COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. E. Elwdll, I wju.,, J. K. Bltttntenitr., S BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, JUNK 15, 1888. WASHINGTON LETTEB. From our Uegul&r Correspondent.) Washington, Judo Uth. 1888. Enthusiastic is a very mild work for describing Iho condition of tho demo emtio members of Congress who havo just rcturnod from tiio St. Louia Con- ! .1 ,1.. 1 , .. veuuuu, unu witru in iiiuuiu ri-ueuu why overy democrat in tho United States should bo as enthusiastic as thoy. Cleveland and Tlmrman, and a platform broad enough and strong enough to hold every democrat in tho country, are sufficient causes for uni versal enthusiasm. NoTer beforo in tho history of tho democratic party has it entered a Pre sidental campaign with such good pros pect of victory) never beforo was tho party so thoroughly united. That luuoh credit for this very tiattcring stale of affairs in the party is duo to Mr. Cleveland oannot bo denied. Ho has (riven tho country a cood, honest pains- tnkincr administration) ono that has been conservative and steady; no fire works; no bunkum; iust plain, every. day, good old-fashioned, domocralio ideas of businoss, applied in a business way, and tho result is an administra tion that has pleased the peoplo so well that they have concluded to havo four years more of it. The American voter knows a good thing when he sees it Every true democrat will take pleas ure in honoring that old wheelhorse of demooraoy, Allen G. Tburman, of Ohio. The red bandanna is the symbol that will lead us to victory. Tho Republicans are in a pitiablo condition. Their National Convert tion at (Jbicaco promises to be in marked oontrast to tho St. Louis Con ventiou, which was thoroughly harmo nious. Thero is every indication that they will have a bitter and prolonged fight over tho nomination which may result in a deadlook belweeh the lead ing candidates, and tho nomination of limine in spite of his positive decltna. tion, or the nomination of somo entirely new and unknown man. In either caso the fight is likely to be of such a nature as to virtually disrupt Hie party. Congress continued in ecsaion all last week, but owing to tho absence of many members at at. Louis very littlo business of importance was considered. Owing to a tnok on the part of the Republicans ot the House, by wbiob they tried to get tho arrears of pen' sions bill before tho House, tho tariff bill was again taken up under the five- xmcute rule, though it had been agroed previously to pass it by uutil today. Unless something is done to expedite tbts measure, it is difficult to see how it can possibly bo finished during the present session of Congress Tho President has approved the aot of Congress providing that pensions heretofore and hereafter granted to widows ot soldiers ot tho war ot tbe re' hellion shall commence at the date of the death of their husband. Tbis law affects favorably all olaims of widows of the late war, which have been hied in the Pension Offico since July 1st. 1880, and which have been allowed to commence from the date of tbe filing of the claims, but it will not affect the claims of widows filed before July 1st. 1880. .Notioe is given by tho Pension Of fico that in the settlement under this law of claims already allowed, no for mal application will be required, and tho services ot attorneys will not be neoeS' sary. Widows entitled to back pen sions under this law, need onlv write a letter giving name, postoffice adress. and certificate nnmber, and the claim will be allowed with as little delay as posiiDM, Mrs. Cleveland is delighted at the renomination of ber husband, and says Bbo teeis sure he will bo elected again Judge Thurman is expected in Wash iugton this week. He conies to invite tbe President and Mrp. Cleveland to attend tho Ohio Centennial to be held at Columbus next September. He will bo given a graad reception by tho de mocrats of this city and Congress, The Capital will be painted red with bandanna hankerchiefs. "Tbe Old Roman" and the President" came t know and love each other well' about a year ago when Mr. Thurman made a visa to Mr. Cleveland, and was enter taincd at "Oak View,'' ,the President's country residence. The torchlight procession and tatifi cation meeting will tako place in thii city on tbe evening ot tho 2Gth. lost. tho day on which tho democratic na tional committee meets hero for organ ization. Attorney General Garland, who has been quite ill, is convalescing, but General Sheridan's condition continues precarious. His death may bo expeot ed at any moment. Representative Oates, of Alabama has introduced a bill in tho House which imposes a tax of 25 on every emigrant arriving in tbis country. All the ex-soldiers in the employ of the Government, both Union and Con federate, will be given leave of absence to attend tho reunion at Uettysburg on tho anniversary of tbe battle of that place. Pensions of Soldiers Widows. Congress has just enacted that pen sions heretofore or hereafter granted to widows ot soldiers of tbe War of lb Rebellion shall begin at tho dale of tli death of their husbands. This legists. tion favorably affects all claims of wld ows nied in the .Tension Ulhco on or after July 1, 1880, and which hav been allowed to big in from tbe date of tiling the claims, but will not favor ably aftVct the casQii of such widows a wore hied before July 1, 1870. and which havo beeu allowed, penaioi having already been granted in those oiscb nom the date of thtir husbands death. The Commissioner of Pulsions gives notice that in the ieljlement of olaims, undor tbis law, already allow cd, no formal application will be rc quired and that tbo cervices of attor neys will not bo necessary. Widows entitled under this law need only write a letter giving name, post-oflice addrtss 1 .Trt - . 1i aim ceriuioatu uuiuuur, ntui me claims will be allowed with as little delay as practicable. "Moio than ever," Bays the Indc- pendent Chicago Areio. "is (Jrcaham tho ono hope of the Republi can party. Somo combination teiy io) ufar in Ohio is demanded to off ait Thiirmaii in his homo State. But win re is tho Hi publican combination except ion ally stiong in Ohio that Is not wink tlewiieie?'' As llamkt raid: "Aye, tline'o the rub." Frederick Btlll Worso. 