THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA GOUFJJY4 PA. OaiiJiaatoa NotlDod, 1 OVFlCIAt. ANNOUNCKMENT OK NOMINATION MAW? 10 Cl.KVKt.ANl) ANII TI1UIIMAN. Tlio rmUonrtt Dcinocrnlio comm'iUco nnd llio notification commitloo appoint, od ly tlui lalo Democratic convuntlou to noti y tho Provident und Mr. Thur man of their noininntion or l'resiilont and Yico President met at tho Arling ton Hotel. WnnMtiL'toti. Tuesday of last week, and proceeded to tho Wh to llouso to in i or m l'residcut uiovoinnu of Inn no vinntloti. Upon reaching tho Whito llou o, Hon. P. A. Collins, of Massachusetts, briefly addressed tho President and then Intro Juccd Mr. Charles D. Jacob, of Kontneky, who read tho following letter of hotiticatiim : Washington, D. C Jnoo 20. To tho Honorablo Qtovcr I lovclarid, of Now York, Sim Tho delegates to tho National Democratic Convontion, representing every Stato and Territory ol our Union having assembled in tho city of Su Louis on Juno fith instant for the pur- noso of nominating candidates for tho offices of President and Vito President nf Unit nd S'atcs. It has become tho honor bio and pleasing duty of thin commiltco to formallv announoo to you that without a ballot you wero hv nwliimnt.ion chosori as tho standaid iwinrer of tho Democratio nartv for the Chief KxocutiveshTp of this country at I tho election to bo hold in November next. Great as is such a distinction nndcr anv oircumstanocs, it is tho moro flat tonog and profound when iti8'remenv bered that you Havo Leon soiecieu as vour 'own succcssocto an offico tho duties -ol wl.ioh. alwavs onorons, havo been rendered of an extraordinarily sunsative, difficult and dclicato nature, because of a change of political parties and methods, aftor twenty-four years an(j Vice-Presidenoy, you woro''unani of uninterrupted domination. This ex- m0usly chosen as tho nominee of s altatioE is, if possible, added to by tho Breai nartv for tho eminent and res fact that tho declaration of principles, I based upon your last annual messago I to the Congress ot the united estates i relative to a tariff reduction and a diminutidn of tho oxponses of tho gov-1 ernmout. throws down the iiircol ana I defiant challenge for an exacting soru-1 .1 - i .! X .Un I uny oi me aaminisiruiiuu oi vuu mouu- tbotr party irom tne cnarge oi lngraii tive power whioh four years ago was iU)je and we believo.and trust that in committed in its trnst to me eiecuon oi November noxt the people will ottaoo Grover Cleveland, President, of tho 8nch, a taint from the Repubho by eleo United States,- and for tho most search- tjng you to presido over tho most su ing inquiry concerning its fidelity and gU8t anj deliberative body in tho devotion to the pledges which then in- world the Senate of tho United vitea tho suffrages ol tho people. An, engrossed copy of that platform, adontnd without a dissenting voice, is herewith tendered to vou. In convevintr. sir, to you, tho re sponsible trust which has boen con signed to them, tho committee beg, in dividually and collectively, to express tne great pieasuro wmcn muy uavu i felt at the results attending tho Nation- al Convention o tho Democrauo party, I and to offer to you their best wishes 1 for your official an J personal success I aud hanniness. Wo have the honor, sir, to be ".your nhedicnt servants The letter was sinned by all tho members of the committee. Mr. Thomas S. Pettit, secretary of tho notification committee, then pre- Bonted Mr. Clevc'and with ahannsomo lv en mossed conv of tho platform adopted at tho National Democratio Convention. THE 1T.ESIDENT3 RErLY. The President in reply said : I cannotbut bo profoundlycjmpress- pd when Itsccfabout me the messougofs r i,o oitni .iu -nmnna tr. Anirr Thn nartv t ,i,,m, t n oitooinnnn horn rriu Wa rrnnA ofonlnril nnrl liirlavtnfi bear it high 'at the front in a, battle whioh it tfages, bravely because con- scious oCrighl, confidently becauso its trust is in the people, and Boberly be- nD ; nnnnmhiiiiHi lin hhl oat mntt r.rr.; o succesi imposes. Tho message which yon bring awaV ens whithin mo tho liveliest senao of personal gratitudo and satisfaction and the honor which you tender me is in itself bo great? that thero might well'bo no room 'loriany other sentiment. And vet I cannot rid myself of gravo and serious thoughts when I remember that party supremacy is not lalond in volved in the conflict which presses up on us, but that wo 'struggle to secure and save the ohcrtshed institutions, tho welfare and the happi nifls of a nation of freemen.- ' Familiarity with tho great office whioh I "hold has but added to my ap prehension of its sacred character and the consecration demanded of him who assumes its immense' responsibili ties. It 48 the repository ot the peo ple's will and power. Within its viion should be the protection and welfare of tho humblest citizens and with auick oir it should catch from tho re rootest c-irner of tho land tho plea of tho people for justico and for right. For the sake of the people, he whoholds this offioe of theirs should resist every encroachment upon its lcRiOativefuno- ". best lnteresta pt the conn .sa. nnA fnr im ..Ira nf rin intnrrritv try require his re-election, and tho rtoo- f ffinn i .hnnfri tin kept near to the people and bo admin- with ilmir istered in full wants and needs; This occasion reminds mo most vivid lv of tho scene when, four years ago, I received a message from my party simi lar to that which vou now deliver, With all that has passed sinco that day I can truly say that tho feeling of awo with whioh I hoard the summons then is intensified many fold when it is repeated now. Fouryears ago I know that our Chiof Executive oflice, if not earefully guarded, minht drift littlo by lutlo awav from tho people to whom it be. loncrcd and become, a perversion of all it oucht to bo ; but I d d not know how much its moorinos had already been loosened. I knew four years ago how well devised wero tho principles of true Democraoy for the successful operation of a covernmodt by tho peo ple nnd for the peoplo ; but I did not know how absolutely necessary their application then was for tho restoralion 0f tho Pennsylvania Hospital, in Phi to tho people of their safety and pros- ladelphia, is a scion of the famous troo ponty.. I know then that abuses and extravamnccs had crept into tho man agement of publio affairs, but I did not know their numerous forms nor tho tenacity of their grasp. I knew then something of tho bitterness of partisan obstruction, but I did not know how bitter how leokli sb nnd how shameless it could be. I knew, too, that the American peoplo wero patriotlo and just but I did not'know how grandly they lovod their country nor how noblo anu generous inoy were. HIS ltECOUL" STANDS FOR ITSEIJ- I shall not dwell upon tho acts and tho tioliav of tho administration now drawing to its close. Its record is onen to every citizen of tho land. And yet I will not bo denied tho privilege of asserting at this timo that in the exercise, of tho functions of tho high truet pniided to me I bavo yield ed obedlenco onlv to tho Constitu tion and tho solemn obligation of my oath of office. I havo dono those things which, in tho light of tho un derstanding Uotl has given mo, socmen most conduclvo to the v6lfaro of my countrymen and tho promotion of gool government. 1 would not if I could, for myself nor for you, avoid a slnglo consequents of a fair interpretation of my course. It but remains for mo to say to yon and through you to tho Domooraoy of tho nation, that I accept tho noraina tion with whioh they havo honored me. and that 1 will in duo tirao sicnify such aooeptanco in tho usual formal manner. TllUnMAN NOTIFIED. Tho notification committee arrived at Columbus Ohio., on Thursday the 28th, and proceeded to tho homo of Judgo Thurraan, whioh is about a mile and a half from tho hotel. Gonoral Collins advanced and after shaking tho Judco bv tho hand spoko as follows "Judgo Thurman, wo bear a messago from tho groat counsel of your party, It is but a formal notice of yonr nornl- nation by that body for tho hlgh office of Vico-Prcsidont of tho United States, Rich as language is in power ahd ox- nreHsion. it contains no words to adc- quat'ely convoy tho sentiment of that convention as its heart went out to you.-1 present my fnond, Mayor Chas. D. .Taoobs. of Louisville.1' Mr. Jaoobs stoDDod forward and road tho following letter of notification Coi.minus, O., Juno 28, 1888. To tho Hon. Allen Q. Thurman, of Ohio. Sir: It has becomo tho highly arrcoablo dutv of this committee to in torm you that upon tnis nrsi Dauot oi tho National Democratio Convention, held rooontly in tho city of St. Louis, and renrosentincr ovorv Stato and Ter ritory in bur Union, for the purpose of selecting candidates tor uio i-restaenoy nonaible office of Vice-President of tho Unttod States. In thus spontaneously arja emphatically demanding 'a return n that nnlitlcal arena which vou crrao- 0j with so much wisdom, dignity and vicmr. thn Dflmoornov of this country j,avo honored themselves -by . relieving . . . . . . .i States. Should so desirable a consummation bo achieved, then, indoed. could every lover of his country, recardiess of party or oreo J, rojoico that in you is embraced the highest typo ot the en lightened and refined Amorican citizen ani lthat o mattor what tho crisis m,gnt, b0 tn18 Uovcrnment would uo gaf0 jp vour hands. An engrossed copy of the platform 0f principles, couched in language that admits of no doubt and adopted with- ont a dissenting vote, is herewith proa ented. In discharging their trust this committee deiro to convey to vou as surances of the most profound esteem and admiration, and to express their sincerest good wishes for your happi noss and prosperity. Wo bavo'the ho nor, sir, to be your obedient servants. (signed by all the members ot tno committee.) Judge Thurman addressed tho com mittee as follows: Mb. Chairman and Gentleman op the Committee: I pray you toaccept my very sincere thanks for tho kind and I courteous manner in which you have 1 communicated to mo tho omoial rmatlon of bv nomination by tho St. 1 L6uis Convention. You kno' I but my saying it that I ara profoundly grateful to the Convention and to the Democratio party for the honor confer- ?d upon me, and tho more so that it was wholly unsought and undesired by I me uoi luui, i uuuervuiuuu a UI3HI1U tion which any man of our party,.bow over eminent, might highly prize, but simply because"! had peasjed 'tfrbo'in pnblio life. But when I am told in so earnest "and imposing a matter' that I can still render- servioo in -tho good causo to which ! hayo oyer boen devot ed a causo to which X am bouod by the ties of affection, by the ties of judgement, by the souse of obligation tor favors so ollen coutered upon mo and by a fervent hope that the party ' may long continuo to bo a blessing to the itepublio what can 1 do under such circumstances but yield my private wishes to the demands ot those whoso wishes I am bound to respect. (Ap plause.) 'Gentlemen, with an unfeigned diffi dence in mv ability to fulfil tho oxneo- tattons that led to my nomination, 1 ye.t feel it to be my duty to accept it and to do all in my power to .merit so marked a distinction. The country is blessed by an able and honest Administration. We havo a President who wisely, bravely, dili- ana pairioucaiiy oisonarges tno I fully believe m,ics 01 ms mgn omce. hope that I may bo able to oontributo somewhat to bring about that result I is one of my motives for accepting a placo on our ticket. I also foel it my duty to' labor' for a reduction of taxes and to put' a stop to that accumulation of a surplns in tho Treasury 'that, in my judgement, is not only prejudi cial to our financial welfare, . bpt is io a high degree dangerous to honest and constltntionai government. "I suppose.-gentlemen, that-I need say no raonrto-day. In dno tlmo and in accordance with established usage will transmit to your Chairman a writ ten acceptance ot my nomination, with such observations upon public ques lions as may seem to mo to be proper." Tho wife of Votello Sanchoz, a Mexican, gave birth at Pomona, Cal., to three healthy boys. Tho babies havo been called Los Angeles, San Bernardino and San Diego.. An Elm treo crowinc-in the mounds undor whioh William Penn hold tbo first treaty with the Indians. WARMTWAVESl Are rolling In. You can't escape them ; but 7011 can escape the sleep less nlelits. low of appetite, and languid feeling that result from drain ing th nervous fore tymiucular l..l.l .1... 'PI.. A Compound, that great trengthen the nervous against tbo attack ot preparation is a modi scientific combination of benefit to body and train, and lias brought new life weakened nerves were the especially valuable at this no liable to sunstroke, fatal. Faine'a Celery health, almost entirely re disease. If you feel the effects -rw , t I delay another day before gaining the vitality only obtained by tho . use of this great medicine. Sold ly JkvgjkU, fl.00. Si Jut fS.00, Bend lot elf nt-pag paper, with many teitlmonuus. WELLS. RICHARDSON 4 DON'T SCOLD a man fur Rnwinlnff when lie Vim Ithcumatlsm or Neuralgia. The pain Is ttmply nwnil. No torture in tho nnclcnt times was moro polnfnl tlian Uicw twin diseases. Hut -oughtn't n man to bo blamed if, having Khcti. matlsm or Neuralgia, ho wont uso Atlido-pho-ros, when It has enrcd thousand! vho havo suffered In tho samo way f It has cured hundreds after physicians have pronounced tUctn incarable. ' "Tho ikQl of flro plufloUnfl oonld bo fan, ro ol ntaptunKtlmn whioh bt MUM Dim run thu that lop wm Umofltlmpoa. dnm of AthliVphom mv ITJ1UWV tne. rellflf, na th thins enabKHI me to pleep tnrfoar ftod a half hoan tdtboat wakinc eontinoedlUniw,an(lamBowwell., Kr. a, II. TllUYiUi, new Aioanj, in a. 9-Bcnd C cents for tho hrAiiUful rolorvd flo turo," Moorish Maiden." THE A THLOPHOROS CO. US Wall SI. N, r. noTSSn. ctcoBms. H Pianos ! Lowest Prices ! ! D S jflDlUS CO., HEADQUARTERS KOlt Steinway, 8oIimer, Kranicli &llach Fisclicr, Eiiicrson, Pease wmmm AND THE CELEBRATED Wilcox & White Organs. "WPIanos Zuncd and Itcpalreil by com- pcicm worKracn. Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Williamsport, Pa. n0Tll-87-ly. Tbd treatment ot many thousands ot cases ot those cbronio weaknesses and distressing atlmMifa ia.nlt tn f.mali tit thn InvnIM. Uments peculiar to females, nt tho Invalids lion. I ana surgical insutute, uunaio, n. has afforded a vast experience in nicely adapt ing and thoroughly testing remedies for tho euro Of woman's poeullar maladies. Bri l'lorce'd Vavorlto Prescription Is tho outgrowth, or result, ot this great and valuable experience. Thousands ot testlmo- Dlals, rocelvcd from patients and from physi cians iwho bavo toeted it in tho moro affirra- vatod and obstinate cases which bad bathed their skill. Drove it to bo tho most wonderful remedy over dovlscd for tho relief and cure ot suff eriDg women. It is not recommended as a "cure-all," but as a most perfect Spccltlo for wamsa peculiar uiiuicuui. As a power! nl. tnYlKorattng tonic, It Imparts strength to tno whole system, and to the womb and lta appendages In particular, nor overworlted, "worn-out," 14 run-down." debilitated teachers, milliners. dressmakers, seamstrosscs, "shop-girls," house keepers, nursing mothers, and fecblo women generally. Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is tno greatest canniy Doon, ncing unequaiea MS an nnnatlzi n onrdfal nnd refifnrntire tnnfn. Asia oothlug ana strougtheiiliia; nervine, "Favorite Prescription" is uno ualod and Is Invaluable in allaying and sub duing nervous excitaniuty, lrritaDiuty, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms1 and othen distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and organlo diseaso of the womb. It Induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental onxloty and de flnondencv. Sr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. is a HRiiimaio xnoaicuie, careruny compouaaeu oy na experienced ana bkuiiui physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organixatfon. It Is purely vegetable In Its I oomposiuon and perfectly harmless in lu effects in any condition of tho system. For morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever causo arising, weak stomach, indigestion, dys pepsia and kindred symptoms. Its use, in small "1-avorlto Preserliitlnii 19 Is n final. tlvocuro for tho most complicated and 'ob stinate cases of leucorrheo, excesslvo llowlng, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling ot tho womb, weak back, female weakness," nntovcrelon. retroversion, inflammation and uloerailon of tho womb. in. tlammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with " internal heat." As a regulator and promoter of funo Uonat action, at tliat critical period ot chango from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite l'ro- scripiion-is a penectiy sare remedial agent, and can nroduoo onlv rood results. It Is souaUy eUlcacloua and valuable in Its effects vrncn tacen ror tnosc aisoruers and derange ments Incident to that later and most critical period, known as "Tho Chango of Life." "Favorito Prescription,' whon taken In connection with tlm iima nf Tlr. PWm'a Uoldon Modlcal Disoovery, and small laiatlrs doses ot Dr. Plerco's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver cures Liver, ICJdney and Diaddcr diseases. Their combined uso also removes Diooav uunts, ana aoonsncs cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. "Favorito Prescription" is th medicine tor women, sold by druggists, i tho onlr positive sasrsuiee. irom tho manu. facturu rs, that it will give satisfaction in ererv case, or money will be refunded. This ruaran- w uu uevu iJxiuuM qo viio qui U6-Wrs p per. and falthfullT carried out for man vmm For large. Illustrated Treatlsoon Diseases of Women (100 pages, paper-covered), send tea cents tn stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, COS UalU St, I1LTFAI.O, N, Y. M. C. SLOAN & BBOi BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAGES BUDDIES, PHAETONS SLEIQHS, PLATFORM WAGONS' &C First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEA 1LYD0NE. Pricti reduced to tuit the timer. Business men who have tried It nnd it greatly to their advantage to Have Account Books made to order, to Bull their special needs. Every kind of Blank Book, with or without printed headings. Check Books and Kuled Blanks I make In the best manner at honest prices. Unexcelled facilities for riumuonnir. KVietinir. rerroratinir. l'uncnin? ana stamping, Work for county and borough oniccs especially solicited. Miscellaneous Book Binding of the blirbcst class. Mlaslnir mairazlnes sun Estimates and particulars cheerfully furnished. J. W, RAEDER, 7 and 0 Market St., WILKES-BARRE. seplc-lycAbro. WILLIAM HART BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A,, AGENT FOlt TUB KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. manufactniers of the celebrated Keyttone Dyna mlti. This exploitive Is giving universal satlsfac tloi, Quotations cheerfully givon. Aug 17 83 or vv mental exertion In sum-1 use of I'nlne's Celery 1 nervetonlc, will at once J system, and fortify it summer debility. This cine not a drink. It is a the best tonics, giving lasting It cures all nervous diseases, and health to thousands whoso caubo of their many ills. It U Beacon, wnen leeoie persons are disease which Is nearly always Uotnnound, by restoring perfect moves the liability to this dread of summers heat, you can t afford to CO. BURLINQTON, VT. 1 r i .1', It.AIXiX.OAD TXMCX TABXiB I KfiAWAUK, LrVOKAWANNA AND D WB3TBIIN RAILROAD. BL00MSBU11G DIVISION. STATIONS. r M NORTH, A. M. 1 r H NonTnoBiBi.iiin,...i. s jo Cameron..... J m ChulnsKy J I)anlllo JJ MfltfLWlK&a 0 Its 10 10 10 3 10 so 10 35 10 M 11 00 ii or 11 13 II S3 11 !9 II 39 II 87 11 44 11 48 11 S8 11! OS 11 18 19 iO 13 21 19 30 12 37 19 41 19 43 12 SO 13 S5 I 03 1 11 1 19 1 95 1 30 r M IS IS e 3u 0 81 I Its li 14 5 IS S 31 II S9 S 40 0 6? T 05 7 13 7 20 7 97 ll.tnnrl . o 81) HloomBuum-... - R,nr. .. v -. Urao llldfTo. Willow oroTO ....... lirlarorcelt Iicrwlclc i. ....... 6 CO 6 61 S S3 7 05 7 11 7 18 7 HO 7 4S 7 GO 7 M 7 09 8 03 8 01 8 12 8 17 7 31 7 S3 7 49 7 49 SB 8eo 8 IT 8 44 9 B4 8 60 3 W 8 19 3 S9 s'ss 3 39 3 43 licacn liaven nicies Ferrr..i Hhlckshlnny nuniocK a Nantlcoko ATonilalo s sa S I 8 S3 8 38 8 45 riymonin Pljmouth Junction, Kingston Uonnetti 8 49 8 SJ Manor WCStmr?&Uon7.7r."'.... 8 S7 Plttston 8 S3 t nitbannnni . . 8 4U M 3 50 4 01 S S9 9 ft! 9 09 9 17 9 25 Tailortlllo........ 8 48 9 SO 9 35 neiiotuo. BCIUNT0H...... 9 00 r 4 22 r u A M BTAT10N3. soura. A U r u Til HCBANTON JO 9 SO 9 55 10 00 10 OS 10 16 10 21 10 37 10 30 10 31 10 39 10 42 10 47 10 51 10 S5 11 01 11 12 11 ?2 II 98 11 37 ii"i4 11 52 11 59 12 05 12 10 12 19 12 30 1940 19 S 2 03 i'ii 2 21 2 28 9 31 2 39 i'ii 2 SO 2 S4 2 59 3 03 3 06, 8 19 8 29 3 39 3 45 3 61 3 57 4 01 4 05 4 19 4 IB 4 24 4 99 4 46 4 64 B 00 6 16 6 90 0 25 IlOlIOtUO Taylorvlllo. 0 20 Lackawanna. 6 2S Plttston ?5 Wostllttston 6 43 Wyoming 6 Maltby 5 1 Vennett 5 55 6 87 6 46 6 SO 6 56 6 59 7 03 Kingston 2 Plymouth Junction 7 05 7 12 Plymouth J jo Avondalo I Nantlcoko 7 19 Uunlock's .. 7 2 Shlckshlnny J 7 Ql 1 7 43 s w I uick's rorry. s? lteaoh Haven, 8 01 uerwlck s 07 Unarcreek........-... 8 is Willow drove 8 is LlmoIUdgo. 8 20 Kspy.. 8 2 Uloomsburg -.. s 32 Rupert. i 8 37 cataWlssa 42 Danville 8 57 Chulasky. 9 03 Cameron 9 07 NORTH tTMBSriLlHD..-..., 9 22 8 20 1 HI I 8 36 S ji 8 62 g i5 1 1 43 T M r i nnnnections at Rupert with Philadelphia ft at Rupert with ui for Tamanend ..r... . i.n.t H tn Iramanpnd. TuaaaUA. Will- KCuius ." '"A....rT; rn Tt hnm. u.,niiirv Tnttavlllf. PtC j uuguui.iuuu.u.,1 " ' ' . . . . . bPrlanil with P. ft K. Div. K. r """""SS! Lock Uaven. Emporium, Warren, Corry and Erie. I 'V. p. HALSTKAD, uen. man., OblttUjUU & M Pennsylvania Railroad. PhiladelDhia & Erie R. R. Divis- . . . . . r . i ion, and Northern oenxrai Railway. 111! TIME TABLE. Inettoot 0UNE4. 1883. Tralnsioavo snnnury vlRTwAltD. ?york,' ngton Sandayj, fornarbanu",- I R.M1 n. m. I n.Mn.. m.. cormectlnB at sea Shore ' points. Tbrough nassenfirer coach to I PhUadelphla i i. n. m Par exnress dally excflptSunday),for Hamburg and taterme. dlaw stations, arriving at 1" nil a d 1 p n la 5.ou p. m.j now " V.r, m.' Parlor car - t. v,ai ii 11 n in. : "M " i 6.45 p. m. ; Washington, i.m p. ui'"' S through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches tSiSlh to Philadelphia and Baltimore., or'inrrUnunr and all Intermediate station lng at Philadelphia 4.25 ft. m. : New i or t.iu ajuu Baltimore, 5.15 .m.j Washington M6 a. , m. . Iullman sleeping carf rom willlamsp'tto PWladei nhi. DMiiSiinnii nawteneera can remain id sleeper undisturbed .untll.7 a. m. . f.rfr.'Si.ifrir? and ntefmedlae stations, B,F,SlarndrwaS?ngD. onrtihwiniTiiniuinBnirer coachesto Philadel phia ana Baltimore. WESTWARD. , gna and lntermed iatestaiioaa, i.-'rr i ft ana Niagara rails, wuu wiuutu - ace cars ana paflseBtrer couuco w HnntlAT for V.M News jvxurtMB utuu . Lock uaven ana lniermoaiavc nwiwuo. m2T-Nlafa7a WreSs (dally except sun l fy) ; o? Kane aliite,ttttwn and Can- stations, lis with i aaittuu uuu uuu,.y. ""."- .. ti.h.QM llnfraln anil Nlaeara- f alia vri.u ano and ltochester throughpaasenger coachesto i 5.S0p. m. raBtmetdaimexeeptSunMyiror novo and intermediate stations, and Elrnlra Wat- ana ruriuruurw novo and Intermediate stations, ana bimira, uv klns and Intermediate stations, with through pas sengercoachesto lienovo and Wattins. , 9.80 a. m.-sunday mall for Henovo and Interme diate station- .,. THROUGH TRAINS FOR SUNBirRY FROMTHB IfiAS 1 ACT 1J DJ u JL 4 . n Mnt, ...... -nllartnlnhlft 4.R0 a. m r,?TV.;. v ir, unnhnn 0.20 a. m.Wlth I tnrougn sieepingcar irom i wiwidivuw liamsporv. . w m HarrUburg; 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday t..,u.B. , Niara Express leaves rhlladelphla,7.40 a. m. i Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally wifhPtthS,ug7h ai"rio?B c"8ToMia7eiphra and tnrougn passenger coaones irom ww PFastnLinocaesNew York fl.oo a. m. ! Phlladel- phia,n.w a. m.;. Washington, 9.M a. :paltl; more, 10.15 a. m.,(daUy except Sunday) arriving at sunbury, p.m., with through passenger coacheatrom Philadelphia and Baltimore. Erle Mall loaves New York 8.00 p.m. I'tilladel- m. : Baiti- re,ll,20 p. m., (dally except;saturday) arriving Sunbury 5.10 a. m., with through lullman eolng cars from Philadelphia, Washington and I Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Waal Iuaiiimore ana tnrougu ptuiscuitcr Philadelphia. coaches from SUNnCRY.nAZT.KTON fc WII.KKHIlAltltE KAIl.KUAI! anil nilKTll Jinu nna. IIiraNiiii in 1 1. wav. (i)allr excent sunaay.l wiucenbarra Mall leaves sunbury 9.55 a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.1S a. m., Wllkes-barre .3.10 p.m. , . Express Bast leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry .S p.m.. Wllkes-barre 7.55 p. m I HiinhiirT Mall leaven Wl lkesbarre 10.20 a. IB. arrlv- I Ingat Bloom Ferry 1M6 a. m.,Hunbury 18.S3p.rn Ilxpross weal leaves yviutes-uarro .aa i. i rlvlng at Bloom Ferry 4.1 p. m., sunbury 5.lop.m SUNDAY ONLY. nnndaT mall loaves Sunburr 9:25 a. m.. arriving I at Bloom Ferry 10:15 a. m., Wllkea-Barre 11:45 a.m. Sunday accommoaaiion leaves wiiKca-carra d;iu p. ctL, arriving at iiioom rerry, s. p. to., ouuuiujr, i:au p. m. I:S0 n. m. guas. s. ruoii. J. it- wuuu. Gen. Passenger Agenj I uen. Manager FREE! A 28-PAGE ILLUSTKATED PAPElt Descriptive Ot- the Holl, Cllmsle. rroilorlloni, llnnurnriurinil I n ,1 u hf rl pa andjlllncrnl Wrulth or Virginia and other Southern States. Write to W.B. BE1U- Oen'lPass. Agent, K0AN0KB, VA. Enclosing s-cent Stamp BIG MONEY 1! nf onr to supply TEN MILLION tour wnn meowi wrriuiAi, uvesoi bv uox. W. II. iiinskl. also Life of .Mrs. Cleveland. exquinte sieei portraits, voters- uannage uox. f ree iTaue eoucy, &G., compieui. wi gcuui. ul work renort fmrneiist? snccesa. For best work, best terms, apply auick and make 1200 to 1500 a month. uutni ax. liuiiiiAuu iikus., i-nuaueipnia. 1'a. I tl UUU &M1U PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clc&nw and beautlOofl the balr.1 Itoidoum a luxuriant growth. I Never Fslls to Rtttor Qrayl Hilrio III Youthful Color. I Curwtfiealp dlvoi &nd Ualj f alllDg I HINDERCORNS. The af(Mt, funwt and txwt cur for Com n. Uunlom, Jto, 0 cur. W 00 uU at PrutfiilaH, UuouX Jt Co.. V, If, JUU0 SS-d-4U oi,i axii iNAnnUATE STEAM MAOllINERYl can bo made satisfactory, so that loss or time and expenauof getting new can bo avoided, it will robt noining to correspond witu tne MACHINiniY lSUMlOVEMKNT UO. Stato your case and nnd out what they can do for you. Address Ux:K UOX Sl, NKW YOHK TOST uriiuis, giving iuu panicuiars. june.s:-r-iui Of Interest to Ladies. W'a will hMa.1 POEI 4lha for IwiDkl ODufTalnU to ftnr jftdr who trlibea to l.tlUlftcr boforapurchMioff. Sod lUlap for IMUsa. Bull RtMlcr CO., Box 104, Buffalo, H.V. I cov!5ncicoly, SUFFERING WOMEN"!: Whan trnnhlsvrl tilth IkrkH r novl Btf Iiainiltirit frwiaacttr followlbtf uol4 or uposor. or froia Oop iUmttOOHl W MllUMUl KO peMUlItK to thtlt MXt lOOUlt uta DR puchoine's ceiflpraiea FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Thersr BtnngtbtolDg to tho ODtlre BrtUm. import ioov, vlor sad tuMDi,lro forco to oil t snstloiu of boor Iadlntad. boat br all, Murwlr Moled. II. . AddrM, r.HrtorMedlolnBOo.,Br.loui8, mo. novctn.ocoiy, Tlie Danger of Being a Human fiolng, ' Heredity is a w.ze. It scums to bo easier in this world to Inherit had .qualities than good ones, hut both sorts mako snoh leaps and jumps, and arc so inclined to go ott on oouatcrai llne, that tho tmcoeps on is diflloult to calculate. The raco is linked together In a curious tannic, so that It is nlmost impossible to tlx tho responsibility. Defects or vices or virtues will not al ways go in a straight line. Tho child ren of deal-mutes, for oxnmnle, nro not apt to bCdoaf.mutos, but tho cousins of those, children may bo deaf-mutes, showing it is said that somo remoto ancestor of botli had somo mental or physical defcot, which has beeu trans mitted to his posterity, though not in tho form in winch ho was afflicted. In must cases wo bannot do anything about its tho older our civilization bo- comes tho moro complicated and intri- n,rt .,,ln,!n,.a Dn iUnt if Itfla already becomo a dangerous business to bo a human beinn at nil. it is not always certain that if a man cats sour grapes ins children's teeth will bo set on edge, but tlld effect of tho sour erano diet may skin a Generation or two or appear in a collateral line. Wo try to study this problem in our asy lums and prisons, and wo get n great many interesting facts, but they aro too oonllictinc to cuido legislation. The difficulty is to relievo a person of resppnsihility for tho sins of his an ccstors without rclioymtj him of ro sponsibility for his own sins. liar- Iper's Magazine, The Mystery About Bakintr Powders To tho creat mass of nconlo tlio com position of these powders is unknown. and practically tho only means which tho pnblio havo had of obtaining any Iknowledco of their composition, has been tho unsupported statements ot rival manufacturers, each one trying to outdo tho. other in stating tho quantity and quality of the horrible ingredients to be found in all powders except their own A careful investigation of the sub lcct discloses tho fact' that there aro practically three classes ot baking pow ders, whicli may bo anpronriatclv nam cd as follows : Tlio Alum, Cream of Tartar, and Phosphatio. All bakin powders consist of soda mixed wit somo kind ot dry acid, and varyin proportions of starch or Hour : tho di ierence being mainly in tho oharacter ot acid used The Alum powders consist of burnt alum with tho requisitosoda and starch and aro the cheapest of all. In fact it is generally safe to assumo that an I powder offered at a very low pricfi, I m bulk is an alum powder. Uiero or ap pears to bo some dilterencc ot opinion as to the harmful results likely to tol low the use of alum baking powders, tho majority of physicians, however, condemning them. It is cortaiuly safo I wmhhsuwiuh mum. to .. . W "y01lnclr "B0- Tho Cream Tartar powders are made by simply mixing together ordinary cream of Tartar, soda and starch, Thcso powders leave in tho bread tar trato of soda and potassa, and scientists havo questioned tho advisability of their introduction into our evcry-day food. They surely do not add any de sirablo ingredient to our food whether their; use bo positively harmful or not. rh08phatio baking powders arc the invention of Prof. Ilorsford, of Cam bridge, formerly Professor of Chcmistiy in liarvard University. It was -well known that tho life-sustaining proper ties ot wheat wero due to tho phos phates contained therein, it having been proven by actual experiment that wheat deprived ol its phosphates would not sustain life, nnd it was also . Hint, in tho nrodiielinn nf wen Known liiat, in uio production ot fine white Hour nearly all of these phosphates wero removed, thus de priving tho Hour practioally ot all tho nutritious qualities possessed by the heat, -I ho frolesBor conceived tlio idea of restoring thcso phosphates to the food by the means of a baking powder. His invention consisted of producing a dry acid suitable to tif o in place of ordinary cream tartsr, whioh would leavo in tho bread tho nutritious pnofpnaies. lue nil ml 01(1 least Powder so well known ill this section is mado bv his process, and is highly , fl . . oommeuded by all scientists, The Whisperphone. Tho whisperpl ono is an mgcinious invention, with 'a wir6 gauge diaphragm which can be attached to the -tele-phono and -tho message whispered in stead of shouted. The whispers at the other end of tho lino sound ai distinct as tho ordinary tones of the voice, which is a great advantage to tboso wishing to Bend messages that they do not want other folks standing by to hear. The attachment of this little in strument to tho telephone can be made in an instant, and will doubtless soon como into general use. Grapes for Weakly and Sickly Persons Many persons who aro woak and sick ly aro at a loss to know what will re store their Imalth. Speor's Port Wine and Unfcrmeuied .Grnno Juice ara tho bct restoratives known. It is espec ially recommended for its purity, ox. quisito flavor and healthy properties Medical men certify .to its valuablo medical powers and blood making property. Mr, bpeer has, been for years engaged in preparing And perfecting this wine, and it ri quired a four years process before it is fit for market, A7". Y. Jiaptist. Sold by druggists. A Pucet Sound (Oregon) sawmill has sent a stick 151 feet loW and 20 inches squaro,- to an exhibition in San Francisco. It is beleived to bo tho largest picoo ever turned out fiom a sawmill. Curo of Cancer nnd Ulcers. Judge T. U UcLondoa writes to the Bvflit Bpeclflo Co. i "About three years ago, Jerry Bradley, had a cancerous sore on his (ace, near tho right eye. It caused him a great deal ot pain, and. ha lost the sight ot the eye, but was floslly cured by the use of bwlft's Bpeclflo. rhlsoatels well knewn In Wllke Co., Oi, whore he lived." ' ' Mr. U Cox, of Arkabutla, Tato Co., Hiss., wrltesi -1 suffered a great dsal Irom old ulcere lor years. Your medi cine was rscommonded, .and after using six bottles I was completely cured. Your medicine does even more than you elatuforlt. I hare known It to cure eases which wero thought hopeless." B.Mru" Ooldsmlth, Ho. 07 Warrea Bt., Brooklyn, W. Y., wrltsai "I torn manoed using B. a. B. about Ihrss years ego. I had suffered with o sore throat for over a year. J used a gr many rBm?'1,l". wlt 00 sood results. Uy little girl, also, had sore Angers! II eommeneej from the quick, and then the nails would come oft. We doctored ner for over two years, and when I com. menced using 8. 6. U. I Uoughtl would if " WOul11 do 'or her. I am thankful to say that It entirely cured b?ri.It.J' i!?9 b. remedy 1 know of for the blood. I really believe It was the means of saving my life. The doctor told me I had a throat dls. ease similar to Oenoral Grant's. I jheerfully recommend It to all suffering from disordered blood. , ,?iiit'i" '"JP'eodaadgkln Diseases i Balled free. T Bwirr Brscino Co.. 1 Drawer, AUaaU, (Je, ' A. E. SMITH, ESQ. has leen for 49 years rond master on the Roston ft Malnn nj Hloni. And h now residing at (Ireab Falls, N. II. llo says trackmen, brakoman, firemen, engineers and conductors, M well aslMRrnffo mas ters and cjtpressmcn, aro subject to kidney dis eases aboYO all others. All, therefore, will to In terested In tho statoment of his oxperlenoo. "I hartfuned lirown's Barsaparllla (or kidney and liver troubles, and con truly say It has dono moro for mo than all tho doctors I ever employed, and I have had occasion to renulro tho Bcrvlcos of tho best physicians In tho Stato. .My who also nas been greatly benefited by Its uso. A. K. BmitiI, Road Master, a ft M, R. It. Tlio kldncrs havo lcn severely taxed an winter, as tho pores of tho skin havo been closed, but now as warm weather has come, they need somo aid. May bo you havo that psln across the back) that tired feellngl thooo drawing down pains. It so s ou can cam Immediate relief by following tho oxarnptoof Mr. Smith and his wife, and uso that ntver falling and grand corrector for tno kidneys, liver and blosd, BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not gcnulno unless mado by Ara Warren ft Co., Dangor, Mo. . May2is-a-iy. A Dnigeliti, 25c-, We., and 1 00. frirrd only by C281AtO Dr. J. H. SOHENCK has published JL NEW AND ELADOItATB BOOK on the Treatment and Cure of CONSUMPTION, LIVER COMPLAINT am DYSPEPSIA which will be maUed FREE to all who want It. If you ore, or know of any ono who is, afMoted with, or llablo to any of those diseases, sond namo and address ( plainly wrltton) to Dr. X H. SGH.ENCK 4 SON, (Name this paper.) Fhiladolphia, Pa. Iiewnrdcd aro those that read this and then act: tncy will nnd honor able employment that will not take them from their homes and famines. Tno nrouts aro lareo and suro ror every industri ous person, many havo made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It Is easy for any ono lo make 15 and upwards per day, who Is willing to work. Either sex, young or old; capital not needed: we start you. Everything new. No special ability required you, reader, can do it as wen as any one. write 10 us at onco ror run nar- tlculats, whioh wo mall free. Address StlnsoaA uo., roruanu, Maine. -.yciecao. PATENTS Caveats and Trade Maries orjtatned,nnd all Patent business conducted forMODKHATK VHE8. OUlt OKKICK IS OI'l'ilSITE U. S. PATENT OFFI0K. e havo no Bub-agencles, all business direct, hence can transact patent business In less timuanu at Liiiaa tuai iQia tnosu remote irom wasnington. We advise If patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A book, "ilow to Obtain I'atents,"wlth references to actual clients In your state, county, or town. Bum iiv9. Auunsa Opiiostte Patent omce, WaiUlngton, b, p. Sen Wntidcra exist In thousands ot forms, but are surpassed by tho marvels ot Imentlon. Those who are in need of prof- ltabla work thnt i-ah hA flnnflwlillfl lfvlnv at home should at once send their address to iiauei. s. uo.,, l-oniana, Maine, ana receive free,' tuiiiuiuiuiuLiuu ijuw cnuer scx.ui uu uLres.can cum irum to ro per nay ana upwaras wncr- ever ther live. Vou aro started free. Capital not required. Somo have mado over $50 In a single n a smgi lydecso. day at this work. AH succeed. EXHAUSTED VITALITY THE SCIENCE OF LIKE, tho great Medical Work of tho ageonManhooderr- oos and lliysiotl IJe blllty, l'rcmsturo P- KNOW TUVCrir cllno, Errors of Yooth, I II I ULLl land the untold mlsor.' lesoonsoquent thereon, scriDtions for all diseasei S00 liaees 8 vo., 123 prtw ucriptlone for all diseaees. Cloth, full (flit, onlrfl.00. by mall, eoalod. lUufltrativeaaraple free 3 to au young uid mid dle-aced men. Bend now, The Gold und ewujtKJ Aioooi &w&raca to uifl ftutnof dv tne Mtinn. hi Heuicju ABBociauon, Aaaret) r.u. uox iW5,1Kj lon. Mi,or Dr. W.H. l'AUKEK, radasteof lfsr. vuu aiuuicai waucge, vo years practico la 1: who may be conaolted confidentially. Offll 1 llumnch Soeclaltv. Diseases of Man. i. Cut this out. You tuny never see It again. nBS.J.N.&J.B.HOBENSACK mouitoi tna eurgiesi umts, 206 NORTH SECOND ST PHILADA. KSTAIILISUED 40 VEAUS ror tno treatment or Yontnrnl imprudence, LoiiofYlgor, Norvous Debility and Special iiuiuin. uoniuitation by mall free or charge, Dook Sent Free, Office hours from 8 a.m. to 3 r.u.A from 0 tot r.u S alesmen N WANTKII. hrnment nns.1. tlona miArnntM'ri with ull.tlir am)h:.i'i:nhks iaii. Any determined man can succeed with us. Peculiar advantages to be- m.umwo. olw uvuiiieu lnciuuing many laui-Beil-lng specialties, outfit free. Auuress at, once, (Name th.13 paper.) llltoWN llUOTilKltS. ' NCRsxiivMEN. ltochester, N. V, Aprll-S7-!m. DR. T H EEL rnn North Fourth rrcet ULOwi, tjaOl'tliU.lilili. fi Jrtsr. pruotloat pcrlaea urnnr to ura if r qulchlv, tiielT u4 titroiftotntlr tbkD tit vital lit any cllm to io. llr.Thel tfftr (taoo to my tdTtrllilci , htiloUo tb eorrct'tdliDoilUf u4 ucotefu) triittnmt of ll urwuis iicrToui, ncart tuug, itirt i-ircr Kldnfj and Kludder lHeuc, ljpepl. Ille land i L'uKpaUuiii omLui-m, I'hvvlcttrasitJ Me. tt ProxrHUont MuUnohollia, U1 Jtslttr. I'arlr l?r Ota. Alio lt Hpcvlut dtafMi, auala lllood J'oUuHf Obaltuute lifer! Itlolrhrt, TtMtera t'rup. (lont, I'IiubIv, toHfUUcB, Jn QiaiiitHHtltiii uud 111. ctaarejfyi, Iiuluacti titiutl au4 tmtial trn vllLuuk&iliibcrckui. MV SIKTIIOD, vonLlolof tt AUoltJo, ItomvoixtttiU, Cultis tbd I'oUitls aja Itini o(ui4tclDt, thouiilf one known that as reaper, mancntlr lhw;laaaa. lrg ratlloauJUt, 1'rtrat and rructlcttl htprrlencs llt tttrj rttnedj a&4 luaaua aaaiu to aoieun rwrtaickaat recrrT aiu .-aituaiaut ara The moat dun rrvua rnaei aolklti-d. it.Htf at no. ,uDg, luiajiaajuil and old tiier rit or aall for book Trulbt cattielal Kriaaaa4 Kluod Diikuat, aipo lot fru.tbtrabeuiit9TUUuliiBStrvr aad at old i-catU4 (labia uiedlclucaa tlwd ruriBtira, fraudultut 1 rouliei of "n tura pj.M a-allad trta prHrtion. J Ibatiandi ara dltappololcd br quaaka, eouiijaolri, Itorua curti, lDitltuiai, tuuaouwi will, tbttr aacieraiioi aad IrlDfjtoltBtlflauttdUal werkt aod aitcntara. iWtt akitl la tI(DblDg llt iava t&uch mt-rnj, auffkrlac ao4 data, wrltt vr oail, atrictlj aonfl JamlaU ratlauia ia Hi a Dwaur OltlTi ltfPaBiA frau iMlLlaBla ailar tialna tr.ii.A . UtarpbjiUUDaioBoaall butsurad tj ma llita jlrnji Bpyiiamvn, uvuri, wm, . 4Bii4tf tU4 pal Hutity JUDO 6 b& y. LADIES ! Do Your Own' Dyeing, at Home, w Ith PEERLESS DYES J They will dye everything. They are sold every, where. 1'rlce. loc. a package. 40 dolors. They have no equal for strength, brightness, amount in packages, or for fastness of color, cr non.fadlng qualities. They do not crack or smut. For sale br iloyer Bros, and Jan. II. Mercer. leMTrlr. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN mmK " A- 1 PERRINE'S ..V In tii inn from selected llarley Maiinnu Kiinrnnny" i",;""'"'! fun JUn rVnurianiriiuHi oiln niiVl 1 1 1Mb nn rn rnnlaincfYln nlinliWIe llnuois. Ills HVilftiil - S in .tr.i Z n rwns reni lili'i a stlmnlatlrtirleiile; cnnsumplltes telrg K? V i-S ted by "lliuSS iwe"rn" ei (led l.y leadline plDslclans as a blun t u? rvervVeonlo 11 8 'vl"'''?- MllMNK'lJ rflli f llAilRlCY li'i !i.'Ai hi nn,i abunrlant blood and li.crenwd IkiJl and muscu at k-kue.; ii,nil,n nnmnn Iliplraviicatlons . national rioweni of endurance. Ask- 5 our nearest, nroiofist or croccr lor for PKuftlNK'S I'U HKU Alt LK V W A I.T WI1ISKRV revives the enemies of those v,orn out with cxcelTODlllyor mentnlfirort and acts as a safetusrd ntralnst exposuro ?n wet i and riroroui cathrr. Itwlll drive all malarious diseases from tho ByBtem. Hard worKersoi every vwnuumum Dyspepsia find in rerrine's j'ure 5 wif iiiikev i nowerful Invltrorant land holper to nigiwllon. PKHHINK'B PlIltK ll.Mtl.RY MALT WHISKKY without unduly stlmulatinif tho kid neys Increases their flairutntf activity, counteracts tho eirects of falltrue, has tens convalescence a wltolesomo and prompt diuretic. Watch thclabol I Nono genuine unless bearing tho signature Fot sate u; all drug 1st and grocers throughou tho united States and rinkilAa. 37 JSOKTH laiO-NT ST. ooiN C. JB. JBOBMNS, DEALER IN Foreign amdt MomesMo WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BL00MSBURG, PA. INDUCEMENTS! We are offering creat. inducements to norsons desirini? to purchase Pianos, Organs and Among the Pianos we handle are the IYERS & POWT) C C.BRIGGS,BAUS$CO.,SCnOMACKERGold String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos are all flrst-clabO and funy warranted ,for five years. Our leading Organs are the EB, UNITED STATES AtfD -ROTARY Sewing notary newmg iuacnme in tne Before purchasinc: write PALACE OP MUSIC AND DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, PENNEY GOODS Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebrated WETT'E ME W DA VIS, NE W DOMESTIC, NE W BOMK Alexander Bros. I Co, WHOLESALE DEALEIISIN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. sole:aoent8 ron HENRY MAILLAEDS SICA.NDIES.' FltKSU EVEIIY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. A SPECIALTY, BOLX IOINTS roE F. P. ADAMS CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Solo agents of the following-brands of cigars. 11KN11V CLAY, LONDHK3, NOHMAL, INDIAN HtlNCKSS, SAMSON, SlLVKlt ABU. Tiitt's Pills OtTRE Malariaj pumb Chills, Fever and. Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, They produce rCBiilur, ualiirul ovnn. ll;fo, iiever -ripe,, rlnlerriroi, lll jliilly iMinliiea. Arumiy mvUirliio, ny sliuultl I10 lu c cry lioiiseliultl, ' SOLU EVEUYWIIEItE. novssn.ctcoljr. YTAJNWHiaHT & (JO WHOLESALE GROCERS, PilltADgU'HU, lA. HUB, BYHUl'S, COFKKE BUQAlt, MOUBSEb 1110s, Bnogg, uioAitn boda, kto., sto. N. S. Corner Second anil Arab Bta. voider wtu reoeiro prompt atu&Uoa, WftLT IPKIYi nr in 1110 iilien n uiiu nuuwruuiv 11 ihmmmi nani-j !Tho analysis as It appears by tho I.o1 bcl an every bottlo: I havo carefully an alt-vnd Ihol'eMB lUlil.KT MALT-Wma ksv made by M. & J.K l'crrliio and 11 ml It entirely freo from fusel oll.furturol, metals and acids nnd Is absolutely nuro." istonrtl, Camilla Arthur Matir, m-atotnle VI7te Vnlnrttttet of Munich, iwnminna Hnsoaaen (JliTli W ATJlili ol., ifO.lL, FOR SALE BY DItUGGISTS AND AM, DSAI.EKS. Jan Sowing Machines. celebrated V .Hf TT. J.. and other maes. . STAND- Machine, the finest und best world. for Catalogues to .T. RAT,rr7.Ti,.T?'H GREAT SEWINO TirAnmNTi! Pa. ANY OUDBlt FOU FESTIVAL Will DO SUPPLIED AVI I'll TIIK LOWEST J.i hi ie if amf AS F0U.01V8 S ORANGES, LESIONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL Tho undersigned having put his rianlng M n llailroad Street, In nrBt-ciass condition, Is pro "rod todo allkindsof work In his line, FRAMES, SASK, DOORSt BLINDS.MOUuDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. Ufnlshed ui reaBuuuuiei rices. All lumbernsed h well seasoned and none but skilled workmen areemployed. . ESTIMATES FOE EU1LDJNGS urnlsbed on application. Hons and specin ons prepared by an experienced draughtsman OUARLF8 KRVG, Itlooinxburtr, l' naB revolutionized the world dnr log the last half century, Not least, among the wonders of in. ventlvu nroitress Is a method and Bystem of work that can be all over tho country without tepartlng (ho workers from their homes, ray liberal! anyone can do the work; either sex, young or old; no special ability ro quired. Capital net needed; yeu are started free. Out this out and return to us and we win send you free, something of great value and import ance to you, that will start you In buelnets,Wnlch will bring you in more money right awa y, than anything else in the world. Orar.d ou yii jr Address Tuts t Co., Augusta, Maine, lydtcJ