COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I The Columbian.! from Aft bad cost BLOOMSBURG, PA, FJUDAY, APRIL, 20 1888. The Democracy of any man may well bo doubted who wants "reform" bv cloctlnff an infidel to the Prcsidenoy, and a republican to tbo Vice-Prcsi- doncy. Incoraoll ana umuoin uavu , . s '! I ... i. ttnnA been nominated ovor in weaver town- r :r.P. t '.i. ' tt.,.,.. .., i ii, A ,iih. it ship, and that by , i 4 toforo professed" to bo a democrat. Reform" seems to have struck him ina'aXh BondinRout athelstiopamphicts througu 1110 aiailS. WHAT HE WOULD DO. 7 j -.u !dU ku .........u .u a. - . . I. candidate lor tho legislature u n competitive examination .... r. ,...! snouid pass n c for tho nositioi! ho would desire enacted and what laws ----- . I give tho following as my repealed. VICWB: ........ 1 .1. If I could not repeal tho High h. censo act I would have it amended so as to compel tho County Treasurer to nsv over to tho several townshins and boroughs the amounts due under it, without wniting ninety days . " . - it - 1 to count it, and compel n m to coneoi only tho lawful mercantile appraiser s foe Of 500 lUStead Of 2.50 and thus f "!jfte fi'M ' "? ' , 1 .M, v, !iiVl f r uacK tno uiegai xee iita?h?tumna ? Clerk of tho Courts instead 01 3d, ana collected. 1 would furl so as to make tho Clerk fee under it 81.25 instead ot 9 ana pay tho Manooof theWintotho treasury of tho district in wmcn the appllcan reside , I would al ow tuu uuiuuaub iui iivcuou luu borouGh or townsmp in whioh he re- J T 1.J J .1 1, 4l,o I Biues, woum bu uuiuuu i,uu . . this county would not be obliged to liav a COUniV lUl sicij 1-:. ...r wl,n !, in Panh uj vUU jv. in month is sumoient to transact too County's business. A Pnosi-EonvK Candidate. April 17th. 1888. REFORM. From Olen City comes a voice through last week's "Sentinel? that is remarkable and worthy of some con sideration though somo may wonder why notice is taken of it. That the readers of tho Columbian may better comprehend the idea of re form as stated by Mr. Dreisbach, his letter to the Sentinel is worth their perusal. "I think the time has come when the people should lay aside all party spirit and vote for a liberal or inde pendent candidate, who should not canvass or stump the whole country He ,(J do(.g not waut lhe repubHc- and whl gladly aid in all ways possi and spend more money than the salary can nation. He did not uive his ble. There is going to be an old- ut mo unit ... U..UK, uu. .,B u .,uu- estaamiuisiraiion, uut merely announce himself the people s candidate and if elected, pledge himeelf to do all that it nnril I n m few rafnvm anrl null " "r ...:'rr i " . vote ior 1 sucn canamate, oe ue emo- cr ur xwpuuuuau. xj vu u uuuc by all honest men-s iy from president down to school director and then we can hope for reform and houest ad ministration. Let tbe office seek the man, not tho man the office. Will you permit me to civo you my choice for President for the coming elootion, if so pleaso publish this letter and sign my name to it. I am not ashamed to announce my choice," "For President, Robert Q. Ingersol For Vice President, Robert Lincoln." r. DRKiBiucn." Tho cry for reform has come, from J. no Crv IOr roiorm cafl COmQ. irOlU --rf -- - Glen City for several years, lhe term is a fascinating one. It might oilighten tho publio if Mr. Dreisbich would specify the particular evils that so muoh need to be reformed. As we understand the letter, reform is neces ary in all departments of tbo Govern- ment, from president down to school director. Great leaders cenorallv hold certain principles or views that characterize the leading features of their lives, that of emulation imitation and universal approbation, and which irresistibly and impulsively 'draw an appreciative and admiring publio to their standard and aupport. Not ono of the great men of tho 8ked tD0 ther to look out ot tbe win nation dnrhur nil ihp trnnra nf hr ria!n dow and seo what kind of a day it was tirOBnertv in nnv of Ihn Hontrtmonlx uuy ui ius u uanraeniB 1 I where human i to&al&M "d smells L.. .j nhn.." Tnoiomt nf rreitinrr hi tAntorfl In thn nnvplnn h,,t lno.i n,i chTi 8lfed and $4 h gratef, f hhtoric b?heffelhoZ served in tho WlcuU? acldevement u .. 1I..1.. .1 rZ:Z,V nf "'Z ' Z .Uli.. !C . j: "u:V,l",er::.r; I ...J i' .i...i. t. i.!--..' . u kuiuiu c, wuBiuBr Iuiuu uu, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, McClcllan, Grant, Newton, Franklin, Webster, Fulton, Clay, Morse, Bancroft, Beech or, or the thousands of others who con tributed in some way or other to tho development and growth of tho country by whom all were benefited and the world made better by their having lived in it. Robert G, Ingorsol is a personage who hold views which givo nolariety and prominence that instinc tively draw admiring followers to thu extremity of oblivion who naturally enough desire his ascindtnoy to the chief masmtraoy of tno nation, and those of liko principles to mio ir posi tions down to school director, Now what nre thoso principles that arc so pre-eminently deslrablH to incorporate into reform', that nre to permeate all tho departments of government! Infidelity and atheism. The abolish. ment of church, chrintianity" and tho Sabbath. Tbo annihilation of the Uiblo, sou', spirit and body. Tho Annulling of God and that of future rewards and punishments. The accus ing consoienoo cries tor such reforms, so do anarchists, communists and nihilists. Ho do all who are enemies to good uovcrnmeiit. Wo believe that thn affniis of government are gen erally faithfully and conscientiously onduoted from President down to school director, though periiajiH not al ways judiciously and wisely adrainU ered morn from lack and capacity and ability, than from willful and deliber aba purpose of lieait. Why Robert Lincoln should lie accorded a secoud place with infidel liipcrsol is a mystery. Bo far as we know be is the direct opposite of fngtrsol nod pro eminently fitted for the first place though a weak balance on cither place' vet a food mnn in nnv ilrifo .T ' a ' J I"---' " ' Washington letter our Regular Correspondent., Wasiiinutpk, April 10th. 1888. "Wliat is tho lenislativo outlook.fcom a flemocratlo stand-poinU" was asked nf n rrnntlenian who is known to Stand vorv.cioso to Mr. Cleveland. Ho rcnliod I follows: "Well, u is uv no means as iato as it was a week ago. Tho dead look us ten day of valuablo time, but tuero s no use wssling limo now in iai ing about that. It is over, thank heaven, The main question that Congress has to deal witn tins KCS810D is mo lariu. ca. no asonnuuu mo bc.iiioiu aivhuui Tim fieht on that will begin tomorrow faltering and showed little signs of fear. . .. 1 ..- tTH- . !fri.!llllT . -1 1 ... 