The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 20, 1888, Image 4
COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Miscellaneous. A oflniontor Is an iinrciwopablo fol low. He objects to plain board, and yet, ho don t llko n board .until It has been planed. Thoro is a natlvo light In every man, duooycring to him tho first lines of duty in his oommon notions of cood nnd,ovll. Tho only drawback tn ilm nbsnlntn porfcction of a boy's Drat watoh is that it doesn't need winding up every fifteen minutes. Tho latest monopoly is tho "Slato Penoil Trust." Pretty soon our Trust In God will bo Incorporated and held at fanoy prices. '.'How are collections to-davt" asked a man of a .big colleotor. "Slow, very slowi can't ovon collect my thoughts, was tho reply. A Putman county youth was re cently married to a sirl who refused him eighteen times. He now wishes he hadn't asked but seventeen times. A contemplative life has more the appearance of a llfo of piety than any other; but it is tho divine plan to bring faith into aotivity and excrciso A South Carolina paper tolls of a farmer in that stato who has ben at tho plow sixty-eight years. It is time to call tho old man to dinner. I have heard of men who know raoro than they could tell, but I novcr met one. If a man has a gcnulno idea, he can make himself understood. Charles Diokens, Jr., asserts that to him Niagara Falls is a plaoe of ab ject terror. How would ho feel in tho neighborhood of John L. Sullivan T Caller (to little Uobbvi "Bobbv. what makes your eyes so bright!" Bobby (after a littlo thought): "I dess it's tase I hain't had 'em very long. Judge What sort of man was it whom you. saw commit tho aasaultT Constable Sbnre, yer honor, ho was 11 !i! . . i . u email, liiHiguiuoam. craymur, aoom yer own size, yorjionor. "Now how must I do with this wed Uing cake to droam on it T asked a gushing ' damsel of a matter-of-fact young man. "Just eat it ; that's all," was the reply. Dr. Lyman Beochcr onco replied to an inquiry of Dr. Hawes : "How are youcettinK ont" "First-rate I first rate 1 ever since I stopped trying to run mis world. "In litcraturo there seems to be a man constantly catching our ideas,'' said a writer. "Yes," some one re joined, "and tho troublo is that be catches them boforo you do." German Professor (to young Ameri can): "You don't muBht make yourself drouble to speak Cherman by roe; when you spheak English I know your meannes ferry veil." "Mabel, I baro something to say that will astonish you." "What is it, Harry t" "I'm going away," "O, Harry ! you are always getting up some nice surprises for me." Tho coldest winds are those that herald spring, the darkest hour is that before the dawn, the greatest crooks are those that nover swing, tho finest watch is that wo havo in pawn. "I never think of autumn without feeling a sigh," he said as he passed tho Grand Circus Park. Nor I, either," answered the other. "Stato and county taxes come due in the fall 1" An Englishman came to New York and. put up a sign, "Established 1804,'' and rathor prided himself on the an tiquity of his establishment. The next day. his Yankee rival across the way burlesqued his sign in this way : "Established yesterday. No old goods on hand." Taken to the Insane Asylum. Conductor Edward J. Leedom, of Heading, who recently became inttane on his train, was brought to, the Harris burg asylum laBt week. It is believed that Mr. Lredom's troubles originated from excessive smokinr, and that with proper care he will soon be restored to health. At one time it was tbonght his lungs were affected, but a critical examination proved that such is not the case. He was then jfut under treatment, advised to stop smoking, and(recovere3. Finally he resumed the old habit, smoking as high as twenty cigars a day, and his present condition is attributed to nicotine Soison. He was accompanied by G. !. Beaver and Officer Joseph Kaucher. At the depot in Heading he appeared cheerful, because a telegram was shown him supposed to be from a friend in this city. Messrs. Beaver and Kaucher said they had business in Harrisburg, also, and that they'd go along. "When to train arrived in this city a cab was in waiting, and Mr. Lee dom was induced to get in, and then driven to the asylum. Conductor Lee dom has very many iriendx in this city and Heading who wish him a speedy recovery. Many say that cigar smok ing is not tho cause, but that his brain is slightly affected. The Lonely Man. There are 1,400,000,000 people liv ing'on the planet which we inhabit. And yet thero is now and then a man who wonders what the rest of us will do when be dies. Thero are other people in "society" who houeetly tliink that all the world closes its eyes when they lie down to sleep. Thero are men who fear to act according to their own convictions, because perhaps ten persons in a orowd of 1,-100,000,000 will laugh at them. AVhy, if a man could only realize every moment what a bustling, busy, fussy, important littlo atom he is in all this great ant bill of important, fussy little atoms, every day; he would regard himself less, aud think still less of tho other moleoules in the corral Bunhlle. A Dtstlngufsucd Clrrgjrman's niouy Iter ft M ricki'iis. resident oi the Methodist r(oteUiit Churrli el South Carolina, writes (torn Greenville: "About four years ago 1 was attacked with what the physicians pronounred neuralgic rheumatism, accompunlrd with erysipelas My appetite failed ros entirely, aud f had an inUrtnittlng pulse and voir irregular pulsatioua of the heart. A ter rible pain soon rune Into my rheit and shoulders, and 1 bertrne so helpless that I could sttepd to business at all Tin pains wera movable, aud would sometimes pass from uue part of my body tu anothei Finally the erysipelas broke out on my ltt band and arm, and produced mmh swell Ing. I wm for eighteen months nfllu tcd in this way, and of counts iuixI a great many kind of medicines, but nothing g me relief. Frlouda finally persuaded u to try Hwift's Specific I u.ilU'd sducide4 improvement while taking the first ImiiU I continued its unu until 1 had taken sbuut ocedoien buttles, when 1 f.iund mvsulf sound and well again, with u sign of di esse left esurpt stifmeu in my hand, a result of the rryiipels While taking the medicine I gained on an aversga two pounds ol tiesh per Week I think 1)8 tl valuable medicine, and i frequently recommend It to my friends'' Writ to the HWIKT tilKClVIO On, Atlanta, Ua , (or a Trottlse on Blood and Skia Diseases, lualtsd Ut to aneiu." Luck of a Striking Miner, $1,000,000 1.K1TTO A KAMtl.T tUAT UltEAKFASTEDOH lmKAl) AND WATER.. Siiamokik, l'a., April 8. James Bat. Icy, of this city, has fallen heir to $1, 000,000, left to him by tho death of his uncle, William Constein Munson, of Newport, England. H alloy has a wife andsoven children for to tako care of. Tho past four months ho has missed manya meal to nppcaso tho hungor of tho littlo ones. Ho went on strike with tho rest of the 1'hiladclphla and Reading miners in January, and, through a misunderstanding, did not seouro his place when the strike wn declared off. Fulling to obtain work at the collerios ho was compolled t seek aid from tho poor dlstrioL Yester day morning ho received a letter troni an attornoy in England informing hit of hU lucky windfall. Bailoy resitlM In, Newport twenty years ago and wss tho deceased uncle's private secretary f alling in love with a comely wins?, girl ho was married to her despite hi uncle's earnest protest an I threat disinheritance. After thq marnsti ho and the bride bade adieu tn Enul.i and sailed for tho United Staw Arriving in this country and failitii to eeouio work in tho cities, Baile came to tho coal regions, win-ro Iih has sinco residrd. When Bailey wan ap prised of his unelo's legacy he siraidj remarked: "Well, this morning we had bread and water for breakfast, and for dinner wfl'll cat chicken for tho Orst I timoiniuany months." Next week went in procession by torchlight to the bride .!, ih, .i1l .all fnr Unhand 1 K0 " ho0 ned. n.thB W "'bh1.' to tak6 DOBscflsion of his riches. H is an intelligent man, aged 38 years and enjoys good health. Tha Chinese Earthqnako. FIFTEEN THOUSAND PEOPLE KILtBD AND IMMENSE LOSS OF ritOrEOTV. An Oriental mail brings some par ticulars of tho earthquake in China just before Christmas, whioh has been cabled in skeleton. It proves to havo been of appalling magnitude. Fifteen thousand people perished in tho course of four days, during which at uncertain intprvals shocks continued. This es timate is to some extent supposition be cause it is scarcely possible, after so tremendous a visitation, to ascertain for awhilo tho-.cxact loss of life. How many have been injured appears to dfy computation, yet the capital district of Yunnan is absolutely one mass of ruins. Moro than five thousand persons were killed by the fall of houses at Lam-on, another Chineso town. The effect on buildings bas been almost as terrible, with tho additional horror of the earth yearning till a frightful chasm was produced, Irom whioh water, red colored, was ejected. The shaking of the earth seems to have been followed by a subterranean convulsion of the most awful kind. Further north, at Lo-Chan, whero ten thousand met their dcom, the aspect of tho country has been completely changed. Large tracts of land suddenly disappeared in the course of the visitation and in their nlace lakes formed. Counterfeiting Postal Notes. Tho postal note has fallen a prey t" the counterfeiter. It was supposed, when this note was designed, that it could not be readily imitated. A young man in the auditor's office in Washing-' ton was the first to perpetrate a frand with the notes. He changed several of thoso that had been canceled, and had them cashed, ne was discovered and punished. Since this there have been several counterfeits placed in cir culation, and tho manufacturers of tbem have not been discovered by the secret service officers. The govern ment is not .responsible for the loss or destruction of the postal note ; and if any are lost, like postage stamps, there is hardly any means of tracing them. The postal note is quite a popular mode of transmitting money through the mails, and there should he more safe guards to prevent it from being coun terfeited. Devwrest's Monthly for April. Spring Medicine. Tho necessity of a spring medicine is universally admitted.' -And the super iority ot Hood's Sarsaparilla for this purpose becomes raoio and moro wide ly known every year. Tbat power to purify the blood, and thoso elements of strength and health which the sys tem craves, and to which it is so sus ceptible at this season, are possessed oy mis peculiar medicine in a pre eminent degree. Scrofula, pimples, boils, or any humor, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache, catarrh, rheuma tism, or any diseases or affections caused or promoted by impure blood or low state of the system, are cured by . .uo ovoivhi, uiu uuiru w v -f , . Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try tbe peodUr,, medicine. Oar Sew York Letter. New Yobk, Thursday, , Deab Mit. EniTOit i The brightest and quaintest idea is tha one the new publication "Dress" is advocating, "All ladies should wear pantaloons." Do you agree with it 1 At any rate, your malo readers should know of the N. Y. Standard Pants Co. pf CG University Place, New York City, who are making to order fine, woolen pants for 3, and send them to customers bv mail. Thev send to any address on receipt of 0 cents in statnpH 25 samples of oloth to choose frntn, a full set oi measurement blanks, a One linen CO inch tape meanure free and a lot of othor valuable points. They al ways guarantee satisfaction or rotund the money. Tell every reader to try them. All New York is wild over thoso $3 pants. Everybody is wear ing tnem. Yours truly, A. ItoogByxtviv Took a Skip, Mrs. Volkavitch, the wife of tho murderer who was hanged at Wilkea barre Tuesday, of last week eloped Friday night with a butcher named Tradesky, They went to Pittsburg where they will be married. The polish poople of Wilkenbarro are In dignant at the woman's conduct. For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. raines felery tofiound TUB TUN VIRGINS. LESSON IV, SECOND QUARTER, IN TERNATIONAL SERIES, APRIL 22. Text til tha Lrft.on, Mftlt. xir, 1-13. flolden Tetl, Mntt, axv, lO-Mriiiorlta Venn 10, 11, IS, 13 Comment hf IUt. II. S. Hoffman. From Lemon Helper Quarterly, tj jiennUstou of 11. 8. Hodman, I'hlladelphla, publisher. Notes. '.amps, torches. No oil, no grace. Oil with their Jm, grac-e should go with a profession. Tnrrlwl, the Iord will not come as noon to hit church ns expected. Not enough for you, no one can supply grace for Another's nerd. Door ihut, ns much for the comfort and security of thorn within as for the exclusion of those without. Watch therefore, this Is the scope and design of tho whole parable. The central thought of this lesson Is that we must bo always ready for the Lord's coming. Are wol V. 1. The number "ten" would seem to be the perfect number of secular lif e, ns "seven" Is of the spiritual life. It may "hare orig inated In Uie arithmetic of the ten fingers." Ten formed a Jewish comany, ten ate the Passover together, ten Jews in one place formed a congregation to build a synagogue, there were ten commandments, etc. This number would seem to refer to church as it ajpears to the world. The number live would seem to teach half consummation, tho Angers of only one hand, the five senses without the five mental faculties, or vice versa. The parable is based upon the marriage customs of tho east. The bridegroom went, late In tho evening, attended by Ida friends, or "groomsmen," to the bride's dwelling, where she awaited him, attired in white robes, decked with jewels and attended by her bridemaids. The whole company then invited guests (tue virgins In the parable) with torches. When the bridegroom a hou.o was reached the train of friends anil guesta entered and the doors were shut, debarring any one's entrance that would come later. Lamps were absolutely needed by each one In the dork street of an Asiatic city. In modern Jerusalem the authorities require every one to carry a lamp. While the virgins symbolize the whole Church of Christ, the lamp would seem to represent the outward profession of Chris tianity. The "oil" stands for the spiritual Ufe and grace In the soul. The "flame" of the lamp typifies the outshining of holy life, fed and nourished by grace. Of course the "bridegroom" is none other than Christ coming to this world for his bride, the church. V, 2. The numbers moke nothing to the case, only the division Is essential The church At Christ's coming, as now, will con sist of the two classes, the nominal and real Christians. The wise and foolish are undls tingulshable until the crisis comes. V, 3. In the case of the foolish virgins the taxing of the lamps is everything, but the wise seem most concerned about taking oil in their vessels. Borne are anxious about the profession and forms of religion. Better be concerned about having grace in the heart. V. 6. Allusion is made to a longer delay of the Lord's coming than believers reckoned. While the bridegroom tarried they all, both wise and foolish virgins slept. The word "slumbered" "signifies drowsiness, nodding, while "slept" describes the full unconscious ness of sleep. Two stages of spiritual declen sion may possibly be indicated. But there appears no censure for their sleeping; It was not interpreted as unwatchfulness, It was not a guilty sleep. t V. ft At "'midnight," when that whlch'was wrong could not be madeight, aherald,qr , a p&rtLof CtJsC ireUnUft unnt 'bforr'uixun i 1 oing the approach of the bridegroom. The midnight fur the Church of Christ Is when lbs worldly spirit Is, so far In the ascendancy , as to make it seem that" the whole church has fallen Into Vkt common .course of the "world, and wheu the trtttn of Christ fet traduced and east aside by,the.znass pf men. Such mid nights of Christian' history there have been followed by a coming of the bridegroom. y. 7. Snatches of the Joyous muslo were already falling on their ears. Excitement was rising Into enthusiasm. The virgins "all arose." The trimming of the lamps im plied the infusion, of fresh oil and the re moval of the fungi which had gathered around and was clogging the wick. Belt ex amination and renewal of grace seems to be et forth. V. 8. The religion of Impulse, of excite ment,, pf mere forms, of only a profession, fails. In the hour of need. Unable to re kindle their lamps in the crucial hour, (heir joy and hope are also extinguished, V. 0. Character and grace ore not trans ferable. There are times when prudence has the appearance of selfishness. To have di vided the oil would have involved all In darkness nod defeated ,tUs purpose of the procession. -No one can supply grace for another's need, V. 10. We cannot prepare for the crisis at the moment Jt took the virgins longer at this unseasonable hour to buy, oil than at any Other time. There is a special time when a duty may be easiest done, Those who were prepared, who were ready with burning lamps and with hearts lighted up .with joy, went in with the bridgroom into the banqueting house. Then "the door was shut" Light and Joy Inside, sorrow and darkness without "Almost saved, but lobt." We shut the door ourselves by neglecting to be prepared to enter. V. 11. The foolish virgins returned as Esau, too late for the blessing which no tears could give him. There Is a time coming when it will be too late tor even prayer. Example of European Politeness, In Italy, as well as in France, we often find a pleasant disposition to. .offer service, even It it Is not directly paid tor, ' I was ince in a city of northern Italy, where I needed some articles of clothing. Having just arrived, I was entirely unacquainted with the plaoo and inquired of a clerk at a forwarding or express office, where I hod tome business, the address of a good shop where I could huv what I wanted. ITh them. elf to so much trouble, but he Insisted that as I did not know the city It would be much better for blra to accompany me. lie took 10 to the best place in town, helped mo in my selection, made suggestions to the Shopkeeper, and when' I had finished my busi ness, offered to go wjtb, me to buy any thing else I might want, It Is possible that he may have been paid for bringing purchasers to this shop, but the price I paid for what I bought was so, small that there could not have been much profit to anybody, and I do not believe that the Jorge and wealthy firm by whom this young man was' employed wpuld o1qw one pf Hjeir clerks to go out In this way merely to give him a chance to make a little money, Let any stranger In one of our cities enter an express office and try to get one of the clerks to go with Wm to a tailor's store and help him to select a suit of clothes, and when ho has mods knqwn his dflro, let him watt and sco ghat hapnenk'uext. fYaqk D Btockton lu Consumption Burel Oared. To the KniTort:. Please inform your readers that 1 have a positive romedv tor tho auovo named disease, By its timely use thousands of hopeless pases navp been permanently cured. enan no aiaa to send two pottles pi my remedy free to any of your renders wuo Havo consumption, if thoy will send me their express an j postoflice address, uespeouuny, r. A. siocura M. O., 181 Pearl St.,N. Y (25uov0tu, It is impossible for anybody to write a great dpal and pot tread over the grmni somebody elso has gono over A NERVE TONIC. Celery ud Coco, the prominent In fTwllonti. are the best and safest nerve Ionics. It Ertmatheni and Sulets the nervous synU'Ui, curuig errous Weakness, UVttorla, Sleep lessness. Ac. AN ALTERATIVE, Udrivrsnut the .poisonous humors of the blood burlfrfuff and nrlMi!nir ltr and w overcoming Chut dUeuos refill tn it iron) fJsurQ or liapoTer A LAXAWtt, ActlugmllillThut curat; on t h e towtli It curia habliu&l CMitlpUon, and promottnareffular habit. lutrenrth em the itainach. ana Atdj dlgeitTou A DIURETIC. In tu composition the best and most kctlTsdlurtiticsoflhelUlertaMedlca are combined scK'nllfieallywlUi other f fCUre, reinadla for (lUestes of tho kidneys , It can I relied on to give Quick relief and lueedr cure. nmdrdof toctlmonUishtf sbau rcelf t frost punoas aho af ua this rvuMKlr wiU. fall psrUootan), frlM 11.19. itU tr StoiUU; WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop's SOME DOCTORS honestly admit that'thcy can't core Ilhcatnattsm nnd Neuralgia, Others pay they enn butdon't. Ath-lo-pho-r6a say nothing hut eurei. That's .the secret of Its succeis. Years of trial hate, proved It to he n quick, tajc, snrt cure. ConPOTJ.N..II..Rrrtl!W? . Ihtnyomi .mil) Athlni-htrnwMnM M a lout iriiort, the fixer LnvJnff nutTt'ml rom rbenindUfin.for yew nn limltu? wn treated tor tho dfroftms brdincrrnt lihrnlciaiift In tlua HUte anil Aluwachu petw without errn temimrary rrltrf, Uon mrrw7ommrncUtlonitTOrpof poo. Via baratiml tliln wmly with th unit KUiilUMlQrXI 10111. Jt JU Y UOn. t . PobaqtiN Iow. Jan.8,lHHH, AuiioiHiorro lira mm-winr pi roiTir'IplMTf,iiriil inn fit TirrTOiu gnsBCDQ, una i tpoi uuikhu xor no, si ids. tin rui loc guua u au none ur, Mr. Lovif Mr. Louifx OnxiuiT. 4?" Bend o rent fnr tho i-oatitlful colored tIc- THEATHL0PH0R0S CO. 112 Wall St. tl. Y. novn.ctcoGm. HOW'S YOUR LAME BACK? STRING-THEN AND RtSTORB IT BY WBARINQA Hop Plaster Why stuflbr with (tn ftehlntr baelt whn a prompt iandpdtlUroroUef lsatliAudf Tho Jtop riofters tompletely andpedlly ctireBackohe,flldwhe, Fatnfal Utuolei, Kidney W)tfiMfl, Hhoamtv tlsm, SaUUos, Pleurlty, QiMl;rlnior Lung, OotigtiB, Crick and all Sudden, Chirp or Nertoru pAlna, Tho ioothhir. pln-kUllnjx and ttrenjrthcrt' a lntf vlrtuei of Hops, Hemlock, Ealanu and p ama , 8 combined Sweet and elan. Bold erwywDDr 26 CU..0 fcrSl.OO. MUed for prtoo by prpprl- to, Hop riastcr Canipaay-, Boston, jutut. fcylok tn tho hopvin4 wroatti and alffnatore i EofllOP TZaABTXul O0.,on evwry genuno puwter, Xtawaro of Imitation and antetltutlons. HAT AILS YOM? T)o tou fotl dull. lnna-iiM. low-BnlrlfpiL llfp- lens, and Indeflcrlbftbly tnlstinbV, w i r''yi cnlly mid nimitally; ctpcrlcnco a h"two of fultnons nr WoRtlnw aft?r cfttinir, orf "Rone iicss'or emptiness of Moinach In tbo nioi.i lug, totitfiia mated, bitter 'or bart ttislo i mouth, irresiibir oppctlto, dlwtucsi, fwjucn beadaclici, bhated fjCBig,ht,fiottriR'Fpetlts before the eyes, nervous prostration or.ex ImtiflUon, IrntabHlty tff tctnpor. hot-(JuMm-v, altcrnntijiff with rhHly eenwHtous, fiUain, ii u i nr. trariotit punts itoro mm iiteie, co;u ftct. dronsincss niter meals; wakefulness, vr disturbed -and tinrcfreshlriff' rlcei, cfintnft, l!iile3cnhHblo feeliuj; of dread, or of liupeinl lriLr uativinlty? If'you have all, or any considerable number of these symptom?, you are stifTerlnir Irom that most corainQii.of Amerleun imiladlca Bilious Dfspcpsiaor TurpUi Liver, associated with liye!epsla, or Indigetttm. Tho moro complicated yonri dlsnsu bar) toobme. Hho (rreater tho mnnber and dlvernlty of symp toms. No mat what ttt it has .cached, lir. lUorco1 (jioltleii Uleilieal J)iseocry will fitibduo It, If tAkt-u urwirdintf to dlice tiond for a reasouabJo length of time. If not cured, complication nmltljily and tVjiimip tioti of the IsUiips, ykln lObumtes, Heart Dltvnse. Itheuinutfsiu Kidney Disease, or otiier Riaro maladies aro quito liablo to set in and, sooner or later. Induce n fatal termination. lir. l'lerco'M i-oiacn ifaiciu its rovorv nets Dowcrfullv unon tho Liver, end throiitch that rreat blood -ptuiljim? orwin, cleana tho eysteui of all Moudttatnts mid 'im purities, from whatever cause nrfslnsr. It is equally ctlicaclous In nctlntf jipou tha Kid neys, and other excretory m-p-niia. eleanslnif, BtreUfrthenlng", andibeatlnsr their diseases. Ab an'appetliintf rcatoratlvo tonic, it promotes digestion ana nuinuou, tucK'ny oiiiiomff up both tlesh and strength. In malarial riibtiicts, this wonderful medicino luw jrahu-d nreat celebrity In curing 1'over and .prue, ChilU and Fever, Dumb Ague, and lclndml discafes. nr. lMerce'a uoiaon iiieaivai ills covery CURES ALL KfJHsORS, from a common lllotch, or Kruntlon, to tbo worst Scrofula. Snlt-rheum, lever-sores," Scaly or ItoiiKb Skin, In short, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by this powermi, puniyiag-, nnu inviironuinjr meai- olne. Uroac Eating Ulcers rapiaiy.ncnl u: ndcr Its tienffrn intlueuco. Esicclally lias It manl- i-Htvl its notency in curlnir Tetter. Kczema. liryslpclns, Dolls, Carbuncles, Roro r.ycs. Scrof ulous Sores and Sirolllngs, Jllp-Jolnt Disease, "White Swcllincs." Ooitre. or Thick Neck. and Enlarged Glands. cnd ten cents tu stamps for a large Treatise, with colored pinteStOn pain uiseases, or ine name amount for a Treatise on ttcrofujous directions, "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." ThnmuKhlv cleanse It by uslopr Dr, Jlerco? (joldrii jHcdicnl Discovery, and good dlgcsllon, a fair skin, buoynnt splitts. vital strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofula ortho laiiifrfl, Is arrested and cured by this remedy. If- taken in tha earlier stages or tno aisease. rrom us mar velous porer over this tenJbly fatal dltease, when tlrst offerinir this now world-famed rem edy to the public, Dr, Pierce thought .seriously of calling it bis "Consumption Cnrtn," but abandoned that name as too lustrietlvo for a medicine which, from its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cl canst tiff, antt-biUous, pectoral, and nutrltlvo properties, gls uueQualcd, not onlv as a remedy for Consumption, but for all C'hroiilo l)Iseusc of tho Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak LunKS,.Spittlug of Blood, fliort nesa of Breath, Chronlo Nusul Cutarrh. Ili-on-cliltis. Asthma, Severe Couubs, und tludrtd alfectlons. It Is an olliclent. remedy. rjoia nv uruggists, or six jjouies for S.OO. r iar Send ten cents In stamps for.Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 003 Main St., BUFFALO, N.Y. When I s.iy Cunts I tnetely to atop tliem lor a time, alio then liMvetttemie turn nirnlii I Mm A ItAIUCAl, CUUR: I li.uo made tlia dlseateiol ' I1TS, EPILEPSY or; A life lone study. I warrant iny remedy to i'vixk tho worst cases. llecau.o others nave failed 1 no reason for not now recrlvlnn a, cure Sfnd at onceforatrciuUeendnl'uii liorri-K nl my iKFtt.tiuu! Hi weov "(itvel: iscn and vnil Office It costs ou rotlilnfr lor r. trill, and It will cure you Addrvi H C, RD3T.M.C. 83PAUS1tKewYi! WE DO WEAR THE N. Y, STANDARD i$3,00 PANTS Jlutll UU aiulbltig hta low fllttm toiata( tOiMl (ejll fflinitw iMnip, vr oour hiii nun i iBBdllBK Oth taotQIOUl fitmntt- !h4 Mklngiucb until i igtl. rutf w uvictk lutitt t r- dueU f lbr uilU, n4 Uit bud ftlkM car thtuiatil. hflw-lTork Miles, AVOID IMlTAloiiV ti4 S fai KMDilflt) tuMur' mBl MSLBharag t van asi mal )pO0plllHWtMWtCM) tlMll tur, i Wif cn4 upr uuui t ruimnien utli mull uml vis. rrtssiM, At buyer' Ion. ctu In Uiitj.i wltl fmIt If rtlars mill i. p(k( vnuUud tfaiuMiili)is4U ip-Mlu.iiirli 0 Ult 0 V Alt ANTKK Lit b w. fttu v iur if aisrsMY tw MIIH r ii I unnaf for t out. Ntaret Aft tiuw, ud bfla lo? ,u sua, v, j out tionyjjit Kir u wun vi jour 10, K.11 H.Y. STANDARD PANT CO., 60 Unlver- ny riace, n. Ti city. Near union 8q, fblMy-tU WILLIAM HART BLOOMSBVRd. PENN'A., A(KHT pon Tim KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO, manufoctruersof the celebrated Keystone Iiyna. miui. This explosive la glTlng universal satlafao- tlon. yuotauonsontieiiuiiy given, iiiieuom FREE! A 80-PAOK ILIjUSTIIATEO I'Al'EU Deecrtntlve oi the Hell. Olhuste. Vredartlona. .Uunuruturlnc Industrie, and .lllneml Wraith r Virginia and other Southern states. Write to W. u. BEVILL, uen'i pass. Agent, K0lS0KK,VA. ED)ilE(4tat Stamp. Best riar.c:! Lowest Prices ! ! D S iNDrUS CO., IRADQUAllTERS l'Olt olmier, Krsuiicli & ISsicli Fischer, linersoii, Pease AND THE CF.I.KIIltATKI) Wilcox & White Organs. JiTPlanos Tuned anil Rciialrcd by com petent workmen. Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Willintusport, Pn. noTii-87-ty. RAILROAD TIiyiB TABLE "QsMsm ervMsnB mBmSI SKsnsnMBsvak All I)rulltf, 56., 00., tnd ,1 U0. I'rrptrrd Dnly by TJr.Stth Arnold, lied. Cori., C281tCm rvELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WBSTKKN KAILROAD. BLOOMSIJUHG DIVISION. STATION8. NORTn. rM ru A. M. 1010 10 25 10 29 10 3D 10 53 11 00 11 07 11 15 11 22 11 26 11 30 11 37 11 44 11 49 11 69 12 OS 12 16 12 20 12 25 12 30 12 87 12 41 12 45 12 60 12 55 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 30 r m UORTnUMBERUND 6 40 1 35 Cameron S es Chulngky 6(0 Danville... am l as catawlssa 6 :s u 14 Huperl. ,. 0 So s la llloomsburg 6 80 2 u Espy 6 42 2 SU Lime ltldge 6 so .... willow urove........ ...est Brtarcreelc 6 6S Berwick ...... V 05 a 4S Beacb Haven 7 11 !M Hick's Kerr)- 7 18 2 69 Hhlckshtnny 7 DO 3 on Ilunlocrs 7 43 3 19 Nantlcoke 7 50 3 86 Avondale 7 54 Plymouth 7 69 9 39 PD mouth Junction, .... 8 03 3 38 Kingston 8 09 3 43 Bennett 8 12 Maltbv 8 17 tf 15 6 30 6 34 6 40 R 6S 7 05 7 12 7 20 7 27 7 31 7 85 7 42 7 49 65 8 06 8 17 8 22 8 34 8 33 8 38 8 45 8 49 8 63 8 59 9 03 909 .Wyoming 8 si 8 62 west nuston e a m Plttston - 8 33 4 01 Lackawanna 8,40 Taylorvllle....'. 8 48 Bellcvue 8 64 SCBANTOM.... 9 00 4 88 r m p it STATIONS. AU AU HCBANTOK. 0 10 9 60 Bellevue , en 9 65 Tayiorviue , o to 10 oo Lackawanna. 6 cs to 08 Plttston 6 3d 10 .lo west Plttston 6 42 10 22 Wyoming; 6 47 10 27 Maltuy ., 6 61 10 SO Bennett e 55 10 34 Kingston 6 68 10 33 Plymouth Junction 705 to 413 Plymouth 7 10 10 47 Avondale 7 14 10 61 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 65 llunlock's 7 20 11 02 SblCkshlnny 7 47 11 12 Kick's Ferry :.. 7 65 1122 Beacb Haven 8 01 11 28 Berwick 8 07 11 67 Bnarcreek. - 8 13 Willow drove...... ....... 8 16 11 48 Llmo ltldge 8 SO 11 52 Espy 8 26 11 69 llloomsburg 8 32 12 05 Hupert.... 8 37 12 10 Catawlssn 8 '2 12 15 Danville 8 67 12 30 Chulasky. u 03 Cameron 9 07 12 AO NOKTHCJlBLRLiNl)., ...... 9 22 12 5" U 1 9 25 SO 9 35 A M SOUTH. ru 2 06 r m 6 25 6 30 6 37 6 45 6 60 6 55 fi 59 7 03 2 14 2 21 2 28 2 84 2 39 247 2 60 9 54 2 59 3 03 3 06 3 19 8 29 3 89 3 45 3 61 3 67 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 31 4 29 4 46 4 64 5 00 6 15 7 07 7 12 7 16 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 55 8 07 8 13 8 20 8 27 8 31 8 3.1 8 41 8 d 8 52 8 67 9 15 9 23 9 28 9 45 ill r u P M T Connections at liupcrt wltb Philadelphia a eaoinr uaurocu tor 'lamanena. -lamaaus. win. lamsport, sunbury. 1'on svillo, i tc At Nonbum. norland with P. E. Dir. P. It. K. for Harrisburg, Lock Haven, fimporlura. Warren, corry and Erie.- 'V. f . uen. man., Scranton, l'A Pennsylvania Railroad, M Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis. ion, and Northern Central Railway. 1111 TIME TABLE. In effect FEB. 8, 1888. Trains leave Hunburj KAHTWAHU. 9.40 a. m.. sea shore K.t Dress (aally except Bunaayj, xor uamsourg anaimenneuiaiesiaiious, arriving ut Philadelphia 8.16 s. m. ; New York. 0.60 D. in. : Baltimore. 4.40 n. m. : washlneti 5.10 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia fors-ll t suoro noinis. Philadelphia, Shore points. Through p&sasps-er coach to 1.48 n. m. Day exnres dally except Sunday), for Uarrleburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 5.60 p. m. ; New York, 9.55 p. m. ; Baltimore s.45 p. m. : Washington, 7.45 p. m. Parlor car tnrough to Philadelphia and passenger coaches mrougn to rnuaaeipuia ana naitimore. 1.43 D. III. IteUUVU Al'COIUIUUUULlUU IU&M for Uarrlsburtr and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. : New York 7.10 a, m, utmimore, o.iai. ni. , nuunicg.ou o.uo a. m. SleeDlntr car aocommcdatlous oun be secured al llarrlaliui-L' for I'hllodolnhla and New York. On Sun. days a through sleeping car will be run; on this tralnfrom WllTlatnap'ttoPhlladelphia.I'hlladelphla assengers can remalnlnsleeper unatsturbed antl a. iu. 2.50 a. m Erie Mall (dally excent Monday Or llarrlflbtirp nnd Intrmerltafe atAtlons. ai.-?ing, now lorn. 11.5u . m. : Baltimore 8.15 ft. m. i Washington. U.S a.m. Thjouc-h inillmwi Bleeping cars are run on lais nam to rnuaueipnia, naiiimore ana vaaninc ton, and through passenger coaohesto I'hllade pais ana uauimore. WESTWAUD. 6.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally excent Sunday), fo Krio una all intermediate stations ana cananaal laacatntermeaiate stations, iioenemer. uuna. and Niagara Valla, wltb through Pullman Pal- ace oars ana passenger coacnea io Arie ana Hocn ester. 9.53 News Kxpreas (aany except nunaayj ioi wk. jiaveu auu luieriucuiuie siaiiuus. 12.62 d. m.Nlairara Exnresa (dally except Sun yjior&auo uumvuriuoaiaieavaiiouB aim wnw a loalcua ana principal Intermediate stations. K'ClieHter, Buffalo and Niagara uffalo ana Niairara I Falls with ,nr)UKn passenger coacuesvoj mil Parlor carta Wllllamsnort. ) Kane ana Rochester 5.80 n. m. Fast Line (dally.except Rundsnfor He klns and Intermediate stations, wltb through pas- Beuxurouacura ij juruuvu auu nainius. s.eo a. m. Hundar mall for Henovo and lnterme. dlate statlon- 1T1ROUQH TRAINS FOB STJNBimY FROM THE JHAHT ANUbUlfTU. 'Sunday mall leaves 1'blladelDhla 4.80, a, Uarrlsburz 7.40 arriving at Sunburr 9.20 a. m.'wlth tareugnsieopingoar irom rnuaueipnia to nu IlumsporL. News Exnress leaves Pklladolnbla 4.80 a. m, Uarrlsburtr. 8.10 a. m. dally excent Sundai arriving at Sunburr VJU. a. m. rtmifara uxpreaa leaven Phlladelpbta,7.40 a. m. s Baltimore 7.80 a. m. (dally sxoept bunaay. .arriving m with tbrounb Parlor car from Pbiladelnhl and through pasaeDger ooaohes from Phlladel Dbla and Baltimore. Fast Line leaves Now York 9.00 a. m. ; l'hlladel. Dhla.ll.50a. m.i Woahlezton. 9.50a. m.iBaltl. more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at duuuui;, D.01, i. iu., wuu vuiuuku V)tuiaoil)f 01 ooocuesiruiu ruuuaeipuia una iiuuimure. n.rie aiuii ieaYeajew(iurJt ,; rvuaaei. Dbla. 11.25 D. in 1 washlmrtcn. 10.00 o. m. 1 , iu.ou t Bait I more, 11.20 p. m., (dally except.aturday) arriving at euuuury d.iu a.- in., wun inruugn Sleeping cars from PhUadelphla, Waabln atop and Baltimore ana tnroueu pacsenger coac upn iruiv HUNllUItY, IIAZI.ltTON .V WII.KUHHAHIll! UAllilliiAii Ann rviiii'i ii snu wksi lllf 4NI1II RAILWAY. (Bally except buuaay.) Wllkcsbarro Mall loaves Sunburr 0.55 a. m. arrl rrlvlngat Bloom Ferry 10.45 a.m., Wllkes-barre ;3.ip.m. Ing at Bloom Ferry 11.49 a. m.,Hunbury is.tip. m Eiprets West leaves Wllkes-barrrS.Ofi p. m.'. ar riving at Bloom Ferry 4.M p. m., Sunbury 5.27p.m SUNDAY ONLY, Sunday mall leaves sunbury 9S5 a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 10:i a. in.. wllkee-Bsrre 11:45 a.m. Sunday aocommodallon leaves Wllkea-liarre 6:10 p. m., arnrtng at uioom rcrry, e.nj p, m., Munoury, 1:80 p. m. ClIAU B. FTJOn, J, K. WOOD, Ues.llanagor Oen, PaaMnger Agec) A. C. YATES & CO Best made Clothing in I'liiln(lt!lilii:i for fen nnd Children. Sixth and Chestnut. (Letlifpr Building.) The Best Blood er isthnf vhichkcopsthoLlver .und St( imaoh In healthy con dition. GOOD DIGESTION MEAPiS GOOD BLOOD. Nothinr: J11 1 hn world so euc cossiunytreiit.stlio digestive orffitna n8 Mundiiiko, and tho only pure, safe nnd reliable prcpunttion of Mandrake is OTE&ICK'S Pills. Intvnll Omir'tit. rric25ttj.prbox; r r -r iirmnit, itipe frw, on ... . 1 J.u.tiUui.tJ.SoM'MIad't. Hamlin Organs and Pianos. The Cabinet Organ was Introdaccd by Mason Jt lliimllii In 181)1. .Mason ,t Hamlin. Organs have alwas maintained their supremacy over all others, imvlm; reccivtd Highest Honors at allGrest World's exhibitions since 1SC7. The ImDrovedModu of Strlmdnf? Pianos. Invented br Mason &. Hamlin In 1882. is a creat advance In pisno conetruction, experts pronouncing It 41 the crrstost .Improvement in phuioSln half a century." Piano circular, containing 300 testimonials from purchasers, musicians, and tuners, and llano and Organ Catalogues, free. UASON It HAlttltT 0ROA1? AND PIANO CO,, aprlJlin IIIIMIIRewardea are thoso that read H H I . Y this and then act: they will nnd honor. iiUUils "bio employment that will not take them from their hnmoa nnrl fnmlllAA. The profits are large and sure for every Industri ous person, many nave made and are now making several hundred dollar a month. It is easy tor. any one to make 15 ana upwardB per day, who is willing to work. Either sex, young or old! capital not needed: we start yout Everything now. No special ability required; you, readercan do it as wen as any one. rue to us at onco for lull par tlculais, which we mall free. Address Stlnson Co., Portland, llalno .ydoc30. GALVANISED WIRE NETTING! BEST & CHEAPEST FENCE IN THE MARKET JfU I'OULI KV, UAU11KN IAWN. IN UALE8, IN) FKET LONG. FEET niOH, ONLY ,50 PEll BALE. FKCT mail. ONLY 5.63 PKK HALE. 6 FEET IlIQIl, ONLY 6.75 PElt UALK. Other widths from 1 to i ft, at, proportionate puces, Aaaress oraere ana oorresponaence to V. S. WlItE NKTTINQ CO., OS Iteade Bt,, N. Y. PATENTS, Caveats and Trade Marks obtalned.and all Patent business conducted for SIOIIKB A TK FEES. OUlt OFFICE IS OPP. WTE II. H. PATENT OFFICE. Wo have no Kub.nirenelrB. all business direct, be nee can transact patent buslr eas In leas iiiueunu ui touaa tuai tnau tnose remote irom wasuinron. Wo advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till Datent Is secures. A booit,"i!ow to Obtain PatcntVwlth. references w hviuui uiieuio iu your state, countv. or town. C. A. SNOW & CO., Oppoalte Patent OfncH Washington, n. C. ffl. C. SLOAH & BRO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAGES BUQOIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS AC First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING HEA H. V PONh. Prictt r'liuced tn tuil thr timet Hen WoticlerH exist In thousands of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels ot Luvenuon. -inoso wnoareinnteaoi proi. ltable work that can he rtftnn nhlk living at home should at once send their aadresa.tq Hallet 4: Co., Portland, Maine, and receive free, full Information bow either sex, or all ages, can wu iruiu iater iay anq upwaraswner. ever they live. You are atarted tree; capital not reaulred. Home have marie nrAr t so tn n DinviA ave moaeovi All succeed. n a sins; lydecto. Creasy & Wells' LUMBER YARD BLOOMSRURG, PA Wo keep on hand a largo and well ns sorted stock of all kinds of lumber, Southern Yellow Pine Michigan Shingles, "Williamsnort Lath, Fencing, Flooring, &o. A. full Btock of Vett Branch Mouhlings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Window and Door Frames. Estimates and prices quoted cheerfully. Lumber delivered by wagon or rail Prices positively Ipwest iu the market. apr la im SALESMEN to csnvsis for the sale of Naritrv Stock I Steady employm Steady employment inlsrsntecd. SALARV ANUtxrtNSES PAID, Apirtystonce, stitlsgsrt. am mm Ctifuy, ofJirtIv. Mason & mah 10 SMpnl ata (om T W OF ESPY, PA., Itcsnectfullv informs his frionds and tmblio generally that, ho linn refitted his planing mill. In addition to tho planing mill work ho Is nc famish to order doors nnd insido finish WESTERN PESE veneered with nil our native woods, nlso foreign woods, such aK Mnhogany Rosowood.&o., J. All hard wood Mouldings is used for Veneered Dt rs and Inside Finish. All work shall bo itiarnn(ced. Water- proof Gluo Is lined for veneering all our Doors and Casings, Ash, Sycamore, Oak, Butternut, Maple, Mill, six to ten feot long, six to thirty T. PERRINE'S BAULKY Distillkd from selected Barley Malt and guaranteed t6 bo chemically pur andfrce from Injurious oils and icldsorten contoiMd In eltohollt llot.ots. Ill especially adapted topcrsons requlilngn stimulating Hnic, ( men 1 llvrs ton greatly bPnclltted by its use. neconmendrd by lffllii(r ibjUclsns 1 1 nut tit Nervine. Tonic and Jllterativc. For (.ouuti.pmw It Is IMtluallr. JmiilM'S rUKK BAltLEV MALT WHISKEY Insures a return ot vigor to the stomach, a gtod appetite, a rich and abundant blood nnd Increatcd flesh aid Uibfculartltinc. A Rtltnulant mild and gentle in effect. DisrePfcla. Indigestion and.nll wasting dl eases can, bo entirely conquerrd It is a tonic ana aiurcnc ana a lllNE'M M1I1H 11AH1.KY: thoso who pursue their avocations in tho open exceptional powers or enaurancc. ntional nnwers nr enaurancc. ask jour nearcn, orusgin or cioccr jorior rpufiiNR'H 1'iTHK 11AHT.KY Hi out with excessive bodily or in wet ana rigorous weaiucr. nitiii umu hh uwiftuuunuiM-npi-B uum mo njoieui. Hard workers of every vocation and persons whom a sedentary Hie renders prone to liyBpepsia nna in i-ernne s rure Malf whisker a Dowerful and helper to digestion. l'KlllUNE'S PUHK 11ADLEY .MALT WlllSKKY without unduly stimulating the kid neyn Increases their flagging activity, counteracts the etrects of fattguo has tens convalescence and is a wholcsomo nnd prompt diuretic. Watch the label I Kono genuine unless bearing the signature Vol sum uj all drug 1st and grocers througbou the united States and Can ados. 37, NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHIL4 FOH SALE UYDItUUQISTS AND ALL DEALERS. Jan HANDSOME YVEODINQ, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. THE WONDERFUL LUBURQ Combining a Parlor, All flimLshod With THE' LUBURC MANF'C CO.. 2 arar-g 9m 5 JJ a DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. INDUCEMENTS! We are offering great inducements to nei-sons desiring to purchase Pianos, Organs jvnd tm as BBS ssa "tl 'SO s s m a cs m I O s is tm Among the Pianos we handle are the IYERS 8r POND, G. CBRIGGSfBA US $ CO., S Oil OMA LKER Gold String and Opera Pianos. These Pianos are all first-clabD and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTEX. MILL' ER, UNWED ST J. TES and other maes. ' Our leading Sewing Machines, are the celebrated WHITE JVEW DA VIS, NEW DOMESTIC. NE W 1, OME JLlilJ ItUlAlix Serving Rotary Sewing Machine in tho 4 Before purchasing write PALACE OF MUSIC AND DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Tutt's Pills CURE Malaria, Dumb Chills, Fever nd Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, Jlnlly l.ii.lne... A.ruiiliyUr,SS.. io. tuny ahuulil l.v m eu-y1i.,ii "v!,oll. SOLtt KVEUVrWJIEUE. toTMn.ctcoiy. EDGAR now urepnrcd to for houses. Base Hoards, fto., fcc. Also "Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Veneers, for sbIi ot the inches wido. W. 13 DO Alt. MALT WHISKEY. by theme or Ierttiit- b I uie I.iiltj alt Whiskey. powermi mh-iiki-"- iu tuu ri iiicjciim, j-r.ii. I PUHK UAItLKY MALT WHIMvUl nas lirotto n lutouinui proecuon 10 rho pursue their avocations in tho open air and whoso dally nork calls it ALT W MMJUY revives thocuciclcs of thosevorn mental enort ana ncisnsusorcguaia ngainsiexpotuto liuncy lnvlgornnt The analysis os It appears by the I.n! bcl on every bottle: I have carefully anl alyied thoPPRa IHriky Malt Wnis kkt made by M. J. K I'crrlno find nnd1 i. ......1.. ,m.m .null 1, 1 1. rfti.n, metals and acids and Is absolutely Suro." sioiwa, comtua Annur naier, rnduate of the VrttrriUlft ofllunMi, (ieneva ana weltoaae n T.tbrary, Smoking, Ttcclliitnrr or Invalid vAui uuunuu) jii'.Lf, or uueijii. Tfinl fif adup. Sendstamplaa-KUIPPRDtomn J. I VXyj tp .11 for CataloRiie. ara of the otld. CHILDREN'S CARRIAOrs; tht Aiilnmnllr rinoola nlr i. t OurWlioletule Pricci. send Btamn for Catalotnin nn rt mnt, Hnn foHnM.. 145 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa. Sewing Machines. Mac hine, the finest. imd hpst world. for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S GREAT SEWING MAr-TtTTCTn Pa. u BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL iO. nhT?.f.SdSru8.,gDeAhaT,nS Pit hK pianlnf M S?J55,JIS?'1 "J'eet, In nrst-ciass condition, Is pre, pared to do all kinds ot work in hit line, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOD ..DINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlsnea at reasonable rlcea. All lumber use Hi b well soaaoned and none but skilled workmen, are employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS urnlsned on application. Plans and ipeclflctu onspropared br an experienced draugbiemtu CUAKXEH HRDG, BloouiubUrKt '