(LUMBiAJVf AJ DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURU. COLUMBIA CO'tfftTY, PA. Bleht llera in rennsyivanta. WHAT YOtm fniENDS AND NEIOH30U8 SAT ON A .MATTKH or VlTAIi lSU'OIlTANCE. JJolow will bo fouiiil n samplo of tho mnltittulo of letters of rnoottragemont JIcbsts. II. II. Warner fc. Co., of U choatcr, N. Y., dally receive The subjoined unsolicited teatlmonn's aro from your frionds nnd neighbor, lnd ios and gentleman you know and cs teem for their honor nnd atraightfor. wardness, nnd who would scorn to be a party to any deception. What bu been done for others can be dono for you, and It is folly, nay sulci. In', to Buffer when tho means of recovery lie at your very door: West Philadelphia, (373a Centre SL Jan 1st. 1888 Mv flrrandiuothor Buffered ten years with kidney disease and irritation of tho bladder. Sbo could not walk straight nor could she steep ton minute at a tlmo. She had several doctors, but they all failed to civo her relief. Sho took "Warner's Safe Cure" six bottles in all togeth er with several bottles of "Warner's Safe Pills" and wus cured This was 4 vears aoo and sho ha? been woll over since. Uer natno is Mrs. Mary Evan, No. 3788 Centre St., West Philadel phia, Pa. All of my relatives as well as myself take "Warner's sate cure. I recommend it to all of my frionds. . ...71 West Philadelphia, Pa., (.852 N, 52d St.). Deo. 7th, 1887. I can most oositivelv cortifv to iho merits of "Warner's""Safe Remedits." I cuffer ed and was pronounced incurable by prominent nhvsicians. As a last to- sort and without faith, I commeneod using "Warner's S fe Cure" and "Tip pecanoe" with surprising results. Details would be revoltitnc it was one of the severest cases on record. will cladlv roolv to anv it tters and will eivo narticulars. "I hope this statement will bo the means of iuflucn cine somo one to employ tne same means for their recovery. Chester. Pa.. (710 Hiukson St.), Jan. Kith, 1888. 1 have bien onied by tho use of "Warner s Safo Cure" of verv severe form of Itidney disorder aU tended with excruciating paiu so ttat I was unable to be on ray tei'i tor any length of time without the moM. tin bearable pain. I think "Warner's Safe Cure" has saved ray life. Pottsvillk, Pa., D.-0. 14, 1887. I have used half a dozeu bottles pi "Warner's Safe Cure" and have been greatly benefited by it, and no other medicine can take its place. Dallamown, Pa.. Deo. 12, 1887. "Warner's Safe Remedies ' are well recommended, and I know myself that they have given me, as well as other people, great relief. Starrucca, Wayne Co., Pa., Jan. 28, 18H8. I have taken a gr at many bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure," and can recommend it as the bent medicine I have ever taken. "Warner's Safe Cure" has done me much good. Baking Powders- By Prof. Dorkmus, of B-llt-vue Medi cal Coll g', Ne York. Elnl'oraie experiments on tho effect of the residue left by cream tartar and other baking powders on gastric diifct tion, showed that the digestion of al bumen bv gastrio juice was greatly re tarded by the residue which would bo left in biscuit made by cream of tartar tiakint; powdets. Beside retarding the digestion of albumen, it wa ob served that thn tartrate residue render ed the mass liable to ferraeutive chang es. That tho phosphates can have any detrimental influence on cither gastric or intestinal digestion is improbable, since the iuices of the digestive organs contain thene salts in relatively large proportion. Indeed, at one time, the acidity of the catno jutce was consid ered by muny to bo due to the presence r t l !.! I.' oi pnoHpnunu uuiu iu uuiuuiuauuu. Practically, the "acid phosphate" as prepared by 1'rof. Horxford has been foun.d to act with great benefit in some types of dyspepsia. Whilo tfiero are many baking pow der mixtures of quite dissimilar com ooehi.in. vet thev have essentially but one office, that of ruisirg bread. Tboir action may take place at the time of kneading or subsequently. 1 he may possess some advantage in regard to cost or quantity to be used, iu the residue, if there is any, being either smaller or lm uimriou. than some other : but in all as cave one, the element of addl g a nutriiiv. eharaete to the bread is entirely lackitiL'. Unless a phosphato form one of tho ingredients of a baking powder thero is no residue left of nutritive value. We are in the position to-day to elect from amontf many ot approxim ately equal value in other respects, a powuer uumioru; wmuu uiiau wiruugu the foresiorht of one versed in science, surpass all competitors in pos-esing the to the flour nutritive elemonte. Scientific American. AH sons at Potion Mr. Vt F, I)ler, AJitHO'H Ag'nt of tha Brooklyn Kief U4 JtulltoJ, wriUt. "IntUmtuatory rheuintlia twtlltd my legt nd rma to twice licit oatuml aim I auffnad airt mlating pain Vour won derful H B. 3., uiada a complrU (.ure. ilajor Hiduay Herbert, editor ol the Pentium Vultiwtor and Unit Farmer, Atlauta, Oa., wrltra! "I bate fully teaUd the rlrtuea ot Bwiffe Specific, both at a rheumatiam cure and a tonio It baa doue Tan more tban ita proprietotl olalm for It Mr. Mioliael LonB', Jr., with tbe Stro bridga Litli.'K'rpliin Co , Ciutfuukti, Obio, writea; "1 suffered lor two yeare with a terrible itching and painful eurea on my seek, arms, bands and tiuKtia No pby siciau aiutd belp mo U. ti. S relieved me perfectly and I fci-l HV" a new mn lira. Amanda Ingle, ol Uastrmla, W 0, writes i "My baby, wben lour uontbi old, dtielnpad acrolula. He bad two lo vers risings and Horn on tbe neck. I aent for our laiuily pbyaii ian, who pronounced it acrolula, and rreirrlbed B. 8. S. lor it. I rare tbe baby SKU. and It a-on got tbe dlaeaw under ooutrol. Tbe aorta are healed, and tha baby la well and healthy. 1 know ti. B. a. eared its life, and I told our doctor so. He ia a regular physician, and preeurllwl 8.8 H lor the baby as soon as he saw it had anrnfula TreatiM ou Wood and Hkin Diseases mailed free. Til ft WIT UfSVIWO Co Urawsr B, AUUta, Ua. Frotcotion and 1'inWton. A few weeks aco Mr. Andrew Car negie of Pittsburg indulged in a mourn ful lamentation over the prospective disaster to labor in tho event of the passage of tho Mills tariff bill. This protects! millionaire, who some time ago laid up daily a net pr. fi of $5,000 m uls investment in nis steel worst, is now' engaged In a terrible battle with his employes over tho question of their wages, ifo still has the protection of the war tariff but refuses to p his workingmen tho wages thoy re' quire. Ho hps employed other men and has hired a squad of Pinkerton delec tives armed to thw t' eth to oi foroo Ins polioy ol employing tho ohapost la mr And yet Mr. Carnegie is" ono of the mot liberal omplojers in any "proteot- od" industry. From this epispdo lot Avprkingmen learn that the tariff has nothing to do with fixing tho price of labor, liven so generous a roan as Andrew oarne- gie retuses to share witn nis woraing mon tho profiw a high tariff puts in his pocket. He, also, llkeall other omployers, seeks to secure his labor at tho lowost possioie price, mi muu are selfish in greater or less degree. Charity begins at home even with pro fessed philanthropists liko Mr. Car negie. Tbo tariff laws do not oxpel tho sol fish demon from the human brean, but rather give him greater control of the man. Tho employer regards tho benefits they confer npon him as exclu sively his own, and seeks to enhance them by reducing tho wages ot his.em ployos. What a sham, therefore, is this pretension that tho tariff affords protection to labor Patriot. Tlie Orown Prinoe's Joke- war oehmant's comino kmi-kiior suf fered THREE DATs' IMPRISONMENT. From the Newcastle Chronicle. A German resident who was a stu dent at Bonn with tho present German Crown Prince relates of that personage that some timo after leaving the uni versity he asked, in a mysterious man ner, of a certain officer in Berlin, whether he had heard that the array urn to be mobilized in twenty-four hours. The offioer rashly took it as a' definite assertion and court secret, but it did not long remain a secret in his hands. lie mentiont-d it in a whisper to someone else: tho reporters got ou the scent, and before two hours it w in capital letters: "Army Mobilizatio." in Twenty-four UoUrs!" in all the eve ning papers in' Berlin. Then all wa hnrrv nnd nnnntprnntion and inauirlf. AgaitlRt I Acainsi whom was me wan Francet Against Russia! Was it Austria! Was it Italy! Was tht Fatherland invaded! Nobody knew Thn crenerals were asked; they de nied all knowledge.ibut wero disbeliev ed. They inquired, however, tor themselves; and after the report ha spread, causing a panio through nil Europe, it was bnally traced dsck i its source, l'rinco William wan b -verely reprimanded by his grandfather, who gavo him three days' arrest fo his intended joke. A Long-Lived Family. Talk of longevity! Here is a well- nnthenticated little story of a family of centenarians in Hungary, oil paint ings of several members ot whion are now in the possession of a family at Atx-la-Unapelle. Ai ine Daon oi tu life-size pioture of the old gentleman there is an inscription in quaint, old fashioned German to this effect: "Janos Robin at the age of 172 years Graeoi Ritus; has been married 147 years, was born and lives at Szodora;, his children, two sons and two daugh ters, are still alivej the youngent of them is 116 -years old, and has tw great-grandchildren, of whom one i-thirty-five atid the other tenty-sevet' years old." The inscription at the back of the old lady's picture is "Sara, bis lawful wife, aged 168, born a' Szodora." And this happy famib actually emigrated from the scene of his long labors as a tiller of the soil, and ended his days, if the old chron icles are right, in some corner oi Silesia. A Letter from Governor Carrier "Pond's Extract Company, No, 76 TPHth nnenue. New York CltU i Gentlemen : I have used Pond's Ex tract in my family for several yoars, and have found it a most desirable and valuable remedy. Yours truly, Moody Currier. "RYfip.nt.ive DeDartraent. the State of New Hampshire, Concord, N. H. Deo. 3, 1887." Pond's Extract is invaluable for all kinds of Pain and Inflammation. Excellence invites imitation. Be ware of worthless imitations oPond's Extract. Dead Letter flic Museum. Connected with the dead letter office is a sort of museum, where curious articles that come In tho mails and cannot be re turned to owners are placed on exhibition. In the cabinets which extend round the room aro shown articles Innumerable nnd varied, many of which have histories. There are pictures and toys and Jewelry without number. Several Indian hatch' ets which were unclaimed give to oiie of the cabinets an archaeological appearance, and a pair of Indian pipes of red sand stone cross each other in truly peaceful style. One ot the rare curiosities la a sheet of parchment, on which Is pinned the Lord's prayer In At tjr-f our languages. It is said to be a duplicate ot a parchment which hangs lu St. Peters's at Home. Chicago Herald. A Barber's Observations. The loquacious barbers now and then have Intervals when they remark Inci dents that escape the attention of many In tbo tear and man o: lire, "xou Bleep on the right side ot your body," one ot them said the other day, es he clipped the) semi blonde hair of a customer. "Why? Bo cause don't you see that your hair Is thicker on the right than on the left slder We can readily tell on which side a cus tomer sleeps. The heat Is confined to the side ot the head resting on tho pillow, and that heat makes the hair grow thicker about the temple." The barber didn't explain the accepted statement that the constant wearing ot the bat produces so much beat that men addicted to tbe prac tice are bald. New York Bun. For The NEHVOUS the DEBILITATED The AGED, Paines THE WORK REVIEWED. LESSON Xllt, FIRST QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES. MARCH B8. Derelopmenta of Life and Doctrine! aa TaURlit In the t.eions for the first Threo Month nf the l'reent Year Pre pared Especially for Thll Taper. Tho lessofis 6f'l!io hrst quarlci- open with the conflict In tlib'nilrid of Herod and his com plete surrender to sin an appalling llluitra tlon of how rapidly alp accumulate. Oice Inquired by the brilliant and wicked Uerd dlas, he proceeded to violate In rapid succes sion tho most vital commands In tbe. Jewish law. marrying his brother Philip's wife while her husband and till bwn wlfe'"were alive, then living In open violation of tha law, then Imprisoning John the Bnptlitt and finally having him murdered at the instiga tion of n profligate dancing girt Such are the stops from lust to murUor, as so often shown in our own criminal courts. The, mother sinned, the daughter sinned with hor; in consequence John the Ilaptist lost bis lffe, but Herod lost his Immortal souL John tho Uilptlst had excited such interest In tho minds of devout Jews, who boned for a Messiah speedily, that soon after hjl death somo of them came to Jesus and asked ques tions, showing that they behoved or trusted that ho was John returned to life again. J cots retired for n while to a "desert- place" on tho north side ot the Sea ot Tiberias. There he performed the miracle of "feeding, the multitude," which is the subject of the second lesson of the quarter, nis remark! to the disciples teach the great lesson ot com panion that Christians must do all .within their power to relievo physical suffering, aa Well ns moral. How deeply this doctrine was Imprinted in the new system is shown by ono glorious and significant fact! Among tho earliest acts of tho Christians, after they obtalned.toleratlon, was tho Inauguration of hospitals) and of all the grand charitable In stitutions of the World today, not one In a hundred is under other than Christian direc tion. Tho modern hospital system is the child of Christianity. Heathenism could point to Its temples and altars, and Infidelity boasts of Some orators and public balls; but neither of them is capable of luch sacrifices ,os are shown ,by the devoted women who walk In danger and pestilence to relieve the sick, and neither ever founded such institu tions as maLo glorious and immortal the names of ao many benevolent Christians. The third lesson Jesus Walking on the Sea teaches his divine mastery over na ture and tho necessity of fnlth in his jxiwcr; and the fourth Jesus and the Affected em phasizes tho teaching of tho second. Tho so called Conoanltlsh woman, whose daughter was healed, nas one of that ancient race bordering Juden on the southwest substan tially the same people as the Phoenicians and Carthaciniaiis, a people detested by the Jews., Hence this miracle was a matter of surprise to the disciples. The firth losson Peter Con fessing Christ contains the material for many thousand volumes' of controversy. It is sufficient to say here that Peter's answer Is the sum and substance ot Christian faithi "Thou art the Christ, tho Son of the livih'g Ood." FVom thl's tlme Jesus began to unfold his mission to the disciples, but charged them that as yet they should not proclaim it. It was well for them to fully master the great fact before they undertook to teach it to oluem. The fact of, His divinity being thus sot lortn, lue succtxxiuig jeasutia u ua w UB vclop the nature of his kingdom and the method ot obtaining a shore lu it. First in this serial development is "The Transfiguration," discussed in the .sixth Ics-. son the divine approval, by messengers, ot tho truth revealed to and stated by Peter. In modern methods of law and government we should say this, was a formal surrender of the symboU) of authority by the officials of tho preceding administration. As the Mosaic dispensation was now at ,on end, Mosos was there to "Inaugurate his successor" (with reverence the parallel, may be permitted), and with him Ellas, who had foretold the now while he sustained the old and'had been spared the taste of death. They confirmed Christ's mission, and so tho old dispensation ceased forever. In the' seventh lesson Jesus a lid the Little Ones la the first requisite for entering tbo kingdom Illustrated : ' 'Except ye bo converted and1 become as little children, ye shall' not enter, Into the kingdom of heaven." .Following upon the entrance into the new life cornea a lesson' (the eighth) upon the first, and to most lieoplo, perhaps, the hardest duty of that life: "A Ecsson on Forgiveneos." It is not sur prising to any man who will look Into bis own heart and note how anger, burns there against sqme people, to read that' when Peter was told how very forgiving' he must be, he could only, exclatmi "Lord, increase, qur fiilthl" Verily a hot blooded man as Peter showed himself to be needed to make that praj'er very ,of ten in.thls matter of forgive ness; and so does every man. Many a Chris tian has trembled and hesitated as he came In his prayer to that fearful request, "For give us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." The duty ot charity is next taught, in the ninth lesson The Hlch Young Ruler. He seems to have been an exemplary young man us to the works of the law, and his state ment knows that he was encrusted with self righteousness., Cut when he came to the rest of tbe new dispensation, that tmere refrain ing from evil was' not' enough, but he must 'give up all for Christ," he could not tiring himself to the point of making such a sacri fice. The principal points as to the inauguration of Christ's mission being now established in the minds of his disciples, we are introduced in the truth .lesson to the dark passages pre saging the .final tragedy. Christ started on bis last journey to Jerusalem, and taking the twelve disciples apart pn the 'way impressed ou them the painful fact that his sufloring and death were near at hand. St Matthew at this point suddenly breaks away from tho direct narration And inserts tho fpisode of the mother of Zebedee's child, probably to teach us that eveu then tbe disciples had but a faint conception ot tho new kingdom., Thero was indignation at the request of tho mother that her two sous should have the chief places, and Christ seizes, the occasion to Impress once more on their minds the great fact that his was not an earthly king dom, and on this earth they wero to expect tulTering. In the eleventh lesson Christ entering Jerusalem we have a curious illustration ot the tiiklacharaeterof multitudes. They came shouting hosamias; but a little, later, when Christ had Improved on them that he was to havenothhig to do with their schemes for earthly (ji-andeur, they rojoiood in his arrest aud pried "Crucify hkn I" Tho parable in tho twelfth lesson, and its scornful reception by tho priests, snows cioariy mat every nay ol Chrit's teaching In Jerusalem had greatly increased the priestly hatred against him, nnd a little later .we see how they had in fected the body of the people with their'feol lugs. The evangelist does not detail the changes of opinion, but gives us Just enough to show how rapid they were. The quarter's aeries ends with intimations of this change, and the next will introduce us to tbe closing scenes. Oonsumption timely Uared. To tie Editoii: Pleas inform your readers that I hav a poHitivo, roraedv for the above named disease. By its timely usu thousands of hoj'eless cases havo been permanetilly cured. I shall bo clad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who havo consnmptton, u thoy4 will seod me their express anJ postofflce address, iespctfplh, T, A, Slot;b'm, M. C, 181 Pearl St.,'N. Y (26no0m, Europe does not want to ao to war, A war pynr tbpr would Interrupt travel of Anierii ai(i'.-iYM' Orleans J'tcatune. A NERVE TONIC. icry svoq uoc. mo prominent in rrtdlenu, are the bent ind M.futt h'erre Tonici. It itrcngtbeu an4 ouleu (lie nciroua imtm. curtu Dervouj We&kxteii, UjtuttU, rJlee l!in(s. A p. AM ALTERATIVE. it drives out the polaonons humors of the blood purifylug and enriching It, and so overcombig those dfM-'aaes rcsaUtng from uapure or Impover ished blood. LAXATIVE. Actlogmlldlrbutturelfontheboweli It cure liaMtuaJ conBtlpatloo. tuitl Tiromotciarejrularhabit. Uktreortb cos tbe atumacU. and aid ditfeatlou. DIURETIC. Id lu conipofllilon tbe betl and moat actlTediiirettcaoftheMateriaMedlCs. are coiabLned scicntlflcall; w ith other effective rcmedle for dlwaaea oi tho kidney i. It can be relied ou to (ire qmcK reuei ana ipucu? t-unj,, naadrvdjof tsMtk Uctoclill I bsT booa rMl4 from MnuM ba tuv this) rwaiodj wiUi ttltt 11.00, ftU Vf PrlU. RICHARDSON 0M Prop Sffe Tried and Knotis. A leading chemist of New. York nyil "No plasters of inch merit, ss theAth-lo-ptib-rosPlaiterihaveever before been produced.1' They are a novelty because they ore not made, sitnply.to tell cheap, they are the but that science, skill and nioneV can produce, and will do what Is claimed for them. For sprains, aches, weakness, lameness, etc., they are unequalrd. KHTultori St., Baniluair,r)., Nor. S), ik Eimtic. 11 m tne m i are iiwt many-alqa. lurlc. It In the W I vvr trlM fttiA I "hi tlikl IndL., Our rinimriat 'In ten ivnaVll ttom thMm but 1 don't Utrikitom lon'i tfttrilt no now . 1 uprturtrvi m; d otiynMrr In vulr, and it du yrti i ft prtuiyq lurira Vmtnfa. ftlnc, but Jt doe not pUn im h VUlTt inn II USUI ix-arii HI now. Mn y'lfcnrtGccntiifor the brnmiftir colored plo- lure, "juoorun Aimacn,- THEATHLOPHQR0SC0, 112 Wall St M. K norn c tcosms Tho treatment of monyithoUsaodsibt coses of those chvonlo weaknesses arid Uislicelnir ailments" peculiar to reuiHlcs. attne lhValIas, nenur peculiar to leuitucs. at-me invalida te! and Surgical Institute, llultalp,, J i afforded a vnit cipcru no? fn'nlceir adapt : And tburnusliir,trttng' remedies for the Hotel i has i lacr i cure of vomau'a necullnr innlmlles. Or. 1'lorco'M t'nvnrlto rrcacrlptloli la tho outtrrowth, or result, of this arcut and valuable nperfenco. .Thousands of testimo nials, received from pHtllnfs and from iihysl citins who have tested It In tho more nfrirra vateJiend obstlnato caws.w.Ulch hndilmtilcd tboir skill, prove It tn bo the most Wonderful remedy over devised for the relief and cure of suffering women, it Is nut recommended as a "cure-nil," but as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar nlluients. ,. i , , Aa a putvorful. iurlKorotllla; tonic, It Impaits stronRth to. tho whole eyetein, and to the womb and Ita appendages in particular. For overworked,' "worn-out." ''runrdown," debilitated teachers, .milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-trii Is." house keepers, nursing; mother and feeble women aenenUly, J)r. Pierce's l-'avorlteritiscrlptlun is the greatest earthly boon, bclntf unciuhled as an appetizing cordial -and retlorullni tpulo. Aa n auollilns; and strengthening; nervine, Fnvorilo Prccrltli,n'' fa une- 3unlel aud la Invaluable in allaying; and sub ulng nervous excitability, Irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hj'flcrla. epHsms and other distressing:, nervous symptouis com monly attendant upon functional and rjiyaulo disease of tho womb. . It .Induces refreshing; sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency, . , i . , , ' Dr. IMCrcc'a Favorite Prescription la n leRitlmnto medicine carefully! comuounucu ur an eiuerienceu ana bk niui nhvslclnii. orifnulz-alon. ana aaaptca to womana ueucate It Is purely veuetabla In composition and perfect! ncrfectlv hnrlnlefm In effects lu any condition of the system For morning- sickness, or nausea, from .whatever 1180 arlslnir. wi-nk atomneh. fndltreatlon. dra. newels ieila and kindred symptoms. Ita use, In small doses, will provo very beneficial. " Ffivorlto IrOBf-rlmlnii I' fa n boot. Ilvo euro for the moit conipliented nnd ob stfnnfe cages of leucOrrheo, excessive flowing;, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling; of tho womb, wenk back, ,' femalo weakness," anteverslon retroversion, bearlnir-down scnsntlons, chronic confrtlon, Inflammation and ulceration of the womb. In flammation, pain nnd tciKhmcss In ovaries, accompanied with "Internal beat." Aa a regulittor ami l'romoter of func tional action, at that ciitlcal period of change from p-lrltmod'to womanhood, "Favorite Pre scrlptiou" Is a pcrfootly safe remedial agent,, and can produce only pood results. It Is equally elflcacloiis and vnluablo In Its, effects wben taken for those disorders and derange, mente Incldent to that Inter nnd mont critical period, known aa" Tho Change of Life.". "Favorite Prescription." when taken In connection with tho use of Dr. FJerco'i Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. l'lcrco'a Purgative Pellets il.lttle Liver .Pills), cures IJver, Kidney and llladder diseases. Their combined uso also removes blood taints and abolishes cancerous ' and scrofulous humors from the. system, "Favorite) Prescript Ion" is the only medlcino tor women, sold by druggists, under a positive sruarantee. from the manu facturers, thatTt will give satisfaction Jd ererr case, or money will bo refunded. This guaran tee baa been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and .faithfully, carried out; or ,Biany, vears. . I.arce bottles rlOO doses) $1.00, or alx bottles lor $5.00. For large. Illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (ISO pages, paper-oovsred), send ten MnU in, stamps. Address , World's Oispansary. Mb rllcal IssDcIalloB, t 63 IHalll 8ft, BUFFATOj If. I. SUFFERlNGVtMH MARttlEO SINGLE, Whn troablsM wlthHho nrl6yliia IrremlaritifmBO frequent? following r coM or i.xpoturQ, or from lxn ttUUonitl Woakneasefl m rxtulitu to thIr Wl, aboaia Use OR. DuCHOINE'S Celebrated. FEMALE REGULATING .PILLS. Thr&re BtrenntbeninK tthe entlr -ntm. jSpart toD,Tl(oruii4 miucnetio fore to all fonctfouaol hodf anil mind. Sunt by inn II, murvlr sauloti, II. Addrfm, Dr. Hart or hfecJiclne Co., S-t. LOUIS, MO. YAINWUIGHT &CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 1'fiuADitLpnu, Pa. HAS, SYRUKj, COFFEE, HUGAK, JIOiASaEn I R1CB, BPfOKB, BIOAIIB BODA, ETC., KTO. V. E. corner Second and Xrch Bts. UF irieri will receive prompt attention. LADIES 1 Do Your Own Dytlug, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! They will dye everything. They' are sold every- where. I'rtco inc. a package. u 'nura. ucj hnvonn enwal tnr fitn-nirth. blicrhtneHS. amOUOt in packages, or for fastness of color. ' r uon-tadtiig fluauiiea. iney uouui. :ibwlui wtw.iv.fM by wojer Bros, and Jas. 11. Mercer. reni,riy. nas revolutionized the world dur lg the last- half century; Not least among the .wonders, ot ln vpntlv nrftLrrewts amelhodanrl syaftrri of work that cad be performer1 all over the country wunoui nepiriing lue.woraerHirointuen himes. Pav llboral: ai.yone con' do the work: either sex. young or old; no special. .ability ro, nulred. Uanltal nt needed: you are started free. Out this out and return to us and wo wlU sen you free, something of great value and' Import anew to rou. that will start you tn nuslnesH.whlcb will bring rou In more money right away, than untrttttniy Ium In thn nrM. flrtiwl mittll fYre Addr-hS Tau Co., Augusta, Maine. lydecso V! for in lift YOU OOINQ to have any paper-banEUUT done tnts pnnff7 uso ooservc mese pricea iiiwent njttern. neric-i iuu lernrtu. i.u.tra orinlca narjer. s cents rilL Meautllul gold paper, 11 cents TOIL Kelt or can rldgo pa-wr. 80 o-nts roll. iifAwv ftintoi.(i i?okl oa er. us ceotq rolL We'll send tree to any address In the t'nlted States a full line ot s tmpleawl li borders to match. U lll.illM . tu.i I A nuiftcint.) ruMHUCl phla Pa. ts.iprlin ' hen I v ( unr I do not mean merely to 1 p iiiii lor h tune, auu ineii nave uini re ni inlll I MK A ItAIIlCAL L II 11 It. 1 hue made the disease ict 33PILEPSY or PALMWG SZOICNESS, ',' 'on'stiid. I warrant roy remedy to ''e '.Yf.rt c.we. i.ecauvo oieer1 nave 1.1, r.-iibun fur not now receU iv2 " curt' .iu,i'tr.r;itreallnnda Hiik IKrrri.r inri L1111.K itfvrov uive 11 , 1 l'i'i lilli.e It cu.u Jill iMilh.uit (or , ti.u it wlll'cure jjoii. Addrr O .0 "". M.O. dfi3fl I Si ,N:viV" WILI.IA.ra HART BLOOMBBUEO, PENN'A., AQENT FOU THE KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. mannfactruera of the celebrated Keystone Dyna mite. This explosive Is giving universal satlitao- tion, quotation oneeriuny given. iwieueiu FREE! w Descriptive ot the Holt, Cllmatr. Prodaelloaa, iViHnuruf.urliiK indu.i.lr. and .llnrrul Wfaltk fVlraluia and other southern states. Write to W, B. BKVIIX. 110 nenl Pass. A Bent. OKB, VA. Bnoloidrgt-cent Hi amp. SAMPLE THEATMENT ' . w mall enoui-h to con. . fslirMS vlnna. H. H. LinnaaaasaT at CO.. tfH ut., Niwart, ti. J. raarcb-W-dm. Ml CURE . FITS! Best Pianos ! tarta!! 0 S AMDKUS & CO. tiKAnotMrtTEriB ton Sleiiiwjiy, Solmici, Kruiticli ' Kacli Fischer, Eiiici'sobi, Pease pia: 'AND THE CRLKIIttATKU Wilcox & White Organs. ssrrianos Tuned nud Repaired by com- pctcnt workmen. Sdud for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Villiatusport, Pa. novll.S7.ly. KAXSKbAD limH TABU All niuHliti. '2... JUln.. ind at m 1'rpptred onlj by Or. SaUL Arneld, iltO. Corp.. Woonioc&tl, K 1. P-ELAWAKK, LACKAWANNA AND WlSTfiHN RAlLltOAD. BLOOMSBUR6 DIVISION, STATIONS. NonTii. r 11 1 85 A. U. A. M. I NORTnUMBKKLiND S 40 Cameron. s bs Chulaak).. . o iu 10 10 6 15 I 10 25 10 29 10 86 10 53 11 00 11 07 so I 6 34 uanviiio ti w 1 58 2 14 ! IS. ! U 2 129 S 40 Catawlssa tt 25 S 58 7 05 7 19 Rupert-, i o n Bloomsburs U M Espy...... .. e 42 Lime llldgc. 6 Ml 11 15 11 23 11 26 11 30 11 37 11 44 11 43 11 53 18 OS 1! 16 12 20 12,25. 12 30 12 37 1! 41 19 45 12 50, 12 66 1 0.1 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 80 r v 720 7 27 I willow urove..... ... a 54 7 81 Brlarcreelc s (s Berwick 7 05 Beach Haven 7 11 i Hlclc's Kerry 7 18 735 7 42 7 49 S 49 S 54 2 59 3 09 3 19 3 26 335 3 39 3 43 55 I 8 06 I Hhlckshltinr 7 to UUUlOCK-8 i 8 17 Nantlcoke 7 50 8 23 8 39 8 S3 8 88 8 46 8 49 8 6.1 Avonaaie 7 m I'lymouth ... 7 59 Pll mouth Junction 8 03 fklnuaton..... 8 os Bennett s 13 Maltby 8 17 WJ-omlriK.i.. II! West Huston , 8 27 Plttston 8 S3 Lackawanna.... 8 40 3 C3 3 56 4 01 8 58 9 03 9 09 9 17 9 25 9 80 9 85 rajiorvine........ a 4a ' Bellevue. s 64 BCR&NTON B 00 4 22 r m i r u STATIONS. AST AH SOUTH. All tu m 9 GO 2 05 6 W KCKJLNTON. . S 10 Beiievue 0 10 in ess Taylor vine. e to iu oo s 14 e no uuncawanna...... o x1 Ptttston 8 SS : West Plttston..! 8 43 Wyoming 6 47 10 OR 2 81 6 117 10 16 2 li8 6 4.1 10 21 3 84 10 10 S7 2 39 6 65 LMaltby. 111 10 SO ... 6 69 S 65 10 8-1 2 47 7 03 68 10 33 2 60 7 07 7 05 10 48 -2 64 7 12 7 10 10 47 2 69 7 It T 14 10 M 3 03 7 21 7 19 10 55 3 1)6 7 S3 Bennett : Kingston Plymouth Junction tiymoutu Avonaaie INantlcoke flunlock's Shlckshluny 7 26 11 02 3 19 7 43 . 7 47 11 18 8 29 7 61 Hick's Ferry. 7 65 Beach Haven 8 01 uervrictc 8 07 11 82 S. 39 8 07 II 28 3 45 8 18 11 87 3 51 8 20 8 67 8 27 linarcreeic s ia Willow Urove 8 16 11 49 4 01 8 31 Lime nidge. 8 20 Espy ... 8 26 11 62 4 05 8 85 11 9 4 12 8 41 uioomsounr KUDert 8 ,37 12 05 4 18 8 47 12 10 4 24 8 62 I Catawlssa 8 2 12 15 4 2 8 67 Danville 8 6, Chulasky 9 03 Cameron 9 07 NOaTUUKBKBUND 9 22 12 SO 4 46 9 16 4 64 9 23 12 40 5 00 9 28 12 6 6 15 9 45 in r Connections at ltupert with F M P M r Phlladelohla Heading Railroad lor Tamanena, Tamaqua, wiu tamsnort. uunburv. PottBVllle. etc. At Northum berland with I'. & E. Ulv. 1. 11. It. for Ilarrlsbunr. lock iiaven, Emporium, warren, uorry ana Brie. V, jr. UAU3IHAU uen. man., bcranton, Fa Pennsylvania Eailroa'd. Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway, TIMETABLE. In effect FED. 8, 1888. Trains leave sunbury EAHTWAUD. 9.40 a.m.. sea Shore Express (dally .except Sunday), for narrtsburg andlotermediatBtatlona, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. : 'ewVork, 5.50 p. m. ; lialttmore, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington 9.0U p. m., conneevmg ai i 'nnaaeipnia ruraii ocu shore points. Through passenger coacb to oipnia. 1.43 p. m Tlav nxnn-fta dally except 8uoday),for Uarrtsburg and lnterme- dlate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.50 p.m. New York, 9.85 p. m.; l!altlmor- s.45 p. in. wasuiuguiu, i.a p. m. Parlor car throuirh to PhtladelDhla and oassenirer roaches tnrough to pnnaaeipnia ana uanimore. 7,45 .p. m. Itenovo Accommodation (dail) ror iiarnsourg ana an intermediate stations, arriv ing at pnnaaeipnia 4.23 a. m. ; new vora 7.10 a. m. V&tbiuiuic, a.io ui. , nwiuiusiuu v.u.j a. u.. Bleeping car accommodations can be secured at Uarrlsburgtor Philadelphia and New York. On Hun-1 aava atnrouirn sieemnccar win oe run: on una 1 train from WllTlamsp'ttophlladelpbla.Phlladelphta passengers can remalnlnsleeperundlBturneduntl a- m. 2.6O a. m Erie Mail wall? excepr. Monday, fo- llarrlsburg and Intermediate stations. ai -tutf ai. ruuauripuiit o.jio a. ut uriv au,, , lt.!k-. m. : Baltimore 9.1 5 a. m. ; Washington, 9.so a. m. Throuirh Pullman Bleeping cars are run on tais tram to pnnaaeipnia, uaiumore ana wasning ton, and through passenger coaches to Phliaaei ohtaand Baltimore, WE8TWAHD. l inn, m Krie Mall (dallv except Sunday), in Krlearlalllntermedlato stations ana Canandal irua itr.1 intermediate atatlona. Rochester. Buffa lo and Niagara Falls, with through Pullmsn Pal. ace oars and passenger coaches 0 Erie and Iloch 9.U News express laauy excepr. ounaayi 101 ock uaven ana iniermeuiau? bibiiuub. 12.53 p. m. Niagara uxpross (aauy except oun vi for Kane andlntermedlatestatlons and Can. tne ana: 1 lAlcrua and nrl fr rhA.fi.r. Iluffaln and Nlapsra Falls with thr 'Ugh passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester ana runorcario miiiauispuru B.a."r eSli?fi?i r,1Sn, Hnnnavuor He. novo ovo and intermediate stations, and El ml r a, v. at. kins and Intermediate stations, with throug I aenc-er coachea to itenovo and Watklns. par. . 9.20 a. m, Sunday man ror nenovo ana imeruir- 1 aiate station I THROUGH TRAINS FOKSONUlfKY FItOM THE SADl AU HIUTIl, Knndar mall leavea Philadelphia 4.30 a. m HarrlBbunr 7.40 arriving at Sunbury 9.20 a. m. with tnrougn sleeping car irum i-uu&uuipuia w vtii IlarrlBburg, S.in a. m. dally except Suuday arrlvlntf At. Rnnhurv li.M. &. in. lilttjitllll juilCDt vr faiiadeiDUia.7.4ua. m.: ua111more7.au a. ra.iaauj except Sunday arriving at sunbury, 1S.63 p. m.. wild Laroutru mrior enr iruiu i-uiiuuciyuia and iaroufb Daasentrer coacnes from 1'nlUdeN pnia ana iiaiiimoro. rast lAuw leayes new 1 orit v.uu u. ui , ruiiucn nhia.ii.Wa. m. 1 WaaMukrton. 11.60 a. m, : Ualtl- more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arrtTlnff at oacnesiromrnuaaipmaataquniuiuurti. . . 'Wrlfl Mull Iaavph Navt Yfirk R.DO n. m. I'htlfcdeU pbta. 11.25 p. ru. : Wasnlnetcn. tdoo p. m. ; UaltU mnrp.ii.2u n. m.-Mallr except Saturday) arrmntr at sunbury 5.10 IU.. m.. with throutrb fileeplnj oara from miladelphla, Wasblntrton and unuiau Ilaltlmoreandthrouvb pagaenger co ac tie 8 from riaaoPaiia. HUNIU'HV. IIA7.I.KTIIN Oi WM.KKHIIAHIIK HAII.Kll.Mi aiii r,im rii Ann nasi' 11 1, a mill ir i ' i vva v. mallr exeent suuuay.i Wllkeaharre Mall leaves Sunbury t.U a. m. arriving at Uloom Ferry 10.4s a. m., Wllkes-barre Ei Dress Bast leaves Sunbury 6.55 p. m., arrlTlng I at Uloom Ferry 6.8a p. m., Wllxes-barre 7.65 p. m I sunnury Man ieaveswiiKesoarreio.su a.m. amv- ng at 11100m rerry 1 1.1a a, m., nuouury iv.v p. ui RinrHa west leaves WIlliCB.barrf 3.05 D. m.. ar. I riving at Bloom Ferry 4.D9 p. m., sunbury cgrp.m SUNDAY ONLY, Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 8.25 a. m., arriving at Uloom Ferry lO.lta. m.. wllkes-UsrrelU46a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre mo p. m., arriving at 0100m rvrry, a.os p, in., punuury, 1 lou p. ra. nuaV pnnit. J. K. WOOD. uen.Mauagar uw. raaavnger ann i A..C. YATES & CO Best niiide Clothing in Philadelphia for Men and Children. "Sixth and Chestnut. (Ledger Biiildit g.) Manririk: TilH Invc ft value' ns a houie- Sold remedy f.ir lieyond the power of lan- guaf e lo i!i srilie. Tho family carl hanlly be true to It that r'oes not keep thetri on h.nul f'ir u-e in tmorgrnelcs. llAiSltAKE Is the onlV vejre-atile tublltu'tc for that dangerum nilnerAf, Mckcurv, and while it nifi'in ai a car.di'-c Is" fully equal, it po-MfS-es ii' iw of the perilous effects. In Coii-ii: ili.in. Mandrake acts upon the liwels witl nut dbpoini; Ihem to sub sequent (.'otiveues. No remedy nct so directly on the liver, nothin;; so speedily curei Kick Headache, Sour Stomach and PILLS. lliliousneis as these Tor Sal Iit nil Dnnrcliti. Prlr 2.1 ct. ner Imx; S Ihiim Tot U"tts ; or fciit l'jr mult, jiontiirk- Ow, oa raculft of Hce. Dr. J, II. SibVuclt tt Sou , l'L 114'. M.ascin & Hiamlin Organs and Pianos. Th Cabinet Organ was Introduced by Mason & jnillu lu 1861. Mason A Hamlin Organa hare ivtui a maintained their aunremacr over all others. i.i in- received lllehe&t Honors at all Great World'a iliIMlloua tinea 18(17. The Improved Mode of Strlnelnz Pianos, Invented hy Maon A Hamlin in 1882, la a great advance' In itlaiin couetrnctlon. cxnerta nronounclnff .11 the L'n-ate&t improcment in planum In half accntary.11 Piann clrculir, enntainine 300 teetlmoniala from pnrchavera, muaiclans, ana tuners, and Piano and Organ Catalogues, free, UAEON k HAHLIH 0EOA1T AITS PIANO CO., to lu lita n. mim c;ti), mw tdxs. aprisim I Rewarded are those -that read this and then act; they will find honor able employment that win not take them from their homes and families. Tho profits ore large and sure for every Industri ous person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollar a month. Itlsear-yfor any one to make 15 and upwards per day, who la willing to work. Either sejr.jrouDg or old; capital noi, neeaea; we siarr. you. itveryming new. wo special ability required; you, reader, can do it -as wrii us any une. vt ruu w ua at once i"r iuu par ticulars, which we mall tree. Address Stlnsoa Co., Portland, Maine '.ydocso. GALVANIZED WISE NETTIN01 I BEST & CHEAPEST FENCE IN TOE MARKET tUll POULTRY, UAKDEN OR LAWN. IN UALES, 160 FEET LONO. 4 FEET HIQII. ONLY 14.50 PEn HALE. 16 FEET 111(111, ONLY 5.63 I' EH BALE. 6 FKET HIQII, ONLY 6.75 FEB BALE, other widths from 2, to 6 ft. at proportionate i prices. Auuress oruers anu correspouaeuee vo U. a WIRE NETTING CO., 52 Keide St., N. Y. PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent Business conducted for moderate fees. OUR OFFICE IS OPP SITE U. H. PATENT OFFICE We have no sub-ncencles. all 'business direct, hence can trsnssct patent bunl! ess In leas viineuna ur. ux.aa uum man tnose remote irom wasnington. We advise' if patentable or not, free of charge. whi m iw, uud uii uairH.H nmv A book, "How to obtain Patenta,"wltb references 10 aciuai enema in your Biaic. county, or unrn. aoui ires. Auure&a an A SSKiJarkW ft?, anarki a m ,311 w suit, vaa Opposlto Patent ottipe. Wahlngtnn, n. a H. C. SLOAH & BED. " BLOOMSBURO, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUQ0IE8, PHAETONS SLEIOHS, PLATFORP WAGONS AC Flrat-clasa work always on band. rep a mm a nea it.y doue. Dricet redurtilto tuil I hf limn He a WoucterH exist In thousands of forms, but are surpassed bytbe marvels of Invention. Those who are In need of prof itable work tliat'can be done while living at home should at once send their address to nauet & 10., I'pmanu, aiaine,ana receive tree, lull Information how either sex, of all 'ages, can earn from 15 to-J25 rer -lay aDd upwards wher. eyer tney uve. 1 ou are sianea rree. Capital not WA. bare made over $50' in single u a mug; lydecto. I ' Creasy & Wells' LUMBER YARD BL003ISI1URG, PA. We keep 011 hand a largo and well as. sorU'd stock ot nil kinds ot lumber, Southern Yoll6v Pine Michigan Shingles, "WilliaiTisport Lath, Fencing, Flooring, tfec. A full stock of West .Branch MouldingB, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Window and Door 'Frames. Estimates and prices quoted cheerfully. Lumbor delivered by wagon or rail Prices positively lowest in tho mn.'ket. apr is im SALESMEN "WANTED to caovaaa for tha aals or Narwry Block I Steady employment guaranteed. SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID, Apply at one. lUUag ate. tnaroB to H-;ru and oas T. W, EDGAR or ESPY, IA,, ItcHptjotfallitiforms litil friends and imbllo ironcrally tlint ho ha refitted his planing mill. In addition to tho vlnninn mill work lio is now rirrpared to famish to order doors an! insido finish for houses. , WESTERN PIKE veneered with all our nativo woods, also HoHOWood.itc, it J. Inside Finish. All work shall be L'ttntiuiti t'd. veneering all our Doors and Cacinga, ?, UaK, uutterntit, iiapir, Mill, six to ten feet long, six to thirty X. PEARINE'S PUUE BAH LEY Ash. Hvoamore. Oak. Buttprnnt, Manlr,.CIifrr, 1'oiilnr, Vi'iiitrsi for sale at the m aTiLt.KD from selected Barley Maltand cuarantecd to bo chemlcalli nur and free from Injurious oils and cldsoitcn eonisiiitd In aicobcllc liquors Itl esncciallr adapted to persons tenuliliiRa Mtmulallng-tpLte, ( oniun.l llut beln; (T.ttv hrnptiMni lir im um. Keeoniinczidfd tor leMllnr fdiii-kinna at- a Iili.ritin Nervine, Toi.ie. and Iterative, PUItK liAKLKY MALT WHISKEY tniurca a ri turn of vigor to tho Hon ach, agood mmetitn. a rich and abundant blood and IncrenH-U tlci-h nnd miiRulnr tissue. A stimulant mild ann Benne in euevu eases ca' be cetlrcly n.nquered It Is a tonloand diuretiuand o ea IlINK'H PUItK BAULKY halt HnisKKi nas iirotea a meuicinai proiecnon to thoso who pursue their avocations lnthcopenulr and whose datlv tvotkcalla It exceptional' powers of enaurnnce. Ask our nearest dni(j:li or pioccr forior I'EHIUME'srUltE UAIILKY MALT WIIISKH" revives theenerBlea of thoaovotn out with excessive oodlly or mental effort nnd ucisasaaateKunid nKalrit exposure In vretand rlgorou weather. It will drlvu all malarious dlseaxes from the system. Ilara workers or every vocaiion iivnnensia find tn errine s ruru Malt Whiskey a powerful lnvlgorant and helper to dlgeatlon. I'KltUINK'S PUUK BAHLEY ,MAL'I WHISKEY without unduly' stimulant the kid neys Increases their flaitBtnif activity, counteracts tho effects of fatigue, has tens convalescence and is a wholesome and prompt diuretic. tVatch the label I None genuine unless bearing the signature Pot saie uy all ami lav and irroeera throuehou the nlted States and 87 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHI LA POIl SALE UY DHTJOfllsrS WD ALL DtULKItS. an sar a. HANDSOME WEDDING, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. THE WONDERFUL LUBURG Combining a Parlor, TVicP. ik'y -- '' 'P4 All famished with our Vhnlrimle Prices. MANF'C CO.. THE LU Q 3 SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSm: 55 "WrSsMKV .assss,.-a eunc " . B. JBOBBINS, DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS "AND JOBBER IN CICAKS. BL0QMSBUBG, PA. INDUCEMENTS! We are offering great inducements to persons desiring to purchase Pianos, Organs and Is mt c: SO s fan sa War, 5 e: -1 Among the Pianos we handle are the J VERS FOND, C. C. BRIG GS, BA Ub CO., SCB Oh A L KER Gold String and Opera Piunos. These Pianos are all flrst-clato and fully1 warranted for five years. 1 Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEH, MILL ER, UNITE D.S TA 1 ES and other macs. Our leading Sewin"g Machines are the celebiated WHITE, NEW DAVIS, NEW DOMESTIC, JE W J. OME, HO USE HOLD, RO YAL ST. JOHN and SI AND ARD ROTARY Sewing Maohinc.tho finest nnd best Rotary Sewing Machine in the world. Before purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZEK'S PALACE OF :MUSIC AND GREAT. SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main 'St.', Bloomuhurg, Pa. Wslills CURE Malaria, Dumb Chills, Tever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, Tbay rU4lura rearular, iialurul evur. uulfona, iietcr Krleur lnlerrre III, Unity bualneaa. Aa it faintly inedli'luc. tltny fchuultl li lu every lioiiaclioltl. SOliI X2V13KYW1IGUIS. novMn.ccoly. foreipn woods, such ns Mahogany, AW hard wcod lUotilnimti is nntl lot Vi t cetcd l'i t rs ami VV'iltr ircof Glut' is lined for Bse Boards, At-,, it xc. Also Walnut. .4Jiif rr, i oiinr, vji-.n intlics wide. W. GOO Alt. MALT WHISKIY. tor (.or.fcuntpiivea if Is iMniuablts I lltHlNt's Dyspepsia, Indlpfstloii nndall w dm Inn dl- the use or l errmu'k i uic n. lies alt wniaknv. powerful strenglhener to theentlronjtlfm. l'hli. oy ri anu perauua wuum . w,-m-murv imp lenurra pronoro uaney 1 he anal) his as It appears by the La! bcl on every bottle: 1 have carefully an ulyzcd thulTKK Uaki.kt Malt Wiub kkt maflo l. J. K Perrlne and find Ibl'Ullll'IJ Itl'IK ii.wti Wll, ,111 tuiui, metals and acids and Is ab-olutclv pure." aiQnea, rmnuia Arumr jaier, .Ueneva ami .H'efflfraden r.lfirary, Rmolclnj;, Ilrellnlna; or Invalid flfh HI?' Sf,.nd rtamP I 3HHUPIrcD to all for Cstnlocnr. irarla of the woild. GHAIIti CHILDREN'S CARRIAnPS the Automatic Cnarli llt-nlr. inri n Hcndslamp forCatalopno and mention carrlftecs, I4B N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Fa. Sewing Machines. BLQOMSBUHG FLANING MILL The undersigned having put bis Planing M on Itallroad street, In ftrst-ciass condition, Is pre pared to do sllklnds of work In bts lino, FRAMES, SASH, OOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urmsbea at roauuuuuie i rices. All lumber used well soasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed ESTIMATES TOR BUILDINGS urnlshed on application. Flans and specific, ooa prepared by an eiperlenoed draughtsman CIIAIlLiES KBCa, IIIOOUaHbHrkT, Pal Vl"- rMgif"-fTMTMp- m