COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I The Columbian. J. g. Blttinbsniw., i E"tor BLOOMSBURG, PA.. FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1888. The high lloenso law, as applied bj the Philadelphia courts, has greatly to dticod the number of licensor. Tho tiumbor for the past year has been fi770, bat under the now law tho niun her qf applications was reduced to il l 27. In seven wards containing 1312 saloons' petitions were presented this yoar for .only 727, nnd of those the court has rejected 3G8. At this ratio an throucn. mo cuv mo numocr oi Hconsed plaoes will bo reduced from nearly u,uo to less man i,ouu. "The trouble which everybody knew existed between Adam Bsdeau and General Grant daring tho latter's ill ness seems to havo been handed down to his family moro as n matter of an noyance than of importance. Gen eral Bdeau's claims can not reach over SlO.OOO by his own showing. A good many of the secrets of tho famous sick chamber aro likely to get into publicity through this suit, which is, therefore, certain to devolop some sensational features before tho end is reached. Colonel Grant seems to be willing to let tho responsibility .for this rest on General Badeau, from whom the mem ory of other days seems to havo entire ly departed." Banal of the Emperor. Tho funeral of Emperor William took place Friday. The weather was again extremely cold.and tho troops, who were ranged tour deep along tno routo taken by the funeral cortege, wore heavy cloaks. The low temper- ature had no apparent effect upon the poople, and hundreds of thousands of spectators occupied the space behind tho soldiers,whilo every window along Unterden Linden was orowded. All upon such matteis of party concern as in the "stalled" train, forced to live for prevent n political chango in the nat the nooses on tho thoroughfare were were deemed important to bo deter- forty-eight hours on scanty sandwich- fonal administration. It is now ready to eovercd with mourning and exhibited mined. It was eg, who were the real sufferers, bat the dinurb th smooth runn'tnt? of th. nov- flag with black 'drapery. Tho funeral service took place in tho cathedral in accordance with tho procrammo. Em peror Frederick was not present, the weather being too severe to perm t of his exposing nnnself. Dr. Kotgel, tho court chaplain, delivered the sermon, standing before the coffin. Tho oath- edrai cermony closed witn me singing of "Holy, Holy is tho Lord. the kaiser's remains were then escorted to the mausoleum. WABHIHGTOH LETTER From our Begnltr Correspondent. 1 Washington. D. C. March '19, 1888 The President passed his fi fly-first birthday yesterday, in a quiet way, He is a picture of perlect health in spite of the caret and responsibilities which he has borne for the past three years. Instead of looking older he realty iuokb yuurgur man tie uiu wueu he first entered the White Hoose as uniei aiaiiisiruuj. xits young who jung wife his health , but Air gets tbe credit for much ot and cood looks, ot course, Cleveland is blessed with an exception- any Rooa constitution, wnicn ne aas preserved and kent in irood condition by not worrying about worries. During 1 uuoiutes uuuth ue gives cuuoeuvravou attention to tbe matter before him, but he never carries a thought of it outside of his office. I m -i. t J . . i . t . I air. leveiauu b ucpummy wnn lao masses is largely due to the nnprelen- tious way in which ho livs and trans- acts business. He is what is known as a plain old-fatdiioned man. He received many wishes for happy returns yester day, and from present indications he is likely to receive many moro at the same address for at feast four years longer. If slang may ever be permissable, one might be excused for calling the speeches which havo been made by (he republicans in the Senate in favor of a high proteetivo tariff, during the past week, "chestnuts , for there was not a Bingio new iaea or argument in any oi them. They are likely to be kept up however, until eyery republican Sen- ator has put himself on reoord as op- posed to revenue reform. i ne jiuusu i unsion iorumiueo ntve the Dependent Pension bill under con sideration. It has been dieoussod sev eral times, but no action has yet been decided upon. Senator Blackburn's desk in the Sen ato Chamber Mas completely hidden on Friday last by one of tbe hand somest floral pieces ever seen at the Capitol. It was in the form and color of the United States flag, and was sent to tho Kentucky Senator by tho Han cock Veteran Association of Philadel phia, in recognition of his "so ably de fending tbe memory of our dead be roes", (Geui.McClellan and Hancock.) Mr. Blackburn was justly proud of the offering. On I rlday Mr. Mills, Chairman of tho Ways and Means Committee, asked lor tho unanimous concent of the Ilout-e, to the sittings of his committee during the sessions of tho House, nad his request been granted it would have greatly facilitated tbo business of that committee and enabled it to report tbe tariff bill that much sooner. It was pro baly for that very reason that Mr Bar rows, ot iuicbigan, a republican mem bur ot that committee objected. The republicans are resorting to everv known method of delaying the report of this bill to tbo House, tait tho major ity of the committee have decided to report it this week whether the rep ubllcan members of the committee like it or not. To enable litem to do tl is they will hold night sessions. The first was held on Mturriay last and the in tenial revuiuo portion of tho bill was on that occasion adop ed without Hineinmen. There will be many schifmi among the republican members oi the comtnitteo betore all the pro visions of tbe measure are disposed of, however. A very silly republ'can rnmor was hi ar im last we.K lo tho ettect that sen ator Vest, of Missouri, was to retire from public life. The demoratio par ty is not willing to spare him just ye', iur. springer uwt io enaoie uiu itr litories of Dakota, Montana, Washing ton, nnd N w Mexico to adopt coiirtl tutions preparatory to their admittance. into the Union as state, has been lav orably reported, but owing to republi can hostility Btnnds little chenco of bo uomirg a law at this session of Con gress. S -nntor Colquitt, of Georgia, intro du. td in tho Senate yesterday a bill, which at lilt time when tho question of prohibition is engaging public at tention, is of usual interest. It is a local option bill, and provides for ro f w ring tho wholo question of prohi ltiitoii or no prohibition to a direct toto ol the people ot the District ol col jiii. biu. Sei liter Colquitt, who has tak en qulto a prominent art In tho pro hibition movement In Georgia, said that the bill was drawn up and sent to him by a committee, all citl.ons of tho District. Senator Spooner, In tho mean time, is understood to favor a high license system, and contemplate tho introduction of n bill to that effect- John Sherman will have to raise his present bill for Southern delegates to tno uiiienrio convention, ai u is an nounced that Mr. Chaunccy Dcpowr, a gcntlmmn with a largr barrel than Shermau, propones to invest In South ern delogatcs. Tho South will furnish no eleotoral votes to tho republicans, but its delegates will havo a good deal to say at Chicago. County Committee Mrotlng. Pursuant to notioo tho Standing Comraitteo of Columbia county met in tho Grand Jury room Friday, Alaroh 16. 1888, at li30 n. m, l'resent on roll call ol townships nnd boroughs as follows Benton. E. Laubaoh. Berwick K. A D. Secley. W W. O. KOSS. Bloom E. U. II. Knt W.-R. K. Little. Briarcreek. A. B. Croop. Catawissa. E. M. Tewksbury. Centralia Boro. D. F. Curry. Conyingham N. John Padden. -Patrick Haley. Centre. A. D. Brader. Fishlntjcreek. B. F. Edgar Franklin Jos. T. Recder. Greenwood. C. M. Bleckcr. Hemlock. Samuel Girton. Locust. Christian Small. Madison. Miles Smith. MifHin. Samuel Snyder. Montour. A. O. Stonge. Mt, Pleasant Amos Wanton. Orange. John W. Hoffman. Pine. J It. Fowler. Scott W. C. B. Ent. Scott W. C. B. Ent. E. T. W. Hartman. The following preamble and resolu- tions weio road by the secretary, at a meeting of the Standing Committee of the democratic party of Columbia nountv. Pa . convened for the of electing delegates to the State Con- vetion of the democratic party about t0 aggemble at Harrisburg, and to act Jlesolved, That wo heartily endorse th administration of Presid-nt Cleve- land, both in its foreign and domestio polioy, and particularly in its steady adherenco to tho pledges of the party jn the platform, upou which ho was elected. Jiesolved, That his message to the preseut Cngress at tho opening sea ion. is in acuordance. with the n, dues 0f tho nartv unon Revenue Reform. and that it indicates tbe truo financial policy of tho country, as advocated by all tb'o great writers upon political econ omy of the present. Jiesolved, That the delegates to tbe Sia'e Convention, be and aro h- n bj instructed to elect delegates io tbe National Convention, favorable to the re-nomination of Grover Cleveland, and to a substantial and well consider ed polioy of Revenue Reform, upou tbe lines laid down in his message up- on that suniect. Meaolved. Thai, the delegates this day eleoted, have power to substitute ; and that a copy of these Resolutions be furnished to them signed and at- tested by the chairman and secretary of the said HtaiidiriEr Committee. fir, mniinn lu n M. RinnV ed by A. O. Stonge, to elect delegates one by One was IOBU A motion bv U. H. Ent, seconded hv .1. W. Hoffman, that, tho roll hv townshins be called lo name deleo-ates. . . 1 carried. Roll call made, and the names of John G. Freeze, George L. McHenry, Louis Lowenbercr and Nevin IT. Funk were placed in nomination. A motion of Mr. aeeley, seconded by Mr. Girton that the secretary cast the ballot, carried Ballot cast accordingly. Resolution offered by the secretary and seconded by B. F. Edgar, that five persons be requested to codily the rules of the party, for transcribing and record in tho secretary's book, carried, consisting of R. R. Little, Chairman of Committee, John G. Freeze, Ch irles . Barkley Geo. K. Elwell and Wm Kriokbaura. Resolution hy C. M. Blecker, second td by Patriok Haley, that, Hon. C. G, Murphy is the choice of this meeting for one of tho delegates to the St. LiOU'.S LOnvetlllOn and tho delegates this day elected bo instructed to vote for him. Carried unammoustly. On motion adjourned. R. R. LlTTI.K- E. M. Tewksbury, Chairman Secretary. Horrible Bailway Accident. Savannah, Mar., 17.-An awful rail road horror occurred to-day on the At lantic and Gulf Road, seventy-five miles below savannah and iust ten miles above Blackspear, a straggling village in tho pines of Pierce county, Georgia. The first section of the Cuban fast mail train from New York, bearing tourists from the Worth for Jackson- ville, dashed through a lofiy trestle bridge over the little Satilla river and death aud detraction wero spread with lavish hand. Ninoteen men, women and children wero instantly crushed to death. Six more lingered in agouy for a short time and about forty passengers were badly injured. t he entire train, wl'h tho exception ol the engine, was dashed to pieues, A reporter who reached wayoros", the scene of thn accident, says the srone is a horrible one. The people of Waycross aro wild with fxcileraent and overcome by their hotr.ble hup loundltigs. 1 lu ic passengers who escaped death nnd injury are heroically iruguliiig to tclieve the suffering ol their unfortunate compa-iot,., but . there. have been bu slight means of relief to be found in'thu dittolate region wlure the accident occurred. b-iug drugged from '1 ho dead aru ' the ruins of the tie p'tie forest tiaiu anil gathered in near lite ticacherotis tieslte, and the wounded arH b:ing carried to the near. st cabins of the negroes. The cries oi tho sulteriug and the grief of tbe living for tlieii (had oan be keard on all Hdcs, The fated train had attache 1 toll tho private car of President Wilbur, of the Lehigh V alley Railroad. He hat his whole family wilh him and several guests, among whom were Qeorgi" uouid and ins wile, Air. Wilbur lillln son, Merrit, was mangled under the falling cais. All the Wilbur's were injured, and young Mr. Gould aud his wife wire sliehtly crushed. As saon ai word of tho frightful ac cident reached Savannah a relief train with fourteen doctors and n big corps of afistaets left al once and shoitly afterwards another relief train with eight surgeons and many volunteer nurse from among the "UteH of the hotels were wtre loot out of Jackson villo to the scene, The Oreat Billiard. Tho groat blizzard nhloh visited Philadelphia, Nnw York and Boston, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, March 12, 13 and 14 was the greatest In the history of those cities and equalled in severity to tho great Dakota blizzards. First catno warm spring-iiko weatn- cr roiiowcu by ram witu mil llttlo warning carao a blinding snow storm followed by rapid falling of the moroury until it reached zero. The wind blew at tho rate of sixty mllos an hour. While in this section but llttlo snow fell, in these great cities was the deepest snow of tho season and accom panied by such a gale, great banks of snow wero heaped everywhere Tho legislators nt tho nation's capital were ranking laws and no one outside ot Washington know what they were doing. Philadelphia was barricaded from tho world. New York was wall ed up by solid banks of snow. Bostou wng 0t off from everywhere except London. The towns nnd cities along tho lino of the New York Central were burled out of Bight. The Connecticut roads wero snowed under, and it was liko digging for tho ruins of Pompoii to get them out. Newark and Now Brunswick, within easy reach of New York oitv, wero as dead to tho world as if thoy had not exlstod. And then to think of Trenton, close enough to rniiaaeipnia io oe n suouro, iom en- tirely for two days 1 People within ton miles of the city might as well havo been in Omaha and Now Orleans, for in ordinary times express trains could havo brought them to their business BOoncr than they oould dig themselves out of tho drifts. Passengers who started away , in tho storm remained wherover their trains stuck Pcoplo oouldn't get out of the city, people couldn't get in. It wa one complete atnnftatitl urtfh avprithinv innltlrinrl lint. h Rtorm. That kant un it work un- til the drifts in places ran up to fifteen aad twenty feet, and paralyzed tbe trade of the East north of Washington, All this, while aunoying, was not serious bey-nd its expensiveness. Busi- better off than another. But there wero other features not so lightly thrust aside. It was Dot tho passengers viotima of the several railroad wrecks caused by the snow and those of ih wrecked vessels along the coast. Hire iy nas there been snoh a tale of suf- f,.rjng on sea and land, and the horrors 0f Dakota are almost rivaled by thoso of the Atlantio shore. Yet, we havo had one blizzard in all its varied phases. Some there are who will compare i with tbe siorm of 1845, but when the youngest inhabitant shall have become tbo oldest he will si ill cherish a memory of the great blizzard of 1888. The lorco ot tno great storm was spent in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, .New xork and How Hnuland There was little snow south of Wash ington. Eastern Pennsylvania caught it heavily. west ot Uamsburg it caused no serious trouble, and Pitts burg and Buffalo were its western boundaries. The storm made itself felt severely in Now York city and up the Hudson river. The snow was heavy in Connecticut and reached up tno Now England coast beyond Port- iand. Within the limits of Washing- ton, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Saratoga and lioslon the. railroads and telegraph companies had most of their trouble. No one was looking tor a blizzard. It bad its origin away out in Oregon about fivo days before. It a as harm less enough until it struck in towards the Atlantio coast. Then the trouble began. Here its progreps was barred by a great anti-cyclone wave of high barometer which stretched along over! tbe ocean. Then came tho olasb. In its approach to the sea the Btorra, be fore feeble, was reinforced by immense supplies of Uulf btream vapor, and now it suddenly became a hurricane. The history ot one city is that of an other. Sunday in i'hiiaaelpbta wax unpleasant beoause of tbo pattering rain, but tho weather was warm. Heavy overcoats were uncomfortable. even when night had ret in. Tbo many who were tempted out with light cover ing had cause to regret their mistake. As tho night advanced the wind increased. Just before eleven o'clock the rain was falling in great blotches. A wizard oould not have knocked a dozen apple out ot a cocked bat quicker than the rntn rravA tilime tn finov. Thn Mftrnli rnin.str.rm hud nhnnireH into n rnornlnr howling Dakota blizzard. At first the snow melted tn tho wet streets. Then it iroze. xoen tno Btreets ana sine-1 m, . . i I walks beoame thick with it. Tele graph poles cnanged into giant trees. Telegraph wires became cables largo enough to hold tbo largest ships had tneir sirengiu equaieu meirsize. rnev swayed in tbe gale whioh was lnorea ing every moment Sign boards creak od. Insecure buildings rooked. The branches of trees began to snap off and hero and there trees cam np by tho roots. Telegraph piles followed. Soon afterraidnight the reports came Into the newspaper offices that the wires were in tiouble aud in a few nuoutis nearly every telegraph instrument in I'bliadclpnia was silent, in ono hour the great city had been cut off from all communication with tho outside world Meanwhile the late pedestrians wero having a hard time of it. Tbo wind caught up tho snow and hurlod it with blinding fcroo through tho air. Tbo gutters were filled with it. Drifts bo gan to form on tho lido walkc, Tho night caw struggled over their routo-t and back to their depots and tied up. liv morning not a car was stirring. A few milk wng ns tried to make their rounds, but for tbo most part diyliglit totimt mo streots deserted The mer enry had fa'leu nearly to zero. The galo was climbing up to sixty miles :in hour, t'.e speed winch it afainul at in itVopk. Pluliidilnhla was s ow-bound ,, WM8,wkBntoh,, very foundations bv Ul0 h,lmrJ , - , , i.:, . ing reality. Beprrting the Tariff Bill, Washikotok, March 20. The wnys and moms oommitice having comple ted consideration of tho Mills bill had 'a imetint! t -day, but both the inai r- ity and minority are at work upon tho repoits which aro to oca nupany tho bills entrance into the house. The majority report will not be long, and will consist of tho considerations which influenced tho committee in drawing tho bill. The minority re. port will not discuss the provisions of the bill, except in a general way, and will not pretend to sta'o the objec tions which tho rt publican mombets profess to believe there are to it, but will bo an elaboration of the alleged unfalruers and ill treatment which tho minority has tuffercd al tbe hands of tho majority. It will complain that tho republican members have not had time to coiifidcr the comml ti o bill carefully, aod that they have been do piived of gahiipg such information as they desired by (ho aptjon of the ma - jority in refusing honriugs to persons and intoiests affected by tho. proposod changes In the tariff. If tho minority continues to hup on this string muoh longer, tho string is likely to snap and I fly back on them,- for the domoorats are prepared lo show tho folly nnd laiiaoy ot tins reputiiiom cry. it will bo shown in duo time that tho minor ity has refused to study tho informa tion nt hand as the majority has. Tho committee's bill will probably be to ported on Fiiday or Saturday. The republicans, it is said, will not submit n bill with their report, but may havo ono ready when tho bill comes up in tho liouno. They aro beginning to smatt under tho criticism which has been heaped upon them by reason of their utgativo policy. The Boot on the Other Leg. It was ono of the favorite arcuments of the republican party in former prcsl- dential oamnaiuns that If tho demoorat io nartv should tret into Dower thong anils of ofliuo bold rs would bo removed and tho civil servioo of tho country would bo utterly demoralized by the change. In 1884 the people turned the republican party out of power ana turned th domoorats in. By pursuing a safe conservative uoliey tho demo cratic national administration avoided tho shock predloted by the republicans, Tbo machinery of covernment runs smoothly. The revenues are honostly collected and as honestly disbursed, The enditof tho govcrnmeutjnover was bettor. Tho laws aro faithfully executed and not ono of tho dire ro- 8ulu prophesied by the republicans has supervened. But, presto I change. Now tho re- nublioan nartv insists that the admin- istration of tho government must bo changed. Why t It can find no fault a.t,U kA . nH tn ,l,.nt. .U' ........... m - , i amu,.raA k p.:. Cleveland Some of its prominent Ltatesracn have been obliced to confess that tho domocratio administration hns been clean, faithful and able. Well, every body knows why. The republican offices it has Ion during th last three year. It finds it convenient to forget the nrimmnnt it fi.rm.rlv emDb.ved to nrnmonf. manliiti. lit.- iiavtnrT ttintia-mrlu rtf exprience l ofliciars turned out in ord i that it mt) fill theii- placos with others, Verily, the inoonsUtenoies of the re- publican politicians i gUfb Patriot ' are many and au NEWS ITEMS. The New Jersey high license law BO'8 into effect on the 1st of May next, after which tho lowest license in a town of 3,000 inhabitants will bo 100; in a town of from 8,000 lo 10.000 in habitants, 8150 and in town t more than 10,000 inhabitants, 250. There is no change in tbe manner of grant ing licenses. L. H. Slagle, who had swindled the people of four adjacent counties, was lodged in 'the Indiana, Pa., jail Friday. He professed to be the owner of a pat ont process for churning butter, by which the yield was just twice as mnoh as by the old methods. SI sold township and countv rights sums rant-inc b- teen $300 and siagie fot sums ranging between $JOU and 2. 000. Oi-e farmer deeded his 180 acn farm and nave promissory notes to the amount of $500 for tho sole r'mht to Clearfield county. When arrested Slaglo'a pockets were crammed with money. Wedno-day aftt rnoon, Maroh 14th. fivo engims pushing a snow plow on the Jersey Central road near EtBton, Pa., crashed into a snow bank. Three of ihe engines were wrecked. Theo dore Apgar and Cooney Deer, engine ers, of Souih Easton, and Andrew J, Uu'Iman. conductor, of hasten, was killed. Fireman Isaac Pixley, jr., of Ka-Uoii, was frightfully scalded. .n gineers Baker, of Morris and E-Bex, and Jown Howersall, of tho Jersey Central, were killol the same day in a similar mannr. David Freyman, of Siegfrieds bridge, was kdled while shoveling snow off tho Jertey Central track. The long and stubborn strike of the Reading railroad employes wai official ly declared olf Wednesday night ol last week by the ronvention of dele gates representing the local assemblies Tn T?c1inrr Tl, r.m m.rvtr,.., nt the Reading wore given the right to launlv for their old nositions as in .1".:. divtduais. 1'ottsvii.i.e. Maroh 14. A pasen ger train on the Schuylkill Valley branch of tbe ll-ading railroad, was thrown from the track to-day at New kirk, hy a broken frog. Br.ikeman George Humes was killed and Coudtic. tor Berkhciser, brakeman Harley and sixteen paeongers wtre injured, none, however, ialally, with tbe possible .ex ception of Miss Haggorty, of Philadel- i. : .. i ul.ii ' .. r . l : l ... l. pilot, uuu oiiuinnuitfr, ui told piauu, wou wore injured internally. On Thursday morning, says the Nor thumberland Press, Henry Kline, aged twenty one years, eldest son of Mr, Jocob Kline, who resides at Sulplmr Spring, Point township, was found dead under a heavy log, In tho wood a short distance from Iks home. He was out Mono "aiding logs and not re turning w'th bis load to headquarters in a roaooiiahlo time, n metnb r of hi family went to where he was at work and f ut d him as stated abnve. Wm ll.TiliUII.IJPIMh Were all wise enough to beed this advice la season, a world ol suffering would be avoided. Tbe best months In nblcb to take Hoodi sarsaparUto, tbe great blood purifier, aro March April May At no other season Is tbe body so much tn need of, or so susceptible to tbe benefit to be derived from Hood's Sariaparllla, as now. an i r xne impoverished condition ol the blood, the weakening eHecti ot the long, cold winter, the lost appeUte, and that tired feeling, all make a good spring medicine absolutely necessary. Try Hood's Sarsaparlua and you will be con. vtneed that It It tbe Ideal spring medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla 0ldt7 all druggist. II six to ft. Frspuedoaly ty C, U HOOD CO, ApoUnearUl.UireaUas. loo powa on DMr j 1 An nccldcnt occurred on tho D. L. fc W. road at Tinuy's bridge, jnot east of Vestal, near Iiitighainpion, N, Y., last Friday morning about 2-15 o'clock. Tno rails find spread and all tho cars following tho tracker left tho trnok and rolled, ono on top of tho other to tho bottom of a thirty-Toot embank mert. There thoy caught fire, from the stoves and wro soon n inasi or red-hot embers. The passengers crawl ed out through tho windows as best they could, and tho trainmen and those who escaped injury assisted in remov ing tho badly wounded before tho tire readied them. Ono man is bcliovod to havo been burned to death in tho day ooaoh. Tho i ngino of the train which, with tho baggage car and smoker did not loava (ho track, wont to Bingham ton for physicians and extra coaches, and tint passengers were taken to that city after thoy had shivered in tho cold, many of them with no covering but thoir night clothes for two hours. CANDIDATES. For Rki'iikskkta nvn, GEN. C. M. BLECKER. TO THE PUBLIC. Intending purchasers of PontiV Extract cannot tako too much pre caution to prcvcntsubstltutlon. Souio druggists, trading on tho popularity of tho great Family Kcmedy, attempt to palm oil other preparations, unscru pulously asserting them to bo "tho samons" or "equal to" Tond's Ex tract, indifferent to tho deceit prac ticed upon and disappointment there by caused to tho purchaser, m long as larger profits accruo to themselves. Always insist on having Pond's Ex tract. Take no other. SOLD IN BOTTLES ONLY ; NEVEH" BY MEASURE. Quality uniform. Prepared only by POND'S EX TRACT CO., ev York nnd London. Soo our namo on ovory wrapper and labol. Note picture of bottlo below. ror Piles, Catarrli, ktama tlsm, TooiMctie, WtHfm aMIter- rtaies Bums. KSassaSCB aU sore ires, ggJrt,, Ms. Tho Famous Lecturer, JOnS B. flOl'OII, wrote : ' For Bore Throat, especially when tend I ng to ulceraUon, I havo onnd it very beneflcl al." ASimEW D. WHITE. Ex-rrcBldent of Cornell TTnlvenlty, aajrs i " One of the absolute titaul tkiot housekeeping." Bt tun to get the genuine. 17HHS. ABBOTT, the celebrated prima donna. ' Valuable and beneficial." injVWOOD. SMITH, Jf. I).. M.H.. V. P.. of England." I have used It with marked benefit." , II. 0. rilESTON, M. ., Brool lyn, N. V.--I know of no remedy o generally useful." Airrnni ocissess, m.b., r.n.c.s.. of England. "I have prescribed POND'S EX TRACT with great mcccw." JCHTiri D. FCLTOX, D. B., Brooklyn, N.T. " Frovlnz Itself to be a necessity In our home." P. A. TVESTEBVELT, M. D., Naahvllle. Tenn. " Have used larie quanUtlee of POND'S EX TRACT In my practice." In. S. B. HcCOttn. Matron, Ilome of Desti tute Children." Vt'e find It most efficacious and useful." In Bottles only. Prices, 60c, tl, SI.;.'. XoU ar namt on t very icrapjier antt labtl. Prepared only by POXB'S EXTBACT CO., NEW YOK1I AND LONDON. Cores Ooacl". Colds Hoarseness, Croon, Asthma, Knona in jiranced $Ujiv9 of OdltwnsQ, Vrlco 3rta. Cau tion. Ihe Oeoulno tr. Bull' Covah Byrvp U old caly in tchtlt vrapttr, and bear oar re?Uterei 1 ratio-liarki to witi AVuU'allMd inaCirvlt.aRfd- Ktrtp Vuutlon-Latxi, and tno PfftC4lmllesliniKtareaor('An IK. hull A A. V. Meyer t Co., Solo lTtp'a, Baltimore. Ud.. U. B. A, SALVATION OIL, "Tbo Greatest Cure on Earth for Pain," Will relieve more quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wounds, Headache. Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by all Druggists. Price S3 Cents a Bottle. When I say Curk I do not mean merely to stop them (ur a time, ami then have them re turn strain. I mr.vv A KAIilCAL CURE. I have made thu disease ot FITS, EPILEPSY or FAIXING SICKNESS, A life long stiulv. I wahravt my remedy to rutin thn worst caies. Iiecuiue. nilien have tailed I s no reason fur not limv rci-e IvIhk a euro Send at oneo torn treatise mid a I'liK- IIOTTLH Of I II V iNFAI.I.llll.F. ItKMGDV. ClVO EtPtesS and Post ()Tlo. It costs jnu nothing for & trial, and It will cure you Address H.Q. ROOT. M.C. 183 PEAHSl-.NlwYOB.t She Tried and Knows. A leading chemist of New York rays ; " No nlasteri of audi merit as the Ath-lo-pWroa riasters Lave ever before been produced," They are a novelty because they are not made itmplr to tell cheap, they are the best that science, skill and money can produce, and will do what ( claimed for them. For sprains, aches, weakness, lameness, etc., they are uuequaled. SMJulton Bt.,8anduskr,O.,M0T.n.'i7.' The Athlopkoros Pluter acted lit; Sagic. It la Uis t't I ex or tried and 1 .ve used many kinds. Our dnurvls. said H ilsstTs arti all stmut the ssme but I dc-ni think so now. . I sprained my arm and shoulder tn July, audit has been ralnf ul since, but It dors not psln me at all now. Mr. Willis Miqill. f Bend e cents for the beautiful colored pic ture, " Moorish Maiden." THE ATHL0PH0R0S CO, 112 WallSt. rV. f, not sen feet the Bcst'j p H ASTERS For ourUvfl power nd effsotiYeaMw. hwrt Ing quAlltle, ftDd qalokneaa of Mtloo, they cUnd without an equal. SotttHlfloatlr pro parbd from approved vegt table aceata, vlrtuoe of Sreab Hope, Oumi, liaUame and Jlemlock, pread on w arte muiun. Tbey promptly ana taorouKoly eubdue all palna and aoaee ttat torment the human body, Tttallxe worn-out tuuialee and strenffthen wak parti. Alweye ready for instant application. Clean, fragrant "1 W I CURE (U FSTSI . I 1 I ana nereriaiunc. uopriaatereioiaoyaruir rUte and Country storee. Ii5 ot., 0 for $1.00. Mailed tor prlo bjr proprietor. Uep Iaaler Ceaipaari UmIi, Mm. I Look for hop-vine wreath and ilgnatur of HOP PLABT2H COMPANY, on baok of plae- I VBstcarl of imitation. Boewhetyoubur, i ur ana on airautar arouna piaster. SPRING IS COMtNC ! 80 sire the Spring Styles. Spring Styles in HAT Spring Slyles in SUITS, Spring Styles in OVERCOATS. SPRING SPRING SHIRTS, THE New SPRING- Ms IN NEW SPRING TIES SPRING SUITINGS In fact any thing in the way of CLOTHING Can be lial sit the POPULAR CLOTHING STORE OF IS XJ I Estates Rfr'S UJ II U i. U U llJ KJ H, J, CLARK & SON -0 BLtOOHSBtJRO, PA. Wo now hnvo our Spring stock of Dress Goods, Coats, Hosiery, Notions etc., on our counters for your inspection, which wo in vito vou to call nnd sec: our Btock is lnrcer thnn usunl und nt prices Lower thnn over for tho sntne qualities of goods. 1. Wo iilaco on mlo to-day nn clepant lino of Black nil nool Hcnrint tn ClutliR. Seo the dprolnl one at 8"lo. yd. worth 8100 yd., 4t) in. wide. Also -io 111. wiuo ttiu. worm mo. 2. SATINKS. Wu show an ele- ir.iiit lino ot these most popular goods 111 all the new colorings nnd pattern, both in American ind Fret oh. The best 12jo. Americnn Sateens sold. 3. DRESS SILKS. Wo now havo full lilies of Blaok aud Colored Dress Silks at popular low prices. See our SI.U0 lilaok and Colored Hilks. 4. NOTIONS. You will find this stock complete with all tho new novel tics in Iiuttnii", Braid, Dross trim mings, Jets, Hair pins, liustlcH etc, on Saturday. Wo will sill a 3 Row Wirti: liusTi.p. fnr loo. Tinsels 6a ball, usually 10c. White aprons 10c. penal ly ICo. Hamburg edgings ID yds. for I0o., regular price i and Go. yd. !i. LINENS. You will God a full line Tablo Linens, TowoIh, Napkins, Unylies, Urumb Uloths eta a speo'al G2 in. soft finish Table Linen for 00c. yd. good value at 75o., a good i.inen Towel 6tt. Huck Towels lOo. Seo our special Towel at 31c. a piece. G. HENRIETTA CLOTHS. We show a now lino in all tbo now shades 3G in. all wool COa, a special 4G in. ILL J. CJLAMK k SOI. BLOOMSBURG, Pa. ELASTIC SKIN MAN. The above is a good likoneHS of thiM remarkable curiosity now on exhibition with tho Mammoth Museum Co. at tbo In addition to him is to he Been G. W. Donaldson, the champion cannon ball manioulator of the world. Dr. Lynn in Vivisection, Johnson the wizard, the Belgian family of wax flower mak ets who give free to every lady visitor and elegant souvenir. DeLeon the human pin cushion and a host of other noveltits including a complete collec tion of Zoological specimens headed bv the great South American Grave Robber. Tbo Company exhibits for tho remainder of the work and charge but ten cents to dee it all. HAIR BALSAM ClcanMU and beaut lfloa the hair. Promo tea a luxuriant frrowth. Never' Fall lo Restore Gray Hilr lo Its Youthful Color. Cures aoal p itheaaesand hair f allliUT HINDERCORN8. The pafest, rurct and beat euro for Corns, Cantons. &. Btope all pain. Ensurva comfort to tho foet. htvvr raifi to cure. 16 oente at Uruffglita. Hucox & Co N, r. MEMORY -MAKE8- SUCCESS Wbolly unlike artldclal systems. Any book learned In one readlug. Classes ot 10S7 at llaltltnore and 1005 at Detroit, latve classes ot Columbia law students, at Yale, Wellesley. ObotUn, Unlvenlty ot l"enn., Michigan UDlrerslty, Ctiautauqua. 0., ic. Kndoreed br Wark Twain, ltlcbsrtl I'ro tor. tbe Hclcm 1st, Hons. W. w, Astor, Judab I'. Uenjamln, Judge Glbenn. K. IT. Cook, rnnclpal Mate Normal college, Dr. Brown, 4c. rrospeclus post free from 1'hOV. LOI. BHTTK, 3r Flftb Ave., New York. niarsdtt. LA.DIBS ! Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! They will dye everything. They are sold every where. Price lia a package, so colors. They have no equal for strength, brightness, amount In packages, or for fastness ot color. r non-fadlog qualities. Thoy do not crack or smut. For sale by Mover Bros, and Jas. 11. Mercer. febnrly. nas revolutionized the world dur l"g the latu bait century. Not least among tbe wonders of In. vcntlv.. nroeresals a method and system of work that can bo performeC all over the country without separtlog (be workers from their homes, ray liberal; any one can do tbe work; either Bex, young or old; no Bpeclal ability re- 2ulret Capital nrt needed; you are started free, ut this nut and return to us and we will send you free, something of great value and Import ance to lou, that will start you In business, which will bring you In more money right away, tbao anything else In tho world. Orana outfit frte. Address Thui Co., Augusta, Jl alne. lydecM SUFFERING WOMEN""- When troubled with thMeaaoorlng IrreouUrttleaM frequently following cold or -ipours, or from Ootv lUtutloael neaknewaaao peculiar to their tax, should Uee DR. DuOHOINE'B 0lebrated FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. They are Streugthenluii to the entlr arctero Impart tone, rigor and tnaitniuo force to all f nitct loot o( body e ad mind. 8eotbyinftll,McurvrkeiilMl,tl, Addreta, or. Martor medicine Co., sj.iduis, mo. I1I3L": llewnrdcd are those that read this and then act; thoy will nnd honor, able employment that will not take thetn from their homes and fainiMnfi The profits are large and sure for every lndus'rt ous person, many Cave made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It Is eat jr tor any one to make 15 and upwards per day, who la willing to work. Kit her hex, young or old; capital not needed; we start you. Everything new. No special ability required: you, reader, can do it as tlculats, which we null tree. wniussar one. n rue 10 us at once for fun par. Address Bttnsoa ux, rortiana, Maine lyuecso. j2t RBUCKLES namo on a package of COFFEE Is a guarantee of excellence- ARIOSA COFFEE Is kept In all first-class storos from the Atlantio to tho Pacific COFFEE la neyor sw)i when jxpsed to tha air Always buy thistbranUlnhormetlo cttslatj QUE, JpqUJD f ACKAQpt- ttllll.tlj oolored Henrietta at 58a, extra .value, it will pay to call nnd seo these 7. COATS & JEKSEYS. Full lines oi Jersey and Stockinette, Spring Jackets iroru $2.60 up. Call and see, a special Jersey Coat,76a a pleco worth $1,60. Children's Jerseys 60c. n pioco, colored. 8. HOSIERY, GLOVES &o. Wo show a full lino of Ladies' and Child ren's Ulack hoso, warranted fast dye, no crocking or fading in washing. A good ladies hose at 16o. hotter at 2Ua, full regular made 25 and 30a, fast col ors. 6 uutton emorouiored ivia giovcs 76a pair, worth SI. 00 and a glovo buttoner thrown tn. see them. 9. Children's Lace Collars 5o. lOo. 25a, worth doalle,l and made, Torohou Laco IGo. yd. worth 25a, 24a yd. worth 35a, Go. yd. worth 10i etc. White Dress Goods checked 9o. yd. usually 12o. Plaid Nainsook 15o. yd. usual price 20o. No. 10 Crown eJgo all silk ribbon 20o. yd. worth 30o. No. 12 all silk Ribbon 12&o., worth 20c. No. 9 lOo yd., worth 16c. 10. MUSLINS. PRINTS, CHEV IOTS, GINGHAMS, TICKINGS &a 4 4 Hill and Fruit bleached muslins Ott, yd. Colombian Cheviots 8a yd. and all other domostio goods equally low. A Fine Assort ment of New Invitations.Cards and Envelopes, Just Received at the COLUMBIAN OFpiCE. PRICES LOW. Call and examine samples. JanS.sms. ELY'S Catarrh Cream Bal: when applied Into thi sorbed, effeotuall cleanslnir tbe head c catarrhal virus, caus ing healthy secretions. It allays Inflammation nrotects tbe mem -I hrane ot the nasal passages from addi tional colds, complete ly teals the sores and restores sense ot taste. and smeii. HOT A LIQUIDS SHDFF. CUllE. A particle is applied Into each nostril and Is agreeable. Trlco 60 cents at druggists; by mall, registered, 60 cents. KLY UltOTIiEKS, 135 Green wich bt., Kcw York. marsdit. READ THIS I A IS DAIftY WIIMBIR FRUt A 9 WASIIINO MACHINE FHMI Lat year we placed upon the market the fratt-eitlabor-aaTlnf Intanrtoo of the 19th canturr. It wai a eaU-oparetlng Waahlqf. Uechine. it waibas the clothing cltao WITHOUT TUB WASHBOARD OR At?V KL'UBINQ W HATE VCR. We adTertteed a few hundred free to in trod act tbtm, tod through theee free tamplsa aold orer 80.O0O. One Udr tn Chicago (Mri. McDr. tnott, 038 W. Uth SL,) wee ao well plaaaed with bar aample that ehe became an agent and aold TarlJOOln four montha, W. O. HamlU, Box W, Toronto, Oot, ordared orrr C00 arter test log hla aample. we hare teoraa of Jut auch examplaa aa thla It part "to cait jour bread upon the watera.' OUR OREAT OFFER. Thla rear we Intend to veil not lean than ONE MI1V tslON WASHERS, and to do tble wa will flrit tart offbyQIVINO AWAV 1000 iimplaa 111 aak of.thoaa who racelre one la that tner will It a aood trial, and U aatief actory reeom tend H to tbatr frlenda, Arenu are coinlna money. We bare eerer! who are mftklna; SlJ Rr day and upward. " Ftrat come, flrit aerred. If you want on from tha lot we are golof to lire away, aand your name and addrfaa atone. Addieae. MONARCH LAUNDRY WORKS, mWebaanaTeChIrao.IU. (ManUonthtappr). A Spselal Offer! "SK. your nam atone, w will raalr thi ipecUloffei t To th Drat party in ach Sut and Territory who antwert oui adrrtuemnt w will aeod ai a fre gift, on of the calibrated Daisy Wkincehs, retail each. Thla unprcdtntd offer t mad lor ih aol purpoM of t&ducinK yon to atnd for on of our Waiocrl AT ONCB. Il you know of any friend out of cmploymtnt; won't you pleat call hit attention to this advtrtiM ncnt.for it U indeed "the chanc ot a lifetime, $100 ward.aSSEKff.SSS: ment hav httm coplad by outer coneemi who ai laaloul of our treat lucteee, BEWAHH of IMITA TIONS I W hav bco In to lauodry supply butlneu ft 6 yean and will pay ioo reward for any infringe we 1 at Work" rays t "Whv tkla wonderful Washing Machine, and all unit la com otdlnt It Is th hift-bast Urmi. W alto bate tm Uarrrferencrromth,,f'anaaod ririid,"th'Hoaae moQ rerm, nq trorci or cunei papera. Marcu-16-lt-d. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT INVALUABLE TOR DY8PKPBIA An Efficient Tonic for Invalids. Instantaneous Beef Tea. Also for flavoring Soups, haucea and Made Dishes. GENUINE onlv with Baron Liebig's SIGNATURE in Blue Ink across label. Bold by all Storekeeper, Grocers and Drugjlbts warltdit InRkET REPORTS. BLOOMSBUKG A1ARKET; :o:- Wlioksaif. ITctnl. Wheat per bushel., 1)3 Hva " " nn M Party MrCWAMRMi HEEVER Ccrn " " .... to 05 Oats " " 85 45 Flour " bbl 4.f 0 to 050 butter 24 St Kkrs io 18 Potatoes 70 80 Hams , is 10 Dried Apples 03 05 Bide 07 10 Shoulder 09 12 Chickens 08 10 Qeeso.,, , ,, Lard per lb 10 13 Vinegar per gal 20 80 Onions pur bushel 1 00 1 40. Veal skins , 07 Wool per lb 88 Hides 6 to 7 Goal, oh Wiuur. No 0 a.00i Nos 2. 8, & Lump t3J2a. No, 09.00 Dltumlnui 8.W