PROFESSIONAL CARDS, a l. Fiurz ATTO UN H Y-AT-L A W, OmenFront Room, Ovor Postofflco., lir-OOMHilimo, I'A. T It. MaVziT 1 ' ATTORNICY-AT.LAW, Office. -Room No. 3, Columbian building. HLOOiISHPltO, PA. j&n.tothi&ss,tf. ' N. U. FUNK, ATTORN it lf-AT-LAW. BL001Ultrsa,PA Offlco la tent's Building. J OllN M. ULAHIC, AT TORN EY-AT-L AW 1MB JUNIOR OF THE PEACE. Bloohmdxo, Pa Oitlo ovor Moycr Bros. Drug Rtore. c W. MILLER, ATTOllNRY-AT.LAWi 0 nice la Brower's bulldlng.seoond ttoor,room No.l Bloomsburg, Fa. B. FRANK ZAIUl, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. omce corner of Centra una Main Btraets. Clark i Building. Can bo consulted In Gorman. QEO. E..ELWKLL ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, liLooMsnnna, Pa. Ofltcc on second floor, third room of Col. dmuian Building, Main street, below Ex- clinngo Hotel. pAUL E. WHIT, Attornoy-at-Law. Offlco In Columbian Boildiho, Third Door. BLOOMSBURG, PA. JJ V. WHITE, ATTOKNEY-AT'LAW, BL0OMSBURQ, PA. Offlco in -I owcra' Building, 2nd. floor, may 1-tf B. INOBK. U I. WINTIR8TIIX. KNOBR & WINTEBSTEEN, Attorneys-at-Law. omce tn 1st National Bank building, second floor. nrst door to ino left corner oi xain ana iiareei stroots inoomsourg, l'a. VtfPentiont and Bouttiu Collected. P. BILLMEYEK, DI8TIiICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HTOfllco over Bloomsburg, Pa. Dcntlcr's shoo store, apr-BO.BO, H. 1UIAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlsaa, Fa. once, corner ot Third and Matnstreeti jyj-IOUAEL F. EYEHLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND LEGAL ADVICE IN TI1K; SETTLEMENT OI ESTATES, to. nrotnee In Dentlert building with T. P. BUI Moomsburg, Fa. meycr. attorney-ai-iaw, iranv iwicb, suu uoui lapr-s-8. , D It. IIONQUAA. BOBBINS., Offlco and residence. West First street, Blooms burg, ra. buy, jo . T B. McKELVY. M. D.JBureeon and Pbj U .slclan, norm side Main streot.bclow Markf ( D R. J. O..RUTTER, rHYBICIAN ftSCBOXOM, Office, North Market street. Bloomsburg, ra Dn. wm. Pbyslclan. M. REBER Surgeon and Offlco corner ot Boole and Karket ESTABLISHED 1870.- J J. BROWN. PHYSICIAN ANJ) BURGEON, omco and residence on Third strcbt near Metho dist church. Diseases of the ere a specialty. . REIFflNXDER, M.lD. PHYSAN, AND. SURGEON. . Offlco with Qr, vynilt8 ln,Mra. Knt's.buUdlng EXCHANGE HOTEB W. "R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL00MSBUEO, PA, OPPOSITB COURT HOUSB.- Largo and convenient sample rooms. Bath room: hot and cold water: ana all modern conveniences, B, F. HARTMAH - ainutsixrs fa loixowiva AMERICAN INSUBANCEIcpMPANrEa North American otrnnaaeipnu. 1 Franklin, til" Pennsylvania; " " York, ot Pennsylvania, Hanover, OJN.Y. i oueens, ot London, . North British; of London. omce on Market Btreaf p No. 5, BUxraaburg.j Bloomsburg Fire and Lifq Ins. Agency. .ESTABLISHED 1605. HI. P. MJTZ (successor to Frcas Brown) C01IFAKII3 BirKBSINTID: Asseta iEtna Fire Ins. Co,, of Hartford... o,6ss,jw.7 Hartford of Hartford 5,2S8.0UV7 1'tiocDU of Hartford ,7S'4C9.13 sprlngneld or sprlDgneld. s,ow,903.l Fire Association,' Philadelphia 4,612,729 tiuardlan of London co,tu3,3M.Tl Fbcenlx, of London 6,Kl,wa.43 Lancashire ot England(U. 8. branch) l,4t,ls.f ltoyal Of England " " 4,843,564.00 Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. of New. ark, N.J 41,S79,8 S3 Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this offlco. IRE INSURANCE 'CHRISTIAN F. KJJAFP, BLOOMSBUltQ.FA, UU&1K, ur 1H. x. MERCHANTS', OF NBWAKK, N. J. 1' LINTON, N. V. FEOI'LKS' N. Y. IlKADINn. PA. (IKltMAN AMKHICAN INS. CO.,NEV YOKE. JKltSEY CITY FIUK INS. CO., JKltSEY These old. oohpohatioxs arc well seasoned by aire and riKK tbstiq and have never vet bad a losssettledbyanycourtof law. Their assets are all Invested In solid bbcchitibs are uameioine hazard of riHi only. Losses raowrTLY and honestly adjusted and iam as soon, aa determined by Cukibtian r. KNAPr, flriCUL AOKMT AND ADJCBTIB BLOOMSIima, Pa. ' Thepeoploot Columbia county should patron, lie the agency where louses It any are settled and pai i ny one or iner own citizens. CJIFltOUPTNBHS. EOU1TY, FAIB DEALING. w n. IIOUBK, DENTIST, Bioomsburo, Columbia County, I All 3tyleB ot work done In a superior manner, work warranieu as represented, tiiiu hatmact bd witdoot Pain by the nso of Uaa, and troeot charge when artlflclal teeth arelnsertcd. Office In Barton's bulldlnir, Main street, below Market, five doors below KJclm' drug store, llrst floor. Jo be open at all hour l during the tfat NOT W. IX Exchange Hotel BENJON, PA. The undcrelgnrd has leabed this well-known bouse, and Is prepared to accommodate the public with all the conveniences of a first-class hotel. SlEaj67J I Bill El UKASE, Proprietor. GET YOUR J01J PRINTING DONE AT THE 0. E.iHLWEtXi J S BITTENBEMDEB.prcI""or, A. C YATES & CO Best made Clothing in JLJhiladolplila for Men and Children. Sixth and Cheatuut. (Ledger Bunding.), Cjreasy & Welle' LUMBER YARD BLIOOMSRURG, PA We keep., on, hand a large, and, well as sorted stocic ot all kinds ot lumber, Southern Yellow Pine Michigan Shingles, Willihmsport Lath, Fencing, Flooring, &c A full stock of