COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 'a 4' 5 - SO ' V The Columbian. BLOOM8BURG, PA.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1888. A record of tho strikes for 1887 is furnished by Jiradstreet's, which shows that 850,000 strikers lost in timo 10, 000,000 days' work nn nvcrngo of twenty-sovon days or ono month each. At a low estimate tho wnccs sacrificed amount to $13,500,000. Tho inoreaso In wages gained by successful striko will not amount to one fifth of that sum. If hot-headed labor leaders who pre- oipttatn strikes can demonstrate from tui'so tiuures where the nrotit of sink injt oomes in, thoir mastery of sophistry will havo to bo admitted. To men who have been taught that twico two are only four these figures demonstrate tho stupendous folly of tbo strike busi ness, and nothing elso. The real work' Inemen should study theso cold figures more and listen to tho false reasoning of their demagogical leaders Ices if they want to keep tho wolf from tho door. WABHINGT0N LETTER from our Regular Correapondent.1 Wajhikotoh. D. a, Jan. 80, 1883. Tho Democrats of tho Ways and Means Committee are uivini: them selves earnostly to tho arduous tk of framing a new tariff bill, which they hope will prove aooepinble to their associates in tho House and to the party generally. Those Republicans who constitute the minority of the com mittee, will not be consulted in regard to tho mexsure until the work is com oleto and roadv for dual action. IV majority are well satisfied with the progress tney nave tnaue, anu i ieei sanguine of the ultimate success ol their labors, though that most desirable result cannot be reached without liberal concessions to conflicting opinions. It is proposed U have a general rev'sion and readjustment of the tariff, aud the it i r . l im ill I : sauem leatures oi me dih win uu biuii lar to that presented on a former occa sion by Mr. Hewitt. Tbo new bill will make a reduction of 20 cor cunt, on sugar and also largo reductions in the taxes on irult, brandies and tooacco, and will place salt, wool, lumber, and other raw materials on the tree list. Tho bill is practically agreed upon now and it is probable that it will be brought to the consideration of th House within the next three weeks Then will begin tho great buttle for tariff reform, which will be tho key note ot the Democratic Presidential campaign. Mr. Kaudall threw himself in the breach the other day, and by resorting to dilatory tactics, prevented the ap pointment of a day for the introduction r , , n e . i . i e y . oi onis ior lao erection oi uuvernmeu' buildings. This was a patriotio ser vice on the part of the distinguished Pennsylvania statesman, as there ap pears to be a general sentiment through' out the conntry to secure suoh appro priations. If' these raids upon the treasury were not checked there would soon bo no surplus to puzzle tbo might intellects of our national legislators. Responsive to the popular demand there appears to he a pretty general sentiment in the Ho ise in favor of authorizing the issue of about twenty million dollars in fractional curr 'ncv. There seems to be a shortage of small bills, as the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is pushing work on the S'2 and 5 sliver certihoates, as the presen demand is greatly in exuess of the sup ply, but it is believed that in a few days the stock will be sufficiently larg i. the Uivu service Commissioner have been cited to appear before a House committee and to express tnet views on several bills that are now un der consideration. Some changes are likely, for it is an open secret that the committee on civil service, more . par tioularly the chairman, are opposed to the present law. One Republican member, Represent ativo White, ot Indiana, is to be un seated upon the motion of his competi- tor.Ex-Congressman Lowrv. Although it is beyond question that White receiv ed a clear majority of the votes cast he will be expelled, because it is shown that he has not been legally 'nat or al lied, being a native of Scotland. Mr. Low'ry does not xecure the seat, as it is the decision of the committee on elections that there was no ehction, hence a vacanoy will bo declared to ex lit The next contest to be aoted upon i thatof Worthington, Dem crat, againi-t Post, Republican, of Illinois. Th election was very close only twenty nine majority being claimed and it im probable that another Republican will be unseated, as the Democrat claim' that he has a rightful majority of ten votes. The Senate Committee on pension havo unanimously approved Senator Manderaon's "Grand Army" bill, whio' has been so framed as to overcome tho objection! urged by President Cleve land in his disapproval of the depend cntpenaion bill. The bill granting Mrs. Logan a $2,000 pension, excited quite a dis cussion among tho Senators, but it passed by a large majority, as did an other bill increasing to the samu amount the pension otMrs. Frank P. Blair. Right, ol PedeBtrlanH. L'POH HIS BTJIKZTS TUB W4LKXB IMS TOE I'BIIUUT BIGHT. It Is the popular but nevertheless errone ous belief of car and wagon drivers that they have the right ot way at street cross. Ings and that It Is the duty of the pedes, triana to get out of the way of all vehicles. This Is a fallacy which Judge Flnletter ot Philadelphia recently exploded In a charge to a Jury In a case whero damages were asked against the 71 action Company for ' running Into and Injuring a man who was driving a wagon. la the course of his charge Judge Flnletter made the following pertinent remark, which he said could be taken as a warning by all ear drivers, who without slacking tho speed of their carB, ring their bell to clear the tracki "Upon the streets of the city tho wayfarer has the prlmnry right, and when he reach, es a crossing before any kind of vehicle he has the right of way, and it is the duty of thou who are using vehicles to see that they do not Interfere with that right or make Its exercise dangerous. The right of way belongs to the vehicle which first reaches the crosslug and all other vehicles roust observe this right. A violation of this right is negligence The ring ing of a bell or any other notice does not xivo the right to cross-" Mr. Elizabeth Olvel dropped dead In the Catholin church at Milton, Hun-ay morning, She bad been troubled with I heart dlsesie, iTHE TRANSFIGURATION.' SIXTH LESSON OF THE INTERNA TIONAL 8. 0. SERIES, FED. 5, 1888. Comments by Ilev. TVIlllam Newton, 11. 1). Text or the I.eion, Matt, nil, 113. Golden Till, Luke li, 3B Munorlio Varies tl-0. From Lesnou HolKr Quarterly, by permission of II. 8. Hoffman, Philadelphia, publisher.! Notes, Six days, t. e., from the timo ot speaking the wbrds In the preceding vera High mountain, probably Tabor, though ire do not know, Transfiguration, changed in appeArauco. Ellas, I, p., Elijah. Tabernacles, tents. Overshadowed, surrounded or shut them in. Bore afraid, or very greatly fright ened. The vision, tho things you havo seen. Ilestoro, bring liack or make ns they were. Listed, desired or chose to dp. Of them, by them or at their hands. Of John, or con cerning John. V. 1. Is there something peculiar In this specific statement of timet It Is not the usu al custom of the Evangelists. Commonly their form of expression is "after this," r "after theso thing" llut here the time Is definitely stated. And was not Ibis done to show that this narrative is tho fulfillment of tho statement In chapter xvl, 281 .Booh It . not lnt the divine assurance that the ti ans figuratlon was simply a visible representa tion or object lemon of tho kingdom! And how glorious on Illustration it was. Neither Matthew nor Mark tells us why Jcstu went up into this mountain, but Luke tells us it was "to pray." And we know that on all tho great epochs of his life he thus sought communion with the Father. V, 3. The course of the narrative seems to hare been tills. From soma causo, hero as afterward in the garden; these disciple "were heavy with sleep." The transfigura tion had taken place; his heavenly visitant were on the scene, and their talking with Jesus was going on, before they awaked. Then the other events of the narrative took place as here related. And what was this transfiguration? Borne bodily change! No. Something wrought on him from wlthoutl Clearly not He was "this same Jesus" all through. The same In this outshining of his glory, as when In lowlier garb he ascended tho mountain. It was a change In appear ance only. It was "the fashion of his countenance,'' that was altered; I.e., Its outward appearance was chauged. Ills countenance Itself remained the cams. His raiment was not changed. It only shone in the light. It "became white and glistening" as every opaque body does In Intense light It was the out shining of his Indwelling glory. Did not th Schcchlnah the glory of the divine presence abide within the tabernacle! Was Lot hi the true tabernacle of God I Did not that glory constantly obido within hlmt An t what was transfiguration but letting '.Us glory shine forth) If this is the true accuont of the matter and who can doubt it how wondrously tho glory of his humiliation is Intensified. V. 3. AVe have In this verso two points! L The two visitants, and a Their talking with Jesus. As to (1) we ore expressly told they were "two men." It was not an apparntion. They were not spirits. They were men just this and nothing less. As to (2) Luke tells us of what they talked. It was "of his decease or departure, which he should accomplish at Jerusalem." Doubtless the death of Christ was the theme of the in tensest wonder in tho heavenly world. Angels and departed believers not alike, indeed, or for the same reason, still as really "desire to look into these things." And here the two men, representing the law and the prophets, appeared in glory to talk with their Lord about It And the disciples heard them talk. V. 4. It must have been at this time or while they were talking that the disciples awoke. And what a vision burst upon them. Jesus in his glory. Moses and Ellas with the splendors of the heavenly world upon them. And the theme of their talk was their Lord's death upon the cross. Now on such a scene as this they opened their eyes, and such words as these met their ears. And Peter, una wed by both, broke out into this most extraordi nary proposition. Surely no one but Peter could have done this. And no one but a man writing under the guidance ot the spirit of truth would have recorded it V. fi. Two. things Invite attention in this verse, i. e., 1. The cloud Itself, and, 2. The voice out of the cloud. As to (1) it seems from Luke's account, that the cloud came upon them just as Moses and Elias wero departing. It was not an or dinary cloud. Would the disciples in that case have "feared as they entered into the cloud" or as the cloud come upon themt Would it then have been called "a bright cloud" or a cloud glorious with inward light! And as to (2), Fetor expressly settled this question if indeed, there could havo been a question about it He says it was "the voire from tho excellent glory" the voice ot God the Father, giving honor and glory to His Incarnate Son. It was the attestation of his souship. And as such, as the Incarnate God, they wero in all their future ministry to hear bim. What he taught they were to affirm. And his word must point every duty; and settle every dispute. V. 6-8. The vision draws to a close. Be fore that voice, which then, they understood not, the disciples "sore afraid" fell to the ground. The cloud passes, and Jesus with every trace of his indwelling glory shut in rises, comes and touches them, and bids them not to be afraid. V. 0. Is the reason ot this charge to be found in the truth, that this vision is a fore shadowing of the future of the church in glory! As such it could not be understood till Jesus was risen from the dead, and the spirit unfolded its meaning to them. V. 10. The word "then," seems to give great point to this question of tho disciples. It is as if they had said "why then in that cose, if the son of man is to rise from the dead do the Scribes assert that Elias must first come! In that case why should he cornel What is the use or purpote of his coming! V. 11-13. And in this reply two truths ap pear, i. e., 1, The coming of Elijah, and, 2. The mission of John in its relation to that coming. OXKERAL LESSONS. L The meaning of the transfiguration wo cannot well mistake here. Was it not a reve lation of the real nature and position of their Lord and of the coming glory of his church! And how it remained with them, and cheered and strengthened them in the hours of their darkest trials we very well know, It made them see and know under the Spirit's teach ing, that the tvords they preached about Jesus were not "cunningly devised fables." It taught them the majesty and dignity ot his person and office; the glory of his king dom, and his coming again to set It up. Of all these, this transfiguration was an illustra tion and proof at once glorious and irresis tible. 2. The transfiguration thows tho certainty of life beyond the grave. It has no meaning if it docs not mean this. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar medicine, and Is carefully pre pared by competent pharmacists. The com bination and proportion of Samparllla, Dan delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other remedial agents ts exclusively peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving It strength and curative power superior to other prepa rations. A trial will convince you of Its great medicinal value. Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifies tho Blood creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates the digestion, and gives strength to every organ of the body. It cures the most severe cases of Scrofula, Salt Itheum, Bolls, Pimples, and all other affections caused by Impure blood, Dyspepsia, lllllousness, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Itheu matlsm, and that extreme tired feeling. " Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped me more for catarrh and Impure blood than anything else lever used." A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y. Croatos an Appetlto " I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave me a good appetite and seemed to build me over." li. M. Hale, Lima, Ohio. "I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and It began to act unlike anything else. It cured the humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and give rae new life." J. 1'. Nixon, Canibrldgeport, Mass. Send for book giving statements ot cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla B9lAtrall.rurgltt. fliilzforfl. Frspuwtoaly If O. I. HOOD CO., Apothacarlei, lowU, Mui, IOO Dosos Ono Dollar SUB30H1BE FOU THE COLUMBIAN TO THE PUBLIC. Intending purchasers of Tond'a Extract cannot tako too much pre- cnutlon to prevent substitution. Somo druggists, trading on tho popularity of tho great Family liomody, nttompt to pnlin off other preparations, unscru pulously asserting them to bo "tho samonV' or "equal to" IYtND's El thact, Indifferent to tho deceit prac ticed upon and disappointment there by caused to tho purchaser, so long ns larger profits aceruo to themselves. Always Insist on having Tond's Ex TnACT. Tako no othor. BOLD IK BOTTLES ONLY NEVE It BY MEASURE. Quality uniform. Prepared only by POND'S EX TRACT CO., ow York and London. Sco our nnmo on ovory wrapper nnd label. Nolo picture of bottlo below. For MIES, Catana, RMS tlsn, Knralirja, Martis, Bruises, Earns, SOIB Tlroat, tiplMa, Sores, UOCJ, aMEemor- am mis. Tho Fsmons Lectorer, J0H5 B. COrfilf, wrotel ' Fur Bore Throat, especially hen tend lug to ulceration, I have found H ray beneficial.'" Anr.W D. WHITE, Ki-rrcsldent ot Cornell University, says t M One of the absomte necH tte of housekeeping." Bi turt to Qtt tin gtnvint. Kit Ml AIinOTT. the celebrated prima donna, " Valuable and beneficial." irenyoon smith, m. n.. m. n., c p., of England." I hSTO used It with marked benefit." II. 0. rniSTOX, H. ., Brool tyn. N. Y.-"I know of no remedy so generally useful.' Airrnrrt ncirctEss, sr. n.. p.n.c.s.,of Enstand. "1 have prescribed rOND'8 EX TRACT with great success." JfSTIS D. FrLTOtf, . D., Brooklyn, N. T, " Prorlnz Itself to be a necessity in our borne.'1 P. A. TVESTFIlVn.T, 31. ., Nashville, Tenn. "Ilavoujcd largo quanUUcs of POND'S KX TRACT In my practice." Xln. K. II. JleCOItn, Matron, Home of Seed tnto Children." Wo find it most efficacious and useful" la Tlottlrs only. Prices, EOe., SI, Sl.Tli. Xbtt our nam on ertry wrapper ant label. Prepared only br I'OXD-S EXTRACT CO., NEW YORK AND LONDON. PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE Real Estate !- Tie undersigned, administrator de bonis non, with the will annexed, ot tne estste of Itobert Flrney, late of liberty township, Montour county, deceased, under direction In the wll. an' by authoilty ot tho Orphans' Court ot Colum bia county, will eupcw td sale, by public vendue, at the Court House, In Danville, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1888, at one o'clock In the afternoon, the following de scribed real estate, to-wlt: All that certain-farm and tract ot land, situate lying and being In Lib erty township, Montour county, Pa., and bounded by lands ot .John Robinson, lands of William Kerr, lands of Gideon II. Bhoop, lands ot Samuel digger, containing iqi ACRES S ana nny-scven percnes strict measure, ascertained by a recent survey; and of which about sixty acres Is MOOD L AM. The farm lire upon the public road leading frou, Danville to Milton at the forks of the road leading to Lewtsburg, and Is situated at a point about equally distant from each one of those three Im portant towns, the distance being about eight miles from each. The Improvements consist of a Large Bank Barn. wagon shed and outbuildings, and a large m mm 101, and a stone spring bouse, &c There are several springs ot excellent water and two or three brocks running on the fi rm. Possession will bo given on tho first day of Aprli,A.D.i8;A The tenant's share of the crop in the ground, at the day ot the sale, with the right to enter, cut, thresh and remove the grain, ts reserved. Tho share ot the dis tributees in the same, goes with the farm. TERMS OP SALE: Ten per cent, of one-tourtb ot the purchase money to be paid at tbeBtrlklng down ot the property; the one-fourth lesa the ten per cent, at the confirmation absolute, nd the re maining three fourths In one year after confirma tion nisi, with lnteres' fro i that date. The purchaso money unpaid at the first ot April, 1388, Us be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises, before possession given. JOHN O. FREEZE, Jan. 27. .AdmT d. b. n. o. t. a. UDITOR'U N01IUE. I8T1TX Or XVIHUXL IBtTH DXCItBID. The undersigned auditor, appointed bv the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, to make dis tribution ot the balance in the hands or oeorro Ruckle, Administrator, as shown by bis final ac count, to and emong the pirllea entltlnd, will attend to the duties oi his appointment, at the of. Bee of Charles O. Barkley, In flloomsburg. Pa , on Saturday, February Uh, 18S8, at V o'clock In tbe forenoon, when and where all persona having claims agalnit the estate ot said deceased must ppear and prove them, or be forever debarred from coming tn f or a shu re of satd fund. Jar y. 10, 1S89. CHARLES B. JACKSON St Auditor. jJXK UTOR'ti NOTICE. Ettale of Wintam X A. Roger, 'late of Orange totenihtp, deceased. Lettters testamentary on the said estate having been Granted to the undersigned. &u ivtwina in. debled to said estate are hereby notified to pay tho CMltllC, DUU tiiuac! IWIWR LIUIUO tt(iUMbl, IkUU CIllolO will present the same for settlement to elias it:-innTtn 6w Executor. A DMINISTRATOIfS NOTICE. fute of ffltiateth llajnnan.late of Bloomiburg, Pa., deceased. Letters of administration on the aald estate hav ing been granted to the undersigned administrator all persons indebted to said estate are hereby no tilled to pay the same, and those having claims against aald estate present the game to Jan .-t. K. JACOBY, Adm'r. A DMINISTRATOIfS NOTICE. Estate of Margaret Montgomery. Late of Orange tovmthlp, deceased. usttere testamentary en the said estate having ben granted to the undersigned, all persona Indebted to said estate are hereby notlfled to pay the same, and those having claims against said estate will present the same for settlement B1U&B wnNHit, janwet Adm'r. riDOW'6 APPRAISEMENTS. The fallowing Widow Appraisements will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on the first Monday of February, A. D. 1838, and continued nisi, and unless exceptions are filed within tour days thereat ter.wlll be confirmed absolute: Vhilip Crawford estate, Mt. Pleasant. Realty. willlam F, Itobbtns estate, Greenwood. Person alty, 1300. willlam Dlldlne estate, Madison. Personalty, $30 " John Miller estate, Mt. Pleasant. Persoialty. $110.00; realty, tiiaoo. m l"otter smith estate, Ueaver. Personalty, moo. Steuben Gliomas estate, nrtarermlr. HftAtt.vt.qnn. Joseph shoemaker estate, I'lne, I"erson ilty 1300. Daniel Rote estate, Greenwood, l'ersonalty.t&oo. Clerk of o. C, Clerk's ofnee, Bloomsburg, Pa., Jan. 18, lBsa. QUARTER NOTICE. In the court ot common Pleas, for the county of utuuium vi ruuiuuiT term, inoo nu. Notice Is hereby g'ven that an application will oe made to the ealdcourt on Saturday the IRtu dayot February 16S, at 10 o'clock s. m., under the Act ot Assembly of the Commonwealth of I'enn' ylvanla, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation ot certain corpora tions" approved Arll 29, inn, and the supple menu thereto, for tne charter of an lntenttafrnr. porutlon to be called, 'Legion ot bt. Ignatius ot ..civ ttiio. ro." luo bu,(iuirr uuu uujfci wuereoi la beneficial and for the advancement ot IMerAinrH and sclenc. and for these purpose to have, poa seas and enjoy all the rights benefits and prlvlleg- hwiuqmuv aiv ui Aamiuui uuu lis supple. CIUI1LES 0. DAI1KLKY., soucltor has revolutionized the world dur log the last halt century. Not least amour the wonders ot in. ventlv,, nromtwa ts amnlhAil Anil system ot work that can bepetformef all over the country without departing the workers from their u"inra. ray uue'ai, any one can ao me work; either gex yo'ing or old; no special ability re. quired. Capital net needed; you are started free. Out this out and return to ua and we will w,nri you free, something of great value and iinpert anco to vou, that will start you In buslnefAWtilch win unug yuu io more inouey ngui away, man anything else In the world. Grand outMjrte. Addrta TCl 4 Co., Augusta, Kai&a, tydeoM OF THE iqkqde of CJolunq'bik douity, FROM JANUARY 1M, 1887, TO JANUARY 2.1, 1888, Statement showing taxes assessed and balance still due. TOWNSHIPS. tleaver lientou Berwick. moom Urlarcreek,.,,,. Catawla centralia Centre conyngtiTn Fishing cr'lc . .. Franklin Greenwood. Hemlock Jjcksu Locust Madison , Main Mifflin Montour Mt Pleasnt orange line.. Koarlngcreek .., Scott Sugarloat Amount due for years previous to 1887. Districts collectors. county t '. 494 DO Dog. Bloom do w n Allen, It HnltfS, 1884 1880 79 60 83 00 1 1 494 60 I ICS 50 PETER A. KVANS, Treasurer of Co'umbla coucty. In account wltb said connty on county funds. January 1. lSW. DK. To amt uncollected prior to 189f J1S090 0S 9408 7u 95751 39 6517 15 84 49 00 3(0 li' 69 189 73 71 76 97 108 00 75 -- -- on nana ai last settlement. " cnunty tax as-esscd In U87.. .. " tax on registry of vows. " m stohi er, rent old Jail stable " Wm II inyder, Jury fees . ... " J L Menslnger, deed held by com'rs re- deemel .... To Reuben flbuman deed held by com're redeemed. ..- ... . To Solomon Dirk, exonerated tax. I'lne.. Amelia ltuucr, support of John oar ton. Danrlll mu lum.. To Ai naM Jlellck, support ot Peter MeU itn, LianvillH miyilllll. ..,,.. . ..... ToD It Coflmsn, rent old jail ,, jiriier, uiu uiunK . " Jacob Heml. y. old r lank " Douglas Hughe-, purchae msney.olJ 1all Dronertv 3303 00 To the town of Bloomsburg, rent old Jail stable 18 83 6 50 To Douglas Hughes et al, lumber, io.... icueuipuuu muney, jvbbo uanman tract. Nutrarloaf. 718 69 83 S595 1499 12 9U31 79 3 00 6(0 300 10199 33 To amt collected on unseated land. " " seated land " " received from dog mnd. staie fund. " Jacob lletler. old plunk " David liceder, ' " .... " Moyer Bros, girder ... , ' KU Jones, lumber ' I w McKelvy, support of Margaret Weaver. Danville iwvlum To A J Mcuonald, added to Cunyngham. $1193 os CR. By commission and discount allowed on co inty tax ior 1-1H7. Districts. Ex. Com. $9 3.1 7 99 33 95 71.40 20 95 41 78 18 83 42 69 94 41 25 99 19 86 33 72 17 38 6 99 36 16 31 90 15 28 .11 OS 94 S3 15 6t 23 1-8 10 75 12 08 33 07 18 Dls. $ 15 6 19 75 69 18 Beaver. t Benton Berwick moom 110 18 25 78 45 95 31 04 Bilarcreek. catawlwa CentraUa. Centre comngham .. . au na 58 10 11 65 13 16 98 46 92 (X 2 !2 35 3 18 29 risningcrceK . Franklin. Greenwood. Hemlock. Jackon .., Locust.. Madison. Maui Mifflin Montour. Mt Pleasant Orange Pine Koarlngcreek. Scott ,5 Bq Is 01 s S ot 11 6 ,0 10 es og w 8 11 Sugar.oaf. t 7 41 $ 616 01 t 615 69 Ok. By commissions, discount, exonerations and re turns auowea collectors on county tax ior isso ana previous years. Districts. Com. .Dls. Ex. & Ret. $ 11 04 3 77 48 S3 61 74 7 26 15 83 44 51 18 93 967 00 9 40 'e'os 9 46 7 14 13 85 21 41 3 04 3 91 3 19 3 66 4 07 18 56 2 82 13 96 12 40 69 31 112 4 Beaver.. $ 9 CO $ Benton . . 15 86 Berwick. 14 0s Bloom 20 74 Urlarcreek 10 10 cat wissa. ts a? Centralia 13 98 centre 98 68 4 03 Conyngham so 97 73 risniogcreeK. ja 31 Franklin. 4 4 Greenwood, ....... 16 39 Hemlock. s 19 Jackson 8 si L0 UU 27 28 Madison 19 co Main 6 09 Mifflin 14 63 Montour. 13 3 Mt Pleasant at Orange 12 44 13 riue , hw Koarlngcieek ..... 4 97 Bcott. is 96 sugarloaf 6 30 1BS5 Bloom .., 197 73 1884 Bloom 198 31 S745 49 1 4 89 $1487 74 t 13 1 60 65068 1495 15 3541919 659193 1416 7ft By total commissi n.. discounts .. " exonerations and returns. county orders red- emed amt due from collectors commission to treasurer $4593806 PETER A EVANS. Tress., m ucot with doir fund January 1, 1887. To amt due at last settlement.. $ 1CD017 " assesseo m iwr. igbhim " added tax, John Berger, Briar creek townahlD 1 m To baltu hands ofTreas at last seltlemt 29i09 $ 816926 CR. By commission and discount allowed collectors on uogtax loriwji, Districts, EX. Dls. Com. $168 $ 109 72 TO 90 131 89 1 11 89 147 61 1 71 06 04 66 1 at 07 12 74 193 79 1 64 158 3 31 81 II 32 108 9 10 3 67 1 IT 2 55 84 137 69 9 17 61 1 19 84 160 80 1 39 42 144 83 10 64 1 t9 60 1 99 $19 86 $36 79 Beaver. ., Benton. Kerwick Bloom .... Urlarcreek....-..., i.'atawlssa., .. . Centralia c, ntre. conyngham Flsnlngcreek...., Franklin '. .Greenwood. uemiocK Jackson ........ 1 ocust Madison Main. Minna Montour. .. Mt Pleasant..... orange Pine Roartncreek ... Scott.. .- Sugarloaf ......... 1 00 $100 CR. By commission and exonerations allowed collect ors on aog tax ior I8s ana previous years. Districts Com. lie.iver..$ 140 Benton.. 1 40 Berwick. 1 08 Bloom. .. 43 llrlarcr'k 1 87 Catawlssa 1 50 Ex Districts. com. EX. $ 2 60 Main. .$ 2 00 Mifflin... 9 so Montour 6 00 Mti'last 9 50 Orange.. 500 line..... 1 Oil Roar'gck 400 hcott.... 4 00 Giurarlo'f 77 127 73 90 100 1 16 63 127 105 $5 60 1 to 200 1 50 900 360 ioq 3(0 300 centraua ontre 108 Cony'hm Flsh'crk. Franklin Greenwd 1 67 S7 O OV 1GOJ Bloom. 2 90 360 line.,,.. 265 550 8C0tt., 355 300 5 50 $3468 1150 850 350 170 Hemlock 38 Jackson 1 ocust 83 295 $111 00 7137 91-6 113 on 645 13 88 40 3126 149911 Madison 193 By total commission to collectors..,.. " " discount allowed co lectors. ' " exonerations' " orders paid for I817 amt due from collectors " commission to treasurer .. " amt paid to county ... , $ 3269 20 PETER A EVANS, Treas., In ico't with state fund To amt unco lected prior to 1886. " atnt on band at last settlement.,. " sute tax aaoss-d In 1887. " added tax, J 8 Grlmea, Beott . I0MO0 631 93 Si 48 80 8 41 $ 678093 cn. By commission and discount allowed collectors on aia'o tax ior lssr. uistncts. uia. com. Districts Dls Com. $ 5 86 3 74 9 83 591 233 9 86 ! 45 1V3 10 55 95 ueaver $ 2 40 $141 Locus'.. $ 6 81 lienton.. 188 to hadlson. 584 Berwick. 23 07 13 96 Mali, .... 217 Bloom. . 58 23 97 94 MlOlln. St Brlarcr'k 163 4 el Montour. 9 81 Catawls,al5 29 1111 MtPles't 3 64 Centralia 10 1 6 08 Orange.. 917 Centre.. 991 6 07 Pine 27 Cony'hm 09 so lloar'gcrk 1 71 FUh'cr'k 9 01 2 79 bcott"... 1JM Franklin 1 49 1 68 bugarlo'f 19 uiwunii II u 11 V UeiLlOCk 64 9 4 $20183 $133 30 Jackson. (9 1 40 C1L Byoummlsslonand exonerations allowed col.ect. viv ua Bisiu tax ior leeo. Districts, Com, EX. $191$ 90 1 60 Districts, com. Locust.. $ 3 94 Ex. $ as 123 229 ueaver. $ M Bent n., so Berwick. 9 01 Bloom . 541 Brlarcr'k lvu Cauwlasa 4 89 Madison 65 Main..,. Mlfbln... Momour Mt Hlea't 76 1 M IT 69 9 93 100 81 9 41 66 2h5 Centralis 69 v orange,, . .A Pine .... 6 36 Koargo'k .... Scott.. 18 1 bugarlo'f 111 191 910 centre Flau'crlc C6 61 31 Franklin Greenwd IV3 Hemlock SI 96 Jackson $3104 inn 9 f t M 90 m o ICJl 4? 91 CO M on 74 W 81 SO 74 M et oo 10 75 00 17 (0 98 00 4'i 0 101 50 M V) M 50 131 00 91 Oil 5? 50 74 6" 41 00 (18 SO S3 SO 61 SO 87 SO 13 P S8 SO 148 It m oi S3 SO 6J SO 38 60 8 00 88 00 95 60 4 50 81 '0 14 IS" 91 81 it et 18 93 990 41 31 19 11 17 "l 81 S 10 18 68 ... . 70 Oil 5 64 14 8.1 II f6 97 9. 4 73 9 81 8 84 8 16 1 95 47 OH 4M 85 1S73 8 Its oil sua sri 913 H 109 09 13 SO 89 T4 tr,9 47 517 09 V70 83 W47 II I0OH 93 1T0S rn est m 1M7 CW 1487 SO IIH1 (is! 897 8; J31 67 318 10 993 04 415 8t "6Vai 370 07 Itl 8.1 59 Oi eoo HHfl SO 4 811 3 OS 1.7 r9 39 77,, f 7"1 137 43 93 83 195 01 1 75 83 90 ' 9 7B 18 IN 61 fi ! 81! 15 1 IS ST! S9 50 SI CO 9S 60 39 00 18 "0 19 60 97 00 6 50 81 60 tO 50 919 74 559 K6 1S7S K!0 C.VJ 62 S3) 6'i 9f0 TB 73S 4f 644 3A 16 40 113 43 SIM 71 8 87 1(4 84 185 10 1M 33 8)11 II 1 3D 87ft IS 98 5- 1890 M i3 91 41 4" 333 98, 183 99 31 60 IS575 I 89 $1638 CO $ 6148 80 t row 45'$ 795 oo' 'S 44 By commission to collectors for I8S8 1 34 04 ' exonerations allowed collectors for "88 69 79 " amt paid Record Examiner. too on " commission to Treaa" rcr for 1888. 61 81 " balance o Id tati Tre surer for 18W. 762 18 " by emt pold to county 903 11 " commission tr collectors for 187 1S3S0 discount allowed ' " " roi 83 " amt paid state Treasurer " " 495393 " " due from collectors.... .,.. 6!i 41 " commission to Treasurer for 188? 41 es S 8760 93 COMMISSIONERS' EXPENSES. For which orders were Issued on the Treasurer. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE. Ellas Mendenhall lumber.old Jail ... I CO W O Dougherty, expressage 9 45 C8 Fornwald, burial expenses Thomas Ilawklnx (soldier). 30 00 .1 8 OtlmeB,Mll fortcachers' Instltute,188 1S3 00 I J llcsset al, costs. Low oppeaL. .... 9S47 Wm 11 Snyder, Srlcubaum va Col Ca. 9 40 " " Col Co vs Krlckbaum ... s 15 " prothonotar bill 109 ei Mover Bros expressage. 345 T annatta, repaint g pump, old Jail 1 23 Grant 8 Herring, auditing publlo accts 60 00 Overseers lirlarcreea twn, expenses for burial of an, unknown 2475 1 u uuuwu, ucauaiuovs mrov ana opou on en Wlt snyiter.record'g nmes ot two officers 92 so Davw uiact,costs,LishellvsCoICo .... 310 Eph. Parks,cleanlng water closet,old Jail 12 00 W'M Lemons, repairs, old Jail... ......... 640 DRCo man, " . . 442S WRKocher. freight on flies " Jas T Lawton.damage to horse at Lemon bridge. . ... , on Wm Ktickbaut , Krlckbaum vs Col Co, 5524 Fred fcchwlnn, hauling. .... j 00 R it La-hell, post mortem on body of Jaa Grady 9500 .T B McKelvy, lunacy case, P Mellck 34 58 II F Bvlis,repalrlng old Jail 9 m creas; S vVells, lumber,old Jail 6 41 K 8'Bowman et al, costs, Kilckbaum vs Col Co 10 61 Bloomsburg Banking Co, dls. on note.... 9 84 J I. Olrti n, boarding Jurors.. . 13 vo J M Clark.J p giis bill for Dec '86, cots 78 69 Peacock e- Dentler, opera House to hold court loo 00 MS" llllams, fitting up Opera House to Saml mlth. taking 8 prisoner- to Phils., eg co John 8 Wlillams,selllng old lall property, lumb-r, 4o, al Court House...... 11 60 Guy .lacoby, acknowledging deed 76 uuu u l asey, expense, BL .. 10 ASUlaUd and DanvlHe 998 Geo w Bterne recording commissioners' and Treasurer's bonds 14 eo $ 10H31 COURTS, JURORS' PAY AND CONSTABLES' RE TURNS. Samuel Pmlth pervlng jury notices Constables' returns during year Grand Jurors during year Traverse mrors during year court crier during year TIP tave duing year 8 N Walker stenographer, $10 per day... " " Conyngham and Payne va MeAlarnev and wlfa. ; 116 90 973 96 7!24 9183 87 147(0 175 50 37000 88 69 8417 6393 C809 8415 144 97 6 43 4 61 65152 42 85 3150 80 OO 8 N Walker, Fetterman vs Roblson ' " Cailow vs D H HKCo " ' Callender, Ex ot Jos Ilese, dee'd, va F L Hess 8 N Walker, Vorgey vs Ioc'st Mt Water Co " ' The Citizens' Safe Deposit Bank, of Mahanoy vs Joslah Phillips 8 N w a ker, Pol Co s Krlckbamn. Joslah P Frit, returning Jas Calabreea, selling liquor without a license Union Co Jury vs Seybert .... Geo w Derr. Jury commls loner G Uacklngnam, Jury commissioner ... John u Casey, clerk to same $6073 31 rvwra 1 m pnuunvuri,iii.n ,,ionu WHERE THE COUNTY BBOAME LIABLE. Justices, constables and witnesses, $ 1527 21 F P Blllmeyer, District Attorney. i4 60 ' " fees and expenses Sej bert case, Lewlsburg. 121 56 Wm 11 Snyder, clerk uf couit 272 05 $211619 ROAD 4 BRIDGE VIEWERS & ROAD DVMAQES Sundry persons as viewers.. $ 477 90 80 00 coon 60 00 175 00 40 Ot 95 00 6001 161 PO 80 00 30 On 25 00 1000 90 00 25 on 2100 150 0 3000(1 10 0 20 00 25 01 60 00 950 00 8000 175 00 60 0 230 49 00 5" 00 15 00 610 15 011 10000 39 91 50 40 83 00 Aaron Keller, damage, I'lne. Wm Ilartllne, Madison.. nTUCH suiuu, John Lee, ltachael Hess, Bradley L 'acock sugarloaf . Mt Pleasant.. . sugarloaf.. Mt Pleasant...... a oner orange. MattheW Pa'terson, damage, Orange Hartley Albertson, " " Wm Long. " " chanty Lunger. " .... Po er Appleman cat, ' Benton.... Aaron fa tterson, " Orange..,. Jonas oredbenner, " Beaver.. , PaulZa er, ' centra M A Williams, " orange. ... A lltewart, " " ... Jefferson Frttz, " Jackson. Wm (ireenley, Greenwo'd David Herring, " Orange.. Isaac Brasslngton, " Hoargcr'k a n uumug Oi an ire.. Henry Dltwlller, " John Johnson, Jaeob center, " uphrlam Lelby, tt llson M Eves, ' Geo Ikeler " Jo'm A Funston, " Sam'l and Isaiah Houck." Wm lineman, I' Roargcr'lc Locust .. Madison . Roar'gcr'k Pine Greenwod Madison Roargcr'lc Greenw'd. s pohe, comm'r.attendlng r ad views.... w Parr. " " " E Mendenhall, comm'r,attend'g road views $ 294610 commissioner;' office and court house. Ellas Mendenhall lumber $ Thomrs Gopy work at Court louse B F savlts chande.lera and work at court house. .. Tbos Gnrey bal on vault contract RMTewksbur auditor. .. KU Bobbins auditor - J B Vetter auditor John B Casot stating acts for J J Drawer bill rende ed u M Drinker repal-s Keystone Planing and Cabinet Co lumber o K savage clock tor court room D it coffman work at court house ...... E B Bmwer repairs Catherine Kitchen cleaning court house VB Motet repairing and painting snow brakes. W O Wirt assessors satchels Hunt & Arnold pens John Welllver shutter fasteners Jacob Dleffenbach brooms Fred -chwlnn hauling Stephen Knorr bill rendered bchiltch & Field & Co files for Recorder's vault B L Thomas pens, ., W B Taylor etalckrpenterwork at court house Levlil 11 trtmmln; trees OA Jacob? coal ., s M Hess repairs creasy Wella (umber to courthouse,.. 2 23 9187 278 98 K5 00 25O0 25 00 2100 3 00 1215 100 1 49 9 m 99 5' 9315 501 2195 20 00 600 90 900 20 00 2J0 '15 01 600 1105 400 129 78 1905 I4 II 4700 9 0 8 Oil 83 00 SO 176 1079 01 328 60 11500 0014 100 00 45186 79120 187 400 437 1. 81 ISO 02 460 40 01 00 13 C8 8988 60 6' 8 34 WSO 66 31 91 85 60 00 19123 400 93 174 00 100 SI 18115 6 Si 18 24 694 6S07 8 31 1 01 300 143(0 691)00 461 Ol S-H 00 too 00 Ceatral Telenbone sunnlv Co.. Bloomsburg bteam and Electtta Co lawn mower, ... Stephen Pohe fence posts D It coffman et al painting Jury room . ltDehart work at court house Elijah Bhutt Kll Jones carpenter contract cour house Ell Jones et al extra carpenter work 0 urt house , J M Mower plastering contract .... J M Howe extra piamerlng court house Wm F Bodlne painting contract court ciiaa Krug lumtwr bUnds cTcourt"house Dcnuui rurnianiug co tnaira ior court room A B Fowler work at court bouse ,,. , P 8 Moicr ivpal'lngspou s , Charles Bolce work at court bouse Andrew Campbell " " " " WmWtbb " " " " Wm fi -tcrner " ' Jackson Faux " " " " Menagu and coffman plan ai.d speculca- lions for n.ilntln F O Dentler Inspectors J J w 11 Urower carpet tx court room 0 W Kunyon hardware Rush li Hess putting down matting court room Bloomsburg steam it Mectrlo Light Co Bloomsburg steam & Electric Lbjut Co bteamtnree months Bloomsburg Water Co water rent , liloomaburg Gas 0 gas John l ay lor work ai. court bouse ZRShultz Phoeoe cox clemlng court hou'e.. G B Martin blacksmlthlng u F Kuapp Insurance on court house three years ... II F Mover ntckle polish Wm Rabb bill rendered , Daniel Miller painting Iron fence 1 W McKelvy LUi rrnderod M E Cox work at court house Geo M Pohe putting down carpet , Mo) er Bros bill rendered court bouse.,,. J It Schuyler hardware ,., Louts Betnhard bill rendered ,,,,,,, Haiti & Ileum spittoons U li Ikeler ally ior commissioner etephen I'ohe commissioners.,,,,, K Washington Parr " ,, ' EU Mendenhall John B Casey clerk,..,,..,., (Repairs to court room during the year tff 359J) COUNTY JAIL vrt Mover ,. t Hirman Hansen.,.. ,,, , ,. UFSavlU JJ Droirer carpet D M Drinker repairs ., 0 It lieusel work at Jail Creasy ft "ells......,, ,, Klchsrd Ivey wood ...,. Stephen Knorr blacksmlthlng - P n Moycr , .... - M J Casey lime , . 130 91 1689 411 8319 19 25 65 00 78 83 1000 3 16 8 75 1 0 919 600 87 75 67 42 816 9176 14 6,1 11 10 100 319 too 850 13 60 4 00 9 01 900 91 99 tilOOl 900 800 800 9(0 J'000 109 41 3180 910 81 4(0 484 M 380 I960 1 23 6 8,1 1 00 Fred chwlnn hauling,..,., ., IF ii eutler xhoes for prleiners .trtachman repairs Jail stable Kit Jones etal " " , . Thus Kruir lumber o ii Jones Co stone'lall stable ... ., w n Taylor woik at Jnll., Nathsn Chromls hauling o It (1 Enhlcman bill r ndcred , , John Cox work tall , OA -7acoy coal rm iicm Wm Olge r hauling lumber t- r J ill Btable . T) Lowenbeig clotlilnir tot rlners ! n'hnmfls VrinnrtttA cleaning well... Andrew sollcder repairing shoea tor pris oners ,,,...., , nionimburg Car Co bill rendered I R Mchuyler 1: i'o hardware .,, (Vfrman nnd umagh printing tl It I'otTman work 'it Jail , II C tlnwer bill rendered Jacob PIcITenhacIl brooms wmltiibbbllt rendered Wm 1) Taylor Io- house out act ttloomsburg Water Co water rent . nioomsOU'Y G rCo gJ3 John Taylor work at Jail 0 v Kunyon hardware Mamuel smttb boarding prisoners namuel mlth washli g for prisoners. . . Samuel smith turnkey fees C A Klelm medlctne foi prisoners .... 1 WMcKelrv bill rendered WmO Rhodomoy r-repalrs ...... $9317 83 PRINTING, STATIONERY ANO POSTAOB. Elwell it Blttenbender lountv statement' $ 45 00 ' " el ctlon proclamation 9100 " " court " 2500 " " calendar... 89 00 " " advertising 93 50 " blHnks 11 00 Jas (1 Brown county statement 45 00 " " election reclamation. 91 00 " " advertising 16 60 " " blanks ,. 8 60 Randall Tocum county statement..,. 41M " ele. tlon proclamation SI 00 " " advertising 21 60 " " blanks 81 00 Wm Krlckbaum election proclamation.. 16 00 " " advertising) 2 00 Patriot Publishing 'o patriot 7 50 Geo A Clark box rent and postage. 15 so " " stationery 49 00 $ (57 (0 INQUESTS Sundry persons for Inquests $ 177 61 BRIDGES 'BUILDING AND REPAIRS. BliVXK. B F Redllne Fisher bridge bal on contract $ 819 9 John A Breton nreiscb. bridge 6 00 Wm II Rhodes Shuman " , 300 O A Shuman " 1 00 BKHTOK. Abraham Uartman Wcstcrcek bridge.... J 8 woods Ash bridge J E Edson cole bridge John 11 coie Colo brlgo T h christian Ash bridge contract F p Dlldlne Cole bridge " " Benton bridge " " Mendenhall bridge " " Westcreek " , TK Edwards Cole bridge 81 OM. Daniel Tocum Red Rock trtdge J s Martz " Reuben Hess Rupert bridge Thomas Gorrcy Rod Hock bi Idge J 8 Manx Ilirton bridge W C Dougherty Red Hock bridge ........... Cr say & Wells " Bloomsbur Car Co Red Rock bridge John Delly Barton bridge John Waters Rupert ' John J Wolf Shaffer " J F Rink & Bon Barton bridge Shaffer " " 'iMipert ' " ' " Red Hock bridge, Amos Wantch Shaffer bridge Ro idarm 1 & elllver Red Rock bridge Jackson Faust " " L C lleldebrandt " Levi Cox " " P L werkhelser et al " Daniel Hie- " " John V Wbltenlght " " Fred Schwlnn " " John Relnard etal ' " EU Jones et al " " o W Runyon " "', 0 F Rabb " " Geo M Pohe etal " Stephen Knorr " " BRURCR1IX. Daniel Miller, Eck bridge contract. $ W L Freas, liowman bridge " ' Rlttenhouse bridge 0 W Runyan, Eck bridge CtTAWISSA. fit V B Kline et al bridge near mouth ot Catawls-w creek $ David Glton et al, bridge near mouth ot ( atawlssa creek . , .... May berry Yeager Paper mill bridge " " lIolininhe,d bridge.. David Gaumer, Paper mill bridge 0 vV Harder, " '" " . Charles Krug, Scott brldue contract.. . . $ Jacob Uetler.centrevllle bridge Wm s. ott, 8cott bridge, II II ' 1 etler et al, Cem revllle bridge J F Rink son, " " J P Bredbenner, " " 0 w Runyan, " " ri-n:Nocssx. Sam'iel Lemon, Stillwater bridge $ E R Laujerbacn, Jones mill bridge " " bridge above Jones mill " " ' Paden bridge " " Buckaiew bridge. J D Mcnenry, Paden bridge Scott Mcllenry, Stillwater bridge, rat mux. 0 w Eveo, Reeder bridge ''ontract. $ David xeedor, Reeder bridge. L Robtbach, Rohrbn'h bridge ... ' Rl-gle bridge. David Reeder, Parr bndxe. Montomer Reeder. Parr bridge. H-rry Fetterman, Parr bridge aalXNWnOD, Wm Harlan, VcIIenry bridge $ " " Iola bridge Jacob Welllver, cole bridge John Lemon, Rohrsbiirg bridge John Leggolt, Iola bridge ...... " ' Mcllenry bridge. B F Ratton. Eckman bridge c W Eves, McUenry bridge T 8 Chi Istlan, AUnas Cole bridge contract " " ' " extra... niMLOCI. B A Hartraan, Pursel bridge. $ J F lUnk & son, Barton bridge .. Reuben Hess, Pursel bridge. . J 8 Martz, Pursel bridge " Danvlll- bridge Richard Iey, Pursel bridge lOCUBT. Wash Adams, Iron bridge, slabtown ,.. $ David Fetterman, Krlckbaum bridge " " Johnson bridge. " " Waller bridge ..- . Isalab " Esther Furnace bridge J J Campbell, Walter bridge. A M Johnson, Johnson bridge Wm D Davis, Kostenuauder bridge. MAIM. Ellas Rh'iman. iron bridge ... f John Harmony, Iron bridge. , mrruK. L B Kocbler, Yohe bridge HOXTOCS. Jacob Bemley, stone bridge, near Quick's MT. PLKABANT. J W Mordan.Sands' orldge $ " bridge above Wilson's. " " " below " Amos Wanlch. Wanlcb bridge John I Wolf, Vanderell.'o bridge Matthias Sh tier. Poor bouse bridge . , o M lk'ler, bridge below Wilson's. ' " Aovo J F Rink St. Son,Vanderbllce brldae. ' " " Wanlcb bridge. Amos Wanlch, Vandenllce bridge. Charles Sands, sml'b bridge. ., " " sands' " " " bridge above Wilson's.... " " " below ' Ot.NQC, W F Crawford, Vance bridge. $ J F .Mentrle. Iron bridge. 100 8 16 1 23 818 40 2 00 200 100 3 57 1 60 660 48 01 710 160 180 83 98 99 4 23 1 23 360 39 20 1518 11 63 15 86 100 3 60 119 1 11 10 00 800 1 19 360 60 13 60 18122 666 160 930 433 14 00 210 9 00 738 39700 360 899 960 CO 64 160 250 1176 00 1 00 1 CO 1,0 42 00 300 73 800 14 63 1 00 400 800 910 ISO 900 487CO 600 25 11 18 1 00 900 300 60 995 1O0 100 50 3 65 12 94 2100 1009 6171 260 Charles Conner, Vance bridge riMt. James Masters, Masters' bridge. , $ SCOTT Wm Pursel, Llghtstrtet bridge. ,' $ J F Kink & son, " " . HO Johnson, " ' ..... L Crawford, ' " ... sooiii Loar. W FIIesR, J uness bridge... f Jaa Fullmer.SutUff bridge . . . . B E Long, ole brtd-ie J B Ueea. J B Hess bridge O W Hess. Jo, o nesa bridge. I 60 18 66 450 640 MSB 100 60S 2'0 700 800 594 00 j ai iinsn, tjutuu onage. . .r 1 contract,, $ 6031 39 PENITENTIARY AND ASYLUM. Convicts In Eastern Penitentiary for "M $ 9908 support of Lizzie Hawley, w arren 95 w " M ry Sullivan, Danville 10429 " " Hiram Albonsou. ...... 10499 " " Margaret Weaver, " 104 99 " 11 Jobn Barton, ' 104 28 " " Peter Mellck, " 4171 $ 653 44 ..$ 1673 99 95 .. 31 t3 9185 .. 3183 .. 1900 .. 90 70 .. IS 00 ASSESSORS' PAY. Beaver,..,.. Benton Berwick tilooni umrcreek , Catawlssa..., Crntrulla .... centre. conyngham. Flsbingcreek Frankfl Greenwood , Hemlock..,., Assessors for ,,,.$ 3925 Jackson 2635 Locust. .... 43 75 Madison .... 72 0 vain .... .. 39 25 Mifflin ... 3175 Montour, 33 93 Mt Pleasant..., i,,, 2875 Orange 99 20 line , .,, 31 15 Moarlnicreek.., ... 1 90 acott ... &160 sugarioat..... 14 55 Fall registry voters. 18 15 16 25 28 76 2125 III 00 $ 819 68 SCALPS FOR FOX, WILD CATS, WEASELS, MINKS. HAWKS AND OWLS. Paid sundry persons.,.,,, $ 413 co blKOTIO.N EXPENSES. Paid Spring election officers , $ 416 41 4.'0 65 141 10 14100 140 20 48 00 83 73 " ran uiwuon umters...,,.. " spring room rent,, trail all room rent. ' constables adveitlalng and attend iug- cipriuK eiMcugn , , Paid constables attending Fall election.. r ij uuiver, election Dianxa., $ 1370 89 TAXES REFUNDED. Amount ot township taxes refunded.,.,,, $ 1 tie 01 BLANK BOOKS. John I) Llngle, docket , $ Wm Mann, nocke , it corner's onico .... Wm F Murphy's sons, docket, Recorder's offlco. , F L Duller, x7 registry books. E B Yoruy, dockets, coin'ra office, " " tstax regutiors, " - bludlDjr-'coluratrtau'',,,,,.., voo 13 M I UIU I COUNTY BONDS. Amount county bonds redeemed $ 1700 00 Am .tint interest paid on county bonds., 101 00 , $ 1809 00 ' RECAPITULATION. Miscellaneous .... $ 102931 Courts, jurors' pay.consub'es' relurns,&e 6073 81 Costs In commonwealth eases 2116 19 Road At bridge viewers C road damages . 294a 1 11 commissioners offli e and court house. , , 9237 91 Countv Jail . EI8; 85 Printing, stationery and postage. ,,, 45: 00 Inquisitions 17769 Bridges, building and repairs...., 6011 19 Penitentiary and isjlum.,,,,,, 653 44 i mors' pay...,, , 81961 Fox, wild cat scalps, eta , 413 eo Election expenses.,., . 137000 Taxes refunded 1..... 169501 Blink books. , , 11560 Bonds and Internet 180100 $3541 12 From amount nf order lsiud dedu t $1695.01 taxca refunded. 78 6i9 gas bill for Decemb-r, 186, and cons $1 01 Oil county bonds and interest paid, le ivci (3i8i8 49, which Is the ordinary cxpensos for the year A. D. 887. S11BKP ORDERS ISSUED. Benton. $ 13 S Madison,,.,.,,,, $15100 Brlircreek. . . 1150 Main 1300 Cnlawlmt 16 25 M Pleasant...,, 26 60 FsUingcKel. 63 00 Pine 143 00 F'anklin 11 00 Scott , 81 no Greenwood 6-00 sugarloaf 1 3100 Iteml ck 35 09 - Jackson , 17 60 $ 643 93 Locust.... 8 00 STATEVtMNTOF DOOTAXES 8UEEP FUND. Dog tax due from collectors -. $ 888 40 Probable 0 'mmtasioa and exonerations .. ISO 00 $ COUNTY FINANCES. ASS ITS. Tax In hands of collectors duplicate. $ Probable cummU'n,oionerat'na & returns 66910 950 00 $ 4612 95 One double set ot assessment books si 00 ono set ot dupUcates. , 1500 $ 4093 93 LIAJILiTira. 0 ntslnCommonweitth cases. $ 619 88 mt due the several districts 959 03 Amt roid bridge vlewersduo on books, 199 CO Amt road damages assessed and unpaid, estimated to January, 1888. 500000 $ 6071 61 4692 96 Actual Indebtedness of the county, Jan. 2, laid, as per estimates..... $ 1378 66 We. the undersigned, commissioners of Colum bia count', do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a correu statement ot a' counts ot said count for the year A, D. mt. , WILLIAM O. G1HTON, JESSE RITTKNH018E, EZR STEPHENS, Commissioners of Columbia County aiAttest: 3. D. Budink, Clerk. We, the undersigned auditors ot Columbia county, hrt lng been duly elected to adju-t and settle the accounts of Treasurer and commission ers ot Columbia county county, do hereby certify that we met at the office ot the Treasurer and commissioners In Bloomsburg and carefully ex amined the accouoti and vouchers ot the same from the first day of January A. D. 1887, to the second day of January A. D. 1888, and find them correct as above stated. Given underour hands and seals the 19th day ot January A. D. 16S8. E. M. TEWKSBURY, (Silt) J. B. 1 E ITER, SSALt AMOS UARTMAN, SXIL.) County Auditors. Attest: Jobn B. Casxt, Clerk. 100, "By virtue ot sundry writs Issued out of Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county, and to me directed, will bo exposed to publlo at the court house, U Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, Febraarv 6, 1888, at 2 p. m., all that certain lot, or piece of land SHERIFF'S SALE- uate in Flahlngereek township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded as follows : On the north by laid Elizabeth Kline, on the east by publlo road mg from Stillwater to Benton, on the south by land of Elizabeth Dees and on the west by Big Flahlngereek, containing one acre and seventy, two p rcbes neat measure, be the same more or less, whereon are erected a dwelling house stable. seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as property ot Mathlas Kline. Ziart, Atty. FL Fa. ALSO the following described real estate to-wlt: Tract No. l, all that certain piece or panjel land ra'uate in Locust township Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a post, a corner of land of 660 97 76 4 88 2S8 123 47 61 tbo said John Brofee, running thence by the north, eighty-three and on'-fourth degrees east, two hundred an 1 eleven and eight-tenth perches to a stone; thence south, ten and thre eighth de grees east, forty-three and nve-tentha perches to a stone; thence soui h, sixty-tour and 1 hree-fourtha degrees west, one hundred and eighty-four perch es to a stone; thence south, eighty-tour and one- half degrees west, torty-tw) perches to a thence north, six degress west, ninety-six seven-tenths perches to the place of beginning; containing nlnety-slx acres, more or less, whereon 400 3 48 6 39 150 16 78 890 4 25 are erects 1 a good two-story dwelling house a bank barn, tbout twenty-five acres ot this la valuable oak, chestnut and pine timber land. ALSO Tract No. 2, all that certain lot or tract of ber land situate In said Locust township, county ana state aforesaid, bounded and described ai lows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone In line of of John W. Davis, thence by the same eignty-tnree degrees west, one hundred and two perches to a stone; thence by land of I. Hams south, ten and three-eighths degrees east, ten and one-tenth perches to a chestnut grub; thence north, seven degrees west, thirty-tour and seventh-tenth perches to a stone; thence north, etgnry-three degrees east, thirty-one and seven. tenths perches to a stone; thence north, seven degrees west, fifty-eight and four-tenths perches to the place ot beginning, containing forty acres and el-Ten perches, more or less. This Is well bet with various kinds of timber. ALSO TracrNo. 3, all that certain tract ot land situate tn said Locust township, county and State said, bounded and described as folliws to - Beginning at a post, corner ot land of Margaret Davis, and running thence north, six degrees west, one hundred and five and three-tenths perches to a stone; thence by land ot Bamuel v lller north. eighty-three and one-fourth degrees east, hundred and four perches to a stone; thence south, ten and throe-eighths degrees east, one hundred and five and three-tenths perches to a thence by land ot Margaret Davis south, eighty. three and one-fourth degrees wost, two hundred and eleven and eight-tenths perches to the place of beginning; containing one hundred and twenty eight acres and one hundred and fifty perches, and allowance, be the same more or TOO 323 75 75 600 1 SO 600 63 97 825 13 33 12 69 25 300 3'0 300 300 900 100 83 00 .whereon are erected a good two-story dwelling house, a bank barn, wagon shed and saw-mlll with dwelling bouse to -the mill. About forty acres are well set with white oak, white plne,hem. lock and pitch pine timber. ALSO Tract No, 4, all that certain tract ot land situate In Locust township, county and State aforesaid, beginning at a stone, comer ot John W. Davis' land and running thence south seven degrees West, fifty-eight and four-tenths perches stone by a chestnut; thence north eighty-three degrees east, thirty-one and seven-tenths perches to a Btono thence north seven degrees west, Dtty-elght and tour tenths perches to a 100 stone; thence south, three degrees west, thirty. one and seventh-tenths perches to the place of beginning; containing ten acres and one hundred and fitty-nre perches, more or less. This U a tract ot mountain timber land. belzed and taken Into execution at the suit Samuel Miller, aud to be sold as the property John W. Brofee. SAMUEL SMITH. GEYER, Atty. Sheriff. Sheriffs office, Bloomsburg, Jan. 9, fta, .m.OOMSUUKU MARKET. Wholesale. Metal 03 58 60 60 S3 40 4.'0 io 050 24 20 22 24 70 80 12 10 03 on 07 10 09 13 00 10 10 12 80 80 715 1 00 07 85 6 to 7 Wheat per bushel,, Hye " " .. Ccrn " " Oats " " .. Flour " bbl Uutter Eggs Potatoes Hams Dried Apples , Side Shoulder Chickens Qecse , Lard per lb Vinegar per pal , Onions per bushel.. Veal skins..., , Wool per lb Uldc Goal on Wiuur. No. fi3.00 nittiralmif 8 2fl ciuilabie unnvnur ini--aarv "Mil I V-naSa Ta CAPITAL. - - 800.000 DEBENTURES Guaranteed Farm Mortgages 1880 si 00 it 00 SVOO 1W, nmeu KVVKBBHIi! jrrw York, kk tmuaj, kOSTON.IlUulSIM. ' rmi-iDixrHu, 111 a, u K kamu cm, tU.bu.iZ: Va Mia altiism. rtmH.1. kak. XIW (Ot kMSliSaVK BOaTOV. gaxnna. aihuUMM 1 ... 1, ... . , A NNUAL BTA1KMENT POOH DISTRICT From Jan. 10, liT, to Jan. , lsa. JOHN K, OROTZ, Treasurer. DR. To bat In Treasurer's hands; Jan 10, 1&7, m M To cash reed on scott dup, 1885 m eo " ' Bloom " " , ,ts u ( sugarloaf dun, ISM 'ire 17 11 ,1 11 uio'imdup, lssj.... losses scott " . " SW41 " 11 Oreenwond dup, ISM, ..... mssi ( lugarloat dun, 1W7...... ts 11 1 ( Bioom dup, tmtti lttrts " ' " Scott ' 481 so " " " oreenwonddnp, 1M7..,,, kit Sugarloaf dap, 1Bs7 29 00 Acct Mrs Brown.. ..1 703 11 ii Acct K M sterner, by Hester sterner ,. ... 48 M To cash received on Jane Mc.MlchaoI, by llcacock , MM To cash received on line township.... .. t St To cash received on acct lumber sold Creasy 4 Wells. 1 a M ew OIL By orders of 1884 and 1"1 re deemed...... f 4 79 By orders of ism redeemed . 1M 01 ' 188J " 45181 " postage SO " Treasurer's commission..... S3 10 11 bal In Treasurers hands....... 118 81 I two u Dup. 1W raid. Due. BCOlt, 1023 33 631 73 S85 63 Pup 187. Paid. Due, Bloom, 2-4 90 1697 15 1145 73 COtt. 1010 13 431 6 ti 04 (IreBWOod, 888 ill 671 73 307 31 sugarloaf, sea 40 S3 00 37 40 768 40 Bal due district If rs .exonera tions and per ccntage, Orders outstanding Jan 10, ifSt, t 2S8 88 Orders issued from Jan 10, 1887, to Jan9,ias8..... 4703 89 Orders redeemed to January 9, 18S8 I 4655 04 Orders outstanding Jan,1888.. SI4 13 EXPENSES FOR YEAR ENDING JAN. 9, 1383. State Hospital for the Insane... 6 1 1 weeks for Oeorge Fox to Deo , 1887 e 1-7 weeks tor Jesse Kelly to Deo 1 1887 .,. .......... M 1-7 weeks for'l.Z kahler to ..Dee i.i87 33 1-7 weeks for John Boyer to Deo 1,1817 19 1 7 weeks for Alzle M sterner to Deo t, 1887 -.. (A M Sterner paid by Mrs Hes ter sterner) 237 3-7 weeks at i 00 per week. . $ 175 43 sundry bills merchandise for family and paupers f S33 77 Sundry bills for material and la bor for repairs, 547 S3 Medicine. 78 86 Threshing machine ot Iloltzer.. 143 00 Tramps. s 73 Tax on Long house iw Printing statement for yr 1884 39 t9 coffin for Hummel 8 00 Corttn for Green 8 00 coffin for Wm Kvans and child 23 00 o B Brockway tor fees and oath 4 00 Coal by o A Jacoby 108 75 coalbyo WNeal Bro 14 63 Bmlth work S7 43 Auditors and Clerk In Jan, 1S87 S3 00 Bent of Riwllngs 9 31 Beet of Winner - 1141 Traveling expense by Directors - 7 82 P EWI t, oaths 60 Order relief by Kitchen 1 00 " ' Jacoby, 6 50 " " ' Clark 5 00 the Pa., sale l is nupert, express, postago UUHl&UUUBiy. 27 17 90 7 60 875 Shoes for nauners. , Fruit trees ot wm Barrett Neyhard for surveying Dr schuylcr.tor expense taking Vernetta 1 reasy to Penna training school School for clothing for V Creasy "chool for funeral expense for Vernetta Creasy Clothing for paupers.... John Wolf, plow and cultivator Klelm, telegraph and postage.. J W Phlllips,keeplng ltobt cook .1 DiofTenbacb, brooms .. Dr Jolley, attending Mrs Evans M n Woodward, lo-klng aiter tramps ? M P Woodward, serving sub- Eoenaa In the Samuels and unlock ease. M c Woodward, expense to Danville ....7...... R Falrroan, fertilizer John Wolf, fertilizer T w ouriton, plants Alexander Bros, tobaceo tor paupers. sit 10 54 17 50.. 14 00 , 94 65 33 00, ' 50 33 50 3 00 7 50 10 00 ot lead. and the 4 83 200 17 60 16 00 2 75 of 17 10 1 v.n t same SALARIES. Thomas McBrtde. steward.,. J B MeKClvy M D. H w McReynolds It Falrman , Dr J schuyler OA Klelm L M Pettlt , l.B Rupert MrsThos HcBrlde, matron,. f 660 00 6010 60 00 325 81 25 81 !3 71 00 81 23 25 00 stone; and OUT DOOR RELIEF. Jackson Karns..... 1 Jack-on Karns, 600 lbs flour,2.40 Al Cadow. Alf'adow, 1160 lbs flour S.40. .. 69 60 14 40 150 78 S7 60 61 60 8 40 54 19 9 00 53 95 4 80 19 03 60 78 00 53 00 148 00 163 00, 68 50 30 50 67 28 73 S3 91 50 84 41 83 94 18 38 16 32 3 60 6 01) 3 00 23 60 4 00 11 75 19 90 44 4t 13 30 4 44 9 01 15 00 5 22 13 58 9 50 11 00 7 24 3 50 and tract margsret uawson. 350 lbs flour, 240 tlm. Matthias Sholtz family " " 815 lbs flour,240 Lucy Wertman, " " 200 lbs flour, 2.40 Em nerU. , " 25 lbs flour, 2.40 R 8 Young Fred welmer Hester Bomboy. Wm Barkel (epileptic fits) Caroline mlth Minerva May. William Ingold....... Aaron Sholtz and family .. Mrs harles Hamilton Mrs Wm Fvans Levi Creasy and family Wm Shoemaker ,..... Mrs Sam Uurnsldos Ann Muffley...., . Samuel salteey. ...'. J Boyer In 18&L Mrs. Thomas Chrlsman Michael O'Neal. Sarah Jones, Mrs. Jerry Gross George Samuel vuarlus cox.i Mrs. Hiram long , Mrs Maria Zimmerman Mary Egan Mary Ann PauL coal Jacob swlsher Daniel Ingold. Jacob Williams. Geonre Vannatta ........ Hannah Tycke .... fol land north, fifty wit - live tract afore. wlt: two stone; t 4731 6 We, the undersigned. Auditors of th township, comprising "i he Bloom Poor District," met at. the Poor House on Monday, January 9, 189, examined the accounts of the Treasurer and Directors from January 10, 18B7, to January 9, 1888, and the vouchers for the same, and find them correct, aa set forth above. JOSEPH GARRISON,1) WM. BOGKKT, lia,.-. J. B, DAVIS. ' VAudltors. WM. MASTERS, J VALUE OF REAL AND PERSONAL PHOPKRTT belonging to Bloom Poor District, January 9, lKjg. Bal Scott duplicate, 1885 t 885 es " Bloom duplicate, 1-87 .,.... 1445 74 Scott dup fcate, 1&S7 59 ot " Greenwood duplicate, 1887 soi 34 Sugarloaf duplicate, 1887.. 237 40 2903 13 Less estimated exoneration and commission. , , , , eoo 00 two less; to a t 40S 1S . 113500 00 300 00 soo 00 , 195 23 48 60 33 50 37 60 un 00 25000 200 00 1H 00 72 00 187 60 60 00 la 00 2 10 2 00 ISO 00 60 00 175 00 28 00 10 60 8 0) 15 00 8 00 13 00 4 00 5 00 40 37 OO 50 IX 00 8 00 Farm and buildings ............. Long property 3 head horses 8 head cattle 12 shoals 2 sows. itJ ( htckens 80o. Farm implements. Furniture in poor houao Furniture tn steward's bouse., 180 bushels wheat 3 8ia.,,,. 335 bushels oals (i wo 760 bushels corn ears (4 2:0,.. KO hntihelii nstr o tra a n of ot sou heads cabbage a 5 ...."!"! wusucia kurmpa (91 suo.,,, ,,,, 3 bushels onions (4 $100...... 15tonshaya$l2O0 1000 sheaves corn fodder a 50 sw tt pork and lard (4 70 3 tons of coal (4 'is to!. , idu 10 Ducawneai nour 1 aiock hot? s pig 8 barrels vinegar a fit 2 bushels beans a 13 00 1 barrel saurkraut rre straw a 900..., 1S6 tt nsrlrpri hint., a 25 cans tomatoes a 160 a can; JilS01?3. Piiu tn ground .,,, 1900 plckfea & .00..... ......... . 4 bushels beets & 60c 3 00 PRODUCTS RAISED ON FARM. 233 bushels wheat 119 bo IfftH hllUhAlB nn- .-! J.1? OO 815 bushels oats i a, 180 bu bels potatoes ,," w bo 3 bushels beans. t fo 5buheUbeels .nTTX..!.. 2 6a 13 bushels rye.. .....!!! ? SJ 10 buhets turnips.,, .' a 60 6 bushels nnnnr '". " ? X q beet 'ii s saionsnar 07am ism sheaves corn fodder... 57 50 Ml bundles rye straw .. 1 .Z. " Is 429 doz eggs .,,.7.7.7. so oa ssoi pickles,, i ? sishoats 79 chickens.... 1 barrel saurkraut.,,,.,...,";,' es ua so 00 s 00 24 00 13 OO 18 bushels peaches ffl 11 00...,,. 10 bushels tomatoes at 50o .... 3 IX. No. paupers remaining In poor Jan 10,1881;...,,', .. Admitted during the year...... Discharged during the year..,. Mut 10 Knna tralulng school.. Put out In private family ; Remaining .iitn o inaa J. HCIll YI.KH p. A. KLKlMr; V Director. I 8603 13 417 4Mt 17 - t 1100 00 - t 1(30 83 MMlt 4a I 1137 60 It 10