The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 18, 1888, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powdor noyer vailes. A marvel of parity
utrtnutli and wholesomeness. Mora economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In compe
tition wunino mmuiuao 01 low ieRt,snor& weigni,
alnin or phosphate powders, sold only In cans.
ltOTli jMKinu ruHDiK vu(. waiinun( it
The Columbian
tvruhllshed every Friday. Subscription price,
l.(0 a year.
Entered at the Post Ofllco at Bloomsburf, Pa.,
as second class matter, March l, U88.
FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1888.
COBKLCT gllLROlD Till Ti.M.1.
Arrive, Arrive, Leave. Leave,
r. m. i. u. m. r. .
,lt! 8 00 8 43 8 40
,141 !H 8 49 i4J
1 41 7 60 9 00 tii
, 1 3.1 7 40 9 14 S 64
,-lSS I 35 921 SS
. 1 13 7 S3 9 40 7 10
,18 57 7 11 S 68 7 2!
12 60 7 06 10 OS 7 K
,U 43 7 00 10 15 1 33
IS SO 60 10 SO 7 43
Leave. Leave. Arrive. Arrive,
r. k. x. u. a. m. r. u.
Main street....
Trains on the P. It. U. It. leave Itnpertas
follows : ..
7:S1 a. m. a. m.
S:S8 p. m. o P- .
Tralnsonthe D. L. & W. K. R. leave Bloomsburg
as follows!
MOBin. fSFl"
7:19 a. m. 8:32 a. m.
11:07 a.m. ..i E:
2:21 p. m. 4:19 P- m.
fc3S p.m. 8:47p.m.
Q i
Trains on the N.tW. B. Hallway pass Bloom
Ferry as follows : ,
10:46 a. m. I J J ?
6.26 p.m. 4'19p.m.
10:16 am
6:39 p m
Fun Balk. A desirable and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply to
Jan20tf. L. N. Motkb,
Fob Sale. A Jersey cow and calf. The
calf Is past four weeks old. Will be Bold
at a bargain. Mits. B. Stoiinbh,
Buy Lester's School Shoes.
Every pair -warranted.
Miss E. Barklcy went to Philadelphia
tho first of this week to select summer
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ncal started Tuesday
forCollego Hill, Ohio, whero they will
spend four or fivo weeks visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Shipley.
Mr. 0. 0. Cross started fur Wllkcsbarrs
Tuesday evening. Ho has accepted a good
position In tho Wllkesbarro Hospital. Mr.
Cross Is a faithful man and will render
satisfaction wherever ho goes.
Quoit pitching has begun.
The picnic season Is approaching.
The ideal dramatic season Is about over.
Tho High School at Berwick closed this
Tax collector's notices and receipt books
for sale at this office. tf
Tho sound of tho lawn mower Is onco
more heard.
ilughcBvllle will celebrate the Fourth In
grand stylo this year.
Monday was tho eighth anniversary of
tho great conflagration at Hilton.
B. F. Bavltts Is putting a tin roof on the
Bchool Furnishing Company's buildings.
Tennis shoes and base ball shoes at
Some of tho young men are finding out
that there Is good reading matter at me
W. C. T. U. room.
M. 0. Sloan has put up a wlro fence
about tho rear of his lot at Third ana warn
et streets.
The new summer tlmo schedule for the
Pennsylvania Railroad went Into effect
last Sunday.
Bargains for ten days at Mrs. M. B. Ent's
notion and fancy goods store, Main street,
two doors below Court House.
Base ball at Athletic Park Baturday
Buckncll University nlno of Lcwlsburg vs.
ML Carmel will have a big tlmo on May
DOth, tho occasion of dedicating the new
.Catholic church of that placo.
President Cleveland will bo present at
tho Granger's Interstate picnic to be beld
at Williams Grove next August.
The small boy is already testing creek
and rain water to ascertain It It be warm
enough In which to swjtn.
Don't fall to hear Mrs. Emily McLaugk-
Itn In her lecture "Barriers to Success ' at
tho Opera House May 18lh.
A four-horse band wagon load of mem
bers of the W. C. T. U. went to Mlllvllle
Monday evening to attend a lecture.
N. U. Funk has built a handsome new
fence around tho yard In front of his real,
dence on the Espy road.
Wm. R. and A. 0. DeMott lost one of
their babes that was born April 29th. It
was a daughter and lived hut twclvo days.
A llttlo child of MrT and Mrs. A. II. Ney.
hart ofMillvlllo died on Tuesday of chol.
cm intantnm.
Pretty sailor suits. Pretty kilt suits for
children just received at D. Lowenbcrg's
Tho Supreme Court on Monday affirmed
tuo case of Fetterman against lloblson
There are three more cases to hear from.
William Kramer Is having a complete Job
of plumbing dono at his residence on Iron
street. B, F, Savltts Is,doIng tho work.
A largo assortment of Gilt Wall Paper
for 20c and upward with fine Celling Decor
atlons at 0. A. Clark's
ThoW. 0. T. U. of Lightstrcet have
given Ent Post 850 an Invitation to dinner
after decoruttng at that place on May 80.
13 Blnger sewing machines at IS dollars
each at Saltzer's Muslo and Sowing Ma-
chliio warerooms, Bloomsburg.
J, S. Murphy, who was to havo present
cd his celebrated play, "The Kerry Dow,1'
lU this placu on tho 23rd of Ibis month, has
canceled his engagement.
Tho CoLtJMllUN will always do as
largo as tho larecst ftl.00 newanancr nub.
llthcd In Columbia county.
Excursion tickets to and from all points
on tho Dloomsburg & Sullivan railroad will
bo Issued on ilia 20th andOOtb.
The band will alvo a danca at Oak nrnvn
on Baturday evening, May 19th. Every
body Is Invited to como npd liavo a good
Tho Superintendent of Public Instruc
tions has appointed C, W. Miller Esq., and
u. A. Ucckloy, trustees of tho Normal
School on behalf of the state.
Tho finest lino of Wall Paper ever dis
played at O. A. Clark's, call and examine.
Workmen tent to any part of tho city on
short notice.
Wo havo Just added to thVa ofllco a com
plete set of rollers for both the cylinder
press and our Job presses. Wo aro con
stantly adding tho best facilities for giving
our patrons entire satisfaction.
Go and hear Mrs. Emily McLaughlin
this evening (Friday) at tho Opera House.
Only twenty-flvo cents for a reserved scat.
She Is ono of tho best lecturers on tho stage
For a nlco spring suit In any of tho styl
ish goods of tho season put up In CITY
STYLE go to tho tho oil reliable merchant
tailoring establishment of D. Lowenbcrg's.
Tho Itcscuo Hose and Ladder Company,
Mo. 2, will havo a hop In Music Hnll on
Wednesday evening, May 80. Mcthercll's
orchestra will furnish music. Admission
Tho officers of this town aro determined
to put a stop to tho disturbances that havo
been occurring at night on tho streets.
Elijah Bummers was arrested last Saturday
night and bound over to court for fast (111
vlng and disorderly conduct.
A P. 0. 8 of A. Camp was Instituted at
this plac Wednesday cyening of last week,
Delegations from Berwick and Danville
were present. After the exercises at Evans'
hall, the party repaired to Caldwell's, whero
supper was seryed.
Twenty-flvo cents a day purchases a
$3,000 policy In Tho Travelers, of nartford,
which Is payable In cvnnt of death by ac
cident, with $15 weekly Indemnity for
wholly disabling Injury. J. H. Maize,
agent, second floor Columbian building
Bloomsburg. tf,
Our ninth Sunday School Convention has
beem postponed tho second time, and will
bo held In the Christian church at Stillwater
Saturday May tho 201)1, at which tlmo all
Sunday Bchool lovers aro cordially Invited
to take part.
cu hodbins, oecy.
The W. C. T. U., aro getting their read
lng room, at corner of Main and Market
streets, in fine shape. A committee is np
pointed who has charge of all the periodi
cals sent them and secB that they aro put
into good use. Tho rooms aro being well
Ent Post 2S0 G. A. R. will attend St.
Paul's Episcopal church on Sabbath morn
ing preceding Memorial day at 10 o'clock,
May 27, All soldiers not members of the
0. A. R. are respectfully invited to be with
us on that day. Also on Memorial Day,
May 80.
On Friday of last week a number of the
directors of the Bloomsburg Bridge Com,
pany took a trip up the river to examine
bridges. They visited Pittston and Wllkes
barro. Tho party consisted of Col. J. G,
Freeze, President, and Messrs. Kuhn, Fct-
terman, Uartman and White. J C. Brown,
engineer, met them at Wllkesbarro.
Mr. I. K. Dlldlno and son Charles of
Greenwood township, started for Carthage,
Missouri, Monday. They went via Buffalo
and Niagara Falls, and expect to visit
many points In the west. John Parker and
wife or Greenwood, started the same day
for Minneapolis, and Adam Utt, of Hours
burg for Lincoln, Nebraska.
Baker & Bender, tho down-town furnl
ture dealers and funeral directors, mado
their appearance on the street last week
with a handsome new furnituro wagon
The wagon was built by M. C. Sloan &
Bro., and Is a fine one, first-class In all re
spects. Tho firm of Baker & Bender Is an
energetic one ; they are doing a good busl
ness and always keep up with tho times.
Mrs. Emily McLaughlin who was to have
lectured under the auspices of the W. C.
T. U. in the Opera Uouso on the 12th of
March, and was prevented on account of
storm, will give her lecture, "Barriers to
Success" on the 18th of May. All persons
holding tickets will call at Dcntlcr's and
baye the numbers changed. Tickets can
bo procured at Dentler's and at the room
of the W. 0. T. U. may 11 2t
For a trunk,
For a vallso,
For Bags,
For strans.
always go to D. Lowenberg's popular store,
A lamp exploded In G. A. Clark's book
store Friday evening of last week, but little
'damage was done. Tho burning oil fell on
the floor and the Uaraes were extinguished
by a bucket of sawdust being promptly
thrown upon tbem. The cry of flro was
given and a large crowd collected In front
of tho store. The Friendship Fire Company
reached the spot a very few minutes after
tbo cry was given but wero not needed.
Mrs. Emily McLaughlin of Boston, who
was to have lectured In tbo Opera House
March 12th but was detained on account
of the great blizzard will positively be hero
Friday May 18th. Her subject Is "Bar.
rlers to Success." Those who havo heard
her lecture say she has no superior. Re
served seat tickets only 25 cents. Secure
your seats early at F. D. Dentler's or the
rooms of tho W. 0. T. U. on corner of
Main and Market streets.
Court adjourned on Tuesday afternoon
for tho week, all tho cases left open last
week but ono having been settled, or con
tinued by consent, or on account of illness
of somo ono connected with tho cases. The
argument list was called over and most of
tho cases disposed of. It would not seem
that tbo business of tho court Is very far
behind, when two days are sufficient to do
tho work of the second week, and only ono
caso out of 33 Is ready for trial.
Don't buy your boots and shoes without
seeing F, D. Deutler's Immense stock.
The case of Dr. B. F. Gardner against
the Bloomsburg Steam and Electric Light
Co. was continued last week on account of
the illness of Col. Knorr, one of the coun.
eel for the defendant. On Monday morn
ing a motion was mado by plaintiff's coun
sel to reinstate the caso on tho list and after
soma argument this was done. The court
ordered that a ury be drawn, and fixed
Monday, May 21st fcr the trial. Accord
ingly u jury was selected on Tuesday, and
the trial will begin next Monday, Judge
Archbald will preside.
A full lino of spring styles In hats lu all
the new shades soft and stiff, just received
at the popular store of
; D, Lowenbcrg's Estate
Tho station about to bo located at Ezo-
klcl Colo's on tho lino of tbo 11. & S. Rail
road will bo named Sugarloaf.
Application was mado to the Hoard of
Pardons on Wednesday for the pardon of
D. F. SoybcrL
Improvements still go on at I. W. Mo
Kclvy's store. A sheet Iron root has
bcon placed upon tho front awning and the
storo Iioubo In tho roar has been repainted.
Dr. T. C. Mcllcnry of Benton has a full
lino of drugs and fancy articles which will
be sold at market prices. Call and sco his
fine stock.
For fair, snuaro dcalinir In ctothlne. fit.
stylo and quality, perfect satisfaction can
always bo had Jn dec ling at tho popular
clothing storo of D. Lowenbcrg's Estate.
Rev. J. W. lloughawout, who preached
In tho M. E. Church of this place forty-nine
years ago, gavo an Interesting seimon Sun
day evening. Uu is now living at Williams
port. Tho Columbia county W. C. T. U. will
hold a convention on Saturday, May 10th
In tho Lutheran church. Morning session
will open at ten o'clock, afternoon
session at half past ono. All co-workers
and friends of tho temperance causo arc
urgently Invited to attend the meetings.
For cleganco of design In ready.made
clothing stylo, fit, quality und cheapness
go to Lowenbcrg's.
On Thursday last Dr. Brown of Blooms,
burg assisted by Dr. ilowcr and Mr. Elmer
Bhuman operated for cataract upon Mrs
Philip Wintcrstccn of Mlffiinvlllo. She
had been blind for three yean:. Her oyes
were rendered Insensible to pain by tho uso
of cocalno and tho crystalline lens removed
from tho Interior of each eye. The cutting
of tho eyes caused no pain, and tho oper
ation was a complete success.
Mrs. Emily McLaughlin who was to
have lectured In the Opera Uouso March
18th but was detained by tho great blizzard,
has been lecturing every evening since so
that this Is tho first opportunity tbo W. C.
T. U. could get to havo her here. They
are fortunate In securing such an eminent
lecturer. Bho will positively bo hero this
evening (Friday). Reserved scats only 25
Mr. William Snyder completed his three
years apprenticeship In the Columbian
ofllco last month. Ho Is a thorough, clean,
pains-taking compositor, and can hold a
caso with any one. Wr. have mado ar
rant;emcr.ts with him to remain with us for
somo tlmo longer, and devoto mora of his
tlmo to Job printing. The vast amount of
work done In this office, affords him oppor
tunlttcs that aro seldom gained In a country
office, and will prepare htm for any branch
of the trade in tho large cities.
List of letters remaining In tho Post Of
fice at Bloomsburg for week ending May
15, 1888.
Mrs. Mame Gclger, Mr. Daniel Hagcn
buch, G. W. B. Hoffman, Mr. Jesio Lord,
Mr. Henry C. Long (2), Mr. Ferdinand
Petrick, Mr. Jno Pyatt, Mr. G. 8. Reading,
Mrs. Sarah Richie, Mrs. Ballio Sanford,
Miss Mary Sadans, Miss Florence Steavens,
Mr. H. Y. Smith (2), T, J. Thomas, Cora
Thomas, J. Willard (2).
Persons calling for these letters will
please say "advertised."
Gkohqe A. Clare, P. M,
It is expected that a special train will run
from Lightstrcet Thursday, Juno 7th, to
accommodate those wishing to return from
the Columbia County Sunday School Con.
vention. This train would leave at 5 p. m.
An extra train may also be run on Wed
nesday evening, which would leave Light
street at 10 o'clock. Tho running of both
or cither of these trains depends upon tho
encouragement given tho superintendent
of tho B. & b. If sufficient number signify
a desire to attend, excursion tickets will be
issued, good for any tlmo. We will an
nounce more definitely next week.
2 second handed 0 octave Melodeons only
25 dollars each at Saltzer's Music Rooms
Bloomsburg Pa.
The nlnctecth annual convention of tho
Columbia County Sunday Bchool Associa
tion will bo held at tho M. E. Church
Lightstrcet, Pa.,Wcdncsday and Thursday,
June 0 and 7th, 1888. Programs are out
announcing the various exercises.
Wednesday morning Miss Hannah Breece
of the Baptist church will read an essay en-
titled, "Giving an act of Worship."
Wednesday afternoon there will bo a dls
cussionof the topic, "The obligation of
both parents and children to attend both
church and Sunday school services." This
will be opened by Rev. B. U. Mosscr, of
M. E. Church, Berwick. Miss Eva Rupert
of the Presbyterian cburch, Bloomsburg,
will read an essay entitled, "The art of
asking and answering questions,"
Wednesday evening an address will be
given by B. F. Zarr Esq. on tho topic "The
relation of Sunday School Teaching to Jur
isprudence and the legal profession." An
other address will be given by Rev. J. M.
Reimensnyder, of Milton, president of the
Pennsylvania Stato Sunday School Asso
ciation on the topic, "Sources of tho Teach-
cr's Power."
The good people of Lightstrcet will make
an earnest effort to glvo all strangers a
royal welcome, and hope that all Sunday
school workers will attend and make tho
convention a grand success.
F. D. Dentler's spring stock of boots an
shoes Just coming In. Call and bco them
UloouiHUurur va. Hujcar Tfotcli.
Tho base ball season at this place was
opened last Saturday at Athletic Park by a
game between the Sugar Notch and Blooms
burg nines, which resulted In the defeat of
the former club, with the score standing 7
to 5. The spectators wero not numerous
but It Is probable that a much larger crowd
would have been present had a drizzling
rain not been falling all day. Only six
Innings were played; the seventh was com
meuced but the rain began to pour down
In torrents and it becamo necessary to call
tho gamo. Following is the full score i
R. 1U. P. A. E
Ent 1Mb 1 0 3 0 C
Haves c J 0 B S t
Hazenbuch3b 3 1111
Shaffer 2b 3 3 4 0
Heist p 0 1 1 8
Ent W. cf 0 0 0 0
House! If 0 0 I 0
Bolcorf 0 0 0 0
Hcrblno ss 0 0 0 0
7 4 18 11 8
Buoaii Notch.
It. IB. P. A. E.
Shields p 1 3 0 14
Brislln lb 1 0 8 0
Uerron o 1 1 8.3
Laughley 2b 1 0 0 0
Heinlz W. cf 1 0 10
Burko J. If 0 0 1 0
Transeau ss 0 10 1
Helntz L. rf 0 0 0 0
Burko T. 8b 0 0 0 0
5 4 18 18
Bloomsburg 3 0 4 0 0 0
Sugar Notch 8 0 0 1 1 0
For walking and .riding "Ucnch and
Drouogold" wheel cultivators with double
corn and phosphate planter attachments
go to White, Connor & Sloan, Orangevllle,
Pa. apr87 Ow
McKllllp-M cKclvy.
On Thursday, May 10th, Mary 0. eldest
daughter of Dr. J. 11. McKclvy was married
to Harvey McKllllp at tho residence of the
bndo's parents, on Main street The cer
emony was performed at 3 o'clock by Rev.
A. A. Marplo of Bridgeport, Pa., undo of
tbo bride. About fifty guests, nearly all
relatives, were present Tho house was
beautifully decorated with flowers. Promp
tly at the appointed time tho notes of Men.
delsoln's Wedding March wero beard,
played by Miss Ella McKlnncy, cousin of
tho bride, and shortly afterward tho olll-
elating clergyman entered tho front door
of tho parlor and took his station at tho
end of tho room, lie was followed by Mr.
McKllllp and his "best man," Dr. W. 0.
Ranson of Pittsburg, both In full dress
suits. The bride entered the back door of
the parlor, on tho arm of her father and
advanced until they met tho bridegroom
Sho wore a white satin drcsj with long
trnln and veil, and carried a loycly boquct,
In her hand. After tho lmprcsslvo cere,
mony of tho Episcopal Church was ended
ami the happy pair pronounced man and
wife, congratulations wero showered upon
them, and If half tho good wishes express-
cd on their behalf aro realized, theirs will
bo a very happy union. An elegant dinner
was served, and at four o'clock Mr. and Mrs.
McKllllp went to Rupert, whero they took
tho D. L. & W. R. R. for Washington and
other cities.
Tho bridal gifts wero numerous and
beautiful, consisting of Royal Worcester
Ware, a variety of solid silver, furniture,
rugs, tollot sets, books and many other
things, besides a considerable sum In mon
A flno lot of Piano and Orcan stools and
Piano Covers lust received at Baltzcr's
Music Rooms Bloomsburg Pa.
Meeting of tlie Peun'n ReservcH,
A meeting of Pa. Reserves was called at
tho Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg at8p. m.,
Friday evening May 11th. Tho following
members attended: Col. John Jameson,
R. C. Buckalcw and Hudson Allen of the
7th; C. S. Fornwald, Wm Coffman, 0. B,
Furman and B. F. Bharpless of tho Oth and
J. B. Roblsou of tho 10th. On motion of
Col. Jameson, Hudson Allen was elected
President of the mealing and J. B. Roblson
On motion it was resolved that this meet
ing endorse the action of tho Pa. Reserve
Association for Central Pennsylvania, at
their meeting In 8hlckshinny last summer,
In scltcllng Uak Grove, Bloomsburg, as
tbo placo of the nextmceting of tho Asso
ciation and that wo designate Tuesday and
Wednesday, Juno 20 and 27, as tho time,
On motion it was resolved that the meet-
lug should bo held In the form of a basket
picnic and that a committee should bo ap
pointed to make tho necessary arrange
ments, procure tents, send out notices,
make arrangements for speakers, tc.
On motion this committee constituted
Itself a committee of arrangements with
Col. Jameson as Chairman.
On motion the committee adjourned to
meet on Monday evening, May 14, at 0 p.
m., at the reading room of tho Exchange
The committee of arrangements of the
Penna. Reserves Association had another
meeting at the reading room of tho Ex
change Hotel on Monday evening and
adopted a form cf Invitation, appointed
sub-committees including a committee on
finance and adjourned to meet at tho same
place Saturday May 10 at half past 8 In the
evening. The following additional names
wero added to the committee: H. J. Con-
nor, J. H. Seeshollz, Geo Waters, A. Her.
bine, 8. L. Totter, Qeo. Mears and F. 1',
Drinker. All Penna. Reserves In the vicin
ity nre requested to communicate with tho
Secretary, unite with tho committco and
assist in tho preparations.
J. B. Robison, Sec.
Trunks and valises, a fine assortment at
Oak Grove Parle.
For a long time Bloomsburg was without
a suitable place for picnics. There was no
grove which was accessible that combined
tho requirements necessary to make it a
desirable resort, and thoso who wished to
spend a day In tho woods wero obliged to
seek a shady nook along the creek or to
go upon private property with the possl
blllty of being ordered off at any moment,
Two years ago a corporation was formed,
by twenty-five of tho eutcrpriiing citizens
of this town, for the purposo of securing to
the people of Bloomsburg and vicinity a
pleasant resort. Tho grore out Fifth street
was leased for a term of years, and was
named Oak Grovo Park. The grounds
were drained and cleaned up, a fountain
was placed In tho centro of the grove, water
pipes were laid from town, numerous
buildings were erected, embracing a large
dancing pavilion, eating stands, water
closets, retiring rooms for women with
babies, and many other conveniences
Swings were purchased of a kind that four
children may swing In them at onco with
out danger, and numerous other means of
amusement and sources of attraction wero
secured. During the past two seasons a
great many excursion parlies have spent
tho day at Oak Grove, coming by rail, tbo
Association having an arrangement with
tho D. L. & W. R. R. Co. by which very
favorablo terms can bo secured. The bo
who havo thus enjoyed the Grovo havo
spoken highly of Its attractions, and thous
ands of strangers have visited Bloomsburg
who otherwise would ncycr have seen our
beautiful town.
The Association was not organized with
the expectation of making any money out
of the scheme. It was formed for two pur
poses, one being to secure a pleasant resort
for tho people of Bloomsburg for public or
private parties or picnics, and the other be
Ine to establish an attraction that would
drar strangers here, and thus advertise
tho town, and bring money to us from ex
cursionists. Hundreds of dollars of im
provements havo been put upon tho
grounds by the stockholders. A very sue.
cessful season will do no more than pay
rent, repairs and running expenses. Tho
Oak Grovo Is therefore something that dc.
serves tho patronage and encouragement
of our townsfolk. Family picnics, Sunday
school picnics and general gatherings
should be held there, If the public desires
tho continuance of the Grove. The stock,
holders will do (heir full share, but they
caunot carry tho entire burden without as.
slstanco and encouragerucnt. Oak Grovo
Park Is a beautiful spot and tho only easily
accessible place of tho kind near Blooms
burg. Whether It shall bo a permanent
thing, or end with tho present lease de
pends largely upon tho support It receives
during the coming seasons. For terms for
use of Park apply to W. It. Tubbs or C. W.
Men's lino shoes In kangaroo or calf
hand or machine sewed at Dentler's.
That Tired Pcelluir,
Afflicts nearly every ono In tbo spring.
The system having becomo accustomed to
the bracing air of winter, Is weakened by
the warm days of tho changing season,
and readily yields to attacks of disease.
Hood's Sarsaparllla is just tho mcdlclno
needed. It tones and builds up ovcry part
of the body, and also expels all Impurities
from the blood, Try it this season.
A Correction.
Runyan, Pa , Apr. 12, 1883.
Messus. EmtoW--I saw In your paper
published tho death of Elizabeth Andrews
Ammerman and desire to correct it.
Elizabeth Andrews Ammerman was born
in llclvldere, N. J., Nov. 18, A. D. 1805 and
died at her homo In Flshlngcrcck Twp.,
this county, April 20, A. D. 1883, aged 83
years, 0 months and 7 days. Bho was tho
mother of seven children, four daughters
and three sons, four of whom survlvo bcr.
She was a member of tho M. E, Church 40
years and died leaving a bright testimony
behind that she was ready to depart In
peace. Yours truly,
Kn RonniNs.
Ladles' flno hand turned or hand sowed
shoes at Dcntlcr's.
Council I'roccccllnitH.
May 10th, 1883.
Regular meeting. All present Mr. Z.
S. Robblns appears and continues his re
quest for sewer extension on First street
from Market On motion request granted,
tho sower not to go any further than Mr.
Robblns' last house. Dr. L. A. Shattuck
appears and requests that council glvo htm
timely notlco when they w'sh to havo
Lackawanna Avenue opened to ho can
build a temporary fenco about 85 ft from
North sldo of said street and parallel there
with; on motion request granted.
Wm. Webb and John McCormick a com
mittco from Friendship Flro Co. appear
and stato that In all probability they will
be required to move soon and therefore
ask that council procuro a now placo for
their engine house; claim that In any event
council Should pay their ground rent.
11. J, Clark appears and asks that tho
place for curbstone market bo changed.
W. 0. Slot n a member of tho Firo De
partment appears and urges tho purchase
of moro flro hose, also asks for larger ap-
propriatlon to enablo them to defray ex
Dentlcr and Peacock, managers of Opera
House, appear and stato that last year they
paid $30 for show license. To take out a
license for each show is annoying and they
dosirc to pay. same amount for this year,
saving tho town tho expense of a police
man at each exhibition.
Potltion presented by property owners
on First street asking for change of grade
from Pino street to Armstrong's farm. On
motion petition received and ordered filed,
Petition from citizens presented asking
for change of grade In Fourth street from
Jefferson to West street. On motion same
received and ordered filed.
M. A. and Harriet Paul appear by attor
ney, E. H. Llttlo Esq., and claim $200
damages for opening Eighth street. Moved
and seconded that a committee of threo be
appointed, of which the president shall be
chairman, to negotiate with said parties
for the settlement of damages In widening
said street. Agreed to. Btcrling and Wolf
Petithin from 80S females presented ask.
lng for tho passage of an ordiuanco pro
hibiting cattle from running at large. On
motion received and filed.
On motion ordered that a committee of
threo be appointed to negotiate with I. W.
McKclvy in regard to damages in widening
street in Port Noble, the president to be
one of the committee. Messrs. Cadow and
Wells appointed.
On motion ordered that the crossings
over Leonard street on each sldo of Second
street shall be double crossings.
Moved and seconded that secretary pro
cures)! blank books tor tax roll. Agreed to,
On motion building permit granted J. D,
In tho matter of petition of Elwell & Utt-
tenbendcr, John Wolf appointed chairman
of committee instead of Mr. Wlnterstcen,
whoso term ha expired.
Moved that the street lamps broken bo
repaired and thoso needing paint bo paint
ed, tho old stylo lamps, nut worth repairing,
to bo replaced by new ones of Eshlcman's
Moved that the wire fence along north
sldo of Lackawanna avenue be built at
once and the fenco along east side of West
street bo set back and Mr. Sterling to con
fer with Mr, Uartzcl for terms for doing
said work. Agreed to.
On motion agreed to tho report of Com
missioner of Highways and bills and ac
counts read and secretary directed to issue
orders for same.
On motion adjourned to meet Thursday,
May 17th.
Dyspepsia causes depraved blood, which,
in time, affects every organ and function
of tho body. As a remedy for theso trou
bles, nothing can 'approach Ayer's Sarsa
parllla.. It vitalizes tho blood, strength-
ens tho stomach, and corrects all disorders
of tho liver and kidneys.
An IiitercMUUK Case.
Tho case of Z. S. Robblns of this town
against the PcnnsylvanlaRallroad Company
was tried at Sunhury, Hay 3, 3, 4 aud 5,
before Judge Bucher, Hon. B. P. Wolvcr-
ton and G. B. Reimensnyder Esq. for the
plaintiff and Mr. John Packer and W,
C. Farnsworth for the defendant. Boveral
hundred dollars wero spent In conducting
the suit, and much interest manifested.
The caso was given to tho jury Saturday
afternoon ; after being out all night they
returned u vcrvlct at 3 a. m. Sunday In
favor of tho railroad company. We take
the following particulars from the Sunbury
Awof May 11th ;
Tho action was brought to recover dam
ages from the defcudant by reason of his
being put off a train on tho Alexandria and
Fredericksburg Railroad at Woodbrldge,
Va., on tho morning of the 24th day of May,
1863. On the morning of tho 31st day of
May, 1883, the plaintiff, who was a resident
of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, purchas
ed a ticket at that place over tho Delaware,
Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad for
HarrUburg. Ho boarded the train and on
his way to Sunbury was Informed by Mr.
Trench, a friend, that there was an excur-
slon going to Fredericksburg, Va., and was
invited by him to go along. Expressing
willingness to do so, Mr. Trench presented
him with an order for an excursion ticket,
the order having been Issued to tho regi
mental association of the 131st regiment,
P. V , tho ticket to bo purchased at Sun
bury. On his arrival at Sunbury ho pre
sented tho order at tho ticket office with
8.04, tho price of tho ticket. On tho main
part of tho ticket there was printed, among
other things, that it entitled the holder to
ono first-class paBiaue to Fredericksburg
Va., and return, and that In selling tho
ticket for passage over other roads the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company only act
ed as agents for them and assumed no re
sponsibility beyond Its own line. There
wero coupons attached to tho ticket desig
nating tho points between which tho hold
er of tho ticket could travel, but no coupon
attached to tho ticket namlug that portion
of tho trip from Fredericksburg to Haiti
more on tho return trip. Captain Orwlg,
who represented tho organization which
was lustrumcntal in getting up the excur
sion, bad mado special arrangements with
a steamboat company to bring tho excur
sloulsts from Frcdtilcksburg to Baltimore
by boat at tho rate of $1.60 for each ex-
curslonlst In addition to tho $9.04 paid for
the railroad ticket. Mr, Robblns started
on his homeward journey alone from Fred
eilcktburg on the morning of the 24th of
May, It liavlngbecn Intimated to him tho
evening beforo that the excursionists In
tended to take tho boat. He attempted to
use the ticket purchased at Sunhury In
which there was a gap, so far as tbo
coupons wero concerned, from Fredericks
burg to Baltimore, although tho main part
of ticket stated that It entitled tho holder
to ono first-class passago to Frcdcrlcksbi rg,
Va., and return. After having rode somo
distance tho conductor camo to htm and
tho ticket was presented, when he was In
formed by tbo conductor that It was not a
good ticket for his train, but ho would
carry him to tho next conductor, who
would tako charge of tho train at Quanttco.
At this station another conductor took
cbargo of tho train and ho also Informed
tho plaintiff that It was not a good ticket
for his train, and ho would bavo to get oft
or pay his fare. After somo parleying the
conductor concluded to carry him as far as
Woodbrldge, the first stop that was to bo
made, and that thcro tho plaintiff would
havo to get off or pay his faro. Tho plain
tiff refused to pay his fare, and, as Is alleg
ed, ho was ejected from tho car at this
station at about half-past 0 o'clock, in tho
morning, a placo whore he contends there
was no accommodation by which bo could
procuro food, or that ho was ablo to get
away from tho placo until about 4 o'clock
In tho afternoon. Witnesses were called
on tho part of tho defendant to prove that
thcro were accommodations at Woodbrldge
sufficient to accommodate a traveler, a
boardlng-houso and restaurant Loin? lo
cated not far from tho railroad station.
Tho defendant further contended that this
ticket was prepared at tho solicitation of
Captain Orwlg especially for the benefit of
tho surylvtng soldiers of tho 131st Regl
mental Association, and that It was not In
tended to Include other than members of
that association. They also presented
evidence to show that they received no
portion of proceeds arising from the salo of
tho ticket purchased by tho plaintiff, but
that tbo money was appropriated through
their auditor to railroad companies other
than the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
They also showed that they had nothing to
do in making special arrangements with
tho steamboat company and for that rcasou
had made no provision by tho issuclng of
the special ticket for tho excursionists to
comeback from Fredericksburg to Balti
more by rail.
Bunkcn eyes, a pallid complexion, and
disfiguring eruptions, lndicato that there
is something wrong within. Expel tho
lurking foe to health, by purifying the
blood with Ayer's Sarsapnrllla. Cures Ery
sipelas, Eczema, Salt-Rheum, Pimples, and
Tlic wonderful Healing propcrtlea
of Uarby'H Prophylactic I'm Id
In case of Accidents, for
Ilurim, BculdH, CutH
'Wounds, etc.
Its prompt uso will Invariably relievo
pain, promote healing and prevent Ery-
lpelas, Gangrene, or Proud Flesh. Owing
to tho cleansing and purifying qualities of
tho Fluid the most obstinate ulcers, boils,
carbuncles and running sores are rendered
pure and healthy and speedily cured, no
other application being necessary.
Keller Brothirs at Benton aro doing a
fine business in their store and tinware es
tablishment. They have a wagon on the
road delivering tinware to all parts of the
If tho liver and kidneys are sluc'gish and
Inactive, Hood's Sarsaparllla will rouse
them to prompt and regular action. Take
It now.
Located at the Central.
W. L. Fornwald, tonsorlal artist, now
located at the Central Hotel, is prepared to
do first-class work in all tho latest stylet,
Ladles' and children's hair curling and
cutting a specialty. Glvo him a trial and
bo convinced of the excellence ot bis work,
Good workmen and lowest prices.
Buy Lester's School Shoes
Every pair warranted.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Whan Baby wu sick, we (are hr CaitorU.
When she iu a Child, ah cried for Cutorla,
When th became HIm, sh clone to Outorla,
Whso to had Children, aha care them Castont.
niUADSLrnii, Monday, Uayll, IMS.
Our Limitations.
Too many things to tell
You would'nt stop to read, and
the printer s bill might surprise
us although we are quite used
to colossal printing.
besides all the things refer
red to in these columns, there
are scores of others clamoring
lor recognition. Lould till
page daily in telling what we
ought to tell and you ought to
The conclusion is simply
come to us to supply your
wants, even though the news
papers don't refer to them, and
remember that there are acres
of bargains here that never get
aena your address and we
will send you our Catalogue for
the bpnng and bummer ol 1888
It will make your shopping by
mail a very easy matter.
One dollar Surai Silk for
seventy-Jive cents. Surahs that
have never before sold under
$1, that have been thought rare
value at si. A happy trade
turn lets us drop a quarter from
the last-week price.
A manulacture of one of the
best makes of 24-inch Surahs
changing his looms to Fall or
ders let the balance ot this sea
son's out-turn go in a lump
away under the market.
You are the gainer. 75c Surahs
of this grade will set the town
a talking.
The 26-inch Black Surahs are
quick at Si. Fast dye, raven
black, good weight, mellow to
the touch, rull of good sub
stantial wear.
An exceptional lot of Sil
Grenadines, with velvet stripes
in assorted colorings, snail go
at 50c a yard, i hey ve been $2
Some of the prettiest ideas
in rich Coaching Umbrellas for
$5 have just come. They ernial
what wc sold for $7.50 thirty
days ago.
Shawls, Scarfs. A roomful
of light, airy, graceful wraps for
scastdc.mountain, drawing-room
or piazza wear. We had more
ast season ol these delicately
tinted coquettish things than
you ever saw before; now' we've
eft last season in the shade:
Cashmere, Shetland,
China Bllt, Canton crepe,
Barege, chudda,
blue, . Persian,
Iced Wool.
Fresh, exquisite, perfect. 50c
to $20.
The trading world is full of
surprises. Here is one, a Dig
one in lies. Une ot the oest
makers of men's Ties in Lon
don sent us a .sample Four-in-
Hand Scarf, with bits of pat
terns and a cable code. In less
than an hour our acceptance
was with him, and the- goods
were at once shipped on a fast
steamer. They now fill our
counters and are on dress par
ade in one of our Chestnut
street windows. They are of
extra quality China silk, alike
on both sides, color-grounds
navy, white and an indescri
bable blue, handsomely printed
in polka dots and odd designs;
also plain white. The paice ts
tlic surpnse 37YtCl You'll
wonder when you see the goods.
1 here s good reading on
Damasks. While we haven't
been sayincr much of them, the
wise lolks have been taking
them away quite fast. Here's
a 62 inch Cream Damask at
50c. Irish Linen, excellent
quality. There a 74 inch Cream
Damask 75c. Eye-openers,
Bleached Damask runs like
this ;
70 Inch Man, eoc
TS Inch German, f 1.00
72 Inch oerman.ll.lO
Nankins of all sorts for or!
vate house or hotel use:
IS Inch
cream, li.oo a dozen
cream. si.lOadozen
18 inch
5 inch
29 inch
cream, ti.ooadozen
cream, $3.00 a dozen
31 inch
27 Inch
27 Inch
cream, $3.60 a dozen
white, u 00 a dozen
while, $2.50 a dozen
25 Inch
wiuie, i.w a dozen
white, $3.23 a dozen
Towels, too. You might pass
day looking at the styles
Damask, 121 to 50c; Huck,
124 to 25c.
The toughest and most flex
ible of all the stiffish leathers
goes into "Welts." Poor stock
won't make good Welt leather,
But why not Welt leather for
the whole Shoe upper? Happy
thought. First fruit, Seashore
Uxtords ol russet Welt. Neat
est, strongest, hardiest of all the
light, cheap Outing Shoes,
bofter, dressier; conee-color-
ed Goat Oxfords, hand-sewed.
$3.50. A better got up and t
more stylish Shoe than you com
monly get for considerable
No such $3 Shoe for men as
the "Wanamaker Wearwell.
Calf vamp, kid top. smooth in
sole. Congress and lace. War
ranted. Sent anywhere for ?
Say whether your foot is wide or
John Wanamaker.
"Pin A of. iwrf rnif a nnlv
$3- doz. Life size Cravons only
$10.00. Viewing, copying and
enlarging. instant process
used. tl.
I. W. Hartman & Sons' croccry depart
ment Is a great Institution la Bloomsburg
and tbo county. Buying and selling all
Kinas or produce, butter. eaa. lara. meal.
dried fruits. &c. &c Thev keen In season
bananas, oranges and lemons of the choice
uinus. tl grades of cofTcc, 0 grades of sugar,
IS kinds ot soap, 4 grades ot syrup, &c,
with tbo largest lino ot dishes and glass
waro in me town.
Lawn mowers at Schuyler's hardwaro.
Alwavs remember that O. W. Rertsch
has a full line of Gents Furnishing Goods
on hand, all of tho latest novelties and
styles especially In the way of Neckwear,
no two of the same pattern, give him a call
wucu you want one.
Go to 0. I). Marr for nlco chean ilrpim
- I - - '. ' " u a iiiuiuii:!
uua returned irnm Nnm vnrir wilt, a r.
stock of summer goods in the mllllne
Do not forget that we are selllne a ladles'
gauze vests, pearl buttons, long or short
oiccves ai ooc. II. VY. oLUAN.
Fresh nles. cakea and liremi lb nvi rm
uuu ai ovouner s oakery, uxcuange block,
above express ofllco. Oysters and claraa
in season, uivo tucin a trial.
For the latest styles In couches go to
uuaer a ueuuer s. wor. Diain ant (Vest Bis
"The I'ansy" arrived to-day. Tho best
uusuu lu the world. Call and tee. Clark
cc oon.
Go to C. 0. Slarr for Oak Leaf soap, tho
uvsb uuu jargesv lor uc
O" tH.,Vj 0 lU
latest styles of summer mllllnerv. constat.
jug ui uiiuiuc-M uuu iiuinuiraeu uais anu
bonnets, chlldien's caps, trimmings &c, at
i , . . i i i . i . , . ,
very reasonable prices. Call and sec.
Beautiful, fine plush couches at W.
Corel! & Co 'a. at low prices,
Tho Farmers' Produce Exchange has
now on band a full Hue of farming utensils
sucn as pucu roras, manure forks, rakci,
nailea. shrivels, sevthefl Rnrl nr-vthu anottia
grain cradles, grind stones, boes,4ay forks,
hay rope, also a full line of tin, earthen
wood and willow 'ware, and a complete
biuuk vi ivi )iublir aou sail.
Barb fence wlro at Schuyler's hardware,
iiuubu cicauinn ii uver. now ror a new
If 1
linen table clolh and napkins to match, also
u new counterpane or a pair ol nice pillow
i uui a. i, f iiBTiuiau vi Dons ,
Wool and cotton carpet chain in all col
ors at 0. C. Marr's.
A flno stock of children's Jockey Caps at
Mrs. F. K. Marsh's millinery store.
km Urirn anil flno assortment of satlncs
as will bo found In town. American 12c.
Best French U5o. . w. oiajaik
rwi fnrirel If vou act a bill of furnituro
at Baker & Bcndir's they will deliver It to
any point frco ot cnargo.
Wo havo them, "The Pansy Hustle." A
wagon load Just In. Clark & Son.
Look for tbo nrcmkim you got with Oak
Leaf soap sold by 0. 0. Marr.
T.nrirn narnsnlj. medium parasols, small
parasols, high priced parasols, medium
nriced oarasoU and cheap parasols at I. W.
Har'tman & Bops'.
Lawn grass seed at Bchuylcr's hardwaro
The serine dress coeds aro going off fast
at I. W. Hartman Ss Sons'. . Go soon or
miss tho choice.
If you aro In need of any furnituro don't
forget tho place, Baker & Bender's now
furniture store, Cor. Mali: and West Bts.
You can wash In much less tlmo with
Oak Leaf soap Bold by C. C. Marr.
Km U ilin limn In anlcct vbtir Summer
light colored hat, soft or stiff at G W.
Bertsch's who has Just received a fall lino
M them, all of the latest blocks and styles.
Hcfrigcrators at Schuyler's hardware.
Look at our whlto'lTannels for Infants'
phawla. They aro the finest all wool" flan
ncls made. H. W. SLOAN.
Alt new coods and tho latest styles at
nakcr & Bonder's new furnituro store,
corner Main and West streets.
Tho new patterns of white dress goods
handsomely embroidered are now on salo
at I. W. Uartman & Sons'.
Bllvcrware at 8chuylcr's hardware.
Dr. Honora A. Bobbins treats diseases
ot the eyo and ear, and Is prepared to tea
eyes lor giasseB. jiar.ou-om.
J. II. Bteckcr has a nico lot of bananas.
which will be sold cheap. Oranges, ban
anas and lemons always on hand, which
are sold cheap.
llabv carriages In all stvlcs and prices at
W. J. Corel 1 i&Co's.
C. C. Marr buys dried apples.
uau anu bvu iiiitt ru sljuu, ii. ma uu
bed and Is lust what you need, always on
.-.-II 1 1 1 . -. AI- I Ufa m-
hand at Baker & Bender's, down towu fur
niture dealers.
Children's black ribbed hose, white heel
and toe, full regular made, size 7 to 8 at
10c per pair H. W. 8LOAW.
Tho finest narlor suits for the least money
just received at Baker & Bender's, tho
down town iurnuuro ueairrs uuu uuuti
takcrs, 0. 0. Marr wants butter, eggs and lard
Ice cream Wednesdays and Saturdays at
Mrs. F. K. Marsh's.'t fYirrfot that G. W. Bertsch tho
Tailor and Furnisher has just received a
full lino of Pcrcal Shirts, all the latest styles
and patterns. Call and see them, beforo
purchasing elsewhere.
Beldlng refrigerators at W. J. Corcll &
Fishing tackle at Schuyler's hardware.
Horse, cattle and poultry powder at C.
C. Marr's.
Bargains in narlor suits, bed room susu
and dining room chairs at W. J. Corcll at
Children's sailors at Mrs. F. K. Marsh's.
Poultry netting at Schuyler's hardware.
W. J. Corcll & Co. "arc offering bargains
In furniture with a view of leduclng their
largo stock, preparatory to Improving their
New spring and summer goods at C. C.
When you want a perfect fit in a suit of
Clothing or Overcoat call at G, W. Bertsch's
the Merchant Tailor, who has a full line of
Cloths and Casslmers to select lrom, all ot
the latest styles and patterns.
Farm hells at Schuyler's hardware.
C. C. Marr wants sldo, shoulder and ham.
Tiik Handsomest Lady in Bloomsbcho
remarked to a friend the other day that sho
knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and
lungs was a superior remedy, as It stopped
her coagb Instantly when others had no ef
fect whatever. Bo to prove this and to
convince you of its meilt, any druggist
win give you a sample bottle free. Iargo
size, 60c. and $1.
IXczenui, itcliy, Scaly, Hltln
The simple application of "Swavno'a
Ointment," without any lulernal medicine,
win euro any case of Tetter, Bait Hluum,
Riugworm, Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples,
Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions,
no matter how obstinato or long standing.
It Is potent, effective, and costs but atrillo
is about o,000, anil wc would sny at least
one-half are troubled with some affection
of the throat and lungs astboso complaints
are, according to statistics, moro numerous
than others. We would advise all not to
neglect the opportunity to call on Ihulr
druggist and get a boltlo of Kemp's Bal
sam for the throat and lungs. Price 50c.
and $1. Trial slzu free. Sold by all drug,
I'llCH ! I-lltH I ItclllllKIMlc-H.
Symptoms Moisture ; Intense Itching and
stinging ; most at night j worse by scratch,
lng. If allowed to continue tumors form,
which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming
very sore. Bwayne's Ointment stop tbo
itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and
in most cases removes Iho tumors. At
druggists, or by mall, for 60 cents. Dr.
Swayno & Bon, Philadelphia. niny.4.1y.
Rich and Poor,
Prince and Peasant, tho Millionaire and
Day Laborer, by their common uso of
this remedy, attest tlio world-wide rep
utation of Ayer's Pills. Loading phy
sicians recommend these pllU for
Stomach and Liver Troubles, Costive
ness, lltllousncss, and Sick Headache ;
also, for ltbeutnatism, Jaundice, and
Neuralgia. They are sugar-coated j con
tain no calomel aro prompt, hut mild,
In operation ; and, therefore, tho very
best medicine tor Family Use, as well as
for Travelers and Tourists, t,
"I havo derived great relief from
Ayer's IMIls. Flvo years ago I was
taken so til with
that T was unable to do any wolk I
took threo boxes ot Ayer's Tills and
was entirely cured. Blnco that tlmo I
am never without a box of thesn pills,"
Peter ChrUtenseii, Sherwood, Wis.
"Ayer's rills have been In uso in my
family upwards of twenty years ami
have completely verified all that la
claimed for them. In attacks ot piles,
from which I suffered many years, they
afford greater relief than any other
medicine I over tried." T, V. Adams,
Holly Springs, Toxas.
"I have used Ayer's Pills for a num.
per of years, and have never found any
thing equal to them for giving mo an
appetite and Imparting energy and
trungth to tho system. I always keep
them lu the house," It. 1). Jackson.
Wilmington, Uel.
" Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me
of sevure
from which I was long a sntTercr."
Kmma Keyes, Hubbardston, Mass.
"Whenever 1 am troubled with con.
stlpatlon, or suitor from loss ot appotlt,
Ayer's l'llla set ma right again," A. J.
KUer, Jr., Hock Home, Va.
"Ayer's 1111s aro lu general demand
among our customers. Our Kate of
them exceed tliou of all other pllla coin,
bined. We hava never known tlium
fall to give entiro satisfaction."
Wright & lfuuuelly, San Diego, Texas,
Ayer's Pills,
ruxriBiD by
Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mais,
8oU by all Utaltu in Medietas,