COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Beading ths Human Turn. TUB OIIAnAOTKR OKNERAI.I.Y DRAWN VT' ON IT IN UNMISTAKABLE LINES. Every bno know that men'n passions, pro'tans'ilics and peculiarities, aa well as their calling, aro reflected In their faces, bat it is only the few who havo made the study ot physiognomy an es pecial pursuit who aro gifted with tho powor of reading thoso faces. Judges who havo Borved long terms on tho bepoh, lawyers in largo praotioo and doctors of emlnenco possess tho power of interpreting physiognomies more largely than other people Mat any one can acquire tho rudiments of the ar( by dint of study. It Is as impotsiblo to disguiso a face as a hand writing. When tho expert oomes tho dieaulse is torn off and the faoo tolls the true story of the spirit inside tho body. Ono only needs to visit tho oonitentiary to realize how undeniably vice writes its sign manual on tho features. It is not the drunk ard only whoso red nose, flabby cheeks and rheumy eves betray, him: it is tho sensualist whoso vice is road in his lips, the lenave whoso propensity is reveal ed by the shape of bis month, the man of Tlolenoo who is surrenueroa oy ms eyes. An experienced dotcotlvo or a traiuod jallo; seidom needs to ask the crime of whioh his prtsouer was guilty, lie can tell it by his tace It is aulte" evident that in the future the study of phsiognomy is going to bo Eursned.mpre vigorously than It has een. As a means of preventing orijhe, it may prove invaluable. Ho constantly do wo hear of men "fallinc from grace," as the phrase goes I Yet these men. must have carried their crimn in their faco for a lone time, If any one had been able to read their ieaiures me nunumei uuub unm ucvu averted. Haw often are wo assured that this or that, criminal enjoyed tho perfect confidence of his employers and Ua nnVilin till tVlft VOTV AaV at hit Aa- V11U " " " . - ' J J - teoiionj an expert physiognomist would probably have spotted him long before. Aeain, faoe reading might bi) turaed to fine. accounts in business. It is well known that every man's faco is more or les9 stamped by tho pursuit he follows. An experienced observer can generally detect a lawyer, or a doctor, or a merchant,, or a clerk, or a mechan ic, or a clergyman, by merely studying his face. Thn Rtndv might be carried much farther. Tho same rale which enables an observer to distinguish a lawyer from a merchant will, when followed ont. enable keen . eyes to separate able lawyers from lawyers who are incom potent, merchants who aro going to makg a fortune from merohants who are going to fail. Men often carry their destinies as well as their character In thAlr faces. Indeed, the former depend so largely upon tho latter that it would be singular if it wore other wise. Women, too, will be able to ' discriminate amopg their lovers, and to nick out the man who win maice good husband from one who will have to bo dragged into a divorce, court. All the advantages which Fowler mis-. takenl7 told us we were going to de rive from the study of plronology we may possibly gain from the oldtr and mnre mysterious science of face read ing. San Francisco Call. ' Kojal Princes and Thoir Pipes- GREAT SMOKERS AT TUK OEIUIAN COUBT THE CROWN rUXNCES LOSS. From the London Referee, Febroar y 15. One of the greatest deprivations whioh the Crown Prince has had to endure is tho loss of.his pipe. "Unser Fritz" was. always a great smoker, and he dearly loved to blow a cloud from a big-bowled wooden pipe, which the Prinoess Royal carried for him with hor own fair hands. Tho Crown Prinoess unlike Mrs. Carlyle has al ways encouraged her busbaud to smoke at .home. The man who smokes at home and whose wife does not object to the smell of tobacco has the pathway of domes--tie happin .-ss rolled and made smooth for -him. Half tho misery of married life - has .its origin in the lady turning up her nose" at the smell of a cigar; The Crown Princess has never made this mistake, .and bQ,- many pleasant evenings has. she epenUwjth her bus band at home, she doing her needle work or, reading aloud, and he smoking his. long pipe and feeling beautifully comfoi table and Jazy aud snug. Of:late the poor Prince has had his pipe taken out of bis mouth. His ail ment has literally put his pipe out Not only must he not smoke himself, but he cannot breathe the air that is impregnated with tobacco, and so bis sous when they come to see him have to smoke out of doors. It is to this fact that San Remo at one timo muster ed among its attractions a royal Prince with a briar-root pipe perpetually in his. mouth. Prince Henry, the Crown Prince's Becond son, smokes his pipe in the English fashion, and smokes it mornlni; noon and night. You could meet, him when he was at San Remo strolling about after breakfast with a well colored English short clay or cutty In the afternoon he made just this sac rifice, to fashion he changed the clay for a briar-root. It is related of bim in San Remo that, going to church ono Sunday afternoon, be started with Ms prayer book under his arm and his briar-root well alight in his mouth. A young English triend of his, who was staying at oan Hemo, ventured on a mud re monstrance. "My dear boy," said the EncliBh dandy, '"you are not coins to church with that thing in your inoutbt" Prince Henry took his pi no out of his mouth and looked at it. I beg your pardon old fellow," he said i 'I forgot it was Sunday." Ho ran back home with tho briar-root, and reappeared with a meersohaum. Saved by a Woman's Bravery, City Banker Ruined, ruined I am' to-day worse than penniless! Wifo On, husband, has tbo bank, brokeriT 0.