The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 25, 1888, Image 4

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Half Fores to tho Uonvonttons via fenn
sjlvaiila Railroad-
Willi ft view of nccommodritlng tlio
liostR of visitor to tho jiolitlcnl con
ventions ami other general meetings
hereinafter mentioned, tho Pennsyl
vania llallroad Company will soil ex
cursion tickets to tho "points named
bolow fiom all DHiiniiHiit ktatlous on
Its pyUmi, on Ihu dales ppioiliod, nt
one jare lor uio rournl trip Tlio tick
els will bo good for jiwaago in both
uircouona on nil n-gular (misonger
trains, except Limited Kxprtss trains.
Tho occnVtoim on which euoh tlckots
will bo sold aro as follows:
To Indianapolis, Indiana, on nccout
of tho National Prohibition Convcn
tion, which will incut May OOtb, lick
ots will bo sold from May 25th to 20th
inclusive, good for return trip until
Juno 6th, 1888, inclusive.
To Su Louis, Mo , on account of tho
National Democratic Convention,
which will meet Juno fith, tickets will
be sold Miy 31st to June Ith, inulus
ivp, qooJ to return until Juno 12tb
188S, inclusive.
To Cincinnati, Ohio, on acaount of
tho meeting of tho Supremo Lodgo of'
tho World, Kuiglits ot fytluas, winch
will assemblo June 1 2 Lb, tickets will
bo sold Juno 7th to 11th, inclusive,
coed to return until Julv 2d, 1838, in
To Chicago, III, on account of tho
.National Kepublicnn Convention,
which will meet Juno 1 9th, tickets will
bo sold from Juno 14th to 18th, inclus
ive, good to return until Juno 20th
Tho routes over which tho tickets
will bo sold is Pennsylvania Railroad
to Pittsburg, thenco by tho Pennsyl
vania Company s lines to destination
Tho well-known nnd superior advan-
lacs ui uiu i unnsyivaniu imiuuuu,
arising from completo facilities, fjno
equipment, and its unsurpassed servico
of through trains, commends this route
most strongly to intending visitors to
Uiouo great gatherings.
Grayes and Burials in -Alders-Arab
women patronize tho convoy-
anccs, and on Fridays they go in
crowds to lieloour, whero thero is a
cemetery and a neat Utile khouba fre
quented bv tho fair sex only on that
day. A column in the contra of the
court sopport8 trelises of grane-vines,
Tombstones of marble and slato aro
numerous in tho court as well as out
in tho cemetery. At the head of eaoh
tomb is a slab of marblo with ouo or
two round holes in which flower-pots
aro set, or cups placed there that the
birds may drink from them; tho na
tives beliove that these bird afterward
fly away to heaven with a greeting
from tho soul reposing beneath.
Tho keeper of this khouba was old
and blind; ho passed his time in sweep
ing the carpets and malting, th,en rest
ing and Hinging to himself. Ho
would use his hankerchief to dust the
sacred tomb, wash it, and then dry it
in tho sun, holding it until it was dry.
To satisfy my curiosity I sent a child
to translate for me arid ask if he was
happy, or what ho could desire. Ho
shook his head: "No, I want nothing;
I am never ennuye, and J- am quite
One day I witnessed here the bur
ial of a child. The young boy was
laid in tlio grave wrapped in a yard or
two of white cotton; a smaller h'olo
was dug at tho bottom of the grave,
and served as a coffin, being covered
with flat slabs of stono to prevent , the
earth from falling directly o'utbe.bddy.
Twenty or thirty men stood aronud in
silence, the earth was hastily replaced,
and temporary stones were placed at
the bead and ,teet; the cushions and
pieces of embroidery in which the body
lay on the donkey which bore it to tho
final resting-place were put back' on
tho animal, and the procession moved
silently away. The women and girls
always como afterward to weep on the
graves and place flowers, and especial
ly branches of myrtle. They often
spend the greater part of three days
round a new grave, Bitting on matting
and carpets. F. A. Briuqman, in
Harpers Magazine for May.
lie Wanted to be Beisonable.
Somo young men of Boston
fishinr up in tho country n few
aero, and, arrived at the Ashing grounds
aBkid an ancient inhabitant if he could
get them somo bait. He thought that
he could and slatted off. Three hours
afterward he appeared with a ten
quart pail full of angleworms. The
boys were alarmed lost thero should
not bo money enough in the party to
pay for snch a wealth of bait; but they
put on a bold front, and oi.o asked:
"How ranch do wo owe you!" ."Well,
I don't rightly know,' answered iHe
old man. "The uround is kinder solid
an' tho worms is far down, an' it's bnn
haid on my back to liu 'cm. But lVe
half u notion to go li.thiu myself ter
morrcr, an' if you'll give mo half tho
I ait v e'll call it square.
Spooks in Wilmington.
Early Thursday morning ot Hrit
week tho fire alarm in the City II ill
tower at Wilminguon, Del,, sounded
from box 12. in front of thejlmll. It
struck twelvo twice, and then f-ttudk
all sorts of alarm. The fire depart
ment turned out, and after a vaju
seal ch ot half an hour went back to
their houses. About fifteen minutes
after tho alarm was sounded many
pooplo on the streets weio suddenly
startled by a htrango light which ap
peared east of the city on a line with
Fifth Stiuet, and appaicutly on the
mer. The lightens of a deep-red
color ann radiating rays Hashed sa
cral times against the hoilzon. The
color was remarkable, and tho unusual
spectacle lasted thrto or four minutes.
No ono teemed able to account for th
phenomenon,, and with tlio mystery ol
the fire alarm it etnii ol unsolved.
Purify Your Blood.
' Bodily and mental health depend upon
o healthy condition of the blood. Tho
uioou particularly in ma spring ana
cummer month, liccoinoa clofrirod with
summer months, ixscoinos clotgod with
Impurities, which' poison it and generate
disease. A uartiiloai blood purltlor Is
noooBsary to restore a healthy tone.
The host purifier and tonlo known la
Hwltt'a Bpecltio (8. U. R). Ot Us won
dor Jul purlfylnrt and tonto powers wo
given fuw testimonials!
Mr. Win. A. Bieuold, with Goorge V.
Howell tc Co., 10 Bpruco Street, New
York, wrltcsi "I fool It my duty, for
the bonotlt of others who may bo at'
lllctod as I was, to wrlto yon this letter,
which you can uso In any way you
choose. I suffered great pain from
bolls, all over my neck; I conld not
turn my hcud without aeuUi pain. After
trying all tho usual remedies, and llud.
lUKiio relief , I -usod ouo bottio H. B. 8..
and very soon I was entirely relieved ot
my 'Job's Comforters.1 Mow not a
t Ipn of my afltlctlon can be seen."
ilr. M. B. Hamlin, Wlnstoif, N. 0.,
wrltcsi "I uso It ovory spring. It al
ways builds ineup, (jiving luoappollto
and digestion, and onabUuL'uio to stand
tho hot summer days. On using tt I
soon bocomostronjfof body and easy of
Mr. C. E. Mltohcll, West 234 Bt.
Ferry, Now York, writes i "I weighed
110 pounds win n I began taking your
uodiclne. and now 1M pounds, 1 would
not bo without B U.B. for soveral times
Us weight In gold,"
Treailso ou Blood and UUIn Dlsoasa
mailed froe. TusHwirrBricivioUo.,
Drawer H, Atlanta, Us.
A Constant .Reminder.
"Why do you wear that nlykel on
yoiir watch-chain! ' asked a city hall
ntlnoho oi n milkmait who was after ft
board of health permit to Piddle cow
juice. "I wear It as a reminder to get
oven with oun of my customers," wiw
tho answer. "Over n year ago I took
that nickel, Which was then beautiful
ly gold plated, as a $5 gold piece in
payment of a bill. As soon as I def
lected tho fraud I took it hick to the
woman who passed it on me, but ejib
refu'ed to make it good. So I attach
oI it to my watch-chain and kopt on
supplying her with milk ni though
nultiing had hanptnod. lint now
every tUy I make her quart one-fourlh
water and once n week I credit her
with one-fourth tho amount of her milk
bill in n book which I keep for that
purpose When tho sum total standing
to her credit is S t 95 sho shall have
puro milk onco moic. and not until
then. She knows tho milk is watered,
but whenever she shows nn inclination
to complain I hnndlo tho nickel and
say that my milk U ns 'nuro as goldl'
Hint settles it. ' liujfalo JiJjiress.
A Word to tho Wise.
In tho "Official Report on Jinking
1'omlers,' recently published in the
Anna'.s of Hygiene, (the official organ
of tho State Board of Health) wo note
that tho "Old Kcliable" Hum ford
Yeast Powder is tho only phosphatio
powder on tho market. It consequent
ly holds a position absolutely its own,
and as nil physicians know that there
are many persons to whom tho uso ol
tho phosphalic would prove vory bene
fic'isl, this powder may thcreforo bo
highly recommended. Other baking
powders wcro found to contaiu alum,
ammonia aud cream of tartar, all Of
which under certain conditions, aro
positively injurious. Tho "Old Ilbli
able Ruraford" is. tho only powdcrthat
leaves anything of nutritive value in
the bread, and should, thorcfore, be
recommended above all other baking
powders for household uses.
Harper's Magazine tor Juno is an
oxamplo of what a rhagazino for early
summer ought to bo. It contains a
judicious mixtiird of the bett things in
literature, and is thus suited to'all tho
moods of a June day. Fiction is pro
vided for lazy hours by W. D. How
ells, Henry James, and William Black,
and there is much charmintr nootrv.
Neither are solid articles for serious
reading lacking, and tho artistic fea
tures of 'the number aro most delight
ful. Reinhart, Abbov. Charles Gra
ham, E. P. Sanguineiti, Alfred Par
sons, y. H. Hyde, and F. Barnard,
all contribute specimens of their best
work. Tho frontispiece is an excel
lent portrait of tho lato Mrs. Craik,
and belongs to tho article on "London
as a Literary Centre,' wlroh abounds
in good likenesses of English novelists.
That Tired Feeling.
Season is here acrain. and nearly e'verv
one feels weak, languid, and exhausted.
the blood, laden with impurities which
havo been accumulating for mouths,
moves sluggishv through tho teins.
tho mind fails to think quick'.y, and
tho body is still slower to rtspond.
floods barsaparilla is iust what is'
needed. It is, in' a pecular sense, tho
ideal springmediciue. It nurifies. vital
izes, ami ennones me mood, manes
the head clear, creates an appetite,
overcomes that tired feeling, and, im
parts new strength and vigor to the
wholo body.
A Plague of Bats in Ohlna.
A lato number of tho Pekin Gazette
contains an announcement that reads
like ono of Grimm's iairv tales. It is
to the effect that it will" bo necessary
to change certain postal routes in
Outer Mongolia' because of , tho appear-
anco of swarms of rats. For two years
past tho pasturage in this recrion has
suffered much, and last year the grass
was nearly all eaten up by theso ver
min. The wlio.e country had been
honey-combed by their burrowing.
Camels and horses are suitor in t? for
food, nnd tho courier service through
out this district cannot safejy bo con
tinued because the burrows are' a source
of danger to all mounted travellers?
A. Letter From Governor Beaver.
"PomTs Extract Comvanv. No. 7C
Fifth Avenue, New York City.
Iients. fond s Extract has been a
valued reliance in our family for' sev
eral years, especially in relieving the
aches, sprains and bruises incident to
children, 'Very ti'uly yours,
James A Hkavku.
Executive Chamber. Harrisburtr.Pa..
Nov. 1887."
Pond's Extract is invaluablo for all
kinds of pain and inllimmalion.
Juxcellence invites imitation. Be
ware ot worthless imitations of
Pond's Extract.
A vt'EDDiNti "iook place at St. Paul.
Minn., the other day, whero tho groom
was over six feet tall and tho bride a
litllo over two feet in height. During
tho ciremony the girl stood on a chair,
ner read just reaching to tho groom s
A Euse That Failed.
