THE COLUMBIAN ND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBEFRG, CObUMBM; COUNTY, PJl Through the Forost- TUB OI.IJ ND TOtWO DANCKD AIX NI011T OUK IIAUDT ANCBSTons. Old men live in tho pat. I'orhaps It would lie bettor for tbo young mon of thoprount, if they Hvod a littlo bit moro in tho past, and drew lost on tho tutuio. The log cabins of priraitivo times would Boom very cheerless habitations to tho people tho liva in the fitiuly constructed, furnace- heated inausions of to day. But our grandparents took a groat deal of comfort in theso rudo homes. They wero rugged aud healthy. Tho men hud stalwart and hardy frames, and tho woruou wero frco from the modern ailments that make tbo sex of to day praotioally holplosa slaves to hired foreign help. White-haired grand-sires frequontly took their life partners and on horse back rode a score of miles through tho .forests to enjoy tho lively pleasures of a frontier ball, 'danced till daylight r0do homo naani in the early morning, thon nut in a uood day's work, Middle aged folks of to day couldn't stand that sort ot a racket. To theso mud-chiuked log-oabin doctors' visits woro a rarity. Tho in habitants lived to a rugged and green old HBO. Sometimes .these log cabin old-timers were taken ill. Thoy were not proof ngalnst all tho exposures to which thov wero subjected, ihoy lound tho ot fdctive remodies for these common ail ments in tho roots and herbs which crow in tho neiehboriniz forests and , fields. Thoy bad learned that nature lias a cure for every ill. lheso potent remedies assisted their sturdy frames to quickly throw off disease and left no pmson in the system. Tho unnleasint featuro of modern tiractico with mineral medicines is the inlurions after effect on tho system- May not modtrn physical degeneracy bo duo to thH toatun-T A druc-pattiratcd system is not in a natural, consequently not in a hea'thy, stalo. If any of tho main organs aro clocired with traces of tho mineral poisons used to drive out a particular disease, the whole machinery ot lite is deranged and early decay of natnral powers is tho inevitable result. There can be no question that reme dies from tho laboratory of nature) aro the best. If they are as efficacious, they have tho advantage of leaving no after sting. Their effioicy, if properly compound ed, and the proper remedy applied to the proper disease, will nt bo doubt ed. The experience of as?es proves it. Their disuse has enme about pricipally through the rapid congregation of peo ple in cities and village, rendering theso natural remedies difficult to ob tain. Priigresive business enterprise has lately led to putting thee old time remedies within reach of all classes. The proprietors of Warner's safe remedies in the faitu that the people of today would b benefited by usinc; the simple remedies of loe cabin days, have caused investigations to be made and secured the formulas of a number of those which lone; and successful uce had proved to be n osi valuable. Thoy will, we learn, be known un der the general titlo of "vVarnor's Log Cabin Remedies.'' Among these medi cines will bo a "Sirsaparilh" for the blood and liver, "Log Cabin Hop and Buchu Remedy." for the stomach, etc., "Log Cabin Cough and Cnnumption Remedy," a remedy oa4?d "Scalpine." for the'hair, "Lg Cibin Ex'ract," for internal and exti-rotl u-p, and an old valuable discovixry for catirrh, called "Log Cabin Rose Cream.'' Araone; the list is aluo a "L"g Cabin Plaster" and a "Log Cabin Liver Pill." Leap Years. HOW THEY IVERE MADE AND TfHT TI1ET OCCUU WHEV T11ET DO. From the Town's Companion. Auotbtr li-ap year has begun. The numbers of the new year, 18S8, can he divided by four without a remainder, aud Julias Caesar commands us to add an extra day to every year tho number of which can be so divided. "Imperial Ca:sar, dead and turned to clay," is still lord of the calendar, and every man iu Christendom will ohoy him on the last day of Februory. Bui for a Cuar wo should consider tho month ended at midnight on the 28th ; but he faid : "No ; February shall have another day this year," and we shall obey him, dead though he be. Only a Popo could contr idiot a Cie gar. Popo Gregory XIII., who recti fied tho calendar of Julius Canar in 1582, commanded us (amoug other tilings) to make an occasional except ion to Oosar's ruling. The Julian cal endar made the year a little longer than the sun made it and the excess amounts in four hundred years to three day, To rectify this error, Pope Gregory decreed and all Christendom exrept Russia has adopted his reformed calen dar that the centennial yeais, sueh a 1C0O, 1700, 1800, hall bo leap years ouly when they can be evenly divided by 400. Thus the j ear 1900 will uot bo a leap year, but the year 2000 will be. 1 1ms the excees ot tlirto days ire every -100 years will be avoided. But oven Popes are not infallible in astronomy. In spite of this ingen ious system of rectification, the average year is still too long by twonty-six sea onds. The earth gets round tbo snn twenty-six seconds sooner than the Pope's calendar allows ; and this excess in three thousand, three hundred aud twenty-three years would amount to a whole day. Astronomers do not distress thorn-a.-lves about an irror of a day in so long a period. Nevertheless, to reduce tho error to au almost incalculable minimum, it is suggested by Profescor Woolhouso that the ysars divisible by four thousand shall also be common years. With that change, the total error would be only about ono day in twenty-tour thousand years. Who shall issue a command thai cannot be obeyed until tho year of our Lord 4000, and not again till the year 8000 A Julius Csesar bep;an the radical reform of the calendar, and Popo Gregory XIII. oontinued the good work, perhaps tho completion of the task may be fairly left to the Prexi dent of tho United States ; Lut any other gentleman. aIII do as well. About three hiindrtd leading Re publicans of th State of Minnesota, met at Minneapolis on Jvi, 19, to or iruniyo a Statu League under the call of the National League. The organiza tion will be completed at a meeting February 2. The pervsiliiig seutimcni was in fm or of u tariff reform. As to juBt what reform should bo there was no sgnemeni. a remarKauiy targe number of tboso interview! d were en thusiastia for Blaine while they ad mitted that they wore not in synpattiy with his tariff ideas. Scarcely auj other name was uu nlioutd. Couscitneo eis a man upon his feet, while bu will hoius mm upright. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. Concluded Dr. Harvey of Chester county was unable to be present and deliver his lecture, tho evening session was thiro- fore given to tho discussion of several interesting questions. Sinco this report is already long lot mo just stalo that the otitoftiiinniont was very interesting well as Instructive The ubj"ot discussed was "Tho Farmer's Stand- ing in tho Community." j "Do tho agricultural interests keep puco witli tho other industries in ad vancement and itnprovemeutt" "Tho morlgago on tho farm," a poem repeat- ed by L. R. lkelcr. "D Huso insti- tutos pay!" and "Women e Rights." Friday forenoon was uivon to tho dlscusioii of fertilizing and fertilizers. ' Prof Ficar spoko of tho priuciples of fertilization. Tho sources of all plant food aro tho air and soil. From the nir plants get carbon; from the foil ash, water aud nitrogen. Since nir is of constant com position, if there bo any soarcity of plant foo 1 it must bo in the soil. In the soil from gr.inito rocks potash abounds; from limestone rooks, carbon ate of lime, silica and phosphorio acid and from dccayid vegetablos nitrogen, but very tittle of tho ash constituents. Tho ingredients which become ex hausted by farming and must bu sup plied in fertilizers are potash, nitrogen and phosphorio aeid. Tho power to bold fertilizers varies in different soils. Phosphate will not go through a clay soil. Plant food must be in a condi tion available for tho plants. Some crops will uinuuio what, others can not. If tho soil is fine the roots can better get nt tho available material in it. In dec iving soil the insoluble mat erial beoonio soluble by fermentation which takes place in tho presence of either burnt limo or carbonate of limo. Plants take up nitrogen best in their early growth. Different crops havo the power of drawing oifferent sub stances in different degreos. Insoluble material becomes soluble after a long time saoh t.s hair, leather and wool. The manure of the domestio animals contains Us soluble matter than com mercial fertilizer. The true way to fertilizo is to supply to tho soil tho ma terials which aro lacking. To ascer tain this, soil analysis which is very un satisfactory has been resorted to. Somt havo analyzed tho crop to dis cover the elements- and their propor tion upon whioh it is fU. This has not Droved a success eiiher. The only way lo find out what f'e soil needs is to try on Btnail plots, the different in gredients. Mixed ingredients give better results than single ones. Lime indirectly adds plant food by increas ing the availibility of nitr genous mat ter, it attacks tho clay; but its frequent use decreases the organic matter in the soil. Makt-yourown fertilizer. Getpuru goods aud only what yon want. can make a mixture that will fill your case exactly. In buying specific man ures, those batd on tbo composition of the crop you pay for come ingred ients that are abundant in the soil. There is less danger in imposed on by buyiug the ingredients separate ly tnan ny nuwngthem in composition. J. A. Uii'idy then exhibited on a chart the result of bis exoeuments iu all kinds of fertilizers. You cannot dettct by the ee whether fertilizers aro ot value or not. The substances which smell worst aie not the most valuable fertilizer. He divided an acre iuto twenty equal (dots each of which was treated differently. A rec ord of the cost of fertilizing -aah and tho value of tho crop from e.ioh was kept. Two plots weri- given no f.-rtilizers of any kind aud the pronls and losses on the others were obtained by comparing them with these two. In the first crop, by thus comparing, 97 per cent, of the value of the plaster was lost; 88 per cent, of the lime; 52 per cent of the barnyaid manure. Whi-rever ho bad not used potash tho loss was small and where potaBh and other ingredn nts was used the locrease in grain was greatest He reasoned, therefore, that his land was deficient in potash. In the second crop tho loss percentage of plaster and lime still continued large while in barnyard manure aud potash the toss percentage was decreased. Of potash bve-Hixtbs remain in the straw and is again returned to tho soil and ihe originxl investment in potash will pay in the end. Don't buy mixed fer ulizers. Buy just what your soil needs and apply broadcast and harrow in. South Carolina rock gave better results than dissolved bone black. Limo vb. manure was then discussed by Moses Bond, of Tutbotville. Ho had learned by observation and exper ience. Lime is mechanical in its oper ations in tho soil and ch mgos decayed vegetable matter to plant food. Most f aimers use moro lime than it has mat etial in the soil to work on, lie knows farmers who haul more limo than their farms aro worth and lias tho first farmer to soo who realized from tho first crop ihe expenso of spreading tho limo used. Its work is slow. Ho knows one farm upon which the owner i named lime as long as be could pay tor I it It was finally sold to pay the debts which he had contracted in supplying that ho uto'xi up in the orowd rurroind lime nnd from a five auro field fr mi , ed and hemmed iu on all sides by it. which ho had raised seen sheaves of rye to tin- aore, his successor by tho application of commercial fertilizers raised twenty-five bushels of wheat to ino acre the nist year and the succeed inc year cut bixteen tons of hav. In three years time he built a barn to hold seventy tons of hay and Gl ed it and to-day hauls as much grain to market and feeds as many oattlo as any farmer iu the township. He retailed an ex- periment at tho State College in which au expense of $4. ac acre gavo an in crease of three, bushels of wheat per acre. This and Mr. Gundy's experi ments are no f3ir tests. The soil is rich enough without the application of commercial fertilizers. To sow phos- punie omaucast is a wmtto ot money. Vf . ino seeu aud phosphate must brought in contact with each other. On a rented faim of 120 acres by the ute of phosphate, he would havo clear ed $1000 in a few yoari- bad he owned tho farm. To put mor than 75 to 100 lbs ot phosphato is to waste it. With lbs on whfat ho got good results; with 300 lbs tho yield was doubled and with 40U lbs the graes was better. No magnifying power is necessary to seo i ue eneoi oi pnosptiato. I he best results nro oltained iu day soil. There are ouo hundred kinds ot phosphate which one ii safe iu bti)ing. Tho quantiiv of limo in the plant or grain is small. Wogelmoie limo in the barnyard inauuru, from the water drank by tho cattle, ,i. lu" ,au" needs. Hon. J. W. Hiokman of Chester Co. followed next in discunsion. What we want to lint out is just what to apply to the soil a..d iu what proportions. "'VTT . ,e,i mTs, ar found in tho composition of plants. ... u.,. lueiiieuis everwarro aro pnos- , . ., ........... very rar ly lime. Peas consume n;. nVUiri.11 Willi Wliuat nn nl.nn.l nr.nn.1 auiiau- I heftt auooof that clement, If peas and are planter! sldo by Wdo wo' can dlsoov er the soarcltv Or abundanoo of nitro Keri but mako sure to apply what tho oil Wants by buying a oompletu manure i 0no that contains potash, nitrogens and phosphoric acid. Ho sold phos-1 phate on IU mcriu and In paymont was t(, reoelvo one half of tho incrcaso oaued by the uso ol it. In on case ho got $35. a ton for his phosphate and $14 oesldcs. In another nam he g t $09 a ton for nhosnliato. Many farmers do not uso enough. For corn COO Tbs nnd 400lbs for wheat tier aero should bo used The afternoon session was devoted to honsohold (u'jjcols nnd papers by the ladies. qc((. y. Henrie read a paper on "Tho Homo and Household." Tho home is an important, factor in tho for- madon of the individual's oharaotnr aH well as that of tho nation. At homo children form their character for life and a defect in home training is the oauso of many criminals. Maku homo pleasant by pleasant surrounding; mako it attractive by kindness and lovo. Tbo homes of the nation are its strongest defenses. Our strongost standing army is our 10,000,000 homes. "Adornment of iarmers Homes" was the subject of a paper by Win throp Bryfogle, of Bloomsbuig. Every farmer can spend from -4 to 5 hours a week in cloaring his yard and trimming tho shrubbery. Farmers aro judged by their homes and their surroundings. Every farmer should bo surrounded by a lawn for tho making and taking oare of which he gave minuto directions. He onumerat"d what flowers and trcs would bo dtsirablo to adorn I h- sur roundings of the homo Ho cxpUtned how to propogato each ouo This essay was au instructive ono but space forbids a longer account of it than the preceding. Miss Amelia Armstiong read n pa per the title of whioh was "Choose Yo." Spaco forbids a further aocount of this paper than a thought here and there. Farming has become fascinating on ac count of the great and good men that have been engaged in it It is tho duty of one generation to educate the next and to search tho universe for tho meaus. Tho cerra of every possibility is born in every bouI. It depends up on ourselves and natural goardiaus whether the good or tho evil germ bo cherished. Some children have sub jective instincts so strongly marked that no unfavorable influences arc able to destroy them. N't influences could havo made Bonj. West other than an artist It Is better to have cluldren talk about natural obj.ots than about those which aro the produot of man. Indnstiial eduoation for girls was touched upon. Intemperance was well discussed. This was an excellent paper. The last paper of th Institute was read by Miss Edith II. Cutler, principal of the Friends' School at this place, on "Past and Present". Much w found in retrospection to inspire a faith that the civilizaiion of our country is elevat ing the moral standard and diffusing a more fraternal spirit in the world. While there is much to discourage in the lessons of the pant, there is a gri at deal to hope for. Tho threatening at titudt s of great powers for tho last four years have involved their peaoe in doubt, but thus far the impending cal amity has been averted. This admon ishes us of the growing civilization when diplomacy triumphs over the terrible arbitrament of the sword; when nations under the most, threatening circumstances can meet in friendly counsel and appease the ambition that threatens to delugf half the world i blood. Lss than a century ago suuh a condition of affairs would have been promptly followed by 'war. Tbo old bigotryand intolerance have melted away. Thrones rest on the rights ot the subject and'the claims of kings has ce.i-ed to be divine. In morals we have failed to keep pace with our phyMcal and political growth, every day we hear of embezzlement and fra'uds. Those are perpetrated by the rich and proud aud have their origin in the pride of riches and vain show, when we have grown so Btrong moral ly .as to eradicate tho cause, the effect will cease. One of the prime causes of moral depravity is tho legalized sanc tion to sell strong drink. Inteipper ance affects all ages ami conditions and is the cause of nearly all our woes. LecisL'tion can furnish no relief, it is a moral blight which has beon trans mi ted from our auoeotorH and legisla tion is poworlrps to oradicate it so long as the tastes ard prejudices of a major ity of our people remain as they now are. The evil is a moral one and must be removed by education, put tho ballot in the hands of the women and let them aid tbo total suppression of the ills from which they have so patiently suf fered. They will not be draggtd dow to the present political level, but will elevate your politics and make them more subservient to good morals as well as good government. The rest of this session was devoted to two minute speeches. The Strang ers took this'opportuuity to praise tb papers read by the ladies -, to praise the iionpitality and intelligence of the miiiviuo pe ipio. in toe evening rv it. Ikeler spoko to a bouse so crowded liA'iry available space was occupied. Some one estimated that about twelvo hundred people were pre-int. During tho lecture the planing mill of ahoi maxer x woro was aiscoveied to do on fire but the cool heads in tho audience kept thetu from stampeding. The fin soon a it out and the lecturo went on. At some future time I may avail myself of an opportunity to write up the evening lectures. Wives and Daughters, The attractions of literature and art havo rarely been more happily com' biued than in the offer of the well known Boston publishing house of Holman & Co., who, in return for the tnlliug sum of tbiriy-nvo cents, send tnuir ueuuuiui puuiu-etuuui ui mini kacsy's world famous paintiug "Christ Before Pilate," and their elegant new illustrated' monthly, Wives and Daughters, on a three month's trnii sub uriptlon. Tho picture is too well known to neol dw-cr union, its salu to John Wautmtlker lor $120,000 having been ! ..l t . . I . . I. .. . uimiiKUij curomeu'j uy inu (irisx, but a worn of enlhusiaitio oimuieu dation of tho now magazine may be allowed. Wives and Daughters is au ideal Pioductiou, of Bpaikliug literary and amslio mciit, filled ftith bright storie- and chat mi ng poems from the pens ol such authors as Miss Nora Peny, Mis, MaryK. Blake, Mrs. Grato W.Oliver, Airs. Ijftwna a. uoodm, (Jtiariei R hards Dodge, Miss Minnin C. Bal 1o.,l Ki;.u II..I,,.. V 1 a i,n 0, po ular wrilur8 jtM niuMrations ar. o rf FmJ W bter. Tho publication is a marvo oJ ,,0l,i rcad.nK in attractive form ul a ;h(.Ilf,m.,lai)y low price, aud ill be j0mirt moTotigiiiy worthy oi us dedi ca. ion to paw womanhood. Tbo pub . " 1 nuuMvim'uu. xu I1"" )Biera may bo addressed at 2330 . WMhlDgtoS Btreel, lig.ton, Maw. ' How to Stop Bloedlnf. a lrotorh ro nuii-ks oh now to act in uase oi" iiKMOititiuoB. Dr Richard H Htrto, n surgeon iu the Uulv rity of I'eiinsylvania. dollv ore,l n" ' ' frosting lecture to nurses at the U iversity Hospital, Philadelphia, recently nn I give somn good advice about the hst tnn .ncr to arroi him- orrhnio. Ho illustraUd his lecturo with nrtillolal models and thorough ly explain, d the circulation of tho blood and told how easily hemorrhages could bo stophcdi Dr. Harto gavo lengthy explanation of the noxious of the pation whilo bleeding and showed how easy It is to distinguish bowel, noeo nnd lung hemorrhages. In co-o of bleeding nt the lungs," said the heturer, "which Is o uned by tho ruptuie ol small vesseR the blood is coughed up. In ens"B of hemorrhag es of tho stomach tho blood is ii dark as coffoo f. rounds aud is voni Ud up. Id bleeding of tho noso tho blood is sometime swallowed aud on being roughed up is tivstnken as coming from tho ungs. Tho varioc-t-e veins of the leg nro sotnrtiuics ruptured and the hlce ing continues wit) ut the knowlrdc- of tho peton upon whom it takes pi eo. If yon wipo nwuy the blood yon rind the wounds arc line as the point of pins. "In bleeding of wounds in tun log or arm tin prinuiplo of gravl uon is nn import-nit matter, as it h is mueh to do with itopplt g tho henioirhage. Always place the "wounded limb iu stioh n po- ihn th-t the flow (f blood, will In. controlled by gravity; hat is, if the won d is in ih arm, ho d it up in order t' it tho blood will flow back to tho bedv. In case of wcyi ds on the faou or body, throw the iiors n hack, noun i iu a noumbcnl position. The lingo i can be utihzod in . mny in stances ly placing them over the wound in my part of the bo ly. Al ways place the Auger on the arury and abovt tho wound. "The h oiaHtnties or medicines are of two ki- Is, local vital and chemists' vital. TIih local vital remedies nro cold air, which is pawd ov t the wound in a current; cold water, from a syringe; the application of ico in bladders; hot water, heated to 15U de gree-; warm water increases tbo 'low of the bio d. This hot. water lemedy it) one of the beht. Turpentine, np plied with atowil or sponge, also al cohol applied in that way is efficacious iu stopping tho hemorrhages. Of the internal vital hemorrhages, or internal medicines, they are oil ot turpentine, ergot, sugar of le id and opium, which aff ct the nlire hjst m. Am ng the anplicatioui to the mouth of the w und are tannie acid, gallic aeid and alum in hot water "The compi' 8, eomp ed of at-itiio bandage, and the loin niqn I are ol great imje rtnuce in soon- wounds. For a wound in tho I- g r aim appK below the wound and in oaio c f the leg begin bandaging upwiirdu, nevi'r downwards; this is importnnt. Plai-e the band i go oer the wound. Fold the bandage like a neckerchiif. Liut in 8' ino raes should be placd over tho wound under tho bandag. Physician- iu all cases where po-siblo should be sent for whilo the othei remedies are applied." forloiLEj; A sure StyN troutles cure Tar and di seases, for use afti tfie NufiSErTY flTHLOPHORQS POWDER J3- unfivaieq. Neai ,cean,mnax rnA uffiPctle. BeaKTiflillv but up u rv with bufT. Send b cci& for Pie peeur WiaoriiACiffJ db. schenck s Mandrake Pills Standard for over Half a Century. Pralied cn Every Trial, CURE Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Heart burn, Flatulency, Colic and all diseases of the stomach; Costlveness, Inflamma tion, Diarrhoea and diseases of the bow els; Congestion, Biliousness, Nausea, Headache, Giddiness, Nervousness, Liv er Complaint, and all diseases arising from a gorged and sluggish liver. They reduce congested conditions, break up stubborn complications, restore free, healthy action to the organs. They are Purely Vegetable, Strlotly Reliable and Absolutely Safe. For Sale by all Drugglstl. Price 25 cU. prr boil $ boxM for 65 u i or int by mill, rotUft free, oa receipt ot price. Dr.J.H.Schenckk Boa, PhUed'e, Tint's Pills CURE Malaria, Dumb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks. They produce regular, nutural cvac tiut ions, n er ffrt or interfere n It ti dnlly biiNliiMH, An m rumlly mcUlrluo tliey Hliould bu tn every liotieliolil. SOLD KVIUtYAVlIEItH. noTS5n.ccolr. J.R.SMtTH&CO. UMITED. 1UTT Tri1V Pa., 4.1 M. ML M-4 M. W Dealsiih in PIANOS By tn following well known sinters.- Chickcrin, Knubc, Weber, 15 illet & DnviH. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at' manufacturers prices, uo not buy a piano be' tore getting our prices. Catabguo and Price Lists On application, gept3-6tl CIIBA1 KXCUHSlONSn-O Al.ll OICl Via Mtmmrl liclthi llti.. Ji Iron iiiunfiii tlntita. All the emit roupon ifPcestn tbe rmudMateu an uanaai win u ive on Haie excunuon ticicets at anil au f anclsCM tor excursions leaving M. I LouH WeUneaddy. Jai.uarr II and VtUuarylg; I tl Iron Mountain lloutei and Kansas tuy.Tnuni. lS3&i,ty?u,rx " "a mtUir ,T' lEssl fa! Lttisil Will D S AplDFUS $ CO., HBADQUARTEKS FOR Slcimvny, Solmicr, Ki anicli & If acli Fischer, Emerson Icwsc ' PIANOS, AND TUB CEttSDRATKl) Wilcox & White Organs. "HTPIanos Tuned and Repaired by com. pelcnt workmen. Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Williamsport, Pa. nOTll-87-lr. ALBUMS, rUOTOGHAPH, AUTOOIUPH AND Scran, n lanre ind comnlete line AC J. II. .Mercer's iliugiina nook Store, Brans' Bloc. ALL THE FINF8T KXTllACT'' COLOGNE Miclirtfl, Pomades, Hair Pjesand Bay Hum at J. 11. .Mcrcer'B Pru? nnd nook store. Evan' Block, opposite Eplncopal Cburcn. ALL PllOPItlETAIlT AND PATENT MEDICINES at J. 11. Alerter's Drue and Book Htore. oddo. site Episcopal Cnurcli. BOOKS. 8TATIONEUV AN1 WALL PAPER, A fine atock at Mercer-a Druor and Rook fitou. opposite Episcopal Church, Bloomsburg, Pa, fUSTILLE, TOILET AND MEDICATED SOAPS, a full line at J. n. vercer'a Druir and Book store, Upper Main treet. COM 11S OP ALL KINDS, WELL SELECTED. AND at vt ry low prices at J. II. Mercer's Drag and Book Btore. third door above Iron street, lllooma burtf, Pa. CONDENSED MILK, COXE'S, NELSON'S AND Cooner'a Gelatine, ranloca. Saire. Arrow Koot and all the prepared foods for children ana In valids at Mercer's nrug and Book Mom nrst door above llcsa' Boot and Shoe store, Bloomsburg, Pa. C1ANAKY, HEMP, HAPE, MILLET, MAW AND Mixed Seed for the birds, nt J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book store, first door below Creasj's Grocery Store. FINE WHITING PAPERS. BY BOX, LOOSE OR In Tablet form, at .1. It. Mprrer'n llniff Anil Book store. BloomsburK. To. VURSING BOTTLES NIPPIES. RUBBER U . I ties, Teet litng lungs and all requisites i i be Nursery that will contribute to the 6 by's 1 appl ness, at . I. H. Mercer's Drug and Hook Moro, two doors above Evans & Eyer's Clothing Store. I)IIYSICIANN' PHEscmrTlONS AND FAMILY receipts carefully prepared at aU hours at trcer's Drug and Book store, Bloomsburg, Pa. rnOILET AND INFANT POWDERS. ROUGH. 1 cosmetic and gold and silver Diamond Dust, at J. II. Merci r's Drui and Book store, No 68 Main street, nioomsburg, WALL PAPER-MANY KINDS AND MANY prlces-at Mercer's Drug and Book Store, opposite Episcopal church, Bloomsburg, Pa. June3,iy,8I. L.t&untMJtevolvr, fori'netluk WuW.,kj,mu: Sr"rVrfi nets, tents and stort aEiix.a) ino goods. Double Barret Breech Loadlne 8hit Guns, choke bored, 10 to Sloa single Breech Loading Shot Guns, 4 in f 25. Every lnd of Breech 1 oadlngand Kepeatlng liaex,t.l to $10 Muzzle Loadlnit Dou ble shot Guns, t to $35. Single Shot Guns, $3 CO to (12.00. Revolvers ft. 00 to $20. Double Action self cockers, $3.50 to 110. All kinds of artrldges, toois, rowaer nasKS, rno& bend 2 cents for Illustrated Catalogue Address, GREAT WESTERN GUN wuufts, trai KJUVlintU) sr., i'ITIbuku, t-A. N. B. This la a 20.vear-old. reliable firm. Per fectly tnistworthv. ord-rs nill promptly and goods fcent by mallor express to any part oi the world. No matter what you want In the gun line on can tret it at the Oreat western by wntinir a letter. Guns made to Order. Guns and Revolvers Repaired. seplc-dms QfJIER SEMEDYS. I Ilecelpts for the cure of both diseases,! are borne treituients; no drugs: lngredl ents In every houne: hac cured uh and thousands of others, rrlce by mall, 80c tor ooe, or both, too. (Stamps.) MILLS & co:, 39 Norlh 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa. pconov25-3ms. PRUL' LIST, FOR FEB. TJ2RM, 1888. Ellen M. Chrlsraan ts. John Howell and It. 1). Lacoe. ii f uriitam vs sine a uittennouse ana 'inomas K Ui It tain. ira lier sys .loun r ruapin. 11 E Heacock vs William Masteller. Theodore F Craig vs. MahalaCratgetal. Marv E Ileat-ock s P 4: It It Co et aL 0 W .MoKelvy et ul vs O U Drockway. Jona Uoty's adm'rs et al vs John Suit. Patrick Hums vs L A Hllov Co. 1 urtls ing Co vs Clark I Thotras. J 11 Hnjt v llorough of UerHlck. Franklin Yocum guardian vs tVllllam Zahner. .Mathios Kluti vs Charles Hmdet at Daniel Fseybertvstildeon Hosier. J u Yocum vs Susan Drumnack. catnwl sa Uepout Bank vs Isabella weaver. -. V. Seybt-rt vs James V Snonenberg. lames Pollock vs I IV Vandt rsllce. Jau.e.i Bird vs Culp MoWllilaras k. Co. Maud A llartman vsWn F ttelllver. Henry 0 Low vs John W Falrchllds. H v Adams vs A U Croop. .M A Markla vs llorough ot llernlck. II F Gardner s lii'mmsbun; SBL Co. Samuel Applemancxrvsc w Miller. v K Tubbs et al vs Freeman McAfee. Stephen Uutton vs J 8 n oods et ut. A licioop vs 11 II Low Gen K Hess vs Kdward Wncner. 1) 11 hnonenbers vs Oeo K Res3. list lecken-tlue's uso vs A A w llson. Oeo V Murphy vs L A ltlley & co.i HAND JUHOUS FOit FKURUAUV X TEIM, 168. Heaver W A Urelsbach. Benton JoepU II fiol. i erwlck iti mas U Tavlor. Bloom 11 V uienenbach. Jackson Hower. John Hlnker catawisa e n auie. . centie Addison Schwenpenheunr, Joseph 0ser. conyngham Frank nurgin. Joun Hetanger. Orrenwond Lemon Black, ltlchard Kltchen.Jos. F. 1 aw ton. iiemiocK uaninu rurseu. Madlyon ueorge Lee. Main vm 11 Menslnger. Miniln -Daniel lioyer, Vim II naruel. Orange Joh'i Yoouin. line .lud-on ChrlstUn, John Iloas. Itoartngcreek Wm Itoach. Hugurloat-1 1). Olbbons. TRAVEUBE JUItOHB FOR FEUHU AKY TKHM, 1883. BeaverJoseph cungennan. Heuton-J 1. 0 Kline, John .Mcllonry. Uerwtck Thomas 11 Hess. llln...n n kh.Ka. Ut Hn.n Ta,rln1 1,11. Ion, 1 11 Freeze, Jacob Beets, John D I'owcll, Bitu- Catawissa cnas iicisc i-ninean winierstcen, HamlltAn V (Mark. Thoa llartman. t'entralla Wm Darrah, Kdward ltoece, Daniel liouicutrriy. Centre-Philip Harris, JohuE Shuman, Francis ronvnirham Thoa Nevln. John Purcell. Flahltigcreek-Jacob Utnner, Martin Coleman. t rauKiin-jonn uower. ureenwoot John Neyhard, P D Ulaclc. He ulo k Chaa Komboy. Jackbou Augimtu Kverhart. Locust Amai dun UHUg. Mauhon -ihos dingles. Alouto ir John N Qordon. Mt Pleasant Clark U-mgle. I'lnu i-hlneas kltmot-r. Koatlngcn-ek Oliver livans. 8ECONI1 WUIIK. Heaver C A shuman. Bcrlck-JopU Blank, Jonas Crlsman, ueorge LKUUY Bloom -o mtobblRe, o T Wilson, qeary Hower, II 11 Kri,.it. V. l Kilter. Catuwlasa Forest Yeager, B D llelnhard, blmon itoup, J u teller, ucntre-.w II Price. ' t'ouytkUam-Mlchael W alsh, J A "Miller. FUhingcmtk-Ivdward Carey, Y I' Bender, John lieas. Frauklln-Jacob Arlley, Wtfeler Rlieeta. llenilrj-k A J lunmec. John H Kevhard. Locu,t 'Velllngton Yeager, A 1' Bltuer, O S W (rox. Alaln-J FBauman. Mimin Illram (Irover. Mtl'lesant urn Hower. lirango eley ilutton. lino Hobt I'ol'tr. Kcolt 8 W Boone, bugarloal II F HartlngUin, aUHSCUIBK FOU THE COLUMBIAN F. A. LEItMANN r-end for circular EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA JaniiOdiL WINCHESTER'S IIYrorilOSrilITR or LIMB nn SOt'A Is ft iiaK-hlcss rcmelv for Con'Utnnllo" In cvrrr staire of the dlaso For couatu, Weak l.'invs, Throit Dln-nies, Itm of Hrsh andappn tlte.and every form of Ocnernl Hebllltv It li an tin- nuami "pecino remedy itrin ur and an VlNCIIP.xTKIt'M fREPiuiTtoM. 1 nnrl t3 tie. Hold bv dracglHR. WlN('IIK-TKli CO., ChemUtB, ics w llliam street, New York Jansodlt LIEHIG COMPANY EXI'KAiT OF M HAT. lines', nnd Cheapest Meat Fia vourlng stock for hnupn, .Made Dishes and Sauces Annual sale 8 Ouo,0Pi Jus, LIEIilG COMPANY S EXTRACT OH" M AT. An lnvnluablo tonlo. "Is b suo cess and a boon forwhlcl natloni should tiHl grateful." see ' ITcsV "Lan cet, ,ric (;enuine with rluh signa- TURE OF I1AI10N LIEIilO In fao slmilo arro?s label. Highly recommended as a night cap Instead ot .alcoholic dilnks. LIEIilG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. To bo hud of nil Storekeepers, tlroco-sand Chemists, sole agents for the united Haies (wholestle only) o D.ivll Co., 9 Fen-church Avenue, ljndon. linglnnd. JaniudlU J! MilJWIiaiAJIiUI All DniKliti, JSc., eoo.. And 1 00. I'rrptrtd only by Dr. th Arnold, Hid. Corp.rVVoontocfiil, K L C!8llbli. RAIX.X.OAD TIME TABLE) rELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANl WESTERN KAILKOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. rit NORTnUMBERLiND t, 40 Cameron. fi 65 Chulask) a (O Danville (1 OS Catawissa .- 6 S3 Itupert 6 8- Dloomsburg 6 Sii Espy it 42 1 lme Hldge. 8 50 willow orove M Drlarcreek fi 61 Uerwlck 7 os Iteach IlHven 7 11 nick's Ferry 7 is Hhlckshlnny .. 7 so Ilunlock's 7 43 Nantlcokc 7 CO Avondalo 7 M Plymouth 7 M) Pit mouth Junction, ... 8 03 Kingston 8 (18 Dennett 8 13 Maltby 8 17 Wyoming 8!J West I'lttston 8 27 Pltuton.. 8 33 Lackawanna 8 40 PATENTS tkiA NORTH, ru i. t. a, u. I 85 10 10 it 15 10 25 6 30 .... 10 29 fc 31 1 68 10 .M fi 40 2 14 10 63 IN 2 19 II 00 7 1 5 2 21 11 07 7 1 2 29 11 15 7 20 11 22 7 27 .... 11 20 7 SI 11 30 7 S3 8 49 11 87 7 43 2 61 11 41 7 49 2 39 11 44 65 3 09 11 63 8 C6 3 19 12 US 8 IT 3 2d 12 16 8 22 12 20 SJt S 85 1! 21 SSI 3 39 12 SO 8 88 3 43 12 87 B 4.1 .... 12 41 8 49 1! 45 8 6.1 3 63 13 60 8 58 3 66 IV 65 9 03 4 01 1 03 09 111 9 17 .... 1 19 V 25 1 25 9 30 4 22 1 30 9 33 I- M r It AM SOUTH, i m ru fx 9 50 2 0.1 6 20 9 65 ... 6 23 10 00 2 14 6 H'l 10 OR. V 21 6 37 10 IS 3 28 C 41 10 22 2 34 6 f-0 10 27 3 39 H 35 10 30 n 69 10 34 2 47 7 l8 10 8-1 2 M 7 07 10 42 3 61 7 12 10 47 3 69 7 16 10 61 3 Ol 7 21 10 53 3 t'6 7 25 11 02 3 19 7 43 11 12 8 29 7 6 11 22 3 89 8 07 I 28 3 41 8 13 II 7 8 51 8 20 8 57 8 27 11 44 4 01 8 31 11 62 4 05 8 31 It 69 4 1! 8 41 12 05 4 18 8 47 12 111 4 21 8 62 12 11 4 21 8 67 13 30 4 46 9 15 4 54 9 23 12 40 6 00 28 12 6S 5 16 9 45 p u P M F 11 Tat lortllle... .... 8 48 .... 8 M ... 9 00 r u Heuevue Sckintoh.. ., STATIONS. I M II 10 6 C 8 20 It 2- 0 31 KCR1KTON Bellevue Taylorville. Lackawanna Pltteton . . West Plttston 8 4i Wyomlnii 6 J7 Maltby Bennett King-ton Plymouth Junction Plymouth Avondale Nanllcoke.. Ilunlock's .S'lickshluny . . Hick's Fi rry Reach Haven n ni (1 65 8 .18 7 10 7 10 7 14 7 19 7 S1 . T 47 7 51 8 01 lierwick a 07 Unarcreek 8 13 tvi low drove 8 is Lime mage, 8 so Kt-py..- s in Bloomsburg 32 Itupert 8 87 Catawissa 8 2 Danville 8 57 ChuluRky. , 9 03 Cameron 9(7 NOHTIIUIIBMII.AND..,. . 9 23 AM Connections at Itupert with Phlldeiphl Iteadlnjr Katlroad for Tomanend, lamoqus. Will, lamsport. bunbury. Potisvlile, tc At Northum berland with P. E. Dlv. P. It. It for Ilarrlfburg, Lock llavm, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie. V. F. 11AUTEAD, lion. Man. b'cronton, V& Pennsylvania Railroad. INI Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. 1111 TIME TABLE. In effect May 89. 1BR7. Trains leave Sunbury EASTWARD. 9.40 a. m.. Sea Shore Einress (dally excent nunaayi, or uarrisuuix LummerineauiiuHiiuiona, arriving at Philadelphia p. m. ; New York, 6.'itrpwn. ; Baltunoro, 3.10 p. m. j Washington, 6.50 d. m.. connecting at Phlladelnhla for all Sea Hhorr- points. Through passenger coach to Piuiadeipbla. 1.43 o. m. Day express dally except 8unday),forllarrlsburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.33 p. m. ; Ilaltlmore 6.45 p. m. ; Washington, 7.45 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches tnrougn to ruuaaeipnia ana Baltimore. 7,45 p. m. itenovo Accommodation taauy for Uarrlsburg and all Intermediate Btattons, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 85 ft. m. New York 7,10 a. m. AJaiviiuuii7, i.uj . ui. wuuutiiuu u w n. in. j Bleeping car accommodations can be aecured at Uarrlsburg for Philadelphia and New York. On sun. days a through sleeping car will be run; on this train from WllUamsptto phlladelphla.Phlladelphla passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed untt s.M a. m. Erie Man (daily except Monday, to Uarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, t iu Ul. tu -.lug ab I uiiauripuiu o.a a. in. cw mi., ll.! - m. : Ilaltlmore S.11 a. m. ; Washington, V..10 a. m. Through Pullman slei'plng cars are run on tnis train to rnuaneipniu, uaminorr ann wasniug. ton, and through p isxenger iviacheg to Philadel phia and ilaltlmore 6.10a. ui Erie Mall (dallr excent Sunday), fo Erie arj all Intermediate stations ana t'anandal rua ard Intermediate stations, Rochester, liuffa o and Niagara Palls, with thmugh Pullman Pal ace cars and passenger coacnes to Brie and Koch ester. 9.5.1 News Express taauy except sunaayi tor nek uaven ana in&ermeaiaie Htanons. 12.58 p. m. Niagara Rxpress (dally except sun. t) (or Kane and Intermediate stations and Can- a algua and principal lntenneillate stations, li rhester. Buffalo and Niagara Falls with thn.ugh passenger coaches to Kane and itochester ana i-arior carlo tvuiiainsporu 5.30 p. m. Fast Line (duly except Hunday)for Ite novo and Intermediate stat ions, and Elmlra, Wat. kins ana intermediate stations, nun tnrougn pas senger coaches to Henovo and WulMns. V.30 a. m. Sunday mall for Henovo and Interme diate statlOD- TllltOUUU THAIN8 FOHSUNBntY TOOM TUB KAKT AnilNJUTIl. Hnndar mall leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. m Uarrlsburg 7.40 arriving at bunbury 9.S0 a. m. with tnrougn sieepingcar irom rnuaueipuia to vtii liumsiiuri.. News Exnress leaves Phlladelohla 4.30 a. m. Uarrlsburg. S.10 a. ni. dally except Sunday arrtvlntr ul Sunbury 9.53. a. m. Niagara uxprt'H leaven Phllftdelnbla. 7.40 a. m. Baltimore 7.80 a. m. (dally except sunda arriving at Hunbury, 18.51 p. tn., with through Parloi car from Philadelphia and through passenger ensches from Philadel phia and Baltimore. Kasl 'ast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. m. t Phlladet- pbla.ll.soa. ni. i Washington, 9 JK) a. m.: Balti more. 10.45 a. m.. (dally except Sundayl arriving at Buuoury, a,an p. in., wuu tnrougu passenger coaches (roin Phtlndelpbla and lialifmore. isne Hnu leaves new iurKn.ujn.ui.; rniiaaei. nhla. ii. as n. m. i Washlnclcn.ianOD.ra.: Ualtl. more, il.tin p. m., (dally exccpt.iWturdav) arriving at sunbury MO a. m., with through Pullman Sleeping oars from Philadelphia, Washington and uaiiimorn ana tnrougn passenger coacuea rroip Philadelphia. MUNIIUUV, HAZI.KTON .V Wir.KBHIIAllKB .ll,l(tlMI AMI MIKTI1 AMI WKrlT IIUM'II lit I -WAY. (Dally except Buuuiy.) WlUesbarre Stall leaves Sunbury 9.55 a. m. arriving at Bloom Perry 10-W a. m., U llkeu-barre 1V.19 U. IU. Wllkes-Barro aoca-n. leav es Shnburr 9.31 n m. ar. rlvlug aiiiiuom Periymsi; u iiU's-itarro, kui p m. Express East leaves sunbury 5.35 p. m., arriving .1 lllMIM ... . O. n m U4l.b.h..H.l'UH ... Sunbury Mali leaves wikesbarreiana. m. arriv ing at uioom rcrry l i.ot a. m., tnunnury p, a Express West leaves WllkPs-barrea.50 D. m.. ar riving at lllixim Forrv 4.19 a. m sunbdrr ft.iop.rn .nknivii nvvuiu. ivuvtm ivuvupuva d.uo p m, nr Irlng at Bloom Perry M0 p in; buubury, 0:ti p iu, SUNDAY ONLY at Bloom Furry a. la. W llkeu-Uarre h:15 oju. Sunday accommodation leaves Wilkes-Barry 5:10 p. m., arrtylng at llloom Ferry, i.Vi p. ul, tunburj, Dn.Jt v n. Maiia. Unnl.ii. A. a m lln uuab. a. ruuu, Ji it. nutiu, OeB-Manaarer, oeo, piMeogrr Asobi 5 'IH Mji jSUMfft Bitten bender & Co., WAGON MAKER'S AND BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES. No. 120 & 128 Franklin Ave., 8CRANTON, PA. Iron arid Steel. uprllMy. MM nunr V 1 1. lint FITS! When I jay Cunie I do not mean merely to top them lor a time, and then have them re turn .UTiln I MRA v A RADICAL CURE. I have made tho disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life Ions study. I wATtRANT my remedy to t mm tho worst cnes. Because others havo Ailed Is uo reason for not now receiving a euro ind at onco for a treatise and n Fur Bottlii nt m? Infalliulr Rkjiedv. (live Expiess nnd I'ost omop. It costs yon nnthliiR lor t trial, and It will cure you Address t.C ROOT.M.C. I83PUPIS1.,NEWY0I!K nov23n,cco8ms. C9NERVE TONIC removes au consequences of xollr And eicc! renew, the enercr, courage and visor of ronth. Ourm wenkne.ii of mind and bodrt Nerroua Deollitr, Si.lnal EihauHtion, Lost Ilanhood, eo. A powertol nerroo. In.tirnrator and M-tornrlTe. Psrtlo. nl&n free. liAKEll llEJL OO, Uot 101, UuBulo, N, Y. novS5n.cicoiy. PERRINE'S BARLEY Di stillkd from selected Daricy Malt and guaranteed to be chemically pure and free from Injurious oils and icldsoltcn contained In alcoholic llquois. It la especially adapted to persons requiring a stimulating tonic. Consumptives being greatlv benefitted by its use. Jtecommendtd by lei-dlng phjslelnns as a Diuretic. Nervine. Toi lo nnd Iterative. For Conbumptlves it Is Invaluable. 1'HtlilNE'S I'UIIK UAHLEY MALI' WHISKEY Insures art-tuniof vigor to the stomach, ugood appetite, a rich and abundant blood and lncrented flesh and mtKculartlHue. A stimulant mild nnd gentle in effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all wasting dh eases ca bo ei tlrely conquered by the ut.e nr 1 ertlne't 1 ure Hi rley alt hlskey. It Is a tonlo nd diuretic and a powerful strcngthener to tho entire system. PKlt HINE'B PUHK llAHLKY MALI' WllIbKEl has prutrd n medicinal protection to those who pursue their avocations in the open air and v hose dally ttork calls It exceptional powers nt endurance. Ask our iearei drtipglst or grocer for lor PEltKINE'8 PUKE UAHLEY MALT WI11SK1 Y reviles the energies of thosonorn out with excesslvo D-xlll or mental effort and acts as asafeguaid against exposure In wet nnrl rltroroun vieattier. It will drive all malarli us diseases from thesvstcm. S I Inrd woi kers of every vocstlon liyspepsia nnu in lumne s ruro uanej' Mall whiskey i powerful lnvtgorant and helper to digestion. PKHHINE'S PUHK UAHLEY MAL'l WU18KKY without unduly stimulating the kid n' ys luereases.thelr Itagalng activity, counteractsthe riects ot fatlcui-. has. tensconvale;ence and is a wnolesome nnd prompt diuretic. Watch the label I None genuine unless bearing the signature Vol saie oy au druil 1st and grocers througbou the united States and nnn.ilaa 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38 POK SXLE HY PENNEY (iOODf A SPECIALTY Alexaner Bros. & Go., WnOLESALE DEALEHS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, GAUDIES, FfiLTB iP NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR HENRY 1U1LLABDS SIC AN DIES. PHSU EVERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. SOLE KliNTS FOU F. P. ADAMS t CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents ot the fol lowing Dranas oi Cigars. UENHY CLAY, LONDKES, NORMAL, INDIAN rRINCESS, SAMSON, H1LVEH ASU. . C'JB. JROlBmS, DEALER IN Foreign and BomestiG WINES AND LIQUOilS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. T, W, OF ESPY, PA., Rifpi-ctfiilly infoiins hi.-, frii'iiiln and" publio noneially tliat lie bus refitted ).ih pinning mill. In miil'tion lo tin' planing mill work lio ia now prepared to inrnisb to onli i iluorri mi.l inside linisb for houses. - WESTERN POE ocered with nil our natitu wood t, also foreign woods, suoh as Mahogany, Rewood.itu., &). All baid wood Moulding U used lor Voneered Donrs and 1 aide Fini'li. All work shall bo guaranteed. Witer proof Glue is u-ed for i neeriug all our Doors and CasingH, Bju Boards, &o., &o, AUo Walnut, -h, Syciimore, Oak, Butternut, Maple, Cherry, Poplar, Vohoers, for salo at the Mill, six to teu ft el long, six to thirty inches wide. noTli-tms BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACH! Tht folio winit booki r pobllhd U Dtt form, prtoUJ from rood rttdtbtt trr on paptr. nu mmy oi uivn uaauKuntir iiiuiirr-ita. IiiU td la ny Und or UnffHi il furultt) lo tL llUr&lur or tbt df tt tht uoit triaiD xpot. mog ipDM. umti iu9 inct t wuicu tuty t nrt Wnder r lb WrU. Ntrnui, mo Otiii, Cok. Ult ducrtpliun o4 liluiuttlDM f U ucil osdrfit rkiol iar "! tit nifttt. Vrjr InUrtitlat ! InilructlT. WdH f the A dMirlptou of ih nitny wvoiUr M si twtuiif ut thlpgi iovii4 t lit Wllotn f th mub, wlta A I'lMtMre KicrtloH. d Utkr RLrtr. Br Jouu ALiia'a Win." A function t( tmalniklf twf IktictiM kf h ntot xiiiUr bumorou wrlttrof tut dty, Tb Aunt Krclull lcr, VrVLti Avvibta, tnlbtr t Iti ks Ixfcunaula " A mrwi rldkulwutlT funny Uwk 4nTrrwi iiu1t4 ' Widow Htfilolt.') t'bvlatlnaB hLorlM. bl L'BAILla IMcilHt. Con,i4ln a atltiUrol iu tuoaicliKrinlBi Chrlitniti ttorln r wrilttu I. lit n4 ttliilc, lududlag i lit UUI, tit u4 mt pofitilAra Men of BlMlrrnTlwo. Ooaulm po. Irkiu n4 llrl ItlM ol faiMuua itll ut4 iurlcBl.tr9Di tta tluit( Vrfikll lo tl prtitnl, VanltUr UhsUUoii. ConUUlif tUri1 4 tferT Wpwf (? -bruM fraii iwoiljr tut Udli i4 lUliru Iob, A UIJf work ol rfrriK, Law I-ir Im ew YrL, A rUorlvl4M"lllr Ula iu dark aid ofllfa U tko (rtt ellr. lUutrt4. IhoUoad I Ultk. Mot aa adrartUiaf clreaUr, at a lUuroufhlr pfitatlcat work, polo Hag aal a way kr wklcb alt may maka moniy, Hjr, rarl41f aa4 iMBMttr, 4le llu4rrtl I'waular watura, aaliBiaaUl.ilktU, im ' , mw aoa ia. hlr.Ntl'a 1 -l r. a ii. ....-. ii' Hr SwVm Ui-lr. A Koval, Bjr Mra, Uaf rLaana, k Hurlfrr't JlW A Nal.T Vf MtaioMlliBLaaD. u IU Maa't Barilc, A Mt1, Br klra. An S. Ah Jy Wt will Mo I 4nv rbur of tti rhov Utoki It mail . i '"""Ir' ,ur iuii in our itai b&UlflUtiim UkiHrtiULrtil Or HOIUII MAIM J.l CaiIi.i withilotlil'ack.rurfll.lO, TbkiiathrrttaatbArKlDliibnkaiTrotfr4 W r M-i,ir pulUobM In New Vrk. J, W; RAEDER, RULER rAUD BIKDER, Not. 7 nnrl 0 JIfttkt St., scpic-lyctbro. A GKNT8 V NXED lo Unnvnut for Ad- vitrllblritf fintrnniK-n A nm.ll amAi,. . . work dOBB with 1 act nnd Intelligence may produce a considerable income. Agents cam soveral hun dred dollars In coiimlsslons In a tingle n- agon and Incur no personal resnon-lblllty. Eunulre'at tho nearest hewapnper (mice and iearn ours is tho best known andbwt eniilppetl cstnDllshracnt for placing advertisements In newspapers nnd eon vcylng to advertisers the Information Which thoy reqilro tn order to, naks their investments wisely and prontablyi- Men or good address, or women. If well lnfi'1-med and nrfictlcal. mavniitairi hrnhn Ity to solicit1 advert Wnir patronage for Us Apply by letter ti Oko. P. Howsll Co., N. wspaper Ad. verusinir uureuu, iu nprucu eu. new lone, and lull parltculara n 111 be sent by return mail. (fen Woiiclvrn exist In thousands ot 101 ms, but nre surpassed by the marvels ot Invention., Those who are In nnd ot prof, liable work that can bo donownnn living nt homo should at onco send their address to llalletl'a, Portland, Maine, and Kcilve free, luiunrormniion now cuncr tcz, or nit ages can earn from J to 125 per lay and upwards wher ever they live. You are started Iny. capll' 1 not tequlnd. Bomo havo made over fM Inu single day at this work. All succeed. lydecso. RBUCKLES name on a paokage of COFFEE la a guarantee of ezcellonoe- ARI0SA COFFEE Is kept In aU flrst-o!a3!i stores from the Atlantis to the Puolfio. COFFEE la nevor good when exposed to tho air. Always buy thlsbrand In hermetically tealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. marl.rly SUFFERINC WOMEN'S" When troubled with thonaaonojlna IrroanUrttlM m fmiaentlrfoltowiDUft coldoripoure, or fromOon ktlUtionnl Weaknetoes so peculiar to their esx thoolq Ue DR. DuCHOINE'8 Ctebrated, FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Thernra Btrenfthentna to the en tin njntem, impart tone, Tlaor and matrnftio force to all function of liodr and mind. Sent byroBll.necurwIyeeali'd,.., Addrms. Dr.HartorMediclneCo.fST.LOUIS, HO. MALT WHISKEY. and persons whom a nedentary Hie renders prone to The unalvMsas It arrears bv the Lai oei on eery Dome: inave careiuiiy an Uyzcd the Pcrk IUiilsv Malt Wiiis-I kkt made by M. t J. K 1'errlne and nnd it entirety ireo iminiusci mi, lunuroi, metalB and acids nnd Is nb-oluteli purr." Slow, Camilla Arthur Maler, uenevaana wenvaaeH NORTH WATER ST., PHIL A DRUOtllT ASt KUL'lS. in ANY OiDER FOR FESTIVAL will be SUPPLIED WITH THE LOWEST Market trices, AS FOLLOWS : ORANGES, LEMONS; BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS CREAM NUTS, ALMOtvDS, l'OP CORN BALLS, EDGAR T. W. EDGAB. Tbff r tritnout txetpuoo mt CDiptt cooki vr t'Ul quhi of th ptopl &n opportODUr to con tht U it la ny other wrlei tte grct woru la ny other wrlei tLe grct worl Thm rrUUI HublM. A Xotl, DW T. OilDo. TkObi OmUm Cheat. Bi titt.uCo, Jr. IULlw Atk llkli. Uf UnaiT VltvtT, Uuitrltl. . I'ttdtr U HUM. A Xoial. Bf Iba ittUf af Taurna." I'lltf Haai.A. 1 Hon . BlhtJ W.Plikci. Por Tho IMam.rl U ratal at. X Vwl B Mrt.lUM woott, juwraf. The Lawftr! Mm rat. A Vmt Br HlaaU.B. iUiddvn, ToMtroowo4'iaarUr. Jtkjll ou4 Mr. Hid. X Xatl. A IVItU.t lilrl. ANotal. Kr Mill Cicil iUr. ltar vol worts' iHoottoaa. A 001, r "Til Utwoon Two Plot. AKoval, By tba author f "pof Tborno." Iduitr t4d. liorla'o fort woe. itfotil, BiritaaMcaWtaDia, h Kino or lleoria. A Votal. Bf B. L. Fiajior, fko ttolltj Jtlvor. A KovaL Br Wittm ('oLt-taa. i.LfW MifrlaiB. A oovtl. Ur H(kOCt UI.O. ipa. AWafal. Br rt-taiMro UaairtTt Fwm vriicb navar. vf nn. iitmr nuop, ofjrloc T i tn. A I. ol. Ur Ura. ALBiiHoto, A llawrif kl'a )auahUr. A No l. bjUi. in-it Bawtaoa. ;Uufr4(d. Kolr b Folao. A Xoval, Br Ika aulhor of lor Tkoraa." itiarl4. LiarMUr1 t'ftblo. A 0iaL Bf Mra. N.T'Ttoroa, riortoto Iflactao'a Ofttk Voval. Br Uta. klaai B Pr,J,II.BeaiMag, Tixm Vaim. 1I.Ipu A MQ..1. U1KIIOI, UIMlrWfiif. Thololiroralo Coblau A Xottl, Br U. T. CtlDOa. iuiumi,a)inr f ('co(attia lUt huutul In bnrd BlmiYli.a b a. f. ilhlta. I ala a-.. a u 1 I.I II t a ItkowU tu tbo OomnoreUl Artociaa. Alt orj.r. filltd bj? t?v..w v '.Mr;:.
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