a OffioUl Bepott on Baking Powders, r rnor. llhNRY l.KFFMANN, PHILADELPHIA. M. i)., or Dairying in OohtmWa County-Will it Ty ? Road bcforo tho Farmers' Institute 0f dairy farming preeminently. V t Mlllylllo by A. P. Young, oi Mill- everybody can see that this is i BepecUtly made tor the Annals ot nrsieno. We have considered that a fatr, 1m partial and rellablo report on "Baking rowders" was much needed, becauso Wo have rcoontly noticed tho claim ael forth by two prominent manufaot- ''Knowledge is cower" evcrvwhrre. It is power in the making' of pvoBts out Where at Millvillo by A. r. Young, ot Mill- everybody oan see that this is to, it Tille,") seems strange that men who handle Uloeo by stands n orenmcry thai by cows are so slow to reach out aftor actual teat Is working for an answer knowledge and tho valuable expert- to tlio question above. What thnt in- enco of others. Scarcely one in ten swer may bo will depend upon several payg any attention to making himself conditions. That it may be an affirm- wei informed on the subjeot, by road- urora, eaob, that theirs was the onl th0 proprietor and tho farmer, who tho calling and a loss percentage oven oWpg powder ffeo from adulteration) ar0 mkinc initiatory lessons in dairy- than that attend conventions or instl- anu in eaoh inslanoo, among tno list oi ingi "With a Boil most of wt ich is (utcs where dairy questions aro dia names given as authority for this olaira, naturally thin and not specially adapt- od'ssed and dairy ' problems cruoidated wa lo be found tho namo cf a promi- c,i t0 grass, tho problem is more dlffi- by' experts at the' business, oont New York chemist. Since i it is 0ult than whoro natural advantages nrd Drive ten or fifteen miles from this obviously impossible that this ohoniist moro abundantly distributed. If wo place on any road leading away, wht-rv iiuuiu uavo vcbviucu win uuii ui iuto 100K oiosoiy nowovor wo win imu au- oaltie are going to pasture in opring powders was the only ono free from vontagca and disadvantages tolerably and you will see many cows hardly ovenly scattered about In every section, able to carry their hides. It stems lo If our -soil is not as deep and rich as m0 our farmofs fall moro id this' par iho prairies of tho west wo must mako tioular of pronorly caring for and iced up for that.doficienov as far as bosslblo inn- their cattle, in tho Winter than in by utilizing tho superiorities here pre- almost any other. The interests, pf sonted, chief of these and the humanity, and of trra owners pocket- greatest desideratum of all, is a gooa book, both ory out Bgalnut tuoh trea' adulteration, we felt that tho claims let forth wero unreliable and that it was clearly our duly to furnish tho oublio with reliablo information on this important tiucstion. Wo accordingly bought from ono of our Urgent and most reliable grocery stores ono pacic- ago, or bottle, eaoh of tho following market, near by, powders, which, wo wore wore most in demand; 1. Tttimfortl Yeast Powder. 2. Royal Baking Powder. 3. Pcerloss Baking Pciwdor. 4. Sea Foam Baking Powder. informed. ment Another ploturo a familiar one Kin nrnln iirniliintu have fallen off I to those who oro about with eyes open In value so much, owing to the sharp Think of a cow, perhapB 'several of competition of distant, fresh and fertllo them, standing hump backed in lent territory, and tho unjust discrimination corners alonrr. the road, to rest on tho oi transportation companies, enabling way to or from a brook or puddle a (.am ,i;.ion fli,i in rnanli market, al- fourth, or DerliaDB half a milo awav. w - i vuuau UI.IUUI MUIUO .wwm i . i . , - r Those powders were removed from , it chonulv as wo can. I wh6ro thev must ao whenever driven tho boxes or bottles in whioh they I .,,, ...! tn omo-lbv thTrst to Seek water, or think of were bought, placed in packages, with clge somothing thnt cannot be I them huddled about the watering place : ' i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j i j M 1 1 1 n . 4, (id the order above givon), and sont d trnrjsorted with lit- a is r tt i mfrin urn a ro. i . iu jrrui. xieury iivumuuu, n uu , n nnro q ,.s or perhaps quested to analyze them and make bis ootKiitiong o atmoephere, and report by numbers. It will be observ- of aD oil tftnkS) fertilizer J that he did not know, and had no i fertilizer works and war exposure to varyiug stenen water works and warehouses and if frozen up, while a brisk north wester makes it necessary to button your overcoat to your chin, and esti mate, if you oan the animals loss. LoS on tho product of tho oow, the cold wind using up a large percentage, of . , i imp, jci in.: I wt "I1 " " " l o r n ( l .a l means of knowing, what powders he the high smelling odors incidont the. food that otherwise, woud go to was oxaminincr. We will first publish Prof. Leff mann'a report and then make our com ments theroon. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Board of Agricultural Department of Hygiene and Food Inspeotor. H. Lcffmann, M. D., Inspector. Philadelphia. Pa., Aug. 2, 1887. Deau DooTOm I transmit herewith the results of tho examination of the four'samplcs of baking powder. To avoid repetition, I may observo that baking powders nre mixtures of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda, sodium aciil carbonate), with somo vegetable acid or acid salt. In practice, tartaric aoid. cream' of 'tartar, aoid pboAphatc and albm are used. The most approved baking powders are those made with either croam of tartar or acid phos phates. Some fine insoluble powder (staroh) is generally added to mako the mixture keep well. Although there' is no positive evidence to show that alum powders are unwholesome, yet tho use fluou powders is to be discouraged. They are, to say the least, put on the market as cheap substitutes lor the higher class articles: No. 1. Phosphate Powder. No Alum. No Ammonia. Corn Starch. No. 2. Tartrato powder no alum. Contains ammonia. Corn starch. No.( 3.. Alum powder. oorn and potatoc starch.. Contains ammmonia. No'.i4. Tartrate powder. no alum. Cora staroh. No ammonia. Yours, Henry Leffmann. To Joseph F, Edwards, M. D. It wil be seen from the above report that the "Romford Yeast Powder" holds a position absolutely Us own, in r '. 1 l . bo iar as it is uiu ouiy pnospnaiu puw der on the market. Ot course dans; all know that tbore are many per sons to whom the use of the phosphate would prove very beneficial, and there fore this powder may be recommended, For the benefit of those who did not see our July issue, we wish again to state that in all instances our eiamina tions'are made without any knowledge on the; part of tho manufacturers that such examinations are contemplated. The goods will always be bought in open market, and the. reports will be as accurate as science can make them. From Annals of Hygiene, Sept. 1887. Simon Madole's Duel. J. n. n. In St Louis Globe Democrat. When I was on my finning trip down in Southeast Missouri, a short time ago, I met old Simon Aladole, the man who had the historic duel with Gover nor Clingham, .of North Carolina, that to railroad transportation througu dense population. Admit that under these conditions, they can beat us in producing wheat and corn, can't we undor tho disadvantages with which tho must contend beat them in butter . I think wo can if wo set to work in right good earnest and begin at the rioht place. With the stock to improve tho quality. With the food to increase (he quantity. Cows will give as muoh milk in Columbia county if properly fed and cared for as they will on soils naturally more fertile. Careful atten tion to the herd will insure cows of an high quality here as anywhere on earth, if tho foundation stock be right The keeping of animals affords a ready means of adding fertility, and it the growth or product of the animal will pay for feed and care, it w 'herctoro an economical means of in creasing tho ability' of the land to pro duce. To begin with, tho proper stock for the purpose must be had. If we were expecting to produce cattlo to market for beef we should havo the animal best adapted to that end. If we are to sell milk fresh from tho cow wo would look for an animal produoinp a lare quantity, and perhaps have little concern as to quality. But if we want an animal to produoe a large amount of cream to selljto.the creamery of to make giltedge,bn'tter ,for home consumption v6r, soccial ''customers e must select accordingly. To manage btock successfully requires the observ ance of several conditions. They must mako milk. Loss to tho fertility of the farm, the manure dropped about tho watering place and on the way, boing most of it entirely lost. Loss again on tbo product in quality, by having tbo water contaminated' by the manure washed into It, Finally the demand is for high cla-o goods. There is soarooly ever enough of these. To the position assigned conoernini; the product by the constiming worM. then, we come at last' for the answer. t the question. "Will it Pay." Wives and Daughters. The attractions of literature and an have rarelv been moro happily com bined thau in the offer of the well known Boston publishing houso of Holman & Co., who, in return for the trilling sum of thirty-five cents, send tbetr beautiful photo-etching of Mu -kacsy's world famous painting "Chris Before Pilate," and their elegant new illustrated monthly. Wives and JDauahters, on a three month's tna subscription. The picture is too well known ti need description, its sale to' John Wanamaker for 120,000 ,havingjbeei) universally chroniclpJ, byj the, ipreif, hut n word of. enthuBiastio com men. dation of the new magazine may be allowed. Wives and Dauahters is an ideal nUUU Ul BUVClUt WUU1UUUD. LUCY UlUBt I ... . V.- l, 1 uw..j production,, of sparkling literary an! ed with their snrroi mlin. mnst hp artistio merit, filled with bright stories kindly treated on all occasions. A and charming poems from the pens o! . r..i ,i, :vi I such authors as Miss Nora Perry, Mis. isuw tuat cAuciiU) vw ivci tua rrviuuiy ut i ir n i r n nr au v I u.m KvV t o mji r : l Mary uiaKe, iurn. waco v. viivur, : a ucniy uuuv v vi a vuuloi uti y tunc I r - . rt t i rii i physi- ,,-Ujf a ;.i,? .Mrs Lavina S. Goodwin, Charles - an aLLCuuauu uuuiua nituiu i nai.u w 1 1 1 . - - - not get into a humor to do her best while this condition of things last. If sho involuntarily starts for the farthest corner of the yard whenever she sees a man coming the leeliug between man and animal is far from satisfactory, and the cow will fail to render a fair account iu the milk pail. Cows must navo abundance of food, and that of the right kind, supplied at the proper time. I wish to emphasize the proper time idea. A oow may .have all the feed necessary but fail to make proper use of it from having it administered so irregularly that her system is un able to properly appropriate it. Stuffed to repletion at one time, suffering from, hunger at another, never perfectly con tented. Winter dairying l think offers many points of advantage over Sum mer dairying for our section. As Richards Dodge, Miss, Minnie C. Bal lard, Miss Helen F. O'Neil, and a host of popular writers. Its illustrations are under the charge of Mr. Fn Webster. The publication is a mane of good reading in attractive form at a phenomenally low price, and will )e 1 1 . . l I ' .1 t S.. iouna tnorougniy wormy oi us aeui cation to pore womanhood. The pub Ushers may be addressed at 2330 Washington street, Boston, Mass. H Hun! M Fricos ! ! D S AiNDRUS & CO. IIEAPQUAKTERS FOIt Stcinwiiy, Soluucr, Kranicli llaicli Fischer, I2lllC.lSOIl9 AND THE CKf.EllKATEU Wilcox & White Organs. WPIanos Tuned and Repaired by com petent workmen. Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Williamport, Pa. noTll-87-ly. BLQOMbBDHG tMIM WILL 10. The iinderalirned haYlii? nut bis Planing Ml on Uallroaa Street, In nret-ciass condition, is P'e pared to do all kind) ot work In bis line, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS. BLINDS.MOUJDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. urmsned at reasonable! rlcos. All lumber uspo well seasoned and none nat skUled wnrttm' Are employed. ESTIMATES FOB I HI I'M I arnlshed on application, rians and specific ona prepared by an experienced draughtsman CnMtl.ES HUt'G ;Mciii"titrr. V LAST OPPORTUNITY I 'g ' nf cltfcAf 'EXCCTtglDJITo " CALIFORNIA. ?gfWw St. UU tla trim MxnUta tUwt TiokU are Kood for tlx monthi, limited toaUty dnyr for solnc paaiage with nop over prtvllcKee at pleaa nrewtthlnllmlfiof weaubonndpanatfe.' Bpcfalox cunsion train leave St. LouU via. Iron Mountaia Boute, February 16th and Kancai Cltrvla, at itionrt Paolflo Bftllwny. February 17th. pr All ooiipon offlcea In tho United States and Canada will eell tlok. U to lo Atifrolp. San Dleco and San Francisoo for tUli EXCUSSIOirBMmHMMn Tint's Pills Malaria, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. Tliey proilnco rtgulnr, natural evoc uallanH, never K'P" r Interfere with ilnlly hiiNlneMi. Ah n family inetlleine, they Klionlrt be in every IiouxcholU. SOLD EVE11YWIIEUE. nOTSsn.ccoiy. iiw.lierr'ou are a qui'clr, I bleasatiT.Jnfe ' i ;:' i onn sure cure tor iU- ordered IrerJ maiaesiion.avJ-' bebsia.conafi'ba oreneral debiMy, htotfte lassire.di'senscs cf yfomen, c Hesty butwja lOOforJOt. 