THE COLUMBIAN A3ST5" CEMOCRAf . mOOMClte, CCf LUMBIA TcvtfiftW, PA.1 WW L 4l ' jf; k. Sol A ..a 5. , A Ourloni DlttoTeij . A 8KN3XTION CRKATRD DT A. JAPANKSK PKASAKT WOMAN. A young Japanese peasant woman has oroatod n genuine sensation In the raedtcM circles of tho cast with a now theory and euro ot rheumatism. Her theory la that It is caused by a mall instot under tho skin, that gnaws and bites tho muscles and thus causes tho twinges of pain and tho untold misery of that ailment. A gr'iKiled and skeptical sea oaptain plaood himself under tho care and, af ter fool baths of bran and hot rico brandy, she nipped from his knees small white insects by tho dozon 1 Tho rennlar praolitioners wore skep tical about this new theory, and put one of tho insects under a microscope. Thoy decided that by its organism it never could have lived under tbo sur face of the skin. The Captain insists, however, that tho. Japanese woman has taken the in sects from his knees aud ankles by the hundreds, in his sight, and killed them, and that he grows better after each treatment! This theory, absurd as it seemi, is really not much moro so than the theories formerly held by tho medical fraternity. It used to bo thought a trouble of the joints, aud was treated as such unt'l it was demonstrated that tho treatment brought no lasting re sults. Then, as tho muscles woro effected, it was set down aa a muscular disease; but tho same unsatisfactory results fol lowed. Now It is univorslly aoknowl edged to be a "Cory oundition of the blood caused by the presence ot urio aoid in the system.'' To cure it tho urio acid must bo driven out of the blood, which is done by putting tho kidneys in a healthy condition with Warner's safe cure, and "putting out the firo in the blood" by Warner's, safo rheumatio euro. These remedies, taken in alternation, as they should be, drive out the nno acid at ready .in tho blood, and prevent furtb er accumulation. James Wight, of 37 E. 19th St., New Xork, was for many years a victim of rheumatism, and tried various remedies and cures without avail. Sept. 8, 1887, he writes in praise of the remedies named, and says: "I am now free from the arrow tings of tho dreaded Inflaraatory rh in rial ism. I have and always will recommend Warner's rheumatio rome dies to all sufferers of tho diiease.'1 The Japanese peasant woman theory will not be likely to stand the test of time and scientific investigation, bat he thousands of cures made by the emedios mentioned above prove their rmerit beyond all question. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. AT IEEE OHUEOH, MILLVILLE, PA January 11, 12. 13. 1688. Wreoke3on a Bridee, FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT AT HAVER HILL, MASS. Haverhill, Mass., Jan. 10 The Portland express met with a serious accident at Bradford this afternoon, while crossing the Haverhill bridge over the Merrimao river. The train consi-ted of a locomotive and eight can and was in charge of Conductor Weymouth. It had paused on to the bridge from the Bradford sido in safety wjteu suddenly the forward trucks of the smoker broke, and it was hurled upon its side, and two coaches were thrown off the track and completely wrecked, being piled up against the Bradford car house. The train was on time and running at ordinary epeed. Physicians were summoned and the wounded and dying were rapidly cared for. The work of clearing the wreck was immediately poshed forward with energy, and at 3.30 no less than six bodies had' been taken from the wreck. Several of them were disfigured beyond recognition. The list of killed foots up nine, .being as follows : Clarence Hazlewood, residence un known. John1 O'Brien, of Bradford. 6. N. Cole, wife and child, of Law rence, Mais. William Taylor, section hand. A. L. Walker, of Harrison, Me. Charles Tburlow, ot Newton Junc tion N. H. Josephns Shaw, of Boston. Thirteen persons were s vorely, but none are thought to be falaUy injured, except Dennis Shannon, of Bradford, and an unknown woman. The accident is supposed to have been occasioned by the switch-rod breaking after the engine and the three forward oars had passed over the switch. Wires and Daughters. The attractions of literature and art haye rarely been more happily com bined than in the offer of tho well- known Boston publishing house of Holman & Co., who, in return for the trifling sum of thirty-five cents, send their beautiful photo-etching of Man- kacsy'a world famous painting "Christ. Before Pilate, and their elegant new illustrated monthly, Wives and Daughters, on a throo month's trial subscription. The picture is too well known to need description, its sale to John Wanamaker for S120.000 having been universally chronicle. by tbo press, but a word of enthusiastic coramen dation of the new magazine may be allowed. Wives and Daughters is an ideal production, of sparkling literary and artistio merit, filled with bright stories ana charming poems from the pens of such authors as Miss Nora Perry, Mis. Mary E. Blake, Mrs. Qraco W. Oliver, Mrs Lavina S. Goodwin, Charles Hichards Dodge, Miss Minnie O. Bal lard, Miss Helen F. O'Neil, and a host of popular writers. Its illustrations are nnder tho charge of Mr. Fred Webster. The, publication is a marvel qt good reading in attractive form at a phenomenally low price, and will be found thoroughly worthy of its dedi cation to pure womanhood. The pub Ushers may be addressed at 233G Washington street, Boston, Mass. A pithy definition of a lover is tho following: "A lover is a man who en deavors to be more amiable than It in possible for a man to be, and this is the reason why almost all lovers ap pear riaioulous." A patchwork qniltroade by children in the United States, and an Indian spawl, the gift of Queen Victoria, were buried with Jenny Lind at her request. The Conereslonal Library at Wash ington will cover 111,000 fquare feet, more tnau two ana a halt acres. Skating is a great antiquity. It is first mentioned in a work entitled the "Edda," written 800 years ago, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN Ono of tho mot successful farmers in this state once remarked that he made it a part of his business to attend all the mceiingt of tho State Board of Agrioalture, all Farmers' Institutes and all other meetings within his reach where, those subjeota of interest