The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 13, 1888, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powder noTcr varies. A marvel of rmrltj
strength and wholesomeness. More economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In compe
tition with the multitude of low tcst,short wclKbt,
alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cana
liQTAL llnma 1'ownaa Co.. Wall St.. N. T.
Th e Co I u m bFa n
r-ruDllsUed every Friday. Subscription price.
11.10 a jear.
Entered at "the Post Office at Bloomstmre, ra.,
as second class matter, March 1, 1(88.
' FRIDAY, "APItliriaTlBSsr
toaaUT BA1LH01D Till TiRLI.
Arrive Arrive. Leave. Leave.
STATIONS. r. H. 1. M. i. l. r. u.
Dloomtburs,. ICS S 00 843 040
Malnfctreci 144 IM 8 49 6 u
lrondale 141 10 H 00 i 46
1'aperMlll. ........ J M I 40 V 14 0 61
IJghtatreet, l 28 T85 at eru
OrangevUle 1 13 7 23 0 40 7 10
Forks, 12 S7 7 11 8 W 7 ill
TUbbs 18 60 7 OH 111 05 7 t!
Stillwater 12 43 7 00 10 15 7 33
Denton, 12 so a 50 1030 7 45
Leave. Leave. Arrive. Arrive,
r. k. a. m. a. x, r. 11.
Trains on tho P. & It. It. It. leave Itupert as
follows !
7:27 a. m. 11:00 a. m.
3:37 p. m. 6:04 p. m.
Tralnson the D. L.& W. It. It. leave Bioomaburg
as follows 1
nobtii. sorrn.
7:1 a. m. 8:32 a. m.
11:07 a. m. 12:09 p. m.
2:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
0:36 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Tralnson the N.SW. II. Itallwaypass Bloom
Ferry as follows :
10:46 a. m. 11:49 a. m.
e.86 p. ra. 4-39 p. m.
10:16 am 6:39 pm
Ariui. 18. Georgo Krcler will sell valua
blo personal property nt his residence In
Denton township, nt 10 o'clock n. m , sharp.
Horses, cows and farm Implements.
Fcm Sau:. A desirable and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply to
jan20lf. L. N. Motbh.
FropoHnlH for Hlllt Mill.
Scaled proposals endorsed "Proposals
for silk mill" will bo received up to April
14th, 1888, IS o'clock noon for the material
and erection, one or both, in partsor whole,
or the nioomsbure Silk Mill.
Plans and specifications can be seen at
the office of the Secretary ot the Building
Committee, or office of Paul E. Wirt. All
bids to be addressed to the Secretary.
Payments to be made monthly as the
material is furnished or work done on the
estimate of the architect, ten per centum
to bo reserved until final completion of the
Each proposal must be accompanied with
bond with approved security in an amount
not less than the amount of tho hid.
The committee reserves the right to re
led any proposal not advantageous to the
nioomsburg Pa., March 21, 1888.
Bee. Building Committee.
Buy Lester's Sdiool Shoes.
Every pair warranted.
Mr. J E. bhuman of Malnville, Is read
ing medicine with Dr. Brown.
Chas. Millard, formerly of this place, has
been visiting trlends.herc during tho past
William Chrismm Esq. was admitted to
practice iu the Supreme Court at Philadel
phia, last Tuesday.
Mrs. E. R. Ikelcr spent the week in Phil
udelphia, with her husband, who was en
gaged in tho Supreme Court.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Geyer of Catawissa
are in Philadelphia this week. Mr. Geyer
was admitted to practice in the Supreme
Court on Monday.
Or. J. C. Relfsnydcr returned from Jef
ferson Medical College last Friday evening
after having successfully passed the ex
aminations. Wc extend our congratulations.
Mr. Oscar Lowenbcrg has accepted a
position in Jacobs' clothing store at Tow.
anda. Ho left for his new home Tuesday
M. G. Hughes, W. B. Robbins and Mr.
Kostcnbauder of Catawissa, and W. M,
Monroe of Rupert, were in Philadelphia
this week as a committee on the carpet
factory proposed to bo located at Cata
wissa. The 10th of May w. Ill be ascension day.
Tho river and creek are both very high.
Bmall-pox has aguin made its appear
ance at Slatington.
A Young Men's Christian Association
has been organized at Danville.
A larger seltcilon of wall paper Uian ever
before, at Mercer's.
A large lot of 10 cent sheet music received
at J. Baltzer's, Bloomsburg I'a.
The Easter music will bo repeated at the
Episcopal church Sunday morning.
Uughesvlllu is soon to have a National
Bank of its own with a capital of $50,000.
Now la tho time to make way with the
winter's accumulation ot rubbish about
your premises.
J. L. Uirlon has swung to the breeze a
handsome now sign board in front of the
SL Elmo.
A fact we have tho largest line of wall
paper in Columbia county, at popular
prices. J, II, Mercer.
Cards arc out announcing tho wedding
of Miss Stookoy and Mr. Georgo Ruckle of
This fall will ho tho centennial or
presidential elections the first having
been held In 1788.
One second-handed tquaro Haines & Uro.
piano In ftrsl.class order for sale, at a big
bargain at J. Saltzers's, Bloomsburg I'a.
Several cases ot diphtheria ore reported
at Benton. There were two Interments
Monday, caused by tills terrible disease.
Eshlcman & Wolf buve secured a prac
tical plumber and cornice maker who will
be hero April 1st.
Tho hand-organ and monkey have not as
yet put In an appearance, but they may be
expected any day,
That tired feeling and loss of uppctlte are
entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
the peculiar medicine. Try It aud see.
Celebrated Ivors & lW, Opera and Uent
pianos at J. Setter's Mnnmsburg. Bold
on Installment plan or liberal dlBcounl made
for casb.
The band wob on tho streets Monday
nlglitfortho first tlmo In many months,
and mado excellent music. Let us hear
from them ottencr.
Como nnd Inspect the goods and sec tho
beautiful styles In NECK WEAR, SHIRTS,
gloves and other spring novelties at Lowcn.
berg's Popular Clothing Store.
Mr. Alfred Mcllenry of Benton has Jusl
returnid from PM'adelphla wllli a large
supply of spring goods which will bo sold
at the right prices.
A good performance was given at the
Opera Houso last Saturday evening by the
"German Detective" company Mr. Dav.
Idson as "Hans" was Kood and lie was
ably supported. The audlcnco was small.
Mrs. Abrum Hartmnn died nt her rest
dence at B. nton Saturday last of pneu
mnnla after an illness of several weeks.
Mr. Harlman's many friends sympathize
with him In his sad aflllctlon.
Rev. W. H. Myers of Reading, will do
liver n lceturo In the Lulherau Church,
fllnomsburg. on Friday evening of next
week, April 20th. Subject- "Halo and
Shadow of the Marriage Altar."
A now line of Suitings, consisting ot
Cheviots, Worsteds, Serges, Caeslmcrrs,
mado up In tho latest stylo and at lower
prices than ever at Lowrnberg's Popular
Merchant Tailoring Establishment.
The Itonroe Democrat soyss A targe book
caso was put up In Hon. John H Storm's
law ofnee last week, which covers tho en
tire nurth side of the front room, and will
hold tons of books.
The old building at tho corner of Main
and Centre streets has been completely de
mollshed and the erection of the fine brick
building which Mr. Lockard proposes to
build will soon begin.
Luzerne county receives from liquor li
censes the oggregate sum of $20,888 out of
tho total sum collected, $110,221.00, of
which nmount $57,247.60 goes to the cities,
boroughs and townships.
Tho operetta of Qaeen Esther will be
performed at Shamokln on the 10th and
20th with 100 voices; Prof. T. Methercll of
Bloomsburg has been eigagcd to lead. The
orchestral parts were all arranged by him.
At the State department Monday, chart,
era were granted to tho Mlnnetonkn Milling
Company, of Danville, with a capital of
$25,000, and to the Citizen's Electric Rlu
mlnatlng Company of Plttston, wlthncapl.
tal of $40,000.
Many curious notices are posted by the
Illiterate people. The best comes from an
Ohio farmer and reads as follows:
"Nous. If any man's or woman's cows
or oxens gits in these here oats, his or her
lull will bo cut oil hb the case may be."
In Huntingdon county all licenses nre
refused this year. The brewers and dis
tillers will all remove Into other places as
they are deprived of selling In less quanti
ties than a barrel; and the average drinker
Is not ablo to buy a barrel at one time.
Dr. Shattuck's Helianthus, tho Rapid
Oxygen Cure for coughs and consumption,
is probably the latest scientific discovery
In the treatment of lung disease. It
strikes at tho root of disease and works
like magic. Only CO cents at druggists.
From Geo. P. Howell is Co.'s "Ameri
Newspaper Directory" for 1888, just Issued,
it appears that the newspapers and period
icals of all kinds Issued In tho United
States and Canada now number 10,310,
showing n gain of 890 during tho last
twelve months, and of 7,130 In ten years.
Freas Brown after a successful term of
twenty-six years as Insurance Agent in
order to lessen his duties has resigned the
agency of all tho companies in favor ot M.
P. Lutz who has been assisting him the
lat nine yeurs. Mr. Brown still retains an
Interest in the business and hereafter will
be licensed as an insurance broker.
Geo. Stock & Co's. pianos after 30 years
of severest test aro used on account of un
equaled durability and sweetness of tone,
by 100 Academics and Colleges, and many
others throughout the United States. J.
Saltzcr, General agent, Main street Blooms
burg Pa.
Don't miss "Tho World" at the Opera
Houso Friday evening, April 20th, present
ed by J. Z. Little, and his excellent com
pany. The play is a strong one with many
thrilling situations, and tho scenery Is
probably the finest ever seen upon the stage
of tho Opera House. It should bo greeted
by a large audience.
A largo and very pleasant party was
i:l ven by Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Waller on
Tuesday ovenlng at their beautiful home
on Fifth street. A first class orchestra from
Wllkcsbarre furnished the music for danc
ing which was kept up until a late hour.
Refreshments nero served about eleven
o'clock. Tho cvmlng was ono of great en-
joyment for all present.
Dr. C. W, Ammerman, of Greenwood,
Delaware, was In our county last week
visiting bis mother. Tho Dr. speaks in
glowing terms of the growth ot his now
country and says that the indications for
fruit this season are very good. If only
tho fatal frost can bo withheld, the crop of
peaches will bo exceedingly large.
I. W. Hartman's ifc Sons arc muking
some needed improvements to their storo
building. A largo crack in the brick ex
tends from the second to tho ihinl story
window of tho building, and tho upper
window has settled down. The brick work
will be taken out and nearly the wbolo up
per part ot the south corner rebuilt.
Geo. A. McKo'.vy has purchased Hendcr
shott's Pharmacy, and has taken possession
ot the same. Ho will carry a full lino of
the purest drugs, perfumi s, toilet articles
and a general assortment of goods kept In
a first-class drug store. Having bad seven
teen years' experience in tho business,
prescriptions will bo promptly and care
fully filled. tf.
Tho young men of this place have done
a tenslble thing in tho organization of an
athletic club A meeting was held in a
room In Dentler's building last Friday
evening for the purposo of organizing, and
officers were elected, committees appoint
ed, and other general business transacted.
Thcro will bo another meeting Friday even
ing, 13th inst, and a full attendance is de
sired.. The New York World recently contained
an account of young bride abandoning
her husband because she could not tolerate
his bad breath. Bho would havo shown
the spirit of a truo woman and ot wifely
devotion, had alio Induced him to try Dr,
Shattuck's Rett Cure Specific, for in most
cases an offensive breath is duo either to
kidney or liver trouble or to constipation.
And this sovereign remedy affords certain
relief, by removing the cause. Ask your
druggist to get It for you.
Wo call Attention of our renders to tho
advertisement of Creasy & Wells as found
In another column They can supply you
from the smallest moulding up to tho larg
est timber, including doors, sash, and
Upon rcaklng the largo cgn laid by Iho
while legkorn of Mrs Peter Bruajcr, as an.
nounced last week, it was found that In
side of the largo shell was n yolk and an
ordinary sized egg. Tho most peculiar
feature is that both eggs had hard shells.
Tho yolk of the large egg nnd thit of the
ordinary sized ono was about the same slzo
Planting n tree it a simple tlili'g, and all
who can should du it on Arbor day, should
they conllnuo to do so for a few years, how
Important would be the results. Some say
wo havo trees enough. Perhaps so, but
only a part In the right places. Trees
Judiciously planted In a few years gri ally
Increase tho value ot property, Baying noth.
Ing of the comforta they afford and tho con
slderatlon of health in tho case.
Tacoma, Washington Territory, is at the
head of tide water on Fillet Sound, Is the
railroad and sUambout , terminus for that
region, possesses the most desirable cli
mate In the world und Is surrounded by a
country rich In varied natural resources
offering opportunities to all classes of peo
ple. For book containing full and ex.
hati'tlvR information on the city mil coun
try, finely Illustrated, send $1.00 to George
Herrlott, Tacoma W. T.
Thcro arc still a few people, a very few,
we admit, who do not hellevo in the bene
(lis that result from advertising Muse
doubters arc referred to an Incident thai
occurred in New York one day rtccntly. A
concern advertised to give a dolNr to every
customer who brought along a copy of the
ml Vi rtlsement and purchased ten dollars
worth of goods. In a single day nine hun
dred and twenly-threo buyers responded
There is a big sermon in that little experi
ment. Farmers, don't forget that Eahleman &
Wolf's agricultural headquarters are Opera
House, Centre street. Farm wagons, South
Bend plow, Wilard right and left plows,
spring toothed barrows, corn planters, tiger
self dump hay rake, champion binders nnd
mowers, grain drills, Empire thresher aud
cleaner, farmer's fertilizers, and repair- of
all descriptions. All Implements gunrnn
teed. Buckthorne steel wire fencing. Give
us u call. John Wolf, of the firm of Eshle
man & Wolf, ha9 had moro experience in
handling agricultural implements than any
other person in town.
Wc have received from Dr Jas. B. Neal
of Choc Foo, China, his third animal re
port of tho Tungchowfti Dispensary in
charge of American Presbyterian Mission.
In his n port he says that there were 3500
visits mHde the dispensary during the
year; 1C20 of whom were new cases, of
these 1301 were males and 259 females.
The classification of theso new cases were:
General diseases 197; surgical 200; throat
and lungs, 79; Alimentary Tracts 588; eye
and enr, 139; skin 320; miscellaneous, 91.
List ot letters remaining In tho Post Of
fice at Bloomsburg for week ending April
10, 1888.
Mr. r. C. Biadlev, Mrs. M. Cork, Mr.
Wellington Ebright, Hud Girton, Mrs.
Louisa Hawk, Mr. Jamisjllumphry, Mary
McDonnell, Andrew Shaw, Theodore E.
Stevens, Chas E. Shuman, Miss Minnto
Taylor, James Williamson.
Mr. Geo. Adkins.
Persons calling for these letters will
please say "advertised."
Geo no K A. Clauk, P. M.
A mustacho is fashionablt and nearly
every gentleman wears one, but we predict
the time is not far distant when they will
nut he worn, especially during the cold
months Some eminnt physicians are ar
guing that they are frnst catchers, and
greatly impair the health of those who
wear them. They claim the frost and
moisture which gathers upon them is In
haled, and in a short time tho U ngs be
come alfected and many cases of con
sumption, pneumonia and other diseases
which aro generally supposed to have been
caused by a severo cold have originated
from tho hair growth upon tho upper lip.
Mr. E. J. Brown, is proving himself to
bo up to the tiroes wilh his dairy. On
Wednesday he introduced thejjnew system
of milk dellvery,by which we get absolute
ly pure milk, sweet, clean and wholesome.
He has fun.ished all parties of whom he
buys milk with milking tubes, so that the
milk is put direct Into closed bucket9,mak
ing It entirely free from hnlr, dust, dirt,
dandruff, &c. As soon as the milk is re
ceived It Is placed In scaled bottles,
keeping sweet much longer than when ex.
posed to tho air. Mr. Brown in making
tho delivery, will furnish tho bottles free
and will supply tho milk at the same prlco
as heretofore Absolutely pure milk can
be guaranteed with this system.
Tho April number of tho American Maga
zine is rich in topics of the season. The
peculiar ceremonies with which the Mora
vians of Salem, N C, celebrate Easter aro
described by Edward A. Oldham. The
"boom, boom, boom" of tho prairie-rock
a harbinger of spring gives Hamlin Gar.
lad a theme for tho third of his sketches of
a furmer-boy's life In the West Ernest E.
Thompson presents in musical annotation
the song of the meadow lark of Manitoba,
and claims for that vocalist tho highest
order of merit. Equally appropriate aro
tho stanzas "Mistress April" by Helen
Chase, "My Pansles" by Nellie M. Gara
brant, nnd "The Resurrection" by 3Iar
gcret II. Lawless.
Tlie Weekly Cveulnir Iohi.
The New York Evening Pott will beglu,
on the third of May, to Issue a weekly edl
tlon, having for its principal aim tho promo
tion of Revenue Reform, which has become
the paramount issuo in national politics.
Tho existence of au uclual surplus In tho
Treasury estimated to reach $140,000,000
on tho 80th of June, 1888, and the further
Increase thereof under present laws, aro a
menace to all business Interests, and a dl
rct incentive to wastefulness and corrup
tion in tho appropriations ot public muncy.
The attention of the people having been
strongly drawn to this subject by tho Presi
dent in his last annual message, the need of
information and popular enlightenment on
questions of revenue und taxation has been
lncreasincly felt in all parts of tho country.
It is the lutention of the management to
make a first-class weekly newspaper of 13
pages. Subscription prlcu $1 per year. A
free copy ot tho flrnt number will bo mailed
anywhere on request. "end address on n
postal card to Tub Kvbnino Voir, N. Y.
Notice to HtuckliolclerM.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the North & West Branch Railway Com
pany Is called for Tucsday.April 24th, 1888
at 13 o'clock M., at 333 South Fourth street
Election for President and Directors
same day and place,
apr.0-3U Amikiit Hbwsok, Sec.
Buy Lester's School Shoes.
Eyory pair warranted.
Removed I Kcinovcd 1 1
W. L. Furnwnld's Barber Shop to llm
Central Hotel, where be is prepared to do
all kinds ot won In tho tonsorial line nnd
tho latest styles ot tho day. Ladle's and
children's hair cutting a specialty.
Want a Town IScccIh.
More unanimity, faith In tho future,
fewer talented liars, fewer men to know it
all, m rc fallh in one another's honesty
fowcr who arc playing to get even, a pub
lic place fur growlers to soak tin lr heads,
and n spitting on the slato und a rubbing
out of old scores, grudges, and personal,
political and business difficulties.
It 1h n Curious I'nct
That the body Is now moro susceptible to
benefit from medicine than at any other
season, Hence tho lmportanco of taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla now, when it will 'do
you the most good. It ts really wonderful
for purifying aud enriching tho blood,
creating an appetite, nnd giving a healthy
tone to the w nolo system. Be suro to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla, .which is peculiar to
Economy, comfort and satisfaction goes
with every purchaso made of clothing at
Lowenherg's Clothing Store.
Growth of tlic "Local"
It Is nn Interesting study to trace tho
growth of the local In our country papers
during the past quarter of a century.
Twenty-five years ago, the editor whose
weekly publication contained from half a
dozen to a dozen locals each week was
considered as having done full justice to
that department, while the rest of the
paper was devoted to lengthy essays or
long t'llllnri'ils on questions of national
politics To-day the editorial takes bJ sec
onclnry place and must be short and pithy,
glowing wilh thoughts drawn from tho rc
coHed events Juurnalitt, Printer and Pub
lisher. For wall paper at lowest prices go to
An AtrocIoiiH Murder Reported
from Clearfield County.
A letter, from Curwcnsville, Clearfield
county, says that a young lady teaching
school in a farming district five miles south
of Curwrnsvlllo was found dead In the
school house, ou Tuesday evening last,
with her tongue cut out. The school had
been dismissed as usual at 4 p. ra., and the
pupils left their teacher alone in tho school
house. In tbo right hand of the dead wo
man was found a lead pencil, and on the
floor near her body jvas written in her
haudwriting, tho particulars of her death.
Two tramps had entered the school house
alter the pupils had been dismissed. They
overpowered and outraged ber, afterward
cutting her tongue out with 11 knife and
then tied, leaving her for dead. She re
covered sufficiently 10 write on the floor
the above particulars, with a partial de
scription of her murderers. BeUefonte
Wonderful bargains in spring and sum
mer goods can now be had al the popular
store of Lowcobcrg's estate.
A Valuable Patent.
Messrs C. Mcars & Son were granted on
Tuesday April 3d a patent for their wash
ing machine. Upon examination of their
specifications and claims we find they are
allowed every point just as they have been
manufacturing their celebrated washer.
The rog.gearing having an angular hole
through which extends the angular rod
that operates the rubber black Is tho main
feature of tkis washer, and bis claims are
all allowed upon It. Several manufactur
ers of washers have approached Mr. Mears
to make terms for tho purchase of this
movement, but be has avoided them all
knowing the value of his invention. Mr.
Mears constructed bis first washer nearly
two years ago and soon after made his ap
plication for a patent but through the de
lay of certain matters at the patent office
it was deferred until April 3d. Now that
all claims are allowed him, we look for an
Increase in his business, and hope it may
deyelop a large Industry in our coturaunity.
A handsome lino of ceiling decorations
for a pretty room, at Meictr's.
Tho public Bchools closed last week.
Miss Minnie Kelcbuer will take charge
ot a select school in the near future.
Mrs. F. P. Kelley and daughter of Shlck
shinny are visiting friends at this placo.
8. A. White arrived home on Friday list
hailing from Pittsburg.
Prof. Grimes attended the convention of
county Supts. at Harrisburg this week.
W. I. Terwilhger left for California on
Tuesday last where be Intends stopping
wi'h his brother (whom he has not seen
slnco 1872.
Miss Mary Custer who has been very sick
for tho past three weeks is slowly Improv
ing. Wo have a novelty in our town, by the
way a barber shop.
James Barkle is building a dwelling
houso on Turkey hill.
F01 a full line of plows, land rollers,
Scotch and Lansing spring tooth harrows,
drills and corn plantcis at bottoir prices
tf. Orangcville, Pa,
Council lroceedlUK8.
Arna 5th, 1888.
Regular meeting. Present, P. S. Uar
maa, president and Wells, SlcrIlng,Uassert,
Ringler and Wolf, members.
O. W. Miller Esq., appeared t
First, for tho petitioners praying for tho
widening of an alley at Port Noble, to 33
feet. Moved that it be received, filed and
that u survey be made to find how such
strett would affect properties along tho
same. Agreed to.
Second, for W. Robbins, asking for a
permit to move the dwelling bouses on the
N. E. Corner of Fourth and Market streets,
to a lot on the N W, Corner ot Sixth and
Jefferson streets ; permit granted.
Tiuuu, presents a petition praying for
sewer extension in Catharine Street. Moved
that tho petition bo received, filed and that
tho request of the petitioners bo granted,
igrecd to.
Geo. E. Elwell appears for Dr. L. A.
Shattuck in reopening of 0th street from
Market to West street, and asks that tho
tlmo for hearing parties effected by tho
same be extended so that the doctor can
appear (he being absent now) and bo heard;
after some discusslou, it appeared that Dr.
Shattuck bad alienated his right to land
lying along said proposed street, and ho
was therefore "out ot court." On motion
It was agreed that tho tlmo for hearing pin
ties effected by the proposed extension of
Sixth street bo exteuded to Thursday, 10th
Inst., ot 8 o'clock P. M.
Win. Rabb, J. F. Caldwell and W. F
Bodlne each apply for building permits.
On motion granted.
Tho followiug petition, signed by a num.
her of citizens, was presented 1 "To the
president and members ot tho Town Coun
cil ot tho town of Bloomsburg 1 We, tho
undersigned citizens of tho said town, re.
spccltully represent that Canal or 8th street,
from Strawberry alley eastward for a ills,
tnnco of nbout soventy-fivo feet Is obstruct
ed by tho lot of Paul, extending or
protruding out into said street, so as to
leave only about ten feet wldo for a drive
way. Wo would therefore humbly pray
you to proccod at your earliest convenience
to opcu, widen and straighten said street
to the full width of thtrty.thrco feet, Ac "
Movtd that It bo received, filed and request
of petitioners be granted. And further
that particB effected by the opening, &c.,
of said streot, bo notified that thoy will be
heard In relation thereto, on Thursday
evening, May 10th, 1888, at 8 o'cluck
Agreed to,
A petition from property owners on First
.street, cast ot Iron street, was presented,
and read as follows t "To tbo president
and-members of Town Council of tho town
of Bloomsburg ; Gentlemen : Tho un
dersigned, a majority of tho ouers of lots
along First or Rock Btrcct, between Iron
streot and tho gates at tho eastern tor ml 0
atlon of tho said street, opening upon the
Armstrong farm, hereby make application
to tho council filr tbo grading, curbing,
paving and guttering ot tho said highway
from said Iron street to said gates opening
into said Armstrong .farm, and pray the
council to require and direct such- grade,
curbing, paving and guttering to tho gen
eral prcBCilbtd regulations and accordlnp
to law, and they will ever pray, fee Moved
that petition bo received and filed and thai
a committee of thrco bo appointed to In
qulro Into the probable amount of dama
ges that might bo sustained by grading the
sime. Agreed to. Committee appointed.
Moved that the following named persons
be osslstant policemen, viz ! Wesley
Knorr, Daniel Laycock, Wesley Sbutt, II
Manning, Clark Shoemaker, W W. Bar
rett, F. P. Bauni, Samuel Anderson, Na
than Chroraas, Montgomery Williams, Jas.
Thornton, and Holloway Kelley. Agreed
Moved that instead of the usual notice
inserted in tho newspapers notifying par
tics to remove rubbish from streets and al
leys, the commissioner of highways give
personal notice to a'l parties having rub
bish or other matter lying In tho street or
alleys, rcmovo tho same within ten da
from time of notice. Agreed to.
John Wolf offered tho following resolu
tion and moved its adoption, viz :
Resolved, That tho street commissioner
shall In all cacs, where thcro Is
work for only one man, do It himself,
and when ho has one or more hands und
his time not being all occupied by oversee
ing, ho shall take part in the work belni;
performed, and shall accompany his month,
ly report with a statement itemizing hit
time made In the month so reported ; un
neglect in complying with this resolution
shall he ground for a removal from office.
Tho report of commissioner of highways
and bills and accounts were read and ap
proved and secretary ordered to issue or
ders for same.
On motl"n adjourned to meet on Thurs
day evei log, April 19th.
For window curtains, dado and plain
either on or off rollers at lowest prices g
to Mercer's.
rmi.iDii.rnu, Monday, April , issa.
Our 200-page Spring and
Summer Catalogue will be
ready in a few days. It contains
much information concerning
our goods and prices, and will
be a valuable aid to our out-of-town
customers. We will send
it free of charge on receipt of a
postal card request.-
Do you want a headache ?
If yes, just look through our
stock of fancy Surah Dress Silks.
If not, read on a little. We may
help you get the silk and save
your head. The prices go from
75c to $1.50, widths from 19 to
24 inches. The styles go
through all primary colors with
their complements and contrasts,
through all patterns, plaids and
plains, flowers and figures, nat
ural and conventional. If you
want a surah dress pattern, just
idealize your notion, tell us what
it is, and if human ingenuity has
been ahead of you, the stuff
awaits your call. Any margin
between your fancy and our
fact we can doubtless overcome.
There is no false witness in
our $1 Black Surah. You can
get it only here. Other Surahs
plenty. These nowhere else.
Pure dye, pure silk, and two
years' experience.
The Chinaman and cheap
labor gives you real Shantung
Pongee at $5 the piece of 19 to
20 yards. You don't buy Chin
ese land pounded into the fabric
just good honest natural silk.
Ah Sin isn't in the transaction.
Gloriosa. No wonder that
the maker wanted a superlative
for a name. There have been
other triumphs in mingling silk-and-wool.
The fingers of an
expert tingle as he touches, but
admiration is common to all, ex
pert or not. This is the great
est triumph. $1.25 and $1.50,
42 inches wide, ten colors in
each grade. .
Robes. The proper stuffs for
a neat costume ready matched
to your hand. Some one else
has done the color fitting and
has figured out how many yards
oi this, how many yards ot that
for the perfect dress ; some one
who knew how. You get the
whole thing in a lump, The
matching and measuring and
putting up of the cheapest Robe
we have has been done with as
much care as the costliest.
Embroidered C h a m b r a y
Robes were a last year noveltv.
Sometimes we could hardly get
them ready fast enough for you.
No vfonder they go with a rush.
10 yards of plain, 4 yards
wide embroidery and 4 yards
narrow, in a neat box, and
$1.50 I Two colors gray and
Ginghamsj too ; good quality,
Grounds of pink, brown, light
blue, navy, steel, and mixtures ;
generously embroidered in self
or harmonizing colors. Ample
stun lor a
$4. Others,
ed : others
fluffy loops.
same price,
still, with
quick, were
Of course Sateens
prompt to get into such handy
shapes. 12 yards plain, 14
yards for panel, 2 yards for
bands. Only plain grounds,
but delicate colors daintily deco
rated with a neat round braid
liberally put on :
Sink on pink
lue on biun
wblte on ptnk
cream on cream
white on cream
garnet on navy
Price $5. Robes no better were
sold last season at $6.
Sateen Robes, with wider,
heavier, richer embroidery, and
a greater range of colors, $6.
Pique Robes, white on white ;
cream on cream, $5.
There is no reason in the
stuffs themselves why these
English Cloths should be $1.25,
$1.50, $1.75, and $2 instead of
half more. You have paid half
more for the same sort, and that
since the leaves fell. 50 to 54
inches wide, desirable colors,
Spring weight, and just the thing
for tailor-made suits. Checks,
plaids, stripes, mixtures. All
wool, and good wool.
French Cashmere Shawls and
Scarfs. A new lot. Dainty,
clinging things. The twill, the
weave, the color tone, the size
just as they should be. The one
for least is 50c. Far and away
beyond what you expect for half
a dollar. Then the price stair
ways 75c, $t, $1.25, $1.50,
$1.75, $2. Colors include cream,
cardinal, blue, pink, mode, black.
The weak spots of a Congress
Shoe are the elastic side gores.
The easiest of all shoes to get
on and off, snug setting, hand
some, simple ; but rotten rubber
or poor work of some kind in
the stretch-pieces usually plays
the mischief. We have been
looking out for that weak spot.
Men's fine calf, hand-sewed
Congress Shoes (imitation
laced) ,and the clastic guaranteed.
The price $4. We never be
fore knew a shoe of this kind to
be sold for so little. All sizes ;
widths A, B, C, and D.
We are pluming ourselves
with a little honest pride about
Book News. It has .taken a
long step upward and forward.
It is gaining recognition for
literary originalty, and is also
eclectic and practical, takes Mr.
Busy Man by the hand and
says : "Allow me to introduce
you to the noble companionship
of good literature." Mr. Book
worm already knows and re
spects it. 5 cents a number,
50 cents a year.
John Wanamaker.
KLINK McMlCHAEL At the Orange,
ville M. E parsonage, March 22nd, by
the Rev. A. B. Hoovcn, Mr. Henry M.
Klino of Wclllversvillo and Miss Jennie
McMicbael of Stillwater.
ASH-RICIIART At ForkB, Pa , March
29, 1888; by the Rev. S. P. Boone, John
Brucu Ash of Benton, to Miss Lora May
Slchait of Forks.
Murch 31 at the residence of Mr Henry
Old, Bloomsburg, by Rev Frank P. Man
ha't, Miss Chnssy Hlrllogrr of Coles Creek
and Mr. Samuel Bogart of Nunticoko.
CLEAVER TICE At the office of Guy
Jacoby, justice of tho peace, of Blooms.
burg, on Friday April 0th, 1888. Mr. Jesse
Cleaver and Miss Matilda Ticc, both of
Franklin township, Columbia county, Pa.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
$3. doz. Life size Crayons only
$10.00. Viewing, copying and
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
Como to tlio Greflt Knatprn nn TJVIiIav nnil
Saturday for green vegetables, such as
Cabbage, Lettuce, Kalo Spinach, Radishes
uumua etc.
Standard Rotary sewlug machine is the
best Rotary sewing machine In tho world.
can sew 8,600 stitches per minute bv sicam
power. J, Saltzcr, Gen'l. Agent Blooms.
Extension tables ot all styles and sizes at
uutier ix, ueuuer s.
Snrlnir stvlea In Hats, nnnlnn Vn..
Po:ket. flats in all the now shades just
ivucivvu m irtjwuuucrg s.
A few second handed organs and melo.
dcons fur sale cheap at J. Saltzer's, Blooms
burg Pa.
Come to tbo Great Eastern this week for
bargains In everything. They are leaders
auu uui luuuwers.
All the latest styles of bed room suits at
low prices at Baker & Bender's,
Vinltnfl nprinnn Anrnrt1t.fina Itjnln.
Guitars, Mouth Organs, Violin, Banjo ami
miliar strings, jiusio lioous, and every
iiiiug 111 iiiu music line ti J, eaiizer s.
All tbo latest styles of picture framo
mournings ai uaaer iV itendcr'9.
Celebrated White, New Domestic, New
Home, Household, Royal, St. Johu, and
New Howo sewing machines at J. Saltzer's,
.1 list Tfi7PlVP(l tn.iirfv al tli.. flrnot Uaa,..
Tea Co. 1 hogshead finest Turkish Prunes,
10 uuuurea ids. at uo a iu. also 1U boxes
Goods delivered any placo la town by I
W. Hartman & Sons' from 7 o'clock a. m,
to u o'clock p. m. Don't forget that.
Latest styles in parlor furniture at Baker
Ou ucnuer a.
. Fresh Roasted Coffee, Puro Tea, Spices
I and Baking Powder a specially, at tho
Write to I. W. Hartman & Bona' for
camples ot Dress Goods.
Tho display of Neckwear at O. W.
Bcrtsch's, tho tailor and furnisher, la at
tract I ro and taking at popular prices. Call
and sco them.
Oranges, Lemons, Pineapples, Btnanaa
Craubcrrlcs ntid green vegetables enough
to supply every body, at Tho Great Eastern.
New spring goods received at Mrs. O. E.
Rabb's, nearCorcll's furnlttiro storo, which
will be sold nt very low prices. 18-2w
Estoy, Miller, United States and Worces
ter organs for sale at J. Saltzir's, Muln St
Bloomsburg I'a.
Havo you seen the handsome dishes just
opened at I. W. Hartman & Sous'.
If you aro In need of a trunk, vallso or
satchel, call at F. D. Dentler's nnd seo his
goods nnd get his prices beforo purchasing
33 Inch Zfpbyr Ginghams In stripes and
checks, 2So per yd. at U. V. SLOAN'S.
For picture framing go to Baker & Ben
der's. Sowing machines and organs sold on the
Installment plan at J. Sallzer's Bloomsburg
Now Is the time to select a fine suit of
clothing and Spring overcoat at G. W.
Bcrtsch's, tho Merchant Tailor, while bis
stock Is full nnd fresh. Priced low. Fit
always guaranteed.
Havo vou seen the now Snrlns Shawls
at I. W. Hartman & Sons'.
Flna all wool Black HcnrlcttnClotb. varil
nnd a quarter wide, flno nualitv 81.00 a
yard at II. W. SLOAN'S.
Butter, Eggs, Lard, Meat &c. wanted nt
. W. Hartman tfc Bonn'.
Tin latest and inosl stvllsh lluo of snrlntr
Hats and Caps can bo seen and had at G
W. Bcrtsch's. tho hatter and clothier. All
the Dunlap ajd Youmans blocks.
Fine heavy wclcht Black Sabastanol 40
Inches wide, quality usually sold at $1.00
a yard, now 80c at II. W. SLOAN'S.
Best sewing machines, needles, and best
oils and attachments forall sewing machines
at J. Saltzer's, Bloomsburg Pa.
I. W. Hartman & Sons' close sham at
8 o'clock (except Saturday evening) In
order that eight persons may havo rest and
out door exercise.
TiV TV FlnntlT tifltu iforploa o flraf nlaa.
line of trunks, valises and satchels.
Dr. Honora A. Robbins treats diseases
of tho eye and ear, .nnd is prepared to ICBt
eyes lor glasses. Mur.UU-m.
Handsome strined Snrinc skirts, made
from heavy canton cheviot, colors guaran
teed fust, at U. W. SLOAN'S.
J. Saltzcr Gen'l. nccnt for Butti rick &.
Domestic fashion books, paper patterns
and fushion pupeis, Main street Blooms-
hurg I'a.
Tho railroads run to suit I. W. Hartman
& Sons' time lable which is from 7 o'clock
a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m.
J. II. Stecker has a nice lot of bananas,
I.Ia1. n.111 l. t.nt.1 nl.nnn . .
nuivw uc duiii viiiaf. uiauKCB unit-
anas and lemons nlwuva on hand, which
are sold cheap.
A largo number of second handed sewing
machines of all makes from 8 dollars up to
25 dollars at J. Saltzer's, Bloomsburg Pa.
The Handsomest Lapy in BLoousnmta
remarked to a friend the other day that she
knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and
luncs was a superior remedy, as i. stopped
her cough instantly when others bad no ef
fect wba.cver. So to prove this and to
convince you of its merit, any druggist
will givo you a sample bottle free. Large
size, 50c. and $1.
The ciown of Oueen Victoria consists of
diamonds, pearls, rubies, sapphires and
emeralds, set in silver and gold. Its grost
weigul is o) oz. 0 uwi iroy. iuenumoci
of diamonds are 3,352; pearls, 273;
rubies, 0; sapphires, 17; emeralds, 11. It
Is an old saying Uneasy lies the head that
wears a crown. It is oettcr to wear the
crown of perfect health and peaco of
mind lurougti tho curative clleets 01 rcr
rino's Pure Barley Whiskey. For
sale by C. B. Robbins, Bloomsburg, I'a.
s about 5.000, and wo would say at least
one-half aro troubled with some affection
of the throat and lungs nsthoso complaints
are, according to statistics, more numerous
than others. We would advise all not to
neglect tho opportunity to call on their
druecist and eet a bottle ot Kemp's Bal
sam for the throat nnd lungs. Price 60c.
nnd SI. Trial slzo free. Sold by all drug.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When Daby was ilck, we gave her Cutort.
When she was a Child, she cried (or Cutoria,
When she became Miss, she clunp to CutorU,
When she had Children, she gave them Cutori.
1 atarril ft mall enoucli to con- U TC6
1 vlnce. U. 8. LtnmaBAcn Co., JfJ llroad
' u, wcwarK, i. j. marcu-iHMJ-41.
Wo linvn nniv 111 stnok tlin mnst rwrmlntn Imp nf Hlnnlr
Dress Goods wo have ever
jtaciincLiiiH, wooi iicHrieuas, casiitucrcs, Vel
ours, IIenalines, Alma Cloths, Armures,
Nuns Veilings, &c, at prices lower than ever, all of which we
liivitn vnn tn nnll nnrl boi PT.ATJLT .ft- CfV
40 iu. all wool Black Iloiuiettfl,
handsome finish ami wHelit, $1.15
quality, 98o a yd. CLARK & SON.
UNDERWEAR. Ladies recular
0O0 Gauze Vote, with lout; or short
sleeves at the loiv pric of 3 for $1 00
PARASOLS. Our line is now on
sale, conipriting all the now colors and
novelties of tint season, with a fall line
of Sun Umbrellas all at the lowest
Wo have now open ootnpleto now lines
in new colors, new Btyles, new prioes.
35a books now 25a
HOSIERY. It will pay you to call
and seo tlio bargains that we 1 tier in
Ladioi' and Children's hosiery. A
Misdcs' Lisln Hone in 8 and 8J, regula'
price 45o a pair, our price 2 pairs for
40o, and a full line of fast lHack
Hosiery that will not crock or fade ii
washing. Call and bee,
values we havo evtr shown. Ladies'
printed border Ucmstltched, regular
12Jo goods, now 3 for 25o. Men's
winen bordois 05o a d zen, real value
OOo, 75o a dozen, vain Sl.00 a dozon.
$1.00 a dozen, would bo good value at
$1,50 a dozen. Call and seo our 00
handkerchief, ladies.
A. C.
Best made Clothing
in Philadelphia
for Men and Children.
Sixth and Chestnut.
(Ledger Building.)
Notice Is hcrebr riven to all lcirntces. creditors
and other persons Interested In tho estates ot the
respective decedents and minors that the follow,
lntr administrators exocutora and iruardtan ac
counts have been tiled in tho office of the Kelster
ot Columbia county, and will bo presented tor
confirmation and allowance In the orphan's court
10 ue aeia la uiuoinsours on jngaaay tiiaj tt 1009
at two o'clock p m of said day.
1. Flrat and nnal account ot Freas Fowler
cruardlan of Husannah Hoi-enbuch a minor child
ot Samuel Ilagenbuch late ot Columbia county
3. First and nnal accnuntnf.T&meflRrwtnffuar-
dlan of Harry Ilelnbach a minor child of I'eir 3.
Ilelnbacn late of Turbett township, Northumber
land county deceased.
S. Flret and flnal account of Jeffprnnn Trite
trustee appointed by court to sell real estate ot
Emanuel Bavage late ot Jackson township de.
ceased for the payment of a legacy charged upon
said lan is by tho will ot Joshua savage.
4. Secnnd and nnal account nf t n. WolHWnrfh
administrator of Daniel Thomas late ot Fishing,
crock township deceased.
5. First and final account nf Wllltflm Tmnn
administrator of William littler ot Hrlarcreek
township Columbia county deceased.
6. Second and nartlat account nf fjulft H .rack.
son and Monlecal W. Jackson executors of the
estato of o. o. Jackson ot Berwick Columbia
county deceased
7. First and nnal acennnt nf I- K. Walter nxpcu
tor of the last will and testament of Mrs. Harriet
M. Andrews late of liloomsburg Columbia county
8. Second and partial account of William W.
Parker administrator .ec nf ifttmnhtfiv prwr
late of Greenwood township Columbia county,
9. First and final account nf .Toaenh Iiowcr
executor ot John Uowerlate ot Uilarcreek town
ship deceased.
10. First and final acennnt nf Tnnn lTeacnrlf
administrator of Samuel M. 1'attcrson law of
Greenwood township deceased.
11. First and flnal account nf A. n. Miiiari
executor of tho estate ot Susan Darger lata of
12. Third and flnal account of Itarrr W. Reaver
executor of John Helnbold also distribution ot
uhj uaiance in nanas or narry w. Heaver as per
his third and nnal account filed March S9th, lssl,
under the provisions ot the wlllot sold deceased.
13. First and nnal account of Thomas J. Hoff
man administrator ot Uenry Ilotfmiin late of Cata
wissa township, Columbia county deceased.
14. First and flnal account nf M. n. Vahca mp.
cutor of tho euute of Jane Vance late of Orange
15. First and final account of Samuel Neyhard
administrator ot the estato of Lvriia itnnerM de
16. First and nnal account of Samuel Shlve. II.
Hutchison and 1. 11. Hutchison administrators ot
the estate ot Th mas J. Hutchison deceased.
17. Second account of William Neat TM-ntAt
of the estate of Alfred McClure deceased.
18. First and nual account ot Ieter A. Gvana
guardian of Mar Ida Gruber a minor child of
Cyrus Oruber deceased late ot Hemlock township.
19. First and flnal account of I. D. Knlttle
aUtulntntrator of Keuoen Knittm rata nr Vrnnbiin
township (.olumbU county, d-ceasod.
20. First and final account nf Aditm r-inamr
executrix ot Atem 1). Cleaver, late at catawissa
township Columbia county, deceased.
21. The first and nnal account ot F. p. Dlldlne
administrator of Marg iret Dlldlno deceased.
22. First and final account of Iaaan a. Ttewitr.
executor ot the last will and testament 01 John
v.. mwr, mie ui urcenwooa wwnsnip, deceased.
23. First and flnal account of John A. Funston
administrator with the will annexed ot Samuel
Melllck late of Orange townijilp deceased.
84. First and partial account ot Edwin C Cas
well executor oftbe last will and testament ot
Salem A. Caswell late, of the town ot Uloomsbure.
Columbia county, ueceased.
s. Frt and partial account ot I. W. HcKelvy
and n. I). Welsh executors of tho last will and
testament ot Alary a. llaiman, latoot Bloouisbure
26. First and flnal account of Allnas Cole ad
ministrator of the estate, of Sarah Colo late of
Jackson township deceased.
27. First and final account of L J. Hess admin
lstrator of Joseph A. Hess late ot Centre township
Columbia county, deceased.
Steady Work
For Honest, Sober,
inausuious Men,
lUUry nod F.i(oM.ot
eointuiikioti iijircrrrrco.
W fro 1 Ml 1M ef ftrult
iKttk BrjlliJn( tirktlj Irtt-cUu
Satisfaction Guaranteed to Customer! u!
Ageuu. i rite immeJIateljr for tertui.
Atl J res.-, It. H. '1IASK A '..
1430 So. Penn Square. Philadelphia, Pa.
mar304t eow
shown, comprising Silk Warn
A LOT of all PITUR S1T.K
GLOVES at 35o a pair in Tans, Modes,
urowns antt uiacKs mat sells to day
for 50o anv nlace. Seo thn In T.isln
Gloves. CLARK & SON.
White Plaid linen Da Irlftndn ivnrtli
20o a yd. now loo a yd. Extra viluo
wuu a 1 1111 line 01 wniu uress Uoods.
SATINES. Wo show an nlnonnf
lino in all tho new patterns and color-
inns extra nno ana wiao at iiiu low
prioe of 12 Jo a yd. Call and seo.
RIBBONS. Wo show a comploto
lino of all the new efFwts in idnin
and watered at prices away down. No.
in -If .ill ri t-. 1 ".
iu uit siik vjrown .ige riuoons aoo a
yd. regular price 30o. Call and see.
CORSETS Ac. Wo offer to day a
regular $1.00 Corset at tho low prico
nf 85c. Clark's fino Saiteen Double
Back Corset are 77o, wrtli $1.00 with
ill leading makes Mmo. Warren's
Drrss Form Corsets. Wilh fnll lino
of Bustles.
Wo havo now open full lines of
Ladles Jkksey huhikii Undkkwear.
A good vest at 25o aud up. Call and
DRESS GOODS. You will ilm
this stock coniploio wilh manv novel.
oco iiioso nanusomo ciifcknt
Bloomsburg, Pa,