'ail druqaUUS Send bcinti for Iho biWTifiil rolorrff)ittiiro',fie fWotmGmi.MlciihomCa.lilWillSt.HX, PIASTER S Tor mtratlTe wowep and efflwtlTeneaa,toel ing qualities, and qtdokneu of actlrfn, they tand wlthoul an equal BolefaUfloally pre pared from approved vegetable agents, Ttrtnea of rrenh Hops, Qtlm Balaarae and Ilemlook, pread on white muaUiu They promptly and tliorouffhlr aubdue all valna And aohca that torment the human txxty, ntaiiwworn-oui moaclea and atrenffthen weak ports. Alwaya I ready Tit Initadt application Clean, frfrant I and never-IklUna, Hop Flastcra aoid by dray I I "iita ana country atorea. so eta., o roril.oo. I l mailed Br price by proprietor. Hap rlaater Oenpaaji Jlotii, Juatk 1 i. nrBewnr4 of imftattitni. Bee what TOubrur. I Loolc ror nop-two wream ana aifrnaturo or H I HOP piabt21 coHFAzrc. on back or plas- f l ter and on circular aronoapiaater A GENTS WANTED to Canvass for Ad JA vertlslnz. ratronaire. A small amount of work done with tact and Intelligence may produce a considerable Income. Agents cam several hun dred dollars In commissions In a single s ason and Incur no personal rcsnon.'lbllltT. Knquiro at tne nearest newspaper office and learn that ours is tne best known and best equipped establishment tor placing advertisements In nevrsnaDers and con- Tcjing to advertisers the Information which they ents wisely or women, ir ll require In order to make their Investments wisely ana proniaoiy. .Men oi gooa aaarcss. or women, If well Informed and practical, may obtain author. ity to solicit aarcriiswg patronage ror us. by letter t1 Geo. r. Kowkll Co.. Newsnaoe vcrtlslng Ilureau, 10 Spruce 8t, New York, "and run particulars iu be sent by return mall. KAZXiKOAD Tiaa;B TABLB A Fine Assort ment of New in 1 1 wefli Party Don't Turn Sown Your Lamp. Tbo Elmira Advertiser utters a warn'mg aLouL turniDg down kerosene lamps to save oil. The fact is to 611 i he room with, a pungent which is very injurious. This' gas is credited with the causation of sore throat. Dur ing the time, which is not yet over, stated in the outset of this paper ours t,.m.t lh? atmosphere of a city ba) bwn is not a soil naturally adapted to cm- v'tl8le . mlti l"e.,IU,mea 01 naptna, son : i t. :n i j I thrnfit htm iirnvnilpn li fin filfLrminor fir a connection who ought to know that there is no. saving of .oil when a lamp is turned dowrj, because the oil is vaporized' instead of being burned. Ill Invitations.Cards and Envelopes; Just Received at the COLUMBIAN OFFf PRICES LOW. there was eo much lying about in the ing, but will yield fair crops if properly "oat nas prevailed to a "fifties." It is hopeless to try to give fertilized and farmed. The old plan J0".- Perhaps, there, is Madole's fine old Tennessee dialect, of seeing on how littlo cows may be " stated, by, thoae, , but a near as I can put it he tells the taken through the winter, must be story tbus: "xou see, I went down abandoned if we are to go into dairying there into that French brood kentry at that season and in its place wo will and this man Clingham, Guvner Cling- do well to substitute the problem of 1 : 1. 1 1 -i, n - . . . nam mwus meu, sera aiong auu raaac i trying to Una out now much fool they u pemuuui (jufsiion, wnicn was an iuii i may De made to prolilably consume. Call and examine. samples. of foolery and cJodgwted nonsense, and along about tbo middle of it I up and pintedly guv him the lie. Well, be'sent his challenge to me, and I pass ed the word back that I'd fight him with swords, mounted. Now, I had a olo oz brute that I bad trained to the saddle, and be was vioouser than a trouser's leg full of rattlesnakes when I put the cinch to him; and he ud specially' objected to any body tootin a horn when ridin' bim. I had besides a kivcrlet a bed kiverlet you know in which was all colors of the rainbow, although red and blue predominated. "I put the kivcrlet on tho ox brute. eincutu in tno saddle so that ins eyes Our work in that diiection will vield large amounts of manure with a com paratively small amount of valuable constituent carried away j muoh less than is taken off wbcro grain is raised and sold or where stock raiting is made the1 means of producing a livelihood. All profit iu feeding animals cither lor growtn or product, comts Irom an amonut of food supplied iu excess of that needed to maintain the animals life, and supply the waste of the system. Or to state the problem differenily. It takes a certain percentage of food to maintain the animal economically. now if only enough is supplied for that purpose mere can do no return. The THE AMERICAN ttAQAZINE Cream Balm ClcunacB the nnsul passagcs.allays pain and inllimmntion beals the sores, re stores tin' senses ol taste and smell. bulged out. I got nie an old rusty aniraal cau on u catft can.. Baur u,y grau iuer lit into m ive milki From a cart.fu) consider ation of these facts the startling max- I "That it revolution with, tied on a cowhorn and started for tho field of combat. Quv'ner Clingham was there on a fino thor oughbred jnare, with a three cornered French rapeor in bltt hand, evidently , thirstin' for my blood. As me and the ox brute hove in sight there was what tnese nere newspaper tellows call a im is won mgu proved "That it costs halt as much to starve an animal to I death as to fatten it." Then it follows that the more an animal can bo iiidnced to eat and digest properly, tne greater tuo pt-rcentago Beautifully Illustrated. 25 cts.,$3rfear. ITS 8COPE.-T1IR AMERICAN MAGAZINE pirn prIreac U B4tioiul topic na ictnei aed la liUmtar a.n4 ftrl r oMuv-blfb!! ttndrd. rtuua Amrlvil wrttn fill iu pi(e wilb Awlitt vtrieir tr Uia rfltm ikaUtaMot Innl and ! ftnt ari. terUUDd abort otorloo, descrlpilT'. ac-oioti of oar famout coQDtr.inaB and woman, briat aaaa od, tbo l;ramoat problaiua 01 IDa parlod, and.U aJttrV tbla Maiulno la Dlitinctively Repreientatlve of American Thought and Progretf. It la ackuowl-dgad by tha praa and pnbllo to bo tbo nioat populnr nnd cutortaitatos or lh klKku eluaa montkllca. ' ' important, r.;: IllualrHted l'rtmlam I.lai, nnrt ajpoclail Jiu ducrmeula Iu Cak or VallBkbls Womlnma to Club JUal.era.wlll ba aent id rocelpl or IS., irtkia paper la mcatlald. (- sensation. Guv'oer Clingham declared Pro' ".ot ' tbe growth or product ....... . .... I nlnrin hnt. in tnn rpniniin loir fnr mannr.. he wouldn't fight such a outfit, but 1 took one lonir toot on the cowhorn and oharged. Wall, sir, his. thoroughbred kind of jerked and shivered and stared as though she didu't knnw whether she was asleep or only dreamin', while the kiverlet was a ilutteriu in tho wino, and tha ox brute was a snortin' and a pawin" aud a roakin1 for her, end on. "Jhe guv ner was yellln' for me to stop, but I des looted away on the horn and let tho ox brute go. Thi mare waited twell we got about ten vard off, and then she nut out due East as hard as she could lick, and you can believe mo or not, but she never even switched her tail twell she cross ed the Calina line. Thcro'a been lots of lying about the Clingham duel, but that's the truth of it, tho wholo truth and nothing but the truth.' The Blood- Is tho souroe of health) therefore, to keep well, purify the blood by tiikino Hood's Sarsaparjlla. This medicine 1. peculiarly designed to act upon the blood, and through thnt upon all the organs and tlstues of tho body. It las a specific action, also, upon tho secret ions and exertions, and assists nature to expel from the system scrofula, humors, impure particle, and iffete matter through the lungs, liver, bow els, kidneys and skin. It effectuall) aids weak, impaired, and debilitated organs. A trial will convince you that It does possess peculiar curative powers, alone but in tho residue left for.manure as wen. Aiiotner tact is no dins un its face stubbornly to be recognized, only a few howover see it. It is thu. Tho only dairy farmer's who make al ptotiv wd en times are dull, as now, are tnoso wno cave tne nest dairjf cowM tney can ureeo or uuy, and wno give tho closest attention to tho supply of food ; that it be generous and of the best quality, early cut, well cured h3y, corn meal, bran middlings, oil meal, roots, anything, everything necessary to keep ui) thu How and quality ol the milk and the physical strength and power of the heid. Tho fact is thero- f-iro apparent that only those who bend their energies to the making of wido awake dairymen of themselves will succeed in making any mouey out of tho business. ThiR fact so arpar ni on every hand acd buforo us constant ly in almost every other business at- well, suould causo a Btroug push to ward Ibe better way, but ttiero is nr porciptihle push, those who graduate from tne old unprofitable, wasteful, shortsighted way of managing covvr and dairy business are few and exoeed- inuly slow about getting diplomas. The aspirants are few and many even of theso are conditioned at every ex amination and turned back lo go over tho lessons again The balance sheet has the balance on the wrong side al most constantly and the only reason so many keep out of bankruptcy Is they make no balance sheet, lienci don't know how the matter real) stands. V Reaponatble and energetic peraoaa waalU lo aolUlt uli.crlplloaa.lVrlle oaae fer exelnaly a territory. ' -C7,T ASOBKSS, the Amebioaw vmsz ppj. 740 Broadway ,' No'vy York. Dr. J. n. SCIIENOrc haa published A HEW AND.ELABOHATB BOOK on the Treatpjsijt, ind fur of CONSUMPTION, whioh will be mailed FREE to nil, wbo want, it. If you are, or know of any one who it, afflicted wlth,'i,r liable to any of tbeae dlaeuei, send, name and addreis ( plainly written I to Dr. 3. II. BOUENOK k BOtT, (Name thla paper.) ptaUfelpla, Pa. WINCHESTER'S nvprtltlnapniTW na f lUPJ iun AOnA la uitttchlwu remedy tot" Congumpnon in eteir ntUite ot the d&ettso: For Coujtm, weak' Ute.and every form ol Qeneral Debility It la an un. Muall tpecino remedy. BI'i;b add o.t E. WESTERN 1U1LROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. r h NOtrniUUBIRLaND, S 40 Cameron. S 6S Cbulasky e no Danville o OS catanlssa e S3 liupert am IlloomBburg S 80 Espr. . 43 Lime IUclge. -... 6 M willow Mrore...w. .., o o nrlarcreck... e 63 Berwick 7 05 Keach Ilaven 1 11 Hick's Kerry 7 is Hhicksblnny 7 no UUnlOCK'S 7 43 Nantlcoke r7 60 Avondale. 7 M rirmoutti 7 fl'J Plimoutb Junction,.... 8 03 jkingaioa., o ua uenneit , o i Maltby 8 17 Wyoming........ 8 S3 West ltttston 8 27 Flttston - 8 83 . 8 40 . 848 . 8 64 . 9 00 r u AM . 6 10 a is . 6 2S Lackawanna . TaMorvlue. nellevue. SCKANTON.. .. STATIONS. SCK1NTON Bellevue Taylomue Lackawanna Plttston ...... West Plttston Wyoming., Maltby Bennett ; Kingston Plymouib Junction.. Plymoutb ATondale. : Nanticoke llunlock's SUlcksnluny luck's Ferry. Ueocb Haven. Berwick Bnarcreek..., r it 1 86 1 68 2 14 3 19 9 S4 2 29 "V S 43 2 64 2 69 3 09 3 19 3 26 SS6 3 39 3 43 3 C2 3 56 4 01 NORTH. a. is. a. M. 10 10 16 Jane.Jmg. elv's CatarrH BaaTf.WrAll DaVlVnl thy the ruitK AY-FCVER A particle la nnnlled into eacu nosl'llHnd la asrfeable iMce 60 cents at druggists; by mall, gisterea, fo cents. ELY UHOTUEits, 235 nreen. it u St., .no iv York. reMJlt, feb3d4t. A MONTII. NO capital required. A god chance to make money. Appl. lor territory at once. 11. b. Lauderbacn Co , Newark, N, 3. WANTED. tM a week and expenses Eald. bteady work. New goods, amplcsjTreo. J V, HILL t"0., !R'S CINDER TONIO wlltimil delay. It I HlaUlV (Jl tllA WUl-att tVllat-al tt it tllHllAnt a-eir,av4 for all avfTecllurii ot the tttroat and luntrti, and vrlrtov from Unpure bltwd and exbausuoa. The leble and tick, Hnifrtrllnft acalnrt dlMiae, and (lowly drifting to tha urare, will tn many cattee reuorvr their beaJU. by the tiwelr une of I'arker'i OlrurerTonle, but dlar la dan rerout. Take It la time, it u InraluaMe fur all ttaioa aad dliordrB t-f lUimacU and Uwu, (Oo. at t)ruut-v PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cle&nsea and beautlflea the hair. Toraotwaluiurlant (rrowth, iever Fallt to Bailor Grey HalrloUt Vnulkfail CaIai-. ClW8fpdtiaMMandliatrl,aUi at imitrpifita. HINDERCORNS. Stopa all rata. Enaura oomfort to Ibi tvtt havarralla lecura uoa&UatDruaflau. iilt-OI dt Col, N. V, pnWdlt. Boldlari tn Oljl Ag. HOW T11ET AHK TREATED Dt FOREtOK OOTKIlNlali'kTS. " I ' lo reply to official Intorrogatlon, Gonornl John Black, Oimmlssinor of Pension, has just received rotp rnost of tho European iiatiorjg n obm'pcnsa tlon of thi'ir lkws aitl'oustofaiB 'itr(iho mailer ot pensions, and they 'are. by oont raa t with our own, of profound In terest in every colJlcr. General DIaok has kindly giwn to tho Washington correspondent of tho Chloago Herald acct'sa to tho manu-eript of this im portant corro'ipoiidtiiico, and ho lias ''boiled it down" within thu easy gia( of the hasly reader. 1 ureign military laws axsume that every citizen owen the state his life, and io, of courf, that the state owes tho citizen nothing. A pension, there fore, in foreign coun tiles assumes the distinct form of n charity, granted 10 a man who owes society tho nervlco of a lifo-limo without regard to any com pensation whatever. 1 be French Kepublin grants pensions for permanent disability and for iro- long, d service tventy-fivo or thirty years. This last i called a "retirement pension," aud is, after thirty years, $120 a year for a nrivaio soldier, and other sums up to $2,000 a year for a Maior-Gcneral. Tho ntlieer or private is .allowed to ro enlist, ntd receives an advanoo in his pay For all active ser vice thoy aet time allowances to htslen their service pension. A peniinn for disability is alway- as great as tho ser vice, and if entirely ilipabled thesoldiir oan got an increase over it of twenty of thirty per cent. A widow gets about half the pension to which the H'lldinr himself would have been en The Frenob have a quot-r sort of small pension called "the reform pen sion." it bent-tits officers wbo are "oft luty,'' who oan not b reoallea to active service and are not entitled to the ser- ice pension. Thev aro cither under lying discipline or aro off duty on ao ount of an incurable disability not hown to be ohargeablo to tho service. The pension systom of tho German Empire is the most elaborate in Europt-. f an officer is discharsed after ten years for being incapacitated for the urviou iie is anoweu a pension equal to one-fourth of his former nay. and one-eibhtirth additional fnr onrh war TVELAWARE, LACKAWANNA. AND I of servico longer lhan ten years. Any u 1.1 v. . Mw vmu lliWig 1.UIU IUO L. 1 1. V on a pension. Widows' pensions are granted only to those whose husbands have died within one year of tho con clusion of peace, and they nre good for one year after widowhood and one oar after marriaco.'' Widows of Generals are allowed $350 a year ; of Colonels and staff officers $300 : of ne officers, $200. Nun commiKsioiiod cers ana privates can claim an ln- alid pension if disabled in the service ir after a service of eight years. After e ghteen years' service they are en tied to a pension without disability, I'he pension of privates and non-com- us8ioned officer ranees from $2 to $12 a month. The child of a deceased fficer is allowed $50 a year as an "Inoational fund till seventeen years jf ago ; and each child of a deceased private or con-commissed officer is on- tied to $3.50 a month till the com I'letion of the fifteenth yar. All applicants for pensions iu Spain ct pav tut tbt'ir claim has been pnBsed n. i-rivaie xoimeis receive from SZ i- $4 a month in cane of tntal disability md afier twenty years of faithful ser ice. Ofhcirs reoeive pern-ions il $300 to $1,C00 a year for entire lor-sof iuht or a limb in service. Soldicm found betrciiiK arH ai rested, but if their di-stituiion is caused by negligence of an oiucer, tne officer i. puspended and punished. All officers are allowed to reiire on half-pay after twenty-five years of faithful Bervice, and on full pay alter thiriy-hve. The pent-ion system in Russia is a sort of soldiers' insurance company. By a donation of thu imperial treasury -tnd a taxation of the wholo army for a inmDer ot years a lund of S550,UOU, 000 was accumulated, and from this all pensions are paid, The pension to mcers ranges trora $2U0 to $1,400 a year, and the widow of an officer killed in war is entitled to tho whole of her husband's pension ; in case of ber death, the children. Officers who are totally disabled reoeive a pension equivalent to their pay. Pensions are generally distributed by a committee, which, in uxing tne, amount,- takes note of the beneficiary's financial condition, giving him money in proportion to his needs. The pension raaohine of the Mon golians in very complicated and very peculiar. Under the Chineso code no -oldier, disabled or otherwise, has any "right" to a pension, as the ponsiou de pends,, not on any law or regulation, but on the arbitrary exercise oi the will of the Ump-ror. In fact, the money occasionally receive-1 by dis abled soldiers is not a til da "pension' at a I, but "a mark ot compassionate iiHiinouon. Tho heathen Chinese is sharp, in gemous and lrual, tiu manager ery nearly, to m ik his, warriors twht for nothing and board themselves. The pay of cavalry soldiers is about $2.50 mouth ; of infantry, $2 : and i t troops on garrison duty, $1.25 a month. If an ordinary infantry soldier is killed iu batilo his relativps reoeive a gratuity of $30 If he has no relat'oumhe sum f $3 is appropriated to pay fur sami licet at his Kravr. But the Cli no e iroveriini' ia has one dodge that is coin . : . ... i i ; . -1 . uarutivujv llieiiieiinivu unu, lit aiu to 1' t . , a i worn jiku u cnu'iii. t, gooti ueai oi noney is saved eveiy year by proin'if g d-ail officers itiHti ad of po stoning tnem. iu tne ca o oi n uign nmoer nt the seoond or third-class dying in oarni of disease, "tho sixth-class button will be oonirrred on his nldest son. Iu tho. oose of death by i-t'irm, a little monov and a good deal nf honor will b awarded! tli dead mat) being p o moled nt orce to a high brevet rank Captain" being promoted ! be Colon.- A HERVi ra i ncs we. Tt AMUtLTERATIVE. TT.lrlrranVit the rjolaorjoua hntnonof . tne blooa rnrurina; anq cuncninft u,1 cllMajM-a lmpov dm)ound" 4 22 r u AH 8 CO 8 Ui 10 00 10 08 10 25 10 29 10 80 10 53 11 00 11 07 11 15 11 23 11 56 11 30 11 37 11 44 11 48 11 5S 12 OS 19 16 19 iO 18 21 18 30 12 37 18 41, 19 45 12,50 19 55 1 03 1 11 1 18 1 85 1 30 r k 6 : 8 34 S 40 B 5S 7 05 7 18 7 20 7 87 7 at 1 35 7 48 7 49 55 sea 8 17 8 21 8 39 833 B 38 8 45 8 49 8 5.1 8 9 809 9 17 925 8 80 9 35 AH SOUTH. . rit i 05 , 0 3A ,10 16 0 41! 10 28 , 6 47 6 51 6 55 6 58 7 05 . 7 10 . T 14 , 7 19 7 2 . 7 47 , 7 55 8 01 . 8 07 8 13 wi.low GroTe -.. 8 is LlmelUdge.. Illoomsburg liupert, Catawlssa Danville Chalaaky,. Cameron NORTHCMBHRLIND.. 8 20 8 25 , s as , 8 37 , 8 2 , 8 67 9 03 , 9 07 9 82 1T 10 87 10 30 10 34 10 S3 10 42 10 47 10 61 10 55 11 08 11 12 11 82 II 83 11 87 ins 11 52 11 19 12 05 12 10 12 19 12 30 1340 18 Vt T U 8 14 2 21 1 88 8 84 2 39 247 2 50 2 M 2 59 3 03 3 00 3 19 S 29 3 39 3 45 3 61 3 67 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 24 4 89 4 45 4 54 5 00 5 15 r 6 811 6 25 6 80 6 37 0 45 6 50 6 61 6 69 7 03 7 07 7 IS 7 16 7 21 7 85 7 43 7 5 8 07 8 13 8 20 8 87 8 81 8 33 8 41 8 47 8 58 8 67 9 15 9 23 9 88 9 45 For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. anil antovr-reamlufl' lb tahed blo e LAX AWE, AcllnirmllillJbntiTireiyontliehoweij Itcurm.'haliltuai ronaWatlon, and mm nts a w mla t h alii tX 1 1 rt ren Ath ens the wbrnnth: rvnd ilh digestion. DIURETIC. h- ,Ttr In lu ernn'ponltlnn the best and most actlTedJurcacsortheMatetlaMedlca recnmtlftMflomlllcall)rltholhcr effective rtriteok-s for disease of the kidneya Ittan bo relied on to giro, m,l.lr mII.I Inil .MtmlV PltM - ' HoolrfldJ ot tMttmcmlala haya bfran raoalrail from bwaona who bate nal tbla ramadr with rrtoblebeneilt, tndtreirculaaarljy. frit. II. 05.' loll ki-SnttlaU, WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., Prop's BUHLlNUTO.t.VT. T. W, EDGAR, OF ESPY, FA., Respectfully informs his friends and, public generally that' ho has refitted his nlanlnir mill. In nddltion to tho planing mill work ho is now prepared to fnrnish to ordor doors nn3 insido finish for houses. WESTERN FINE veneered with all our native woods, also foreign woods, such as Mahogany, Rosewood, ifca, &). All hard wood Mouldings is uscd.for Veneered Doors and Inside Finish. All work shall bo guaranteed. Water proof Gluo is used for veneering all onr Doors and Casings, Bso Boards, fco., fco. Also Walnnt, Asb, Sycamore, Oak, Butternut, Maple, Cherry, Poplar, VoLctni, for sale at the Mill, six to ten feet long, six to thirty inches wide. T. W. EDGAR. PERRINE'S apS ulALT WHISKEY. m.minrmm ultui TtriiT Mult and mnrnntoed to bo cbemlcallr Dure and tree tromlolurlous oils and I elds often contained In alcoholic liquors. It. 1 especially adabtcd topereons requiting a btimulallngtonlc, conmmpllTcs beln g KTeatH benenited by. lis use. Kecommendr d by le.,dlng ijbytlc Una aa a Eluretlc, fiervlnc. Torlo and Alterative. For lODtUH.ptlU'H it Is' lnioliinblc. rillllIMS'8 rUHB iIaHLKT MALT WHISKEY Insurea a return of ulaor to the btomacli, a good appetite, a rich and abundant Mood and lncreaki'd nesh and muwular tlteue, A stimulant mild ana gentle In enect. Pjsrcpsla, Indigestion and all wasting an . na hA a. timtv f-nnnitru-prt ihn usenr 1 erilne 1 uie lift ley alt Whiskey. It Is a tonlo nnd diuretic and a powerful strcngthener to the entire system. FEll-ltlNB-s Funs UAltLKY WALT VMbKEl has proved a medlclnal protection to thnm who -nnrnua their avocatloria in the open air and whose dally no Kork calls It exceptional powers nf enauranee. Ask sour neareti arupgisi or grocer rorjor rKKltlNE'SrUltE BAIILKI Mail WUinat 1 icmra vuc runuico ui iuiwuiu out with exccsslTQ oodlly or mental effoit and acts as a safcgunid against exposure i.. inj rinn'na wnatiier it will driTB all mdlarli us dlMawa from the system. C Hard workers of erery Tocailon and peraons whom a sedentary lite renders prone to Dyspepsia nna m rernne h rurc uairej Molf' Whiskey a powertol lnvlirorant and helper to digestion. rEUHINK'S rjUKK llAKLRx, MALT W111HKKY ' without, nnriuir atlmulatuiif the kid- n-ys" Increases their Bagging aotlylly, counteracts the elfocta of fatigue, has- mm fftnTrtlpvpnca and i and prompt diuretic Watch tha label I None genuine unless bearing the; slgna- The analysis as It appears by tho Lai .Del on every Dome: i nave careiuuy an Ulyzed thel'OKa uarlkt Malt vvma (XT made bv M. i J. K I'crrlno and Ond 'it entirely tree from fusel oil, furturol, inetais ana acias anu is uuuiuiu pure." Stgnea, Camilla Arthur Hater; tiraawilr UJ irir orurtTauirs UJ jiwwi. tferfeo ona eiioaaen lii bum ly ailarul 1st and grocers throughou" the United K talcs ana 37 NORTH FRONT o L . ooN ( J R I H WA lBIt 81., i'tHLiia. ow i.le ny nRDOfi8TS vjo r.t, nua.LKm. ta HANDSOME WEDDIHjO, BIRTHDAY i, .S THE WONDJER JTA. aaaaaaaaaaavlijk LaaaaaaaMaB a S VniLalA E at OR HOLIDAY FUL PRESENT. -VSS LUtSUKU CHAIR Combining a Parlor, Library, Smoking, Ilrcllntng or Invalid Tfif "y flfi an'l up. EcOd stamp I at-SIIIFPKO lo all Xf B ip'iVt for Catalogue. parta bt the -world. 'Xll furnished A An to mat lo Coacli Bralce. and Itrtlled our yrtiolesatv prUx Bend stamp for Catalogue and mention carriages. THE LUBURC MANF'C CO.. 145 N. 8th St.. P.hllada.. Pa. THREEOTTSEACH! Connections at liupert with rhlladelpht-. A Reading Itallroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Will lamsnort. Uunbury. rotlsvlile. ttc At Northum berland with P. HE. Dlv. P. n. R for Uarrtsburg, Lock ilaven, mponum, warren, corry and Erie. v. ji. jiAxajkAU, uen. aian.. Scranton, Fa Pennsylvania Railroad. M Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and. Northern Central Railway. 11 TIME TABLE. in effect FSB. s, 1883. Trains leave Banbury KABTWA1U), u.40 a. m.. Sea Shore Express (dally except Sunday). forHarrifibtirffandl&termedlatestatlona arriving ai rnuaaeipnia s.id y. m. : new iora. 8.50 D. m.! Baltimore. 4.40 d. m.: Washington 0.60 d. m.. connectlmr at PhUadelnhla for all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to rnuaaeipnia, 1.13 p. m. Day exprea dally except Sunday), for Uarrtsburg and lnterme- uiaio stations, arnving at, ruiiauuiyai. S.E0 o. m. New York. S.3S n. m. i Balumon 7,Q p. m. ranor car P. A. LKHMANN asningtou,u, . send for circular PATENTS EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. OOCOA JawOdlU a'INCIIKMKH'S fKiriliTIOM. tie. gold by drurelats. WIHCBEfTilH CXI.. CheiDlata, Irt wiluav atmt, Hew York. iaUM4t tt and M per but L1EHIG COIPANY'S KXTRACT OP MKAT. Plneat and Chenwst Meat Fia. vouring Stock for Koups, Made Dishes and saucea Annual aaie 8 uuv,u.u jars. LIEMG COMPANYS KXTRACT OC M'AT. An Invaluable tonlo. "Is s sue orss and a boon for which nations should reel grateful." see 'Jiedcal 1'reas," "Lan- cetjo. UENUINE WITH BLUE SIGNA TURE OP UAItON LIEBIO In tao-almlle across label. Jilgbly rerommended ai a night cap Insiead utiuuuuuu uriuaa. UEBIQ COSII'ANY'S EXTRACT OP MEAT. To be had of all HtorekeeDera Grocers and Chemist, sole agents tor the uiiitra Mates (wuuiremounui i- uavi a Co., Fen church Aveuuu, Londoa, Bnilana. lauauwh 6.45 d. m. i Washington. through to Philadelphia and passenger coachot torougaiornuaaeipniaana uammore. T.4S n. m. Kpnovo Accommodation Idail) Ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. ; New Vork 7.10 a. m. uaitimore, s.is v m. ; Washington s.ob a. m. Hleeplng car accommodations can be aecured at uamspurgiorrauaoeipciaananew iork. untsun days a through sleeping car will be run; on thi train from Wllllamsn't to Fhlladelnhla. PhUadelnhla assengera can remaininsieeper undisturbed unt a. m. 2.M) a. m. Erie Mall (dally excent Monday. for Uarrtsburg and Intermediate stations, M IUg HV I UUMlCIrUI. o.w a. iu. ..ctt .via, ll.v. m. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, V.nO a. m. i nrougu ruiiman sleeping oars are ruoun taus tram 10 rnuaaeipnia, uaiumore ana v asains ton, and through passenger coaches to Phlladel pnia ana uaitimore. WSSTWAKD. s.iua. m Erie Mall (dally excent Bundayl. lo Erie arl all Intermediate stations ana uanandal gua ard Intermediate stations, Kochester, Buffa- lUBUuniauaiaiaiu. niui luniuKil ruiiuio,u riu- ace ears and passenger coaches to Erie and uocn- neier. U.B3 News Express (daily except Sunday) ror near uaveu ana inierrouuiaiti stationa. 12.63 p. tn. Niagara lCxpress (dally except sun y) for Kane ana Intermediate stations and Can aigua anapnncipai intenneaiau. siaiions, maio an It r healer, Uufl Falls with and Niagara through passenger coaches to Kane and Kochester and parlor carlo WUllamBport. o.au d. m. rasL une (asiirxcenL nunaaTiior lie- novo and Intermediate stations, and Elmira, Wau ains ana lntermeaiaie svauons, w ita luruugu paa senirer coaches to Itenovo and watUns. v.uu a. m. ounaay mail tor uenovo ana inierfo?. THROUGH TRAINS FOR SCNBIHT FROM TEE BJiOTJi.au bUU'i'll. - duuu.j wan iHtica . ui.uciiJu.a .4U n. ui . - I o I " - Uarrtsburg T.40 arriving at Sunbury 9.W a. m. with I aid Cunilfls to bo Xnior-GooernU. tit tLrouirhsleeolnircar from PWladalrjhla to wit " . , . ' ' J" ' UamsDort. news oxnress leaves raiiaaeiouia t.ou a. m. narrtsbunr. j.!0 a. m. dally excent Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.U. a. m. magara uxpress leavea rmiaoeiDnia. v.u a. m. : uauimore r.au a. m. taauy except Sunday arriving at Sunbury, 1.6J p; m., with through Parlor car from l'hllaaelohla ana mrougn passtuigef ooaones rrom rnuaaei. nma sun ill umnra. - " Fast Lino leaves New York 9.00 a. m. : Phlladel Dhla. 11.60 a. m. : Waahlnirton. 8. so a. m. Haiti more, ia49 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at sunbury, 6.3(ip,m., with through .passenger cuauuoa iruiu I uiiouciuuia auu uuiiuuuro. Kruiaiaii leaves now runt d.uuu, m. 1 I'miaaei- 10.00 D.m.: iialtt arnvlng 'on. as it U oi-rtain tlmt tbnv are (lend. In this way a good deal of money ig avt?, rosiumoiH rank, is madf a nrt of lefal tendnr. It la rem.iikfthl that tbiH shrcwil idea lias not been niliri d in otlior oraike in tho French, or Insfance, phla, 11.23 p. to. j WashlngUia, : 00 D.m.: Iialtu more, ii.ku p. in., tuaiiy eaeepaaturaay) amvmg at Sunbury 6-10 a. m., with through Vullmaa ngton and coaches froo Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Wi uaiumurv anu vuruujfu paaseager KMiaaeipuia. MUNUUll V, IIA.I.KTON Sc WII.KHHnAllRB KAILUUAU AIM II iUllTJI ANU WUMT fiaram.ll Ha l-HAI, (Dally excent uunoay.l s Mail leaves sunbury t-ii a. m. WUkes-barre Wllkesbarre arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.44 a. m., 5.aiin. in. ' Express East leaves Sunbury 5.M p. m-. arriving I at Bloom Ferry U p. m.. Wllkes-barre 7.65 p. ta I Sunbury MallleavM Wllkesbarre law a. m. IrrtT- ingaiuioom rerry ii.4 a. m.,nunoury ix.4ap.ni JMfim.nn.IOAm niiac-ifaingvou. hi,, rivwH at ii loom. Ferry 4.s p. m., Huntor BUWDAV oLy., Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:24 a. m., arrlvtng av diwuui i viij iv:io a. iu., miaca-uarrc ii:aa a-ui has revolutionized the world dur Ing the last half century. Not, ventlv- nroirresii la' a method and system of work that can tie performed all over the country witnout senartlng the workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any pne can do the worki iihki no, ,uuuij ur uiu; uu special uuuuy ro oulred. Canltal net needed: you are started rrea.- i minis out ana return to us ana we win send VOU frflrt. nnmplhlni? nf irrpnt. ..In. owrt imiw.t? ance to ou, that will start you, la business, which will bring you In more money right away, than anythmgjelse In the orld. Grand outfXjrtii Auureua iaiia a. M.f Augusta, juaine. lyaocso SUFFER1NGW0MENS frequntly followlbaV ooM or oxpotiDre, or t torn Oonp I Ttiay aVrti HtrAnathaanlntf Lath stntli-A arvarfiii. I m nari Hand at acooiiitDOdatvon laavei wlU.e8-4Uarre6.16 1 totA9rndiuuiuir joiviuufcDcUoMoruJr 0UA8. B. PUQU, laetbaHUSaajar, j. H. wnnn MB, FaaVJlrgvar aVflaat Mim.04t09ir.- Tha followlnr boon ara pnWl.b.4 In naat panpolat 'farm, priniaa irqm rooo rssanit on ooa 1 UaVaUaHTUJlIlT llliaau aataru. ftliv v ai wiKuvwaa.-a.v--r-" . . PftMr, nd anj ot tbtm htvdionilf lUittmtd. Thty r; wl Libtd In ar Ud4 or Usfuc, nnd ramlih to ttt tasmto of Utorfttart of tht dur t tbt raoittrlCInr tiptDM. . la D7 ot timti tbo prlco at wfilrti tbtf aro br oaitd. Each ontli coi tha Daoola an optvortunitr to i ecuro tbo otbr aerie that great vorka lOokt aver pub leeora tha belt would con many completa to itself; Ta rortj-JHal Habit. A Xoval. By M. T. CilMa. ThftlllduakrnVRcata a ny BTi-.nrt jr. Tbel'url oftt cOevan. A Kot-1. By Claba Aoscit. IUIUw Ah 11 all. A Hot... By UaaaiT Blovht CUtTo llaate. A Html. If Btt W. Jlaioa. Vm4mr Uo LUea. A Koti. By tba asttvwr af Oora Ttwrav," Tbe .DUntMd BrtMeloi. A Kovl. By Hrt.BaiaT Wvor. IUutrald. TaoLawyor,napL AHol. By Vltt y.B.Bataia. The HtraaK Coae of Dts Jekjll ood Mr. llyd. A Xovtl. By U. L. (tTiTio- A IVIcbtd Ulrt. ANov.1. DrMiiT Cboil Hat. Lady Volwortla'a Dlamondi. A lo4. By "Ti DtrraUM" Hctwcl Twa Blaa. A Xt1, By Iht tfttbor ( " Dora Tboru, lUvtrt4d, TTh Nino of IlMiia. A Ko-tl, ByI).L.riuivV. TnaHaaV aVavMsiaias. IKatlt. B f PLDBKNCB W ABDIIt. . A Low Morrlaco. A Kot-1. By MUi UotocK. TUut Wm.cn of ta WoHd, wiTtnufc otaa. Ulea dMcrlplkoi sd HlMtrttloBi of tht tnoit woaiarfBl w.ri.ofBUr BB.of taan. Vary tattrcillBC aad ItuHrtvctlTe. Vfoador f tho He A dMcrlplton of t)i m0y vondtr frJ b4 bMBttrvit tnlai foBftd bI tb bottom ( tb 4md, wilb MOfMB IllBllrBllOB. MA1PlcMBraKaartloitf' atod Other Bkctchtt. By NJMUI AtLBit'i WitTS." A coIImIIm of IrrMUtlbty taf ikMcaMyia iTKMtiMratBrbBiiioraMvmarvrthBaBy. 1 Tho Aoot BCecloI. bt Cta AcBotrt, tothor Of Tb Bi UoeBBiBBta." A. mot rldlcolouly (unay tk -lBBary wj Mtullo Wl4ow Badott." ChrtitBiu Btrla, ay Cbiblbi Dictatti. Cm Ulna Bknbarof tb VvaoatcBtrfltlBK Cbrtetmu atorlea arar wrlllaa By thraataal wrttarwhoarar Itvad. Eafbona taeomplata, Udtho EvonlaaT atomp. A book of atotlaa, ptcurai, mtBiaa aad i Mne; for ttio tlltla fbtVa nt honia. aa.aila,aUaualtailHaaal akaal nia1aaaaVaa. hnmOrftfli. drkBtaV tie and pkthattc, IndndlBa'all tba Utearaval aad meat popnlarV Th Bcir.Mode Me or Modern TImo. , oobmibb for raiu and blocraphlM or Cbvmu Mll-aiada Antrfoaaa, from ta ilma of FrMkll ta lb praaant. roawlllor QoarUtioiiar' CwoUlalBf tba oHla aad BaUr ohl af natty pbrua rrta.natly Ml ta rtadlai aad tloo. ATlBablWvrt(iarrc'.'n ' ' Low Ufe lo Wow York. A Mriaa f rUtd pas pleUm abowiar tb dark alda r lira la tba $ raat ctty. Itlutrtid: Th Hood to Woalth. Hot bo BdTartlalaf ctrealar, Bat o t boron (hi y practical work. BolBtlBf bb O'lrayay whteball may make money, akiUy. rapidly and bonaatty. Oo I1undr4Ml l0pul(tr xoga, HatlmaBtattrtbtI(T Bd comtc, IboIuiUdi moat at lb ft? oriwa. ar a1 old. 6lr Nocl'a lltr A Neva). Br kin. Hat Aama TiBUt: A Ilorterrd I4ffc A Na?al ,By Mabiob Habiamd An Old Mbq'b SMrila. A BvTtl. By atra. Aaa avrMtt7aa lt1 tln1 ana. M.iiv tKa ahyiai KywWal ti Mail TvAt natrl tllXMI ' SSCcntaaoyliHnryrfor0 4'entattha CDUralUttMtKoaii)ror7a Ontaitho oi.ttro lit tmuii.1 in biiardf with clutli buck. for Thlal-tbBTeawt bargain mbbnkBT-roffrrl. Donotfall totkeatlvBtit4irnrit. BatliftirttonnwiruHtfdarvurArv rtfumUd. Poat-ita atampi taktn for fraction of a dolltr, Aa to our rrtUbllltr. w re'rr ti auy iia(m(r putUaba't In Hw V.rk. IlkrwlKi Mi th notuni-rcl) Atftnl. All onlci HMed by 'urn inait. Aaurrw ait imw-ra' w .m. it aun i-uniiiacrt , j iirmr 'trrc.i Th tiollty lUvcr. ABoTal.ByWiLiiKCoLi.iPB. m mm i-oiaoa i JiaoBa MoatUrmnoe. A NoTtl rarartMar tbTaa Patira. A IM-ywHahfa JaughUn By tba BBtkor of "Dora HoTal. Ur Flobbhcb Uabbtat. Br Mr. Hrhbt Wood. A Nol. By lira. Albiawmb. iter. ANovtl. Br lira. Akiiib BowaBdb. llluMlratid. rlr hot rolae. A Moral. Tli an. a Ilualoarn J. Lantraater'a Cabin. A HotaL By Uri. M.T.Viotob. iQuttrmUd. aVlorcnee Ilntoa'a Oath AHoral. By n. Miai A. DaxtaoM, Uwtrolati. Tho tVooioo Hater. A Hoval.. By Dr. J.H.Boantaoa Tho CaUforaU Cahln. A Kottl. By M. T. Oaldob n rfo-lrtof only 13 Cental any ten foi ""IT"7"'" J.R.SMITH&CO LIMITED. MILTOIS, Pa., DkiitRa in F-1.AMO.Sl By the following well known makers; Chickcrinij, Knabe. Weber, Hullet & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers J trices, jpo not buy a piano lie ore getting our prices. m Catalogue and Price Lists On application. Kepts-Mtf. iSevs,l!s?r& . hiiii":. Haw t"f "---arTaAt Wattorti MWaru.mubUi J?-a 'l-Vaa-IM - .at:. xr,u.,wBta - jjjf aTz.aaaaia T,'rVaIacra. NETS. TENTH and SFOItT- ax&AiijCS, "ma goods. Double Barrel lireech Loading shot uuns, choke bored, 110 to tiuo. single lireech Loadln; Shot aunaM to t25. Every kind of Ureech I oadfngand Repeating ItlBes, 13 to Wl Muzzle Loadlnir Dou.' bl Shot Duns, fx to $3.1. rJingle Shot auns.t2.t0 to lltoo. nevolvers H.00 toiio. Double. Action Belt cockers, p.tO to $10. All kinds ot artndk'es, Jshells, caps. Wads, Tools. Wwder Flasks, hiot Pouches, Primers, send cents for Illustrated Catalogue. Address. OltKAT WE8THKN QUN WO It KB, 631 SMlTIlTlELD ST., F1TT8BUH0, PA. N. II. This Is a ).year-old, reliable firm. Per. fectly trustwprthv, ordra tilled promptly and g-oods sent by mall or express to any part of the world. No matter what you want In the gun line you can get Hat the Orat yfestrn .t;y .writing a letter,' ' J Guns made to Order. Guns and Revolvers Repaired. Bepis-ems' CLOTHING q CLOTHING! THE MERCHANT TAILOR, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sidta made to prder at short notice and aOtalwnyu guaranteed ornoeale. Osll aiid examine tie largest and best ueieoioa stools ot goodn.ever shown In Columlfia county, Ptqrt-next door to First National ilauk, MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg Pa. flUflSClRIBK FOR THE UOLUMBUW Sen Wonders exist In thousands ot forms, but, 're surpassed by the marvels ot Invention. Those who are In need of prof. llBlilft work rlAt nun hn rlnnA wlilln irnf at home should at once send their address to uaiiebsro.. i-oniano, m a me, ana teceive free, full Information how either sex. ot all ages can earn from to S5 ter iav and unwarda whpr- ever they live. You aro started f re-. Capltnl not re(ulrud. Somo have made over $so in a single day at this work. All -leered. lydecao. ' CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO ( ALII OIJl i Yta Mtiirmrt.PaiiJle Ku-, & Iron Mountain Route. All the enlef coupon omcesln the United stales and Canada will have on sale excursion tlctfrtji ar. greatly reduced ratea to Los Angeles, San Diego, IuK Wednesday, Ja- uarv 11 and February 18, ' via Iron Mountain Route; ond Kansas Uty.Thurs. day, January 18 aud February IT, via Missouri Pa clflo Ry janaor4t. QflAKEll RKMBDYS. Receipts for the cure of both msrncoa are home troitments; no drugs; ingredi ent In eery houwj ha cured uh and thousands of others. Price by mall, 80c.i fpr ono, or both, 10c. (Stamps.) MILLS & CO., 30 North nth St., Philadelphia, Pa CO 13 2 ptconovavSms. IWiBBjyslDEH P arrn or cseittem k-1 CURE mL. FITS! .tmAh.l CORK I do not mean mere y to stop iheni lor a time, and then have tlienfre turn'wtair,. t Mk A 1IAD1CAL UURK. I have made lie disease qf vuu'" KTS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A!! Vi!l:.tut,lr' 1 waiibant my remedy to laVMiViV"1 "J65- le"8 others navo L Jirf f .'.'.f.'uon " "pt now, recelv lnt a cure fri?i .J'. Hmcf,-, " co,t '" nolhliiK tor n trial, and ll lll cure you Addrrn H.fl. ROOT.M.C. J8JPMilSlNtwY0IK .17 . In-W .....,JUI. V.'119CIIUCIli;09 I JS i!,.T,T? A0' nf """.nil oonraa. and rijov SSJlttSv,'4B1 Eibaiiatloa, liat Maahoo4, .M. A uvHB,s4raoiy'i