P0YAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nerer varies. A marvel of parity strength and wholesomeneas. .More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In compe tition v? iththo multitude of low test,short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans. H0TAL IUUHO roWDIR CO.. Wall St.. N. Y. The Columbian iwrubllshcd every Friday. Subscription price, ii.io a J ear. Entered at the Tost Office, at Bloomsburg, Pa., as second class matter, March 1, 1(68. BLOOMSBURG, PA FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1888. COHI11CT RillHOlD TIM TlSl.lt. BLOOSISBUKO SULLIVAN 1IAILUOAD SOUTH. NOItTU. Arrive. Arrive. Leave. Leave. STATIONS. Dloomsbure,.... r. M. A. U. A. U. F. It. 165 800 8 45 0 40 , 1 44 7 53 8 49 S ii 141 "tO 900 (1 45 1 M J 4i) V 14 8 54 , 1 ii8 7 3.1 S sa S 61 . 1 111 7 S3 9 40 T 10 ,12 57 7 11 tt 7 S3 18 60 7 00 10 05 7 117 ,13 43 7 00 10 15 7 33 IS 30 6 50 10 SO 7 45 Leave, Leave. Arrive. Arrive, r. u. a. ii, a. m. r. u. Paper M 111. Ughtstreet.. Stillwater.... Benton Trains on the P. It, 11. It. leave Rupert as follows: north. . son. 7:31 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 3:37 p. m. 8:M P. m. o Trains on the D. L. & W. K. If. leave Bloomsburg as follows: NORTH. SOUTH. 7:lv a. m. 8:33 a. m. 11:05 a. m. 12:05 p. m. 3:34 p. in. 4:18 P. m. 6:36 p.m. 8:47 p.m. Trains on th N. W. B. Hallway pass Bloom Fjrry as follows : NORTH. SOUTH. 10:46 a. m. 11:49 a. m. A.96 p. m. 439 p. m. BDND1T. NORTH. SOUTH. 10:16 a m 8:89 p m HAI.IIB, Foil Saijj. A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to jan20tf. L. N. Motes. Wanted. At once, two girls to learn dressmaking. Uull or address, Miss Lizzie Yettkii, Fifth street, Bloomsburg, Pa, TVin Sale. A Jcrsev cow and calf. Tho calf is past four weeks old Will bo sold alaoaigain. juks. u otohkkk, Bloomsburg, personal. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. 8hattuck returned from Florida last week. Mr. Chas. Watson and son, of Philadel phla were registered at tho Exchange the latter part of last week. Judgo Elwcll will return from the south next week should the weather moderate sufficiently. Mr. 0. C. Trench returned from his Florida trip Tuesday night. lie reportB having spent a delightful tlmo in hunting and fishing. Trout fishing Is now legal. The oyster trade is falling off. Lilac blossoms will soon be in full bloom, Black bass llshlng will commence June 1st. Lawn tennis and croquet will soon bo re vived. April showers put In nn early appear. ance. Next Friday, 27tU inst , will be Arbor day. Mrs T. 0. Fowler died on Tuesday af. tcrnoon. April 27 Arbor Day is also the birth day of Qencral Grant. A now morning paper will soon be start ed in Scranton. A camp of P. 0. 8. of A. has been organ cd at this place. Spring Is having a hard strugglo to sc. cure a firm foothold. A larger selection of wall paper than ever before, at Mercer's. W. F. Bodlne Is building a paint shop on Iron street below Main. Clinton Sterling la making some repairs to his home on lower Third street 200 pieces of 10 cent music just received at J. Sallzer's, Bloomsburg. Judgo Archbald, of Scranton, will Hold the May term of court. A handsome lino of celling decorations for a pretty room, at Meicer's. Q. A. Clark carries a first-class lino of ceiling decorations. Trailing arbutus is now in bloom and searchers for that Unwer are abundant. Bids for the erection of tho Bilk Mill are In, and the result will soon be made known, There will bo an inspection on Saturday for I ho location of the river bridge. For wall paper at lowest prices go to Mercer's. Weather Prophet DeVoo predicts that tho warmest days of next summer will be the 2d, 3d and 4th of August. A flno lino of Wall Paper, Window Cur. tains and fixtures of all kinds and prices at 0. A. Clark's. J. Z. Little and company In "The World," at the Opera House, Friday even Ing, April 20. Don't miss It. "Nothing is ever really lost or can be lost," sings Walt 'Whitman. Walt appears to havo never played poker. Chicago Hail, Economy, comfort and satisfaction goes with every purchaeo made of clothing at Lowenberg's Clothing Store. A Brooklyn girl ate araenlo to destroy pimples. Tho destruction was so com plete that neither tho pimples nor the girl were left. Tho centennial meeting of tho general at sembly of tho Presbyterian church Is to held In Philadelphia, commencing the 24th of May. The orchestra of Italian musicians, slstlng of harp and two violins, that this placo every year, has been here week aud mado excellent music. con visit this There will bo a atalo sanitary convention held at Lowisburg, Union county, under the auspices of tho state board of health! THE COLUMBIAN AND The man with nothlne clao to ginning to declare that the w nler nflftR.o 1 v.nio mat mo winter 01 1888-0 111 bo tlio hardest In tho mtmntv nf oldest Inhabitants. Everything which bolones to healthy blood Is Imparted by tlood'a bar. aparllla. A trial will convince vou of tin tecrlt. Mr. U. B. Freas.chlcf nf nollce. wlftlli-it (n give final notlco to boys loafing upon tho street corners. Thoy must desist at onco or all will bo arrested. E. Jacoby has made arrangements where. hy ho will get his shad during the balance of the season direct frm tho fisherman on the Delaware river- This will mako them 3i hours fresher In market. Martha, wife of 8. W. E.lcar Esci.. of Scranton, died on tho lutli Inst, and was burled on Friday. Shu was a daughter of Mr. William Connell of ticrauton, nud a most estlmablo lady. A shad Bupper will be served for 25cta by the ladles of tht V. 0. T. U. at their rooms corner of Main and Market streets on Haturday evening, April 21st, from 5 to to o'clock. Ice cream and cako extra. Bprlng Btylcs In Hals, Dunlap, Youman, 'osket. Huts in all the new shades just received at Lowcnbcrg's. A dispatch from Uonesdalo says: Pro- thonotary Carr Issued a marriage 1 cense to couplo of children, their ages being, boy 17 years, girl 14 years. The consent of tho parents was granted. a nno lot oi united States 0 octave or. gans, and Miller organs will arrive the last of this week at J. Saltzer's Great Music and Hewing Machine rooms, Main St., Blooms burg. Game did fish law Is as follows: DuckB. September 1 to May 16; Woodcock, July 4tu to January l; Salmon or .Speckled Trout, April 15 to July 16; Black bass, 1'lkc and Pickerel, June 1st to January 1st, Subscribers notifying us of a change of address should remember in writing to give their former placo of residence well as the new one, as it will save a great deal of trouble. Scientists tell us that a man's brains de crease In size as he grows older. The hu man brain, It appears, weighs the heaviest between the ages of fourteen aa twenty This explains why tho young men know so much more than their father. Call and sco Q. A. Clark's fine lot of cheap gilt wall papers, you can secure a bargain. The 19th annual convention of the Col- umbla County Sunday School Association will meet In tbo M. E. church of Light- street on Wednesday and Thursday, June aud 7. Tho programs will be sent out In due time. Mrs. B. Stohncr, having moved Into the rooms in the Exchange building, next to the Express office, will carry on the bus! ness of Baker and Confectioner. Froh bread, pies and cakes every day. Oysters and clams In season. Mr. Holland Mcllcnry, of Benton, was in Philadelphia this week, purchasing a full stock of spring goods consisting of dry goods, groceries etc. which will be recilvcd at his general store in a few days and will be sold at low prices. It is simply carelessness of people who frequently throw large pieces of paper on the street, sometimes an entire newspaper, little thinking of the serious results that may ensue. Nothing frightens the aver, ago horse more than to havo a piece of paper blown in his face from the street, as Is likely to bo the case In windy weather List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office nt Orangcvillc, Tuesday April 17, 1888. Miss Llbbie Hutchison, Mr. W. E. Trout- man, Eeagar Ilcnsel. Parties calling for tho above please say 'advertised." W m. Mastelleb, P. M. For window curtains, dado and plain cither on or oft rollers at lowest prices go ot Mercer's. Editors Columbian: Your correspondent Is lnaccurato In writ ing "the Statue of Liberty enlightening the world." Such is not tbo idea nor the name. To enlighten Is to inform the mind. But the Statue of Liberty raises aloft a torch, and the idea and purpose and legend are "Liberty lighting tho world." Twenty.flvo cents a day purchases a $3,000 policy in The Travelers, of Hartford, which Is payable In event of death by ac cident, with $15 weekly indemnity for wholly disabling Injury. J. U. Maize, agent, second floor Columbian building, Bloomsburg. tf. Two of Madison township's citizens In. tend making Bloomsburg tbelr home. Mr. D. M. Sheep occupies the Eves' property In Snyder's addition on corner of Wood and East streets. J. W. Sheep has moved Into tho Gallgnan house on Third street. The former wo are Informed expects to assist at Creasy & Wells' lumber yard, while tho latter will do general hauling. Tho next enlipso of tbo moon will occur on tho night of July 22d, and will be mora Interesting than the ono ot January 28th. The diameter of the earth's shadow will bo much larger at that time In proportion to the diameter of tho moon, darkening Us surfaco more totally. It will take placo at midnight, when the moon will bo lilguer in the heavens, and will be visible In this sec tion. The alley at tho Opera Houso coming from the Exchange Hotel stables Is four teen feet wide. The foundation wall for the entrance to the cellar of J, K. Lock. ard's now building extends into tbo alley two feet and ten inches, nnd the adjoining property owners are complaining, and It Is likely a lawsuit will follow. The front of Lockard's building will be put out on tho line ot tbo Btreet, which Is fourteen Inches outside the line of the Exchange building. Tho managers of tho Opera House, Messrs. Dentler aud Peacock, guarantee that 'Tbo World," which will be presented Friday evening, will be the finest product ion given here this seaBon. The scenery the company carries is magnificent and will all positively be used ln tho play as presented here. A number of our towns, people havo seen "The World" presented in tho cities and all speak of It ln tho high est terms. There should he a large aud. lenco present on Friday evening. A llttio April fool Joke was perpetrated on the residents of Northumberland and Sunbury by some young men of ll)e former town. They bad bills printed for a negro baptism service to come off at Collego Landing, Northumberland, at one o'clock p. in,, April 1st. At the appointed hour all the curious of tbo two (owns were the Landing to see tbo negro baptismal services, and It was some tlmo before dawned upon them that they were the vic tims of a practical joko. Buy Lester'B School Shoes, Every pair wummted, n.. in .... "... fire at B OOtitViurs for wnnlr nnillnir Anrll 17, 1888 Johan Bacsa, 11. 0. Hattman. Mr. T. Mclleck, Daniel Trumbach, Mrs. 0. C. Webb. Persons calling for these letters will p!caf ay "advertised." Gzorok A Clark, P. M. At a meeting of republicans Ust Monday, I). A Bcckti'y of Blimhiirg and M V. Jackson of Berwick were elected delegates to the Slate convention. Uapt. Ted Hccso of Ccntrnlla was also a candidate, but as It was not certain that h could bo controlled by tho Cooper-Quay combination ho was defeated. Thcdclegates nro unlnstructcd, but will use their Influence for Cooper for state chairman, nnd probably for Gordon for Supreme Judge S eek Plana i lnn-e 19 yean and nsis no repairs. Jamaica, u i. n. l. ocpi. b, iboo. Gen. Sleek & Co., Gentlemen. Nineteen yearx ago one of your Pianos was put Into the Public School ot this village. It has been In constant use ever since, has never needed any repairing, and is still a good piano Itespectfully, W. J. Ballard, Principal J. Saltzer, general agent, Bloomsburg, Pa. A fact we havo tho largest linn of wall paper In Columbia county, at popular prices. J? II. Mercer. The audience that witnessed "Nan's Aero Lot" at the Opera House Thursday evening of last week was of good sizo but It was not nearly as large as It should have been. Tho play Is a good one and was well rendered by an efficient company. Tulein, tho accomplished nnd brilliant little Boubrcttc, as "Nan," by her bright manners and winning presence took the audience by storm from the start, and nearly every one of her song was encored. Harry Pepper played "Billy Butters" well and tho remainder of tho company were well up In their parts. Mr. Pepper has a magnileent tennr voice nnd his ballad sing ing and duets with Tuteln were applauded to the echo. The performance was tho best that has been seen at tho Opera House for somo time. The May number of Harper't Magtuinc Is not deficient In fiction, although there is less, perhaps, than usual. William Black's "In Fur Lochaber" develops an unexpect ed turn, nnd strengthens the rcsder's In terest materially. The three short stories' "The adventures of Two Men," by Silas Julia D. Whiting, "An Unpromising Mar. riage," by Miss Annie Blgelow, daughter of the Hon. John Blgelow, and "Laraenta tlons of Jeremiah Johnson," by Bulh Mo Enerv Stuart, are bright, and contrast pleasantly with one another. The supply of pnetiy is proportionate. Miss Rives contributes somo charming verses asking "Why?" nnd Richard E. Burton declares Ihe reasonable Inferences of a certain "If So." There is a beautiful Illustration for Wordsworth's sonnet "Mount Sklddaw," tho work of Alfred Parsons; while E. A. Abbey illuminates with his graceful pencil tlm rtrnll old Enellsh Doem. known as "The Married Man." The "Convocation of Wllllamsport" will hold its spring session at St. Paul's church, Bloomsbtrg. The opening service will bo on Monday evening next (23rd Inst.) at 7.30, when the Rev. L K. Nelson, of Re- novo, will preach. On Tuesday morning there will be a service at 10:30, and a ser. mon by the Rev. Charles Morlson of Pun- bury. On Tuesday evening at 7.BU, mere will bo Interesting addresses on Ilio rollnw- InetoDlcs: "The Place and InUuence oi Men In Parish Work," by the Rev. C T. Wood, "Tho Church's Relation to Social Questions," by Rev. 0. La Hue Mnnson of Wllllamsport, "The Churcb's Kelalion to Christian Unltv." bv the Rev D. L. Flem ing. On Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. the nreacher will bo tho Rev. Mr. Ware of Wellsboro. On Wednesday evening at 7-30. the closing service will bo held; there will bo a "Model Sunday School Lesson" by the Rev. Mr. Graff of Wllllamsport, fol lowed by addresses from several of the clergy. All are cordially invited to meso services. Wonderful bargains In spring and sum mer goods can now bo bad at tho popular store of Lowenberg's estate. The World" with its wealth of magnifl. cent scenery and company of Chicago fav oritcs opened a weeks engagement at Hool ev's Theatre last evening. The home was filled to Its utmost with the elite of Chicago, including our ablest and most severe critics to witness this popular product ot J. Z Little's gifted pen, which has found such favor among our theatre goers. What makes tho "World" so popular and long lived? Is naturally asked. In reply wo will say, because there is a purity In the whole conception of tho piece, which at once alms at the hearts ot the audience, and the details, situations, and dialogue have that naturalness and pleasing air of originality, It also possesses more scenic features than any play ever written. Its raft scene has been admired throughout Europe, Austral. la and America, and when It comes back to Chicago again after four years' absence It Is as realistic and mystifying as before as is tbo panorama sceno, tho revolving scene and sinking ship, and all tho other popular mechanical devices. Tho "World" has been produced In Chicago thlrty-seven weeks and the public's verdict of approval is manifested in the largest house of tho season pn this the opening of its thirty eighth, after an absence of four years, J, Z. Little Is as pleasing as ever In the dual role. Cliicaqo Herald Don't fall to see this great play at tho Opera House Friday evening April 20. Holler KxnloBion at centrulln. TIIRBE MEN SERIOUSLY INJURED 11V FLY ISO PIECES. One of a nest of eleven boilers at Cen tralia Colliery exploded on Sunday morn lnc with fearful results. Tho fireman no tlced that one of the boilers was leaking and went about examining It while tbo en. gtoecr started for tbo engine room to turn off tho steam. He bad tin sooner reached It when the explosion occurred. Neither the fireman oor engineer were In jurcd, but Michael Dlxson, James Flynn and John Purcell, who were standing on the Lehigh Valley Railroad opposite the colliery, were struck with the Hying pieces of boiler and serlouly Injured. The boll er houso took fire, but was extinguished by the people ot the neighborhood. The boll er houso was completely wrecked and tho colliery will be Idlo for two weeks In con sequence. Loss will reach $2,500. A Great lfatttu Is continually going on in tbo butmtn sys. tern. Tlip demon of impure blood strves to cnln victory over tbo constitution, to ruin health, to drag victims .o the grave, A good reliable medicine llko Hood's Bar parilla Is the weapon with which to defend one's self, drive the desperate enemy from the field, and restore peace and bodily health for many years, Try this peculiar medicine. Buy Lester's School Shoes, Every puir warranted. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The "poverty party" Is tho latest society - .I..I.L I... i,t., m.i In .nmn nl.Ma. It has tho advantage of being Inexpensive It nothing else. The way It la dono Is about as follows: A Udy Invites a lot friends and nil of tbo women appear of in calico and tbo men In their oldest clothes A row colored musicians witu iiuuics iur. i nUh the music Tallow dips lurnish the lights and eyry thing about tho house Is made to artnear as nroocrtv stricken as posslblo Urcad and Herring or cako ana beer, or some similar economical refresh mcnt Is served. Notice to HtocUlioldem. Tho annual meeting of the stockholders of the North & West Branch Hallway Com. pany is called for Tuesday, April 24th, 1888 at 13 o'clock M., at 23a South Fourth street EhClnn for President and Directors same day and place, aor.O St. Alheiit Hewson, Sec. ouiNH nlowers. Mile. Addle's Glass Blowers and Nevaro's Novelty occuptes tho Opera Houso next week, blowing and spinning souvenirs for every visitor They come to us welt recom. mended. They give n grand stage perform ance ovcry hour, Introducing tho Beau, mnnts, musical artists, Ncvaro tho vcntillo. quist aud magician They have 8 Glass workers, so evnrv nnn vlsltlncr will hn sure get a present. Admission 10 cents to , - j 1. i to all. Open from 1 to 6 nnd 7 to 10 P. M. Nothing to Kqual It. "I have been selling Simmons Liver Reg, ulator for the past six years. My custo mers pronounce It the best ever used. One of my customers whose health was lu a wretched condition from a very bad and stubborn case of Dyspepsia, used the Beg' ulator and was entirely cured. I am using myself for torpid liver, caused by close confinement. I find nothing to equal It and highly recommend Its use. Iiespec fully, o. P. Hisey, Druggist, Edlnburg, Va. An itidlRiin Freak of Mature. A freak of nature that would require strong adjectives of a Barnum advertising agent to properly describe, was brought to town in a paper box the other morning by C. Thompson of Easton, Mr. Thomp. son! procured it In Indiana. It Is a cross I bctwcKn a doe and n rabbit, Tho head Is feline with whUkers. teeth ind all. while the fore part of tbo body and should. crs is rabbit, with dog claws on its cat-like fee, The other half of the body 1. dog, except tho tall, which resembles a rat si tall ln every particular. Shamokin Diipateh, IIIoouiHliurK'H Funded Debt. We glye below the amount of Ihe fund cd debt of the town uf Bloomsburg during the past ten years. A comparison nf the amounts shows that we have been carrying about $15,000 for each year, with a slight decrease and advance until tbo jcar 1885 when it was reduced $2,280, being the greatest reduction In one yenr during the past ten. In 1888 it was reduced $2,180. The total reduction for the two years being $ 400. Last year was the greatest Increase being $4,314. Here are the amounts: April 1st, 1878 $14,853.74 1870 I4,umi w 1880 la.COO 00 1881 11,800.00 1882 13,600 00 1883 14,260.00 1884 18,820 00 18&5 1G.400.00 1880 13,120 00 SS, in'n7XXX :;';; XX I 1883 IO,U04.UU I Farmers. F01 a full lino of plows, land piows, lanu rouers, Scotch and Lansing spring tooth harrows, bottom prices drills and corn planters go to White, Conker & Sloan. tf. Orangevllle, Pa Supreme Court. All the cases that were taken up from this county were argued In the Supreme Court at Philadelphia last week. They were as follows : Lewars admr. vs. Weav. er, argued by llhawn for plaintiff In error, Freeze for defendant In error : Ilerron ct. al. vs. Murphy, arijued by Freeze for plain tiff, Rlckctts for defendant ; Locust Moun tarn Water Co. vs. Yorcev. areucd bv Dcczo for phlntill. Scarlet for defendant; . . i . ,i. Hobison vs. Trench, argued by Roblson for I plaintlfr, Freeze for defendant; Hess vs Calender Exr. argued by Scarlet for plain- tiff, Ikeler for defendant; D. L. &W. R. It. Co. vs. Cadow, argued by Elwell for plain- tiff, Ikeler and Chrlsman for defendant; Iloblson vs. Fetterman, argued by Hobison and Ikeler for plaintiff, Freeze for defend- ant ; Bloom School case, argued by Scarlet for appellants, Elwell for appellees. A non pros, was entered in the Numldia church case, no paper hook having been printed. Noue of the cases argued have yet been decided. Removed I Removed 1 1 W. L. Fornwald's Barber Bhop to the Central Hotel, whero he is prepared to do all kinds of work In tho tonsorial line and the latest styles of the day. Ladle's and children's hair cutting a specialty. Hunt Ueutou, Last week, Alvlu Urcschcr, near New Columbus, came upon a den ot blackBnakes and slew 19 of them whose aggregate length measured 00 feet. Quarterly meeting was held at Hamlin last Friday and Saturday and tho sftcra ment of the Lord's Supper was administer ed on Sunday afternoon when Itev, Ganoe, Presiding Elder, preached an Interesting sermon; ltevs. Boone, McClosky and uorn Ing wero also present. John Crevellog, of Yan Camp, attended Quarterly meeting last Bunday. He ts in his 80th year. Dante) Ashelman's wlnl mill Is a success ln windy weahtcr. In a strong wind It exhibits a two horse power. Last Satur- day afternoon Ills chopping mtcliinp ran tlllll hummed. It Is highly geared with cog gearing, tuo winu wueei mases aoout tuiriy ruvuiutiuuB JJCI UIIUUIU, ... I ... Tho wet, cold spring has delayed farm. ,UK' ... . .. ... . . , i if u irruuuuuy bvu 1101a ui okcu uc"iiiu m nmonjiii..r. W w II pnil tlm nnmi' antl ages of a few la our community. Jesse Aibertson aged oo, Bimon Tubus in his 1 - wiu, 1 ctrr jucr ou, uuuu iir.cuug iu m 80lh, Peter Kaso .77, Iteuben Gibbons 75, Samuel Yoat t)S. It la if Curloua 'act That tho body la now more susceptible to benelit from medicine than at any other season, Hence the Importance ot taking Hood's Barsaparllla now, when It will do you tbo moat good. It Is really wonderful for purifying and enrlphlng the blood,, prealln,r an appetite, and giving a healthy loop to trie wqoio system. 1)0 sure o get Hood's Barsaparla, ;wbich Is peculiar to Itself. THE HOMLIKST MAN in UL00M8DURQ as well as the handsomest, and others are In vited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemn's Ualsam tor the throat aud lungs, a remedy that ts selling entirely upon Its merits and Is gtiarauteed tn .urn ami rlt.. nil nlirrtnln on, I on.i.n ppWBM. Mtmna, Droupitu ant; consMmp. (Inn. I'rloA ftO rht ntirl ill. wanamaker's. mil.AOit.rnlA, Monday. April tj 1S8S. io-inch WicTc Stflpad and Plaided Scotch "Ginghariis 25c ; imported to sell at 40c. That is the chit of the meatiest kernel , , . r.,nm r " w. ...u..jr a day. Stylish stuffs, perfect in CVCrV Wav ! as froou O-cent (jinchams SS ever crossed the riivint Milte nnrl rrn mntf tifi,f i a iiiuj jrs4 auujr I tnem with 1 5 cents clipped Irom the price of every yard. Haven t counted the styles dozens of them, and not a mean one in the lot. Those big trade wheels all the time rolling our way bring happy surprises for you at every turn. Worth watching for. Henrietta. Wool crafted on Silk. Lonpitude silk, latitude wool. Genuine mulberry-leaf- silk-worm Silk ; no - mistake sheep Wool. Each fibre gains from its yoke-fellow. A mixed fabric without the faults of mixed fabrics. No rant or bluster abOUt Henrietta. , . . Blue blooded but modest. Black and colors . 1 f c 7" ,uf cvc. ""S u" both your hands. black, $I tO $4 ; colors, $1.25 and $1.50 All - wool Henrietta, too. Plenty of friends. Same colors as the silk-and-wool. Silky fin ish. No skimp anywhere ; wool as soft and fine as that from the moss-fed Shetland sheep. Care in the spinning, extra care in the weaving, art work in dyeing. A. clinging billowy stun in every tint that Fashion smiles on. 46 inches, 85c, gi, and $1.25. ivlore stuns ol the same pa- trtcian blood Cashmere (50c to $1.25). AlbatrOSS KOCtOSI.) TaW, n ,, A fl , VT. . uie weave, a ltick 01 uie nnisn 13 mu", ul uie uiuci cute. u most of the difference. No ntter, fairer areSS gOOQS OI the weight are got OUt of Wool than vou jn(J ln this Drism-tinted sis- terhood A I Challis, too ; like wave-crests sun-kissed. They have over tlowea to another counter. 50 and 60c. Tumbling in prices in all-wool dress stuffs. A few shortened lots of this season's styles. Spring weight, desirable shades; 1 . . 1 handsome, Cheerlul pattems- umhlv mixtures mostlv but some 01 the colorings gone, They began the week at 37jc, to-day 25c Another lot : cotton-and-wool Suitings. Checks and mixtures, They've been among the quick- a.: : tu l.r. . est things in the hOUSe at 2SC, .. 1 - i lU-Uiiy Yet another ; all-wool plaid and mixed buitintrs. Soft. firm. r.. r nnA -ks Reduced from 50 to 37 c Plenty more. To list them here would fill the column. We haner two or three up in the papers to set you looking, rum maging, asking tor them. Linen Lawns are daintier than ever. The firm but deli cate touch of simplicity is on their sheer, white folds. A bud, a bit of branch, a tiny floweret, ts ail tne pattern, DUt tnat IS it ,i. i everVthinGT. 24. in.. 22. 30, and Colored grounds, light L? . . . . fc. 0ju.. "'" r" , ' "lu "". Wltn Wlllte ngures, 40c. W lllte Linen Laws, 24, 20, 32, and 34 inches 20 to 7?C Table Linens show signs of Spring weakening in prices, German Cream Damask, 64 inches, 50c : 74 inches, 75c, Napkins to match, 10-inch, $1.10 ; 20-mch, Si. 50: 23-mch, 2 a dozen. Your chance for them will be small after the $1. hotel people find them out. rme White Damask, $1.25, gi.45, gi.so, S1.65, $2. Full width German Linen Dam ask Lunch Sets, pure white cloth 2lA yards long, 12 match ing doilies, $4 the set. Unbleached Irish Damask, 62 inches, 50c. Japanese Umbrellas. The Japs outdo the world in these things. A little paper and wood and paint and lap wit. and presto 1 there are the Umbrellas. Lightness and brightness. Graceful shapes. We've al uiuat any aui i ui sue uiai i-uiuca irom japan, ror children, 10 tO 75c ; Sun Umbrellas, 50c to i .so : Lawn Umbrellas UP to l2 Jeet spread. SQ. SIO. SI 2 I ' " ' ' " ' W Our oorv-nnrrp Qnrlnrr nnrl I c Q- . ...:n v I Juiuunii v.uuuui;uc will uc . r -f T I -") " -. uuvji i v.uii- 1 . ... I tains IT1UCI1 intormation COncem- inp-our goods and prices, and pe a valuable aid to our 1 frtnwn lctnmBro ir customers. will send it free of charge on receipt of a postal card request. John Waamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. All kinds of fancy Colored Glass, Em, oosbcii ana inamoicu at Bcliuyler's Uard 8t, I. W. Hartman & tout have begun tho tale of white goods lu earnest, Now spring goods received ut Mrs. O. E. Jtabb'g, near Corcll's furniture store, which win ue sum at very low prtcea, lttnw Heady mixed paints, beautiful colors. $1.00 a gallon, at Schuyler's Hardware piprp- Bt. Ladler flno gauze veita tJUcti. a piece at I TI w UrmviU BLOOMSbUKG. Fine Cabinet portraits only S.l. doz. Life size Crnvons only ,... . .v.....s, wj-fa ----- enlarging. Instant process 11SCU. u. Electric Bells. Batteries. Wire, nush But- tons etc. at Schuyler's Hardware Store. 2t f I. W. Hartman & Sons' new spring sateens arc the admiration of tho ladles. Go and seo them. New Hamburg embroideries, ranch, picauo flounclnits with embroidery to matcii nt it. w. bloan's. Dr. Honora A. Bobbins treats diseases 7,!! and ' test Letters comu In tiverv dav to I. W. Hart- man & Sons for samples of dress goods,&o. Before nurchaslnz vnur doves call and see our assortment ln kid, Bilk and Ilslo at I U. W. SLOAN S. J. U. Sleeker 1ms a nice lot of bananas, which will bo Bold cheat). Oranees. ban. anas and lemons always on hand, which arc sold cheap. The new shades ot Dress Cloth nt I. W. nartman fa Sons' are ntti acting buyers. As large and flno assortment of cotton nosiery as win uo lounu in town at It. W. BLOAN'S. 1. W. Hartman & Hons are leaders in fancy dishes, glassware, Lamps, Ac chiidrcns' waists at u. w. sionn's. Amomr vu huu ecu inu new lines in curseis unu i oiuers a very nno llirut-wclElil rrencu cor set suitable for summer wear. Tin new short coats and spring shawls at I. W. Hurlman & Sons' are on sale cheap. BUSINESS "NOTICED SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE allow a cough to run until It gels beyond the reach of medicine. Tlicy often say, "UU, It will wear away.' but In most cases It wears them awar. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, cure, they would Immediately see the ex wlilcli wo sell on a positive guarantee to I rellent effect after taklne the first dose, Price COc. and fl. Trial size tree. At all druggists. To Preserve Natural Flowers.-Dip Hie llowers in melted paratllue, wlttidraw SlS: Ity and the llowers should be dipped one n n tint. Ix.lil Ktf ll.n ulnnba nnrl ninirml at a time, held by the stocks and moved about fur au instant to get rid of air bub bles. Fresh cut llowers, freo from moist ure, mako excellent specimens in Xnls way. If you would preserve your health and in- vlcoruto your entire Bystem use Perrino's I'uro Lianey Jiait wnisKey. f or sale uy C. 13. Robblns, liloomsbuig, I'a. feow. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Wfcea Baby ni sick, we gte her CutorU. When she tu a Child, she cried for Cutorla, When she became Mtw, she class to Castor!, When she had Children, the gave them CutorU. N JTOTICE IN PARTITION. Estate of John lloau. atceaatd. To Keuben Hausman. Nathan llausraan. Edwlu nxosman. Harati Eisenbard. Caroline Ilunf Louisa weland, Mary hrherer, Caroline Scherer, Surah Brown, all lnU'hlgn county; Charles Iloats jonn 11. uoa's, jacoo uoais, i atnarin lioats, Mary lloats, Mary Shuraan all ln Schuylkill I county; Carollno King "y, John Hcnnlngcr, Krant I Nns, David Nusa, Charles A. Kliuman guardlinl ri jinn isuss ana Lyaia auss an in ueaver town ship. Columbia county, I'a. raKf) 'akeno'ine tbatln nursuanco ot an order In I tn urpnans' court or com "Dia county, I'a., Inquest will beheld on the premises, on real cs-1 tatenf Bald decedent, situate In Beaver 'ownshlp, Columbia county I'a.. t ract No. 1 containing thirty- one acre), and ten percfes, neat measure; tract No. 2 containing ten acres and fltty-slx perches strict measure, wher'on is erected a house, bam and out buildings; tract No. .1 containing arty acres strict measure: on Thursday Mav 3rd. 1SS8. Detween tne noun oi iu a. m. ana 4 p in. ror tno i purpusu ul malting uuruiiou or me Baiu real tmaie to and among the children and legal representa- iivuB oi Baiu uecuueut. n mo sa'no can oouonu without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, other wise to value and appraise tr e same according to law; at which time and place you can attend, If you imuit pruper. Aol Ufaii BA111U, 13 apr Sheriff. JTOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that the followlnir ac count has been tiled ln the court ot common Pleas I of Columbia county and will be nresented to tho I said Court on the first Monday of May A. D. l'gsl ana connrmea nisi, ana uniesH exceptions are n ea I within four days thereafter will bo confirmed I aDboiuie. 1. First and final account of B. w. Hess com- mutee oi t annic, coie.nan a lunatic. WM. II. SN UE t. Prothy. Prothonotair'B Offlce. Bloomsbura. I'a.. Anrll ION. A" forr UK YOU G01NO to have any paper-hanging uuuu vuis npriUK ii bu uuserve meso prices Lustre or mica paper, s cents roll. Beautiful gold paper, is cents roll. Kelt or cartridge paper, so cents roll. Heavy embossed gold pai er. 85 cents roll. ucMvai. uuiwiur. ucucvji.. lull iriikTLU. We'll send free to any address ln tha rinlted Mares a run nno or samples. wuu no ruers to match. . li. i'iajme..i & tu., ixuo jw arKei bi., rnuauei pnia, ra. is apr lm UDITOU'S NOTICE. Tho underslirned. an auditor annnintpi hv tlm I r.siaie v aiarv h atiers aeceasea. Ornhan's Court of Columbia rountv. in mAk-ndit. I trlbution ot the balance In the h inds of the ad-1 mlnlstrator of Bald decedent, as appears by his ac count confirmed, to andamongthepartlesentltled I luercu), win bil at nis onice in itioomsburg, on I WednewUy May and. latm, at 10 o'clock In tho fore noon, to attend to tho duties of his appointment, wuru mm Huriu uu puriies imviug claims against i said estate must annear and nrnva thn munn nr uo lurevor ueuarreu irom any snare or saia fund. aprll-6-68 j. u. MAIZE, Auditor. UDITOU'S NOTICE. XSTATK OF EI.1Z1BETII rETKRUAK OECE1BHU. The undersigned Auditor. anDOInted br thn nr. nhans' Court of Columbia county to make dlstri. outlon of the funds I the hands of 11. K. I'eterm&n administrator, will sit at his office InBloomsburg.on Balurdiy, April lilst, isss, at 10 o'clock In the fore noon, to perform the duties of his anootntment. wnen ana here an persons having claims against nam i-aiaie must appear mm uruvu mem, or uo ac- uujruu irvui uu; buaiu m Baiu iuuu. GEO, B. ELWELL, Auditor. martCMt. PDliLIC SALE OP VALUABLE PROPERTY. There will bo offered atpubllo saloon tho prem- TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1888, at 1 o.clock p. m. The Planing Mill, Srydock, L..L.. ...J ..J IIL.J. Umm-Wl Ml UflGQS (The property ot tha late Daniel Brad-r deceased) located on the banKs of the I'enno. Canal, with excellent wharfage facilities and within V mile ot the 1). I. 4: W. depot nt Ueach Haven Lus. to. ra., a uooo FKilltv also connects this place with the country on the opposite aide ot the busque- unuua I1IVK The macuinary consists or a largo PliANEU, MOULDING AND MATCH ING MACHINE, TURNING LATHE HRAOKETi AND CIRCULAR 8AWB AU In running order, H baa a 10-horse Power Water Wheel unper a M toot head, The mill la ad x 4j f !t u-ith two larue lumlwr tvlne but one o twoiaruoiumiwr am leds. ono mx&i ticL t'tiorA tielocr but ona other nlnnin? mill nnd tnrnt.. yarn wuuin a radius of T miles and a n ness In this line is assured. There Is also a brisk BiiumnmiuuBw i iniira ana a rooa busl. uenwnq ioraocKai: ana repairs o: canal boats, a uuuu uusiuciM unu nibo oo qodo in mi4 line. Th large and oiinvenlent dwelling house and rremlaea thereto with eood barn will basoM tnirptiloi. i,h property If deal red by purchaser. WMoWa r 111 bo left in the property or not as deslr. k lot of farmlntr a.ua tvLt bulidinip trmia hum. UOWLT ttl ed. A lot of farming- aud boat buUdlng tool ber. bir Iron, doora sasn. io. will also r cih-pW iur oa-,v. tvrujB or nam uui, iraa man ipu down and tne balance ln easy pa; menu It desired wltu lUocutnxotliaaL Draa1 BttAI,gK' iK'ttcn naven, ra. c abaITilV email enough to con. iTCB "1UVS p. mvwmvu ia,i7 uroad Specialties AT LOWENBERGi Cheviots in SACK and 4-Button CUTAWAY SUITS, WITH LOW CUT VESTS. Fine Dark Blue and Black Worsteds, Corkscrew, Broad Wliv Tliurrmml !rwl "RlnnL- Wnrat. . . . . eel in backs and Cutaways, and HANDSOME PRINCE ALBERTS 111 ail uiisiiitics. NICE LIGHT SPUING OVERCOATS, one all wool (a special lest tier) at $5.00 Very Pretty Children's SUITS Plain or pleated and belted in dark and light colors. Sailor with Blue and Grey, also KILT SUITS with Pleated Skirt for smaller Children AT D. it OPERA HOUSE Spring LOWENBERG'S ance Only. Friday, April 20th. THE ONLY COMPANY IN TEES TO PRODUCE EVERY SCENE. First Production of tho Reigning Dramatic, Sensation TIEUE -WORLD. In 0 acts and 8 tableaua $10,000 FOR EFFECTS ALONE. The following scenes are all entirely newi THE STEAMKH AT SEA, THE SINKING SHIP. THE occupying ten thousand feet ot canvas and covering the entire stage from wall to wa'l with Its sum. im-wivcJ and terrible realisms THE OAHUENS OF SICILY. THE LUNATIC ASYLUM THE revolving scene, and magninctent nfTart. THR MOON ITIHIN THE LAKE. TUB favorite sensation autnor ana acior u. . ui i la Note Every scene produced as advertised. SPECIAL. Wo have now in stock the Dress Goods we have over shown, comprising Silk "Warp Henriettas, Wool Henriettas, Caslimcres, Vel ours, neutralities, Alma Cloths. Ar mures. Nuns Veilings, Ac, at prices lower than ever, all of which we invite you to call and see. 40 in, all wool I II tick Ilcmiettn, liftrulBome tiniBh and wt-ight, Si. 15 quality, 9So a yd. CLARK & SON. UNDERWEAR. -Ladies recular 50o Gauzo Veste, with lone or short sleeves at tho low irioc of 3 for 81.00 (JLAHK A; SUM. PARASOLS. Our lino is now on sale, comprising all tho now colors and novelties of tliu season, with n lull line of Sun Umbrellas all at tho lowest prices. POCKET BOOKS, PURSES &o. Vfe have now open oomnleto now lines in n?w ?olorf1' ,,ew Btyk9' nfcw Prioe8' I 000 books now -oo. HOSIERY. ' It will pay you to call aud seo the bargains that wo offer in L.idio' nnd Children's hosiery. A Misses' Lisle Hose in 8 ami 8J, reculai price too u pair, our iirico s pairs lor 40o, and a full Hue of fast lilack Hosiery that will not crook or fado in washing. Uallandeoc, HANDKERCHIEFS. Tho best values wo have over shown. Ladies' printed border herastitohed, reuular 1240 goodH, now 3 for 35a Men woven borders 05o a dozen, real value 00n. 7fn n ilnr.nn vnlim il Dfl n .ln i nn n ,ln,Bn urnnl.l Ua nnnA rol,,, 't'ul1 tl0ent WOUIU OO COOU ValUO at SSl.au a dozen. Call and bcq our 3o handkerchief, ladies. H J, CLARK 2c SON. I I ID0W8' AlTHAlSEMENra the following widow's appraisements wilt be npAwnini tn thn firnhflnn' court of Columbia county on tho nrst Monday of May A. 1). 1893, and confirmed dIbL and unless exceptions are filed Wltnin rour aays mereaiter win uw wuinuicu u solute: . .. IMrncl, ira c. km., nno, personally jsi.ao, mmy $K7.(ia, $.110,00. , ltaruian, K. 1)., ut., Catawlssa, personalty I57.M, realty ts u.7,$:ooo. ivelllvcr. N. Est, vadlHon, personalty t4.M. Strieker, oeorire list., catawlna, personalty lion. folley Itouert L. Kt, uloomnbuiy, personalty . r3iiu.uu. omon Mathlas Est, Hemlock, personalty Krwln, William Est., Locust personalty noaoo. Y ost, ilenry a Est., Montour, personalty 3(0 uo. Laudrrbacn William Est , Flahlngcreck, person ntt 10 RY Jarrard William Est,, Berwick, personalty IOT1I4. W.M. IL BNYlIKlt, cierK u. i Clerk's Offlce, tiloomsbura, fa., April 18, A. 1). ions. jrEaiS'l'EH'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to an legatees, creaitors id nt hpr twmnnfi Intereflted In the estates Of th muw.tivA dpfwipmn and minors that tho follow ing administrators executors and guardian c count have been nied In the offlce of ihe Helxuir of Columbia county, and will be prepentwt for confirmation and allowance in i no orpnan s coun, to bo held In Bloomsburg on Monday May 7, ins at two o'clock p m of said day. l. First and final account of Frcas Fowler miardlan ot Susannah Hairenbuch a minor Child ot Namuel llagenbuch late ot Columbia county uccca&ca. 9 Vtrnt. and flnftl Account nf jAtnM Erwlnimar- dlan ot Harry Helnbach a minor chUd ot 1'ewr J. Hclnbach late of Turbctt township, Korthumber land county deceased. 3. First and final account ot Jefferson Frltx trustee appointed by court to sell real estate or Emanuel bavage late ot Jackson township de. ceaaed for tho payment of a legacy charged upon said lan.is by the will of Joshua (lavage. 4. Second and unal account of P. a wadiworth administrator of Daniel Thomas late of Flshine- creek township deceased. S. First and final account of William Lamon Administrator of William sitter of llrlarcreck Uwnshlp Columbia county deceased. A. second and oartlal account of lizzie S. Jack son and Monlecal W. .Jackson executors of the estate of c. (1. Jackson ot Berwick Columbia county deceased 7. First and final account of L E. Waller execu tor of the last will and testament ot Mrs. Harriet M. Andrews late of Bloomsburg Columbia county deceased. 8. Second and partial account ot William W. rarker odmlnlsrrator sc. of Humphrey Parker lato of Orcenwood township Columbia county. Peuna., deceased. o. First and final occonnt ot Joseph Bower executor ot John Bower late ot BUarcreek town ship deceased. 10. First and final account of Isaac Ileacock administrator ot Samuel M. Patterson late of Urecnwood township deceased. 11. First and final account of A. C. Millard executor of the estate of Susan Barger late ot MUllln township deceased. 12. Third and flnal account of Harry W. Bearer executor of John llelnbold also distribution ot the balance ln hands ot Harry W. Beaver aa per his third and unal account llled March mh, IMS, under the provisions ot the wUlot Bald deceased. 13. First and flnal account of Thomas J. noff man administrator of Ilenry Hoffman late of Cata wlasa township, Columbia county deceased. U. First and flnal account of M. C Vance exe cutor ot the estate of Jane Vance lato of Orange township deceased. it. First and flnal account ut Samuel Neyhard administrator of the estate of Lydla ltobcrta de ceased. 16. First and flnal account ot Samuel Shlve, H. Hutchison and I. B. Hutchison administrators of the estate ot Th mas J. Hutchison deceased. 17. Second account of William Neat executor ot the estate of Alfred McClure deceased. is. First and nnal account ot Peter A. Erann guardian of Mary Ida amber a minor child ot Cyrus Orubcr deceased late of Hemlock township, Columbia county. 19. First and flnal account ot I. B. Krdttle administrator of lteuoeu Knlttle late ot Franklin township Columbia county, deceased. 20. First and final account ot Addle Clearer executrix of Alcm B. Cleaver, late at CaUwlssa township Columbia county, deceased. 21. The first and final account ot F. p. Dlldlne administrator oi Margaret Dlldlne deceased. 22. First and flnal account ot Isaac A. Dewltt executor ot the last will and testament of John U. Moore, late ot Greenwood township, deceased. 23. First and final account ot John A. Funston administrator with the will annexed ot Samuel Melllck late ol Orange township deceased. 94. First and partial account of Edwin C Cas well executor of the last will and testament ot Salem A. Caswell late, ot the town ot Bloomsburg, Columbia county, ueceased. 25. Frst and partial account of L W. McEelry and II. D. Welsh executors of the last will and testament ot Mary .N'. Uaiman, lateof Bloomsburg deceased. SO. First and flnal account ot Allnas Cole ad ministrator of the estate of Sarah Cole late ot Jackson township deceased. 27. First and final account ot I. J. Hess admin istrator ot Joseph A. Hess late ot Centre township Columbia county, deceased. C. II. CAMPBELL, Itegister. executor's notice. FMatt Qf itary Eiaar lato af Denton fotnuM deceased Letters testamentary on the said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons In debted to said estate ar hereby notified to pay tbo same, and those having claims against sola es tate will present the same for settlement to ltoim MClIBNRT. 6 w Executor. One Perform AMERICA THAT GUARAN SCENERY AW1 HARBOR AND SHIPPING-, DECK OP AN OCEAN RAFT. moving panorama, and exnulsltelr beautiful HOTEL PARLOR, ETC., EOT. America's unu a company 01 unexcepuonaD.e auiuty, most complete line of Black CLARK & SON. A LOT of all PURE SILK GLOVES at 85o a pair in Tane, Modes, Urowns and lilacks that sells to day for 50a any place. See the 15o Lisle Gloves. CLARK & SON. White Plaid linen Do Irlande worth 20o a yd. now loo a vd. Extra value with a full lino of White Dress Goods. CLARK A SON. SATINES. Wo show an elecaat lino in all tho new patterns and color- iors extra hoo and wide at tho Iovf price of 12 Jo a yd. Call and see. RII1HONS. WoBhow a complete lino of all tho new effects in plain and watered at prices away down. No. li an suit Urown kdcu ribbons 20a a yd. regular price 80c. Call and boo. CORSETS Ac, We oiler today a regular $1.00 Corset at tbo low price of 85c. Clark's fino Sattoen Doublo Hack Corset are 77o, worth $1.00 with all leading makes Mmo. Warren's Dress Form Corsets. With full lino of Rustles. Wt havo now open full lines of Ladies Jehsey itimiEii Undekwkar. A good vest at 25o and up. Call and see, DRESS GOODS. You will find this stock complete with many novel ties. Seo thoto bandioino checked Cloths. CLARK Jb SON, Bloomsburg, Pa. on Thursday and Friday, May 17 and 18, oi,, n, a, inarcu-am-4t.