THE COLUMBIAN 4lND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Col u mbian. I 0. B. ElwtU, I rait.,, B LOOMS BURG, PA. FRIDAY, MAY 25, 18B8. To tha Damooratio Voters of Columbia County. Thoro exists a wrong impression on tho part of some, as to tho time for t i i! . i - . n uoiumK viio v,um.vy uuvmiwuu. Uy a roso ution adoptoa at ttio last County Convention tL time for tho Mcotino: of tho Convention was changed to tho second Tuesday in Au crust, and tho tlmo for holdinir of the Delegate Election to tho Saturday procooding tho second Tuesday in Au gust. In duo time, tho Meeting of tho County Convcntiou will bo called in accordmco with this last resolution of tho Convention. E. M. Tewksiiuut. Robt. R. Litti.k. Seoty. tti m. THE FEES IDEM! AL OUTLOOK. Prn-Uom Hlovnlnnd will bo nomi- ,.j o. t ..! . ,nnih io i , f n XNaiionai uemocnuio vumounuu. Tl,nrn U nn rnnm tn iloubt th 8. and no ono else is named for tho plaoc. Ho in i.- -i wi.n i Will Uu tillUBCU mjuumiuusiY. uv. i will bo nut on tho ticket with him for Vico-Presidont it is yet uncertain. TUn .J ia Ana ofi Mint Ultimo ttrin I bo nominated bv tho Republican Con vention whioh will tneot at Chicago. Sherman and Gresham are the next most probablo candidates. JUDGE ELWELL EESI0NS, Tniro TTimoii .wirna ii to inform tho people of this Judicial District that nessee, has boon reauestod by Secre his resignation as President Judge is tary Villas to defer his resignation un- in tho hands of the Governor, to en- i,!. nn ,.nfintBl,Bfl husi. ness already submitted to him, he has fixed tho 81st day of July next as the :, ni,an 41.0 -rmotinn will taVn offo Th mill nn AmAii ha I filled by tho Governor before tho ad- inwnnA flnnft wh nh Will hA tlfiin Ofi I the 2d day of August. In the mean time tho Dooule can consider tho mat ter of succession and provide for it in the mode prescribed by tue wnsuiU' tion and laws. The health of the Judge may npw bo considered fairly good. Kxoept the difilonltv of hearine distinctly the tes timony of witnesses, who speak in a low tone of voice, ho could transaot all V,n l,. nuii r.f his nffina in wo II AA At I . m TT Ml J any time ncretoiore. ue win aueuu to all matters at chambers as usual an til the first day of August THE STATE CONVENTION. The Democratic State Convention met at Ilarrisburg on Wednesday at 10 a. m. Tho meeting was called to order by chairman Kisner, and after the calling of the roll of delegates W. U. Hensel of Lancaster was elected temporary chairman, and made a ring- r . Will! A ing spcecn. .ux-senaior wiiiiam a. Wallace of Clearfield was elected per manent chairman, and discussed the is sues of the day1 at length in a vigorous address. Both struck tho campaign noto and they were cheered to the echo. A platform was adopted. R. M. Speer and A. F. Keating were nomi nated electors-at-large, W. L. Soott, L. n II -.A n TP Tn.,l r. W lerfor delegates at-iarge, and Judge J. B. McCollum for Supreme Judge. The naming of a candidate as success or to Auditor General A. Wilson Nor. ris was left to the State Cemmittee. Geo. L. MoHenry was a member of the committee on organization, and Louis Lowenberg was one of tho vice- presidents. At a meeting ot tbe con gressional district conference on Tues- i p. t i T- r 3 .ftomnmv Tfnoaol Krna nf Sulli. van was named as a candidate for eleotor, O. G. Murphy of Columbia, and Wesley Auten of Northumber- land as district delegates to the Nation- al Convention. S. Krebs of Danville, T TT MnTtavStf nf Snnlinrw n n . ternatCS. wAnTTTWfiTnw r.T.TTTrn From oar Kesraur correspondent. I Washington, May 21st, 1888. On SAtnrdav Srjeaker Carlisle closed tlm mineral debate on the Mills tariff with aringing speech for revenue re- form. ReferriDc to the opposition of some of the New England members tn the measure he said: "Uenuemen from Now Eocland uredicated in 1816 that the duties fixed by the law ol that date would ruin tneir textile in dustries. In 1857 all of the New Eng. land members voted for a still further reduction of 20 per cent from what thev had ca ed tbo ruinous v low tar- iff of 184G. In the free trade period, as the republicans called the decade from 1850 to I860, the wool manufao- tured product increased 46 per cent and wapes 37 Der cent. The increased product in Now Eegland was 62 per appointed by President Arthur pension cont. In hosiery the product increased agent at Philadelphia, from which poB 421 per oenU In cotton tho product ition he retired at the appointment of iu New England increased 71 per cent. In boots and shoes, upon which duty had been reduced 16 per cout, the in- crease in New iSncland was 83 per ennt: the oroduct in 18G0. in Now En . . .. ' gUud was moro than the entire pro duet of the union in 1850. This in what the renublicaus from Now Entr land saw under a low tariff. Withm eleven years alter the passago of thi bill the members trom jnow England will voto for a still further reduction, or, if they did not, the people would send some body litre who would." And now that the general debate on the tartu bill is over, tow people n under tho necessity of asking which lias the best ot the contest tuna tar. Tbo democrats have won an intellect n al and poliiioal battle, and the repub licaus know it. They hesitate to ac cept a challenge to a direct vote ou the Mills bill without amendment, and they havo takon Mr. Randall's bill au 1-xurension ot republican opinion, only bccauBO they sro utterly uuaoie i formulate a bill ot I hi lr own, upon which to place their faith in tho com ing campaign before tbe plain people of the couutry. The Mills bill may not pass, al though the outlook is very favorable for it now. lint tho democrats who favor that measure have tbo satisfac tion of knowing thattl.ey have furnish cd the issue upon which the Preslden tal election will be contested, au, Mills is very confident that bis bill will pans the House, so continent mat lie itronoiied to tho republican leaders of tho House that they should introduce thesuUtituto which they propose oi- firiiirr for tbe bill and take a vote on it, and immediately thereafter on hi hill, fhutlinir off all amendments as well as tho debate bv sections For the ntst four days the republi cans of the House have been caucusing and conferring, but op to this writing lhy havo tcl .V,olhiJ?uB oxoept 10 i upinjnu wiu uiiiin imi, a iiu uivoauiu will now bo laid Mluo lor ion day, a truuo ot tli at length having Loon agreed upon by the loader of both sidos, and in tlio meantimo the House will proceed with other business. At tho end ot that time It is probable that tho consideration of tho bill by sections will begin. Senator Voorboca was ulvon a pub lic rooeption last Thursday night by tho Indianna demooratio association of this city. Tho Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland associations and tho Distrlot of Columbia democratic club atlondod In a body, There wero mu sio and firoworko, and nothing lacking . , - .,,, pnAort,Z " " l . " , m. q.(. ,w ".JS iwhioh t defended his war record. He said 'I stood by tho principles of my Government. I stood for its honor and I stood for its hborty. I stood for tho union of tho states, and I stood likowiso for tho right to discuss every moaauro of administration tor war as well as peace. I voted for ovcry Bup. plv and for every dollar that went to feed, and olotho tho Boldior in tho field, fp,at ,g my rooor,i. J recaii hero what the Indianna soldiors will not torgot, that whon tho money of this Uovorn moot uepreoiatoa unui ine soiaier was not beiDtrpaiu more tnan or so a month a though 815 was promisod --- - o oira a raaaa a iuu"W"' yuB,cD. w mureaso U,B uuu... ..,., actum vaiuu oi wuui. iiu icuuivuu . ... , . should bo oquivaiont to wnat nao. ocen P?181, Committee has "t34"" reported in favor of removing tho limi tation from the arrearage of pensions aot It is estimated that if this bill bo comes a law it would require $250,000, 000. Indian Commissioner Atkins, who is going to resign for tho purpose of en- terimr the canvas for Senate from Ten ui atier mo loniug in iuo wuu wu tracts. It is expeuted that the con tracts will all bo awarded by tho fifth of June. The domocratio delecatca from tbis district to the St. Louis convention fa vor the nomination of First Assistant 1 UBHUiWHJPUCUUtttl WWtCUOWU. VI Alr nois, for vice-president. As Extensive H&nnfaoturer Changes His Idea of the Republican Party. PrrrsBURQ. May 22. John Dunlap, one of tho most influential and wealthy citizen of Tittsburg, who has been en caced in the tin industry for the past fifty years, and who has ono of the muni. UlltUBlIU nMUllIUIUCUU Ui mo kind in the country, has prepared an open letter, in whioh he unqualifiedly indorses the Mills bill now pending and earnestly urges Congress to pass the sanie, saying it will prove a bless ing to the country. Mr. Dunlap has been aRepublican in politics, although be did not wear the party collar. He is the father-in law of Nelson P. Reed, owner of the stalwart Republican Commercial- Gazette. In his letter Mr. Dunlap states that he has given the question of tariff a careful study, not only as it affects tho tin business, but the material interests of tho country, and the result of his in quiry has converted bim to the convic tion that the tariff is a positive injury to Jho American people, and referring to President Cleveland's administra tion ho says: "I did not vote for him, but I now wish to say that I made a mistake in t doing so. as ho has given the best administration we have ever had. lie deserves tbe thanks of the whole coun try. If he'is again a candidate I will do all in my power to elect him. Death of Auditor General Noma. Colonel A. Wilson Norris, Auditor Genera of the State, died at seven o'clock Monday morning at'his resi- deuce, No. 2230 Spruce Street, Phila- delpbia. llo died of nervous prostra- Drougni on uy overwore, uen- eral Norris was born in lwistown, Pa-i 1842, and was educated at UeOrCelOWH, XilSlTlCl OI VOlUmOia. ne cmereu iu uuij u iteuieuaui, ui tne von nuaereu ana oevenin x enn- svlvania volunteers in JNoyember, lBUi He was captured at Gettysburg in 1863, and was twenty months a prison- er of war. He was honorably dis- chareed ascapUin in July, 1865, and studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1867. In 1872 ho was appoint- ed private secretary ot uovernor liar- tran ft In 1873 he was inspector of the I W. A. iv. ior tne u nuea Duties, ana me samo year was elected commander of r the department of Pennsylvania in tbe I same organization, no iervru biz years as secretary of the republican state oommittee. In 1876 be was ap- I pointed oilical reporter ot tne supreme court, ana servea unm January, 1001, when he was elected senator from the Sixth Philadelphia senatorial district, He was afterward ohosen iudtje ad- I vocate-generai ot reonsyivania on tbe I staff of Governor Hoyt. Later be was General IJavis, ot uoyiostown, as bis I successor. In November, 1886, ho wan elected auditor-general, and wok charge ot bis otnoe on tne nrst monuay in May, 1887. The Constitution pro- i - i .i vines mai a vacancy in iuo iiuuuur General's office shall be filled by tho Govornor. lhe appointee will hold tho offico until May, 1889 that being tho Constitutional beginning of a no term. His death having occured moro than three months previous to tho election candidates will be named to be voted for at the cominc election. It is proba ble the S'ate Committee will reconvene the late republican Convention und nominate a candidate. mm. TV GffttMt CUM on Krth tar Win Willi wHiTtiport quick It ihaa u; otbir uom rwo-l Itunii, ftctUdi, Cuts, Lost-1 Ukha. Cuuur.ftora ThroaLl aiie. Wouttd. UedfcW,l Mtu, ft bocUfc boil br ftUl nlo inivativn Oil bri oarl rUtr4 rrftiolUrk. orl DR..BULL'S COUGH SYRUP For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse- nets, Croup, Asthma, uroncnuu, Whooplnf Cough, Incipient Con sumption, ana for the relief of con sumptive persons in advanced stsgea of tho Disease. For Sale by fill Drug. Eut Benton, On tho 9th inst. Lula Hand, infant and only child of "William and Sallio Asholman dioJ, agod 0 months and 13 days. Lnttwot-k the dogs wounded and killed all, except two, of Samuel P. kriokbaum'y sheep. Tho tlook consist- cu oi w ucsHics tno lamus. Thoro is rauoh corn to plant yot, and evidently tho season has not yet fully oome. Wo havo a great doal of rainy weather, but it Is not extremely wet. Thore appears to ho a lltllo stir in railroad circles. And other demon strations up Ravon-creok. Tho WAs W wants furthor "east." Wo await developments and make no predictions. Prof. Calhoun, of tho Cambra Ao oademy, for recreation went angling last Saturday. His sohool is nourish ing, but whothor ho flourished among thd "speckled beautlos" last Saturday wo have not learned. Wheat is looking muoh hotter than somo time ago and now promises a fair harvest. It is reported that coal was discover ed on the Daniel Ash farm about a mllo abovo Cambra. Tho family of Alfred MoIIenry, of Cambra, for a long time has boon sori ously ailliotod with fevers. Grit tho Misses Lonah and May and last Mrs. MoIIenry, each in turn was not expeot ed to reoover. Dr. MoIIenry of Bon ton is the attending physician. Powder Explosion. A terrifio explosion occurred at the Prattsville brown stouo quary, near Stookton, N. J., Thursday of last week. Ono man was killed, several others were injured, a number of houses were wrecked and considerable property was destroyed. The report was heard twenty miles away. Tho explosion was oaused by a workman dropping a keg of powder. Lost. "I don't know where, I can't tell when, I don't see how something of groat value to me, and for the re turn of which I shall be truly thank ful, viz. : a good appetite.'' Found. "Health and strength, pure blood, an appetite liko that of a wolf, regular digestion, all by taking that popular and peculiar medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla. I want everybody to try it tbis Beason." It is sold by all drug gists. One hundred doues ono dollar. Blaveiy Abolished in Brazil- The Brazilian Senate has passed tho bill abolishing slavery, which was pas sed by the Chamber of Deputies last week. The effect of this bill will be to liberate about 000,000 slaves, valuod at $200,000,000. Tbis is tho last step in tho gradual emancipation begun in 1873 at which time there wero regis tered 1.540.C96 slaves. Legalized sla very in the Western hemisphere exist now only in Cuba and Porto Rico. Strung Up For a Lynobing. INFURIATED PENNSYLVANIA. NEARLY HANO AN ITALIAN. AN Wilkes-barre, May 19. Tbe su burb of Pittson known as Browntown came near witnessing a lynching yes terday. Three yonng girls had started into the woods to find several stray cows, when they were attacked by three Italians employed on tho new branoh of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad from Pittson to Laurel Run. The girls resisted despo-ately upon being seized and screamed loud and long In their struggles tbo girls were much bruisod aud hurt and their clothing torn. Their screams attracted the attention of a miner named Peter Mnlderig, who was on his way to work. He ran to their rescue, and the Italians fled. Mulderig took the girls home to iirowntown, and when their story was known a crowd of men and boys start ed out after the Italians, bent on a desperate revenge. They found the foreigners in company with a number of their kind at one of the shanties they live in, and at onco attacked tbem. A desperate ficbt followed. Knives clubs, and rocks were vigorously used. Many wonnds were inflicted ana blood flowed freely. The Italians finally fled in all directions, but ono of those who bad assaulted the girls named Alberti Rossi was caught. A rope was put round his neck and thrown over the limb of a tree, and in the midst of an excited and bloodthirsty orowd he was swung off his feet, beg ging and screaming for mercy. The belter sense oi somo of the men return ed, however, when they saw bim in the air, and they interfered and bad him lowered down. He was nncon scious, but not seriously hurt. Be Sure to Cet Hood's SMpull!, my chili. 8(0 tbU thr da not lira xou uijrthlDS (lis. Tou rmmber It It tbe medicine which did msms 10 math good 7ir go-mjr f irorlte Spring Medicine Nearly ererrbodyneedt a rood iprloi medi cine like Ilood'i BuiaparUla to expel Import tin which accumulate In the blood during the winter, keep up itrength ae warm weather eoraei on, create an appetite and promote healthy dlgeitlon. Try liood'i Sanaparllla and you will be cpnrlnced ot Itt peculiar merlti. It li the Ideal iprtng medlelne re liable, benelclal, pleuant to take, and gliei tall value lor the money. Be lure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla SoMbralldjatgbU. fltzferfl. rfoyartAonlf bjCl. HOOD CO., AputhKuUi, LowtU, Mhi. IOO Doses One Dollar DMIfUSTnATOR'S NOTICE. g$tat4 o aUred fever, fate of Ctnlrt lomuMjt, decraard. Letters ot administration on the aald estate bar. lag been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said eatate are hereby notified to pay tbe same, and thow having claims against sal) estate will present tbe same for settlement to CI1A8. W. K. BOWER. Admr. A. U Frltx, Atty. May4 w LADIES tnimil VDiirnin.., i Im .... iaim mm s w tek and rou bavs ths Sufl-DOlubd itoi s la the arid rvraalstiyailUrosrnaataiotiiiMisra, TO THE PUBLIC. Intending purchasers of Pond's Extract cannot tako too much pre caution to provontsubstltutlon. Somo druggists, trading on tho popularity of tho great Family Remedy, attempt to palm off other preparations, unscru pulously assorting them to bo "tho samo as" or "equal to" Pond's Ex tract, indifferent to tho deceit prac ticed upon and disappointment there by caused to tho purchaser, sa long as larger profits accruo to themselves. Always insist on having Pond's Ex tract. Tako no othor. BOLD IN BOTTLES ONLY; NEVER BY MEASURE. Quality uniform Prepared only by POND'S EX TRACT CO., Now York and London. Soo our narno on ovcry wrapper and label. Noto picture of bottlo below. For riles, Catani, ElttLM ttSOL Tootiacia, Bruises, Buns, Sore Ires, Tbe FammM Lecturer, JOHlt XL OOtOH, wrote) "For Sore Throat, especially when tend ing to ulccraUon, I hare found It Tcry beneficial" ANDREW D. WHITE. Kr-Praddent of CoroeU University, eayi t One of the absolute nmui (itfj ot housekeeping," JU tur togtiVit pmuOie, FMXJt AnnOTT, the celebrated prima donna. " Valuable and beneficial." lrnrwootx firra, . p., k.b., cp., of England. " I bare need It with marked benefit" II. 0. rnlSTOX, X. D., BnoLlyn. N. Y. "I know of so remedy so geruraUyeeefuL'' ARTnCR OCIHKtSS, M.T., F.R.C.g.,of England." I bare preecribed POND'S KX TRACT with great racceea." IVSm D. FCLT05, !.., Brooklyn, N. T. " ProTlnz Iteelf to be a neceielty In our home." P. A. TfESTEnVELT, . p., NaihTllle, Teua. "Hare ued large quantities of POMP'S BX TRACT In my practice." In. S. P. XcCORD, Matron, noma of DteU tute Children." We find It moet efflceclone and useful" la Bettlu oaly. Prleti, Me., 1, SI.74. Kcti mr namt on erery wrapptr and laUI. Prepared oaly by POND'S EXTRACT CO., NEW YORK AND LONDON. A. E. SMITH, ESQ. has been for 40 years road maator on the Boston Maine system and Is sow residing at Great Falls, N. n. no Bays trackmen, brakeman, firemen, engineers and conductors, as well as baggage mas ters and expressmen, are subject to kidney dis eases above all others. All, therefore, win be In terested In the statement of bis experience. "I have used Brown's Sarsaparilla for kidney and Urer troubles, and can truly say It has done more for me than alt the doctors I erer employed, and I hare bad occasion to require the Berrlcea ot the beat physicians In tbe State. Jly wife also bas been greatly benefited by Its use. A. B. Surra, Hood Master, B. &H. R. R. The kidneys have been severely taxed all winter, as the pore ot the skin hare been closed, but now as warm weather bas come, they need some aid. May be you bare that pain across the back ; that tired feeling; tbose drawing down pains. If so yon can gain immediate relief by following the example of Mr. Smith and his wife, and use that never faUlng and grand corrector for the kidneys, liver and bleed, BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not genuine unless made by Ara Warren A Co., Bangor, Me. MayK-d-ly. 500.000TIMBER acres riMnsi OF PIR8T-CLA88 LnllUO I In Northern Wisconsin, Will be told t S.OO nn acre, on Ian Urn; cCal Sttler. Aicb iotl healthful ellmt- Sooddrtoklnkt water One msrkei fciUtit-eadT emaiid for labor fttKMd wages. Porcbaee now an bare choice of land. Full Information with map. punptilt,etO,farnlbed PKKJE. Addrtie LAND COMMISSIONER, W. C. R. R., Mllwtuki Wtli E1 I8HERMEN TAKE NOTICE. The undersigned have planted trout furnished by the State Fish Commissioners. In tbe following Htn-Amn tn Pnlumhln rmintv , Itouffh Run. SnrlOfiT Hun, Long Bun, Hoe Run, Gallows Bun, Elk Run, aoove me xaua. Alt persons aru ouiuiou uub w from thU rlfttff unflpr rwnftltv of twentr dollars. as proTtaea iot in section oe oi auv ut ftwwtuv aporoved June s. ists. tv. riKKI, Josirua llsss, O. W. UrBLIMlK. caxnu, JON1S RlNTZ, Cxba stxraxitt. May-11-1883, st jDMINISTBATOIVS NOTIUK. dilate (V tmirve myier uanuw Letters of administration on tbe aald estate bar- lng been granted to tbe undersigned administrator all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby no tified to pay the same, and tbose having claims against said estate present tbe same to Chrism an. Atty. May 11 w jyjEnCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. List of Dealers in Columbia County, I herebr certlrr the following list of Dealers taken, returned and classified by me in accordance with the several acta ot Assembly in nd tor tbe year lssi is correct to the best et my knowledge. BK4.VER. Jiainf and Dustneu Clou Q P Drelsbach store 14 w a corbett X co store u Levi Michael store 11 Mrs J v smith hotel r T J Shum an store It c a Shumin store 14 hiotnt 700 7 00 7 00 ISO) 700 109 IV) w u itoeaer grocery n D L Slngley sit store 14 703 BENTON. J E Edson store J HMcllenry hotel T c Mcllenry drugs and hardware John neacock tobacco it TOO 7500 710 TOO 700 Ira sicuenry (uruiture Alfred Mcllenry store 10 00 700 it r Arerett store Holland Mcllenry store Kill ah Albertson hotel Keller tiros stoves and tinware 700 19 00 TOO 1000 73 00 10 00 100 00 J J Mcllenry store Lemuel Drake Hotel Rohr Mcllenry Mollenrr t co dlatlllerr a M umfth store 7 00. BERWICK. W o Rook bote! 190 00 150 00 TOO 700 7 00 71 700 700 700 TOO TO TOO 10 00 TOO 700 3000 10 00 10 00 TOO TOO 50 W 150 00 TOO TOO 100 00 It Berger restaurant John it (lould druggist It 14 14 14 It 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 B 19 1 14 14 6 14 It M Lew clotnjiz T J styles Co druggist l j atanaemue s uo uaruware O V urubaxer hardware L Ml nelser t co ciotntng 11 H Swane store J P Preas Co store B F Driesback organs ana macmnea U M llockman confectionery smith Droe store F L Dlsueburst furniture P o McM urtrle clothing 8 K Heller pool table HO crspin store II R Bowers store A P Young stovee and tinware Isilah Bowers store Jackson Wooden M'f'g Co store B F bponenberg hotel orove Klaner druggist Freas Bros lumber August Thlele bottler BRIARCRBBK. Ash Bros dUtll'ery U w Miller hotel BLOOMSUUIta Geo Aursnd hotel D Lowenberg Est clothing Jacob L ninon hotel J R Schuyler Co hardware Charles V Ilunyan hardware O N Wilson grocery J D Wilson leather , Ruckle oo confectionery OOMarr store O Rlchart grocery 100 00 79 00 15000 10 00 150 00 15 00 10 00 TOO 700 TOO 700 700 10 00 too 00 103 00 iuoomr.ourg car iaj store O B KoblUna liquor store w d Tav.xir Dottier W II (iiluore resuurant 15009 Mrs Win Webb tobacco store Louis Bernhard leweter n A McCelvy druggist II W bloan store Ureat Eastern Tea Co tea store Louis Uros clothing John F Caldwell hotel Peter O roes bottler Wm Ribb store Baker and Bender furniture J w Eyer store W J Correll Co furniture J If Btocker urooerr 701 700 700 700 TOO TOO 13000 100 00 700 700 700 10 00 TOO TOO TOO MOO 0 A Kle'm druggut II o llartman carpet store 1 w llartman Sons store I W McKelvy store iMnMBEntstere It Alexander Bros to oo tobacco P M Ullmoro restaurant Mover Bros wholesale dnmiata 11 Is to 1 1st co I 7 4000 I 14 TOO 10 TOW la un 160 00 19 1000 13 10 00 It TOO t MOO 14 7 00 14 700 14 TOO 14 TOO I MOO 14 TOO 14 7 00 14 700 4 700 1M00 14 700 14 700 14 ICO 14 7 0D 14 TOO 14 700 14 700 14 TOO 14 TOO 14 700 14 TOO 150 00 It 1160 14 TOO 14 TOO 14 TOO It 1000 14 TOO It ltM 14 700 14 TOO 14 TOO 14 TOO 14 TOO 8 75(0 6 76 00 II 7 00 13 10 00 10 WOO 14 7 00 I 14 TOO 14 TOO 13 10 00 13 10 OO 14 Tee 14 lot 14 7 00 5 79 00 14 7 00 9 79 00 14 7 00 14 7 0O 14 700 14 TOO M TOO 14 7 00 14 700 14 7 00 14 7 00 8 9000 9 73 00 14 7 00 14 TOO 14 7 TO 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 John 8 1'hllllps confectionery rfocuu nrurr notions ii j uitts c Hon store Iiernard Btohner restaurant (leo A Clark book store r i iieniier anoo store U W nertecb clothing David K Ulrton pool tables O W Brown grocery J Paltrer organs and machines L B Whary stove and tinware Mnger u fg Co sewing machines Farmers' Produce Xxcbange store cost WBKo her coal Creasy wells lumber II r nicks ffrooerr William Digger Bloomsbuig;srCoroal narmans Hansen coal N W Barton grocery llcsry Klelm grocery llartman Edgar stoves tinware Mrs W B Allen store B 11 Vannatta paper store J II Mercer drug store Andrew Rol'eder shoo findings J A Iless shoe store Kvane Eyer clothlng W It Tubbs hotel JJXSnI!.C0 pain dealer o W Neal Bro coal i 1 W B"wer carpet store Joseph Garrison flour and feed tehleman wolf stoves tinware D A Creasy store Bloomsburg Iron Co store o A Jaeoby coal " " store OW sterner hardware G B Furm an harness o C B savage Jewelry CATAWI8SA. O w Itelfsnrder hotel Adam Truckenmlller restaurant Joseph A oultermsn store TK Harder furniture J K Sharpless Hons store T D Bernlnser rurnitura A s Truckenmlller organs machines 14 uru Mannari anoe store J R iremer store II F spaagler clothing store B x nlle shoe store A L Uolshue confectionery M A Nwank store 8 B Rhawn restaurant " " stoves and tinware E It Longenberger hotel I II Seesholts store c B Clay well grocery M A Blbby store o W Fisher Agt druggist 8 D Itlnard store O 8 Schmlck hardware o w Whipple drug store CF Harder lumber O W " " Albert Yetter pool table Mrs Hester Klstler hotel M A Blbby coal o c Mendenhall stoves and tinware Simon Roup coal DavU Grtffln coal K M Tewksbury tertlUzere CENTRA UA. Irvln Bros store M w Bfennan restaurant Joanna O'Connor liquor store John W Goldsworthy restaurant " " " poolUble Mrs M Pelfer bote! 1 ' " " pooiuble Mrs Dugan grocery T OoUtna Uquor store Arthur McLaughlin Uquor store n u Michael furniture DC Black grocery Edward McFadden restaurant John Nertney liquor store Cbas Fetterman hotel Andrew Lemhan store Q W Davis dru store A B Former stoves and tinware K J naffey restaurant L A Riley co store L Fetterman store O B Millard store James McBrearty restaurant K J Finnerty Jr drug store John Davis confectionery u II oetcby store c o Murpby Btoro DF Curry hotel Albert Ball grocery Thomas Bowan restaurant James A Bakey " CENTER. Low Bros Co store lco co too CO 150 00 SO 00 190 00 SO 00 TOO 8 14 too 00 too 00 TOO TOO 150 00 too 00 150 00 TOO TOO TOO 150 00 100 00 700 10 00 150 00 TOO 700 TOO 1000 150 OO TOO 150 00 150 00 14 14 14 14 It 3 14 19 14 14 14 13 700 u saonsier store TOO Thomas Brobst Hon grocery Z T Fowler train dealer J L wolrerton store 700 10 00 700 CONYNQUAM. John L KUne hotel t 14 9 14 14 II 700 700 75 00 TOO it w Lyons store O w Blllmann hotel wm Herbert store Frederick Pagelone store Pat Maloney store 700 10 00 FISlltNOCREHK. M Mcnenry Bro store J F Mcnenry store 700 700 700 700 700 TOO m lioweu store Nathaniel Belahltne ntora Jones Walter store Nathan Drelsbacb store A Lewis store J M Ammerman More TOO 700 u r jsagar co distillery 10000 FRANKLIN. AJ WArtley store L c Bucher store 14 14 70s 700 GREENWOOD. A IT Folmer hotel J B WeUlver store Geo J Munson store Ellis Eves Bro store v p Eves Henrle furniture B 14 14 11 14 It 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 W 700 TOO 15 00 TOO 1150 TOO Masters co store W M Eves sons store O W Eves store o R Parker store KB " " TOO 700 700 P D Black " TOO TOO Jacob Hantr store . A J Derr store A P Young fertlUters 700 700 700 Fanners' peoduce Exchange HEMLOCK. c M Terwtlllger store n N J B white store CUDeltterlck hotel 14 14 9 700 TOO 73 00 JACKSON. B D Cole sure 790 LOCUST. E O Yeager store Wellington Yeager hotel J W Snyder store Wilson Yeager store Jacob Yeager store Tbos Seaborn store K II Wltner store Nathan Knorr hotel L II Danleis store William II Btlllg store n M Yocum store 14 5 14 14 14 14 14 S 14 14 14 TOO 75 00 700 700 700 700 700 7500 T0 700 700 MADISON. Miles Smith hotel Wm Glngle store Kreamer Bon store 6 14 14 75 00 TOO 700 MAIN B R Yetter howl W M Longenberger store U J Campbell store A W Sbuman hotel cbas B Relghard store Allison Derr store MIFFLIN. Schweppenhelser Snyder store A W Hess hotel ' coal N B Creasy store A O Millard stoves and tinware R J Bernlnger furniture D A ness coal A W Snyder store U J Gearhart store 9 14 14 5 14 14 7500 700 700 75 00 700 700 14 700 75 00 700 TOO 700 700 700 7 CO 700 MONTOUR, Samuel Uazeldlne hotel o B nosier store J w Ytneer store Paxton Harm an store MOUNT PLEASANT J F Bands store 75 00 TOO 10 OO 700 700 ORANQB. o P stlner store J D Barman furniture Snyder Wbltmlre store A 8 Stewart store Flcckenstlne Hro store White. Conner Moan agricultural Implements a N Smith sto ves and tinware H B Low lumber J B Delong stoves and tinware O W Low fertilizers A M Dewltt store Jos Turner hotel 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 S 9 TOO TOO TOO TOO TOO TOO TOO TOO TOO 700 TOO 73 00 79 00 ueece Fairman hotel PINS. J R Fowler Co distillery II W Lyons store ROARING CRESS. o W Cherlngton store SCOTT. Wm Delttrlck store I 14 10000 TOO 700 14 TOO 7500 TOO TOO TOO TOO TOO 1000 T 00 TOO Joseph Klecaner hotel N Rlcnard store M A Bioaser store " coal Mrs M M Worman store J D Workhlscr store bllver Spring Quarry Co store A B White store A P Howell store J L Crawford confectionery A J Thrash hotel Silas Young store Theodo.-e Heck store Moorchead KUne 8UOABLOAF. A Laubacb Son store TOO 15 CO 10 00 TOO 10 00 11 TOO It TOO A M Harvey store K II Frltx store 1 1 00 tore J W Perry hotel 5 79 00 Aiie&a store it iw B Colo store 14 7 00 Appeals wui be heard at the Ooamladonecs of- noe in uioomsourg on tne sin oay gi juae a-u. lKa, between tbe hours oi la o, ana 4 . n where you ca attend It you think proper. C. L. bANDfl, May 13,1888, Mercantile Appraiser, rjrtRABURER8 BALK. OF UNSEATED LANDS. K COLUMBIA COUNTY, PINNA. Br virtue of sunder acta of tbe Oeneral A seem btr of the Commonwealth ot 1-ennavivanla. relat. lng to the sale of seated and unseated lands In the county of Columbia, etc., tor taxes due and un- Kjo. i win oner to puuuo sate iu ine vourv uou the town of Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, JUNE 11th, 1888. at 10 o'clock, a. m. Tbe following described pieces of land, or sucb part thereof as may be neoasaary to aatlafr tba Amount of taxes due and unnald so 00 asslnst the same, and continue the aama. from li oay te aay as tne same may t nusa cecissity, TERMS OF BALE. Tne amount ot taxes and costs must be paid when tbe land Is struck off or the sale may be void and the property put up and resold. Acres. Warrantee or owners Twos. Taxes. 1 Columbia 0 I Co ....Beaver .. 1 14 to l lot iieaver unanes oo,. Slots ltcaver Jmwo. ...ilo ,,. 73 Bio.kwar Abbott..i do.,,, 69 1 M I 18 8 18 I 68 89 64 I 04 t 44 4 14 18 97 14 65 18 73 . 87 1 91 8 61 1 88 1 60 1 60 I (3 . M 1 06 8 67 1 CO 6 SO 8CC4 3 03 1 00 1 06 1 66 8 49 10 CO 88 15 W 1 61 7 41 8 66 1 61 1 60 8 87 . 14 1 60 T 4 II 68 188 1 60 1 60 93 93 tit 00 8 66 1ST Its " " do..., Slots Rrrckwayu o no..., alott ButtUnger do.... l tot Bogart Mary.....v, .......... do.... tlots Buyer F 8 do ... 40 cox o 8 Ex Tench cox,. ao 1W ' " " " B7 " " " " ,.do .. tn " " " " 841 " " ' ,.do,... Slot crossing ratnex ,,.ao.,.. Hot Cannon It do,... 100 Downs Martin..! do...... is " jonn. ......uo..,. slots Etans Recce .. -do,,., 3 " Flanagan A... do.,.. 3 " FreyWB do.... I lot uearhart William do.... tlots " " do.... 5 " ItorfmanEO,.. 3 11 llarncr Jester.... . 60 Hauek Jonathan-.... 50 1 louts John no lllndcrllter Sarah A do.... Slots Hunt Ellas. ao.... tlots llen.T George. do...... 1 lot KUne A - do.... llot Levis Frank do.... Slots Lawrcnco W 11.. .... do.... 800 Mann Miller. do.... to Menslnger Samuel ao,... 100 McReynolds W H. slots Mastln William, do.... 140 Nungtsser George do. .. Slots Patterson J C do.... Slots Trice Clarence do,... 83 ltloo Abraham. do.... loo " - do.. 4-93 lot Ruthtord, Samuel Co.,.. do.... a lot ... uu..M lis Swank Daniel.,. 140 Schwoppenhelser I K do. .. 8 Shuman Michael do.... S lot Schlcb J J........ do... 8 lots smith J W. do.... 8 lot scott Peter do. .. 10 Ui8tnberueo do. .. ties West B coal Co. do . Slots wetreios ao. Hot Wood Augustus. ti Ulsapher George,.. Slot Klaseww ao..., 1 60 1 00 63 a oo 88 1 60 J lots Wood Augustus.. do.... 10 Losee Jeesee el Shuman F L. ta Brclsch Co 8 lota Prout Stephen dee'd .oo....,. 13 Wells John Behton Clem Rev WT, Brlarcroek Doty. Pealer Stewart Co.... " " ' ,,do... " " " 90 X 96 18 60 9 00 6 75 4 50 .do .... .do.... .do.... .do.... 11 !9 Edwards Henry J Evans Francis. ... Fowler Gilbert.... 4 60 9 Freas Jesse B do, 93 4 60 19 60 . 4 SO 8 84 Freas Fannie. do, Lamon Jesenh. do.... Kemp Daniel... ... , Bobbins Ell do.... stackhouse Jos Est do.... EUckhoute O J M do. .. sitlerRH do.... 1 80 6 75 46 5 17 18 88 1 13 46 oftSO Shaffer Kelchner..... do.... 579 Bcnuyier Mrs Mary.. ... ao.... 1 Stout Ellas do.... 7 Edwards Martha J do.... 43 Yost Emanuel. do. 10 " " do.... 3 Doty, Stewart 14 " " ' do.... 14 " " ' do..... 10 Adams Henry. do.... 40 Bower Isaiah do.... M Koons Geo 8. do.... 81 HollopeterDF do,,.. loo DodsonJB do.... 18 Shuman Reuben Catawlssa 30 weaver EUaa. do.... 1 60 61 06 S3 33 21 t 87 45 11 1 85 1 S3 t 51 307 tSI 34 18 10 11 7 Dombach Margaret. do. 4 58 4 43 Kicer Robert do,, Newell Fred . 61 1 63 63 Clewell Joeeph Est.... Shuman Ellas.. .... Harder Thomas B... . Ilower Moses ... ,do... .Ccntralla do.... do.... , do.... 80 1 07 Lots Barrett Mary Geraghty Thomas... neffron Philip.-!! 6 78 4 54 6 15 CO 45 4 80 88 84 70 3 88 8 63 8 93 8 73 8 84 28 14 60 14 1 35 Knen jonn Lehtgh Mahanoy RR...,do.... McKInney Charles. ........ do. .. . Steel Geo W ao.... Sweeney Margaret do.... Walsh David do.... " do.... do.... do.... Acre 1 Adams Enos L... AllabachlBcnl.. .Centre s 8 lot Brobst Thomas., 75 3 70 Fowler John F., Good Jacob. .. .30., Uagenbucb William do.. 10 Or AHb.tW.... 34 Hoffman William Est do.... 0 Keller DanleL .do.... is Mcuenry Dorcas. do.... 1 lot Sponsler Jacob do..,. Hot Klrkendall Creasy....... do.... 1 88 90 09 22 186 18 1 18 t 83 104 63 93 76 4 70 419 Beam Joshua.. ..Conyngnam llot Bresllne Bernard... do. Slots Drelsbach Lewis Ill Hrston John........ 23 KUne John L tlots Kramer A W . M H II ...Co.... 8 34 Leiby cnarles. Millard OB McOutre Terrance.... Morris Asnle B... Monroe John 8 4 3 90 6 29 2 84 4 70 9 84 80S 00 89 50 l SO 174 84 86 40 ao.... do.... do.... Huston Mary..., Tnomas., Trlen Jacob... do Young John..... Walker Lewis... do.... do.... do, do.... Hot Blllnian Geo W. 1 " Kress Margaret. 4 70 1 16 8 S3 s - Kemooia w it .do.... PhCk do.... lco so 100 75 80 0 ZOO 850 140 too Doty, Pealer Stewart . 6 8 11 Blelsh Reuben. .do..,. 4 20 2 82 1 68 97 8 48 Fowler John F do. Farver George. do. . . Harrison John .... Hoffman Fieis do... Uulme WlUlam do... lemon Thomas ... do... Kindt John Co . 85 71 0 8 40 2 64 68 CO Mcllenry C B Daniel. .... ItODOinS YY A , do, do, a n X of 800 Shaffer Kelchner... 4 20 83 TO Pealer Geo -ge. 18 wmienigni wiuiam. ao.... Pealer 8 J .do.... Cleaver Wellington.. ..FrankUn Vought James.. ....... do..,, ' K llo veil do. Rohrbach WUllam do. Blbby Jan es,. Vauino J II .. . Manbardt George do.... Hayhtrst Eira nelrs. do. Blbby Augustus do.... Albertson Miles Bartley ..Oreenwood Berry John,. Derr I ram. ..... do.... McEwen II J , Appleman Lloyd. Hemlock " WlU'am ... " Hugh w. do. Brugler Elisha do.. Campbell N L do.... Emmett A J.... do.... McUrldeU D. do.... Neal Pursel do.... Pursel Is sc G do Unangst Mrs Charles do.... Wright Levi. .0o.... Jones iDav Black PD. Jackson " " do. 9 11 130 650 236 587 8 1 64 SOO 48 CO 80 18 88 100 80 88 88 80 80 6 80 84 100 800 73 4 838 818 SO 73 73 too SO X3 US K SO 803 too too 800 100 1W IS 15 15 900 623 14 33 156 46 60 406 108 1 96 108 885 8419 690 uancn rranxun. Miuer cnarles w " Neyhart ,.fo.. do.... , , IB4 24 86 8184 745 Parker Ca , Hess Clinton Meeker EUas t .CO.... 388 1319 880 800 1013 863 BUlneton Charlea Locust Dewalt George,. do. Everhart John ... do Hughes IWrlght Est Co.... Kulp McWillUm Longenberger Phillip. do,,.. Myers Mar) do.. Ruston Vary Charlotte do. Reynolds John Ruston Thomas,. Heece Daniel do. stlne Adam ....,,,do,,.. Shaffer Henry do.,.. Ittioads FrankUn do. Beagle Ooorge Madison Uenderebott K. do,... " do.... Shoemaker Jacob. .,. do . " " do.... Demott Cyrus .do,... GlnglesTH do.... Johnson Cbeeter. cotner J K do . EvesO W do,... cox Joel. do Heydenrtck Tobias,. Masters D W, do Miller W B..... do.... Graham Edward do.... Rrockway Knt Mais inderutter Henry do,.,, Shuman John tn 8 01 640 6 40 440 640 400 640 1 OI 43 M 19 83 60 117 90 13 S 8 83 too 83 1 800 40 44 124 813 1 0 85 23 46 89 83 78 54 866 IDS 40 136 95 40 50 to 43 84 83 t8 1 U of 100 schmeck, Brobst, Yetter Uawk dn 67 1S4 63 844 186 1(20 90 860 194 T 7 344 100 403 10 41 69 10 SOO 8 83 13 is St S3 73 SO 80 47 18 T 10 18 'ii 8 40 10 'T 10 10 8 80 64 89 18 X10t 11 59 11 II 140 50 HO (0 41 103 It 60 tto 16 too ao 18 18 100 Snyder Abraham do ... . Bhuman W T.. do. Swartx,8hepp Co do. Isaac, do..., Torbert Wliuam ao Shuman Reuben do. Moser Michael do... Blttenbeader Jacob. MUTtln llcnderubott Catbartnedo. Kramer a W do. Luti Catherine -do. M'cbael Joseph Peter " " do,.,, Masteller Joseph .,.. do..,. Nungesser W .,. Parks James A T, rtn sutltff Joel doTTT. schweppenhelser I " Horace .do..., " P do.,,, " Horace. .do,, wutlama Sal...,, Yobe Jacob Est do.... Piatt Unas... do.!.. Eckroth Hiram do. , Menslnger William do.... oiger t uel Montour Fry Daniel ao Neal WUUam ......dO-IT Gordon John N do,... Crouse Illram Andrew Jr ,.Mt Pleasant Jacoby Bupert..,.,.,.,.do. CreveUng Samuel Orange Hagenbuch Jeremiah " WUUam. do.,,, Mary. do.,,, Hess Jeremiah,.. Coleman George Est. do,,,, KUne Abraham J " " do.. " Jacob deo do.. . Crawford WUUam. frrlck Geo A. E&t pine jons K W do . . Roberta Cole do Boughner Peter ...Koarlngcreek Brelach Jacob...,, ,VTdo " " ....ido!7r. Barnes Thomas Jr do.... Cox o B Ex of Tench Oox.,do " M ' " " " " " -do.... " " " 7.6a," . Dllaplain Exeklel J! do.!.. Fetterman Uerblne,.do.,., Ilensum John.,,,, ,do, 180 2 311 811 1" 880 87 SI 97 05 leo 44 460 44 TOO 161 171 604 611 511 141 81 484 68 lit 184 1178 t,;i 108 10 18 110 84 1 60 54 78 41 to NOTE Aii all wool LADIES' CLOTH 2flo. a yard. Never Bold loss than iOo. A hsmlsomo lino of LACE OUlt- TAINS from 1.00. Window draped 11 around, with a full lltio of bettor grade. Also full lino of Poke, fcci A lot of fine SKKItSUCKKRS to go at tho low prioo of C2o yard. Call soon. If you want DRESS 300DS of any kind it will pay you to call and e co in. Tho "PANSY BUSTLE" haa bo- oomo tho favorito of nil ladioa. You thould buy ono. Wo placo on sale to dav a lino of CIIALL1E, in now patterns j fast col ors. . H. J. Bloomsburg, Pa. 13 148 S3 TO 40 97 600 S15 20 60 198 40 230 2 75 50 185 Ilerner John Morris Hughes Mlndy Lewis Navlnger Jonathan, Rice Abraham ......... Bhuman David , Nhoup Abraham .... .McMflllan MM Wltchey John. Trlen Jacob BuckalcwEvan Cole Thomas B ....... do , do....., do.... ...... do do.... do do .... do ... do... ..Sugartoat do ... do.... o..,, do.... 18 186 880 46 66 166 14 00 11 86 78 46 80 84 821 47 93 8 44 10 29 10 99 23 99 10 99 10 29 11 78 685 47 t 44 64 0 65 27 40 685 1849 80 13 Cbapln J 1' . Custard Mary' '.!!!.!! Cope Israel liess, CreveUng Co,.. yot lit w eeiey do,... do.... do.... do , ... do.... , do.... ... do.... do M OI 119 X ot 111 V4 BC0 BOO TOO 78 Smith Minor Mcnenry Bohr E -I " K J " John J. 21 80 9 6 do.... do.... Savage Joshua Eat .. uavenport r.. ........ Cased a GEORGE do.... Hoott A. HERRING, Treasurer. rjp HE ABUItEIl'8 BALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENNA. Also at the same time and nlace the following lots, nieces and oarceia of Reated lands, returned by tbe tax collectors, are to be sold uncer the pro visions of an Act of Assembly, entitled, "An Act relating ui tne sale oi lanas lor tax in uoiumoia vouuty," approvea aiarcn mu, lew. Warrantee or Acres. Owners. Twp's. Taxes. us Kase woiverton.....Beaver.. 87 10 llot schrlber Henry do.... 137 a rniups catnanno ao.... 175 83 Mann AW.... do.... 885 1 Rhoads refer... do.... 318 4 Bantes Daniel do.... 28 llot Pursel Mrs B B Bloom.. 42 00 1" GulnnGeorge. do.... 210 1 41 BehamJohn do.... 4 05 10 luce Jonas Catawlssa.. 2 llot Keller Sarah centre.. 78 385 cummlngs R M Co Con'y'm 1191 47 400 Curry Ellen . do.... 47S70 400 Murphy, Hughes Co.. do.... 63800 Klot Wcllnle John It do.... 4 44 1 14 Corner Michael, do.... sss 1" Casey Lawrence do.... 489 X " Dougherty Mary. do.... 2 91 s Vought Irwin B.... FrankUn.. 97 81 Moore A L Greenwood.. 18 45 64 Albertton David C Est. do..... 175 100 Wand John A...Uemloclc.. 1012 100 Rhone Michael Jackson.. 6 40 S3 i;namoeriain Lewis do.... 9 74 75 " " .... do..., 4 27 S3 Young Lewis O.... do ... . 4 66 46 6.1 " " do.... 3 89 80 Glassmyer Francis F..Locust 4 60 ti lonnon Geo w Est do..., 3 58 ISO EvesCW... .Madison... 875 60 " " do.... 824 170 nillJoeao do.... 885 e iiousor Krootn do.... 187 lo Eckroat Charles Est.. Mlfilln... 82 S3 liowerCharlcsE...MtlTst.. 926 112 ness John .lire,. 808 K Kline rattereon do.... 1787 50 Lyons New:on Co.... 3 85 37 llattJoUn do.... 2 50 30 l'arkerJohnH....... do.... 8 60 112 Prick G A Est do.... 840 20 lless Lavlna . Sugarloaf.. 648 21 Albertson Jesse. do.... 8 si 31 Kline AbnerW do.... 449 886 CreveUng JH ,do.... 19 20 40 ShultzElas do.... 2C4 34 RedllneUF do.... 1439 a. A. herring, Treas. Treasurer's Office, Bloomsburg, March 23, less. Spring Specialties AT LOWENBERG S. Light Colored Cheviots in SACK and 4-Button CUTAWAY SUITS, AVITH LOW CUT VESTS. 34 It 09 24 90 90 18 45 22 Fine Dark Blue and Black Worsteds, Corkscrew, Broad wale Diagonal and Block Worst ed in Sacks and Cutaways, and HANDSOME PRINCE ALBERTS in all qualities. NICE LIGHT SPRING OVERCOATS. a special leader at $5.00 81 13 60 84 15 Very Pretty Children's SUITS Plain or pleated and belted in dark and light colors. Sailor Suits with Blue and Grey, also KILT SUITS with" Pleated Skirt for smaller Children AT 99 99 D. LOW EM THEM ! Wo will oIobo n lot of SUMMER SILKS very cheap. An extra heavy COUNTERPANE nt $1.00, with a full lino of hotter goods. Havo you scon thoso handsonio RAW SILK TABLE COVERS at tho low price of $1,25 oach. A full line of BLACK SHAWLS nnd Black Dross Goods, just in, all prices. A lot of MENS' FRENCH BAL BRIGGAN SHIRTS A DRAWERS $1.00 quality, at76o apiece. Full lino of FANS A PARASOLS now open. CLARK & SON. CANDIDATES. hAartin n ...u Ject to tho rules of the Dcmocratlo party. KOR SUBMIT, ALEX. KANOUSE of Jackson. FOR SlII-.ltlKK, JOHN WAITERS of Scott township. FOR SHERIFF, GEO. W. DERR of Qieenwood. FOR SHERIFF, JOHN B. OASEY of Bloomsburg. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, E. M. TEWKSBURY of Catawisia. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, JAMES T. FOX, of Beaver township. FOR REI'IIKSENTATIVE, C. Z. SOHLIOHER, of Beaver township. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, GEN. a M. BLAKER. PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE Real Instate ! The nndcrslgned, administrator do bonis non, with the will annexed, ot the cstato of Robert; Finney, late of Liberty township, Montour county, deceased, under direction In the will and by authority of the Orphans Court of Columbia county, will expose to sale, by publlo vendue, at tho court House, In Danville, on SATURDAY, Juno 1G, 1888, at one o'clock In the afternoon, the following do scribed real estate, to wit s All that certain farm and tract of land, situate ljlng and being In Lib erty township, Montour county, Pa and bounded by lands of John Robinson, lands of William Kerr, lands of Gideon M. Shoop, lands of Samuel Glggcr, containing iqi ACRES and flfty.Bovcn perches strict measure, ascertained bV a rrccnt Rlirvpv?! nnri nf tvlitM. nliit .!, acres is WOOD IjAII. The farm lies upon the public road leading from Danville to Milton at the forks of the road leading to Lewlsburg, and Is situated at a point about equally distant from each one of thoso three Im portant towns, the distance being about eight miles trom each. The Improvements consist of a. Large Bank Barn, wagon shed and outbuildings, and a largo FRAME Mill HE, and a stone spring house, ic. There are several springs of excellent water and two or three brooks running on the farm. The crop In the ground, at the day of the sale, with the right to enter, cut, thresh and remove the grain. Is reserved. TERMS OF BALK: Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking down of the property; the one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the confirmation absolute, and the re maining threo-fourths In one year after confirma tion nisi, with Interest from that date. Possession win be given, subject to the present tenancy, up on payment of the above ten per cent, of one fourth of the purchase money, and subject to tbo Terms of Sale. Tho purchase money unpaid at the confirmation to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. JOHN O. FREEZE, May 18. AdmT. d. b. n. c t. o. "PROPOSALS FOIt ItlVEU BRIDGE. jBealed proposals will be received at the office of the Bloonuburg Bridge Company untu 18 o'clocK v. on Thursday MsySi, isko, tor the construction ot an Iron highway bridge acrosathe North Branch of the Susquehanna lUver at Bloomsburg, ra. Separate bids must be made tor the substructure of stone masonry, and for the Buper-structure. Plans and specifications ma be setn at the oftlco of the Company's Engineer, Mr. J. a Brown, on and after Tuesda May loth. Envelopes contain ing bids should be marked "Proposals for River Bridge to be opened May 81, less-" The right la reserved to reject any or all proposals. Jouno, Fbsxzi, Paul E. Wikt, Secy. President, DMINISTRA.TOB'S NOTICE, Eitalt of Joseph 11 ration, amaseiXof LigMMMt Columbia county . Letters of administration on the estate ot Joseph. R. Patton deceased, late of LUbtstre et Columbia county. Pennsylvania, deceased have been grant ed by the Register ot said county to the under signed Administrator. All persons having claims against the eatate of the deceased are requested to present them for settlement, and those indebt ed to the estato to make payment to tbe under signed administrator wlUout delay. O. P. PATTON, Administrator, May 18 1883. Kuan town, Nortn'd Co, NEW INVENTION IN LACING "W. S. OORSET with self-adjusting back can be changed from tight to loose-fitting In five seconds, without removing from tho person. Ni!Vi;n ltnquiiiiM SEW IMCES or HTMtr.S laws will not SHOW 1 THROUGH the DRESS. The healthiest, beat-tltllng and I most comfortable Dorset made. Till! NItM'-AIUlINTINO t'OIlHRT CO., 180 FRANKUN ST., NEW YORK CITY. Factory, Rochester, N. Y. Aprll-87.r-8m. MvikET Rjeroivrs. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wholer-alc. Iletal. Wheat per bushel OS Ryo " " 00 Ccrn " " .... 60 03 Oats 83 45 Flour " bbl 4.1)0 to 600 Butter 84 20 Egg.8 13 14 Potatoes 60 80 llama 13 10 Dried Apples 03 OS Side 07 10 Buoulder 00 13 Chickens..,., 10 19 Oceso , Lard per lb 10 19 Vinegar per gal 90 30 Onions per bushel 1 00 1 60 Veal sklus 07 Wool per lb ,. 83 Illdes , S to 7 Coat, on Wham. No 0 a.00: Noa 2. 0, & Lump 18,93. Ha,08.QO Bltumlnui H8.83
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers