PROFESSIONAL CARDS, i i Piurz ATTOIlNliV AT-LAW, Okkiok Front Uoom. Ovor 1'obtoffioo. At. w IILOOMBIIUIIO, Y'A. TTi. "maize ATTO It N U V' AT- LAW, Office. Hoom No. 3, Coi.umhian building. ULOOMSHUUO, I'A. Jan. cotti 18S8, tf. N, u. funk, 2 ATTOHNlt JT-AT-LAW. ULOOIISrjfl,PA O Dca la ant's liulldlng. J OILS M. OliAUIC, A'l TO UN UV-AT-LAW 1ND .11) TUJB OK THE l'EAUK. ULOOUSB0K0, l'A onieJiivor Mo)crUros. Drugstore. c. -1 W. MILLER, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, omie la Drawer's bulldlng.socond Ooor,room No. I Bloomsburg, ra. jrj FRANK. ZARR, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. Office corner c( Contra ana Main Bluets. Clark t liulldlng. Can bo oonsultod In Oerman. Q.EO. E. EL WELL " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, llt-ooMsittnia, 1'a. Ofllce on second lloor, tlilril room of Col- dmhian liuilillni;, Jluln street, Dclow n,x chnngo Hotel. pAUL K. WIKT, Attornoy-at-Law. onico In Columbian Udildino, Third lloor. ULOOMSBURG, PA. JJ- V. WHITE, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOM SBURQ, PA, Olllco in owcrs' Building, 2nd. lloor. nmy 1-tf B, KMOKR. L. 8. W1HTXBOTIIN. KNOKIl & WINTERSTEEN, Attornoys-at-Law ttrst door to tho left. Corner of Main and Market BtreetB uioomsourg, pa. ffiFPeniiont and VountUi CollecUd. F. V. UlLLMEYEH, (JJISTJIICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WOlllco over Ucntlcr's shoo store, Bloomsburg, Pa. apr-SUbO. yy. u. iuiawn. ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. ' Catawlsia, I'a. OTlco.comerof Third nnd Main Streets jypOlIAEL F. EYERLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims.. and LEGAL ADVICE IN T11K. SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES, &C. ?r-)f!lco In Dent'ers building with F. r. lllll mejer,, iront looms, 2nd floor liloomsburg. Pa. apr-o-8. j-yt. uonokaa. nouuiNs. omce and residence, West First street, Blooms bnrg, ra. novas so ly. T B. McKEIiVY, M. D.,Surgeon ami Thy li , Blolan, north Bide Main street, below Market D R. J. 0. BUTTER, rUYSICIAN & BURGEON, OOloo, North Markot street, Illoomstmrr, Fa DR. VVM. M. REUKIt Surgeon and Physician. Ofnco corner of Rock and Market treot. ESTABLISHED 1870. J J. IJROWN. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. onico and real denco on Third Btrect near Melho dttt church. Diseases c( the eye a specialty. J 0. REIFSNYDER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, onico with Dr. WllUts In Mrs. Eut's building EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBES, PROPRIETOR BL00MSBUEO.PA. 01TOSITK CODRT HOUSE. I arge and convenient sample rooms. Hath room, hot ai.d cold water; ana ail modern conveniences, V. UARTMAH irusiMTB rni followiso AMERICAN INBURANCEICOMPANIEB North American of Philadelphia. Franklin, " " Pennsylvania, " " York, ot Pennsylvania. Uanover, of N. Y. Ouoena, ot London. North British, ot London, omce on Mrket street, No. i, Bloomsburg., i- Bloomsburg Fire and Lifelns. Apy. ESTABLISHED 1SW. (Roceessorto Kieas Drown) AGENT AND JJHOKEIl COMrAKixs km-bisixtid: Assets .tttna Flro Ins. Co., or Hartford,. . J o.dsh.sss.s: II ortford of Hartford 6,'JKa.liOUl; Phoenix of Hartford ,,,, 4,ns'4t.i3 Springfield of Hprlngllfld a,cwj1oa )H Fire Association, Philadelphia..,,.. 4,ais,7iwe9 (luardlanof London w,(k3,3tt.7i Phoenix, of London Mf.M.SitUd Lancashire of KnglandtU. S.- branch) l,d4i,ltn.oa Itoyal of Bngland " ' ,8iiiM.oo Mutual ltcneilt Life Ins. Co. ot New. ark, N. J.. .. 41,31U,ttlS) Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office. F IRE INSURANCE CnitlSTIAN F. KNAVF, BLOOMBUDKU.PA, uuaik, ur n. I. MERCHANTS', OF NBWA11E, N, J. 'LINTON, N. V. PEOPLES' N. Y, READING, PA. (1KI1MAN AMERICAN INS. CO..NEW YORK. (11IEKN WICII INS. CO., NEW YORK. JERSEY CITY FIUK INS. CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. Theso nLD com-okations aro well seasoned bj ai;eandriH(TKSTiDand have never yet had a losssettled by any court of law. Their assets are til Invested In soup Bkcimima are liable to the hazard of rmnonly. Lossea raourrLr and hokbstlt adjusted and (atd as soon as determined by cuhistun t. KHirr, tnciu aukmtnd AWBsrxa Uloousbvko, The people of Columbia county should patros lie the agency where losseBlt any are settled and pall by one of ther own citizens. UlPltOMPTNESS. EOUITY, FAIR DEALING. w 11. HOUSE, DENTIST, Hi 0OMS11URO, COLVMHIA COUNTY, Pa All stylesof work done In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tiith Bitsact id without Pain by the use ot Gas, and free of oharge when artificial teeth, are Inserted, Olllco in Barton's building, Main street, liulow Market, live doors below Klclm's drug store, first tloor. 7a be open at all hourt during the rfat Nov8.iy Exchange Hotel, lEN"ON, PA. Tho undersigned lias leased this well-known house, and is prepared to accommodate the public w 1th am be conveniences of a nrtt-class hotel. sin-ami inm wake, Piopnttor. GET YOUR J01J PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE 0, ELWELL, . J X BITTEHBENCJ3II. f "Priiteri. A. C. YATES & CO Best mnde Clothing in Philadelphia for Men nnd Children. Sixth and Chestnut. .(Ledger Building.) Creasy & Wells' LUMBER YARD BLOOMSBURG, PA. Wo keep on hand a largo and well ns sorttd ktoek of all kinds of lumber, Southern Yellow Piue Michigan Shingles, Willinmsport Lath, Fencing, Flooring, &c. A. full stock of West Branch Moulding!), Doors, Sash, Blinds, Window and Door Frames. Estimates and prices quoted cheerfully. Lumber delivered by wagon, or rail Prices positively lowest in the maikct. apr 13 3m AT U if 111 Colored Cheviots in SACK and 4-Button CUTAWAY SUITS, WITH LOW CUT VESTS. Fine Dark Blue and Black Worsteds, Corkscrew, Broad wale Diagonal and Block Worst ed in Sacks and Cutaways, and HANDSOME PRINCE ALBERTS in ail I qiisilitics. NICE LIGHT SPRING ii iiccial lesider at $5.00 Very Pretty Children'H SUITS Plain or pleated nnd belted dark and light colors. Sailor Suits with Blue and Grey, also in KILT SUITS with Pleated Skirt Children AT for smaller D. LOW INSURANCE AGENCY OK j. if. maize:, Olllcc 2nd lloor Columbian UuUdlog, BLOOMSUURG, PA. LIFE. Northwestern MasonloAld Association, mem. Ix'rs 4I.SI1. Paid to beuenclarles f I.OSl.cnUT. In. bu res uou Masons. Travelers Lite and Accident of Hartford. FIRE. CONTINENTAL Of NOW York, 5,'I3S,861.JS AMERICAN of Philadelphia, fi, )l, NIAUAItAot New lurk, i J, 00,479.0 Liverpool, London and Globe Fire Iusur ance Co., 01 liOuaon, tne largest in mo worm, una uieim- A liberal share of the buslneea U respectfully Spring Specialties OVERCOATS mm soucitvu nu saiuuaciion guarauiceu. J, II. WAC21i,;AgcnU June I, I&8, tr. BLOOMSBTJIIG, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1388. HOW'S YOUR LIVER ? Is the oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy liver. When the liver, is torpid the bowels aro sluggish and constipa ted, tho food lies in the stomach undigested, pois oning the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassitude, despondency and-nervousness indicate how the whole system is deranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been, the means of restoring more people to health and hap piness by giving them a healthy liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraordi nary power and elTicacy. 'NEVBlt'UEEN DISAPPOINTED. AS a general family remedy for dyspepsla,torpld liver, constipation, el a, I linrdly ever uso nnj thing else, and havo been disappointed In tho effect pro duced; It seems to bo almost a perfect euro for all diseases ct the stomach and bowels. y. J. Mciannr. Macon, Ga. THE BEST BURN INQ OIL THAT CAN BE' MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant Wht. It win npyntpko the cnlmncys. It will not cWftlio wick, ltliasa high fire test, lt wni not explode. It'.la pro-itninently a family safety oil. WE'OHAXiLENSE1 COMFABI.OK W Ith any other lUiimlnfttng'oll,rtdo. We Stake Our EeRuttion, A3 refiners, upon the statement that Ills THE BEST OIL IN THE WOULD. Ask j our dealer for CROWN ACME. mm ji mm. Trado for Uioomsburg and Vicinity Supplied by MOVER BROS., Bloomsburg, Pa. CLOTHING I CLOTHING! Cr. W. BERTSCH, THE MERCIIANTi-TAILOR. Gents' Furnishing k::M Ci;: OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits made to aider at slioit notice and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. Call aud examine the largest and'beat selected stock of goods evor. shown in Columbia connty. Wore next door to First National Hank, MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg Pa. A LHUMS, PIIOTOOUAPII, AUTOORAPir AND XV r-crap, a inrgo ana compietq line ni j. 11. Mercer's Uiugand Book fclorc, Evans' Mock. A ILL THE FINEST EXTRACTS COLOONE j. facnets, pomades, Hair Dyes and Hay Rum at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Hook store, Evans' ltlock, opposite Eplicopal Church. 1 : I A LL PROPRIETARYMNDPATHNTOlKDlCINES ii at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Dopk oit, oppo-, ulln Vninnl Chiinh - ' ' 1100KS. STATIONERY AND WALl. PAPR1L A 1) fine stock at Mercer's Drug and Hook Store, uppubiie episcopal muruu, uiuoiusuurg, ra. rXASTILLK. TOILET AND, MEDICATED SOAPS, Kj a full lino at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Hook stare, upper uaiapireeu C10MI1S OF ALL KINDS, WELL SELECTED, AND j at very low prices at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Hook store, third door above Iron street, Hlooms uurg, i a. -tONDENSED MILK, COXITS, NELSON'S AND V- iuuh.t's Hcuuuie, 1 apiuca, caire, attvyt iwoi and all the nreDared foods for children and In valids at Mercer's Drug and Book store, nrst door aoove iiess' Hoot ana enoo Htore, uioomsourg, pa. CANARY, HEMP, RAPE, MILLET, MAW AND Mixed Seed for the birds, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Uook Store, llrst door below creasy iirocery aiow. FINE WR1TINO PAPERS. UY I10X, LOOSE OR In Tablet form, at .1. II. Mercer's Drug and iHJUK enure, uiouuisuurK, nu -fcTUKSlNfl DOTTLES. NIPPLES. RUU11ERRAI 1 ties, Teething Rings and all requisites ot ibe Nurbcry that will contribute to I he baby's nappi wss, at. 1. 11. Mercer's Drug and Hook store, two doors above Evans & Eycr's Clothing btoro. "I PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIIT10NS AND FAMILY J (i-ix-iit. parciuii; iiviiuit-u 111 Ml UUUIB ttl Alerter s irug uuu uuuk ciurc, iiiuuiasuurg, 1 a. riUHLET AND INI'ANT POWDERS. ROUGE. 1 cosmctlo and gold and silver Diamond Dust, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Uook Store, No CS Main street, mwmsuun;, 1 a. H7ALL TAPER MANY KINDS AND MANY VV prices at Mercer's Drug and Hook suve, upposite episcopal uuurcu, iiiuuiasuurg, . a Juue3,ly,ST, J. R..SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa. l)Bii.Ki:a in PIANOS, liy the following well known makers: Chickeriiigf, Knabc, Weber, Ilallet & DaviH. Can also furnish any of the cheapor makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. BeplS-solt. THE LOOM OF LIFE. TodajA fudo Info yesterdays, as each day has before, The preHit, pcut and future revolving o'er and oer, Into a oomlng morrow, tho noxt and thon tho noxt. Weavlug themes for story, for aermona many a text. Each day wo number singly, gathering one by ouo Tho wch of llfo thui weaving, from threads dU tlnctly spun, Sunlight and shadow .shuttles throwing mlnglodi smiles and tears. Life, lovo aud death for filling theso form the I wool or years. Clark W. Dryan In Oood Housekeeping. A MAI) RIDE. Do vou ask mo tho caunn of that nlnirln lock of whlto hair over my Tight tomplot' Well, I will toll you now, -though fops, I year after tlio ovonl occurrod whloli cnueod j It, I would not moutlou tho subject under auy consideration, Uno bright autumn afternoon. I dressed I myself with unusual care to mako a call , on a Mrs. Mark Dolibcr, whoso husband ' was in closo business relations with mluo. ) I went to tho hotel, whero slio was i stnylnp, nnd on sending 'up my card was I told tho lady was not fooling very well, but would llko to soo mo If I woula coinoi to Iter room. "Show tho ladvto 030. sixth floor." nold tho nmn in waiting, with tho usual flour-1 Ish, to tho man in tho elevator, ' I found a contleman nlroadv in tho I elevator,- and while waiting to soo if no I , ouo elso cored to bo taken up I hod a good look at him. Ha was a very largo, final v iroportloned man, with a slngiilarlr at-1 ractlvo fnco. IIo did riot socm Inclined t to ba seated, but walked from tho clovator into tho hull and Luck, and then from 0110 1 sldo to another (for it was a largo, squaro, very showily furnished apartment), appar ently deslrousof examining the workman-, ship. IIo ontored into conversation with ! tuo man in cnargo, asking him questions 1 about tho machinery and management, and l)cforo wo reached tho third lloor they 1 wcrooxcellcnt friends. Tho elevator man 1 had imparted lils entire stock of Infonna-1 Hon ns to tho runnlncr of his car. and liad boon delighted at tho impression this. unowieugo scorned to mako on tho stranger. At tho third floor wo stopped, the olo jvntor man evidently expecting some ono. ; IIo stepped Into tho hall to tako a survey, when llko a Hash tho door shut to nnd tho car started up. Tho gentlnman turned (o mo with tho calmest, most benignant siulln. 