THE COLUMBIAN AXD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vailcs. A miirTcl of parity strength and wholcsomeness. Moro economical than ordinary kinds, and eannot bo sold In compe tition with tho multitude ot low tcst,short weight, alum or phosphate powdors. Sold only In cans. DOTAL 1UI1NO POWDIR CO.. WallSt-.N. Y. The Columbian MTubllshed every Friday. Subscription price, fl.wa year. Entered at tho rost onico at Bloomsburg, ra., as second class matter, March l, UN). FRIDAY, JUNK 29, 1888. ' conntcT BiuaoiD Tin unii. DL001I8BUHO & SULLIVAN RA1LROAI) SOUTlI. NORTH. 'jtItc. Arrive. Leave Leave. STATIONS. p.m. .m. i u. r. x. Bloomsburg,- 1 65 fOO 40 Main street 1 44 TCI 8 49 . Irondale 1 41 7 60 9 00 , 45 Paper MM 1 S3 1 M v 14 o Bt Ltghtstrcct 1 28 1 35 9 El 0 BS orangovlllo 1 13 T S3 9 40 T 10 Forks, 18 67 7 11 9 68 7 SS! TUbbs I8 60 7 00 10 05 7 ST Stillwater...... ...12 43 7 00 10 IS 7 33 Bcnton,.............l2 30 S 60 10 SO 7 45 Leave Leavo. Arrive. Arrive r. u. k. . k. m. r. u. o Trains on tho P. & It. It. IS. leavo Rupert m follows 1 hohtii. sooth. 7:27 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 3:38 p. m. 0:01 p. m. o Trains on tho D. L. & W. H. It. leavo Bloomsburg as 01IOWBI north. south. 7:12 a. m. 8:32 a. m. 11:07 a. m. 12:05 p. m. 2:21 p. m. 4:18 p. m. t-M p. m. 8:47 p. m. Trains on tho N. & W. 1). Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows : nortii. soutii. 10:40 a. m. 11:41 a. m. .! p. El. 4'19 p. CO. SDNDAT. north. south. 10:16 a m 6:39 p m PRIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! The undersigned will offer at prlvato salo Between this date and AUGUST 1 st, 1888. a valuablo farm, situate In Hemlock township containing 1 14 ACRES, about 90 acres of which Is clear and In excellent condition, tho balance Is woodland. There la on tho premises a largo DWELLING HOUSE nearly new, containing 10 rooms. Tho house Is furnished on tho Inside with chestnut lumber. The cellar Is ono of the best, well made and cemented. The barn Is fifty feet long and 30 feet wide, with a new shed attached, twenty-eight by forty feet. An excellent well of water not mora than ten feet from tho house. Choice fruit of all kinds on the premises. A rare bargain for somo ono. cmtuTornEn, kuster, May 1 8 sm. Buck Horn, l'a. A BIG OFFER. The Columbian will be sent for 6 months, and the New York Weekly World until after the Presidential election next No vember, for 75 cents. Those who are already subscribers to the Columbian can have the World until November 13 by paying up arrearages, and 25 cents additional. This is a great offer and every Democrat should take advantage of it. BALES. June 28-29. Ulias. C. Evans assignee of D. P. Beybcrt will cxposo at public salo at 10 o'clock, a. m. at the homestead of said D. T. Scybert in Balcm township, Luzerne Co., Pa., a lot of personal property. Horses, cows, wagons, lumber and rye and wheat In tho ground. Also, on Juno 29 at 10 a. m. at Beach Haven station, lot of lumber and timber. Foit Balk. A deslrablo and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to janSOtf. h. N. Motmt. Fob IIsnt. Four desirable dwelling houses on First street near Market. All modern improvements. Apply to Z. B. liobblns. Wanted. 100 bark peelers. Apply to 'Thos. Wheeler, at Wilson Cole's above Central, Columbia county, l'a. Found. Between Espy and Uloomsburg a small purse containing a small amount of money. The owner can have the snme by calling upon W. E. Delttcrich, Espy, and proving property. To The IMlllllc. We are manufacturing and have in bond a puro article of live Whiskey one year old. We uso nothing but clean rye and double ou a copper linen, nnd it Is as puro as the rye that grows in tho Held, and if any per. son will find nny drugs or ndultcratlous in it as it leaves our distillery .or salesroom, we will glvo a reward of ono hundred dol. lars. Bom: MoIIknkt & Co. Benton, Juno 1888, Ow. ierHoiial. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Schuyler aro spending a week at Eaglcsmcrc. Miss Dora Murr has returned from llhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. Q, U. Huppcrt aro visiting Mrs. Huppcrt's parents. II. N. Kelchner, a Wllllamsilort typo, town.thls.wcck, B. 0. Drinker returned from Florida the latter part of last week, U, B. Marshall Barring of Wllkes-Uarre was In town this week on business. Geo. E. Elwell and 0. W. McKelvy aro Uklng atrip along tho New England coast this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. h. l'errlnc, of New York cily, are visiting Mrs. I'errlne's par ents. Tho Misses Dunn of Bclinsgrovo were tho guests of Mrs. 0, 1'. Frytmro during tho past week. II, M. Bupcrt is attending commence ment at Lafayette College, Easton, this week. Hey. W. T. (Inlloway will enter upon his duties as pastor of the Baptist church of this place next Bunday, J. K. Miller and family have removed from First street to Miss Harriet Bupcrt' home on West ttre ar Third. Mr. 0. 0. Trench returned from his Michigan trip Tuesday ovenlng. Mr. F. W. orvls and wlfo of Brooklyn, aro visiting friends in this section. Mrs. I. K. DUdlno startod Tuesday on n visit through tho west. Bho will visit her daughter, Mrs. F. P. Bloom, Kansas. Noxt Wednesday will bo tho itjorlous Fourth. Tho crack of tho Dro cracker Is now heard In tho land. Don't buy your boots and shoos without seeing F. D. Dcnllcr's Immense stock. Thcro will ho n total ecllpso of tho moon on tho evening of July 22nd. Tho BhlckBhlnny Mountain lCcho has mado Its appearance In a now dress. Tho State Teachers' Association will meet at Bcranton on July 3rd. Tennis shoes and base ball shoes at Dcntlcr. Tho festive wntermclnn will soon mako Its appearance and get In Its bcBt work. A danco was given nt Oak Orovo Tuesday nnd Wednesday evenings. Trunks nnd valises, n flno assortment nt Dentlcr's. The fiend who reminds you forty times a that It Is hot Is now going his rounds. VVilkes-Barro will also eclcbrato the Fourth of July. F. D. Dentlcr's spring stock of boots and shoes Just coming In. Call and sec them. Much damage was dono In Wilkesbarre by tha thunderstorm that passed over this section last Sunday. A large number of strangers aro In, town this week attending tho commencement exercises at tho Normal. Thcro will bo a festival on tho afternoon and evening of July 4 in tho grovo ot tho Bt. James church, Fishlngcrcek twp. A photograph was taken by M'Kjllip on Monday ot J. A. Howard, tho pension swindler, for the "Koguo's Gallery." The Callleplan festival at Music Hall last Friday nnd Saturday evenings was a suc cess. About $100 was realized. W. It. Fornwald has put up an awning in front ot his barber shop at tho Central Hotel. Tho great reunion and encampment of me yeterans ot the lato war at Gettysburg will begin next Saturday. Francis Murphy, tho great temperance apostle, has been holding meetings in Dan ville. The exercises of the ono hundred nnd first commencement of Dickenson College, Carlisle, Pa., are taking place this week. E. It. Browcr's and N. J. UcndcrshoH's new store buildings, on upper Main street are about completed. H. A. M'iClllip took a photograph ot a "ash of lightning a few evenings ago dur ing a thunder storm. Lockard's building at the corner of Main ana ucnire streets is now going up more rapidly. Tho brickwork is more than halt completed. Confirmation services wero held in the Catholic church on Monday, and a number of children were confirmed by Bishop Ale Govern. Catawlssa post office will bo removed on Saturday evening from its present site to that of Main street, nearly opposite tho old location. Distress after eating, heartburn, sick beadacho and indigestion aro cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It also creates a good appetite. Bunbury Is making big preparations for the meeting ot tho National Association of Amateur Oarsmen, which takes place thero on July 18th and 19th. The beautiful appearance of tho grounds at the Normal Bchool has drawn forth many expressions of admiration from thoso who have visited them this week. Tho Presbyterian Bunday school held a picnic in Oak Grovo Thursday ot lant weok. Buckalcw's band wagon drawn by four horses conveyed the picnickers to and from the grounds, Tho marriage of Miss Graco Thomas, daughter ot Mr. Samuel Thomas, formerly of this place, to Mr. Chas. L. FaircMld, took placo at Nantlcoke on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Tho game of baso ball at Athletic Park Wednesday afternoon between the Blooms- burg Jrs. and Danylllr. Jrs., resulted In a victory for tho latter, the score being 10 to 15. Tho Columbian offlco will close at six o'clock during July and August. Tha office will be open from six in the morning until six in tno evening. Twelve, bourn a day wo consider sufficient for such a warm season. The Ico cream festival that was to ltavo taken place at Kitchen's church ou Satur day Juno 23d, waB on account ot Tain post poned until next Saturday evening, June 80th. Owing to the rain last Baturday evening tho danco which was to have been given at Oak Grovo by tho band was postponed un til some future time. Tho exact date has not yet been fixed upon. M. C Drinker has had a music box that ho recently brought from New York City, playing in the ofllco at tho Exchange for tho bcnetlt of thoso who wliih to hear It. It Is a fine Instrument and makes beautiful music A new ruling of the Post Office Depart ment provides that postal cards that arc un called for will ho returned to tho writer at tho end of thirty days, and that advertised letters will be held but two weeks Instead ot four, before being sent to tho dead letter oftlcc. The town has been unusually lively this week. Commencement exercises at tho Normal and tho reunion of Pennsylvania Volunteers at Oak Groyu sufficed to bring many strangers to town, and keep things booming. Twcnty.flvo cents a day purchases a 13,000 policy in Tho Travelers, of Hartford, which Is payable in event ot death by ac cident, with $15 weekly indemnity for wholly disabling injury. J. U. Maize, agent, second lluor Colvuiiian building Bloomsburg, tf. About two hundred members of tho Pennsylvania Btato Editorial Association started from Ilarrlsburg Monday morning on their aunual excursion. They spent Monday night lu Erie. Niagara Falls and other points will bo taken In, and tho party will return on Saturday- Buy Lester's Seiiool Shoes. Every pair warranted Grand Armv Uav. Rentnmtier nth. will tin Bloomshurg'a noxt big day. That day Is only about two months hence) preparations ShOUld bo hcfflln An nnnn na nnal!iln liv everybody for decorating tho town In an oinuoraio manner. Abarnbcloncrlncr tn fieri. Mlmmnnnf Main township was struck by lightning nnd ourncu to tno ground last Friday night. A horse,. calf and hogs wero burned, all tho other llvo stock was saved. A lot of farm Ing machinery, grain, etc., was destroyed. Bohr Mcllcnty will closo out his stock of merchandise nt his store In Benton, by n great auction salo beginning on June 28 In tho evening nnd continuing on the 29 and 80th, In tho afternoon and evening. A rare chanco to buy cheap goods. Tho County Commissioners at their last meeting passed a resolution that hereafter their regular days for drawing orders and tho settlement ot accounts, wilt bo tho first and third Mondays of each month. Other business will, howovcr,bo transacted when over a majority ot the board Is present. Many a poor snffcrcr who submits to tho surgeon's knife, In consequence of mnllg. nant sores and scrofulous swellings, might bo cured, without an operation, by taking Aycr's Sarsaparilla. This remedy expels from the blood all tho Impurities by which dlscaso Is generated. Judge McUcnry sold his handsomo match team of sorrels on Friday last to A. T. Mc Cllntock of Wilkesbarre, tor $800. The Judge parted with one of tho best teams In Columbia county, and tho purchaser got as good ns Luzorne county can boast of. A game of baseball was played at Dan ville last Friday afternoon between the Philadelphia league nine and the Danville nine, resulting In tho defeat of Danville by a scoro of 9 to 3. A number of pcoplo from this placo witnessed tho game. An ice-cream and strawberry festival will bo held in Music Hall, Third street, on Friday and Baturday evenings, June 29th nnd 30th, by the members ot the Reformed church of this place. If you want to regale yourself with the delicacies ot tho season served under pleasant auspices, glvo them your patronage. The Bescuo Hoso and Ladder Co. held a successful dance In Music Hall Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Tho Friendship Fire Company of Berwick drove down to assist them Tuesday evening, and about halt past seven the two companies, headed by tbo drum corps, paraded the streets. The dances were both well attended. The G. A. It. have received such en couragement from the citizens ot Blooms burg in regard to tho celebration ot Grand Army Day at this placo that they have put forth their endeavors to havo it take place here and have succeeded In getting it. The date that has been fixed upon is Thursday September Oth". Everybody should now turn in and aid them in making the day a big success. An easy method of ridding sleeping apart ments of mosquitoes, gnats and other noxious winged insects at night, Is to take a small vial of oil of pennyroyal, placo it upon a shelf or stand in tho room and tho fumes emitted will effectually prevent on- noyance from theso sleep destroyers. The Pennsylvania Ballroad will in ad dition to its regular trains, run n number of special trains to Gettysburg, from June 28th to July Gib, and will sell tickets ut ex cursion rates up to July 3d, good to return until July Oth Inclusive, from all principal stations on the Pennsylvania ltallroad sys tem cast of Pittsburg and Erie, at a single fare for the round trip. Tho State Medical Association at Its re cent session In Philadelphia, discussed the question whether consumption was con taglous.and Iho afllrmatlvo of tho proposi lion was strongly maintained by several eadlng physicians. This Is n subject which may well claim tho attention ot tho medl cal fraternity, nnd which receives increas ed Interest from the tcniblo inroads which this disease is making in so many homes. Tho DOtato hues, now that the warm weather has begup, are out In force. Al thouch alwavs numerous, they aro un- usually plentiful this year and promise to give tho farmers much trouble. Cut worms wero more numerous this spring than they havo been tor some time and during tbo cold and wot weather Infested tho corn fields and caused tho farmers con siderable loss. List ot letters remaining In tho Post Of flee at Bloomsburg for week ending June 20, 1888. E. Z. Barton, C. E. Barkley, II. C. Brown, Miss Reba 0. Cralne, Mary J. Carr, Mr. W. Dickinson, Mr. Levi Klinger, John S. Mann, Mrs. Harman Smith. Persons calline for theso letters will please say "advertised." Gkoeqk A. CiAItK, P. M. An exchange says: "If we wero to put a two-line local iu tbo most obscure corner ot the paper, which stated that a certain business man charged moro for his goods and kept a poorer grao than his competi tors, that man would employ a bull.headcd slugger to como around and kill us tho next morning. But were wo to ask the same man for an advertisement of his wares he would say, "No, I don't bellove in advertising; no ono reads advertise. mentB." The Lehigh Valley Ballroad Company is experimenting with a plan by which it ex pects to bo ablo to prevent tho gathering of dust by its passengers Kbilo running at high speed. A car bearing: a largo tank has been fitted and filled with water. This is run over the road attached to a passen ger locomotive ahead of a rogular train and tho water let out through punctured spout. Tho first trial on tho Now Jersey division proved satisfactory. Philadelphia Record. The Jefferson Democrat has a Ilbef suit on hand, caused by tho publishing of the fol lowing paragraph i "With pleasure we correct tho widely circulated supposition that County Auditor bnayberger Is going to take his -wholo salary, which will amount to a pretty nlco sum, homo with him. It is true he carries his dinner every morning with him in his pocket, but wo learn from a credltablo source that ho has spent at ono time In tho Court House as high as three cents for pretzels." Tho fourth gamo of baseball between Danville and Bloom was played at Athletic Park last Saturday afternoon and tho Dan vlllo team was agalu victorious. Tho game was begun at three o'clock, tho homo nlno being first at the bat i they succeeded in scoring ono run, when It became necessary to call tho gamo on account ot the heavy rain. Alter tho rain stopped, tho game was resumed, but owing to tho gamo hav ing been called tho run mado by Bloom the first inning -was not counted. Only six Innings wero plajred. Tho scoro by Innings was as follows: Bloomsburg 0 0 13 12 7 Danville t 0 0 0 0 3 18 Buy Lester's School Shoes. Every pair wUrrantod.J This is tho tlmo of year to laud tho flan nel shirt and to cast reflections upon thoso .tortures of humanity, tho ,lbllcd" shirt nnd starched colter. Fashion nnd custom still condemn many to swelter in Jthe latter, but tho 'demand for comfort Is rapidly breaking through this cast Iron law, so that it Is posslblo to sport a flannel shirt now on all ordinary occasions without seeming singular. With tho flannel shirt as an entering wedge, In much less than a generation it will bo entirely posslblo to defy fashion and dress entirely for comfort. When this happens hot weather will loso half lis terrors. Bt. On Thursday evening last between 8 and 0 o'clock, during tho terrific thunder show, cr that visited this plnce, tho rcldcnro of Charles linker, on Mill street, was struck by lightning. Tho fluid entered tho build ing on tho roof at tho chimney, tearing oil tho slato nud cavorting around tho garret much to tbo disparagement of the lath and planter. Nono of the family were injured, though considerably frightened. Mr. Bak. cr was at Shamokln, but camo homo at onco In response to a telegram. The family did not know that the house had been struck until the neighbors came In and in formed them. C. F. Knapp had the place insured, and was promptly on hand to nr. rango for repairs. CufaioiMa jVcics Items. Tuesday morning about eleven o'clock a patty ot G. A. It. men wero starting from the Exchango Hotel for Oak Grove, in n two-seated spring wagon drown by B. II Vanuatu's two horses, when a traco be came unfastened, causing tho neck yoke to loosen and the tongue to full on tho ground. Tho horses Immediately becamo unmanage able, and started on a dead run up the strict, the tongue ploughing up tho around as they went They were stopped In front ot Phillip's Bakery and stood kicking and plunging until nil the occupants of the wagon had jumped out except B. U. Van nntta, who still clung to tho reins. One of the horses fell down and it looked as though it would be seriously hurt, but It finally got up again. Several bystanders then ran to their heads nnd held them un til they had kfked themselves looso from tho wagon. Fortuuatcly neither were the horses hurt or the wagon broken. It was a miraculous escape for all. A most enjoyable party was given at the Sanitarium last Friday evening, In honor of tho twenty-flrst birthday of Ed. F. Smith. In rcsponso to invitations about sixty young people gathered there between the hours of eight and nine o'clock, and all present enjeyed themselves immensely from that time until the party broko up. Methcrcll's orchestra furnished excellent music for dancing, and a large number in dulgcd In that pleasurable pastime In the dnncing hall, which was beautifully dc. coratcd with evergreens and flnwers. Be. freshmcnts were Bervcd about eleven on tho lawn, the beauly of tho grounds, ".with their sparkling fountain and beautiful trees and Uowcrs,nddlng much to tho enjoyment of the occasion. A most enjoyable feature of tho evening was the beautiful vocal music by tho Misses Smith of New York, who visited Mrs. M. A. Smith last week. The party broko up about two o'clock, all tho guests uniting in showering congratu latlons upon Mr. Smith and wishing him many happy returns of the day. Last Sunday night James McIIcnry's storo at Cumbra was broken into by thieves who succeeded In making tliclr escape with a Quantity of coods and somo money. Thcv obtained entrance by getting into the cellar of tho building and entering the apartments above by haltering down a door. From tho store they took goods and all the money there was in the drawer. Mr McHcnry is also postmaster at Cambra and keens the nost olllco In tho rear of Ills store; to Ibis tho thieves then proceeded and rifled the moncv drawer nnd took a few postal cards. Suspicion rested on Wilson Klino and Clark Bellas, two young men of nambra . and Mr. Mcllenry telephoned to Sheriff Smith to arrest them if they made their appearance in Bloomsburg. U. S Marshal Barring, of Wilkesbarre, was in Monday, and went beforo U. 8. (lommissloner Smith and swore out n war rant for their arrest. He caught Kline al tho D L. & W. depot Monday night; Bellas tint liearlnc of him at Tubus followed him up ann caught him at Cambra Tuesday. At Tubbs Landing a valise was found Inside a culvert contain ing some of the stolen goods. Both men were lodged In tho Jail to await a hearing beforo Commissioner Smith on uext 'lues- day. Tho entertainment consisting of concert and drama, given in the Opera House Thursday evening of laBt week, for tho benefit of Bt. Paul's 1'. E. church, was a success In every respect, and reflected great credit upon thoso who wero in charge of, and those who took part in it. Tho con cert made up the first part of the program. and consisted of boIos and d'icts by Misses Lottie and Nettie Smith of Now York and choruses, the chorus being composed of homo talent. The Misses Smith are highly cultured vocalists and the audience was de lighted with their singing, which was ot tho best that has ever been heard in Blooms. brirg. Their voices blended beautifully In tho duets and the solos wero of a high order of excellence and completely captivated tlulr hearers, who responded with many beautiful Uoral offerings. Tho choruses were all finely rendered. The second part of the entertainment consisted of the conudy.farce, "Woodcock's Little Game," and the actors were all of Bloomsburg. Every ono acted bis or her part in a capital manner and it would not bo possible to dis criminate or pralso ono above another, as all did well. It can only be said that It was ono of tho best performances ever given at this place by home talent. now to Keep Cool nud lie Happy. Now that the midsummer heat will soon bo upon us tho following reclpo for keeping cool, keeplug healthy and getting rich, will commend itself. Wo take it from the Bos ton Advertiser ; Don't worry. ''Seek pcaco and pursue it." Bo cheerful. "A light heart lives long." "Work like a man, but don't bo worked to death." Never despair. "Lost hopo is a fital disease." Spend less nervous energy each day than you make.) Don't hurry. "Too swift arrives us tardy as too slow," Bleep and rest abundantly. Sleep Is na turc's benediction. Avoid passion and excitement. A mo ment'a passion may bo fatal. Associate with healthy peoplo. Health Is contagious as well as disease. Don't over cat. Don't starve. "Let your moderation bo known to all men." Court the fresh air day and night. "Oh, if you knew what was In the alrl" Cr. Thsel, the renowned specialist has cured moro cases ot special, kidney, blood and nervous diseases than all others com. blncd, The power ot healing that the Doc tor possesses Is no doubt duo to his com plete, practical knuwlcdgoof tho allopathic, homeopathic and electric system ot medi cine. We would advise thoso suffering to consult hlin In person or by hitter. Officii 638 North Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa. COMMUNCItMl'.NT -VICItK. The exercises of commencement week at the Normal School wero carried out In ac cordant with tho program as published in our lsssuo ot June IS. Tho first o rent of week was tho Baccalaureate sermon preach ed In tho Methodist church last Sunday morning by Ilov. John Lanahan, D. D., of Baltimore A congregation that crowded tho church to the doors listened to an ablo and Interesting dlscourso preached from the tcxti Ecclcslastcs, 8, 17. Ills themo was "Tho hand ot God In the affairs ot men." Tho students marched from tho school in a body, and occupied scats rescrvod for them, filling a largo portion of tho church. JONIOIl CLASS KXKl'.CISKS. On Monday evening at Institute Hall tho exercises ot tho Class of '89 were held, and wero listened to by a good sized nnd Inter cstcd audience. Tho program was as fol lows: Instrumental solo, Llzzlo B. Gruvcr; president's address, Samuel Pursel; cseay, Mary E. Alberlson; duet, Misses Ganoo and Ellas; lccltntion Zua B. Gulc; music, chorus; oration, J. K. Adams; duct, Misses Adda nnd Ella Dayman; select reading, Acnlo M. Elliot; declamation, 0. E. Smith; Instrumental duct, Misses Ganoo and Gruvcr; recitation, Mary E. Booth; solo, Ircno Stager; essay, Fannlo E. Kcnnard; rrale quartette, Messrs. Apple, Hartman, Sterling, Adams. L1TEIUI1T SOCIETIES. Tho annual address bcloro tho Literary Societies took placo in Instltuto Hall Tues day ovenlng nt 8 p. in. It was delivered by Frederick Corss M. D. of Kingston and was a most interesting one. Tho subject was "Literature." MOD RT. SCHOOL. The closing exercises of the Model School were held In tho Hall Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. A large and well-pleased audience listened to nn Interesting pro gram rendered by the children. class or 1880. Tho class of '80 carrlci out an interest- ing program in Institute Hall at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon to a good sized and well pleased audtenco. Tho pro gram was as follows: Nocturne, Midsummer Night's Dream, Miss Montgomery, Miss Dora Nlles; Wel come Prof. G. E. Wilbur; Besponse, M. A. Kline; vocal solo, Miss Fleda Barnes; ora tion, J. Claude Kelper; essay, Miss Lucctta Moyer; vocal solo, Miss Jennie Stiles; recitation, Gilbert Curry; piano duet, Misses Gigcr and Adam. 0LA8S DAY EXERCISES. At four o'clock of the eamo afternoon tho exercises of the Benlor class were held in tho Hall. Tho following excellent program was well rendered: Instrumental solo, Miss Fio. Montgom ery; address of welcome, Mr F. Myers; essay, Miss Carrio McNlff; duct, Mls cs Itinker and Chrisman; oration, Mr. Lewis; vocal solo, Mr. Myers; class history, Miss Lizzie Jones; pjem, Miss Mary Taylor; quartette. Misses Binkcr, Klnglcr, Messrs Crow and Myers; prophecy, Miss Hassing- er; presentation of memorial, Miss Wendt; class song, composed by Mr. W. F. Buckc, by tno class. OALLIEHAN HEUNION. In response to invitation a largo number of members of tho Callleplan society and their friends gathered in tho school parlors at 8 o'clock in tho evening. A very enjoy nble evening was spent by all present. Commencement nny. By 9:30 o'clock Thursday morning at which time tho commencement exercises began, Institute Hall was well filled with spectators. Bhortly before that tlmo llm graduating crass entered and occupied seats near the stage, upon which tho trtstees and faculty were seated. 'Ihe exercises began at the appointed time nnd were excellently conducted, nnd every number was well rendered and well receiv ed by tho audience. The program was as follows: Prayer, Bev. Dr. S. M. Frost; Trio, Sur prise Symphony, Ilaydcn, Misses Geigcr and Nilci and Prof. Nilts; Oration, Cor relation of Man and Nature, U. Grant Dod- son; Essay, 1'estalozzl, the Father of Popu lar Education, Margaret it, Kief er; Oration, Tho Teacher should be Progressive, Charles II. Bates; Piano Solo, Old Black Joe, Glm bcl, Otto Ikclcr; Essay, The. Teacher must Love her Work, Mary A. Connelly; Ora. tln, Why Education should bo Progress Ive, William al. Kitchen; Essay, The Uses ot tho Imaginutlou In Education, Jessie M. Hasslugcr; Vocal solo, Silence and the Sea, Itunlcr, Elficdu Barnes; Essay, Effects of Cheerfulness, Anna SuppW; Oration, Characteristics of Good Teaching, W, Fowler Buckc; Trio, Magic Flute, Mozatt; Essay, Life and Educational Views of Coraenius, F. Florence Montgomery; Essay, The Hunter, Hannah Reese; Essay, Educa tion tbo Main-spring of happiness, Minnie A. Binker; Chorus, The Bustle Dance, ltesch; Essay, Education the Keystone ot nurBepubllc, Carrio M. McNlff; Essay, The Influence of tho Press, Mary Taylor; Orallon, The Belation of Educcttoj to Government, B. Frank Myers ; Gavotte, The Princess, Czibulka, Elva Garrison and orchestra; Essay, Advantages of an educa tion to the Farmer, Mary Young; Essay, The ork of tho True Teacher, Llzzlo Jones; Loves Return Waltzes, Warren Fannlo Adams, Alice Eyerly, Ida Geigcr and orchestra ; Conferring of degrees ; Chorus, Dashing on before tho Gale; Bene diction. Tho degree of Master of tho Elements was conferred upon n large number. Tho senior class, numbering fifty-tour, is as fol lows: Mary Bynon, Elite M. Campbell, M Bertha Chrisman, Mary A Connely, Phoebe A. Croop, Blancho Geddls, Jessie M. Has- singer, Florence. G, Hess, Annie M. Iline, Lizzie Jones, Sarah Kelley, Margaret H. Ktcfcr, Ella M. Kitchen, Lizzie Lewis, Lucy L. Major, Elizabeth Mcllrido, Mury E. McDonnell, Carrio M. McNiiT, F. Flor coco Montgomery, Sallle Palmer, Margaret Pell Petty, Bridgelta L Qulnn, Eva Haw lings, Hannah Reese, Harriet 11. Richard son, Ada M. Blngler, Minnie A. Binker, Julia E. Sullivan, Annie Supplce, Mary Taylor, Mary L. Wendt, May Wilson, Mary E. Wylle, Adah M Ycttor, Mary Young, Charles II. Bates, Ernest E. Brclsch, W, Fowler Bucke, Harvey I. Crow, H. N, Davis, U. Grant Dodson, Edward J, Dough er, John D. Herron, Bruco Jones, John T, Jones, William M. Kitchen, James It Lewis, William F. Magee, B, Frank Myers, Harry B, Pattersou, Arabioso Shuman, William H. Trelblo. After tho commencement exercises tho Alumni reunion was held in tho dormitory chapel and those ot tho graduating class who desired wcru admitted to tho Alumni They then proceeded to tho Central Hotel where tho Alumni dinner was served. It was gotten up iu fine style und all who wero present partook with great enjoyment. At the closo ot tho dinner a number of toasts wero given and happily re. sponded to by thoso present, Prof. D. J Waller acting as toast master. In tho evening at 7:30 the senior rcccp tlon was held In the school parlors concluil Ing tho exercises of a commencement week most successful la every respect and reflecting great credit upon tbo Blooms. burg Btato Normal School. Tilt: llitmlituiiit. Tho namo "bandanna." said n bookworm who had been looking up the subject, "was first applied tn tho East Indies, whero tho fabi to first originated." Worcester says that It Is a kind of silk handkctchlcf, or n tylo of calico printing In which whlto or brightly colored spots aro produced on a red ground. It ts extensively used as n head gear by tho peoplo of warm climates. You will sco Mexicans, and .negroes of tho South, Spaniards, and even the Italians wearing them on their heads. HpotH on tlic Hun. It may comfort many extremely nervous persons to learn that astronomers aro pre dicting that the present summer will be n mild one. it Is claimed by many meteor ologists that when thero aro numerous spots on the sun thcro Is much disturbance on tho earth and more extremely hot weather than when the sun spots aro not so. numerous. Every eleventh year tho spots almost disappear nnd this Is the eleventh year. It is claimed that theso spots Indicate great Internal disturbances and tornadoes on tho sun, to send out moro heat. Colli niHcovcry. A great deal nf excitement has been caus ed among the farmers of the Westmoreland county natural gas region, and It is thought that county will develop something richer than natural gas. A short time ago tho Philadelphia Nat ural Gas Company leased a farm and com mcuccd drilling a well tor gas. After drill ing tho well about 200 feet deep a mineral rocs: was struck, which somewhat re sembled gold. Borne ot the rock was shipped to the headquarters of tho company and shortly afterwards tho tools wero withdrawn, tho derrick taken and the hole plugged up. This seemed very strange toat they should cease work before testing the territory for gas. It is tho general opinion of the farmers n that vicinity that u large vein of gold quartz was struck, and that the company will try to buy the surrounding farms and mine the gold. Westmoreland county may yet turn out to bo a largo gold producing district. Canker in the mouth can bo cured only by expelling the poisonous humor from the system. To do this effectually requires the persistent use of Aycr's Sarsaparilla, to gether with a gool, generous diet. One dollar a bottle. Six bottles for $5. Begin at once. l.lKlilHtreet. Mr. and Mrs. William Patton, of Colum bia, Lancaster Co., spent a abort tlmo at Jacob Tcrwllllgcr's 8. B. Graham who has been at work for tho Watsontown Car. Co. returned home last wcck,tho works having stopped. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. White, Misses Clara Ent, Mlnnio Kelchner, Delia Kelchner and Aggio Roup attended the wedding of Miss Clara Oman, daughter of our former towns man II. F. Oman, on Tuesday at Nantlcoke. Rev. T. H. Tubbs moves iu his own re sidence this week anu P. M. Mellick moves to tho property vacated by Hev. Tubbs. Quito a number ot our people attended the picnic in Megargle's Grove near Orange vlllo Saturday returning pretty well drench ed after having a cood time. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Mellick of Benton were in town Tuesday. Owiug to the Inclemency of tho weather on Saturday evening the Evangelical festi val was held on Monday evening. Simmons Liver Begulator produces no unpltasaut effect upon the stomach no mat- tcr how long It Is taken. A little taken at night Insures refreshing sleep and a natur al evacuation of the bowels. A little taken In the morning sharpens tho appetite, cleanses tho stomach and sweetens the breath. "I neycr recommend a medicine unless know It to be good. In a ministry of twcnty.flvo years I havo often felt the need of such n medicine, and when 1 found it I exclaimed : 'Eureka I' "Bev. J. V. llku i-Eii, Proprietor "Christian Visitor," Smith Held, N. 0. I.-ourtli ot July on Hie vanln ltallroad, l'emiHyl- According to its time-honored custom the Pennsylvania Ballroad Company will sell excursion tickets on July 2d, 3d, nnd 4th, 1883. good to return until the 5th in elusive, between all stations on its main lino and branches, except between Phlla delphla and New York, nt rtduced rates. This arroggement will enable every ono to take an outing on the great American holi day. Men's flno shoes in kangaroo or hand or machine sewed at Dentlcr's calf Kictlcc to TrnciicrH. Tho directors of tho Bloomsburg School District wilt hold a meeting on Friday evening June 29, 1888, to select teachers and janitors for the ensuing year. All ap. plications to receive consideration must be sent to tho Secretary on or before that day, 8tl5 Wm. CmtisMAN, Sec. DIED. LAUBACH In Fishlngcrcek township on the 19th mst., John Laubach aged 88 years 8 months. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When u sick, we are her CutorU. When the ni a Child, the cried for CutorU, Whn iho btcame MUw, she cliinc to CutorU, When she had Children, the gve them CutorU. LOCAL NOTICES. BLOOMSBURG. Fino Cabinet portraits only $3. doz. Life size Crayons only $io.oo. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. tf. A fine and elegant lino ot Summer Neck Tics just received at O. W. Bertsch's. fresh from the city, all the latest and nobby siyics ano suauca. J, 11. Sleeker has tho Elastlo Starch. Ito quires no cooking. Call and see. Next Saturday will bo a special sate ot wasn uress uoods at 1. W. Hartman & Sons', including a now lino of beautiful sateens. Dr. Honora A. Bobbins treats diseases ot tho cyo and car, and is prepared to tea eyes for glasses. Mar.S10-!im. Water melons at the Great Eastern, (35 BtlU -iUU.J Thcro Is no uso standing by tbo oven theso hot days baking caken as long as the ureal eastern couunuo to sell them cheap. Inspection wanted. Cream Crinkled seersucker Oc , our 25o. Crinkles reduced to too. at SLOAN'S Now Is tho tlmo to get your light soft anil sun nnu Biraw iiats at u. w. ucriscirs, who' has nil tho latest styles and colors, can ami sco mem. Ono hogshead of Glasgow Imported flno Imperial china pitchers with handsomo de corations aro to bo given away ono with every pound of baking powder at tho Great Esstern Tea Co. They nro going fast, prico ooc. Scotch Zephyr Cloth reduced to 20c. per yd. at II. W. BLOAN o Tho Bloomsburg No'rmal Bchool will close this week tor the season. Not so with I. w. Hartman & Sons' etore. Will ho nnen irom u o'ciock n. m. to a o'ciock p. mf every day (except 4th of July) to sell you flno snd cheap Dress Goods Ac. A largo and fine assortment ot Lace and Jersey mitts, black and colored, II. W. SLOAN. Don't forget that tho new Purgatory standing collar is to bo bad nt G. W. Ilcrtsch's tho Clothier and Gent's Furnish, cr. Batistes havo been reduced at I. W. Hartman & Sons' from 15c. to 11c. a yd. New Challles just received. Look at our window full ot them. H. W. BLOAN. 4th of July Goods this week at I. W. Hartman & Sons', botli in Dry Goods and Groceries. For a first-class fit In a suit of clothlnr go to G. W. Bertsch's tho Merchnnt Tailor. Tho largest stock of tea and coffco In this part of tho State at tho Great Eastern. Just received a flno lot nf bananas and lemons at J. II. Stcckcr's. BUSINESS NOTICES. THE HOMLIEST MAN in BLOO.M3JUUBG as well asthahandsnmest,nnd others are In vited to cnll on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and tunes, a lcmcdv that is sclllnc entirely upon its merits and Is guaranteed I to cure nud relieve all chronic and acute I coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consump tion, i rice ou cents ana i. SOME FOOLI8H PEOPLE allow a cough to run until It sets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away." but in most cases it wears them away. Uoulu tncy be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which wo sen ou a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the ex. ccllcnt effect after taking the first dose. rice ouc. anu si. Trial size tree. At nil druggists. Eczema, Itcliy, Hcnly, Hkln Tortured. Tho simolo nDDllcation of "Swavnc's Ointment," without any internal medicine, win cure any case or Tetter, Bait Bhtum, Hineworm. Piles. Itch. Sores. Pimnles. Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, no maiicr now oosunatc or long standing. It Is potent, effective, and costs but a trifle aia7-i-'B3-ir To Preserve Nattkal Flowers. Din the flowers in melted parafflnc, withdraw ing them quickly. The liquid should be only just hot enough to maintain its fluid ity and the flowers should be dipped one at a time, held by the stocks and moved about for nn instant to get rid of air bub bles. Fresh cut flowers, free from moist urc, make excellent specimens in this way. If you would preserve your health and in vigorate your entire system use i'errlne's Pure Barley Malt Whiskey, ""or sale by Ji. uouuins, liioomsuuig, i a eow. (JUEKN VICTORIA S CROWN. The Clown of Queen Victoria consists of diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapphires and cmcrnlds, set in silver and gold. Its grost weignt is ay or d uwt. troy, tho numoei diamonds are u.iiOJ: pearls. U7o: rubles. 9: sannhircs. 17: emeralds. 11. It Is an old saying Uneasy lies tho head that wears a crown, it is Dctlcr to wear tbe crown of perfect health and peace of mind through the curative effects of fer rule's Pure Barley Whiskcv. For sale by C. B. Bobbins, Bloomsburg, Pa. PIleHt IMlert! itcliliiic Plica. Btmitoms Moisture : Intense itchlnc and slinging ; most at nignt ; worse by scratch. inc. If allowed to continuo tumors form. wlilru often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching nnd bleeding, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes the tnraors. At drueclsts. or by mall, for CO cents. Dr. Bwayne & Son, Philadelphia, may-4-ly. THE POPULATION OP BLOOMSBUBO is about 0,000, and wo would say at least one-half aro troubled with some affection ot tbo throat and lungs as thoso complaints are, according to statistics, more numerous than othbrs. We would advise all not to necled the onnortunitv to call on their druggist and get n bottle of Kcmn's Bal sam lor lliu turont and lungs. Price 50c and 81. 'Irlal slzo free. Sold by all drug, gists. Rich and Poor, Prince and Peasant, tha Millionaire and Day Laborer, by their common uso of this remedy, attest tho world-wide rep utation of Ayer'i Pills. Leading phy sicians recommend those pills for 8toruach and Liver Troubles, Costive. ness, Biliousness, and Sick ITeadacho ; also, tor Rheumatism, Jaundice, and Neuralgia. They aro sugar-coated ; con. tain no calomel ; aro prompt, but mild, In operation ; and, therefore, the very best medicine for Family Use, as well a tor Travelers and Tourists. "I havo derived great relief from Aycr's Fills. Five years ago I was taken 10 ill with , Rheumatism that I was unable to do any wtitk I took three boxes of Ayer'i Pills and ww entirely cured. Since that tlmo I am never without a box of these pills." Peter Chrlttensen, Sherwood, Wis. "Ayor! Pills have been In uso in my family upwards of twenty years and have completely verified all that Is claimed for them. In attacks ot piles, from which I suffered many years, they afford greater relief than any other medicine I ever tried." T. F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. " I have used Ayer'a Pills for a num ber ot years, and have never found any thing aqual to them for giving mo an appetite and imparting energy and strength to the system. I always keep them In the houso." R. L, Jackson, Wilmington, Del. " Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured m of severe Headache, from which I was long a sufferer." Emma Keyes, Hubbardston, Mass. "Whenever I am troubled with con stlpation, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer's Pills set me right again." A.J. luser, Jr., Itock Houso, Va. "Ayer's Pills are In general demand among our customers. Our sales of them exceed those of all other pills coin blnod. We have never known them fall to give entire satisfaction." Wright & llannelly, Ban Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills, rnsrinxD nr Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Dealeis tn Uedlclne. "PXECUTOH'S NOTICE. Kauiie or Kofiert sicuutrt law a t uitingcreek loir Letters testamentary on tho above estate hav. ing oeen granieu 10 1110 unuersigneu, an persons luuruieu iuiuo sam eaiuiu are reuuiieu 10 make payment and those naving claims to prescut tho same without delay to ROUKUT II. McauiRB. Executor. so West Market uu, wufceabarrc, l'a. Junei'J tt UDITOU'S NOTICE. Htta'e of Joe)h A, lieu, late of Centre WiMj OrtYdWIl. Tho undersigned auditor arpolitcd by tho Or- ? nana' court 01 coiumuia cuuuiy 10 mane aiainuu lonof the balancoln the handsol the administrator to and among the parlleH emitted thereto, will ut at blsomcelu Ulooinsbuiy, on July 'Jo, m-n, al lu o'clock a. ra. to perform the duties ot his appoint ment, when and whero all tiersons interested must appear and provi their claims, or bo loren'r aeuirrcu irom vuiuiug in on tuna iunu. u K. WALLER. June 15 'H. Auditor, SUBSOMBK YOU the COLUMBIAN SHERIFF SALES. liv virtue of a writ ot MurFI. Pa. Issued out ot the court of Common l'loas of Columbia countri l'a., and to me directed tticro will bo exposed to publlo salo on the premties In Catawlssa township Columbia county, l'a., on SATURDAY, JULY 1-itli, 1888. at S o'clock p. m., tho following described roul es tate, to-wlt t All of tlioso two certain messages and tracts of land situate In the township of Catawlssa, Colum bia couatr, rcnnsrlvanla. Tho first tract bound- JJM JSZXSl and running from thence br lands now of William ilernlngcr, south ten and a quarter degrees, west ten perches to tho north end of the county bridge over Catawlssa creek, thenco through tho centre ot said bridge south thlrtr-clght degrees east nr. teen porches to the Intersection ot a publlo road leading to Ashland, thenco br said road aouln eight and a quarter degrees west nine and two tenths perches to a point In the centre ot said road, tn lino ot land ot Mrs llurgcr, thenco br said line aouth clghtr-one and a halt degrees west twenty-three and a half porches to a post origin ly a spruce tree, thence by Und ot Jonathan Port ner north ntty-elght and a halt degrcon west sixty tour perches to originally a maple on tho south sue ot Catawlssa creek, thence south eighty-two and a halt degrees, cast, crossing said Catawlssa creek and running by a publlo road leading down Catawlssa creek to tho town of Catawlssa, forty. tout perches to a point tn said publlo road, thence by land ot Ullam Long and land belonging to Ua estate ot Uoorgo Zarr, deceased, north soventy- (our and a halt degrees east thlrty-trlne perches to tho place ot beginning, containing nine acres and thirty-eight perched (bo tho same more or leas) on which are erected a Flre.proori'apcr Mill, l'our Double Uwclllnif IIouhch, Two Nliiifle Uwcllluic IIouhch, mi Office, a IIluclcHiuitli Hltop, Ma cliluc Hliop.llarii.Wnitoii Hlictl, HtrawHlictl, and all necessary outbuildings. The second lot or parcel ot land boundel an described as follows lo-wll: Beginning at u no in line ot lands ot Jonathan Former, a comer ot lot ot ground belonging to Mrs. llurgcr and run ning from thenco by the same north elghty-threo and a halt degrees east seven and a halt perches. thencobr tho sams north seventy-two and a halt decrees cast nineteen and a halt psrehea to the south part ot a gate, thenco by land ot Mathlaa Ginglcs south ntteen and a quarter degrees west nineteen and a halt perches to a chestnut tree thence by tho same south twenty-live degrees west eight perches to a post, thenco by tho samo south nineteen degrees west six and six- tenths perches to a post, thence by tbe same south forty-three degrees west nine and a half percttts to a corner ot a lot on tract ot ground known as the Foundry lot, now owned by Samuel J. Freder ck, thence by said lot north forty-one degrees west nineteen perches to a post fn line of Und ot Jonathan Fortner thenco by aald line north Ova and a halt degrees, cast thirty-four perches to tho place ot beginning, containing five acres and thir teen perches, be the samo more or leas, on which la found and constructed a dam or basin tor the purpose or getting fresh or clear water for the aforesaid paper mill. There will also bo sold a tot of oWlron, old castings, old machinery found on the premises about said paper mllL Seized taken In execution at the BUlt of tbe Cata wlssa Deposit Dank vs. McCready tiros, and to ba sold as the property of McCready Pros. SAMUEL SMITH, It. R. Little. Attr. Sheriff. June 21. SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! By virtue of a writ ot Venditioni Exponas Issued out of the Court ot Common Pitas ot Columbia county, l'a,, and to rro directed thero will be ex- posed to public sale at the court House In Blooms burg, l'a., on Saturday, June 30th, 18S8, at 2 o'clock p. m., tho following described real es-. tate, to-wlt : The undivided one-half Interest In all that certain messuage or lot of ground situate In tho township of Catawlssa, county ot Columbia and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at a post set for a corner for said lot at tbe Intersection ot tbe two public roads leading from tho town of Catawlssa respectively to McNInch'a and McKelvy's mills, south eighteen and ono half degrees oast ono hun dred and orty-one feet and six inches to a post, thenco by lands of Joseph B. Knlttle north fifty and one-quarter degree east one hundred and five feet to a post on tne south side of the afore said road leading from Catawlssa to McNlnch's mill, thence by tho same north sixty-four degrees west one hundred and forty-tour feet to the placo of beginning, on which Is erected a three story brick building used for a store-room, public halt, and Masonic Hall. seized, taken In execution and to ba sold as the property of C.o. S. Gilbert. Miller, Att'y. SAMUEL SMITII, Bloomsburg, June , 18J. sheriff. STATEMENT OF THE SCHOOL DIB THICT KOlt THE TOWN OF BLOOMSBUItO fun iii. 1 jiA auinu u uric 1, jooo. ltlCHAltD STILES, COLLECTOR. DR. To balanco duo on dupllc'te ot 'MS. (837 13 To amt, of dupUcato of 1SSJ iU&! T3 cn. By exonerations allowed on dup licate Ul inno w it By cash paid Trcas. bal duplicate of ISMi 833 01 By cash paid Treas. on duplicate ui iNii ttiu.if lesa uibvuuuis and commission 43S1 93 By cash paid Treas. on duplicate ot is f 10-J8.M, less coininUslon 978 to By cash pd Tieaa. ondup. ot 1887 TT60O 11 .. .1 .. .. soOCO By s per cent discount allowed taxpayers on M71 1.77 Z35 59 By per cent commission on f 1711 77 94 S3 By s per cent commission on (1028 08 61 40 Balanco duo district 767 en WM. KRAMER, TREASURER. Bit. To amt. reed, from Stephen Knorr former Treasurer $ 4C532 To amt reed from County Treas urer, taxon uns'ated lands.... 440s 10 amt-State appropriation 93108 I '10 amt. rcca. irom icicnara Mues collector on duplicate of 1888 . MS 01 To amt. reca. from Richard Miles collector on aupuc ite 01 is. .. 33i si MHC8. CR. By amt paid for printing 59 to water. 24 uu " " auditors see " " teachers. 4793 7 " ' Janitors. 4S)00 " " " music cnarts.... 4145 " " " roil asauo " " " Insurance 101 no " " " repairs. 701 OJ cl'nlng buildings 55 45 " ' " alty. fees 20000 " " " sec. salary svruo 57i9 " " " bonds and tnt ... 1044 87 ' " kundrles. 10a 41 By Treas. Com. on t;aai n 158 os fsotl st 554 14 Balance In Treasurer's hands i.seis 08 We tbe undersltrnel Auditors of the Bloom dis trict met June 7, audited the above accounts ot 11100m scuooi oisirici ana una mem correct Wm. E. RINKEIt, J04. llAHIilso.N, V. U. I1KNTLBR. IK hi "Bhvn H10N CUCHCU) ATllLnOMSBl'KII. In tho court of common Picas of Columbia I county, No. 7 Way Term, 18;8. im.lCiTlON I'OH okiiek or sm. And now Mav ltth. 1888. on Dcrusal of tho fore. going petition rule Is granted upon all concerned 10 show cause why an order of sale shall not be made, llemrnable at Argument Court August 3d, 188. Notice ot this rule to be published in ono newspaper ot tho county duilnir three weeks bo fore that tlmo. WM. KLWELL, r. J. at June jDMlNISTUATOH'd NOTICE. Kstateof Martin mitmlght late of FlUiliigcrett: Letters of administration cum testamento an. nexo In said estate having been granted to the undesigned administrator, all persons Indebted to nam rsmie urv urrcuy noiineu to pay ine same, anu uiobe iiavuk' claims airainst sa a rstate nres- cnt ihe same to CHARLES WMITENIUHT, ALUS. C. T. 1. JuneK6t Forks, Pa. QUUUOll LETTING, sealed proposals for all materials, and for the erection of a stone church, will be received by tho undersigned committee at the office of J. I. Moyer, Sec'y lllbomsburg, l'a., up uiuuiuftuun;. 1 u.. un 10 ruiuruaj. juij uu, at 11 m. nans ana sp lans and specifications can ne seen at the house 01 di I). J. Waller, or al tne omuu 01 v. w, Miller In said town. Bond In the sum ot twentr thousand dollars must accompany each bid. The committee reserves tho right to reject any or all Dias, V. 'V. J11LLKK, tf, l- .11 tJ 1 Alt, L. K. WALLK1L Building Com. 1'rea.CU. I June n ninn 1. OfOflOA MONTH can bo made I 21UU LO UlOUU working lor us Agentspre. lerrtHl wuo tun luruisu liirir unu uuntt'a sua gnu I heir wnoie lime 10 tne uuhucss. eparo moiurnis may be proniably emplojed also. A few vacan cies in low ns and cities. U. r. Jouxsoh ft Co, luui Main St., iticmaowi, a. June is-r-i. U v