Salvatoro Spaito, an Italian laboicr,
was ane-dud for asHaultinc a fellow-
workman. 'In order to make it appear
.1.... .L.. " I . , , . f uiu Hgir. Laa uoi u anout a draw
aulvatoru invisted his n.outy in black
plaster and bandagi s, and made him.
self up as a badlv Wuunded wnrrlo-.
Thero was nomo- doubt expressed by
mu uuri as 10 me extern ol his in-
juries, and an examination was made
which mulled in Salvatoro's being
sent to Sing Sing f r four ycais. It
as a good tcht nv, but it failed.
"Yes," said a north IVarl street
clerk tc-day, "I was broken all up by
an ice gorge right hero last August.
It a nn ic-cream g- rgo my rtgulur
girl indulged in, and'eo t me $1.75. 1
was in a molting mood, and paid it.1'
Albany Journal.'
URE3 :
Narroua Prostration Mar-m. fttj..t.A ,r.,-.. ... . , -.,., . . . .
Nisralils, Nsnreus Waakasss, Btomach tnem fcid for Loot
a uvsr uissssss, Kbsumaliaai. Dya. T sola by SriUKtsts.
sHHU, M4 UI sXMtlsst f tkt KMMys. WELLS, RICHARDSON CO, Piet
Text of the Leswn, Mutt, ntl, 07.7s,
Ooldsn Text, 1 Cor, s, IS Memorise 73-78 Comment by Iter. It. 8.
Condensed from Lesson Helper Quarterly, by
permission or II, 8. Hoffman, rhlladelpliu, pub.
Notes. V. 07. Bplt In his face, showing
the highest contempt nnd Insult, Numbers
xlt, 14; Job xxx, la Buffeted, striking with
clowd hands or with tho fists, V, 03. Luke
(xxll, Ot) and Mark (itr.OS) toll us thatthoy
blliidrolded him lieroro saying theso words.
V. 09. Without, In tho outer court or spneo,
wnoro tlio servants gathered. Damsel,
portress who kept tho door, John
V, 71. Porch, tho small apartment between
the outer door nnd the largo hall in tho cen
ter of Mm building. V. 73. After a while,
about an hour later, Luke xxll, 69. Speech
bowrayotn, his ualllonn accent showed tt.
V, 74. Began ho to curse and swear, losing
all control of himself ho went on to worso
sins. V. 73. Thrlco, three times. Lukoxxll.
01 tells us Jesus looked on blm. Wept bit
terly, tho thought of deep guilt swept ovor
1'oter's soul and ho went out Into tho darkness
to repent of his sins.
Few events in tho Blblo are so full of hu
' man nature and divine grace, of warning
and oomfort, as tho fall and restoration of
l'oter. Ihe nearest parallel caso In tho Biblo
is tho groat sin nnd rcpontanco of David.
After tho preliminary trial before tho high
priest ban taken place may of tho members
of the Jewish snnhodrim assembled la tho
council halt They know Jesus was to bo
arrested, and hence were ready. Perhaps
such members as Nlcodemus and Joseph of
Aramathea were absent, Tho sanhedrim
had authority to try thoso charged with cap
ital offenses, but could not exocute tho sen
tence of death. In this midnight trial of
Jesus overy rulo of Jewish law seems to havo
been violated In tho hasto and eagerness to
condemn him. Anight trial was not legal.
To be bound as a malofactor before ho was
arraigned, to bo beaten before a verdict was
rendered, to bo 6truck In open court whllo
tho trial was going on, wore all in violation
of overy sense of right nnd justice. Tho ir
regular and illegal trial of him by night was
suspondod until daybreak so that they could
then secure from Pilate tho sentence of his
death. In the timo elapsing till daylight
occurred the maltreatment by his lawless
enemies and the flenial by Peter.
V. 67. Aftor .tho sanhedrim had pro
nounced him "guilty of death" ho was sub
jected to a series of Indignities. Before tho
trial In the bouse of Annas he was struck by
one of tho officers. Doubtless others In au
thority Offered him insults. Tho common
guard soon followed In Jeer and mockery,
Tho abusive Insults of the underlings was thd
natural sequonco of tho more formal mockery
of their superiors. Lot It not surpriso, us if,
as followers of Jesus, we too recolvo Insults.
V. 08. After they had blindfolded him
they scoffed at his, prophetio ofllco as Mes
siah. Josus answered not a wont, though all
the universe was tat his command. No act Is
so contemptible as to ridiculo good persons
or holy things. And yet whon wo are
mocked silence is best.
V, CO. Poter was now Inside tho court yard
of tho palace of Calaphas. Ho had gainod
admittance through John, who was known
at tho palace. With tho servants he was
sitting around the fire, for tho night was
cold. A portress looking upon Peter said
that he was with Jesus. This drew upon
him the eyes of all about. An, obscure ser
vant becomes now the innosen't occasion of
the downfall of the chief of the apostles.
V. 70. In tho most cowardly fashion ho re
sorts to evasion, which always leads to direct
falsehood and oftorl perjury.
V. 71. Perhaps wishing to escape tho fur
ther observatlsn of the servants, ho went
into the vestibule or porch leading Into the
street, where aaother female slavo in ridiculo I
accused him of being with Jesus. Perhaps 1
several at the timo confirmed her
Christians cannot long bo hid when among
men of the world.
V. 73. Now ho boldly denies his Master,
and tho long cast off habit of swearing comes
back to him in tho moment of excitement.
He told an unblushing, positlvo Ho, when ho
said that he knew not Christ, and then tried
to confirm his falsohood with an oath. Bin
grows when it Is not checked. Tho disciple
first and loudest to profess his Lord, now
vehemently denies him I Times of fanatical
defense of tho faith are often followed by
base denial
V. 73. The men who stood by must havo
had a contempt for Peter's perfidy.
tV. 74. Irritated beyond enduranco, with a
positive witness against him, Poter nowlro
sorted to calling down cwrses on himself,
that what ho said was true, affirming before
God what he knew to bo false. How tho sins
.of , his formor lifo camo again to tho surfacol
Therd Is much hidden and remaining sin in
the best Christian.
When tho cock crow Peter remembered
what Jesus had said. And it was now that
Jesus turned and looked upon Peter. It was
tho look of wounded love. History boars to
us the tradition that ever after when Peter
heard tho crowing of a cock he fell on his
face and mourned over his base denial of his
At about 3 o'clock in tho morning, whon
his last denial occurred, Peter hurrlod out
into the dark, and gave way to deep sorrow
for his sins. lie not only wept, but wept bit
terly. Wo must not only notice Peter's sins,
but his slncoro tears of repentance. Tho re
morse of Judas tnado him rush out' and hang
himself, Tho repentance of Peter made him
turn to God with tears and crios. The re
membrance of his great sin eyer after hum
bled his proud and self confident spirit. His
repentance was completo.
Notice the causes of Petor's sin. a. He
followed Jesus afar qff. Had ho.k-pt nearer
to Jesus he would have been safer. 6. no
got separated from tho other disciples. Had
they kept closor together they all -would have
been stronger, c. Ho underrated and neg
lected the warnings of -Jesus. He was ap
prised of coming danger, if. He did not bo
Uovo tho word of the Lord. Ho had too much
confidence in his own strength, e. He, with
presumption, rushed where danger was. f.
He neglected to exorcise that watchfulness and
prayer Jesus had pnjoinod. g. He, failed to
comprehend the teaching which the Lord
had repeatedly glvon of tho necessity of his
sufferings and death. He clung to the Jewish
notion that Christ would establish an earthly
kingdom, h. His piety was controlled more
by feeling than prinpiplo. In tho hour of
sore temptation we must be grounded on the
grand doctrines of grace, otherwise we will
falL Notice the lessons from Petor's sin. n.
The danger of 6elf confidence, seo Golden
Text True confidence relies on God, not ou
.self, for strength, b. .The highest favors aud
blessings do not exempt us from the danger
of falling Into sin. Though greatly favored.
Peter sinned, c. ,lt Is u bad sign to conceal
our discipleshlp. Tho next thing Is denial
of Christ if. The best of men sin none aro
Consumption Barely Cured.
Jo the Kditok: Plcaso inform
your readers that 1 havo a positive
romcdv for tho above named disease.
By its timely usO thousands of hopeless
cases navo, ocen permanently cured
shall bo glad to send two bottles of
my remedy free to any of your readers
who navo consumption, if they will
send mo their express anj prtstoflico
auuress. jteepecuuilv, r. A. Sloouin
in. j,t ioi ruan ou, i, x ZQiio Uu
Wash your Hat iion in soansUd and
dry throughly, if they nt nil trouble
you oy mopping black specks.
'.?'' CxixaiCosfKinirp Is a Nerra Tonla
jrhicu fiUi. OouUlnlo Celerr ami
Coca, Uuu ou,.Tful
jdllj euros all uvrvoua dLtynlyw.
ruse's CiuiBt Coupocmd purifies Uia
Wood. It driv.a out Uw liwUiaSj. wtkh
caua IlLaumatliui. au.l mureitlu Ux
lolling- ora-aiii to a keallhr iuUtloL ItU
rarnt'a Cliiai Courocm ttrtntthtns Uta
atomich. aua mifela thenertMel ILadlSu
fj'T'S Ot) EST COVrouXD Is nctaclUilr.
actios to tin bowcK. luuUtht aurelj O-
honestly admit that they ean'l euro
Itheomatlsm and NeurafgU. Others
say they can but don't Ath-lo-pho-ros
pays nothing but rurrs.
That's the secret of its success.
Years of trial have prcrvtd it to bo
a quick, taft, tun cure.
. Conoorcl. N. II , Bert s, HOT
In ray own family Athlor-horos was wed
M Is roftort tbe uwr harlotr suffered
from rlienniallam. for rears and hsrinir
Iwin treatwl fcrlhj afnea brdinerfnl
Miraldans in.Uili 8talr and Tlfaiwaehn.
wtta without even temiorarjr rejlaf.
upon tejircommrirtaatton scores of two.
Ll! tl'iel IhU remlr with th same
results claimed forlt. aiLwrmow.
1 .t, 1. Dn'ma'KV tows. Jin. s, ISO.
Atnloithorns hM comi'Mely cured me of
nervon headache, and I feel thankful for
aU the good It haa done me.
Mrs. Lourra CHmunr.
-8cnd S cents for tho bomitlml colored pic
ture, " Stoorlsh Maiden." .
THE A THL0PH0R0S CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y.
Tim l,nnl...,l n ,1 . .
-V. "--"v"""-- v tunuy muusniius nr cases
of thoso chronlo wcaltncssus and distressing
ailments peculiar to females, nt the Invalid?
Hotel and Surgical Institute, lluiralo, N. Y
tins afforded a ast oxpcrlcnce In nicely adapt
ing and tliorouffhly testing remedies for tho
euro of woman's peculiar malnilles.
Ilr. l'lorcc'n I nvorlto rrcscrlntlon
la thn ntitirrnivf h n -ntl n i.t. ... i
valuable experience Thousands of testlrao-
nmiB, recciveu irom patients and Irom plusl
clans who havo tested It In tho moro wiri-a-ratpd
and obstinate owes which had bullied
...v.. on, 11, 1-,,., u 11, kyi mi uiu moss wouaenui
remedy ever devised for tlio relief and cure of
suffering 'Women. It Is lint recommended as a
-cure-nil," but as a most perfect Speclflo for
woman s peculiar ailments.
An n llntvArrnl. 4 l wnvnl..
it Imparts strenittli to the wholo system!
and to the womb and Its appendages In
liartlcular. For overwotked, 'rworn-ont."
"ruiwlown," ilobllllatcd tencbers, mllllneis.
keeiiere, nurslinr mothem, and ftcblo women
pcnerally, J)r. I'icrco's l-'avorllo Prescription
fs tho Rrcatcst earthly boon, being iineiiuatcd
as an appotlilnir cordial and rcstomllro' timlo.
As n Huutliluir and IroiiKllienliiir
ucrvlno, "Kavorlto Prescription" Is uno
quiiled and Is Invaluablo In allaying- and sub
duing nervous cicltablllty. Irritability, ex
oaustlon, prostration, hysteria, spasms and
v.uu. uiaiiwoiHK, uurvuus syuiptoms com
monly attendant upon functional and orgunlo
disease of tho womb. It fnduces refreshing
sleep and reUoves mental anxiety and do
spondenoy. i
t.u!!. l!lor.iP,t Favorite- Prescription
l n ICKltlmnto medicine, carefully)
compounded by nn experienced and skillful
piijsician, anu adapted to woman's delicate
v.niaiuuu. it ,o purely vegetatiio nr Us
composition and perfectly harmless in Its
morning sickness, or nausea, from' whatever
r . .1 i owiuiit-ii, iiiuigesiion, ays
pepsls nnd k ndreil Rrmntmna its nu in
doses will provo very bonvtlclsl. '
" nvorlto Proscription In n posl.
in.. " . pcai!a ana ob
stinate cases of lettcorrhca, excesslvo flowing,
painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions
prolapsus, or falling of. tho womb, weak boci:
leiimio weaaness, antorcrslon, retroversion,
bejarlog-down sensations, chronlo congestion.
flnmmoHiA V, I "'J-""il UI mo WOlnO, tn-
...".wu.., pu, nun iviiui-riioea in ovanes.
accomiianled with "Internal heat." """v
in 'ia riCRUI.n.,ior au1 promoter of funo-
..K..UM i3 ,. Hvii.ij- biuu remcaiai agent.
S,"J.iin J?ro1,uco oil good results. It Is
"("""( fmimiuuj hiiu vniunDio in us cnects
SiS?. i i3 fr,tljoso d'soi-ders and deiange-
-v.. ...b.uvuw tu iiim, micr uuu most critical
period, known as " Tho Chango of Llfo."
' ItllVAtalf A t1nnahbllrt.t a i ,
n2.Dx?l?,n i1," tno uso I'ierco's
flnmfnf iT i Discovery, and small laxntlvo
yy i-uriuivo i eucts (Littlo
Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and Illaddcr
hii ..i.?v -Su -K".,.'-'i.iuiu BJS0 removes
. uuu nuuuauoi cancerous ana
scrofulous humors from the system.
case, or money will bo refunded. This guaran- doscs iMor
tv?rJarnlr,lllu!,trat0lJ Treatise on Diseases of
cIStsCnfC8ATert0T,'red, ,mi
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
063 Malu St, llUITAIiO, N.y.
Vhn troubled with those an nor tog IrretroUritiesM
freqQentlr followinsa oold or xpoture, or from Oon
itttutloual Weakneesefl m peculiar to their Rex. ihoald
Use DR. DuCHOINE'S Celebrated
They are Btrenstbenlna to the entire anitem, Impart
tone, rigor anil inounetlo force to all f Bnctf oua ot bod
aiidmlnd. Sent lr mail, ecurulraeap1,tl, AddreHH,
Dr. HartorMedlclnoCo.jST.lOUIS, MO.
y.AiNwmauT & co.,
I'liiLADKu-nu, Pa.
K. G. Corner Second and Arch Sts.
rtr-ordera will receive prompt attention.
Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with
They will dyo everything. They are sold every,
where. Price 10c a package. 40 colors. They
havo no equal for strength, brightness, amount
in packages, or fpr fastness ot color, t.r non-fading
dualities. They do not crack or smut. For sale
by stoj cr Bros, and Jas. 11. Mercer. feblTrly.
nas revolutionized the world dur
lng the last half century. Not
least among the wonders ot In.
vcntlve progress Is a met hod ami
system ot work that can bo performcC all over the
country without Bepartlng tho workers from their
homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work;
either box, young or old; no special ability je
qulred. Capital net needed; you are -darted free.
Out, this out and return to us and wo will send
juu tree, sjinrtntog oi groat value ana import
ance to you, that utll start you In business, which
will bring you In moro money right away, than
anything else In tho world. rud outfit fre$.
Address Tacs & Co., Augusta, Maine. lydecso
When I say Cune I do not mean merely to
stop them lor a time, and then liuvs them re
turn again I mkan A ItAIUUALi CUIUS.
I haw made tlio disease ot
A llfa Ions study, -I .wAIinAKr my remedy to
('(Jhk the worst cases. Itecau-'e nthers Iirvs
failed I s no reason for not lunv receiving a cure
Kcnd al nncofnrntreatlse nnd a 1'ltKi iioiTl.1
and I'nt Offlrp. It costs you nnthlug for t, and it will cure you Addrei-s
H , C , RO 3T. ftl . C.j 1 83 PCAU Si ., IHwYlU
A(')F..ST FOlt TUB
maniifactruersof the celebrated Keystone Dyna
mite. This explosive Is trlvlnir universal satisfac
tion. Quotations cheerfully tflren. lrrewui
Dcscilptlvo of the Noll, Climate. Production.,
.ilumiiuciurinii Imluatrlraand Jllurrnl U'riilth
rvimlulii and plher Southern Mates. Write to
W, II. DEVIM. nen'l Pass. Agent,
Bnctoslrii;i-ceiit Stamp.
to cam an for tbe isle of Nnrrcrr
btocK I bteauy etDtiloym!
Steady emploruunt Kuarantted, SALARY
AND EXPENSES PAID, Apply atpuc, lUllofivse.
Chue lirolher. Company, WulCW.
march to ss-apm and June
jjp I Oil HIE
jfSdijL FITS!
hi Pianos ! Lowsl m
Kranicli cri llacli
Wilcox & White Organs.
5rrin'no8 Tunctl aiul Hcpntrutl by com
pctutit workmen.
Send for Catalogues.
Williarasport, Pa
tii".S 'f!i,,,?fc,J.9!-t.,"d 1 - l'r'"l only by
Or. Beta Arnola, tied. Core., Weeniott.t. K. I.
r it
1 35
A. u. a, M.
North umbrrland s 40
Cameron & 55
Chulaskv a in
10 10 0 15
10 23
10 29
10 3D
10 53
11 00
11 07
11 16
11 22
11 20
11 30
11 37
11 44
11 43
11 68
12 OS
12 16
12 26
12 30
12 37
12 41
12 45
12 50
12 63
1 03
1 11
1 19
1 25
1 30
r jc
6 3U
V 34
6 40
R 53
7 05
7 1!
7 20
Danville , a os
1 58
a 14
1 19
2 24
2 89
uatawissa 0 S3
iiupert g so
Jloomsburc s flu
Espy. : a 12
Lime Hldge 6 60
7 i?
wiiiow urove n
Brtarcreek..... a BS
Uerwlck ..... 7 03
iieacb Haven ... 7 u
Hick's Ferrv. 7 in
7 81
7 85
7 42
7 49
2 43
2 54
2 69
3 09
9 19
3 3
3 39
3 43
Shlckshlnny .. 7 to
llunlock'a 7 as
8 CO
8 17
8 22
8 33
8 31
Nantlcoke 7 w
Avunaaie. 7 54
Plymouth ."....... 7 69
Plymouth Junction 8 03
Kingston' 8 os
Uennett h fa
faltbv h ir-
8 38
8 45
8 49
o 63
8 53
9 03
9 09
9 17
9 23
yuminfr.. ......
West Plttston...
Mttston'..... ......
8 n
S 63
3 56
4 01
. 8 U7
, 8 83
. 8 40
. 8 48
, 8 54
. 9 00
Lackawanna ....
Taj lorrllle. .......
9 30
9 33
4 22
1 M
HCRANTON. 0 10 9 50
2 05
6 20
6 25
ueuevue a is o m
Taylorvllle c 20 10 00 214
Lackawanna ; tt 23 10 OR 2 21
'Wstop. e 3d 10 16 2 28
West Plttston 6 42 10 22 2 31
Wyoming. 6 47 10 27 s 39
Maltby 0 61 1030
nennett 55 10 84 2 47
Kingston ,. 6 68 10 33 2 50
Plymouth Junction 705 10 42 2 64
Plymouth 7 in in it a no
6 -In
6 37
0 43
C 50
6 53
6 69
7 03
7 07
7 12
Avondale 7 14 10 51 3 03
Nantlcoke.. ,.... 7 19 10 65 3 06
Hunlock's 7 26 11 02 3 19
Shlckshlnny 7 47 11 12 s 29
7 21
1 23
7 43
7 65
8 07
8 13
iiicavg perry. 1 83 1122 3 39
Beach Haven : 8 01 II 23 3 45
Berwick 8 07 11 37 3 61
Bnarcreek. 8 13 3 67
Willow drove . 8 16 11 43 4 01
Llmeltldgo. 8 20 11 62 4 05
S?Py. 8 26 11 t9 4 12
Uloomsburtr r s-j 10 oa a ,q
8 20
8 27
8 31
8 35
8 41
8 47
8 52
8 57
9 15
9 23
JJupert 8 S! 12 10 4 24
uatawrssa a '2 12 15 4 29
Danville 8 57 12 80 4 46
Chulasky. 9 al 4 54
Cameron 9 07 12 40 8 00
NOKTIIUUBtRLANO 9 22 12 63 B 15
9 28
9 45
Connections nt. rtunerr with litiitnrinmiiin -
Readlne: ltallroad for Tarnnnenrl. Tnmnnnn. win.
lamsport, Sunbury. Pottsvllle, etc. At Northum
Borland wtth P. & e. Dlv. P. It. It, for Uarrlsburg,
uwva iibhU) A1IIUUI1UI1I, , UT1 C, KUTTy Una UriC.
v. jr. uAusi juiv, uen. Aian.,
Scranton, Pa
Pennsylvania Railroad.
'hiladelphia & Erie R. R, Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effect MAY 13, 1863. Trains leave sunburj
9.40 a.m.. Sea Shore Kxnress fdallv ezcenl
awiuajj, lur uurnsuurg uuu luteruieuiuiesiauonr-,
arriving at Phlladelnhla3.I6 v. m. ; Now York.
5.50 p. m. ; Baltimore, 4.43 p. m. ; Washington'
M6 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all bps
Shore points. Through passenger coach to
rniiaaoipnia. m. it Rinn
iallr exceut Sundavl.f or llarrTsburcf and interme
diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia
a.50 p. in. ; New York, 9.35 p. m. ; Baltimore
6.45 p. m. i Washington, 7.65 p. m. Parlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coacher
luiuuaw ruuaueipuia ana uaiiimore.
7,43 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (dail)
cur iiarnsuuiv anu auiBLermraiaie si aiions, arriv
ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m,
Baltimore, . m. ; Washington .vs a. ra.
Pullman sleenlng car from WllllainsD'tto Phlladel
Dhta Phlladelnhla nasaencers can remain In
sioeperunaisturDra until 7 a. m.
8.00 a. m Kno Nan (aauv exceut sionaay
fcr Harrlsburg and Intermediate stations,
arr'vlng at Philadelphia 8.25 a.m. New York,
11.3m m. ; li,Htliaoro8.15a. m. ; Washington, 9.8C
ft. iu. I uruuLfii i niiinau H n-ninzc&niHTH runur
taia train to i-nuaaeipnia, uaiumore ana wanning
too, uuu inrouvu paisenger roacnesto t'uuaaei
pnia ana uaiumore.
5.10 a. m. Erie Mall (daily excont Sundavi. 10
BrlearJ alllntermedlate stations ana canandaL
rua ara intermeaiate stations, ltocnester, uuna
o and Niagara Falls, with through Pullman Pal.
ace cars ana passenger coacoeB to rie ana ltocn
ester. 9.51 News Express (dally excent Bandar) foi
lock iiaven ana intermeaiate stations.
12.52 d. m. Niagara Express (daily excent sun
y) for Kano and Intermediate stations and Can
oalgua and nrlncloal Intermediate stations.
it-chester, Buffalo and Niagara Vails, with
thnugh passenger coaches to Kane and ltochcster
and Parlor carto Wllllamsrtort.
6.30 p. m. Fast Line (dally ,except Sunday)! or lte
novo ana intermeaiate stations, ana iiimira, wat
Kins ana intermeaiate stations, n nn inrougn pas
senger coaches to ltenovo and Walklns.
9.20 a. m. Sunday mall for ltenovo and In term o-
uiate Btaiion" .
Sunday mall leaves I'hlladelohla 4.30 a.
Harrlsburg 7.40 arriving at sunbury 9.20 a. m. with
turougnsieepingcar irom I'nuaaeipnia to Wll
News Express leaves. Philadelphia 4.30 a.m.
Harrlsburg, 8.10' a. m. dally except Sunda;
arriving at sunbury 9.63. a. m.
Niagara Express leave
Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. i halt a. m. (dally
except Sunday arriving at Sunbury, 12.62 p. in.,
nun luiuugu tauui vai iiuui i uiltuiuinuilj
and inrougb passenger coaches from phlladel
phla and Baltimore.
Fast Line leaves Now York 9.00 a, m. Phlladel
Dhla.ll.50a. m. : Washington. 9.60 a. m. iiiaitt,
more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at
ouuuurj, o.oo t. ui,, mm luruuKu passengei
coaches from Phlladelnhla and Baltimore.
Erie Mall leaves New York B.oop. m, i Phlladel-
puia, n.23 p. m. wasningicn,iu.oop. m. i Haiti
more, 1 1.20 p. ra., (dally escept;Saturday ) arrtvtng
at Sunbury 6.10, a. m., with through Pullman
Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and
-utuiuiiuroanmurougu passenger coacnes iron?
It tll.KII.MI AMI NllltTll AMI WU3T
(Dally except suuaay.)
Wlltcesbarre Mail leaves sunburr 9.63 a. rn.
arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.46 a. ra., Wllkes-barre
Express East leaves Sunbury 6.33 p. m., arriving
Mi, uiuuiu f rrrr o.i;o p. in.. wilKes-uarre7.&3 p. tr,
Sunbury Hall leaven Wl llceuhnrrn men ft. m. firriv.
Ingat Bloom Kerry 11.41 a. ra.,Hunbury 12.83 p m
Express W'eat leavos Wllkes-barre 2.53 p. in., ar.
riTuiK av uiuum rerry 4.1V p. m., nunnury o.iup.D)
Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9.23 a. m arriving
w uwuui .i.iua. uu. tl liaca-uurre 1 1113 &.D1.
Sunday accommodation loaves Wllkes-Uarre 6:10
t. u., arriving at iiiogm rerry, o.av p. m., sunbury,
1:30 p. m,
OIIAS. E. I'UdH, J, it. WOOD,
(lecManagor (ten Passenger Agen,
A. C.
Uest miulo Clothing
in I'hilnrlclpliifi
for Men nnd Children.
Sixth and Chestnut.
(Ledger Hnildirg.)
is the first form of Dys
pepsia. It may be the
fault of the food, but the
CHANCES are it is the
stomach's fault.
Whatever the cause,
it can be cured and
cured permanently by
I 1
which are purely vege
table and free from all
injurious ingredients.
Tor Sal tty all DrapzlRf s. Prl -o 2-5 Uj rr box
3 lioxr-a Tor Ll its ur hunt l-v mull, )Hl.ttri fn1, ml
rMcift of rrloo, ilf. J. II. Stut-crk M B-m. I'lillad'a.
RcwiirtlccI aro thoso that read
this and then act; they will find honor
nb'.e employment that will not take
tnem irom tneir nomes ana ramuies.
Tho profits are large and sure for overy Industri
ous iHrson, many have made and are now making
scleral hundred dollars a month. Itls easy for
any one to mako 15 and upwards per day," who Is
wining to work. Either sex, youDg or old; capital
not needed; we start you. Everything new. No
special ability required; yon, reader, can do it as
ell as any ono. W rite to us at onco for full par
ttculats, which we mall free. Address Sllnsoafi
Co., Portland, Matno. lydecso.
fcaveats and Trade Marks obtalned.nnd all Patent
UUS1UL-B3 CUnUUUll'U IUr,MUU!W(A i ifi lfJ3.
OFFICE. Wo have no sub.nirencien. all linainooo
direct, hence can transact patent business In less
nine unu ut uuar tnan tnose remote rrom
send model, drawing, or photo.wlth description.
Wo advlso If natentabla or nnt. rren nr i-imwA
Our fee not due till patentls secured.
A booky'How to Obtain Patents,"wtth references
to actual clients In your State, countv. nr lawn.
sent Ires. Address
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
Opposlto Patent omce, Washington, p. C.
Manufacturers of
Plrst-class work always on hand.
Prices reduced to tuit the timet.
Hen 'WoiicIcth exist in thousands of
forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of
Invention. Those who are In need o( prof
itable work that enn hn rlnnnunnn
at homo should at onco send their aadresa to
u.uca.111, ruriiauu, m oine, ana receive free,
full Information how either tex. of all ages, can
earn I Torn 5to 125 per day and upwards wher.
ever tney live. You are started free. Capital not
required. Somo have mado over 50 In a single
LIKE, tlio great
Medical Work of the
age on Maabood,Nenr
our and I'tyslciJ De
bility, rrematuro De-
HNnW TUVCn C cllnerronofVouth,
lnim I nlOtLriand the untold inlwr
Kudcoumiaent thereon, 300 vhzg 8 va, Iti pro
ncrijitlons (or all diiteaaea. Cloth, roll ullt, only lt.00,
by mall, scaled. Illustrative sample froo to all yuan
and muldlesaeetl men, Send now. The Oold and
I entiled Medal awarded to the author by the Natlon-
fu iueuicai ABsociaiion. Aaamw i'.u. uox 1895, Uo.
ton, Masn.or ilr. W.ILPAltKElt, gradaate of liar.
UUn, ll.ltAAt lUI.. .1 1 I . .
. -v .u,ic;o, mjmi, lliaKUCV 111 UUtiUin,
who may lie conaiilted confldentiallr. Offlct. Na
1 ' Knlflnch SL Specialty, Diseases of Man.
Cut this out.
You uinr never see It asaln.
Spring Medicine
Tar rant's
Seltzer Aperient.
Sold by Tarrant ft Co., N.Y
and DrugglsU everywhere
Madlcil and Suraloal Offioa.
For the treatment of Youthful 2niprudenee,
Iaaoryigor, Nervoua Debility and Special
Ulaeuses. Consultation by mall free of charge,
Hook Sent Free,
Offlcohours fronts A.v.tolr.if. A from Ctosp.X
Walter's PatentWriled.8
. . Absolutely
Metal Shingles W1D ffisp
illustrated catalogue and price list free.
may.ii.d.lil mttBt,Nt'w V-ork wty
WANTI'.li. permanent posl. I 1
AND HXriiNKiN rAii). Any determined man
Lrs. '" 'nmuLtg w
KIUUI'ID. n LUC st CUIIin fIR lnrMMdlrifl' mnn.r nr, ,.u
rngspeihillles. Ouuit free,
Address at once, (Name this paper.)
NfRSiKVMKH, hochester. N. V
Order fur ourTreea.Vliicii, Ac.
Steady Work
For Honett, Sobir,
Induitrlout Men,
utbtu.MUiQ IffMfrr!
V k IUQ 11m (I rrM
tnd erutMBUl Mock.
i -lovtiuii uuaranieen 10 lutiomcri ami
jAgeuU, Wrti tiiunediauiy to"tS
I430 So, Ptnw Squirt, PhllnlttpMa, Pa.
marBtMt eow
Itcspcotfully Informs his friends and public oonBrally thnt.ho lms refitted
his pinning mill. In addition to thd planing mill work" ho Is now prepared to
furnish to order doors mil Inuido finish for houses.
veneered with all our native wood,, also foreign woods, Mich as Mnhtgany'
lloFCWood.Ao.. &. All haul wood Moiiltlinrs is used for Veneered .Dor.' ami
Inside Finish. All work shall bo gtrarnntr-cdi Water proof Qltft is 'used for
vrnccritig all our Doors and Caning?, Uafo IJodrde, Ac-, &o. Alfb Walnut
Ash. Svramnre. Onk. Hiitti-rnut. Mnlile. Chf rrV. Poiilnr. VcrirrR. inr coin i .1. '
J " J J ' l a
Mill, six to ten feet long, six to thirty
DlsTM.i.Kn f
and free from b
especially ndajited loperhons requiting a Btlraulatlni? tonic, fonstunpllvesbeirii
greatly benefitted by its use. Kccommended by lcndHip physicians bb a Uiuri-i in
Nervine, Tonlo and A lteraiire. For Consumptives it is Invaluable. rriiiiirJr'u
1'UHK llAHLKV .MALT WHISKEY Insure a return of vigor to tho stomach i i-rfrlS
AnnetllA. ft rlr-li nnrl flhnnrlflnf. lilriml fllul Inerpncrrl rteati nnrt tv,t,.r..,i... ., ' uw'l
at Imnlnni tnlhl nun frpnt ia In
It Is a tonic nnd diuretic and ajiowcrfulstrengthener to tho entire system vih'
ltlNirs I'Unu UAllLliY .MALT WlllSKKV has prucd a medicinal nrolectlnn ft
l.hnsn whft nnrann tlielr nvni-allnna In I lie nnf-n nlr nml u-linci, ,lnit. tAb,....T l.u
exceptional powers nf endurance. Ask jour nearest druggist or crocer rnrin!
l'BKllINK'Sl'UHH IIAKLKV JIALT WHISKEY revives thoenenrlcs otthtKa viii
out with excessive bonny or mental enort and acts as u safefninrd oiralnst exnrU,,V
In -et.anr1 rtirnrnnu wnnrtipr.. ll.111 rlrlvn all mjlnrfnii, rilfnn.ns i uiV'VOSUr0
Hard workers of every vocation and persons whom a sedentary lire renders nrrmn1?!;
Dyspepsia nnd In ivrrlne's Pure Barley rn i iiiiiiii iiiaaMswSilll-?
Malt Whiskey a powerful InvlgorantH The rTnalyslsai it appears by tho r a
and helper to digestion. l'KHHI.NK'Sfibel on every bottle: I have carefully nn
l'UHE 11A11LEY MALT WHISKEY Eiilyzrd thel'tltK IUklkt Malt Wins
without unduly stimulating1 the kld-fisnr made by Mi J. S rerrlnoandfliiti
neys Increases ttieir flnBKlng' activity, Jit entirely Ireo fiom fusel oil, turfurol
counteracts tho cITectB of fatlguo, has-iraetals and acids and Is aWlutelr
tens convalescence and Is a wholesome Inure." ktgnea, Camilla Arthur Matrr
and prompt diuretic. Watch tho label I B(mdiiteq(A Unlrvrtlilet or Munich
None genuine unless bearing the Blgna- lOfiicra ana Wettbaaen
Foi dim vj all drug 1st
and grocers throughou
the united states and
run atua ui
5- -i IMbIW
5 4EHFZiS.
t7S p n . .aV. . '
We aro offering great inducements to persons desiring to
purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines.
Among the Pianos wo handle al e the I VERS ft PD'TJ'T)
btrm& and Opera Fianos. These Piauos are all first-cla&a
and fully warranted for five years.
Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTE V Til TT J .
ER, UNITED STATES nnd other maes. ' M1LL
Our leading Sowing Machines are the celebrated TF77 TTW
iiotary Sewing Machine in the world.
. TB,ej,o purchasing writo for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S
DJ3PO r, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa.
Tutt's Pills
Malaria, Dumb Chills,
Fever and Ague, Wind
Colic, Bilious Attacks,
' ' , ' v UHIV Ut ,1JQ
inches wide.
n from selected Ilarlcy Malt and guaranteed to be chemically mir
1 Injurious oils and icldsofttn contained In alcoholic llnuois. ui
pfTpr-r. llranpnuln. Ini1lrfptlnn iMnn '..A
unuimioio Aiiu ALU Ui Jan
i ! i uu nnnm .asssgssMBjsja Hfa
'm' V. tt m Ilf 4) M M aaa
Comblntng . ftjfm Hw nggllsl-. or Invalid
Price $7',00 &'tiTJmABUVVKia'
1 MMS Jimt'.10"-. of the world.
'"S " .!"?" nrake, and KlnllI
'"'unP mt utiaioinie and mention carriages.
145 N. Oth St.. Phllada.. Pt
urnlRhnn m . .
S55nina..05 PP"ctlon. lut sod speclflo
Otts prepared by an experienced draughtsman
' niooMilmrr, Pa