to farmers were disoussed, and, that much of his success iu farming was owing to tho faol that ho applied tho things learned at theso gatherings in his own farming. Tho yvork ot farmers would bo relieved of its drudgery, their pro- dttcti increased in quantity aud value and agriculture in all its brandies would tie very much improved if all tho farmers of tho State took a like in terest in theo meetings. The views of practical and Intelligent farmers are here set forth, as well as the conclus ions of those who have, experimented in various brancke of agrloulture to determine the best tnothodof farmTngj the best ftrtilizersj tho best and most profitable breeds of cattle: in short, bow to mako farming most profitable The Institute held at this place was notable both for tho interest in the essays and discussions displayed by the ceoolo of this villagu and the farmers of the neighborhood, and, the practical and valuable papers nnu discussions offered. Tho Free Church was filled at every session. The brst session ot this institute ccmraenced Wednesday, Jan. 11, at 1.30 p. m. by elcoting C. L. Sands of Mordansville, prosident, J. B. Eves and W. B. Eves vice presidents, Harry W. Eves-and Geo. W. Henrio secre taries, and Francis neok reporter. II. W. Eves was then introduced and spoke briefly of the changes and improvements which farmers bavo et fected in this country during a contury, vVlioro was once a. howling wilderness with the Indian its sole human inhabi tant they have made, to bloom as garden. Farmers have done more in securing national freedom and estab lishing the best government in the world than any other class of persons. E. H. Painter, Esq., ot Turbutville, discussed the relation of the farmer to national greatness. Ho gave a glow ing description of the vnstness, the enterprise and wealth of our country, the abode of the most intelligent, pros j porous, contented and progressive peo- plo of the globe. The farmers' annual . I wheat product and domestic animals, in this country, are alono valued at $1,371,000,000. That this great pros perity may continue, good government must also continue. Capital and labor are at war; but farmers never enter in to anv of these controversies. No con spiraoy against the existing forms of government as ever hatched among farmers. Mr. H. W. Northrop, of Glenburn, Lackawanna Co., a very congenial geutleman, a ready and eloquent talker and a capital farmer was introduced and said that he had been brought np on a farm, hud enjoyed its blessings and was proud to represent the farmers' interest at this meeting, if arming is no small or unbecoming occupation to be engaged hi, the farmer feeds all, toils for all, sweats for all, and brings benefits to millions in carrying out the command of his Creator. Ho has tak en upon himself the burden of nations; but none of the nations troubles is ever attributed to him. He works willing ly and faithfully in tho ohannel in which God lias placed him. lie never cavers up his wealth to escape tax; but contributes faithfully towards tho sup port of the government. No mean things are ever attributed to the farmer. b.. it. ikeler thought the industry ol farming, the noblest in the world. Education that used to fit a man tor life will not do now. Children used to sing "Twinkle twinkle little star, how 1 wonder what yon are etc.; but now they sing "Twinkle twinkle little star. now exactly what you are, etc. Whether farming is ennobling is a question. It has long 'teen promised that soienco would lift tho farmer out of his drudgery, but this promise has not been tuiniied. There are no strikes no rebellions or disturbances of any oharacter among farmers, they peace fully and faithfully engage in their oalling; but does it pay T Our great farming industry is in danger, England, Ireland, France and other countries bad prosperous farming interests; but what has become, of them ' Farmers need relief, need protection, need to strike, corporations are increasing in strength and are grinding the farmer between the upper and lower mill stones. The farmer does not cover np his wealth to escape, taxation thereon, but for overy improvement he makes, his taxes are increased, wbilo the bond holder does not report his bonds, thus escaping taxation ihercon and throwing this burden on the farmer. The fore going was classed on the programme as tho opening exercises. The first paper was read by W. B. German, on "Puro Bred Poultry.' What breed of poultry is the best de pends upon the purpose for which yon want them, or a general purpose the flymoutb nock aro the best, they are good layers, good for the table, good to hatch and raise their brood, and mature young, but if you want eggs, the Brown Leghorn is the best breed, they lay more eggs than any other breed and lay in winter time. They begin to lay as yomg as four months and will lay Irom 200 to 225 ggs of a superior flavor in a year, Tbey are, however, not a desiraole breed tor the table, it will pay to raise poultry if you hare good stook and give it the proper care, it pays better than keeping cows. Chicken meat can be raised lust as cheaply as pork, isest stock brings best prices. John Holla, ot Milton, a member ot the Statu Board of Agriculture from Northumberland county, who makes a specialty of eggs, opened tho discos sion. He agreed with the essay in regard to the two breeds named, and named the Wyandotte, as a desirabl table fowl. Chickens pay largo profits on tho mouy invested in them. Two hundred dollars wtu start achlokoryot 500 hen' with suitable buildings for housing them. If that number of hens do not lay 4,000 d"z. of eggs it will b a failure. To raise poultry is not alono profitable but furnishes great pleasure to the raiser, Don't depend on huck Biers or anj corner grooery for prioos, sell direct to headquarters. In answer to several questions ho said that he fed his poultry, took care. ot IS cove and ted his pigs till 0 a, m. and had from that tlm till A p. in. to superintend his farm. He would not advise any one to begin on a larg scale, beg'n small and learn the busi ness. He has lost almost all his stook several tlm s by cholera and now ox peots to lose all by roup II II. Brown Bald that if Sulphate of Zino dissolved in water were applied to the parts af fected and a solution of chloride of potash be used to swab their throats roup could in almost overy cue be cured. In answer to further questions, Mr. Hoffa said, that chickens should have a large range, thoy will not do much harm if well led. Chickens aro egg laying machines ana it trie con ditions for laying eggs aro suppled they will lay right along, 'inn farmer must protect himself, it he cannot ralso wheat at 80o. per bushel he can raise egg3 at 20c. per dozen and creamery butter at 25a por pound. Ho has four specialties : 1. To raise as largo crops of oats and corn as possible. 2. Butter. 3. Eggs. 4. Fruit. Thos. h. (Jlapp, member ot atato Board of Agriculture from Montour Co. read a paper on "Stook Raising for Profit." The value of domestic anl mats in the U. S. is one and a half billion dollars. To be profitable, stook must bo well oared for. Thoy aro use ful on tho farm in converting tho hay, fodder and straw into valuablo fertiliz ers as well as tho grain into beef and mutton for tho market. Unless tho best stock is bred and tl.ese given best oaro the chances for profit aro lost. Sell the inferior young. Raise only the most promising. Koep the best speci mens for breeding purposes. Farmers mako a nvstake to use an old or un sound mare for breeding. If bred from young mares horses will live longer. Good care and plenty of right kind of food make good horses. Uo not ex pose a colt to the heat of summer and cold of winter. Tho idea of mik ing horses vigorous by exposure is pre posterous. The most profitable horso for tbo farmer to koep is ono of med ium sizo a horse adapted to all pur purposes. Tho best ovidenco of a moan man is tne laoi mat ne keeps menu horses. Mr. Northrop opened the dis cussion, it n tarmcr nas anyining to bo ashamed of it is a poor horse. Seme men talk nothing but horse; notioe nothing else; can tell a good horso as soon as they see them. Thee men make money raising horses. The most desirable as well as most profhablx horso for a farmer to have is a middle sized one. J. A. Gundy of Lewishurg, member of State Board from Union county thought that the hills in this neighbor hood were suitable for sheep raising. Mr. Hoffa why raises his own horses doubted whether it paid the farmer to keep high priced horses to which a great part of the grain of the farm was fed and upon which much time wns spent in currying. Farmers with suoh horses become iookeys. To which Mr. Northrop replied that to keep good horse was no greater expense than to keep a poor one. Mr. J. U. Warner of this place thought that the most profitable kind of horse to rais depended entirely on the driver. If he is a careless driver allowing the reins to hang over the dash, a big horse would be most nroStoble, that is, he could sell him belter: But if he drives with a stiff rein aud knows how to make a horse appear well in harness middle weight would be most profit able. Mr. T. L. Clapp'said that a gen eral purpose horso, suoh os are most profitable for farmers to raiso should weigh about lzuu lbs. x'oor norS'-s are expensive to keep. He bought a horse for 930 and it was the most ox penuve horse he ever bougnt Mr, E. F. Gundy of Lewisburg, raises a good many sheep. With the iarae investment and care he claims that sheep will give greater returns than any other of the domostio animals bei-ides wool, lambs and mutton, their manure as a fertilizer is wortb 4 times as muob as any other kind. He puts one load on as much spaoo as 4 loads of other manure and gets equally good results. He has discovered that th old notion that ewes should not be fat is a mistake. He feeds oats, corn or bran twiee a day during the entire win ter and hasn't lost a single lamb in two years. l'rnr. William Frear, professor of agricultural obemistrv in the. State Colloge, spoke on fattening winter stook. There is a lot of fodder and coarse material on the farm which can nut be sold to an advantage anil which the farmer must find some way to work up. At the collpge from 60 to 100 head of cattle are bought in the fall and sold in February. With these thoy are enabled to work all fodder, hay, etc, into manure Not muoh money made from the cattle but tbey get a lot of valuablo manure; beside changing their -hay and grain into beef for market. J. A. Gundy said that it was admit ted bv all that it didn't pay to raise wheat at 80o. per bushel ; that the U. stands at the head in wheat produc ing, and France, in the north of whioh wheat is raised, in tne middle tne vine and in the south olives, stands second. How can France raise wheat in such quantities if it doesn't pay heret JJr. Henry lieftrnan, Mioroicopist and Food Inspector of the Board, was introduced and spoke of the cause of a common oold. This has been among the mysteries. .Diseases among livo stook aro essentially the same as thos affeotiiig persons. The Dr. thinks thai we aro lust on tho point of discovering the causes of many of the diseases. Our bodies resemble those of the lower animals so much so that we ohould live in the open air as the lower animals do, but tho manners of civilization lead os to live in houses. This interferes with the condition tor health with a con stant supply of fresh air to the lungs. crusu air i hui, uaugurous. iuius aro not caused by drafts of air, Moro harm is dono by keening ont of drafts than by getting in tbem. We should not bo atratd ot exposure in all kinds of weather. Colds aro not caused by ex posure but rather by not exposing our selves. By shutting ourselves in a room for several hours, breathing in air over and over, the'functions of the body become depressed, which is the condition for taking cold. It is not tho fresh air coming in that pauses it but the bad air within. We should sleep in a room thoroughly ventilated. Djd't go to extremes by beooming heated and sitting in a cold draft. We should be in the open air as much as possible. Learn from tho lower animals which make few mistakes in diet and habit. Domesticated animals are moro subject to disease than animals in wild state, thoy recover from wounds and diseaso easier than tbo domesticated ones. The evening exerolses consisted of some choice musio furnished by choir of young ladies and gentlemen of Millville, accompanied by an organ several violins and a vlnllncello. An illustrated lecture on "The Causes of DWeaae,' by Dr. Henry Leffman, Phila. or many years it nas been beiievei that contagious diseasf was caused by very minuto animal ana plant growtli which had been deteoted in the tisfut and fluids of bodies having theso ti ea'es, but it has just recently bee proved that ihpse small growths called microbes, aro the cause of diseases, They have been artificially cultivated ui a prepared fluid and animals innocu lated with this fluid became sick of the samo disease which afflicted the per sons from whose tissues or blood they weio originally seoured. Tbey inter poisoning tho system. Tho cause of other diseases, not considered contag ious, has been connected with tho prescnoa of mlornbes. Some of theso growths aro so small that they can only bo seen with tho aid of a vory powerful mlcrosoope. The nrsi session ot Thursday was given to reading papers of butter-mak ng, and discussions on tho same. John II (fa, of Milton, a'm mbcr of tho Board f Agriculture, reak a paper on the "Value, and Advantage of the Croamory to tho Farmer.' Ho raado butter the old way until bo and his wife were worn out, but for tho last 18 months he has sold his cream to a creamery and lias anoitshed too oiu way of making uuuer irom lus prem ises forever. Buttor making is yery hard work for tho farmer s wife. The oreamery relieves ner ot it. i no croamory pays you just as mnoh tor your butter in the cream as, tho huck ster or corner grocery and it pays you tho cash, xou can koep mora cows without increasing materially your work except the milking. The oream ery makes better butter thau is made by the old way. There is some good home mado butter, but it is thu except ion. Tho matorial from which homo mado butler is'produoed may be just as good as that usod by tho crnaraery, but the farmer n wile as a rule nas neither th facilities or knovthdge to obtain the best results. Cruaim ry but ter commands better prices. While best ladle workod was quotd at 23o, creamery was 32 to 35o. Tho croam ory will mako moro butter from tho samo amount of cream than can bo mado by tho old way; because of itn machinery with which nil tho butter can bo got out of tho croara. In ono month tho oreamery mado 35 Ib-i more butter than he could have mado at home, by actual test. As a usual thing tho oream-ry credits him with from 5 lbs. to 10 lbs. more butter por month than he o- mid mako by tho old way. In 15 minutes all the work except milking can be dono for 18 cows. It took his wife half a day of every day in the week exoept Sunday to mike the butter for that many cows. A com plete outfit for 15 cows will o st about $40. Ho also exhibitel Hpeoiinoos of oreara-iry and homo made butter. Tubs in which cream was churned were exhibited to show that equal amounts of oreara will not churn equal amounts of butter. Tho amount of "butter ob tained from a given amount of cream depends on the kind of cows aod tho oaro a'jd focd given them. He prefer ed Jersey cows. The cream-ry pays for the actual amount of butt' r bought. A. P. Young, of Mdlville. read a paper ou "'Dairying in Columbia Co., will it pavt" Since grain has become so cheap that it omno't ba any longer profitably raised in this spction, the farmer should turn to something which from its yry nature will in a measure shut off ;c mpetition of tho Western farmer. Cows in this oitintry will givo as much milk and butter in this county as anywhere and furn'sh a ready fertilizer by which tho farmer can enrich his fields. To mako dairy ing profitable the farmer must selnct stock adapted to that purpose. Cows must he well ted at proper times ana at intervals must bo treated with kied- ness. given good comfortable quarters and be pleasantly surrounded. Cows should have all the feed they will eat and of the right kind to produce milk. No'ton Deoher, of East otroudsburg, Monroe Co., was on tho program for a apcr on "How shall w fntirpase the Profit of -oor Dairy Produe.t-1" He was not present, but seot his regrets and a short paper in whioh lie answer ed the question by saying that the nut ter maker and the consumer must be brought into closer relationship, the grade of cows must be improved. It cot no more to koep good oows th in poor ones. Cows must bo given the best kind of care and attention, the beit methods of raising orcam must bo ascertainel and practiced, and wo must learn how tp mike such a super ior articlo of cilt edge butter from the products so treated that it will be so acknowledged in market as to bring a uniformly high prioe regardle-s of mar ket quotations. The disoussion which followed these papers were both lively and lastriiotivo. rrof. irear: the creimery makes better butter than the farmers wite becauso it make-t butter making a specialty and in dealing with large quantities better average results can be obtained than with small quan tities. All the fertilizing cotn-tituents of milk are found in tho skim milk. Special paius should be taken to get the b' St stock. II. W. Northrop said that since he owns a creamer, he gets more oream more butter, and makes moro money han ever before; that tho butter mide at a creamory is the best in the world farmers would throw away their churns and the old milk croaks and pans it would bo to their profit; that there is more money in dairying than in anything else for the farm r and it furnishes a ready means of bringing up his farm; that the tanners wito should be relieved of the arduous work of but ter making. ft it. ikeler: The greatest enemv to profitable dairying is oleomargerinc. tt i ... -e I. i. -. . i , ,., uas euiuu ui it, ai uuiuis auu lines it about as well a butter. What the odds, if it is made of oleanly and palatable materials. If it is healthful and lawful the creamery must compete with it. J. A. Gundy: It is unfair to com pare poor' home-made batter with best Creamery butter. Homo mado buttor could be made better by adding certain drugs. E. F. Gundy: Tho Patron of litis baudry were instrumental in passing a law regulating the salo of oleomarger ine in this btato An elteort to repeal this law is mado and all farmers ought to prolset against this, lie told of manufacturer of oleomargorino wbo bought the docayed carcasses of drown pd Bhcop. What was wanted with these dead bodies was easily inferred Chandle.o Eves: The materials from which oleomargerine are mado are pure fat and tho refuso of coal oil refineries. The (enlleman just preceding cither deliberately tells what is not true or ignorant of who was instrumental si curing tho passage of this law. Tli credii- of this belongs to tho Hon Eastburn lleeder, member of tho Sut 1503rd ol Mucks county, and not to tb i'atrous ol iiushaudry, This rcmaik stirred the blood of tho Patrons of Husbandry of yvhom there weti a large number present. E. F. Gundy: What the P. of did towards securing tho parage this law is not known to tho otitsld world. Thoy work in secret. That ho neither lies -in tho matter nor is norant in it, II. H. Brown; The P. of 11 clrou latod petitions all over tho State their lodges and outside of tliern- A. P. Young told of a friend of hi in Iowa, who sold hogs that had died ol cholera as well at some that were sick of the cholera to a manufacturer in II fere with the funotion of tfe .body ' o deo oil from which oleomargoriue either by cloinrtna its vwutk or by l pwl7 bd. That for th dsad bodies ho got (3 a plcco and 8o per lb. for tho sick ones. J. A. Gundy: These are criminals and ought to bo prosecuted. l'rof. f roas: uieomargonno is as healthful as somo butter. Buttcrino Is moro desirable, produol and is mado from oleomargarine and butter churn 1 in milk. It looks like butter and is difficult even chemically 16 distinguish from butter. At this stage tho meeting adjourned to l!30 p. ra. Tbo dobato in regard to tho part taken by tho Grangers in securing the passage ot tho nieomargrtno law was Lept up during tho recess, and tho ex citement for the time was intense. Tho afternoon session was devoted tho discussion of beo culture and fruit culture. II. II. Brown of Light- street,- read a paper entitled "Notes on lieos.' llo tirst gavo an account ot bee culture among tho anoients, and their Introduction in this country, Be fore the introduction ot tbo movablo hive littlo was known of tho inside workings of the hlvo. Tho bocs that to first introduced in this country (1C70) were the common black bee. The Italian or yellow bo-s were intro duced into this country by the Agricul tural Department in 1800. Then tol wed dirt ctions for the care of hces unng each month of the year. Dur g January and February littlo can be ine with bees beaidfs keeping the en trance to the hivo from being closed up by dead bees, ioe and show. During the warm days ot March those colonies Inch have died or beoamo very weak hould bo removed from tho stand or closed up to prevent the other bees from robbing. If they have been wintered in the cellar thoy should dur- g warm days be carried to tho sum raer stand and returned nt night. Dur ing April bees carry in considerable Mien and raiso muny young bees, and consequently consume large quantities t tioni-y and many oolonies will starve for stores, before tho beekeeper is aware of it. When found short of honey feed them each night n few spoonful--of syrup tnide of 2 parts granulaed sugar and one-part water heated to tbe boiling point, oontiuue feeding till honey enough to supply their wants can be gathered. Large numbers of young bees are reared this month to ropiaco the old ones that are now rapid ly dim tiir-hiug. May is the most favor able time to transfer fnra box hives to movable frame hives. If te colony is strong and honey comes in rapidly, put on si'ctions tor surplus, or tho bees will store honey in the brood chamber and deprive the queen of space to lay. June is the huy month for tho bee keeper. Evtry hive should be supplied ltb ample room to store surplus honey. When one set of surplus boxes is full replace it with another, if a colony casts a swarm and you do not want it to swarm any more, on tbe eighth day after tho first swarm issued open tho parent hive and remove all the queen cells but one. Hive your swarms as on as they have clustered and whin all the bees aro in, place the hive on tho stand where it is to remain, pro tect it from the heat of the sun for a few days by covering with bna'ds. During July the flow1 of honey except where there is oasswood, is Braall, and care must be taken that tbe btes do not begin robbing. During August buckwheat secretes its honey, and the inshed sections ot while clover and bass wood hem-y should be removed, see that they haye room enough to store the buckwheat honey, for it will take but a f-w days to fill the surplus chambers. During Sept. bres gather considerable honey from late buckwheat asters, smartweed aud golden rod. After the flow of honey ceases, rein ve thu surplus and feed all colonies short t alores, sugar syrup. Oct., prepare your ios for win e' quarters by uuit ing weak colonies and cutting a hole through tbo combs for a winter passage, contract the entrance to keep mice out, hou that all oolonies have a queen. If any colony has more honey than needs take out several combs. Givo theso combs to those colonies short of stores, pack iiiem well in chait or put in a good cellar. Nov. should find the bee keeper with his hces all in winter quarters. In December the beo begins his winter repoBe. Wm. G. Follraer, of Milton, spoke "Caro of the Honey Bee during Winter and Spring." lie uses the chaff hive, A'hen the honey season is over he removes all tb3 combs but 5, contracts tbo hivo by moving up division board and fills in with chaff and bores a hole through each comb. He examines the hive every month and if short of ctores removes tho empty cones and puts in the full cones .taken out in tho fall, if the colony becomes weak tbe hiye is contracted by removing combs and moving np division boards. The hivo is contracted so that tho colonv can better warm their quarters. He has never lost a colony that be stored in a chaff hive. Wm. MoEwon of Millville, read a paper on "The best way of winteiing iiees. ' They should bo kept in a dry dark place, with a temperature ranging from 35 to 42. Their entrai ccs should be closed by soreens, they should not bo disturbed by daylight but visited by candle light. On warm days carry to their summer stand, but return at night. There is no risk in wintering strong stock, it is a waste of time to nurse weak colonies.. It tboir supply of honey is short place pieces of candy near the entrance, candy is better than sugar syrup. In tbo discussion which followed Mr. Brown said that he never had any success with chaff hives. Ants were a pest. Tho chaff hlvo is too expensive. costing irom 93 to $4 while the com mon hivo costs about 31.25 To win ter G2 colonies tho material used costs 25. Tried wintering in cellar one winter, and out of 23 saved ono. Bees should be jammed as little as possible. w ra. i oumer tried the common luve and lost 14 out of 10 in ono winter, Ants are no greater pest in tho chaff nive man in common hive, he sprinkles wet salt where tnoy cluster. il. 11. mown Hi answer to questions It does not pay to feed bees sugar for surplus honey Dr. Everhart fed 100 pounds and got 15 pounds of sugar lyrup. lie s do not make honey they imply gather il and store it without changing it. Two deaths havo been traoeii to eating honey where the bees had gathered poinouous luiocs. la mandibles of the bee is so constructed that it cannot p'unoture ho skin of th grapo or cherry, but it pierced it will carry off the jutcos to store in its hive. j. it. iownsond read a paper on "Grapes and how to raise them. The juice of the grape stimulates tho Btoni acu anu revives tno spirits. 1111 nas grown the following varities with great sucoess: Concord, tho most vig orous of all, Wordtn, Flatly flrlghtou, Roger's, Agawn, or N.o. 15., Llndley, Herbert aiitl Martha. Do not pay fanuy prices lor new varieties until they havo been recognized as desirable, How to pUnt Cut baok the vines to be planted to two oyosi out off J of the roots; dig hole 10 inches deep and amply wide for lh roots) set a stake - it -1 i ., 1 1. 1 n tno .noie, put tno vino in position: 1 - . . . ' 1 tiso no manure or fortilisur; cover tho roots for several inches with fluo ground ana trend lit then add moro ground treading until it has become. compact, Urapo vines will grow hi a very small paeco and under adverse oir- cumstances. When the vino has M.nrt. od to grow rub off all the buds but the strongest. How to prune. All fruit crows on last year's growth. Cut off last yoar's growth to 2 or 0 buds. In summer pruning out oil all useless growth you please; cut on an snoots and toraovo all imperfect elustors In anwer to questions tho essayist said that pruning iiouui uo done when the vino is dor- mint, in fall or winter. He preferred obruary. 'ihu vino should not be til no than a tt. I10111 tho ground. Tho Delaware is very shy and tender but yields mst delicious fruit. Best graii-B are grown on rooky soil. Th y rarely need fertilizer; grow too tnpidly if supplied with It. The rot or mildew hard to cure. Ho succeeded hiBt ar in curing it by sprlukl ng with a solution of coppera and lime water. Wm. Voris, of Pot'svfrove, road' the last paper of tho se-wion on "Fruit allure a specialty. The Miluro to raise fruit successfully is duo to neglect. in this Mate we should ratio all tho apples used here instad of impjrting from other place-'. There is no bettT soli for raising fruit thun that formed by iho disintegration of rocks on our hills. There is no place in whioh fruit raising can bo made moro profitable. If the farmer does not havo fruit fr m 10 timo of strawberries to tho time of the quince he does not lake nd- antgi of tho privileges offered. i'eaclies om bo ra'sed II years 01 5 by keeping tho hirers in subnotion. The soil bott ad tpted to the cultiva tion of apples is a limestone shale or soanstone. A sandy loam for pears, and quinces thrive in any soil. Cherries want olnvntion. if fruit raising is not made a speciil busi ness much is wa-ted and the trees aro neglt-utod b- cause they do not get the attention .thoy rt quire. If made a peciaUy a market will he sought after and each will be marketed in its sea son. Fruit markcttd carefully in new packages sell better than when no at- riti, n is paid to their appearance. F tut can be produced for less than the piesi tit prices with profit to tho "diioer. Apples cau be kept by packing in dry appb leaves or by making a sort of cise of boards coyer- tig almost to the top with ground, be ing careful to yentihitn them and keep fry. tin trees are planted 25 leet rt and Iw hnds that ino ln.ost fruit rows where lh limbs mingle. A tree anding by its, if in a field will not yiold moro than one tenth us much as lose planted eloo together, lie told f another orchard Where thu t'ecs were only 20 ft. apart aud if poss, do yielded better than his. Alter the tres are 10 years old tho orchard should not be la med. Inline is not good fot the orchard. Dr. Harv y of Chester county was unable to be present and deliver his lecture, the evening session was1 there fore given to the disoussion of several interesting questions. S;nce this report is already long let me juH state that the entertainment was very interesting as well as instructive. Tbe snbieot iscussed was "The Farmer's Stand ing in the Commiudty.'' to he continued j Hliml. Lowest Frim ! ! d s ANDfus $ CO., HEADQUARTERS FOR Stcinwny, Sohuici, Iiraiiieli & llaeli Fischer, JEtnerson, Pease wi&mmt. AND THE Wilcnx & White Organs, WPIanos Tuned and Repaired by com. pcluut workmen. Send for Catalogues. 21.WEST THIRD ST., Williamsport, Pa nMl-87-ljr. kr 1 cure f FITS! Whirl I tar CUBE I do not man merelr to stOD them (or a time, and then havt tliem re turn turaln. I MitAN A RADICAL CUKE. 1 nava maae me disease 01 FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life long study. I wAbrant mr remedy to CuiiF. the worst eases. Because other bavo miienisno reason rornot now rrcrivlniacuro. Bend at nncn for a treatise and a FhkkIIottls of my InpaIjLIBLr Remedy. Giro Ei press and l'nst Office. It costs you nothing ior a trliil, and It will cure you Address H.C ROOT.M.C. l83PtAnSl.,HfWYoiK nor&acscofiina. ILilE. ICC E .Mill P, EULERAHDEIHDER, No.. 7.and0iiaikl8t., WILKES-SE, PA.. seplt-lycAbro. AGENTS WAHT&D to Canvass for Ad musing Patronaire. A'smMl amount of work dose willi tact and Intelligence may produce m mnAtriAi-fitiip income. Airente earn SSTcral hun dred dollaraln commissions, In aslhjflos'asou and incur no personal reBpnnMoiiuj. aunuHeiat ids nearest r llioi rnp ti Teying to adrcrtucn the information which they require in order to make their Inventmenu .wisely RUU IllllUWtUI,.. men VI num. w nviuvu, It well informed and practical, nosy obtain author ity to solicit adTertt8ln patronage, for na. 'Apply by letter tl Gso. P.IIOwsli, Uo.T'lti'wsnaner Ad vertising Bureau, 10 spruce St., New York, and full particulars will be sent by return mail. Hen Wonders exist In thousands ot forms, but are surpassed by the marvels ot invention. Those who are In need of prof limbic work that can be done whllo lfvinir at home should at onco send their address to II allot tfo., Portland, Maine, and receive free, full information how either tox, of nil ages, can earn from $sto fSSpcr lay and upwards wher ever they Ure. You ore started fiw. capful not required, somo have mado over M In a single day at this work. All succeed. lydecso. RBUCKLES name on a paokage of COFFEE Is a guarantee of excellence. ARI0SA COFFEE Is kept in all flrst-olass stores from the Atlantio to the Faolflc. COFFEE Js never good when exposed to tho air. Always bnvthlsbranainnermetlcauy sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. marl.rly SUFFERING WOMEN Whan troubled with thoMannoflntt Irreffalfiritlwto frMQnUv following ooldoripour, or from Oori rtiUUonl WcaknMiM o peculiar to their mx, ahould Uaa DR4 DuOHOINE'S Celebrated FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Thar r Btranfthenliiff totht entire ntm. Impart .IQ nna tanf and maatiatiri fsma til till f HnCt trim tit hodtf and mind, 8nt bj mall, "ecorwlf neaMi tl. Adr-, Dr. Ha iter Co. nov&n.(&coir. PESRINE'S PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKEY. DisTii.LBD from selected Barley Matt and guaranteed to be chemically purs and free rrom Injurious oils and 1 elds often contained In alcohollo liquors. It Is especially adapted to persons requiring a stimulating tonic, Consumptives being grcatlv benefitted by its use. Itccommendcd by leading ph) Blclnns as a Diuretic, Nervine, Tonlo and Alterative. For consunipt Ives It ft invaluable. I'iHUINE'S FURK I1AHLEY MALT WII I8KGY insures a return of vigor to tho stomach, u good appetite, a rich and abundant blood and Increased flesh and muscular tissue. A stimulant mild and gentle in effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all wasting din cases ca bo ertirely conquered by the use or I'ernne's 1 me III rley alt Whiskey. It Is a tonlo nd dmretiu and a powerful strcngthencr to the entire system. l'KIt IHNE'8 I'UltK liAHLKY HALT willbKm has rroM'd a medicinal protection to those who pursuo their avocations In tLS open sir and whose dally work calls It excepUonal powere of endurance. Ask jour nearest druggist or grocer for lor 1'EItltINE'SPintEUAKLKY MALT WllIbKH" revives the energies of those worn out with excesslvo tndlly or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposure in wet and rigorous weather. It win drlvo all malartr us diseases from the system. liara worKers 01 every vocation ana persons wnum n reuuumry mu rt-nuera prone to uyBpepsia nna in rernne-s l'ure uaney Malt Whiskey a powerful mvlgorant ana aciper 10 aigesviou. rjiaiiurjvo PURE BAItLEV MALT WI11HBEY and helper to digestion. FUKKINE'S without undulv stimulating the kid. n-ys Increases their ttagtjtng activity, counteractBlhe effects of fatigue, has tens convalescence and 13 a wholesome and prompt diuretic. Watch the label I None genuine unless bearing the signature The analvsis as It arncara by the Lai .Dei on every uuuiu: luave carciuii an alyzed theFcaa IUbi.ev Milt wms ikt made by M. 4 J. K rerrlne and Ilndl u entirely tree imin ihbci uii. lunuroi, metals and acids and Is ab.-oluUMj pure." Signed, Camilla Arthur Matrr, Geneva and Wtitbaden , K01 bate oy an dm) 1st and grocers-throughou the united states and 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PHILA POK SALE BY DROGOIT AND ALL OSVLBHS. I an fliH-io-Eao-aoi does cure Bneumatisw imralaia'fc Afrous fttadr ache, it will cure YOU JflilJit on remedytha hat y CtllfullV BIOOO Ttrro Urns. SenA Centc -fa tlF.fl rtlftkA.t mwmmm s vBk, um rMi fwt mimrmS Pennsylvania Railroad. 11,11 Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. tIme taIle. In effect May so, 1887. Trains leave Banbury EAHTWAHD. 9.40 a. m.. Sea Hhare Einress raallv ezcect I Dunaarj, ior uamsourx anainwrmcaiateBiauocs, i arriving at rmiAaeipiuas.iop. m. ; new lora, i 8.20 d. m. : Baltimore. 3.10 d. m. : Washington. B.50 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all 8ea I Shore points. Through passenger ooach to rouaaeipnia. 1.43 n. m. Day exnresE daily eicept Sunday), for llarrtsbure and Interme diate stations, arrlvlnz at Philadelphia! 6.50 p. m. ; New York, S.35 p. m. ; Baltimore I e,45 p. m. ; Washington, 1.45 p. in. Parlor car I tnrougn 10 rnuaaeipma ana passengvr coacnes I luruuKn 10 1 uiiftueipuia aau Baltimore. , p. 111. ut-uuvu Accummoaauuu tunny tor liarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.S5 a. m. -.New York 7.10 a. m. u.uiuiuio, .u , 11 nouiugiuu w w n. ui. , Sleeping car accommodations can be secured at llarrlsburgforPhlladelptlaand New York. On Sun days a through sleeping car will be run; on this train from Wllflamsptto 1'hlladelnhla.PhlladelDhU passengers con remalnlnsleeper undisturbed untl I 7 a.m. a. m. Erie Mall (daily excent Monday. fa- Harrlsburcr and Intermediate stations, sieving at. i-niiaaeipma a.a a, m. new lorx, ll.Su m. : Baltimore 8.15 a. m. : Washington. 11.30 a. m. Through Pullman Bleeping can are run on mis irain 10 i-miaampuia, iiaiumore ana wasning: ton, and through passenger ooaobesto Fhlladel- pma ana u&iiimure- B.iua. m. Erie Mall (dallv excent Bnndavl. to nno ai-j uii iuiiiueuiaia buluuub ana L.uuauuiu guaard Intermediate stations, Hocbester, Buffs- iu&uu magma runs, wim mrouKn ruiiman rai aue care auu ptuuwuger coacuea 10 ne ana iiuvu- ester. .13 News Express raauy except Hunoay) tor tck iiavea aua iniermeuiaia stations. 12.62 n. m. Niagara Exoress (dsllr excent Uun- vi for Kane and Intermediate stations and Can. a oalirua and principal Intermediate stations. It Chester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with, through passenger coaches to Kane and Itochester and larlor car to WUIlAmswirt. O.SU p. m. rasi unn (aany except Bunaayuor no-1 HUTU auu mieruicuiaia stauuns, auu 'bimirn, wal king and Intermediate stations, n 1th through pas senger coaches to ltenovo and watklns. a. m. Sunday mall for Kenovo and intermo- aiate Biaiiop- TIIHOUOU TRAINS FOItSDNBimY PROM TUB HAM' AUU BUUTI1. Sunday mall leaves Fhlladelnbla 4.80 a. m Harrlsbunr 7.40 arriving at uunbury 0.20 a. m. with through sleeping car from Philadelphia to wu- liamspurt. News Exoress leaves Phlladelnhla 4.S0 a.m. liarrlsburg, 8.10 a. ra. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunburr O.H. a. m. maara impress leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. : Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally except sunda) arriving at Sunbury, n.68 p. in., witn luruutfu rsnor car rrom ruuoaeipnia auu luruuitu fjasocukcr tuuuuoa truui runauvi poia ana uauunurc. Kast Line leaves Now York (.00 a. m. ; Fhlladel Dhla. 11.50 a. m. l Washington. 9 so a. in. ! Haiti. more, 10,45 a. ro., (dully except Sunday) arriving at ouuuuij u.ou . iu., nun tiuuuuu JIUQCUKXI ououucd irum i uiiuucipum uua uaiuuiure. isne Hsu leaves rew xoricp.uup. m. ; t'uiiaaei Dhla. 11.23 D. m. i Washington. 10.00 p. m. : Haiti. more, 11.20 p. in., (dally cxcept.saturdav) arriving at Sunbury 5.10 a. in., with through 1-ulluan SleepUig cars from Philadelphia, Washington and ujuimuru auu turuugu pawi-uiftr uuacueu iron? r-uiiuueiuuiTk. NUNHUKV, HAZt.ltTON fc WII.KKrtBAHUK I UAII.UUAII AM) NOKT11 AND WKHT llirnii: lit l.WAV. (Bally except bunuay.) WUkcabarre Ma I leates Hunburr 8.53 a. m. arriving at Bloom ferry iat a. m., Wilkes-barre I 1S.1U If. UI. Wllkes-Barre aecon. loates Sunbury 2.3 p m, ar- riving atllloom Kerrr S:fil; Wlllrc.lliii-re. tt:fHI n m. Ksuress East leaves bunbury 6.35 p. in., arriving at Bloom Kerry 0.2S p. m., wtlkes-barre T.ts p. m Sunbury Mall leaves Wllkesbarre 10.23 a. in. am v. leg at Bloom Ferry li.M a. m.,Hunbury 12.43 p. in EipreasWest Itates Wllkes-barre2.U) p. m., ar riving at Bloom Ferry 4.12 p. m., sunbury MOp.m v avawissu avcom. mates nt-suupeca D;to p in, ar il log at Bloom Ferry s.tM p in; sunbnry, :2t p in. BUNDAY ONfcY. .PENNEY OOODb A SPECIALTY. SOLE AOINTS FOB F. Y. ADAMS CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Bole agents of the fol lowing Dranus ui Cigars. HENRY CLAY, LONDRES, NORMAL, INDIAN FBINCESS, SAMSON, SILVER ASH. Alexaner Bros. & Co., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS MD NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR HENRY MAILLAEDS HECAJCTDIES.- FRESH EVERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. ANY OIDER FOR FESTIVAIi will be SUPPLIED WITH THE LOWEST Market Prices as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS! CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. C. JB. JBOBBIN& DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS km JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBTJRG, PA. OF ESPY, PA.5 Respectfully informs bin friends and public Generally that bo has refitted liis pinning mill. In addition to tlm planing mill work he is now prepared to I Ornish to order doors and inside finish for houses. WESTERN PISTE, veneered with all our native woods, also foreign woods, suoh as Mahogany, Iioeewood,fco., &), All hard wood Mouldings is used for Veneered Doors and Inside Finish. All work shall bo Guaranteed; Water-proof Gluo is used for vi iicering all our Doors and Casings, Hso Boards, &o., &o. Also Walnut, Ash, Sycamore, Oak, Butternut, Maple, Cherry, Poplar, Veneers, for sale at tho .mu, six to tea itct loug, bis to imriy incues wiae, noTll-ems T. W. EU6AB. BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACH! Tb follow 1 ne booki rt publlhtJ lo nM MiphUt form, printed from good rtUbl tjr on rood mar unit mini nt thm havnrlavimal i11nafrai.Ajt f, .ttv.n.. . Vl" " llili.d la tnr Una lugaif. sad lumlih la Ui uuui of tb. PtopW is opportunltr to llur.tur. of tlw air u th. moat , ttldlor (ipuim. la mj othir ,.r),i ti.itt ( worli wuuM toil bmdi Uni tha price at which lby an Mr oSml, Bach gn u compUuln Itisir: Tk.l41l.l-.lfcML K.,.I. ltunCM,Jf, m il itlf A'nX- iOua . ' . J'lir. i K.,.1, , In. TT. 1-I..C I Vttitf U LllMS. A H.f d. a ft. Mllii ( m Dort i., mmmi nmwh a vov.i, ii Hrklml W.un. UmMt.i!. ' Tk.I .Wr.r'. Innl. AK...I. BlUluU. I. ...V WVVJiXX!,!'.'- ,,k'u " M- AU'lehrJUItl. A Kt.l, tj Mill Cioil U.r. ' . hmdr Wl worth' DltHiak A ml. Br "Tiw Pdaitt." If at w e "T w Slat, A Vovtl r tb uthr tor Thw NIm r lle.rta. AKoi.l. I) 7 8.L.r.uiew, . VwrU Fortune A fcoitl. St Fiomhcs Whii, Tht flwllt Mlwr. AMMlL Hrl'lLUlLLI.I. MMt IInh, 1 Nutl, Dr Un. Hiiit Wwat. T A FUywrisht' pwux-Ur. A KT1. Br Mri. BUT.Ticto. toloi dMcnptiaB dA lllitiirtitloii r ttta auMl wftmitrtI wrhlof Btlsrtj !&. Vary lattrtitlic &d Initrucllvt, W ! f lbs A alMcrlpilou vf the mtty wo4tr fJ i UtttUol tlilsia touui t tb Ullou frlthfocMs.wlttt nrM mmii. ' 'A Vltumr Kiertl," nl OUrr BkrUhr. Br H Jeiua liui't Viiv." A colivetlun tif trrwtiUtJj tanut tKuM r I" uni ppia( usiuoroK wrltar sillt day, Thw Await Kcttlwa trr. trCt4 lvvT4, f"lii Uucc bocBuasIa 11 A tuoal rldknlwiuly fun or 4Trrw ulto "WI4w rUilutt." CkrulMki HUrlea. it twakLta pieitai. Cui RSwiUr of lb MfMlcbaiaaits CtirMlnaa atorW twtt Contain Tr wrttUM f.acnoB uoomll. 7 tbf raalaal a UaK.Jtk. I wmIm Bi liiui. for l pulr lltMltatlttM ad llMwr. bsnrM. drn tUand Mthttlc, lncln4lBg all IhalataaT, 11 4 bmI (wpnlaf, TfcfcaUlf.Hd Mw f lp)rrai 11 Mr. CtonUlai a. if alia a4 tlcrphk4r lane mU nail Autf kaka,fra U Vnl rrauktl ta U il. rMallUr QUlUa CntlilnttbarilM ? lp of wan j lLraM fjatlr ua U r4l 4 (MWI q, A tiiuUi vrk r taftranc. Law Llfi Ii hi Tark. A fU of tM i plelutt owlb u tat k alia cf lira I Ik ral dir. Uulrauaal. . Tk UomA U WmIU. Mot adrarlldax clftUt, rt Uorowfftlr ft ac Ileal 'work, boUii u a wj ,t wjbtcb11 trutr anaatowMr. Ullr, rtfllr 4 ha&MUr. 00 Iliiadr4 raiir Ka, Blla.aiIllkU A4 CO(,lcUrtIk iut ftf th Uv.Htti, Bi U, tifN.rr llrlr. A Kaitl. By Ura. Mil liu fLBkli. A Hrtrv4 l,ll.AAHoal. ili Utkioif Hakiakk. iri jaaa Mrila)i A Bml, Mr. All B. 1 Ua alra. iLtinuli. AHt1a firktra, Aai LakfAkUr! C'Abln. (HHiirmii, . rUrm IflulM Oatb. A. Da mail a. JUulrjj. 1 k WwMkw IlkUr, AKoTal, By Dr.J.H. Ucamaoi, AKt1, By Ur. MikT Ifc.lkUr.rwl Ckbl. Bund a r mull lftavf a Bunbunr ILSA a. m.. anirtner 1 1 . . . . i - . 1,1 11.." . : " 1 . .. :t i 1 a iiunraa Lkbia. A it oval, ay u. t IiMiTitiriJ7w tYZmit VL mZt 1 Ti wwmiw iiaiiauiMusiiur t-Blin lut li Ua( luun in txani ?'tiA"'tl?0 .ThtlttiifitbrflalBlHkitroirra. UonotfiinoUk AdtknUkf-oftt! i1 ' wuntv wimm, rUK lumpi Uka f ur f ruuoDi of a doltAr, At to our rlibllttr. Bjiuii uuiL A4rtu all UlUU- jr M la VrXitAf fubllkhtri H. M Mwrruy ttircal, Na w If rk p. m.. avrrlTlag at moom Ferrr, e, p. m., Koaburx, liiTiai raoB. j. ft. worm. Ot.k(&lA4TBr, CrNU fMMBfW aiOflt