COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. P0YAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thin powder never varies. A marvel of parity strength and wholesomcness. More economical than ordinary Kinds, and cannot bo Bold In compe tition with the multltudo ot low tcst.short weight, alum or pnuspuaui puwuers. noia oniy in cans. The Columbian tar-rubllshcd every Friday, tl.ko n vear. Subscription price, Kntercd at the Post Office at Bloomsburg, Fa,, as bccuuu wasa uiuuer, jnortu i, itoo. BLOOMSBUfCpT FRIDAY, MAY" 25, 1888. COKakCT B1UR01D Till TAM.K DLOOMSBUItO & SULLIVAN RAILROAD SOUTH. NOltTII. Arrive Arrive. Leave. Leave. STATIONS. r. M. It. l.H. r. u. Bloomsburg......... 1 63 Main Street 1 44 Irondale 1 41 raper Mill.... ...... l as Llghtstreet. 1 a) orangovlllo 1 is Forks, is ai Tubbs -13 60 Stillwater 12 43 Benton. ......... 12 30 Leave, 8 00 7 63 7 SO T 40 7 83 7 S3 7 11 7 oa 7 00 o so Leave. l.H. 8 45 8 49 a 00 V 14 g 21 9 40 ta 10 03 10 19 10 30 Arrive, A. M. 8 40 8 42 41 S 34 S 3S 7 10 7 22 7 J7 7 33 7 43 Arrive, r. u. Trains on the r. K. It. It. leave liupert is follows : NORTH. SOOTH. v.n a. m. 11:00 a. m. 3:99 p. m. 3:01 p. m. o Trains oa the D. L. & W. H. It. leave Bloomsburg as follows i NORTH. 800TH. 7:12 a. in. 8:32 a. m. 11:01 a. m. 12:03 p. m. 2:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m. 6:33 p. m. p. m. Trains on ths N. W. II. Railway pass Bloom Ferry as follows i NORTH. 10:44 a. m. 6.20 p. to. BUMOAT. NORTH. 10:18 a m SOUTH 11:44 a. m. 4-19 p. to. souTn. 8:39 P m PEIVATE SALE OP VALUABLE Real state Tho undersigned will oltcr at orlvate sale Between this date and AUGUST i st, 1 888. a valuable farm, sltuato In Hemlock township containing 1 1 4 ACRES, about 90 acres of which Is clear and In excellent condition, the balance Is woodland. There Is on tho premises a largo DWELLING HOUSE nearly new, containing 10 rooms. The house Is furnished on the lnsldo with chestnut lumber. The cellar Is one ot the best, well made and cemented. The barn Is fifty feet long and 80 feet wide, with a new shed attached, twenty-eight by forty feet. An excellent well of water not more than leu feet from tho house. Cholco fruit of all kinds on tho premises. A rare bargain for some one. ciiiusTornKU kustek. May 18 2m. Buck Horn, Fa. A BIG OFFER. The Columbian will be sent for 6 months, and the New York Weekly World until after the Presidential election next No- I residential election nexi iNO vember, tor 75 cents. 1 hose who are already subscribers to the Columbian can have the World until November 13 by paying up arrearages, and 25 cents additional. This is a great offer and every Democrat should take advantage of it. BAX.EH. Foil Balk. A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to jan20tf. L. N. Motkk For Balk. A Jersey cow and calf. The calf Is past four weeks old. Will be sold at a bargain. Mrs. B. Btohnbr, Bloomsburg, Wanted. A young man capable of driving and tho care ot horses wanted at the Sanitarium, opposite tho depot. Wanted. Several loffscrs to stock mill. and also a man to haul down the mountain to the road, on North Mountain, about 3 miles above Perry's hotel. Apply to J, F. Hluk, Llghtstreet, Pa. m25-2i- Buy Lester's School Shoes. .Every pair warranted. personal. Miss Hllhournc of Philadelphia is tho guest of Miss Lottie Kuhn. Frank C. Foresman, of Wllllamsport, was In town tho latter part of last week. J. G. Freeze Esq , N. U. Funk Esq , Goo McUenry and Louis Lowcnberg went to ilarrlsburs on Tuesday as delegates to tho Btato Convention. F. P. BUlmeyer Esq., Judge Murphy, R. Buckingham Esq., and Geo. E. Elwell Esq., attended as spectators. Jacoby will hayo fish Thursday, Friday and Baturday. J. D. Bhafter has laid tho foundation for a building on Iron street near Third. Don't buy your boots and shoes without seeing F. D. Dentler's Immense stock. Warren Ever was lu town during tho paBt week. He camu up from Maryland to oversea U. B. Lutz's salo. New names como rolling in rapidly. Beventy.flvo additional papers wcro print- ed last week. A little daughter was born to Mr, and Mrs. O. C. Snyder Baturday of last week. They aro now locaUd at Bcranton. W. (Mlnni.hi.riv annearcd on the streets Monday with his express wagon repaired and re-palnted. It makt s a nice appear, HUVVi A potlthinils lu circulation, In which tho town council aro asked to open Third ttreet from East street to the extension of Third street In Bnyder's addition. Yol. 1 Kent's Commentaries, and 103 Penna. State Reports aro missing from the law library nf JudgelElwell. Auyone hav ing either of them In his possession will please notify Geo, E. Elwell. For walking and riding "Hencb aud Drorogold" wheel cultivators with double corn and phosphate planter attachments go to White, Conner & Sloan, Orangevllle, .pr27 ow i'a. The old shoemaker ihou which stood on upper Mala strcot near Iron, ho been re moved to mako room for a f rama store building to bo built by E. U. Urowcr. 'I ho tlmo of tho Democratic Uounlv Con. Tentlon wa changed laat year. Tho del. ogate election will bo held on Baturday, August tl, and tho convention on August Hth. If your sight Is poor or eyes Imperfect. I consult Dr. Brown, who tits glasses and operates on tho cyo. Ho makes this a specialty Odlco 8rd street, near M. E. Church, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hccclpt books for collectors and super visors always on salo at tho Columbian odlco. They are bound In flno style and sold at tho samo price that others aro sell ing a much Inferior article. A good physician will find an excellent opportunity to localo at Unltyvlllc. Tho former physician through somo family troublo was obliged to leave tho place, leav ing a rich farming community .without a physician. Elmer E. Person, a graduate of the Colummik, and an excellent work man, was married Thursday of last week to an cstlmablo lady of WilllatnipnrL Wo wish him abundant success In his new journey of life. Twcnty.flvo conts n day purchases $3,000 policy In Tho Travelers", of Hartford, which Is payable In event of death by ac cldent, with $10 weekly Indemnity for wholly disabling injury. J. 11, Maize, agent, second door Columbian building Bloomsburg, tf. The prevalence of scrofulous taint In tho blood is much more universal than many aro aware. Indeed, but fow per. sons aro frco from It. Fortunately, how ever, we havo In Aycr's Barsaparllla, the moat potent remedy ever discovered for this tcrrlblo afllictlon. Every scat was filled at 8t. Paul's P. E. church last Sunday evenlog on tho oc casion of the visitation of Right ltov. Dr, Rultson, assistant bishop of tho diocese. After a very able sermon a class of ten was presented by tho rector Rev. W. C, Lcverett, for confirmation. Tho bishop officiated at Danvillo in the morning, and at Catawlssa In tho afternoon. List ot letters remaining In the Poet Of flee at Bloomsburg for week ending Hay 82, 1888. Mr. Elijah Albertson, Mr. J. C Clap. saddU'(a), II. II. Conghlln, Mr. James W. Paris, Mr. Qlnseppo Salera, Mr. Joseph Balera, C. L. Tyler. Persons calling for theso letters will please say "advertised." George A. Clabk, P. M. A largo assortment of Gilt Wall Paper for 20c and upward with lino Ceiling Decor ations at G. A. Clark's The law requires postmasters to notify newspaper publishers whenever u paper is refused or uncalled for by tho person to whom it is addressed. A failure to do this is a neglect of duty, and wc believe that Iho postmaster thus negligent can be made to pay for the paper from tho tlmo ttiat It Is refused. Wo havo just received a no tico from a certain postmaster In this coun. ty, informing us that a certain paper has not been taken out of tho ofilce for nearly two yeais, though this is our first notice. Tho next cao of this kind will bu reported o the Post Oftlco Department. Caroline, wife of Levi Warner, died at Xenta, Ohio, May 0, aged 27 years. Do ceased was a daughter of Wm. M. Ilart- man of Buckhom. Was married to Mr. Warner of Schuylkill Haven, about two years ago, and has resided In Xenla since. Bho leaves a husband and Infant son ono week old. Bho was a constant member of the M. E. Church slnco childhood. Iter I remains were brought to Bloomsburg on ma 11 cd on aundav.bvUevs. Tubbs and Lcoly. 1 and were attended by a great concourse of I people. The friends desire to return thanks to many lor acts 01 kindness in lue sau hour ot bereavement, and especially to the members of tho M. E. Choir of Blooms burg, Men's fine shoes In kangaroo or calf hand or machine sewed at Dentler's. The fli at convention of the Columbia County W. O. T. U., was held In Bloom, burg, Saturday, May 10. Mrs. E. R. Ikeler with her usual promptness called the con vention to order. Delegates, officers and visitors were in attendance from the local unions of Berwick, Espy, Llghtstreet, Cat awlssa and Bloomsburg. Besides tho reg ular officers there aro superintendents rep resenting eleven different departments of work, all of whom gavo excellent reports ot their work, considering the shortness of time In service. The morning (session was devoted to business, except the time given to Mrs. Emily McLaughlin ot Boston, who lectured the previous evening. Mrs. McLaughlin In her address, familiarly spoke of Louisa M. Alcott and Mr. Emer son's daughter as sisters in this great or ganization ot tho W. C. T. U. The after noon session was occupied by a program consisting of tho address ot (welcome, tho response, an essay and reports. The la dies present, especially tho mothers, were touched with the presence of thrco youug men from Berwick, representing the Loyal Legion at that place. Their Legion num bers over two hundred, which bespeaks tor Berwick future citizens with upright, sober and certstlan principles. Convention ad journed to meet in Berwick the first week In September. Ladles' fine hand turned or hand sewed shoes at Dentler's. Uecornttou Day ivogrniu. Following is tho program for Decoration Day: .Eul Post, No. 250, G. A. It., will assemble at their hall in tho morning, where conveyances will meet them, and, accompanied by the Bloomsburg band, will proceed to Alton to decorate at 0 o'clock. From Atton a detail will be Bent to illdlcy's grave yard; also a detail sent to Heller1 graveyard from Bloomsburg to decorate at 0 o'clock, and from there to Vanderelice's eraveyard to decorate at 10 o'clock. This detail will then proceed to Llghtstreet and Join tho post at 10:80, when dinner will bo served bv the W. O. T. U. for all soldiers and citizens accompanying them. 'The parade will form at Bloomsburg on Market Square at 2 p. in. All organlza. Hons, societies anil citizens lamng part wm report to the marshal W. It. Klngroso at that nlace. where the lino will form and 1 ' .... I triatA nnifAP Mi n iiirrrtlon nr liiu marsnai AfUr thfl ctrcmony Bn address suitable for tho occasion will bo delivered by D. A. Beckley. Muslo will bo furnished by tho Bloomsburg Cornet band and Choral Bo cletj ot Normal School. After the address tho lino will form.proceed to Market Square and be dismissed. Flowers sent to the hall In tho forenoon will he thankfully received. All business men aro requested to close their places of business between tho hours of 2 and 0 p. m, Buv Lester's School Shoes. L Every pair warranted. A IlnUotil IlogHtory. Mlko Matthews, living near Howard, Dakota, tells tho following, which Is vouch n. ed for by all his neighbors During the blizzard of January 13 last he lost a bog, which at tho tlmo weighed over 200 pounds. Nothing had been seen or heard of It 10111 last Friday, when ho was working at a hay stack somo dlstanco from tho houso and uncovered tho hog, which was still alive, and the mother ot a litter ot ten pigs, all allvo and weighing about a pound apiece. The mother weighed when taken out about thirty pounds, a shrinkage of over 170 pounds. Bho was confined In tho stack about thrco months without food or water. Tennis shoes and baso ball shoes at Dcntlcrs. nnHc null. Tho second gamo of tho season was won by the homo team from the Uuckncll Unl vcrslty boys ot Lewlsburg, Pa. Atten dance very poor. Gamo called at 1:30, early than usual In order to permit tho vis itors to return homo on tho 4:18 train. Bcoro bv Innings t 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 Bloomsburir. 5 2 0 0 4 2 310 Buckncll Unlveslty, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Limited spaco prevents us from giving a full account of tho game. Next Baturday our boys will cross bats with the plymouth club. All lovers ot a good game should turn out and by their presence show that they appreciate tho if- forts mado by tho manager, Mr. Hunt, to obtain only first-class nines. Ho has on his list tho best of teams In this section of the country, and thoso wishing to witness good ball should go any Baturday after noon to Athletic Park and satisfy them selves of tho playing qualities of our boys. F. D., Dentler's spring stock of boots an shoes just coming In. Call and seo them. A Mounter Ilroote Trout. W. O. Elliott, manager ot tho Academy of Music, is tho envy of all tho fishermen. Friday morning ho received from somo ono on Kettle creek, near the Cross Forks, two trout, one ot which was a beauty ot tho first magnitude. Tho trout was eighteen inches in length, four and a half inches wide, two Inches across tho back and weighed thrco and three-fourth pounds. It was the largest trout ever seen by tho present generation ot fishermen. Mr, Elliott docs not know who caught the trout, but thinks It was sent by the man who lives on his place on Kettle creek. Old fisher men say that tho angler must have used a meat hook and clothes line to haul the monster from tho Btrcam. Wllllamsport Sun and Banner. Grand IMcuic. A picnic will be held In Uess Grove near Ruport Col. Co. Pa. on Friday Juno 1st, 1883, under tho auspices of Pomona" Orange No. 5, composed of Columbia and lower Lu- zerno counties, to convene at 9 o'clock a. in Hon. Qcrrard C. Brown of York county, Pa., lecturer of Pa. Stato Grange, will bo present and address tho meeting at 2 o'clock p. m. Other eminent speakers and agriculturalists aro expected to be present An opening address will be delivered In tho forenoon by Hon. J. C. Ammerman of Moutour county. All feeling an lntor- est In agriculture are cordially Invited to participate, not forgetting to bring well filled b.iskcts. In addition to the above, Brother Brown will address a public meet- Ing ou agriculture and grange topics, In Centre Grange Hall No. 60, Col. Co., Thurs day evening May 3tst, 1888 and Friday ovening Juno 1st at Buckhorn Col Co. By order of Committee. J. G. Quick, Sec'y, Bloomsburg May 2lst, 1888. Trunks and valises, a flno assortment at Dentler's. Couticll l'rocccclliiKH. May 17, 1888. Pursuant to ndjoummcnt.council met in council chamber at 8 o'clock p. m. All present. Elijah Shutt appears and pre sents a remonstrance against the passage ot an ordinance prohibiting cows from run nlng at large, signed by 033 voting and nonvoting citizens. On motion the peti tion received, ordered filed and laid over until rext meeting. L. S. Wlntersteen appears and presents application of E. B. Brower for a building permit for tho erection of a two story frame storo house on north side of Second street near Iron: on motion a permit granted In accordance with application. W. H. Gllmore of the Friendshp Fire Co. appears and explains why the Rescue Hose and Ladder Co. could not connect their hoso with that of the Friendship at the late fire, I. c. for want of a proper coup ling! upon motion it was ordered that W. 0. Sloan procure a proper coupling. Tho chairman ot committee on tho street to be widened at Port Noble beiog absent, the town engineer states that ho baa ac companied a portion of said committee to the said street and there met O. A. Jacoby, who stated to them, that a portion of the ground supposed tu belong to Mr. McKelvy belongs to blm, Mr. Jacoby. On motion tt was ordered that the town surveyor make a survey of the land of Mr. Jacoby in order to ascertain his property lines. Tho petition for altering tho alignment of tho cast end ot First Btreet was taken up. On motion, seconded, it was ordered that tho necessary preliminary steps ho taken to make tho desired chaugo and that all par. ties affected by said change on the grading of that portion of tho street be notified to appear In council chamber on Wednesday evening, 30th Inst, at 8 p. m. to bo heard In relation thereto. Tho bridge over tho run at Fifth and West streets was reported In a bad condi tion: moved and seconded that an arched culvert be built in place ot the old structure aod that building of same be contracted, and for that purpose the secretary giro notice that scaled proposals will bo receiv ed up to Weducsday cvcnltg, 30th mst at 8 o'clock. 1 On motion It was ordered that the branches of terra cotta pipe serving as dralas, carrying surface water from tho wyst sido of Catharino street to the main running across Fifth street on east sido of Catharino street, bo abandoned and laid so as to carry the water across Fifth street on tho west side In like manner as that on the east side. On motion it was ordered that tho Com- mlssloncr of Highways notify the Blooms burg & Bulllvan Railroad uo. to build a fenco between the public road and their road from the race bridge on tho road leading to Mt. Plcasa'ut, to the point where said road crosses railroad; also that said company put In larger culverts under their road In line wtth the gutter on either side of Third Btreet and repair tho side walks over their road at same place. And also repair the grading ot tho highway on each side of their railroad on Second street, all of which shall bo completed within ten days from the service of this resolution. Evan Jones, Levi Cox and M. K. Apple man, on motion, duly seconded, appointed assistant policemen. On motion council adjourned to meet Wednesday evening May 80th at 8 o'clock. The finest lino ot Wall Paper ever dis phyed at'G. A. Clark's, call and examine. Workmen sent t any part ot the city on short notice. V, Onrtlncr vh. RIootimburK Hlcntu Ik Blcctrlc I.tittltCo. On Monday morning tho case of Dr, 11. F. Gardner of this town against tho Blooms burg Btcam & Electric Light Co. began be fore tho jury selected last week, Judge Archbald presiding. Tho caso was opened for tho plaintiff by L. E. Waller Esq., tho other counsel for plaintiff being C. W. Mil ler, and J. Scarlet Esqs. Tho defenso was represented by II. M. Hinckley Esq. of Danville, Ikeler & Herring, L. S. Winter. steen and J. M. Clark Esqs. After somo preliminary sklrml;blng among tho lawyers, Samuel Neyhard was called as tho first witness, and by him was proved a permit by tho town council to tho Btcam Co. to lay pipes In the streets of Bloomsburg. Tho ofilclal map of the town, and tho rcgistra. Hon ot the plaintiff as a physician wcro of fered In evidence, and then Dr. Gardner was put upon tho witness stand. Ho Is al most entirely disabled, and was brought Into court on an Invalid chair. He testified that on tho night of Bcpt 80, 1880 he was called to seo a patient, and drovo down Iron street. At the corner of Fourth street ho checked up his horso to n very slow trot, drovo on a little further and drovo In to a ditch. It was a very dark night, lie was pitched out of his wagon. Tho horse was fast In tho ditch, and they got It out nftor awhile. Then bo walked down and saw the patient, come back up Iron and then up homo. Noticed a numbness In his hands first. Went to Mercer's and tried to wrlto a prescription for his horse's bruises, and couldn't control his hand. Had a bad night, and In the morning his left arm was parallzed. Has not been ablo to dress him self since. Called In Dr. McRcynolds, and went to Philadelphia to consult Dr. Ellis ft specialist, and has been under his treat ment ever since. Expenses havo been from $000 to $800. Cannot describe tho pain that he has suffered. Prior to tho accident hs was In excellent health. His practlco amounted to $3,500 to $4,000 a year. Is unabto to perform a surgical operation now, Saw no barriers at tho ditch, saw nothing to Indicate that thero was a ditch there. CliOSS-XXAMINED BY Mil. UlNCKtEY. Tho patient I started to see lived at Scv- cntli and Catharine. My office was over Schuyler's store, and I went down Iron street, had been to seo samo patient two or three times beforo ; think I went to sec samo patient night before. Went down East street to Beventh then. May have been down Iron that morning, can't say ; last time I passed Iron street there was a place wboro the ditch had been filled up on the cast sido, so I went down the west side of tho street. I didn't know whether steam or water pipes had been put down. After barriers were removed 1 went down. The last tlmo I saw tho street it was Bate for any man to drlvo It. I did not tako an other street because Iliad no reason to be- lleve that Iron street was more dangerous than any other street. Don't remember about lights the night before. Could have gone as near a route by other streets that would havo avoided Iron street. Did not say to anybody that I saw the lantern but did not know which sido of tho street it referred to. Did not tay that I had been down the street that day or the day before, and saw that the east sido was Impassable, and that was tho reason I took the west side." Hero followed a long cross-examl nation laying grounds for contradiction. Was driving at the rate of about 5 miles an hour. Didn't drive up on Ihc pavement it was so dark I couldn't see the horse. First I remember after accident was seeing a lamp or lantern that somo lady brought out. I know afterwards there was a barrel with a lantern, saw it as we wcro trying to get horse out. Barrel was at end ot old ditch on east side. A boy naiftad Bidleman came along first. Memory affected in somo ways, not in others. Can remember any thing that is impressed, on my mind. Practlco has been conducted by my partner since accident. Value of practice was based on amount of book charges. Bizo ot horso was a little below average ; spirited and gentle, nothing vicious about her ; had a buck-board, narrow gauge. Tho foregoing is a brief outline of tho plaintiff's testimony. Dr. II. C. Wood of Philadelphia was af- firmed. He is a professor of nervous uls eases in the hospital ot the University of Pennsylvania, author of a work on nervous diseases, and has been called as an expert In this stato and Now York. Has examln cd Dr. Gardner, found loss of power from the head down, tendency to contraction of muscles, what is known as knee-jerk. Dis ease is chronic Inflammation ot the spinal cord. It Is the result of tho accident, with very Utile chance of amelioration, and will gradually increase until death ensues insanity may result On cross-examination the witness said that tho condition ot tho plaintiff might have arlseu from other causes, Dr. M. U. Bockroth of Philadelphia has charge ot the nervous department of Jeffer son College. He has examined Dr. Gard ner, and thinks he will become a chronic Imbecile. It is very doubtful If ho can ever practice his profession. Condition Is duo to an Injury to Ihe spine. Tuesday Moiininu. John M. Clark Esq. sworn. Am secre- tary of tho Bloomsburg Steam & Eleptrio Light Co. since Oct. 1885, the time of Its organization. Minutes of the company shown witness, minutes ot Oct. 17th aud 21st 1885 read by witness, showing forma. tlon of company and election ot directors and other officers, also steps taken to make application for charier etc. etc. The samo parties named In these minutes aro the of. fleers of the Bluom. Steam & Electric Light Co. and wero in control of the company on tho 30th of Sept. 1880, Mr, A. Z. Bhoch was President at that time. Cross-examination. The incorporated company first took chargo ot the works somewhero between tho 0th and 8th ot Feb. 1880. The contractors ot the American District Bteam Co. bad control from Oct. 1885 to this time. The Bteam Co. of Bloom bad no control whatever during the Inter val from Oct. '85 to Feb. '80. The works' were constructed under a written contract by tho American District Btcam Co. of Lockport N. Y., they did tho work of lay ing tho pipes ane erecting the works. Nothing was done by th Bteam Ss Electrto Light Co. after tho completion ot tho con tract with the American District Steam Co, under tho permit of the council. Th cor poration did not make tho contract. Re-dlrect. A portion of tho contract price was paid by tho Individuals who afterwards constituted the corporation, tho rest was paid by the corporation. The permit in evidence was tne only one ever obtained so far as my knowledge extends. The extension on Iron street was completed somewhere about tho first ot Oct., 1880 Tho wholo town Is not piped and wo mako extensions from time to time, as thero is a demand for steam. Cross-examined. The cast side of Iron Btreet was Impassable for a week or ten days, before tho 80tb ot Sept. 1880 the main ditch had been filled up, ther were no other ditches on the morning ot tho 80lb, on that day a cross ditch was dug for the Hartnan service pipe. The width of the passago on the west side of the street as near as 1 can judge was ten or eleven feet. Geo. W, West sworn. Resides In Dan ville, Is a surveyor, made a draft of Iron street between 4th and 5th streets, mado It from measurements taken on tho ground. 1 It shows tho position ot tho streets etc. Li;ru oticrcu in cviucncc.j , Wm. Armstrong sworn, Live In Wll llamsport, lived In Bloom on tho night of 80th Sept., '80. Saw Dr. Gardner between 8 and 0 o'clock on that evening. Ho was very nervous, palo and complained of numbness, ho camo Into tho storo for a pre scription, 1 mean Mercer's drug storo whero I clerked. Tho prescription was never filled as It could not be read. Crbss-examlnod. Had seen tho Dr. ex cited beforo this time. Whlto Wcrts sworn. Lives In Blooms burg. 80 years old, a laborer. Tho service ditch from the main ditch was dug to liar- man's on Sept , 30th, 1880 at about five o'clock p. m. I helped dig It. We worked until nbout 0 o'clock. Tho end toward the mlddlo of tho street was about two feet and a halt tho other end about eighteen Inches, It was about eighteen Inches wide. The dirt was thrown up on tho north slde'be- tween 2 and 8 feet. Wo began to throw tho dirt up from about tho ccntro of tho ditch. Tho mound of dirt extended about eight feet from the varlator toward liar- man's. Did not dig the ditch clear to liar, man's, might havo been a llttlo over a foot from the curb of the gutter whero wo quit. Fisher worked with mo digging. When wo quit Fisher moved a barrel over on the heap ot dirt from tho yariator. He put tt on the mlddlo of tho heap and put a lamp on it Ho lit the lantern and put It on the barrel. It took him about 20 mluutcs to get the lantern. , TUESDAY AFTERNOON. Whlto Wcrts recalled. Mr. Schoch or- dcrcd htm to dig ditch. Got Instructions from Mr. Bchoch to throw dirt on cast sido at lion street Into main ditch and dig cross ditch. Worked under Fisher. Robert Roan sworn, Llyes in Bloom. Cabinet maker. Baw ditch on 80th Sep tember, 1880 about 0 o'clock. No barriers Trees thick along Iron street. Much shade, Light of lantern very dim. Could not sec the ditch by light ot lantern. On cross-examination said 1 Saw ditch nbout half an hour before accident occur, red. Could sea dim light from 4th street. Night dark. After barriers wcro taken out the street was In condition on west sido to drive through. Geo. Bidleman sworn. Ltvt In Blooms burg. Works at Lockard's Car Shops. Lives on Iron street. Saw Dr. Gardner atler he came out of ditch. Horse was about in centre of ditch. Doctor was stand ing around while tho horse was being taken out- Saw lantern at halt past seven or eight. Was n black smoky lamp. Light might have been seen from 4th street. Thomas Jones sworn. Saw accident. The horse gave a spring and went over the bank. Helped get the horse out. Cross-examined. Tlmo of accident about eight o'clock. Baw horso and buggy coming by light from strcctlamp at 4th St. Could not see It by light from lantern on ditch. Mrs. Harman brought a lamp and another lantern was used. Willie Lockard sworn. Fifteen years old, lives on 0th street. Knows Dr. Gard ner. Baw Dr. Gardner on ovening of ac cident. Driving at a trot down Iron street, saw him next at ditch, backing horso from buggy. Saw lantern ; rather smoky ; gave somo light. Setting on barrel, barrel pre vented It from casting light into the ditch. Saw ditch earlier in the evening. Looked Into It. Cot Id see It dimly by light from street lamp at 4th street. Geo. BUlcman recalled. Noticed dirt on Dr. Gardner's clothes. Sido and shoulder wero dirty. Fresh dirt. Dr. Armcnt sworn. Dr. Gardner much prostrated by yesterday's examination. Thinks he would not be ablo to be present at court to-day. Has been with Dr. Gard- ner as a partner stneo March 1, 1887. The doctor suffers terrible pain. Pains grow more frequent ; last but a tew moments. He grows more nervous ; sleeps but little. Dr. McRcynolds sworn. Lives in Bloomsburg Practicing physician. Was called in to cup Dr. Gardner after accident. ho was disabled in left side. Was suffer ing considerable pain. Dr. O. n. Allls sworn. Lives in Phila dclphla. Physician and surgeon. Witness offered as expert. Dr. (iardncr came to Philadelphia to seo him October 4th 1880. Bald ho had been thrown from a carriage, striking on his phoulder and hurt It exceed ingly. Examined him. Found there was an Injury ot tho splno. Great pain about centre of body, feeling as though there was an Iron band around his chest. Numb sen sation In limbs, especially in left limb. Pain around chest is always significant ot spinal injury. March 1st, 1887, Mr. Mercer brought Dr. Gardner to Philadelphia. Found the disease had mucn increased. A raw hide Jacktt was mado for him to give support to the body, and an appliance to put upon his left limb so that bo could walk with a four-legged cane. He will al ways require these appliances to assist him In walking. Tho original cause of tho uls ease was an accident of somo kind, a fall of any kind, a fall that would bring about a severe jar to tho body. It one bo thrown out ot a buggy, striking violently upon the back, would produce such symptoms. Present condition ono of great suffering, Tho symptoms could not have arisen from any other causo than that given. It tho disease bo arrested ho can never earn his own living. Ho Is a sklliul physician, as a general surgeon. Think he would per- form tho operations of surgery as skilfully us any physician in Philadelphia. Plalntlll rests. WEDNESDAY MOUSING. A motion for non-suit was mado by de f ndant's counsel. The morning was tak en up by arguments on both sides. Court refused to grant non-sulL Ayer's nils aro Invaluable for tho cure of headache, constipation, stomach and Liver troubles, and all derangements ot tho digestive nnd assimilative organs These pills are sugar coated, safo and pleasant to tako, always reliable, and re tain their virtues In any climate. Located at tlie Ceutrnl. W. h. Fornwalu, tonsorial artist, now located at the Central Hotel, Is prepared to do Urst-class work In all tho latest styles- Ladles' and children's hair curling and cutting a specialty. Give him a trial and be convinced of (he excellence- ot his work Udod workmen and lowest prices. Children Often need somo safe cathartic and tonio to avert approaching sickness or to relieve colic headache, sick stomach. Indigestion dysentery and tho complaints Incident to childhood. Let the children tako Simmons Liver Regulator and keep well. It Is pure ly vegetable, not unpleasant to tho taste and safe to take alone or In connection with other medicine. The two great enemies Hood's Barsa parllla and Impure blood. The latter is utterly defeated by the peculiar medicine. Children Cry for Pitcher's Ctoria. Whoa Bab? wm sick, tie hr Cutoria. Whan tho wu a Child, she cried (or CastorU, When shs bcm Ulu, ih clone to CutorU, Whta tbs had ChlMrtn, sit gars tows CaatorU. Court Proceeding!!- Henry I). Anglo appointed trustee nf tho cstato of Henry Q. Miller, ilcc'd, In place J. II. Iletler, John G. Freeze appointed guardian of Priscllla Bowman. I Emma It. Moyer vs. W. U. B.rwlck, certiorari! opinion 6f court filed reversing re out Uie intermediary, DC judgment of Justice. I tween the makers and you. Estate of John Hoats, deo'dj petition for rulo on heirs filed. Road In Scott township near J. M. Show's opinion filed setting asido report. Road In Jackson township, near Geo. Rcmley's, opinion filed, reviewers to bo nppolntcd. Geo. Uess, Ira Thomas and I. IC. Dewltt appointed viewers ot a road In Bugarloaf near Jos, O. Hess. Application for charter for Echo Park Fish and Gamo Association; opinion filed, approval withheld with lcavo to renew ap plication without further advertisement to tho court or a law judgo thereof within ten days Commonwealth vs John Whlto ct. at, petition to strike off nolle pros, filed. H. B. Low vs. John M. Fairchlld, peti tion to open judgment filed. Venire order for Sept. term and ruling on cases for trial. Adjourned court to bo held Aug. . 2d, at 0 a. m. for disposition of cases and argument list. Jacob L Glrton vs. Geo. A. Herring, ct. al., opinion filed, judgment for"plalntlff In $2 and costs. liloom 1'oor unmet vs. uemiock roor District; order of justice- affirmed. Hood, Bonbrlght & Co. vs. Bol Buss, adm'r; judgment for plulntlff In $47.47 with i costs. Alfred B. Cole vs. Columbia Co.; judg ment for plaintiff in $30 and costs. Jtoad In Jackson township, James Sbcetz, Jcrre Van Sickle and D. S. Rob- bins appointed viewers. WANAMAKERS. rniLiDiLpnu, Monday, Hay 11, 1883. The store is in Summer trim. Hot weather things have been put to the front. Everything. The light and airy Dress SttiffsM tne Dripnt aummer anics : tne Parasols ; the filmy Curtains the hundred sorts of sportintr and outing Shoes ; the gay and breeze-wooing Bonnets and Hats, and such a Catherine 01 r .t! rrii j I oporung tilings, aim saltan anu "eed things, and Housekeeping things (including every modern appliance for making Ice help- IUl in the ianilly), as you have npvorn nnrW nnP rnnf hP J ..w. - - 1 , . .1 .t- WC have put these things ahnnt sn vnn enn see them and J . .. . I understand them easily. It is fu ju... - Wit 01 Uie world Has contrived to make the hot days and nights comfortable. An Ob- ject lesson in the. things that most concern every person housekeepers especially- -from une to beptember. You are welcome. Our Sateen stock is perennial. When we opened the season with the announcement of 1059 styles shown simultaneously, it would seem that no equal state ment about batcens had ever been made, but to that first showing we have been adding constantly. Now a little army of new styles just out of the Custom House. Following on the heels of hundreds of others new this season, and yet scarce- V two alike. And they are in the colors most to your mind sulphur and black green and cream garnet and cream gobelin and white navy and whlto black and wlilto and a dozen other just as wel- come combinations. Patterns that have never been -here before : sprigs and sprays dotted plaids scraggly leaves random seashells cluster color dots Buds and blossoms and ragged bits of brightness scattered higgledy-piggledy, but peeping with surprise nrettiness from everv fold. Black All-wool Henriettas Genuine German. Plenty of so-called all-wool Henrietta in the stores that is nothing but French Cashmere calendered to give it the Henrietta finish And it isn't Henrietta finish after all. That silky sheen doesn't come from calendering, It s in the wool and the weave Sticks to the stufi. These Hen riettas are plump 45 inches wide and bantr-up quality, but the prices take a down dip Were 85c, si, anu si. 25 ; now 75c, 85c, and$i. The price-wings oi Albatross are clipped a little 10 cents. Only a Utile clip you say. Down from 60 cents to 50. But twenty per cent on Albatross is a big clip. And then, too, the color line is full no cullincfs nor gleanings. Scotch Zephyr Checked Ging ir . 1 It yotl know Liingnams hams. one of the great honest Ging- 1 ,r ,.,:il Hum mwiij out wiiii. iv juui mind and you'll ask, Are they ? Well, no, they are not, but it's a bright mind that will say they do not bear a great trade mark, liqual ? Yes, we think so. They wero 40 cents last week; 25 cents now, 30 inches. Wool-and-Cotton Plaid Suit ing. Small checks with over- plaids, mostly cotton. In color and style nearly equal to the finest English Wool Suiting. 120 pieces. 34 inches. The price is absurd 12 cents; just halt, WANAMAKERS. Too manv Parasols. Not here, but with the makers. And s0 ;t about t,at a vcry un. . t iir ual,u , . ' "l'"' ?v Am t tllCSC prices a revelation ? Retting Our ixttue. mice. too Children's raranls f .79 $.33 101 Clack and black squares Sl-lnch l-nUK-U W 119 100 flinch Twilled Coaching, u.ariau umo, iigab urowo. ...... 1 t.m l.W 260 92-Inch Coaching, plain colors, with diock, naT, ecru, two Drowns ... 8.W 170 U5 ss-tnch KmaliriKll Coaching, nre comhlnatlonslacludlDg black and white. S.M 1.00 60 Baxonr Lace Covers, llzht and dark ecru. .,,...,. ,. o.w x.uu i I0O Saxony Laco Covers, beige and cruam ..... 3.70 160 79 Largo Polka Dots, cardinal and DiacK, owe ana duck., a.w S.s I 99 S2-lneh Coaching Stripes, black and diock, DiacK ana cardinal.... o.ou s.55 too 23-lncU coaching Faille Francalse, vtutcu ffuuo rage, u?a cuiurs d.uu s. to -rs, .,, , - This Will give you an idea Of what we are doincf. 1 here is not a Parasol named in this list that has ever been shown before. But the list is only a part. We take many Parasols in our regu lar stock and cut Ihc price in half. 'r 1 11 il .! mi 1 iaKcn au-m-an, mis win De the most notable sale of Parasols we have ever made. benu your address and we will send you our Catalogue for the bpnnjr and bummer of 1888. It will make your shopping by mail a very easy matter. John Wanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES?" BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only S3, doz. Life size Cravons only $10.06. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. ti. Farmers work shoes in lace or buckle at 'w prices at c. M. vandcrsiico's. Flno silk plush parlor suits at Baker & uenucre. corner Main and West streets. I. W. Ilartman A Sons are keeping up " pieces or sa eens by new additions nvprv vkpit. npa inn niAir rnen in need 01 stocxings do not lorget to call and see our laree assortment. Lad- ies' lisle both In black and colors. Child- ren'fl rlnilhln knnn linan with wliltn fppt. . u. w. sloan. - nr. Honora A. Robblns treats diseases of the eye and car, and Is prepared in trs eres for s'a88C8- Mar.30.3m. Ladies flno shoes at extraordinary low prices at C. M. Vandcrsllce'a The Farmers' Produce Exchange has now on hand a full line ot farming utensils 8ucn as pitcn loms, manure forks, rakeb, spades, shovels, scythes and sevthe snaths. praln cradles, grind stones, hoes, bay forks, hay rope, also a full line of tin, earthen, wood and willow ware, and a comnlete siock or rcriiiizcrs, piaster and salt. Walnut couches for $0 00 at Baker & Bender's, tho down town furniture deali r.1. I. W. Ilartman. & Sons' bargains in all wool French flannels at 25c will only hold until June 1st. Call and see them. (.23 pieces.)! 05 cents will buv a nair of shoos at G. SI. Vandersllce's. Call at O. II. Vandersllce's for barcratna iu uauics- ana Aliases- snoes. Vote nrrlvnl nf frnrtrf. nt Afps V V Marsh's millinery store. Call at onco and see tho bargains in reauy-maae cioming at isvans s oyer's. Call at once and see the new goods lust arrived from New York at Mrs. F. K. Marsh's. A flno lino of ladles' and cents' cold and silver watches lust received at C. K. Sav age's 2nd door to First National Bank, Uloomsburg. If you want a line dress suit mado to order, call at Evans & Eynrs', they are sure to please you in quality ana price. Just received a laree invoice of parlor Roods at llaker & Bender's, the down town lurnituro dealers. Ico cream Saturday cvenlnc at Mrs. F. K. Marsh's. Silk and lisle thread cloves vcry low. An excellent lisle thread glove for 15c. at 11. W. SLOAN'S. Evaus & Ever have ready-made clothing In all styles and prices. Call and see be. fore purchasing elsewhere. Hummer millinery direct from Philadel phia and New York at Miss E. Darklcy'a. Styles the latest. Prices the lowest. A full Hne of base ball and tennis shoes at (J. fli. Vandersllce's New lino of crinkled seersuckers at I. W. Ilartman A, Sons', extra good for 10c. If you desiro a stylish hat nt low prices call at Evans & Eyer, Cor. Main and Iron streets. Look at the cream colored flannel In our window 6O0 per yd. u. W. SLOAN. Solid silver and Dialed ware At 0. E. Savage's, 2nd door to First National Bank, iiioomsuurg. New cask of dishes In this week at I. W. Ilartman & Sons'. Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired on short notico and warranted, at O. E. Sav ages, und door to f irst national Hank, uloomsburg. Fourteen houis in ono dav Is all tho nub ile ought to demand of any one. I. W. Ilartman & Hons close at a o'clock and do not open the door after that time. It vou are colne to net furniture, dont forget that Baker & Bender will give you a good bargain In all kinds ot furniture, corner of Main & West streets. "business notices. THE HOMLIEST MAN m BLOOMSBUUQ as well as thehandsomest.and others are In- vIted t0 catl on an lrugglst and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, a remedy that Is selling entirely upon Its merits and Is guaranteed in euro anu relieve an curonic ana acute cougns, asuima, uroncuuis ana consump- lion. 1 rice ou cents anu i BOME FOOLISH TEOPLE allow a cough to run until it gets beyond tho reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases It wears them away. Could they bo induced to try tho successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam. which we sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would Immediately see the ex cellent effect alter taking the first doso. Price 60c. and Trial size frco. At all druggists. licxema, itcliy, Hculy, Hklu Torturi-H. Tho simple application of "Swayne's Ointment," without any Internal medicine, will euro any case of Tetter, Salt Kbtutn, lllngworm, Piles, Itch, Bores, Pimpler, Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter how obstinate or long standing. 11 is potent, cuenive, anu costs but atriue May.4.'S-ir To PnRsxnvK HATtinAt, Fr-owEiis. Din tho flowers In melted pnrafllnc, withdraw ing them quickly. The liquid should be only Just hot enough tu maintain Its fluid ity and tho flowers should bo dipped ono at n time, held by tho stocks nnd moved about for an Instant to get tld of air bub bles. Fresh cut flowers, frco from moist ure, mako excellent specimens In this way. II you wouiu preserve your uuaiui mm iu vlgoruto your entire system uso Pcrrlne's Pure Barley Mnlt Whiskey. For sale by 0, B. Robblns, Bloomsburg, l'n. cow. gUEEN VlOTOlilA 8 CII0WN. The ciown of Queen Victoria consists of diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapphires and emeralds, set in sliver nnd gold. Its gross weight Is 80 oz. 5 dnt, troy. Tho number of diamonds aro 8,352; pearls, 278; rubles, 0; sapphire?, 17; emeralds. 11. It is an 01a Baying uncusy lies inu jtcitu iiKtb wears a crown. It Is ocllcr to wear tho crown of perfect liealtli and peace or mind through tho curative effects of Pcr rlne's Pure Barley Whiskey. For salo by 0. B. Robblns, Bloomsburg, Pa. IMICHl IMICHt ItCllllIK I'llCM. BTlirroMS jiioisiuro ; intense licning and stinging; most at niglil; worse ny scrntcb- mg. ti allowed 10 conunuo minors torm, wiilr.ii oucn bleed and Ulcerate, becoming very sore, ownync s uintmcni stops mo licning and uiccuing, ncais Ulceration, and in most cases removes 1110 tumors. At "lUWlO, Ul UJ ..,(111, U W i-JtlO. 11. Sway no & Son, Philadelphia, may-t ly. Ask For Ayer's Barsaparllla, abd bo suro you got It, when you want tho host blood-purlflor. with its lorty years "of unoxaniplod suc cess In tho euro of Blood Diseases, yon can mako no mis take) In preferring Ayer's Sarsaparilla to any other. Tho foro-runner of mod ern blood medicines, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is still tho most pop ular, being In great er demand than all others combined. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is soiling faster than over before. I never liositato to recommend It." Ooorgo W. Whitman, Druggist, Albany, Jnd. "I am safe In saying that my sales of Ayer's Sarsaparilla far excel thoso of any other, and It gives thorough satisfac tion." L. II. Bush, Dos Moines, Iowa. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla and Aycr's PIllSi aro the best selling medicines in my Btore. I can recommend thorn consclon tiouBly." O. Blckhaus, Pharmacist, itoseiand, III. "Wo havo sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla here for over thirty years and always recommend It when asked to iiamo tho best blood-purlller." W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. I havo sold your medicines for tho last seventeen years, nnd always kcon them in stock, as they aro staples. 'Thoro Is nothing so good for tho youth ful blood' as Ayer's Sarsaparilla." It. L. Tarkor, Fox Lako, Wis. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla gives tho best satisfaction of any medicine I havo In stock. I recommend it, or, as tho Doctors say, ' I prescribo it over tho counter.' It never falls to meet tho cases for which I recommend It, even whero tho doctors' prescriptions havo boon of no avail." O. F. Calhouu, Monmouth, Kansas, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PUEPARKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. t'rke l; tlx bottUt, $5. Worth (3 a bottle. eARKKI m curve! R'S GINGER TONIO without delay. It j manvof tlm KumtAui.nil Ullm Mt t-ns1w ror ui tnecuuni or mo inrotic and tainpj, and diwfu-t'a iisinif irvmuninire uioou ana eio&UKiion. lite return and tick, ptnifnrllni? atr&lntf dbtease, ami slowly drifting to the rrare, wtll In many- rates reaver their health by lbs timely dm of rat-lrcr'n Qlnf-er Tonic, but delay Isdan reroug. Take It In time. It id invalunhlo fur all polns aad Uordor ot Btomava and bowel. COu. at DruRkcbrts. Muy25-U-4t AGENTS WANTED 122 A NEW BOOK. By Ueoroe Ui dwell, the lender in the allfged $6,000,000 forpery on tho Hunk of Kuglnnd. A mar veioat story of tile otHirattons in tbJi country nntl lu Europe. A complete hlutory of tho cteftntic forry, 11U arrest, trial and 14 jtarB expcnvM-e lu EnlUh prisons ard dungeons, mire to rrruie n hciihu tlon. HnorniaiiN male m.ureA. liool vrdend Ufore a page trinltd. fc-pcuk quickly for territory, and eend for illustrated dtecriiaion and special term. Address S. S. fee it Ai ton & Co., Hartford, Coim. May S5-d-4t. SHERIFF SALES. By virtue ot Bandry writs ls.ued out of tho Court ol Common Pleas of Columbia county, I'a., and to me directed will be exposed to public salo at the court house In the town of Ulocmsburg, I'a., on SATURDAY, JUNE IC, 1888, at 2 p. in., all that certain messuage piece or par cel ot land sltuateln Franklin township, Colum bia county, i'a. No. 1. Bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point In a public road leading from Catawlssa to,ltoarlngcrcck la Franklin town, ship, near the houso ot John .(Hasxmeler, thence north;twcnty-elght and a lull degrees, east thirty two and six-tenths rods to a yellow plno down, thence north ono degree, east ono hundred and sixty-four and three-tenths rods to a post, thenco south eighty-three degrees, west ono hundred and seventy-nine rods to a hickory ; thence souih eight degrees, west ono hundred and twenty and three tenths rods to a post In the public road , thenco south eighty-six degrees, east cnc.hundred and thlrty.nvo and nine-tenths rods to a point In the road to Boarlogcreck road, thenco touth twenty degrees, east eighteen and nine-tenths rods, thence seventy-seven and a halt degrees east six teen rods; thence south thlrty-slx degrees, east twenty-six and six-tenths rods to the place of be ginning; containing one hundred and slxty-ono acres and nineteen perches, on which aro erected a frame dwelling house, bank barn and .out-buildings. ALSO a right ot.way from said houso along the right bank ot Koarlngcrt-ek through division No. 2. to a public rood, sold to Jacob Schuyler by John W. Hoffman, High fherirf of Columbia county, deed dated March .1, 18T8 and conveyed by said Schuyler to J. 11. Itoblson. Seized taken In execution at tho suit ot Thomas Trench vs. James lloyd ltoblson, and to bo sold as the property of James llojd ltoblson. ZiBK,Atty. At FL Fa, ALSO, A lot of ground situate In tho town ot Ulooms burg, county ot Columbia, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i Beginning at a corner ot lot of Peter B. Knapp on Iron street, between Second and Third streets, thence eastwardly alongsald lot one hundred and six feet to an alley, thenco southwardly along said alley thirty feet to an other lot ot Charles Krug, thence along said lot westwardly one hundred rind six teet to a corner on Iron street, and thence northwardly nlong said street thirty feet to corner ot lot of l'eter E. Knapp aforesaid, tho place of beginning, whereon are erected a two story fiatne dwelling house and out-butldtngs. ALSO, Another;iot ot ground sltuato In tho town 0( Uloomsburg aforesaid, bounded and describe! as follows! Beginning at a corner of the above do scribed lot on Iron street, thence along said lot eastwardly ono hundred and six teet to an alley, thence southwardly along Bald alley leet to lot ot the ltetormcd congregation, I hence west wardly alone said lot ono huodred and six feet to a corner on Iron street,thence northwardly along said street feet to a corner, the place of beginning, whereon are erected a twoBtory frame Belied taken In execution, and to be sold as tho property ot Charles Krug. AL Ft Fa. HAMl'KL RMITlt, May a & blierirr. T OWN ORDINANCE NO. 33. m ordinance to onen Lackawanna Avenue (com. monly called blxtu ttreet) from .Market btreet westward to West street. bicriox 1. lie it ordained and enacted by the Town council of the town 01 Ulooiiitburg, and It Is hereby enacted by authority of the su met That said Lackawnnna Aenue be opened ta a public highway from .Market street wrsluaid to West street, of the width of tut)- feet, the noHti bide on line thereof beginning at a point lu the el line of Market street, and In the uortb line of sold Lackavanna Aveuue. as owned eastward fiom -Market street, thtrty-nre teet north of a marked stone In the west line of .Market street, thencu south Blxiy-four degrees and furty-nno lalnutea west, parallel w Ith Fifth street, eight bundled and ntty-lour and ttghty-uve one hundredths leet. Passed April 2D, lbss. Attest P. 8. IIAKMAN, HmisLNiviiiKr-, 1'rvslder.t btcrctary. umy-J.tM GUT YOUlt JOB 1'IUNTING BONIS AT Tl I IS COLUMBIAN OKK1CIS.