'Madame," liosald, "I know you would much prefer to bo served by a gentleman of quality than by that clown. Whero can 1 leavo youf ' "Stop for tho clovator man, I Imploro of you, I cried; "you do not understand managing tho machinery." 'inuceti, mauaine. you inluro mvfool-. lngs very much. Just as though I liad not manipulated tho elevatorforhis high-1 ness tho shah of I'crsln, as well as for tho emporor aud empress of China, and tho groat mogul nf India! "Please leavo mo at tho sixth floor," I answered meekly, too much disconcerted to reflect tliat thcro were only ono Btory buildings In any of tho countries ho had enumerated. 1 "Certainly, you Bhall bo left at tho six teenth floor," ho replied, as wo passed tho door whero I fain would have entered. I sold -'sixth floor, " I roiolnod withi somo asperity. 'Oh, pardon mo, ever fairest If not dearest. You do not mind if I wait until tho return trip boforo loavlug yout" Something was not right ith tho man, that was certain. IIo was silly, sonti mental, light headed; and ho wa3 also vigilant and on tho alert. IIo would not, let mo como near tho door or tho operating cable. Up, up wo went, till wo reached 1 tho top. I was li hoped ho would 'not bo ablo to start tliq machlno down again, and I called to a passing domestic: "Open tho door for mo, quick!" Dut it was of no uso; wo had started down, and tho woman called after me: "Tho doors only open from tho elevator, ma'am," When I glanced at my companion s fnco. after this appeal to tho servant, I saw it had tindergono a chango. Instead of tho. bright, benignant expression, with tl cheerful smllo coming and going, thcro was a dark, angry scowl, and ids hand somo cyos, that had rested on mo in ad miration but an Instant previous, flashed forth such wrathful glances that I felt they would bum if they did as their owner wished. A chill crept over mo as I asked myself tho question, "Can this man bo In sanoi" "Madamo," ho said florcoly, "you havo grossly trespassed on my forbearance I woul havo scrvod you llko a slave; and bco what a return you mako!" v itn every word na uttered his uasslon grow hotter and hotter. Instantly I saw that I must try pocillo measures ; and with 1 a calmnoss that I was .far from feeling, II saia: "bit, 1 oianot menu to no ungrato-' ful; Ingratltudo is something I despise, Lot me thank you a thousand times for yourdcslro to servo mo." .- 1 no scowi, mo auger, tno passion van-, tshod as soon as they had appeared. Hal took my hand, aud nearly roduclngi It to a shapeless mass by tho vo-. homeueo with which ho pressed it' In his large, powerful palm, ho replied: "Madamo, don't mention it. I felt your ingratitude was, not premeditated. It was moruly tho result of f of well, per haps of indigestion.'' (wanted to smllo at1 this suggestion,, but I felt that it would bo dangerous; so I heaved a deep Blgh and tried to look. as 6ad as I could. Watching my ovcryex-, prossiou, this sadness brought hiinonhli kneos, whlld he Implored mo to tell ''him what ho coud do for mo. "Stop on tho ground floor," I quickly porhaps too much po for my object io znauded. Wo had arrived nt tho third, floor, and tho door not closing tightly on our ascent, tho eluvator man stood with It opened, ready to. spring in. With tho nlmblcnejjs of n cut. my big companion was up on his foot, aud ho dcult tho mail such n rosound iiig blow.that ho tonpled over against'' the oppoalto wall of tho corridor, his hood banging with tt crash, ' "Madame," ho said, triumphantly,, "you, wUl perceive I nin a good hand at crucfcing cocoonuts." And ho begau to, tell mq tho' most ludicrous .tale,, of tho number andi slzo o( the, human fruit h hod broken. ( Interrupting him, I said; "Hero is tho, ground floor." It was a dangerous lutcrriptloif. For ft, mlnuta his faro was -darkened with1 tho' angry scowl and I did not kuow, but my. turn had coiuo for havlug uiy cocoauuti cracked, Dut houxhlbited his resentment, only by saying, snappishly: "Ground lloorl of course this is tho ground lloor. Whoro clso would ypu expect to have It? On tho top of tho housut" Wheu tho clovator reached tho bottom, tho xuw machinist, pxhlbttod the wuno skill. In starthur it un airalu as ha had at tho other end of tho lino. Ilythls tlmo thoj' different floors had moro or less pooplo watchlng'foriour(approach. Tho car was, mado to go at the top of Its epced. 'hi. splto of tlia, I heard ono man ask, as wo shot by a'r lauding: "Is that tho man. you aro after!" and, tho ronlv made inv hair rise: "Yes. ho cot out of ths mad ward," and tho rest of I tho sontouco was lost to ino. 00 hero 1 was, caged "up with a mordoo, flying un and down between tho first and tenth stories, of the hott ahe njaddest pf all mad rates". , 1 li There were more men at thol open door nf tlm third l&ndiiiir swhenf.wo Miassed it." but w wo going so fast, end ft ho big flgnroof my crazy Mmpanloif .iod"o' closo and so thrcatonlugly at tho pitrnnco, tna,t, tt wouip. uayo ueoa wou vuaa ,iaoi, ish to havo attempt! to pass Win. 1 could hear ths servants, vy ho had' oongrd .gatod in largo numbers -on their floor sayi "Ah. Door ladvl How whlto sho looksl I should dlo of fright if I wore in hor placet To think vo can t pobodyjholp lierl'' .rr Tho thoucht occurred to mo, thcro, Is somebody that con Cad can help moll And it was such a comfort to remomberj that 1 was w menabit 01 gouig ui uua ai, other times, besides when m autrosai 1 prayed fervently, and my fears grew hiss , ovei-powcrlnj;,.. . nro Snuff that tho clovator occuoiodl was not Inclosed with brick, ai is conor nlly tho easo; instead, thero was a heavy,, open wlro work around it, which enabled i. mo to rco nnd hear a great deal. I could; sro tho mon with tholr heads togothorl suggesting moans of stopping tho ilylngi mncnino, as it now liau bocomo. They, tried silt long Iron rods through frorai sldo to sldo of tho Shaft, but they snapped llko tow, Every nttonrot to enter or stoo the car mado my companion moro and moro' f uriouB. At longth, whllo coming .down tho tenth tlmo, ho caught sight, of somo ouo, probably his keeper, whom I havo al.l ready mcntionod. ana his excitement was I intense Ho did not scorn to think of ma He walked back and forth In his rage.i