- U. Worse! worse than that. Wife And has your Chicago in vestment been swept sway, tool O. B. Yes, and more: all your for tuoe' I was keeping in trust. Wife -lias it come to that 1 But cheer up. husband, dear; all will be right. We will weither the disaster, O. B. No hone; all is lost. "Wife (heroically) No: not all. I will oountermand.the order f'ir that new dress at Madame De Polonaise's, C. B. Thank heaven, we ire saved (Tableau). Ooniumption Barely Oared, To tiif. Editor: Pieose inform your readers that I have a positive remcdv tor the above named disease, By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases navo ueen permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy freo to any of your readers who have ooniumption, if they wit send roe their express nnJ poHtcfHce address. Respectfully, T. A. Sloouin, M. C., 181 Pml St., N. Y.(88nov0rj. Boys and Famine. non btjrdettr tells wit the iocno- ' STF.nS I.RAVE TIIE FA KM "Wby do tho boys leavo tho farm V wails a writer in an agricultural journal. Well, dear brother, thoro aro several reasons. Uno Is beoauso tho boy is not 05 years old at his birth. Then, 11 tnero is a noo on tno iarm weigmng 14 ounces, bright as a nioklo plate, and sharp as a razor, and another hoo weighing something less man a mean ing plough, with an edgo on it like a hammer, and a sapling with the bark on it for a handle, tho hired man lakes one and the boy gets the other, and every man in America knows whioh is the other. Did you over stand with such a hoo in you hands away, down in a corn row cn some airless, stilt, hot summer day, 20 acres of corn-blades and tassels wilting about you, standing 14 Inches higher than your head, shut ting out every last trace of breathablo air, and then hoar a locust down in the edge of the timber strike up his long, strident monotonous call to make it ten times hotter T And all this time a cool creek not a milo away, loitering in deep, silent pools in shady plaoes in the woods, or breaking into merry dancing ripples over tho pebbles T And in tho big, deep holes, tho fish iuat lying around waiting for a boy t Well, then, you know why somo boys leave the farm. Slill boys can bo kept on the farm and made to stay thero all their lives, l'ou drive a long spiko through a boy's abdomen and through a livo oak tree, and clinch or bolt it on the other side, and then saw off tho boy's legs and break his back, and he will stay on tho farm. Yes thoro are some other ways we know, but this is the only infallible method. Nutritious Baking Powder. By Pbof. D0REHU8, of Dellevue Med ical College. N. Y. It is a serious problem for the phys ioloeical chemist to discover the best metfiod of supplying the hiiinau sys tem, especially an exhausted ono; with tho requisito amount of phosphatiq food for the organism to remain in health. Tho phosphatio salts are, noyer wanting, in tho most nourishing varie ties of food, whether -vegetable or ani mal. They nro cloaoly allied toiall.the vital functions, aro constantly .being eliminated from tho body, arid must be replaced by a fresh supply; The tes timony of thousands govs to show that under thn prevalent conditions and habits of American life, thoro are few, who aro not greatly benefitted when they partake of these samo phosphates as restorative agent'. Tho sales of phosphatio preparations for medicinal use, or as a mild tonic, havo assumed enormous proportions. On April 22nd, 1856, Prof. Ei N. Horsford .secured his letters patent' for the manufacture and uso of an acid pnospnate ot lime to do incorporated with staroh and bicarbonate of soda, and thus servo as a baking powdor. This is the first, instance in. which; be sides acting as an aerating agent, a baking powder was to add nutritive elements to tho bread, l'nospuatio powders, are to.dav the sole exemplifi cation .of this important principle. The natural phosphates removed, frntn tho grain in .the process ot bolting tho flour aro bv Horsford's method restored brousb the baking powder. While the residues which all baxing powders leave, oxcept those whioh, consist of, salts which volatilize, completely under the heat, of the baking oven,, ore )f a nature, which makei it a, matter ol doubt whether they should, be intro duced into the system, in case .of tho phosphatio powders tho residue is of positive value and is not foreign to the flour, but composed of tbo same salts, practically which form the ash t cereal grams. acientijio Ameri can. Tho Old Reliable "Rutnford Yeast Powder" is made by, Pi of. Horsford's process. Tho Standard Authority in England for. drugi" and their uses, The British Pharmacopoeia, .speaks, highly of the aiue ot I'onu s Extract tor diseases ot the mucous m "nibrane, for Piles, and for subduing Hemorrhages. The Kalevala, thn groat national opio poem of tho Finlaoders,- which Max Miller in bis lecture "1 he Scienci- of Langu'ifie places by the side of the Iliad ot Homer, is now for the nrst time, in complete