MMaaiMaaJMMJtitt-g THE COLUMBIAN AJJI) DEMOCRAT. BL00MSBU1MJ, COLUMBIA CQU1W, PA. I, tt 1APES AND HOW TO OEOW THEM. l JNO. It. TOWNSUND, hLOOMStltTlta, vx. ' MAD AT MUXYIM.K MKKTINO Among one of the curliest fruits mentioned in tho Btula Is tlie grape, it wm well known to tho anolents mid II not to tho Antoduluvlan world il VH won after, wo are told in BitiHcai history that after tho deluge Noah tooB after become a husbandman and Ilantod a vinovard and ninrln wlnn. Vlneyardi beoamo abnndant nnd some of great magnltudo in tho days of the Patriarchs. Tho land of Canaan was produotivo.of grapes of an enormous l7.o as we aro tola that Caleb nnd Joshua bought a bunch of grapes sup ported on tho shoulders of men, to testify of the fruitfulness of the land. urapes in all conntries and in nil ages have been a favorito fruit with man. kind, not only as a dellosoy, but as an article of 'food, and to-day in most. temperate climates grapes form a pro nlnent artiolo of food, often timts eat -en with bread, or dried as raisins, and in these countries from tho fermented iaice wines aro made which is mipdos ed to be of all other liquors the most stimulating for the stomach nnd exhil arating for tho spirits of man. The medical properties of the crapo arc numerous, bnt whether it has been pro ductive of most (rood or most harm to man. will for ever remain ono of thoso - problems which tho reasoning of man , ' can nevor solve. It is, however, ad mitted that wheio we find evidence or romains of a high class of civilization you will also hid the crape was culti vated and held In tho highest esteem. even on onr ancient works of art often to bo seen as tho emblem of fruitful new and rirosneritv. The lonaevitv of tho urfirie vine i wonderful, four and six hundred yearn being civen by Pliny and Bono, a its ordinary age. Tho celebrated Bur trundv vinovard aro manv of thorn four hundred years old, and many of 'those in Italy are still Nourishing, and celebrated for their grapes and wines, One of the most beautiful siutits I be held in tue way of grapes, was to Bee tho celebrated giant Rnpo vino now f CTOwine at Hamilton Court Palace, England, it is of the well known Black Hamburg variety, older than our dec laration ot independence and meriBur ing nearly, tour feet in circumference, covering tho space of over two hun dred square yards, crown under class. and supplying the Queen's table: every year with nearly tvj thousand clus ters of luscious grapes welshing on an average one and one-halt pounds each It 4akes the entire tuno of two men to care for this wonderful grape vine. As this paper was not intended for I ho ex perienced fruit grower bat for amatuers and the young men, to whom wo hav to toot tor our luiure trait growers ana iarmers, 1 have divided this sub jeot namely: "vVhat varieties to plant,' "How to plant, and "How to treat them after they are planted." WHAT VARIETIES TO PLANT. I am a lover of good grapes and for many years nave beeu delighted to grow them. I have experimented with numerous varieties, some well know varieties can be grown with success in some localities, will fail in others, one of .the secrets of success is to procure varieties mat are suitable to our sec tion. The well known Catawba I can not ripen t perfection, have therefon discarded it, and several other wll known-grapes simply because I hav found that after several failures that they cannot be grown with success. And in order ibat those who may wis to plant grape vines after hearing thi paper read I will tell them what v vane- ties they should plant to bo sure of success. At the bead of mv list I place .the "Concord," it is ono of the most popular crapes grown to-day in tho country owing to its great vigor and never failing productiveness, in fact, it may be termed the grape for tho millions. The "VVorden," very simi lar in merits to the "Concord" but Been fruiting together is entirely differ nt in many respects but an excellent grape. ''Moore' E rly" is a valuable variety. I find it hardy, productive and early, three valuable qualifications. The "Early Brighton" in color and form resemble "Cata ba" but ripening earlier. Of "Roger's Hybrids" 1 have several of his best red grapes. I con sider the "Agawam'' (or No. 15) the "Salem," the "Lindley," the "Herbert'' and "Wilder" should be in every gar den. "Hartford prolific," "BacchuV "Martha," "Pocklington," "Niagara," theso I have growing and can be crown very successfuly. There are mnuy new. varieties constantly being brongh't before tho public, my advice is"do not pay fancy prices for now varieties un til they have been fully tested, great frauds are constantly perpetrated on the publio by exhibition plates of new grapes that ouly look well and mature in the fruit tree agents catalogue. Presuming that, you Imvo procured some or any of the varieties mentioned the next question to be considircd is how to plant them. now TO PLANT, It seems but a simple matter with many but I have observed great ignor ance displayed in the planting of a tree or grape vinejI have known in stances of vines boinc bought at a big price and then carelessly planted, and should they fail to grow then the nur seryman is pronounced a fraud, when the cause is simply ono of careless planting. When preparing young vines for planting I cut back to two eyes, cutting off about ono third of the roots the object is to get a mass of short lateral roots instead of a few long oncsproceed to dig your boles not moro than ten inches deep but bo sure and have them wide enough, I then place a stake firmly in the centre of the nolo and then place the vine in position can fully spreading out Us roots in a manner that will not crowd one another, do not place your vino any deeper man it grow in the nur sery, do not put any manure or ferti liier in oontaot or near the root, after placing a few inches of fine soil about the roots tread it firmly, then more earth and tread again. This firming mo sou aooui uie roots ot what you piant is ot vital imp- rtance. we have planted our vine w mu-t now wait for the result. And hero let inn im press upon my hearers this fact that a grapo vine can be grown in a very mVl space of ground. Many an unsightly corner can be utilized, or building hid den by tho graceful gtapo vine. In deed it seems almost certain that the grape vine will adapt itself to its loca tion lust as though it was ondowed with sensibility ond instinct, treat it kindly, and it will respond with lus cious fruit, neglect it ami the chances are it will die. The tendril of a grape vjne will stretoh out in the direot'ou of support as desperately as a drown'ng man will reach for an oar or.ropo. Its mot. ill lm rti.Ml fn, ' m.nor. Wn. nr l,n lp,l ifn. Z J r , 1 ' , i, ' ... a hungry dog for a dinner, as an illus tration showing the valoe of this fea ture ana now completely and easily it fwpouu iu iuw wauis qi man wnen in- el'lgently directed, I will give yon an xample. A city gentleman, somo years ago, had a.smalt lot or yard fill, cd with n few fruit trees that appro- riatcd ovory ray of sunshlno that inanagod to ponetrato it. and he want ed somo grapes. After a careful survey in uie situation bo concluded, by n little extra care, l lie vino may get a loot hold and sulllolout nourishment from ho same sourco as the trets did. The vine was planted and as .t grow It was trained up by the side of the liouso in a siugle cano to tho eaves of the second story, and given a trellis built trom tho gutter to the roof. An attio window In tho roof gave access to the yiuo for pruning nnd gathering the fruit, and for yoats that vine respond ed annually with a bounteous crop of ue iiuiuus i r im, a nine wgonuity am it. ..sbuiiiiiik our vines nave sianeu to grow anil just as Boon ns tho buds start, I select the strongest one rub bing oil all others, as soon as sufficient growth has been made. tin to tho stako as il grows and pinch ott nil laterals as they appear to ono leaf, by to doing all tho strength of tho vino is utilizt d to prodnoo just the growth you want. At tho ex piration of the second year it now bo- comes necessary to decide what system you nroposo to adopt, volumes nave beon writ'on on pruning and training the vino. Wo have tho Fuller, the Campbell, the Kuiffer, Downing and a host of authoiities. I have no onin ion to offer respecting tho two leading systems, stake or trellis, as both have' warm advocates. However I would advise nny parties who aie interested in grape growing to procure an excel lent little treatise on ''Pruning and training the vine" by E. Williams of New Jersey, Sec. of the American Horticultural Society, being a practical grower of grapes. The reader will find much information and his meth ods for raising grapes are excellent, It matters not how you want to train your vines cither on a ptain post, or on tho most elaborate trellis the gr.ipe II 5 . l ., 111 win auapt ueeu in enuer, pruning win regulate the smount of fruit, you can prune for fruit or prune for shade, thero are a few points for tho novice lo bear in mind they nre very snnpie. Before you attempt to prane remem ber that as a rule, first, that all fruit grows on the new wood of last year s growth, in other words the wood of this year contain the bud which pro duce the fmitful canes of next year. That the tendency of tho sap is to the extremity ot the vine, that the straight er the cane the more rapid the growth and tho strongest growth from a prnu ed cano will be found nearest tho end. A most common sight is toi see an old grapo vine iih the only bear ing wood at the extremity ot tho vine from neglect in pruning. I bavo often been asked what shall I do with my grape vine it only bean a little fruit at ibo top ot the trellisTAs a IaH re sort I would cut it right off even with tie ground, the vine will in one season throw out nbw growth and the follow. ing season you will have better and finer grapes, and the vine, will be read for any kind of training, you wish to give it. 1 ho most common error with amatuers is leaving too much wood on tho vine, the temptation to a large crop ii iruu is one mat tew can overcome The result is often times vines load with fruit that never' ripen simply b-causn the vine was allowed lo bear more fruit than it ould mature. How, ever as a rule I find it safe to cut back the last yeats wood to two or some times three buds, much depends on the strength and vigor of the vine. By careful observation you will find that all varieties cannot be treated alike. Thevsby and slow growing Delaware require more gentle treatment than the vigorous "Agawam" or "Concord " Then we have summer pruning anoth er metnoa ot regulating the growl b ol the vines; bear this in mind that when the leaves are well grown and even the grapes havo began to form, you can cut off as you please any useless growth, by so doing you can direct the sap into developing fine clusters, by pinching back the Bhoota at one or two leaves beyond the last cluster of fruit, It will retard the flow of sap a'id re tain it where it is needed for the full development of buds and fruit. Re move all imperfect clusters if vou want to have some fine clusters. Put paper nags on tnem, you can allow you grapes to romain trom four to six weeks longer on your vines. If you have not trad it do so and vou will hi surprised at tuu result, iet me urge tnose wuo nave only a lew vines trior. to plant out the coming spring, plant around your yards, about the stoop a no piazza, mere lssometningso home ii .. . iiko aooui tne vinp. wnat more gratetul'nr pleasing shade can you si beneath What more pleasing to the cuild as u comes bungry aud thirsty from school! No fruit moro refresh ing and none- more heal'hful. So well known have become the medicinal properties ot tne grape, that in some countries grapo euros have been estab lished in whioh disease in many forms have been successfuly treated. Not only are they thus beneficial, but a lux ury tnai can oo indulged in by poor as wen as non. it you do not want to grow crapes for profit, grow them for pleasure, you will seldom havo more than you-can use, only let rae add in the words of Horace Greely "grow grapes ana plenty oi trem. A tiill for the Preservation and Protection of Publio Land Forests- Wasiiinoton. January 27. Theses sion of the House was brief. Then was no session of the Si nate. Mr, White of New York, introduced a bill for tho protection nnd adrainistratioi of the forests on the publio lands. Re ferred. It withdraws from survey, sale, entry .1 J! , .1 .. rii -. J mm ui'poxm me unsiirveynii lanas, em braolng natural forests and a! niiblii lands returned by the publio surveys as wiiiuui mii'iit j mill jiruvuies ior me ap pointment of a Commissioner of For eats, at a salary of 85,000 a vear, and four Assistant Coramis'sionirs, who shall have tho oontrnl of all tho forest lands owned by the United States. It shall be the duty of tho Commissioner of Forests to classify the foreHts and timber lands, ond to determine what portion of those lands shall lio perman onlly retained in reservation tor climate and other economic or other publio reasons, and whtt portion jnav bo dis posed of. Lands whioh are more valu aoie ior agnouiinrai man limber pur poses shall be restored lo homestead entry and sale. The cutting, removal or destrnctinn of any timber in thn for- f 1 nw b? 1,10 U,,i.lP', ut,0li is made n in!sdemeannr, punishable by fine and imprisonment, but the right is rocrved to agriculturists and miners to lake wood for domestio purposes, It is a solemn hour with a rose lip- t,cu " "r "u.u " oe'n i i a i .. i i 1 WOn"eF Vi!Bnely n0W a mOUStaoL iceis on the face, - 1 . . - 1 A Doctor who speaks only one Ian ' guago may yet understand a great many touguei. Olever Deteotirrs Bun Down a Gang oi Train Bobbers Memphis. January 27. For several years pasrenger trains in Texas, Mis i-otirl, Colorado nnd elsewl'ore have been held op by bands of mokcd men, who robbed passengers, express com pnnles, mallsj eta, , and, in ,many instan ces killed or woudid persons who were brave enough to defmd property in their possession. Tho rallronl, State and express authorities offered targe rewards for the capture of the .1-2! I a .!.! ..4 f uaniig iiiguwayuien. uui wiuiuuv ui feot. Earlv in December last a train on the SU Louis and Arkansas Railroad, near Genoa, Ark., was signaled by red lights, and the engineer brought it to a Btop he was "immediately confronted by revolvers in the hands of, maked moo, who compelled him to accompany them to the express car, which was forced open and soon despoiled .of its most valuable contents, despite the to sistance of the messenger in charge The robbers fled to tbe woods, and soon after wero pursued and overtaken by the Sheriff and posse, but after a run ning fight, in whioh mauy revolvers were emptied, tho thieves escaped. As this was tbe first successful at tempt in many years, to depredate up on the Soul hern .Express Company, its officials, with the co-operation of Pro- Went Jordyoe, of the railroad com- nnnv. immediately Dlacnd tho matter in charge of Pinkerton's agency with directions to .uso every means to cap ture the gang. Detectives were sent to tbe scene, whero was too ml a "suck cr," or oil cloth coat. This garment was mado in St. Louis, an investiga tion tbero elicited the names of store keepers in Arkansas nnd Texaa who were purchasers of such floods. Kaoh of tho latter wero visited in turn with out result until a dealer in Waco, Tex as, not only recognized the coat, but accurately described the man to whom it had been sold. This clow, coupled with other cir cumstances, led to the arrest in tho in- tenor of TexM of a man named Brock, who was brought to Texarkana and thero fully identified by the engineer of the "held up" train as the man who held a revolver to his head while going to the oxpress car. As denial was useless Pinkerton's men ihen induced Brock to admit not only his participa tion in the affair, but also to roveal some much needed information. As a result two men wero arrested on Sunday last by the Chief of Potioo of Montgomery, Ala. One escaped. The other is James Burrows. Reuben Burrows, who cscap-d, did so by kill ing his pursuor. Ho is now hiding in a swamp. It now transpires that the prisoner, James liurrows, has been tne irgamzer as well as leader in all tbe train robberies which have occurred for the past several years. James Burrows, heavily ironed, arrived here this morning from Montgomery, nnd left by connecting train f jr Texarkana in the custody of officers and General SuperintendeiifMk, J.'0;Brien, of the Southern Kxpress-Oompany. Waved the Bed Flag- WIIVT THE I'lEJlT SYMBOL 01' ANARCHY MEANS IN VENEZUELA. I was riding out-the; other dav Willi a friend in an open carriage. Both of us were strangers in the cny, and were going about the town driving ourselvi s rather than go poking along in one of the numerous but dirty cabs. The horses were passing leisurely along one of the main streets, and we wero gazing at tho girls as they passed us. Sudden ly there appeared before is a man in uniform. He stood in the middle of tho street and blew a "dog-whistle," which first attracted our attention. Then he drew from under his arm a red flag and' frantically waved it in the air. Juy friend pulled in his horses, and they oame to a bait. Wo then noticed car-trucks on the Btreeis run ning at right angles to the one we were or, and wo thought at once that wo bad come to a railroad crosing, and that the authoriti-s were mos' c siderate. in warning people of tio danger; though we also thought ii rather strange for a railroad traiu i run at a grade through the oentre of the city. We waited at least one minnte an 1 heard no whistle' or indication of ih approaching of a train, and would hav noved on bnt lor tho crucial and hi red flag. There we stood, wailing with anxiety for tbe train to dash pa-t us, not knowing how the straug horses would tak to an engine 'at full speed with a train of cars behind it Finally, wheu we had abou lo-t all patience ana wonder d why the mao did not let us go n, we heard eom thing coming, and then the jmgle of bells, and at last a little ooe-ho se street oar logged around the com r. across the street and went Its way up the. thoroughfare 1 I looked with astonishment at my friend aud he looked at me. Then we burst oat laughing for the whole thing was very ridiculous. Flagging u for a steot car to pass. letter m iV. Y. Aim. Wires and Daughters. The attractions of literature and art have rarely been more happily com- iiiueu than In tne otter ot the well known Bonon publishing liouso of Holmau it .Co., who, iu return fur the trilling sum of thirty fivo cents, send tlieir beaulitui ptioto-ctcrnng ot Alun. kacsy'a world famous painting "Christ Bntore Pilate," and their elegant new illustrated rooihly, Wvet aul Daughters on a three mouth's trial subscription. . The. picture is ,too well known to need description, its ,sa!o to John Wanamaker fpr,8J20,OPQ having .been universally ,cbipniole,J,by tho pnss, but a worn of enthusiastic commen dation of the now magazine may bo allowed. TVivet and Daughters U an ideal pioduotioo, of sparkling literary aud artistio merit, filled with bright stories and eharinuig.poema from the pens ol uich authors as Miss Nora i'erry, Mis. Mary K. Blake, Mrs. Graio W. Oliver, Mrs Laviua S. Goodwin, Charles Itiihards Dodge, M ss Minnie C. Ual Ian), Mi-s Helen V O'Neil, aud a liosi of popular writers. lis illutratioiit aro under tho chargo of Mr. Ft d Wi bster. The publication is a mre of good reading in attractive form at a phenomenally low price, and will lie found thoroughly worthy of its dedi cation to puro womanhood. The pub Ushers may bo addressed at 2330 Washington street,- Uoton, Mass. It Never Tails. Ma'rriageable young girls itf Kansas make it n point to take up a land olalm as the nrst step lowards securing a bus band. Tliev havo ley?l heads, Anv girl in the West with plenty of land can aiwayi isna a nusDana. -ftw ur- On tha Outposts, 1780. The way through tho woods was deep in now, nnd oticumb' red as they were with cattle, the part.t under Rob ertson nitde but slow progress, it be ing Christinas Day, 1"70, before they arrived nt th'elr destination. They were not mo'eMed by I he Iiotinns, but siiffen d much from cold on iht journey, for the winter ns tho tnoct severo whioh had been known in n century Tho leu in the Cumberland was thick enough to sustain tho passage of ani mals, and it was not ninny days before the settlers had crossed over and begun on tho bluffs which lined tho southern bank the building of the tort nnd the few log houses which formed iho nuoleus of tho iuturo capital of Ton nesseo It was in the very heart of the wild erness, supouml d In nenrlt twenty thousand Crc ks, Ch roki e, Clmtaws, and Chickiisaws, nil of whom wero in allianco with Gr.nt Britain, which nt that mom-nt had ovei run aud all but subjugated the Soo'hetn oolonles. . Tho stations .ereeteo, the settlers awaited in nnxi u dispense for the coming if their wivis nnd children. The three months allowed for iho voy age had explted, but no tidings bad come from them, nor h id thr Kom-d of their approaoh bloke the s'illm-ss of the river solitudes. Tho anxiety about them soon leonine tut n-o. Thus it wns for n full month, a d until the end of April. Then -ono morning at sun rise a solitary four-pounder rchotd along tho Cumbpitn"d, and in n few hours the little fle-t -f f.ety flit bo H-, cinoes, and piro.ues came lo anch r und-r the walls of tho fort, amid such rejoicing as never before was known i- tho wilderness It bad been a voyage without a par allel lo modern his ory.- A iliousn d miles thiy hud com , through a country infested with lio-tiU) Indians, in frail boats down rapid nnd perilous rivets nevor before navigated by whito men Their w-iy had been thr ugh foaming whirlpools and over dniiueioiii shoals thirty miles in xtent, and they had endured the dttercst cold, and for many long dnjs and nights been sub jooted to the constant and deadly fire of fifteen hundred Chicknmiugas the, most fer -cious nibo of savages on the Amerioan continent. Thirty-one of the company had been left by the way, butchered by the Bavages, and ono had been tnken prisoner. Thns, amid iee and snow, and th intense co'd of 1780 till noted ns the coldest winter. in Ameiioin latitndes-r wns planted the first eiV'zpd settle ment in iho MsHsiM'i Vn"ev Ed mund Kirkr. in Harper's Magazine for February. Two Little Qaesthns "Pupi," sh- cri d, "I want to see you." "I ra going i ut." he called back, "and am iu a great hurry.'' "But, papa " sh- I eisist U, "mayn't 1 ask you one question! "Y s, if you'll be quick." "May I ask yon two questional'' "Yes, if you'll hurry. MVell, papa,'' pursue I the sh ill tones from aboc. "I want to know how th-'y mike condensed milk a-jd how Chri-t d'd His miracles." PrS vidence Journal. ffll I C-SC be 'cured of your & rtjHEUMirSMjNWfTftl-tilA or fjEnvoue Headache fcyusimf Ry ffrU ATH-LfrPHO-ROS. 1 J1Q5 U kited ancr S Today Tia mi meiau forthtse daeeaa tl THLOpioRoFco'i' j. Wiasr New York You Can'tl 1 ForOtneril Faralljute BEAT THEM! It; thtf r Txtlf Superior ALL other klndf. THE FAMOUS HOP "PLASTERS ClMa. trwtnmt. curtly end highly raMlolntl, prepared from rreth Hope, BelMmn. Hi tract ad 6nme. iprtad on whttt nvtttn. They reetoro and YiUUno wcajc parte, eubdne Inflammation eud blatantly banian pain whether la tb uaoK, tune, jup. nog, juoneye, domse, Shoulder. Cheet. Sreait, Otomaoh or Uueolee, Powerfully eoothlns;, pain allaying and atrengthH eal&f. IM lxl pl-uier on urf u Uie v,nuat thomanrtw.- KaUod for price hyproprieton. Ilep l'laeUr C'wpaay, liMtou, Mm fjrawlndlere abroad! TMa plaster la epread on white xnualin, ready for instant uee. HOP FULSTZR CO., anatnro on every plaster. Dr. J. n. SCnENOK ha published A NEW AND BLABOIIATE BOOK on tha Treatment rod Cure ot CONSUMPTION, LIVER COMPLAINT b DYSPEPSIA which will bo mailed FREE to tV. who want It. It you aro, or terr or any ono who ia, aflltQted with, liable to any of theao dlsoiuer, -name and address (plainly writtc Dr. J. II. BOHENOIC BO" (Name tola paper.) Fhiladelphte CLOTHING! o CLOTHING! Cr. W. BEMTSCH, THE MKIU'HANT TAILOR, Cents' Furnishing Goods. Bats S: aps OF EVKUY DESCRIPTION. Su ts tun'lo lo nider at nliott no' o ami a Hi lwaa i;iiarantreil nr no ! Ih. Oill and cxainlno tliu larpt st and I o-i Ac Nan VUK IS iiiamr Ho-foica hu-oK oi gooi- ever cliown ii Columbia county Ptoro next dnor to First Natioual Rank MAIN STREET, Bloomsburff Pa, D S MDFUS $ CO. HF.ADQUAllTKItS FOR ' Stcinway, Solimcr, ftraiiiich c'v llacli Fischer, Emerson, Pesise AND TUG CE1.KURATRI) Wilcox & White Organs. OTIanns Tuned and Repaired by com petent workmen, Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST T1I1KD ST., Williim-port, Pa. novll-87 1y. rpitUL LIST, FOR FEB TKKM, 1888. "Ellen M. Chrlsman va. John Howell and It. D. Lacoa II V Orlttaln vs Eme A ltlttcnhouso and Thomas H.lttaln. Ira ness vs -lonn l- cnapin II E lloacock rs William Maateller. Theodore P Craig rs Mnhala cralgctaL Mart i: HeiKOCk s I K It Co et aL o w ncKeivy cr, w va o n DnvKwar. Jona Doty'a adm'rs ct al vs John Suit. Patrick Uurns va L A Hlle Co. ' urtls Mrg :o va Clark I Thomas. J II. lloyt vs norough of Uerwlcic. Franklin Toe urn guardian vs willlau Zahner. Mathlas Kin It va Charles 8 mdsct at rPanlel F 8iy bert vs nideon Hosier. J U Yocum vs Urumrj.ick. Cataw t sa Deposit Bank va uabclla weaver. D. F. sevbHit va James V Sponenberg. James Pollock vs W Vandt-rnllcc. James lllrd va Culp MoWllilams Co. Maud A llartman vb Wn F Welllver. Henry n Ixiw va John W FalrchUda. S W Adams vs A 0 Croop. M A Marklo vs Iiorough ot ncrwlck. U F Oardner vs llloo nshunr 8 B L CO. Hamuel Applemanexrvtli W Miller, w E Tubrjs et al vs Freeman McAtoe. Stephen Hulton va J 8 'V ooda ct ux. A I) Croop vs II U Low 0'i K Hess vs Edward wairner. lilt sponenherg vg Geo K lless. a 8 Heckenutne'a uso v.i A A Wilson, oeo W Murphy vs h A UUey Co i RAND JURORS FOR FEBRUARY 1 TEHM, 1RS8. Heaver W X Drelshach. Benton Joseph It Col". eprwlrk. Th mn n Tnvlnr. . Illoom-ll F Dienunbach, Jackson nower, John lonKer Catawlsa K n Oule. Centre Addison 8chwepponhcls?r, Joseph Olger. 1 Conyngham Frank Burgln. John Mculngcr. Greenwoiid Lomon Black, iuchard Eltchen,J03. F. Lavtton. , , . - . llomloclt-nanlel O rurscll. Jladl?on George Leo. Maln -Wm II Menslnger. Jllfflln-Danlel Boyer, Wm II nartzol. Orange .lohi Yocum. line Jud on Chrlstlin, .Tohnlloaa. Itoarlnsrcieek Wm Itnach. Sugarloaf 1 D. Gibbons. HPR AVERSE JURORS FOR FEBRU- X AKY TEItM, 1883. Beaver Joseph cilngerman. lienton-J L C Kline, Jonn llcllenry. Berwick Thomas II Hess. . . Bloom-John Mianer. ltobt Roan, Patrick Dil lon, P II Freeze, Jacob Beers, John 1) PowelL Sttn nel YptWr. catawlssa Chas Heist, rhlneas vyinterstecn, llamllton F Clark Thos llartman. oentralla-Wm Darrah, Edward Kcece, Daniel uougnerty. Centre-Philip narrls, JohnB Shuman, Fra ids Hesa rnnvniyhftm TliniNevln. John Purcell Flshlngcreek Jacob v ennr, Martha Coleman. rrankim jonn itower. Greenwood lobn Meyhard, P D Black, llemlo k Chta nomboy Jacknon Augustus Everhart. Locust Amatdus Bllllg. Madison 'I hos Glngles. Montour John N Gordon. Mt Pleasant Clark u-iagle l ine rhlneaa whltmover. Koarlngcreek Oliver Evans. SECOND WEEK. Beaver O A Bhumau. . Berwick Joseph Blank, Jonas Crlsman, George Depuy. liloom-o " Bobbin, o T Wilson, Geary Hower, tl It 1,-rPiK U KPitPr. Catawlfisa-Foreat Yeager, S D Relnhard, Sunon lioup, ) u xeiier. Centre W B ITIce. rwi cham AUphnpl U nlnh. J A Miller. Flslilngcreek Edward Carey, F P Bender, John Frankllnr-Jacob Artley, Wesley "tieets. iipmirifA .t Kmmpr. .lotin 8 Nevhard. Locust Wellington Yeager, A P-Bltner.O SW rox. Main-J F Uauman. Mifflin lllram Grover. Mt Pleasnnt Wm Uower. orange Wesley Uutton. I'lne llobt rover. Hcott 8 W Boone, bugarloat II F Harrington. BLOOflyURG tUSm MILL :o. The undersigned havlug pur his Planing Ml o Railroad street. In nrat-ciass condition, la P'e piroa to ao an Kinaa or wora in nu imo. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.MOUwDINGS. FLOORING, Etc. iirmsneu at reasonable trices. All lumber naeo h well seasoned and none out skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR ITU I I C umishnd on annlleatlon. Flans and sceclfloa una prepared by an experiences araugniHman CHARLES KBDfi, OIIIMtlU-' Tint's Pills CURE Malaria, Dumb Chills. Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, They produce regular, nuturat e. var um ions, never ffripe or inieri vro wiin lilly bunlueii, Ann fuuilly iuctllclnet tiivy Nliutiltl he In e ery Iiuiihehold. SOLD EVEItVWIlEltE, noT3sn.ctcoly, elvs Catarrh weam iiaimorit.niW CleanBca tbe nasal passages,allays pain and Inllnmmatlon bcals tho sores, re- Btorea tbe senses ol taste and smell! thy the ruRK HAY-FEVER A narticle la annlled Into each nostril and la agreeable Price 60 cents at urusclsta; by mall. registered. 60 centa. ELY UltOTllKltS, S33 (Ireeu. wica st., ew ior. lebSdiu A MONTH. No capital required. A Rood cbance to make money Applf for territory at ones. II. H. luderbacb Co., Kewart, N. J, (eu3dtt, WANTED. 125 a weetc and eipenoe raid. Kleadr work. New izoodA. .Samples tree. J p, HLU L i O., ii3MiiyjtAjpra PARKER'S C1NQIH f ONIOltCSt duy. for ail ftitMtluna ot lh ittrtMt avnd lunn, ftiirt dlMwa Twtnt; (rum Impure tlood &na eiliftuiuoa, 1U febl Mid hick. 4Hnitvlin mrliuil diMM, tvuU tlow); drifting wUngrT, will Iq unj cmumhi raxtr ltelrfctlLl. Vr lb Uinair dm ot l'uktr' OlarerToalo, tutdUv U da. rroav Tvi It la Uin. It U lnfJunM lur all tlnm uul diaordan ot awmacb aod Utttli, 40o. t Unaffif Utav HAIR BALSAM OlcajiMa and Leutina tha Lair. lnMuotea luxarlanl arrowth, Nvr Fails lo fttor Qray CiMCAJpdseAMrt)cadbaI ftvlliixy OtT Kt I'ni&VUIIB. HINDERCORNS. Tbaaataat, aataat. lurest and beat care tor Corn. Pa rvloni.Aa, ailMla. Ennari comfort tthfL NTrIila eiopaai, ioouxe. Jaii27diU 8U1WR1UK FOR lisiVrTxiTesHI 1 ruiurrurritfitS hf M Mil am US THE COLUMBIAN r.A. tttrtMANN Waftnington.D.0 cnd forctrouUr jaQ'AKllU - EPPS'S QRATErUL-COMFORTING. COCOA Jansodit. WIMHtSTER'S lIVrurilUSPllITR or 1.1 MR ln Ann A la a matchless remedy for conuraptlo, in every etaee of the disease For coughs, Weak b nR. ihrott niieaws. lia nf Fieab andopitc tlte.and every for of (lencral Dcbllltt It la an un- edimu-d iiecino remedy, J"ll eua akd out V1NCIIKTKII'H I'RitrARaTioy. II nnd M per but- tie, Kold br druggists. WINOIIESTKlt CO., ChemlatB, lea vwiliam Etrcci, New York Janaxilt LIEIHG COMPVNYS EXTRACT OP MKAT. Fines- nnd Cheap'-at Moat Fla vouring stock for nouns, Mado Wanes and Sauces Annual sale 8 ) us. LIEIHG COMPANY 8 EXTRACT OF M AT An Invaluable tontc "Is s auo. otsk and i boon forwhlcii nations should feel grateful." Meu '.Medcal l'roaa," "Lan. cet,'ro. GENUINE WITH BLUE SIGNA TURE OF PAIIONUEDIO In fac-slmllo across labeL 111 ghly recommended at anight cap Instead of alcoholic drinks. L1EHIG i O.Ml'ANYS EXTRACT OF MEAT. TO bo had of all Htorekeepers, (iroccs and Chemists, solo agenta for the United fta'es (wboleaale only) (1 Uavtl & Co., Fen-church Avenue, lxindon, Knsland. andlt. J! All nrunittl. S5&. eOe., and tlOJ. rrpparrd only by Br. Bet& irnold, ilti. Corn., Wooniocket, K. I. c36Umn HAIZiROAD T1ZVTB TAUX rELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN ItAILHOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION, STATIONS. r m NoRTnuarnRtiXD a 40 Cameron. & S cbulaHk) is 10 Danville s os Catawlssa e ss Kupert.. e 8i liloomeburg 6 30 Espy , ft 42 Lime llldge, 6 6n willow drove o a nrtarcreelr.. a 59 Berwick 7 OS Beach llnven 1 11 nick's Ferry. 7 19 Hblcksblony, 7 no llunlock'a 7 43 Nantlcoke 7 GO Avondale. 7 54 Plymouth 7 9 PH mouth Junction,.... 8 03 Kingston 8 OS Dennett 8 12 Maltby 8 17 Wyoming 8 23 PATENTS NORTH. fx a. K. A, , 1 35 10 10 o in 10 25 6 SO .... 10 29 6 34 1 58 10 39 6 40 2 14 10 53 B 58 2 19 II 00 7 US 2 24 11 07 7 1! 2 29 11 15 7 20 11 22 7 27 .... 11 2(1 7 31 11 30 7 35 2 45 11 37 7 4! 2 54 II 44 7 49 8 59 11 43 55 3 09 11 58 8 06 3 19 12 OS 8 17 3 !S 12 10 8 2! II 20 8 38 3 85 19 2.1 8 83 3 39 1! SO 8 38 8 43 19 37 8 45 .... 12 41 8 49 19 45 8 53 3 52 12 60 8 58 3 50 It 55 9 03 4 01 1 03 9 09 1 11 9 17 1 19 9 25 1 23 9 SO 4 22 1 SO 9 35 T M FX AX SOUTH. AX FX FX 9 60 2 01 6 20 9 65 ... S25 10 00 2 14 6 10 OS 2 21 6 8? 10 lti a 28 . 6 45 10 22 2 St 6 50 10 27 2 39 6 65 10 30 . 6 69 10 31 2 47 7 03 10 39 2 50 7 07 10 42 2 54 7 12 10 47 2 69 7 16 10 51 3 03 7 21 10 61 3 06 7 25 11 02 3 19 7 43 11 12 S 29 7 B 11 22 3 39 8 07 II 28 8 45 8 18 11 37 8 61 8 20 8 67 8.27 11 43 4 01 811 11 62 4 05 8 35 11 19 4 12 8 41 12 05 4 IS 8 47 12 10 4 21 8 62 12 15 4 !9 8 67 12 30 4 46 9 IS 4 64 9 23 12 40 5 00 9 28 12 61 5 15 9 45 F M FX FX West Huston... 8 27 Plttston Lackawanna . Tai Ion llle... Uellevne Scbantom 8 3.1 8 40 8 48 8 S4 9 00 F at STATIONS. 1 II SCRANTON. 0 10 Bellevuo o it Taylorviue. , c so Lackawanna e 2- Plttston 6 3i West lit tBton 6 42 Wyoming 6 47 Maltby cm liennelt e t Kingston f 1'lymouih Junction 705 Plymouth 7 10 Avondale. T 14 Nantlcoke 7 19 Uunlock's 7 26 si lckabluny 7 47 Iltck's Ferry 7 S3 Beach Haven B 01 llerwick 8 07 Bnarcreek. 8 13 .willow Drove . 8 ia Lime IUdge. 8 20 Kspy.. -... 8 sa Uloomsburg 8 33 ltupert. ' 8 37 Catawlssa ., 8 2 Danville 8 67 Chulaaky. 9 03 Cameron 07 NORTUtrUB..RLlXP 9 22 A II Connections at ltupert with I'liil-deiphl & iteamng jtanroaa ior lamoneno, Tamnquo. will, lamsnort. Hunburr. Poitsrt.le. tc. At Nirthum berlund wltb P. & E. Dlv. 1'. It. IL lor narrUburg, Lock 11 avtn, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie. -v. r. uausihav, uen. sian.. Scranton, I'd Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ml TIME TABLE. In effect JAN. 25. i bra. Trains leave Banbury K AST WARD 9.40 a. m., Sea Shore Express (dally except Sunday), for Harrlsburg and Intermediate stations, arrmnir at PhlladelDhla 3.16 b. m. : New York. 6.60 p. m. ) Baltimore, 4.40 p.m.; Washington' 0.00 p. m., connecting at I'unaaeinnia ior on sea Skore points. Through passenger coach to mnadeinnia. dally except 8unday),for HarrTsburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.50 p. in. : New York. 9.33 D. m. : Balumor? 1.13 rt. m. Tljiv Axnmn 6.45 p. m. ; Washington, 7.45 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches turougn to rnuaaeipnia ana uaiumore. 7,45 p. m. Kcnovo Accommodation (dail) (or iiarnsourg ana an inxermeaiaie Btaiions, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. no. ; New York 7,10 a. m. Baltimore. 5.15 . m. : Wasnlnrton 6.05 a. m. : Sleeping car accommodations can be aocured at Harrlsburg for rhUadelptla and New York, on Sun days a through aleeplug our will bo run; on this train from Willi amsp'ttophUadelDhla. Philadelphia passengers can remalnlnaleeper undisturbed untl , a. in. i.ta a. m Erie Man maur excent Hondav tc- Harrlsburg and Intermediate stations. n iu an i uuauc(JU,a o.J M. iu. lion luin, U.V, - m, ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.30 a. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run on tola tram to rmiaaeipnia, uaiumore ana waaning ton, and through passenger coaches to Phuadel pnia ana uaiumore. WESTWARD. 6.10a. m. Erie Mall fdallr excent Sundav). fo f:ua ard intermediate stations, Kocneeter, lluna o and Niagara Falls, wltb through Pullman Pal ace cars and passenger coaches Co Erie and Koch ester. nne ar j an uuermeaiaie siauona ana uananaai 9.53 New b Express (aany except Sunday) rot ick navea ana inir(neaiat Biaiwus. 12.52 d. m. Niagara ExDresa (dallr exceDt Hun Tl for Kane and Intermediate stations and Can ilirua and nrlndnat Intermediate atatlona. It 'heater, tiuffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester and Parlor car to Wllllamsport. o.aj p. m. rast une iaiuy except Hunaarjior jte KinB ana intermeaiaie Btauons, witn tnrougn pas senger coaches to ltenovo and Wutklna. a. m. uunaay mail ror uenovo ana interme- a late Biaiion" THRonan trains FonstmnmY fhomtue BAST ANU MOUTH. Sunday mall leaves PhUadelnhla 4.30 a. m Harrlsburg T.40 arrlvlni; at Hunburr 9.20 a. m. with turougn sitsepingcar irom rnuaueipnia to Wll UUUJ3JUlb. - news uxontas loaves ranaaeioma csu a. m. Harrlsburg, 410 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.63. a. m. niagara express leaves PhUadelPbla. 7.40 a. m. i Ilaltlmore 7.30 a. m. idaiiv osgepi diiuuu urriviUK ah nuuuury, p. m., wuo inrougii i-arioi car irom I'miaaeipbla auu iuruuKu ptuaciier cuacues irom ruuaaei. puia uuu uaiiiiuurf. Fast Line leaves Now York 9.00 a. in, t Phlladel Dhla.ll.W a. in. l Washloifton. 9 60 a. m. Haiti. more. 10.45 a. in., (dally oxceot Mundavl arriving at coaches from Philadelphia and lialilmore. itrie mum loaveo new orx nuuii, in. j pcuadel. Dhla. 11.25 u. m. : Waahlnelcn. ldno n. m. ; Haiti. more, ll.vti p. in., (dally eiuepl saturdav) arriving at Kunbury 5.10 a. m., with through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and uaiuiuuru aim luruugu (luauxger coocnea irom rnuauvipuia. HVNIllIltV, IIA7.I.KTON A: HKIIAllItU itAii.itii.!' Ann Miii'rii .7iit wtCnT lll'ANI'll lit I.WAY. (Dally except huuuay.) wuxesoarre Man leaves sunburr o.m a. m. arriving at Uloom Ferry 10.16 a, m Wllkea-barre 12.15 D in. Express East leaves sunbury 6.85 p. ra., arriving Sunbury Mali leaves Wl lkesbarra i dm a. m. am . Ing at Uloom Ferry 1 1.54 a. ni., hunbury 12.45 p. m Expreaa West Itaves Wiaes barrea.50 p. in.,' ar riving at uioom rerrv I m u. in., sunbury M0p.ui HUH DAI OPLV, Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:25 a. m., arrtvtnz at liloom Ferry lO.ia a. in. Wiues-Uarre U:4S Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkeq-Barte 5 10 u. ui., ' t , i uv mw.u veil, B,oy u, IU., DILBIIttry, cum a. ruan. j. it. wood. J.R.SMITH&CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DSAI.KRS IN PIANOS By the following well known makers; Chlckcrini;, Knabc, Weber, Hallet & Davis. Cnn also furnish any of tho cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano De- ore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On npnlicntiori. SeptS-SCtf. Bitten bender & Co., WAGON MAKKR'S AND BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES., No 12G & 128 Fia klin Av. ., SCRANTON, PA. Iron and taprtll-lr. Wherr I say Cork I do not mean merely to 'top them ror a time, and then have them rs turn again I mran A It APICAL CUKE. I liae. made the disease et FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life long study. I warrant my remedy to t'urtrc tho worst caies. Iiecatiw others have mill-ills no reason for not now receiving n cure Send atiincefnrntreatheandaFiiK iiottlr of mv Infai.i.iiilf. Humkdv. Give Exptesa nnd I'ml orflce. It costs you noililnR tor r. trial, and It will cure you Address H Q ROOT.M.C. l83PtAUSl.,HtwY0K novasnctooema. ?OH' AOtluMf UHHKIV Kmrr laar h A!a ESaniJ tump. HAKEIl HKM.OO..BoilMBoiralo,N.. ERSIAN BLOOM, Bert CempliiloaSua-" tlllar, 8kia Onrn an4 Blamlah Eradlcator known, datamp for trial paokoa Aditreaa aaabora, nov2Sn.ccolr. WAPJTKM immedlntely, I.ndleH to work for a wholesale ho-ise on Needlo. work- at their, hoinea (.Sent any distance). Goodnavcan bo made. KVPrvthlnrr fur. Dished Particulars free. Address Artistic Needle work Co., lis 8 h bu, New York city, j-ndlt k I CURE m FITS! T. W. EDGAR, OF ESPY, PA., RcODeCtfullv inforrriH hia fri ri is nlanincr mill. In adrlit.lnn in thu furnish to order doors and inside finish WESTERN PIUTE veneered with all our native wood", also foreign woods, such as Muhogany, Utipewood.&o., ifc-j. All hard wood Miiulriinfp is used lor Veneered Doors nnd Inside Fini-h. All work shall bo "Uariiiteerl. W iti.r.iirnni f5i ,(.Q,i r... vi neering all our D ors and Owingi, Ash, Hyiamore, Oak, Butlcrtnii, Maple, Mill, six to ten feet long, six to thirty novll-cma PERRINES PURE BARLEY DiSTiLiiD frpm selected Barley Malt and guaranteed to be chemically pure and free from Injurious oils and cldsolten echlnmed In alcoholic liquors! Ill t esper ally adapted to pertonsc renulilng a Hlmulatlng tonic, Coneun rllves bcln r greatlv benented by ltsuse. jllecommended by lei dlng i hjblclans as a diuretic Nervine, Toi le and Alterative. For tor.bun pilus it is Invaluable, l'l l niNP-a PUKE liAKLEV MALT-WHISKEY lnburca a return ot ieo, -lc i the "stomach a good appette. arch and nbupdanti blood and Incread rietfi ni,d muwulartiifue! A stimulant mud and gem le In enccu, indigestion and all waMlnB dl eases ca be ei tlrely conquered by the ute or 1 ei ilne 1 ute II, rlej alt hlslcey. mini wnn? aiiAi,iieitv m AJtVS?ofiu1re,ngtl'cnt,r i ,1,e ra,lre W"em. wat KINK'S I'UIIE HAltLUy MALT WIUhKEl lias proed a medicinal protection to those who pursue their avocations in the open ulr and whose dally S ork calls it exceptional powers m endurance. AUc tour nearett drutitlst or erocerfnrinr rEltftlNE'sfUItK HAKLKV SI ALT W1IISKI V revues theeSrgl" c?oSse voni put wltb exce&hlvo ijdlU ur mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposure In wet and rlgoroun weather. Itwlll drive all malarli us dl&ascs from the iv,em Dyspepsia Ond In 1'eirlnbBl'ure Uarlev nam nrM.,r vr,.,, --" Malt St'hlskey a powerful and helper to digestion. I'UIIE UAltLEY MALT nys Increases their flagging nibiiuui. uuuui Dt.uiuiailliy uuuuvci nvLD uc runw ui iuiiku, uas- tens convalescence and is a .wnolesome and prompt dluretlo Watch none genuine untebs oeanng tur JToi tuiie ny an dru 1st and grocers throuKhou the united Stales and Canadas. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHTLA .... ut W A HANDSOME WEDDINQ. BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PREfctNT.' m THE 3 nHV uta.wi.ol.iirnrtSi"L?.K? nd R.UIIed I l7Tllr MatipiAx. UUBURC MANF'C CO.. BOOKS, THREE CENTS-EACH! Tbi folio win book! tr DObUihad In n&t litnd la idt Uaii or lAnru&ra. mt IiUrttur of tbt dtr t Uit isoit trlflloi Ulot dMcrlpllon ftrl UliiaulIo of h noil waBdtrfsl Vorfeiolnttw ftKd ottat Vri ipKrutlkg ud luirucll, W4r f Ike Hca. A dM-rlflto r h utni vwtitf fl 4 baftulirul Utnf tvmi Ui UtlOU tl tk tXMB. wllk rpfM ItlMlrttUt'l. ' A lleitMi Kirtla. mni Other BkrUhe. Hi .Dim 1LU. I Wirit." i coilMtton wl ff ktrtt If b uu. Hpu1r dviruirgva wrtltr l lh 4ml, l1bKniC Itoat.toai.il1' A weal rUktlulr fuar Wak 4navarri ).! to "Widow Badoll. iJltrtaluat fcUrle, kr Cittist picnaa. CoiUI mUr or tha lutMtcliariu.of Cbrlalmaa atorltaavar wrlllau kf lhfrti( wrlIarwl.oavarllad. Kaclioua U cowplrta. Veuadlli EtenUff Ummp. A bnok ritria.iicUrM. ! an 1 ftraat, or Ikalutla lolka al bw. 1 lnlf llM-luUaa mm4 Il !, bamorooj, 4rm tl Nathalie, fuclurlia all na Ula7, Ut aad raoal pcyular. Tlklf.dM arMaitriiTlMta. OoaUii.1 pat. Iralla and Mt(ialilMf Uiuoua tU uaUa Amu Icakt.tftDi Ua llua ol Pratkll ta ha raael, fulUap ClNMativH. CohUliUlbaHclik4llko4N m ul nur rWaau fiMMBilf mat U iaadla tad oomum Hon, a luaUa work oi rafmaxa. krrl8,.ih W h,1 i9ik wlltrlttir t S'"M tHl Mk, titi out a Vj lVlJH f lk trli. N.niil .mm fW... .!fi-i 1" 'Ur Htltaaalal. rat 1.1 k S. if " Wull lfc' saw aid old. Allr rriai Jffc in,al, fil Uaio ll4Lan. It Vmm SeHit, A hvf.l, 9 Wrt. Aim I, C,W-VT?B NUTS. Double irri llrccdi Ivoadln? Mif Guns, choke bored, tin to lion. Mngte lireech Loadltffi shot cmna, 11 tn IM. t Every kind of Breech i nadlneand riepeatlnff ltlllen, 8 ,to I0 Mliwlo LoadlnitTKIu. bio shot Onna, tolas. .EimiM8hoi duns, 19 50 itovolvers il.OO toso. - Doublo Action Hell fockerMJMtolia. All kinds of artrldtfes. Fhcl caps, .vads, Tonta, I'owdor Flasks, 1-ouchcs, rrlmora . Hend cl,for illustrated cataloirue AddrMR,-.OltllAfF-STK IN OUN woititB, esi N.MiTUFiitii)'isr.fl'lri'iiuito1 fa. N. it. This is a so-jrw-old, reUAblo nrm. Per. fectly trutworth. ord-rs 111114 promptly nnd Roods Knt by mall or ,cxpres.i to any part ol t ho world. No matlcr.what you wruit In the (run line you can get It at the oreat, Western by writing a letter. Outs mado to Order, nuns "and ltevnlvcrs - ? ltepalred. sepia-cras- BLOOM'SBTJRO PBNN'A, - AGENT FOR TUB KEYSTME DYNAMITE POWIERsCO. manufaciruers of tho celebrated Keystone Xi na mlt -. This explosive laRltlns universal satisfac tion. Quotations cheerfully given. liaugam CIlKAr KXCUnSlONS TO AL,IFOKTIA Via Mlntmrt I'acUla Hi., A- tron Mountain tlante. aII thu cnlef couiion jolllcea In the United states and Canada will li iva on silo excursion tickets at greatly reduced ratci to us Ancclcs, nan Diego, and Ban F'anclsco for excursions loavlng tiU I)ut Wednesday, .laiuarv 11 and February 10, via Iron Mountain lloute; and Kansas Clty.Tbura dav. January 11 and Febr.iary 17. via Missouri Pa cific Hy. Janaont. QU.KESIl" 3BMBDYS. " llecelnts fur the cure of llh dlscases.1 are home tre tments: no dniea; lnnrrdl ents In eery hou-j-j ha cured us and luuiitniius vi oi iters. I ncv uj iiiuu, aw tor ono or both, 100. (Stumps.) MILLS &, i O., 39 Nonh inn St, Philadelphia, Pa ptconov25-3ms. AOENrs W NTM) to Cnnvaso for Ad vertlslne patronage. A small amount of work dono with tact and Intelligence may produce a considerable Income. Agents earn several hun dred dollars In ioi, missions In a single a ason and Incur no personal respon-lblllty. Enquire at tho nearest newspaper oRlco and learn that onrs la the best known aud beft equipped establishment for placing ad crtlsemcnts In newspapers and con veying to advertwer the Information which they req 'Ire In ordei to make their Investments wisely and profitably. Met, ot good address, or women, If well lnfc rmed and practical, may obtain author ity to solicit ndven Mng patronage for us. Apply by letter t Ono. P. Kowkll Co., Newspaper Ad vertising Bureau, 10 Hpruco St., New York, and full particulars 111 be sent by return mall. Hen WotiderH exist In thousands of imms, but are surpassed by the marvels ot Invention. Those who are In need of prof itable work that can bo dono while lfvtncr at home should at once send tbelr address to Hallet Co., Portland, Jlolne, nnd lecelvo free, lull Information bow either tex, of all ages can earn from is to t2S per ay and upwards wher ever they live. Vou are started free. Caplt not require d. . Somo have made over ISO In u single day at this work. All succeed. lydecso. RBUCKLES name on a paokage of COFFEE Is a guarantee of excellence. ARIOSA COFFEE is kept In all flrst-clasa stores from tho Atlantic to the Pacl&o. COFFEE is never good when exposed to tho olr. Always buy this brand in hermetloall-' sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. mart.rly SUFFERINC WOMEN' I MARRIED on SIN CLE. WfcD troabld Kith those nn,oyinn Irreanlaritlenaa freqaently followlnca ooldorxpasnre, or from Con titBtfon! WeakuMw bo peculiar to tbelr hi, thoald Ut OR, DuCHOINE'8 C-lebrated FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Therara Btrengtbenlna to the entire Rrtemt Impart tone, vigor and matmetlo force to all functions of bod jr ndmlod. 8ntbr miI,eecurvtjBenIfKl,l. Addreta. Dr. Hartor Medicine Co., ST. LOUIS, M0. nov85n.ocoly. nlnnimr mill mrL . ;a .1 for houses. Be B aid-. &n , &o. Aho Walnut, Chem, Pojilar, Ve, for sale ntllie inches wide. IBNTH aaUB'OHT t. W. EDO All. mflLT WHISKFY. nn on., nn-cnmi .. .. -..z .. iiyiwunnuwii twum, , ni renoers T prone to Invlgoraut FBltltlNK'u W111KKKY Theanalvslsns It attneArR hv thA wj.-i uu u,cr uuiviei i uave careiuuy anM mo lliaiUHl uaklst aialt wuls- activity, i uiauo cy ii. s J. i-errlne and nnd II. PltllmlV lnA fm,.i fncal nil ....., ...v U ll,Kt Wil. IU1IUIUI, metals and acids and Is ab-olutely pure." Stfitea, Camilla Arthur HaUr, the label I tne Bigna. ... uuuw.c v ,o ..Htm auu-a uj MunKn. immuti -vu UU UrfVUtfi'tl jao THE WONDERFUL H mm LUBURG CHAIR K H""rMREN'S CARRIAGES . .. ana mention carriages. 145 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa. h4 U ocit rimp bUt form, prlotoU from Rood niJU tTM on .tlT lllnitrftujL .Tbfy ut without cictptloa ih. thiwt beili .??r T 044 nub- ecu re thvboit Jf,f fJUBl HhVIm. A Naval. B U. T. CitMa. htrlrt!tOt-.B. ANaval. By Ctaii AcaviT Tilo'cY" LUm XoTal. Bj tlit alitor lM4T Tl. I I. .... 1 v .1 J a. atraaa. fiua af U Ko. . 1,1 LK,..a. Ur. Jekjll ami j't,'Ui4a.. A Vl,l,4 Ulrl fatal. V, Hit, Cci mt. d'cI;.'." I""" "aia4a, a .tl, , 'T. x";i:tiul.r,:,!i ri' 3C5 "'atu. adatai. U.ri.'a r.Haaa. aNlnl, Bj n.a.aca Waa.i., StS."" ll!"- "l. B, Wll ,1.0uHil. Vaatilraaafc A hattl. Sr Un. lit... Hwob, ITIT it atlara. a K.t.l. Si Uia. ai.iat.ia A.,..,'".tf,'."l,t''' aX.t.1. Br Mit. i.ia aawaa.t, x&.f'&:isi. m1, " " J1aiatar,a f.WIm a K.tal , Ur,. U. V. Viotta t'l.raaia Itlasl.a'a Oatk. AV.tal. , al.,. mat tSuntH" U,Ua ". f Pr.J.U.Boaut.. la.i.urtrala Mil, Oen. Manager, oca, turnout Agwt i.a,.-a .vtfUAv,'irrs;