West Branch Mouldings, Doorsj Sash iBHnds,' Window and Door Drames. Esti?uates and,, prices, quoted cheerfully Lumber delivered by wagon or rail Prices positively lowest in the maiket. apr.ii sm Specialties AT ilit olorcl Clicyiots in and 4-Button CUTAWAY WITH ,LOW CUT VESTS., Fine Dark Blue and Black Worsteds, Corkscrew, Broad walo Diaeonal and Block Worst- Sacks and Cutaways, and HANDSOME OVERCOATS, a pecial lcaler at $500 Very Pretty Children's SUITS Plain or pleated and belted in dark .and light eojors. PRINCE ALBERTS in i all qualities. NICE LIGHT SPRING Sail!: Suiit with Blue aud Gray, also, KILT SUITS with Pleated Skirt for smaller Children AX TOR INSU11ANCK AGENCY OF-- jr., ii. m$iiz$&, Olllco Sod floor.PolmblaBuJiding,!. BLOOMSBURG,- PA;- LIFE. Northwestern .Masonlo AldlAssoe lation, n mem. tiers 41.14.1. d it ma vtni, UaflnilK. I aia yu(uyuciiiuiivB t,vuf Travelers Lite and Accident of, Itartord. FIRE. IWNTIN itvtat. nf Now Yort f.V!38.Bfil.S-l AMEItlUANot Philadelphia, J,S01,Hfi7.C8 NIAdAltAofNew York, . . . . tJ,60,47y.w Liverpool. London and Olotio lint inuranca uo., of London, the largest in tne world, and thelin. A liberal share ot tho business U respocttully Spring L0WE1ERGS SACK SUITS, souclttJ aau aatuiaction guarantu ?u. J. It MAIZE, Agent, BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1888. HOW'S YOUR LIVER ? Is the oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy liver. When the liyer is tor nid tho bowels aro sluggish and constipa ted, the food lies in the stomach undigested, pois oning tho blood; frequent headache ensues; a. feeling of lassitude, despondency and nervousness" indicate, how tho whole system' is derangqd. Sipimons IjiyCE Regulator 'hiiS' beon the means' of ir&fQrihc; more, people to health and hap piness uy, gvying .tnuxu, u. liealthy liver than any agency known ,qu earth., It acts; with extraordi. nary power, and efficacy. NEVER UttKN DISAPPOINTED. . As a treneral famiw remedy fordTsnersla,ton)td liver. constlDatlon.elc'H Hardlr ever nse any thine else, and have been disappointed In the effect pro duced It seems to bo almost a perfect cure, for all diseases ot tho stomach and bowels. w. j, 31CKI.ROT. Macon, uo. THE BEST gURNINO OIL THAT CAN. BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant Ught, it win not smobD iuu cnmineys. it win not cnar tne wickr It has a hlgb lira tesC -It win not cxplpde. It Is .pre-eminently a family safety oil. WH CHALLENGE' COMPABISON With any other Illuminating oil made; zZ We1 Stake Our Reput tion, As renners, upon the statement (hat It Is T,HE,"BEST OIL IN TIIE'JVORLD !Ask your dealer for CROWN ACME. Trade Jor Bloomsburg, and Vicinity .Supplied, by MOVER BROS., Bloomsburg, Pa. Bepwy. CLOTHING I CLOTHING!. G. W. BERTSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. 0!F EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits made to order .at short notice and a fit always, cuaranteed or no sale. Call and examino the largest and best flolecjod stock of goods ever shown in Colupbia county. ' Btorcneit door to First National Bank,' MAIN STREET, Blootusburjj Pa. i A. Scrap, a largo and complete line at J. a lbums. rnoToariAi'ii. AUTOQItAni AND u. Atcrcer's uieg ana uook ctoro, avluis uiw:k A LL TI1E FINEST EXTBaCTS C0L00NE A Sachets, Pomades, Hair Dyes and Bay Hum at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book wore,' Evans Biocicj opposite Episcopal Church. ,4' LIJ ritOPBlETARY AND PATENT MEDICINES at j. 11. Aiercers lirug ana imkik mure, oppo. episcopal unurcn. BOOKS, STATIONERY AND WALu PAPER, A fine stock at Mercer's Drue and Book Btoro. opposite episcopal cnurcn; iiioomsDurg, xa, PASTILLE. TOILET AND MEDICATED HOAPS. j a full lice at- J. II. Mercer's Drue and Book &tore,upper nam trcet. U- , "lOMBS OF ALL KINDS, WELL SELECTED, AND Book fitore. tblrddoor above Iron atreet. mooms j at very low nnces atJ. u. jLiercer srugaua ourg, ra. CONDENSED MILK, COXlfS, NELSON'S AND Cooper's Gelatine, Tapioca, Sage, Arrow Root and all the Drcpared foods for children and In valids at Mercer's Drug and Book More, nrst door aoove iie&a- isoot ana bnoe Btore, uioomsourg, rn. (1ANART, HEMP, RAPE, MILLET, MAW AND J Allxed Seed for tho birds, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book store, first door below Creasy' T711NB WWTINO PAPERS, BY BOX, LOOSE OR I1 in TftblPt form, at J. n. Mercer'H Drutr and ikk, utoro, uioomsourg, ra. XTCRSINO BOTTLES. NIPPLES. RUBBER RA'I 11 ties, Teething Kings and all requisites of tbe Nursery that will contribute to the baby's lianpl ness,,at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book More, two doors above Evans & Eyera Clothing store. jUYSICIANs PRESCllllTIONS AND FAMILY Mercer's Drug and Book Store, Bloomsburg,. l'a. i nroriuiB u&muiiy um uiru at an uuuni ui rilOILKT AND INFANT POWDERS. ROUOK, I cosmetic and trold and silver Diamond Dust. at J. IL Mercer's Drug and Book store, No is Main street, bloomsburg, l'a. WALL PAPER-MANY KINDS AND MANY Drtces at Mercer's Drue and Book Store. oppuoiie episcopal tuurcn, jiiuoiuBuurg, i a. JUUO,ljr,0(. J.R..SMITH&O.Q LIMITED, MILTON, Pa., DCALKUS IN t By the following well known, maker; Ckickering, Kuabc, "Weberj Hallct & Dnyis, Can also furnish any of the choappr makes at manufacturers prices, Do not uny a pniuo do PIANOS toro getting our prices, .".o. 4 Catalogue and Price Lists On application. Beptl-sott. f. w 'It lif.Millft !Mt ley 111 f 4W II 41 f Iff I V- ORIGINAL STORY. OYPSIE SDTHERLAND. For tho CoLyiiBiAN.! Under tliu old trees in tho 'orchard lav Eslollo Sutherland, or .Qypsio as alio was called by hor friunds, in her ammoek luly svvincing. Was slio, pretty! OliI ncif it woie not for her great black eyes, with theit fitful slit, bIio woultl"h.ivo been nosuivoly ucly. .''. Hi arm tf a quick step on tho grass aho.etarted up, a- faint roso blush on . i . i - t -. . euuer uiicik u ayoang man oi auoui twenty-threo 'years camo towards htf. A carclesi glnnoo would reveal to you the fact that handsomo Fred Per cy was one ot lamiion a petted dar lings, and what was Sir William Per ley's nephew and heir to his vast, estate doing at tins littlo vine-olad cottage down in 'Kdntl Two months before while driving through thoro his 4iorso had taken fright ' and -ho bad been thrown ,from, his. buggy and-soverely injured. Mrs; Sutherland's homo bo". ingjthe only one nqar ho. bad bcop tak on in thero and kindly oared for by Gypsio and her mother., To-.morrow ho must leave. Hd had .been summoned , by Sir William, whoso health was failing rapidly, to accompany, him lo thesouth of FrancCjhts physicians advising him to start immediately. Ho had onjoyod tho last month im mensely, carrying on an idle flirtation he called it but what had it been to GypsicT- lie 'was afraid thero, w6uld bo a scene when ho ba'do her good-bye and this petted idarling hated scenes, It'llTi.!! flwnalr. H ha cnwl linlrlln cr 'nut. is .hand, "I bavo como to bid you good-bye.-11, - - A startled look crept into nor- dark eyes. ill ! : 1 1. liT VU3, ttllWl.'llU tUL' 1UU1W, ""A rUlUOb leave to-morrow." Won'.t you bid me farowelll" Rsisinc hor head proudly alio said Good-bye and tuminjj ,lled rapidly toward thd hoiUe? "Whpwl" ejaculated Fred, 'leisurely f611bwing. Seeing nothing of Gypsie that oven- ing or tho next morning ho wrote her a nolo telling hor ho. love d , her anil would 'always bo hor frieud(t)., Mall an hour alter Airs, utlierlanil going to Gypsio'sroora.found her upop tho bed' cold and stiff 'tho ,note clasped tightly' in her hand. Hastily summoning go for a physician she placed her in bod and 'reading tho note understood wliat it, Had neon ,to Gypsie.. "Oh, Doctor," she exclaimed turning towards htm aa he entered, "What is itt Wil sho liver Ho pronounced it brain fever, but said that with caroful nursing ,she would recover, and after nine weeks, of unremitting care, Gypsio slowly re gained her health, but tho .strain had been too much for Mrs. Sutherland. Threo months after Fred Perlcy bade ner uood-bye, Gypsio stood on tho th reshold of that vine-olad cottage a motherless girl. " "Hello, old boyl" exclaimed Valcn tino Bo'ylo shaking Fred Perloy by tho hand, "llow aro y out Wnen did you arrive!" Ono question' at a time, please, laughingly responded Fred. "Wo 'ar rived here safely yesterday at ono o'clock, and is the lady mamma well!" "Ladv Boyle is well, thanks, and would like you to bo at her ball this evening. Tho dimness oi tJiieswioK s grand daughter is to bo thero, she is the merit beautiful woman in Loudon and I wouldu't havo you. miss it lor anything." "Thanks." said D red. "I'll be tuoro. Wnon ho entered tho ball .room tho ball rpora tho first quadrille was in progress. Making his way up tho room ho soon cauio, upon Valentine who ,was watching the dauoers,' a very unusual, thing for him. "Ah,, hero comes the uuourss ana tuo lady Estelle," said Valentine. 1 tlon't see them, eaid red careltss- ly, "By George!" he exclaimed' turpiug tmd looking: down tho room, and this is what ho, was looking at; , Up tjie center of tho long room walked, or. rathor.Bwept, tho, duchess for oveu at her-advanced ago sho moved like a quoon and at auy other tirao her .ap, pcaranco would in itself have been samoifui to excuc rumuiK, uu pvujuu were, not lookint' at her grace, but rathor atitho radiant creaturo who ao oorapanled, her and whose stature dwarfed hor tall as sho was. Eitello Sutherland, for it was she, was dressed in white eoio do Ulune, in tuo bosom of' which was fixed a single roao. The dress was cut low and her splendid pock and arms wero entirely without ornament. In the masses of dark hair wluch was coiled like a coronet round 0red,,it will bq found muoh moro dilli hcr head thero glistened a diamond oult to reoover tho latter. Tho pojiti star. Simplo as was her costumq there c;an w.i10 allows himself to get aucrv waj a grandeur about it that struck the wholo room; but in truth it sprung from tho almost perfect beauty of tho woman who wore iU Auy dress would havo looked beautiful upon that per- feot form that towered so high and yet seepiea to Uoat up tue room witu tne grace of a swan. But hor lovoliness did not end thero. From thoso dark eyes tuoro snone u ngiu vu., iow men could look upon' apa forgot and yet thero was notinng. bold about u.. it was like tho light of a star. It took I.t n fnm onn.wlj fnr linr (r unlk nil walk the room and yet it seemed long' to UllV vri ovvv... v .,. Fred boforo hor eyes met his own and something passed from them into his heart that remained more an ms me. His gaze made hor blush a little it was so unmistakable. "Weill here wo aro. at last." she said addrossing Valontino in, ,her musical voice, "aometluug went wrong wtUi tho wheel of thoouriago.and wo 'had to stop and havu it ineudpd.'' "I am very sorry.'' paid Valentino, "But, better late than never," "Valeniino will you introduco' me!" "Lady Sutherland, my friend Mr. Perloy.1 Did he dream that this radiant crea turo was tho littlo Gypsio Sutherland lie had said .good-bo to just four years agot Ah, nq, Her father was thojonly son of tho duke of Chcswiok. II., liml fnlK.11 in lnvn with lhn roctfll-V beautiful daughter when homo from oollego and tnarriod hor against his father's whOies. UU latlior, dUiiihorit ed him, but .on the Heath, tf- MfN Sutherland itbe .eiuphcfja. liadt. ,tak.ei, A Soiith;. Carolina ;iuw.spaprj eayjs Gypsio home, to llyo with her, t ' thai thero is an old colored mau in Eyery where, the bpautiful Lady:JJj- Jouesboro who has beon married nine telle was seen for the next few rabnthsl limes ana lias had 117 children. Mr. Perloy was scon also. Ono morc lng while walking in (tho park ho sud denly grasped her hands and oxolajtn cd i "Oh! Estello ny love, my queen, will toil bo my wlfol" , "Aro you sure, Fred," slowly drop-i ping her eyn-llds till her dark lashes swept her checks, "that ou never lov ed any one but mtf "My darling how oould you ask such h questiont , No yon aro my first and only love. Oh! do not say no,'' a she was about to say sornpthinu. "I 'will wait till. this evening for your answer,'' with a pleading ook : ho left tier. m Ins darK eyes "Will tho ovenlng never uomol" he ojtelaimei pacing up and down his room, glancing at his watch bo saw tba it was jitit livo 6'cloek. A servant entered and. gave him a letter and glancing at tho address that it was Esttllo's writing. ,1'Varing yet hoping ho hastily toro ft opon and out fell not what he expected but tho littlo faded note ho had written to Gypsie four yo'arg ago, with a low lines writ ten on tho back. What caused that sudden pain at his heart! It was this: ""I am to bo married to Valentino Boyle on the eleventh of, tlii-i month and it is needless to hdd that I love him. I loved you pneo years ago and y ornod my love) nowit has turned to hat o. Vas she avengodt" A Woman of Jewels, THE DIAMONDS WORN lit RUSSIA'S EMPRESS ' OTIIKU NOTABLES, t No woman in the world 'wears so many jewels as tho czarina. Even her sistori who, when sho comes to tho Eng. lidi throno will wear tho Kohinoor, will not havo suoh jewels or so many of them at ouo time. -Tho .Ruge'ian crown jewels aro something labulous. It is to bo doubted whether anyono outside of that' country has' any conception of tho extent of tho Uo1 nauolf possossions in tho way of pre aiou9;stones. The Russians still -'retain' their bid barbario love for splendor, and when the empress shows herself sho is a vision of unmatched gorgeous nesai Sho is ono of th(J few monarchs who Hill make 'a practico of wearing a crown on gioat occasions, Mot of the European queens: and empresses content ttiomselves wiili a tiara, and oveu Queen Victoria on ,lha occasion. pf her jubilee levco wore only ono, of the diamond tiaras such as may bo seen on tho heads of women in the boxes' of tho Metropolitan opera house. Mrs., Astor- ustd tor woar a very handsome one of the samo sort. But tho czarina wears a, real crown. There .are several sho uses, but the favorite one is that made , and worn by tho great Elizabeth of, Russia, and Which is loaded wilhi gems of grea prices The pearls alonq.aro said to bo valued at something, like 80,000 rubles., When the .empress danced the other night' with tho, Austrain embassador, causing tho sigcificaut fact to be, flash ed, aiound , tho world, pvor, mountains and under oceans before, morning, -slio. was arrayed in a fashion of. which Sol omon never dreamed nor Balkis never saw. On her head was tho, Ehzabeth ancrown. Her gown was of, heavy wliito watertd silk, with a whito.volvet train,- embroidered heavily in gold and hung about all tho edges with gold balls.' The fr6nt of tho tiowu was or namented with ronoi of liuked pink coral! setiin diamonds and fastened at intervals to the drcs$. The moklace sho wore coutaiued over a thousand stones and reached nearly from neck- to waist a mass pf rubies, Bapphiyes and diamandsj.aiveiilablo breast-plate of, gems. Besideatbis h'er breast abou.t half of her orders-r-she hasQver.40 in all and they too. were Ihshiutr with precious stones. Her rinirs, .bracelets and earrings were all equally nipknificent, aud wheni .she danced it, was like ,tho, northern lights . . . i . l ii..i.;- in a misty sKy, a myriad uusuiug rays of all hues slitterinii and .changing withioverv movement. Y'Bt. tho czar ina,' when sho goea-.back Jo her ,;early, homo in Denmark, is absolutely, wtnplo in hor costumes, wearing