1 A NF.W COMPLICATION GAUsF.B T11K 1'llV S1UIAN3 TO AIUNDON IIOl'K. Ikui.tN, Juno 12. To-nlRht it is ad mitted that tho condition of Emperor Frederick is noarly or qulto hopeless. I Tho Crown Prlnco was summoned to tho palaoo at midnight in accordance with tho advice of tho physioians, who nnnonnoed that tho llfo of tho Kmpo ror might termlnato at any moment. A constant stream of oinhor telegrams is passing between Sir Morell Makcn zlo and the Princo of Wales. Tho Em peror awoko weaker this morning. His difficulty In swallowing has in creased during tho night and it was considered by tho dootors that his di sease lias reached tho oteophagus. Up to 4 o'olook ho took food directly, at which hour tho Empress visited him. At 0.80 ho went on tho terrace and remained thero an hour. Later there was a chance for tho worso. Ho booaino very feverish and could only bo fed by artifical moans. At to-night it was satd mat ne was slightly better, but the greatest anxioty provalK Through Bomo changes, of tho exact naturo of which tho dootors aro uncertain, tbo cam- laco of tho epiglottis has becomo per- mcablo. allowing particles of food and liquids to enter tho air tubes, tho result being attacks of congluug and coo king. Whether any of tho reoent ab scesses broko through the partition between tho larvnx and oesophagus, or whether the epiglottis has been'attaoked by malignant diseases, tho dootors aro nnablo to determine. Too emperor was weakening rapidly. HEWS ITEMS. Walt Whitman, the poet, is very ill and his life is despaired of by his friends. Governor Hill, of New York state, has signed a bill localizing tbo execu tion of condemned murderers by cleo tncity. Senator Cameron has offered a reso lution in tbo House appropriating $30, 000 for a monument to mark the birth place of George Washington. Tbe faculty of Yale College has just passed a law wbiob forbids absolutely tbe use ot intoxicating liquors in any shapo whatsoever in any ot tho socio ties or organization of students of the university. A member of the faoulty said that the law had not been passed on account ot any especial recent ex cesses among tbe students, but as matter of general university polioy. Sergeant Harry Reese, of tho Forty' eighth Infantry, now High Constable of Shamokin, is the man who lighted tbo tuse which blew up tbo famous mino in front of Petersburg during the war, Ueneral Horace irorter, in his "JPhilos ophy of Courage" article in the last number of tbe Century Magazine. makes mention of the event, and re girds it as one of the most courageous undertakings of tbe war. Farmers are warned to beware of a lightning rod company, representing themselves as tho "North American Lightning Rod Company." They send an agent to obtain an agreement to put np a rod for ten dollars, but when the rod is up it costs ninety dollars instead of ten. After the first man, a second party comes around to put it up, and thou a third partv comes to collect. The whole business is a fraud. A despatch from San Francisco da ted June C, says: The British bark Balaklavo arrived yesterday from Lon don, after a remarkable long voyage of one yoar and seventy-four days. Her misfortunes were many. There is not a sailor aboard who shipped on ber from England. Ten sailors were washed overboard and drowned in a storm off Cape Horn, and while at vaiparaisa lor repairs the remainder of the crew deserted- The bark was again caught in a storm after leaving that port, and lost two more men. A remarkablo lady has just died in Lancaster County, S. C. She waiMrs. Catharine Crowell and was 99 year old. Mrs. Crowell was the mother of sixteen children. Her descendents cumbered 422, not including tbe de scendents ot two of ber ohildren who livisd out West and havo not been heard from for years. She had 156 grandchildren, 212 great-grandchildten, aim uiiny-twu mira grana-cnuarrn, and six fourth gracd children. She martiqd when she was 16, and .many ot her descendents have done likewise. James Owen O'Couqor, has a rival in rnuaaeipma wno last week won a bistono triumph whioh cast in the shade the great achievements of Count Johannes and of all who. have followed in bis footsteps. Last Friday night, at industrial flail, Philadelphia. Dr. Landis, who had been playing a piece caiieu: "uiok onaw, was confronted by an audience of 1,000 peoplo armed with potatoi s, eggs, oranges, lemonii, boans and alluncnaritableness. Landis bad had a net placed in front of tho stage, but it was as slight a protection from the missiles of the crowd as in a mosquito screen from tbe onset of a swarm of iSew Jersey stiugers. Judge Thurman tells a reporter that ne aoes not Know how the now fam ous bandanna heoaiuo associated with his name. "When I first went to Con gress'' be adds, "along in 1839-40, the naou oi taking snutt was general. Two large boxes, each containing a pound or more of snuff, wero stationed in the House of representatives for publio use. I did not acqntro the ha bit for some lime, but as ono can not got along very well without some evil habit, 1 tell into it after a time. Of course that necessitated the use of ban daunas. Nearly iviry one carried them then, but I supposo 1 was singled out by somo newspsper man, and that's probably how the tiling taned. You see there is nothing romantic uuout iu A Horribly Inheritance. Tha transmission of the tearful Setts of contagious blood poison Is tba most horrible Inberltano which any ' man can leave to hi Innocent posterity! but It oen be certainly mitigated and In the majority ot catot, prevented by the use ot the antidote which Nature tur nlahes, and which is found In the reme dy known all over tbe world ai Unlit' Bpeelrio-commonly called "B. B. H." Mr.J.ILUrown, of Uornellivllle, N.T., writes i 'Three year I aufforod with thl horrible dlteate. Uwirt'a Bpeclflo cured me completely." I'rot. Kdwln liaar, 234 E.22ad t,N.Y.. wrltoti 'Swift' BiKicltlo cured ma of a fearful oaio of tllood Folton." Dr. a. V. Wlngfltld, of the fJoldlert Homo, Illchmond, Va., write i "tlnift'e Bpeolno cured me ot a severe caaeot Blood Polaon." v D. W. K. Brig-ge, Brooklyn, N. Y write i "I wa a porfeot wreck from Blood I'oUon. bwllViUpecitlo restored health and hope, and I am well Unlay." O. W. Langnlll, Barannah, Oa.i I suffered long with Blood PoUon. I tried Bwlf t'a Bpeclrlo and am perfectly well. A. W. Buell, of Power" Hotel, Booh, titer, K.Y., write t "It Is the bet blood romedy on earth. I cured inyself with It. I recommended It to a friend and 11 made him well." Mr. K. L. Btanton, of the Bmllhvllle, 2.a,). New, write that a friend wo afllloted with a caae ot Blood PoUon. and two bottle of a B. B. effeoted complete cure. Treat oo. Blood asd Bkla OlMuea stalled free. Tiu Swirr Brioirio Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta. tte Judge MoOollam, Juikik McCollum. of Susquehanna county, nominated for Supremo Judge by tho Democrats, will bo n strong can didate beforo tho peoplo. IIo is a na- livo of Susquehanna county, ami ms ancestors wero pioneers in its BOltlo ment. After an acadomlcal and collo- giatc course ho studied law and was admitted to the bar. In 1878 a judi cial election took plnoo in tho county, and MrvWcUollum was tho uemoora tic candidalo in opposition to Judge William Jcssun, Republican, who had been appointed by Governor Hartranlt tho yoar boforo to fill thevacanoy oaus od by tho death of tho presiding judge. Notwithstanding Susquehan na countv gave uovernor iiovi i.ouu maloritv. Sir. McCollura was elected Judge by 1,000, a rcinarkablo trlbuto to ils personal worth, integrity and abil ity, lie is just completing nis ton years' term on tho bench, and in that position has oxtended hii reputation, and added to his personal standing at homo. If emus of xberty. A despatch of June 4, from New Or leans savs: At Beauvoir. yesterday. Jefftrson Davis celebratod his eightieth birthday. Tbe mails brought many letters of congratulations from old friends and many substantial remem branccs wero also received. Ambling Backward Like the Orab. From the Boston Herald, Ind. Tho Renublloan ground on this tar iff question has thus far been a distinct ly Bourbon ground. -1 here is not a svmptom of liberality in it. It is again st tho faith of the founders of the partv: it is against tho polioy of its lea- dors in tho days that followed tho war. It is so entirely reactionary tnat no progressive man can have part in it. If it is persisted in, it will alienate thousands of Independents now on other grounds well altectcd toward the party. The importance of purifying the blood can-, not be overestimated, for without puro blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this tauon nearly every one needs a good medicine to purity, TlUllie, and enrich the blood, and we ailc you to try Hood' DarMiltar BamparUU. Ititrengthcni rcUUIlai and build up the tyitem, ereates an appetite, and toniath dlgeitlon, while It eradicates dUeate. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of tbe vegetable remedial ud give to Hood's SanaparlUa pecul- T Itcolf lar curative power. Ho 1 u HOG 1 1 othermedlcinehaaiuch a record of wonderful cures. If you hare made up your mind to buy Hood' Samparilla do not be Induced to take any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood' Sarsaparllla Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by CI. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABI 5 Real Estate! By virtue ot a writ of Venditioni Zxponas Issued outot the court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, Pa,, and to tre directed there will be ex. poaed to pubUc sale at the Court House In Blooma- burg, Pa., on Saturday, June 30th, 1 at 2 o'clock p. m., the following described real es tate, to-wlt: The undivided one-halt Interest In all that certain messuage or lot ot ground situate In the township of Catawtxsa, county ot Columbia and stite ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post set (or a corner for said lot at the Intersection ot tbe two publto roads leading from the town ot Catawlasa respectively to McNInch's and McKelvy's mills, south eighteen and one halt degrees east one hun dred and forty-one feet and six inches to post, thence by lands of Joseph B. Knlttle north fifty and one-quarter degree east one hundred and DTe feet to a post on tne south side ot the afore said road leading from Catawlssa to McNInch's mm, thence by the same north sixty-four degrees west one hundred and forty-tour feet to the place At beginning, on which Is erected a three story brick building used tor a store-room, publio hall, and Masonic HalL seized, taken In execuUon and to be sold as the property of Geo. 8. Gilbert. Miller, Att'y. SAMUEL SMITH, Bloomsburg, June s, 1889. sheriff. STATEMENT OP THE SCHOOL DIB. Otkict pou tub town op ULOOMSDURQ run tub ihak t?(uiru junKi, lets. KlCUAltP BTILES, COLLECTOR. DR. To balance due on dupllc'te otv 837 13 To amt. ot duplicate of IBS) s'jta 73 Cli. By exonerations nllorrrl on dup licate Ot 1886 S 49 13 By cash paid Treas. bal dupllcato ot 1880 ".. 813 01 By cash paid Treas. on duplicate ot 168! nil 1.77 less dlscoi" ta and commission. 4381 M By cash paid Treas. on duplicate ot 1S8? tiinaos, less commission re 64 By cash pd Treas. on dap. of 1887 t:soo . M 1 .. (JQ By s per cent discount allowed taxpayers on 14711.77 233 59 By per cent commission on W71177 W13 By s per cent commission on 11028 0 6140 Balance due district 767 89 J 5370 85. WM. KRAMER, TREASURER. DU. To amt. reed, from Stephen Knorr formerTreasurer...... $ C5SJ To amt reed from County Trens- urer, tax on unseated lands..., not To amt. Slate appropriation VMM To amt. rued, from Richard utiles collector on duplicate ot 18U 63)01 To amu reco, from Richard btlleg collector on duptloiteof iss7 .. 633161 $361618. CIL By amt paid ftr printing 69 io " " " " water. S4 00 " " " auditors.,, sio ' " " teachers.,, 4783 70 " " " Janitors. 420 00 " " " " muslo cnarts..,, 41 45 .. ii ii co,i tsgva " " " " Insurance liuoo ii ii ii ii repairs. joioi it ii ii cl'nlng buildings 65 45 ii . atty.fVes 20000 ii ii ii see. salary 5(mo 67 49 ii ii ii ii bonds and Int ... 104187 ii ii ii ii sundries...,,',,..... 109 41 By Treas. Com. on uiu f social 654 14 Balance In Treasurer's hands 18616 08 We the undersigned Auditor ftf thn rtinnm rita. trlct met June 7, audited tbe above ac-ounts of uum scnooi ouinct ana nna tnem correct Ws, K.llINKBIt, J04.UA1IRI.hON V. I). BEM'LBIt. JjJXECUTOR'fl NOTICE. t.Maui ar Maria utss lau ar uetuon untnsMp oecraji-a. LA'ttem Leatamentarr on tha aald estate havlntr ' uccu Krauitxi uj me unaora nucu. an LMrreuuu iu. aebtea to said estate are hereby nottned to nay the same, and those having claims against said es- tate will present the same (or settlement to J01IN It. KKKLKIt, Kxeoutor, DMINISTUATOU'S NOTICK. i'Mtate of GeurfU Xelgler deceased. Letters of administration on tbe said estato bar. lng been granted to the undersigned administrator allpersons Indebted to said istate aro hereby no tified to pay the same, and those having cli airalnat aald estate nreeent the same to tilled to pay the same, and those having claims estate pnwuib me aaiuu u ivaArfA a. fiwuiii, Auiur. Chrism an, Atty, May li iw THIS IS THE GENUINE! Our tttefura trade-marie around everr botUe. Out this out and send It to your drug? 1st. Ilefuse any adidteratetl tubttitute you would counfer ftil money. Tor 40 years, Its healing fame has rpread over r.urope and America. Doctors pre m:ribo It. All reiiioctable drusrglstA keep It, and recommend It. 1 housands of tamllic use l, and would not bo without It. Inatckne&s, Cnry Drop It Worth It Wtight In Cold I Invaluable for Burnt. Sunburns. J)larrhwa, Cliaflngs, Stings, 1'ilcs, orc iic. teet. MiMmviauon ami Hemorrhages of all hinds. ciAUTiors. wee tuat tue worn" riuui'i, HXTKACT " are blown In each bottle. In- closed In a buff-colored wrapper, bearlns; our InndHcnpe trudr-mark none other 1 cuuuluo. Sold tvtryvhm. Prktt, soc, $1, 11.75. rOHD'S EXTRACT CO.. 78 5th Ar., Htwtork. SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of sundry writs Issued out ot the Court ot f ommon Pleas of Columbia county, fa. and to me directed wilt bo fxposedtopubllcstlo at the court bouse In tho town of Bloomsburg, Fa., on SATUItDAY, JUNE 10, 18H8, at 2 p. m all that certain messuage piece or par cel of land sltuate.ln Franklin towhshlp, Colum bia connty, fa. Na 1. Bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at a point In a public road leading from Catawlssa to,Koarlngcrcek In Franklin town, ship, near the nouso of John .Ulassmeler, thence northjtwcnty-elght and a half degrees, east thirty. two and six-tenths rods to a yellow pine down, thence north one degree, east olo hundred and sixty-four and three-tenths rods to a post, thence south eighty-three degrees, west one hundred and seventy-ntne rods to a hickory ; thence south eight degrees, west one hundred and twenty and three- tenths rods to a post In the publio road, thence south eighty-six degrees, east.ono.hundred and thlrty-tlvo and nlno-tentbs rods to a point In tho road to Roarlngcrcck road, thence south twenty degrees, east eighteen and nine-tenths rods, thence seventy-seven and a bait degrees east six. teen rods; thence south tblity-slx degrees, east twenty-six and slx-tcnths rods to the place ot be ginning: containing one hundred and sixty-one acres and nineteen perches, on which are erected a frame dwelling house, bank barn and out-bulld-lngs. ALSO a right ofway from said houso along the right Dank of Koarlngcreek through division Na B. to a public road, sold to Jacob' Schuyler by John W. noffman, nigh Fhertff of Columbia county. deed dated March .1, 1879 and .conveyed by sold BChuyler to J. B. Roblson. Seized taken In execution at tho suit of Thomas Trench va James Boyd Iioblson, and to bo sold as tho property of James Boyd Robiaon. Zabb, Atty. Al. It Fa. ALSO. A lot of ground situate In the town of Blooms burg, county ot Columbia, bounded and described as follows, to-wtt : Beginning at a corner of lot ot Peter E. Knapp on Iron street, between Second and Third streets, thence eastwardly alonesaid lot one hundred and six feet to an alley, thence southwardly along said alley thirty teet to an. other lot ot Charles Krug, thence along said lot westwardly ono hundred and six feet to a comer on Iron street, and thence northwardly along said street thirty feet to corner ot lot of Peter E. Knapp aforesaid, he place of beginning, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house and out-bulidlngs. ALSO. Anotner.lot ot ground situate In the town ot Bloomsburg aforesaid, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner of tho above de scribed lot on Iron street, thence along said lot eastwardly one hundred and six lect to an alley thence southwardly along said alley 63 feet 4 In to lot ot the Itetormed congregation, thence west wardly along said lot one hundred and six feet to a corner on Iron street, thence northwardly along said street 62 teet 4 Inches to a corner, the placo ot Beginning, whereon are erected a twotory frame dwelling house, barn and out-bulldlngs. Seized taken In execution, and to be sold as tho property ot Charles Krug. AL Ft Fa, SAMUEL SMITH, May 5'88 1 Sheriff. jypRCANTlLE APPRAISEMENT. JJst of Dealers in Columbia Countv. I bereby certify tbe following list or rMnii-ni taken, returned and classlned by me in accordance with the several acts ot Assembly In and tor tbe year 1884 is correct to the best or my knowledge. BEAVER. Xarne and Bxalneti Class a P Drclsbach store 14 VI 8 Corbett & Co store 14 Levi Michael store 11 MrsJP smith hotel 5 T J shuman store 14 o A Bh ian store 14 W U Roeder grocery 14 1 L tilngley store 14 BENTON. JEEdsonstore 14 J UMcllenry hotel s T O Mcllenry drugs and hardware 14 John lleacock tobacco 14 Ira Mcllenry furniture 1 1 Alfred Mcllenry store 13 II V Everett store 14 Holland Mcller-y store 14 Klliah Alceruon hotel 5 Kelle.- Bros stoves and tinware 14 J J Mcllenry , to e 13 U-mi-el Drake hotel a Itoh. Mcllenry 13 Mcllenry & Co distillery 0 M smith store 14 BERWICK. W O Rook hotel It Bertrer restaurant License 700 7oo 700 73 0 700 7 01 7 01 700 700 75 00 710 700 700 10 00 700 700 75 00 700 I0CO 73 00 10 00 100 00 700 150 00 150 00 700 700 700 7 00 700 700 700 700 709 700 10 00 700 700 80 00 1000 10 00 700 700 60 00 150 00 700 700 100 00 100 00 75 00 John R (lould druggist M Levy clothing T J styles Co druggist I J alandervllle & Co hardware O W Uruba! er hardware LMlUielser 6 Co clothing H 11 Swayze store J I'FreosftCo store II V Driesback oigans and machines 11 M Hockman confectionery smith Bios store Y I. DUtlCiurst furniture KOMcSIurtrlo clothing S K liellerpool tabid R 0 Crispin store 11 R Bowers store A l Young stoves and tinware Isilah Bowers store Jarkson X Wooden M'f g Co store B P Bponenberg hotel drove & Khmer druggist Preas Bros lumber August Thlele bottler , BRIAItCREEK. Ash Bros dlstll'ery o W Miller hotel HLOOMSUURO. Oeo Aurand hotel 1) Iawenberg Est clothing Jacob I, (Jlrton hotel J R Schuyler Co hardware Charles 'V ltunan hardware O N Wilson grocery J D Wilson leather stickle 00 confectionery 00 Marr store O ltlchart grocery ISO!) 10 00 130 00 15 00 1000 7 00 TOI TOO 700 roo 10 00 SOU 00 100 00 1KJ0-J TOO T 00 TOO TOU 70) TOO 1M00 1WIU0 TOO TOO 700 1000 TOO 700 700 SO 00 to 00 rw 11 13 uixmiauunf uar l-o store O B Bobbins liquor store 1 w u Taylor bottler w 11 fJ1 mnin rMtnurnnf. 1 Mrs Win Webb tobacco Btoro Louis Ucrnbard lewder tl A McKelvy druggist II W Sloan store Ureal Eastern Tea Co tea store Louis (iros clothing John V Caldwell hotel Peter Orosa bottler Wm Rabb store Baker and liender furniture J W Eyer store W J Correll & Co furniture J H Stocker grocery C A Klelm druggist 11 U Hartman car.u-c ntnrft I I w Hartman t Sons store I W AIcKelvy atoro J VrsM it Est store It 1500 150 no 4010 703 CO CM ISM 160 00 10 00 10(10 700 6000 700 700 7 0.1 700 80 00 TOO 700 700 7() 150 00 700 700 I0J 7 011 700 700 700 I no 700 700 too 16001 liRO 700 700 700 10 00 700 is cvi 700 701 7 00 7 0) 700 7 11 10 19 13 13 II A 11 14 14 14 8 14 14 14 t 14 II 14 14 li 14 14 14 14 14 14 1 14 14 14 13 14 1! 14 14 14 14 14 John H Phillips confectionery Jacob Keller notions II J Clark Ran store Bernard Htohner restaurant oeo A Clark book st ore F II Dentler shoe store 0 W Bortsch clothing David K (llrton cool table O W llrown grocery J Saltier organs and machines L E Whary stoves and tinware singer Mfg co sowing machines Farmers' Produce Exchange store cos I W It Ko'hcr coal Creasy wells lumbor 11 r incus grocery William Glggcr Bloomsbuig liar Co coal llarman Ilasscrt coal N W Barton grocery iionry tue'm grocery Hartman Kdirar stove tinware Mrs WB Allen store II II Vannatta naner iitnrn J II Meuer dniK store Anurew cwiieacr Bnoo unumgs J A Hess shoe store Kvnns Rycr clothing W It Tubbs hotel II V White co grain dealers o WNeilHro coal J J W II Urowrr CArnet ntnra Joseph Garrison flour and teed luum-inuu a. n oil B10VC3 tinware D A Creasy store Bloomsburg Iroi Oo store O A Jacoby coal " store O W Sterner hardware u s Furman harness 0 0 E savago Jewelry CATAWI8SA. O w Ilelfsnrdrr hotel 6 S 14 13 10 75(0 75 00 7 00 10 00 20 00 700 700 700 1000 1000 700 706 700 7500 700 76 00 700 700 700 7 00 100 700 700 700 700 SO 00 76 00 700 700 700 7 00 700 10 0 160 OO1 SOO 00 160 00 SO 00 160 00 SO 00 ' 7 10 too 00 200 00 700 7 00 150 00 0000 16000 700 700 700 150 00 100 00 700 10 00 150 00 700 700 700 10 00 150 00 700 150 00 16000 A dam Truckenmlllcr restaurant Joseph A Uultorman store tb iiamer furniture ,1 K Sharalcss sons store T 11 Iiernlnirer furniture 14 ah 'iTucKenmniPro.-gansmacnines 14 (leo Manhart shoe store 14 it Dinner store 11 13 1 H 14 5 14 S 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 8, 5 14 14 14 14 14 II F Hpanglcr clothing s'ore K B IIIlo shoe store A I, Holshue confectionery M A HWHUK awjru s B Rhawn restaurant stoves ana unwaro R B Longenbeijrer hotel 11 seesnoitz store 0 E Clay well grocery Al A luony 8100 (1 W Plshcr Agt druggist s D ltlnard store O 8 schmlck hardware (I W Whipple drug store u r uaruer lumDer O W " " Albert Yetter pool table Mrs Hester Klstler hotel M A Blbby coal O O Mendenhall stoves and tinware Simon Rouo coal Davll Orinin coal E M Tewksbury fertilizers CENTRA LI A. Irvtn Bros store M w Bfennan restaurant Joanna O'Connor Uauor store John w aoldsworthy restaurant pool IU01U MrsM Pelfer hotel dooi table Mrs Dugan grocery T Collins liquor store Aruur Mci-augnun uquor store II u Michael furniture D C Black grocery Edward McPadden restaurant John Nertney lldi-or store Chas Fetterman notel Andrew Lemnan store O W Davis dru store A B Fortner stoves and tinware 14 14 14 S 14 13 14 14 14 13 ii j nnnej restaurant L A ltlley Co store L Fetterman store OB Millard store James McBrearty restaurant K j Finnerty Jr drug store John Davis confectionery C IIOetcyBlore CO Murphy store u r uurrv notei Albert Ball grocery 1 nomas uowan restaurant James A Bakey CENTER. Low Bros Co store o sponnler store Thomas Brobst Son grocery z T Fowler (rain dealer J L Wolverton store 14 14 14 13 14 700 700 700 1000 17 00 CONYNOHAM. John I, Kline hotel 6 14 6 14 14 13 76 00 700 76 00 700 700 1000 It W Lyons Btore o w Billmann hotel Wm Herbert store Frederick Pagelone store rai jnaioney store FISniNGCREEK. M Mctlenrr Bro store 14 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 J F Mcllenry store 14 11 m nowei store 14 Nathaniel Betshllne store 14 Jones Walter Btore 14 Nathan Drelsbach store 14 a Lewis store 14 J M Ammerman store 14 u tr jaigar co distillery a 10000 FRANKLIN. AJ WArtlcy store 14 L 0 Bucher store 14, 70o 700 GREENWOOD. A II Folraer hotel 5 75 01 J B Weillver store 14 700 Geo J Munson store 14 Ellis Eves Bro store 11 v p Eves Henrle furniture 14 Masters co Btore 19 v- M Eves Sons store 14 0 W Eves store 14 0 R Parker store 14 EE 11 " 14 PD Black " 14 Jacob itantz store 14 A J Derr store 14 A P Young fertilizers 14 Fanners' Peoduce Exch ango ,14 HEMLOCK. O M Terwllllier store It nN JE White store 14 on Dcltterlck hotel 5 JACKSON. B v Cole store 14 LOCUST. K O Ycager store 14 Wellington Yeager hotel 5 J w Bnvder store 14 Wilson Yeager store 14 Jacob Yeger store 14 Thos Seaborn store 14 EHWItnerstore 14 Nathan Knorr hotel 5 . L II Danleis store 14 William II Iillllg store 14 II M Yocum store 14 MADISON. Miles smith hotel s wmningles store 14 Kreamcr son store 14 MAIN B It Tetter hotel a w M Longenberger store 14 U J Campbell store 14 A W Shuraan hotel s Chas 8 Helghard store 14 Allison Derr store 14 MIFFLIN. SchweppenheUer Snyder store 14 A W Hess hotel 5 cojj i4 N n Creasy store 14 A o Millard stoves and tinware 14 It J Bernlnger furniwe 14 DA Hess coal 14 A w Snyder store 14 II J Oearhart store 14 MONTOUR, Samuel nazeldlne hotel 6 o 11 Hosier store 14 J W Ylneer store 13 Pixton Uarman store 14 MOUNT PLEASANT J P Sands store 14 ORANGE. G V RHner sto-e 11 J II llarman furniture 14 Snyder Whltmlre store 14 A B Stewart store 14' Fleckenstlne Kro store 14 White, Conner Sloan agricultural Implements 14 o N smith stoves and tinware 14 , II 11 Low lumbor 1-14 J B Delong stoves and tinware 14 O W Low fertilize' It A M Dewltt store it Jos Turner hotel , , s Itecce Falrmao hotel 6 PINE. ; J R Fowler Co distillery a 3' It W Lyons store H HOAHINC1 CREEK. 0 W Cberington store 14 SCOTT, 700 15 00 700 I9 60 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 75 00 700 75 00 700 700 700 7C0 700 75 0) 70 700 700 75 00 7 00 700 75 0 700 7 011 75 00 700 700 7m 75-00 700 700 700 700 700 7 to 700 73 00 .100 in 00 700 7W 700 7 00 100 700 700 700 700 700 700 7C3 700 76 00 . 7a 00 10000 700 700 Wm Dclttrtck store Joseph Klecxnor hotel N Richard store M A Blosser Btore 11 ii coal Mrs M M Worman store J D Workhlsor store silver Bprlng Quarry Co store A B White store A P Howell store J L Crawford confectionery 14 . 141 13 700 75 00 700 700 7 00 700 700 10 0O 7 00 700 700 75(0 10 00 7 00 10 00 aj jnrasu uoiei Silas Younir store Theodora Heck store Moon-head & Kline HUOAULOAP. A Laubacb son store it- 7 co A M Harvey store 14 7 Oo E II Fritz store ii T on J W Perry hotel s 7s oo K Hess store H 7ro E Cole store 14 T 00 Appeals win be heard at the Commissioners of fice in iiioomsburtr on tho nth day ot June A. Ii. lUHd, between tho hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m., where you can attend If you think proper. ' O. U SANDS. May 85, 1883, Mercantile Appraiser. jUDITOK'8 NOTICE. In rtestatt or William SlUtr deceased. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or. Chans' court of Columbia county to make dlstrl. utlon ot the funds In the hand of William Sam. on administrator, will meet st the. office oltt II. Jackson, Esq. at Iiorwlck Pa., on Wednesday July ll.lsSd at elitht o'clock a m. to perform the duties of his appointment, when and where all persons Interested must appear and prove their claims, or bo forever debarred from coming In on said fund. ,.,. ItOfi'T it. LITTLE, June It 's. Auditor. UDITOIl'B NOTICE. te of Joseph A. Hess, Uiui of Cettire township deceased. The undersigned auditor appointed by tbe Or phans' court ot Columbia county to make dlstrtbu. lion of the balance In the bands of tbe administrator to and among the parties entitled thereto, will sit at his omce In liloomaburg, on July va isst, at to o'clock a. tn. to perform the duties of his appoint ment, when and where all persona interested must appear and prove their claims, or be forever U K, WALLER, Auditor, June is 'i SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN Atoxandor Bros Oo tobacco F M Ullmoro restaurant Mover Bros wholesale rlmirrlittji Dr. B. ant CAN mi CONSULTED AT BLOOMSHUHU, PA., Exchanur IIotbl. Batnntav anil Montlnv. Juno 10 and 18 Bultmlny nml Monday, Juno 23 and 29, Saturday nntl Monday. Juno DO nnd July 2, Haturdsy nnd Monday, July 7 nnd 0. CATAWIS3A, PA., Sdsqdkiianna Hotel. Tuesday and Wednesday, July 8 and 4. UERWIOK, PA., tloTT IIousr. Thuredr-y nnd Friday, July 5 and 0. Byron Clark Ail. Ml. SPECIALIST IN THE Treatment of Chronic Diseases! And a physician whose experience Is strictly un limited by a practice which In extent, variety nnd successful results Is equalled by tew and excelled by none. PRACTICE. DR. CLARK confines his Dractlre to Chronic Dissasis exclusively, and will treat only such cases as are susceptible 01 a CiitTiiNandPosmva iiuoNosis as tne basis ror bpxcipio tbbitmint. . SERIOUS CASES. In cases seriously comcllcated or of uncertain diagnosis. Pitiints have tbe advantugo of DR. CLARK'S CUEMICAL and MICROSCOPICAL Ex. animations, which are most complete, chronic Invalids should not fall to consult DR. CLARK, 9 ne mates an examinations without questioning atiknts or allowing them to make any statement concerning their diseases or Its symptoms. It their diseases aro uot sufficiently developed to make a positive and certain dtognosls In this man. ner mi. ul,akh win not treat tne case. DR. CLUtK'S methods lor the clinical Ex amination of Patismtb constitute a real advance In practical medicine, and FROM A PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL STANDPOINT Dr. Clarlc hpllp.vpfl thnf. nvorv ftillr rinvplnnoil disease has its own definite diagnostic symptoms by which it Is known. PATIENTS. PAT1EXTS know how thnv fneL but tha Phv. slclan, after examining his case, should not ouly know the patient's feelings and symptoms, but Bhould know why they exist. DR. CLARK'S CLAIMS. DR. CLARK'S claims tn the natronai?e of the afflicted public consist in his belief that every fully developed constitutional disease presents Its own specified "snosticorcharacterutlosymptoms. wuil-u 11 woi iigniy unoerstooa by ine examining physician, can be accurate!? Dolnted out and de scribed to the entire satisfaction of ever' patient. Hence Dr. Clark males his examln.llons with out questioning patients, or allowing them to make any statement concerning their disease or ita aj uipwins. POSITIVE DIAGNOSIS. it such examination and description Is not In strict accordance with the disease and Its symp. toms, as patients know them to exist, all such patients are advised Jto go elsewhere for treat ment, as by this standard only will Dr. Clarn ex. amine and treat diseases. THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE. This method of examination prevents tbe Doc tor's judgment trom belnir In any way biased by what tfce patient may tny; and the l octor's treat- uitrtib ui ine euro is uabeu upon ui-4 own Kiiumcugu ui iuu uiscase, ut-rivt-u iroui a morougu uauuuw tion of tho Datlcnt's condition, and not from any. thing the patient may say AN EXAMINATION. In a.amlnillnn ,Mm 11. Irln.dnn will convince the Incredulous or satisfy any one of his professional ability derived from a large ex perience, lutuiswayipaiients receive saiisiac Ion before Incurring expense for medical treatmen DR. CLARK'S VISITS ARE MADE 1st To meet the chronic Invalids who cannot leave their ramll'es to doctor with a specialist In chronic diseases. 2nd To meet elderly porsons w uu L-uuuut gu iruui uuiuo lu aoctor wiiu a special ist In cnrontctflscases. Sd To meet chronic lnva lids who cannot leave their business to doctor with a specialist in chronic diseases, 4th To meet Eatlents who are physically unable to go from ome to doctor wltn a specla st In chronic dls- casca. om i u weeb pauenis wno are nnanciaii, unable to go from home to f octor with a special 1st In chronic diseases. 6th To meet all patients who from any cause cannot go from home to doc tor with a stieclallst In chronic diseases 7th nr. Clark visits a large number of placoi regularly for the examination and treatment of every. form of diseased pei.-ons. 6th Ur. Clark's consultations are iree. -jnecnarge tor treatment is governed by tin) nature ot the dlseaso and difficulty of treat ment. DR. CLARK'S Positive Diagnosis and Specino Treatment ca'i onl be acquired by an unlimited experience, anu most iuuy ooiains iu vonLviiu tlonal Chronic Diseases and in develoried acute dls-'ases subsequent to peilod of incubation. It must aLd will bo tho practice ot the future. THE CHRONIC PRACTITIONER. send for and read Dr. Clark's paper, "The Chronic Practitioner,'' which gives complete de- tuna ui ur. iiur& a iucuicui prucutu. CLINICAL ASSISTANTS. Patients calling St Dr, nark's hotel should en quire for Tim UK'S. LOOMS, where an usher or attendant win uo louuti wno will give meni every aiusiiuuii. LADIES calling on the Dlt. will be received by LADY uoii&Ks wuicn wiureiievo any;aimaence or em. barrassment that may be experienced when call- ik on a puysician uu wnom tney are not ac qualnted. POSTAL FACILITIES. The GOVERNMENT has recently established a new post omce near Dr. Clark's country place wnicu greatly lacuitates his large correspondence which extends ts every Mate In the Union. It is named "Laboratory" and there being no other post omce of that name in the United States tellers or communications are certain to reach rfueir oesiinaiion u aaaressca DR. B. CLARK, I.AllOIlATOIlV, Pcitll. Or ) PBOr. ItlCUAEDSOX, Dlt, CLARK, Care cooner Union. ) New York city, W hllo Dr. Clark's nrcfes-donal and bumnHsu n. gugeraents aro more largely In New York City than elsewhere, yetowlnz to tho number ot Dr. Clarks living In N. v, who are Doctors ot Divinity. Doctors of Medicine i r Dentists It Is better that pu'ituu, ur peniuns writing puouia aaarebH, DR. 1L CLARK, Laboratory, View of Dr Clark's country residence and ber. rnanent orui-e for medical correspondence,. Labors- Dr. B. Clark CAN 11K CONSULTED AT DLOOMSnUKO, I'A., Kxonasog HoTgL, 8aturtla antl Monday, Juno 10 and 18, Satunluy anil Monday, June 23 nnd 25, gaturday and Monday, Juno 80 and July 2, Saturday and Monday, July 7 and 0. OATAWI88A. I'A.. Busijukuanna Hotw. Tuesday and Wednesday July 8 and 4. DEHWICK, PA., Uott Housi. Tbursdty and Friday, July (Tand 6, NOTE Wo iilnco on our counters this tiny ft lmndsomo ALL WOOL ALBATROS CLOTH 40in. wltio (in oroam) nt tho very low prioo of 60o. yd. SAT1NKS. Wo show a handsomo lino including all the nowest printings at very low prices with a lull lino of WASH DKKSS GOODS. FANS. Our lino is now onon. Now styles of JAP FANS, SATJN.FANS, FEATIIBH FANS. Now shapes in SATIN PALM FANS. Fans from lC. U)l 1 lot of dUNAMKNT DKKSS 13KAID reduced to 35o, yd. Black only. PATlASOLS. Full li tics of all tho newest novelties- with complete lines of stnplce. EMUKOIDEIIIES for dresses from 80c yd. up. Now patttrus j'tst in. Call and sco. A good DRESS SHIELD nt 7c. pair. H. J. Bloomsburg, Pa. UDITOR'S NOTICE. In re estate aDaM ITumiaslate of Flshingcreek louTismp. aeceasea. The undersigned auditor annotated by tho Or. Ehans' Court of Columbia county to make dlsttl utlon of the balance In hands of administrator ot said estate as appears tn final account, will meet at onlce ot li. II. H. R. Littlo In Dlooms burg, Pa., on Friday Juno ta, iskh at 10 o'clock a. in. 10 periurm ine uuiiea oi nis appoint, ne 11, when and where all persons Intersted mut ap pear and prove their cialms,or be (ore rer debarred vui iuiiiuif, iu vai owu auuu IIOBT. Tt. LITTLE. May 26, 1833. Auditor. DMINISTOATOU'S NOTIOE. Estate af Alfred Itoicer, late of Centre toienshtp, aeceasea. Letters of administration nn the r&Iii estate hav. ng been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to pay tho same, and those having claims against Bald estate will present the same for settlement w i;iiab. w.-jn., Auinr. A. L. Fritz, Atty. May4 Sw DMINISTItATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Joseph R. ration, deceased of Ltghtstreet vummuia cvumy. Letters Of admlnl5tt.rnt.tnn nn thn Aqtjitn nf.Tnqpnli R. ratton deceased, late of I.lizhtHrtM, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, deceased have been grant- i-u uj mo lu-Kisier oi Baia county to tne unucr slgned. Administrator. All persons having claims sgalnst the eBtale ot the deceased aro requested to present them for settlement, and those indebt ed to the estate to make payment to the undor-. Blgned administrator wlttojt delay. U. 1 . l'A'l-ION, Aflmtnlatratnr May 18 Rushtown, North'd Co. UDITOR'S NOTIUE. r.suiie or s. a. vasweu, aeceased. Notice Is herebr irlren thnr. thn nnft,rio-no,i appointed auditor to make distribution ot tho ual- uucu in ine nanus oi e. v. uasweu, his executor, as per bnrtlal accounL win ntttnA at hta nmn at Dloomsbunr on Frldav. .liinn otit infia n, tan o'clock In tbe forenoon, for tho duties o'f his ap rolntment; when and where nil oersons Interested uuu uaving claims again9t tne estate must pre sent them, or bo forever debnrrert from rnmtni in on said fund. JOHN O. FREKZ K, Juno 1 t. a. Auditor riO-OTICE OP DISSOLUTION. ituuuu is uereur given mat too partnership existing between J. Si llrower anil w. ii nmnoV uuuur mw urui unn-eou. j. & w. li. llrower. has iaia urei. uiiy oi june. iwi, oeen uistoived by lliol tatlon, J. J. Blower retiring. j. J. BKOWKIt.- ' mw . ... . 11. IIUUWKK. The business will bo continued h, w. n iimivpr nt the old stard. who is autlorlzed to settle all debts due the said firm and nlcj all debts due J. J. uniiver un ins oooks.- interest will be chirgea Juno 1 'S3 8U J. j. BROWEIL UDITOR'S NOTICE. Kstute of Jane Vance, late of Orange townsMp, deceased. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or. Dlians' Court Of ColUmbtACnnntv ti Tnnlrn ritnrrl. button of balance In the hands of M. C. Vance, exe. cutpr toandamung the parties entitled thereto. win bii ui uiaonice on saturuay, June sotn, at 10 a. m., to attend to the duties of h's appointment, when and where, all neiNnnnnnvinf.i-iiiimafl7f,tni.r sa'd estato, mu&t appear and prove them, or be luiuvcr ucuunvu ireui any snare or saia rana. JOUNM. CLARK, June 1 1S88. Auditor, UDITOU'8 NOTICE. Estate of John L. Moore, deceased. The undersigned auditor oppolntoa by tho Or. bhans' Court, of Columhlftrnnntv. tn mnlrn rttalrt button ot the furd In the hands of Isaac A. Do W itt, executor of the last .will nnd testament of Said deCeaaed. to a rl Bmnn9 thn nnrriAa nntlMtwl thereto, will sit at his office In1 bloomsburg, on Tuesday June 2H, lsss, at 10 o'clock !i the forenoon to attend to the duties of his appointment, wrej and where, all persons having claims against said estate, must appear and p ove them, or be forever ucuaiiw irum uuy euare oi saia runu. ,. . J. II. MAIZE. May 88 1889. Auditor. A DMINISTRATOK'S NOTICE. Estate of Albert Ammerman late of t'lshinocreek toimshlp deceased. Letters ot administration In said estato having biuuim i mo uuucnuKutxi lauiiiiiiimra vOr, all persons Indebted to ROM rRlnln nm hnrphv nntl- tled to pay the same, and thoio having claims H6.