The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 24, 1888, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marTel of purity
strength and wbolesoraeness. More economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo Bold In compe
tition with the multitude of low tst,short weight,
alum or phoaphato powders. Hold only in cans.
HOTil. Uiiixo PuwdikCo,. WallBt.,N. T.
wpubllshed every Friday.
tl.W a year.
Subscription prlco,
cvaaicr uiuuMD iu tislk,
Arrive. Arrive. Leave. Leave.
r. it. A. II. x.u. T.IL.
It) 8 00 B 43 640
, 1 4 7 M 8 4 S 43
141 7 10 000 1145
1 8.1 I 40 V 14 6 54
,128 T M S H 0 58
. 1 13 7 S3 9 40 T 10
,1 67 7 11 68 7 H
12 60 7 OS to 03 7 57
,12 43 1 00 10 13 7 33
18 30 6 50 10 SO 7 45
Leave. Leave. Arrive. Arrive,
r. K. a.m. a.m. r. H.
Bcnton,....M Trains on the P.
f ollowa :
7:SI a. m.
3:37 p. m.
& H. K. It. leave itupert as
11:03 a. m.
5:04 p. m.
- 0
Trains on the D. L. w. it. K. leavo Bloomaourg
as follows i
7:19 a. m.
11:07 a. m.
2:24 p. m.
6:35 p.m.
8:33 a. m.
12:06 p. m.
4:18 p. m.
8:47 p. m.
Trains on the N.SW. B. Railway pass Bloom
Ferry as touows ;
10:46 a. m. a. m.
6.84 p. to. 4'3 p. m.
10:16 am 6:89 pm
Tuesday March 0. Mr. John N. Gord
on will sell valuable personal properly on
the premises in jtiontour 'ownsnip.
Fun. 23. Geo. W. Cadv.alador will sell
valuable personal property on the premises
in Jienton townsnip, at i p. in. snarp,
Feb. 25. John G. Freeze, administrator
de bonis non, of tho estate of Robert
Finney, lato of Liberty township, Montour
county, Pa., deceased, will sell valuable
real estate, at the Court House, In Danville,
at one o'clock in tne afternoon.
For Sale cheap 1 chamber suit,
heater, 1 cook stove, 1 double cupboard
ahd other furniture to avoid moving, call
at once on Mrs S. H. Camp, Gallgoan
bouse, on east Third St. 4tfbl7
For Balk- A desirable and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, paB and steam. Apply to
lanSOlf. Li. N. Mover.
Fob Sals. A good frame dwelling house
and lot on irourtu strtet. me nouse na
elirht rooms and a Hummer kitchen. There
la a eood stable' and carriage house and
other outbuildings on the lot. (The above
would bo exchanged for a small farm )
Alto, a three-sttirv brick storo and dwell
ing house and two other very desirable
dwellings on Main street. Any person
wishing to purchase or sell real estate will
find It to their advantaee to correspond
with M. P. Lutz". Insurance and Real Es
tate Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa. feb24
E. C. Bundy, practical auctioneer; over
20 years experience, In crying farm prop
erty. Diore goods anu nuiei lumiurc a
sneclaltv. Postofflce address. Bloomsburg,
residence on Little Flsbingcreek, at slate
quarry. feb.3-Qw.
A3O00 nr IS 4 000 wanted on 1st mortgage.
Property under good lease. Interest paid
monthly If desired. Address, Manulaclur
er, care rf this paper.
To Whom It way Concern.
I am informed that a voune man named
Hatman Stlne, of Benton township, has
recently offered for sale certain notet, pur.
porting to be signed by me. I have never
given him a note of any kind, and If be
has any such pBper In bis possession, It is
forced and fraudulent, and will not be
paid by me. I. K. Kbiukbacm.
Benton, Feb. 17.
Buy Lester's Bingbamton Kip
.Boots, best made.
Mrs. J. R. Dlmm Is visiting friends in
this place.
Chas. Yohst has been quite sick with
pneumonia the past week.
Mr. Lewis Tovey, pattern-fitter In the
School Furnishing Company's works,' is
spending this week In Philadelphia
0. 0. Trench left Monday for Florid,
whera bo exnects to spend some time
camping out along tho rivers and lakes.
Rev. O. H. Strunck. a former pastor of
the Reformed church, was In town this
week. He was called to attend the funeral
of one ot his former members at Heller's
Hazleton wants a new Opera House. .
The sleighing has departed for the pres
cnt. .
Valentine dealers had a good trade this
Easter comes nine days earlier this year
than last.
St. Patrick's Day, March
Saturday this year.
falls on
Plenty of Ico is assured for next sum
raer's consumption.
A local institute will bo held at Benton
on Saturday March 8.
Do not forget, or you will regret that you
did not get a seat for the 24th. 2w
An eastern paper claims to have already
scalped the first spring poetry.
The Barlow Bros. Minstrels will make
street parade at noon, Wednesday.
C. S. Bound has sold out his grocery
tore on East street to Uarman & Uasscrt.
The grand opening of J. L. Glrton'
St.-Elmo Hotel took place last (Thursday)
Don't forget Barlow's Minstrels at the
Opera Uouso next Wednesday evening,
December 20th.
Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day
and Independence Day all come on Wed.
nesday this year.
Large congregations listened to the in
terestlng sermons of Rev. Dr. Knox at the
Presbyterian church last Sunday.
II. V, White, Esq. and B. F. Peacock,
have been appointed Notaries Public by
Gov, Beaver during tho past week.
There are slity.four prisoners in the
Northumberland county prison, Iu Built
tan county there li but one prisoner,
Tho report of tho teachers' itntltuto lidd
at Mlllvlllo February Uth will bo found tin
our first pago.
Tho Big Minstrel Corananv la comtnor to
Bloomsburg Wednesday, Feb. 29. Oo and
sco mew fjecuro vour tcata.
Tho weather ilurlnir thn
d , - ' v " '
been very changeable. Thero hai been
cold weather, mild weather, rain, Ice and
A little child of Mt. John Kitchen, died
auddcnly Monday morning, and waa burled
In HotcinOnt comoterv Wednesday after.
Mr. and Mrs. I. 6. Huhn clcslro to express
their heartfelt thanks to tho many kind
fnonds who so generously assisted them
during their late bereavement.
The great Barlow Bros. Minstrels will be
at the Bloomshurg Opera House Wedncs.
day evening, December 24th. Don't fall
to see them.
A choir of young men now furnish the
music lor-the Sunday evening services at
the Episcopal church. Their singing Is
very gooa.
An qxchango says: A man with a snow
shovel can lilt the dividing lino between his
property and his neighbor's with more pre.
clslon than a surveyor.
The notice of the local Institutes that
were held at Numldla mA Buckhorn Satur.
day and Wednesday was received too late
fur Insertion last week.
1S,000 ft. dry pitch pine flooring dressed,
In., for sale.
WniTK, Conner & Sloan.
feb3-4t. Orangcvllle, l'a.
Songs of the fireside, tho seaside, the hill.
side, plain and scalloped, will bo rendered
with feeling and finish on Friday evening,
tho 21th, by tho unsurpassed Hmlth family.
The Mlllvlllo Tabid says that present In
dications are that more building will be
done In that place during the coming sum
mer than was over done In one season bo-
Governor Beaver Issued last Friday the
warrant for the execution of Shaffer, the
murderer of Nora Colby, near Lock tlaven,
and fixed upon Wednesday, April 4th, as
the dato of Its execution.
Concert by the famous musical prodigies,
the Smith Family, In the Opera House Fri-
day evening Feb. 24. Reserved seats, fifty
cents. Tickets may bo obtained at Dent
lcr's. Admission thirty-five cents.
Warner's Log Cabin Barsaparllla rcgn.
latcs the regulator. Largest Sarsaparllla
bottle In the market. Manufactured by the
proprietors of Warner's Safe Cure. Sold
by all druggists. Take no other it Is the
Mr. Jan. Cadman has bought the Rosen-
stock property on East street. He Is erect
ing a large two story frame house on tho
corner of Third and Catherine streets,
which he expects to use as furniture ware,
rooms and repair shop.
Tbo original Darlow Bros. Minstrels will
give one of their. refined minstrel entertain
ments at the Opera House Wednesday,
Feb 29. Secure your seats in time. Re.
member the best scat in the bouse 60c.
Don't miss them.
The prospect of now industries coming
to our beautiful town lias been the cause
of advancement in tho price of property,
there have been a number ot transfers of
real estate within a few weeks. Many new
nouses will soon be commenced.
After rain follows sunshine. Stop that
horrid cough and cure consumption by
using Warner's Log Cabin Cough and Con
sumption Remedy, and you will fiod the
sunshine of health soon following. Two
BlzeB, $1 and 60 cents per bottle.
For school director for two years Kramer
received 480 votes, Brown received 484
votes, and Webb received .111 votes, mak
ing a total of 1224 votes cast, representing
012 voters. Of these, 212 persons voted
for Brown and 400 voted against him,
This is the story tbo figures tell.
We see that "the celebrated Smith fanv
Ily" will give an cntertalnmeut In the
Bloomsburg Opera House on Friday even
ing next. It the wholo of that numerous
family takes part in tho entertainment
whore In the name of conscience will the
audience find room? Hilton Economist.
Miss Ella Fowler and Mr. Jacob Summy
wero married Thursday of last week at the
residence of Mr. John Moyer on Market
street. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. F. B. Riddle. The newly.married
couple left the samo duy for Manbeim, Pa.,
where Mr. Summy will engage In the hotel
A new mall route has been established
on the N. & W. B. R. R. to rt n from
Wllkesbarre to Rock Glen Junction and
there connect with Sunbury trains to and
from Hazleton. The service will be put on
March 1st after which dato all places bo.
tween the points named will havo a daily
mall supply.
There have been two dances this week,
one in Music Hall Tuesday evening, and
the other, given by the Friendship Fire
Company, In their hall In the Wirt build
ing Wednesday evening Both wero well
attended. The prize offered by tbo man
ager of Music Hall for the best lady dancer
was awarded to Miss Sarah Kerns, of Dan
ville. Geo. A. McKelvy has purchased Hender-
sbott's Puarmacy, and has taken possession
of the same. He will carry a full line of
tho purest drugs, perfumes, toilet articles
and a general assortment ot goods kept In
a first-class drug store. Having bad seven
teen years' experlenco In tbo business,
prescriptions will bo promptly and care
fully nueu.
List ot letters remaining In the Poet Of
fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Feb.
21, 1888:
Mr. George Applegate, Daniel Daubert.
Mrs. Ell McBrido, Miss Anna E. Jones,
rilg. Lulgl Lorauch.
Persons calling for these letters win
please say "advertised."
UIOKUK A, JUK , I , 01.
The wicked three-cent pteco la to bo re
tired. Tho coin was a nuisance on ac
count of its reai mblanco to the dimes, and
people will be glad to get rid of It for this
reason. Tlvit is, most people will tuougu
those who have been In tbo habit ot chip
ping In a three cent plcco on tho church
collection plate every Bunday and getting
credit for a dime contribution will deeply
regret the disappearance of their most con.
venlent coin.
Resolutions passed on the death ot Miss
Eliza Kubn by the Young Ladies' Mission,
ary Society of Bt. Matthew's Lutheran
Church, liloomsburg, Pa.
Wiieueab, It has pleased Him who doeth
all things well to remove from our midst
our esteemed and respected President, Miss
Eliza Kuhn, and as the purpose of tho Al
mighty In thus removing her, la to us In.
uscrutablo and mysterious; therefore, bo It,
JUtolved, That we, the members of the
Society, tender to the bereaved family our
heartfelt sympathy in this hour of trial.
Hood's Btrtaparilla Is peculiar to itself
and superior to all other preparations, In
strength, economy and medicinal merit,
"To either bold the plow or drive" re I
quires strength. To tecum and keep I
strength a good stomach Is required, and
It must bo kept In strong and healthy ac
tion. Warner's Log Cabin Hops and
Buchu Remedy wilt keep your stomach Id
good woiklng order Druggists havo It.
The eldest son of Mr. T. U, Edgar of
Stillwater died Satutany of last week of In
flammallon ot thu bowels, after an Illness of
about ono week. HI death was unexpect
ed and was a sad ono to his many friends
In that section. Ho was about 18 years of
age. Interment In the Christian burial
ground Tuesday.
Some ono cither carelessly or maliciously,
broke ono of the large plate glais windows
In tho postofflce on Tuesday night There
Is a clue to tho parties, and some steps will
bo taken to ferret tho matter.
On Wednesday morning some one having
no regard for the rights of others, reached
in through the holo In the window, and
taking out a plcco of tho broken glass,
threw It ou tho pavement, breaking It Into
small pieces. Mr, Wirt ilTers a reward of
ten doll irs for the conviction ot the person
who did this.
Another fox chaso took place last Mon
day afternoon. Tho fox, which was
caught at the hunt last week, was taken to
a field on Mr. locum's farm near the Red
Rock bridge and there set free. But a few
minutes were given him to get out of thn
way before the dogs wcro after him and
after a long and exciting chaso ho was
overtaken near Hellers' church, not far
from Jcr8cytowu and life was quickly
shaken out of him; Thomas Vannatta's
hound, Sport, was tho first to catch up with
him, and the others wero not far behind.
The chase was said by those who took part
In it to havo been the finest ono of tbo sea
The Improvements at W. U. Gitmoro's
have made bis saloon one ot the finest In
this section of tho country. Tbo partition
has been taken but between tho front and
rear rooms, mp.king ono large, commodious
room. The woodwork has been handsome
ly repainted. Behind the bar has been
placed a largo handsome, mahagony casci
finely carved and containing beautiful mir
rors. Gas jets with colored globes havo
been distributed at different points so
as to give a magnificent effect. A row of
mirrors with handsome walnut frames
extend acroes the wall opposlto tho
bar. The whole effect Is brilliant and
beautiful and Mr. Gilmnre Is to bo com
mended for his taste and enterprise In tho
remodeling of his establishment.
An exchange says: If tho county roads
are Impassable, It Is the duty of the super
visors to put them In sbapc. The law of
1830 Is explicit on this point. Supervisors
aro (authorized to clear roads ot all ob
structions necessary to allow a resumption
of traffic. Turnpikes aro uo moro exempt
than common roads In this particular, and
must also bo kept open, not in name only,
but in actual fact. To dig a single road
track through a long snowdrift Is not open
ing the road. Vehicles can not pass In it,
and it is not such a roadway as the law
contemplates. Accidents resulting In pe
cuniary loss or bodily Injury would un
doubtedly carry damages with them If
brought into the courts. It would be well,
therefore, for all interested In opening
blockaded roads to bear this In mind.
Miss Annie Sloan, daughter of M. C.
Sloan, was married to 0. C. Evans Eq of
Berwick on Thursday morning at 11 o'
clock at St. Paul's P. E. church, by Rev.
W C. Levcrett. No formal invitations
were issued, but many friends of the
bride and groom were present to witness
the ceremony. Mrs. M. A. Smith presided
nt the organ, and discoursed some excel
lent music preceding the arrival of the
bridal party, and the well-known wedding
march at the close of tho ceremony
Messrs. W. Clark Sloan, Frank Wilson,
Frank Purscl and William S Ilishtnn were
the ushers. The bridu was the recipient ot
many very handsome presents, showing
the high esteem In which she Is held. Mr,
and Mrs. Evans took the noon train for
Philadelphia and on their return to Ber
wick will go at once to the handsome homo
that Mr Evans has recently erected. Our
best wishes go with them.
Without doubt the most valuable contrl
button in Harper's Magazine for March, from
the point of view ot the greatest number
of people, is Charles Dudley Warner's open.
Ing study of "The Great West A Far and
Fair Country." In bis graceful, easy style
Mr. Warner sweeps across the great North
west from Minneapolis to Great Falls, and
curries his reader along so pleasantly that
one is never weary despite the distance.
Tho facts and statistics presented aro none
the less instructive for being given In an
entertaining way. Eyery intelligent man
and woman wlU be Interested in Mr. War
ner's study those In the East becauso it
will teach them something, and those In
the West because they will sco themselves
faithfully photographed therein. It fol.
lows, of course, that Mr. Warner's article
Is not free from criticism; but fair, gener.
ous, Intelligent criticism is agreeable to
Western people. The value of the rontri.
button is further enhanced by a particularly
good map, based upon a map In The Railway
The following correspondence explains
To the Honorable Boabd op Twisters
School: '
Qenllemm: I hereby present a formal
resignation (alieady virtually made) of ray
position as instructor in the Department of
Natural Science In this Institution, to take
place June next, at the close of the present
scholastic year. 1 have given twenty
years of the best part ot my life In feebly
aiding to advance the interests of the in
stitutlon to its present honorable position
among the best literary Institutions ot tho
country. I shall continue to cherish tbo
purest withes and warmest affections to.
ward it. I hope tho Institution will still
move onward moro uobly in her grand ca
rccr, and culminate her triumphal march
n diffusing more widely a sound, practical
Intellectual and moral culture, May pros-
ptrlty, unprecedented, crown tho halls of
vour Institution, and Increasing success
gild the hours of your toil.
Yours Very Truly, '
Nov. 20, 1887. J. W Fkbkke
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees,
held on Baturday, February 4, the follow,
Ing resolutions were adoptedi
Whereas, Prof. J. W. Ferree has ten
dered his resignation, to tako effect In Juno
next, as Prof, of Natural Sciences In the
Blate Normal School of tho Sixth District:
llmlvtd, That the Board accept the res.
Ignatlon as requested.
Uttolvtd, That it Is with regret that we
part with ono who for the past twenty years
has been an earnest and faithful teacher,
and we do hereby express our appreciation
of the high va'uo of tho services rendered
the Institution by him during all that time
The present reputation ot tho school Is
built upon the efforts of those who have'
served In the faculty and wo recognize the
fact that none has had the prosperity of tho
school more at heart than Prof. Ferree. We
hereby extend to him our warm regard and
wish him prosperity wherever he may cast
hu )o( (o the future,
nentlt ol Kllxn M. Kulm.
The death of El'lza M Kuho, which oc
currcd on Wednesday evening, February
IS, as announced last week, although a
sudden shock to her many frionds In the
community, was not altogether unexpected
by tho members of the family. She was
first stricken on January 23d, with what
teemed neuralgia ot the head and spine.
Boon after the family physician was called
he pronounced her dUeaBu Inflammation of
tho bowels, and said It would be many
weeks before the would recover, as her
nervous system teemed to bd generally af
fected. From the time ot her prostration
until she died, she bad no rest, except un
der tho Influence of, opiate, and she was
at no time wholly conscious. Her death
was a sad one, as she not just on tho cvo
of becoming a bride and her form was en.
shrouded in part of the apparel '.hat was
Intended for her wedding garments. The
funeral services were held at tho house on
Saturday afternoon at half-past two o'clock,
February 18, and tne attendance was very
large. Tho floral decorations wcro beauti
ful, consisting of' tho follovlng des'gns,
The Gates Ajar," tho "llarp,"and"Broken
Column," by friends and members of the
family, a "Crescent" by a lady friend of So.
llnsgrove, "The Anchor and Cross," by
gentlemen frlends,a "Cross" by members ot
the "unday school, and a pillow", "Resting
at Home," by a friend. The casket was
strewn with flowers and at bcr feet wero
beautiful Utiles. The services was con
ducted by tho pastor, Rev. F. P. Manhart,
assisted by Rev. J. P Tusttn and D. J.
Waller, Jr. The pallbearers were Messrs.
II. B. Clark, J. 0. Wlegand, 0. C. Peacock,
E V. Hartman, Chas. Funston and Frank
For somo tlmo ho had bten an active
worker In all of tbo societies of the church.
Sho was kind and affectionate to all, and
her popularity was attested by the wide
circle, ot friends who paid their last sad re
spect to the departed one.
She was 27 years, 2 months and 18 days
of age.
Mrs. James Sankey of Harrlsburg is vis
iting at Mrs. J. M. C. Ranck's for the past
few weeks.
Miss Hattle Ranck who has been sick
for the past week or two Is now. reported as
convalescing. '
Ladies' Aid Society of town havo been
having sleighing excursions for some lime.
Quite a new enterprise.
A number of ladles of town gave Mrs.
Mary Ent of Bloomshurg a call on Friday
A number of Centre's representatives
took John Wanlch by surprise one evening
last week.
A. C. Uldlay and wife took a flying trip
to Mountain Grove last week to seo Henry
Bmoyer who has Jbecn very low with con
sumption. A. B. White and wife attended the wed
ding of Mrs. White's niece at Forks.
Mrs. Mary Ent and son Oscar visited Mrs.
N. B. Ent Bunday.
The ice on Fishing creek began moving
on Tuesday. .
Election passed off very quietly, so much
so that our district Is always In the lurch
on offices.
M. E. Seyhert sold his farm to a Mrs.
Sarver of Warrior Run, Luzerno Co. for
the sum of seven, thousand and five tiun-
dred dollars. Also farming utensils.
Local Institute.
The following programme has been ar
ranged for the Teacherf' Institute, to be
held at Catawlssa, Columbia county, Pa.,
Saturday, February 25, 1888:
Morning session. Call to order at 0:30
a. ra. Orgai izatlon. Opening exercises-
Arthur Roberts, spelling; Miss How, class
drill; Pror 0. H. Albert, history; music;
recitation; Dr. Waller, Jr., discipline.
Afternoon session. Call to order at 1-iiO
m. Music; Prof. H. G. Clark, subject
to be chosen; Miss Kurtz, class drill; Miss
Brannan, class drill; C. H Reynolds, -'The
Teacher's duties to his Profession;" song
by a little girl; Prof. Cope, "Criticism of
Written Work;" I. II . Winter, chss drill;
Alfred Hower, subject to be chosen; que.
Hon for general discussion, "How Teach
Morals ?" opened by Mr. Decker; music by
pupils from Miss Dcchant's school; Prof.
Wolverton, subject to be chosen; Mr.
Creasy, subject to be chosen; Dr. Kline,
subject to be chosen; music.
Tux Collector.
Tho Act of 1885 pro rides for tho election
of a tax collector. The Town of Blooms
burg, being organized under a special law,
does not come under the provision of this
act so far as the collection of taxes Is con
cerned. But the voters ot the town each
year elect a tax collector whose duty It Is
to collect the county, school and poor
taxes. It has not been the custom thus far to
place the duplicate of the town In the
bands of the collector thus elected, but to
give it to some one specially appointed by
tbo council, but there seems to be no good
reason for this. When the electors of the
town select ono In whom they are willing
to entrust the collection of part ot their
taxes, why not give him tho whole ot the
work? If all the duplicates were planed In
bis hands, ono man could afford to givo bis
entire tlmo to the business, but divided up
as It Is the collector must necessarily havo
some other pursuit or be cannot live.
It Is not Always convenient to call a phys
ician for every little ailment, and In many
cuses It is not only inconvenient, but lm.
possible to reach one promptly. Having
Pond's Extract in the house, you have a
pbysiclau always at hand It is easy of
application, safe and reliable. For sore
throat, stiff neck, chapped hands and face,
It is of Inestimable value, frosted limbs
and chilblains aro promptly relloved by
I o'id's Extract, For sale everywhere. Bo
sure to get the genuine.
The ounce of I'revciitlon.
Tho satisfaction of feeling safe Irnm
catching any disease from drinking water,
from Impure air, from a' sick person, from
contact with foul clothing, Infection or
contagion from any source, Is complete and
all anxiety allayed by the use cf Darbys
ProphylactlQ Fluid. A bottle will give
more safety, comfort and confidence than
all the doctoring In tho world.
Thu orown prince of Germany ia in
a very critical condition, apparently
ivrm tho samo-diseaso that killed Uen
Buy Lester's Binglmmton Kip
Boots, is est made.
ASU-GEISINGEU.-On the 10th Inst,
at the home of the brldr,by Rev. A. Houtz,
Mr. Thomas E. Ash to Miss Mary E. Gel
singer, both of Fislungcreek township.
HILKERT KIBNER. At Bloomsburg,
Pa., February 10, 1888, by Rev, Frank P.
Manhart, John V. Hllkert, ot Washington
vllle, Pa., to Lurio I',. Klsner, ot Mlllvllle,
Inst., at the Reformed parsonage, In Or.
angevlile, by Rev. A, Houtz, Mr, Wood
ward L Kleckner, of Flsbingcreek town,
ship, to Mitt Dora J, Kitchen, of Green,
wood township.
Warner's Log Cabin Barsaparllla rcgu.
lairs the regulator. Best blood purifier in
the market. Manufactured by the proprl.
ctors of Warner s Safe Cure. Bold by alt
The Vote In Iilooninhurif.
The full vote as polled in the town Is
given below. The newly-contested offices
were thoso of President of Town Council
and School Directors. For tho foimer po
sition Mr. Hnrmati received an unusually
large majority. For School Director four
members of the old Board wero candidates
and three of them were elcctced, J. J.
Lawall being defeated by 0. T. Wilson.
Thu Board will consist of O. T. Wilson, J.
It. Townsund, 8 years, William Kramer, J.
C. Brown, 2 years, William Chrlsmsn and
Isahh Ilagonbucb, 1 yr. Thoso marked
with a are elected.
P. 8. Harman,
East Weit
L. 8. Wlntcrstecn,
R. Oswald,
Clinton Sterling,
It II. ltlnglcr,
John Wolf,
Chas. Uasscrt,
H V. White,
Jas Cadow,
E. O.Wells,
Jas. 0. Sterner,
Wm. Kramer,
J R. Townsend, 3 yrs, 240
Wm. Kramer, 2 yrs, 834
Wm. Chrlsman, lyr, 851
J. C. Brown, 2 yrs, 174
J.. J. Lawall, 3 yrs, 182
I Hagcnbuch, 1 yr, 176
O. T. Wilson, 3 yrs, 100
B. F. uharpless, 1 yr, 110
Clark Rlchart, 8 yrs, 123
Thos. Webb,2 yrs, 148
0. A. Kleim, 1 yr,
U. H. Ent,
J.jK. Eyer,
211 134
185 173
F. CEyer, 200 147
Isaac Yost, . 217 100
A. B. Calhcart, 280 843
Harry Fornwald, 223 128
Chas. Rabb, 184 131
C. O. Peacock, 272 851
M. C. Woodward, 200 280
Wesley Knorr, 03 80
Daniel Laycock, 227 235
M. E. Cox, 113 CO
Geo. M, Lockard,
U. P. Vannatta,
F. B. Hartman,
W. R. Rlngross,
H. V. White,
John B. Casey, 204
A. J. Williams, 181
H. V. White, 124
C. P. Sloan, 175
CoiiHuiuptlon Surely Cured.
To TnE Editor Please inform your read-
era that I have a posltlvo remedy for the
above named disease. By Its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy free to any of
your readers who have consumption If they
will send me their express and post office
address. Respectfully, T. A. Slocum, M.
O , 181 Pearl Bt . New York, nc nov250m
Court lToceedimrn.
Sale ordered In estate Jonas Doty.
F Brown and U. 11. tut appointed ap
praisers In estate of C. B Brock way.
J P. Hannon and G. H. Moaerappointcd
overseers of the election in South Conyng.
8. E Ferree, T. W. Hartman and C. B.
Low appointed viewers of a road In Centre
at Lime Ridge.
Jonas Dnty's admr. vs. John Suit, case
tried, verdict for plaintiff for 59.00 for 400
hoop poles cut on the undisputed portion
ot the Rceser tract.
Theo F. Craig vs llahala Craig et al. ver
diet for plaintiff, subject to opinion of tbo
court on questions reserved.
Widow's appraisement confirmed nisi in
estate of N. D. Uarman.
Bond ot U. J. Bobbins and J. F. Derr,
executors of Elijah Fulmer, approved.
C. G. Barkley Esq. apnolnted auditor in
estate of I. John & Son.
Salo ordered In estate of Isaac Yettcr.
Inquest awarded in estate of Margaret
bamuel Neyhart, Miles Smith and C. II
Fruit appointed viewers of road In Creen
wood near B. F. Redllue's and Josepli
Commonwealth vs. John U. Kcifer, lar
ceny &c. Sentence suspended.
II. B Low vs. John M. Falrchlld case
tried, verdict for plaintiff for $20.28.
Commonwealth vs Emerson J. Lore, re.
cognizance for appearance at next court on
March 14th.
Application for sale of real estate of Odd
Fellows' Association ot Berwick, order of
court filed.
Susie Winner vs. Oswcll Winner, decree
in divorce filed.
Ell Mcilenry, Isaac A. Dewltt, John O,
Wenner appointed viewers of a road In
Bugarloaf near Amandus Fritz's and Jos'
oph O. HesV.
Mo lellan Smetbers vs Fannie T. Bmeth.
ers, divorce decreed.
F. P. Blllmeyer Esq, appointed auditor
In estate of Lydla Sponenberg.
N. U. Funk appointed auditor In estate
of Htephen Heller.
J. G. Freeze Esq. appointed auditor in
estate of Ell Pealer.
J. II. Malzo Esq, appointed auditor In
estate of W, N. A. Rogers,
Geo. E. Elwcll Esq. appointed auditor In
estate of E. Pcterman.
Adjourned to March" Uth at 0 a. m.
Chimplon SThort nnd Wrltar.
Mr. A. 0. White, the well known author
of "White's Phonography," famous as
the Champion Bhorthand Writer of the
World, received the first prizes In the In
ternational contests at Loudon, Edinburgh,
Paris and Berlin; he eamo near being per
manently disabled bv rheumatism. Hit
recovery by the use of a remedy infallible
(n curing rheumatism and all blood diseases
is told In a letter from his office, 02 Well
ington st., Chicago, dated June 20, 1887.
lie writes:
"Your temedy has done wonderful ser
vice for me. For the past five years I
have been troubled with rheumatlo pains.
"My right hand had become almost use
lees and 1 was gradually losing speed as a
shorthand writer. A friend of mine, Dr,
Dedrrich, advised me uf your remedy. I
used a dozen bottles of S, S. and am now
entirely recovered. I shall never cease to
commend yonr excellent medicines, and
wish you much success.
"Yours truly, A. S. Wuitr"
And hers is another witness
I'Bsntok, Ark., August, 25th, 1887.
I' Last spring I was datiKf rou'ly afflicted
with erysipelas, and my life was despaired
ot by my physicians. At a last hoptt I
tried 6. 8. H. and toon found relief, and
In two weeks was able to attend to my
business. used Ave bottles.
(. II. WTT"tmNK,Kd, gallne OunVf."
Troatise on Bloo-t and Skin Diseases
mailed free. TUB BWft Bl'XClflC Cp.,
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Qa,
A Blotlcril Bloute CrUlo,
The editor saw on the pavement cold,
Boinetblng that seemed to sUloei
lie picked It up twas a dollar In gold
And he shouted: "The world Is mine I"
0(1 Citv Bltitara
rmi.ADFt.rnu, Monday, Feb. s), leas.
The news herein is of Sprintr
tylcs. qualities and prices.
Real information about late ar
rivals. It is our notion that ad
vertising should not be puffing
and bragging exaggeration, nor
dreary essay writing, creating
either suspicion or weariness,
but a clear statement of desir
able information; strong when
1 r i . i .i
jusiinca uy facts, Dur. wnetner
mild or stronrr. alwavs true, ex
pressed with as much attraction
in style as otlr wit will produce.
Five hundred and eighteen
tyles noxv on sale.
1 he bcotch Haiti Ginghams
are claimed by knowing women
lor seashore and short travel.
With the revival of panniers,
bretelles, jacket-corsage, and,
best of all, the Garibaldi waist,
what more charming costume is
there than these colorful, .cheer
ful goods that never carry on
their face a suggestion of cotton
fibre? Look at spinning, color
and pattern if you want to feel
both expenstvely and elegantly
dressed. But if you really want
to know the facts about them,
here they are :
Andersons bcotch Ginghams,
181 styles. Their quality is
sovereign and as reliable as gold
from the Mint. A touch of neat
ness and. beauty in the patterns
peculiarly Andersoman. 40c.
bcotch Zephyr Ginghams,
119 styles. The boldest, most
brilliant plaids, and small quan
tities, only of the richest. High
art and high color, 50c. They
are all either at or below the
owest market price.
best American Ginghams,
218 styles. They crowd the
imported goods very hard at all
points. Only half Andersons'
prices, 20c.
One thousand and fiffy-nine
styles on sale to-day.
bateens are half sisters to
1 . 1
suns and quite as comiortaoie
between seasons.
Novelties in rare designs that
delight and with a range of
colors that would bankrupt a
painter's palette.
rorked lightning, palm fig
ures, commas, dots combined tn
all sorts of shapes, gleam and
stream over the plain polished
surface in glaucous greens,
cedar, moss, olive, yellowish
inden green, and the new
caprice, mignonette.
rive hundred and sixty-seven
styles best French including
Koechlin, Scheurer, and Uoltus
Meigs, at 37Jic.
three hundred and eighty-
five styles fine French at 31c.
remaps you
may hnd them
equal to the hij:
her cost.
One hundrec
and seven styles
Pep.rlfiRq nt 1 2 IX Well named
They arc peerfess at the price.
As varied a gathering of
Striped Dress Goods in wool as
you are likely ever to see.
baxony btnpes are newcom
ers. Every virtue of the favor
ite Saxony Plaids. The lustre
and firmness of weave give a
poplin effect. Navy blue, tur
quoise blue, bottle green, gar
net, wine, black, 50c.
Another handsome stranger
gets its stripes from a chevron
weave and beige mixture, 50c
Feather Stripes get their
name from a wavy, cloudy effect
Striking and one of the newest.
41 inches, 51.50.
naoit .loths 01 various
grades. Fine wool and carefu
woric in an. 1 he wonder is
how so much of both can be had
tor the prices. (Jne kind, 52,
inches wide. 50c, Another 42
inches wide, also 50c, but it is
heavier, firmer, finer than the
other. Either is a wonderfu
half dollar's worth. Wider than
either, and finer, 75c.
Por Women s Dresses and
Boys' Shirt Waists, as well as
for Men's Shirts. There is no
sturdier, stronger cotton stuff
of the weight. .For thick and
thin wear anywhere. As pretty
as good. In all the chintz colors
and they are deep and fast
Plump yard wide. And the
price is but 125 c, Never be
fore equal quality for so little
Space forbids us telling more
of the things in the store that are
reminders of the warm, blue
skies and the bursting buds, as
we must speak of some of ou
remarkably cheap
ihe best yet in Muslin and
Cambric Underwear. Not for
fineness and extravagance, but
for cents' worth. You can see
a hundred things of this sort on
the long counters and never on
twice. But what we value most
is in every one right materia
and faithful, proper work,
Mother Hubbard Nigh
Gowns, Good muslin, yok
with two rows ol wheel pattern
insertion, neck, front, and sleeves
trimmed with embroidery, 75c,
Mother Hubbard Nigh
J Gown, yoke of large and sm.a!
tucks, neck, sleeves, and front
trimmed with neatly embroider
ed ruffle, 75c.
Cambric Mother Hubbard
Night Gown, yoke of rows of
fine herring-bone stitching be
tween fine tucks, neatly em
broidered ruffle on neck and
eeves, $1.
Skirts with deep embroidered
ruffle, open or closed pattern,
75 and 90c.
Drawers 111 a variety of styles,
40; 50, and 75c.
Chemises at 50, 65, 75 and
85c, $1, $1.25, $1.50.
Aprons, 25c to St. so per
haps a hundred styles in Muslin
and cambric, some imported.
Let these stand for the scores
and scores of like things at just
as remarkable prices that we
lave no space to name.
John Wanamaker.
Cloomsbcbo. Pa.
Thousands of vards ot Ololhs and Im.
ported Dress Ooods, 60c. a yard.
4U.locn Henrietta Ulotli, in Colors and
Beautiful new patterns in Hambure Km.
75-ct. Ladles' Kid GIovcb.
Stamped Pillow Shams, yard square, 26c
Chlnaware for wedding presonts.
iots of new gooas a; lowest prices.
Fine Cabinet oortraita onlv
$3. doz. Life size Crayons -only
10.00. Viewinrx, copying and
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
Tiik Handsomest Ladt in Bloomsbdiki
remarked to n friend the other day that she
new n.emp-8 uasam lor tne tnroat and
lungs was a superior remedy, as It stopped
her coagb instantly when others bad no ef-
lect wnatcver. Bo to Drove tills and to
convince you of Its merit, any druggist
will give you o sample bottle free. Largo
tiie, GOc. and $1.
What am t to do? Tho svmntoma of
biliousness nro unhappily but too well
nown. They differ In different Individ
uals to some extent. A bilious man Is sel.
dom a breakfast eater. Too freauentlv.
alas, ho has an excellent appetite for II-
quias out none for solids of a morning, tils
tongue win naimy oear inspection at any
time; if it is not white and furred, it Is
rough, at all events.
lue cnirestive svatem is wlinllv nut nf nr.
dcr and dlarrhcra or constipation may be a
symptom or the two may alternate. There
aro often hemorrhoids or even loss of blood.
There may be giddiness and often head
ache and acidity or flatulence and tender
ness in tne stomacn. To correct all tbls if
not to effect a cure try Green's August
Flower, it costs but a trifle and thousands
attest its efficacy.
Agents and Salesmen. Kverv man
should know the value of tho Hop P.attnt
and wear them for weak hack; theyglve
support and enable you to keep on your
feet all day. Soothing and pain allaying
Hop Plasters never fall. Everywhere 25c.
The crown of Queen Victoria consists of
diamonds, pearls, rubles, sannlnrcn ami
emeralds, set In silver and gold. Its gross
weigui is ou oz. o awt troy, me number
of diamonds nro 8,853; pearls, 273;
rubles, 9; sapphires, 17; emeralds, 11. It
is an 01a saying uneasy lies tho head that
wears a crown. It is oetter to wear tho
crown of perfect health and peace of
mina tnrougn tne curative clients of Per
rlne's Pure Darlcv Whlskev. For
sale by C. B. Rohblns. Bloomsburg, Pa.
s about o.UOO. and wo would sav at least
one-half are troubled with some aftVction
of tho throat and luugs as those complaints
are, according to statistics, more numerous
man otners. vve would ndviso all not to
neglect the opportunity to call on their
druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal
sam for the throat and lungs. Price 60c.
and $1. Trial size free. Bold by all drue-
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Cutorlt.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clone to Castoria,
When she had Children, she cave them Cvstorla.
acres I luno 1
In Northern Wisconsin,
Will be lold at 05. OO nn acre, on lour Hue, to
JS-etpnl Hrlller.. llictl soli-henilhlul climate
good drtnklnit walor-ano market facmuee-ueadr
demand tor labor at sot vuges. 1'urchne now ana
hare choice ot lands. Full mrormatlon with maoi.
pamphlet, etc. turnnhed FllK.r.. AUdrm
W. c. R. R., Milwaukee, Wis.
mums, nioToonAPii, AUToaiurii and
t WrAlY R lflrfTA anrt nnmnlata Una a. .
Mercer's tfiug and 1100k store, Kvans" Block. ' '
f HaMieta. Itomftripa tlnlr IIfm.. iinvi,..M
at J. 11. Mercer's Drug and llook btore, Evans"
lliock, opposite Episcopal Church.
.tii a i'iuk auu uuvjh nturv, oppo
site Episcopal Church. ' "
f ... fc"cii.-crBnruf uou uook more,
opposite Episcopal Church, liloojnsbunr. Pa.
mnmViiiLlu ?l "I" "vwws Irug and Book
V. 1 at very low prices at J. II. Mercers Drug and
Book More, third door above Iron street, Blooms
invnFvnivn uirtr rnvtio vt.v rvr,, ...n
vallds at Mercers Drue and book htore. tlrat door
iv ioo uuuv uuu ouuo more, uioomsDurff 1 ra
jumuv ctvu ui tuD uiruM, ai j, ji. Mercers
jjruir and Book store, Cret door below Creasy
iJL, l5.lab1 tona at J. H. Mercer's Dniff and
XT ITHSlNi'l ItHTTTVU Vltim Du imnnnn 1...,
neas, at J. II. Mercer's Uruaiid Book htore, Uo
I recelDta carefuiiv imnnmi nt .11 .7
Mercer's Drue and Book Store, Uloomsoury, Pa.
1 coametto antl Bold and a!ler Diamond Dut!
ili'JhJ bWK NO Main"
prteea-at Mercer's Drug and Book More,
oppoatto Eplaoopal Cuurou, Ulooinaburit, Pa. '
is over, and a great many
goods were sold, in fact
five times as much as ever
before in the same length
of time.
But the stoch is still
large and those who inr-
tend purchasing
it will pay tlieui
to visit us us we
Before wc file an account
as Administrators of the Estate,
and if prices will do it
Boys' Children's
and Men's
At Big Bargains.
Right here we wish to
return thanks to our Pa
trons in the
And thanh them for
their hind indulgence
through the busy season.
The dull season is come
and we will maJce
And Make Them