lor the most part plain print frocks iu tbo morning, and a ulaiu straw' hat with merely a ribbqn around it for her walks .and "drives. As tho Danish prince sbu had1 so iowola and, vory few of oven tho simplest gowns, for the royal house of Denmark is poor, and neither sho nor the priuoess of Wales . kufiw anything of luxury until tbey married, Advantages of Good Temper. Thero is always good policy in keei ing one's temper As often as, temper ;9 i03l a dogroe of influence is lost with !ii ami wui0 ,i10 former may bo recov- cnpicity whatever may bo the provocation dops bis cause an injury' wuich his soundest argument can hard- iy repair. Just so wuh" men of all professions, and wili men of no prof- t8sion. If thayiwpiildjja. .fiblolto ox- crt anway luJUoir sphoro thoy musk ioarn to keep ccoli tf-Whoever.lUtood to adiscassion iiiHvhfchpno'-p.vty'wi!nr raving, tuntl,- wlulejituo-oilier. iuaintaiut uj hieom'poBurOfiwithont havitighis i mnat IiIim eh istd with the: latter. oven thpugli, in' tliol,Ocgiiiilng,JjiS Mq-. .... 1: .::3.l...V 1 r:.. l'-.T. ' !. i muiUU IU1U1H..UUVUI1IUU11 111 iUVUl AJk. Lia lormcrl U is commonly; takon (for. granted,-and'with a1 good show' of rea son, that ho who' has tho best sharoot an argumonkuwlir- oihlb'it tli'd-.'most coolness. A Ooo'0fflcar. A Danish pfll'.vr, is pictured to, us making observations 111 regard to- tlio deviation of rifle bullets, Olid day, when walking'on t,ho ramparts at Dup-" neL ho taw a! IVussdau shat-pshdotor laking 1.111 athiin.', fWuiI6 ftho sdldior placed hliiiBclf'at'i!i,i8t a'treo, in brdor to take tt steadier dim, tho ofllcor' grain ed his glas3ttq,watcj .his movements, "TliU is all right, " salil.lici, "the mua- ket ia' luetvon-a.lkio with my breast i wo Bhall seo." -Tlio tricger was pulled," aim 1110 j'auinu giucvt viuivny .iyiv 'down: '.'At a dUtapco, ot abou ,300 yard tho .davlatiou of a balU Jiom rilled muakt't is amiI ouo niutru. - If Viaj?i6frV Journal. Bill Nyo and a Book Accent.. TIlK i'F.f.t.OW ACTUALLY TRIE!) TO BKt.'t, WILLIAM ONE OF lltg OWN' BOOKS. Yesterday I had a personal conflict of a bitter' and acrimonious nature with ail unknown person on' my grounds at Stalon Island. I doiiro to speak -f it myself' rnther than havo the matlerjjct into tno papers m n garbled state-. I live in a quiet p6rtlon of tho Island jnst; within sight of tho Produco Er clinngo tower, but boyonrt tbo.reach of tho bight air of Now York. Here we havo civllizatiori on ono hand, arid trie wild whoop of Buffalo BillV"savage on the other. Just near 'onoufch to 'makoMt ox'citing. ' ' ' I did not think I would bo annoyed hero by peddlers, beggars and fakirs. Yesterday a plain, sad man' rung' the dqor-bell. Ho told my representative t,hatho desjred very muoh to meet' mo. and .presented his, card. Tho namp was' not familiar to me, but 'I put, on smy other coat and invited him juto the cold, cold parlor to which I invite pcoplo who do not conib.highly indors ed. . , He was' rathcr.quiet and sad in spots; I' sympathized with ihim,- -for. I know wnat 11, is. iu uu suu. Ho had a letter of introduction,. he anl. (mm n. Wf.11.lrnnurr lfMjirnfnrii on1 Ohfraro nf lninn. which liri hpirwd eh U-avo toinrescnt. I read it. It introduce, cd the bearer in. tho usual form and begged me. to treat hirai kindly,, pnd slated that any favor, shown to him ,would be gladly reoiprooatjd.- T then told tho stranger, that we had atpleas anter loom than that, and I wonld be glad to have him como Jn and eamplo it. "Now," tald I, .touching an( electrid bejl sod ordering n largo watermelon, "what can I do for youl -Would 'you like to visit tho, Woraan's'Exchange or Would yoa' rnther give y6nrs61F it ji to an'afternoon with. mo at .Vanderbilt'o tomb;" Hd wdthat Ho did not up my time. Jlo .had pplyjcaljtii on a matter of business and would '.not,, do tniii mn but a mnmnnt. ITn tlip'n 1rnv tio'miits concealment somowhero about his porson.the ,prospeot.uf. for, a.s.ub-. cription book,,apd bcforj,J could stpp him had said : "Wo purposei in, this workito treat, of everything that people iwantfto know about. It has statistics, .but thoy areuSQ presented- that iyoniltko them. , You read along .down. thoilqng columns .with tlio keonost. eu7 joyment. There .is a thread of iiltorest .tunning through .these tabulated i stale. mente which' piakeB'you sit ,p, till ilOng utter j'J o clock rending tliera. All the book is socked lull of interest and thrill, and -yet, it would not. harm ,any ouo, to read it. l hat is not all. it s reliable, Every remark in it is backed up bv statements. It comes lust at a tlmo ...1 J-V.l..!- " Vl ...11.1 wuuii uvury unu is uuu 1111111; tue nuwiur snip 01 other booxs and gives to ono . ... . - . . , . . . I ' J' 'and, all 'a feeling rtf conliddnco and as- snranco when' faith" is wav'ering' and tho reader U groping and clutchinc for something tangible ahd'stable. This' is essentially ,a stable' book. ,It tells how-to break colts, how to treat crib" bers, botts, and army worms, how to bring ' up children and put .down huck leberries,, how. to treat a setting hen during convalescence, how to make a cook'stovo or a cistern pump, draw, how to write" for tho papers how, to keep ants 'out of tho panlry, hdw to makd parents self-supporting, how to put up a lambrequin or put .down carpet, how to purify'politics or, make tlo.Uing island, how to tnpdity tho tar- iffior inako-a ijood, durablo stylo, 'of pork brino that' will' not suiell like a dolayed autopsy "in dog days "; how to mako molasses camlv or sneak a niece. how io till by a pig's melt in tho fall whether wo aro going to havo an, open,. winter or, not,, how to bank up a house, how to win the affection of tho opposite sox,- how to meet an emergency, how td mako ink at home which will speak for itself, how to dye.a dross baokj nuw iu romuvu laveuuer puutaiouns fromlfrult stains, how lo.'sew up-a man Iwh'o has tried to run a colored german, 1 i.t..., 1 ...i. . 1 ij. . iiinui-uii ir'h uuiiiiic, Hints on voipo culture; hints on marriagefarming, r'o vivalp, etiquette : how to' mako' goodi palatpblo , poultice j what Co do iq case of .drowning; how fo mako ono dande lion iroot servo as tbo foundation for 'a galloh of'bjtters every spring fqr.ton years, how tq' amass wealth .aud dodge the. Grand Jury, how to snare-, n grizzly bear.. In fact overything you want to know, told in a pleasant style, for $350." It was at thU'timo that tho personal encounter-topic place., 1 am not a tuus. cular man, but my aruu ,and legs, ex tend in every direction .when 1 am ex cited; Thoy are longor and more litho than those of tho average man. An artist from Munich pnee told mo that ho thought,! was, tho limblcst man ,ho evr-f saw,aud ho had scon a great, many men. I did not iiormanentlv disfigure this person, but I jolted him soverely and contused and 'concussed him in threo or lour places, after which ho went away, Atter ho nqd go no 1 became more calm, I retired to my dressing room, where my valot turned my cuffs for me. I then r turned to tho parlor. On tho jloor J found the prospectus. It had bceu left by mistako! 1 was cooler now. I picked it tip and read tho rjamo of the author on tho titlo-pago, was as tonows! uii.r. jnye Why California is Doubtful. Atlanta Coiutttntton, Chtcaga Dlipatcli. 1 had a talk with Mi II. DoYoung, tlio well known San I'ranoit'Oo editor, ou Saturday, lust boforo ho' had beon called into conference, representing lilains interest, with ft lew loftdors represcntipg tho other candidates Uiirrinon had male n heavy gain that morning, receiving 217 votos "against ninety-four on tho Third ballot Friday evtnlng, and his lrlonds hoped to have tlio conference agred on him. J)o young said: "It is absurd to talk of agreeing on Harrison) ho oannot carry .U10 facino coast, nor oan he carry sev eral bther states, which would bo ro- Publican; on account of his record on iho ChinoBo question, Tho labpr vote 1 will bo against him aud California will a never support a man who Voted against tho Chltioso bill and every phaso of tho Chinese treaty. Further than this ho voted to naturalize Cinnamon and givo them tlio right of saffrage, and Allison did tho samo ll'ing. If eithor of these two are nominated wo might as well givo up the fight in California." r-rrr ; ? i ' THK (COLUMBIAN, VOL. XXII.N0 2G COLUMBIA 5DRMOORAT1VOL Lit, NOH ' .Tho J'qreo of Eabit. TUB COb-NT AND' lllS 'BRtDK EACH. F0IK1ET THEMSELVES' AT'THR' WRONrr" TIME. "Mv beautifui.Uhoolla. I neffer' tire of looking tit your lofbly half." ' 1'lid young coupio sat tn tho elegant arlor df aliotol. enloylng a tcto-a telo Tho wertt bh their wodding tour. Julia Van Simkins, the boautlful Pennsylvania heir'ess, who had met tho distinguished foreign nobleman, Count do Bcrgatnot, whilo on a V jsit (tf h'er.frieutls in tho metropolis; had yielded fo tliQ impuls,ivo ardor with' which. tnu count pressed, nis suit- ana a(ter av brief' colrtshiff tlio vtwd were hiarricd."' L'ifedookcl blissfultdHd ro mantle to, tho ecstatic young -couple, aud a' future full of roso-Hcmbowcred vistas, endless monllght reveries and tho" dreamy do'tco for' niento of far away'trofncal Edeiis, whoso existence was gubssed by bdth.'but unpokon bv' either, ro6' befdro their raptqrohs vi- siohi ' Tho'head of tlie'bciautiful brido res ted cdnfidi'ngly pn tho sbpuldpr 6F her husband., tlio nobit- vouni 00 jicrga' pouand nt, tho Bound 'of 'his voiCo she iopked'np. "'"Iianveladi my de'Ar Coant4" sbo satn,i';tnat my pair pie 1 -.... fi 1. 1 . , . . . : ...1, casos you;' Lif tltig3, tbo' ' lovely Head from' his dul-le'r thd tlqbiq' frpgner'.ran, his fincdrs through JthU wavv1 - mdlscff'o cpiden hair loria'tew.tnonicnMwinj hii ence and then with a deferential, sug gestive' infleo'tiorf of 'Vdlco' ho-'ftbe'ontly said:! "llavo a shaniDoo. sin - Reoovoririfi ' himself' Kfe his "bri'do' Jookdd1 np with" a ritartJof' stirpriso 'he wnllqt, took a'bank1 noto lrom it and banded it to1 her. ' "Mv tear Choolial" be'SBid. 'k)t'niie haf to hap)ihbss"of ,giflluglj'ou rhy first1 nrpHMitr'nflhin 'mnnlHlll!' ' Tho fatrrbridd took 'thd notoV lobked at thb figures that indicated its'denom- iuati6u tappod in a mechuuical ' way pn.tHe center tabid and called out in a fihrilt'voice;' ' 'J . voa-a'a-shi' f rom trie- uucago Tribune fc' j Afiica.rf .TOOTUSOMF. , VIANDS UKUSIIKIJ. UY, THE 1 . El'UJUKKS OF, XI IK DAKlv '-riTlN. l. , An anonymous traveler, who profles ses .to bavev been lalmost cy.erywhere, has reconlly, been publishing bis. .expe riences ot (be bust (and worst)' the, markptstaffordsiin variouspparts pf Af rica. 1 .As that.dry.pnd duty continent' lsjamdly becoming a placo- op. fashion- 1" A.oV Ko 'thinVin'nf iMn;nr"'it nn',i thev would,- perhaps, ber,glad. to 1 1 11...1..V o,i ,i.of amonghu articles-pf Africa's, biU ,of fajr r 1 V Lotin n ci.iM frnrr. . n!.i1,r, liutf.atrw..W in .thnt..rfTinn hinnnnntnmllH .. , . r-f- J ' rr-r . I may be safely patrenized by pejspnsP'J' ;iunu.iumun curiciis ni their catmg, but. to boj ,doprecatedn and oschewedn A. slico bf hmuo.two are, told.-"tastoa .like a mean prppqrtion between .boiled bej-f' and'boiled pork.1- .'.'Mean,-proportion" is a' good .expression, and 110 doubU very 1 avvmuby. iiujiinuv. yuw 1 um tniUKj.oouiu.uuruiy uuer; imuqu irouiil i i . :. ai .1 I-... : . I honsdeut, is rathor .tougherthan .indiaM nrizolb of . pn eiotje . 1 . ,11 iJ -t. ia ......1 - 1 f, island steak is so,deiioiQus mat onr . , 1 i7K3 inlChristian!oo'Uotries. xGiraffo .sirloin, is ra'ro eatihc. .but as r tho-animal is sbiriewhatjscaroo, tho .African nounat mustlnot expect fx:dino on it move than nuoo a,lweck. iat most, Ab.pip airthlngs, wo adviso him 10 ausiqut, from mstrich,- - It is saidXhat. a strpug - toothed Kaffir. ,who can. ,mako. a meal of 8i'lpdeathfcr-.auawiri', shakeuvshoad hopelessly at tho mea ot masuoauug a, bit of ostrich goblor. Zebra is pronounced to bo a good aS veal, and porcupino equal torihair, nuu ur uuiuuiiLy is 'juiiu yiuijuriib uu the subiect , ot.iQcuats., which .ho declar es to be very . much, like, the' fayontc Thanies fish, the whitebait. " John the liaptist, tuereiore,- was not so badly off in' tho wilderness; Twith his loousts and iresii honey, t no Ulrica nzmi' aro also reported iialatnblt but ,, the king dish of; South Africa, is tho bus. taru get 11,-wiuou ,is Bei dom. ' Uppn tho whole. South and Central Africa aro bv no means overstocked hv ndihln, ilr-linfu'ina. mid tlin tate.ful opiouj-o is advised ,to think Wico bo- fore-he leaves. a land of turtle fotip. canvas-back ducks .twentv-four pound turkevs. saddleback, ovsteis and itlum- puddings for tho sonny region where thoy eat lion, elephant, ostrich, camelo- pard, porcupine, lizard and audi "small deer., jiv. Jr. Mieager, Peculiar- In tho coinbmatiop, proportion, and iir Preparation of its' ingredients, Hood's Sarsanarilla accomplishes cures whero ot'hen preparations entirely fail. Pcou- Harnn its good namo at'home, which is n "tn'wnr of Htrnnrrth abroad." neculiar jn the phenomenal sales it bag attained, Hood's Sarsapafilla is the moat sue- cessfol tni'dicino for purifying tho blood, giving strength, and creating an appelate, According to Dr. Higbee's report of tho soldiors' Urphaus -bchool , ot tho state, wo loaru that thero aro at tl.o ptosonttimo 2,771 childreti'iii thco worthy ostablffhnuqts, and four who rcceiyed relief iu other institution: Thisis a very large number, whon it is considered that the wnf closed twcutV- threo Yiiars ago. By law alladmisslpn lo tlieso schools olosod on tho first' of June, 1S88, and consequently with every coming year tuu uuiiiuur win uu . ..!.' ill ..I.. crcaso, In 1890 tho eohools will per. manontlv oloso. lhero will still bo l.UUU children in .lucm at mat timo who havd nbt attained 'tho ago of 1G years, 'nor finished their education. "A LETTER FROM JOHN M. WARD, OF THE NEW YORK! BAKU BALL CLUB, AND AUTHOR nifTiiii'www rmnir hiark. ham, I'orld's Extract Co, , DEAR SIRS,' Havirignsed POND'S EXTRACT as1 an application for the- bruiaes, spruius and oilier injuries, In cident to bajl-playing, I can safely rccommond'if. lours truly, JOIINM. WARD, Now York; June 14 18(1 8." Farm Note. An Unglish paper reporla that 2310 ewes in 20 Hooks havo produood 1102 lambs-a return ot ion per cent. The pigH will bo most thrifty if kopt ill clean, dry pens and well litterod,but will mako 111 jro weight, 11 tuoy navo a run' on a clover lot. A shoon breeder up in Manitoba re ports a ewo whioh novcr has lees than tb.reo lambs nt a time. And ho says horidaughtcrs keep up the record. Fooding in bIiOpp husbandry w hko any other problem in livo stock. How- 1 1 1 ..1 . 1 over gpotl iw ureun 'wibuvub guwi uuiu and folding tbey must necessarily de generate. Professor Roberts gays' thoro is no such thing as "nativo cattle." Tho term is a misnomer. Our BO-ialled natives aro a conglomeration of all thd best blood of Europe Jerseys add UolBteins aro to bo, sharp contestants for first placo in tho dairy world. Neither will Over fill tbo plaoo of tho other, and, perhaps thoro ia plonty of room for both. A fruit grower who draped a plum treoiwilh mosquito net to keep off tho cnraulio, obtained twenty-two quarts of fine fruit. Another covered a singlo branch with 'equal success. ' An enthusiastic writer says that the silo will make dimples on the faces of.. a uqod .many dairymen, and that if ihef fill tho silo according to tho latest light on tho subject thoy will never ro grotit. A treo that is making too much height without corresponding brandies should bo trimmed off at the top in the fall, whjch will encourage greater growth iivthe branches next sprmgv Iri feeding calves wo should remem ber nature, and feed ofton and warm tho fnillo to 80 or 00. It is only when calves are fed only once or twiop a day tha'tjthore, Is any, danger of over fo'ed- A vnrti-'ettpjvtafcfni hrnndor of Poland tJpvrias'ncver'feeds old sourewillto hi 8winc,-conienuiug iu u -puiouuuua to tbjoiri. All'milk, Bteamod food, etc., is fed within'iwonty-four hoars of mix ing. . The Mural, Arew Yorker says: One thing seems, to havo boon qnito well . demonstrated, ttifit a larger quantity ,of. potatoes, as well as potatoes of a bettor quality, can bo raised with chemical fertilizers than with manure When tnefaruier shall begin to es timate tho yaluoyof sheep -from' tlio standpoint jof .meat, fertility and g'en 'eral advantage fo tho farm, ho will not al'lo.w the, market price of wool to de--termlne whethor or- not ho, .will rauo them. . , ,A "New York dairyman Kays'ho oin" gel,moro'milk'lr'im 'cow's fed on bootfy' t,wo, l.usHels pcir'diera to'the cow, than from1 cnsilagcl The milk yield rau up to.twonty quarts! Ho nsserta that ho can' produce boois at a cost of 4 cents a bnhel, 10k)0 bushels to tho acre. Young corn makes an excellent green inatuirjnl crop for plowing under,', uuvtuo secu is .ejtpeusivu. durguuiu maV" bo uscd,also, and tho seed for- -a J . . . "il , 1.... t;..l ' t. ' : thickly, and plow it under w row acres win cost out, 111110. ouw av, when tho . !planter''ut'two feet high, . Alio w th" stock f rco acctssnto saltt ,?Vi8 80aBOC' t.as8iata'in oountor. actiniruthe .euects .0! a grass diet) Shourd-scours appear ktep. tho latook- up ioT'O uayor iwo ana give oacu.ani- m'al a 'Warm1 b-an mash.. Salt ia nec- i C16vcr can be grown, on any sou that is.'in good.conditi6tl.l jit? m3y bo nopdilil down in'tho'fall as well;as 111 tho sprinb. For this' iatitttde 'Septombe'r ig thef proper per'od for all seeding, ai, which tlmoMt will need no shading i crop,ias isTequireu uy bouiu tsuns lur spring Clover; J m l?. 1 I ?i 1....? I nmiimu.' iuu uiuuu iiuuiu iuauutu win mi M- Tu bsl ,na.tcra, tr U9e aa I . fiirfilizer aronnd. vounrr ncach trees is a7... .1. 1 WUUtl USUUI9.. VAIVT L11UV iUD bWUVUUID ?W mon of ground' bopo may. q 1V0D' MUcU that' is otten allowed; to co: to I wastij upon tbo farni could iprofitably gatherod up and -modo into - good .fertiljzor and applied' to thb land to nid anaincroasa cuonyieian on tno- crops. llGivo, - as far as possible; 'the kind to eaph crop best'-adapted to: seouro 'tho uefe growtli and yield. Manv cases of milk fever may bo traced to tho manner in which tho' cowajaro fed, beforo calving. ' If tho cow is waiting to como in, and has been 'dried off, sho will requiro. but vetyilittlo grain. Tho best food is grass, with a light mess ot moistened bran Iat nicht. If too fat the chances "are that she will bayomilklfever. Beets' or mangels can ibo raised ,-iu trreaO abundauco and at a low cost. With our best lands' and in ail seasons it is possible to raise ten bushels of beets to tho same ground space that will produoo ono ot corn. Tho cost of raising is only about threo times that oi corn per acre, and the leeding valuo f J.... 1 1,..,., ., I ' of aiij acro.of;beet8 as I a' mipplomontol feed to corn is equal to five or more acres, of corn. Oases of Abaeat-Mindedness. At this' yory moment a gontloman iooking over my shoulder tells mo that a few days ago ho came to town, for tho particular lnirposy qf mailing a very important letter. Ho did not like to run the risk of having it lie for a day in the post-olhco In the suburban bor- oughi whero ho resides. He camo to Pittsburg, about fifteen miles, went straight to tho post-office, bought eix 1 !J-cetit elatnps, which he remembored ho was iu uoed of, and returned to his hemo with the important letter rosting securely in his breast-pocket. A slory used to bo told many years ago of a merchant who was peculiarly subject to fits of absent inindedness. Uno day ho was writing a letter ana . thought, absent-mindedly, that ho had torgotteu his correspondents tirst name. Turning to ono oi his clerks ho said, "What is John Jackson's first name!" Tho clerk,, aocustomod to his employ er's peculiarity, icplicdt "John, sir." Tho merchant wrote tho letter, put it in au envelope, and was again at a loss. To tbtj samo clerk ho taul: "hx- en so me, Uhario; 1 havo lor gotten Johu Jackson s last uamo!" But a better story than tbo above is told of a gentleman in this- city who was met by a lriend one morning recent ly, Jiurrying back from the depot to ward ma nuine. "What's tho matter" tho friend asked. "Oh, I'vo left my watch 'Under my pillow, and I'm going lo get it.' ,fYpu'll miss your train." "Oh, no,'1 was tlio absent-minded nun's reply. "See, I'vo got four mlu utes yet," and ho pulled out his watch lo enforce tuo statement. Aud ho did not realize for eeycral seconds what )t was that tnado his friend laugh so heartily. I'itUluri J?Ujmtch, COLUMBIAN OFfllOR.