form, translated' into KnciiBb, the translator being lit. J. aL Crawford, of Cincinnati. It tB shortly to be published in two octavo volumes, the poem being great in magnitude nearly 23,000' lines) as well as in charaoter. Apart from tho literary merit of the poem, whioh is pronounced by all critics to be extraordinary, it has a ourioos fascination for American stud ents of poetry because it is seen, as in mirror, tho inspiration which enabl ed Longfellow to produco his famous Indian Edda "Hiawatha.'' Indeed, because, of the close resemblances in many points, Longfellow was, by some critics, upon the appearance ot Hia watha, cnarged witn plagiarism, though his friends olaim that be made no more than legitimate uso of the liter ary material which the study of the l&nguago and mythology of tho Finns gave him. The present edition will for the first time give curious readers tho opportunity of personal investiga- UUU, UUU B11UI11U U1U IlUIUtH Ul Bllllll' arity extend bo greatly as to compre hend "popularity'' also, the translator will bo able to reap a small fortune. It is to bo published by John B. Al den, New York and Chicago. An Imperative Necessisy. What pure air Is to an unhealthy lo cality, what spring cleaning is to the neat houseeoper, so is Hood s Harga parilla to everybody, nt this season. The body needs to be thoroughly ren ovated, the blood purified and vitali zed, the germs of .disease destroyed, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all other blood disorders are cured by Hood s Sarsaparilla, the most p ppnlar and buo- P, aines mW . .4 For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. Bill lye Pfttbetio- HK RELATES THE STORY OF TIIE FARMER'S RACE AQAIN8T TIME. From the Mow York World. "l'vo put In fifty years farraln.' I never drank lickor in any .form. I've worked frofe tcii to eighteen hours a day 1 been eoonomlcal in olozo and never wont to a show moro'n a dozen times in my lifo 1 ralsod a family and learned upwards of 200 calves to drink out of a tin pail without blowing all their vittles up my sleeves. My wifo worked alongside p' mo sowin' now seats on the boys' pants, akimrain milk and even holpin' me to load hay. For forty years wo toiled alone together and hardly got timo to look Into each other's faces or dared to stop and get acquainted wifh caoh. other. Then hor health failed. Kctohed oold in spriog liouee, prob'ly skimmin' milk and washin' pans and scaldin' pails and spanking butter. Anyhow, she took to a long breath one day while tho doctor and me were watchin' her, and she says to me, 'Henry,' savs she, 'l'vo got a chanco to rest,' and sho put. one tired woreout hand on tho top of the other tired, woreout hand,, and I know she'd gone where tboy do&'t work all day and do ohores, all night. "I took timo to kiss her tbon. I'd been too busy for a good while pre vious to that, and then I called in the boys. After the funeral it was too much for them to stay around and eat the kind of cookin1 we had to put up with, and nobody spoke up around the bouso as we" used to. Tho boys quit whistlin' around tbo barn and talked kind of low to themselves about goiu' to town and gettin a job. "Thoy'ro all gone now, and the Bno.w is four feet deep on mother's grave up there in the old borryin' ground." Thirty Facto Worth Knowing, The second largest stato is Califor nia. Nebraska is more than twice the size of Indiana. Michigan and Klorlda aro tbo, same size. Texas is four times as, largo as the New England States. Dakota is larger than England, Scot land and Ireland' together. Tho population ot London, England, is equal to that of Canada, or that of New York State, including its cities. Kentucky and Portugal aio about tho samo size. California is nearly five times as large as Ireland. The Island of Cuba and the State of' Tennessee arc nearly equal in area. Brazil is nearly as largo' as the Uni ted States ; but tho population of the latter is six times that of tho former. Tho population of Canada, Now. York, Ireland and .Belgium are1 about tho same. If the people, of Canada and ot the United States were placed in the State of Texas, the number of persons to the square milo would bo fewer than at present in China., The population , of Canada is double that of Australia. Colorado is as large as New York, Pennsylvania and New, Jersey togeth er. It would take ten, states as. large as Massachusetts to make a state as large as Kansas. 'There aro more people in the cities of New York and Brooklyn than in the Stato of Massachusetts, including its cities. There are more-people in tho City of Chicago than in the State of Connecti cut. Onr. New York Letter, New York, Thursday,-r , Dkab.Mu. Editor.: The, brightest and quaintest idea is the one the new publication "Dress" is advocating, "All ladies should -wear pantaloons." Do yuu agree ,with, it T At, any rate, your male readers should know of the N, Y, Standard Pants Co. of 66 University Place, Mow York City, who aro msking to order fine, woolen, pants for S3, and send them to customers ,by mail. They send to any address ou receipt of C cents in stamps 25 samples of cloth to choose from, a full Bet of mt asuremeut blauks, a fin linen 60-inch tape measure free and a lot of oilier valuablo points. They al ways guarantee satisfaction or refund tlo money. Tell every reader to try them. All New York is wild over these 83 pants. Everybody is wear ing them. Yours truly, A.