COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAJ The Columbian. o, x. niwtii, i jit,, J. K. Blttenbwdtr., f " B LOO M8 BURG, PA.. FRIDAY, APRIL C, 1888. WABHIUOTON LETTER From oar Regular Correspondent.) WxsmNOT N, April 2nd. 1888 Hovonuo reform has inado sumo per ccptiblo headway during tho pat week. It look (i now an if tho Mills tnriff bill stood a good chaiico to pass tho House. Tho improvetnent lu tho out look Is not owing to any conversions having been mnuo among the democratic fol lowers of Mr. Kandall they are atiN as obstinato ns tho one man who abused the other oloven on tho jury because Uicv would not agree with him, but is owing principally to a revolt in tho republican ranks, against the hich protection tiotioy. This revolt !s led bv Mr. Nelson, of Minnesota, who made one of the Mrongust r venue reform speeches yet heard iu the House, Thursday. Ho went over Iho wholo qntHtt'iti in a mastuly manner; he favors tho rolcntion of tho internal revenue taxes, and a general loweiing of tho tariff. In rccard to uicn wagisuna high taiiff, ho said: It has been the fashion to ascribe (he higher wages of this country to the tariff. I consider tliat a lalie protms. England has free traie, while Austria, (iermany. Italv. and France have protection, and y-t wages are much higher in England than in either ot too oilier countries, Tho main cause of the low wages in Europe, is to be found in the density of population, and creator supply of labor. It is thought that the number of republicans who practically aureo with Air. Nelson, is larce enough to ensure tho passage of tho Mills bill, if they do not allow themselves 10 01 whipped back into the party traces, The report otthe majority of the wavs and means committee on the Mills tariff bill, which has been pre maturely made public, though it has not been yet presentod to the House, is an able document, and should bo spread broadcast among tho people, It will doubtless make many conversions to revenue reform. The President went to New York Friday, to attend tho funeral of ex Governor Dorsheimer. To day was tho eighth and last day It has been a great success in every rc gDect. Tho funeral of the late Chief Justico Walte. in the Hall of tho House of Representatives, on Wednesday last, was largely attended. Tho bills pensioninc Mrs. Gen, Logan and Mrs. Gen. Blair have passed the House. They got 2,000 a year. The naval board of coast defenses organized last year, are to be called nnon to investigate the matter of de fenses. There is an appropriation of 22.000.000 available for this work, and Secretary Whitney is anxious that it should bo iudiciously usrd. Gen. Ttrry has applied to the Secict- ary Ot war to m examiccu xor retirt4 merit. Bad htalih is tho reason. It is extremely doubtful whf thor th44 present Houe will ever vnt to repeal the limitation clause limiting the time to July 1, 18S0, a the Wat date for filing claim undo' the arrear of pension act of 1879. Thoie are r ver- al bills of this nature hufore th- II' ne committeo on pensions. A sub-coin mittee has been appointed to consider them, and roport to tho full committee. Gen Black, CommiKsiouor of IVnsionc, etimates tnat it will require bftWHi-n $200.000000 and $300,000,000 lo pay all tho claims for arrears of peiiRionf, should the limitation clauo be repealed, The republicans ot the S?natn are in a badly demoralized condition. They held a caucus 1 hursday, in order to en deavor to bring about party harmony, hut it was a very bad failure. The caucus was called 'o act on the bill an thorizine the Secretary of the Treas ury to purohase U. S. bonds, whioh has pass'd the House, and is now before the Senate Senator Stanford and several others announced that thev would not be bound by caucus action on this or any other financial measure. The caucus, after 'appointing a committee of eleven to arrange trie order ot basiness, and report tho sane to another caucus to be held this week, adjourned 1'ublio 1'nnter lienediot is now strictly enforcing tho eight hour law in every department oi the Government .Printing Ultioe. The lorce is divided into two sections, ono beginning work at 7 A. M. .and continuing until 5 1'. M. with an hour for dinner, the other beginning at fl P. M. and working until 1 A. id. Johnny Sherman is tired already, and it is said will shortly make publio a letter, announcing bis retirement from the Presidential canvass. The shadow of Jimmy Blaine is o'er 'cm all. It is not believed that a Chief Justice will be anointed for some timo to come. possibly not until after the summer recess of the Supreme Court. It is still thought by those who should know, if anyone other than Mr. Cleveland does that Speaker Carlisle or Postmaster General Dickinson will get the appoint merit. But of course that does not prevent the names of other gentlemen being mentioned, whoever it will b the appointment is sure to reflect honor on Mr. Cleveland and the uemocrati party. Cure Cough., Cold. llotnenc. Croup. Asthma, I IttwirhlttH. Whiter tuj Cough. lQcli.lal Coiuump. I f0, lt Oco'lno ir. PlW$M vuu'j ajrvp u toia orjjr la if urni)iBn. in1 (wwh rvn r I AliuU'iIIiad taCirvU,atitU I unp (.uuiion-ZAtViv arid (hay lTop'., M.i, U k A. SALVATION OIL, "The Ortatcst Cure en Earth for Pain," Will relieve more quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Cruises, Durns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites, Backache, Wounds, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by alt Druggists. Price 23 Cents a Dottle, 8UBsmii3K von TIIK COLUMBIAN TO THE PUBLIC. Intending purchasers of Pond's Extiuct cannot tako too much pro rautlon toprovctitoubstltntlon. Somo druggists, trading on tho popularity of tho great Family Remedy, ntternpt to palm oil other preparations, unscru pulously assorting them to bo "tho samoas" or 'criual to" Pond's Es TiucT, Indifferent to tho deceit prac ticed iiiHin and dlsapirotntniont there by