The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 16, 1888, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
Tlila powder novor vartcs. A marvel of purity
s'rcngth and wholcsomcnesa. More economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot be Bold In compe
tition wltlitne multltudo of low tcst,shoit weight,
alum or phosphate powders. t0ia on- )n cantL
KotilIUkino ruwnsx Co.. Wall St., N. T.
The Columbian
twrubllshed CTery" Friday. 8ubscrlptton price,
ll.M a soar.
Entered at the l'ost Oftlce at Bioomsburg, I'a.,
as second class matter, March 1, 1(88.
SOUT11. '
Arrive. Arrive,
Leave. Leave.
I'anerMlll ....
r. h.
l ta
1 44
1 41
r. i.
8 00
7 63
I 4H
7 33
7 S3
7 11
7 08
7 00
6 50
A. H.
M 45
8 49
a 00
V 14
9 21
9 40
9 (8
III 05
10 19
10 80
A. M.
6 40
a 45
6 M
S tiS
7 10
7 Zi
7 ST
7 33
7 45
r. u.
1 S3
Uiihtatrcct. 1 88
Orangevllle 1 13
ForKS, iv til
12 50
lienton, ,
...13 43
.... 1! 30
r. x.
Trains on the F. & It. II. It. leave Itnpcrt is
follows :
Ml a. ra. 11:00 a. m.
8:37 p. m. 6:04 p. m.
Trains on tbe D. L. W. R. It. leave Bioomsburg
as follows:
north. aorjTri.
7:13 a. m. 8:32 a. m.
11:07 a. m. 12:05 p. m.
2:24 p. tn. 4:18 p. m.
C:88 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains on tha N.fiW. B. Hallway pass llloom
Ferry as follows :
nokiii. Bourn.
10:45 a. m. 11:49 a. m.
t.s p. a. 4 39 p. m.
10:18 am 8:39 pm
Maiioii 22. Ifalah Bower, ndmlnlslrator
of the estate of Henry 0. Mnrtz, will sell
valuable real estute on the premises In
Ilriarcreik township, commencing at 9
o'clock a. m.
March 21. W. A. Ycltcr, administrator
of the estnte of Isnuc Yeltcr, will sell val.
uahlc real estate nnd household goods, ou
the premises, In Mainvllle, commencing at
one o'clock p. in.
Foit Sale cheap 1 chamber suit, 1
heater, 1 cook stove, 1 double cupboard
abd other furniture to avoid moving, call
at onco on Mrs ' 8. It. Camp, Galignan
house, on cast Third St. 4tfhl7
Foit Balk. A desirable and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply to
jan20if. it. N. Moyeh.
For Hknt. The Susquehanna House,
Catawissa. Possession given at once. A p.
ply Immediately to the owner at Catawissa,
Lost ou Mislaid. A map of Roscmont
Cemetery. Any person havlcg any Infor
mation as to Its whereabouts will please
inform Mr. It. It. Little, Esq.
Foit Hale. A farm of 107 acres In Hem
lock township, with house, barn and out.
buildings, plenty of good spring water, or
cbaid, Sc. For particulars inquire of Mrs.
Elizabeth Cieber, on tho premises, or of
Oto. E. Elwell, Hloomsburg. lit
E. 0. Bundy, practical auctioneer; over
20 years experience, In crying farm prop
erty. Blorc goods and hotel furniture a
specialty. Postofflce address, Bioomsburg,
rcsidenco on Little Flshingcreck, at slate
quarry. feb.3-0w.
$8000 or $4000 wanted on 1st mortgage.
Property un'Ur good lease. Interest paid
monthly if desired. Address, Manufsctur
er, care f f this paper,
Foil Saib. Good dwellings In Biooms
burg and good farms In Columbia Co. Any
person wishing to buy or sell real estate
should call on M. P. Ltrre,
Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Hlooms
burg, Pa.
Buy Lester's Jiinghamton Kip
Boots. Best made.
Miss Mary McKelvy Is visiting relatives
in Bethlehem.
Ex-Sheriff Mowry has been a subscriber
to tbe Columbian since 18G0.
Rev. Father McCann attended the con
secratlon nf Bishop McGovern at Harris
burg last Sunday.
Latest ndvlces from Judge El ell report
his condition an greatly improved. He will
return from the south next month some
1C. 'Frank Smith, of Btllevue Mullcal
College, New York, U spending a short va
pitlou at Inmf, nfter having successfullfy
parsed the spring examinations
Theodore Menoer, now of Muncy Valley,
but formerly of Rohrsburc, was in town on
Silurduy luft. We are pleased to learn
that he Is piofperlng.
Spring will begin on thu 20lb of Mutch.
, Trout cau be flshed for legally after April
CatawUsa's bboo factory Is now a sure
To-morrow (Saturday) will bo St. Pat
rick's day, and green ribbon will he in
great demand.
Mr. Wm. Rabb has begun the work of
building a new frame bouso on lower
Main Mrcct.
Mr. Ell Jones has the contract for remod
ellng the A. M. E, church. Work has al.
ready been commenced.
Mr. Levi Hall died suddenly at bis home
Tuesday, funeral will tako place on Frl
The rentals of houses are higher this
spring than have been known Ju this place
for many yeuTS.
Three largo paper books have been print
ed at this oftlco this year for the Bupreme
Court, and orders for three mora are on
our books. They w 111 aggregate 400 pages,
Tho popular blood purifier, Hood's Bar
taparilla, is having a tremendous sale this
season. Nearly everybody takes It. Try
it yourself.
A malignant sore throat seems to be pro-,
vailing among a large number of our citi
zens. The sudden change of temperature
is probably tho cause. ,
Hoy, F, P. Mnnburt will preach a sermon
In the Lutheran church next Sunday even
ing, designed especially for young men
All are Invited.
Photngragbs taken at ulght by tbe flash
light process, family groups and gatherings
photographed In your homo at nlgbt,
M'KIUIp, Photographer, Bloonirburg. aw.
Mr. I. 8. Kntan brourtht & cat.lofid o(
cattle from lluffiilo, Tuesday. He wm dc
ca by llio snow etorm between Bine:.
Immpton and Bcranton.
While most of tho great railroads of the
country wero blocked by tho storm the
first of tho week, the UloomsburR & Bulll.
van ran Its trains regularly on time
Several sleighs were seen In tnwn on
Wcdiiciday. Among thoso who cn.ycd a
a late sleigh ride whs John Applcmmi, Esq.
of Uuckhorn.
Judgo MvIIenry shipped a car load ot
wheat over the B. & B., this week, con-
ilgncd to tho Hemlock Mill. It wai a part
of the, product ot bis Stillwater farm.
As soon as the frost leaves tho ground
the work of track la) Ing will bo resumed
on the B. it B. rallrond. Tho road wl'l bo
extended to the moui tain.
A new lamp post has been placed at tho
north corner of the Exchange Hotel, to
light up tho nlley way to the stables for
tbe accomodation ot guests driving In and
out at nlaht time.
No Philadelphia or New York papers
came through on Monday, On Tuesday
night Monday's papers reached here, and
Tuesday's papera came straggllug In on
Caldwell's lunch counter Is constantly
supplied with all kinds of delicacies as
well as substantial food. Fresh fish and
turtlo coup were on the bill ot fare this
The old Chambcr'iln property, now own
ed by William .Kramer, has undergone a
great change for the bet'er. It will be
occupied by William Webb as a tobacco
store and dwelling.
Tho School Furnishing Company were
obliged to send their men homo on Tues
day because of the excessive cold weather.
The building could not bo kept warm
enough for the workmen.
If tho fore part of this week was tho last
of winter, It surely gives up reluctantly.
When the thermometer registers at zero in
March, wo cm hardly call It a spring
Mr. 8, R. U,ttenbcnder has permanently
located at Benton, where be will give his
attention to repairing watches and Jewelry.
He has had a number of years' experience
in this business and should repair with en
tire satisfaction.
Mrs. Rahb's loss by fire a week ago last
Sunday was adjusted by C. F. Knapp for
the German American Flro Insurance Co.
on the following day, the amount allowed
being $08. On Friday Mrs. Rabb got a
check for the full amount. This Is quick
In the U. S. District Court, Postmaster
W. II. Krantz, of Honesdale, who was
convicted of us'ng postaiic stamps In pay
ment of bills contracted in buslncs enter
prise, was sentenced to pay n line ot one
hundred dollars and cost of prosecution.
Two weeks from Saturday is general
mnylng day. Happy are those who do not
need to maki: a change, Tllore furniture Is
destroyed at moving time than several
years use In the house. It Is a common
saying that three movlngs Is equal to one
The changes at Phillips' Bakery are com.
pleted and Uie now store room was uccu,
pied for the first on Tuesday, It is en.
larged, the floor is cut down to the level of
the pavement, a new glass front, new
shelving and many other improvements
have been added.
The Great Eastern Tea Company has
purchased L. Gross' variety store and will
move into the room in Sharpless' building
beforo April 1st. Their specialties are
teas, coffees, spices and fruits, and they
will increase their line when they get into
their new quarters. ,
Rev. M. J. Cruthcrs, piesldtng elder, will
preach in the Evangelical church on
Fourth street on Saturday evening, Sun
day afternoon and Sunday evening. Sacra
ment of the Lord's supper will be celebrat
ed Sunday afternoon after preaching ser
Tho annual meeting of the Central
PenLSylvanla Conference of the M. E,
church Is In session Ibis week at Williams-
port. Bishop .Merrill presiding. Over 200
ministers are In attendance. Tbo member
ship ot this church In tbe conference is
48,000, and tbe value of church property
Rev. Mr. Wagner of the Reformed church
of this place and Rev. A. Hnutz ot the Re
formed church of Orangevllle started
Tuesday for Frceland, via Nescopec, but
found that the road was completely block
aded so that they were compelled to return
again to Bioomsburg In the evening.
Suubury wants a guitar and mandolin
club. The Dailu says Milton has one, and
Sunbury buouUI have a similar nrganlza
lion. Milton EeonmiU
Why shoul'iti'i. lilnomsburg huve one as
well. There Is certainly enough talent
here to organize a good guitar and bnnjo
club, If no mandolin players can bo found.
The furnltuie and novilly works under
the management ot J. W. Mears & Co. Is
now in full running order. Tlie works
were started Wednesday. They have all
the latest improved machinery and with
skilled workmen can turn out Quo work of
every variety. Parties In need of'fine sur.
facing or manufacture ot small articles
should give them a trial,
Geo. A. McKelvy has purchased Render
shotl's Pharmacy, and has taken possession
of the same. He will carry a tull lino ot
the purest drugs, pcrtumi s, toilet articles
and a general assortment of goods kept in
a first-class drug store. Having had seven,
teen years' experience In the business,
prescriptions will "be promptly and care
fully filled. n tf.
By virtue of the will of William Bitting
er, who died Saturday, March 3rd, tbe
Lutheran College at Gettysburg leceived a
valuable farm ot 200( acres near Mechanics,
town, Frederick county, Md , and is
made residuary legatee. The entire bo
quest, amounting to nearly $41,000, Is to
endow the William Blttlnger professorship
of Intellectual and moral science.
When scarlet fever Is prevalent, boll the
milk you give your children. This dread,
ful scourge Is said to be luduced by a germ
found In tbe milk ot cows affected by a
certain disease. The same microbe is ob
tained from tho sick cow, her milk, and
from Bcarlet fever patients, Bolliug, or
even heating to 185 degrees destroys its In-
feclious properties.
Tho entertainment by Mr. J. F. Hicks it
tbe Opera House last Friday evening was a
first-class one. Photographs taken by tbo
government photographer during thu lale
war were by means of the stereoptlcoo
thrown upon a large canvas covering tbe
whole front ot thu stuge. The audienco
was not as large as it should have been,
but tbe Interest of all was held during the
entire evening both by tbe scenes and by
Mr. lilcks' interesting description or mem
List ot letters romalnlng tn the Pott Of
tlco at Bioomsburg for week ending Mar
18, 1888.
Mrs. Frank Flcfnr, John It. Huff, Mis
Hettlo Huntington, Mrs Anna E. Jones,
Mr. Harrlu E. Kern, Ed Klevcr, Mr. .Ben
jamin Kroslcr, Mr. Frank 8. Kline, Ed
Lerch, Thomas Lewis.
Persons calling for these, letters will
please say "advertised."
Obohok A. Clark, P, M.
Tho origin of March Is tr.tceable to the
Romans, who regarded It as the first month
of tho year until tho stylo was changed.
Tho reason for considering it tho com
mencement of the year was attributed to
tho fact that In March decided symptoms
of vegetable growth were visible. The
Romans dedicated this month to Mars, nnd
called It Murliut, because of tbe great ltu.
portanco they attached to war. Among
our Saxon forefathers It was known as
Ltntt Mortal, meaning length month.
One ot Ranllngs' horses, stticticd to a
meat wagon, was standing In the alley be
tween tho Columbian and Uawllngs' build
Ings Monday mornln :hcn thedeslro sud
denly entered his head to take a llttlo trip
on his own account, and he accordingly
started oft alone. Ho described a circle
around tho two upper buildings In the
block, and was racl ng down Main street,
When lit: was stopped In his mad c ireer In
front nf Dcntlcr's, or something moro scr.
ious might have occurred.
News has been received of the death of
a brother of Mr. Ernest Perrln,
of Mr. F. P. Drinker, by drowning In Lake
Weir, Florida, He wbb out hunting and
fishing with n friend from Brooklyn, Mr
Grosjean, and they wero seen tostartnut in
the lake In the boat, and nothing moro was
seen ot them. .Tho boat drifted to shore
full of water. Tho body nf Mr. Grosjean
was recovered, but up to the date of this
writing Mr. Perrid has not been found.
Mr. Geo. P Howell, nf New York,, who
Is authority on such matters, In an address
before tho American Newspaper Publish
ers' Association, at Indianapolis, proved
that five newspapers Issue more than one
seventh of the total edition of all the dally
papers printed. The number of dally
newspapers In tho United Stales now num
bers about fourteen hundred, consequently
the five which were referred to must each
sell nn average edition two hundred times
greater than the avcrueo ot the others.
The consecration of Rt. Rev. Thomas
McGovern, as bishop of the Harrlsliurg
diocese of the Catholic church took place
at Harrlsburg last Sunday morulng. At
least 1200 people witnessed the ceremonies,
which were participated In by about one
hundred priests, besides bishops and dea
cons. A choir of twenty-five voices fur.
nlshcd music for the occasion. At the
close of the services all the clergymen were
dnvrn to Sylvan Heights, the new bishop's
residence, whero a banquet was served.
Mrs. C. C. Sharpless, of Catawissa, died
last Friday morning, and her death was a
great shock to her many friends. Her
maiden name was Sarah Alice McNincb,
aud sho was born in Northumberland coun
ty on December 29, 1848. She married
Charles C. Shfcrplcss lu May, 1872, aud her
husband and threo children survive her.
The funeral took place on Monday after
noon nnd was largely attended. Mrs.
Sharpless was a member of tbo M. E.
Church, and an earnest christian woman,
fler bereaved husband and children have
tbe sympathy of a lare circle of trlends.
Peter Donahue, son of Florence Dona
hue, died on Filday night after a lingering
illness, of consumption. He was employed
on the railroad until his health failed. A
wife and child sur rive him. The funeral
was to have taken place on Monday morn
ing, and the friends gathered at the house,
and the hearse was in readiness, but owing
to tho absence of Rev. Father McCnnu by
the failure of trains to connect, he having
been at Harrlsburg attending the Bishop's
consecration, the funeral was postponed
until Tuesday morning, when services were
couducted at St. Columba's church.
The difference in cost between lighting
the streets with electric light and wilh gas
was illustrated in Wllkcsbarre last week.
The Committee on lightlug their slrcetB re
ceived proposals from both compnuUs.
Tho Wllkcsbarre Electric Light Co. agreed
to light 33 street lamps, all night for ono
year or more, not to exceed three years,
for 30.0 cents per night, or $144 90 a year,
while the Globe Gas Light Co. asked $840
for the same number of lamps. The elec
tric light is by far the nicest light to have,
while its cost Is not moro than one. fourth
that of gas.
The following nro being examined in
Potlsville for the position of mine inspector
in the Slmmokin district: John T. Burns,
Ccutralia; Albert Ginsberg, Shenandoah:
Daniel T. Orllllth, 8t. I lair; William R.
Uarriii, Shamokln; John Jefferoii, Mt. Car
mel; Arthur E. Jones, Ashlaud; Isaac
Jones, Ccnlrnlta; William P. Jones, Gllber
loo; Mnrlin Kelluy, Mlnersvlllej (!. Kramer,
John Lecky, Bhinandnah; William M. Mc
Muilrie, Yatesvllle; E. L. Powell, Shenau
doali; James Hyan, Ashland; William Tay.
lor, Frackvllle; A. G. White, Shamokln.
Tbe examinations will not be concluded
for several weeks.
It is astonishing to observe bow few pco.
pie underi'tand the common rule of measure
ment In purchasing wearing apptrvl. For
inHtance, a man will buy a coat that is a
"eizi." too small or too large. A "size"
smaller or a "size" larger Is what he prob.
ably needs, but he does not know what a
"size" Is, Well a "blze" In a coat is nn
inch, a size In underwear Is 2 Inches, a size
In a sock la 1 inch, In a collar halt an Inch,
in a shirt half an Inch, In shoes one-sixth
of an luch, pants 1 inch, gloves a quarter
of an Inch, and In hats one-eighth of an
Inch. Very few purchasers ever under
stood tho schedule named.
Tho Nantlcoko .Sun Is responsible for tbo
following: "Ono of tho largest hogs ever
exhibited In Nantlcoko can bo seen in tbe
stables of Mr. Louis O. Gabrill, on West
Main street, weighing, when last upon tbe
scales, 1017 pounds. Tho bog Is white,
looks like the Chester county breed, has
beeu fattened up to tbo preseut weight,
within the pist year, and Is really a curios
ity for any one to look at who has nover
seen so large a bog. Mr, A, Croup, one of
Urlarcrcek's best farmers, two miles below
Ilerwlck, raised Iho hog on his place, and
on Thursday, thn 23rd ultimo, brought tbo
heavy animal to this town upon a pair of
bobsleds, drawn by tour bead ot stock.
Tho strike In the Schuylkill coul region
resulted in the substitution of coke for an
thracltu coal at most of the furuaces and
Iron works in tho Schuylkill Valley, Since
the resumption of mining operations tho
coal companies havo been aroused to a real!
zation of the unpleasant fact that there Is a
tendency on the part of the iron manufact
urera to stick t'l coke. Tho latter havo
found that coke Is a moro detiiahlu fuol
than anthracite. If tbo use of coke Is con
tinued, il will seriously cripple the anthra.
cite trade. Anthracite Is now lower than It
was before tho strike, In conscqucuce of
the glut in all the coal depots. The strike
gave the coke meu a splendid opportunity
to supplant tho anthracite coal, and they
were quick to avail themselves ot It.
The State Normal School at Bioomsburg
will begin tbo Spring term Monday, Match
20th, 1883.
Tho force of ttachcrs has been enlarged
to meet tho Increase in attendance. Those
preparing for County Superintendents' ex
amtnatlons will find eveJ better opportuni
ties than before. Btudcnts preparing for
college find superior advantages. Bend for
a catalogue. 9w
An exchange gives tho following good
advice to young mcnt
Young man, If you aro out ot employ
ment, and can't find steady work at home,
go west, or south, or somowhero else and
tako your chances for success. Don't board
with your parents And lay around the
homo till tho root grows on your back, but
scatter out Into tbo world and begin nn
your own hook to make for yourself a for
tune and a namo. What It you do havo II
a llttlo hard at first, and meet with adver
sity; It will do you good will harden your
bones, develop your muscles and expand
your brain.
'Iho following appointments of preachers
were made lor the Lcwlsbutg District ot
the Evangelical Jiurcb, at tho Central
Pennsylvania Conference, held at Lewis
burg recently! Presiding Elder, M J.
Carolhers. For Liwlsburg church, J Hoi
lenback; Buffalo, Jacob Young; Milton, A.
U. Irvine; Turbotvillu, M. J. Jamison;
Danville, II. A. Btokc; Bioomsburg, J. F.
Bhultz; Waller, J. B. Fox; Muncy Valley,
M. B. Thomas; Uughesvllle, J. W. Men
singer; Berwick, Edward Crumbling; ZIon
Grove, W. H Hurtman; Luzerne, H. W.
Gross, G. L , Mace under P. E.; Wyoming,
C. D. Dick; West Clifford, C. D. Moore;
Tnnkhannock, M. F. Fofselman ; West
Brooklyn, G. L. Burson; Dusbnre, C. L.
Soncs; Columbia, C. W. Flnkblndcr; A. L.
Reeser aud W. P. Thomas, members ot
Lewtsburg Quarterly Conference; b. Smith,
member of Buffalo Quarterly Conference.
A G. A. R. man, writing to tho Cata
wissa AVuu Item from Wllliamsport, makes
the following suggestion, which might
well be considered by those having charge
of the celebration of the day named: "Tbe
next central Grand Army Day will be held
at Bioomsburg, and having at one time
been a resident of Columbia county (in
Catawissa) I feel unusually Interested In
having this occasion prove of unusual in
terest. What I consider a good plan by
which to accomplish this object has sug
gested Itself to me offer a couple of prizes
to be contested for; one to the best drilled
Poit Guard, and tho other to the best or
ganized Camp of Sons of Veterans. This
could be dono at a very small cost, and
would be the mens of drawing to Blooms.
burg a largo number of people who would
not otherwise he Interested in the obser.
vances of tho diy."
Arthur Marcley, oldest son of the late
Rev. O D. 8. Marcley, died at bis mother's
home last Saturday morning at about nine
o'clock of heart disease and and dropsy.
Ho had been confined to his bed for about
two weeks. His life, was despaired ot
from the first attack, as lie has been afflict-
ed tor about seven years, and each succeed
ing year he bad a more severe sickness.
Dropsy had never before accompanied his
sickness, and when It manifested itself
about a week before his death, the family
as well as the physician became alarmed.
He wa" wholly conscious until within three
hours ot his death. Arthur was a quiet,
unassuming young man and had a wide
circle of friends who deeply nviurn his
death at tlio very Infancy of lifu. His age
was 17 years 4 months nnd 14 days. Uls
mother, sister and brother have the sym-
pathy of the community In their sad be
The growth of the business of tho Colum
bian Is most encouraging. Its subscript
ion list 1. as large as it has been at any
time during the past three years, and Is
made up of those who pay for what they
get. Wc have no dead head list and do
not send the paper out broad cast just for
I lie sake of claiming the largest circula
tion. Having no other object In view than
to earn our living, wc endeavor to conduct
the paper ou purely business principles.
Our advertising patronage is ot tho best,
and in the jub department our facilities
aro taxed to tbe utmost. Our job books
are open to Inspection, and an examiuatlon
will show that each year tho work in
creases. Last year we uni a larger numuer
of jobs than ever before. Thus far this
year tho number is considerably In excess
of the number done In the correspond'ng
period of last year, and this has been the
rule for tho last five years. Thu beat of
facilities, skilled mechunlcs. low prices,
and prompt work, account for this In
creasing patronage. Jailmates furntsueu
on all kinds ot printing.
Illrtlicluy Antilvernity.
Tho residence of Mr. and Mis. Samuel
Crist, at Pino Summit, was the scene of
much merriment and good cheer by the
assembling ot numerous relatives aud
friends on Saturday evening, March lQih,
to celebrato tho iweuty-flrst birthday of
their son, William Lloyd. Lloyd has been
employed in the Sentinel cilice at Blooms
burg for t lie past year, and came home
to spend Sunday with his parents, and
upon entering the bouse found tho spacious
pallors filled with friends. As soon ns the
friends hud assembled preparations were
at once made by their hosts to mako thoso
feel at borne who had called to extend their
congratulations and celebrate the natal day
ot their son. About 10 o'clock all were In.
vited Into the dining loom where a bounti
ful table was spread to refresh und cheer
the numerous guests and It Is not neces.
sary to say that every one did ample jus
lice to their respective appetites. Tbo
evening was spent in social chat; games ot
various kinds were Indulged In by the
younger members ot tbe party, wnlle tho
music, which was furnished by Misses
Prudence Lyon and Mattio Fowler, was
the charming feature of tho evoning. Lloyd
received many valuable and useful presents
to cheer blm as bo descends the unsteady
path ot lite, and after tho evening had been
well spent the guests departed for their
homes feeling that they had been Instru
mental in making at leaBt one heart glad to
feel that ho bad hosts of friends who heart.
Uy wish that he may live to see many
moro returns of bis natal day.
A Guest,
A Cnutlld AckuowledKcnieut.
"I know that many physicians are very
much prejudiced against all proprietary
medicines, and I think sometimes foolish
ly too. I am, however, willing toacknowl
edgo merit wherever It is deserved. I
have prescribed Simmons Liver Regulator,
and have given It a pretty thorough trial,
myself, and think It deserves all tho praise
It receives. 1 have watched its use for tho
last five years and do nut know ot a more
popular medicine. My patients praise It
very highly and It gives good results where
ever it Is used." Kitratt from a letter nf Dr,
1). W. Attinton, Siloam Sprinyt, Art.
For a full lino of plows, land rollers,
Scotch and Lansing spring tooth barrows,
drills and corn planteit at bottom prices
goto Whit, Conneu & Sloan,
tf. Orangevllle, Pi.
Too Many Drift.
At February court tho Mtli of March was
fixed for argument court, aud Judgo Mo
Collum was to preside. On Tuesday after
noon a telegram was received from htm
stating that It was Imposslblo for him to
reach Bioomsburg as the roads were block
ed with snow, and neither cars nor stages
wero ruuntng from Montrose. April 8rd
has been fixed when tho argument list
will bo disposed of.
No Lecture,
Tho lecturo Announced for last Monday
nlgbi at the Opera Houso under Iho aus.
pices of tbo Women's Christian Temper
ance Union, was not delivered owlrg to
the Inability nf Mrs. McLaughlin, the lect
urer, to reach here. Owing to tbo storm
and tbo blocking of the rail-oads sho could
not come, and the telegraph wires being
down, prevented her from communicating
with tho committee. Tbe lecture will tako
plnce just as soon as some definite arrange
ment can bo mado for It.
Tlie Telephone In M.
H. Pennnyl-
A new telephone company has been or
ganized at Scractnn, tbe object ot which Is
to maintain lines and exchanges for gen
eral telephone business In tho counties ot
Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wayne, Susque
hanna, Monroe, Columbia, Carbon, Dau
phin, Lycoming, Wyoming and Bradford, of
Pennsylvania, and Ilroomo county, in New
York. The points to bo connected aro the
cities and towns of Scranton, Carbondale,
Wllliamsport and Wllkesbarro, In Pcnnsyl.
vanln; Blnghamton, N. Y., nnd other cities
and towns In the counties named.
A Choir of loo Voices.
Tbe Oratorio Boclcty has decided to take
up tho sacred Oratorio "Elijah" and rc
hcarso in connection with "St. Ludmlla"
and will probably render both at the musi
cal festival tn Juno. Too much credit can
not bo given tn this society, for tbo very
energetic manner In which they aro arrang
ing for this festival and there is nn doubt
nut that they will have 3,000 to 4,000 vlM
tors In our city at that time. The execu
tive board arc making an effort to raise the
membership of the society to not less than
200 voices for the Gllmorc concert and fes
tival. ilKMiaiTe .Record.
Kov. T. H. Tubbs, who has been out of
the itinerant work of tho ministry for the
past year, left for Wllliamsport on Tuesday
to atten'' the conference of the Central
Pennsylvania M. E. church now In session
A. B. White has been appointed lay dele
gate of tbe M. E. cnurch of this placo to
attcud the session of conference at
II. L. Yohe sold his property to Mrs.
Tubbs and Mrs. Bnyder last week for
M. E. Seybert moved from his farm re
cently sold on Monday.
Reese Falrman moved to Orangevllle on
Monday where be will engage In the hotel
business at the old stand known as the
Heckman. house.
Chas. McCatee and wife spent Saturday
and Sunday with the latter's parents on
the other side of the river.
I. J. Kcstcr Is now confined to tho bouse
on account of sickness.
Robt. Cook, a boy whom the poor direct
ors have charge of, is now living with A.
B. White's.
Stephen Hill, of Espy, took a flying trip
tn town Tuesday.
William Howell, who has been at Wlll
iamsport for some time, is now visiting his
parenlB of this place.
"The Flnlc of the Road."
San Francisco correspondence of tho New York
Sun, February 19tn, ltjvs.)
When It comes to long distance railroad
lng, runs oMSOO mUes and upward, the roads
of thu far west beat the'World; but for elior.
ter dlstancos,say a thousand miles, the great
roads of the east excel. To ridu over tho
Pennsylvania Chicago Limited, from New
York to Chicago Is to take the cream nf
American railroading, and that means tho
very best in the world.
Tho train, as it stands in the station at
Jersey City, Is evidently 'something that
tbe road Is proud of. The cngluu Is big.
The engineer Is that' kind of' an engineer
who starts a train as gently as a mother
rocks a cradle, but wbo, as you wllldiscov
er when you gt't there, takes you through
the country on 'the schedule thptyt Wben
the conductor says the "All aboard!" the
porters at the car entrances say "All off
that's going," as the officer at the gang
plank ot an ocean steamer says "All
ashore that's going" just before the steam
er starts. Those who have come to see
friends oil look at them through the broad
windowB as the train glides nut of the
station aud quiet, but nguclhelcssardeut
ly, admiring railroad men, look below al
every truck and wheel and journal box,
not because It Is necessary, for tho train
has already been inspect! d, but they llko
to look at the train and to lie sure again
that tbe blossomed pink nf Hi" road Is In
perfect trim for another 1000 miles run m
twenty-four hours.
OuUide tie cars are gorgeous; Inside
they are beautiful and luxurious. You
may meet on any big road In any part of
the country cars as beautiful and peril pa
quite as comfortable, but here la u whole
train of luxury. The vestibules between
tbe cars are so deftly joined that you can
not discover under foot whero the plat
forms come' together, and thu carpeted way
Is lighted by a centre light overhead. In
tbe smoking-room aro big, comfortably
upholstered wicker chairs, with broad,
easy backs and restful arms. Books if you
wan, tn read. Cabinets of bric-a-brac, not
too profuse. Rooms in which you may
play cards; electric bells that will call a
porter, who will fetch Apollinaris waters,
or maybe stronger waters in emergency.
Electric lights everywhere. I bad neglect
ed to get shaved, but tbe barber-shop on
tbe train afforded comtortablc opportunity.
It takes a pretty fair sort of a man to shave
another on a railroad tram at forty or fitly
or more miles an hour, but ho can do it,
though It Is uot quite so easy as to shave a
man on a steamer. However good the
road and the rolling stock may be, cars
will sway; but ihe barber establishes
gentle but firm union ot himself, the chair,
and tho patient, so that all move together,
and tho thing is dono. You may take
bath on the train It you wish to do so. In
tho dlulng car the lineu is fine, tbe food Is
Battsfuctory, and tbe (lowers In .tho brack,
ell op'the sides ot the car over the ends of
tho tables are fragrant and beautiful, and
wben you get to Chicago ynu wonder what
has become of tbo twenty-four hoirs.
lUUerury NoleH.
Book AVira for March contains more than
the usual variety of Interesting matter,
Tbo portrait Is that of Gen. Lew Wallace
famous as soldier, diplomat, and novelist
Buy Lestor'B Binghumtou Kip
lioots Uest made.
Court PrbccedlUKn.
Court met on Wednesday, March 14, at
two o'clock, Assoclalo Judges Murphy and
Mcllcnry on tho bencti, lion, J, B. Mc
Collum was to have be,cn present, but was
prevented by tbe suuw storm, 'and tbe
blocking of tho railroads.
Whitney Wagon Works vs Mrs. 8. J.
Hosier, supplemental affidavit of defense
I). E. Keller va Bishop J. Sbanahan,
trustee. Rule granted to show cause why
Bishop Thomas McGovern 'Should not bo
substituted as defendant.
Commonwealth vs. E. J, Lore, additional
rule for now trial, tiled.
Petition to divide Greenwood township
Into two election districts Order of court
directing bow commissioners shall proceed,
Application for tbo sale of real estate of
the Odd Fellows' Hall Association of Ber
wick, decree of court filed.
Estato of Sarah A. Eck, deceased, writ of
execution awarded against administrator.
Bond ot B. F, Zarr, guardiau ot Carleton
Caswell, on sate ot reul estato filed, and
deed acknowledged in open court.
Estato of Eva S. Shoemaker, citation
Auditor's report on exceptions to account
ot administrator of E. Pctcrman, confirm
ed nisi.
Watsontown Planing MU1 Co. vs. Clark
F. Uarder, judgment against garnishee.
Application 'if G. W. Rclfsnyder for
transfer ot license of W. A. Yuttcr in Cata
wissa filed.
Estato of Silas Mcllcnry. order for salo
of real estate at private sale.
Petition of Reuben Hess to satUfy mort
gage of Geo. M. Quick to Sarab Quick ct
al, filed.
F. Boycr vs 8amuel Mears' Exr., rule
granted to show cause why judgment
should not be stricken off.
License ot Espy hotel transferred to J.
II. Kelchnor.
Adjourned to April 3.
of Dec. 1887 by Rev. R. Mallalleu of
Espy, Pa., Mr. John W. Burlingame of
Afton to Miss Rebecca A. Custer of Light
street, Pa.
of Deo. 1887. by Rev. R. Mallalleu of Espy,
Pa., Mr. W. II Bchneidman to Miss Lizzie
M. Boone, both of Afton, Pa.
rniLADii-rniA. Monday, March 12, 1MJ.
There are quiet but powerful
human relations, like those of
parent and child, of which you
never speak, they are so simple,
so natural. You will doubtless
cry "Absurd " when we say
that into the same rank fall the
relations between this store and
the public. You walk the street.
Do you ever stop to say, "It is
my right to walk the street," or,
"For walking purposes, the
street is mine" ? Or do you say
"thanks" to the air you breathe.
You walk through the store, do
you question any more as to
your rights here than on the
street ? You note in your visits
the touch of the passing seasons
merchandise has its year
equally with the calender or the
Cnurch but do you not take it
all as you do the touches of sun,
air, or foliage your own to en-
jy ?
You sit in the waiting rooms,
are you any less at home than
in your own library ?
This freedom is the store
charm. We mean to make it
more charming. Some charms
are spoiled when mentioned.
Fun is impossible when the wit
is asked to be witty. Happiness,
when made conscious of itself
by speech, ceases. Not so this
quiet power that we call the store.
Isn't this strange talk about a
retail store ? Perhaps you never
thought of it before. But it's
Are you thinking of the New
Carpet ? W e are ready for you .
More space, more styles, more
novelties, more price-pull, tak
ing all sorts together ; than we
have ever had before.
There is not such another car
pet store in the world, perhaps.
More than 50,000 square feet on
one floor. An acre aud an eighth
of room hedged in and wind-
rowed with rolls on rolls of car
pet and heaps on heaps of floor
coverings of every worthy sort.
Ihe Axmtnsters and Wiltons
were never handsomer, and we
never before had such a handy
place or such a perfect light to
show them in.
Every leading make of the
sturdy, reliable, liked-by-every-
bofly Brussels home-made and
foreign. About the 20th inst.
the cream of the English Brus
sels will be on hand.
For the Spring sales we in
troduce a new line of Brussels
Technical designation, ''Wana-
maker'.'' Expert information
about frames, threads, and yarns
wouldn t tell you much. Hut
best worsted, exclusive styles
and quality, sold under special
guarantee of service, at $1.25 a
yard, and a choice of thirty
styles, ought to attract.
Incrains, 2 sc. to gi. Our
stock of these Carpets has been
largely increased, and among
the patterns are many copied
from the better class of goods
?-ply, best quality 90c to $1
Extra Supers, Lowell and al
the best Philadelphia makes, 70
to hoc.
Medium Supers, All woo
but a trifle under Extra Super
quality, 65c.
Ingrain Carpet, made entirely
of cotton ; same number of
"ends" as Extra Super. 40c,
little lower grade, 35c.
Double Chain Cotton Ingrain,
30c. Similar, 25c.
Information, estimates or
samples sent to any address.
Churches, hotels and the like
are particularly interested.
The story of dress goods goes
on day after day like the mur
mur of the sea in a shell.
Challis mingle in their folds the
warmth of the wild rose and the
coldness of the camelia. Prices
hedge between. American, 20c ;
best French, 50c and 60c.
Checks. A hundred kinds.
Thickest maybe in the Ginghams
that cover the counters as close
ly as heather blossoms crowd
on a Scotch moor. Anderson's,
40c ; Zephyr, 50c.
American Ginghams arp un
conventional in quality, design,
color and price. They radiate
neatness and economy, and go
with a grace anywhere 27 in.,
20c; 31 in., 25c.
New designs in the Sateens
day by day. Every pattern as
fresh as a flower cup. No need
to sigh for a silk or a satin while
these printed wonders can be
had for so little. Peerless, I2ic;
fine French, 31c ; best French,
The crinkly, wiry, spider-web-by
Crazies, 2)4c. A Babel of
Fine Worsted and Cashmere
Jerseys at about half the regular
price. We have just taken over
the entire stock "(more than
3500) of one of the best Jersey
manufacturers in the world.
Latest shapes and styles of
Plain, Braided and Fancy Goods.
Not a thing out of the way with
any of them. Just the sorts you
would be likely to choose. Just
the colors. In the little prices
you get the benefit of our big
.lereeya for 60o
JeraeyB for 11.01
Jtrseys fortl.M
Jerseys for 13.00
.lereeya tort I'M
Jersys for 1-1 00
Jerseys for 13.50
No reason to soon again expect
uch goods tor so little.
Book News for March has a
portrait of General Lew Wal-
ace and a wealth of timely
Book talk. It is full of clews to
current Books. Tells dieir drift,
weighs their worth, gives their
lair price. How many of vou
know the fair price of a Book ?
You are likely to save the year
price of Book News on a single
purchase. ;c, 50c a year.
Easter Cards and Booklets
and Novelties. " From 3 cents.
Cards as usual and not as usual.
Books and tokens full of sur
prises. Beautiful things full of
art and sentiment that stand for
Easter thoughts.
John Wanamaker.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
S3, doz. Life size Crayons only
$10.00. Viewing, copying and
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
Tho best fresh bread
and rolls dally at
Phillips' Bakery.
I. W. Uartman& Sons' have, their Sateens
now exhibited in a conspiclous way in tbe
store, no and see them (C3nI(Ces5 Xi to
Phillips' ice cream parlors will open for
the season on Saturday night.
I. W. llartman it Sons' are in the market
with a full Hue of Spring Drest Oond, to
many kinds to name, bee them.
Baby carriages in creat varieli at
W. J.
Corel! & Co's.
Lareo and fresh stock nf tine candles at
I. W. llartman & Sous' new Dishes for
April aru now ready, call and see them be-
foieyou buy.
allow a couidi to run until It eels
beyond the reach of medicine. They
often say, "Oh, It will wear away,"
but in most cases it wears them
away. Could they be induced to try tbo
successful medicine calltd Kemp's Unlearn,
wlilcu-we sell on a poslllw guarantee to
cure, they would immidiately see the ex
cellent effect after taking the first dose.
Price 6Uc. aud $1. Tilal size tree. At all
To PiiKsmtvit Ixatuuai. Flowkus. l)lr
tbe flowers in melted parafllne, withdraw-
nc them nuicklv. Iho lhiuld should be
only Just hot enough to maintain its fluid
ily and tbe flowers should bo dipped one
at u time, liclil uy tue slocks and moved
about for an instant to get rid of air bub
bles. Fresh cut tlowers, free from moist
lire, mako excellent specimens in this way.
If you would preserve your health aud In
vigorate your entire system use Pcrrlne's
pure uarioy man winsKey. tor saieny
j. i. uoDDins, uioomsuurg, ra. eow,
Women sullcrlnc from achinc sides aud
back apply a Hop Plailen; it bas soothing
as well as llio handsomest, and others are in
vited to call ou any driieuut and Ret tree a
trial bottle of Kcmn'a Ualsam tor the
throat and lungs, a remedy that Is selling
entirely upon Us merits and Is guaranteed
to cure and relieve all chronic and acute
couglis, asthma, brouchltls una consump
tion, t'rico bu cents and $1,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Wba Baby was sick, cava her CutorU.
When ho was a Child, the cried for Cutoria,
When the became Hum, tbe clun to OutccU,
WteatheW Chlldw, the tare then OMttrta,
send a postal tor catalogue to
J. M. TIlOiniUHN je CO.,
Uiac4UirxBa roa
White Plume celery nd 1 hoiburn's (lilt Edge
EAftkttV "
Clrfltvir And iMtitlA tJm hnlf.
From! (Trimi'i-
Never Fell to Hoitore Gray
H.IaII Vnulhfiil Cofor.
Tho MlYt, nurw nJ ltt eurt for Cor tumlon. Afc
U our, 10
Entntrcfl unfurl to t ni.
cent at urogciH.
Wholly unlike artlflciat systems.
Any book learned In ono rcudln?.
ClasRCa of 10s" at naltlmoro and iocs at Detroit,
lanre classea of columuia law undents, at Yale,
'cWiey.otcilln.Urdverflty of renn., iMlchlnan
tnlvcrnty. tunutauqua. He, Kndorsed pr
Mark Twain, luchurd Pro tor. tho aeientlit, , llpax.
W. W. Astor. Judali P. lienjimtn, .ludire Olbson.
B.n. Cook, Principal state Normal tli-, Dr.
Brown, c Prospectus post free from PUOft tol
HKTTK, JJ7 FlttU Ave., few YorK. maridlU
Do Your Own Dyeing, al Home, wltU
have no equal for strength, brightness, amount
in paeKasc. or tor fastness of cour. ..r non-fading
qualities: Tlicy do uot rack or smut. For sale
by .Mojcr Ilros. and Jos. 11. JMcrcer. fcMTrly.
5oo,ooot Mr
acres inmost
In Northern Wisconsin,
will ha told at SUS.OO nn ncre. on long time, t
n"fn "w"er-nne market rcllltlM-Me!T
8Sn?n" for libor t uo.Ki . inrrbaw ;now ni
oamohlet. tc. furniihert PIIKK- Aiwre
W. C. K. R., Milwaukee, Wit).
feb2t t, .
nas revolutionized me world dur
l"tr the last half eentu y. Not
leSat amouff the wonders of In-ventlv-
proKrcaals a method and
avstem ot work that can no performec alien ervuo
counuy without separllog tho worker trmn .their
homes. Pay UDO'al; ai.y ono can do thfi work;
elthM Vx. yo'ing or old: no special ability re
quired, capital nn needed: you are rtarti-d free.
Out this out and return to na and we will send
vnu rr aumethlne of great value and Import-
tooTthit v?.n sttt you
Wn,y,thbBeftnnt,Se0reonr tfXS
AddressK" & ! Co., Augusta, Maine. .lydecW
U.o DR. DuCHOINE'S OBlebrntecl
lidmlld. nt by ra.j I. ;-unOi "aljrt. VS"
Dr. Hartor Modlclno Co., ST. Louis,
Caveats and Trade Marks obtalnd,nnd all Patent
business eonduclcd for MODKH TK FEES.
OFFICE We hive no sub-agencies, all business
direct, hence can transact patent busn essln lesa
time and at LKSS COST than those remote from
Wsendnmodei, drawing, or photo.wlth description.
Wo advise If patentable or not, freo ot charge.
Our fee not duo till patent Is secured.
A book,"llow to Obtain I'at-ntVwltftrefewiveii
to artual clients In your State, county, or town,
sent free. Address
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
Opposite Patent orDo. uahlnirtJn, p. C.
Rewarded are those that read
this and then act; they will And honor
nblo employment that will not take
tlwm from their homes and families.
The pronia are large and sure tor every inous n
ous person, many have made and aro now making;
several hundred doltaraa month, ltlaeafyfor
any one to m,ike is and upwards per flay, who Is
willing to work. Either sex. yonrc or old; capital
not needed; we Btart you. F.verythlng new. No
special ability required: you, reader can do it as
well as any ono. W rite to us at once.for full par
tlculats, which we mall tree. Address stlnsoa
Co., Portland, Maine '.ydec-m.
FREE! iLtSlu
Descriptive ot the feoll, rilmate. Proilucllonn,
.Unnurariurlntr IiidiiNirlN and .nine ml Wtatlb
orvimlnin and other Southern spates. Write to
W. a BEViLL, rien'l rass. Agent,
Encloslrg s-cent stomp.
elvs Catarrh
Cream. Balml
when applied Into tbe
nostrils, win w uu
sorbert. effec t u a 1 1 1
cleaning the head of,
' atarrhat virus, caua
lnf beulthyKecreilnns.
It allays InllaiatoallO"
protects tue mem
brane ot the nasal
parages from addi
tional colds, complete
ly t eals tho sorea and,
restores sense ot taste
and smell.
A particle Is applied Into each nostril and la
agreeable. 1'ilee 50 cents at druggists; by mail,
registered, eo cents. ELY IlItOTllEUS, S35 Oreen
wicli St., New York. marJJU.
hn year w placed upon th marktt tb irrttv
BtUbor-MTitiir Intention tt tht I9tb century.
It u a aelf nrrfUiiig Wanhknz Machine. It 1
waihei the flotlilntr rloan WITHOUT TIIK
W adTertlfd aft-w liuodinl ftee to Introduce
tbem, and through thene free B&rupleii aold ortr
80.000. One laJy in Ciilcaso (Mra. McDr
mutt.SAMV' lata St.,1 wai mj pleased with
her amiile tlmt ihe beraini an agent and ml J
TerlXWlti fuur monn W C 1 1 ami 11, Bui
HAT Tnmnhl OntL. f.filfrDil 1.1-IT All after tA.t.
lDjr hie aamplo. We have core of Junt such
example a Ji vw "to rant your bread
upon the naura." OUU tSRKAT OKFfcR Thla
I ear we Intend to eetl not lem than ONE MIL
,10N WASH MM, and tn do thia we will flnt
lUrtofTtiy UIV1NO A WAY lm) umplea. AUwe
atk of those who icetre ino is t.iat thay will
Eire It a good trial, aril If aatlitactorj reeom
mend It to their frieiii'a Alien a are coining
money. We, hare Mreral who are tmkins fid
far riav ftn.l unwardtL ' I- rat ufiif. ilrt aerred. "
Foil you itantbiie Irom the lot we are going to
Eire away, eeud nur mv- arvl addrroi at roc.
mWabtuiiaTe.1Chnro.UL (Mention thia piper).
A spociai otfcrl &,,TSKz
tourtMineitloace.wewiIlin ike ttmtpecUlofTeri To
the Am party in each Sute and Territory whg answers
our advertisement we will mrM as a (rue gift, one of the
celebrated DAttiY WkiNCtKS, b,
Thl unrxecedented t'rfcr 1 made lor the tole ptrj, ue
of Indue "nr iu to teud for uite of our W atnen at
ONCE. It you knot of any lk;id ut of employment,
won't you rlcite call his attention to (hit a Jvcitue
miit fur It V i idecd"the chance ot tuV tic
$IOO Reward. "Iff'i "'
menu have be in copied by other urn' are
Ittvlout of out gret meets, lie ARB 1 iai ia.
TtOhal Y-t hate been in the laundry supply b ss
for 6 yean end Mill pay iou raw aid for any loll
inent on oui V avlier.
pCAD TIIIQ! The N'ew Voik "-hritdaa
ItrnuiMiiy ciaminc1 a great many
rota ailMcttDfih of the country frowitl
personally eiamlncd a great many letter re ei ed
rrota aiiMriiafisor tnecminuytnMiitnnM who are using
this wonderful Wash in- Machine, and all unite ia era
me ml in ? it In the hiuheU tenns." a alta have kirn.
Her reference from the "r'arm and Fireside. the "Hums
and rtn, art.t nir.f nheiiutfx'r.
An EHieient Tonic for Invalids.
Instantaneous Beef Tea.
Alto for M&Torlng soups. Sauces and Made Dishes.
GENUINE onlv with Baron
Liebig's SIGNATURE in Blue
Ink across label.
sold by all Storekeepers, Orocennnd DrunUta.
yy AiNwmouT to.,
I'lllLAIIKl.l'lUi, I'a.
tkas, sYtturs, corrEK, unuii, molasses
meg, ei'it'Ks, mean ii ooda, mo., mo.
N. E. Corner Second and Area bit.
ivorders will reeelre prompt utlentlun.
Hen Wonder ejll lu iUoiimiuib ot
minus but kuriMHd lij ibe uiuru'lt of
luwmion. Hit he w ho ale In nnd M pioi.
liable work ILutCi li be dene vlilie lull L'
at home tliould nt ome MLd U.ilr aid -m lo
llullel i I 0.. mill. I, d, l an.e. ul d IHnii tue,
lutlluloiuiiillou low mLir lex, if ul -M' euu
earn irom istoisspr iiytid upturn wuit.
erertbeylHe. oumeataitid fni. Caplt lliot
required, hoirx lime uadeiur iv In a tlngla
day t llilinork. Allaucmd. IjdiUu.
Bilrtr ua.