COLUMBIAN DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. J.g.lttintaitr., j- Mtori. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1888. Two now war vessels for the Uni ted States navy wore launohed at Cramp's ship yard, Philadelphia, last Saturday. Thoy aro the oruisor Vesu vius and tho gunboat .Yorktown. A largo number of Senators and oongres- men were present, and the laanoh was witnessed by 20,000 people. Demooratio Bute Convention. The Demooratio State Convention of Pennsylvania will meet at Harris burg on Wednesday May 23rd. 1888. at 10 o'olook A. M, to nominate a can didate for Judge of the Supreme Court, two Kleolors at-largo and one Elector 9mKM tin An I Inn rmi..innal 1 liatrin. In I " UU y"uBl- i select four delegates at-large and two delegates trom eaoh Congressional Distriot to the Democratic National Convention to be held at St. Louis on tho 6th day of Juno 1888; and to trans act tmoh other biuinoss a, according to the rules and usages of tho party, may properly come beforo it. The representation in tho Conven tion will consist of representative del egates, one for eaoh one thousand Dem ocratic voice cast for Governor at the last Gubernatorial elostion, or for a fraction of one thousand votes amoun tine to five hundred or more, in the resnootlve renresentatlvo district, pro vided that eaoh representative distriot shall have at least one delegate. Philadelphia, Pa. April 21 1888. Benj. M. Nbad, Eluott P. Kisneb, Sec Chair. Dem. State Com, The New York License Bill- Anew license bill' has passed both branobes of tho New York Legislature and now awaits the approval of Uovcr- nor Hill to make it a law. While his motion is not free from doubt, it is gen erally expected that he will sign tho bill. Tho new law provides for a Board of Exciso in eaoh county with power to grade and grant lioense. A liquor "1' nt iin..nM in license for the . 1 ..... . . ' I ale beer, etc, ranges fnm Hi HI M I -n I iiuiu vwv I tl.000 per annum, and a beer license for tho sale of wines, ale beer, ranges from $100 to $400, as the Board of L.r cise shall determine in eaoh locality. fri,.n r ,nni ho firH 4IIICT6. vu.,.. - I I lU T3.A in n.nk nn..n7 ojilh thn 1 rate ranging between 8300 and $1,000 " to . . rxm Imnnp n nil hatmoan 1 1 II Ann 34 1 II I I for beer. I mi. : wn tr. iUVrO 11 Ultlt; til Uio ucn una w ive- triot the sale of drinks boyon.l the pie- ent law, except tho higher rate oi no- r .v.-. nr., v-t, v,in I euro, x rttubiuauv, wj un . u... nnfthfl nuesiion of license entirely in the discretion of tho Board of Ex- cine, excent as to the price of thelicen- n. and that oan varv from 8800 lo $1. 000 for liquor and from $100 to $400 for beer, as the Board shall decide. Appointed Uhief Justice. hkllvilijc w. IULLKB, op CHICAGO, to succeed me. waite. i The president on Monday sent to i the senate the nomination of Melville W. Fuller, of Illinois, to be chief jus- tice of the United states, vice vr aiie i deceased. Judge Fuller is a personal I friend of tho president, and is well known in Washington from his fre-1 qnent visits on business beforo the supreme court, tie was not an appii- cant, and has not been in Washington since tho death of Chief Justice VVaito. Mr. Fuller is a iudge of ability and stands high as a conservative demo crat. He is about 60 years of ago, and has made a number of able arguments before the supreme court, lie is look ed upon as the leader of the Chicago bar and his reputation is mainly ol a local legal character. It is slated that Senators Callum and Farwell have assured the president that they will voto for the confirmation of Judge Fuller. Chicago. April 30. Mr. Fuller was dininir with sorao friends at the Iroonois olnb when fonnd by an Associ ated Press reporter. He had no inti mation whatever of tho nomination, and was so overcome nt the announce ment that for some momenta he oould utter nothing more than an eiclama tlon of surprise. lie requested that he be not pressed for an extended in - terviow, saying that be was not in con- dition to talk nomination bad come so unexpectedly. He, however, stated that ho could not decline the nomination. In his practice in tho Supreme court of the TJuited States Mr. Fuller, the nowly appointed chief justice, has re peatedly come in contact, both as a colleague and an opponent with t In ...a .L... .in,!..Lii ..t 5 .7C.. "'r;i7' h.;u lawvclB uuu una uuvci laucu iw mvu J , ,mX u wiir rasra that court and well intorraed tn we history ol our country and especially on constitute, a questions. The nomi- nation of Me vil o VV. duller, oi uBiiuu ui i i;,aA bSu'regard riOdAwboVd .i i - .t... f the leading men of I gaiisiaouon uv hid icau..iH both parties. Mr. Fu er s n every Mr. Fuller is in every respeat fitted to fill the high office to wniou no lias ueeu uuiuiutu. The President's Knowledge of Men- "I would like." said Tim Campbell, of New York, "to see tho man who would go to the White House on an er rand like the Chief Justiceship appoint ment and oome back with a full knowl edge, or with any knowledge, of what thePresidont iulended to do. One thing," fcaid ho , " I notiood and it as- tonished me. Mr. Cleveland has a woudorful knowledge of tho men of this country. Now. at that interview a great many names ot good lawyers were mentioned to him, aod in every case ho seemed to know more about tho man than was known by the ono who auggtsted tho name Washing ton Jost. Late Snow In The Northwest. St, Paul . April 29,-After throe dajs of rain it began snowing this evening and at 0 I . JU. still continues, apec tals from St. Peter, Minn., Yaukton and Canton, Dak., report a damp snow falling. This is the latest snow of any Spring for Ave years in South Dakota. Wbilo it may delay seeding somewhat it will not damage crops Already in tho ground. Tho rains have raised the WifConBin and Chippawa Itivers, causing considerable apprthension and sorao carnage. WASHINGTON LETTEB From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, April 30th, 1888. Cleveland and Gray is a favorite ticket with a creat many democrats in (ontm'RP. and at this time, it looks very inuou as it mis same iickoi might bo tho olioico of the St. Louis Convention. New York and Indiana havo alwava made a winning combina tion for tho democrats, Tildcn and Hendricks in 1870, Cleveland and Hendricks in 1884, and why not Clove land and Grey in 1888. Scorctary Whitney of tho Navy Department is noted for his llborallty. Hh n.vor docs anvthlng on a mall scale. On Saturday last ho utmrtcrt'd at his own expense two special 'rains and carried 350 Uongresameii, omciais and newspaper mon over to Phllodcl- phln to witness tlie launching t too first vessels for tho now Navy, thu Yorktown and tho Dynamito cruller. The tar it is the absorbing theme in the IIooso of Representatives, whero it will hold tho right of way for tho next fortn cht. So far revenue rn formers bave no reason to bo ashamed of the figures made by their champions in lllO IlbTlll. II UTCIJ TUIWI IW Hi" , rv oujd rearl the debate on both - - " . . t 1 , 1 nidpg up to tno prcseni lime ana eipiiny understand the question at issue, tbeio is not much doubt as to what tho Issuo would be. Representative 1'orU, ot Miohigan, made some telling points in his speech on Thursday. or insta nce, ho said: "A tariff which gives a comparatively small number of men the right and opportunity to tax mill- ions of our citizens 4 per com more than their coods will sell for in the open market oan not fail to havo tho , . H , Ml! .... -. .. .1 MM.nn.n.n result OI DUUUlug uu aim iuaiuniuiui vast monopolies and trusts, whoso en ormous profits are swellod and increas nrl hv the tribute which tho tariff au thorize them to levy upon the pocketH of the neonle. Congress has no ngni to take the part of a few manufactures against tho great, ooay oi consumers, Tint that is iust what has been done. Our war tariff declares for high price for the producer of iron, low prices for tho produoer of corn; high prices for the produoer of glass, low prices for the produoer of wheat Tho present tariff aims to securo to a few manutac tares a disnosal of tbeir goods at "lartrnnrofit." On Friday, Mr. ,'rarnsey, or micm gan, who has boon olairaed by tho rcnnblicans to be opposed to the Mills bill on account of its putting lumber and salt on the free list, made a Bpeecn I. . .. ... .- ' !. .1.- TV....! nlacinr? himseil in lino wnn uio x rei- . TT a.iili til hnlnnrv In tlin. I It" II L. IIO BU1U. uv.v fi - ... .., i 1 SOhOOl 01 pontics wnicn oenovra iu cui lnntlnc from the American peo pie so much money as is necessary for the Droncr and economical administra- t on ot the uovernmeni, ami noi, u , , .T.!.l. II .!, DeVOEU. ilBHUtr luvocu uui wiu ti tleman'on my sideof the House are free a ova fair IraHora Wfl tim. LrauuiC TO I Poae to continue custom hoaso taxation hnt we will revise exiBlincr laws bo as ------ w to bring taxrs down to the bare hoe ui "ww"J -m- ... incr the laws nlace the duty nigbem on -- o . . , - . the luxuries of life and lowest on lifes necessities" . ,, , un ueoorauon Uay x reiuoi.w vibvU land will review the Urand Army of. tho Repnblio parade in Brooklyn Gmi. Jospoh K. J"hnton, our pre sent Commissioner of Railroads, and the highest in rank of living officers of the Confederate army, has been, at his' own request, elected an honorary and . . Tl, H , contributing member of E. D. Baker f08t U. A. iv. or rouaaeipnia. ne is tho onlv ex-Confederate soldier who' has ever been received into the rank 0f a Grand Army Post. Speaker Carlisle's expected speech on the tariff is being anxiously awai ted. Secretary Fairohilds is opposed to. leaning fractional currenoy. bin has been favorably reported t0 he Senate whioh provides for Ih erection of a pnblio building in every town where the gross postal receipts havo averaged $3,000 per annum dur ing the past thrco years. Senator Voorhees made a speech on tho President's meesago in tho Senate last week that has attraoted consider able attention on account of the plain ness of some of its statements in gird to the treatment of the South He also made an eloquent defense of Gens. McCIellan and Hancock, reoenU ly attacked by the calumnious Senator from Kansas, Mr. Ingalls. The agreement to appropriate quarter of a million dollars for repi scntation of the United States at the Paris International Exposition of 1889, is ono of the interesting events of the week in the Senate. Both the Senate and the House have passed tho bill to prohibit book I and pool making in Washington and 1 Georgetown. This is a game in which Senators and Members of Congress are I extent as they I race traok beyond the city limits, A Eomarkable Feat- lim. WE1ISTER FOX TRANSPLANTS rabbit's kye. Dr. L. Webster 1 ox, ophthalmic sur geon of the Germantown Hospital. Sat i j j.i ! I nriijur. nflrfnrmpd thn rari anramn fpt - p? " " v " r " ," V." , K .7"-"N.r'-T, ".C , pH , . , nriann : r ' . Germany, and Dr. Fox wiinet-sed ono the two operations. The subj-c, was a servant girl whose sight was ob- ,,i i, . f .i,i.. "". " n primarily Iiatient and the rabbit wero both sub ectod to aunjsthetif s.and an exceedingly delicate iuMrument wilh a clockwork attachment was used tor the purpose of boring into tho eye. Tho point whero a piece of human eye was re moved is directly in front of the pupil and tho piece substituted was taken from (he corresponding point in tho rahbits's eye. The rabbit, being a strictly herbaceous animal, is consider ed harmless so far as having any coiir taminating effect on the- human blond. It will require fifteen day fcr tho oper ation to develop. Lincoln's Last Laugh, AN ANECDOTK WHICH illt. I. A MON THINKS 18 1'itOUAPI.T TltUK. On the night of the 11th of April, IRfl.V Mr. Lincoln, nccomoanied liv nla wife, Miss II?rrit and Major ICathbone of Albany, New York, wts occupying a box at Ford's Theatre, in the city of Washington, iho play was "Uur Amorican Cousin," with Sotl.ern in the nrlnolnal role. Mr. Lincoln was enirv- ing it greatly. Lee bad surrendered ' on the Oth: on the 13th the war was ererywhero regarded aseLded, and up on that day Secretary Stanton had telegraphed to General Dlx, Governor ( of New York, requesting him to stop the draft. Sothern as Lord 2un-' dreary nu at hli host, Lincoln was delighted. Tho lines which caro and renonsibilllv had so deonlv graven on his brow wcro now scarcely visible. Beforo leaving fcr tho theatre ho had ironouDced it the happiest day of his iio. Ho looked, Indeed, as if ho now fully realized the communication of the long cherished and fondest aspira tion of his hentt. Ho was at length tho Undisputed Chief Mngislrato Of a confederal ion of Stato, constituting the freest and mot. powerfnll common wealth of modern Urne.. At some period of thu performance Solhern appeared on tho stage with Miss Mrndilh, the heroine, on one nrm and n wrap or shawl caressly thrown ov r the oilier. 'I ho latter sent t'er- If ii tKn a garden lounge placed on the stago near the box uuuuplcd by the President on UiH occasion, lard Dundrea y rctirts a few psccs dUtnnt from the runliu neat when Miss Muri dith, glaneing lauuuidiy at his lordxliip exolaims: '"Mo lord, will you kindly 1 1 throw my shawl over my BhouUlors there appears to bo a draught here. Solium at oncu oninplying with her quest, advanced Willi the ininoing step tnat iminott'ilizi il hun, nntl with a , nuriy twinkle f tlm eyo ana a siguiti-, cent glance directed iu Mr. Ji lucoln, reepoiulMl in tho happy Impromptu: x on aro mislftkou, Misa Mary, tho rail has already been drawn by order f tho Presidoiitl'' This Bally caused Mr. Lincoln to laugh, as fuw except himself could laugh, and an outburs'. of merriment rebounded from nil parts of tho house. It v.ns Mr. Lincoln's last lauglil The Southwest Deluged. , Gainesville, Tex., April 29. Tlio floods aro flill devastating Northern Texas and the Indian Territory. Wholo plantations have been swept away and largo portions of the best farming lands in tlio territory have been submerged. Many farm dwell ings and olhi-r buildings located m the bottom lards have been carried oil. One mile of Santa Fe track near Dou gherty, I. T has been destroyed by tho Wichita Hivur. A large wasiinut near Whitexboro, on the Missouri Paci fic, has cut off all communication with this city over that road. No trains have arrived from thu East, West, and North Biuce early last evening, tra vel over the Kansas Uity Division ot I the Santa Fo will be delayed several days. In the ciuburban parts of tins city, which aro traversed by Pecan and Elm Creeks, several unall dwellings have been washed away, while the water is standing sovcral feet deep in othors and rapidly rising. Teams and men have beeu limy all the af lernoou res cuing tho uiitortunaus who live in the inundatid porlions and have been cut off from escape. So far no lois of life has been reported, but there is great fear that lives will be lot-t during the night, as many are exposed to the rag ing waters, which are lapidly using and taking everything betoro tliem. Despatches from the Indian lorn- tory state that the Carindiau River in I hve miles wide and has destroyed tno- usanos of acres ot corn. Paris, Tex., April 29. All trains on the St. Louis and Sin Francisco and Texas Pauifio Railroads w-re abandon ed todty. A big washout in the Indian 1'erritorv is reported on' the Frisco. A freight train was ditched I and the engineer and fireman lost their I lives. The little town of Lehigh is en tirely Kurronndfd by water and fears I are entertained thai loss of life will I follow. The agricultural interests in this vicinity have received a death blow. Sherman, Tex., April 29.-Tho great-J est flood ever known in this seotion of the country occurred during tho twen-,1 ty four hours ending to-day, swelling all the streams out of their hanks, del-1 nging the lowland, and sweeping a- way bridges, and oausinggreat damage I and loss ot property. Eailway Oars Boiled Over. A NUMllKU OF PASSENOERS lliDI.T IVJL'Ii- ED IK A UESTIinCTlVli TRAIN WRECK. Olean, N. Y., Apiil 28. Train No 2, the mail bound South on the West ern New York and Pennsylvania Rail road, was wrecked ono mile south of hero about noon to day. The disaster, whioh did not result iu a direct loss of life, but maimed and injured many, was caused by the rails spreading. I he mail and baggage cars and two coach es, well tilled with passengers, were hurli d down an embankment about forty feet high. In Jtheir desent tho mail and baggage cars turned a oom- p'ote somersault and landed light side up but the passenger coaches rolled over several times snd landed bottom side up iu about three f-et of water. The inmates of the smoker fared the hardest and many had n narrow escape Irom drowning. Tho stove in the mail car upset and thu car was fired, but the 'lames were extinguished before great damage was done. The express car and locomo tive clung to the rails, but tho express mefsonger had an nrm brokon by tho shriek, r our passengers sustained in tunes which may result iu death au I about 15 others wero injured CnnJ ctrafrnfl. coidl. HoinnHL croan. . lhadJ'uariTl.'t9rtli Can. I nii ictw7 m, na mwt oar I trip Catkm-Ul-t, nd hull tA.autnr it CO..B loo-MiDiiaBiznaLurua oi Joum SALVATION OIL, in urtaietc tut on cartn luf pa)n,'t Will relieve more, quickly than any ufcticr Kiiuwii rcrnqoy, xincurpaiisni Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Durns, owiuji v.uta, x.umDago,oorcs, frost bites. Backache, Wounds, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle, EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpiIUSCIKWEOIf J-Llb'E. the erut Mnllul Work of tho inJ Itiyilcul Ixr tUlty, iTtmiotura frurM Iti'Wri, KNOW TUVCTI C clln,l?rrorgf Vouth, I II I Wt.i.1 I ami iho iinial4 mUr- kM coniHxai.'nt Uit-ruon. tuue s va, iu pn crtptiont tll all dirtioMM. C'lol .th, lull gut, ouly tl.U ull rfll. ciuW If.OO. iv Di&ii. au&iad. lULktratiru UDiui iruu la au voud? and DiidJltf-AKed isn. bud uuw, TbUold and (ewrlled IKdal iwuW to Uio lulhur by tbe Natlou al Unlical Awuclatlun. Addrwu I'.U. lfoi 1W5.I10. too. liu.,or Ur. W.1I.1'A1IKKI(, arvliuUarUu vara Medical College, U yoart' Iiractica In tionton, wbo may ba conauned coo&de&Uallr. Oflke, Ha. I llulnncb St. Sueclally, UlaaatM ol Man. Cm Ibl aula Vau war atTtr Il M4. taiy-4d-4t. mwA Mm The importance of purifying the blood can not be OTeresUmated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At thli teaion nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, Tltallze, and enrich the blood, and we ask you to try Hood'i Daonllor- Barsaparllla. Itatrengtheni rcuUllal and bullda up the system, create an appetite, and tones the digestion, while It eradicates disease. The pccullar comhlnatlon, proportion, and preparation ot the vegetable' remodles used glre to Hood's SarsaparlUa pecul- "f Acof Ur curatlre power. Ho u llooll other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you hare made up your mind to buy Hood's Barsaparllla do not be Induced to take any other Instead. It IS a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood's Barsaparllla Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. L Hood tt Co., Lowell, Uuu IOO Doses Ono Dollar TO THE PUBLIC. Intending purchasers of Povn's Extract cannot tako too much pre caution to proventsubstitutiou. Sotno druggist, trading On tho popularity of tho great Family Rcmodv. nttcmnt to palm off other preparations, unscru pulously asserting them to bo "tho" or "equal to" Pond'8 Ex tiUct, Indifferent to the docolt prac ticed upon and disapnolntmont thero- by caused to tho purchaser, se long as larcor profits accrue to thpmaol vna. Always Insist on having Pond's Ex TIUct. Toko no other. SOLD IK BOTTLES ONLY j NEVER BY MEASURE. Quality uniform. Prepared onlv bv POND'S EX- TRACT CO., ow York and London. Seo our name, on ovcry wrapper and labeL Noto picture of bottlo below. For Piles, Catanl, SOTS Tttoat, DlpMUria, Sores, IMamma tloiis, anJEemor- lUia of all Ms. E1S1M- usm, Semalda, TootUaclie, Barns, Son Eyes, Tho Famous Lecturer. JOITO TU notair. wrote : " For Bore Throat, eepcdally when Und Ing to ulccraUon, IhaTe fonnd It very bencfldal." ASDBEW D. YnilTK, Kx-Presldent of Cornell University, aaya : "Ono of tho abeolnto ntaui of housekeeping." JUturttogctUuqeiMlnt. KHMA AnnOTT, the celebrated prima donna, " Valuable and benenclal." iitniiuvfu. 41. 1... Bit Ik., t. I Ul EnjUnd. " I hare used It with marked boncnt" II. 0. PKESTOX, Mi D Brool.lyr, know of no remedy ao generally use: usSul." "I I AKTIIUIt CCISSESS, S., F. B. C. S.. of Sneland. "I hare nearrlbol PONTl'S ICS. TRACT with great success." ll-STIS n. FITTOX, n. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. ' Froviiur Itself to be a necessity In our home" P. A. lvESTEItVEIiT, M. D., Nashville, Tcnn. -" Uave rued Ism rmintltlci of I-ONTl'S r.X. TRACT in ray practice." , Br. S. D. HcCOnn, Matron, Horns of PcsU tnte Children." We find It most cfllcacloaj nnd tuefaL" Ja Bottles only. Prices, EOc, tU:'. Xbt4 our nam on every tcrapptr and hbd. Preiiarel only liy POXrr.1 CXTS1CT CO.. NEW YORK AND LONDON Spring Specialties AT Light Colored Cheviots in SACK and 4-Button CUTAWAY SUITS, WITH LOW CUT VESTS, Fine Davk Blue and Black Worsteds, Corkscrew, Broad wale Diagonal nnd Block Worst ed in Sacks and Cutaways, and HANDSOME PRINCE ALBERTS in all qualities NICE LIGHT SPRING OVERCOATS, a special lea dei at ?S.00 Very Pretty Children's SUITS Plain or pleated and belted in dark and light colors. Sailor Suits with Blue and Grey, also KILT SUITS ' with Pleated Skirt for smaller Children ' AT L0WE1ERGS D. LOWENBERuS nfiASUHER'S BALE. OF UNSEATED LANDS. IN COLUMBIA COTJNTI, TENNA. nr Virtue of aunilrv. apt nf the flt-nnral Aasom. bly of tho Coramonwtalth of Pennsylvania, relat. IflfC to the sale of abated and unseated lands tn the county ot Columbia, (to., for taxes due and un paid. 1 will offer to publia aale in tho Court House, iu iuo umu oi juioumnourg, on MONDAY, JUNK 11th, 18H8. at 10 o'clock, a. m. The following described pieces of land, oi U' h part thereof as may be oecmary to satisfy tho amount of taies due and unpaid against the aime, and continue the same, from aay vo nay as tue same may do rouna necessary. TKItMtt OF PALE. The amount ot tnxca and cents must bo paid hen tbe land In Hi uck off or the anlo mar bl void and the propcrtj put up and resold. Acres. Warrantee or owners Twpa. lull Columbian I Co, ...Beaver . Tanea. t !4 so ta 1 51 9 It! 3 IS 1 M 09 61 1 Oi s n 4 91 IS 97 14 tA 1 73 87 1 S3 a el 1 89 1 CO 1 CO 1 GO M 1 110 3 07 1 CO 5 SO I'M 8 03 1 CO 1 06 . 84 1 GS t 49 10 CO 83 18 110 1 SI 7 4) s re 1 CI 1 CO 2 87 . 14 lM ,? 91 11 C8 18 1 to 1 60 83 SK 513 00 Z C6 1 81 1 to 1 06 r. M 2 li . M 1 60 80 2 tin 15 60 00 6 75 4 50 U 20 46 4 60 5 C6 90 4 60 21 60 4 CO 2 Si 1 fO 6 75 46 6 17 12 86 I 13 41 1 to 61 06 31 33 22 3 37 i 1 lot iieavcr ( nines ,.. cio ,. Slots Heaver Jctue do ... n nioikwar Abbott. do.,., 119 " " i, do,... 3 iota lir ckwnyu it ao,, 3 lota UuttA 1'ngrr do.,., 1 lit liogart Mary. do.,.. Slow Hover K 8 do ... 49 cox C a Ex Tench cox, do,.... tin ' " " " er? " " " " ers " " " ", 307 ' " " " ..110.... a lota crossing raincx a)..,. Hot cannon M.. do... 100 Downs Martin uo John. 3 lota Etaus Heeoc 3 " Flanagan A 3 " FrcrWS .... i lot (learhart William. Slots ' s " Hoffman EU 3 " narnerfi Jester... do.,,, do.,..,, do..., do..... do.,., do.. . .... do.... 60 Hauck Jonithan .. ao HosUJohn .do.... t.'il ninderllter Sarah A do., 3 lota Hunt Kiiaa. ao., 8 lota Henry ucorge. do 1 lot Kline A do.,,. Slots Ler is Frank do.... 3 lota Lawrence w it. .. do.... 300 Mann A Miller. do.... so Mcnsinger samuei ao.... 100 Jlclieynolds w 11 do.... Slots Mastln William. do.... 140. Nungtineroeorge.i do, ,, S lota Patterson J c. do.,,. Slots Price Clarence do.... M luce Abraham da.... 100 " " .do.... 4-S8I0U lluthford, Samuel Co.',. d.. a iota " ,,.ou Sia Swank Oanlel.... do.,.. 140 BrbwcppenhciseriK do. . 8 Shumans 3 lota Kchlch J J do 8 lota smith J w. do... a lota won I'eter do. 10 UisubTOeo do. 8563 oi iitojico..., no .. Slo's Wetzel CM do.... 1 lot Wood Augustus. do ..... 81 Ulsaphcr aeorre, do.,. slots Klasoww do...... ilota Wood Aucuatua do.... 10 Losee Jes'We .... do.. I hhumanru do.... llrclschi Co do.... 8 lota i-rout Stephen cec'd ...... do.... so neiia douu tnwn Clem Her WT Drlarcreek: Uoty. I'calcr i blowart do.... " " " " " " " " " 28 800 S20 150 100 do.... 7 Edwards Henry J Kvana Francis. Fowler auueit , S3 40 10 do...i Kroas Jesso II do . Ml Freoa F.innln do., 431 101 Lamon jeMiu., do., Kemp Duftlel do 60 CO Hobblnn Ell .. .. do.... stackhcuse JosKst... btucahouso U J M. Kltleritii ISO 10 of 830 Shaner & Kelchner 01 3 KcnuyierMra alary. , , HtoutJilaa Kdwards Martha J ... . loot EmanueL 1 7 41 10 3 Doty, Stewart " " do.... " ' do Adams Henry. do.... lower Isaiah do.... KoonsuenH llollopeterD F do..., DodsonJl) do.... Kbuman lieuben Catawlaaa Weaver Ellas- do.... Dornbach Margaret. do.... Klocr Hobert.... do.... Newell Fred , ciewellJmepli Bet do. ;. Hbuman Ellas. do.... Harder Thomas E. do...... Ilovrer Moses do.... It 14 10 40 ao 21 2CO 1 35 1 1-3 2 61 4 64 4 43 1 M 61 IS 80 807 SS7 33 18 10 11 7 1 07 6 72 4 56 5 61 15 CO 4 81 86 M 70 1 83 2 65 2 9.1 2 75 2 21 2S 14 6C 14 1 ST 40 1 88 33 9 00 23 1S6 78 1 18 2 33 106 C3 93 76 4 70 2 81 2 SI 3 90 6 29 2 34 4 70 2 34 Lota l l l !!' 1 6 1 I 1 1 t 1 1 iiarretiMary.. .Centralla do... rln Ueraghty Tbomas.... Ileffron Philip. do.. 1 Kneff John do.... Leblghfi MahanoyK It... do.... McKInney Charles..... do.... Steel oto W ao.... Sweeney Margaret do.... Walsh David do.... " do.... " " do.... " ' do..,. Acres 22 Adams Enos L.... Centre 5 AllabachlBenJ 2 lota Brobst Thomas do..... 75 Fowler John F do .... 3 Ciood Jacob do... 70 Ilagenbuch William. do.. 10 14 " 84 Hoffman William Est do.... 5 Kelrer DanleL do.... 35 McUenry Dorcas. do.,,. Hot flponsler Jacob do,,.. 1 lot Klrkendall Creasv. do 489 Beam Joshua . ..Conyngham Hot Iiresllne Bernard. do..,, 2 lrtta TlrelstiAeh TAWln rtn 113 Huston Jobu do.... 835 KllneJohn 2 lots Kramer A. W a.... I do.... 1 " Lelby Charles. do.... 2 I1 Millard OH do .... 1 " McGulre Terrance do.... 1 " Morris AiinH U do.... 3 " Monroe John do.... 1 " do.,.. SO Huston Mary do.... 206 00 88 60 94 80 174 34 26 40 175 " Tboiaas. do.... 10O Trienjncoo ao,,.. 410 Young John. , do,... 8 walker i-ewis. ao.... 3 lots Blllnian Geo w ao ... 4 78 1 16 3 S3 1 KreBs Margaret do..,. Helnbold W II do.... Doty, l'ealer Stewart. ..Fhc'lc ' " " . do.... Welsh lieuben. do,... Fowler John F do Farver George. . , . , do. . . . IHrrlson John do, liorfman Freas. .... do.... llulme wmiara do lemon Thomas do..., Kindt Johns Co do McUenry C B Daniel. .. Bobbins W A do. . 6 2 11 4 20 3 82 1 6 7 8 49 35 71 6 88 8 40 2 84 X 11 4 20 3 13 50 40 5 80 29 20 i 2 1 64 I'eiler Oeoi inre do.... 23 TO 2 It WbltenlirblAvilUam. do. . . . Pealera J .do.... Cleaver Wellington. ...Franklin . Vought James. .............. do..., K llowelL do Hohrbach William do Blbby James .d Valine .III do.... Manhurdt George do..,. 11a) hurst Kzra heirs. do .... Blbby Augustus , . do,,.. Albertson Miles Bartley Greenwood Berry John do.... Dorr train do.,,, McEwen II J do.... Appiuman Lloyd Hemlock wiuiam do..,, " Hugh W do ... Brugler Kllsliu do...., Campbell N L, do.... Emrneit A J do,.., Mem it II 1 do.... Neal Purnel do,,., I'ureul Is ao (1 do Uuangst Mrs cuarlei ,, do,,,, Wright Levi do.... Jones David. do .... Black P D Jackson " " do Bartcb Franklin.,,,, do,... Miller charlo w do,.., ' Keybart do .... do Parker & Co , .. UebsCllnton ., ,do.. Meeker Ellaa ,. da.... BlUngtoa Charles Locust Dewalt George do ..... Evcrliurt John do Hughes "right Est do.,,, Kulp McWIUUtn .-do,... Iingenberger Phillip. do.,., Myers Mary Huston Mary , . do.,,. 1 84 660 336 687 14 C9 34 1 1515 9 Id 623 14 83 156 too 6 60 Si 13 46 CO 406 10' 3U 28 28 30 2,1 5 20 24 100 1 1 36 90 M 78 45 32 lol 825 3419 690 300 75 4 339 216 80 I! 200 W) 261 93 W SO , 2O0 200 M 200 KM 1M 8 43 9) 13 85 CO 'S 384 24 86 24 86 745 S88 S8H 1319 3 90 800 1013 2 63 2 01 6 40 6 40 640 6 40 400 640 1 60 1 60 uuanotie ao ... Reynolds John Huston Thomas..,. Keece Daniel btlueAdam bhaffer Uenrr..,,., ...da,., do,,,, , do. ...Madison nuoaas rranaun Beagle George Ueudershoit K. bhremaker Jacob.' 800 40 46 1 34 8 95 I HO 90 5 33 46 29 3T 18 54 286 166 136 95 136 67 186, . da II Bemott Cyrus , ..,.do,,,, ,.,.do.,.. ... do..... ,.,, ... 6 dlnglesT Til 23 Johnson Chester....... 23 corner J E 310 KvesO w , 25 cox Joel.. 40 Ueydenrlck Tobias ... .d).. 50 Masters n W.,,, ,.do xu minor n d ,,.,uo.,,, 4 Graham Edward,,, do.... 24 P.rockwayt Ent .Mats as lllnderlltter lleury do,,., 23 ShumanJohn K of 100 Bchmeck, Biobst, Vetter K , . nana .. uu...'. T Snyder Abraham,,..,.,, .do.,,, 7 Hhuman W T ... do .... 316 Bwaru,Shepp Co,,,., do... 100 Isaac,,. sou Torbert Ullllara 1(0 Kbuman lteubea ,, do 4t Moser Michael do C9 Blttenbeider Jacob. JIUTtln 10 llenderahott, 200 Kramer A W di Luu Catherine do.... 35 Michael Joaeoh Peter .... 63 9 46 1 86 16 30 90 260 196 81 ISO 13 uu.,. Masteller Joseph .... 15 1K0 99 99 HI 311 174 260 85 85 75 30 80 47 13 8 16 '11 9 40. 10 T Nungrauer W J. do.,,, Paika jaiuea A T....,.,.do.. SutllO Joel ,,.,do,, Bchweppenhelser I K. do.,,. " Horace .do,,,, " BP.. ,do,. " Horace. do..., Williams Samuel do,,,, Yoho Jacob Est...... do,,,. Plait Urlas do,,,, Eokrolli Hiram do, Mensinger William Giger Samuel, Montour Fry Daniel do ... Neal WllUam do .... Gordon JohtiN.,,. do,,,, Crouaa lilram A Andrew Jr MtPleaiaat 8 80 27 US 1 10 460 41 TOO T Jacoby Rupert " Pamuel do..... Creveltngsamuri Orange Hsgerbucn Jeremiah KeUdo. . . , ' William ... do.... " Mary do,.,, Itcw Jeteratah.... do.,., Coleman aeonro Eat. do.... Kline Abraham J do. , . . " " , do..,. " Jacob deo do.. . Crawford William. do.... Flick neuA.B t ..Fine l.TOtll It W dO,,,, licberla Colo ..... do lionjtliner I'rtcr ...Honrlngcreek llrrlscliJncolj.. do " " do... " do,.,. Ilarnrg Thomas Jr do.... Cox c b Ex of Tench Cox do ..... ' ' " ", i " " " " .. do.,., " " " . do.,,. Dllaplaln Krcktel di.. Fctterman & llerblne..., llenston John,,. .do.... Ilerner John..,,,. .. do 181 171 8 04 811 5 11 141 27 424 88 I 19 t 86 13 73 3 91 21 44 1 IS 64 108 10 T3 2 70 8 I 80 64 78 49 90 19 136 880 4t 16 164 14 00 13 86 73 46 SO 84 833 47 95 3 44 10 39 10 39 23 99 10 99 10 39 II 12 085 715 44 64 20 65 27 40 665 1849 M 33 Morris lluRliei do . Mlndr I'wIh. do.... Nutlnff-r Jonathan,, ltlce Abraha'it ........ Hliuman Uavld hh'iup Abraham ,, McMflllin M M Wlichey.lolin Trlcn Jacob liuckalew Rran Colclhomns II Cnapln V CuslnrdMnry. '...!!!," Cope Israel Hess, Crevollpg c Co. " Wesley. do ,, . do ... do Hugartof , . do do,,,, ,.,.dn,.,... i. ... do,..,, do.... smith Minor McUenry Itohr " E .1 , " KJ .do.... " JobnJ do " " do..,. Savage Joshua Eat do,,., Davenport F do.... Com OH -colt (1KOIKJE A. UKIlltINO, Treasurer. rpilEA8UKER'S HALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENNA. Also at the same time and place the following lota, pieces and parcels of seated lands, returned by tbe tax collector1!, are to be sold under the pro visions of an Act of Assembly, entitled, "An Act relating to the anlo of lands for tax In Columbia County," approved March 5th, 1663. Warrantee or Acres. owners, Twp's, Taxes. 118 Ksbo ttolrertoa..... Beaver.. 8710 1 lot dchrlber Henry do.... 1 37 33 l'lilllps Catharine do..,, 175 33 Mann AW do..., SW 1 IthoadsPeUT do.... 3 18 4 llankes Daniel do... 26 Hot IMrsel Mrs K 11 Bloom. 43 00 1" DulnnOeorge. sio 1 " HehamJoho 4 06 lo Price Jonas Catawlssa.. 25 Hot Keller Sarah Centre.. 73 3u cummlngs u M CO con'y'm 1191 47 47S70 633 00 4 44 B 85 4 39 399 97 18 45 1 75 10 18 6 40 9 74 437 4 C5 389 460 353 3 75 2 24 8 25 1 87 81 9 26 803 17 87 383 250 9 GO 4uu curiy &uen ...... uo., Murphy, Hughes Co. .do., ttlot Mciiaiedoun it.. do Collier Michael I " Cas.y Lawrence do.,,. X " Dougherty Mary. do II Vought Irwin B... .Franklin,. 81 Moore A L Greenwood.. M Albertson David C Est. .do 100 Hand John A Hemlock.. 100 Ithmo Michael Jackson.. 33 chamberlain Lewis do.,.. 75 " .... do.... 33 Young Lewis O do.... S3 ' " do.... 80 niassmyer Francis F...Locust 21 Lonnon Geo W Est do.... 130 EvesCW .Madison.. . w " do.... 170 rill Jesse do.... 6 llouser Kroom do.... 10 Eckroat Charles Est .Mimin.. S3 llower CharlesK...Mt ITs't.. 113 I less John line.. 8" Kline Patterson do.... 50 Lyons Newton do.... 37 HattJohn do.... so Parker John II. lis FrlckOAEst do.... 211 Hess Lavlna .. Sugarloat., 21 Albertson Jesse, do... 51 Kline Abnerw do..,. 8-fl crevellng J II.. ,do.. 40 ShulU Ellas ..... , ,do.... 34 HedllnoBF ...' 840 ee Hal 4 49 19 20 2C4 14 39 a. a. HEititiNO. areas. Treasurer's Ofllce, Blootnsbuit, March 2s, 1888, NOTICE IN PAHTIT10N. 2-Maltol John lloatt. ifeattd. To Reuben Hausman. Nathan Ilausmas. Edwin Mix'sman, Sarah Eisenhard, Caroline Hunt, Louisa Weland. Marr bchercr. Caroline Scherer. Sarah Brown, all In Lehigh county; Charles Boats John It. Iloa's. Jacob Ilea's, i stharlnx Boats, Mary Boats, Mary Khuman all in Schuylkill county; Caroline sing y, John Ilennlnger, Frank fun, uavia auss, unarirs A. r.nuinan. guaruiaa ft John Nuns and Lvdla Nusa all In Heavar town ship, co umbla county. Pa. Take no' ice that In pursuance of an order tn th Orphans' Court of colu" bla county, Pa., an Inquest v lit r e held on tho premises, on real es tate of said decedent, situate Iu Beaver township, Columbia county Pa., t ract No. 1 containing thirty one acres and ten perches, neat measure; tract No. 2 containing ten acres and fltty-alx perches strlc measure, wheri on Is erected a house, barn and out lulldlngs; tract No. 3 containing Otty acres sMct measure; on Thursday May 3rd, 1838, between the hours ol 111 a. m. and 4 p m. for the purpose of making part 11 ion of the said real estate lo and among the children and legal representa tives of said decedent. If the san.e can be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, other wise t6 value and appraise ti e same according to law; at which time und place you can attend, It you think proper. 13 apr Sheriff. JOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the following ao count has been filed In tho court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and will be presented to the auiu 1 uuri, un mti nrsi, .tionaay 01 May A. v. l'aa and confirmed nisi, and unless excepilons are Died wiuhu iuur uays mereaiier win oe connrmea absolute. 1. First and final account of B. W. Itfuw com. mlttee of Fannie Coleman a lunatic. WM. 11. bn V DEIt, Prot hy. Prothonotary's Omce. Bloomsburt. Pa.. Anrll 9, ISA, R EQIS'lER'S NOTICE. Notice la herehv frtvpn tn all lefrateea. nrei11f.nni uuu uuicr persons inieresiea in me estates oi me resDCCtlvQ decednnlR nnd mlnnra f hnt the fnllnw. lAR administrators executors and oruardlan ac- counts have been nicd In the office ofthe Register of Columbia county, and will be presented for unui uiaiiuu uuu allowance in iuo urpuuu a cuuri, to be held tn BloomBbure on Monday Hay 7, ln 1. First and final account of Freaa Fowler guardian of Susannah Ilaeenbuch a minor child of Samuel Ilagenbuch labs of Columbia county 3. First and final account ot James Erwln guar dian of narry nelnbach a minor child of Peter J. Uelnbach late of Turbett township, Northumber land county deceased. S First and Anal account ot Jefferson Fritz trustee appointed by court to Bell real estate ot Emanuel savage late of Jackson township de ceased for the payment ot a legacy charged upon said lan 's by the wlB of Joshua Savage. 4. Second and imai account of P. O. Wadsworth administrator of Daniel Thomas late ot Fishing, creek township deceased. i. First and final account ot William Lamon administrator ot William Hitler of Brtarcreek township Col imbla county deceased. 6. Socond and partial account ot Lizzie S. Jack, son and Mordecat w. Jackson executors of the estate of o. a. Jacksou ot Berwick Columbia county deceased T. Flrbt and final account of L. E. Waller execu tor of the last will and testament ot Mrs. Uarrlet M. Andrews late ot Uloj.nsburg Columbia county deceased. 8. second and parti il account of WlUlam W. Parker administrator fo. of Ilumphiey Parker Ule of Greenwood township Columbia county, PCuna., deceased. 0. First and final acconnt of Josenh Bower executor ot John Bower late of BUarcreek town- amp aeceasca. to. Flna and anal account of Isaac Ileacock administrator of Samuel N. Patterson late of urveuYvoua lownt-oip Deceased. 11. First and final account of A. O. Millard fifcutor of the estate ot Susan Barger lata ot wuuw vuvvusuip ucceaseo. 12. Third and final account ot Harry V. Beaver executor of John Helnbold also distribution ot the balance In hands of Harry W. Beaver as per uu, iuiru uuu unai account niea aiarca win, loss, uuuir me provisions or inewiuoi saia aeceasea. 13. First and final account of Thomas J. Ilotr. uian uanunLHiraior ot llenry iionman late of cala niaou tutvwuiip, uommoia county aeceasea. 1 1. First and final account or M. c. VdncA pia. cuwronne estate ot jane Vance late ot Orange township deceased. IE. First and final account f Ramnpl Vn,h,nl administrator of the estate of Lvdla itoberta an. IS. Vlrat. and flnal nivnimt nr (J.rniiat slil. tr llutchlson and L B. Hutchison ajlinlnlnlrnlnrR nr tuc eataie ui iu mas j. jiutcruson aeceasea . 17. Second account of WllUam Neal executor ot the estate of All red McClure deceased. . r irst ana nasi account ot peter A. Evans guardian ot Mary Ida ((ruber a minor child ot W iua uruuer uecuaoea late or liemiock township. VJt w.u wuu.. 19. First and final account, nf t. n. irntrtt administrator of lieuben Knlttielate ot Franklin luwnsuip t,oiumui t county, ueceased. 20. First and final account of Addtn cleaver executrix ot Alem B. cieaver, late t Catawlssa wnuauip uiuuiuia cuuuiy, aeceasea. il. The first and final account at F. P. Dlldlne administrator of Margaret Ulldlne deceased. tl. llrst and final account ot Isaac A. Dewltt executor ot the last will and testament ot John u. nuurc, late ui ureenwooa township, aeceasea. S3. First and final account ot John A. Funston administrator with the will annexed ot Samuel .uv...a. ,.m ui uinuKU bunutuiip ueceaorut i. First ana partial account of Kdnin i. can. wen executor of the laat win and testament ot ouicui a. wuaneii late, ui tne town oi rJloouisDurg. Columbia county, ueceased. S&. Frt and oartlal account or f. U'. Munivw and II. 1). Welsh executors of the last will and tetainent ot .uar .N. liaiman, lateof Bloomaburg &6. First and final account nf Altnd 15 mlnlatrdtor of the entate nf samti ita M 81 vuamj vunuauip UfVvUHU. vT. First and final account nn. .1 iim. mi. lstrator of Jouuph A. Hess late of Centre township fnllimhlA Pnniitv d.w.nan r 0,11. CAMPBELL, ltrgtiler. lXKClTOR'r NOTICE, ' fit KHatt a) tlary Mgar late o Benton lounihl Letters testamentary on the said estate having been granted to the unders'gned, all persons In debted to said estate are hereby Housed to pay the same, and those having claims agalusf said es tate will prevent the game for settlement to ltOHH Mcllaxir. w xecutor, 81 97 64 10 10 8 SO M 89 13 55 11 II 140 60 10 60 4) 101 13 CO 30 16 SU0 60 18 18 100 13 143 61 10 40 S7 601 8'6 SO 60 193 411 250 2 75 60 135 H Of 119 ,vorii9 0l 111 91 SCO 600 too ;s 33 8) 5 6 READ Lnccs nnd Embroid eries. We place on sale this day the largest and finest lino of these goods wo have ever shown at prices lower than over. 45 in. n , i'ii.. r tt r inifs at 42.G5 a yd., worth $3.00, at $2.87 t a yd. worth $3.50 a yd. Oriental Lace Floimcings, 60c goods at37J eta. a yd., 75c goods at 58c a yd. r, , . ' . t !.l ! ilimusomc 10 in. rvinuroiuunca at 98c, worth $1.20 a yd, $1. u yd. worth $1.25 a yd. Call and see and lots of others. A liandsomo Black All Wool Henrietta, at 98c a yd. good value at $1.15. 40 in. wide elegant finish and color. Children Lace Caps, full lines from 25c up, and many novelties, call and see them. See our Special Caps at 75c and $1.00 Wo have now open the finest line of Spring bhaivos wo have ever shown, also Coats and JacJtets. You will find good lines of Wash Dress Goods now on our counters at exceedingly low prices, Cord Zevhyr Cloths 15c a yd. was 20. Dress Cords 16c a yd. now 12c, Seersuckers, Satins &c. Another lot of thoso pure silh Gloves, 50c goods for 35c, pair of 25c Lisle Thread Gloves for 16c. Call soon. Also full line of Mitts now open. Have you seen those White Dress (roods at Clark & Son's. H, J, CLARK & SON BLOOMSBURG, Pa. CANDIDATES. Candidates named under this heading are sub ject to the rules ot the Democratic party. FOB REPRESENTATIVE, E. M. TEWKSBURY of Cataw'wsa. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, JAMES T. FOX, of Beaver towusliip. FOR REPBKSENTATIVE, C. Z. SCHLICHEU, of Ilea vt r township. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, GEN. C. M. BLAKEIi. rjOWN ORDINANCE NO. 38. 4D Ordinance to ooen Lackawanna Avenue wim, monly called Sixth street) from Market street 1 Siction l. Be it ordained and enacted by the ! Town council of the town of Bloomsburg, and it Is hereby enacted by authority of the same : That said Lackawanna Avenue bo opened as a public highway from Market street westward to West street, of the width of Otty feet, the north side on line thrrof beginning at a point In the west Bne of Market street, and In the north line ot snld Lackawanna Avenue, as opened eastward trom .Market street, thlrty.nre feet north ot a marked stone tn the west line ot .Market street, thence south slxly-four degrees and forty-one minutes west, parallel with Fifth street, eight hundred and fifty -tour and clghty.five one hundredths feet. Passed April 20, 1888. Attest p. & nAKMAN, SaMoiLNiTHiBn, President ot Town counclL Secretary. may- -83 NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR IN. CORPORATION. In the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Columbia. Notice Is herebv trlven that nn nnlta,lnn win be made to the said Court on the Eleventh day of -...j ,m -twj, ui ,ud .uieuuuu ui saiu uu aii ten o'clock, under the "Corporation act of one thou sand eight hundred and sevent .tour," and the sUDDlementa thereto, hr u'liium ka.i u n .uwwn, - -. " uuunuainuiuu, jamea rcariet and L. E. waller for the charter ot an Intended corporation to be called the E"ho Park Fish and name Protective Association, ihe character and object ot which it the preservation of fish In the upper Vf aUrs of Flshlne Creek and Its tributaries. and the preservation of game upon the lands drained b and adjacent to the waters aforesaid. In the Counties of Columbia and Sullivan in the ovuie ui rouuayivauiu ; ana tor tne purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the tights, benefits andprtvllenesconierrcdbythe said acf ana itg ouppicutcuvo. JAMtb HCAHIJlT, I- E. WAM.Kir Aprll-SO-'ss soucltors. TyiDOWS1 APPRAISEMENTS. The following widow's appraisements will be presented to the Orphans' court of Columbia county on tbe first Monday of May A. D. 1888. and confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions are filed within four days thereafter will be confirmed ab. solute: pursei, ira o. Est., Pine, personalty t33.S5, realty 1877.05, $30,00. ' ' Ilarman, N. D., Eat., Catawlssa, personalty 17.88, Welllver, NVEsLMadlson, personalty MLM. Strieker,-Oeorge Est;, catawlssa, personalty 1800. Colley ibibert L. Est , BloouTr&onaltj Olrton Mathias Est. Hemlock, personalty imssi Erwln. William Eat. Locust personalty tmooj jost, Henry a Est., Montour, personalty tscaod." Liuderbacn William Est , FUtuigereek, pemonJ Jarrard WUUamEst,, Berwlok, personalty ns2.4J WM IL SNYDER, Clerk's Office, Bloomsbnrs, Pa., April 18, A. D.' 188J MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike artificial systems. Any book learned In one reading. Classes Of 1087 at BaltlmnrA and ion At. natrntt. 1503 at Philadelphia, 1113 at Washington, uu at Boston, large classes of Columbia law stud. enia, at iaie. .veilosley, obeilln, Unlver. aty of penn., Michigan university, Chautauqua; cc, ic Endorsed by Richard Pro. tor. tbe scien tist, Hons. W, W, Attor, Judah P. Benjamin. Judge Olbson. Dr. Brown, E. u. Cook, Principal N. Y. state Normal College, ta Taught by co,'. iwinniuuim , iaui,ua UUBL IIBO inMU PllOF. LOISETTK, raf Fifth Ave., New York, Apni-iei-a-tt. EL'S C, ITARRH Cream Balm Cleanses the nasal sly1: passages, allays pain and Inflammation,! heals Ihe sores, re tores tbe senses of taste and smell. TtlV THE CURE. A particle is applied into each nostril and Is agreeable Price So cents at druggists; by mau. registered, 0 cents. ELY BUOTHKBS, pa, Green, wfch SL, New York. A prtl-iTMt, AKKER'A HAIR BALtAM CUaiuoi asd baauUSea Um balr. PromtHaaa luxuriant rrowta, H.eJvtr.Filli . Reilore Qray Hilrte Hi YeulKfg Calor. ' W Ouraeacaip dlanaeaa , nd hair fallhia (& at pminrUU. HINDERCORNS. Apm-e7-tt, THEM! X- Pnrnsols. It will jmy any one wanting tl ese to inspect our stock of handsome plain Satin goods at $1.15, 1.25, 1.50, 1.71 in Jilack and Colors, Sti'iped Parasols, Plaid Parasols in leading color com binations, at low prices. Sun Umbrellas in Silh and Gloria from $1.75 up. SatiiiCH. We open this morning a new line of the new est patterns and colorings, arc perfect nnd the prices correct. Call and see them. A few more of those Ladies Gauze Vests at 3 for $1.00. Also a new lot oi Jersey Rib bed Underwear at 25, 30, 40 and 50c, nlso Childrens Gauze Underwear from 121c up. Have you seen those Color ed All Wool Henrietta Cloths, 75cnuality at 62 Jc a yd. 10 shades, also Black. Try our 75c Kid Gloves, 5 Button Embroidered. Bargains in Hosiery. Ladies 50c Lisle Hose 35c, 75c for 50c, 25c Hose for 18c, fcc. Childrens Hose from 10c a pair. Infants Hose 10c up. Complete lines of Dress Trim mings, Braids, Jets, Gilt Braid, Buttons &c. Complete new lino of 72 in. felts now in stock, best quality. 2 bargains in Nail Brush es, 50c goods for 25c, 25c for 15c a piece. S alesmen N WANTKI). Permanent Dost. I AMI HXl'HNsKs i-Aiii. Any determined man can succeed with us Peculiar advsntages to be ginners, stock complete. Including many fastrseil fng specialties. Outfit free. Address at once, (Name this paper.) BltOWN BUOTUKKS, NCRSiHTiixH. hochester, N. Y. AprllW-sm. NEW INVENTION IN LACING HI. CORSET with self-adjusting back can I w changed from tight to looso-nttlng In fivo seconds, without removing from tho person. NltVKIl UK(UlltBH NliW LACKS or NTKELS Laces will not SHOW i rilltOUOII the BHESS. The I healthiest, best-tltting and I nost comfortable Corset made. 'III. f-KI.I'.AIlJI'MTINO COflKKT CO., ISO FHANKLIN ST., NEW YORK CITY. ' Factory, Rochester, N. Y. Aprtl-W-r-Um. WANTED'S Orders for oar Trea,'lne, dec. Steady Work For Hcneit, Sobsr, Induilrlout Mm, owuiaMiion il prci.rrco. W r- a (ill lio rrull m4 UhmW iul iMTjihinf ankilj Inwli THt BUSINISS QUICKLY LKARNCD Satltlactlon OuirinteeJ to Customers and agenu. w rite Immediately for term. Address, R. (1. C1IASK A- CO.. 1430 So. Penn Squire, Philadelphia, Pa mar804t eow BLOOMSBUliG MARKET. Wholesale. Kctal. 02 SO 66 CS ar, 45 4.00 to CC0 24 26 12 14 70 80 '12 16 03 05 07 10 09 13 10 13 10 13 20 80 1 00 1 CO 07 86 5 to 7 Wheat per bushel.. Rye " " .. Ccrn " " -Oats " " .. Flour " bbl Butter Eggs Potatoes Haras Dried Apples Side. ,.'., Shoulder Chickens Oeese ;, Lard per lb Yineear Dor eal..." Onions per bushel.. Veal skins Wool per lb Hides Coal on WnaRF. No li 2.00; Nos 2. 8, & Lump No, 5 48.00 Blttimlnus $8.2S Hew Yoik fIrKETs. :o: neportea by O. S. ralmtr, WTtolesate Commtitlon Merchant, ;M Jteaae St., y. r. New York. April 80, 1888. Tho week opens with a very satisfactory market on nc butter, which is the leading article of country produco now arriving, belcct markB of now dairy find ready buy. ers at full quotations. To-day wo obtained 27 to 28 for extra creamery i choice 25 to 20c dairy tubs 24 to 20c. Owing to tho liberal supply nf eggs prices remain low, fresh, Btate aud Peun. bringing to-day 13 tn 14c, although something vtry fancy might exceed these quotations. Dressed poultry In fair supply and prices steady on choice marks. BWcct turkeys, fresh killed, 12 to 14c. Cholro chickens and fowls 12 to 15c. Capons 30 to 25c per lb. Broilers, prime, 45 to 80c , others 28 to 85c. Dress ed calves not so plenty, but tono weak and fancy stock hard to place over 7J to 8Jo ; fair to good 0 to 7o. Apples sell very slow ly at unchanged prices. Prime bald wins 8 25 to 3 50 per bbl., russets 2 60 to 8 00. But little business tlolug in the market on potatoes, buh demand fairly steady, and with foreign gradually decreasing we look lor a more favorable market soon. Primo potatoes, rose, (State, 3 87 ti 3 60 per bbl.. burbank 3 35. Sweet potatoes Urm and prices ranging from 4 25 to 4 60 Marrow beam selling fairly well, 3 60 to 2 05. Medium 3 60. White kidney 3 30 to 3 25 1 red t 70 to 1 80. Choice peas, 1887, 2 85 to 3 00. As green fiuit is now about out ot market we look for a moro scllvo demand and better prices mi .vuni.rntcil nrmlin em Fancy evap. apples selling to.dav from 8 to OJo. Cherries 10 to 31o. Raspberries 85 to 27c. Blackberries 8Jo. Receipts con. tlnue liberal of maple sugar and prices un changed. Fancy, llgnt colored sujiar bring. Ibg Bo por lb , with maple syrup ranging from 65 to 76o per gal,, latter for primu stock. Onions very scarce and choice red or yellow, old, selling from 0 00 lo 8 00 per bbl., according to quality. Hay, prime, 00 lo 05o mixed grades 65 lo 85c. Rye straw rauglpg all the way from 55 tp 05o per cwt. SUB8(UtlBK FOR TIIK COLUMBIAN