1. i 1 .. . l. ... in tllO 110USO Wlieil mo inula mint uni no acumen uiuMiuinriiiuu wuuu niu wm- is oalled up for consideration, and will rant was being read, but soarcoly trotn continue until the bill is passed or do- bled. Tho scaffold and trnp worked to fealcd. though I don't think the I last is likely to ocour. No !.! I.I. .1... ...,... r. I aueetlon is settled! and I under- tariff Question IS 8CU1CU1 ana I unuer- iu q i , na,11 " ' , loall a IIou,e oau- a-UV compoll all democrats --- . , M . ... ... , l.,.. ,), IU1 Will Ul lUllisc wo ""'"I I inn.itmn i. if nnaftiblo. tobrliiKthe bill to a voto before tho date set for the mectinc of tho St. Louis convention." "In my opinion," ho .continued, "it (iTtramoiv nmihtfiil whether this pro-1 Jrf thcreig not fi, 0ft. There will probably ivcred on the bt l.some i or ou mem-1 yXX'dv filed notice with Gnnl.n r.f inlnntinn to BDeak m From tomorrow to" the ""the St. Louis .convention lnS days.exclusive of San. "lKloa,vJ.. , 3 . i. ,ioa T,, a nrnlmho itv tho pneeches to be mado on this bill will take up . ... . a HAiliinn nf I rnnrn tiinn man liisl. iu Pttv iiuiuinit v I . ... . - , , , n.Metion of the .;, ,., bSsedPPbe?oro tho 30th of June, or be passed beforo tbo 30th 01 June, or r overumeIlt become cbjed ow muo,, tlm0 may bu 8aved .l ,,., anA mnn . and m r h and onco ema "ldD00be leador8 fihou'd Bee that . . t,.tl (flo linofl hr It. nadnru nl I lift I ..,,, , , f T.. t UlllIB Ulll UV1UIU IUU IDV u.J, 1 aB,, .n,:,...?. t -j r . on now . oforo rm.-n- " J TTU Kill I congress: 1 no mvor uu u u ill noun tlm Hnnan siirelv and nrob-1 . ,,, - -n ',,, auiy Lilt; ociium , u: acjjiiucuv Jt'ension bill is usroiy iiKeiy 10 get through tho Houso at this session; the Snrincrer OmnibuB bill fc ior me aamm- Bibn of the Territories of Dakota, Mon- tana, Washington and Now Mexico, will bo passed by the House but not by tho Senate; the Blair Education bill is oommiltee. There now, I have given you my ideas of the democratic Tegis- lative prospect; you are welcome to II1UII1, UUl UUU li UBU Uljr uiauic, uv. "v I care, but somebody else might, you know." Er-Senator Wallace, of 1 a. says the democrats of that State are una nimcus for the renomination of Cleveland. The same news comes here from all Beo- tions of the country. I Chaunoey Depow has a long head, rea(K)I1 but the pregumption is that ho did.t want t0 be struck by tho Cleve- and cyclone. A bf for tbe rclief of B0dierg and . . t -i i .1 sailors who enlisted ano served in tno ,rra or navy duri Qg tbo rtb(.iiloD - der asgumed name8 has been favorably reported by tbe House oommitteo on (,..... Military Affairs. The Government rnnting uniso in. vestigation which war suspended a short time age on account of the illness 01 tno unairnian 01 tue uuusu cuiumu- tee on printing, has nsen resumed. Mr. uaiee, tho Alabama itepresenta- tivo who led the filibueterers In tho re- cent fight against tho direct-tax b.ll, is uuaerstooa to ue amuitiuus 01 reuruseu- ting his State in the Senate. Mr. Allen, of Miss'iBsippi, is making nniln n ivinntfltmn in tha Hnnan nnnl. ijuuu .wiv.m ... quick wilted and ready debater, lie aVo a fine exaraDlo of his talent in tbat line on Saturday, which was muoh enioved by the members. His victim wa8 Mr. Perkins, of Kansas, who had started to address the House on the Ind- jan appropriation bill, but who flound ere(i around, mirinir up the tariff and the slave trade and mistaking tho con stitution of the Confederate States ior the platform of the democratic party. Mr.Allen stood this as long as ho could disnnn. I nccted centleman from Kansas a lauch ing stock. He said Mr, Perkins remind ed him of the slory of two men, who when traveling, slept in a room with a cupboard in it. During the night ono KoinK to bo. The latter opened the b-s .... . -r- ,1 nlaaa ilnnr nf HiAnnminfim and eTP.lftim- I like cheego". Instead of cettine his head out Into tho daylight St 1888, the gentleman from Kansas bad got his head into the cupboard of rebellion, rcliorn ov.rvlh nn uraa .lark and umfi . Ee ;ia;e;; Mr All him nHlSn,. imnna nrnannten l,v L r,.m;; n u nni,inn nf n.Uv T! 1 1 I WO OLIlUr II'LIIHIUIIUIU WUU mo illlOO a. iviV4 - i ni win rnrriiiiir iiiniruin iuliuu nm inuuiuniv utvu cnunivu ;;anna nrn knn,n tn Imvr, benn The new Emperor of Germany is I again to a baa condition anu it is otn- cially stated that lits new trouble is not a case ot simp e bronchial lntlamraa- tion, but ot an extension ot tne uis- capo in the larjnx to tbe bronchisl tubes and thm to the lungs thuinch c. Irs phvsiclan', at a nonHtiitalicn on Tii sdiy screen tlMt hi malady was appro.vliing the latt stage. Roscoe Oonkling Dead- Ilosooe Conklinu died at Now York oily.Widnesday inorntnir n' 2:05 Erly in the morning, tho a ay pri'iouto his deitli, tne members ot the Hmtiy not'ced a chanue and knciv his d' ath was only the tint slii n of a few hours Gradually his ( i:!ti becamo imioker, until at U:ay p. m. it was not pvroep. tible, and his extrometles were ijro mt; imi i he continued breathing over two hours longer. Mr. Conkling was a statesman in every sense of the word. Ho was a I leader in the republican p.vly. II was appointed as District Attorney in his own oountv two months before ho wan 21 years nf age. He was elected to Congress when but !J0 yt-ars of atje, and twice re-elected. In 1807 he wa- elided Senator by tbo ltg!ijtnre ifl New York and twlco rc-olcotpd, He I was twios pfftred tho mission to E'ig land by president Gram, and once tbo portion ot Ctilif Jus!lcf,buthenfufed. He remsioed In the SeoaKY until hW memorable tiicht with President Gor- IMd in 1881, h,fltlrc.d from active politics and gavo- his atUtition to the practice of law. Since his re lircmeiit from politic, his law practico h amounted to giuo.uuu pT year. lla una ItArn In A hllliv. Nnur l nrv. in I .OitoherW " i - The Mnrdnrer's Neck Broken- IIAN01NO OK ltOI.ONO,VIIOKll.T.ED A OIRt, AND UAVB TUB 110(13 UF.It 1I0DT. Fkhous Falls. Mink., Armi,13. Nols Olson Holong was hanged hero this afternoon. Holonir slept well laalnitjht a coou urcakiust, aim was vcrvcooi. The DopulShoriff say ho displayed moro ncrvo than any man ho ovor saw. Trie ueatn warrant was roaa ni anu at 1.55 tho drop fell, llolong's neok was broken and hU musolos scarcely twitch- perfection. Holong was convicted of rnurderiug T .. I. . .. T ,1 ., . i ... . mliinll ina in tbo horriblo as committed on the 28th of last May. Miss leld, me ZDIU 01 may. mim x iuju, lO.lived with hermother and brotho-s in thi township of St Olof, about fl f teen mil frotn ,Ferus Fall, , . , h, d b d au ilo. lrV!t,. 'MnrulBCTillll nf ttlinllt 28 " .v-v..... , voars. U11 the tiav meuuoneu jura Field and her oldest son catno to Fer gus Falls, loaving Lilly and a younger Lther of about years at homo with tho hired man. Jjiuy worn, 10 wuris ftbout tho ho performing such work as her mother had loft for her to do. me uoy ovur w uuikuuui n v..- and. teW him thatlio might remain and Dlav, When ho left Lilly was washing and that was tho last seen of her alive, When the boy came back after dinner rm j.t..: 1 Li v nud the mrred man were misaing. Ho went to various neighbors, but nnno UnA ennn Vinv ITa fTinl rinmn fMrl wtlPTI niu owu uwt , n t on tho wffc Hero ho was found bv his mother and u, - ,!, - . un thuv rtnrnn(1 from Fr- gus Falls. They .apposed, that Lilly gusj?aus. iney supp..BeU vuai iiinj had gone to some of tho neighbors and did not search for her that night. In the morning, when Charles Field went nut In An liia olinrM mill fend his stock. t tQ do hlg olore8 aml fucJ his Btook( bushM ti,e naked bod of hU Bisler (iisetnbowled and her flesh eaten by the hogs. Sas- ninn nf nnmi nn ntori to liOlonr? i suit and tho 1 1T nnwf mArninn tin lirn J tnlltlll J IP fir wnn j.ii a,at,n onmB t.nntv mllea from w. - j - the eocne of the murder, lie at once admitted hta uailt. He narrowly es n...l ll, .Ju.uB. tr0j,mrt. Democratio Ulub League of ww. - .m. Penna. 109 South Broad street. Philadelphia, April 1888. To the Democraoy of tho Keystone gtato Let us look before us aud not behind. Success and glorv are in ad- The strongest position a democrat ghould desire to occupy is one from which he can most easily advance for Qg gUCCOSS OI 1116 party BUU IUB prillUII- tion of the best interests to the country, Let im act on this underslandincr and oro - anim our nanv. for then cood re- eau, wjji follow in the coming oontcst. Tho Chairman of tho Democratic gtate Committo of Pennsylvania, says: i beartly approve of the project of forming a loage of clubi in th- State, fashioned Demooratio fight this Fall, and tho sooner our people wako up to the fact the better. Therefore, we k , carefully and I . 8brewdlv. and organize, " Let Democrats commence tile forma- tion of ciul)8 at cn0t,. young and old Democrats are invited to Qnite with 0Iubs in their vicinity, Tbe State Convention of the Demo- cra'.io Club League will meet at Har rj8burg( Pa., on Thursday, May 24, lesa. at 10 o dock a. at. jMi each club in tho State be repro- 8ented by at least threo delegate" Clubs alrendv formed, which desire o enter thn loacue. and those here after organized for that purpose, win please send tho name of their olub, of. fioer8 and delegates to Leauue's Secre- egates to .Leagues oecre 1 South Broad'street, Phil XT- inn T) (.my, ixv. ivv ouuiii iJiutiu once, n Udelphia, with as little delay as possi ble. John D. Wobhan, John H Fow, Secretary. Temporary Pres, Hotel Thieves in Wilkesbarre- Sunday morning tho hotel of Moes Wolf waB entered and Si 82 in cash J""- Monday morning tno 1101 Christopbor Klein and John Mc- were discnvertd to havo been b taken. Monday morniiiu the hotels of c-uratu broken into during tho nioht. Mr Klein.s bed room was cuti red and his pockets rif- goJJ watoh and 815 in uioney, -'." '" c "b- Collided With a Locomotive. t Piiiladki.piiia, April 15 While lhe New York and W-M-gton express southbound, was nassino over the lie ess, vied road of the Pennsylyan a railroad shortly before 3 30 o'clock tins col ded hoavy passenger bco IUUHVU Ui, 1 nil I1UU1 BU Cl-U tno i-jiiibdi. tIn consist.,! of a heavy baggage car 811.1 ten COaOlieS. InCltldinDr tWO Vetl bulo cars. Four cars were badly,bed and toppled over on llieirsides. Seven injured, Were all vtlu enough to heed this advice in eton, a world ol suBerlng would be avoided, Tbe best months In which to take Ilood't BansparUla, the great blood purlfler, at March April May At no other season Is the body to much lu lieed ol, or so susceptible to the benefit to be deriyed from Hood's SartaparlUa, as now. The Impoverished condition of the blood, the weakening effect j of tha long, cold winter, the loM appetite, and that tired feeling, all make good spring medicine absolutely Decenary, Try jlood' Bariaparllla and you will be co vlneed that It Ii (he Ideal spring medicine. Hood's Sarsaparllla SolJVrnllilmiriUU. JllllforfJ. Prepared only by O. L BOOD A CO., Apothecarltt, Lowell, Uou. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar I GET YOUR J7B PRINTING I DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE.' TO THE PUBLIC. Intending purchasers of Pond? Extoact cannot tako too much pre caution to prevent substitution. Somo druggists, trading on tho popularity of tho great Family Remedy, attempt to palm off other preparations, unscru pulously asserting them to bo "tho samo as" or "equal to" Pond's Ex tuact, liullfforcnt to tho deceit prac ticed upon nnd disappointment there by caused to tho purchaser, s long as larger profits accruo to themselves. Always Insist on having Pond's Ex TnACT. Tako no other. SOLD IN BOTTLES ONLY ; NEVER BY MEASURE. Quality uniform. Prepared only by POND'S EX TRACT CO., ow York and London. Poo our namo on every wrapper and label. Noto picture of bottlo below. rcr riles, Catartl, Eaesma lism, NeiralaJa, TMt&aclie, Braises, Bins, Sort Tircat, Dipltiieils, Sorts, Iiltaiia Uou, and Hemor- tltaees of all ma Sore Eres, Tho Famotu Lecturer, J0ll!t 11. fiOI OlI, wrotot ' For Sore Throat, cnwciflllr when tend ing to ulceration, I havo found It very bencSclal." AXM1KW D. WHITE, Kr-rreatdent ot Cornell TJnlrasity, Mj-a i "One of tho absolute tucuri tlti of housekeeping." Bi tun to gtttht yenulnt. F.MSl.t ABBOTT, tho celebrated prima donna. " Valuable and beneficial." IinTWOOn. SMITH, f. D., M. n.. C I'., of Enjland. " I havo used It with marked beneflt." II. CI. rilKSTOS, M. D., BrooUyn. N. T.-"I know of no remedy to generally useful." AllTIIl lt OCISSESS, . D., f. b. r. S.j of Kngland. "I havo preacrtbed TOND'S EX TRACT with great eucccso." JI'STIX D. FrLTOX, P. D., Brooklyn, N. T. " ITovUu; Itself to bo necessity In our home." P. A. VfESTERVET.T, M. D., Nashville, Tenn. "Havo used largo quanUtlei of EX TRACT la my practlco." Jim. K. B. Mernnn, Matron, ITomo of Dcitl tuto Children." We And It most efficacious and useful." Ia Bottles only. Trices, SOe., SI, S1.7S. Xott our nana on tttry vrapper anil laUl. rrnarPJ only by I'Oxn'S IIXTUICT CO., HEW YOBK AND LOHDOH. CANDIDATES. Candidates named under this headlne are sub ject to the rules ot the Democratic party. FOB BEPBESENTATIVE, E. M. TEWKSBURY of Catawissa. FOB BEPBESENTATIVE, JAMES T, FOX, of Beaver township. FOB BEPBKSK.NTAT1VE, C. Z. SCHL1CHER, of Beaver township. FOR BEPBESENTATIVE, GEN. a M. BLAKER. SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of a writ ot Levari Facias isiued out of tbe court of common pleas ot Columbia county and to me greeted will be exposed to public sale at the court house In tho town ot Bloomsbure, Pa., on MONDAY, MAY 7, 1888. at 2 o'clock p. m., the following real estate, to-vrtt : AU those tracts, pieces or parcels ot land situate- In the township ot Montour la the county of Col umbia and state ol Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows to-wlt: The nrst beginning at a post on corner ot land ot soloman Olger thence running south, along other lands of solo, man Qlger stx(y-elgbt degrees, west one hundred ana four perches to a pine oak thence norm aiong land ot M. Faust nine degrees, west eighty-three perches to a Btone thence south along land ot the same eighty-one degrees, west seventy-three perches to a stone, thence north along land of the same ten and a nalt degree, west twenty-eight perches to a stone, thence north along other lands ot the sold Daniel Olger deceased eighty-one de grees East one hundred aud seventeen perches to a stone, thence north along lands ot tbe same seventy degrees, east forty-two perches to stone thence south along lands of Solomon Glger fifteen and on half degrees, east one hundred and and one perches to a post the place ot beginning containing sixty-four acres strict measure. The second, beginning .it a white oak tree and running thence along land of Daniel Glger's hens, south egbty-one and three quarter degrees, west lurtj-uiutj ttuu uifiD leuiuis purcuus w a ntuuo thence north along land of John Glger's helre, eight and three-quarter degrees, west sixty 'and two-tenths perches to a stone, thence north along land of Ellas Olger eighty -two degrees, east nay- nine and nine-tenths perches to a stone, and thence south along land of Christum Heist eight degrees, east sixty perches to a white oak tree tne place ot beginning containing eighteen acres and one hundred and forty-nlno perches, neat measure, excepting and resenlng to Barbara Gelger her belrsand assigns from and out ot the aforesaid lands all the Iron ore and any and all other minerals lying and being In, upon and under the said premises together the right ot tree In- gress, egress and regress In, upon and over the said premises with miners and other workman Wttl) horses, carts and tP mine d)g ana oarry away the Iron ore and other minerals in, up. on and under the said premises and to make and use such roads as may be required for the removal ot sold ore or minerals, together also with the right to use and occupy as much ground as may be required for the depositing ot dirt, slate and ptherietuse from the mines, the said Barbara qlger, holding hereon, her heirs and assigns now and all times hereafter free and clear from every and all liability tor loss or dunoge to tbe sap) Elmer W. ltunyan her liejra or assigns occas ioned cither directly or Indirectly by reason pf the openlngot mines upon the said premises er the making and constructing ot roads through the same. Seized taken Into execution in the Bult ot Stacy John's executors and Deborah Harrison's executor against E. W. ltunyan and to bo sold as the pro perty ot E. W. ltunyan. NOTICE OP AI'PICAHON FQR IN. CQHPOKATION. S la the Couit ot Common Pleas for the Countv or Columbia. Notice Is hereby clven that an annltcatlon will be made to tho said Court on the Eleventh day of May A. I). UN), in tne forenoon ol said dav at ten o'clock, under the "Corporation act of one thou, sand eight hundred anu sevent-- .tour,'1 and the supplements thereto, by Vtllllara NeaL W. It. 'luuos. ii. ii. iiroiz. jonn Jamison, jamen pear at aod L. E. Waller for the charter Of an Intended corporation to ds cauea tne uno rark nsh and Game Protective Association, lhe character and object of which t tho preservation ! fish In the upper wuiers oi risning creek and us tributaries, anil tbe preservation of game upon tbe lands drained bt and adjacent to the waters aforesaid, in too uuuuura ui uoiunjua anil Huiuvan in tne state ot Pennsylvania and tor tbe purposo to have, possess and ennv all the rttrhtR. heneni lie anu privileges supplements. auu i'iivuckvd wiuvrn-u us tne saw ac& anq JAMES SCABLET. U E. WALLEB. Solicitors. Apni-ao-'ti DIUDQE NOT1UE. "Notice Is hereby given that an application will be made to the Governor ot Pennsylvania on Mon day, the thirtieth day of April A. I). ism, by I). J. Waller, o. W. Miller. John G. Freeze, I. s. Kuhn. PaulE. W W, ii, v. White and others, under the act ot assembly entitled, "an act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain cor. poraiioos," approvea April sum, ink, and me sun. plement thereto lor the charter of an Intended curuurauon to oe caueu -i no uioomsburg llrldgi Company, the charter and object of which! men r tor the urpom ot erecting constructing and maintaining a bridge and the approaches thereto ovur the North ilranch ot tbe itusquehanna lllver. from DOlnt at or near the Ferrv mail in i i.n mwn ot Uioomsburg, In the county of Columbia, to a point In Catawissa township on the opposite side ualrf ri... In ha ban.. ....... W. Ot.M.l .U ,UW HUB WUUiJ. ana ior these purposes to have poaseses, and enjoy all the rights a w. MiLUtn, UITK. t" ' pollcltors. mar 80-w, MttgMII.Jr.liyibi fcucurv4tUAt.r4.flli wwm ttMttti wul UUtbtruiolr 'Of ,U affMlau ot lli Ureal ud lunn. U1 ibtuti trltlng- from unpura tlood uid xluunlluri. TLa r..Ll and tick, mtuku llnir ttrmliut dUoaM, and atowlj dnnina- o'l'li !"" r-o.r Ib.IrViHU Lf tka iuumI, um (t I'arker UlBfrerTbtito, tutdelaj li daa trou lalli, If Itj llmi It fa lavaluald lii "llln. (aafdUwrdMt it tHmaca a4d beWalt, lo, at tUi& IS. M MumrUlfV uiarvu-AM-t, TRAVERSE JURORS FOR MAY TERM 188?. Bearer-John Frltx, IpraelSchcIL Ucnton Hubert llulm, Ell Mcndrnhall Bloom J I. tilrton, 1 8 Kulin. z s Bobbins, John stickle, 0 V vanderstlcc, John Wolf. Ilrlarcreek Eliot Adams. Catawissa Trent creasy. Geo 8 Gilbert, Bcuben Miller, John oberdorf, Simon noun, F I, siiuman. Centralla M w Brcnnon, Bernard Dugan, w E Dam center John Kelchner, William McAllestcr. rrauKiiu uuj-u jum-r. Ureenwood-J U ulrton, Fchuyler Kramer, Samuel miner. tlMmliul. f U II.Mm.. Inlin tfitrtmat. Iiocust Samuel Itclnboid. Main Emanuel Mouser. limin-W o Dewltt. ML Pleasant v in F Crawford, George L Johnson. Pine lAfaytlte Unger. Scott II N White. Sugarloat Wilson Cole. SECOND WKEK. Benton J J Karns. Berwick W O liarnard, Oeorge A Bmlth, Isaoo smith. Bloom-K B Angel. A U Brlggs V II Ent, It J Mor ris, Henry M liunert, I anicl wiser. Brlarcreek steph n i lctteilck, o K Ferris. Catawlsss Allen Barndt, Jacob Ilower. Centralla David Iijko. Center A J Kochor. Conyngbam Patrick Haley. Flshltgcrcek Oeorgo Heath. Greenwood U F oitoon. J hn Lawton. Hemlock Jtathlas Glrton. Locustr-0 W carl, D P Ixvan. Madison Cyrus Jlulllno, Miniln-M 11 lletlf-r Montour W O Johnson. Mt. Pleasant Wcsh-y Mordan. Orange It W Brumstetler, II J Conner, M C Vance. Hoarlngcreek U P cnerrlngton. Amoa Snjder. scott Alfredliwe, Charles U Lee, James D Ter- muigcr. rpHIAli LlaT FOU MAY TERM, 1888. Ellen M Crlsmon vs John Howell and B D Lacoe: II K lleaccck ts Hamuei T lies. H E Ileorock vs Curry Mastcller. Mar; E Heacock tb Phlla & Beading B B Co et al. L II Fowler vs O D Fowler. Andrew Fowler vs c D Fowler, A W Creamer vs E II and It It Little. J 11 Iloyt vs Berwick Borough Franklin Yocum, Guardian, vs Wm J Zohner ct al Daniel F seybert vs Gideon (1 Hosier. itonr Aiciicnry's use vs K J M (.'Henry's odmrx. Daniel F seybcrt vs James SDonenoere. James Pollock s Henry William Vandersllce. Aiaua a iianman vb wuuam r weuiver. M A Markle vs Berwick Borough. u F Gardner vs nioomsnunr Btiir. co. Alfred Irvln vs Bloomsburg & f ulllvan B B Co. Hamuei Appleman's hx'r vs Charles W .Miller. William K Tubbs et al vs Freeman McAfee. Allen 1) Croop vs II B Low. Kd M David et al vs Jonas Crlsman with notice. Henry O Snyder vs Jackson 4 Woodln MIg Co. Bloom'burg Bonking Co vs Stephen Pobe et al. Daniel U Spouenberg vs George K Hess. A Warner k Co vb Weslev iinwmnn. A Wari er ic Co vs J K Patterson. ueo tf iecKensune use vs A A Wilson. Geo rare W MumhT vs I. A luier nr. ra John Moran vs James Barry's ndmrx. a a iuuu b Mm vs v ra a Kile. Wm Brtce co vs Mrs K Hatfr. Charles W Cole vs Ezeklei cole. W-OTICE IN DIVORCE. Maggie Glrton, by her next friend, Bernard Sum ner vs. unanes uirion. In the Court of Common plea? of Columbia coun- Tt, vec. iprm, 1BS7. To Charles Glrtou. respondent above named : Whereas, upon the petition or libel of the said Maggie Glrton, above named, a subpoena being awarded by the Court of Common Pleas of said county, a subpoena issued out of the said court, commanding you, tho said Charles Glrton, to be and appear at the next regular term ot said court, to show cause, If any you have, why the said libel lost should sot bo divorced from the bonds ot matrimony which she has contracted with you, agreeably to the prayer of tne petitioner j and, whereas, upon the return of the sold subpeena, due proof was mado that .: on could not bo found or served with the same In the bailiwick of the sher- in or saia county ; wnereupon an anas rubpeena was awarded by said court commanding you to be ana appear ai me nex I regular term or said court to answer, ic, as aforesaid, to which the same return was made br the sheriff. OU are therefore renulnd tn hA anil nnnpnr nn the flrsr day ot regular term of said court, to be ucm ni. diuuujsuuik, lur IUD M11U UUUiliy, on lllu first Monday of May next, A. 1)., Ib8 to answer said complaint aforesaid. Khprlff. Sheriffs office, Bloomsburg, Pa., Mar. 80, 188s. N OTICE IN DIVORCE. Maggie Magdeburg, by her next friend J. n. Vos- tme. vs. Frederick Magdebur. In the Court of Common Pleat of Columbia coun ty, .o. m, jjec. irnn, 1887. To Frederick Macdebunr. resnondent nhnv-A named : Whereas, unon the petition or libel of thn nnM Maggie Magiteburg, above named, a subpoena be ing awarded by the court of Common Pleas of said county, a subpeena Issued out of tho said court, commanding you, the snld Frederick Mar- deburg. to be and appear at the next regular w-rra or saia couru iu enow cause, it any you nave. wny me soia UDenont rnouia not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony which she has contracted with you, agreeably to the prayer ot tho petition er; ana, wnore&s, upon me rerurn or tne said subpoena, due proof was mado tbat yo i could not be found or served with the same In the bailiwick ot the sheriff of said cou ity ; whereupon an alias Buupwun HHanHuiuro uy saiu court, command ing you to be and appear at tbe next regular term ot said court, to answer. &c, as aforesaid, to wuicu iuu Hume reiuru was inoafl oy me Bnenn. You are therefore reaulred to be and nnnejir nn tbe nrst day of regular term of said court, to be held at Bloomsburg, for tbe sold county, on the first Monday of May next. A. I)-, tsaa. tn nn-pr boiu vutupmuib ntuicoaiu. QAAiuitLi thi ni. snena. Sheriff's office, Bloomsburg, Pa., Mar, so, l8ss. MEMORY -MAKES- SUCCESS Wholly unlike artificial systems. Any book learned In one reading. Classes of 1097 at Baltimore and 1003 at Detroit. liM at Philadelphia, large classes ot Columbia law students, at rale, vi euesiey. obei tin. Univer sity of Penn., Michigan Pnlverslty, Chautauqua, ca, ic Endorsed by Blchard Pro tor, the Helen tlst. Hons. W. W. Astor, Judab P. Benjamin, Judge Gibson. Dr. Brown. E. 11. Cook. Prlncmal N. Y, Mtato Normal College, 4c The system Is perfectly taught by corresDondence, Ii-ospoctus luaiimimuimur, mioaiia, mi cum Ave., new luik. uiarouuiu E P PS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA You will Savo CatarrH Money Timo, Pain, Trouble, AND WILL cyiip CATARRH Hy Using ELY'S Cream BalmH AY-EEVE R A particle Is annlled Into each nostril and Is usHrauio. i rice ou cents at aruggisis; Dy mail, repstored, 60 cents. ELY BUOTIIKlts, 13s Green, wicb St., Npw York, maruodit. A NNUAL: STATEMENT -OFTnE TOWN OF llLOOMSnURQ, FOR TUB YEAIt ENDING M ABCII Slst, IBS". FUNDED DEBT. Bonds due Aug i, is8... " Jan 1, 1S88. .. I 200 00 POO 00 COO 00 770 0 780 00 CUO 00 MO 00 HO 00 80 00 910 Ol 1K0 00 iri co 10 0 00 1130 UO iooo oo reuy l, ta. Aug!, issa l. 189. 1, ma., I, 1801 1, 1WJ.. I, 1SD3., 1, 1HSI,. 1, 189).. t, isue,. 1, IMfl . 1, IIW l, im I, 11)00 780 00 - i, IWl ' 1, 11MJ .., ' 1, 1U03.... " " " 1, I9'1. .., " " " 1, 105..,, " ' " 1, IW f 15019 00 VALUATION OF TAXABLE PBOPBU1Y IN 1687, Beal Estate $ 1,119.8.13 l'ereonal property., S8.3SO i;,mo 1 121,515 00 Two per cent ot the above valuations...,.,., ABS-tTfl. Balance on duplicate otirrM t ' " ' ' 1K8S " " " " 187 Due trom sundry persons on account ' Due from estate J II liar, man sewer permit r. . t Due firm J 1 Fowler (0 W Ulller) sewer permit.,,. Due from sundry persons on old account 33.487 10 181 48 1M 08 S15J 64 tJiWtS S9 55 13(0 S4S tiros OTOKU LIABILITIES Orders ot 188 outstanding I a t " "1884 " too " "18BS 833 88 " "18S " 117 Si " "1S87 91ou. Coupons No's tt and 73 ot 18s&- f unpiid....,., a oo Coupons oi 18S0-7 due and un. ' paid...',,; r..7... 15 34 I Excess.,,,,.., Amount of funded, sent brought, forward-,. .... tarn mo Total inaebtednesi , titSM HHwivM boone, collector wr w. DB. To balance on duplicate. m, c. woodwabd, collector tor issa. ' To balanoe on duplluau..., mi CB. By xonernlloni allowed I By cash paid H P Vannalta, treasurer. Balanco duo , MM 11978 43 ii. c. woonwAnD, collector for im. DB. To amount ot duplicate dsmii cit, By cash paid 11 P Vannatta treasurer. I 700 SI Baltncedue tlMM teol P. VANNATTA, Treasurer for 19ST tn account wltb tho Town ot Bloomsburg. DB. To amount of ux roll for '8T..$ IKS M tcc'u irom wm Chrlsman late treasurer being balance. 8 39 To amount ree'd from bonds negotiated issue ot oct To amount s'ate tax collected on bonds. KM To amount reo'd from BFZarr late prcs t for sewer per mits.;. 1000 To amount ree'd from h F Zarr late prcs'l for show licens es.... SCO To amount received from V 8 iiarraan pres t for sewer nermlts 11000 To amount, received trom P H liarman prest for show 11 renscs and nnea ..... . tSSJ S5 Toam. rec'd from O W Mil ler lor shovellnir snow To amount ree'd From David inner per M c wood wxrdondunllcateof 'RS... 111(0 To amount ree'd from David vv inner on duplicate ot '85. M 70 To amt reo'd from M v Wood- ward on duplicate of 1886., 17S3W To amt reo'd from M O Wood ward on duplicate of 1887., too n ' HMOS 08 P. Vannatta, Treasurer for 18T tn account wltb the Town ot Bloomsburg. CB. By amt ot duplicates 'of M '.C Wood- wara collector for jtr, oeing amv uncollected by treasurer on tax roll forlBSI., ...I t8iM By amt ot orders paid during tne year,... ..... ..... . By amt ot coupons paid dur ing the year By amt of bonds paid during 11371 It teosi tne year viz: Bond NC 0 US. .(140 . 100 . 200 . 160 70 71 99 S. 500 800 00 111 95 By amt of treas commission onf4t3.ifG9 per cent By amt of treas commission on ts OS no m 1 Der cent.. 60 00 C919 Balance In hands ot treas f 18643 67 U&OS 1S HECEIPTS. Amount from Wm Chrlsman late treas. sas Amount collected on tax roll Of IBS. Amount reo'd from bonds neirottated 5000 uu Amount ot state tax collected on bonds lftu? Amount ree'd from B F Zarr late pres't tor sewer per mits . iooo Amount trom B F Zarr late pres't tor show licenses . 5 ou Amount from P 8 Harman crest sower permit now Amount from P 8 liarman Dres't show licenses. o 62 25 Amount, from O W Miller shoveling snow S3 Amount trom Davtd Winner per m c Woodward on duDllcate of 1883 911 SO Amount from David Winner onuuD icateotisssinruii xstu Amount from M Woodward on dunllcatn lfwl 17.UB0 Amount trom M C Woodward on uup icate 1887 .ou 5. t 1215 37 KXrENDITUUES UIGHWAY8. Wm Bldleman late corn's for March 188T 4 7a Peter BUlmeyer corn's M7 89 Sundry persons for labor.... 122315 leoina lur haullntr 3W89 Sundry persons for bauUng nine stone gpawis .... ioi v 8 Mensch weighing spawls 48 TS C Eck for 2502 tons spawls 13 10 v wnitenlght lor building stoam.... A Jacoby flag stone for crossings. (11 78 60 560 80S 63 99 6091 9S4 39 44 23 1183 43 00 175 180 Abraham Snyder repairing pump at Forks. Sundry persons tor pick and nammei- nanaies. liarman & Basse rt cast plates Freight on terra cotta pipe ior arain in coti town A nutcblns co for terra cotta mpe tor same Creasy wells for lumber... w iiunvsn narawarera .. sundry persons tor smithing u Williams snow snoveis lantern......' EKrum for sand t 45S9 49 CONSTABLE AND POLICE. 0 Woodward services " " arrests and other fees. 60 00 13 44 Daniel l-aycock late chief ot ltollce in March. 4 00 68 00 Wesle y Knorr chief ot police u Freas et ai assistant po lice . 187 94 SBWEIlAQE. sundry rjersons for hauUnir ana laoor i A llutchlns ft Co terra cotta nine 160109 714 62 51 58 101 W 700 saw Sundry persons for powder and fuse Sundry persons tor smithing ftC - sundry persons damsgesfrom blasting.. lung Freight on sewer pipe Central Penna Telephone Co three messages to wyom- in Penna., t 1413 81 MISCELLANEOUS FIRX DirAKTHIKT. Bent paid I w nartman to Apni i, ii tor liescue Hook and Ladder Co t SO 00 Rent paid Columbia county toJanii88T to 00 Bent paid Columbia oounty to Deo l 1887 lor uescue Hook and Ladder Co 18 33 30 00 5000 Rent paid J J Hrower to April 1 1887 for Friendship co. Bent paid appropriation to Winona for 188, uiuuttiur isoi 149 31 MOM Paid Bloomsburg Water Co for use ot fire hydrants - .. Paid Bloomsburg Gas Co for gas con sumed. Paid Samuel Neyhard services as town M3 163(3 6000 euKluwr., Paid G E F.lwell rent for council room to jan l, 1883 Paid M o Sloan ft Bro repairing buggy broken tn cave on second street. . . . Paid sundry persons cleaning council room 450 950 Paid sundry persons coal, lock. up. . . Paid sundry persons ler street lamps 5 unu repairs. Paid Samuel Neyhard services as secre tary Paid Samuel Neyhard making tax roll Paid Samuel Neyhard preparing annual statement and clerking tor auditors Paid M u Woodward serving tax notices 7099 ISO 00 Hi 00 90 04 10 00 i-uiu.-uoyer isros rent ior iocic-up to June 1 1887. 9000 1900 Paid s A Petrlkln ft Co rent for pound lu April i imi P Id On y J acoby for swearing president oi town council ana tOKing two ac knowledgments Paid I W ncKelvy and 1 8 Kuhn et al interest on over aue oraers nos n and 4W 939 Paid o w sterner for rcordlng release lorngntoi wav ror storm water sewer from second street to Flab creek Paid o W Neal executor nf Emma n neai aamages aswwea in wiacDing Ltghtstreet road and Interest No 5 ueoierm iski 759 00 4918 84C4 6174 Paid Anna I) Ulllmeyer damages aosess- ruin wiaening L.ignTstreet roaa ana interest no 5 Dec term IhSJ. Paid Anna D Dll'raeyer and 8 A Petrt- Kin proo eaig same as above no, s Deo term 1883 Paid li'dgment of JC Kamsvs Town ot Diuuinsourg no wi -ept term iskc and interest asslcned u in Ikeier Fold Wm ErlckbaumpubUshlngtonnual statement fto Paid Elwell ft Blttenbender publishing annual statement fto. Paid J (I Brown publishing annual 1300 39 statement ftc Paldc G B rklev solicitor Patd Dent ler maker and Garrison aud itor.) tor legs Fald Judgment Bloomsburg Gas co vs Sits 9S 00 Town or uioomsburg NO 121 Kept term 1883 Mil I 5394 OTIIBIt DISBUltREMENTa Paid on account of orders outstanding ior inh. Paid on account of orders outstanding 1 tor 1885 Paid on account of orders outstanding for 188a,,., Paid bonds , Interest paid during the year, viz: cou pons Interest paid ou over due order No. 7 1 S71 495 too 0 3 9 32 161 M ISO Paid state Treasurer tax on loans.... Commission to treasurer .,.,....., uaiance in nanas oi ireuaui er. Total expenditures f 14774 Doluct orders outstanding , tlit Leaves amount equalling receipts t 18445 SAMUEL NEY1I AUD. P. S. II AMI AN. Secretary. ITeoldenf. we, the undersigned auditors of tbe Town Bloomsburg met Monday and Tuesday ittn a t7tb ot March im. and do hereby certify that ' met Monday and Tuesday ittn c it nave examined tne rpregoing accounts ana iiai Uiepta and and them correct and do approve .nd hnd them correct and do anm same. We also report that we find the books. naoera and nunll arcJlve of the Town nave been and still are unprotected from 'are and burglars from the want of a proper place' ot deposit, and. nurchasd of a safe for the safe keenlur or tha aakii and would further urge a proper Indexing ot and purchase ot Index Books for eneedr reference to minute and other papers relating to tbe business or tue town. WM. E. KINKKIL foWim.. April ms 1 Atyton. rnRfiASUREK'S SALE. L OF UNSEATED LANDS. IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENNA. tir Ttrtun ntnundrr acta of the General Assem bly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, rela'. log to the sale of seated and unseated lands In t he county ot Columbia, etc., for taxes due and un aid. I win oner to puono saie in tne uourt uoue, me town oi uiooomouiy, uu MONDAY, JUNE 11th, 188. in owioek. a tn. The following described nieces land, or such part thereof as may be necessary to satisfy tbe amount of taxes 'due ana unpaid against the sune, and continue the samerfrom diy to day as the same may bo found necessary. TE11MU OP BALE. tha aannnnt. of tflxen and coats must be bald when the land h struck off or the sale may b void and the property put up and resold. Acrea. Warrantee or owners Twpn l!4l Columbia u ot 1 Co ....Beaver Taxes. t 14 tO 65 1 5 9 1J 3 18 1 64 B9 04 1 04 9 4 4 94 li 97 14 55 19 73 B7 1 S3 5 61 1 85 1 60 1 60 1 60 64 1 04 2 67 1 CO 6 ill 2IG6 3 03 ICO 1 06 64 1 OS 2 49 1 lot ueuver cnanen uu.... (lota Beaver Jesse .do.... 5 Biookway lis " " oo.. .1 Slots ur cawny u u uu... 3 lotc Butt ft Unger do,.,. llt Bogart Mary. do,... slots Boyer F 8 do ... 49 Cox C 8 Ex Tench Cox. do..... isa " " " " 837 " "' " " ..dO .. gra " ",... S67 " " " " a iota crossing ratncit uu.... Hot cannon it.. do ... 100 Downs Martin. is " Jonn ..uu.,.. a lots Hvans lu-ecc. uu... 8 " Flanagan A do.... 3 " FreyWB do.... lot Gcarbart William do.... Slow ' ' do...... 5 " Hoffman EG 3 " llarnerfi Jester......... , 60 Hauck Jonathan..... do.... CO Boats Jonn uu.... 3J0 HlnderUter Sarah A ao. . . . 3 lots uuniKuas. uu.... slots Henry George. 1 lot Kline A do.... 2 lota Lev is Frank do,.. 3 lots Lawrence w it. do.... soo Mann S MBlcr. do.... 10 CO to Mensinger samuei ao.... 83 15110 1 51 7 49 loo Mclteynolds W II.. do. . . . Slots Mastuwuuam. ao.... 140 Nungtssor George do. .. Slots Patterson jc Slots Price Clarence do.... a Rice Abraham...... do.... 9 66 1 II 1 60 im " do.. 2 87 14 4-93 lota Buthford, Samuel Co.,.-do.... a iota ...uu...... 1 CO 2is Swank Daniel. do.... 140 schweppenbelserIK .... do.... 7 91 11 Ol . 182 1 60 8 anuman s aucnaei uu.... 3 lota schlchJ J do... slots Smith J W. do.... slou scott Peter do. .. 1 92 2s 10 UlsapherGeo do. .. 2SC3 west B Coal Co. qo.. tit 00 Slots wctzeios ao..... I lot Wood Augustus. do...... Z C6 61 si Ulsapber George,. 1 31 Slow Kioseww ao... ilots Wood Augustus do.... 1 60 1 06 10 Losee Jessce .do.... el shumanFL. - do.... 28 Brelsch Co do.... 55 I 66 83 Slots Prout Stephen dec'a ...... ao.... 1 60 90 S 26 25 Wells John Benton S8 Clem Bev W T Brlarcreek 300 Doty. Poalers Stewart ao.. sso " " " 13 60 V 00 6 75 ISO " do., 100 " 41 " " " Edwards Henry J do, . . . Evans Francis. do,... Fowler Gilbert do.... Fro as Jesse B do...... Freas Fannie do.... Lamon Joseph. Kemp Daniel... .do... Bobbins EU do.... Jos Est do.... Stackhouse C J M do. .. Hitler 11 II do.... 4 50 230 11 29 7 46 4 50 0 Oti 00 4 50 21 50 22 40 10 M 464 100 4 60 DO 2 26 60 1 160 6 75 10 46 5 17 K ot 230 Shatter ft Kelchner 675 acauj ler turn mary uu.... Stout Eilas do,... Edwards Martha J do. . . . Yost Emanuel. ' do.... Doty, Stewart ft " do,... '. do...... Adams Henry. do.... Bower Isaiah do..,. K oo ns Goo M. IIoUopeUrD F do.... Dodson J B do.... Shuman Beuben Catawissa Weaver EUas do.... Dornbacb Margaret. do.... Klner Bobert , ..... do. .. . Newell Fred....i do.... ciewell Joseph Est do. .. Shuman Ellas. do.... Harder Thomas E. do.... Ilower Moses do. . . . 12 39 7 1 13 48 1 80 40 10 3 06 33 35 22 2 37 14 14 10 40 SO 21 too 1 35 1 3 12 31 2 51 307 281 4 54 4 43 36 18 10 11 7 1 63 53 1 07 LoM 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Barrett Mary. CcntraUa Gerogbty Thomas. do... . - 'J ...... do.... neffran Philip..,.,. Knell John do.... Leblghft Mahanoy K McKlnney Charles,.... do.... Steel Geo W ao.... Sweeney Margaret do. . . . Walsh David do.... do.... " do.... " " do..,. 6 4 56 5 69 15 00 4 30 36 S4 70 8 32 2 65 t 2 Acres 22 Adams Enos L.... . .Centre 3 24 s Aiiabachiuen.. 2 lots Brobst Thomas do. 75 Fowler John F do...... Good Jacob Jo... Uagenbuch William do.. 5C 14 1 33 46 3 70 10 34 5 ts not not or . Hoffman William Est do.. Keller Daniel. do., 1 Mcllenry Dorcas. do.... Sponsler Jacob do.,.. Klrkendall ft creasy. do.... Beam Joshua.. ..Conyngham Bresllne Bernard. do.... 23 185 78 1 It 106 63 419 not Slots Dreisbach Lewis do.... 112 Huston Johu... do.... 323 Kline John L.... V3 2 lots Kramer A w ao.. 4 70 do.... 2 84 Lelby Charles. do.... Millard OU do ... McGulre Terronce do.,.. Morris Annie B do.... Monroe John do.,.. 2 W 3 90 5 29 2 34 4 70 9 21 do.... .do.... Ruston Mary.... " Tnomas.. 305 ot t9 It Trlen Jacob do.... 94 young jonn. ao.... Walker Lewis. do 174 24 tS 40 470 1 It 2 S3 72 2 lots BUUuan Geo W do.... 1 " Kress Margaret do,... 9 " Relnbold w u do.... 1 60 Doty, Pealer ft Stewart . . . F'hck 60 " uo.... 2 11 100 Blelsh Beuben. do.... 4 20 75 rowierjonn tr ao...... 90 Farver George. do.,.. 90 Harrison John do. 2 82 1 6 SOO Hoffman Freas. .. do.... 250 Hulme William do..... 8 48 U 71 140 i emou i nomas ao. . . . 3 88 8 41) 2 84 200. Kindt John ft Co ee juciienry ciii ..... EO Bobbins W A do. . 2 11 X oisuu snaners, 4 20 Pealer George. .do.... 23 70 2 11 wnitenignt wiuiam. do.... Pealer 8J .do.... Cleaver Wellington.. ..Franklin Vougbt James.. ...,, do.... " E UowelL do Bohrbacb wuuam do..... Blbby James .do,... VostineJll .... Monnardl George do..., llayhurst Ezra heirs. do . Blbby Augustus do..,. Albortson Miles ft Uartley Qreenwood Berry John do,... Dorr Iram....v... do.... McEwen II J. ...... Appleman Lloyd Hemlock " William .. ..... do.... " Hugh w do.. Brugler Ellsha do Campbell N L do.... Emmott A J..... do.,.. McBrtdeH D do.... Neal ft Pursel do.... Puraeli Isioo (1 do Co anget Mrs Charlea do. , . . Wright LevL do.,.. Jones David. do Black p D Jackson ' " do 2 1 M too 46 to 3l 12 92 100 30 23 23 30 SO 5 20 SI 100 300 75 4 939 116 30 75 75 200 80 tes 95 92 30 too too too too 100 190 8 43 90 19 S3 60 m 60 15 6 92 23 SU) S3 40 50 20 u IS 15 900 623 14 33 1 53 48 HIS 490 284 I4 86 Bortcb Franklin..., Miller Charles W... " ftNeyhart... do,... do.... do .... do..... ,do.... S4 84 7 45 Parker ft Co..., Hess Clinton.. .do..,, 3 Meeker Ellas do.... 3 88 IS 19 sto 800 1013 163 5 01 6 40 6 40 440 440 400 440 1 60 1 CO 800 40 44 124 tts BlUngton Charles. Locust twwait ueorge ao ., Everbart John . .do Hughes '"right Est., liulp ft McWllUam Longenberger 1'hlUlp., Myers Mary Huston Mary.... ....... " Charlotte Reynolds John .... .... Huston Thomas.,.,,, Keece Daniel Stlne Adam w Shaffer Henry Bhoads Franklin Beagle George ......... Uenderohott E. Shoemaker Jacob.'.",., .... do....,,.. .. do.....,.,,,,., do. .Madison , ,.,.,. . DemottCvrua.. do,,., GtnglesTII da. Johnson Chester... ... do...... coiner J ..... ,..,.,,da .... EtpsO W,, do,,,. CoxJoeL do... Ueydemick Tobias do,... Masters 1) ft W do... Miller v, b do.., Graham Edward Brockwayft Knt Main ntnderlltter Henry do.,.. Shuman John -in S:l 4 tats 18 64 1186 166 40 ISt (a las 67 lu 63 111 1 36 16 SO 0 SCO 16 3-1 1 to 16. M) 31 19 IBO 0 V9 III 43 24 S3 93 X of 100 bchmock, Brobst, Yctter & S. t nw ao.,., pyder Abraham do.,,, human W T,... do .... 8waru,Shepp ft Co do.... Isaac ,, do Torbert wuuam Jdo'J.'. Shuman Beuben Mouer Michael do.. Blttenbender Jacob. Mifflin llenderehott Kramer A W.., do ... I.uu Catherine do Mlphael Joseph ft. Peter F,do .... I 7 ait 100 600 1C0 41 69 10 S00 9 S3 13 s, luaauuier and 5? &JasAr ' He ine Bumn Joel... do . bchweppenhelaer I K.....,do..V. " lfnraeA At. xv..,;, 47 10 IS w I ama uatt ivfayv, uu.,., il.. iln Tone j a Jacoh Yhl ha Wait Uilaa'.'.! itcitroin iiirom.,.. ..,., .do. Wenslnger VMIllam ao,. oigsr eamuel,., MonUiur Ooraon'Joan N , do!... Crouse lllratn Andrew Jr Mtriemnt Jacoby ft Bupert do..... " famuel Crevellng Samuel Grange Uagenbuch Jeremiah,.,. " WllUam do.... " Mary. do.... Hew Jcirmlfiti do..,, Colema' GeorgoKst. do..,, Kline Abraham J do. . , , " " do.,.. " Jacob dec do.. , Crawford Ullllam...... , do.... Frlck goo A. E t Pine Lyons It W do,.,. Roberta ft Coic do Boughner Peter... Hoarlngcreek Brclsch Jacob do " ' do " " .... do..., Barnes Thomas Jr.. ...... do, ,. 9 81 171 5 01 All Bit 141 21 4 21 680 1 19 1 09 13 71 8 91 tl 41 1 It 64 11)8 10 7 9 70 86 IN) 51 73 49 90 19 12t 330 46 Ct 164 14(10 itss TS 44 10 81 829 47 95 3 44 10 29 10 29 23 99 10 99 10 29 1179 6F5 4715 44 54 20 55 27 40 6 85 1849 80 93 JflOt Ol 53 II II 140 60 HO 60 41 103 19 CO SCO cox o 8 Ex ot Tench cox do In do.. too ,. do . do di.. .do., .do., do , ,.do ... 60 18 18 Dllanlaln Fjeklel .. . Felterman ft llcrblno Ilenston John , llerncr John Morris Hughes 100 1.1 119 61 10 40 tl MlIMiy IfYIlt Navlnger Jonathan do , Jllco Abraham do ..... Shuman David do.,., Mi'iup Abraham do .. ,. McMIUlan M M do ... witchey John. do Trlen Jacob do... Buckalew Evan sugarloat Colo Thomas B. ........ do Cbapln i F. do..,, " dn.,.. 50 3iS to 60 m 40 tso 2 73 50 Custard Mary.... . . cope Israel Hess, crevellnir ft Co.,.. 125 .V Of 119 H Of 119 vtesiey.t...t.....uo... " " do.... " " do..,. smith Minor do ... Mcllenry Bohr do..,. " E J do.... 11 EJ do.... " John J do " ' do.... Ravago Joshua Est ....... .do,,.. Davenport F do.... Case O B -scott h of ut 160 W0 200 78 22 B'l 5 S GEOItGE A. IIEItltING, Treasurer. rJIREASUitER'S BALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENNA. Also at thn nnme time nml nlnee thn following lots, pieces and parcels ot seated lands, returned by the tax collectors, are to bo sold under the pro visions of an Act or Assembly, entitled, "An Act relating to the sale ot lands for tax In Columbia County," approved March 5th, 1868, Warrantee or Acres. Owners. Twp's. Taxes. 118. Kaso ft wolverton .... Beaver. 3710 Hot Kchrlber Henry do,... 137 Philips Catharine do.... 175 23 Mann A W do.... 2S.1 I BhoadsPetvr do.... 3 18 4 Bankes Daniel do... 20 1 lot lursel Mrs E B Bloom . 42 oo l " Gulnn George. do.... 210 1 " Behamjohn do.... 4 03 10 Price Jonas Catawissa,. 23 1 lot Keller Sarah centre.. 73 393 cummlngs It M ft Co Con'y'm 4P0 Cuny Ellen do.... 400 Murphy, Hughes ft CO..UO,,.. 1191 47 473 70 632 00 441 585 430 2 92 V7 18 45 1 75 1012 6 40 9 74 427 4 6,1 389 450 3 53 375 221 8 25 187 81 9 26 8 03 17 87 3 35 250 2S0 8 40 at Jj ol 4 49 19 20 2 CI Klot Mcltale John It do.. 1 " Collier Michael do.... 1 " Casey Lawrence do.... X " Dougherty Mary. do.... a VoughtlrwlnB... .Franklin.. 8t Moore A L Greenwood.. 64 Albertaon David G Est .do ... 100 Wand John A...... Hemlock 100 Rhone Michael Jackson... 35 Chamberlain Lewis do,... 75 " .... do..,. S3 Young LewlsO, 6.1 " " do.... so Glassmyer Francis E..Locust tl Lonnon Geo W Est do.... ISO RvcsCW Madison., . 60 do.... 170 mil Jesse do.... 6 Houser ft Kroom do.... Eckroat Charles Est Mlfllln... Ilower Charles E.. Mt 1'1's't.. Hess John line.. Kline ft Patterson do.... Lyons Newton do.... Matt John.. do.... rarker John 11 do.... Frlck G A Est.... do.... Hess Lavlna Sugarloat . Albertson Jesse. . do Kline Abnerw an.... Crevellng j n lo.... Bhultz Ellas do.... Bedllne 11 F do.... til g. A. iimtuiNU, Treas. Treasurer's Office, Bloomsbu'g, March 23, 1888. LADIES ! Do Your Own Dyeing, al Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! 45 11 They will dye everything. They are sold every, where. Price 11c, a package. 40 volors. They 61 nave no equal for strength, brightness, amount In packages, or for fastness ot color, r non-tadlng qualities They do not crack or smut. For sale by Moyer Bros, and Jas. II. Mercer. febl7rly. 80 IN! naa revolutionized the world dur leg the last half century. Not least among the wonders of In ventlv, Droirressls a met bod and 10 10 8 90 31 39 19 system of work that can do wi formes all over the country without separtlng the workers from their bnmes. Pay liberal; ai.y one can do the work; either sex, yonng or old; no special ability re- 45 uiira. uaniiai net necueu; you urc staru-u ireu. Cut this nut and return to us and wo will send you free, something ot great value and Import ance to you, that wUl start you In buslness,whlch win onng yom in more money rigat away, tuau onvthlnff else In thn w orld. Grand outfit free. Address Trux ft Co., Augusta, Maine. lydec30 29 14 SUFFERING WOMEN MARRIED OB SINGLE, Whw tjiunjlil vlth thorn annorlng IrremiWrUtM a f rqanur foUomas a eoldorciponura, or fromOon Mltatloul WaaknMsM ao peculiar to their mi, ihoald Usa OR, DuOHOINE'S Celebrated. FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Thar on StrengtnanlnB to the entlry retem. Impart lone, vigor and magnetic, force toall fanotloneot body ind mind. Bent br mall, aecurelr eealH, 41. Addrftu, )r. Hartor Medicine Co., ST. LOUIS, M0. novxaoftcoly. 29 RBUCKLES' namo on a paokago of COFFCE Is n, gaarantee of excellence- ARIOSA COFFEE is kept In all ftrst-clas3 stores from the Atlantic to tho Pacific. COFFEE Is never good when exposed to tho air. Always buy thlsbrandlnhermstloHlly sealed ONS POUND PAOICACtKS. mini linker RjEroivrs. BLOOMSUUKG MARKET. 1 30 34 460 Wholesale, ltetai. 02 50 66 05 85 45 4.C0 to 050 24 28 14 10 70 80 12 10 03 05 07 10 09 13 10 12 10 13 20 80 1 00 1 CO 07 85 5 to 7 Wheat per bushel., Bye " " .. Ccrn " 236 587 Oats Flour Butter., 1 bbl., Eggs Potatoes Hams Dried Apples Side Shoulder Chickens Geese , Lard per lb Yluegar per gal Onions per bushel., Veal skins Wool per lb Uldea 60 404 103 . Coal on Waiiir. No ! 12.00: Nos 2. 8, & Lump 98.25 No. 5 $3.00 Bltumlnu" $8.25 Hew Yok pliKExs. New York. April 10, 1888. With the exception of a lew lines of pro. duce the market assumes a healthy tone aud although receipts aro comparatively heavy on some articles, yet fair prices are being obtained. Anything very choice and desirable will exceed present fjuotallons. Butter market rather quiet owing to liberal receipts. State creamery palls und tubs are held at 20 to 28c : extra 25 to 27c ; good 83 lo 24o Cheese, fancy, 12 to 18c, choice U to llc. Eggs lu liberal supply and Mate and fa worth to-day 10 to 17c. There U a tnlr supply of dressed poultry undtonn weak. Choice fresh killed tur keys 18c. Choice chickens and fowls 11 to 14c. Ducks 12 to 15c. Qeeso 10 lo 12c. Broilers 85 to 00c p. r lb, ns to fire and tjUHllty Capons 20 tn 25. Few dressed calveg arriving and strictly prlrao stock ruling from 0 to lOo i fair to choice 0 to 8c. Game In liberal supply and wild ducks, canvaa back, 1 00 to 1 50 per pair. Tamu squabs 2 75 to 4 00 per doz. The market opens rather quiet ou potatoes and prices unchanged. Itose, choice, 2 75 to 8 25 a bbl. hebroo and buibank 2 25 to 2 75. Sweet potatoes 4 00 lo 4 25. Hussla tur nips 1 00 to 1 60. No material change to note in the market oo beans. Marrow In fair supply and ruling from 2 05 to 3 70 Medium 9 65. WliIteTdrtney 2 80 to 2 85 : red 1 75 to 1 95. IVas 2 85 to 2 U0. Mark eta most at a standstill ou evaporated apples and fancy worth from 0 to lOo, latter dlfllcult to roach, fair to choice 7 to 8,o- Cherries 10 to 22c. ltaspberrlea 25 to 8To. Blackberries 8J to Oo. Bolh bay and straw In good demand, receipts being light and prices tlrro. Prime hay worth 00 to 05o t mixed grades 05 lo 81c. Hyo straw 63 to 05c, as to quality. Beeswax In moderato supply and eellln, from 221 to 24n. Maple sugar 0 to lOo per ltj syrup 05 to 76o per esllon. Furs substantially the same. Beaver 2 00 to 8 60. Mink 60o to 1 00. Skunk 40c to 1 10. Fox 05o to 1 60. Coon 60c to 1 00 Mtiikrat 19 lo 18c 1 SO u 34 7 W 1 ro ti 460 4 TOO 14 39