan Fortner thenco by said line north nro
and a half degrees, east thtrty-fonr perches to the
placo of beginning, containing rive acres and thir
teen perches, bo the same more or lots, on which is
found and constructed a dam or basin tor the
purpose or getting fresh or clear water for tho
aforesaid paper mllL There will also bo sold a lot
of old Iron, old castings, old machinery found on
tho premises about said paper mill.
seized taken in execution at the suit of tho Cata
wlssa Deposit Bank vs. McCready Bros, and to bo
sold as the property.of McCready Bros.
It. H. Utile, Atty. Sheriff.
Juno 22.
Real Instate !
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court ot
Columbia couDty, tbero will be exposed to public
sale by the undprslgncd administratrix ot the es
tate of Samuel A. Worman doe'd. on the premises
In Espy, ra., on tho J-sth day ot July A. D. 18S8, at
10 o'clock a. in. tho following pieces ot land: viz.
Tract No. 1. All that certain oieco ot land sit
uate In tuo village, ot Espy, county ot Columbia
bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a
point on the south of tho publio road loading
from Espy to Llghtstreet, at corner ot land now
owned by T. W. nartraan, formerly Hannah Wor
man, tbence along samo publio road south 235-8
degrees east to an alley, thence along said alley
westwardly 672); feet moro or leas' to corner ot
land ot Mrs. Mary Fnydcr, thence along the same
north 25)4 degrees west 65jf feet to corner of land
ot T. W. Hartrnan aforesaid, thenco along samo
north 6i,v, east 609X feet moro or less to a corner
at tho publio road aforesaid the placo aforesaid.
the place of beginning containing 7 acres and 168
perches of land.
Tract Ko. 2. At lho same tlmo and placo all
that undivided one-halt part ot a tract of land
situate In Main township, Columbia county afore
Bald, bounded and described as follows viz. Be
ginning at a Hemlock tree on tho south baik ot
the Susquenanna river and bounded by lands ot
John Shuman, Isaiah John, Amos Dlemer, lands
lato ot Daniel Snyder, and the Susquehanna river,
containing 6 acres and 129 perches.
Tract No. 3. All tbat certain lot ot land situate
In Espy, said county, bounded on tho north by
Thl rd street on the cast by lands ot It. J. Williams
andT. u. Miller, on thOBOuthby an alley and on
tbo west by land of J, Mussolman, being 1T3X foot
In depth by ssys feet front.
TEltMS OF SALE Ten per cent of ono-fourth
of tho purchaso money to be paid at tho striking
down ot tho property, tho one-fourth leas tho
ten per cent at the confirmation absolute and tho
remaining three fourths in ono year thereafter
with Interest from conflnnattm nisi.
Julys it Administratrix.
run jut. jiiAii jsnmnu juuki, istss.
I To balance duo on dupUc'te ot Vs. $837 13
To amu ot duplicate ot 1881 17483 72
J8S70 ft.
Uy exonerations allowed on dup
licate Ul 1B8U f Vi 14
Dy cash paid Treas. bal duplicate
of 188S 833 01
Dy cash paid Treas. on duplicate
ui insi iiiu.u lesa ui&uounis
and commission. 4S81K
Ily cash paid Treas. on duplicate
ot 1887 11028.08, less commission grass
By cash pd Treas. on dup. of 1887 770 00
lly 5 per cent discount allowed
taxpayers on 11711.77 33 S9
Ily 2 per cent commission on
ii.n v, wia
Dy 5 per cent commission on
tlOSSOS: 6140
balance due district 707 89
!sa;0 83.
I To amt. reed, from Stephen Knorr
former Treasurer MIS ii
To amt reed from County Treas
urer, lax on unseated lands.... lino
To amt. btate appropriation HU03
iu arm. rocu. irum uicnara aiues
collector on duplicate oliBSO.... eaioi
To amt. reca. from Richard Miles
collector on uupucuoot m7 .. exit 61
Ily amt paid for printing si 10
wawr...... JHUU
" " auditors 300
" " teachers. 474)78
" Janitors. ,,. 420 GO
" " " muslo cuarts..., 414s
" " roil saw
" " " Insurance , 10500
" " " repairs. 707 Oi
1 ' " cl'nlng buildings S3 4J
" ' " atty. lees soooo
" " " sec. salary sjsfmo t7S"J
bonds and lot ... 1MI87
" " ' aundrlea. 10U4I
Uy Treas. com. on iTuaus isa oa
654. 14
Balance in Treasurer's bands
- (sau 08
Wo the underslened Auditors of thonioom dnu
incLiueidune?, auuiiea me arjove accounts ot
uioom Bcuooi aisirict ana nna mem correct
In hi "Hryn Sion CiicrciiI
In the court or common picas of ro1umtal&
ixjumy, no. t aiay 1BN3,
irruciTioN for oaotB or sili.
And now Mar 11th. 1888. on nerua&l nf tho mm.
I :wuuu iuic 13 Kruuiru upon ail concernou
:ia 1 uj wiow ciLusu wuy aaorucr or sale snail not be
made, ltetnrnablo at Argument court August 2d.
Ishs. Notice ol this rule to bo nubllsned In one
newspaper ot tho county duilng three weeks be.
loru inui. nine. WAU I
, KLWELL, rKl.
Kilate of Joseph A, lien, late of Centre toumhtp
The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or
phans' court 01 Columbia county to make distribu
tion or the balance in me hands ot the administrator
to and among the parties ciullled thereto, will all
at hlsomeeln UloomBburg, on July w, 18S8, at lu
o'clock a. m. to perforin the duties ot tils appoint
ment, wnen ana wuere an persons interested
musv um
must appear aud prot their claims, or be torever
:t4 iruui coming m uu suiu iuua.