balking fiercely, and gcsticulatlnir with groat violence. I sot perfectly still, feci-' Dig every moment that ho might want to' vent his onfrer on mo if -I tlrow attention to my existence. J Something fell on ray shoulder, and! casting my oyes round, I saw boioo ouo had boon skillful enough to thrust in a bit of fcldod panei-. I cautiously bided my tlmo, and when my companion s back. was nirnoa, roaa: "Ynonyou roaoii tho; lowest floor turn on tho brake You will find it on tbo olovator floor next tho cable i It's your only salvation." I crumpled tho paper In my hand Just In tlmo, for tho I maniao wheeled round as I did. Tho noxt tlmo his back was tumod I looked for tho brake Thero it was. down by, tho operating cablo, but it Boomed that it might Just as well havo boon In the! Desert of Sahara, so far as tho possibility of my reaching It was concerned. W wont up and down threo times boforo my mind was mado ,up as to how I should work that brako. Thero was nothing to bo done in tho lino of reasonlnn-orarirninir or trying to divert his attention he was lu a too uighly, excited state Ho was too poworful for mo to march up boldly and, luru ii oororo uis eyes. 1 must resort to strategy. I kept saytn(j,',Whot if yon foil! what; If you failV' But that did not Increase my i courago. Andnt.last, nerving myself to. tho highest pitch of fortitude, Just beforo reaching tho bottom I rose from my place. which was exactly opposite tno precious' brako. and. throwinn' un mv liandti and uttering a loud cry, as if in dfstross, I full heavily to tho floor. Novor did a fall havo to bo so well calculated. I was Just toll' enough to reach tho brako with my out-' 1 , t - ....A .1 I, ' i I DLL-uLeuuu uiuiu; uut 11, m my excitement, I went clthor to tho ono sido or tho other all would bo lost. But God was pitiful. ' and I fell Just so that my outstretched finger turned tho bit of iron that was con nected with tho machinery in such a man ner as to mako any movement; impossible My cry and fall startlod tho maniac, nnd if I had remained perfectly still until wio uiiur was prreti opon an wouia liavo been well. As it was, I remained on tho floor what scorned to mo au eternity, and, : feeling suro my rescuers would bo wltldn lu mi instant, I got up. Hut this was a very falso move, for tho' oxasperntlon of not being ablo to work tho carliad rousod. tno madman to sucli a statoof frenzy that; ho turned on me, nnd, fairly gnashiug-his' teeth, ho seized mo by tho shoulder oind cried: "What havo yon dona, you misera-t bio woman? .Shoot lug is tooigood for you, I but it'sl tho only punishment I can In-' IllCt." So savins, ho druw Ida (revolver and took uiin at my thront. 1 renicmuer 1 was very cool, even at' that most trjing tlmo. I movod tho re-' volvov, Biijliid-, "Well, don't muss ray' fresh erepo lisso ruffle." Tho cold stool. pressed my light temple, and that sensa tion, with tho crash of tho opening elova- lor door, was tho last conscious moment I had for threo weeks. I was carried homo with aRtonv cazo on my fuco that frightened my servants al-i most out of their wits. A doctor was' summoned, nnd owing to n; sound constl-! tiitlon I pulled through a brnlu foyer that would hnvo carried off a less ro"bust wd-i man. 1 shall never forcet tho first tlmo I' took a hand glass to gazo nt tho altera tions my Illness had brought in my coun-' tcnanco. Tho sight of tho-whlto lock of I hair mado mo feel again, tho cold steel against my templo, and tho madman's fierce breath against my chock. I think It weni over tno entire scene boforo my hus band could walk across tho room and tnko tho globs out of my hand. That llttlo ex clteinont delayed my recovery for months. Do you wonder It was it, year after I was j well boforo I could spealtAvlth composuroj of my mad rldo ? Paul Capoll in -Domq-I rest, s xuontmy. Tliu Women of Cupri. They havo a stramroiwav lu this llttlo place, I fouud, of betrothing tho girls to the young men beforo the latter, leavo tho town. As very fow of them aro nblo to either read or write, long years pass by without n word from tho lover or "siioza reaching the patient girl fit home It is not n raru thing to meet hero young cou ples wiio were engaged for ten, twelvo or cvjn hftecn years boforo fortune was sullicieutly favorable to allow them to marry uuo cannot soon get j-icn on thirty cents a day, and that is tho wages of, a man in Capri. This Is, perhaps, tlio reason why so many men leavo tuo Island, leaving tho women at homo to take caro of tho vlnoynrds and olivo groves. it Is a very picturesque scene, these women with their gay costumes, rich com plexions, bright, flashing oyes, at work in l He Holds, or leading their tlocks or goats up the mountain slue to pasture Tholr feet uro always bare, aud bocomo so hard that It Is simply wonderful what they can endure. They will walk over tho roads covered with sharp, flinty stonos, climb the rugged mountain sides, and bo Quito as coiufortablo as if walking 011 the soft est carpot. In fact, for hardness, their leot rosomnio tnoso of tno western girl, who, when told by hor mother that there was a rod hot coal under her foot, drawled out, without moving an inch, "Which foot is It under, mammy?" Yet tho foot of theso women aro by no moans mis sliopen, but, on tho contrary, aro perfect models for an artist. Woman. Content, of u Womitti'. Handbag, "What do you carry In that bag?" sold tho big man to tho business woman, Coluting to tho little black handbag that 1 hor Insepurublo companion. "I'll show you, ".said she; and then she took out two handkerchiefs, ono for nse and ono for show, a lead pencil with the point broken, a stick of gum, unchewed; a lump of gum, chewed: Oeorgo William Curtis' editorial on Matthew Arnold'B death, cut out of Harper's kly; threo keys that don't tit anything lu particular, one iatch key that does fit, a Bond street library card, three Daly's theutro seat coupons, a tluy box of face powder, threo capsules of quiniuo, fivo vlsjtlug cards, soveu letters, flvo of them from ono man; spring suits cut out of tho Sunday papor, a season ticket to tho American Art asso ciation's prlzo exhibition, an unposted letter to her mother, threo rubber bonds, tlireo postal cards, a shoo buttoncr, den tist's appointment card, four hairpins, an unpolished moss agato, coral brooch with the pin broken off, half a mustard loaf, a pleco of paper with quotations from Mme. iilavatsky on thcosopliy written on it, o sample of yollow ribbon to bo matched, a card photograph of another girl and a purso containing one three cent piece and a postage stamp. New York Graphic. Use of rorcelaln bhot. Under this name small whito globules of porcelain are mode in Munich. Thoy aro mado to tako the placo of ordinary lead shot used for cleaning wiuo and mcu. lcino bottles, as porcelain is entirely freo from tho objection of producing lead con tamination, which is often tbo result when ordinary shot is used. Their hard ness and rough surfaco producing, when shaken, greater friction, adapt tho porro lain shot well for quickly cleaning dirty and greasy bottles, and, as they aro not actod upon by acids or alkalies, almost any liquid can be used. American Journal of l'humacy. " Act natural, my friend, nnd though you mny not bo very strong, you won't bo ridiculous, Uncle Ezck. Becurlle, a ilaineless explosive, has been indented by Heir Schoenowig. May tomorrow bo all you wish. Jap anese Saying. VIEWING THE RED PLANET. Speculations About tlio "Cnnnl." In Star, and Tlielr Ualldcrn. Pooplo wlio can obtain tho privilege of looking nt Mars tluougli tho Lick trio scope should not neglect tho opportuulty, Several years havo elapsed sluco this re markable planet could bo seen' to such ad vantage1 as at jiresont, and It will be threo years beforo wo havo an equal chance again It has certainly uqver been exam ined beforo through a toloscopo of such powor as tho monster refractor on Mount Hamilton. It may bo Interesting to lovers of ns. tronomy to know that the eminent French nBtronomor, M. Porrotln, Is engaged hi A mlnuto study of Mars, and that his dis coveries confirm those of M. Schlaparllll In every particular. It seems oo tuolly true that tho longitudinal stripes which clrclo round the planet aro bodies of water, which must, according to, all laws of probability, bo orllfictaL No ono ever saw or conoclvcd a system of parallel rivers from 1,000 to 2,000 mllca long and straight, as plumb linos. Everything is possible, of course, but such straight rivers It la Impossible to rocqnctlo with tho principles of cosmogony as wo under stand them. On this planet, nt all events, naturo abhors a straight lino, and by analogy It should do so in Mars. Yot, if theso bodlos of water aro canals, as Schlaparllll believed and Porrotln Sooms hardly to doubt, what monstrous works thoy must be Thoy are from fifty to eighty miles wldo Fancy tho labor of digging such a canal, tho tlmo It must havo takon, and the number of workmen it must havo employed Tho pyramids of Egypt aro trilling in comparison The Suez canal Is 107 foot wido nt the surface and tho Nicaragua somowhat Wider. Our canals on this ono horse globo aro con sidered long when thoy reach 100 miles hi length. Tho Panama canal will be ilessi than istxty miles long. Tho canals of Mars reach a length of 2,000 miles Bay ns far as from hero to Omaha. Whatatrafflo thcro must bo to support such onterprlsesl On tho waterways of China travelers de Bcrlbo tlio Incessant ebb and flow of multitudinous crowds, but to rcqulro canals of such dimensions as we havo do scrlbed, tho movement of traffic in Mara must be far moro prodigious. In fact, they Imply a population which almost staggers belief', considering that tho rolumo of tho ptanet Is only ono-slxth that of1 tho earth, the diameter being 4,100 miles ns against 8,000 milos, thoy, warrant tho wildest conjectures as to the density with which It may bo poopled. What manner of man lives in shirs, if bo men thero, bos lilways been a fu.vorn.blo topic of speculation. Tho law. of gravitation tolls us that ho may be fourteen feet high not such a Bon of Anak as, tho inhabitant of tho asioroids, but still ono who would regard the Belgian giant as a romarltablo dwarf. Possibly tho enormous public works on Mars may bo explained on tho theory that theso tall fellows can work In proportion td'thelr stdturo that ono cltizon of Mars can shovel as mnch dirt as two and a half den izens of this world. Whother the grass of Mors is red, as tho old astronomers averred, modern tele; scopes havo failod to decido. It is very difficult to determine colors when an ob ject lens collects 30,000 times as much, light as normally enters tho human' eye But tho spoculatlvo astronomer is safo in asserting ids belief that Martian cabbages aro of the color of our beet roots," as no ono con disprovo tho assertion. San Francisco Call. Coffee Making In Venezuela. What I saw of tho process of malting coffeo requires no1 elaborato, carefully considered description Tho .following plain and unstlltcd cook book, English, will sulllco to lultlato tho careful, pains taking housowifo In tho mystery of how to mako a cup of coffeo: Get your Vene zuela coffee tho fattost, roundest, heavi est beans roast enough of them to sorvo for tho making of as many largo cupfuls as thcro aro to be drinkers. Roast, tho beans, do not burn brown,, do not' blacken them; bray them while hot In a mortar with a pestel; do not grind them lh any kind of a patented or unpatented labor saving nnd coffeo spoiling' machine what1 soover. Crushing does not, and grinding does, cau so the coffee to port with somo of Its aroma. . Tio, tho grains thus crushed ta about the slzo of flaxseed in a bag of thick whlto flannel, bo thick that no dirt or dust, if any thero bo .In the coffee, may escapo through tho Interstices of tho cloth. Tako a plain earthen pot, fill it with water and set it ou tho flro till it Is hot, very hot, and tho water has been boiling a minute or twe Throw out tho water, put in tho bag, lot the coffee steam a fow minutes, the lid of tho pot closely fitting, nnd allowing no escapo of aroma. Carefully lift tho cover, pour in boiling water enough to mako one-third of a cup of coffeo for each prospective drinker and ono tliird of a cup for tho pot. Lot the bag of cuffco boll threo mmutes.tho lid of the pot still on, letting tho steam escape as little as possible. in threo minutes tno tlmo it takes to boll an egg tho coffee' Is ready. Pour out one-third of this black, Btrong, hair lifting ossenco, dlluto It with twfco tho 3uantlty of boiled milk milk of tho-An-aluslau cow; sweeten It with papclon. natural Venezuelan sugar crystals, and ou will bo prepared to enjoy tho delights hat excited mo to two cups and a half that morning John, Hans, Jean Juan gavo mo a bpamsn lesson wnuo lakuig my order for desayuno in tho hotel of blessed memory in the sweet vale of Caracas. 