The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 03, 1888, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
Thin powder never varies. A marvel of purity
Btrenrrth and wholcsomeness. More Monnniirai
than ordinary kinds, and cannot be gold In compe
tition with the multitude ot low test,short weight,
Hiiuii n puuBJuuva inmuuis. ouiu gniy in cans.
The Columbian
BLOOMS una & SULLIVAN railroad
Arrive, Arrive, Leave, Leave,
r. M. a. m. a. h. r. u.
. J 65 8 CO S 45 6 40
. 1 44 III 8 49 1 4)
141 7 CO 900 145
, 1 S3 J 40 V 14 54
, 1 28 J M 8 53
,111 7 S3 9 40 J 10
.12 57 T 11 9 58 7 21
U 50 T 00 10 05 7 17
.12 43 1 CO 10 15 7 83
12 80 50 10 SO 7 45
Leave, Leave. Arrive. Arrive,
r. u. a, u. a. m. r. x.
Trains on the P. & It It, it leave Kupert as
louows i
7:2? a. in. 11:00 a. m.
3:37 p. m. 5:04 p. m.
Trains on the D. L. K W. It. It. leave Bloomsburg
NOKTH. 800Tn.
,7:1! a. m. 8:32 a. m.
li:0T a m. 12:05 p. m.
2:24 p. in. 4:18 p. m.
:36 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trains an the N.W. B. Railway pass Bloom
JEViiJ nniuuwnoi .
10:40 a. m. 11:54 a. m.
t,!S p. a. 4'10 P- m.
10:16 a m 6:39 p m
Feb. 25. Geo. W. Cadv,alador will nell
valuable personal property on the premise
In Ucntnu township, at l p. ra. snarp,
Feb. 11, Tho widow and heirs of Fred,
crick Derr. Into of Madison township, de-
ceased.wlll sell valuable personal property,
on the premise, at lu o'clock a m.
Feb. 25. John G. Freeze, administrator
dc bonis non, of the estate of Robert
Finney, late of Liberty township, Montour
county, Pa., deceased, will sell valuable
real estate, at me uotiri nouse, in uanvuie.
at one o'clock in the aiicrnoon.
Fun Sam:. A desirable and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, pas and steam. Apply to
1an20tf. L. N. Moyib.
For Sale. A cood pair of Fairbanks
platform scales, weigh up to COO lbs., also
a wind mill, a nne cow, nan Aiaerncy, win
be sold cheap. Inquire of Bamuci uogan,
itonrsburg. fc
E. 0. Bundy, practical auctioneer; over
20 yesrs experience, in crying farm prop
erty. Btore goons ana noiei lurmure
sneclallv. Postnfllce address. Bloomsburg.
residence on Little Fisbingcreek, at slate
quarry, feua-ow,
Buy Lester's Uinghamton Kip
Jtsoots. best made.
Good nonrrtliijr.
Those attending cuurt will do well to
consult the umtcrstgneu ll tuey wish gooo.
boarding at a low price. ' YVm. Bxebs.
Cor. Main and West streets, Bloomsburg.
Mr. W, E. Rensbaw, of Plymouth, was
in town this week.
Miss Klugc of Allcntown is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Eycrly.
Wc bad a pleasant call from W. R. Dc.
mott of Eyersgrove, Thursday.
Michael F Eycrly is in poor health, and
has been confined to tho house for some
Mr. R. II. Rlnglcr has been confined to
the house by sickness for the past few
Alex McDonald, of Centralis, was in
town on Tuesday, and while here inspect
ed tho Columbian office.
Judge 0, B. McHenry and wife drove
over to Centralla last week and spent sev.
cral days with Judge Murphy and family,
Deputy Protnonotary, G, M. Quick, is
housed this week with an attack of rheu
matism. J, H. Maize, Esq,, is temporarily
asslstlug Prothonotary Snyder.
Rev. Edward Webb, of Oxford, Pa.,
preached in tho Presbyterian church, on
Sunday. The subject of his dlscourso In
the morning was Lincoln university, and
In the evening, Hlndostan.
A February flood is predicted.
Tho contracting mercury always ex,
pands the coal bills.
Selinsgrove is to have a new Industry In
the shape of a match factory.
Do not forget the discount of 10 per cent,
off all caBh purchases, at II. W. Sloan's.
Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Bertsch have been
visiting in Mauch Chunk, Now York and
other cities.
Bad cigars and bsd pipes are nothing
compared to a good cigarette for vile smell
ing qualities
There are services at the Presbyterian
church this Thursday and Friday evenings
and baturday afternoon.
J. N. ZeUloft offers his services as an
aucfonier to those holding public salts.
Address bim at jVrecytown, Pa. 4tJ27
The train on the V. &. W. railroad was
delayed several hours last Saturday morn
,lng by a drift in a cut near Mlllville.
.The infant daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
SpelgeI'meyer is seriously ill, and grave
.doubtB of Its recovery are entertained.
A full assortment of all kinds of goods,
and we give you a discount of 10 per cent,
for cash, until Feb. 21. II. W. Sloan.
The gay world of society is now hurry
ing Itself with all speed to bring its festlv,
Itles to an end beforo the Lenten season
A largo sleighing party, nearly all mem
bera of the Young Ladies' Guild of the
Episcopal church, went to Danville last
Friday evcnlpT
' Dr. James Calder 111 deliver a lecture at
Grange Hall Bloomsburg, this Friday night.
The subject will be "Asrlcultura In China."
.Admission, free.
There will be a muelcale at the Episcopal
lleclory on Friday evening. All are In,
vlted. Some new aud attractive features
will be presented.
Trains of cars ull over the BUto were
-greatly delayed by mow drifts last Friday,
Ha city papers of that dale were received
Urn until next day,
The days aro lengthening at both ends.
On and after Baturday February 4th
mall will closo for Benton and Inlermcd.
lato points at 0:10, and will bo received
irom mero at SilB.
Mrs Marv PhnilDs will
her confection ft-v piutititkmnn.
a level with the pavement, ana will also
cniargo berstor.ruom
A sleighing patty composed of members
of the Presbyterian Sunday school visited
Ink- u ttrt.t.-- .
uuuu m, imuo s near Liigm tstrect, rues
uay aiicrnoon and evening.
Wo publish this week on our fourth pago
an essay on "Grapo Culture," which was
read at the Farmer's Imtlluto, at Mlllville,
by our townsman Mr. J. It. Townscnd.
Mr. Charles Shields, tho manager of
Aiauamo lliompton's Bohemian Glass
Blowers, is a ftoc gentleman to do busluess
with, and ouht to be well received by tho
press everywhere.
Georgo A. McKclvy who has purchased
N. J. Ilcndershott's drnir store will Annn l,n
in readiness for customers. An inventory
is being taken this week by Messrs. J. U.
aicrccr anau. a. lUclra.
A swindler, offering a handsomely fram
cd picturri as a premium for a nonsnaner
for which ho collects pay, Is abroad in tho
iana. iiook out for Mm. Ez.
James Scarlet Esq. ot Danville has been
retained by tho appellants In the School
Hoard case, and will renrcsent them n thn
supreme Court with L. E. Wa'lcr Esq.
18,000 ft. dry pitch pine flooring dressed.
j in., tor sale.
White, Conner & Sloan,
feb,34t. Oracgevillc, Pa.
Dr. J. R. Evans slipped on tho Icy pave-
mcnt on Third street near M. C. Sloan's on
Saturday evening about seven o'clock, and
falling, broko both bones of the left leg,
about thrco inches abovo tho auklc.
Mover Bros, have rccenlWnlarvrt nmnncr
their ofllco furniture a machine of tho latest
and most complete pattern for couvlnz
letters. The letter is laid on the machine
a crank is turned, and tho copy is done.
The OranzcviUe Shoo Factorv is turning
out Borne oxcenenl work. We wero shown
some samrjlcs of children's skoea
made by them, that will compete with any
thing in that Ilno.for tho price, that can be
maue anywnerc.
The delays on the B. & S. tho past week
by snow drifts have been slight compared
with somo of tho larger roads. On some
lines travel was entirely stopped for sever.
always. The energy of Supt. Leader has
kept the track of the U. & S. open.
The printing office of tho York Daih
Publishing Co. at York, Pa., was com
plctely destroyed by fire Sunday morning.
Loss $20,000. insured for $10,000. Tho
paper wis issued next .morning from the
press and typo of the Age, in the same city,
Last Tuesday night was the fixed time
for the regular monthly meeting of the
Board of Trustees of tho Normal school,
but as no quorum was present the meeting
adjourned until Saturday evening at 7
o'clock. Business of importance makes a
full attendance desirable.
The absurd ruliug of tho Post-office De-
paitment which prevented the printing of
a picture or an advertisement on tho wrap.
pers of third-class matter haa been over,
thrown by a bill which permits such adver
tising. The bill is now a law and post
masters have been notified.
Glasco Cameron closed his barber shop
over Caldwell's bakery on Tuesday night
and moved Into the shop under tho Ex
change Hotel, which ho recently purchased
of L. Vicrcck. Ho will run four chairs,
and will bo glad to sea all his old customers
and many new ones, in bis new place.
The public schools of every place really
ought to be visited oftencr by parents and
by tho directors. This would encourage
the teachers and show them that their ef
forts are appreciated at their true value.
Teachers like to have the approval of dir
ectors, parents and guardians, and their
frequent presence would likewise spur up
the children to renewed efforts to excel.
A terrific explosion of gas occurred in
the Nottingham coal mine at Plymouth,
last Friday afternoon, by which five men
were seriously, if not fatally injured. The
names of the unfortunates aroi Daniel
Reese, married (dead), Ludwig Baslz, mar
ried, John McClure, married, David Lloyd,
married, and a Polander whoso nam o is
not known.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last
week, Jauuary 20, 27 and 29, will long bo
remembered for the "blizzard" In this state.
Railroads were blockaded all , oyer the
state and in many places abandoned.
Snow drifts obstructed the trayel on all the
roads leading to this place. Even the main
thoroughfare between here and Berwick
was impassable in many places, tho
drifts being as high as the fences, and the
roads completely filled.
Persons who have a great deal of writ
ing frequently experience cramps in tho
fingers, which, not infrequently, Incrcaso
In violence until it disables tho owner..
The ailment Is thought to proceed from the
constant contact of the hand with cold pa
per. To prevent this, n small pieco of
woolen cloth that will bo perfectly flat
should be laid on the paper. This, It is
said, will not only prevent the numbness
and cramps, but will remove them it they
have already set in.
O. W. Miller has sold to Paul E. Wirt, a
block of 7 lots on 7th and Catherine SU. and
to George S. Robbins, and O. 0, Peacock,
block of 0 lots on Eighth and Catherine
streets, upon which tho purchasers expect
to erect somo very convenient tenant bouses
this spring. This will supply a demand
much felt by Bloomsburg. There has not
been a t'mo in the history of the town
when houses haye been so much in demand
as at present, and tho prospects aro that
the demand will continue to Increase.
Tuesday evening two large sled loads "of
merry peoplo went to the country to sur.
prise Mr, Calvin Kressler, son of John
Eressler. Tuo party arrived there about
seven o'clock, unnoticed by any one until
they entered tho door. Calvin as well as
his father John Kressler, were completely
surprised. The latter In tho contusion
nearly fell down the stairs. At once tho
ipaclous rooms of both families were
thrown open, and an enjoyable evening
was rapidly passed. Nj better place of
real enjoyment can bo fouud than at this
The B. & B. railroad began carrying the
mail between here and Benton last Batur-
ay morning. There is but one mall a day
from here and that on the 8:44 train in the
morning. Tbl Is no improvement over
the stage line. In fact tho residents of tho
upper end would prefer the stage line, as
they wtre then enabled to get the city pap
ers on the day they were Issued, whereas
they do pot get them until next day now.
There should be two malls a day, and wo
Uuow that the officers of tho road are do'.
Ing all In their power to secure this for the
accomodation of the pubiio
Do you suffer with catarrh? You can be
cured If you take Hood's Sarsaparllla, the
great blood purifier. Bold by all druggists,
There was no trouble in seeing tho
eclipse of tho moon' last Baturday evening.
You could see tho eclipso easily by looking
where the moon ought to bo and falling to
sco it. Anybody could tell that it was
eclipsed, becauso they could not sco It,
At 'about seven o'clock tbo rpoon could bo
discerned very Indistinctly, and as tbo
shadow of the earth gradually passed
away, tho queen of night grow brighter
and brighter, until sho shono forth with all
her accustomed brilliancy. Tho earth
camo between the King of ! y and tho
Queen of Night, and the latter frowned un
til she grew black In the face. But when
the obslaclo was removed sho was just as
bright as ever.
Mr. J. R Townscnd, tho popular cutter
at the Lowcnberg clothing store, has been
confined to the house for over two weeks
with a fracture near tho hip, received
while on his way home from tho Farmers'
Institute at Mlllville. Tho accident occur
red In front of Mr. John Eves' wagon mak.
er establishment, where thcro was a steep
decline, and the road very Icy. Tho sleigh
suddenly slipping down this dccllno upset
without n momenta warning, and thq oc
cupants both thrown out. Mr. Townscnd
alono received the injuries. Ho experienc
ed llttlo pain all tho way home, and was
not aware of any serious injury until bo
tried to walk. Ho has now nearly fully re.
covered, and is again at bis old post ready
to furnish all with an elegant suit of either
ready made or custom made clothing and
at astonishingly low prices.
The following communication was mis.
laid last week :
To the Editor of tho Columbian Sir, will
you pleaBO correct the report ot the pro.
ceedlngs ot the court, slttlig as a License
Court, Jan. 10th, 1888, In the following par.
tlculars. To-wlt i As Boon as the judges
had taken their seats and tho court opened
by tho crier, R. B. Howell, Esq. presented
to the court a bill oi exception to the juris.
diction of tho court in granting Liquor
license at this time. First. Becauso tho
publication in tho newspapers did not give
tno place for wnlcli a license was prayed,
Second. Ilecauso the publication did not
give the residence of tho applicant. Third.
Becauso the rule of court, fixing the 10th
day of Feby. 1838, as the time for granting
licenses, was inconslstant with the acts of
General Assembly in such cases.
Tho above aro exceptions to the jurisdic
tions of court and not remonstrances.
Rout. 8. Howell.
There was one young man who awoke
last Baturday morning with a throbbing
brow and a reproving conscience. He
came to town from up the river to attend
Gorton's minstrel show, but owing to the
fact that ho devoted too much tlmo to un
packing glass before tho performance be
gan, be entered tho opera house with his
interior overcrowded with tbo liquid that
Inebriates. He became too talkative and
somewhat boisterous, and after being noti
fied several times by Policeman Knorr that
he must keep quiet and paying no atten
tion to tho gentlemanly admonition, he was
very properly and without any unnecessary
ceremony, ''bounced" from the hall. He
thought he was having lots of fun, but
when he came to think of it next morning
when hid bat was too small for bis bead,
wo doubt very much whether he thought
it was so very funny after all. The moral
is that the Bloomsburg Opera House is no
place for drunken men, and they may as
well take notice that If they come In and
do not behave themselves, they will be put
Division of Licence Money.
There were sixty.five applications for
liquor license filed in this county. Of
these, 37 were for taverns, 1C for restaur
ants, S for wholesale stores, 6 for distiller
ies, 3 for bottlers. One application for dis
tillery license was withdrawn, tw,o appli
cations for restaurant were refused, and
two hotels, one in Berwick and ono in
Espy, held over until next week. The 11
censo money of wholesalo stores, bottlers
and distillers is paid into tbo state treasury.
In boroughs the fco for hotels and restaur
ants Is $150, and three-fifths go to the bor
ough, ono fifth to the county, and one fifth
to the stato.
In townships tho fee is $75, of which
one-halt goes to the township, one-fourth
to thn county, and one-fourth to tho State.
If all the licenses granted aro taken up,
tho distribution of the fund will bo as fol
$37 60
112 50
18 75
18 75
03 75
18 75
03 75
187 50
37 50
87 50
37 50
87 50
37 60
270 00
1080 00
Madison -
18 75
240.00 240.00
90 00 00.00
800 00 860.00
1190 25 1190.25
The total amount of license money paid
to the county treasurer, if all pay, will bo
Pond's Extract During severe and
changeable weather no one subject to
rheumatic pains should bo one day with
out Pond's Extract. It la. of the greatest
boneflt for acute or Inflammatory rheuma.
tltm. Pond's Extract is a wonderful and
soothing remedy, and possesses decided
anodyne properties. Pain, lameness and
soreness are relieved, and tbo cntlro dls.
easo often cut short and subdued. For
salo everywhere. Bo sure to get the gen.
A Fortunate and Crntclul Woman.
Mrs. J. II. Giles, of Everett, Pa,, says:
I suffered for many years from kidney and
gravel trouble. Besides, I had other com.
plaints common to my sex. I began using
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, ot
Rondout, N. Y. A few words tell the re.
suit. I am a happy aud perfectly well
woman once moro. Thanks to Dr. Ken.
nedy and bis Favorite Remedy. Price $1.
We have tested its virtues, personally,
and know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness
and Throbbing Headache, it is tb best
medicine tho world ever saw. Wo tried
forty other remedies beforo Simmons Liver
Regulator, but none of thvra gavo us more
than temporary relief) the Regulator not
only relieved but cured us, U. 11. Jones,
Ed, Telegraph and Messenger, Macon, Ga,
(tliciiH oln Ttiuw,
From the Bottom Journal,
A January thaw is a &Wn tor a Julj freshet.
It clouds drive vp nigh from the ttouth expect a
if shooting stars fall In the South In Wloter ex.
poet a thaw,
In Winter, If the fences and trees are covered
with white frost, expect a thaw.
llogs rubbing themselves In Winter indicates an
approachlift thaw.
7 wnen utile black Insects appear on the snow
expect a thaw.
Buy Lester's Binghamton Kip
Boots. Best made.
AHtltllM I5NTB.
amusement season, tbo past week
has, come llko an oasis In tho desert.
Every night during the week oxcopt Satur
day there has been an entertainment ot
somo kind and lovers of comic opera and
minstrelsy have had an excellent opportun.
tty to witness two ot tho best companies
In UiCBo lines that are now trarellng. A
company of glass blowers havo been at
Muslo Hall since Tuesday and will contln.
uo to glvo their entertainments both after,
noon and evening throughout tho week.
When tho curtain rolled up on the first
part ot Gorton's Minstrels at tbo Opera
House last Friday evening, thcro waa ono
of the largest audiences In attendance that
has been present at any show during tho
past season. These minstrels aro favorites
here and arc assured of first-class houses
every time they visit our town; and they
deserve them, too. Tbo playing of tbo
band Is excellent; although tboy did not
parado In thn afternoon or play beforo the
pcrtormanco In the evening as long as they
would have done had It not been so cold,
the music they did mako was first-class.
Hank Goodman, ono of the few really
funny end men, is still with tho troupe and
Is just as funny as ever. Tho other thrco
end men aro good. The clog dancing of
Lnrry McEvoy, tho Turkish patrol and tho
acrobatic dancing of Wclby and Pearl
wero all flno. Hank Goodman was good
in a sketch with O. W. Yreeland entitled
"Ktcp your eye on the horn:" tho cornet
playing of Prof. Harry Baxter wns excel,
lent; John Styles delivered a speech entit
led "The future of our country," which
was loudly applauded; the afterpiece was
good, and tbo show taken as a wholo was
the best ono of Its kind that has been seen
in this place for somo time.
The Bennett and Moulton Comic Opera
Company opened Uiclr engagement at the
Opera House Monday evening with "Mas
cot" and played successively on Tuesday
evening, Wednesday afternoon and
Wednesday evening, "Olivette," "Pinafore"
and "Chimes of Normandy". That tho
people of this placo were well pleased with
tho company was shown by the good-sized
audiences that greeted them at every per
formancc. All tho comments we have
heard havo been favorable. Miss Siegfried
is a good actress an 1 has a sweet voice, and
the remainder of the company aro well up
In their parts. Tho two comedians, Slat-
tery and Clayton aro very good. On Mon-
day night in tho "Mascot" they kept tho
house in a continual roar whenever tiny
were on tho stage. In "Olivette" as
'Coquellcot" Mr. Slattery sang "Bob
up Serenely," bringing in somo local
bits that brought down tho house. Tho
matinee, Wcdnes lay afternoon at which
Pinafore," was played, was attend.
cd by a larpe number of school
children; this opera, though It has been sung
so murh, is still well worth hearing. The
company closed their engagement hero with
the "Chimes of Normandy," Wednesday
evening, which was given in excellent stylo
There was an unusually large audience
present. Miss Siegfried was at her best.
and sang very prettily, and tho music of
this pretty opera was well rendered by
the entire company. Mr. Clayton, as Gas-
pard, the miser, and Mr. Slattery, as tho
Bailll, wero both good. Slg. Cluzettl, the
tenor, labored under a disadvantage as he
was suffering with a severe cold, and bis
singing could not be judged by bis work
hero ; Miss Etta Reed took tho part ot Ger
maine very nicely and Frank Wooley sang
well as Henri. The company will probably
play here again next season, and will with
out doubt be greeted by crowded houses.
The Glass Blowers.
Madam Thompson's Bohemian Glass
Blowers and European Novelty Troupo who
began a series ot scientific exhibitions at
Music Hall, bn Tuesday evening Jan. 31st
a first class company In every respect.
The artistic working of tho commonest
kind of glass Into beautiful birds of para
dise, ships, and in fact evory conceivable
object is something that interests cveryono
and forms an exhibition of rare sclcnco und
skill. In addition to Madam Thompson's
full troupe of Crystal Workers will bo found
Prof. Griffin, the Illusionist, Ventriloquist
and Fire King, assisted by Mllo Olivia,
justly termed the White Witch, a myster
ious lady with snow white hair and
pink eyes, who reads your innermost
thoughts; they appear In continuous houily
performances, from 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.
thus making the exhibition doubly at
tractive, both amusing and instructive.
The managers have a novel method of glv
Ing away tho various artlces manufactured
by the glass blowers. Giand voting con-
tests take place daily. Tho most pop.
ular lady, the handsomest Miss or the
homeliest man, as the caso may be, who
secures 'he largest number of votes,
receives a handsome glass present
valued at from $18 to $25. Saturday is
school children's day, when the little ones
will have an opportunity of showing their
appreciation of their favorite teacher. Tho
most popular school teacher present re
celvlng a magnificent glass present, manu
factured by Madam Thompson, and valued
at $30.00. The admission Is but 10 cents
and each purchaser ot a ticket is entitled
to a present and one vote free. Don't for
get the place, Muslo Hall, formerly Skating
Rink. Third street.
Amusement Notes.
"Muldoon's Picnic," will be the noxt at
traction at the Opera House.
Joe Murphy, the celebrated Irish como
dlan, Is hoiked to play in the Bloomsburg
Opera House In May.
Gorton's Minstrels went from hero to
Milton where they played in Milton -Opera
House Baturday evening.
The Jennie Yeamans Company that was
booked to 'play "Our Jennie" at Milton
Monday night, failed to show up.
Duncan Clarke's minstrel show, which
played In Danville a short time ago, was
pronounced by all the Danvillo papers a
"Under the Lash," a drama that was pre
scnled here last Bpring by tho Walter San
ford company, has been playing In New
York and Philadelphia theatres tor some
time past.
"Tho Little Tycoon," was presented in
Milton Thursday evening of last week by
Willard Spencer's company. The perform,
anco was highly spekcu ot by the Milton
The Bennett and Moulton Opera Com.
pany left here on Thursday for Uazlcton,
at which placo tboy play tho remainder of
the week.
Frank Robbins' great circus, which has
been In New York at tho Madison Square
Garden for some tlmo past, will show hero
next summer, It Is said to rival Fore,
paugh's and Barnum's.
CotiHuuipliou Hurcly Cured.
To the Editor Pieaso inform your read,,
ers that I have a positive remedy for tho
above named disease. By Its timely uso
thousands ot hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall bo glad to send
two bottles ot my remedy freo to any ot
your leaders who have consumption It they
will send roe their express and post ofllco
address. Respectfully, T, A. Slocum, M.
0., 181 Peart St., New York, no novSSOm
r.nnt Itenton,
Dlcplicn Calendar, of Falrmount town,
tblp, Luz. Co., died very suddenly last
Friday forenoon. Ho received a paralytic
stroke on Tuesday morning previous,
while milking, and was found about 20
minutes later, which terminated his life,
Ho was tho very picture of health but suc
cumbed thus speedily to the grim monster
-death, aged not far from 60 years.
At, out 0 Inches ot snow fell last Wcdnes.
day night, and on Thursday tho wind
blow a gale, filling tho hill roads with im
passable snow drifts which must cither bo
shoveled out, or the roads abandoned till
the temporary obstructions arc removed by
a moro congenial climate than rcignB hero
at present. The accumulation ot snow
rain and Ice, form a body several feet In
depth, which, on tho mountain, Is said to
be 4 or 5 feet deep, Is sufficient cause for
alarm on tho low lands, In the ovent of a
sudden thaw or continued warm rain.
J. B. Grimes, our efficient county Bupcr
Intendcnt, made his annual tour of school
visitations. Somo one remarked, "ho Is
looking around." Yes, all over tho county,
a great deal of complaint about pilfering
in tho neighborhood. If any ono is desti
tute, let him mako his wants .known and
the neighbors wilt supply them. Please,
get an honorable living.
"Good name at home," won by Hood's
barsaparilla, In Lowell, Mass., whero it is
pn paied, there Is moro ot Hood's Sarsapa
rllla sold than of all other medicines, and
ll has given tho best of satisfaction since
its Introduction ten years ago. This could
not bo If tho medicine did not possess mer
it. It you puffer from Impure blood, try
Hood's Sarsaparllla and rcallzo its peculiar
curative power.
EDWARDS GIRTON. Jan. 28th. by
nev. j. i-. iusun, -nr. mciiara awards
to Miss Anna J. ulrton, both of Blooms.
formed narsonace. Bloomsburir Pa.. Jan
20, 1888, by Rov J. S. Wagner, Mr. Thorn,
as C. Trump and Miss Maggie Heldcbrant,
both of Bloomsburg, Pa.
of January, at the Reformed parsonage iu
Orangevllle, by Rev. A, Houtz, Mr. A. J.
Robbins of Unltyville, Lycoming Co., to
jiiiss iicsicr i wnumiro or t cnlre i wp.
Philadelphia, .Monday, Jan. 3 ', 1S8S.
India Siik and Pongees. Ad
vance shipments just in.
. Dress Silks almost like cos
samer. A hundred styles or
more. Dark with light figures :
light or white with figures of
various shades and a great
range of dainty colors, including
many ot the newest tints, as :
iron ijuisoio
Ilarrtcout ltougo
Aerra coua
They grow in popularity ; we
therefore control exclusively
many of the best designs.
Early selections of Indias and
Pongees can be wisely made be
fore the spring rush.
All 27 inches wide, and $1 a
yard. Many erf them would be
quick at more.
New 32-inch Dress Ging
hams. A big batch of them.
More than a hundred styles and
an art-thought in every one.
Look sharp or you'll -take them
for Andersons'. Wonderfully
close to the canny Scotsmen's
best work. Such spinning, such
weaving, such coloring as -you
look for nowhere else in Ging
hams. small plaids orerplalds
large plaids stripes
broken plaids checks
Everv pretty shape that Ging
hams were ever made to take,
and dozens that were never
seen before this year.
1 he price is 25 cents.
Andersons' Ginghams at your
elbow, 40 cents.
Peerless Sateens, 12? cents.
Only a quick glance as they flit
trom cases to shelves and count
er. You d take them at twice
the price. In quality and finish
but little behind the best French
Sateens, in design not a whit.
Maybe hlty styles in every liked
A few items in Table and
other Linens. Wonderfully big
values, but iust the kind we are
showing in all sorts of goods.
ror 50 cents a yaru eitner 04
inch cream or 62 inch white
Table Linen.
For $1.10 a yard a very good
72 inch I able Linen; lately
ror $1.45 a yard a few pat
terns ot fine Double Damask
Table Linen, 2 yards wide ;
down from $2.
rrench Linen Sheets, finished
to measure 2I4 vards. hand-
hemstitched at both ends, $5 a
nam Old fashioned, but full nf
good old-fashioned wear.
uood plain white Linen
Handkerchiefs. and 1 inch
hemstitch, 15 cents each.
Initial Linen Handkerchiefs,
2l4 cents. Without the initial
as good as any 1 5 cent Hand
kerchief we know of elsewhere.
More Cloakings than cold
weather. Maybe the winter will
come in Pebruary and March.
No matter, we won't wait for it.
We makefile prices on these
cold-weather things as little as
they have ever been since wool
was first used as Cloaking.
Doubly wise in you to buy now:
Get use of the goods this winter
and next : freeze-time things at
midsummer prices.
Figured Cloaktig, was t now fi ,
Hlrlna Cloalflnt;, black, was fv now ll
Llgntblue Weaver Cloaking1, was si. now fl.W.
lilack Diagonal cuuklnir, nowu.
lltack ottoman Cloaking, wis fi, now tl.50,
lilack Cheviot Cloaking, was V, now l..
lted and Wt Ml urging, was 1-1.60, now
lilack 'rutted Clocking, was f &W, now i au,
lilacw uoucle inoakrair, was U, now $i.5.
uiuv-h iiiaKuuai i manioc, waa u now !
Largo Maids, 6 styles, was 11.71. now t
oren Twill Cloaking, wasfi nowlLM.
plain and ltougu Cloaking, wastl.60, now tl.
John Wanamaker.
A swallow does not mako a spring, but
a slmplo application of a good remedy will
glvo Immediate relief. Thero is nothing
better than Warner's Log Cabin Extract
for external or Internal applications. 1'rlco
91, and CO cents. Everybody likes It
Try It.
Oriinicevillc Items.
Wtn. Fleckrnstlno w 111 run an express
and job wagor. to and from Bloomsburg
twlco a week. All persons having pack-
ages to send from cither point will do well
to patronize him.
Tho people nf this place are very much
dissatisfied with the nrcscnt mall arramrc.
ments. llopo thcro will bo n chango as
wo want inrrning and evening mail, bo as
to get our dally papers, which we can not
uo now.
Mr. Powcn Slccmor is visiting friends in
western icnnsyivania.
Mr. Pitts, tho suncrlntendent of our
shoe factory, has returned home from Bos
ton. Mr. John Masteller has returned home
from New York.
Mr. Elmer Mears of Uloomsburg was
in iown on ounuay.
There Will be free lecture at tho Oncra
House on tho evening of Peb. 3. Tho
urangoviuo urcuestra will furnish music.
All norcs of Potion.
Mr. W K Daley, Advertixing Agent of
the Brooklyn KUvalvit Railroad, writes:
"Intlainmatory rheumatliim swelled my
leg and arroa to twice their nitural altn
1 suffered esf-rucUting palu. iuur won
derful U S. B-, tiiudu a complete cure.
Major Sidney Herbert, editor of the
flo'ittfrn Vultitalor and Ihtte Farmer,
Atlanta, Oa., writes ! " I have fully tested
the virtues of Swift's Specific, both as a
rheumatism cure and a tonio It lias done
even more than Its proprietors claim for it.
Mr. Michael Long, Jr., with the Btto
bridge Lltliuirraphin Co . Cincinnati, Ohio,
write: "1 autfered lor two years with a
terrible Itthlng and painful norm on my
neck, urnia, handa and lingers No phy
sician could help me S. H. S relieved
me perfrrtly and I feel tike a new man
lln. Amanda Ingle, of Uastonia, N O,
writM! "My baby, when four mouth
old, developed scrofula lie hail two lo
vers riainiia and aorr-aon the neck. I eont
for our family phyeir Ian, who prouounced
it scrofula, and prexr-ribed U. S. S. for it..
I gave the bahy S S 8. and it ori got
the disease under control, The Korea are
healed, and the baby la well and healthy.
I know S. S. H. aaved iti life, and 1 told
our doctor ao. lie la a regular physician,
and prt scribed 3.8 S for the baby aa loon
aa he saw it had scrofula.
Treatise ou Wood and Skin Diseases
mailed free. TllR Hwivt SPECIFIC Co,
Drawer 3, Atlauta, Oa.
Don't fortret the 7c. muslin Iiv the link at
I- W. Unrtman & Sons'. Only for Feb
ruary. Look ufter your spring dishes, at I. W.
Hki iinan & Sons'.
Go to Bharpless' foundry to hnv ilin
cheapest ranges, cook stoves, all kinds of
stovo repairs. Sled soles, &c. 8td30.
Htnrk tnUtntr la nvpr nt. T W ITa.tmnn .e.
Sons'. Rcmunnts and odil Inta nf
Blankets. Coats and Shawls h
reduced at L W. llartmau & Sous'.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
$3- doz. Life size Cravous onlv
Sio.oo.' Viewinc, copviner and
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
Just onened at I. W. Hartmnn A Hons'
3,000 yds. Hamburg Embroideries, 3c. to
$4.00 a yd.
White Dress Grinds arn in nnw at T. W.
Ilartman & Sons' all prices.
allow a cough to run until it gels
bevond tho rearh nf mprllnlno. Thpv
often say, "Oh, it will wear away,"
uut iu moat uueea n wears mem
away. Could they be induced to Iry the
successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam,
which we sell on a positive guaranteo to
cure, they would Immediately sec the ex
cellent effect after taking the first dose.
i-nce uuc. anu iji. i rial size ireo. At an
WllV rfn nhntlL with luir-Unrhp. finro miia-
cles, aching sides or weak parts. A Hop
jruuier cures.
tho flowers in melted parnftlne, withdraw
ing them quickly. Tho liquid should be
only just hot enough to maintain Us fluid
ity und the flowers should bo dipped ono
at a time, held by the stocks and moved
nuout ior an instant to get riu or air nub
bles. Fresh cut flowers, free from moist
ure, mako excellent specimens iu this way.
If you would preserve your health aud in
vlgoruto your entire system use Perrine's
Pure Barley Malt Whlskev. For salobv
C. B. Robbins, Bloomsburg, Pa. cow.
as well as thohandsomcst.and others aro in
vited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bnttlo ot Kemp's Balsam for the
throat and lungs, a remedy that is selling
entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed
to euro and relieve all chronic aud acuto
coughs, asthma, brouchltls ana consump
tion, t-nce ou cents anu 91.
Don't let that cold of yours run on. You
think it is a light thing. But It may run
into catarrh. Or into nneumonia. Or con.
Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia Is"
dangerous. Consumption is death itself.
Tho breathing apparatus must bo kept
healthy and clear nf all obstructions and
offensfvo 'nutter. Othcrwiso thcro Is iron,
bio ahead.
All tho diseases ot these parts, head.
can be delightfully and entirely cured by
the uso ot LSoBchee's Oerman Syrup. If
you don't know this already, thousands
and thousands of people can tell you.
They have been cured bv It, and "know
how it is, themselves." Bottle only 75 cts.
Ask any druggist.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Ctstoria.
When Baby waa sick, we cave her CutorU.
When the waa a Child, she cried for Caatorla,
When she became Hlaa, she- clung to Oaatorla,
When she had Children, she gave them OajtorU.
A Fine Assort
ment of New
and Envelopes,
Just Received
at the
Call and examine
is over, and a great many
goods were sold, in fact
five times as much as ever
heforein the same length
of time.
But the stoch is still
large and those who in
tend purchasing
it will pay them
to visit us as wc
Before we file an account
as Administrators of the Estate,
aud if prices will do it
Boys' Children's
and Ulen's
At Big Bargains.
Right here we wish to
return thanlts to our Pa
trons in the
And thanh them for
their hind indulgence
through the busy season.
The dull season is come
and we wilt mahe
And Make Them
Real Estate!
The undersigned, widow and collateral heirs of
Frederick Derr, late of Madison township, Co
lumbia countr, l'a., dee'd, will expose to sale, by
public vcndue,on tlioprcintsnln said township, on
Saturday, February ll, 2888,
at ten o'clock In tbo forenoon, tho following de
scribed real estate, to-wlt!
NO, 1. Tho Homestead farm, bounded by lands
of O. Kreamcr, Ornham Brotbers, Jobn Bbttter,
Heirs ot Michael Ilcndcrshot and Jobn Moscr,
containing over
2oo ACRES,
whereon are erected a Urge
Frame House,
two stories painted, almost new a frame bank
barn, with wagon shed attached; well ot good
water at house, and one at the barn. There Is
large quantity ot fruit, and the farm Is In a good
state of cultivation.
KO. 2. Generally known as tho old nendcrsbot
farm, bounded br Graham Brothers, W. A. Lelier,
Wilson Eves, Jacob Ulrton, J. A. Esslck and Wo,
NcUrlde, containing about
125 ACRES,
whereon aro erected a
Frame House,
a good bank barn. Thero Is good water, spring
and well at buildings. Farm Is In good condition.
NO. 3. Known as the hill farm, bounded br
lands ot Joel Moscr.AlfrcdFegg.Graham Brothers,
Charles Derr, John Stctlcr, containing
100 ACRES,
moro or less, whereon aro erected a
Frame House,
and a flat bam. Thero aro good and abundant
springs on tho premises and some good lumber.
NO. 4. A tract ot land, bounded by tho estate
of David Bobb, lands of Joel Moscr, John stctlcr,
D. W. Vandlno and others, containing about
30 acres;
upon which there are no Improvements.
NO. 6. A tract of land, bounded by Graham
Brother sCbarles Dodson, Jackson Crawford and
others, containing
upon which aro no improvements, but having nlc
youDg timber.
CONDITIONS OP SALE: Ten per cent of tho
purchase money, tobopaldon strlklngdown the
property; the one-fourth less tho ten per cent, on
the first ot April, 18S9, when possession and deed
will be given; upon purchaser giving bond and
mortgage for securing tho unpaid purer, aso money,
payable before the death of tho widow, in
one year.wlth Interest from data ot posscsslon,and
ot that due upon the death of the widow, ln-oao
year after her death with Interest."
N. B. The lands V ll bo surveyed beforo the sole,
and the sale be made by tho acre.
1'. a As tho estate goes to collateral heirs ot
Frederick Derr, one-half of the purchase money
remains In tho land during the Ufe of the widow,
Interest itayablo to her annually.and at her death,
tho principal to tho said collateral heirs.
JANE CLA11K, Sister,
J. 8. McBRIDE, Agent for
Clark, Charles Clare, Wilson Clark, Qiohox
D. Clark, Lyuan Clark, Mabaarkt Adams, Johk
F. Clark, children of John W. Clark, deceased.
Jan so, law.
Notice is hereby trlveu to all leeateca. creditors
and other persons interested In the estates ot tba
respective decedents and minors that the follow
ing administrators', executors', and guardians' ac
counts have been filed In the office of tbo Iteglster
of Columbia county, and will be presentee for
confirmation and allowance- in tho Orphan's court
to be held In Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, FEBRU
ARY" 6th 1688, at 3 o'clock p. in. on said day.
No. 1. First and final account of llarman Pah.
ringer, and Isaiah llower, executors ot Hebecca
Fahrlnger late ot Locust township deceased,
No. s. First and nnal account ot Cbarles Baker,
ot Beaver, deceased with distribution statement.
No S. First ar-d Anal account ot If. C. Munroe.
administrator ot Mary Waters, late of the town
ship of .Madison, deceased.
No. 4. First and final account ot M. B. Freaa.
administrator of Samuel Freas late ot Greenwood
lownsmp, oeccascu.
No. 5. First and flnal account of Isalab n. Ev.inn
executor of Susannah Kvans, lato of Berwick, de
ceased. No. 6. First and flnal account of W. p. netler
administrator ot Stephen lietler lato ot Mifflin
township, deceased
No. T. First and nartlal account of Thomas Mc.
Henry, t. K. Appleman, executors Dt Samuel W.
Nolton of Mount rieasant, deceased.
No. 8. First and flnal account, of B. F. Peter.
man, administrator of Elizabeth Feterman late ot
the town of Bloomsburg, deceased.
No. 9. First and flnal account of Jacob Gelslntr.
er, administrator of Ell rcaler, late of Fishing
creek township, deceased.
No. 10. First and final account of William B.
Wagner, administrator of David Wagner, late of
Locust township, Columbia county Fa., deceased.
No. 11. First and flnal account ot N. U Funk,
creek township Columbia county, Fa., deceased.
No, 12. First and flnal account ot Charles Bom
boy, administrator of John L. Belshllne, late ot
mo lownsmp or iiemiocK, county ot Columbia, de
ceased. No. 13. An account of the administration of IT.
J. I Kutan, Executrix c of A If. Hutan, late ot
riamuKciucK lunusuip. i-uiuinoia county ra., de
ceased. No. 11. Tho First and flnal account of William
A. Miller, administrator of Jobn Miller, late of
Hemlock township, Columbia county, Pa., de
ceased. No. 15. First and final account of Howard j.
Hess, administrator of Andnw J. lleaa. late at
sugarloaf township, deceased.
No. in. First and final account of Ellas Rclchant
Ex. of Wm. N. A. Itosrcrs late ot Oramre townahln.
C. II. CAMPBELL, Register.
Albums, riioToanArn, AUToauArn and
Scran, a lanre and rnmnlem linn At J. IT.
Mercer's uiugand Book store, Evans' Block.
SachCLR. PamariPH. llnlr liven anil' Itnv Tliim
at J. U. Mercer's Drug and Book btore, Evans'
v.wn, Wuhw UCl.WflU I.UUJIU.
f at J. II. Alercer'g Dm? and Hnnk Ktnro nnnn.
silo Episcopal Church.
nno stock at Mercer's Drug and Book Store,
opposite Episcopal church, Bloomsburg, Pa.
a full line at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book
Store, Upper Main trect.
at very low prices at J. 11. Mercer's Drug and
Book store, third door above Iron etreet, Blooms
burg, Pa.
Cooper's Gelatine, Tapioca, Sage. Arrow Roos
and all tho prepared foods for children and In
valids ai Mercers lrug and Book Moro, nrst door
above Hess' Boot and bhoo store, Bloomsburg, Pa.
j Mixed Seed for the birds, at J. II. Meroer'a
Drug and Book Sloie, Drat door below Creasy'
Urocery store.
I1 In Tablet form, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and
Book More, Bloomsburg, Pa.
11 ties. Teething ltlncs and all requisites or the
Nursery that w 111 contribute to the bbj 'a happi
ness, at J. II. Mercer's Diugand Book Moro, two
doom abovo Evans a Eyer'b Clothing store.
I lecelpts carefully prepared at all hours at
Mercer's Drug aud Book btore, Bloomsburg, Pa,
I Coametlo and gold and ElUer Diamond Dust,
at J. 11. Mercer's Drug and bock btore, No es Main
street, lilooinbburg, IX
prices at Mercer's Drug and Book stnro,
opiiotlte Episcopal Church, Bloomsburg, l'a.
For HI KAl' UXCl'ltSlONT
TlekeU aro Rood fonts moulb,iimiUJ toUtr days
for KofDK PfM with fttop ovur privilege at ple
ureliiauUmUUMUbott&4auatT. 8naUleJj
camion trtliu Jtve at, LoUi tU. Iron fclounulo.
ouiu, jiiDniii7 iviu ana Aintai uu;
Clirria. Zstlito
crnctju in tbo United ditiniad Cam
ciug uaiinui. s ivrumrj ifiu.
IMIO MM ArtTtiefl, HAD -Ul