The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 02, 1888, Image 2

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The Columbian.
0. 1, Slwall, iu...
A meeting of the members of the
Democrtttio Standing Comm'tttco will
be held at the Grand Jnrv room.
IUoomaburg, on Friday, March 16th,
1888, at 1 o'clock p. m., for tho purpose
of obooflincr delegates to the Stale Con
vention, and to transact other Important
Uoh't, It.,
. M. TKWKfiiiunv, Chairman.
Bloomsbarg, Pa., Feb. 28, 1888.
It was decided unanimously at the
meeting of the National Demooratio
Committee at Washington, last week,
that too .National Democratic Uonveu
tion shall be held at St Loms on the
5th day of Jane next.
In response to the idiotic express
ions of tho Sentinel, of last week, the
Short Ex is however cot boasting
tbat lie furnished tno monev tnat do
f&ated Georne A. Herri n if for Presi
dent of the Town -Council, and many
other Dcmocratio candidates for Town
ofuoes, in 1884 t that ho voted and
worked for D. M. Kinter the ItoDubli-
can 'candidate for Prothonotary at the
Ueneral Election tbe samo year, by con
f erring with D. A. Beckley and other
republican leadors, how the defeat of
Vm. H. Snvderoould be accomplished
thai he organized a Demooratio canons
before tbe last election who a repnbit
can at the head of the ticket which
staggered many Democrats when they
wanted to vote, and did not support
him more than two-thirds of election
day and deceitfully the balance That
in his retiring from office he left no
suspicion that five hundred dollars dur
ing bis incumbency was surreptitiously
taken from tho pnbllo fnnds. Nor has
the decency, peace, and good order of
tbe publio bouses ot tho town been pre
served by having the grog denied him.
Uko. W. sterner.
Hill's Tribute to the President-
The Kings county, ft. Y., Demo.
cratio club gave a dinner in Brooklyn
recently in commemoration of tbe
birtlidav of Samuel J. Tilden. Gov
ernor Hill, in the oourse of his eulogy
on Mr. Tilden, said: "While the Ue
mooraoy were very reluctant to part
wUh-Tridou's active leadership, they
proceeded to select a new standard
bearer for tbe campaign of 1884 from
this state, to whom publio attention
had already been favorably direoted.
After nearlv three years of successful
administration of publio affairs it is
safe to, assert that tbe Democraoy and
tbe people ot tbe county made no mis-
take in their choice. I cheerfully re
iterate what I said in suhstanoe about
a year ago in this samo place, that the
administration of President Cleveland
has. been dignified, conservative, hon
est, and. in the main satisfactory to tbe
people of the country. There may be
differences among the Democrats as to
tbo details relating to the party man
agemenl and as to the entire manage.
of some matters attempted, and as to
tbe details ot some measures proposed
but snob, differences among friends are
inevitablo everywhere in government
politics and society in general."
This will be rather set back to the
Republican nowsDauers which have
been busily occupied, in getting up an
anti-Cleveland movement in the Domo
cratio party, with David B. Hill a? its
leader. Jx.
The News From China-
San Francisco, February 25. The
steamer sau rabio arrived irom Hone
Kong and Yokohama to day. China
papers announce the death of Gideon
Nye, United States Vico Consul at
Canton. He was the oldest foreign
resident in China, having been there
since 1833. He amassod a fortune of
about $0,000,000 aud afterwards lost
it all. At tbe time of his death he was
writing a history of China's relations
with foreign powers.
Small-pox is spreading in Hong
A few additional details are given
of the seoond disaster on the Yellow
river, which occurred December 4 and
resulted in the drowning of three man
darins and over four thousand Chinese
laborers. The men were at work
trie time repairing the damage caused
by tbe previous Hoods and two thou
sand bamboo rafts had been laden witb
stones in order to form a breakwater,
' but the rafts witb all the people on
them were engulfed as soon as they
reached the middle ot tbe river.
Great suffering is reported from the
Hooded districts. Cold weather came
ou and the country was soon flooded
over, making it impossible for boats to
run. it is estimated tbat twenty thou
sand Blacks ot millet stalks will
nveded to slop tho ereat gap, each
stack icquiriug fifty large carts
bring it to the spot, bo far tbe nt
roost exertions have not succeeded i
collecting mors than thirty stacks
day. Eight million laels have alreaJy
been expended on repairs.
Baiting on the Susquehanna.
The Lanoaster JVf in Em says:
reporter this morniug met one of the
oldest river pilots of Marietta and
.asked him what tbo prospects were of
a gooa raiting season this opring.
reply he paid that they were none too
encouraging, though he thought more
rafts would como down the river than
las,t year, when about three hundred
descended the stream. Not over 130
of these, however, passed Marietta to
tno lower waters ot the river, and
consoqaence tho business secured
tho Marietta pilots was rather insicni:
ioant. Year by year the rafting bust
ncss on the Susouolianaa. once ol
mammoth proportions, has been stow-
: lt .: ... !. !
AU OUlUilUi, UUbll iivw lb in Ui Hill
ueneiii to marietta and other towns
along its banks,whiob once did a llou
tailing business on account of it. Great
corporations own most of the timber
land of tho north country and instead
of bringiug it down the river in the
form of rafts it is sawed into lumber
oither where cut or at some saw mill
on the upper waters of the big stream
and then shipped by rail to tbe mar
kets of tho east. Iu a few years tbe
groat forests on tbe upper waters of
this noble stream will be gone, and
rafting on the Susquehanna will only
be reuenbored in tales and legends.
Prom our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington. D. O.. Feb. 87, 1888.
