The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 17, 1888, Image 4

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    nJ ."1 ' J
Penlntnla Superstition.
A belief in the supernatural and in
the forecasting of ovcuts by nml slgnl
fication of signs anil oracna Is not, an is
gonerally supposed, restricted entirely
to the nogro raoo of the Maryland and
Delaware ponlnMiln, writes a Washing
ton correspondent of the Philadelphia
Times. Superstition la prevalent to a
considerable) degree among the whites,
and it is a curious fact that In many
families where wealth and intelligence
predominate, an implicit belief is placed
in eicns and tokens and what the v nor
tend. They are sinccro in this belief
and will cite numerous Instances where
a inystorous knock upon the door, tho
itartling rattling of a window sa'sh
when the air was calm nnd serene, or
tho dismal howling of a dog havo been
iouowcu oy "bad luck, to givo ap
parent strength to It.
Among the whito laboring classes
Buporsnuon holds their minds with o
wondcrfnl power. Anv stranno phC'
noraena in tho heavens, any abnormal
condition of the weather, or any un
usual commotion on land or sea, each
havo their own special significance, and
wnne moy au exercise an undue in
fiuence upon tho minds of these people
each ono lormulatcs his or ber own
opinion, and draw tholr own personal
conclusions as to tho probable scquenco
of these signs. A lady, vencrablo in
yoars, prominent in society, living in
aflluence, and residing in a Maryland
town, onct dismissed a most dear and
intimate acquaintance vith a scvoro
reprimand for trenching upon her Ideas
with" regard to this belief. Tho subjcot
of superstition was under discussion
and a largo circle of friends woro prcs
cnt. This lady friend was ridiculing
such beliet as preposterous and lgnor
ant, and it was commented upon ad'
versely by several othor members of the
company. IJut tbe hostess was in'
vulnerable to their attacks and humor
Otis, pans, and good-naturedly rebnttcd
them by several incidents whioh oc
curred which wero in fresh recollection
bv all nrcsent. nml inr.uli'ntnllv mention
cd her horror of a person looking over
her shoulder whilo sho was standing
before a looking-glass. Tho evening
wore on, and when the company was
about to disperse the hostess aroso to
arrango her hair before a small toilet
looking-glass. Her friend came up be
hind her suddenly and peered over her
shoulder. A remarkable tableau en
sued. With blanohed features tho
hostess threw up her bands, and with
a wild shriek fell swooning to tho floor.
Tho proper restoratives were resorted
to, and when sho recovered conscious
ness sho aroso to her feet, nervous and
timorous. Pointing her finger ac her
heretofore bosom friond, sho said in a
firm, determined voice :
"Wo are frionds no more, Go I"
Expostulations were utterly useless
sho would listen to no explanation, and
with a wounded heart and ber face
bathed in tears, tho lady took her de
parture. This occurred twenty jears
ago.- They have never oxahanged
words since. By a strong coinciaence
of circumstance? a month or so after
ward intelligence of the death of the
only brothor of the hostess, who was in
India, was received.
On' the first day of tho new year tho
negro is debarred tho privilege ot en
tering a white person's house, as their
presence is regarded as an omen of bad
luck throughout the entire year. Woe
be to -any -person with a black skin who
crosses tbe threshold of a whito man's
honao on tho first day of the new year.
A negro man camo near paying the
penally of his forgetfulness in this re
spect with his life. Ho started in the
gate of a house and was advancing to
ward the door, when ho was confront
ed by the resolute and angry occupant
who stood ready to receive him with
a wood-ax. The frightened negro end
denly collected his senses, and, reraem
bering the day, turned to flee. As he
did so the ax was hurled after him, and
went whizzing over his head, tho
helve knocking off his hat.
There is to-day living in lower Deta
ware an old gentleman, onco conspicu
ous in publio life, who constantly keeps
Ins gun charged with old-tasluonci
silver 3-cent pieces, who has an im
pliciti beliet in their virtue to destroy
tho power ot negro conjurers when
fired at them. Thero are Beveral more
who keep their revolvers loaded with
the same metal for tho same purpose'
Why tho annihilating qualities of sil
ver are more superior to lead or gold
they are unable to explain. Yet thoy
are profoundly sincero in their belief
that a volley of the jingling metal fired
at, not into the body of a conjurer, will
dissolve his mysterious power, and pre
vent him from committing harm.
Superstition in the negro is proverb
ial. Wo can CLsily understand that
tho root from which springs his absurd
ideas is ignorance But why it should
hold men and women of brilliant minds
and of high social distinction In its
grasp is a psychological question we
can not answer.
In some parts of Maryland the
people will not havo the house k ek, a
small green plant bearing a pink flow
cr, upon their premises. This plant
blooms, according to their theory, but
onco in seven years, and should one of
them be in or near tho house at the
I'ine. of blooming, when tho tiny bud
begins to develop someone will bo tak
en sick, and as it continues to expand
they will grow worse, and when it ha
bloomed into tho perfect flowor thoy
will die.
Another superstition characteristic
of this ostracised plant is that so long
as anyone can les a leaf about with
them adversity will be close at their
There are countless numbers of signs
and omens of ill-luck, sickness, death
disappointment, cto , that makes a curi
ous and interesting category. The
howling of a dog is a sure sign of death,
and when throwing your shoes on the
floor, should thoy turn upside down,
tho grim spectre will claim some mem
ber of tho family ere tho year has pass
ed. Tbo dropping tbe dish-rag foro
tcllstho coming of a stranger ; to meet
a funeral on tho street is an ill omen,
and many will go squares out of their
way to avoid meeting an approaching
conego ; to go out ot tbe house and tor
getting some simple article, havo to ro
turn tor it presages disappointment
and yon must sit down and cross you
legs if you would dissolve the spell and
bo successful in your errand, These
and many other equally absurd notions
aro prevalent among the people ot tin
lower peninsula, aud it seems as though
the advancing elements of enlightened
civilization and intelligence will never
be ablo to ddtroy them.
An unknown exchango pays this
tribute to Winter:
"It snows and blows ana stings your nose-makes
all creation kbl ver.
It bites your toes, Increases your woes, and
frmes up trie rlrer.
Tbe frost nips all,both great and bmall.thls dismal,
dreary Winter;
Freezes type, bursts water pipes, and vexes aoro
tbe printer.
So let. br roll we mom the coal-It takes tbo
cash In winter;
And now please be Und and mato up your mind
to nettle with tno printer."
an xssay nv tviNTiinoi hhyiooi.k at
HAT JAN. 10, 1838.
This woik bolongs to Horticulture
and why should not Horticulture aud
Agrlculturo go hand in hand. Aim-
oulltuo is to us" as a foundation is to a
uouso whllo Horticulture is to lis as
its dcooratlons. Man was placed in
tho Garden of Eden nnd to him wss
given tho carlh as bis domain to keep
ami make it beautiful, Tho adornme'it
of our homes is a subject that is sadly
neglected by tno agricultural cias.
rho majority ot Ibis class of people
aro vety negligent in tho ndornment of
their homes nnd tho beautifying of
their properties. Our homes should bo
ornaments to tho beautiful hills and
valleys whioh Qod has provided so
abundantly with works of nature; but
instead in' most agricultural districts
our homes aro as a soro placo in tho
face of nature thus obstructing tho pro
gress of horticulture Wo should ro
novato tbeso homes and mako thorn
correspond with these beautiful works
of nature. What would be moie
nloasititr to tbo eve. what scenerv could
be more grand than a rido through a
beautiful valley in summer and see the
farmers' homos adorned and beautified.
It makes our homes pleasant and obcer
ful and not only that if you want to
disposo of your properly it will bring a
belter price.
It is a true saying that a farmer
Bhonld bo judged by his buildings aud
its surroundings, for instanco imagine
a beautiful dwelling with correspond
ing out buildings wbilo tbo surround
ing aro grown up with tall grais and
weeds, tbo farm implements lying in
every direction, wagon sheds used for
roosting places, piles of lumber and
rubbish soattered around making it
difficult to reach tho bouse; now take
these same buildings, clean tho yards,
put farm implements in sheds to save
unnecessary repairs and havo a place
tor overything and in its placo. Uora
pare tho two. Will you not eay at
onco the lattor is the farmer.
Order is heavens first law and let
this bo our law. Around tho farm as
well as in the house. Why should not
horticulture be studied enough to dec
orate our yards as well as agriculture
in order to make farming a succors.
It is easily understood. Tis truo it is
work without financial return, but
thero is enough beauty in it to pay
you for the time spent. Every farmer
or somo member oi jtlie family can
spend from four to five hours -of each
week for tho trimming and cleaning
of his yard and I am sure the result
will bo highly appreciated. Sinco lawn
imwera havo oomo into existence the
keeping ot our vards and lawns is so
simple that no farmers homo is com
plete without tne any rooro than t
farmer could do without a reaper.
Thero is no excuse for allowing grass
to grow tall in our yards any more
than to have cobwebs taking possess
ion of our rooms in our dwellings. We
occasionally see some queer individ
nals even now who remembers that his
grandfather allowed grass to crow tall
for food for his cattle and so he keeps
on in the same old rut thinking it
would almost be wicked to change the
routine while in the house he may have
costly furniture where none but the
family admiro. "Would it not be bet
ter to do wtihout the hay, cut from the
yards, and make the outside correspond
with the inside thereby tempting the
passer by to admiro our homes.
It is gratifying to know that people
aro becoming more enlightened in that
direction. There aro many ways to
make a perfect lawn but I will attempt
to describe tho one that takes the least
labor and most inexpensive. Wo will
tako a yard where every thing is grown
up with weeds, dock and planting as
farmers yards generally are, also full of
stones, tin cans nnd hollows. Givo it
a thorough cleaning, mow it with
common grass soy the, fill up the holes
and mako the surface level. After this
it should be raked off so that tbo sur
face will bo smooth and all stones re
moved for the action of the mower.
If it be a small yard and whore sod can
be obtained it wonld-be best to sod it
but before doing this tho ground
should be beaten down particularly
where it has been fided in so that there
may be no danger of settling to form
hollow places. The sods Bhonld be
cut the samo thickness. When laying
placo edges neatly together and beat it
down. If it is dry weather at the time
of laying, the new lain sods should be
drenched with water for a week or so.
If the yard is too large to be sodded
and too much expenso to dig it up givo
it a good c.oat of well rotted manure,
sow it with a mixture of lawn grass
ced and whito olover twice in tho
summer. Mow it every week to keep.
tbo weeds trom growing and to pro
tect tho grass as it grows. Many peo
pie through ignorance or short sighted
economy use the hay seeds taken from
the hay mow If from good hay tbe
eed principally will bo timothy and
red clover. All attempts to get a
smooth lawn from such a source would
bo vain. During the winter a lawn
should bo covered with well rotted
manure. In tho spring rako it off,
role it with a roller so that the surface
will bo smooth for the mower. If tho
ground is rolling terraces could be
made which would add to the beauty
of the lawn.
Now this yard with its beautiful
carpet of green is an ornament to a
home without anything else, but this
vard can be laid out with flower bods
of different designs acoording to the
linancial standing of tbo owner. All
yards should havo a direct walk from
the gate to the tiouse. This
walk should bo kept clean and freo from
gras. The edges should bo trimmed
once a month with an edging tool
which will keep the sides of the path
straight. Walks around tbe honse
may have curves and nngles to suit
tho tasto of tho owner. 'Tis not con
venient for us all to own conservator
ies nor is it possible at all times for us
to buy Uowers and now the ques
tion how can wo get flowers to adorn
our yardsr nearly every lady ot a
homo has plonly ot tlowors in her win
(lows. She can tak cuttings from theno
plants and thereby grow enough to fill
a nlco flower bed to put through the
yard or along tho walks. Take
common plate or saucer, put sand in
it to the dopth of an inch or so, place
tho cuttings in cloeo enough to touch
eaoh other, then water tho sand till it
is of tho consistency of mud. Placo
on the window sill of tbe sitting room
where it will be fully exposed to tbe
sun but never shaded. Ono thing
must bo kept In mind, never allow
them to become dry; because exposed
to the sun as they are, they will wilt
verv easilv and all would then bo lost.
By this method you can grow nearly
all plants that grow from cuttings and
they will bo more healthy than those
that aro forced in greenhouses. Be
sure your cuttings aro takeu from
healthy plants. If you have no flow
era from whioh to tret outlines, vou
can grow annuals, plants which grow
from seeds, such ss inlcuonctte, sweet
alyssum, asters, dummonds, phlox,
sweet Williams, Ao. These may bo
sown separately or two or tl.rco kinds
may bo sown In rows as cany in spring
as tho ground oan bo worked. Each
lady should got a catalogno contttnlng
a list of annuals seeds, it costs nothing
simply the trouble of sending for them.
From theso catalogues selections can
bo made to form beautiful beds witli
llttlo cost.
Where thero is a will there is a way
and I am sure if wq coonomizo in oth
or directions a little, wo will bo able to
purcbaso a few things for tho dcoora
tion of our yards. Yards may bo de
corated with evergreens suoh as Nor
way spruoi', arbor vitae, Irish junipor,
cetlar, &o, planted through tho lawm
If you canuot afford to buy trees, go to
tho woods and select trees of good
shapo of cedar or bemlook, Plant
them and trim them in mound shape
whioh will mako them very thick and
very pretty. Shrubbery of all kinds
kept well trimmed will also add to the
decoration of our yards; This is a
slmplo way of beautifying our farm
yards with liltlo expense
As tho farmer of to-day docs not
mako ten per cent, wo do not caro
about spending much for ornamental
plants or shrubbery but there is no ex
cuse for not adorning in a slmplo way
and I sincerely hope that tho day will
come when the farmer will take as
much pride in adorning' bis home as ho
tries to mako farming a success.
They Tooled With Ifesinrrlsm.
a wan WESTEnN stort op amateur
Chicago, Fob. 5. There is said to
bo a young woman now lving in a
trance at Alamo, Mich., from whioh
oniy one man, wnoso wnereaoonts aro
unknown, oan release her. According
to the story, the peoplo of Alamo havo
boon amusing themselves with mosmer
ism this winter, and several persons
havo beoome quito profioiont in tho art.
Among them was a young man, named
Dwight T. Holmes, who seemed to bo
more successful than any of the others.
On,lho evening of Jan. 0 Holmes and
another young man wero at tho house
of A. J. Rood, when Miss Kitty Rood
and another young woman wero there.
Mesruprisin was experimented with and
Holmes succeeded in influencing Mies
Rood so effectually that sho fell into
a faint on tbo floor. All efforts' to re
vive ber failed, and convinced that be
had killed her, Holmes pledged the
others to secretly aud fled.
A doctor pronounced tbe young lady
dead, and ber funeral occurred Jan. 13.
The body had been lowered into the
grave, when tho young woman who
had been present at tho mfsmerism
went into hysterics. vVhen she revive d
she told about Holme's experiment.
Tho people rushed to the cemetery ana
found the sexton iust beginning to
throw the clods upon tho coffin. The
casket was opened ana doctors were
summoned. They finally concluded
- 1 1 ' . , I . I
inai buu wan unve, uuv uu huh uuli
awakened from her trance. Various
doctors experimented upon ner ana
mesmprists tried to restore her, but
without avail. The mesmerists then I
declared that only tho person who put I
her into the tranoe could bring her out
of it. Efforts aro now being made to
find Holmes, who'has not been beard
of since tbe night of bis exploit.
Yesterday Detective Mabaffy, ac
companied by Mr. Rood, camo to
Chicago in search of Holmes, who they
had reason to believe was in hiding
Hallway Mileage of the World-
Europe has 121,205 miles of railroad
and America has 155.757 miles: Aia,
18,761; Africa, 4,285, and Australia
9,045. Thus tho total of tho world is
303,093 miles. These figures show
that America popsesses more miles1 of
railroad than all the rest of the world.
According to a table nublished bv the
Archive last year, tho average cost of
construction per English milo is in
Europe $129,008, and in all other
countries $03,113. By this tho rail
roads of Europe had, at the end of
1885, a total value of $14,545,559,040,
and those of all other countries of $26,-
024.435,954. Of tho European States
Uermany possesses the most extensive
railway system. locomotive Engi
neers journal.
$3.00 CW PANTS
Itullt UWi aomtlhlisi mora than low crlrM tatntitcor
irtaidtMil ftiri(Bcntintl,thaiiiW, Waontjr dm kit
worn not ur id iuiatii)fii ani iirut,ll Urjr tirunf
LMItPiT itatuleull U u brm tud najUMlnf.
KtilctianbMuMtlthtwirjr.tigUltwUI (.(UovL. Ii
i:XT,u to our low
nrlCCB 1 hl com fiom our
Willing nttt toorinoui quantl-
'a matac urn 111111 rvRia,
Vari)w ukbif Ihtaulff tr.
duct f thrx utility ami thai
Sara j j hiwii our OMIftlia,
New lork htjles,
Alwn In the Lead.
KXT. we make
iruuu uulv to oinler,
tid br our ailatitkfld mun.
bitnl blauhacaa til you u trill
1 ,000 piIIm away t c at our
tora. Wo arnd our
iruoda tu ruMtitnrr
liuth by sunn mill ex.
jirvaa, At buycr'a um
rDH to mmpi yo win mat rv raturn malt lackra
f twenty MmpiU ftf tUi fur liuitt, HulM.uml
flVcrcftuUiaad iriuiuonilon tbil irtr,UMm Ii
lutnt Maui. Try UU and convlnca yeuru t
filll (111 4 1 4 V'ri1LM.l Uitmr
"""' nMi lor wovajiuivakad aiwara WU
ienri:Kt:V;i:N.-AnTlriQ Vi?rnCoJS9
I'lrfc City, wl b trbnni wa do as an or wo at buiiurtt.
niriiu iir Mitmnit iitm ami
Hir?l .cl now ad brl4lH'iUnflluir
HJ J"""""11' wr u iwiuc w yuf id, tail
mm r-iacoi w. t miy, wear union 6q.
SympIom5 :
Want of Appetite.
Furred Tongue.
Hitter Taste.
General Depression.
This is sure and always safe.
for Rata l-r ll rrlco 23 ct. rr
3U1M fc'f C5 CU I Or Wilt bT DlAll, nlf flrt, t.Q
nrelut uf irle. Dr. J. U.Schanck Sou, I'lilM'a,
Bend a postal for catalogue to
uitpqviHnaa fob
White Plume Celery and Thorb'irn'f OIU Edge
Cauliflower beeo.
if!DfUS $ CO.
headquarters for
Kruiiicli & ltsicli
Wilcox & White Organs.
CSTPIanos Tuned and Hcrnlreo' by com
petent workmen.
Send for Catalogues.
Wllliamsport, Pa.
Tho underslsrned liavlne out bis Planing Ml
on Railroad Street, In nrst-ciass condition, la pre
pared to do all kinds of work In his lino.
urnlsned at reasonable trices. All lumberusoa
s well seasoned and none nut skilled worfcmei,
"e employed
nrnlahod on aonltcatlon. Flans nnd specmo
I on proparefl by an experienced draughtsman
Illoomwlwre, I'm
TV - -
r ine Assort
ment of New
Wedding and Party
and Envelopes,
Just Received
at the
s .
(11 cHlQ eXaiTline
LIME and POD. For consumption, weak- luog?.
cougns, astnma, Droncimis, ana general acDiny
Itls an acknowledged specific remedy. THY IT,
Price tl and J per bottle. Prepared only ly
W1NJ11KTH1( t'U I'llcmiSlS,
163 William St., New Yorlc.
Sold by Druggists Send (or Circular,
OP MEAT. Finest, and Clienix-st Meat Fla.
vourlng stock for houps, Mado Msnes and
Sauces Annual sale 8 Jars.
OP MKAT. An Invaluable tonic. "la a sue
cess and a boon tor which nations should
reel gratetui." see " Press," "Lan
OP BARON LIEBIO In tac-slmllo across label.
Highly recommended as a night cap Instead
OF MEAT. To be had of all. storekeepers,
Grocers and Chemists, sole agents for tho
United Mates (wholesale only) c Darll &
Co., 9 FenJchurcn Avenue, London, England,
febl7 dlt.
elv's Catarrh
Cream Balm
Cleanses tbe nasal
paosages.allaye pain
and Inflammation,
heals tbe sores, re
stores tbo senses of
taste and smell.
A particle Is applied Into each nostril and Is
UKrccuuit; i rice wixuis u.. iiiuKVistsi ujr ujaii.
regisierea, tu cents, eli uhui ucus, : ureen-
wica i.t new lone tetuatu
A MONTH. No capital required.
cooa cnance 10 maxe inuuey,
apdIv for territory at onco. U. s.
lAUderbach Co., Newark, M. J,
nave yea Cough, nronetiltli. Asthma. Indirection 1 1
PARKIR'S GINGER TONIO lthout dalor. It
baacurnd iiiajiyuHae wurft&uta and la the hert remedy
for all aJTeclluoa ot the throat and lunpe, axid diaeawa
arlalng from Impure blood and eihauatlotL Tho frtble
and tick, atrurollnn again dlaeuao. and elowlr drifting
to the grave, will In many rlMi nwoier their health by
the timely uae of farlcar'a OlmrerTonlo, butdelay la dan
irvroue. Tate It In time. It la Invaluable for All palna
uu luawi urt v. .wuwca amy ovwvia. ewo. ai iTUfflf Lv
Cloantesand beaatlile tbo balr.
l'rvnioteialuxurUnt trrotlL
Never F1U to Reilore Gray
Hilrtolti Youthful Color.
Cures scalp dbetw and hair faJi log
fV at I'mwlrti,
TKa Mfttat. auf-at nil latut rnr- fnrP-vrrtat Tin n Inn a Jtm.
6topailLJri. Entuirea oomforl i th fef. Never fail
(cure, cvuU ftl Pnitfffltftt.
TTTANTI'll ImuiL'tllllWl v. I nill. u
Wl to work for a wholesale lio'ise on Ncedle-
ww worit ui ineir uomrs, (Kent any nistauce),
' floodDavran bo made. Kvervthlntr fur.
Waned, rarllculars free. Address Artlstlo Needle
work L'o., i9 bin bt., new York city 37dit.
has revolutionized the world dur
lng the last halt century. Net
least amoug the wonders of in
ventlv nitxTresHls n met hn,l and
ayvtern ot work that can be performeC all over the
country wltheut separllng the workers from their
Iu'.uu-a. i-nj iiuvrui, uny vuv vuu uu lue wora:
either sex. young or old; no special ability re
UUlred. Caultal nrt needed: vou are Ktnrtd free.
I cut this out and return to us and we will bend
you free, something ot great value and Import,
ance to rou, that will start you In business, which
wui uriug you in more money rigni away, man
anything else In the world. Grand ouutt rrtt.
Adams Tku 8. Co., Augusta, Maine. ljdecto
Careats and Trade Marks obtalnrd.and all Patent
uubiucbb tuuuuiicu lorAiuuaitAjji, r .11,0.
OFflOE. We have no BUb-egencles,all buslnesa
direct, hence can transact patent business In less
iiiuuuuu MI.UM uusriuau tnose icmoietrom
uena moaei, arawing, or pnoto,wnn aeacrlptlon.
We advise If patentable or not, free of charge.
uur ire uut uue 1111 ublvul la sucurea.
a dook."iiow 10 uutain patents,' Mltu references
to actual clients In your Htate. countv. or tnwn
aT A CTVafkX.X JG, aOaTh
uppoaivo rattot omoo, wathlngtofi, I, 0.
tii no
Value bfofrti
toequT the
'or Sfi-alnt, bain
h.nnl rlJiC .t..t
areworra mtirrVM
"9 1'- jour
rujlltf for IKtm,
Hop Plaster
Why rolftr with ftn trfilaB bckirl.e& ft rrompt
and poltlve relief 1 at hand? The Hop Floatere
eomple tely andepeedlly cure Baokacb,8fdeac)ie( 1
ralnful Uuaaleo, Kidney Weakiices, Ilheiima
tlam, Brfatloa, riturity, Clxet rln, Oore Ltaiiffs,
Conghe, Crick and all Bndden, Sharp or Nervous :
palna, TheeocUUiialn-kUUnffandctrentTthen-
Ili IUCIVI kV) aUlaUWa UUBOUia MUa U law m
combined Sweet and clean. Sold everywhere, W
SB eta., 0 fbr fl.OO. Mailed for price by proprle L
tens Hep X1 aster Cempanr, Hotofi Maaa, C
17'Loole for the hopvtne wreath and aiffiiatnre TM
ornOF PLASTER CO., on every genuine plaater. J
Beware of Imitations and Babstltutlona. pj
0ENT8 W NTED to Cntivnsm for Ad-
Vprtlsltlir Patronfltfft. A ftmoll nmnnnt. nt
work done with tact ana Intelligence may produce
considerable Income. Airentaearn aoverat hun.
dred dollars In commissions In a Blngle season and
mtur uu il'riuuui rcaponioiiiiy. ijinuiro ac tno
nearest newspaper
oiuco ana loam tna
rice and learn that ours is
l no
the best known ana best equipped establishment
Placing aavcrusrtnents in news
advertisements In newnnanern nnd rnn.
vcymg 10 a
advertisers the lnform&tlnn wliirrh thpv
require In order to make their Investments wisely
ana proataoly. Slen of good address, or women,
It well Informed and practical, may obtain author
ity to solicit advertising rjatronnim for un. Anniv
by letter ti Ono. J". Uowrll & Co.. Newspaper Ad.
Tcnising uureau, 10 spruce St., New York, and
full particulars will be sent by return mall.
A. M. A. II
I S3
10 10 o 1.1
Cnmeron s oa
10 23
10 29
10 311
10 S3
11 00
11 07
11 IS
11 22
It 2S
11 30
11 87
11 44
H 48
11 58
12 OS
12 16
12 20
12 21
12 30
12 37
12 41
12 43
12 50
12 63
1 03
1 11
1 19
1 23
6 31)
6 34
Chulasky .... 6 00
iianvuie s m
1 63
2 14
2 19
9 24
2 ft)
6 40
6 Ss
7 05
7 12
7 20
7 21
7 81
7 33
7 42
7 49
8 P6
8 17
8 22
8 38
8 33
8 .18
8 4
8 49
8 6t
8 68
9 0:1
9 09
9 17
9 23
9 SO
9 33
Catawlssa o 25
Kupert.. it so
HioomsDunr o so
Espy. -.. e a
ume itiage. ... . oil
willow urove....w. ... c at
Ilrlarcreek e M
uerwick 7 03
Deach Ilnven 7 11
lllck's Ferry. ... 7 18
2 48
2 M
2 59
3 09
3 19
3 20
3 39
3 43
Hhlckshlnny 7 HO
lIUniOCK'8 7 43
Nantlcoke 7 50
Avondalo. 7 M
Plymouth ... 7 69
Pit mouth Junction 8 0.1
Kingston 8 08
iienneu o 12
Maltby 8 17
Wyoming 8 03
West Plttston 8 27
Huston 8 33
Lackawanna 8 40
Tatlortllle...... 8 48
3 r,3
8 36
4 01
llellevue 8 64
BCltiNTON 9 00
4 22
r U
A at
0 SO
9 35
10 00
10 08
10 18
10 22
10 27
10 30
10 31
10 3S
10 42
10 47
10 61
10 53
11 02
11 12
11 22
II 28
11 37
1 30
r h
2 03
2 21
2 28
2 34
2 39
r x
6 211
6 25
6 37
6 43
NCR1NTON - 0 10
He evue s It
Taylorviue. s JO
t.acKawanna o
l'ltleton 6 SH
w est intston e 42
6 W
6 47
6 31
6 S3
6 68
7 05
7 10
7 14
7 19
7 26
7 47
7 63
8 01
8 07
8 13
6 61
6 69
Ilrnuelt ..
2 47
2 50
2 51
2 59
3 03
3 06
3 19
3 29
3 39
3 43
3 61
8 57
4 01
4 03
4 12
4 18
4 24
4 29
4 46
4 64
5 00
5 IS
7 113
7 07
7 If
7 16
lymouin junctiou...
7 21
7 25
7 43
si ickshluny
7 5
hick's terry
Iteacb Haven
8 07
8 18
8 20
8 27
i low Grove
8 16 11 43
8 20 11 62
8 SIT 11 t9
8 82 12 03
8 37 12 10
8 2 12 13
8 67 12 30
9 03
9 07 12 40
9 22 12 61
8 31
8 33
8 41
Espy.. ...
8 47
8 1-2
8 s:
vanvl 10
9 IS
9 23
1 ameron
9 28
9 43
A at 1' SI
Connections at Itunert with rhllndelDhln
Heading itauroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, wilt
umBnori. punoury. potisviiie. f ic. al pnnnum.
norland with P. & E. Dlv. P. 11. It. for Harrlfburg,
Lock Ilavcn, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie.
v. jr. xiAiAijiAiJ, uen. Alan.,
Scranton, IM
Pennsylvania Railroai
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effect FEB. 8, 1B88. Trains leave Bunbury
9.40 a. m.. Sea Hhore Express (dally except
lunday), for narrlsburg andlntermedlatestatlons,
trrlvtng at Philadelphia 3.16 9. m.: New York,
5.50 p. m. i Baltimore, 4.40 p. m. : .Washington
l.oup. m., connecting at, ruuaaeipma tor ait cea
hort points. Through passenger coach to
1.43 p. m. Day express
dally except SundaD.for Ilai
iburgand Interme
aiate siaiions. arriving at
D n
ib la
6.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.33
I n. I
145 p. m. ; Washington, 7.45 p.
I'arlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
mrougn to rmiaaeipnia ana uaiiimare.
7.43 ti. m. Henovo Accommodation (daily
(or llarrisburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv
ing at Philadelphia 4.2s a. m. ; now York- 7.10 a. m.
Baltimore, 6.15 . m. ; Washington s.05 a. m.
Sleeping car accommodations can ce ecured at
llarrisburg tor I'hlladelphlaand New York, on Sun.
ilavs a throueh sleeDtn? car will be run: on tht
train from Wllllamspttoi'hUadolphla.rhlladelpbla
passengers can remalnlnsleeper undisturbed untl
L. in.
8.50 a. m. Krle Mall (dally except Monday,
re- iiam&Durg ana lntermeaiau1 stauonN,
vine at pnuaaeipnia 8.25 a. m. New Yom
11. s m. : Baltimore 8.13 a. m. : Washington, v.:
A.m. Throueh ruum an sleeping ears are run on
this train to PhlladelDhla. Baltimore and Vt ashlni
ton, and through passenger coaches to rhlladel-
noja ana uaiuinure.
s.iua. m Brie Mall (dally excent Sunday), fo
Krle ar 1 all intermediate stations and canandai
rua ard intermediate Btattons. Kochester. Buna.
'oano magararaiis, wita vaitiugn ruuman iat
tee cars and passenger coaches to Brie and noch
9.53 Mews Express (dally except Sunday) for
ock tiavea ana intertneaiaie siaiions.
18.58 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Bun-
y) for Kane ana intermediate stations and Can.
. altrua andDrlnclpal Intermediate stations,
It Chester. Buffalo and Niagara Falls wltb
through passenger coaches to Kane and liochester
ana ranorcario wunamsDoix.
6.30 d. m. Fast Line Idatly excect gundanfor It-
novo and Intermediate stations, and Klmlra, Wa
senner coaches to ltenovo and watxlna.
9.20 a. m. Sunday man for ltenovo ana intermo.
a late Btaiion"
KAtff Anu UUUTU.
Sunday mall leaves Fhlladelnhla 4.30 a
llarrisburg 7.40 arriving at Sunburr 1.20 a. m. with
tnrougn sleeping car irom rouaaeipma 10 wu-
News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. m.
llarrisburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday
arriving at Bunbury (.53. a. m.
magsra oxpress leaves
ruiiauciuma. r.iua, ui. 1 uaiiiiuuru a. m. laaiiy
except Sunday arriving at Bunbury. 18.69 D. m..
witn tnrougo rarior car irom rmiaaeipnia
auu vuruugu paaaeiiKer cuacuea irom rouaaei
pbla and Baltimore.
fast, une leaves new xorx v.uu a, m. ; rnuaaei
ohla.1l.50a. m. t Waahlncrton. 9.30 a. m. iiiaiti
mono, 10.45 a. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving at
minbury, . 6.S0 p. m., with through pasaengei
coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore.
crie juoii i-uvl'b new x ura o.uu ix. m. ; rnuaaei.
ohla. 11.25 ! m. i Washlntrton.
aoo p. m. ; nam.
more, ll.ifu p. m., (dall)- except Saturday) arriving
at Sunbury 6.10 a. m., with through ltillman
Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and
Baltimore ana lurougo passenger coaeni
(Pally except Sunday.)
wuxesoarre Mall leaves Sunbury 9.65 a. m.
arriving at Bloom Ferry ia a. m., WiUes-barre
12.W p. m.
Kxpreaa Bast leaves Sunbury 6.33 p. m., arriving
at Bloom Ferry .! p. m.. Wlflt es-barre T.55 p. ra
ouuuui Man leaves n i taeauarre lusu a. in. arnv.
lng at Bloom Ferry 1 1.49 a. m Hunbury 18.45 p. m
Gxpre&a West leaves WlUtes-barrrS 05 p. m.. ar.
rtvlng at Bloom Ferry 4.39 p. m., Sunbury 6.87p.m
Sunday mall leaves Bunbury 9:i!5
m. . arrlvlnir
at bloom ferry 10:IB a. in.. Wllkea-Harre
Sunday accommodation leaves Wilkes-Iiarre 6:10
t'aop m uiuoia rerry, .M p. to-, BunDury,
J, It. WOOD,
ud. t-uaeaircr avceoi
for a .aH
colored frW
n r imp ifitaWi -flw
Hi. vnn j ,LJ ,
Hi afaaV trl&aaAi
Gutting off his own Log.
KXTnAoniHNAitr tvrottY op bpautan
A wooilsiimn belonging to a litt 0
town in Wisconsin wits c.Might whilo
fclllnt; tret'8 in n neighboring forest by
rt frilling tnlnW, and 0110 of his lee'
wnt pinioned nml hrld ns if 111 n vis
jii8t below the kiife. Tho tinfortnnnt
ninn wns stone, nml too far from tliu
ncrtroBt camp to mako his volco heard.
Il'R ax hid been dashod from his hands
and ho could not reach it. Night wai
approaching nnd huhgry wolyes weto
commencing to howl about him. IIo
recognized that to remain thero was to
dio, and tho prospect of becoming n
helpless violim to wild boasts nerved
lvtii to desperation. Itemovlng liia sus
penders, and b.nding them as tightly
as possible about his imprisoned leg
ho Inserted the bladtt of his iack-knifo
at the knee, cut away Ills cloth
ing and flesh, severed tho joint nnd
raised himself from the deathly trap,
loavini; tho lower limb as tho ghastly
evidence of his cool detoi miration
IIo mannired to crawl to his ax. with
whioh bo cut a sapling and mado a
rough crutch. With its aid ho mado
his way slowly to camp, nearly four
miles distant, frequently Ivintr down In
tho snow for rest. It was a lonir nnd
veiy painful journey, and ho hobbled
Into camp itiM, as lii streiittth wa
about to givo out. Medical attendance
was secured, and the self-amputation
wa nivon proper dressing. The man
is still alive, and tho detailed state
ment from his own lips of what lie
suffered physicially and mentally dur
ing his experience in that relcntltB
tree-elaxp and of tho thoughts that
nerved hun up to carving his own leg.
are of an exceptionally thrilling 11,1 tmo
1 lie morning tollowtng tno injured
woodsman's ai rival in oamp some of
is companions viwiled tho spot wliero
he met with his accident. Tho wolves
had beon there, torn the covering from
tho foot and leg and gnawed away tho
uVli, leaving a smooth polish on the
hones. Fond du Lac Reporter.
The Protest Against Free Lumber.
Tho West Branch LumberExchango
net at tho Exchange Building in
Williamsport, Pa., on tho 3rd inst., to
consider the qui stion of repealing thf
duty n Canadian lumber. Tho rco
utions unanimously adopted "ptotest
against any change in the pre.oi t tnr-
u in relation to lumber that will add
to our already overburdened industry."
Tho reasons given lor maintaining
he present tariff on lumber are first.
that tho difTerenci' between the liibot
cost of production in tMs countty and
in Canada is greattr than the present
intv of S2 tier 1,'00 feet: second, that
the wages of labor here aro double tin
wages paid in Canada; third, that there
is nothing in tho appeal for the pro
ection ot forests, as tanners are denud
ing our hemloek forests for the bark
alone; fourth, that everything the lum
ber trade uses, such as saws, axt b.
hains and iron of all kinds, are highly
protected and cost'y to tho lumber in
erest; bllh, that a large supply ot
Canadian lumber is in stock watting foi
trco Irado to flood our markets; aud,
sixth; that tho lumber fields of the
South greatly need protection.
Ueneral Hancock truly said thai tno
tnnif'is a local issuo. The lumber pro
ducer wants protection against free
lumber; tho coal and iron regions want
protection against free coal; tho salt
producing regions want protection
against frre salt; South Carolina ami
Georgia want prottctiun against fit
riee; Louisiana wants protection against
freo sugar; Kentucky and Missouri
want protection against freo hemp, and
so on to tho end. How are theso con
Hiding inteiests to he reconciled in
iustice to the needs of the nationt Wi
answer by such tarilt laws as will
produce tho greatest amount of good
to tlio greatest number, lhat is tin
true, ilm only sale, standard ot protect
ion. Times.
A Uig Bridge Opened
The Union Pacific Itailroad br'dg
across tno Missouri liiver oetweei
Council BluffH and Omaha has beo'
opened to general publio travel. The
bridge has been in course ot construe
ion for two years, and cost over $
000.000, The wagon tracks aro o
each sido of tho doublo rail'oad track
A toll of twenty-fivo centH will bi
charged to teams and passengers.
Beautifully Illustrated. 25 cts,,$3 a Year.
fHfat itrUcrt-oc to rttlootl tuples and otti and
i litratu a.M ait r t tu bubt ttndrd.
Fm 'U Mnt-rit n wntt-r iili i pe f'h a vii
Ttrut ft tne entire k-tcbHol t-jl and a I teni
uri Bonal n t uliurt ine, dencrtptiv aoo rt ot
oitrltt oouKoontr tnto nd worn a, bnel tu yi on
the f rtmt problem ol tue period, and, la aaort,
tbil JUEazineia
Distinctively Representative of
American Thought and Progress.
It in ftcki "w1 JaTfl bv tSu nr uu And rnhMa li thai
niti-l lMipnlitr aud tuirrtMlnlotf of the kinky.
clw uiuniblle.
liUiBlrntrU 1'rrmluui J.1itan Mprclul In
duff incHl In Ciikh r Viiluwble I'reintuma
in CI tilt ICnUm. M 111 be sent nu receipt of
15c, If Ihla puper I uicniloacU.
V'lleapnnBkhle nnd enraelle persona
wanted to licit ulxcrlpf loua, lVrt t
ooc6 Tor exclusive lerrlturr
740 Broadway, New York,
namo on a pnoknge of COFFEE 1g i
guarantee of oxoollence.
COFFEE is kept n all fir"'-"'
stores from the Atlantic) to tho i-.u
Is nevor good when exposed tc tv
Always buy this brand InliP-T"
sealed ONE POUND PAoiw
Tint's Pills
Malaria, Dumb Chills,
Fever and Ague, Wind
Colic, Bilious Attacks.
They iiroilure ret-lilar. natural np.
uulloim, uuicr trr'l'o "r lulorl r UU
liilly liualucaii, Amiruinlly iiiiillrluc.
I ItHV Ml,. till (I I. u I., u. I.. ........
. a v ... w.w.j .....,9VHU,U,
soijj KVKitvwiiEm..
. mlu TMaeiploalTelailvloif unlrersal batlAtao.
j, tion, uouucita ouerluliy glTen, iiaugtat
HtrToua Proatratlon. Nt irons Headache. IleiAlitien(1MbrfrVrrnilanaiaifta
Neuralels, Nervous Weakness,
na btver uiaeaaes, Khtumatlim. Ijys uiw cuiu uj .'iukkuw.'
pepals.sad all sffcctiooa of the Kldotya. WELLS, RICHARDSON ft CO. Prop
T. W,
IlcBpeotfullv informs his friends and publio conorally that ho has refitted
his pinning mill. In addition to tho planlnr mill work ho is now prepared to
furnish to order doors and inside finish for houses.
veneered with nil our native wood", also foreign woods, snoh as Mahogany,
Kosovood,&o., &). All hard wood Mouldings is used for Veneered Doors and
Inside Finish. All work shall bo guaranteed. Water proof Glue ia used for
veneering all our Doors and Casings,
Asht Sycamore, Oak, Butternut, Maple,
Mill, six to ten feet long, six to thirty
ntamtin rrnm M.lfv.tm1
nnd free I rum Injurious oils and i elds often eoutmned in alcoholic liquors, ltl
especially adapted toperbons requiring a stimulating tonic, ConeunirtlTfs beln
grcatlv benefitted by lis use. Heconimended by lei ding pliyslclans as a Diuretic,
hervlne, Toi lo and iterative. Kor conEUtnptlvea it Is invaluable. l'MlltlNK'H
PUKK llAHLKY JIAI.T WHISKEY lnsui-es a return ol vlKorto the bioniacn, u good
appetite, n rich and abundant blood and Increafced flesh and muMulartlM-ue. A
stimulant mild and gentle In effect. Iiybpepsln, Indigestion andall wasting dl
eases ca' be ei tlrely conquered by the uto or l errlne 1 1 ure 111 lit alt Whiskey .
It Is a tonlo and diureuc and a powerful Hiengthcner to the entire sjbtcm. I'Kit.
ItINK'8 I'UKK IIAKLKY HALT WIlIbKE haa proved a medicinal protection to
those who pursue their avocations In tbe open air and whose dally work calls It
exceptional powers nf endurance.' AbK tour nearett druggist or gtocer fonor
l'EUKINK'SPUHE UAHLKY MALT WHISKI Y revives the energies of thoseuorn
out with excessive ikxIID or mental effort and acts as a sareguaid against exposura
In wetand rigorous weatner. Ilwlll drive all malatli us diseases from the system.
Hard woikersof every vocation and persons whom a sedentary Hie renders prone to
DyBpepsia nua in iTmne-s j'ure uariey
Malt Whiskey powerful lnvlgorant
and helper to digestion. l'KKUlNK'S
without unduly stimulating the kld
n ys Increases their flagging activity,
counternctsthe effects of fatlguej has
tens convalescence and is a wholesome
nnd prompt diuretic Watch the label 1
None genuine unless bearing tho signature
Vol huie U) an ami 1st
and irrocers throuenou
tbo unlti'd Stales nna
"nu sale ur nitnaniBrs -d m.l ohvlrrs
jart HAiiOSCiVlE
Combining a Parlor,
All furnishod with
our Wholewile Price
! ,agaT.ii
The followlnir booki irt pnbllehd In oU Mmphlat fonn, printed from (food renUble tnw en roo4
riper, and many of thm haodiomely UlwtnUd. Tber without excpUoo the cbetpeit book eer pub
IliUj to any Und or Uoiuage, and furoltli to the uastea ot 'the r-eople " opportohltf to aeeiire'thatait
literature of tbe dar at the most trt fling expeoee.' In aoy otber aeries tbeie great worka wouM coit many
tttnaa th nricA &t whieh th a.r Lara orTareJ. Each on iecomnlete In iuelf:
tVtlH t.t tna WarXA. MATOaiL AXD CrTBia. CoD
Itlni dMcrlpUooi anil llluatratloni of the mt won4rrtil
vortiol uaiura an4 or man. fry lnUmtlna aol tnairuclla.
Wander of the, He. A dcrlpllou of Ilia many wonder
fulandbaaotlfnl Iblnca lound at lha bctlom of tl ocean, wltti
profuM llUitralloni.
'A rieaaore Exertion, and Other ftkethe. By
"Jon ALiBx'a Wirn." a collactlaa rf Irreaiailbly fanay
alrtehta by tha moat popular humorooi wrIUrof the day.
The Annt Kealah laper, y Clan AtretrarA, aolher
wt 1 1t Kuf Docutuauta " a moat rtdlcaloualy funny book
1aTary wi eqaalto "Widow Badott.'
Chrletme Htorlea, 1 CBLt Oickbhi. Cental na a
eflrabar ol tha rooietirmlnc Chrlatsiaa alorira ar wrltttn
ky thacreataat wrltar wttoaTtr llvad. tacliona lieoniputa,
itound the Evenlnc Lamp. A took of etorlca.pIeturM,
a !) and lairira, for tha lltil Inlka al noma.
I'opulur ItMltatlona and IHalocne, numorona, drama
lie and rt)ille( lnclu.tto all tha lalaaT, btrai And tnoit pipBlar;
TheHeir.naade Men of Modern Tine. Contain par
trait and biographic of famona atf iu1 Amerlceai, (torn Ik
tlmaof Franklin to tha prcnt.
Familiar UuotaUona. Conta)nlnrthorUlaad aether
ahlp of many ptra frequently mat la reeding and eeavaria
lion, A valuable work or reference.
Low Life In New York, a earle of Tlrld pea pletnree
bW In tbe drk aide of Ilia In the treat city. IUutrti.
The Koad to Wealth. Nft an edeartlatnf circular,
hot tliwroufhly practical work, polntlnf eat way by
which all may maka monay, eailly, rapidly and boneatly.
Ono llandrtHl l'epular (tea, otlmtl.f.lbtl
end oomle, liirliKlinf moat of the farltea, new and old.
Mr lSuel'a llelr. A Nova). By Ure. Mat 1nm rLll,
A Hnrt4rr.l 1.1 To. A Noeet. By MteioN If ail tno.
An Old Man' SaerlOee. A Norel. By Hre. Atia 8.
Itj-W will Kend any our nf tbe abnye book by u ail poet-paid opno receipt of only 13 Cntt ny fot
&i t?nttanyfitmfvieor AO 'cntt the entire ltat(40rmki)for'7.' Onteitbe euttre Hat bourn, in tMiarde
wlthttotli tHfk,forl ,lo, TlilaltlieareateatbarKalntnbnnkieTeroifred. Do nut fall tot ike adrarttnyp nf It.
SatUra ttmyuirante,t ormonrv rtfunddU 1'outaire atampi taken fur fraction of a dollar. Ai to our reliability,
we re'er M any nwi.Hi-r pubUal.ed tn Nw Vrk tlkewla. to the Oomrn-frHl Act nrlea, .ll crdern ill ed by
uriiiiiHlL Addri-Kaalll-tU-r K. M. I.Ulk1X., I'ubllaher. .Ni :i Mnrrur Klrect.Aew York.
Dkalkks in
Dy the following well known makers;
Hnllet & Davis.
Can also furnish any of the
cheaper makes at manufacturers
prices. Do not buy a piano be
fore getting our prices.
Catalogue and Price lists
On application.
Double llarrel Iireech Loading Bhot Duns, choke
oored, 10 to lion, blngle Iireech Loading bhot
Ouna, u to 123. Every Kind ot Iireech loadTngand
...p.iius iuui d lu.iu. J1UUIO IjUHUIUV 1JOU-
ble Shot Cluns, H to35. single Shot Ouns,j.M
Kelt cockers, $3.60 to ia All kinds of i artrldgoe,
Hhella, cans, n'ada, Tools, I'owder Flasks, bhot
lnurhpa. Prim pro Ht.nit (t mm, t,,..m.aa
Catalogua Address, (1HEAT WKSTEHM gun
N. It. This Is ft so.yeaMld, reliable firm. Per-
..v..j u.,nuim., ufurm mru prumuuy ana
goods sent by mall or express to any part of the
-... .,w.uu,v, t,uu. uu nun, miuoKuaiian
you can get It at the Great Western by writing a
Uuna made to Order. Guns and IlerolTere
... . ltepalred.
Ms1 Furnishing Goods,Bat3 & Caps
Suits mado to order at short notice
ami afltalwayn guaranteed or no Bale.
Call and exaraiuo tbo largest and best
selected stock of goods over shown in
Columbia county.
Btoro next door to First National Dank,
Bloomsburg Pa.
u. TV hr i rut Lau Biaww
ritwx Cr LMt Cowrotr Jt la ft WtTft Tflate
vutrn never t qniaininv Krierj ana,,
tT, tbr(f woTidrrrnljhriTO ttnnibuita,li
TktnWlCwAnf Coupocwn rurtfl'tBf
blood.' Jt drtrM out tii lactic acid, whw 1
canape ntieumatMini and restorvw the blood- f
tnaklniroTirana toenralthrconilltloii. ltw
tbt true remedy for ItbmifaaUim.
rAlVK'i Cri mT CoMPOtTNDAilr rffltnrr
tbs llrrr and kMtitj to i xti tt With. 1 tea
curatiTB jtowor. ccwblm d tth lU.mrve
toDtcfl, nmkM It tha teoi-rfiiued fur aJi
klduey coin plain la.
TAiKr'a CriJ'TiTroMrotiniKrtTiftihTiatlM
atocoach, anaquleta ttin nrrrcn r I thBriffrte.
tlT orirana. 'ihU la why It cats cieu tbe
irortacaaoacrf lyapepaia.t
Prf:' Crt tut CtMirpomn I pAt a cuthaf.
tiA. Ilia n Uxnttrts glTtn( fv and fintnral t
BcttiSu to tbe bowrla, ltrrulaiily aunuy toU1
Iowa lta uae.
Stomach A?icr f"r . x
vwuuu'uawali 1
Base Board", &o., && Also Walnut,
Cherry, Poplar, Voi et rs, for sale at the
inches wide.
Ttflrlnv Malt nnd crunrnntrfHl to be ehpmlCflllT nnm
The AtiiLlvkls an It annears bv the
bel on e ery bottle: i ha e carefully an
nlvzed thernus lliiasr Malt Mnu-
kkt mado by M. & J. s rerrlnn nnd flndl
'1L CUlllUljr HIT LIIIUI lUObl U.l, III .U.W1,
metals and acids and Is ab'Oluteli
puiv." iiffTieu, Camilla Aruiur iiaier.
Graduate ufthe Unlrer$tttei aSlluntch.
uenevaana weisoaaen
Ubrairy, Smoking, IUcllnlng or Invalid
vtajaail, lAIVAUU, UHaf, or tJUUVII.
Ttlrr filV fkfi'i up. Bend stamp I ffa-SHIPPEn to all
I vlsts V a W fur Cataloirne. iwrta of the trorld.
tha Antoraatlc Coar.Ii Himlc. nml niiaMl
Send Etamp for Catalogue and mention carrluea.
145 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa.
'I M retveiUBi Kasiee now. aj m. i. uaidob.
Th Old OakH Cheat. A Kevai. SyBTLVtNDeCeBB, Jr.
Tb l'earl oftt Oocan. A Not), By CLtat Ac vita.
Ilnllow Aah llalL ! Nortl. Br MaaaaBBT Iloobv.
1'UkTe llonee. ANotbI. By trr W, Pibbob.
L'nder the Lllace. A Hovel By the author ef 'Ihra
The Dlaaaoad lira eel ct A Noval. ByMre.BakBT
Wwo. JUuttrmttd.'
The Lwyer'Seereti AKotal. ByUleU.B.BaieBoa.
The Mran Caee of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Uyele. A
Hot tii By K. U flTBTSKBOPI,
A Wicked tilrl. AKovel. Br Mil? Caen, flat.
landy Valwerth'a DtaBoad. a Boti. ay Taa
Dvch (.'
Hetweeaj Tre filtte, A Kevel By the author ef Dara,
Thnrua,' tUuitrafd.
She Nine of Heart. A Noveti ByB.ITaajaoi.
rle'a Kortane. A Novel. By Flobibcb wbdih(
A Lew Merrtase. A Koeel. By lllai Uut-oca. 3u
The UnUtr Ktver.i A Nov). By Wilbik Collins,
The 1'aleon ef Asp. ANovtl. By Plobbhq HtaatiT.
MoatOranjre. A novel. By Mm. Obbbv Wood.
Ferfrin; the Fetter. A Novel. By aire. At-aiABaea.
A lloywrishr llauihUr. A Novel. By Ure. anaia
Idw.BD. IttuttraUd.
Fair but Falae A Novel. By the aatber of "Dor
Thorn," lUtrid.
Laeeaatcr'e ahtn. A Novel. By re. af.T.TtoToa.
Florence Ivlnfton'a Oath. A Kovel, By If re. Uaar
A. DiNiaoH, JUuilraUd,
The Waaaaa llatetv A Hovel. By Dr. J.H.Roaiaaoa
Toe .'auroral cabin, a Novel, ny . T, calpob.
Sea WonUern exist In thousands of
fnrms but .re Burpaswd by the mnrrelg ot
Invention. Those who are In nw d of prof
name wurK inaican do aone unue llvins
at home should at onre send their address to
llallet ('a, Portland, Maine, and ifcelve free,
full Information Low either wx, ot all ages can
earn from t to taper 'ay ana upwnnls wher
ever they live, Youarestartrdfre . Caplt-lnot
required somo have made over tw In a Blngla
day at this work. All -lcceed. IjdecHo.
Iteeelpts fr the enroof both diseases,!
are homo tre ttnents: no drucrs: iiiltpdi.
ents In every housi-; han cured us and1
tuuusauus ui uiuera. j'nce oy man, ooa
tor one or both, toe. (Stampa)
30 Norlii lit St,
Pliilft'M in, Pa
..S.,l.'in-1 '.ay cVPlt 1 d0 n mean merely to
top them for a lime, and then haveth.niro
turn again. I mrava KADICAL COUK.
I have made tho disease of
A life long study, I watirant tny remedy to
Cubb the worst cases. Uecause othen ihavS
IS.'.'S'if I!0 ".a,on .,ur recelvlnii SJre.
Bf nd at once for a treat sit and Yhk BotiEm
frli.1."!. ft A,i"K Fr
H.O. ROOT.BJ.O. l83Pt.tSl.,HtwY0llC
novsin c&codms.
lUl.tloual Waakuaaaea ao pwullarto thalr ae 3lS
-f.aa.0J DuCHOINB-a Oel.brat.d
,:, H"WtMillBf totb. ..lira aratam, lmtr
KZ . waiitaacunKawiien.ii. A a a r
Dr.HarterMetllolnaCo.,5T.WUiS, I
81 FITS!