The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 10, 1888, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbls powder never vatlea. A marvel ot purity strength and wholcsomeness. Mora economical than nrfiihnnr klndA. And cannot too Bold In comne- tltlon wltlitlio multitude ot low icst,8hort weight, alum or pnospnaw powaers. eoia omj in cans. H0V1E 1I1XINO I'OWDERIV,. nailBh.K. . The Columbian BLOOMSBURQ, PA FH1DAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1888. coaster aiiiuoio tn tin. Di-ooMsnima suluvan raiuioad SOUTH. NOttTII. Arrive. Arnvo. leave. Leave, STATIONS. Dloomsbure,.... r. m. i. m. a. m. r. u. 1 M 800 8 43 840 , 1 44 1 W 8 49 C 42 1 41 7 60 8 00 S 1 83 I 40 V 14 6 64 . 1 28 7 81 til 8 68 . 1 13 7 S3 9 40 T 10 ,18 67 7 11 68 7 ea 18 60 7 08 II) 05 7 7 ,18 43 7 00 10 IS 7 S3 18 80 8 50 10 30 7 48 Leave. Leave. Arrive Arrive. P.M. 1.11. A.M. r. H. roper inn... Ltgbtstreet.. Stillwater Benton, Trains on the P. tollows t KOHTH. 7:87 a. m. 3:37 p. m. t, it. H. It. leave Rupert as SOUTH, 11:00 a. m. 8:04 p. m. Trains on thjD. L. W. It. It. leave Bioomsbnrg as luuunni , NORin. e5.UTn' 7:1) a. m. 8:38 a. m. 11:07 a. m. 12:0 P. m. 8:24 p. m. 4:18 P m. 6:S8 p. m. : P. m, Trains on the N.JsW. B. Hallway pass Bloom Ferry aa follows : NORTH. 10:46 a. m. p. a. 8UHDAT, NOKTH. 10:16 am SOUTH. 11:49 a. m. 4-39 p. m. Bourn 6:39 p m HAI.IJH. TnitsnAY March C Mr. John N. Gord on will sell valuable personal property on the premises In Montour 'ownsuip. Vpn 9fi Opn. W. Catlv.a1ader will sell valuable personal property on the premises In llenton townsuip, at i p. ra. suarp, Fhb. 11. The widow and heirs of Fred, erlck Derr. late of Madison township, de ceased, will sell valuable personal property, on the premised, at iu o'ciock a. m. Fkb. 25. John G. Freeze, administrator dn tinn a non. of tbe estate 01 itODcri Flnncv. late of Liberty township, Montour county, Pa., deceased, will sell valuable real estate, at the Court House, in Danville at one o'ciock in me aucrnoon. Fob Balk. A desirable and commodious residtnee on Main street, supplied with water, pas and Bttum. Apply to jan20lf. L. N. MofiB. Foit Sale A brick house located on Malu street. Blocmsliurp, Pa , with thirteen rnnmR. wide halls, heated bv street steam, hot and cold water, bath tub and all the ' modern conveniences .ou a 60 ft. lot wllb eood stable and choice fruit. Alo a frame house on same street with eleven rooms in dueling bath room. Stable for four horses and choice fruit. Forvfurtber particulars write to or enquire of M r. 1.DTZ, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, feb 10 llloomsburg, Pa. E. C. Bundy, practical auctioneer; over 20 years experience, In crying farm prop ertv. Blore coods and hotel furriture a anprlnltv. Postofllce address. Bloomsbure rcsldenno on Little FIsblnRCrcck, at slate tjuarry. feb.8-6w. Buy Lester's Uinghamton Kip .Boots; best made. personal. D. L. Brown has been qulto sick this week. Miss Eva Bchocb, of Sellnserove, Is vis. itlng at Mr. A. Z. Henoch's. Miss Jennie Leach, of Lancaster, Pa., visiting at Mr. Wm. Neal's. 11. B. Hess, of Philadelphia, Is visiting his uncle, Mr. Lloyd Paxton, at Rupert. Miss Martiia Clark returned homo on Monday from a visit to friends In Phlladel phla. Representative Fox drove over to Blooms, burg on Tuesday. While hero ho gave us a short rail. G. A. Potter, editor of the MlUville Tablet, was in town Monday, Ho lias been suffer ing with rheumatism in one ot his legs. JudgoMcCnllum la holding court this term. Mrs. McCollum Is spending the two weeks with him at the Exchange Ho. tel. Cha?. J. McIIenry, of Benton, was town visiting friends several days last week. Ho expects shortly to finish bis musical education by taking a course tho Conservatory of Music, Boston. Lent begins next Wednesday. Tho prospects are good for a big ico flood this Bprlng. A great deal of sickness is reported I town at present. Tho next ccllpso of the moon will take place July 22nd. Tho weather has been during the past week. very changeable The Indications are that there will large number ol movlngs this spring. be Do not forget tho discount of 10 per cent off all cash purchases at H. W. Sloan's. A Guitar Club has been organized at Mil ton, which promises says tho Milton Argut to bo n successful Institution. J. N. Zeisloft offers bis services as an auction) cr to llinso holding public salsa Addrtes him at J-rfeytown, Pa. 4tjS7 The cars on the morning trains of the B. & 8. were crowded wllh people from Ben ton and vicinity, who came to court. W. 8. Illshton cave a large party at his home on Market street Wednesday evening, All present enjoyed themselves exceeding. iy. An exchange says: "Slaying partlos are all tho rage now in this section." There must bo a fearful slaughter gplng on In that region. J. F. Caldwell Is now established at th old Bt. Eln.o, and prepared to receive cm- toratrs. liloomsbure now possesses flvo hotels. ,1. II. Muizo esq. has taken the agency for several first class fire Insurance com. panics, and lia already Issued a number of policies. A full assortment of all kinds of goods and wo give you u aUcount of 10 per cent, for cash, until Feb. 21. II. W, Sloan, The Electrical RctUw eayi that the light, nlng rod Is a cello of superstition, and that the day will come when a lightning rod on a house will bo regarded In the tamo light is a horseshoe over the door. Weighing putlog have not been as num erous m usual tbls wcok. V. D. Mover Is a hanny father. Ills wlfo last Tuesday presented him with a fine 11 pound girl. Bam Jones lectured at the Danville Onera Uouse Wednesday evening. Quito a num. bcr of people from this ptace went down to hear htm. Ml. W. 8. M oyer's new home on Market street is appr oachlng completion. It will dc, when completed, ono of the finest rest- denecs In town. me uiototmo item says tliero nro ono hundred and two empty houses In Cala. wlssa, by actual count, with a ptospect of mora in tho spring. An exchange makes tho following In comprehensible remark) "Poker players expect that 1888 will bu a good year, as It contains three of a kind." that wonderfully acctirato weather prophet, tho ground hog, saw his shadow Thursday of last week, ana foretold six weeks more of cold weather. Scranton, which Is lighted by electricity, is sulci to bo the best lighted city In tho country. Tho lamps aro placed at a great, er height than Is usually tho case. u. W. Kitchen resigned bis position at the Farmers' Produce Exchange on Feb. ruary 1, tho atoro bcilng taken In clmrgo by Messrs. Crevellng and Supplee. 15,000 ft. dry pitch plno flooring dressed, l In.,, tor sale. WHITE, LONNKK & SLOAN. fct3 4t. Orangevlllc, Pa, A muslcalo was given at the rectory of the Episcopal church last Friday evening and an interesting program was carried out, Tho attendan;e was not as lage as it should have been. Tho rain 8unday and Monday took away most ot tbe good sleighing, to the dismay of a great many, but tho snow Tuesday and Wednesday returned the sleighing good as ever. The Bhamokln Dispatch says: "An Ex celslor man some years ago stood In Schuylkill county and shot a rablt in Car bon, which jumped over Into Luzerne and died. This is not a leap year ho." Next Tuesday will bo Valentine Day. Stationers havo already received their yearly supply of valentines. Borne exceed Ingly handsomo ones aro to bo seen In their collections, as well as very ugly ones. There will be a meeting of tbe North Branch Conference in Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Millllnvllle, commenn ing Monday evening, at 7:80, February 27 and continuing through Tuesday, day and evening. Miss Eliza Kuhn has been lying danger. nusly ill for the past week with Inflamatlon of iho bowels. At the present writing there is a slight improvement, and the phy slclan in charge has every hope of her re. covery. There will be a raeetlng'of tho W. 0 T U. next Tuesday afternoon tho 14th Inst. at half past two in tho. Reformed church As It is tho first meeting under the new admlniftratlon It is desirable that every member be present. Residents of tho Fishingcrcek valley have no further cause tor complaint in re. gard to the malls. Through tho efforts of Superintendent Leader and Postmaster Clark two mails have been sreured over tbe B. & 8., beginning last Saturday. II. F. Pursel, who has been running photograph gallery' at Hughesville, Lycom Ing county, for some time past, has remov, ed to this place, his former home, and takes the rooms formerly occupied by Mr, Henry Rosenstock, where ho will continue in the business. Mrs. Witman.of Berwick, formerly of this place, died at her homo thero on Monday aeed about seventy-three years. Th cauro of her death was paralysis. Funeral services were he'd at Berwick on Thursday and tbe remains brought here and Interred in Rosemont cemetery. Thire was an unusual scene in court on Monday when o young girl of slxp en years appeared wllh a small babe In her arms, as prosecutrix in a case of fornication and bastardy. The defendant was a sickly looking boy only seventeen years old. The Jury found that he was the father of lue child. Madame Thompson's Glass Blowers and Novelty Company drew good crowds at M uslc Hall tho latter part of last week. Tho voting and giving of presents to the person receiving the largest number of votes was an attractive feature of tbelr en. tertalnmcnt. The troupe went from here to Sunbury, whero they aro glvinir. exhlbl. Hons this week. We have received from tho New York World a handsomo souvenir In the shape of a card containing diagrams of the World buildings and cuts of tho World1) New York building and Brooklyn Annex. Those souvenirs are in ommemoratlon of tho in. auguratlon on Jau. 28 ot the completion and erection iu tbe World office or tho larg- est printing press Iu tho world. A large number of invitations wero given out ana throngs of New Yorkers were present on that occasion. On account of my wife's health falling, I am closing out her stock of millinery goods and notions at great bargains, and offering to rent tbe room she occupies, which is the nicest in the county for that purpose. Tbls Is a chance, that seldom occurs for any one wishing to enter Into business, as sho has always bad a good run of custom, and Orangevllle Is a fast growing town and a very healthy place. 0. W. Low, Fob.lO-tf. OrangevllU, Pa. List of letters remaining Iu the Post Of. flee at Bloomsburg for week ending Feb. 7. 1888: Mrs. E. B. Bradford. Mr. Ellas Batz. W. N. Brooking, Air. M. Cohen (3), Miss Htttle Fausev. Jackson Fox, Mr. James Goshen, Mrs. Clara Kline, Samuel Lorman, Mr. Thomas Mather, Mrs. Wm McNInrh John Nejhart, Mrs. Rachel Powell, Mr. J. B. Stclner. oauds; Samuel Loreman, J. J. Malloy, Mrs. John McIIenry, Amos Neyhart. Persons calling for these letters will please say "advertised." Gcoroe A. Cubit, P, M About fifty of thoso who hold liquor licenses in this county obtained them at May court of last year, but by the change under the new law they loso three months of the year for which they paid. The money went to tho Btate last car, and the question has been frequently asked whether there Is any way of recovering the one-fourth of the llccnso fee, for tho lost time, Tho state having received the man ey for a year's license, and then through the .operation of a new law deprived a largo number ot one-fourth or a year's licentei It Is a violation of a contract, and thero ought to be n way of getting the money back. As the amount thus paid exceeds $000 in this county, It would pay those In ttrested to combine and have tho matter Investigated. "Rcaulalo the Hoiulatir." when bad blood comes In good health goes out. Warner's Log Cablu Barsaparllla drives out bad blood and brings good health. 120 doses $1.00. Some tcrrlblo riots occurred at Bhenan doah last Friday and Baturday, tho striking miners, mostly Poles, attacking those who had been working. Tho first disturbance of tbo kind occurred Friday evening, and on Saturday tho Polandcrs attackpd tho breaker boys at Kehley Run colliery. The police came to tho rescue of tho miners, and n fight ensued between tho strikers and officers. Tho polite fired over tho heads of tho strikers, and tho mob, many of whom were armed, fired most of thelrshots Into tho air, but one at least was fired at tho ofQccrs, as a shot took effect upon one of them, Cbas. Yvltman of Pottsvlllc. Ho arrests wcro made, and everything at pres. cnt Is quiet In that region. The Supremo Court of Pennsylvania has reversed tnc decision In tho Duller county court, which Is a matter of general Inter, est to the people of'tlie Commonwealth A man mimed Stewart, prosecuted for selling liquor without a license, clatmeJ a right to speak In court in his own behalf. The Butler J udgo refused to allow htm to do so, claiming that ho was represented suftl, clently by his attorney, who might plead his case for him. An appeal was taken to tho Supremo Court of the State, which wisely reversed the decision and held that the accused has a right given him by the Constitution which can not be taken from him by Legislature or tho Courts to be heard by himself end by counsel. Ex. The entertainment and "cake walk" giv. en In Music Hall Tuesday evening by tho members of the A. M. E. church of this place was ytxy largely attended. There were large delegations from Danville, and Wllkesbarro present. Refreshments were served during tbe evening, thero was sing Ing by a choir, and two cake walks took place, one at nine o'clock and tho second shortly after ten. A number of judges chosen from the audience occupied a raised platform at one end of tho hall and decided he contests. In tho first walk tho prize was given to a couple from Danville and in the second, in which thero wero two prizes, a large cako was awarded to Frank Parks and his sister, Mrs. Cameron, and a smaller ono to Will Dennis and wife. Everybody In the audience seemed pleased with the awards, as thero was loud ap. tho announcements wcro made. PnnucrH' iiiHtltutc at xottjrrovc. Pursuant to arrangements made by John UofTa, member of Stato Board of Agrlcul turo for Northumberland Co., assisted by T. L. Clapp ot Llmestonevillc, Montour Co. and J. K. Murray of Pottsgrovc, a Farm era' Institute was held at the latter place on the last day of Jan. and first of Feb. Tbe venerable ex-judge Wm. Follmcr was made president of .the meeting, and right well did he manage Its sessions. Pottsgrove is situated In a first class farming district as evinced by tho large barns and elegant homes to be seen all about. And that tbe farmers of that sec tlon aro awakening to tho magnitude of their interests and tho need of advancing and protecting those interests themselves, there can be no doubt in the mind ol any one who looked into tbelr faces during the discussion or mingled socially with them during tbe recesses. A program had been arranged of subjects of Interest on the farm and in the home, most of which were handled by those to whom they had been committed in a creditable manner. Inter- est in tho meeting Increased from the open Ing session to the close, at times the hull, which was of fair size, being inadequate to furnish even standing room for all desjrous of hearing. Tho ladles' essays, of which thero were three, were especially commends. ble for point, tleganco of diction and for tho spirited manner of their dellyerence. Dr. Calder of Harrisburg lectured on Chlneso Agriculturo on Tuesday evening In the Lutheran church, to a lull nouse. The Di's. lecture was Instructive as well as intensely interesting as he narrated the methods, scenes and incidents impressed upon his mind during a long residence among tbo people of that oldest nation. On Wednesday evening W. T. Evcrson of Union City. Erie Co., discoursed upon "Tbe Farmers' Relation to the Temperance Question", also to a full house. Mr. Ever son made ma nv fine points which were evidently appreciated by his audlenc, Pottsgrovc, though a railroad station and a thriving villago has no licensed hotel, nor drue store, and none appeared to bo need ed, for ail In attendance were apparently satisfactorily cared for, every want sup plied, everybody seemed intent upon giv ing full measure of attention time and means to make It pleasant and profitable for nil. The institute closed with tho best ot feeling. The verdict that it had been a success appeared to bo unanimous. No farming community where sufficient inter. est can be aroused can fall to be benefitted by such meetings and the leaders in the State Board Who aro following out the de- mand for them should receive the commen' datlon and assistance of every wide awake farmer In the State "What Is remote and difficult of success we are apt to overrate, what Is really best for us lies always within our reach, thougl often overlooked." A. P. Younq. RINGING NOISES In the ears, sometimes a roaring, buzzing sound, are caused by catairh, that exceed. ingly disagreeable and very common dis. case. Loss of smell or hearing also result from catarih. Hood's Barsaparllla, the great blood purifier, Is a peculiarly success. ful remedy for this disease, which If cures by purifying tho blood. If you suffer from catarrh, try Hood's Barsaparllla, tbo pecu liar medicine .Consumption Hurely cured. To ma Editor Please inform your read. era that 1 have a positive remedy for the abovo named disease. By Us timely use thousands ot hopeless cases havo been per manently cured. I shall bo glad to send two bottles ot my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption If they will send me their express and post olllci address. Respectfully, T. A. Slocum, M C. 181 Pearl Bt., New York, no nov25(im For cleansing and healing foul and Indo. lent ulcers, sores and abscesses and re. moving tbe bad odors arising therefrom, and for sloughing, contused and lacerated wounds. Darlivs Prophylactic Fluid is un. equaled. "I have used Darbys Prophylactic Fluid in hospital and private practlco for ten yiars and know of nothing - better for sloughing, contused und lacerated wounds, foul and Indolent ulcers and as a disinfect tant." J. F. HiusTis, Professor Mobile Med. College. A l'ortunate and Grateful Voiiiim. Mrs. J, II. Giles, of Everett, Pa., says: I suffered for many years from kidney and gravel trouble. Besides, I had other com. plaints common to my sex. I began using Br. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Rondout, N. Y. A tow words tell the re. suit. I am a happy and perfectly well woman onco moro. Thanks to Dr. Ken. nedy and his Favorite Remedy, Price f 1, toart Proceeding Tho tegular term of February court be. gan on Monday morning at 10 o'clock, 'tis Donor. Judge McCollum ot tho Situ dis trict presiding, and tbo associates Hons. 0. G. Murphy and C. B, McIIenry on the bench. Constablii returns taken. List. of Grand jurors called, E. B. Guloof Catawlssa appointed foreman. II. F. Falrman appointed tipstaff to Grand jury. John Yocum of Orango and Edward Recce excused as jurors. G. W. Murphy vs L. A. Riley & Co., on motion ordered at head of list till trial. Commonwealth vs. Uzal Fowler, fornica tion and bastardy, true bill. Tavern llccnso of.Ollye Hess of Benton transferred to Lcmmuel Drako. Tavern license ot Lcmmuel Drako ot Benton, transferred to E. P. Albertson Road In Bcott near M. Shlye's, exceptions Hied, and petition for review filed, viewers not to be appointed libtll exceptions nro disposed of. Estate of Miller, deceased, rccog. nlzanie itpproved and filed. Estate of Elizabeth Fullmer, deceased, petition to mortgage decedents real estate to pay debts filed, and order made. Commonwealth vs Walter Hayes, assault and battery with Intent &c, true bill. Estate of Hannah bhullz, sale, confirmed nisi. Estato ot Cathcrlno D. Kressler, salo con firmed nisi. Estate of Joshua Savage, salo confirmed nisi. Estato of John Jacoby, sale confirmed nisi. E. R. Ikeltr vs. Catherine Welliver, ct al, snlo confirmed nisi Report of auditor in tbe estato of Cathcr. lna Farver confirmed nisi. Report of auditor in the matter ot salo of real estate of G. W. Vannattn by the sheriff, confirmed nisi. Petition of B. F. Zarr, guardian of Carl. ton A. Caswell, minor, to sell interest in real estate, filed. Report of auditor In estate ot Sarah A. Eck, confirmed nisi. The following reports of salo wcro con firmed nisi : Estates of Henry Uoffman, George Linn Noah Arndt, Btepben Thomas. Charles Blllle, Ellas Gcorec, Thomas J. Hutch In son, Philip Crawford, Henry F. Miller. Tavern license of J. H. Kelfer, transferred to Elmer E. Longenberger. Citation awarded in estato of Abraham Lltwiler. Citation awarded In estato of John Kcif- Prothonotary's report filed, Conylngham township special road tax, and confirmed nisi. On petition G. W. Corell and L. B. Runert annolnted appraisers In estato of Mniblas Glrton, deceased. On petition. B. F. Edgar and Lewis Belnhllno appointed appraisers in estate of William Lauderbacb. deceased. Bale ordered In estato of Daniel Rote, deceased. Bale ordered in estate of Jas. Shoemaker deceased. Estato of Ellas George deceased, recog nizance of G. W. George filed. On petition, Aaron Bond appointed euardlan of U. R. Brader, Lydla A. Brader nn.l r.nnrft A. Brader. minor children ot Emma M. Brader, deceased. Sale ordered in estate of H. G. Martz, deceased Petition of M. G. Hughes, a claimant against estate ot John Keifer, deceased, to suspend distribution, citation awarded. Register's accounts confirmed nisi. Report of viewers of a bridge in Fishing, creek near Stillwater and Fiank Hess' con firmed nisi. Report of viewers of a road in Sugar. loaf near Thomas Smith's, confirmed ulsi. Report of viewers ot a road in Conyng ham near Jacob Sharp's, confirmed nisi Report of viewers of a road in Fishing. creek near Ptillwater, confirmed nisi. Report of viewers of a road in Benton near Ell MoIIenry's, against road, confirm ed nisi. Report of vlowers of a road in Green. wood near W. W. Eves confirmed nisi. Itoad in Benton and Sugarloaf, report ot viewers vacating public road and restoring part of u road heretofore vacated by road now vacated, coufirmed nisi. Return ot inquest in estnto of Andrew Hess, confirmed nisi. Commonwealth vs. John White and G W. Fisher larcency, nol. pro. allowed eoods to be returned within 10 days, and defendant to pay costs. Commonwealth v. Charles Trembly, de sertlon. After hearing courf sentence d fendant to pay coats of prosecution, give bond In sum of 300 with surety for the performance of tbft following order: Or dered that Charles Trembly pay for the malntaluauce of his wife Mary C. Trembly and her child, eight dollars per month from Feb. 1,1888, payment to bo made at tbo en of each month. Commonwealth vs Uzal Fowler, tornlca. Hon and bastardy, case tried, verdict guilty, Commonwealth vs. Frank Mitchell, true bill. Commonwealth vs. Emerson J. Lcre, true bill. Commonwealth vs. Lafayette Fenstcr. machcr, leave granted the ball In this case to move to strike off tho forfeiture of cucnizance at May Bcsslons, or such otb motion as may seem proper. Commonwealth vs. Jeremiah Vanslckl larceny, true bill, On motion of L. B. Wlnterstecn Esq. Mark Levy sworn as a citizen of the United States. Commonwealth vs. J. 8. Mann, selling liquor to minors, verdict guilty. Commonwealth vs. C. B. Johnson and Arthur Johnson, larceny, true bill. Commonwealth vs. F. Glassmeyer, case tried, verdict not guilty, di fendant and prosecutor each pay half tbe costs. Tim following roads wero confirmed ah solute; Pino township near Bordo's. Benton " " H. F. Everett's. " " " A. T. Ikeler, Flshlngcr'k " " Buttonwood school house. Orango twp. near Jesse Bummer's. Orango twp. near 1. K. Patterson's. Orango twp. near O. K. Canficld's, against road. Bcott twp. near Cbas. ttlnk's, against vacating. Benton twp. near J. R. Coles', against a road. Auditor's report in estate of Gen. Furyer confirmed nisi. "The Colby Murder." We have Just received a copy of "Tho Colby Tragidy," a Ol.pago book, containing an illustrated account of the murder of Isaiah and Mora Colby, In Clinton county, last August, and for which Luther tibaffer and John W. Johnson will probably suiter the peually ot death on tho gallows. Tho book is prluted by Penntytvania Orit, of Wllllamsport, Pa., and Is being sold by its gents at 23 cents per copy, or will bo sent postpaid to any address on receipt of price. Fonl's Extract is known everywhere as an excellent medicine. It does what it claims to do cures all kinds of pain, iulla mation and hemorrhages. Weak and cheap Imitations will not cure, and Inno cent.purohasers suffer both in health and la pocket In consequence, Death by nicetrlcltr. Tits new uxTiioD or kxkcotiko onitimLi THAT WILL l'ltonAnl.T TAKE THE I'LACB Or THE OALLOWS IN NEW YORK. Discussions upon the subject of the In auguration of a new method ot capital pun. tshmeot.have been going on for somo time past In New York state. A writer in the NcwYoik World of last Sunday dilates up. on the evils ot the present system of execut ing criminals and argues In n clear and lucid manner in favor of dcajh by electric ity, the method that has been so much dis cussed. Although the taking off ot crim inals by hanging Is not so painful a manner of execution as is generally thought yet thero aro many Instances ot bungling which results in a torture not contemplated by the law. As ho puts It, "Ropes break, men aro strangled or mutilated, tho com munity Is shocked, justico Is upbraided' and sympathy goes to tho malefactor. To hang a man and produce instant death is shown to bn a matter of both skill and ex perience, and to find an executioner who Is expert Is not always an easy matter." Upon tho subject of electricity he says: Electricity Is the swiftest and most certain ot nit possible means by which death may be Indicted. Nlocty-fivo feet a second Is tho estimated Bpecd of a nerve sensibility. Electricity travels 180,000 miles In a like space of time. The brain is paralyzed be fore it can feel tho shock, the victim ot the current passes from life to death without knowing the blow. Obviously, there Is a twofold gain In this method. First, it en tirely prevents a mishap. Tho current passes when tho fatal joining of tho mrcs occurs, and death is given. The distant dynamo gives no sound the condemned man may hear. He is led to a chair and seated. One metallic conductor Is placed against the nape of tho neck, salt water be ing applied to tho hair to enable it to trans. mtt tbe current. The other conductor is placed on top of the head, tho hair being wet, or on cither temple or both. Thv con nectlon Is then made and the man Is dead on the Instant." The' writer also claims that the moral ef fects upon other convicts would bo much better. Ho advocates having tho time of execution concealed from the condemned man and the execution secret us "tho moral effect ot the death sentenco Is often destroy. ed by tho excitement iu the town in which it is to take, place, and by the exaltation of the criminal, who is for days tho central fig. ure In the community. Maudlin sympathy has an upheaval in his honor; fiowers.trults and dainties are pressed upon him; hystcr. leal women throng to see him, and from be. ing a felon bo Is made a hero, a martyr and an example of Christian .fortitude and forbearance." Then also, "to have tho day and the hour concealed from the dead man would rob his lust days ot the melodramatic interest they possess for his fcllrws la crime and mako tbo fate more terrible. There would be no halo about tho head of a felon who journeys to State prison mere ly to bo hurled on some unspecified duy and unknown hour by a s vift and silent agent out from the world he has offended. No boasts ot "dying game," no incidents of his last day and last hours; nothing but his being swallowed up living by the grim walls of the penitentiary and cast forth again some day, dead. ' In conclusion he says: "Civilization de mands the life of murderers as a measure of prevention. Most States which have abolished it have had to return to it. It is n public necessity that murderers should die, but humanity demands that tho meth od shall not be barbarous, tho spectacle public nor the criminal apotheosized in his taking off. Electricity, applied in a Btate prison, meets these requirements exactly. My 1-lrHt Ride ou a Railroad. The sight of trains passing up and down tbe valley every day sets one to thinking. Tho younger people look upon It as a great novelty, and as an improvement, but they havo grown up with the Improvements of tho place and not able to appreciate it, as wc, who have known the valley since it was comparatively a wilderness, when the farms were mere patches, surrounded with woods and bushes, when there were no Quo dwellings, no pretty little towns, no churches, no stores, when school houses were few und far between, and when one postofftco served the people for many miles 'round, with a weekly mail. The prospec tive thought of a railroad being built, and trains of cars running up and down as wo seu them now, it expressed would have been looked upon as chimerical, as theldlo dream of somo shallow brain, aud I doubt it the thought of building railroads along tho Susquehanna had found a lodgment in many minds, at the time of which I wrile For though the miud is bewildered, when It attempts to graBp tho extent of tho mighty enterprise, even in this state, at tho present time it is only a little over fifty years since the first railroad was built iu Pennsylvania, the old "Columbia and Phila delphia road." I remember it well, and It was qn this that I took my ride. Though I lived five miles from the nearest statiou, und though it was us far from Iho statiou to the city as from our house, where a stage coach passed every day, yet we chose to walk the five miles for thu sake of "riding on a rail." Tho "train'1 consisted ot a single car, built some what like tho high top carnages of the present day, only long. cr, and would hold, perhaps, twenty-five or thirty persons. Il was trimmed and festooned off with cloth ot gayest and most gaudy colors; indeed we thought it splcn did It was drawn by two horses, hitched ono beforo tho other. When all was ready thu driver cracked his whip and off we went in due style. When we came to the top of a hill the horses were unbooked and wo wero let down by a stationary engine to the bottom of the plane. Here another pair of horses wero hitched as before, and away wo went over thu Schuylkill, and In to Philadelphia ut a rate of speed tliat must have astonished the people of the Quaker City, tor we wrnt as fust as two horses could trot with a loaded wagou. John Button, Whll SvrclllllK. Mr. M.S. Hamlin, one of the test known insurance ruen in North Carolina, write! "from Winston, at follows: "Everalnce I was seven yean of ago 1 hive hud what 'the doctors call hip ditieaiie, and which I call white iwlling. My hip wa drawn out of place. There wae a welling at the knee-joint, whero thero ia a profuae run niug, which lma been there for years. Of course this has greatly depleted my sys tem, together with aurgical operation on th leg bone. I tried every known blood purifier to build up my system, but none uia me uooa until i took B. a. a. I use it every apring. It always builds lno up, etvlnir me appetite and ulirestloii, and ena bles lue to stand the Ioiik, trying, ener vating, kot summer days. To mo there is no such medicine for purifying, the blood and building up the wusted system as 8. H. 8. On using It I aoon became strong of body aud easy of mind. My color changed from a palo, worn look to a healthy, robust complexion " Mr. 0. N. Friml, ot Farmerivllle, Texas, writes : "About August 1st, 1SJC5, an eiuptlon appeared oa my arms and legs, which pained me much aud seemed to affect my physical condition generally. On the advice of u physician at this place, 1 finally commenced using Swift's Specific. I am glad to say that after using three large bottlts the sores huve all denied " Treatise on Blood and Bkin Diseases mailed free. Tint Swift Bricciiric Co, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Qa. Buy Lester's Bingliamton Kip Boots. Best made, It Is estimated that tho loss by the Read. ing strike ia (4,000,000 a month, divided About equally between the employes and road. To this should bo added tho cost con sequent on tho rlso In tho prlco ot coal, damago'to manufacturers and so on, which will continue at an Increased rato as long m the strike lasts. WANAMAKER.'.S. mn.ADKi.rniA. Monaay, Feb. 8, 1688. We have been takinc a quick glance at SOlTie of the exception- ally low-priced things in some r u of the departments at the things in which either quality or price arc OUt Ol the ordinary, At every Step some desirable article holds up its head and says . look at me , i am etiner better or cheaper than you ever saw me before." DRESS GOODS. Every day adds something frfish tn this stock. The adver- :..' o a. -"'"7- "t' f" Y With the new goods, lhe lol- lowing are noticed because es- pecially suited to early Spring wear, and are verv cheao : n,.-1 Ct,,,,., oi- ,ot lliraa vjcil.-v-iia tit 1731 Cents. A great number Ol OUr own exclusive Styles, equal in pattern, color, and finish to the finpct- PVnnrri nr rlimp timps tho . price. . , prench L.asnmeres, 40 men, at 50 cents ; at least one quarter off from a proper price. Twenty- rnlnrs A w r Gu;n : i-i. IUIC IUI Ul kJUUIIlKJ Ml I1V... shades of gray and brown and fancy mixes. 1,6 inches wide, nt 28 cents :i vard would be l, ,. , 'f iVV. n' t ' 1 -i nauii imi s, 54 ui-iics wmc 75 cents. large lot, including 50 varieties of color ; all the new fashionable shades, plain and mixed. Also another lot, 42 inches wide, at 50 cents. A quarter ofl present market val ue. 30 colorings, including choice new shades. Broadcloths. 50 inches wide, at &C20. They are 10 per cent. better in quality than similar goods at $1.25. Black benre roule. A new arrival. Every fibre fine wool. Soft to the touch, yet firm and crisp under finger pressure. A stuff that we shall hear much more of. 40 inches wide, X7JA cents. A before unheard of price for such croodsi Wool Chalhs. bixty varieties m color and hgure that are just open Twenty-five at 5o cents, thirty-five at 60 cents, 30 inches wide. The lower priced are all white and cream errounds, the higher have also pink and blue I he WOnderlUl color printing lias a splendid chance on the sheer wool fabric. The fingers of one hand will count the col or printers ol all the world who can do such work. We have had the same sort of goods in former seasons, but o . . . ' , I never quite equal in weave and figure to the beautiful sixty we now have On sale. 1 hOUglltS Ol tea-trowns or house-dresses or . , hOUSe-dreSSeS Or room-Wraps mav find expression - . .1 i i. m ; . in incsi; v.uaiiia. JkAtvAl iUWiliLki. iLxtra heavv Cream Damask. . ' . . . i 19x37 HlClies, cuiuruu uurucis, ii en o impn W f nfit it v 'J ' r against any 1 OWel we ever knew II at SI .oO a dozen. JiXtra nne HUCk, knotted t t . , t frincrp nnrl rnlnrpri hnrdpr1? innge ana coioreu Doraers, 20x42 inches, 25 cents each. nmihlfl Hitrk Hath Towels. colored borders and . knotted lnnge ; wear sott ; soak up water almost like a sponge S2.40 a dozen Scores of other 1 owels. fine, medium, or coarse, in. which the value is just as big, OUR $3 SHOE. Only an expert critic could tell our $3 Shoe on a man's foot from the sort we sell at $7.50. And this because we are selling the best S3 Men s Shoes in the countrv. We keen the finest Shoes plenty of them. But it is feas ible to sell honest calfskin Shoes lor men, ol excellent quality, at $U the pair. The erowincr de mand for the Wanamaker Wear- well that's what we call it the numbers that aro repaired with second soles, the coming ol men who wear them regular ly and ask no questions except as to the fit, the increased stock needed for the trade, show them to oe ail we claim tne uest tor the money. You can have them with Lon don cap or plain toe, laced, but toned, or Congress. I hey pol isn like best French calt. If you want to compare other leading Shoes sold at the same price, our Shoe Store will show them. Each Shoe branded with our name. POCKET-BOOKS. Two lots, just made, secured especially for attractive style, superior quality, and great cheapness. 1 hey are both ol black seal, leather would not be better at $5, excellent frame, neatly trim med and finished within and without, inside coin pocket with clasp, 95 cents each. You have a cnoice 01 tne new square or n re clnnoc If lmc ..aH , TV I cr "D,v". uccu uui tmvueye iu uuer ClJUUI bargains in rocket-books. Innxr A lUiuiviD Hood's Bariaparilla Is n purely vcgctablo preparation, being free from Injurious In. gredtcnts. It Is peculiar In Its curative power, A Novel Content. TWO MBit OP PXAltnOnM OOUNTT, 1ND., OUT- PCM. TWO BTJtOKO HORSES. Quito a novtl contest was decided at Bright, Dearborn county, Ind., last Friday. William Llddlc, a merchant, nnd Jesse Crlm. n hlnnkumltli of llm vllUirn. offered to wager $25 that they could outpull any two horses In tho township. Steve Cook, 'fm, who possessed a fine team and belloycd they could outpull anything, from .nnrnil.n,' ' . e,j the bet, and Friday afternoon,' la the prisenco of a concourse of neighbors and 'riends of tho respective contestants, tho 'tlal .f BtrJ"!g"' .T . T10- ni! flrmy hlMcA nRaIn8t an ,mmovabIo struo. tro arranged for the purpose, and with thttr heads pointing from the horses, that wero hitched a distance of forty feet away to a piece of timber held firmly in the hands ot tho prostrnto men. Tho test to bo decided by tho horses either pulling the timber from tho hands of tho men, or else pulling them from tbo ground to their feet, three trials and three minutes steady pulling each trial the extent of tho contest, whllo the excited farmers and vil- lagers crowded around tho parties to wit. UC"B luu "'"s""" ,0" Dl cngui Bnt n durance, 'Pl. . J(T . .1 widened Into nulllni? their beat, but with distended muscles and swelling veins, that loI(1 of t terrific strain upon them, the prostrate meu held tho horses to their po- Isltion. At tho third trial the excited farmer lashed his horses to force them to their ut- most( whcn by a gujdcn jcrk u,0 timber in tho hands of tho resisting men and to which "'o horses were hitched, snapped In two pieces, tho end of ono piece striking Crlm ,n lUo Mc as il uroko' tdB him un f, nP!.r1 J,.,,. poscd to bo dead, but Anally recovered and is out of all danger of serious results from tho blow' But now as tho third trial was not de. tcrmlncd beforo tho nccident occurred dlBputc htt(1 arlsen ovor the awardlng of the money, and the judges decide that a second contest must be had as soon as the parties aro all ready and tbe weather per mits. Cincinnalli Enquirer. LOCAL NOTICES. 10 lbs. of butter will buv as much drv goods at I. W. Hartman & (Sons' as 12 to IS lbs. will buy at lots of other places. Go to Sharplcss' foundry to buv tbe cheapest ranges, cook stoves, all kinds of stove repairs. Bleu soles, &c HtdSJO. New veiling 2 yds. for 25c. at I. W. Hartman & Sons'. Thousands ot yurds of sattcens now in store at I. W. Hartman & Sons'- BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only Life size Crayons only Viewing, coovinf? and d0z. 10.00 enlarging. Instant process used. tt. See the extra good vd. wide muslin by tbe bolt at I. W. llartman & Sons'. Whito and decorated ilhlipn $2.7fi to 330 per set at I. W. Uartman & Sons'. BUSINESS NOTICES. Tub Handsomest Lady in Bloomsiiukq remarked to a friend the otberday that she Knew Kemp s uaisam lor the turoat and lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her coach instantly when others bad no ef- fect whatever. 8p to prove this and to convince vou of ita merit, anv flriiftrUt will give you a sample bottle free. Largo Blze-COc-8Dd l- , 1AL, " uieras, mecnanics, travelers 1 mm un wurainginen uau a specuy cure ior backache, crick, swollen loints and muscles "id weak lungs In the Hop Plaster. Bare, i ' 1 nun sail iu no,-.iuo nyuiiJluma Ul biliousness aro unhappily but too well Known, iney inner in diuerent Individ uais to somo extent. A bilious man is sel om a breakfast eater. Too frequent! aias. no nas an excellent appetuo lor quids but none for solids of a morning. His tonguowill haadly bear inspection at any lime; ir 11 is not wnuo and lurrecl, It Is I iuuvu. ub ail uveitis. The digestive system is wholly out of or- oer anu oiarrutea or constipatton may be a Byinptom or lhe two mtty aHlt(.rnatc 3.riitte aro often hemorrhoids or even loss or blood. "!ere mav .. giddiness and otten Head ache and acidity or datulenco uud tender. I ncs3 In the stomach. To correct all this if I not to effect a cure trv Green's Aucust I Flower, it costs but a trifle and thousands attest its eliieacy. THE POPULATION OF BLOOMSBURG is about (5,000, and wc would Bay nt least one-half aro troubled with some affection of the throat and lungs as those complaints are, according to statistics, more numerous llianotnera. we would advlso all not to neglect tho opportunity to. call on their druggist and get a bottle ot Renin's Bal sam for thu throat and lunirs. I'rlco 50c. and $1. Trial slzo free. Sold by all drug. gists. QUEEN VIOTOHIA'S CKOWN. Tho ci own of Queen Victoria consists of diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapphires and emeralds, set in silver and gold. Its gross weigni is ou oz. o uwi trov. The numbei of diamonds aro 3,352; pear s. 273: rubies, 9; sapphires. 17: emeralds. 11. It la An nlil nnvlni?wlTnpn lla tl, itomt that I wears a crown. It is Detter to wear ikathrOlljll Hl6 UUS1I SCaSOlU crown of perfect health and peace of mlml ttin .tiratlv utT, t !... rlne's Pure Barlev Mdt Whlskev. For SalebvO. It. Itnhblna. Itlnnmalnirt. Pa I ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we care her Castoria. When sho was a Child, she cried for Cm tori. When she became Vim, she clone to OastorU, When she had Childroa, she gare them Cutorta. INSURANCEAGENCY j. h. m&xssm. Office 2nd runa Coluubun bvudinq, Bloomsburg, Pa, 1.1 PIS. NortUweatem MauonlS Alii Awoclatlnn. lltmlrn 41,211. l,aldtollenenclarleati, Insures uuii.aituwjua. l'ini;, assets. CONTINENTAL of New Yorlt 5.9,tNl M am eiuuAM ot i-miaaeipma. j,3oi(8 C6 MAUAltAot New York..... ,,, J,o0,lTJ W A liberal shite of tho buslnms la iranectfullr Duutuvu, nun smiaiouiiuu tfuuruuitxxi. Veb.lCMW. J. II. MAIZE, AgU WANTKH Imiiietllntcly, I.uillex to work tor a wholesale lio'ise on N-Wle-work at their hoiiua. (Sent any distance). Hood nay can be made, invert Ihlui? fur. nlshcil. I'urtlcularu free. Address Artistic Needlo. work uo., wm new iork city jt,diu 1)0 YOU USK S 313 IE IDS ? Bena a postal for catalogue to J. M. TIIOKIIUHN & CO , johx BTllUKT, NEW VOUK, lmtHju.Brmas I vuiimmcr com. THE 60 DAYS SALE I is over, and a great many goods were sold, in fact five times as much as ever before in the same length of time. But the stooh is still large and those who in tend purchasing WINTER CLOTHING it will pay them to visit us as we intend CLOSING OCT THE ENTIRE STOCK Before we file an a nil account Estate, it as Administrators ot tne and if prices will do ( ALL AND BE conrvircEi TEAT YOU CAN BUI CLEARING- OUT LOTS IN Boys' Children's and Men's CLOTHM At Big Bargains. Eight here we ivish to return thanhs to our Pa trons in the MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT And thanh them for I their hind indulgence I . UlC dull SCUSOll IS COIllC i - ... -I ana we win mane BIC And Make 1 hem AT ONCE or Overcoats, HCTOM SUITS, &c Respectfully, ADMINISTRATORS OF D. LOWI NBEKg's ESTAT Ev r