(ud, huu veillLO UICIKUI IUB BUUIO VO J3 MATT1E AMMKUMAN, Admr. DR. T HEEL B38 uukuaiiiuiB. mo yean praciiMi cipvrlenoe KUrnnt'S lo tit f tnorti kdj kdTnliDg I'hjtlcUo, Dg ni<tr L I or hat li mar cl&lm to da. It-. Thl ' (Ttr fiooo to toy kTtrtlalnt l-hjaicim ta-a1l.d i. . h n ....I I- thl eorrl dltgaotlng tud aoeceiafnl trtttucnl of ll OecATt tUt. Alio H KpeoUl dU.M, uoh tlood 1 UbttlttstU tnrs, molhe,Tttr,Krvp tion. rimplca. Swelllacs lttSamuktloK Md ! charfp, liupotene. Bfiui mi rmotl wetkotaa from fiUbiUku4tt)reui. MY MKT1IU1I, dotublulbi Iht Alloptthlfl, ltoino(ifttblo, Eoltoilij Dt fotiole ttiniof oitdicib, tkeulr one known that vurei per m.Bf-itlrlUwurst (,,. Lr-rtloplul,rrWt nd lrctlal Kiprrteare IU tarjr ttmtAj ul nftu kuuvD t toUnoti ftr quid tit rteovtrT tndptruftDaat cur ThemMtdana;eroueaae4ollcUed. KtlUt n cnet. eun, mMdl-nd ind old men writ or call for took Trutlii oaHpaolftl Ntrom kod Itlood Mietiei, tipo. tocfrtud, tbelrtcbtmettorlutmliaiurTrrtrt mi old o-lll vcctUbi tutdlclaai, blood purlfltri, frtuduUitt ifowl if "no cart no pij," io-Ufd Ini priaerlptloa. At tliuuikud r dupputa tit- quacki, uioptblti, born cum, ItittltoUi, muttuui with (heir tikiicrtUnc tnd l7lDioltmtiaaudtftl work! ud slrouUri. hn (kit) la ttgUblDg will touch moDtj, uSrlog tad dtltr, WrtU or etll,ilMttr ouUdintlil. PtiUul at tba Dociar nly. lUrrtn frtta palltili fcfur bin trtttcd by lhr pbjtlcln to no tUI butturtd by txa will La ilf to ob kpplkktlun. Uourt fl ; Vadkaadtj aud baHtrdaT June 883 ly. KitlUf i'A.t or Collnge ofOoniZ iuIi Th?btandh4p. Huuiitt America. Actual rbutioMi lDUrehann. Scholar. LA,AltK oV I'JUUU.N, l'roprletira. June8d-4t, J. AUSTIN SH A' W ibo Nurseryman, ot Uochestcr, N. Y.. can trlve vou ummnvmAnt as Salesman nt once. withexclusiv torritnrT imi steady work tho year round. Good wages. A nrswiass local man wanted Immediately, Write for terms, Outfit Iree.A JunesijL SALESMEN . . toeMTaMfortheialeofNunerT march so 88-aprtl and June !ortiil b.rvoai t nTigomtor anlw,tr.tlf Parti. nov S3 n cico ly, ' ' ' SICK HEADACHE AMD I CONSTIPATION SrrtCTViU.T Ovain ay SeltaeVjfreileat, Sold by Tur.nt A Oa, K. T and DrUKgUU svorywhtra. June 15-MU CM AA 1. maa X MONTH can bo made ovju lu muu s.;ki,.;.v" ." fcrred who can turulsh their own horses and trive Sfi,.wJ,aBHh Sparemomenu -7-. 7 ,-. -... ,u.Viujm mou. a iew vacan f ?S .'.. .hd cmea. jj, ft JouVsomTcS. iw nun juenmona, va, juno It-Mi, i . i ttfa4Uatl wiiuiui KUklaUKCU. lALAHV ANU EXPENSES PAID. Apply t ones, itaUog ai. Chase Brothers Comp my, 'floc'H'tmRl'i, THEM ! Birr reductions in tho uricrs of sdmo ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS to cIob". A hnndnomo Sobftstlpol 80oyd former prioo $1. Dress Cloths 25oyd. nil wool, rcgutar prioo 40o., tbo. Call and sec. . A special lot GLORIA gold head UMBRELLAS, fast blaok, will not oat, at $2 apiece. GLOVES AND SILK MITTS. You will find many biri;nins in this stock. LISLE GLOVES lfic, PURE SILK GLOVES 8fio rtgulur piioo CO. Silk Mitts for Ladies nnd children from 20a. up in black and colors. HOSIERY. Wo placo on salo n lot of Children's nnd Ladies' hose nt unusually low prices. Regular mado hoso 2iirs for 25c. Children's regular mndu lifdo thread hoso 40a. pr., now 2 pair fur 35o nnd so on. WHITE DRESS GOODS in all tho lending stales at low prices; ono lot plaids at 14 o jd , regular prieo 20o. HUSTLES. Full lines, all kinds, including tho popular "PANSY" bustles. Latest shape, most comfort able GLARE & SON. CANDIDATES. hpnillnrr am eh. Ject to tho rules of the Dcmocratlo party. OH 1T.ESIDENT JUDtlB 01!- TUB 2Gth JUDICIAL DISTRICT. E. R. 1KELER, of Bloomsburg. FOR SIIERIl'r, ALEX. KAN O USE of Jackson. KOIt RIIERIFI-', JOHN WAITERS of Scott townsliip; VOU SIlEItlKF. GEO. W. DERR ol Greenwood. FOH SlIKItll-'P, JOHN B. CASEY of Moomsburg. roil DISTRICT ATTOltNEY, FRANK P. 1HLLMEYER ESQ. OI Bloomsburg. KOIt ItEPItESKNTATIVE, B. FRANK ZARR, of BloomBbiirg. l'OIl ItKPnESENTATIVK, E. M. TEWKSBURY of Catawieaa. FOR ItKl'KK'K.NTATlVE, JAMES T. FOX, of Beavor township. FOK ItEI'RK.SENTATIVE. O. Z. SOIILICHER, of Bcavtr township. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, GEN. C. M. BLAKER. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Real Instate ! The nnderslgned. admlnlHtrntnr An hnnln nnn with the will annexed, nf thn Mtninnfuidwrt Finney, late ot Liberty township, Montour county, Uvwvuov.u, uuwi uircvuun in tne win ana oy uuiuum ui me urpnans' court of Colombia county, win oxposo to sale, by publio vendue, at tho Court House, in Danville, on SATURDAY, Jane 1G, 1888, at ono o'clock In the afternoon, the following do scribed real estate, to wit : All that certain farm and tract of land, situate lying and being in Lib erty township, Montour county, Pa., and bounded by lands of John Robinson, lands of William Kerr, lands of Gideon si. Shoop, lands of Samuel Olgger, containing 191 ACRES and ntty-seven perches strict measure, ascertained by a recent survey;, and of which about sixty acres Is WOOD LAND. The farm lies upon the publio road loading from Danville to Milton at the forks of the road leading to lewlsburg, and Is situated at a point about equally distant from each one of those throe Im portant towns, the distance being about eight miles from each. Tho Improvements consist ot a Large Bank Barn. w&sron sUea and'outbunaiDRs, and a law a-d a stone spring house, to. There are several springs of excellent water and two or three brooks running on tto farm. Tho crop In the ground, at the day of tho sale, with the right to enter, cut, thresh and remove the grain. Is reserved. TERMS OK 8ALE:-Tcn per cent, of one-fourth ot tho purchase money to be paid at the striking down of the propertyj the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the conrirmatlon absolute, and tho re maining three-fourths In ono year after confirma tion nlal, with Interest from that date. Possession win beglvet, subject to tho present tenancy,' up on payment ot the above ten per cent of ono tourtb of tho purthase money, una subject Co tho Terms ot Bale. Tho purchase money unpaid at the confttmatlon to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. JOHN 0. FREEZE, AdraY. d. b. n. 0. t, n. NEW INVENTION IN LACING W. S flTCORSET with self-adjusting back can bo 'changed from tight to loose-nttlng in five seconds, w llliout removing (rem the M person. M'.YIflt UKOIllllI'H t wmx mr 2 -illW I.ACEH or HTKELS jmunmi.ii ma lilro nil! uui Oliuiv TlIROUOlltheUREBa Tbe healthiest, begt-nttlng and most comfortable Corset made. I'lllt HI!I,..AI JIIHT1NII rOIIHI'.T CO., iw Dl..nan )uimi;ii i, Kactory, Kocheiitcr, N. Y, AprU-S7.r-8m. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. :o:- Wliolcfalc 05 fit) 60 83 liotai. Wheat per bushel ltyo " " Ccrn " " .... Oats ' flour " hhl 4.0 to 5(50 uuttor is ir ggtts n ' 10 Potatoes , no 69 Hams is i IJriou AddIl-s n.i m Bide 07 - io Shoulder 00 18 Chickens JO 13 Occse , Lard per lb 10 13 Vinegar dlt iral en no Onions per bushel 1 00 1 60 Veal skins , 07 Wool per lb 85 UUes 5 to 7 flnir. nu Wniu. No 0 a.0O: Kos 3. 8, & Lump 98.95. No. 08,00 Bltumlnui S.BO 05 45