1 Cor. New York Times. Diamond Mining In South Africa. Tho dlamondiferous soil is quarried out below by Kafirs and deposited lu great Iron buckets which run on Btaiidlna: wlro ropes, nnd aro hauled up by steam to tho receiving boxes 011 tno onus ot tne mine Everywhere Is activity uud bustlo, and a loud hum comes up out of the vast bolo from 8,000 to 4,000 human beings eugaged at work below Tho men themsoives look like bo many flies ns thoy dig away at tho blue soil, and tho thousands of wire ropes extending from every claim to tho de positing boxes round tho edge havo tho aDnearanco of a buce snider a web. while tho buckets perpotually descending empty ana ascending tun might wen represent the giant spiders Every thirteen or fourteen Kafirs .at work In the mluo have a whlto overseer, to prevent as much as. possible that wholosalo robbery which goes on among them. Ono would think thoy would find it rather hard to steal, and still more difficult to conceal a diamond on their naked persons under the oyo of tho over seer; but, despite all precautions, thoy do steal a vast number of stones, picking them up and carrying thcin away in their mouths or between their toes. Tlio largest diamonds uro usually unearthed lu tho mines beforo tlio stuff Is washed, and au overseer must keep his eyes well open, for he cannot be suro of tho honesty of any ono of his "boys." Globe-Democrat Book Review. Tho Smallpox In Mexico. Thcro Is ono peculiarity about tho Mex ican pooplo which I do not recollect ever having seen In print, and that is their ut ter disregard of tho disease to dreaded by Americans smallpox. 1 havo been in Duraugo several tears, and it is qnito common thcro to seo children in an ad. yanced stage of the disease playing on tho streets with perfectly healthy children,. To say that I was astounded but faintly oxpresses my footings when I first went to that country, but I soon learned that tho disease was considered an especial dispensation of Providence for the clcau sing uway of tho wlckeduuss of humanity, and tlioso who pass through it are consid ered as among the purified. Smallpox is pot nearly so virulent in Mexico as wo havo It In this country, and thcro is no such a thing as vaccination thought of by native Mexicans. 1 could never And any vaccine virus thcro, and had to send to tho Statos for It. Ameri cans tako tho precaution of vacclnuting and I can call to mind but ono fata) cao outside, cf jtlves stay In Mojo Ico tUut one a young English officer who fell a victim to tho disease a short tlmo alter arriving in tho country. If thero is Each a placo as a pest house In Mexico 1 novor heard of It. Globe-Democrat. THE COLUMBIAN, XXII NO 20 COLBMIUA DEMOCRAT, VOl LU, NO 14 MICKEY FINN'S DARBY. Tom1 ConnOr was tho blacksmith over 1 thrj hill. Mickey Finn won In tho lutblt of running on errands for Tom, aud so, when , Providence Bent n Ulterof pigs, Intp Tom's , sty, lio hlcked out th6 smallest, scrawtil bsti most ineajdy looking pig In tho lltter' and gave it to Mickey. ' Of coursojtho boy ' was Relighted and hq ran ,honio with tho , squealing .flttlo porker .under his arm. Now, H ihero ivns anything of 'which Mrs. ! Finn' was fond It was' fresh' pork, cspe-' clally when it was yourig and tender. But j sho find had considerable .oxporlonco with animated pork in her day, and after look. Itrg' at, Mlcltey's acquisition with tlio oyo of !a connoisseur pho decided that tlio 1 chances of tho plg's'ripculng Into plump) bar)in and Juicy chops wcro very slim. Tio economicqupstlou having been disposed , Of, Mrs. Finn evidently saw no valuo In; tho pig from nil ornamental or sentimental, standpoint, for sho said! "Now, Mickey', you tako that rack o' bones, wld no mato on its back, t' Tom Connor, an' tell him ho might bo up t , bettller business rior shovin' off Ws Ixmes 1 and bristles oil ye Faix, ho might as t wel bo glvln' yo n sthovo finite Luk at I tli' tall iv th' bonocnl Miu.ha, tharo's 110 1 moro twist to t than there is in a hoo , Imndlol" l Mint, mother, I don't want th'plg t ate I want t piny wid him I" 1 "Play wid n tilir, la ltl God pavousl' Nist j'0,'11 .want to PQ playing, wld Feenan's calf, so'yo will. Oh; but yon'ro a, Idoney b'y,; yo re out lv yo'ro slvln' small Bluses. Play, wid a plgl Ocii, did' I Ivor heal- the llkbsl Play wld a plgl Mebbo yo'd bo puttln' pants on him on' fecdlu' him. wid a 9noon. airrd. It's a auaro lad vo are mo b y, wid yo're ould dlwil goats and that 1 black crow as has shiny beads In his head. , ,veu, w t'i. uu iwauvin 1 inv a yjur. ,,vyu, ,WOl, u lv yo 'stead 1 snake, charmer or fiurik uu lit. Aiwa 1,11 luiv ituivu(iui yu dm. , Now run, rim awa'. " Mhjkey 'picked up the; pig' tenderly in Ids' arms and went nwnybver tho hill. His' heart was heavy; but Tom .Connor cheered i hliji up. , 1 '-'Mickey,' sald he, "ypu an' I will' make' a pen fdr the porker, forcnlnst tli' forgo, 1 ah! you can gather a llttlo grass Mi' Bthuff 1 ferMilto. Mobuo iho'll get fat. Thin yerj mdther' glad ,t' hav' him. Wo'll, call the porkpr Darby." ' Tho pen was built arid. Darby Waft duly Installed therein. Under 'tho fostering 'caro Of tho blacksmith and llttlo Mlke.tho 1 porker grew in slzo and plumpness, aud , enueaivl uimseij to Jiicney oy .ins jniuiy t winding ways'. Tho pig became, brrlfid' of baf k -and Btrong of limb. Darby's ears . began to droop upon his, nock and ho was very fond pf. being- scratched between llifm with a pleco. of old iron. And bo the days fled' quickly by, filled with tho Joy of . content. Thero was no presage in1 tuo air ' of icomlng disaster; no kindly proplietlo spirit to .warn tho boy, and.thq .unsuspoct- j ing macsmiui 01. coming sorrow. 1 Perhaps 'tu)ieUer(that tho veil WhlcJi'hldo the future from Inquiring eyes Should not bu rent, Aud o'en tbo thunderbolt should fall , From ypa unclouded sky. Than hnrald Its approach with awful crash Of riven elements. II. ' But whllo tho May ,days were slipping 1' away into tho eternities, Mrs. Finn had not J been Idlo, Her boy's extravagant .praises . of Darby hail awakened ,her' cupidity anew. Often whllo Miokoy was at school Mrs. Finn took sly trips over tho meadows to; tho sty. On each of theso occasions sho : always took w ith' hor some choice, morsels which wcro calculated to Incronso Darby's girth, and, to make his Jowls droop with fnjtnoss. ,Alas; Jiowovcr, Mrs. Film enter tained none of thoso lino sentiments of unselfish lovo for Darby which animated hor son. Sho could 'see np pootry in tho coVkscrew curl of Darby's tall as he I grunted with pleasuro wlillo gnawing last J j car's cabbago stump. Her linor sensibil ities had been.roughcned by the sandpaper of, misfortune ' Each pound Darby gained meant not added gyaeo and finely molded proportion to her, but rather suggested tljo saity'pork borrol nnd tho sizzling fry Unrpan. During all this tlmo Mkkcy's old gray bearded milyge-at was suffering tho tor nyoitta of unrequited, affection. Day by day tho billy saw'Mickey go by.lijm on his way to tho pig pen. But onco in thito long weeks did llttlo Mlko stop and gambol 1 with ther goat as ho bad been wont to do, In tho sweet old days beforo tho coming of the huted) Darby. Tho goat peemcd tot be awaro that tho affections of his muster,) Were waning away frpm hai "Uko tho twilight, of an auttirdn day." Ilodldli'ti pine aud droop as a less hcroia spirit j would havo done, ibut'quletly Waited, cvi-, dcntly knowing that In tho fullness of tlmo roveugo should bo his. IIL Only a llttlo .spnllt hollow In Stumpy Field separated Darby and tho goat. Ono morning, 'whilq yet tho grass was bending beneath diamonds of do w,-tho gout canio' out of his barrol aul stretched his! legs. Ho looked pff over tho valley ut tho mists Ucelng up. tho ruggotLsides of Suako Hill. Ho siuv rho falrit finfln In tbn onst rn-ml. ually deepen into a vivid blush of ioso color. 110 watenca uio nignt 01 a nap plug crow as it, rose from, a field of sprout ing corn and perched In tbo ton of tno big' pine in Lludsloy's wood. Inspired by tho music of a bluo blrd'that flow on tho feucu and sang him a morning roundelay, the billy became, frisky and humjied ids back. Then ho Indulged n a littlo practice buck ing. Whllo engaged In this harmless amusement tho billy becamo awaro sud denly that ho was a ,freo goat, no longer bound by tho galling clotheslinu. The' billy, having satisfied himself that ho was no longer a captive, ambled over to Darby's pen. Tho pig was asleep, Ho, however, was soon awakened. Thero was a, battering ram at his gate. Onco, t Ice, thrice did that implacable catapult hurl Itself against tlio frail Fcn- Tieu tlio hemlock groaned in splintering pain; it cracked, it broke. Darby sprang to Ills feet and equcalGd In fright. The hoofed demon with blazing eyes nnd ragged bangs full of hemlock splinters was, in tlio 'pen, Now, ttbat avails thy sleek and rounded bulk, ch, porcine s barltef potter, far, If thou but hadst the gaunt and hollow flunk, Tim oshboord ribs, thy leanness 09 ot yore! Then began an .awful struggle Urged by the billy, Darby was forced out Into tlio field and bowled over aud over down tho hill. Tho billy attended Btrlctly to business. No sooner did Darby get on his feet than ho was called on in a mobt forclblo manner to Ho down. When Darby had once moro got his trembling legs 'under him he mado ono supremo effort and ran up the hillside, His asccut was ma- tcrlally assisted by the goat. But Darby jLiu, Huiug tuwuru ino nmn quarry r in headlong, bluuderlng flight Darby 1 ushed madly on. T)io bushes hinging tho brink of tlio jircclptco wcro parted by the mad", dened rush of thlrtyifivo pounds of mil. mated pork. A faint squeal rent tho nil Of tho beautiful .May morning, thero was a dull and sickening thud ou the rocks bo low and' Lifeless but beautiful Darby lay, IV. Boforo Mickey missed Darby his undo drovo up to the door and Invited him to lake a short visit to PouckhOeklo. After ,uor sou naa gone ami the breakfast dishes wero cleared awov, Mrs, Finn went to tho sty to have a look at tho nlrr. Tl iero thn awful reality dawned udou1 her tho .wrecked Bty, tho 'freed rroat and tho miss bur iilg, uui wneu sua fount! uarbv in the quarry she, mado no moan. In foct, gno Duineu unci ooro too ooay iiomo in her .Stronrf arms. The next morning Darby was tried by iflro aud was not fouud wantlngvfor his Jacket assumed a rich brpyvn color and the Isavory smell that rosa from tho oven wns sufficiently appetizing to make tho tonguo of a gourmet palpitate In his month. Then Darby was put on a big plate and placed in tho oven. Tiiero wero a number of guests ot dinner that day, among whom were Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Cronlp, Mlko Welsh's wife. I'atsoy Corrlgan's hiss Nancy, and tho one legged accordion Allow Ua tlnO. tlOaijaNijLitfitcj) aiv' v a uirty mqutnomig vagaopnes us yo win 09 ay yo don't sthop foolin' wid anlmdls I Sty there. Now, Mickey, tako1 that pig) back t' Toln Connor hn' toll 1dm V irlv Vo wan wld 'waves tl? rid Hag wBLi tharo's a "coTv off the track." Just na tho guests sat down nt tho tabloj aucKoy roiurauu, uul ins motiier gavo him aplato In tho kitchen for certain pru dential reasons. , Darby was Indeed n licnutlful slcht. or. liofflented with (prigs of celery and with n brand new corn cob In his mouth. If ho wal lovely In life, ho certainly prcsontcd a very toothsomn nptiearalifo In death. Mlckoy drummed linnatloutly upon tho kitchen tablo with his hnlfo handle, bo' caube, being tlio younger, ho had to wait; until all thn rout wero nerved. But at last' a big pleco pf tenderloin was placed boforo' htii. To his shamo-bo it said, ho actu; ally iicglocted tho potatoes on his pinto, aud asked for a l econd pleco of Darby Ik- lore no touencu tno potatoes. -It Is with dcen rocrot that tlio occur- ronco is recorded, but Mickey's plato wa nijou a uiira tinio, ana ill tins nisianco it, was a cjiolco cut from the plump ham of his llttlo protege After ho had been filled' to repletion, niter tho buttons of his vest had been relloved of danircrous pressure' ho leaned back In his chair, with grtnso on ms 1 ft co auu a pcaco with all llio world look In his eyes. Then his mother turned to htm and said! ".Mickey, did yo llko th' dinner?" "Yls, mother," "Won't yo hav' anothor llttlo bit nff th' nock J 1st ri trifle, dent?" "No, motlicr dear; I couldn't ato It! I'm full." . "Well, darllnt, yo won't bo frcckcnenlf Uollyo som6thluT" "No, mother, I will not." "Well, that pleco o" rib, an1 that bltnff th' ham, an' that pleco o' th! neck ycr'o afthcr 'atln' kum oil your Darby 1" If a "bombshell hod fallen nt Mickey's feet ho could not hnvo been moro startled. Ho loaned forward In his chair, and blp tears ran down his checks and niiugled with tho gravy lu his plate Then ho laid his head down upon the tablo and wept as If his heart would break. But his father went to tlio closet aud brought out a new bow and arrow, whicli ho laid beforo his son. Half an hour later thcro was a shout of laughter In tho backyard. When Mr. Finn went to tho back door ho saw llttlo Mlko trying to pcnetratojtlio hide of tho billy .goat with nn arrow, Now York Evening Sun, Sunday Klocttntis In Switzerland. I mado friends with the Instltuteur of tho, Vllleueuvn publio school, who led tho Ringing at church and kept tho.vlUngo book store; nnd he, too, talked politics with' nie, nnd told mo that all elections were held ou Sunday, when the pooplo were at leisure, for otherwise) they would not take tho tlmo to vote. Ho wusiiotso clear ns to why they were always held in chdrch, but that is the fact; nnd,somo tlmjes tho sacred character of the is not enough to suppress boisterous party feeling, though It certainly helps' to con trol It. After divine service on election Sunday I went to tho Cjrolx Blanche for my cof fcej to pass tho time till tho voting should begin. On the church door was posted' n, printed .summons to tho electors, nnd on tho cafe billiard, tables I found ballots of the dUTej-ent parties t-cnttored. Gendarmes had also distributed theni about (n tbo church pewfc; they were Inclosed in envel opes, which were voted sealed. On n table before the pulpit the ballot 1kx a glas-s urn Was placed, nnd beside it sat tho Judges of election, with lists of Unregis tered voters. Hut in any precinct of tho canton nn elector who could prove that ho had not voted at homo might deposit his ballot in any other. The church bell rang for1 the people to assemble, nnd the voting began aud ended In perfect quiet. Hut I could not wltnets, nn election of this an cient republic, where freedom was to (many centuries old, without strong emo tion; it had from Its naturo and the piaco tho consecration of a religious rite W, I). tHowells in Harper's Magazine. Uio Cowboy of llu.alfi. The Cossacks furnish the cavalry and tho Russians think it Is the finest lu tho world, although thero Is li decided differ ence of opinion on this subject among military authorities. Outside of Itussln the Cossack is regarded as a good scout and an nctlvo guerlUa, but worthless tor regular warfare. Ho is a cowboy, tho gaucho of Russia, was born In a saddle, has a contempt for agriculture (all tho food products among tho Cossacks nro raised by tho women), a contempt for schools, would not learn to road or wrllo if ho had an opportunity, and is Just nbout finlf civilized. Hut the Cossncks are a race of free men. They have never been serf s, and havo uover' held them, nor have they over paid taxes to any authority. They own vast tracts of land in eastern Russia, where they raise henis of cattle, sheep nnd horses; All their land Is held in common and the people live lu communes. Their system of local government Is the same as that of the Bedouins; the sumo ns that of the children of Israel in the timo of Moses and Abraham. W. E. Cuitls. Ttio.Tlrno .to Slm-n. ! Another lmnortanl hvclenlo rule la noverto thwart that advance guard' of sleep tho drowsy Impulse, which in healthy Individuals will bo found to occur about tbo sumo hour each night. At Its approach the Indivldunl should Invariably uutuae uimsoii 10 rcstf uor Should no tarry, until this drowsiness gerges on nn consciousness, but at the very first Inti mation of brain weariness ho bbould seek to assume a horlzoutal position as quickly as.posslblo If this rulo bo .scrupulously malntalued It -will usually bo found that sltep supervenes almost as tho head touches the pillow, If thero has leen no pluvious abuse of the pleasures of tho tablo. If, however, thero has been gor mandizing and abuso of wine shortly bo foro retiring, th'e aspirant for honors in tho arena of cerebral combat must not bo surprised if ,he bo subjoctod to all tho In conveniences of semi consciousness, total mobility to sleen. or sleen In which all tbo terrora of nightmare nro unrolled before tho Irritated Imagination. Dr. J ard Corning. Loon- How a Woman I. Won. Good looks cut a small flo-ure In lorn making, and lucre plavs no nnrt'at all In youthi People havo to get old boforo ' thoy bocomo Bordld. and then lovo has takon wings. A man may have a .voloe like an unhinged barn door, a noso like a cucumber, a foot lke a llddlo box, hands uko nams, teetlrllke a step ladder, oyes like n jay's and -a mouth like a cellar door, and if ho sues judiciously no arrows of misfortune can keep tho wreath from his brow provided he keeps clean Bhavcn, clean linen and a clean mouth lie may be uttcuuutud to the vcrv verco of ema ciation, or bo elephantine In movements and dimensions, but perfumed with the scent ot fresh linen and possessed of wit enough to use bis tongue, ho may win any woman whom ho studies with caro. Chicago Times. Photographing lYmulo Cilmlunl.. "Do you him.- trouble In getting feiialo criminals photographed?" was asked of Inspector liymes. "Very, little. When told they must havo their pictures takon they usually cry and mako u fuss, but wheu the operation is about to bo performed it Is funny to seo how quickly they dry their eyes and smooth down their hair, and prink up with a manifest desire to look us pretty as possible. This nppllcs to nine out of ten " New Yolk Sun Interview. THE Wlr3 SWEPT WHEAT. Faint, fatnl and clear, " , Faint as the uiuslo that tn dreamt we hear, Shaking the curtain fold ot sleep That shuts away The orld's hoarse voice, the sights and sound 01 nay, Her sorry loys. her nnantoma false and Beoti 60 Kiftly, softly stirs The wind's low murmur In tho rippled whaatl Prom west to east Tho worm breath blows th slendet beads droop low, As It Id prayer; Again, more lightly tossod In merry play, They bend and bow and sway, ' With measured boat, Dut never rest; Through shadow and through sun Goes ou the tender rustle of Iht) wheat. Dreams, more than sleep, x Fall on the lUtcnlng buart and lull Its coral Dead years send hack That treasured half forgotten tune, Ah! long ago, When sun and iky were tweet) 1 It) happy noon, 1 We stood breast high 'mid wave of ripened grain, , And heard tho wind make muslo la the wheat! Net for today, Net for this Lour alone the melody. So soft and ceaseless, thrills the dreamer's far I Of aU that was, and U, of all thai tl shall bo It holds apart; Love, sorrow, longing, pain. The retle.ueji that yearns, Tbo thirst that bums. The bliss that llku a fountain oversows. The deep reiou, Oood that w might have known, but shall not kuow The hoi Ood took, the Joy be made complete; Uf' chords all answer from tha lnd swept wheal, -lUrv AUu (m Voce la Pnreuologteal Journal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers