COLUMBIAN AJtfD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I The Columbian. 0, 1. Blwill, I viii... J. g. MtUaftniw., i BLOOMSBURG, PA.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1888. Dr. Frnncia Lnudoy Pntton ha been clcoted Prcsidont of l'rinoeton Oollcge. ' Blaine Not a Candidate. James G. Blalno has written a letter James u. uiaino nas written a letter from Vjnlc, to B. F. Jon, s Chairman .iAtt E ?iM ' r ,.,. y.. .. for the Presldontlal nominal on, at the convention to be hold in Chicago next Juno. The reason for this, Mr. Blaine convention to be hold in Chicago next , Juno. The reason for this, Mr. Blaine says, are "en irely personal tolnmself.' lie -does not say tnat ho thinks the chances of election too slenderfor h.m to run the risk on the second time. If the .Republican party failed to elect thoir candidnto In 1884 with tho gov j. i Y eminent under their oontrol,it ib hard possible that can succeed in 1888 with tho Democrats in power. Perhaps this view of it may explain Mr. Blaine's motives "entirely personal to himself.'' Senator Quay is evidently satisfied. In an intorview ho saw: Oli. I tako it Blalno is out of the race," Hi couldu't afford to bo a can- didate after that loiter. If, under tho circumstances, he weio nominated and accepted tho nomination, bo would bo defeated. It would bo disastrous to himt Tho people would not stand it; they would not bo tri'led with. If Blaine wora to tako tho nomination, there would bo no end to the catica- tures that would be gotten out. They would bo worse than any (hat appeared in 1884. No; I think Bhino is out entirely." "What, is vour opiniou as to other candidates such as Carucrop, A11inn. Sherman and others 1" "I haven't anything at this tira to say Nobody can say anything." Imprisoned in Flames. TEN LIVES LOST BV HUE TOWN. in a mining Five men and a woman were burned to death Sunday night at Silver Brook, eight miles south of Hazleton. Three others were latally burned and a child was killed by a fall. The dead aud Its violence was beyond all de enption. dying aro : John Eliaa, aged 20, John At tho time, it is estimated, there Seddo, aged 25, John Kobinko, aged were something over sixteen tons ol 35, Michael Yankovitcch, aged 30, 6nished powder in the building. Of Paul Siko wets, aged 30, Peter Manski, the building itself not a ve-tige re Mary Manlick, aged 1G, John Manlick, mained, its site being marked by a Mrs. John Manlick, Manlick, infant, derp hole in the ground. The rmWial Six others whoso names are not of which it was composed, chiefly 1 urn known were badly burned. ber, was literally blown into small There is some doubt as to how the splinters and thickly strewn over the fire originated, but it w.n the result of surroundings. Of the trees that stood a drunken spree. On Sunday a party oa tho level space not one wa left of Hungarian miners, employed at the standing, and up the hillside against collieries of J. S. Vntz which the building stood, a tnck wan Silver Brook, went to Hazleton t at- swept out like that of a cyclone, tend the dedication of a new Polish rovn men iilown into fragments. Catholic Church. All became drank Of the four men there was gathered and returned homo in tho evening, up over an area of half a square mil When they got to the house of a man two small boxfuls of remnants, most named Manlick they again drank liquor of them only a pound or two in weight, fieely. Maddened by the effects of The largest piece, which was reoog- dnnk they engaged in a fierce fight nized as the collar-bone and upper ribs and, acoording to the story of ono ot of Kisbbaugh, was fouud in a field on the men, whilo this fight was in progress the other side of tho hill, facinn th a lighted lamp exploded, and in an in- building, a distance of thres-quarter- staut tho whole room was enveloped of a mile. The hand and lower part in flames and tho clothing of those of tho arm of Rosman was found on present was set on fire. They all rush- the top branches of a tree on the sura- ed wildly for the door. It was losked mil of the hill. Theso were the only and the key could not be found. In pieces that oould be identified. The thoir drunken condition some of tbom remains as gathered up were taken to cither did not know what to do or the uffico of the company, where the; were unable to climb out of the win- were gazed on by a horrified, but dows, and remaining in the room per- ourious, throng, ished in the flitnes. Five of tho men About 400 ards from the packing- and ono girl were roasted alivo. Man- house stood two substantial brick liok and his wife were fatally burned uruotures, tho can factory and th and cannot live long. Mrs. Manlick charcoal mill. Both were utterly threw her baby out of ono of tho win- wrecked and red nod to piles of ruiun. dows to save it from tho flames, hut in In the oan factory ten men were at falling it was fatally injured aud will work and in the charcoal mill two. also die. Peter Manski was terribly All these men were more or less injur- burned about the upper portion of his od. Tho three who are fatally hurt body, and bis injuries will prove fatal, Half a dozen others, whose names are of tbo hill close above tho packinu not known, were badly burned or in- house stood the stables of tho company, jured tiy jumping out of the windows, a number of the houses of the employ- The bouse was an old one, construct- ed entirely of wood, and burned so rapidly that in less than a half honr it was totally consumed. A number of people from Silver Creek, seeing Mum-s hastened to tho scene. Among ashes and smouldering embers lay six charred skeletons. Lying near by in an un- oonsoious condition was ram bihko wet", his faoe and bo ly burned almost to a I ortsp, and Manlick s baby, with its on-1 tiro body bruised and bleeding Those who had escaped from tho house were I ruebinc about wildly in pain, seeking relief from their intenco sufferings. They wero removed to Silver Brook, 1 where their injuries wero attended to I Freize, Hiram Moyer, William Ash and their sufferings alleviated as muoh worth and Nathan Ketcham. Tho two. as possible. I Tho story of the turning aver of a lamp is not believed, it is the opinion of many that there was a murder oora-1 mined in the houso and that it was fired to hido the crime. An investiga- tlon is now being made. Four Hundred Cattle Killed. llltOKEN OAKS AND MANGLED 1IEEVKS 1'lLKl) LT IN A SHAVEI.ESS MASS. Early Monday morning a live-stock train, with twenty-threo oarloails, or about four hundred cattle, from Chicago, consigned to cat'lo-brokerH of Jersey Uily and snippea oy trie American Live-Stock Express Company in nalace cattle cars over the Delaware Lackawanna and Western Railroad, was wrecked at tho bridge over 13 road JJrook, near Strnudsburc, l'a. in early all of the cattlo wore killed. Two oars went into tho brook and twenty-oil oars are absolutely broken up and piled in heaps on top of tho tender, present- ing a singularly sad speutaclo of mingled dead and dying cattle and splintered and brokon ears. It appeals that tho live nto-jk express train is snpplied with air-brakes and that its schcdiilo timo is forty miles per hour. In coming down the sleep grade west of this place it was discovered that the air-brakes would not hold the train aud that the momentum was in creating with overy revolution of the wlit-els. At this crisis', it is said, the engine! r pulled the bott which connect- ul the tender with the engine, pulled the thiottle of his engine wide open and left thu freight cars and tender to their fate. When the train struck the liridgn, which is about 200 feet long and 70 feet above the bed of tho creek,, a wheel of tho Lender broke, twoot tne cars went to tho bottom of tue guloli, turning over aud over jn tho uir as thy descended, and twenty-ono oars aud contentsworo piled upon each other iu n fchopeletifl mass. Tho two aiU-nd- anis who acownpanied tho cattle jump, 1 from tho train aud were not killed, but one is badly hurt. 1 heir names could not b4 learned. TERRIBLE EXPLOSION. L0S8 OF LIFE AT DUPONT MILLS. HJWDER TIIR SHOOK I'LAINLT FELT IlKItE. The pack'ing-hotixo of the DuPont Powder Mill., al Wapwallopen, about fifteen miles up the river, blew up with about sixteen tons of blatttlng powder lost Friday morning. Four men were instantly Killed and about twenty wore moro or less injured. The four viotims aro : John II. llosrnan. widower, aced 38 yoars, five children, residing near the mill j I'etcr Kisbbaugh, aged 37, married, with six children, residing at Nescopeok O. F. Teets, 10 years old, residing near the mills, and Uoorue o,, 'S. :, .'. $3 art' t Silas F. Peter, marrledwlthou. d four oVlldren , ho will ,)robably die. Corkins, badly cut and ribs I , c w Tu , . , i . .. Frank f I.!-.. 1 11.. I --.I .11.. l.,.1... . c w Tu ,U.B(, t ,, u, ,M. r, a . m. ,ii n.r. , ll( j h Mm S zer, Emory Miller, P. K. S j , Eb w N p t Aillinu Scbobort, John Ro8ma,'1( K.ekiol Young, Peter u., , iV-i, n( erpi, i. aellener ami f rank 'the In juries con.i9t entirely of culs, wounds and bruises, received from falling tini- bilrs and in tho reck of tho bulldini, mill except tho first three all are ex pected to recover. TIIK DUPONT .MILLS. Tho DuPont Mills aro situated in small valley runninc up into the mount- aitiB, which closely border the Susquc- hanna River at Wapwallopen, about five miles below Shiokshiiiny. Through tho valley runs tho Wapwallopen Urcek. Tho buildings contiHOfd with tho mills aro strung nut along the creek for a distance of over two rail s and omploy, all told, about 185 men. Tho paoking houso, where the txplosii.n occurred, was the farthest ono up the stream. It stood close against the side of the hill and before it stretched a level expanse f..r perhaps 400 yards be- fore tho stoep ascent ol the opposite side ot the valley rose, ii )th hillsides were thickly ooverod with young Gr and pine trees and many stood on the level space. At 7 o'clock that morning eight men went to work in the packing-house. Four were in the bunding aud four were at work loading the tilled keg on tho railroad oars. At 9.30 A. M ihev had loaded 1500 keg'', and started down with them towards tho lnwe end of the valley. They had not ijoiio a mile when the oxplosion toik phce. were in the can factory. On the top ees and a new Methodist church, m which the R-v Mr. Larish, of Berwick officiated each Sunday. The church was completely wrecked. The stables were utterly wrecked, and every on of tho hou-es entirely ruined. Walls were split, doors ind door frames and window sashes all blown in, and every bit of plaster in every room shaken down. All furniture was brokon, and in nearly every home some of tho in raa es were more or les hurt by fall- inc debris. Among tho houses that miffercd most severoly are those of William Saun, Frank Craver, W lliam Kverhart, Abram Kinzey, Rmsel year-old infant of Abram Kinzey sua tained some terrible cuts on the lace and head. the havoc among the houses. I A little further down tho valley was another croup of houses overy one of which was badly injured, every win dow and door being blown in, chimneys blown down, and the walls split. Among thoae thus injured were the houses of Richard Aohworth, W. N. Fonstermauher.W. W. Sohobert,Frauk Deiranc, Keuben Davis and tho store of Albert bebobert. All down th valley and into Wapwallopen the houses were damaged, windows being 1 blown in, chimneys knockid down and turnlture, giaaswaro ana crockery Ue stroyed. I The shock was nlainlv felt in Wilkes barre, twenty eicnt miles away, and in Shickshinny and Berwick, the nearest towns of any suf. The concussion I was very violent and the eattb shook I and trembled m thoiiL'K in the throes of an earthquake. Over tho mountain, in the opposite direotion, houses were damaged and destruction wrought to furniture and croikery as far as Aldon, seven miles distant, and tho shock was violently felt in Hazleton, twenty mile a away. Though thero havo been a number of oxplosious al thexe mills of more or less violence, it is nine years sinro any life was lost. Tho company's oflicials plaso tho loss to their property at about $10,000. Tlmy Btato that the company will make good every cent of damage sustaiuod by the owners of tho houses in the vicinity, nearly all of which aro owned nnd occupied by tho employees of the mills. Tho shock was felt In Bloomiburg by a number of people. Doors and windows rattled, and tho conouesiou I was beard distinctly. Many of our readers will remember "Spaulding's Glue," an artiolo at ono time known in almost every boueehnld in the land. lis inventor died Inst week in a Philadelphia hospital, desil- tute and friendless. lie was at ono time worth 980,000, but lost it through i hu intemperate habits. Tho report of tho Grand Jury,whloh appears olsewerc, makes soma very timely guggentions as to the inconveni ences suffered in tho court honso by oerlaln classes. Female witnosses, and nnforlunato women who havo to bring their babies into court havo no retiring room, and are obliged to sit all day in a crowded room, and tho latter must render suoh attentions as aro necessary to infants, before tho public gaze, or go out into tho hall or out of doors. The grand jury room Is too small, and what was once known as tho Law Library has become merely a passage way and hat and cloak room lor the public It is of no use to the ben oh or oar. The Improvements recommended are badly needed for tho accommoda tion of the oonrt and public and tho commissioners should give tho matter their attention and tako suoh stops as they think tho publio comfort and busi ness demand. New strawberries and tomatoes aro In tho city markets and aro nearly as high as a ton of coal. The Oft Told Story 01 tho peculiar medicinal merits ot Hood's Saruparilla Is tally confirmed by tho volun tary testimony ot thousands nlio have tried It. recutlar In ths combination, proportion, and preparation ot Its Ingredients, peculiar In ths cxtrcmo care with which It Is put up, Hood's SarsaparlUa accomplishes cures where other preparations entirely tall. Pecu liar In the unequalled good namo It has made at home, which Is a "tower of strength abroad," peculiar In the phenomenal sales It has attained, Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the most popular and suscesstul medicine before the public today for purifying tho blood, giving strength, creating an appetite. "I suffered from wakefulness and low spirits, and also had eczema on tho back ot my head and neck, which was very annoying. I took one bottle ot Hood's Barsaparllla, and I hare received so much benefit that I am very grateful, and 1 am always glad to speak a good word for this medicine." Mus. J. 8. Smtozr, rottsvlile, Tenn. Purifies the Blood Henry Biggs, Campbell Street, Kansas City, had scrofulous sores all over bis body for fifteen years. Hood's Barsaparllla completely cured bun. Wallace Buck, of North Dlooiufleld, N. Y., suffered eleven years with a terrible varlcoso ulcer on his leg, so bad that ho had to give up business. He was cured of the ulcer, and also of catarrh, by Hood's Sarsaparilla goldbyiUSint'itiiti. fl;txrorf. rrepuedonly by C. I. HOOD & CO., ApotheeirlM, Lowell, Mui. IOO Doses One Dollar PljJJLIC SALE OP VALUABLE Real state The undersigned, widow and collateral heirs ot Frederick Derr, lata of Madison township, Co lumbia i ounty, Fa., dee'd, will expose to Bale, by puollo vendue,on tho premises, In said township, on Friday, Fctaarj Ii II, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, the following de scribed real estate, to-wlt: NO. 1. The Homestead farm, bounded by lands ot C. Ereamer, Graham Brothers, John Stetler, Heirs of Michael HenSerabot and John Moser, containing over 200 ACRES, whereon are erected a lirge Frame House, two stories-painted, almost new a frame bank barn, with wagon shed attached; well ot good water at house, anil one at the barn. There la a large quantity of fruit, and the farm la In a good state of cultivation. NO. s. Generally known as the old nenderehot farm, bounded by Graham Brothers, W. A. Lelser, Wilson Eves, Jacob GIrton, J. A. Esslck and Wm. McBrlde, containing about 125 ACRES, whereon aro erected a Frame House, a good bank barn. Tnero Is good water, spring and well at but'dlnes. Farm 13 In good condition. NO 3,-Enown as the hill farm, bounded by lands ot.ioel Moscr.AlrredPegg.araham Brothers, Charles Derr, John stetler, containing 100 ACRES, more or less, whereon are erected a Frame House, and a flat bam. There are good and abundant springs on the premises and some good lumber. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Ten per cent, or the purchase money, to be paid on striking down the property; the one-fourth less the ten per cent, an the first of April 1883, when possession and deed will bo given; upon purchaser giving bond and mortgage tor securing the unpaid purer aso money, payable before the death ot tho widow, in one year, with interest from date ot possession, and ot that due upon the death ot tho widow, In one year after her death with Interest-" N. B The lands V II be surveyed before the sale. and the sale re made by the acre. r. as me estate rocs to collateral neirs oi ...... n.l ....... ... knl, ... .Via ...HV.asu avinnav remains in the land during the lite of tho widow, Interest payable to her annually,and at her death, tne principal to tue saia collateral neirs. uuxn UAiiiL tv uun, JANE CLARK. Stater. .1. s. McHitlDE. Agent tor Cirolini Rlakxb. EuztarrH c. smith. Kobkrt ULAKK, Cn.KLIS CLAHK, W 1L80N OHUK I). CL4BK. LTMiN CURK. MlROARKT A011IB. J"HN . vlahk, cnnurcn ox jono w, naric, ueceaseo. VTOTICE TO ''ANDtDATEo FOR THE XI OFFIl E OF MINE INSrECTOU. Notice la hereby riven that the office of Inspector of WlneB tor the With Inspection Dl-trl t (com. E rising thit part of Schuylkill county north of tho road Moun'aln and west of a meridian line through the centre or Olrardviue oorougu, to. S ether with Columbia, Northumberland and auphln counties.) will be vacated by the eaplra-1 tlon of the commission of the present incumnent on tbe 2lth day ot April, 1688. and that an exami nation of caneiiates for this orace win Be neia on Tuesday, March s, 1883, at 10 o'clock a in., in the second story, front room, of No. SO! south centre street, Potlsvllle, when and where all candidates are requested to present thtmselves for examina tion. No previous notification of Intention to ap ply is required. IIEBEKH THOMPSON, JOHN 1L HOFFMAN, JOHN W. MORGAN, LOUIS LOItENZ. FETKK GOltwAN, Examining Board. Feb. 19,18, gj, M, S9 and March 3, or nearest dates to those. f0l7. Exehanqe Hotel, - ' HENTON, PA. The undersigned has leased this well-known house, and Is prepared to accommodate tbe publio with all the conveniences ot a first -class hotel. Ilmay871 LEMUEL DKAEE, Proprietor. LADIES ! Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES ! They will dye everything. They are sold every where, Pilce 110. a package. 40 "lors. They have no equal for strength, brightness amount In packages, or for fastness ot cohr, r non-fading qualities Tney do not crock or smuu For Bale by Moyer Bros, and Jas. 11. Mercer, febimy. Have received a largo stock of , o a.:r:p:e tusto-s for tho Spring trade, consisting in part of Velvets, Body Brussel and lngrains,bmyrna and Cocoa Rugs, Cocoa Mattings, and a nice line of Canton Mattings. BLOOjllSlSUItO, PEM'A. 1 Fab. 10, ISM. Imt TO THE PUBLIC. Intending purchasers of Tond'S E-vrnACf cannot tako too much pre caution toprovcntsubstlttitlon. Bomo druggists, trndlngon tho popularity of tho great Family Itemed), attempt to palm of! other preparations, unscru pulously asserting them to bo "tho fjamons" or "equnl to" Pond's Ex tract, Indifferent to tho deceit prae tiecd upon and disappointment there by caused to tho purchaser, so long ns larger profits nccruo to themselves. Always Insist on having Pond's Ex tbact. Tako no other. SOLD IN BOTTLES ONLY ; NEVElt BY MEASURE. Quality uniform. Prepared only by POND'S EX TRACT CO., ow York and London. Sco our namo on overy wrapper and laboL Noto picture of bottlo below. For Hies, CatanX EimiM tlsm, Ntaraltfa, Bruises, Barns, Sort Tlroat, Dlplltola, Seres, Hons, ana Hernor iiagei or ell HMs. Tho Famous Lecturer, JOIHt lU 001011, wroto : " l'or Soro Thront, especially when tend , Inj to ulceration, I bare found It l cry beneficial." AsniiF.w n. wiinr, Ei-rtcsiticnt of comcii V'nlvtralty, fays i " Ono of tho abaolnto tieetui tU of hooncVoeplng." Ht tun to gel M genvint. l'M"U AWIOTT, tho Mlebratttl prima donna. ' Valuable ami beneficial." hktwoop. SMITH, ji. n., x. it., c. p.. of England. " I havo used It with marked benefit." II. 0. TRESTOJf, M. I).. Drool lyn, N. Y. "I know of no remedy bo generally ucf ul" Ar.Tnnt ouixsKss, m. n., p. it. r.s.,of England." I have prescribed MND'S KX TKACT with great Bncccna." jrsm . FI'LTOX, n. P., Brooklyn, n.t. " Provlnz Itself to bo a necessity In our home." P. A. ViTSTritVELT. JI. P., Nahvll!c, Tcrnu "Hivduscd largo quantities of POND'S r.X TltACT In my practice." Un. S. B. JtcCnni). Matron, nomo of DcfU tato Children. " Wo Ami It most efficacious and tMcfol." Ia Bottle only, l'rlcci, Cue, SI, 81.".". XoU our nam on every urapjwr and label. Pri:urcl only ty TOXO'S HXTntCT CO., XEV YOHK AND LONDON. ALBUMS, PHOTOOItAPH, AUTOOltAPU ANP Hcrap, a large nd complete line at J. II. Mercer's Oiugand Hook store, Kv ans Ulock. ALL THE FINKST KXTItaCTH COLOGNE cachets. Pomades, Hair D'esand Bay Hum at J. II. Mercer's Drug i nd Hook btore, Evans' Block, opposite Eplacopal Church. ALL I'ROI'IIIETAIIV AND PATENT MEDICINES at J. II .Mercer's Drug and Book More, oppo site Episcopal Church. BOOKS. STATIONERY AND WAL' TAP'R, A nno Block at Mercer's Druf and Hook store, opposite Episcopal church, Dloomsburg, Pa. "tASTlLLE, TOILET AND MEDICATED KOAPS, Kj a full line at J. H. vercer's Drug and Book Store, Upper Main trcct. COMBS OP ALL KINDS, WELL SELECTED, AND at very low prices at J. 11. Mercer's Drug and Book Store, third door above Iron street, Blooms burg, Pa. CONDENSED Jutl.K, COXL'S, NELON'S AND cooper's Gelatine. I aploca, Sage, Arrow Hoot and all the prepared foods for children and in valids at Mercer's I rug and Hook Mxirn. nrl door above Uesa' Boot and Shoo store, Bloomsburg, Pa. C1ANAKY, HEMP, RAPE, MILLET, MAW AND ; MUed Seed for the birds, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book store, first door below Creasyl Grocery Store. FINE WHITING PAPERS. BY BOX, LOOSE OR In Tablet form, at J. II Mercer's Drug and Book store, Bloomsburg, Pa. X-'imslNO BOTTLES MIPPI ES. RUBBER lt I l ties. Teething nines and all requisite, .1 ibP Nursery that will contribute to the riDuie 10 loo o. ness, at.j. u. Mercer's irugaiia hook pit doors above Evans & Eyer's Clothing Store. TIHYHICIANS' PlIESCItirTIONS AND FAMILY 1 receipts carefully prepared at all hours at Mercer's Drug and book btore, llloomsburg, Fa. ri'OILET AND INFANT POWDERS, ItOTJOE, 1 Cosmetic and gold and (Jlver Diamond Dust, at J. II. .Mercr'a Drug and lJcxk store, No t8 Main street, llloomsburg, Pa. WALL rAP KH MANY KINDS AND MANY prlces-at Mercer's Drug and Uook Ptire, opposite Episcopal church, Dloomsburg, Pa. June3,iy,8L PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Real Gstate The undersigned, administrator de bonis non, with tho will annexed, of the estate of Robert Flrney, late of Liberty township, Montour county, deceased, under direction In the wll an' by autho Ity of tho Orphans' Court ot Colum bta county, will expos to sale, by public vendue, at tho Cout House, In Danville, on SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1888, at one o'clock In the afternoon, the following de scribed real estate, to wit: All that certain farm and tract ot land, Bit unto lying ai d being In Lib erty township, vontour county, Pa., and bounded by lands of lohn lioblnson, lands of William Kerr, lands of Gideon II. shoop, lands of Samuel Olgger, containing ACRES and fitty-BCVcn perches 6trlct measure, ascertained by a recent survey; and ol which about sixty acres Is WOOD IvAZVII. The farm lies upon the public road leading frou. Danville to Mllti n at the forks ot the road leading to Lewlsburg, and Is situated at a point about equally dl-tant tr m each one ot those three tm. portant towns, the distance being about eUbt miles from each. The Improvements consist of a Largo Bank Barn, wagon shed and outbuildings, and a large 1 r J ana a stone spring house, e. There are several springs nt excellent water and twoor three bro"ks w!Ke thnOrRt. lift tho ti rm. Possession will be given on the first day of Aprll.A.D.lS-a. The tenant's share of the crop in the giound, at the day of the sale, with tbe right to enter, cut, thresh and remove the grain, Is reserved. Iho share of the dis tributees in the same, goes with the farm TEHMS OF 8AI.K:-Ten per cent, of one-fourth ot tho purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of th property; the one. fourth less tho ten per cent, at thecontlrmatlon absolute, and tbe re maining three fourths In one year after conflrma tlon nisi, wlthlnteregi Iron that date. The purchase money unpaid at the tlrtt ot April, 1888, to be Bocured by bond and mortgage on the premises, before posaeablon given. JOHN O. FREEZE, Jan. 27. Adm'r d. b. n. 0 t. a. Brussels, Tapestry OF THE iEkqde of Coltnqbik CWity, FROM JANUARY lt, 1BS7, TO JANUARY 2d, 1888. Statement showing tuxes assessed nnd balance still due. TOWNSHIPS, . Beaver Benton Berwick... .... Bloom BHarcreek.,., Catawlssa Centralla centre conyng h'm, Fishing cr'k.... Franklin orcenwood.... Hemlock Jackson Locust Maitlson Main Mtniln Montour .... Mt Pleasnt ornngo lino Koartngcrtck,, Hcott riugarloaf Amount due for years previous to 1887. Districts. collectors. Y'r 1 County I Dog. Bloom do WB Allen, R Hirna, 1884 1680 t . It 79 60 494 50 I 83 00 t 494 50 I 12 60 l'ETEK A. EVANR, Treasurer of Columbia rour.ty. In account with said county on county funds. January 1. 17. DK. To amt uncollected prior ui 1887 . . 112090 05 2408 Jo 25751 89 ' " on nana ai last seitipmenu " county tax assessed In If tf7... " tax on registry of votpra. " h Mtohi er, rent old Jail stable " Wm II Hnyder, lury fees " J L Menslnger, deed held by comTs re deemed .... To Keuben Shuman deed held by com'rs redeemed To Polomon Dirk, exonerated tax. line.. "Amelia Butler, support of John Bar ton, Danvlll" aslum.. To A' na M Mellck, support ot Peter Mel- lck, Danville asylum To D 1( Cotrman, rent old Jail 6517 15 34 42 00 300 10 52 1 69 7311 76 37 108 CO 75 69 m ueurr. uiu pianK " Jacob lleml.y, old rlank " nougias uugne-, purcnate money.oia Jail property S305 00 To the town ot Bloomsburg, rent old Jail stable 18 S3 To Douglas Hughes et al, lumber, o.... 8 60 " redemption money, Jesse llartman iruci. nuganoat. lis To amt collected on unseated land. 69 83 ' " seated land 2525 " " received from dog lund. ... 1499 12 " " ' " staiefund. 2u31 Jacob Iletler. old plunk. 72 " David Keener. ' " 3 oo Moj er Bros, girder .. -.. 5 00 Kll Jones, lumber 3 00 ' I w McK janviluMn!" 10.29 weaver, Uanv: To A J McDonald, added to Cunyngham. 11593-Ofl CR. py commission and discount allowed on co mty tax for 1887. Districts. Beaver. Benton Iierwlck Bloom .... B'larcreck. i'atawlsa Centralla. Centre convngbam Ftshlngcreek. Franklin. Greenwood. Hemlock. Jack-on Locust- Madison. ..... Main Minim Montour. Mt Pleasant.... Orango Pine Koarlngcreek... scott. Sugar.oat. Ex. Com. DIs t 1 9 33 116 5' I !9 12 75 33 S3 69 18 77 40 110 18 20 93 25 78 41 78 46 95 18 33 33 04 42 59 SO 49 24 41 58 10 25 20 11 55 1 16 19 86 12 16 S3 72 28 46 17 86 12 68 5 93 2 12 36 15 35 3 31 SO 18 23 15 26 13 8 81 05 15 89 24 S3 IS 04 15 61 8 29 23 98 21 44 10 75 6 19 M II 08 10 65 83 07 29 98 18 3 11 t 7 41 $ 616 01 I 645 69 CR. Dy commissions, discount, exonerations and re turns allowed collectors on county tax for i860 and previous years. Districts. Beaver.. lien ton lier'lck , com. DIs. Ex. Ret $ 9 co a 1 11 ot IB 85 8 77 It 04 48 SS SO 74 M 74 10 10 7 2d 118 63 IS 83 IS t) 41 61 28 68 4 03 18 93 SM U7 73 967 00 IS 31 0 40 4 40 . 18 39 6 03 6 19 U 48 3 61 7 14 27 SO 13 85 U 60 21 41 5 OS 3 Ot 14 68 3 91 13 34 3 19 5 28 3 66 12 44 13 4 07 8 0-2 18 68 4 97 a 82 U90 13 98 6 30 11 40 18&5 197 78 69 37 1184 198 33 112 '4 I74S 49 f 4 69 $1417 74 moom liria rc reek. at wissa,. ... Centralis Centre. Conyngbam ... risningcreeK... Franklin. Greenwood. Hemlock.. .. Jackson... .... Locust Maaison......... Main Mimin Montour. Mt Pleasant,... Orange line Itoarlngcjeek fcott, Bugarloat Bloom.. Dy total commission.. f 1311 no " discounts .... " exonerations and returns. county orders red. emed amt due from collectors commission to treasurer (UU68 1435 16 3541912 E5MP3 1416 76 (45936 06 PETEll A EVANS. Treaa.. in acc't with doe fund January 1, 1887. To amt due at last settlement t KM 17 " asseesea in last lajsuu added tax, John Berger, Briar creek townshla 100 To bal lu hands of Treaa at last sattlem't 29 09 $ S2C9 '!6 CR. Uy commission and discount allowed collectors on aog tu ior ii. Districts. Ex. DIs. Com. He iter. 168 S 109 60 1 31 Denton... Herwlck 90 89 89 61 09 66 07 74 7 168 81 82 210 117 84 69 61 84 80 42 83 61 60 Bloom Urlarcreek. 1 11 1 47 171 01 181 atawissa. .. Centralla (intra. , Conyngbam ns iingcreeic. Franklin 1 let a si Greenwood. Hemlock Jackson 71 108 3 87 2 63 137 ocust- Madison Main Mimtn Montour. 2 1 1 12 1 60 1 Si) 1 44 1 VO I 19 1 29 Mt Pleisant orange line itoarlocreek scott . Sugarloat 1 00 ll'O 119 86 (36 79 CR, By commission and exonerations allowed collect ors on dog tax tor 1886 and previous years. Districts, com. u insiricis. Com. EX. i'eiver.. 140 Bent'.n.. I 40 I 2 60 Main. , 77 2 00 Mifflin... 127 9 60 Montonr 73 100 Mt Pleat 90 2 60 Orange.. 100 SCO I'lna..... I is too Itoargck as 400 fcott. .. 1 27 400 sugarlo'r 10s 6 50 1886 Bloom.... 290 360 Pine..... 263 360 SCOtt.... 3 65 300 6 60 t34M 400 t 660 1 N Berwick. 1 08 Bloom. .. 43 Ilrlarcr'k 1 37 Catawlssa 1 60 centralla centre Conyhm 108 risncrk. Franklin 167 67 170 SS 83 223 123 Ureenwd Hemlock Jackson locust 1112 00 7137 19 Ml 11300 645 13 8140 Madison Dy total commission to collectors. ' ' discount allowed co lectors. " " exonerations' " M.,M " orders paid for 187 ....... . " amt due from collectors commliulon to treasurer 32 26 amt paid to county 149912 t 8269 26 PETER A EVANS, Treaa., In acot with state fund January 1, 1MJ. To amt unco'lected prior to 1886 I 1096 00 uini, uu uanu at last beiiiemeuu...... oai stitetax aa-essdln 1887. 6118 W added tax, JS Grimes, scott....,.. 3 43 I 6780 S3 OIL By commission and discount allowed, collectors on Districts. DIs. Heaver I 2 40 com. oiatricia. Ills. Com. a 5 36 I 33 691 233 986 576 43 , 193 10 65 25 I 142 80 18 96 W94 4 02 It 17 LOCUSN I 6 81 Madison, set Demon. , 138 Bernlok. 23 07 11100m.... 68 23 Ilrlarcr'k 1 63 nam .... xumln... Mooter. Mt Pleat orange,. Pine 217 21 9 81 364 17 catawls'a 15 29 centraua 10 es centra.. 9 v Cony'hm 02 FlBh'cfk 2 ot Franklin 1 49 Greenwd 17 40 Hemlock j 64 608 607 STY 60 972 168 1169 Roar'ircrk 1 7s Scott.... ISl'i bugarlo'f 19 2 41 140 120133 1133 30 Jackson. ,9 CR, By commission and exonerations allowed collect, ore on state tax for 1886. Dlstrlots, Com. Kx. Districts, com. Ex. I 86 123 Beaver,. be Looiisb. I S 24 MadUon 65 IMJQl U Berwick. 2 01 Bloom. . 6 43 Ilrlarcr'k iti Cawwls&a 4 39 Centralla 69 160 40 285 60 t'ii 18C9 00 Main..,, Miniln... Montour, Mt Pleat orange., Pine .... RoargoK Beau... tmgarlo't 1 63 17 69 295 100 81 8 41 63 111 Centre . Flsti'cr k: Frank Un Ureenwd Hemlock Jackaoa 66 1 32 123 33 191 110 13401 $6919 S i i eta 90 $ 91 00$ 85 00 74 (0 84 W) 74 IW CS 00 (0 75 00 17 (O 98 00 4U 0 104 50 SJ ISO 53 50 134 00 91 00 55 50 74 50 43 00 s no 66 50 61 50 37 50 73 10 6S 60 75 49 146 II M (0 31 01 11 61 16 25 2I0 43 82 12 11 IT ""i"si 5 70 16 66 "a to 9 11 6 64 14 81 II 66 27 9. 4 73 9 61 8 81 0 15 1 95 fill u U.31 43 47 6 494 X5 1573 W, 126 all 306 C7I 913 2 209 0 15 (.9 173 01 DV riu 38 50 '8 00 3il no 23 50 4 60 31 '0 14 60 63 01 ia'w 31 00 28 50 39 00 28 00 19 50 27 00 6 50 81 50 20 50 219 47 517 09 S70 83 SM7 SI lOflH 93 179 f9 9R4 M 1547 B 1487 60 10.11 (is 897 S. 23S 67 816 10 293 04 89 74 i 4 80, sm oi I 7 f9 S3 77, lit 70 137 48 1 93 69! 195 01 I 76 S3 90 91 76 13 20 1 51 41 312 13 16 8" 415 St 600 HO 1IS9 SO Oi 34 919 74 370 07 259 6 1373 "S tSO 83 M3 M tfO 75 73J 4 Ml 39 133 85 220 8 169 40 113 43 202 8 117 164 84 II 165 10 120 3.1 3HII 311 28 61 ans 1 isno i0 83.1 99 m si 41 4" 186 99 37 W 9 93 125751 39(1638 00 6118 80 $ '094 43' t 721 90 f '21 41 Jly commission to collectors for 186 $ ' exonerations allowed collectors for '86 " amt paid Record Examiner. " commission to Trnasi'rer for IBW. " balance o Id -tat Tro -surer for lRts. " by amt paid toco'inty " commlislon f collectors for 1'87 " discount allowed ' " " " amt paid HtateTreasurer" " " ' due from collectors. " commission to Treasurer for 18S7 3104 69 79 6TO0I 5S8t 762 16 JOT 15 133 30 201 81 4253 2.1 631 44 42 96 t 678023 COMMISSIONERS' EXPENSES. For which orders wero Issued on the Treasurer. MISCELLANEOUS EXI'ENE4. Ellas Menaenball lumber.old Jail .. . i co 2 43 30 01 133 00 2S47 2 40 315 103 61 3 45 t 21 60 00 2175 3000 83 30 3"0 12 00 6 40 4123 141 31 CO 55 21 100 25 00 34 5a SH) 6 41 10 62 284 1310 78 63 100 03 16 00 68 CO 1150 73 W c Dougherty, exprrssage, C 8 Fornwaid, burial expenses I homua Hawkins (soldier) J S (lilmes,Mll for teachers' lnstitute,188 I J Hess et al, costs. Low -ppeal Mm II Snyder, KriCKbatim vscol Co.. ,. ' " Col Co vs Krlckbaum -.. ' " prothonotarj bill r annatia, rciwlri" cpump. old Jail Grant H Herrlnc. nudltinir ntihim Overseers llrlarcrcex tw , expenses for T L Gunton, headstones Klr'b enbercer and Npon- WH sny.ier.rccordv nmpn of twn nmmni I'uvi'i uiacco'iia.L.tsneil vs col CO Eph. Parks,cleanlna water closet.old Jail .11 1 vi uuu, ii'uuirs, 01a tan , Dltco man, W R Kocher. freight on files ... Jas T Lawton.dainago to horse at Lemon bridge. wm Ktickbnut , Krlckbaum vs Col Co. Fred schwlnn. hnniincr . . ' It M Lnhell, post mortem on body of Jas i "Snaey c VMeflck SS B " Savlts,repalrlng old Jail H S Bowman et al,cots, Kilckbaum'vs col co . Bloomsburg Ranking Co, dis. on note... J I. Olrt n, boarding Jurors., . J M cia-k.J p gas bill ior Deo '86,4: cots Peacock Dentlcr, Of era House to hold court , M 8 " imams, flttlng up Opera House to hold court Saml mltb. taking 2 prisoner' to Phlla., John 8 Wtillams,selllngold all property, lumbT, to, at Court House...... . Guy Jacoby, aoknowlenglog deed ... ""an'd Serr: 'I.1.? Geo w Sterne' recording commissioners' and Treasurer's bonds 14 60 t 10 9 81 COURTS, JURORS' PAY AND CONSTABLES' RE TURNS. Hamuel Rmlth. i-crving Jury notices I Constables' returns during year Grand Jurors during year Traverso mrors during year 1 court crier during year Tip staves dunng year S N Walker, stenographer, 110 per day. . . " " Conyngbam and Payne vs McAlarncy and wire S N Walker. Fetterman vb ltoblson 115 70 273 96 772 64 2135 87 147 60 115 60 37000 38 59 8117 63 93 1 anon VHUljtt V UK CO,. " Callender, Ex of Jos Hess, dee'd. vs F L Hess 68 09 3415 1M27 6 45 8 NWalker.Yorgcy vs Loc'st Mt Water Co iuh citizens' waro Deposit Dank, ot Mabanoy vs Joslah l'hllllns 8N wn'ker, rol Co sKrlckbaum Joslah P Frltr. reluming Jas calabrees. HL-iiiuK uu,uur wiuiuui, a license ...... Union Co turv vnKpvhnrt.. 4 62 653 62 Geo W Derr. jurycommls loner. O Buckingham, Jury commissioner.... John U Casey, clerk to same 42 83 3450 20 00 f 6073 31 COSTS IN COMMONWEALTH CARES, WHERE Justices, constables and witnesses. $ 1527 23 r r itiiinicyiT, uisinci Attorney. 1111 50 " reesanu exDenees. Sevbertcase. Iwlsbunr... 121 n Wm U Snyder, clerk of court 272 85 I 211619 ROAD & BRIDGE VIEWERS & ROAD DAMAGES Rundrypersons as vlewors. .... a 477 90 Aaron ivener, aaniage, t-ine. 80 00 Wm Hartllne, Iirucn Butlltr, Madison. 60iHi Sugarloat .. Mt Pleasant sugarloat Mt Pleasant Oranco. co 00 175 00 4001 25 IK) 6001 161(0 .1UUU LAX, Rachael Hess, Bradley Ivacock, A oner weisn. Matthew Patterson, damago, Orange Hartley Albertson, ' " Wm Long, " " ...... Charity Lunger. " " .... Pe'er Appleraan est, " Benton.... Aaron Patterson, " Orange... Jonas Bredbenner, " Heaver.. . Paul Za er. ' Centre ... M A Williams, " Orange. ... AHtowart. ' ... Jefferson Fritz, 11 Jackson. Wm Oreenley, " Greenwo'd David Herring, " Orange..... Isaac Braaslngton, " Roar'gcr'k. A H Herring " Oiange. . Henry Pltwlller, " Roar'gcr'k John Johnson, " Locust .. Jacob Confer, " Madison . Kphrlam Lelby, " Roar'gcr'k tt llson M Eves, " Pine Geo Ikeler " Grecnwod John A Funston, 11 Madison Sam'l and Isaiah Houck," Roar'ircr'k Wm lineman, " Greenw'd. 0 W Eves, " " 8 Pohe, comm'r,attcndlng r ad views.... w Parr. ' E JlendenhaH,comm'r,attend'g road views fOOO .10 0 2500 in 00 9" 00 25 OH 2100 150 OJ 300 00 10 20 00 25 0 81100 26000 8000 176 00 60 25 0 49 00 6 00 15 00 SiO 15 01 100 00 Sit 2'I40 63 00 I 294610 12 COMMISSIONER OFFICE AND COURT UOUMl Ellas Mondenhall lumber Thomas Gori'y work at Court House B F savlts cbande lers and work at court house Thos Gorcy bal on vault contract EMTewksbur auditor. .. EUItobblns auditor J II Vetter auditor John B Case stating acts for '66 .......... J .1 Brower bill rende e.1 c M Drinker repal-s Kerstone Planing and Cabinet Co lumber o E Havage clock tor court room D It Cotrman work it court house ..... E B lir.'wer repairs Catherine Kitchen cleaning court house V B Moiet repairing and painting snow brakes w C Wirt asseiiora' satchels."!!!" Hunt Arnold pens John Welllver shutter fasteners Jacob Dterrenbach brooms Fred -chwlnn hauling Ktjnhfn Knnrrhlll rendered 2 2)8; 278 08 1-6 00 2510 25 00 2i 00 25 00 1216 1 00 1 49 9. HI 99 5' 23 15 QUI 23 25 20 00 600 90 900 20 00 220 183 0a 600 11U5" 400 129 78 19 05 14 71 47 00 9 no 8 Oil 82 00 60 176 107900 329 60 11500 10014 2 00 Kch'ltch 6 Field & Co tiles for Recorder's 160 vault S co 11 L Thomas pens v, u layiur cv ui carpcuivr nwinav vuurv house Levi II ill trimming trees -. , O A Jacoby coal ,, S M lless repairs creasy K Wells lumber a court bouse... Central Telephone Supply Co., Bloomshurg steam and Electric Co lawn . mower.. r: D It Cotrman el al painting Jury room ituenart work at court nouse ' Elijah Bhutt ' ' " " Ell Jones carpenter contract court house Ell Jones et al extra carpenter work curt house J M llower plastering contract J M Howeremra pias'erlng court house 1 Wm F Bodlne painting contract court 1 bouse u 70O00 4)186 722 20 167 400 437 6 81 160 112 460 40 Ol 600 13 M 89 88 I 60 6' 8 84 127 60 06 a? 97 83 60 UO 1912) 400 25 174 00 100 94 184 73 5i 14 21 694 M OJ 8 34 1 Oi 300 Chas Krug lumber blinds 0 court house School Furnishing Co chairs for court room A B Fowler ork at court bouse P s Mo; er repalilng epou s charlea Bolco ork at court house Andrew Campbell " ' " " Wm Webb " " " " WmEi-tcrner ' " " Jackson Faux " " " Menagh and cotfman plan ar.d specifica tions for painting F D Dentler Inspectors J J W 11 Brower carpet 0 court room 0 w Runyon hardware Rush E lless putting down mattlugcourt room llloomsburg steam Hectrlo Hght Co Blooinaburg steam Electric Light Co steam three months ,, Blooinaburg Water Co water rent Bloomsburg (las 1 0 gas ,.. John la) lor work at court house . RShultz " ' ........ Phoebe cox doming court boue 3B Martin blacksmlthmg F itiiapp lnsuranui on court bouse three years II Y Moyer nUkle polish Wm Ralib bill rendered Daniel Miller painting Iron fence 1 W Mclielyy tllir.-ndered...., ,,,,, M E Cox work at court house..,,,, UeoM Pohe putting downcarpet....,,,, Mojer Bros bill rendered court bouse.,,. J RKohuyler hardware ....M. Louis llernhard bill rendered. Itnhb z ltehm fiDlltooi,a E It lkeler atly ior commissioner , 143(0 Mephen I'oha commissioners 690 00 Washington Parr " , 4010. KU Uendeiiball 11 841 00 John B Casey clerk 900 00 19287 93 I (Repairs to court room during the rear 4 iosvj; COUNTY JAIL V B Moyer . I Iltrman Hasscrt.. Iipflavlts.... . JJ Uroffer carpet . (l M Drinker rvnilrs...... 130 34 1889 I 16 8313 '8 B MOO 78 85 1000 3 IS BI6 l'O 912 6 00 S775 67 42 u it lirusct work at jail Creaav ft Metis Hlchard Ivey wood Stephen Kuorr blacksmlthlng.... , P rt Moyer I M J Casey lime Fred -chwlnn hauling , Y ii cutler mocs for prtinera.... J liachman rtpalra Jail stable Ell Jones ct al " f!h Krilff lnmhr ' ...... 8 16 I o It Jones Co stone Jail stable 34 75 1 w II Taylor work at Jail.. 1455 ainnn unromis nauung II G Eshleman bill r ndered... John cox work .tjall OA Jaco.y coal II 10 1 00 812 216 99 1 00 ,160 18 60 4W 900 too 21 99 HO 00 900 800 300 200 I'OOO 10148 3J8fl 21081 4 no 489 83 S3 80 1260 125 633 100 H M IICSS Wm (Hirer hauling lumber for Jail stable Ii LOwenncrg cioining ior prisoners....... Thomas Vannaita cleaning well.. Andrew Wlleder repairing shoes for pris oners.. i i ,. Bloomtiburg Car Co bill rendered J it Schuyler & Co hardware nnrrman nnd venagh painting.,,. I) H cotrman work at Jail II O llower bill rendered Jacob Dlcffenbach brooms HmUADD Dill renierea Wm II Taylor Ice houso contract..... Bloomsburg Water Co water rent BloombUTf 0s Co gas , lonn Taylor worn at jail CW llunyon hardware.. Mamuel smith boarding prisoners........ Samuel Hmlth washing for pilsoncrs.... 8ainni Smith turnkey fees C A Kletm incdlclne tor prisoners .. .... 1 v MCKeivy mil renoerea Wm o Uhodomoy r repairs I28S7 85 PRINTINO, STATIONERY AND POSTAGE. Elwell k Blttenbcndcr county ntatement f 45 00 ei cuon proclamation suxi ' " court 'I 25 00 " " " calendar... 83 00 11 " advertising 23 50 11 " blanks ,. ... 11 00 JasO Brown county statement 4300 " eieciion reclamation 21 w " advertising 16 50 " blanks 3 50 Itandall i Yocum county statement.... 4100 " election proclamation 26 ou 11 " advertising . 21 60 11 " blanks 81 00 Wm Krlckbaum election proclamation.. It 00 " advertising 2 00 Patriot I-ublUhlnc 10 Patriot 7 50 Geo A Clark box rent and postage. 15 50 stationery 4v w $457 00 INQUESTS Sundry persons for Inquests I 177 62 BRIDGES-BUILDING AND REPAIRS. BI1VIR. II F Redllnu Fisher bridge bal on contract I 819 10 John A Brelsh nreisch bridge 6 00 Wm II Rhodes Shuman " sou C A shuman " 1 oo BENTON. Abraham llartman Wcatcrcek brldcre.... 1 00 JS woods Ash bridge 100 J E Edson cole bi ldiro 8 is John It Coie cole brliro 1 23 T s christian Ash bridge contract 918 4n r 1 uuuine vnie linage- xuu uenton nnago 200 " Mendcnball bridge 1 On ' W eatcreek 1 rH T K Edwards Cole bridge 3 00 BIOX. Daniel Yocum Red Rock bridge J m Marti " " 3 67 1 W 6 60 4601 710 160 Keuben 1 ess Runert brldire Thomas Gorrey Red Rock bildge J s Martz B.rton bridge W C Dougherty Red Rock bridge ...... it asv Wells " ,r 130 35 28 99 425 uioomshur car Co Red Rock brldire John Delly Barton bridge John Waters Rupert ' 1 25 360 32 20 16 78 11 63 1586 110 360 112 1 U 19 00 800 1 12 360 60 13 60 18122 665 John J wolf Shaffer " J F Rink son Barton bridge ouauer " 1 upert ' Red Rock brldire. Amos Wanlch Shatrer bridge Roidarm 1 Welllver Red Rock brlm Jackson Faust " 1. c iieidetiranat Levi Cox " v l rt erkhelser et al ' " Daniel lllcr ' " John V Whltenlght " " rrca ncnwinn " " Johnltelnardetal ' " ku Jones et al " C W Runyon " " CFRabb " " Geo M pohoet al " " Stephen Knorr " " 1 60 23 01 4 35 ERURCBSXI. Daniel Miller, Eck bridge contract. ... I 14 00 2 00 200 738 n 1, rreas, uowman onage " " Rlttenhouse Brldire C W Runyan, Eck bridge.. ..... OITAWISSA. V B Kline et at. bridge near mouth of Catawlssa creek 1 660 David Glffln et al, bridge near mouth ot Catawlssa creek Mayberry Yeager, Paper mill bridge 11 " Holllnrahead bridge.. 27 4 86 288 David Gaumer, Paper miu bridge. ... 0 W Harder, x " .... 125 47 61 C1NTRI. Charles Krug, Scott bridge contract. t Jacob Iletlcr.centrevllli) bridge 39700 .160 Wm Scott. Scott bridie. 8 99 It 11 Iletler et al. Cent revllle brldire. 9 00 60 64 1 60 J F Rink Son, " " J p Bredocnner, " O W Runyan, " ' 260 1 niNdCSSKK. Samuel Lemon, Stillwater bridge .......$ 4 00 E R Lautlerbacb, Jones mill bridge 3 43 Dnuggaoovedoneamiii aro IMden bridge. 160 Buckalew brlcLre. 15 78 J D Mcllenry, Paden bridge 6 20 Scott Mcllenry, Stillwater bridge 4 25 FRANKLIN. C W Eves, Reeder bridge contract I 1176 00 David Itceder. Reeder brldire. 1 00 1 00 LRobtbacb, Rohrbacb bridge " Itl-Rle bridge. David Reeder, Parr brldiro. 1 10 43 00 MontbOtner ueeder, parr bridge. Harry Fetterman, Parr bridge 300 ORXXNWnOD, Wm Harlan, Mcllenry bridge $ 11 iola bridcre.. 300 14 63 Jacob Welllver, cole bridge .lohn Lemon, Rohrsburg bridge John Leggott, tola bridge 1 00 400 8 00 aictienry onoge. B F Batton. Eckman bridge a W Eves. Mcllenry brldire. 200 160 9 CO 447 00 600 23 11 18 1 00 200 200 50 2 25 100 1 00 60 3 63 12 24 2100 10 09 6175 T S Chi Istlan, AUnas Cole brldgo contract extra... nillLOCK. B A llartman, Pursel bridge. t J F Rink son.Uarton brldgo Reuben Hess, Pursel bridge. J H Martz, Pursel bridge - ' " DanvlllH bridge Richard Ivey, Pursel bridge iiccar. Wash. Adams, Iron bridge, slabtown ..... I David Fetterman, Krlckbaum bridge .... " " Johnson bridge. " Walter bridge Iealab " Esther Furnace brldgo J J Campbell, Walter bridge. A M Johnson, Johnson bridge Wm D Davis, Kostenbauder bridge. MAIN. Ellas fihnman. Iron bridge..., t John Harmony, Iron bridge. MIFFLIN. L B Kochler, Yohe brldgo MONTOUR. Jacob Remley, stone bridge, near Quick's MT. FLIABAHT. J W Mordan,Sands' nrldgo I ' 'i bridge above Wilson's. ' " below Amos Wanlch. Wanlch bridge ......... John J Wolf, Vandersli.'o bridge Matthias Sh ffer. Poor house nrldgs G M lk-ler, bridge below Wilson's, " " alove ' J F Rink son,Vanderslice bridge. " " ivanlcb bridge. Amos Wanlch, Vandersllce bridge. Charles Sands, fml'h bridge.... ' ' .". Sands' " " bridge above Wilson's .... " " " below 01N0B. W F Crawford, Vance bridge. r. J F .uengle, iron btldge. Charles Conner, Vance bridge riNi. James Masters, Masters' bridge. I 75 75 600 1 60 600 63 97 3 2) 333 12 62 25 33 00 8COTT. Wm Pursel, Llghtstreet bridge. t J F Rink son, " RO Johnson, " 11 1 L Crawford, " ........ BCOAHLOAP. W F IIess,J B liens bridge , Jas Fuilmer.sutllff bridge , ...,,..... II E Long, K ( ole bridge J 11 lless, J BHesa bridge O W lleas. J04 o lless bridge , . . , ...... . J M Larish, Suturt bridge. . " " " ,r contract 800 691 00 t 6081 PENITENTIARY AND ASYLUM. Convicts in Eastern Penitentiary for '86 t support of Lizzie Ilawley, Warren. " " MirysuIllvan.DanvUle... Hiram Albertson, " ' Margaret Weaver, " ,,,. it 11 John Barton, ' 11 peter MeUck, 99 95 6 104 29 104 29 104 29 104 28 4171 $ ,.t 663 44 1673 ASSESSORS' PAY, Beaver.. .1 Sj25 Jackson, Benton.,,, 26 85 Berwick 43 73 Locust.. .., 29 Madison... Main ,, 31 . 20 SI illoom. 7210 Urtarcreek , Catawlssa. Cent ralla , Centre. Conyngbam..... Flshlngcrcek,,,, Franklin Gieenwood ,,,,, Hemlock,..,,,,, 39 21 34 75 33 95 28 73 29 20 3416 II 20 32 60 Miniln , Montour, Mt Pleasant..,,, orange.... , 1300 200 1 8 to nne Koartngcretk..,. Scott sugarloat lata 1525 28 76 21 25 14 65, Assessors for Fall registry votere. 117 I 812 SCALl'ri FOR FOX", WILD OATS, WBAxELS, MINKS, HAWKS ANP OvVLB. Paid sundry persons.., 1 413 ELECTION EXPENSES. PaldSprlngelecttonofflcera.,,,,, , f 41 A " Fall election omcera. .., , 45065 " jprlng room rent.,, 141 Ml I UUIU IVUb, ..... .......,, , constables advertising and attend ing spring election Paid constables attending Fall election.. F L llutter, election blanks.,,., I 1370 t 1693 TAXES REFUNPED. Amount of township taxes refunded, , , , , , BLANK BOOKS. John I) Llngle, docket Wm Mann,iiocke , ll-corder's oftlco .... Wm V Murphy's sons, docket, Recorder's onice. , F L llutter, 7 registry books. H U Yoruy, dockets, oom'rsomoe,...,,,,. ni no 'US 33 73 woo I8 60 IS 60 1 I 23 00 9100 2900 160 119 60 23 lax registers. , binding ''Columbian", COUNTY BONDS. Amount eountr bonds redeemed I 1700 00 Ainuunt Interest paid on county bond;,. 103 00 I lftot 00 IIECAl'ITULATION. visce uaneom , .................... . 11'VUOl lotirtii. lurors' nar.constsb onslablos'rcturns,o 6073 31 Costs In commoner, aim cases 2116 19 Itoad Drioire viewers s roaa aamages comml.u.lnncni' offl e and court house. . , 2949111 9287 91 238i 85 43100 177 62 608129 1)53 44 819 61 413 60 137000 1695 01 115 SO 1802 00 countt Jan.. Prtnting, stationery and postage... inquisitions , Bridges, building and repairs.. Penitentiary nnd-isjlum....... 4spfiRors' nay.. Fox. wild cat scalps, etc ,1 ,, Election expenses. ,. 1 Taxes refunded. ,. Blink books. Bonds and Interest... ............. u. ..... 13541912 Pmm amount, nfnrrleri Issued dedu t 11695.01 taxes refunded. 78 8M gaa bill for December, 1R88, and costs, I vm 00 county uonns ana interest paia, leaves 131843 49, which is the ordinary expenses for tho year A. D. 887, - ..,..... r.,.r.t..,.u loaftl... Oliani Ulllfaivn loouci'. Renton. Urlarcreek Catawlnta. , FiBhlngcreek, Franklin t 1.15) Madison. 1 1st 00 10 m aiaiu 16 85 Mi Pleasant. 63 00 Pine...., ,. 11 no Scott ryiM sugarloat 8.10!) 17 60 ia 00 26 60 143 00 as 00 (ireenwood . 33 00 t 643 25 iiemi ck. Jackson........ Locust 800 BTATEStMNT OF DOOTAXIJ3 BlIEEP FUND. Dog tax duo from collectors I ess 40 iTOoamo cummission ana exonerations... iww I 768 40 COUNTV FINANCES. AsatTB. Tax In hands of collectors duplicate...... ( 5592 M PTODamo commn n,exonorat ns s returns ju ui I 4612 tS 33 00 15 00 One double setof assessment books., Ono set ot duplicates $ 4G919J LIABILITIES. C stslnCommonwetlth cases. $ 619 88 tnt dim wiveral districts.. 254 03 199 60 Amt road bridge viewers duo on books. Amt road damages as.sesti.-d and unpaid estimated 10 January, iw. sooooo I C071 61 4692 95 Actual Indebtedness of tho county, Jap. 2, iBaspcresumates..... is.bdu We. tho undcrslirned. commlssloncra of Colum- blacounK, do hereby certify that tbe foroirotng la a correct statement ot a counts of said count for tho year A. D 1NI7. WILMA! O. UllUUfl, JES-K RITThNllOlSE, EZH STEPHENS, Commlss oners of Columbia County MAtteat: J, D. B inma, clerk. We. tho undersigned auditors of Columbia county, tm Ing been duly elected to adju t and Bettio tne accounts or Treasurer ana commission ers ot Columbia county county, do hereby certify that we met at tho ofllco of tho Treasurer and Commissioners In Bloomshurg and carefully ex amined tho account nnd vouchers ot tho same from tho nrat day or .lanuarv A. D. 18h7. to tho second day ot January A. D. 1833, and And them correct as above stated. Given under our nands and soais mo ntn day or January A. D 1SS8. E. M. TEWK8DURY, SKALJ J. B. 1 ETTEtt, BBAL.J AMOS HAHTvlAN, ISXAU County Auditors. Attest: Jons B. Cabsv, Clork, XECUTOit'S NOTICE. Ettateof William A. A. Rogers, late of Orange loicrwrttp, aeceasea. Letttcrs testamentary on tho said estate having been cranted to tho undersigned, all nersons In debted to said estate aro hereby notified to pay the same, ana tnoaa naviug claims against saia csmu wilt present tbe same for settlement to ELIAS R21CIIARD, 6w Executor. A DMINISTUATOH'S NOTICE Kstate 0 Margaret Montgomery, Late of Orange toicntMv, deceased. ieltern testamentary m the said estate having teen granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to Bald estate aro hereby not'fled to pay the same, and thote having claims against Bald estate will present the same for settlement to SILAS CONNER, janso6t Adm'r. rey lEiOrvrs. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. -:o:- Wholesale Itetal 92 66 60 CO 82 40 4.'0 to 660 24 28 22 24 70 80 12 16 08 05 07 10 09 12 08 10 10 13 20 80 75 1 00 07 85 6 to 7 Whcat per bushel.. Rye " Ccrn " " Oats " " .. Flour " bM Butter Eggs Potatoes Haras Dried Apples Bide Sboulder Chickens Geese Lard per lb Vinegar per gal Onions per bushel., Veal skins Wool per lb Hides Coal on Wharf. No 0 2.00i Nos 3 8, & Lump 48.25 No. 5 $8.00 Blttiminue $8.25 New Yotk V.WEXS. Reported by ft s. Palmer, mioletate Commtulon Merchant, 164 Reade St., A'. 1". New York. Feb. 13, 1888. Tho weather Is much milder to.duy and every lnulualion that it will continue, and as a result mere 13 a railing oil in the price of eggs lb our market, but prices of nearly an oiur iiues 01 i ounce uru tirinly sus tained and outlook favorable. Receipts of eggs are lighter to-duy and market some what firmer, but 20c is all that can be ob laid for fresh-by stocki limed 14 to 15c; fancy white leghorn, strictly fresh 80 to to 85c. Receipts of fresh killed poultry cnnliuue email and prices Dim, and cholco turkeys worth to-day 12c. Duck 12to 16c. Geese 10 to 12c. Chickens aim fowls 11 to 12c Vlld ducks in very light supply and pi Ices steadily advancing and cholco can vas back worili from 4 to $0 per pr., red bead $3 to 3 60, mallurd 80 tn 90c, common GOi. Receipts of dressed calves are some what heavier to-day and prices casir, and choice stock worth from 10 tn lie; fair 8 to Uc. Dressed bog. 7 10 8c. The market is dull and weak on all grades of creamery and fancy elgin worth from 80 to 82c; sel. ect dairy tubs and puila 20 to 28c- state 25 to 28c; good 23 lo 24c; medium 10 to 21; rolls 16 to 20a Apples in moderate supply and fancy spitz and kings bringing from $8 to 4 50 per bbl , greeDlngs 2 50; baldwlna 2 60 to $8; other varieties 1 60 to 3 50. Cranberries, fancy, $10 to $11 50 per bbl., crates 2 50 to $3. Fla. oranges ranging all the way from 2 60 to $5 per box, ac cording to size and quality or fruit Grapes, catawba, 5c per lb. Potatoes are some, what lighter in receipt and choice state rose held firmly at from 2 60 to $3 per bbl.. bebron and tiurbauk 8 60; chills $3, foreign potatoes 1 76 Ip 3 25 per sack. Hweet pota toes $4 to 4 80 per bbl. Choice white on. iona $5 to $7 ,ei bbl , red $4 to 4 60; yel. low $3 to $4. Cabbage $10 to $12 per 100 heads. Itussla turnips $1 per bbl Celery $1 to 1 25 per doz bunches. Market very firm on beans and prices gradually advanc ing, and marrow, choice, worth from 2 75 to 2 80 Medium 3 60 to 3 65. Pea 2 00. While kidney 2 50 to 2 00; red 2 15 to 3 20. Fancy evapotated apples dull and worth from 9 to lOo; sun dried 5 to Oc. Cherries 17 to 21o. Blackberries 9c, Kuspberrles 23 to 24c nunklebcrrlcs Uo. Tallow 51o per lb. Honey white clover, fancy, 11 to 12; buckwheat 8 to 9c. Beeswax 20 to 22c per Ib Hay. number one grade, 80 to Wc. Uye straw, ditto, 85 to 05c per cwt, Fura in fair demand Beaver 8 50 to $7. Mink 40 to 80c Coon 70c to $1. Fox 80c to 1 60 Skunk, black, 80 to 05c; striped 25 tn 05, Opossum 20 to 40c. Muakrat 10 to 17c. 200 700 323 800 810 300 300 200 100 100 160 13 66 460 5 40 14 68 100 600 910 700 29 93 25 33 K3 00 68 to 41 (0 Bitten bender & C., WAGON MAIMER'S AND BLACKSMIH'S SUPILUS, No. IgO lga Franklin Ave., SCRANTON, PA. Iron and Steel, (aprlll-ly. 89 Ql SUBSCRIBE FOIl THE COLUMBIAN