caused to tho purchaser, s long as larger profits accroo to themselves. Always Insist on having Pond's Ex tract. Tako no otlior. BOLD IN BOTTLES ONLY j NEVER 1JV MEASURE. Quality uniform. Prepared only by POND'S EX TRACT CO., JTow York and London. Sco our namo on every wrapper and label. Noto plcturo of bottlo below. ror riles, Marti, Rtcoa tlsi, Kearalala, Toothache, Bruises, Bums, Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Sores, InOamma- UCM, anilTemcr Aim of all Ssre Eyes, , Tho F&mons lecturer. onion, wrotet " For Sore ThroaC ciyeclally when tend- wg to ulceration, 1 nave rounu it very ncneuciai. AM1IIKW P. Vf IIITK, Ex-rrcl(lciit of Cornell University, eayst 440ne of the absolute tieceul tin of housekeeping." Be tun to get the genuine, KHMi AIinOTT, tho celebrated prima doniia. " Valuable and beneficial." IIETWOOD, SMITH. Jt. P., M. it. r. r.. of England." I havouaed it with marked benefit." II. O. PRISIOV, M. P., BrooUyn, N. Y.-"I know of no remedy so generally useful.1 AKTIIIT. mi.VXESS, Jl. D., F. it. ('. S.. of England. "I have prescribed rOND'S EX TIlAGT with great success." JfSTIX p. Ft'LTOX, P. .. Brooklyn, X. T. " Proving Iteelf to be a necessity In our home.-' I. A. VtlSTERVEI.T, M. P., Nashville, Tcnn. "Have used largo quantities of POND'S EX TRACT In my practice." Mrs. S. D. JlcCOim, Matron, riomo of PcU tnte Children. "We find It moat efficacious and useful" la Bottles only, rrlrss, 50c, 81, 51.75. Sett our mmt on eotry wrapper ami label. rrt'uirtil only by rOXIl'S KXTItltT TO., NEW YOEK AND LONDON. CANDIDATES. Candidates named under this heading are sub ject to the rules ot the Democratic party. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, E. M. TEWKSBURY of Catawissa. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, JAMES T. FOX, of Beaver township. FOR REFRKSENTAT1VE, C. J. SCIILICHER, of Beaver township. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, GEN. C. M. BLECKER. Were all wise enough to licod this advice In season, a world of suffering would be avoided. Tho best months In which to take Hood's Sarsaparllla, tho great blood purifier, are March April May At no other season Is tho body so much In need of, or so susceptible to the benefit to be derived from Hood's Sarsaparllla, as now. The Impoverished condition of the blood, the weakening effects of tho long, cold winter, the lost appetite, and that tired fooling, all make a good spring medicine absolutely necessary. Try Hood's Sarsaparllla and you will be con vinced that It Is the Ideal spring medicine. Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by aU druggists, i 1 j li for $s. Prepared only by O. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Maw. IOO Doses Ono Dollar FOR STEEP OR FLAT ROOFS CAX UE PUT ON UY ASV PKHSO.V THOUSANDS OF ROLLS BOID ANNUALLY 1VJH BUIUllNUS OF EVERY DhbOltlKflON. SEND FOR NEW CIRCULAR. CONTAININO PRICE LIST AND REFERENCES. AGENTS WANTED. M, EHRETc JR. & GO. bole ma:;ufaoturers. 423 Walnut strsat. PHILADELPHIA. aprll may & beit. READ THIS1 A 16 DAISY WR1H0ER fill I AMWA8IIINO MACHINE 7RXBI lAtravrt pic& upon thtnarkt th gmt-tUbor-iATlDjC lovtDtlon of th 19tb eooturT. It vu a telf-oMrfttlDg Wtublnr Uftthin. It wubi the ! WITHOUT THS WASHBOARD OR ANY RUBBING WHATEVER. T kdrvrtliod a fv huadr4 fr to In trod act thtro, tntl tli rough thM fr lample sold ovar ttO.OOO. Oo ldr In Cblcuro (Mrt. WclHr mott, US w. 1Mb to wtll plfAMd with btr Mtnbla Uitt ilit btcamt an tgtnt anltoU OTtriauuIn four mont lit. W, C. Iltmlll, Box 957, Toronto, Outiordtrtd ovrr fiOU tfur tosu log bit tampU. Wt htft tcorti of Juat tueh titmpUl tblt. It riji to rut your brttd Upon Ut wtttrt OUR ORE AT OFFER. Tlilt Liar wt lnttud to tail not Iin than ONE MIU ION WABHKRH. tod to do tht wt will flrtt tart off by UIVINO A WAV 1000 tamplta. AU wt tk ot thOM wbo rtctlrt out It that thty will tlft It a vood trial, and If tttlafactorr rttotn tntud U to tlttlr fntuda. Aetata art colnlnij tuouty. Wt hart at rural who art maklnt; Iti) rr day and upward. " First comt, flrt ttr? td.1 Bo If yon want out from tht lotwt art (oloc to girt away, tnd your naiut andaddreit atoact. Addrtat. MONARCH LAUNDRY WORKS, lit) Wabtafi aTt,,Ctika.f o,HL Untlon thla paptr) A Spaelal Offer! yoauiatatout,wtwlIliaaktthiitpltlifftri To (ht ftnt party la ttch 6lait and Ttrntory who antwaia our adftnUcitflnt will acod tl a fret gift, ont of tht ccltbraud PlUY WniNCESt, retail prfct, Km tach. Thla lanprtctdtottd otfer I mtdt luf tht tult purpcat oi laduUna; you to tend A cut of our WmiUm at ONCa. I you know of toy frltndout of ttvproytiiant, woa't you plM call bit atuoUon to thla tdititUf tnnt,for Hi tud4"tht ckanct of a llfatlmt. iwW ntJwVlirwIt clKuUraand adotnlu. KaU bavt mi ctultd by otbar concerns who art Uatoua of our frett swectat, SfWABS OP IllITA TIONt Wt bavt beta la tot tatiadry aupply bufineia M ytan tad wlU pay Iijo ittaid for any bvfrlngt manlon oui Waiher. RrAD TUIfl! Tt New Vk -CWUtiaa nKM iniVI atWck,'aayii,Wtbrt Ptnonally titmlntd a ffrtat maay letters received roia aliMttkMMof the counirfiotu bcUoa-a twing tbls wonderful Machlna, and all unlit Ml con eiendlnr It la tht hi he Unas.'' Wt aiao btt ala VarreferaMtf(umtktMFmaaJ Fketlda.' tbt Huta tnd Farm, und tc ot wher pt. M arch. 10. tt - I patarrh STtSSK Free I J vlnce. U. H. Libnuaiicu & Co., m liroad - fiu, Nwai)f, N, j, march-so-dm. jniix n - m mmm Ci hand junons pok maytbrm T i(w Heaver Abraham Itlce, Joseph Slnglojf. IieAton Ueorgs It. Hem. Uerwlclt sterling Ulultson, W T Edwards, Itobert k iticdr. Bloom Samuel L rotter, nrlarcreek James o sponenberger. catanljan .1 H. Krtlgh, Charles MendenhalL centre I llnirenbuch. K E Loir. Conrngliam (teorge llarrej-. tlrecnnood W 1" lkeler. locum josian ltnoaua, .Montcuua veneer. Madtson-ltobert M Duller. Mam David Nbuman. " Winiln-Cbarlca creasy, Ocorgo Frjr, Joseph 6hu. man. line O it Tarker, Thomss Bvf eency. Bugarloat Klljah Hcjm. T 1 It AVKHSE J UUOItS FOB SIAY TERM 1881. Heaver John Vrlti, tfrselSchell Henion llllberr. llulm, Kll Mendenhall Bioom j iiiurton, i m kuiid, a p Moooina, ooua Mleklo, U,M Vandereilce, John Wolf. llrtnrRrpek-.KIInt Ailftmn. catavflwa Trent uicagr, Geo 8 Gilbert, lleuben .Miller, John Oberdort, Hlmon noun, F I. SDuman. Ccntratla M w lirennan, nercaru Dugan, W B Davli. Center John Kelcner, William McAllcster. Kraiiklln-IJoyd iddcr. (ireenwood-J (i (ilrton, Fohurler Kramer, Samuel Miner. Hemlock i 8 Ilartman, John Ilartmon. locust Hamucl Itelnbofd. Main Kmanuel Mouser. Mimin W O Dewltt. mu I'leaannt w m F Cravr lord, Oeorge L Johnson, line Lafayatto linger, scott 11 N White Sugarloaf Wilson Cole. SECOND WEEK. Benton J J Kama. Berwick w G uarnaru, ueorge a smun, isaao amitn. Bloom-K 11 Angek A O Brlgga, U n Ent, It J Mor ris, Henry M itupert, lanlel Rtlner. Brlarcroek Hteph n i lettertck, o K Ferris. Cataivlsss-AUen Iiarndt, Jacob llower. I entralla David Dyke. Center A J Kocher. conynghaiu ratrlck Holey. FUhlngcroek George Heath. Greenwood B F Gltoon. John Law ton. 1 emiock Math as Girt on. locust 1 W Oari, D p Leran. Madison Cyrus ilirtllno. Miniln-M lilletlrr Montour W u Johnson. Mt. l'leasant wcsler Moman. Oiango It W Brumstctler, II J Conner, M C Vance, ltoarlnircreek 11 1' ChcrrlDztun. Amos snrder. Scott Mired lone, Charles U Leo, James U Ter- miiigur. T RIAL. LIbT FOR MAY TERM, 1888. Ellen V Crlsman vs John Howell and It D Lacoo: II K Heacock vs samuei T Iles. II K Ileacock vs Curry Mastellcr. MarrKUeacockvsPhlla & Heading It R Co et at. L 11 Fowler vs O D Fowler. Andrew Fowler vs C D Fowler. A W Creamer vs K II and II It Little. J II Iloyt vs Berwick Borough. rranKua x ocum. uuaniian, vs nma manner ei, ai. Daniel F Seybcrt vs Gideon G Hosier. Kohr McIIenry's use vs E J Mcllenry's admrz. Daniel F Herbert vs James NDoneitDOrtr. James Pollock vs Henry William Vandereilce Maud A Ilartman vb William F Welllver. M A Maritie vs iierwick uorougn. B F Gardner vs Bloomsbure S s. n L Co. Alfred Irvln vs Bloomsburg eulllran It R Co. Samuel Applcman's Ki'r vs Charles W MlUer. William E lnibbs et al vs Freeman McAfee. Allen B Croop vs II B Low. Ed M David et al vs Jonas Crlsman with notice. Henry C Snyder vs Jackson & Woodln MIg Co. Bloomsburg Banking Co vs Stephen rohect aL Daniel II spouenberg vs George K Uesa, A Warner k Co vs Vi esley Bowman. A Warmer i Co vs J E Patterson. Geo 8 Fleckensllne nse vs A A Wilson. Gaotvo W Murohv vs I, A Uller s. Co. John Moran vs James Barry's admrz. a a Kimos Kzrs vs wm a Kiie. iince & co vs Airs is nany. Charles W Cole vs Kzektei Colo. DMINIBTRATOR'8 NOTICE. Kstate of Martha Long, late V Haaison tmenshtp, Lotters ot administration on the Raid eatAta hav. lng been granted to tho undersigned administrator all persons indebted to said estate are hereby no tified to pay the name, and those having claims A. K. SMITH, AdnVr., Jerseytown P. o., Pa. UDITOR'8 NOTICE. r.intr tv nary aners aece-asea. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the rpban's court of Columbia county, to make dls Ibutlon of the balance In thehiniiqnrthAiui. mlnlstrator ot said decedent, as appears by his ac count confirmed, to and among the parties entitled luereiu, wm sit at nis oince m moomsnure. on w ednesdsy May 2nd. 188s. at 10 o'clock m tho torn. noon, to attend to the duties of his appointment, when and where all parties having claims against said estate must annear nnrl nrnvn thn nutnn nr be forever debarred from any share ot said fund. uyill'O-co J. U. JLAUE, AUOltOr. SALESMEN WANTED to camABS for thft Haln nf'nm. Stock I Steady employment guaranteed. SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID. Applvatonecstatlngaga. Chase Brothers Company, tfAra. march .in 88-npnl and June The Best Blood Purifier is tliaf A'hioh koops tho liver and Stt imach in Iiealthy con dition. COOD DIGESTION MEANS COOD BLOOD. Nothing In tho world so suc cessfully troats tho digestive orfransiisMandrnko, itndtho only pure, safo and rollablo preparation of Mandrako is Dr.Schencks Iadrake r,r 8J hv All Diuffttllts. Price 23 ets. pr box i lux s for J eu.- r if ut l.y niall, wtsEo frss, oa nctli.t tf rlco. Ur, J. 11. bchtuik 4 Son, rhllni's, I M Rewarded are those that read Hli.HI.Y this and then act; thoy will rind honor tlMMM I "ble employment that will not take mpm irom tneir nnmM nnn mm Mn Tho profits are lame and sure for every Inoustrl. ous person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollar a month, ltiseafylor any one to make 15 and upwards per day, who la willing to work. Either Bex, young or old: capital not needed: we start you. Evervthlncr new. Nn special ability required: you, reader, can do It as w cii ua txuy une. wrue lo us at once tor run par ticulars, which we mall tree. Address stlnson 4 iu.t ruruana, aiamo lyaeew. i miRP I VVIlk FITS! When 1 hkv Ctinr. I do nnt Mop Ihem lor n time, and then bate them re) tun; uealn I mkav A ltAIHCAI, COltE. I ha'.e made the disease vf FXTS, EPILEPSY or FAIXING SICILNESS, Alltelongstudv. I warbant my remedy to t'miK the worst caies. Because others have HIM 1 1 no i e.non fur not now receiving it cure fcjnd t iinneforalreatliennda Fkk llOTTLl nl my Infai.i.iulk Kpmeiit. (live Kviwrsi and fml Gfllee It colts ou nothing lor e,' trU', and It Hill cure jou Addrrn H.Q.ROOT.M.O. I83PeHSi.,HiwYoi LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT INVALUABLE FOIt DYSPEPSIA An Ellicient Tonic for Invalids. IiiBtnntaneous Beof Tea. Also for flavoring Soups, hauces and Made pishes GENUINE onlv with Baron Liobig's SIGNATURE in Bluo Ink across label. Sou by all storekeepers, Clro:ers and Druggists marldii EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA marl&dlt. GUT YOUH JO It PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. SPRKJ IS- COMING ! So arc tlic Spring Styles. Spring Styles in HAT Spring Styles in SUITS, Spring Styles in OVERCOATS, SPRING SPRING SHIRTS -THE SFBIHC TIES SUITINGS In fact, any thing in the way of CLOTH! Can be lisicl at the POPULAR CLOTHING STORE OF Estate. New SPRING Shades D. LOWENBERGS A. C. YATES & CO Beat made Clothing in Philadelphia for Men and Children. Sixth and Chestnut. (Ledger Building.) UDITOR'S NOTICE. J?sf!f of Wm. .V, .1. llogrrt decfatftl. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Orph ans court of Columbia county to make distribu tion of the bnlance in tho hands of the account ant, to and among the partK'B entlilcd thereto, will alt at his office In HlooinsMirc. on Saturday, April SI, 1888. at 10 o'clock In the Forenoon, to at tend to the duties ot his appointment; when and where all persons limine claims against said es tate, must appearand prove them, or bo forever debarred from any shire ot said fund. J. II. MltZR. March 7, 1S8. Auditor. JUDITOH'S NOTICE. KSTATB Or STirilSN ntTLKR, The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Co rtof Columbia county, tn make dis tribution ot the balance In arcountanfn bands, to and among the parties entitled thereto, will sit at hlaofllce In I'loonnburg, on Saturday, March 31, isss, at to o'clock In the forenoon, to attend to the duties of his nnpolntment, when and where nil parties havl s claims against mid estate must ap pear and prove the same, nr be forever debarred from coming In on bald fund. mars. N. U. FUNK, Auditor. UDITOU'S NOTICE. 1ST1TK OF RMZiBKTIt FRTKKHAN niCXtSHn. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or phans' Court ofuolumbla county to make dlstrl. outlon ot tho funds I' the bands of It. P. reterraan admlBtetrator.wni sit at his omce In llloomsburtr.on Saturd iy, April 21st, ihso. nt 10 o'clock in the fore noon, to perform the duties ot bis appointment, when and where all persons having claims against said es'ate nrist appetr and prove them, or be de barred lrom any share In said fund. GEO. K. EL WELL, Auditor. mat-ant. EXECUTOR'S NOTIC13. Ettatt OJ Uarv Edgar late eif Benton totcniM deceased Letters teotamentary on the said estate having been granted to the unders'giied. all persons In debted to said estate ar hereby notified to pay the same, and those having claims against said es tate will present the same for settlement to ltOUR.MrllENKV. 6 w Bjtocutor. pRinGE NOTICE. "ifotlce la hereby given that an application will be made lo the Governor ot Pennsylvania on Mon day, the thirtieth day of April A. D. 1888, by D J. Waller, C. W. Miller. John u. Freezo, I. K. Kuhn, Paul E. w Irt, II. v. White and others, under the net of assembly entitled, "an act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain cor porations," approved April 29 h. 1S74, and the sup plement thereto for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called The llloomsburg llrldge company, the charter and object of which Is for the iiurposi ot erecting constructing and maintaining a bridge and the approaches thereto over the North dmnch of the tsusquehanna Itlver. from a point at or near the Ferry road in the town of Uloomsburg, in the county of Columbia, to a point In Pat awlssa townsh p on tho opposite side of Bald river In the name county, and for those purposes to have posseses, and enjoy nil 1 he rights benefits and privileges ot sild act ot assembly and supplements thereto. C. W. MILLER, II. V. WIHTK, Solicitors. mar 3Mw. VTOTICE IN D1VOKCE. Maggie nirton, by her next friend, Bernard ston ner vs. barles ulrton. In the Court of Common Pleas of Co'vmota conn- iV,no. Ti, vec irrm, ib7. To Charles Olrtou. resnondent above named Whereas, upon the petition or libel of the said Maggie (ilrton, above named, a RUbpcena being awarded by tho Court of Common Pleas of said county, a suonama tssuea out or tne Bald court, commanding you, the said Charles (Ilrton, to be anu appear hi. uiu uv rtrKuiar vrm ui saia court, to show cause. It any vou nave, why the said Ubel- lam should not be divorced from the bonds ot matrimony wnicn sue nas contracted with you, atrree.iblv to the Drayer of tho netltloner: and. whereas, upon the return of the said subpama, due pr ot was made that vou could not be found or served with the same In the bailiwick ot the sher iff ot said county ; whereupon an alias ubpeena was awarded by said court commanding you to be and SDnear at the next regular term ot said court to answer, ic, as aforesaid, to which the same return was made by tho sheriff. 1 ou are therefore required to be and annear on the Ural day ot regular trm of said court, to be held at llloomsburg, for tho said county, on the first Monday of May next, A. D., 1S84, lo answer said co.i plaint aforesaid. Hheriff, Sheriff's office, Bioomsourg, ra., Mar. 30, issb. TOTICK IN DIVORCE, Haggle Magdeburg, by her next friend J. II. vas- uue, vis rrcuerniv maguuuur4 In the Court of Common Pleat of Columbia coun ty, -vo. iv. uec. irrm, injt. To Frederick Magdeburg, respondent above named : Whereas, upon the petition or libel of the said Maggie Magdeburg, above named, a subpoena be ing awarded by Iho fourt of Common Pleas of said county, a subpeona Issued out ot tho said court, commanding you, the nld Frederick Mag. deburg, to be and appear at the next regular term ot said court- to show cause. If any you have, why the said llbeuant should not be divorced from tuu uunug ui matrimony wnicn fane nas contricied with you, agreeably to the praver of the Detltlon. er ; and, whereas, upon the return of the said subpeena, due proof was made that yo 1 could not be found or served with tho same In the bailiwick of the sberin of said cou ity ; whereupon an alius subpeena was awarded by said court, command, lng you 10 bo and appear t Iho next regular terra ot said court, to a'.svi er, Aa, as aforesaid, to wnicn tne same return was made by the Rherlff. " You are therefore required to bo and appear on tho first day of regular term of said court, to be held at Bloomsburg, for the said county, on the riret vonday of May next, A. D., 193, to answer said complaint aforesaid. SAMUEL iMITfl. Sheriff. Bncrirf'B office, Bloomsburg, Ph., Mar. 30, 1838. A NNUAL STATEMENT OF THE TOWN OF HLOoJlSHllltG. FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 31st, 183'. FUNDED DEBT. Bonds due Aug 1, ib87, (20000 44 44 Jan 1, 1W8. eoo 00 ii Feb"yi, 68 600 00 44 44 AUgl, IbSS. 770 0 44 41 44 1, 18S9 ISO 00 41 44 44 1, 18U0 690 00 1, 1891 .... 8C0 00 " " " 1, 1892 f50 00 I, D.93 Hsfl W " 44 44 1, 1891 910 OI " " " 1, 1893 IfiO 00 " " 44 1, 1896 1511 00 4 1, U97 ID 0 00 1, 1KW . 1, 1899 . 100O0O 1, 1U0U 780 00 1, 1901 290 00 1, 1'2 3H' OI 1, 1903 820 00 1, 9"4 810 00 1, 1903 350 OO 1, 1106.., (50 00 150W VALUATION OF TAXABLE PROPERTY IN 1887. Heal Estate. f 1,419,333 Personal property V8,sn0 Occupations 176,140 (1,624,353 Two per cent of the above valuations. ' ASSETS. Balance on duplicate of 184 I 1 44 44 44 iwi I 41 4 18-7 Due from sundry persons on account Due from estate J II llar man sewer pei rait ... I Due IrrraJ I) Fowler (O W Miller) sewer permit.... Due from sundry persons on old account 32,487 I2S9315 69 33 10 00 1510 5 46 (2708 OTHER LIABILITIES Orders ot 1S81 outstanding I ii mat 44 44 1 88 5 44 11 11 1886 ii 11 1. 11.87 11 Coupons No's 20 and T3 ot 18S6 7 unptld Coupons of 1880-7 due and un paid 24 700 323 88 117 83 2129 42 300 315 V (2823 00 214 84 Excess Amount of funded brought forward.,. debt 'WO 00 $15234 84 Total Indebtedness NEWTON BOONE Collector for 181. DR. To balance on duplicate. 2$4 s M. C. WOODWARD, Collector for 1886. 1 DR. ! To bal&nc n duplicate....... H974 CR. Ur exonerations allowed.....! MM Ily cash paid II I' Vannalta, treasurer.. , . . Palanceduc, lim 43 M. 0. WOODWAKD, Collector tor 1887. DR. To amount of duplicate 28Mil fit, By cah paid 11 1" Vannatta treasurer. ......I Dal .nee due TH0 61 IIS9 6I trao tl tl. V. VANKATTA, Treasurer for 1S8T In account with tho Town ot nioomjburg. Dll. To amount of tat roll for "87 . T633 50 ' tee'd from wm rhrlsmsn late treasurer . beinir balance 8 3S Ta amount ree'd from bonds nejoiiateu issuo ot uci I -87 eooooo Tn amount state tax collected on bonds. .... 1909 To amount ree'd from 11 V Zarr lain pres i for sower per mits.:. 10 00 To amount ree'd from " FKarr into pres t lor show licens es 5 01 To amount received from V 9 narnmn prest 10' sower Dermlts 110 00 To amount received from ! H Harmon pres t tor snow li censes and fines. 62 S3 To ami. ree'd from O W Mil- ler for shoveling snow . 45 To amount ree'd from David winner per M o wooa w.nlonilunllcatnof '85... 911 60 To amount rood from David winner on duplicate of 85. S8'0 To amt ree'd from M ' V ood- ward on dupllcato of IhSS.. i;35 90 To amt ree'd from M O Wnod- ward on dupllcato Ot 1887,. 700 57 II5S05 08 D P. Vannatta, Treasurer for 187 In account with tne lown oi moomsounf. CK. Dy amt of du-llcates of M C Wood- waru coneciur lur inoi, uciuk uiub uncollected by treasurer ou tax roll for 1S37 $ !!8M1M ny nmt of orders paid during tne year.... non i Ily nmt ot coupons paid dur- Inir the rear ... .... 860 21 By amt ot bonds paid during the year vlj: Ilond No 11.1 H40 ,o niu " 71 SO0 ' 91 lffl " 72 SOO SOOfO Dy amt of treas commission onri4KJ40( 1 i.'rrt-in. intu Ily nmt of treis commission on s 09 1 0 M 1 per cent M 00 Balance In handsot treas 63 m t I2W5 67 1UM t'8 ltECElfT-. Amount from Wm Chrisman lnrn trens 8a'l Amount collected on tax roll of 1887 47i8 99 Amount ree'd from bonds negotltted 5ooo 00 Amount of state tax collected on bonds 1609 Amount tee'd from BFZnrr late pros t tor sewer per mits . 10 00 Amount from II F Zarr late prest for show licenses 6 CO Amount from 1' S llarman prst scwT permit nuiw Amount from r 8 Ilarmm pres t snow licenses, so 02 as Amount from C w Miller shoveling snow Amount from David winner per m c wooowara on Snnllcateofieti 21160 Ami unt from David winner on uupucai" 01 ! in tun xs ,u Amount from M Woodward nn dunlloite 18-6 1733 90 Amount trora M C Woodward on aup icato 1SS7 vuu 01 $ 12643 67 EXPRSDlTUnESlIlQIIWAYR Wm Bldleman late corn's for March 16S7 4 72 Peter Ulllmover corn's 367 09 Sundry pet sons tor labor.... 122315 .. " icuuis 1UI haullnc 390 89 Sundry persons for hauling lime stono spawls J B Mensch weighing spawls 1161 02 13 70 12S 10 (! n Kelt tor 25(12 tons stiawls .1 v Wliltrnl2ht for building stones. 111 O A Jacoby flag stono for crossinzs. vanu Abraham snvder repairing pump at Forks. 5 50 Sundry pesons for pick and hammc handles 605 llarman S Uassert cast plates AC. 3 X Freight on terra cotta pipe fnr drain In Scott town 6091 J A Ilutchlns Co for terra cotta Pine lorssmo nwaa Creasy i wells for lumber... 44 as (! W Hunynn hardware o .. 1 3 Kunary persons tor smnuinif ww A J Williams snow shovels lantern 1 10 AEKrumforssnd SH) t 4589 49 CONSTABLE AND TOL1CE. H C Woodward services 5000 1 " arrest ana other fees. Daniel I. nyrock lite chief of ponofl in Marcn. .... Wesley Kmrr chief of police II B Freas et al assistant po lice 4 01 58 00 18791 SEWERAGE. bundry persons for hauling atd labor. W0109 J A Hutcl-lns & Co terra cntta nine 714 62 Sundry perfons for powdor ond ruse .. .. Sundry persons for smithing 0' Sundry persons damngesfrom blasting Freight on sewer pipe.. Central Pennn Telephone Co three messages to Wyom ing Penna 51 58 700 86 95 $ S413 21 MISCELLANEOUS-Flax Dei-aktuknt. Rent paid 1 W Ilartman to Aprll 1. 1"87 for Rescue Hook and Ladder Co 80 00 Rent paid Columbia county to Jam '88" 20 00 Rent paid Columbia county to Deo 1 ia7 for Rescue Hook and Ladder Co 18 3.1 Rent paid J J Hrower to April 1 1887 for Friendship Co, 80 00 Rent paid appropriation to vvinona for ltun. wui 148 33 900 00 Paid Bloomsburg Water Co for nse of tire hydrants Paid Bloomsburg Gas Co tor gas con sumed. Paid Samuel Neyhard services as town engineer., Paid tl E Elwell rent for council room to Jan 1, 1888 Paid M O Moan 6 Bro repairing buggy broken In cave on second street,... Paid sundry persons cleaning council room. ... Pnld sundry persons coal, lock.up. Paid sundry persons frr street lamps and repairs Paid 'annuel Neyhard services assecre tary Pali RamuM Neyhard making tax roll Paid Samuel Neyhard pr.'narlng annual statement, and clerk lng for auditors Paid M u Woodwatd Bervlng tax notices Paid Moyer Bros fent tor lock-up to June 1 its)?. Paid 8 A PetrlUn ro rent ft pound tnAprllll887 pp id 0"y Jacoby for swearing president of town cou- ell and taking two ac knowledgments .. ... Paid I W McKelvy and I S Kuhn et al Interest on over due orders Nos 63 and 429 Paid 0 w sterner for recording release for right of wav for storm water sewer from Second street to Fish creek Paid c iv Neal executor ot Emma II .Veal damages assessed In widening Lightstreet road and Interest No i Dec term 1fc83 Paid Anna I) Bllimeyer damages asseas edln widening Lightstreet road and interest No 5 Deo term 1883 raid Anna DBII'meyer and 8 A Petrl kin ptM edi'g same as above No 5 Deo term 1883 Paid pidgment of J O Karnsvs Town of BlonraBburg N01KI "ept term 1BR2 and Interest assigned to K It lkeler Paid Wm Krlckbaum publlshlngannual statement 0 Paid Elwell K Blttenbender publishing 153 25 6000 2 50 563 70 29 12000 IN CO 20 00 10 00 239 100 769 05 4218 MM 517 64 I0UUUN1 BLUICUlCUk KU. IW J O Brown publishing annual statement to 00 faldOO B rklev solicitor 89(0 3123 25 00 i'aia uentior, muxer and uirnson aud itor for 1886 Paid Judgment Bloomsburg oas Co vs Town of Bloomsburg No 121 Sept term 1883 ...,. 1600 1411 91 I 5394 46 00 OTHER DISBURSEMENTS. 10 ralJ on acc0,mt of orders outstanding 181 Paid on account ot ordrs outstanding for 1883 Paid on account of orders outstandlt g for 1H86 ,,,, Paid bonds Interest paid during the year, viz: cou- pons Interest paid on over due order No. 72 ! .1 11 11 .1 .1 11 1. II II II II II II gQ 67150 49518 80000 SCO 24 380 2 4 too 32 82 161 93 6219 i tuu Biaie- 1 reosurer tax on loans ommlsslon to treasurer ......., uaiance 10 lianas of treasuier. Total expenditures 14774 99 212942 16 Doluct orders outstanding,, leaves amount equalling receipts 12613 57 HAM UEL NEYHARD, P. a IIARMAN, Secretary. President, . VSe, the ur.derslrned sudltors of tho Town of lilonnsburg met Monday and TuesdHy seth and 27th of March issrt. and do hereby certify that we have examined the foregoing accounts and state- lucnisayannuinem correct and do anprovo the v aisu i,iuiv iuuv e nnu tne books, panels and Dahll arcllve tiiihAinunh.,.t.. and silll are unprotected Iran are and bunrlare from the want of a proper ilace ef deposit, and we do urge uiou the Council the necessity of tho purchase of a safe for the ante keeping of the same and would timber urge a proper Indexing ol and purchaseof Iidex Books for speedy reference to minutes and other papers mating to the business WM. E. HINKKIt, JOS. aAHHUON." 4S April e-M AudlUrs. rjAHKABUHHirS SALE. OF UNSEATED LANDS. IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENNA. ittf viriHA nt ttimrtrv nets of tho ileneral Assom- bly of tho commonweslth of Ivnnsyivunls, rclat. lng to tho sale of Boated and unseated lands In tho county of Columbia, etc., for taxes duo and un paid, 1 will offer to publ'O sale In the Court House, In the town ot Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, JUNK 11th, 1888. i in nvinrir. a tn. The following described pieces ot land, or such part thereof as may bo necessary to satisty mo amount ui utanj uuw u against tho sumo, and continue the same, from any to uay as vuu uaiuo umj w ..vv-.rf TEIIM& OP SALE. ThAamnnntAf l.fvten And COstS. InUSt bo Paid when the land Is struck off or the sale may be void and the property put up and resold. Acres. Warranteo or owners Twps. IS42 Columbia o k I Co ,...Beaer Taxes. , t i4 so K 1 64 i 12 8 18 1 6S 89 54 1 06 2 14 4 14 12 97 14 55 19 73 87 1 22 6 61 1 85 . 1 60 1 CO 1 lot ncaver 1 uaries ... ... Slots Heaver Jesso .. ... do.,.. 75 B'ffikway fi Abbott....., do,... lis " " ...... do.... 3 lots ur cKwar j ""i"" 3 lote Butt L'ngcr -.. do.... lbt Hogart Mary. do.... Jlots Ho)er F 8 1..J0 ... 49 Cox O 8 Ex Tench Cox do ii7 " " " .. .. ... 3q H 11 11 11 Slots crossing tavne 'i'"" 1 lot Cannon M. 2 " 100 Downs Martin do JO " UUUII... Slots Ktans'llecco. do..,. 3 ' Flanagan A do.... 3 ' FreyW'8 do,,.. lot ocarbart William do.... 2 lots " " o 5 " Hoffman EO - do.... 3 ' llnrncr Jester . 60 llauck Jonithau .......... do..,, 60 noatsJohn do.... 10 lllndetliter Sarah A do.... 3 lots Hunt Ellas. do.,.. 2 lots Henry ueorgo.. do..... 1 lot Kllno A o.... 2 lnu Le V Is Frank do . . . 3 lots Lawrence w It, .. do.... 1 CO 64 1 06 07 1 CO 6 8U 06 3 03 1 60 1 06 64 1 GO 2 49 ll CO 83 15 90 300 Mann Miller. ,., 20 Mcnsingcr samuei uu.... 100 Mclioyuolda w 11 do.... slots MastlnivMlUam. do.... 140 Nungisscr Oeorge do .. elots Patterson J C do,,.. 3 lots l'rlco clarence do.... 83 luce Abraham. no.... inn do..... 1 5 7 42 9 16 1 61 1 CO 2 31 14 4-63 lots Ituthford, Samuel SCO., do,... 1 GO 3 iota . . 219 swank Daniel do ... . 7 VI 11 m 140 bcuweppi-nneiser 1 n uu.... 8 hhuman & aucnaei uu.... 3 lota fccblcu J J 9U 3 lots Smith J W. do... 5 lota scott Peter do .. 10 UlS'lh-rOco 1 do. 1 to 1 CO 92 2- 25fi3 wet u coal Ca do 212 00 0 10'S WCt7ClU uu... llot Wood Augustus. do..... :i Ulsaphcr oeorge do. . 3 lots Khun WW do...... -loti Wood Augustus do.... 10 LObce Jessee do . 61 bhuman K I- do .. St Brelsch Co do.... Slots Prout Stephen dee'd , do.... S3 Wells John Benton 28 Clem ltev W T BrUucreek 2 CO 31 1 31 1 CO 1 08 55 i 66 M 1 6J 90 2 24 3W Doty. Pealer & Stewart do.... 220 44 44 44 150 41 41 100 41 44 " 13 50 9 00 6 75 4 50 11 29 46 4 50 5 00 2,0 11 i. 44 .uO 7 uawaras iienry j uu.... S2 Kvans Francis. do.... 40 Fowler Ollbert do....' 10 Freas Jesse U do . 6(1 Freas Fannie. do.... 90 4 50 4vl Lamonjeseph. do.... 100 Kemp Daniel... ...... 22 5U 4 60 6U ItobblnsKll ao.... 60 Stackbouso JosEst. ...... .do.... 150 fctackhouse C J .. 10 Mtlerllll do.... 2 1 SO 6 75 4 X of 230 Shaffer & Kelchner 5 17 0,0 ecnuyicr airs aiui uu.,. 7 stout Kdas - do.... 7 KdwardsMarthaJ do.... 12 36 1 13 46 43 10 3 it 11 10 40 90 21 210 12 31 307 V87 .14 18 10 11 7 Yost EmanucL 44 44 do.... Doty, Stewart & 1 44 44 do.... i .i i. do Adams Henry. do.... Bower Isaiah do..,. KoonsOeos. do.... IlollopetcrD F do.... Dodson J B do.... Shuman lteuben Catawissa Weaver Ellas do...; Dornbach Margaret do.... Klner itobert do..., Mewcll Fred do.... Clewell Joseph Est do. .. Shuman Kllas. do.... Haraer Thomas E. do..... llower Moses do.... 1 80 61 06 31 35 22 2 37 43 11 1 33 1 1-3 2 61 4 5S 4 43 61 1 63 65 80 1 117 Lots 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Barrett Mary Centralla ueragbty Thomas. do... 4 44 ..... do.... 4 5t 5 68 15 CO Ileffron Philip do., Knelt John. do.... do ... do.... ao.... do.... do.... 43 Lehigh Mahonoy R It McKlnney Charles..... steel Uto W Sweeney Margaret Walsh David 4 30 36 M 70 3 32 2 65 2 93 uo.... do.... do.... Centre do.... do 2 Acres S3 Adams Enos L....... AllabachlUenl.... 2 21 24 14 6C s slots lirobst'lhoujos.... 75 3 Fowler John F do Cood Jacob do... llagenbuch William do.. 44 14 sr Est. do. Hoffman William Est do.... Keller Daniel. do.... Mcuenry Dorcas. do.... sponsler Jacob do.... Klrkendall & creasy. do. . . . lieam Joshua.. ..Conyngham Brcsllne Uernaid. do.... 10 31 1 38 25 1 lot not 429 Hot 186 1 18 Slots Drclsbach Lewis ao.... 2 33 105 63 112 llustou Johu do.... 323 Kline John L do,.,. 2 lots Kramer A W ao,... I 4 do.... 93 4 2 34 1 " ixtny cuane3. ao.... 2 84 2 1 1 2 .180 175 100 410 Millard O U uo Mcuulro Tetrance do.... .Morrli Annht B do,... Monroe John do.... 41 do.... Huston Mary 44 Tnouias. do,.,. Trlen Jacob do.... Young John. do.,.. Walker Lewis. do.... 3 90 C 29 2 34 4 9 Ml 206 00 39 60 91 fO 174 8 26 40 2 lots BUImao Uto W do ... 4 70 I 16 1 " Kress Margaret do 2 1C0 r.0 1(10 73 2U 90 SOO 250 140 200 ta 50 Kelnbold W 11 do.... Doty, Pealer Stewart .. . Fho'K 44 44 44 . do.,.. Blelsh Reuben. do,,.. Fowler John F do..... Farver Ueorge. do ... . llirrlson John do, Hoffman Freas. do.... llulme William do icmon Thomas do.... KlndtJohnsc'o Mcllenry obs Daniel. .. 2 33 6 72 2 1 4 20 2 32 1 68 5 8 40 35 5 84 8 40 2 m ituuums t a ao, 2 11 of 200 Miatler & Kelchner 4 a 12 50 40 5 30 ii 20 "f 2 1 CI 200 48 10 3i 12 22 100 30 28 28 30 20 5 20 24 100 300 75 4 238 216 SO 73 75 SOO (0 265 95 92 80 200 SOO 200 200 100 190 8 43 90 15 33 60 127 60 15 6 22 23 8lO 23 41 50 20 43 24 Peiler George..... Whltoulglil WllUam.. Pealer 8 J do ... 2 1 Cleaver Wellington., ..Franklin VoughtJamea. do.,.. E llowelL do.... Rohrbach William do Ultiby James .d .... Vaalne J II .,,.do,,.. 3ianhurdt Q;orge do.,,, Hayburst Ezra heirs. do ... Ulbby Augustus do,,,, Albertson Allies Hartley Greenwood Berry John do,,.. Derr I rain. do,,., McUwen 11 J Uo.... Appleman Lloyd Hemlock " William .. do.k... 41 Hugh W. do Brugler Elbhu ao Campbell N L do.... Emmett AJ do..,, M curiae II I) do..,. Neal & Pureel do,... Pursel (1 Unangst Mrs Charles .... do..,. Wright Levi do.,.. Jones David. do ... Black P I) Jackson 44 44 do .... Bartch Franklin. do. , , , Miller charlet W do,,,, 44 SN'eyhart do-... 1 30 34 650 2 36 587 1515 9 CO 623 14 33 408 1 08 1 25 825 2119 690 2 81 24 80 24 86 745 588 388 1319 3 20 800 1013 263 2 01 6 40 8 40 540 (40 400 640 1 CO 1 CO 800 40 44 124 8 25 1 hO 9,1 V5 21 48 29 25 18 54 2M 150 40 134 . ao..... Parker co. i.,.do Hess Clinton; Meeker Ellas do.., HlUngton Charles. Locust Dewalt oeorge ... do...., Everbart John ....... 1... .do ..... Hughes 14 tight Est do,.,, Kulp McWIUIam do .... Longcnbergcr Phillip do,,,, Myers Mary , Rustoa Mary do..,, 44 Charlotte do...., Reynolds John .......,.., Huston Thomas do.,,, Reece Daniel . i do StlneAdam do..,, Shaffer Henry...., do ... Rhoads Franklin..,,., do. Beagle George . Madison Heuderubott E.... do . , 44 44 do.,,. Shtcmaker Jacob.,,,., do . 44 44 do..., Deraott Cyrus do..,, GlnglesTH do.... Jihnson Chester, do .... corner J E. do... Eves O V. , do,,,. Cox JoeL do ... lleydenrlck Tobias d.... Masters D 4 W do... Miller i 11 do.... Graham Edward do.,., Drock-ay& Ent , Main lllnderlltter Henry do . , Shuman John,,,. ai 23 K ot 100 Bchmeck, Brobst, Yetter Hawk rln . 7 7 Sit 100 coo ICO 41 69 10 200 n 35 13 K too 85 35 75 SO 30 47 1 17 10 16 9 40 10 67 Snyder Abraham do ... Khuinan W T do baiu, Bhepp Co do,.... 4 Isaac. do.,,, Torbert William do.... hhuman lleuben do ,. Moocr v Ichael do Blttenbender Jacob..... illDlln llendendiolt,..., Kramer A W dJ Luu Catherine Michael Joseph S I' .., " 44 do.,,. Masleller Joseph ,,, do,,,, Nungomcr W J..,.., .,, do,,,, 1'arkn James i A Y do Kutllff Joel ...:, 80, BchweppenheUer I K do,,,, Horace do,,,, ' Kl4.. .do,.., Horace do,.,. Mil lams Hamuel do,,,, lohejaxob Kt , do ., 111 1 L'llaa do,,.. Kckroth Ulram., ,,do, Menainger William,,, 00..., (jiger cauiuel Montour Fry Daniel.., do Neal WllUam.. ... , , , , ,do JT Gordon JohnN do.... Crouso lilram Andrew Jr m mailt 2 00 194 . Sl 18U 15 50 31 15 280 99 99 211 911 174 330 27 64 81 27 05 1 10 04 460 41 Too Jacoby & Rupert.. 1 do...... " eamuol..,.. crovcllng Samuel Orange llagenbuch Jeremiah . . , 44 William .... do..,. 41 Mary.,, do.,,, lies? Jctemla! . do .. Colema Genrge Est, do,,,, Kline Abraham . I. . do.,.. 44 14 do.... 10 8 CO 61 89 IB 264 171 3 01 311 Bit 1 41 sr I 21 1180 1 19 1 35 13 72 3 91 tl 41 116 M 108 10 72 2 70 36 1M1 61 71 49 to IS 1 26 330 46 C6 I CO 14 00 12 M 73 48 0 81 8 22 47 93 .144 10 29 10 29 23 99 10 29 10 29 II 72 6N1 4715 44 64 20 55 27 40 6 83 1849 80 23 ! lot 01 63 II 41 Jacob den Crawford William.,, Ftlck Geo A. K t ... Lvons It W lfr.lit-ta fVitn .... . 1 .... do..,. ...Pino,,.. 11 140 50 HO .,110 TO lioughner l'eter,,Roarlngrreck 4 urciscnoacoo ,,,,,,.uu 14 44 do .... II 44 do.... Barnes ThomnsJr do ,,, cox 0 8 Ex of Tench cox do ... 4 i' 44 44 . do,,,. " 44 41 do..,, 44 44 41 1 . do .. 103 12 60 210 16 2110 60 18 18 Dllaplaln K7eklcl .. ,. Fctterman & llctblno.. llenston John.,,,...,. Hcrner John Morris Iiuglio ..... Mlndy Lewis.. Navlngpr Jonathan.,, men Abrftliarn . d.... , do.,.. .. do .....,..,, 100 1.1 142 5 !0 40 97 ao. Shuman David do... 501 Si 5 Mviup Abraham do McMIlllan M M ... Wllchey John do ,. Trlen Jacob ,. ...... do... Buekalew Evan Sugarloat cole Thomas B . do cnapln .1 F do.... 44 do,... Custard Mary ,do, . . . Copo Israel . do.... Hess, Crevellcg Co..,... 20 60 192 40 230 2 75 60 123 K Of 119 V 01119 xotm wesiey. ,,uu.,.i 11 do.... " do.... Smith Minor do ... VI BOO Mc Henry Kohr . .do. 600 200 a .i 44 E.1 44 JohnJ.... ii 9ttt Ravage Joshua Et .... Davenport F 1. Case (III GEORGE A, (10... .. do .... do... . .. 78 22 HI 6 6 . do.... ..)C0lt HERRING, Treasurer. pREASUHEH'8 BALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENNA. Also at the namo tlmo nr.d ulaco the following loti, pieces and parcels oi soaled laniK returned by tho tax collectors, aro to bo t-old under tho pro visions of an Actot Assembly, entitled, "An Act relating to the sxle of lands for lax In Columbia County.'tapprovcd March 6th, 1869. Warrantee or Owners. Knso Wolverton schrlber Henry Philips Catharine Mann AW .. Rhoads Peter Acrca Twp's. Beaver .... do.... ... do.... Taxes. 3710 1:17 1 75 2 8.1 3 18 26 42 00 2 10 4 03 21 73 1191 17 47.1 70 032 00 4 44 nss 4.19 S92 97 18 45 175 1012 0 40 9 74 427 163 3 89 4 50 3 52 3 75 2 21 8 23 187 81 9 26 sm 17 81 :i a-. 2 50 2 50 H40 :;ji 149 19 20 261 118 1 lot 23 2.1 1 4 1 lot 1 44 1 " ID 1 lot Bankes Daniel., l'ursel Mrs U 11. Gulnn George... lleham John.... Price .lonns ..... do... .....Bloom do . lo.... Catawissa.. Keller Harnli... centre.. SSI 40(1 400 cuminlngs Ii M .& Co Con'y'm Cuny Ellen lo .. Murphy, HughcsCO,.do..,. McIIalo John R do Collier Michael lo.... Casy Lawrence do.... Dougherty Mary. do.... Vought Irwin II.. Vnnklln . Moore A I. Greenwood.. Albertson David C Est .do ... Wand John A Hemlock . Rhone Michael Jackson . Chamberlain Lewis.... do.... 44 44 ... do.... Y'oungLowisU 10 ... 44 44 do.... Glassmyer Francl3 F,..I.ocust LonnonGco W r.t,t do.... ErcsO W Madison.., 44 41 do.... Hill Jesse do.... Ilouser Uroom do.... Eckroat Charles Est Mirtlln... llower Charles K. Mt ITs't... Hess John lino . Klino & Patterson do,... Lyons Newton do.... liatt John do.... Parker John II. do.... '1 'S1 1 44 81 M 100 100 3". 73 83 m 80 21 ISO 60 170 0 10 33 112 5? 60 37 112 Flick OA Est do.... 20 Hess Lavlna ..... sugarloat . 21 Albertson Jesso. . do... 31 Kllno AbnerW. lo.... 3so CrevellneJII ,ilo..., 40 ShullzKlias do.... 34 Itedllno II F do ... 14 39 G. A. IIEHHINO, Treas. Treasurer's Ofllce, Bloomsbu'g, March 28, 1883. iTadiesI Do Y'our Own Dyeing, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! They will dyo everything. They are sold every- wuere. mce 100. a pacaagu. v kuiuib. im, have no equal tor strength, brightness, amount In packages, or for fastness ot color, 1 r non-fading qualities. Tney do not crack or smut. For Bale oy moyer uros. anu jas. 11. juciurr. kuhh, nas revolutionized the world dur lng the last half century. Not least among the wonders ot In ventlv Drotzressls a method and system of work that can oe performetf all over tho country witnout separting tne worKen irom ineir bnmes. Pay liberal; any one can do tho work; either sex, yonng or old; no special ability re quired. Capital net needed; you are started free. 1. Ul LUIH uuv uuu n-vuru w uo auu nu mil ewi.u you tree, something of great value and Import ance to rou, that will start you In business, w Men will bring j ou In more money right away, than anything else In tho orld. Grand outIt free. Address trus Co., Augusta, Maine. lydecso SUFFERING WOMEN" MARRIED Oil SINGLE. Whn troubled with those annojlnn IrrecuUrillpmo frequently following a cold or expomre, or f roin Con stitutional eiikneeiins no peculiar to their M z, should Use DR. DuCHOINE'8 Olebruted FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. The? are Strengths!.. hb to tha entire njftm, impart tone, rigor and mainaetio force to all f nnctlouM of body Rod mind. Sent brrnHnsMcurwlTsealPi,!., An&r, Dr. Hartor Modlclno Co., S. LOUIS. M0. coraiLoXcotj-' 09 22 You wilt Save CatarrH Money I irae, Pain, ".'rouble, (AND WILL CUKK CATARRH iy Using ELY'S Cream BalmH AY-EE ver 10 A Particle Is annlled Into each nostril and la agreeable. l'rlco 50 cents at druggists; by mall registered, CO cents. ULY liltOTlIKlti, 235 Green wich St., New York. marSOdlt. MEMORY -MAKE8- SUCCESS 23 70 21 Wholly unlike artificial systems. Any book learned In ono reading. Classes of 1087 at Baltimore and 1005 at Detroit, UOO at Philadelphia, large classes of Columbia law Btudcnts, at Vale, WeUesley. Obcilln, Univer sity ot I"enn., Jllchlgan I'nlveretty, Chautaunua. Ac., o. Endorsed by Richard ITo tor, the Scien tist, lions, w. w. ABtor, Judah l: isenjamtn, Judge Gibson. Dr. bruwn, K. II. Cook, ITlnclpal N. Y. State Normal college, 4c. Tho system 13 perfectly taught by correspondence. Prospectus post free from I'liOK. LOiaiJTTB, 237 Fifth Ave., New York. tnar30dlt. T FklkET Rights. BLOOMSBUltO JV1ARKKT. Wholesale. Itetal, 02 60 SO 05 35 45 4.60 to 050 24 20 14 10 70 80 ia 10 03 05 07 10 09 13 08 10 10 13 20 80 1 00 1 40 07 85 5 to 7 Wheat per bushel Itye " Cera " " .... Oats " " Flour " bbl Uutter Kggs Potatoes Hams Dried Apples Side Shoulder Chickens Qeeac , LWd per lb Yinegar per gal Onions per bushel Veal skins Wool per lb lildes " . Coal on Wiiauy. go 9;M; Nos 2 8, & Lump !f.n.2S Nn 5 !l.00 Itlhimlnus 8.2fi IAMIH.I4IITlT?iTra 95 . 07 B? .tiA: Ins tlmSr u of riks OuT.r'Sn ilua UruKtfUU. 9U march-30-d.4t. RBUCKLEV namo on a paokago of COFI'EE la tv guarantee of exoellenco. ARIOSA COFFEE Is kept in tilt nrE-"?, . stores from the Atlantic to tho 1-oi.uw, COFFEE U never good when expcK to tho air. Always buy thlabroud tn hor- " i-nti! waled. QEl?OVHD TACU.wE- bMrlti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers