THE A80ENSIUN, 4 ' Tit JOHN 8UTVOH. foHtlO t'Ol.CMBIlN. "Ye seraph cohorts hear, Ye cherish ltglom como. To distant poata the tidings bear, My eon's returning home, lt atitrel bands -attend Ills Majesty toBoa, Yduf lxrd from earth wilt now ascend, Before htm bend the knee. IJtt tho everlasting gates, u And wide the portals throw, The King ot Glory' at them waits Ascending ff oH below. Deep sllenco telgns, each eye Is turned to catch the sight, Of.hlm ascending through the sky, In robes o( living light. . "no comes," the heralds try, And hosts the notes prolong, VHth waving palms ot victory Ten thousands Join the song. (lod.vrcleomo his return. Upon my throne sit down, Till t hey who mourn thy mercy spurn, Shall all be overthrown. And now one rapturous song, Glory to OoJ on high. Breaks forth trom that Unnumbered throng, And rolls along the sky. To God upon the throne Be endless praises given, , Aid to his ever glorious Bon, By all In earth and Heaven. May 2, 1688. Iturnl Scene In India. For Hie lrtst 100 miles' milch of tho country amis pretty. The mango ami other orchards are nbtindant and every plain hail its many scattered trees. Bar-' ley wiis added ns a growth, and was well headed nnd- green. Fences, where there were any, were of cactus and prickly pear. Tho spider webs over them well clouded with dust looked like great gos samer veils spread over the spiky .hedges. Hows of aloes'or century plants' lined the road. Now and then vision would pene trate ns fur ns the eye could reach, through openings in the trees, .and the prospect was that of a perfectly flat plain,, relieved only by trees "and villages. One odd thing is frequently Been small round cir cles or mud well topped by cactus, three to flvo feet high, and say fonr.tq site-in diameter. I have since found these to be protections for young trees. They pro tect against intrusion nud against hot sun rays. Carter Harrison's Letter. Betnarkable 81ioning for Mnnhondom. The great bulk of the people of Utah ore agriculturists. Their possessions ,nre in lands and herds. The statistics show that 00 per cent, of Mormon families own' their ojvu homes. There is no other com munity on earth which will make a like showing. There is not an almshouse, or tho necessity for one, In any of tin ex clusively Mormon settlements. Wlth'the exception of the mines, every other in dustry In Utah Is kept alive by Mormon . labor and Mormon patronage. The Mor mons supply the most reliable hon-'strik-lng class of laborers in the whole' inter mountain region. The agricultural and pastoral products': of Utah for 1887,- according to' the esti mates furnished by the governor of' the territory, were sufficient to produce a total of more than $5,000,000. Delegate John' T. Catnc. Italian llcataurant In Xrrr York. A'young New Yorker, nee not "be verf old to remember when the reputable res taurants of the city bearing Italian names' and serving an Italian table d'hote might have' been counted upon the fingers 6f one hand. French cooking was then the r proper thing, nnd to express positive; fondness for Italian cooking was regarded as eccentric or to be as, one among many.' But gradually fair Italy 's.cnlslne became an acquired taste or 'a pretended one, which, meant the same to the proprietor's pocket until now there are enough Ital ian restaurants in New, York to supply half tho population of i Florence; Ne' York Cor. Chicago Herald. Mew Method of Mitklnr Barrel:' Barrels are now being made of hard and soft wood, each alternate stave. being of tho soft variety and slightly thicker' than the hard wood stave. The edges of the stoves are cut square, and when placed together to form the barrel the outsides are even, and there Is a V shaped crack, between each stave from top'to bottom. In this arrangement' the operation of driv ing the hoop3 forces the edges of the hard staves into the soft ones until the crocks ore closed, and the extra thickness of the latter causes the inner edges to lap over those ot the hard wood staves, thus mak ing tho joint doubly secure. Chicago Times. Deaths From Heart Dlieue, Said a State street physician! "The'in crease of the death rate, wherein heart' trouble figures as the cause, is positively alarming. In Chicago, especially where men and; women live at race horse speed business with one and society with the other, keeping the .body in a continual (ever I moke the assertion and can sup port it from figures, that there, are more deaths, ten to one, from heart disease than there were a score of years ago. And it is likely that the-rate will increase Instead of diminish." Chicago Tribune. Photographluc Female' Criminals. "Do yon have trouble in getting female criminals photographed?" was asked of Inspector Byrnes. "Very little. "When told they must have their pictures taken they usually cry and make a fuss, but when the operation 1 about to be performed it Is funny io see bow quickly they dry their eyes and smooth down their hair, and prink up with a manifest desire to look us pretty as possible. This applies, to nine cases out of ten.'' New York Sun Interview. Greenhorn Strawberries. Greenhouse strawberries take about six weeks to fully ripen. A peculiarity of bothouso ripening is that instead of ripen ing first at the stem, gradually extending to the point, as is the case in the field berry, the greenhouse berry ripens at the point first. Boston Budget. Keeps the Water Illrty. Senator Palmer has a lake on his Mich' igan farm Btocked with carp, ami wishes be hadn't. He calls them the "hog of the sea," because they wallow and burrow in the mud and keep tho water continually dirty, lie lias tried to seine them out, but cannot do so. Chicago Herald. Negroes In fnrlu It is said there aremut more than 100 negroes in nil Paris, and throughout France very few persons of African blood are to be found. Act natural, my friend, and though you may nut uo very iruu, juu wuu w raaicuious. uucie r-ien.. Sccurllo, a flumeless explosive, has been inventeu uy iierr ecuoeneweg. May to-morrow bo all you wish. Jap- C- 1 .. Curo of Cancer and Clecrf, JndgaT. U. McLoadon writes to the Bivlft Bpoclflo Co. i "About three years ago, Jerry Bradley, had a caacerous sore on his face, sear the right eye. It caused him a great deal of pain, and, he lost the slant of the eye, but was Anally cured by the use of (Swift's Specific, Thit case It well known in Wilke Co., Ha., whore he lived." ' ..Mr. L. Cox, of Arkabutla, Tste Co., IIIss., writosi "I suffered a treat deal from old ulcers for years. Your nudl. elae was recommended, andaftar ustnr six bottles I was completely curedT Your medicine does even more than you claim for It. I have known It to cure cases which were thought topslsss." Mrs. A. il. Goldsmith, Mo. 671 Wsrrea Bt., Brooklyn, N. Y., writes' "I com. maucaj uslug S. B. S. about Inrtsyssra go, I had suffered with a sore throat or over a year, I used a great many ether remedies wlta ns good rt suits. JJyllttle girt, also, had soreflogsrs; 1 coiamsaced from the quick, sad then the palls would come off. We Aoctored her for over two years, and when I com mencod using 8. ft. H. 1 tboughtl would see what it would do for bar. I am thankful to say tnat It entirely cured bor. It is the best remedy I know of for the blood. I recti believe it was tho means of saving- ay life. The doctor told me I bad tkroat die ease ' similar to doners! Grant's. I cheerfully recommend It to sit suffering from disordered blood. Treatlso on Blood and Bkln Diseases mallei free. Turn tiwire Bracmo Co.. Urawera, AtUate, Q ' THE . CGLtftSnftAN AJttJ L 1 J J. ,J . l., - - - . . . ., 3... Ne4 of MeeKithlral expert. The present condition of the sewing tnschlrid ntislncrti'ls not', favorable Wthd development of men who shall bo Uiot ouglily educated both 1(1 tho' commer cial nnd rittthttnicnl Sides, of the' triulo. Men die 'when their usefulness is nnst, ns a machine M destroyed when its parti nro worn out This depletes the rankssnrelyj and it Is the only thing that seriously lessens the rrathttfr of sewing rriarJilnff lnen in this country. It is as remarkable as it a lor;tiitiato thing lor the sewing machlne trndc that rt mntt whd becomes identified with it thoroughly,, seldom lenves- it till he dies. where hri the1 coming rxperts coming from? In the factories, where every man is engaged duplicating the same pieces rorever, aim me adjusters aim inspectors never, see nny practical workf There neither is .opportunity nor practice pos sible In' the factories for the development of experts. In the agencies, whre the manager was a bbokkee )er or canvasser, and Who It a thsherf 'Where tho repairers are 'so notoriously incompetent .as to be come the butt ot ridicule! And the man ufacturing man is a specialist! operator Who docs not know anything .whatever ot mechanical construction? There is no ma terial in the-ofuco for the1 making of ex perts. To make experts you must take mechanically proficient men (Jacks of all trades; will not io); ana teach tnem tne practical side of the business in the places where sewinir machines are used as tools. To know ou& risks or style; of 'machine ii not umciont; ne-mnst understand an ot , . flT,V Mil Wall T4 ft.l - ditlon. he must study machines of obso-i lete patterns, for that which. is new Is fre quently old, and often machines have failed for Very trivial causes, 'and the per son who desires to become an cxpeft In tne sewing macuine uusiucss must mow its mcchanlcal;hlstory thoroughly. There, is plenty of work to be done by the man who begins' today to acquire' the knowl edge which, the old experts have gained in forty years, but by the time he knows it well there'1 will be demand for his ser vices. Sewing Machine Nevra. The New Emperor svs an Athlete. The new German emperor .ls-t-ox whs before stricken with his present ominous malady a splendid athlete, both on laud and in water. "Years ago,' "-says a writer In ruliarnanl'ai Messenffer. "I was awlm- raing In the -river new' Cologne,. when a youthful glanv lsetpng-. into tile water from the scaffolding of the military bath, canle down upon us with-s' terrific splasli, greatly disturbing the- equanimity of old Father Rhine. The noisy arrival was the heir to the Prussian-and German thronev, a passionate sportsman alikein the-liquid as on frozen water. ..Stretching himself. full length, and BtrHdiig out' Withtror- dlnary vigor, t he- made several circuits of the extenslze basin, and 'presently be gan to dive in the Most-accomplished and effectual style. "A bevy or small Boys, who hod been jumping Into the water after him, intent upon sharing the honors of the bath with, the Illustrious visitor, next; attracted lib attention. Seated upon a floating logj he , would skim along the greenish waves, ' surrounded bythe 'delighted 'youngsters and perpetrating all manner of tricks upon tnem, iikb iepmne piaying. wim Tritons', or, chAfaging the'ginnfe, be would nlnce the boys upouthe'loEnnddraa.them and push them about amid the exultant shouts of the dripping host.-- When he lef( Rt last, the boys hurried after him in a body, and,' dressing with the utmost ex pedition',' stood awltlng the1 prince ss -he emerged from his cabin! Amused at their) hearty cneers, ana averse irom cutting on terraiflnbatbose'whb had been boon-com -nanirms In a .less stable .ele.ment. the. crown prince invited his Juvenile -friends to the Aquatic restaurant and stoocl.treat to the whole lot." New York Tribune: tTaelean -ITbrWhlpers or Ilrnar'esC At three ot the. 'nhats' crematories were being made, at each of two' there' was one body being. burned, but'at the other five pyreswere burning, and twocorpres wert wrappetTin white cloth, one lying with the lower limbs in tho vriuertb bo ere- mated when the pue should be ready. A sewer from the city was. emptying its reeking, filthy sewage Into tho river, not twenty leet above the spot where ;the body was lying, and several bathers'Were ' gulping down great mouthful ! of the water about ten-feet, below the dead, body strange infatuation I Not far from this and above It was a deep 'tank, in which was as- hasty a compound as one .could imagine; itTVasj say, -flf tein by-thirty' feet in dimension. Its water, had not. been changed for months'. Thousands, havo bathed In it, and great quatitltles-of marl' golds and other flowervmiltand confec tions are daily thrown into it as offerings, -until' it looks as fetid as cesspool, yet dainty -women, whose necks, arms and ankles are weighted down with rarest Jewels, lay aside, their outer garments of emDromerea gauze ana shk ana lave tneir faces and rounded forms in the stinking slime, and believe themselves washed from impurities. Carter Harrison's Letter. "Austria's Sdurce of. Wealth. Ono of Austria's great sources of wealth is wood, and perhaps no country can boast of such an amount of. forests when com pared to 1U area. The plncipal wood pro ducing provinces are Croatia,' Slavonia and the former-military frontier In' these provinces the woods occupy 8,887,234 acres, of which 20 per cent; is younger growth and 80 per. .cent, timber forest; C9 per cent, of this quantity Is In the hands of the government or of large land owners, 24 percent, belong to the" -parishes; 5 1-2 per cent, is in the possession of the. clergy' and 1 1-3 per tent, is owned by single peasants. Were the ground covered by forests divided among all.tbe inhabitants, the portion falling' to the .'lot of each would be 1 3-4 acres. The cubic measurement of this, mass of wood Is l,055,0C6,340cublc feet, which, reckoned at nine-tenths of -a uennv oer cubic foot. gives a total of 89.707,200. The yearly ' , i - .... ii in ... , i i . . . i.i.i. I lucrtNiBe is ioi,ov,iii cuuic jeet, wuicn, calculated at the value as given above, amounts to upward of 500,000. Chicago Times. Story of A. Ilronson Alcott. I was greatly touched by the story of the way the good man used to discipline pupils by-lotting them ferule him until they were fairly ashamed to be bad. I was getting tearful over the picture, when an iconoclastic friend stepped up with a story that brought me to normal cheerful news ugain. It seems that among the scholars of Mr. Alcott wub one who bore the kind old man some grudge ot long standing, and when he was finally detected in evil he resolved, to settle the old score. -Taking the feruh to deal the master Ids usual vicarious pun ishment, he raised it high In the air and brought it down on the poor pedagogue's hand with such a tremendous whack that be nearly fainted with pain. The pupils did no more feruling after that. So you see another sweet illusion Is savagely smashed. Cor. New York World. thicken Cholera for lUbttlt. M. Pasteur's plan of exterminating :bUlts has been tried in a field near 'Helms, and is said to have succeeded, 'ne field Is walled in nnd wUs'fnll of bur ows. The gun and the ferret laul bees vainly tried. M. Loir, nephew ot M. Pasteur, went down and poured on ft trusal of hay some broth full of the 'microbes of chicken cholera. The next day nineteen dead rabbits were found, and two days later twelve more. In some of the bur rows were discovered families of dead rabbits, and not one living rabbit, has since been seen. London Times. When big ideas get into little minds something is bonnd to spread. It is usually the mouth. R lelery fombound sC ssfO Mervsos Frestrstlsa. Nsrvees Headache, H neureigie, nsrreus wseKasss, BUssack Vssss?!l. DlHS'SS, Rheemstisn, bye. iBJiii,M M sseaaau w SalsSSSS, THK LORD'S SUPPER. LESSON VII, SECOND QUAFVTERj IN TERNATIONAL SERIES, MAY 13. Test ot the' tsson, Matt, ml, 17-30. Golden Test, t Dor, T, 7 MehiorWe Verses SO 38 Comments by Iter. II. S. ItnfTman. tOondrnsed from Lesson Helper Quarterly, by permtaloD' ot II. I). HoITrtiia; Ililladelphla, pub lisher. Notes. VI 17. First day, Passover feast lasted seven days. Unleavened bread, that Is, bread without yeast or rising. V. IS. Time at hand, time ot his passloa V. 0. Even was come, about 0 o'clock. Bat down, reclined on divans. V. 21, Betray, deliver up. V. 23. Thou hast said, is equivalent to saying, "Yea, you know what you say Is so." V. CS. Testament, covenant. V. 80 Sung a hymn, the Ilallel Psalms cxv-cxviii were sung at every Passover, In this lesson we behold the Lord sitting down wHU his disciples under the old dispen sation to celebrate Its last Passover, and' arising from the table under the new dispen sation, with .the? Lord's supper Instituted.' There is a point in this lesson which marks the death ot the old and the birth ot the new and better1 economy of things. V, 17, The PnMover is called "the feast of Unleavened bread," because leavened bread was excluded during the whoie: seven-days that It lasted. .The entire passion and death of Christ, and many precious truths con nected with his1 redemptive work, are sym bolised by the Passover. The movement for the obwrvanee of the Passover originated on this occasion with the disciples. They came to Jesus asking him "where they should make preparations for its observance. It was Jesus' custom to observe tho feast The disciples were concerned about making ready for it A chamber hod to be secured; tables with couches or divans prepared; the paschal lamb had to be bought, slain at the' temple between 3 and & O'clock In the afternoon of Thursday, then taken to a private dwelling and cooked; bread, bitter herbs and wine wore required, Tho work of preparation was given to Peter and John. V, 18. They were directed to go to Jeru salem, where 'they would meet a man bearl lng a pitcher,, who would render them valu able aid. The direction and subsequent events show that Jesus was omniscient In the great crowds of people that filled Jeru salem, the right man would be distinguished. The man was to be told that Jesus' "time was at hand." Neither the disciples nor this man undei stood the deep significance of these words, for they referred to the time of Christ's suffering and death, by which souls 'vote to be ransomed from sin and death. V. 19. .It 'was- a blind1 sort of errand upon which thedlsdlRes were to go: Tbey asked no I questions, but in full faith on Christ's word they went We, like these disciples, and like' Abraham, are bidden of Qod to do things which our reason cannot understand. Faith, however; goes forward. , y. 20, 2L The paschal lamb was .killed about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and was eaten after the setting of the sun, and often in Jthe night Originally the supper was taken standing. In time the reclining post ure, as at other meals; was adopted. John ; occupied the place next to Jesus, and Judas thdj have been on ,tho other side of him. Our Lord and the twelve disciples were, a full paschal company, ten persons was the minimum. 'number. As they- were taking ithcirplacesatthetableastrife arose among them as to who should be greatest In con sequence of this, at the time for the washing of ! hands, Jesus arose from the table and -washed his disciples' feet, teaching them a iessop of humility. i V. 23. The effect of the announcement, upon the disciples is described in this verse. V. 23. "The Jews, at the Passover, used a bitter- sauce,1 made of' bunches of raisins,' mixed with vinegar and other seasoning, which they said represented the, clay which their fathers were compelled to use in Egypt in making "brick, thus reminding them' of their bitter' bondage there.' This was prob ably the dish to which reference is here made.-! Barnes. V. 24. "The Son platan ,goethJ' Among the' Hebrows the expression "man gbeth" meant' death. Hence Jesus states that he will die in fulfillment pf prophecy, and that while his d?ath was not the result of acci dent, there was still a terrible punishment to bo 'meted bat' to bis betrayer. It it be asked' hdw the crime of Judas is so' great when it was determined .beforehand that Jesus should be betrayed, it may be an swered: 1st The previous purpose of Ood did not force Judas. He acted freely. He did what bis Howrr -wicked .heart prompted him. 2d. The crime was what it was in itself iipart fr6m any determination of Ood. Sdj A previous knowledge -of' a thing does not alter its nature. 4th. Ood, who Is the best Judge of the nature of the crime, holds ail that was' done n crucifying the Saviour to be'by wicked hands, Aets ii, 23. Sinners cannot take shelter for their, sins in the de crees of Qod, or plead them as excuses. God will punUh crimes tor what tbey are in themselves. V. 25. To ward off suspicion, Judas nerved himself to break his silence, and asks this shameful question. The others had in lov ing reverence said, "Lord, is it It" Judas uses the more formal title, ."Master, la 1 til The straw tells which way the wind blows. V. SO. Sometime durlngthe feast, Jesus' took the thin cake of unleavened bread, and as was the'wlse and 'pious custom; '"blessed It,", or gave thanks. The breaking of .the "bread Was intended to represent how Christ's body would be broken and bruised for our sins. 'iThisismy body." The bread was to remind them of him, and the sufferings, and death he, should so soon endure. y.'27. After the regular' Passover was con cluded the Lord's Supper was instituted. The first communicants were very imperfect men. ,Ppor," unlearned, weak in faith, they still" loved Jesus, They, knew; trery little about the. f ralltet -t-owiiSKeWts. 5j hjr -th"edght ' they were willing to die for Christ and yet that very nrght'theyaTTf6rsooinnTund-h;c(t Peter, their .spokesman, (denied .him wjth . oaths, tharWghC"'U6w'jn'ercifui"the" Lord was lirgtvii-nj 'thV elensenti to' suehi No graceless jpersoa should .oonra' to-the" Lord's' SuppefcroButiwo, (?iut at the uiw tiinonQt reject whom Christ would receive. Do we lovejesusl That is the main question. V. 28. The "cup" was the type or emblem of his blood, his life, which he laid down as the atonement' for sin. V. 20. The Lord Is done with earthly rites, and at once points to the' marriage -supper of the Lamb. The Passover supper sublimed the Lord's Supper, this m Its turn shall be glorified into the marriage supper of tbej Lamb. There Is a day coming when a feast table shall be spread for Christ and all his people,. when they shall share with him triumphs, honors and happiness. The Lord's 6upir, coming down through the ages, is Ir refragable proof of the life .and death of Christ It looks not only backward, but for ward to bis Second'comlng. V. 30.. After the prayer recorded in John xvli they "sung a hymn." Thus our Lord sanctioned and sanctified church psalmody, Oonsunipt on Burely (Jarcd. To tub Eunon: Please inform your readers that I have a ponitiv remedy for the above named diseast-. By i its timely ma thousands of hopeless casea nave oeen permanently cured. I shall be glad to send .wo bottles ol my! remedy free to any of your reader who have consumntfon. if thpv wl send roe their express air j pptofHo address, itespecuuiiy, t. A. slooum, ai. u., ioi,rean r?tv . x (onovbrn EuroDO does hot want to no In war. A war over thorn wouldinterrupt travel of Ametitans.-JVjgio Orleans 1'icayune, WEAK NERVES FM Cklsbt Ooupookd 1j Kem Toelf wlxlcli ner iVi, CunUlniinf Celer al Cues, thotw w&o4frfol Derve tJiiiulAnuTTi f3 l ft AC RHEUMATISM III tlMxL It drtvM out th Uotlo itr-d, which Lai trust t uutftlr tax lhimiM.tin KIDNEY COMPLAINTS IJires's CrtlM CowrouKP qutckly mbires .. .. buu WUH... f" .'1,.., M..IIU. ii eurstiTa iHmcr, eombhird mth iu- ner livrr JlUklJUt,-il!j. 'ikl Ut ixtucr, comlihira tith 1U- iiervS DYSPEPSIA rani's Cir rsr ronrocirn tlrm'hna fas Slonitch. ana nuitl. adlirae. Ills ornaiia. TKls la ml. fV iu.-.i staa tbe worre casta tt IiraiMpaja. CONSTIPATION fern's Oitrar Oouronssls nolsesthsr, It UalaiaUva.siylna-raaranifnatural Cwsllsuaa? iK-uUnur aurtlj to- BaOlsimsnflad by grofaaatorjalad r-'s'atss Price tl.OO. Eold bT&ra1sta. WCLU, RKjHrHCQ, DEMOCRAT. BLOOftfefcMUi, .COLOMBIA COUNTT, PA, r. , , ar- . r - ai , - 1 - ' .a-...,...-. I ' OH! MY HEAD. The paid from Neuralgia and Its companion disease Ilhcumatlsm Is excruciating. Thousands who could be quickly cured are needlessly suf fering. Ath-lo-pho-ros will Jo for others what It did for the following parties t WrniunrporV In., OH, I. tssl. MsTloabeea sflUcteawHta nartl1 ?ar the DWWoof rssnv ni tHiMStmMtemr tblns. but In vsln, I Dnilii hsrd of Atnlo- Eharos. . After uklns one boltls I fraud It be hslpt of roe, sndsfter Uklns I our bot tles of Athlnphoros snd erls ot Pills, I found that I wis entlrel well. I think the medl clasM'positlveb'ftmreeiira. UaUCHCXI Ft. RSDCICS. Mt. 0rm.l, HI,. Dwl SS, 1W7. . I hsre used Athlophom, In mt fsraltr sua find It to bo the irrestMt TOwtldne for noa rslst In. siittence sndhATinsthMinsnnss f Mtoned n pan nw for 1 ho put ! rrs I know wbsraot I posh. Mai. JUIAA USTLTO. jr6cnd rents fur the beautiful colored pic ture, " Moorish Maiden." THEATHL0PHOROS CO. 113 Wall St. H. X. tibvsw.o tcoflms. HAT AILS YOU? 1)0 yU fe1'dull..lftnKUld, low-spirited, life lees, and Indescribably miserable both physi cally and mentally t experience a .sense of fullness or bloating after eating, or of "gone ness," or emptiness of stomach In tho morn. Ina. tonitue coated, bitter or Imd taste In indtitb. Irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent, headaches, blurred eycslKht,"llnatln(r epveke" before the eyes, nervous prostration' or ex. hsnstlon,' Irritability of temper, hot ttu.ties, alternating with t-htlly sensations, sharp, tiltlnir, transient pnlns lien- and there, cold feet, droirsmes after uients,- wakefiilnrs, nr disturbed nnd liiircfi'eslilna- Bleep, cnnitifttt, Indescrtbsblo feollug ot drvud, or ot impend" inrt calamity? It you have all, or any considerable hnmber of .these, 'symptoms, you arc sutTcrlnir from, that most common ot .American inniadles Biliom Dyspepsia, or Torpid I.I ver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indlirrstiou. Tho more complicated your disease bus become; the frrester tho number and diversity ot syinp toms. No matter what ststrn It tins reached, Drl I'lorco's (ioldcn Itlodlnil lUseovery win subdue It, If tnlten according to direc tions for n reasonable length or time. If uot cured, complications multiply and Consump tion of the Lungs. 8klu IilM-nHS, llesrt Disease, Itheumatlsin, Kidney Disc-aim, or other grave maladies nro uylte. liable to net tn -and, sooner or later. Induce u fatal termination. Br. Pierce's Golden Klcdlcn! Dis covery nets powcilUlly upon the l.lrer. nnd thrhugh that great blood-puiitylng organ, cleanses tho system of nil blood-taints end Im purities, from whatever-causo arising; It Is equally erlicaclous HI acting Upon tho Kid neys, and other oxcrctory nnnius. ceanstnr, strengthening, and healing their discuses. As an lappetlzlng,' restorative tblilc, It1 promotes digestion and nutrition, thcvrliy bull, ling up both flesh and strength. ' In tn.llart.U 'dlstrlcts, thi wonderful medicine has gained great celebrity In curing l'ever ami Airuo, Chills and Fefer, Dumb itguo, and kindred discuses. Dr. Pierce's Uoldcu .llcdlcal Dls coerr CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common lilotch, or r.riiptl6n, to the worst Scrofula, falt-rhcum,-" Fover-sorcs," Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, nil diseases caused by; bad blood are 'conquered by this powerful, purifying, nnd Invigorating medi cine. Great Eating ulcers rapidly heal under lt benign Inlluenee. Especially has It manl f. led its potency in curing Tetter, r.czema, Itrfiilpclng, Hoils, Carbuncles. Soro Eyes. Scrof ulous Sores and Swellings, 1 lip-Joint Disease. "White Swellings." Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. .Send ten cents In. stamps for a large Treatise, -with colored FilstcSjOn Skin' Diseases, or the fsmo amount or a Treatise on Scrofulous AtTpctlons. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." ThAroughly clennso it by using Dr. Pierce's Roldeu Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant, spirits, vital strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, , which is Scrofula or tho Lungs, is arrested and cuied by this remedy, if taken In the earlier stages of tbe diseuso. From Its mar velous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offerlngthis now world-ramcd rem edy to the public. Dr. Pierce thought bci iously of calling It his "Consumption Omit," but' abandoned that name as too restrictive, for. a medlclno which, from Its wonderful com; blnatlon of tonic, or strengthening, alterative,' or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, ana nutritive properties, is tiuequnicd, uot only as a remedy for Consumption, but for sul, tlhroule Diseases of tho Liver, Blood.-and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of ninod. Short-' ness of Breath, Chronlo Nasal Catarrh, Uron. chltls. Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it la an efficient remedy. , Sold by Druggists, at Sl.OO, or Six Bottles forfi.OO. r - t3f Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, fold's Dispensary MedlrolissoclaKoi, 698 Halo St BUFFALO) N. Y. SUFFERINCWOMEW I MARRIED . OR SINGLE. Whthi troubled with tbM Mooting Iti omi1rlte m freqoantlT following a coldortipware, or from Cod tltatlonHl WeakoHMi bo tecniiar to their hi,' llUKUttl Ua OR, DuGHOINC'8 Celebrated FE MALE REGULATING PILLS. Thersre Btrensthenlns to the entire Bratem, impart Cone, TUor anil masnHie force to all f anctiogcit body ana mina. baiii uy roan, eunir aeanNi, i. Aaurem, On Horter Medicine Co., ST. I ,LUU MS. M0.' ncvssaaccoly. AINWIIIGUT & CO., WHOLESALE OROCERS, I'lIILADBLFIIIi, Pa. KA8, YRUPS. COFFEK, MUGAlt, MOLASSES mrs. srioKe, bicarb; soda, ktol, kto. N R. Tomer Second and Arch fits; iriwtt receive prompt attentloni LADIES ! Do Your Own Dyolns:. BttIome,Vith PEKRI.FSS DYES ! They will dye everything. They are sold, every. uere. Price inc. a package. 40 ""lore.. They have no equal for strenRth, brightness, amount' In packages, or for fastness of color.i r non.fadlng rpialltles. Tney donol crackor smut. For sab oy oyer ums. Hnu .urn. ii. mercer, ivuntij. revolutionized the world dur I k the last half century. Not leas' among the wonders of ln ventlv nrogress Is a met hod and system of work that can be performer; all overtue nuntry without separtlng tbe workers from their 'mes. Pay llbe'al; ai.yone can dfl the worti Ither sex young or olds no special ability re lulred. t'apltsl n't needed; you are started free, ut this iut nnd return to us and we 'w III fcehr you tree, something of great value and Import. incio tou. inai wiusian. jomn uusiness,wnicn lll bring you In more money right away, than .nythlng else In the orl't Grand mitUfref. Address THO & Co., Augusta, Slatne. lyd -aecsn ItR YOU OOIWI to have any paper-hanging don this BDrtncn If so observe these Drlcea or newest pattern, perteet full length. 4 uiri- ur iiimu )iiici, u uruva tut,. tiesullful gold piper. 15 cents roll. Felt or cartridge paner. 80 c-nts mil. Heavy embossed gold pa. er, 15 cents roll. We'll senrl free to nnv address In the I'nlted States a full lino of simples wl'b borderato match. . U IHAMENT t CO., 1806 yarketst., 1'hlladel phl.t. I'a. ISnprlm When I sy Cimi I do nnt mean merely to stop them for a time, and then hateihem re turn again I MKA A ItADlUAI. CUItE. I hate made tbe disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life I ong studv, I WAnnANT my rrmedy to I'urk the worst cases. liecauo nthers have lulled Is no reason for nnt now receivings cure Hrnd at once for a treatise and a FitK Hon LB ot my Inpuuhlk ltRHsnr (lie Bipiri snd rau ttillcp It costs yen nnthlng for t trial, and It will cure yon Addrrns H.Q ROOT.M.O. l83PEA'lSi.,MrwYo. WIIjLiZAIVI hart BLOOMSBTJBG, PBNM'A,, AOINT FOR TUB KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. manufactruers ot the celebrated Keystone Dyna mite. This explosive Is giving universal satisfac tion, (uoiauoas cneeriuuy given. iinenem FREE! A Sa-l'AQK ILLUSTRATED I'APKIl Descriptive ot the Moll, Climate. I'roJsnilaei Jlnaurnetarlni Industries and Jllaeral Waali er Virginia sod other ssuthern butes. Write to YY.B. BKVILL, Oen'IPass. Agent, ltOinOKK, VA. Bnoloatiujtent Stamp. siA,V, BAMPLS TREATMENT CV-. I l Alarm ws mm enough to ooa. TC8 W k-1 CURE &L FIT S! Fiuot! M Prim!! D S M4DtUS CO. IIEADQUAIlTKItM FOK S lei ii way, oliiuei, K ran fell " Itaeli Fisclier, liincrsoiisj Pease wmmm t AND TIIK OELKBItATKD- Wilcox & White Organs. WPIanos Tuned and Itcpnlred by com. petent workmen, , Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Williarrwportl Pa. novi i-87-i y. &AXX.B.OAD CXXtrXB TA11E 1 All Dnitrliu, tie , Oo., and aiJO-.l'r.parTd anlrb Dr. Salb Arnold. MiCarB..WcK)ti.oc.i, at. yvELAWARK, iiAUKA WANNA AND WXST2BN1 RAILIlOAD. BLOOMStiUiWS DlVlSIpN. STATIONS. NORTH A. If. A 1010 10 !5 10 29 10 88 10 63 11 00 1107 II 15 11 22 11 SS II 30 '11 87 ' 11 44 ii 4a 11 53 12 08 12 IS I? 20 It 5 It 30 It 87' IS 41 It 45 12 SO 19 65 lios- 1 11 1 19 V25 1 38 r-at' Tit r ss I S5 , at. 6 15 NORTHUMBSXIAMD,.... S 40 Cameron. ........ b 5 cnulasky..L. ....... s 00 Danville t OS. catawissa c ts &S0 8' 84 1.58 S 14 S 19 8 34 2 29 S 40 B 58 uupert s so Illoomsburg.. ,....... 8 36 Espy 42 Ume Uldge 6 60 willow Grove ... s M 7 05 7 18 7 20 7 27 7 31 Brlarcreek e &s Berwick... .:!. t 05 Beach Haven 7 11 7-35 7'49 7 49 S-48" 2 84 8 68 3 09 t 18 8 S s'.'an 8 89 3 3 nick's rerry. . 7 is 5 Hhlckshlnny 7 ko llunloek's 7 43 Nantlcoke 7 GO Avoudalei..... 7 M 8 re 8-17 829 'J 8 S3 838 Plymouth 7 69 PI) mouth Junction,.'... 8 03 Kingston 8 08 Bennett 8 12 8 45 8 53 8 68 9 03 ff 09 Maltby i.. i 8 17 Wyoming a rt 3 S3 3 &S 4 01 west rittston s 27 llttston,.!. 8 83 Lackawanna ... I 40 9 17. Tajlorvute....... . 8 48 . 8 54 , 8 00 T W V 25 ueuevue Sobahtoh - 9'50 4 22 A at 9 35 A If 8TATIOII8, SOUTH.: A H . 10 S 18 . S 90 S S . 6 38 . (42 . 8 47 i 8 51 . C 55 HesiNTOK..; r at 8 05 i'ii1 2 21 r H 9 BO 8 55, 10 00 .10 08 io io tr 10 27 10 80 10 34 10 33 10 49 10 47 10 81 10 55 11 02 11 12' 11 22 Il 88 II 7 8 to 8 25 6 .10 6 37 e 45 8 tO 8 55 S69 7 0S 1 07 7 IS ueuevue TaylorvUle.,., i.acKawauna. . Pitts ton , WestHttston Wyoming Maltbr 8 28 '2 84 2 39 447 2 50 2 64. 2 59 8 03 8 08 319 3 29 8 39 8-45 8 61 3 57 4 Ot 4 05 4 19 4 18 4 24 4 29 4'64 6 00 5 15 Bennett ..... Kingston 6 58 Plymouth Junction.... 7 05 Plymouth rio Avosdsle. .' ...i ...... 7 14 Nantlcoke...., 7 19 llunloek's... 7 2S Hhtckshluny 7 '47 lllck'8 Ferry. 7 65 Beach Haven.i 8 01 Berwick 8 07 Urmrcreek:. 8 13 7 18 7 21 7,95 T 43 7.5' 8 07 8 13 8 20 8 87 willow Grove., ........ 8 is 1148 Lime Ridge 8 20 11 52 Kapy... ... 8 24 11 C9 Bloomsburg s 32 12 05 Kupert 8 87 12 10 Catawissa ...... ...1... B '2 121s Danville 8 67 12 30 Cbulasky...; 903 ..... Cameron 1 9 07 19 40 NOBTHCHBKBLAMD....... 9 22 IS 6 A It P If 8 81 8 35 8 41 a v. B 52 8 57 9 16 923 28 9 46 r v r u Connections At ItuDert with Phllsdelnhln A Reading Itallroad tor Tamanend; Tamaqua; will. lauispurL, nunoury, ronsvuie, nc A( iMorimim. berland with I'.tK. Dlv. 1'. It. It. for narrleburg, Lock Ilaven, Emporium, warren, cony and Erie, -v. jr.-iiAtiOajtau, uen.'jeti.f Scrastoa, Fa Pennsylvania Railroad. : iixi! Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis- ' ion, and Northern Central Railway. IWI TIME TA1LE. In I eBeot FEB. 8, 1888. . Trains leave sunburj KA8TWARD: 9.40 a.m., Seat Shore Express (dally -eacepv Sunday), for Harrlsburg and Intermedlatest atlons. rnviuf nil rmiaampma t. m. -new sore. 3.dv p. m. ; D&llimoiv, p. ui. ; wtssiiuufwa. 5.50 a.' m.. connectlngatl'luladelDhla'toralTset. shore points. Through pasaerigerr coach to ruuBjueipuje. 1.48 d. m. Dsy'exDreet dally except sunday),for nanuburg and i Utteme-, dlate stations, arriving at PhfladelphU 6.50 p.m.; New York, 8.85 p. m.j Baltusore 8.45 p.m.; Washington, 7.45 p.m. Parlor car uiroega w rnuaaeipnia ana paaecDger coacaes baroignvornnaaeipaiaanu tsaiumore. ' 7.4S d. m.Renovo Accommodation (daili In? at Fmia4MpBta4.t5 a.-m.'i New York r.lbav. m. Daitmiore, a. m. ; waaningxon e.u a. m. Sleerjlns car accenrmodatlonB can he secured a' Ilarflshurtr for Phlladelohla and New York. On Sun dara'. a thraneh aleeDlnsr car will be run: on . tbl irtumrom wmiamsp'iiornuJuieipmfuriuiaafHpDi't passengers oan remain in sleeper undisturbed nntl a. m. , , . 3 . '-9.oa. m Erie Mall (dally except 'Jionds), to? ; narrtsburg- and Intermediate stations m. .u nv ruiiaueipuia a. m. nc. aula, U.SvU m. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington", 9.i it. iuj lanjugn-ruiimiui sieeptug eanare jrua oi tais train ui i-miaoeipnia, uaiimore sua wuainv ton, end through passenger' coaches to Phliadet pniaaoa :itiiLimore. WBSTWAKD. S.lftft. Uatl frlftllv nvnent Rnnrtav ff Brie and all Intermediate stations ana canandal sua Srd intermediate stations, Hoesceter, Buna. loana rfiagararaus, Wlin inrouKfj ruuxusa raa ace oan and passenger coaches to Erie ana Becb aster. 9.58 News Express (daily except Sunday) foi uujuavcji'ftua'iaberuncuiave siauana, 12.82 cm Nlaeara Ki Dress (dallrexceDtSun j y) for Kane andlntermedlatestatlotis and ean, a iisiira& end nrlnoinsl lntermedlatei statteris. K'chealer. Buffalo and Nlatrara Falls with tbmigb passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester ana rarior carlo wuiiamsporw. o.9j p. m. traai. uno aauyiexcepi Duaarjiornr. noTo and Intermediate stations, and Elmira. Wat. kins and tntermedlst stations, with-through pu sentrtrooaohes to Renovo and watkiaa. .2u a. m. sunaay man tor itenovo ana isterme. aiate svaiion" TUIIOOOU TRAIK8 FOR HtTrtrntRTrFROatTUK XABT AKU BOUT1I. Sunday mall leaves -Phlltdelrhtti 4.M a. hi Harrtsbun; 1.40 arrtvlniet Bunburr 8.80 a. sa. with luroagn sleeping car irom rsiiMeipnia to wu News Exnreaa leaves rhlladelshla 4.30 a.m. narrtsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except ' BunOay . i Niagara Express leaves Phtltdetphla,7.40 a.m. Baltisore7.sea. m. (dally except Sunday arriving, at Bunbury.i8.6a p. m., with thronirn Parlor ear from Vhttajfi.miia and loroash passensjer . coaches trom rYlnt)!- UUIMUH uikiviuiurc. Fast Una leaves-New Yonr.oo m. t FklUael ptrhUll.50 a. m.:. WaaMnnon.8.60a m. Kami mora, 10.45 a: m., (daily cxeept Sunday) arrmnr at uunburyj m.. with throogh puaeragef vwBvupoiiuu. 1 utiaueiufua auu fiaiiiiuure. ErleMallleavesNevr'YorkB.OOpim. 1 Fhllsdel Bhls; 11.25 D. tn. 1 Wsahinirtcn. 10.00 D-m.i Haul. mere. 11.20 p. m., (dally except:Baturday) arrlvlnr at sdnhury 5.10 a. ou, with tn rough ipsllmaa ewuuwK uitrs irom raiiaqeipnis, wAanington ana UAittaora and through passenger "coaches froa HDlUIItV, HA'r.KTUN A WII.KKUflAtaRlf at All 1111 1 II at SM SB taJs l fans sun a.-- skMsiiiss'iM 1 a ss v nnw vw nT UVANIIII Ktil.WAY. (Dally except uunusy.) Wtlkesbarre Mall leaves Munburv a ss a. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.44 a. m., Wllkee-barre ii.8'4 p.m. . Kip reus Bast leaves Sunbury 6.85 p. m., arrtvlsx at Bloom Ferrv e8 p. m.r Wllkesrr.l ; n.iiicaTvBniitnDarniiu, tug hi uiooia forry u.,k s- in.,Mttntury. 12.48 p. riving at Bloom Ferry 4.39 p, in., sunbury B.srfp.Bi DUJIPAI untiY, 8saday mall leaves Sunbury 9:25 a. m., arrtvlnc St Bloom Ferry 10:18 a. to.. YVllkeo-Barre !): s!m. SitndAr aooommodsUon leaves Wllkes-Barre MO p.rn.. arrlntg st Bloom Ferry, 8.M p. m., sunsary, ObA bV P00B. i, . WOOD, 1! A. Ga. YATES 81 CO Best made Clotlniig in Philndelihii for Jfcn and Children. Sixth and Chestnut. (Lcdtrer Uiiildii g.) SICK HE AD-ACHE. NERVOUS HEAD? ACHE'. Both are Symptoms or a- Disorj DEREO 8TOMACH AND -LIVER. MANDRAKE 13 A SEDATIVE, AND AS COMPOONDEO IN Dr. Schenck's MaHH Pills WILL Jf PERMANENTLY CURE HE AD-A CHE! For Sale by HI Dmni;lU. Mrs 25 ct. rr bur, 8 boxes for H5 cts.1 er sont lr null, poitas Tri-e, on tacelpt i,t prlro. Dr. J. Ll.fjclionck i Son, l'lillad'a. Mason & Hamlin Organs and Pianos. .Tlie Cabinet Organ was introduced by Mason St Umilu In 1881. Mason A Huntlln Organs have .'.ittuya maintained their supremacy ovsr all ottiara, iiaviiu; received Highest Honors at all Qreat World's Kiblbltious rtnee 188T.. 1 The Improved Mode ef Stringing Pianos, Invented by Maroa A Hamlin in '1882, is a great advance In pUao construction, expert pronouncing it "the greatest Improvement ut ptsaoslii half a century." Planil circular; cnnulolng 800 testimonials from purcSaeat-s,. musicians, and toners, and FUan and Organ Catalogues,free, lusoa CB5AK aot mso ca, U larl UtI St. (Tti Surl), SXTTOI. apr i3 I'm mi Kewarded are those that read ,Bbie employment that, will not take them rfom their homes and rsmtuea. Hie profits are tarse and ure tor every Indus' rt- ous ptrBon, many nave maue anu are now, making several handled dollars a month. -It Is easy'fer any one to maketS'and upwards .per day, who is willing to work. Klther Bex. youfie or old: canltal not needed; -we start you. Everything new.- No special ability required; you, reader, can do it as well as any one. - Write to us at once for full par- icuiiub. wmcn we man, tree. Aauress BiicBoae to., i-ortiano, Maine '.yaecso. GALVANIZED WIRE NETTING!1 BEST & CHEAPEST FENCE IN THE MARKET run ruux.irix, uaiiukn uk lawa. IN HALES, 1W KEET LONO. 4PEKT man, ONLY W.50 PER BALE. n FKBTlIIOII. ONLY B.63 PEK BALE. 6 FEET HIGH, ONLY 8.75 PEK BALE. Other widths from 8 to e ft. at proportionate pneen. Aauresa oruers ana corrcspouauncu vo V. a , WIRE NETTING CO., 88 Beads St,, N. Y. PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marks ontalnrrLand all Patent beslness conducted for moderate feeh. , OUK OKFICK IS OPPl.SITE 1U. &. PATENT orvicE. , We have no sub-agencies, all business direct,' hence can transact patent buslressln less tune and at LESS COST than those remote trom Washington. send model, drawing, or photo,-? Ith description. We advise if patentable or not, free .of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ' A book'Bow to Obtain Patents, rwtth reterenees 10 aovuai cueuui in jour male, county, or lewn, agui ireo. audi rai aT A Si.tStr -J17 Ja?, aOaTk -a-e avme vi faxs, -avaa Opposite Patent otnee, Wahlrurton, D. a 1. C. SLOAN & BRO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Hanufaetnrers of CAHIAOES BUQOIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORV WAGONS It Hrstrlass work always on hand, REP A lRWa NBA II. Y DONh. Meet rtilunvlla mil th timet Hen Wonders exist In thousands 01 forms, but are surpassed by the marvels o! Invention. Those who are In need of prof itable work that can be done while Ifvinc at heme should at once send their address to uaiiet e 10., roruaou, atsmejane receive free, full Information how either Ber, of all ages, can earn from its to liapsr Jay aid upwards wner. ever tbey lite. You are started free. Capital not required, some have made over' S0' In a single day at this work. All succeed. lydecsi Cry & Well' LUMBER YARD BLOOMS11URG, PA. VT Ifeep on hand a large and well as. ' sorted stock of all kinds of lumber, Southern Yellow Pine Michigan Shingles, AVilliamsport Lath, Fdncing, Flooring, &c. A full stock of West Branch Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Window and Door Frames. Estimates and prices auoted cheerfully. Lumber delivered by .rvjiEuii ur mil liws JJOSHlVOiy lowest in tho miuket. spr 18 sm SALESMEN . . ("" for ths isle of Numry Stack I btesJy euiiilnyuitDt cusrsnttad. SALARY AND EXPENSES Mo. ptlrslonM. .t"nA"I Chase DnUkn Comftujy, 'teuulffitt. sMrak 88 MprUas4 Jmt T. W. OF ESPY, IJA., Respectfully informs his frionds nnd public) L'onernlly tlmt ho lina refitted hit planing mill. In addition to tho pinning mill work ho Is now urepared to fnrnlsh to order doors nn3 Innldo finish for Iioiispa. WESTERS PIWE veneered with all our nntivo wood8also forcicn woods, ouch as Mi hognny, Hbsowood.&o., &. All hard wood Mouldiiiti is npcd lor'Vimcu.i 1 it- md ,1 , , ail 1. l.ll l. .,,,1 W..I.I 1 nnl fill,,. It I.....I f . ItlSlOe luisn. illl wurs rami ire tu""""1"" " ' " tin veneering all our Doors and Cnsings, Hw UcnttU, At'., &c. AUo Ha'nnt, Ash, Sycamore, Oak, Uiitlernul, Maple, Chen, Poplar, Vereers, for pule atlho Mill, six to ten feet long, six to thirty inches wide. -T. W. EUtSiAIt. PERRINE'S ruivE BAULKY lit BTii.tiD from selected and free from Injurious oils and cldsotten tontoititd in nlcobollc lu.uois. Ill especially adapted to persons rcqulilug a . BtlmulatUigtciilc, toikbn j tins Uln. trrcatly beneilfted by itsusw. Hcionimcndtd by lending phj.lclntih Of a Dluitllc Nervine. Tonlo nnd Alterative. For consuniptltes It is invaluable. 1 1 MtlM-.'S POHK 1IAHLKV MALT WHISKEY Insures a return of vlfjor to the etomacb, a good abnetlie. a rich and abundant blood and lncreated nesb slid nititculartltsue, A stimulant mild and gem le in effect. Dyspepsia, Ibdlgrstlon and all v suing dl e&Bes can bo entirely conquered by Hie use or l'errlnu's I urc Di rlt j sit Whiskey, it is a tonlo and diuretic and a powerful sircngtlicner to the ent lie system, l ilt. MINE'S FUME BAULKY MALT W111SKK1 has iroed a nedlclnnl protection to those who pursue their avocations In the open sir and whose dally nork calls It exceptional powers of endurance. Ask jour nearest druitglst or gioccr forior 1'KIlllINE'S I UIIE UAltLEY MALT W1IISKUV revives theeneigles otthosonorn out with excesslvo oodlly or mental effort and acts as a saleguaid ogauut exposure In wetand rigorous weather. Until drive all malarious diseases from the system. Hard WOrKCrs OI every vocaiion tepsiannuin rcrnno'si-ure Mali Whiskey a powerful and helper to digestion. I'KHHINK'S I'UIIB IlAItLEY MALT WHISKEY without unduly stimulating the kid neys Increases their flagging activity, countcractsthe effects of fatigue, .has tens convalescence and is a wholesome and prompt diuretic WatcU-the label I None genuine unless bearing tbe signature Vvi Baiexi; all drug 1st and grocers throughou the united states and canadas. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. KOIt SALK UY HANDSOME VEDOINQ, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY J-hEUT. -v b rib, W U id W B ss sans g LUt Combining a Parlor, "PftPP. iki1 I Vtyfj P4 9 All Airn(aiiul nrith A bbbbbbbbVAbbbbbb. 3 aBsVasnii 3 -sTIIBaBHHK . -- nuu vuu 1 w ass ft 1 iij vuuvil AH !S.lxVa HI (I J ('III 1 1 rU atOUiAVholcsalePrlccie Scndstnmn fnrnntnlntriin nnri mnntinr. fier-t,, THE LUBURC MANF'C CO.. C. IB. JKOB1INI DEALER. IN WINES AND LIQUORS "AND J0EEER IN CICARS. BL00M8BDR0, PA. C3-:R,:EiAT INDUCEMENT We are offerinfi creat induceineiits lo liersons dtsirinfr to purchase Pianos, Organs and Among the Pianoe we handle are tho J f X 7 OA 1), a C: BRIGGS, BA US $ CO., SCh OMALKEJt Gold String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos are all lim-chib.. and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESI E) JU ILL EE, UNITED STATES and other nines. Our leading Sewing Machines are the celebjiited TI 11 ITT rtEWDA VIS, NE W DOMEST1 f. , A E TJ Eoe! ARD ROTARY Sawing notary Mewing Machine m the world. Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SAlJZFP'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING MAC TI INF DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Ms Pills CURB Malaria, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attaoks. SOLD EVfUtYW.iKi.lJ. EDGAR MALT WHISKtY. Darley Walt and guaranteed to bo clicnilcally nur anu penwiio wnum a Mwtumi) nieienuera prune 10 uarie Invlgorant The minlvMS Sh It anncars bv tho I.n bel on cery bottle: 1 have carefully nn aljied thul'URB Ua.iu.kv MaLt Wnis-! kxv made by M. & J. S. I-crrlne ond rind it entirely freo from fusel on, furturol.i metals and nclds and Is nbolutelj pure." klgited, Camilla Arthur Slater, tlraauatr of the Unlrrrslttet aftlunUih, uewvaana wettoaaen 38NORTH WAT1-.K FT., H'lLA UHUOOtsrS AND ALL DKALRItS, Jin iJ t H r U L m u-xcs ISk W H Library, Sinohlna;, Itrcllnln" or Invalid irQa5duJ?- end stomp j 3-SIIIPPRD to ,JJf fnr fataloKiic. iwrts of tho iroilil, Ya A inn..SI. fT,. 1. s. ...... I4B N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa. Sewing Machines. Machine, tho finest jnd best BLflQMSBUliG mE KILL io, Tbo iiDderslcntd Uavirg put Ms riculri M SSS' SI? rff,8rn eoedlirp,ij pe lured to do all kinds of work iq tits lire. FRAMES, SASH, TOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Ftc, nrnlsned at rt)ttiouuioi rlcct. All lontertned a wen seasoned and none but skilled workmen arr employod ESTIMATES FOB JmriNQB 5'5?0l 0Ii PPHcatlon. Vlttr and 'pecino ona prepared by an experienced draturliism.n nilAltM'P HRTG, DlouiutiburKi I'H &ovitio.otcair,