Tho tlmo for tho meeting of tho
Demooratio nominating convention be
ing Uxod on Juno 5th, makes it two
weeks beforo tbe HoLlican convention
meet. This dato was not agreed up
on without n struggle, for thero is an
element in tho party, which though
small and rapidly diminishing, still be
lieves in waiting for tho Rebubllcans
to mako tho issue. The majority of
tbo party however, think thai tbo issuo
has already been fully Bet forth by the
l'reBidonts message to Congress nnd
that no other platform is needed to
mako tho fight on.
1 bis is tho nggrrssivo clement, thof e
who carry the eleotions i and tho pres
ent aggri'Fsivo condition of tho party
will rouso their enthusiasm to an un
usual pitch, will make them think of
tho many national victories won by
tho party in niito-bcllura days. Tho
selection of tho great metropolis of the
Southwest, St. Louis, as tho place of
meeting was the very best tbat oould
have been made.
Tbo further the Government mint
ing office investigation goes tho better
it shows tor tbo demooratio manage
ment of Mr. Benedict. He has saved
tho Government already over $200,000
and at the same time done more work
than has ever been dono in tho samf
length of time in the history of the
Q'lito a number of republican papers
have been foolish enough to charge
Pension Commissioner Black with hav
ing shown favoritism in allowing the
amounts of pensions to soldiers living
in democratic states. A table has
been issued by the Pension Office,
showing the average pension paid each
soldier in caoh State and Territory. It
shows that the largest average amounts
are paid to soldiers who aro residents
of the States and Territories which
have always given republican maion-
ties. Bring in another republican
Tho worst sqnelohed man in thf
Hon so is Mr. Boutelle of Maine, the
gentleman who recently got rampant
over the proposition to return tbe
captured Confederate battle flags to
their original owners, and who wanted
tho Seoretary of War to furnish the
House with a detailed statement of
everything ho knew about these flag-.
That statement bos reached the House.
That is what squelched Buutelle. It
contained more information than he
wanted. It showed that tbe demoorat
io administration bad taken much
better caro of tho flags than the renub
.. ... . - . -.
ucans ever did, and lurlber that not a
confederate flag, with one exception,
and tbat was loaned to bo returned,
bad ever left the possession of the War
Department under this administration.
Tbe negotiation of the Fisheries
treaty would alone of itself be a suf
ficient reason for the people to keep
the Government in ihe hands of the
democratic party. The subject covered
by tbe treaty bas been a constant
source of worry to this country for
more than a bundred years, and many
attempts have been made at settlement
but mnu so favorable to this country as
tno present treaty.
Mr. Mills, Chairman of the House
Committee on Ways and Means says
that Revenue reform is making rapid
neauwuy iu new nugiana. lie was
informed in Providence ft. I. by a life
long republican, that although never
i t .. . ...
naving cast a uemocratio vote, this
year be proposed to support Cleveland
and revenue reform, and that he be
lieved there were enough men just like
mm io carry mat state.
air. springer s Dill tor the orcran za-
tion of the Territory of Oklahoma was
considered by tbe House on Saturday
but no yoie was reached.
Thera is a rumor in society that Sec
retary Bayard and Mrs. Folsom, the
D,:.i . ar-.i i .,
j. icniucui. b uiutuer-io-iaw aro snorny
to bo married and that Mrs. Folsom.
who is now in Paris, has gone there
for the express purpose of getting her
Tho Secretary has been interviewed
on the fisheries treaty He expresses
himself as entirely satisfied and says
mat we get everything tbat was con
tended lor.
Washington is in mourning for its
foremost private oitizeo, W. W. Cor
coran, the millunairo nhilanthrouist.
He was buried this afternoon.
It is said tbat Postmaster General
Diokinson is already seriously ill from
overwork. Tho office seekers and their
friends are to blame for it All thoo
who had failed to get what thev want
ed from Mr. Vilas, pounced npon the
now offioial, to say nothing of the
large number from bis own State who
expected something.
1 be residential party returned home
yesterday morning much pleased with
what they saw and with the cordial re
ception with which they met on their
i , .1 ..
uurriuu souinern l rip.
Enooh Arden Surpassed.
A special from Findlav. Ohio, savs :
Dr. D. May, who died in this citv Fri-
day morning, was a man who bod even
a more remarkable experience than
lennysons Lnooh Arden. Ho was
practicing physician in Fairfield county
tbUState, prior to the war of the Re
bellion, aud had a wife and two chil
dren whom he left in 1861, to join the
Union army. Ho was with Rosenorans
at atone river, and on tho second dav
of the engagement was taken prisoner
anu sent to Anuersonville. xsot mauy
months afterward tho report rt ached
his wifo and children that he "was dead.
and they mourned him accordingly for
a year or more, when hia wife marriod
again. In the meantime Dr. May was
exchanged, and tho Arar being over,
oarae North to join his family. At
Columbus ho accidentally heard for the
a . .! . , . i t i i
urei mini uiui no nau long oecn con
sidered dead and that his wife was
again married and living happily with
ber seoond husband, who was also tak
ing excellent care of the children of
tho first mamago. Here is where
May's heroism cams in. Stifling the
feeling of the husband and father, be
determined that no would not disturb
tne oxitiig relation of things. H
purohaed a tioket for the far WeH
and for fifteen years buried lilraself
among the wild soenes of the border,
where he remalnod until his wife died,
in blissful ignorance of tbo fact that
her first husband was yet among the
living. Upon tho death of his wife
Dr. May returned to Ohio and made
himself known to his children, one of
whom, a daughter, now living near
Tillin, has been at his bedside ever
since his serious illness began, and
ministered to him until tho hour of
death. Dr. May was a resident ol this
city for many wars and was well
known all over Ohio.
An avalanche in tho Valley of Mo
robbia, Switzerland, has killed ten per
sons and many head of cattle, and de
stroyed a large number of bouses.
News IUmfc
Thrco hundred and twenty marriages
took placo In Camden, N. J. during
In Wilmtncton. Del., out of a total
of thirty-eight sapplicanU for licenso
only twelve wot granted.
Goorgo II. Corliss, the builder of the
great engino exhibited at tho Centen
nial, died at noon Tuesday, lcb. 21,
at l'rovldenco It. I.
Mrs. MoNulty, of Winchester, O.,
on tho night of February 25, gave birth
to thrco children, making fivu in four
teen months. All aro alive.
1 1
Tho Union Snuaro Theatre. New
York, was completely dostroyed by
firo Tuesday afternoon. Tbe Morton
House was also badly damaged.
Trtni-f, nrn ttifllnftttnnii nf tlin wapp
nunstlon nirain causing troilblo in tho
Conneilsvllie coke district. A new
scale of prices is announced to tako
effect March 1st'.
Tho work of rebuilding tho town of
ML Yernon, III., wliioh was recently
destroyed by a cyclone, is under full
headway. Every man that can han
dle an axe or shovel Is employed and
there is a call for more more men.
The boiler ol the ferry steamer Julia,
plying between South Vallejo and
Valleio station, California, blew up
Monday morning at South Vallejo, and
between thirty and forty people were
killed outright and many injured.
An express train on the Philadelphia
& Reading railroad ran into a wild
engine at Philadelphia, Thursday even
ing of last week. Both engines were
wrecked aud ono passenger car wax
telescoped. Three passengers wen in
William U. KranU, postmaster of
Donesdale, was Monday found guilty
of violating the law prohibiting use of
postage stamps to pay debts, be hav
ing applied them to that purpose and
also for the purchase of merchandise.
Sentence was deferred.
If reading tbo Bible shows religious
tendenoy, Portland Me., has the most
religions woman in tho world. She
has wad the Bible through eighty-five
times ; she is 75 years old and bega-i
when she was 7. she reads Irom tbe
same book which she first began, and
bas read it at least once every year.
W. W. Corcoran, of Washington,
D. C, tho wealthy banker and philan
thropist was buried Monday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. In accordance with bis
wish, the ceremonies were simple and
devoid of all ostentations. It is said
that during his life he gave away over
three millions of dollars.
collision occurred last Friday
afternoon on tbe Pottsville and Maba
noy railroad at New Boston, between
a Pennsylvania passenger train going
north and a Lehigh Valley passenger
train coming south. One of the en
gineers and two of tho passengers were
injured, out; none iaiauy.
Tho sourt in Luzerne on Monday
handed down the list of licenses grant
ed to sell liquor for tbe ensuing year.
The ladies of the Women's Christain
Union had waged a fierce contest
against tho granting of any licenses.
they were in Court every day. The
number ot saloons is vpry much reduc
ed. In the ninth and fourteenth wards
the number is reduced to two each.
A naked eye comet was discovered
by Professor Sowerthal, at Cape
Town, South Africa, Saturday Feb. 18.
It was then in R. A.,- nineteen hours
eleven minutes, and south declination
fifty-six minutes. It has a tail about
two degrees long, and is moving rapid-
ijf iuwoiub mo huh auu coming norm
with great speed. It is possible tbat
it will bo visible here in a short timo.
Thursday of last week at a leap year
party near Cincinnati, two young ladies
thought they would play ghost, cover
ing their faces with a dough mask and
their forms with sheets they suddenly
burst in on the group of laughing girls.
With a scream most of them fled, but
four fell in a faint on the floor i two
of tbem were restored to consciousness,
the other two awakened helpless
maniacs. One of tho ladies who play
ed the ghost is down with brain fever,
and ner recovery is doobttul.
At four o'clock Monday morning the
engineers and firemen employed by the
road stopped work. The order to
strike was obeyed and out of the 1600
but one engineer had tbe conrago to
continue on bis enginr. The strike
was oommenced because tho engineers
had made a demand upon the railroad
oompany of a uniform tariff of thr o
and a half cents a mile, and this de
mand was refused by the company
Ibo company operates about 6.000
miles of road.
Publio interest is revived in the his
torio old building in Riohmnnd known
ai Libby Prison, where thousands of
our gallant defenders of tbe Union suf
fered as prisoners, by the purchase of
tho building by a Chicago company
with the purpose to remove it to
Chicago as a permanent monument of
tho civil war. The first payment was
made on tbe purchase on Saturday
lat, and the work of removing the
L..1IJ! ... .
miming vo unicago win begin soon.
Every brick, stone, timber, iron, etc..
will be carefully numbered as the
building is taken down, and it will bo
-A .-.1 ! ' r .
if cii-iai-u iii vyiiicago a pcrieci repro
duction or tne structure as it now
stands in Richmond. It will be a very
cistly enterprise, but a capital of
8200,000 has been subscribed by
Chicago and that is regarded as suf
ficient to tako down, Uaasfcr and re-
build with absolute exactness the old
Libby Prison in Chicago.
Ulna Van ZanJt to Become an Actress,
Of all the ldiotio stage struck indi
viduals with whioh the publio is in-
suited and tho theater burdened, the
last is tho worst. Nina Van Zmdt.tho
proxy wife of tho Anarchist Spies, is
going 10 raaxe raniiai oi her connec
tion with the Cbioago assassins, and
appear in a tragedy. Of course, the
individual who assumes the role of
"manager" in this connection expects
to make a great deal of money out of
it, and ho will, in all probability, not
be disappointed. Thero are plenty of
morbidly curious peoplo in the oountrv
who would willingly pay to get a sight
of the foolish girl, but it ii really a
pity that tbo tbeatrioal profession
should havo to bear this additional in-
oubus, and talented actors and aotnsses
this addition to tbe already long list
of people without the slightest legiti
mate claim to compete witb them.
Text of IK Lesion, itUlt. xi, 1T-S0.
HemorUe Venae do-US Oolden Text,
Matt. Ui SB Comment by BT. W IllUm
Newton, I). D,
From Lesion Helper Qturterb', bjr permUfUon
of It. B. Hoffman, Philadelphia, publisher.
Notei Apart, by themeolre; In the way,
aa they walked, (or the road would be
thronged with people going up to the
Fanover. Iletrayod, put as by a friend Into
tbe power of, Deliver, give up into the
hands of. Gentiles, in this rase, Pilata at
representing the Roman power. Scourge,
charttMWlth Whips. Crucify, put to death
on the cross, Worshiping, or kneeling,
showing outward marks of respect. Drink
of my cup, or ihara my lot, or sufferings.
The ten, L e,, the other dteciple. All of
tbem except James and John, the sons of
Zebcdee, Moved with indignation, were
very angry. Princes, men high In office.
Minister, or servant. Ministered unto, or to
be served. Hansom, or price to set free from
captivity or death. .
V. 17. Jesus was now Eolng unto Jerusalem
from Galilee to celebrate the Passover. lie
was going. It was his own voluntary act.
His enemies would not hare reached him
had he chosen to bide hlnuelt from them.
But h was going, and going with the full
knowledge of all that awaited bim there.
Out why wore they amatedl Was there not
something especially striking: in his manner
and appearance! Bome almost transforming
influence about bun. Was it not the per
vading consciousness ot what was before him,
and tho shining forth of an inwanl resolu
tion not to be turned aside from the )ath On
wblcb be baa entered! Was It not lust tbo
"I hare sot my face like a flint," of which
Isaiah spealcsl
v. is. Having called bis disciples round
him, be began to tell them of the real pur
pose and meaning ot his going up to Jerusa
lem. Twice before had be told thorn. Thi
tint occasion was that of Peter's elortous
confession, the second was that of hit trans
figuration, and this was tbe third, at it was
also tbe fullest. And how exact it was. "The
Bon ot Man shall be betrayed," and bars was
the work of Judas. "And shall condemn
him to death," and bare was the work at the
bouse ot Annas and Calphaa. And here was
the limit ot their work ; they had no power to
put to death.
v. iv. this rouows of oourse. Thelr
bloodr Durnoas must be carried out In
themselves they bad no power, for the
Homan bad deprived them ot tbat in view of
their well known turbulency. Therefore
they must "deliver him to the Gentile, who,
in this case, are represented by Pilate, the
Roman governor. And what will tker dot
They shall "mock, and scourge, and crucify
mm." Ana men comes in tne glorious words,
"Tbe third day he shall rise again." How
wonderful the contrast the two sides of this
statement ! Between man's estimate of Jesus
of rfaiareth oa the one side and the Lord's on
the other. The mocking and the scourging,
the purple robe, the reed scepter, the crown
ot thorns and the cross here and tbe rising
irom me "aeaa uere." un tne one side, the
place, between two thieves as one with thwn
in guilt and punishment and a seat on the
Father's throne on the other. It it the ever
lasting contrast concerning him who Is set
lor "a sign that snail be spoken against,"
Bat as clearly as tbe light we tea In than
1. The voluntariness ot bis sacrifice.
3. His perfect foreknowledge of all that
was before him.
V. 20,21. How harsh is this discord! How
utterly without sympathy with him these two
disciples and nalome, their mother, seem to
have bean! ltight in the midst of our Lord's
discourse about bis approaching sufferings
and death they thrust their ambitious crav
ings for tne bleu placet in bis earthlr king
dom; Salome, their mother, seems to hare
been the speaker bare. . But the two brethren
were beyond doubt in full accord with ber.
It waa to them the open way to earthly dis
tinction and power. All through Ms ministry
and after bis resurrection they bad no other
Idea about it than of a kingdom that should
break the Roman yoke and restore the ancient
glories of David's throne. Tbe last question
they asked of their Lord just before his as
cension was; "Wilt thou at this time re
store the kingdom to braeir And it was
only under the enlightening influence of the
spirit that they saw the truth about it. His
kingdom was "not of this world." It was
not formed or carried on as earthly king
doms are. Greatness in it was not the result
of wealth and power and state. They were
then utterly in the dark about it.
V. 22. How profound the pity that moved
tbe Saviour's breast as be looked on his mis
guided disciples and said: "Ye know not
what ya ask l" The first places in his king
dom, oh I did they think ot this as they re
ceived the distinction that afterward
awaited them! Did James think of it as
second in "the noble army of martyrs he fell
btneath the sword ot Herod! Did John think
of it in the loneliness of hit banishment to
to the "isle that is called Patmos
for the testimony ot Josusf ' Did it come as
a gleam ot saddening remembrance over him
as he wrote: "Love not the world, neither
the things that are in the world!'' "The cup
that I shall drink of' is, of course, his suffer
ings and death.
V. 23. Two points of interest are set before
us in this verse, i. e. i
1. Their fellowship in bis sufferings and
2. The correction of their mistake.
At to (1). There future Ures lay as an open
book before him. Ho saw tbe turbulent
times of Herod's persecution, and the stroke
of his descending sword as the bead of James
fell before it. He saw John la his lonely
exile, and we may well imagine the deep ten
derness of tone with which he said: "Ye shall
indeed drink of my cup." Then follows
(2). The Italicised words, " thall be given
to thote," were supplied by the translators,
and, of course, there are no corresponding
words in the original. Our Lord did not
speak them, and they entirely change the
meaning ot his utterance to the two disci
ples. What be said waa: "To sit on my
right hand and on my left, is not mine to
giro, but for whom it is prepared of my
father, no dispenses the gift of eternal life.
And ever' one that receives It receives it at
his hand.
V. 24-28. Tbe indignation of the ten against
their two fellow disciples scorns to have boea
natural enough. It seemed to tbem that the
two brethren were set on gaining the best
places in tbe kingdom for themselves. And
they were angry, just at we would hare been
in their position. It was too favorable an
opportunity to pass unimproved. And so
Josus called them to hlru and administered
a rebuke, full ot tenderness and power, re
vealing, too, the entire scope and spirit of
his kingdom. Tbe princes of the Ountiles
ruled with absolute power. But it could not
be so in his kingdom. In it, tcrvlco was tbe
badge of 'royalty. Service for his sake.
Berviceto the least and the lowliest. For
if be Lord ot the universe come "not to
bo ministered unto, but to minister and to
give bis lifearansonfor 'many," surely his
followers must win pre-eminence in tin same
Wit-forgetful woy.
A new order bas been issued by tbe Post
master ucnerai m tuo enect mat all uncall
ed for costal cards shall be returned to the
writer within 80 days. Also tbat adyer-
usea letters win bo held but two weeks, in.
stead of four as heretofore, before being
sent to the deadletter ofllce at Washington.
Governor Greeu has vetoed tho high
license oiu in new Jersey.
UuO, tuid rl!vca eviuumritlvat I
fwnoria 14 aJraiieetl oil
"The OrtattitCure oa Earth for Ptn,
Will relieve more quickly than any
other known remedy. Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Swellines, Bruises, Burn.
,d,ACu.U' Lumbago, Sore t, Frost
bites. Backache, Wound., H.acUchi,
TootUeht.BpraUi. Ac. 'SaldhyTll
prujorlsti. KjU etj cents a B.Uu
This being tho dull season of the
year news seems Roraotvhat scarce, al-
inougn flia'iam uosslp seems to havo
her Bauds full to keop apaoo with the
Tho loo moved from Fishlnccrcek
very quietly without any damage wo
think, as none has been reported as yet.
Quito a lively timo In the cross toads
sohool last week. Whilst tho toachcr
was endeavoring to correct ono of tho
pupils, who, like a great many tnoro,
thought himself too largo for com ctlon
he endeavored to show fight by grab
bing tho teacher around tho waist and
then by tho throat, when tho master of
tbo rod laid hhn on the floor by plaolng
bis fist bcUetn hlseyts. Tho boy
may bo known whon you meet him as
his physloguomy is somowhat cbaogod
in color.
Protracted meeting is still In pro
gress. CJailo a number of conversions.
lint tho worst of all is bad oonduot bv
thoso who want to be young gentlemen
aud ladies.
Some ol our bovs tho other nlcbt
thought to havo wjiiio fun so they be
took themselves to merriment by taking
tho County Superintendent's sleigh
away from his bam up to Win. Muflly'a
lot whence tln v thruw it over tho
Tho greatest excitement that has
been raised in town for some time oc
curred on Tuesday afternoon and was
caused by a balking horse. Lots of
fan in it for thu boys but not so much
lor too owner of the horso.
A. B. While killed four hoirs on
Tucsday.about six months old, averag-
i .MAO 1L . ... ' .
ing iomj id apiic. cigars wore bet
on tho noes lv several names, but
William and L. M. Alias. Gullv naid
for all the same.
Wo uoliced on our stnets on Mon
day Mm. E. It. Ikl.r and Mrs. Fry
myer of liloomsburg, members of the
v. o. J, u., annouucinc a timo when
a meeting will be held hire to givo the
ladies of town a chanco to become
members of that noble organization.
Humor sav that L. M, Petlit has
sold his huckstering accoutrements to
I? M TJ i ,
mj. x'. iveigiinrij.
ivev. J. r. bnult7. preached his last
sermon for tin- c inference ) ear on Sun
day mornin la"t.
Tornado HearWilkeabirre-
Wii-KKsiiARiiK, February 25. The
Wyoming Valley was visited bv a tor
nado this morning biuli caused more
or lets destruction. Thu wind blow
thirty miles nu hour mi I was accom
panied by rain. The storm raged for
two hours. At Lautel Run the head
house of tho Laurel Hun Mine was
lifted from its fastenings and carried
into an adjoining field. At Plaitisville
many houses which stood on tho hill
tops aud were exposed to the wind suf
fered greatly. Ihe window glass and
'ash were broken in many houses.
The. inmates were almost soared to
death and some of them fled into the
furious storm rather than remain in
their rickety houses.
in the city many outbuildings were
damaged and a few dwelling houses
anrviofed. On tho old Nanticoke road
a milk wagon was caught'by the wind
and carried a distance) of fifty feet.
The driver was badly skaken up, but
.. . : , i
From all parts of the country come
reports of damages to houses and barns
and the loss to property will be heavy.
The Two Patrick Doughertys.
Pottsvili.k, February 23. A pecu
liar case arising out of the elections
was brought to the attention of the
court to-day There aro several Pat
rick Doughertys in Butler township,
most of them having a distinguishing
initial. Patrick J. Dougherty was Tax
Receiver last year and a candidate for
re election. So far as be discovered,
until Wednesday bo had no opposition.
It now turns out tbat Patrick Dough
erty bad tickets printed and distributed
by trusted agents at each of tbo five
precincts of the township. The result
Was that Patrick J. received but few
votes, while Patrick "plain" received a
large number. In addition to tbo cer
tificate tbe office is a very remunerative
one. r. J. proposes to contest.
It a peculiar medicine, and It carefully pre
pared by competent pharmacists. The com
bination and proportion of Sarsaparilla, Dan
delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other
remedial agents is exclusively peculiar to
Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving It strength and
curative power superior to other prepa
rations. A trial will convince you of its
great medicinal value. ITood'e Sarsaparilla
Purifies the Bipod
ertates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates
the digestion, and gives strength to every
organ of the body. It cures the most severe
cases ot Scrofula, Salt Itbeum, Bolls, Pimples,
and all other affections caused by Impure
blooa, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Ileadache,
Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Itheu
matlim, and that extreme tired feeling.
" Uood's Sariaparilla bas helped me more
for catarrh and impure blood than anything
else I ever used." A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y,
Creates an Appetite
"I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my
blood and tone up my syatem. It gave me a
good appetite and seemed to build me over."
E. M. HALE, Lima, Ohio.
"I took Hood's 8artapaUla for cancerous
humor, and it began to act unlike anything
else. It cured the humor, and seemed to
tone op the whole body and give me new
life." J. F. Nixon, Camtirldgeport, Mats.
Bend tor book giving statements of cures.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
SoMbyalldmsltts. SI i six for 9. Frtparsdoalr
by 0. 1. IIOOD CO.. Apothecaries, Lowill, Mats.
100 Doses One Dollar
acres liwnoi
In Northern Wisconsin,
Will be sold at Sfi.oo aa acre, on lone tint, t
Aetaal Cller. Illctl oll-heiUbful elimils
Soo4 drintlug wattrQoe market f acihtias ateadr
mand f or Ubor at aoud nagei. Purcbaie nowtDd
bavecaolco vt lands. Full Information wltamaDi,
taapUst, lo.. turnlitard rilEB. Addreii
lakh rouMiaaioxKR,
W. O. R. It., Milwaukee, Wis,
Dame on a paoknge of COFFEE is n
guarantee of excellence-
COFFEE is kept in all flrst-otnr-tores
from the Atlantlo to tho Paotnc
is never good when exposed to the air
Always buy this brand In hermatKoJ
sealed ONE POUND PACK r '
Intending purchasers of Potro'fl
Extract ennnot tako too much pre
caution to prevcntsubstlttitlon. Some
druggists, trading on tho popularity of
tho jrrent Family Komedy, nttcmpt lo
pnlm oft other preparations, unscru
pulously asserting them to bo "tho
nanions" or "equal to" Tond's Ex
Tit.icT, Indifferent to tho deceit prac
tical upon nnd disappointment there
by caused fo tho purchaser, bo long
ns larger profits accruo to thcmsolvcs.
Always Insist on having Ponu'b Ex
tract. Tako no other.
BY MEASURE. Quality uniform.
Prepared only by POND'S EX
TRACT CO., ITow York and London.
Sco our norao on ovory wrapper and
label. Koto picture of bottlo below.
ttsm, Malzia,
tion!, anlHemcr-
Sore Eyes, ujg.
Tho Famous Lecturer, JOIIS IU fiOCCIf,
wrotol " For 8oro Throat, especial); when tend
ing to ulceration, I have found it very beneficial."
. ANMtF.IV D. WIIITE, Ex.PreMont of Cornell
University, ears i " Ono of tho abaolnte nteiuU
llci of housekeeping." Be tun to get tht genuine.
r.HJf I AnnOTT. the celebrated prima donna.
" Valuable anil beneficial."
limyoon smith, m. n., m.b., c.r.. of
England. " I have need It with marked benefit."
II. 0. PRESTOX, X. D., Brool.lTn. N. Y.-"I
tnotv of no remedy so generally nsefuL"
AitTirm ncurcrcss, m.., F.n.c.R..of
England." I have prescribed POND'S EX
TRACT with peat success."
jmiX D. FTHOJ, D. P., Brooklyn, N. T.
"rrovina Itself tobeancceMltylnourhomc."
r. A. TnSTEBTEI.T, H. P., Naahvllle, Tenn.
'Havo used largo noanUttcs of POND'S EX-'
TllACT In my practice."
Mrs. R. 11. Brf nun. Matron, Home of Desti
tute Children." We and It most efficacious and
Ia Boltlea only. Price, Me., ft, $1.75.
Xote cmr name em every wrapper and label.
Prepared only by POND'S EXTRACT CO.,
Estate I
The underslgtcd, administrator ot the estate
of Isaac Tetter, late of Malnvllle, Columbia coun
ty, l'a., deceased, will expose to publln sale, at the
late residence of the said decedent, In said town,
at one o'clock p. m., the following described valu
able real estate, to-wlt:
situate on the enst sido ot the Main street of said
town, and having a frontage thereon ot about 40
tent, and n depth ot about 60 feet; said property
adjoins land ot JOBlali Fleming on the nortn, and
lands of J. B. Yetter on the south aud west. The
Improvements or? a commodious two-and-balf
large barn and all necessary outbuildings. Thera
Is also a very choice lot of fruit on the premises.
ALSO, at tho same time and placo, a lot of
household soods, consisting ot beds, bidding,
chairs, tables etc.
Terms and conditions made known on day ot
sal by w. A. YETTER,
Catawlssa, Feb. s:, 188. Administrator.
In re change of Term from February to March.
NOW Deceml Pr 1!t. lkHT. It U nrrtprvSl Mint thfl
February Tcim of the several Courts in Montour
county oo discontinued, ana in lieu thereof there
shall bo a March Term In tha venr irhk. And in
each suceedlog yror, commencing on tho second
Monday or that month, to which Term writs, 4c,
shall be returnahiu as heretofore practised In re-
bii me reuruury term.
And It Is further rtlrmM that tMu order be pub
lished In not less than two newspipers, published
In eachot tho counties of this Judicial District,
before the said second Mondav ot March, 18SS
WIIL1AM E WELL, Incident Judge.
R. a 8IMINHT0V, kM.,.,A
JOJwnKNl'IELD f Associate Judges.
'mast. Prothonotary.
Estate y Martha Lonjr, late of Madison township,
Letters of administration on the natd r-stnte hnr.
Ing been eranrrd to the undorlcmod lulmintqr.rAtni-
all persons Indebted to said istate are hereby no
tified to pay the same, nd those having claims
abiuusb buiu rsitiiu un-Bcni ' on name lo
A. K. SMITH, Adm'ru
mar2-6t. - Jerseytown P. O., Pa.
Tbe undersigned Auditor, appointed to make
distribution pr the fund In the bands of tbe ad.
mlnlatrator, to and among tbe p rtlcs entitled
thereto, win alt at bis ofttee in liloomsburg, on
Thursday, March !9. 8SR, at 10 o'clock a. m , when
uuu wnrru uu luiruen Having claims against saiu
estate must appear ana prove tne same or be ror
ever debarred from coming In on said fund,
mart F. P. SlLLMEYEK, Auditor,
VST1TS ny VLI FRALXR. nwcAttll.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, ap
pointed an Auditor by Ihe Orphans' Court. to make
distribution ot tbe balance In the hands of the ac
countant. to and among the parties entitled t Here
in, in tne san estate, win attcno at ills omce In
inoomaounr, on rnnay uarcn 30. 1'BS. now next,
at in o'clock In the forenoon ot said day. toner-
form the duties ot his appointment. AU persons
having claims upon tho fund for distribution are
notified t o present them, with the proofs. to the Au
ditor at tne said tlo o- d place, or bo forever de-
uurreu irom coming in on cam runa.
matt. JOHN G. FREEZE, Auditor.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Co rtof Columbia county, to make dl
trlbmion of the balance In accountant's bands,
to and among the paries entitled thereto, will sit
at Ills Mice In Hoomfsburg, on Saturday, March 31,
181 at in o'clock in tbe forenoon, to attend to the
duties of his appointment, when and where all
parties havlrg claims against Bald estate must ap
pear and prove the same, or be forever debarred
irum coming m on saia tuna,
man. n. U. FUNK, Auditor,
Tbe undersigned audl'or, appointed by tbe Or-
Eban-' court of Columbia county, to make dlstrl
lit Ion of the balance In the hands or trie, admin.
lstrator of said decedent, as shown bv bis Drst
nuu nuai uccuuuu vu una amng tne panics en
titled, will attend to the duties of bis appoint
ment, at bis otSce in liloomsburg, l'a., on Monday,
March itt. lBfiH, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when
and where all persons having claims aga'nstthe
estate of said deceased must appear and prove
them, or be forver debarred from coming In for a
FebyM.iesa. Auditor,
To all persons Interested as stockholders, credi
tors or other lei
Notice Is hereby given of the following order ol
the Court ot common Pleas of the county of Co
lumbia, to-wlt:
btaw of t'ennsvlvanla,!
Countv nf I'nltimltln f
. . ' . ' , Among the records a
(saiLorTUh court) proceedings of the Court
or coiiuoM rutas common Pleas, In and ;
InvmrruRt, m I ,.h Annt n ........ ,
'VZZTZ'T Gratia thus contained at
In the ina'tler of thel
pennon tor tne saieoi
the real eutat" of tbo
Odd Fellows' Hall Aft-
In the Court of Common
Pleas of Columbia county,
Nn. 1. Itolir. T IkriM
ouiumuu, ui ncrwick.i
And now Feby. '8. lias, upon the petition of
It. Ilowcr, Hudson Owen, Isaiah bower and J.
u.uuo, owvitiiuiui-iB ui luaouiuUUl reinws uau
Association of Ihe borough of iterwtek, lately dls.
solved b decree of this Court,making application
for tbo sale of the real estate or the said dlaholved
oorp'iratlon.thet'ourtappoln.t Wednevlay.the UUi
day of Maich. H-SO. at o'clock In tbe forenooiifor
tbs hearlt-g and Investigation ot the facts of tbe
case, and direct tend s' notice of said day. and
tlmeot beating to be given to all known parties
in interest, personjl notice to and service upon ail
known parties In Interest, whose places of real,
dence are known, and by advertisement to others
Interested three times In the following named
weekly newspapers of said county, to-wltt
Ihe Berwick 'Independent," and 'colum.
blan," requiring all parties to snow cause
on the day and time fixed for said healing,
- bv.,, duuu'u uut uecree a saio in ac
cordance with the petition aforesaid of the real ea-
to be appointed by tbe said Court, at eii her nnhiin
or private sale. By Tui cookt.
Certified from the recordu Feby. so. a. D. isas.
So are the
Spring Styles.
Spring Styles in
Spring Styles iu
Spring Styles in
In fact, any
thing in the
way of
Can be had
at the
Real Estate!
Tho undersigned, administrator ot Henry 0,
Martt, deceased, will expose to public sale, on the
promises, on
THURSDAY, March 22, 1888
at 9 o'clock a. m , the following described real oa
ta'e, situate In Driarcreck township, Columbia
county,Fa.,bounded on tbo east by lands of Isaiah
Dower, Shclbamer and Luclnda Marts, on
the west by land ot Adams, Frank Fowler
andocorgo Dower, and on tho north by land ot
L. Adams and I. Dower, and on the south by 1-nd
ot Masteller heirs and others, containing
mora or less, nn which are erected
1 2-Story Frame Dnlog Houses,
Frame Machine Slop,
bank barn and stable, Willi outbuildings, good
apple Orchard, well ot water at dwellings, stream
0 f water running through the land.
TKRMS OF BALK. Ten per cent, of one-fourth
of the purchase money to be paid at the striking
down ot the property, the one-fourth less tbe ten
per cent, at Ibo conflrmat'on absolute, and the
remaining three-fourth. In one year thereafter,
with Interest from confirmation nisi. Purchaser
to pay tor making deed.
Notice, Is hereby glren that tbo offlcn ot Inspector
ot Mines for the until inspection Dlstrl t (com.
-rising mat part ot BcnuyiKiu county nortn 01 tno
Iroad Mountain and wet or a mertdlAn HnA
through the centre of Olrardrllle borough, to-
t-iut-r wuu V.U1UU1U1U, nuniiumueriana ana
mUDhln counties.) will be vacated br the expira
tion of tbe commission of the nresent Incumbent
on the 27tb day ot April, 188. and tbat an examl.
uanun 01 caurnatcB tor mis omco win tie neia on
Tuesday. March s, isss, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the
second story, front room, of No. 202 south centre
Btrrct, rottsTllle, when and where all candidates
are requested to present themselves for examina
tion, ho previous notification ot intention to ap
ply Is required.
JlttUKll N. -J'JlU.Mf-'UN.
Examining Board.
Feb. IS. IS. M. 55. M and Vnrr.h H. nr nearnof.
dates to these. tebl7.
A Fine Assort
ment of New
and Envelopes,
Just Received
at the
Call and examine
ely's catarrh
Cream Balml
when applied Into the
nostrils, will be ab
eorbed, effectually
cleansing tbe bead of
latarrnai virus, caus
ing healthy secretions.
Jt allays lnnammatlo
protects tbo mom.
brane ot tbo nasal
patsages from addl-l
tlonai coldb, complete
ly teals the sores and
restores sense ot taste
and smclL
A particle la applied Into each nostril and Is
agreeable. Price ia cents at druggists; by mail,
'registered, 60 cents. ELY BROTHERS, 235 Green
wich St., New York, marsdtt.
$65 i
A MONTH and BOARD for 3 bright
oung men or ladies in each county.
zikijusuc co., I'niiauetpaia,
Cle&nies and bwuttflea tha btUr.
Promote luxuriant frrowth-
Navar Fail lo Haitora Gray
HalrtolU Yauthftjl Color.
Carta oalpdlwifandhiartaUlaa;
our at urnggim.
Tha wf eat, sureit and bent caro for Coma, Bunloaa, &,
top U pain. Eniurt-i comfort to tha teL hcTarTaUl
to euro. 16 cvuU at Drugfisti. Ilucox it Oi, wTr.
Wholly unlike artificial systems.
Any boot learned In ono reading.
Classes ot 10,7 at Baltimore and loosat Detroit,
large classes ot Columbia law students, at Yale,
W'ellesiey, obcilin, university of renn., Michigan
University, Chautauqua. He, tc. Endorsed by
Marie Twain, Richard Pro tor. the Scientist, lions.
W. w. Astor. Judah V. Benjamin, Judge Gibson,
K. 11. cook, Principal State Normal College, Dr.
Brown, tec Prospectus post free from PhOir. LOI.
SETTE, 837 Fifth Ave., New York. maridtt.
manufactruers ot the celebrated Keystone Dyna
mite, This exflo9lvo Is giving universal aatlsfac
tlon. quotations cheerfully given. (I7febtm
Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with
They will dye everything. They are sold every.
have no equal for strength, brightness, amount
In tiflflr n c-i-n nr for tafltniw. n,Anrn. . - nn .B,nn.
qualities. They do not crack or smut For sale
by Moyer Bros, and Jas.- II. Mercer. tebi7rly.
ITAL, - - $600,000
Guaranteed Farm Mortgagee
MIW YORK. K, U...,,
nmNu.Suk.Mtw vdax.
tii h.l tt.,rHiLiuitrHia.
as. mm, ao, Kansas cnt
rHiLicitrmi, ii e. iu
Kansas cm, iu a dlsu.
Var rat, eflatuasta ani full Uforaaaim
Wholesale. Itetal
Wlicat per bushel
Rvo "
60 CO
.83 40
IfO to 650
21 S8
70 . 80
18 10
03 05
07 10
00 IS
08 10
Ccrn " ' ,.
gats ' '
Flour bbl
11 litter
Ek ,
Dried Armies
Bide .
wnl per lb
Vinegar cer tral
10 13
' 80 SO
76 1 00
Onlona per bushel
Veal skins
, 0 to 7
Wool Dcrlb