- Roosevelt. Archie's "a-lf-Denial." From tlie Buffalo Ez press. A young woman teacher in one ofi the Episcopal Sunday-schools a few Sundays ago bad been seeking to con vey to the minds of her littlo charges some idea of what constitutes a proper observance of the Lenten season, among other things, she told them that they should give up somo of their pleasures, and to enforce this idea she asked each what they would let go un til master, a reddte said be would stou eating candy, Willie volunteered to lock up his checked name of life. Char ley said he would not go to the theatre and Louis decided to dispense with tho syrup on hie pancakes. "And now, Archie, said tho teacher, coming to tue lost iamb in her tlock, "what pleas ure are you going to give up 1" "I'm gom' to stop comin' to Sunday Bchool," was tne prompt and deoided answer, Eggs as a Tribute to the Zing. Formerly at'tbe approach of Easter an tne nen roosts 01, franco were tan sacked for tho' largest eggs, which wero brought as a tribute to tho king, At tbo -conclusion of the Easter hicli mass in tho chapel of tbu Louvre lack eys brought into tbo royal cabinet pyramids of gilded eggs, placed In baskftts adorned with verdure ; and the chaplain, after having blessed them distributed them in the presence of his most unnsuan majesty to all tho per sons about the court. HERE TOtlZ Ctlerr and Coca, tha Bmmtnent In. fndlenu. are iho but and aafert Hervo Tonics It itrenitbena and quteu tne ntrroua ajtum, cuiini Rtrroui Wtakncai, UjitcrU, Bleep- AH ALTERATIVE; ItdrlTMOUt thapotionotuhtunanof tha blood purifying and enriching It, and to orercamlnr tnoaa tlWeaaw rteultlng from Impure or lrnpover Uhed blood. LAXATIVE. Acting mUdlbutfurlronihebowU ltcurec habituU conrtipitlon, and promoteirvrulrJiUi. Itttrcnatn eni the itaoaacti. and aid dLreailua. DIURETIC: Q In lu oomjcUlan the beat and moat, attire dlureiieaof the Materia Medlca are combined iclentlfloallywuli other eOecttTe remediea for dlaeaKa of lb kidney a 1 1 can be rtlkd on to rite quick relief and tpeedj cure. lleadail1lohUelianiilpS t" VnaKf mbc ban wd Uila nau4f vita rj-JSjjbWjaflt. tt'M ftu, tr raiUM; Bis Beard for a Bhreud. SIMCY TRESSES FROM A HEAD MAH's OWN after thirteen years ncRiEt). cinon (Ma) BpeeUl to 'FrUco Examiner. Old-timers will doubtless remember tho death of Hal Clayton somo thirteen yoars ago. Ho was a gambler by pro fession, of tho better class of Bports, and when he died of a fever was buried in a vault in a oemctcry and his body placed in a costly metallic oaskot un der a glass o'aso. His wife, who was frantic with grief placed her diamonds on his shirt front. These stones were valued at $800. Fearful lest thn gems would bo taken from tho vault, she placed a watch at the tomb, and It was maintained for many weeks. Clayton was a South erner, and tho body was disposed of after Southern fashion, above ground. A tew days ago George Dobbs, who has care of tho cemetery, was possess ed with a curiosity to visit Hal Clay ton's tomb, and, securing tho keys of the vault, took a look at the remains. Ho was astonished to find that Clay ton's beard and mustache had grown under the glass case, to such an extent that they reached below his knees. Tho, .massive beard was a rich brown color, extending in wavy masses over his body, and having a perfectly fresh healthy appearance, as it might have had on a living man, Tho beard had been growing in this way tbirtoen years, and, for aught anybody knows will hold its Btrange post-mortem vital ity. Clayton had a romantio life. Ho was engaged to the handsomest young girl in the South, and Jeft her to Beek bis fortuno in thn West. She becamo tired of his abscence, and, setting out t6 find him, drilled homeless and friendless from one1 raining camp to another like a leaf in a storm. After years of this life sho met her former lover, but was so changed by her wan dering lifo that ho rotused to marry her. After his repudiation of his old sfvoethoart he became sick,-aud when lying at deains door she oamo to his bVdside and nursed him back to health. Filled with gratitude at her devotion, he renewed tho affection of his youth and married ber. Sho proved a devot ed wif e,i and when he died sho built at lare expense the vault where his re mains now lie and in whiob his rich brown beard has been growing all these years. Whether the diamonds are on his shirt front is not known as tho beard hides tho body from the knees up. Growth of Gossip. It takes a long, conscientious lifo to build up a reputation, which may yet be injured for a time by a breath of gossip. For example something like this may easily happen. Mrs. A says, in all innocence, to Mrs. B : "That Mrs. Newcomer is so fond of her children. The other day when I called sho was blowing soap bubbles with Ihera through a common day rs. B, in her next conversation with Mrs. C, retails the story, slightly altered : . "That Mrs. Newooraer is so odd. Mrs. A saw her amusing the children with a common clay pipe." Airs, u to Mrs. u mat jura, new comer uses a common clay pipe. Mrs. JJ to Mrs. K That Mrs. new comer smokes a horrid old pipe. I don't see how any woman in her sober senses could do that. Mrs. E to Mrs., F That Mrs. New comer smokes a pipo and.driuks dread fully. ' Social conversations are often like the game ot "Scandal." An .innocent statement becomes bo distorted, after many repetitions, that it would never be recognized at the source from which it started. Youth s Companion. SOME DOCTORS honestly admit that ther can't cure Bheumatlim and Neuralgia. Others say they can but don't. Ath-lo-pho-ros says,lnothlng' but cure. That's, the secret of its success. Years cf trial hare proved it to be a quick, tafc, lure cure. ConecmL Jr. n.. Sept . ISM In my own famUr Athlophoroe wae used aa a laet resort, the user navtar suffered from rbeumatyun for Tears and hanoar been treated for the disease by different phrsldans In. this State and Maasachn. setts -wltnoat' eTPir temporary relief. pis haye used till remedr wrih the same results claimed for It. C.1I. Wnaox. . ., . DobuqnIowe; Jin.'r,iana; Atnlophoros hsa completely cured me of nerrons headache, and I feel thankful for au tne good It has done me. Mrs. Locisi Ciilsar. 1 4V- Send 6 cents' for the benutlfut colored pic ture, ',' Moorish Maiden." THE A THL0PH0R0S CO, 112 Wall St MX h. t , , . HOW'S YOUR' LAME BACK? BTRKNCTHIN 'AND RMTOM IT Br WBARING A MopTHaster TOtyriirriilhMtiolilM tnd positive rHef U t bJt&df. The Hop PUs-ten completely and peedUy cure Bacit ohe.Biaone, Falnfol UDMlet Kidney ' WakneM. lUton m tlam, SoUUoa, Plenxley, Cheat ralix.BwIuie! Couffha, Crick and all Sudden, Bnarp or iferroua paint. The eootMatr, psUn-kilUmr and rtrenfftken- inT Ttrtnea ot Jlope, Hemlock. Balaaxi ana a ami combined. Sweet and cloan. Bold everywhere, 88 cte.. D for 11.00. Mailed Ibrprioe by proprie tors. Hep JLIaeter Ceeteaaj, iieetea, . rjrLook for tne hop-Tine wreath and vlgnature of HOP plaaUTZA CO.,onerrry(renuifte piaster, twu cf Imitaoosj and eubtUtatlona. r BL(MG mm MILL 10. The undersigned havlnir put ! Planlna Jll 00 HallroadHtroet,tn nrst-cmss condition, Is pro pared to do allklndsofwerktn his line,- FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.lVlO0a.D!NGS; FLOORING Etc. urnisnea at reasonable rrlceeV All inmtemaea s -wen seasoned ana none out aaiuoa worstnen are employed. ESTIMATES F0K BDILDING3 urnlahed on application, liana land specinca1 ous prepares oy an experiences, arauzuumaa Cn4RI.ES KHCG, HloeiHsburir, Pa When' I say Cur a 1 do not main merely to stop litem lor a time, and than liars thani r turn auiiln I Jiiuy.A lUDlgAL CUUE. I hate made the disease of FITS, EPELEPSy or FAIXINQ SICKNESS, Allfelnnst atndy, I wamiaht my remedy to Cur a the worst cases, because others have falledlano reason fur not now rrrelvlna a cure, Hend at once for a trratlss and a Kaa ItoTTLa ot my iNrAt.uBLa ItauiDr. (ino Etpinj aud l'oit onice. It costs you nutlilnx tor t., and 11 w.l II cure you Address H.O.ROOT.M.O. WPtAUSl,,rliwtott noTata oacottti. W I CURE &L FITS! U Mil Lowest Prices!! D S ANDFUS $ CO., UKAlrQUARTBItS FOIl Stciinvsiy, Sohiiici'. frrunicli llacli Fischer, JCiucrson, Pease wmmmt AND TIIE CKI.KrtltATKI) Wilcox & Whito Organs, WPIanos Tuned nnd Hcnnlreil bv com - peteot workmen. Sendfbr Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Williamsport, Pa. HOTll-87-ly, HAT AILS YOU? , So TOO feel dull, languid, low-spirited, lire leas, and Indescribably miserable, both physi cally and mentally 1 experience it cnso of fullness or bloatlnir nfter eatlnir, or of "o-nnc-nesa," or emptiness of stomach In tho morn ing:, tongue coated, bitter or bad tnsto In mouth. Irregular appetlta, dlulneM, frciiiciit headaches, blurred eyesight, "floating specks" before the ores, nerrons piostrntlon or ex haustion. Irritability of temper, hot Hushes, alternating' with chilly sensations, aliurp, Mtinp, transient pains liero cud thorp, cold feet, drowslne-sj arter meals, wakefulness, or disturbed 'and itnrefresbing eleep, constant, Indeacribablo feeling of dread, or of Impend log calamity ? It you have all, nr any considerable number of these symptoms, you aro suffering from that mmt common of American maladies Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Tho more complicated, j our ulscoso has become, the greater the mtuhcr nnd dUcrslty of symp toms. No matter wlmt rtafn it has reached. Dr. Plerce ;olden Medical Dlecovcry will subdue If, It taken according to direc tions for a reasonable lengtli it time. If not Cured, complications multiply und Consump tion of the Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart Disease, Rheumatism, Kidney Disease, or other grave maladies aroniilto lublo to set In nnd, sooner or later, Indueo a fatal termination. Dr. IMcrce'a Uoldeit ItSfdlcnl IMs. Covery ncts powerfully upon the Liver, nnd through that great blood-purlfylng organ, cleanses tho system of all hlood-talnts and Im purities, from whatever cause arising. It Is equally efficacious In acting upon tbo Kid neys, rfhd other excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, rcstnratlvo tonic, it promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. In malarial districts, this' Wonderful medicine bos gained great celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. IMorce'. Golden medical DIs. !CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Illotcb,. or Eruption, to the Sorst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, " Fever-sores," caly or Itough Skin, In short, all diseases claused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and Invigorating medi cine, (treat Hating ulcers rapidly hcnl under Its benign Influence. Especially has It mani fested its potency In curing Tetter, Kcicma, Erysipelas, Dolls, Carbuncles, Roro Eyes, Serof- ilous Sores and Swellings, Illp-jolnt Disease, White Swolllngs," Goitre, or Thick Neck, id" Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents In stamps for a large Treatise, with colored Slates, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount 3t a Treatlae on Scrofulous Affections. "4 FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughlycleanao it by.uslng Dr. Fierce. Qoltloii Medical Discovery, and good digestion; a 'fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofula orthe Lungs, is arrested and cured by this remedy, if taken In the eferller stages or tbe disease. From Its mar velous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-famed rem 1 dy to the public Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling It bis "Cohscmption Curie," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicine' which, from Its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, antl-blllous, pectoral, and nutritive properties. Is uncqualcd, not only aa a remedy, for Consumption, but (or all Chroulc Disease, of tho Liver, Blood, and Lungs. 'For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Breath, Chronlo Nasal Catarrh, Ilron obitls. Asthma. Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, It Is an efficient remedy. 1 Sold bv Druggists; at 1. 00, or Six Bottles for 5,00. tv Send ten cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption, Address, 'World's Dispensary Medical Association. - 003 mailt St., BUFFALO, N. If. WE DO WEAR THE N. Y. STANDARD $3.00 CUSTOM MADE PANTS Hal ll uIh fxxnartriissr nor tKa lav rHr la (csAa eat road! Mil bu Cavil a wacas) maki thtmrnft. Wa on It- uaa all roolclslhoftti WlMtdMlra udpatWrsc It lavary ((rong Mftt com. fcsytoM Mi, wiry, tlcbk twtit ( IU wool. It 1 N KXT.M to onr law Brlr. Tkut coaiM from or wdllaf ith Monaow quntt .tlMAoA aUkiDfauch .mall profit ( lbra mill, tud Ukftl awaiy muum oar asuauuv Heir Tork Stales, AVOID IMITATORS II EXT, w matte u Mir'Hi rueri Md bV ODV aclaaillld maturm. bust bUnktCM 111 u wH lJUOO BUM iwij fta W9 tU kt out lor. lrYe snl onr ooda to rnitoMen both by mull und ex prcM, mt buyer's oi- J.bJW'A 9 J MBdlBf til tntM n tUmpi yoa will fcr tttnm rriall xkkal 7 iiwro rnui mu.k( ratlll. faulta. nnd OTerfwili.itlUvoinnUc TaiM Meiiatirn !. Al aait irvfiamaallna ikla au aTlaa.lsa.k. OUK GUABANTEI UgXSJK wrry b JmIi wltb Da, for w rf mi mtiiiaT for niums,' KKFKICRVCJKM. l"rjtT ud klwr Will fork City, with whom m 4a u ueruMi batliNM, Blurt: I Art now, n4 Uwa ! On-IIuir dd 7uif for MiAscsi o( jnr lit, uui N.V. STANDARD PANT CO,,06 Unlver- iiy f ince, h. T. oity, HSjar union 8q. ;rebi7-ly-8s ! SfCK HEAD-ACHE: NERVOUS' HE AD-ACHE. Both are Symptoms Tdf a Disor Oereo STOMACH AND LIVEfl. MANDRAKE IS A SEDATIVE, AND' A3! COM POUNDED IN DRiSgHENGK'S Mandrake Pills WILL tj?' PERMANENTLY vfc HEADACHE! Tot Ssl. by all PmitrMs. Trlca u rti. p, r l.isj 3 oxr Ur u ru.; ur M'lit If mall, iw.t.f fr,., ua r.c.ltir,rii. nr.J.U,bcUtuckSou,l'liilad's. Tint's Pills Malaria, Dumb Chills, Feyerand Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. They produce raarnlar, natural evar. tialloiia, Huter;rleurlulerrr tilth llly liisluea.'Aa funiily mcdli liiu, tlivy alioulil be tutery Ituuaebulil. SOLI KViatYWJIIHtK. MTIU.0aM0iri EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING, COCOA fetmdlt. TO CONSUMPTIVES Us WISCllESTKU'S IIYPohllOSl'IIlTK or I.1MR and HOI). For consumption, weak lunpt, rouEha asthma, bronchitis, and treneral debllltr It Is an acknowledged speclflo remedy. THY IT. I'rlce II and l per bottle. iTcparcd only by rtiPiuiiKMinu s cun vnemuts, 1M William Bt., New York. Bold by Dnifgiats. Bend tor Circular. feblldlU LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OP MRAT. Finest and Cheapest Meat Tia vourlns ctock for Boups, Made Ulshea and Sauces. Annual fmlo 8 000,000 Jars. LIRHIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. An Invaluable tonic "Is a suc cess and a boon torwhlcn nations should feel cratefuL" Bee "Medical l'ress," "Lan. cct,,ro. GENUINE WITH BLUE SIGNA TURE OFnARONLIEIlIO Infao-stmlle serosa label. Highly recommended as a night cap instead of alcohollo drinks. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. To bo had of all storekeepers. Grocers and Chemists. Sole agents for the United states (wholesale only) o. Davll a CO., Ken-church Avenue, London, England. febl7d4U &AXI.KOAD SIKH XAIM .J i All Druj.uu, JSC., JOo tnd SI CO. lTrpirrt onlj by Dr. Arnold. Ifed. CorD..Wooniocitt. H. I. c28i&tem QELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NORTH. ru p x a. u. a U. NoRTnmixauND,.!,., 6 40 x ts 10 10 10 25 10 28 10 3S 10 53 11 00 11 07 11 IS 11 22 11 26 11 30 11 37 11 44 II 43 11 68 12 OS 12 16 12 20 12 23 12 30 12 37 12 41 12 45 12 60 12 66 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 80 r u SOUTH, d IS uameron. d m 630 6 34 6 40 6 63 7 06 7 12 7 20 7 27 7 31 7 35 7 42 7 49 65 8 06 8 IT 8 22 8 33 8 33 8 88 8 45 8 49 8 63 8 68 9 03 9 09 9 17 9 25 9 80 9 35 A U Chulaslcy s no Danville s 08 Catawlssa s 26 1 68 3 14 1 19 2 it 2 28 llupert..- 0 so moomsourK ... 0 so SDV. 0 42 .lmo Hideo. 0 60 Willow Orove ... s 64 Iirlircreek. s 63 nerwicK 7 05 2 49 2 51 2 69 3 09 3 19 3 20 S"S5 3 39 3 43 Heach Haven 7 11 Hlck'BFenr. 7 16 Shlcksnlnny 7 aO nuniOCK'S 7 .a Nantlcoko 7 60 Avondale. 7 64 riymoutn 7 c Plymouth Junction,.... 8 03 Kingston 8 os uenneit n 2 Maltby 8 17 Wyoming 8 23 3 62 3 60 4 01 west niision s in Plttston.. , 8 S3 , 8 40 , 8 48 , 8 64 , 9 00 r f A U Lackawanna .... Taslorfllle. Bellevuo. BCRANTOK 4 22 P X au 8 60 9 66 10 00 10 08 10 Id 10 22 10 27 10 80 10 34 10 33 10 42 10 47 10 51 10 63 It 02 11 12 11 22 II 28 11 37 STATIONS. ru 2 05 i'ii e 21 2 28 2 34 S 89 247 2 60 2 64 2 39 8 03 3 00 3 19 29 3 39 3 45 3 61 3 57 4 01 4 OS 4 12 4 18 4 24 4 29 4 46 4 64 5 00 6 15 r u 6 20 6 23 6 30 6 87 6 45 6 60 6 65 6 59 7 03 7 07 7 12 7 It 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 55 8 07 8 13 8 20 827 8 31 8 83 8 41 8 47 8 62 8 57 9 IS 9 23 9 28 9 45 HCRiNTON.. 8 10 Hellevue. 6 16 Taylorvllle , e so Lacaawanna. e sm Ilttston 6 SA WestPlttston 6 42 wiomintr s 47 Maltby s M uennett 0 m Kingston S (8 Plymouth Junction...... 7 06 Plymouth 7 10 Avondale T 14 Nantlcoko 7 19 uunlock's 7 26 Hhlckshlnny 7 47 Illck's Ferry T 55 ueacn uaven , s ut Ilerwlck , 8 07 llrtarcreek... ............ 8 13 willow Drove.... 8 it 11 43 Lime nidge. 8 20 11 62 Kspy. .. 8 :s 11 t9 oioomsDurg . 12 oa Kunert 8 37 12 10 Catawlssa 8 .2 12 is Danville 8 67 12 30 unuiasicv. u U3 Cameron 9 07 12 40 NOKTHtniBIBLaXD....... 9 22 12 5 a at r it T U r v Connections at Ttunert with PhllsdplnhlA Reading Railroad tor Tamanend, Tamaqua, Will, lamsport, Sunbury, I'otl svllle, etc At Northum berland wltb I'. & E. Dlv. 1'. R. It. for Uarrlsburg, Lock Uavcn, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie, v. r . uaui jkaij, tif ii. aian., Soranton, Fa Pennsylvania Railroad. IUII Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M TIME TABLE. In effect FEB. 8, 1883. Trains leave Snnburr EASTWARD. 0.40 a. m.. Sea Shore Kxrjreaa (dally cicect Scndan. ror narrlsbunr and Intermediate stations.' arriving at Philadelphia S.15b. m.; New York, B.W p. m. ; Baltimore, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington 5.M p. m., connecting at Philadelphia tor all 'Sea shore points. Through passenger coach to pniladelnhla. 1.43 n. m Dav exnreas dally except sundaj),ror Uarrlsburg and lnterme mate stauons, arriving at rnuaaeipnia 6.60 p. m. ; New York, .Ji p. m. ; Baltimore (.49 p. m. ; Washington, T.ii p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches t urougn to rniiaaeipnia ana Baltimore. 7,4S p. m. Kenovo Accommodation (daily tor uamsouTK ana an iniermeoiaie stauons, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m. naiiimore, ; waamnrion o.uo a. m. sieeDlnir car accommodations can be aecured a naniaburtr (or Pniladelnhla and New York. On Sun. davs a through BlecDlne car will be run: on this train from WlUlamspt to rhlladelphla.PtiUadelpnla pasfiengera can rviuauiin aiceper uuaiaiuruea unii I a. ui. S.C0 a. m. Erie nan (daily except Monday, (or Uarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, ai.'ilu&T ub ruiiauDipum o.3 a. ill. ioff sura, HAi . m. t Baltimore tU5 a. m. ; Washington, 9.0 a. m. Through iniUmun aleepuig cars are run on t&is tram to rnuaaeipnia, tsaiiunore ana waaainv, ton, and through passenger coaches to Phuadei. puia auu uaiiimure. WESTWARD. 5.11) a. m. Erie Mall (dallv excent Snndavl. to Erie ard all Intermediate stations and Canandal. sMsVijBfcJBsML fiuaard Intermediate stations, Uochester, buffi, oand Niagara Falls, with through Pullman Pal ace cars ana passenger coacaes to jtne ana noca ester. II.6S News SxpresB (dally except Sunday) lwk uaven ana intermeuiaw sLaiioua. 12.52 n. m Nlacrara' Kxnresa (dally excent Sun 1 Tl (or Kane and Intermediate stations and Can, a ualtrua andnrlnclnal Intermediate stations. K'-rheater. Buffalo and Nlazara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Parlor carto Williamsport. 8.30 p. m. Fast Line (dauyiexcept Sandayltor He novo and intermediate stations, and Klraira. WaU kins and Intermedial stations, with through pas senger coaches to ltenovo and Watklna. v.20 a. m. Sunday mall tor Kenovo and Interae- late stauon TURonan thains for sdnbhry from tub JtABT ah 11 bu u ill, Sunday mall leaves PhUadelnhla 4.50 a. Uarrlsburg 7,40 arriving at sunbury s.20 a. m, with tarounaieepmgcar irom rnuaaeipnia to limiujpuru ' News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. m. Uarrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. in. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. j Baltimore 7.SQ a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury, lx.62 p. to., with through Parlor car trom Philadelphia ana inroun passenger ooacnes trom rnuaaei. phla and Baltimore. Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. m. : Phlladel' Dhla.ll.50a. m. i Waahlmrton. D.80 a. m. ! Haiti. more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving ottuuurj,, D.ou p. ui. wivu luruugu paasengei coaches from Philadelphia and lialtfmore. j&neaiaii leaves new; inuaaei' Phla. 11.85 D. m. : Washington. 10.00 d. m. 1 Haiti. more, 11.20 p. in., (dally exoept.Satunlay) arriving at Sunbury 6.10 a. in., with through Pullman Bleeping cars irom I'nuaaeipuia, wasnington and jiatiiiuuiu rvnu vurouga passenger voacuea iron? ruiiaueipuia. HUNHUllY, IIAZI.ETON Ac Wll.KKMBABUE uaiutiiau Ann nuiiTii Anu wkht lllr ANCII HAII.U'AY. (Dally except Sunday.) Wllkesbarre Mall leavea sunbunr a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry lau a. m., wiUtea-barre i:.2p.m. Express East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. m., arriving v uiuvu c or, j u.s f. 111., wuaea-uarro f,DQ p. in Sunbury alall leaves Wllkesbarre 10.50a.m. arrtv. Idz at Bloom Ferry 1 i.(U a. m., Hunbury 12.45 p. in , Express West leaves Wllkes-barre3.05 p. m., ar riving at Bloom Ferry 4.W p, m., sunbury 5.J7p.m SUNDAY ONLY, Sunday mall leavea Sunbury 9:211 a. m,, arriving Sunday accommodation leavea Wilkes-liar re 6:10 1. w., airivuig v titwm rerry, .sn p.m., rjunuory, cuas. el man. j. it wood. len. Manager Oen, PasMnirer Aganj SUBSOUIBK FOH THE COLUMBIAK NOTHINO SUT IXC tit ) OF ESPlT, PA., Respectfully informs his friends and Dublin troncrallv that ho linn refitted his planing mill. In addition to the planing mill work ho is now prepared to furnish to order doors and inside finish for houses. WESTERN POTE veneered with all onr native woods, also foreign woods, suoh as Mahogany. R6sewood,i&o., &s. All hard wood Mouldings is used for Veneered Doors and InBide Finish. All work shall bo guaranteed, Wntor-proof Glue, is used for Veneering all onr Doors and Casings, Base Boards, &c, &o. Also Walnut, Asb, Sycamore, Oak, Butternut, Maple, Cherry, Poplar, Vbfieerii, for sale at the Mill, six to ten feet long, six to thirty inches wide. PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY DtBTiLiiD from selected Barley Malt and guaranteed chemically pure and tree from Injurious oils and Iclddoitcn contsliifd In slcobollc liquors. It I, especially adapted to persons requiring a stimulating tonic, Ccqstraiptlvta beln Sreatly benefitted by its use. Recommended by leading phyttclsns aa a Dluretto iervlne. Tonlo and Alterative. JFor contuinptlves It Is Invalusble. riRltlNE'H PURE BARLEY MALT WU1SKEY Insures a return of vlgorto the Btomach, a good appetite, a rich nnd abundant mood and Increased flesh aiid mueculartti-rae. A stimulant mild and gentle In erect. Djtpepsla, Indigestion and all wasting dli eases cat, be entirely conquered by the ute rr Pertlne's 1 ure lu-rley alt Whiskey. It Is a tonic and diuretic and a powerful urengthener to tbe entire system. PER RINE'S PURE BARLEY MALT N UlbKKi has proved a medicinal protection to thoso who pursue their avocations in tbe open air and whose dally work calls It exceptional powers ot endurance. Ask jour neareti drucglst or grocer tor lor PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY MALT WUISEiY revives the energies of those Horn out with excesslvo bodily or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposure In wet and rurorouH-ueatfter. It win drive all malarkua dlacjiapn rmm Mm ftvsrm . Hard workers of every vocation and persons whom a sedentary lire renders prone to ujouruom iiuu 111 txTHue s Malt whiskey a powerful lnvlgorant and helper to digestion. PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY MALT W1I1SKKY wlthout unduly stimulating tbe kid neys Increases their nagging activity, counteracts the effects of fatigue, has tens convalescence and Is a wholesome and prompt diuretic. Watch the label I None genuine unless bearing the signature Foi twie uy all drug 1st and grocers throughou tue umiea Dtates ana canadas. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHILA run ui HANDSOME WEDDIN0. BIRTHDAY OR HnlinAV drcseut. sbbb r sjbt 110 iiBrTua THE LUBURG MANF'C CO.. 29 alllllV a 2 VRim ,C. JB. JttOBBINS, DEALER IN Forefga sad Mamestie WINES AND LIQUORS AN0 JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. INDUCEMENTS! We are offeriner crreat lndnpGirifin t 4J 47 purchase Pianos, Organs and loi wu - at Among the Pianos we handle are the IYERS P(l vn 5, . A V w' "'"j wiviv u j. vt.cii.uo. luraci iiiuot) are ail lirst-clabij and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are tho celebrated ESTE Y 7lf TT. J . Eif, united States nnt thmt, ' LL Our leadintr Sewinir Machinea nra tlm rrlnlvno.i tt tj rmp EWDA VIS, ME W Kotary Hewing Maclnuo in the TApATUl TlllSllino3ir iirwiin , . " i'miwiuoiuu niuo PATjAiIR m? AfTTHTn A"Wr AODfilsSTO St ON THIS SI , T. W. E.DOAR . MALT whiskey. ruru iuaney , The analysis as It appears by the Lti bcl on every bottle: 1 have carefully an alyzed thePrjaa Bablkt Milt Wms xxv made by M. tt i. K Perrine and nnd metals and acids and Is absolutely pure." ilowd, Comma Arthur ilater.l Uraauate of the Uniwrtlttti of Munich,! ut7urraana nntoaaen uuuuuiaia anu all ukalkuh. Jan w s r sWblBBI bVbjjb THE WONDERFUL All M LUBURG CHAIR Combining a Parlor, Idbrary, Smoking, BecUnlnar or Invalid a chair. rinwriK. nun u .CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES ,,tUu.ri'"VluS,DS X?m"? ?? and Retailed u Buuup " w")uo a1 mention carrlaBta. 145 N. 8th St.. Phlfada.. ta. w 'vaayti4W UVUlllUg IV Sewing Machines. In, T VJ- 4-tVJiL IXUUl DOMESTIC ME W JlOME world. 4VM 1 1 , -r r, I -w mrs-r-n mi - vmaiOEUefl LO J. tSALilAtjl-LO nnAm' DEPOT, Main St;, Bloomaburg, Pa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers