. - -' '' ' ' THE COLUMBIAN AJiT DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBUrtG, COLUMBIA COPJTO PA-1 Swallowed Jpidr. A MTSt-BOT A MARVELOCS CUM FOR MALARIA. t "Mtkrlat'' "Ya, Qkrl. "No, atr. I am do more fcfrald of malaria than I nm of you," and as tlio speaker was at least too inohos taller than the reporter, and propottionatdy broader, his fear of tli&t drend malady was (probably not excessive, "l'vo had malaria, and I've been cured." "Yes, bnt a man can havo malaria more than once.'' "Not if ho is cured tho way I was. About ten yoarS auo I was living in Indiana, in Vitro county, near Terra Hante. In thoeo days a man was re crarded as a stranger until hH had drank about a gallon of whiskey and S' uinlne, and shaken down his bedstead aree or four times with tho acrae. I bad a rather reticent naluro, and I sap- pose It took the climate longer to get acquainted with mo than It did the or dlnary run of men. For I had to drink about a barrel of whiskey and tako whole pounds of quinine before I could get strong enough to even shako mysclt, let alono a bud. "How was I cured 1" "Well it was a novel cure, i board ed with i 'Mrs. Dennis, who told me she could oure me if I would take her tnedioine. Finally I agreed. Sho bought a towel and bound it around my Head so I could not see; then she brought a glass of water, and told mo to tako my dose, and immediately swallow tho water. The doso tasted like a little ball of dust, and as it was going down I felt a sharp pain in my throat, as if it had been scratched. "Tho next morning Mrs. Dennis brought a little box and showed me her' medicine. It was a big, hairy, black Bnidor. alive, and the mate to tho one I had swallowed tho day bofore." The medicine this gentleman took for malaria, may have been effective, but few would care to try the remedy. Nor is there any' necessity for it Malaria is a poisoned condition of the blood produced by bad air and water, which enter the blood-channels through the stomach and lungs and other ways, and produce injurious ef feotsS on the livor and kidneys, it is cured by putting the liver and kidneys in perfect healthy working order. The drags ordinarily used for such purposes frequently do quite as ration Harm as good, and leave tho system in an en feebled condition. The certain and harmless remedy for malaria is Warner's safe cure which puts the liver and kidneys in healthy action, when the poison is carried out of the system, aud tho serious effects it encenders. nass awav. J. M. Booth. Spriugfinld, Mass., under date of March 28th, 1887, writes: "O.ie year ago I bad the malaria had had it mora or less for b-n years. I stopped all other medicines and took Warner's safe cure, and it oured me. This country is fam ous for malaria, and I know Warner's safe cure will cure it." People who live in malarious locali- ties will find in Warner's safo oure a specifics against contracting this dis ease, The malarial poison can find no entrance to the sostem, if the liver and kidneys are kept in healthy action. The gentleman who swallowed the epider, concludes bis narrative in the New York Mail and Express by say ing: "I was effectually cured, but I wouldn't take another dose of that medicine to save my life." Hot to be Hitched That Way. "There take that," said a red headed female. as ahe brought her parasql with a 'tremendous whack on the head of an inoffensive looking middle aged gentle man who sat opposite her in an out going Fourth avenue car last night about half past six. "Madam! I ah I don't under stand tho reasonfor this. How have I offended yon?" "Don't madam me, sir. You've besn looking around for a white horse ever since f got in, and I want you to un derstand that if I am red headed you can't hitch me with a white horse to make a team. No, sir." , An inoffensive looking man, with a crushed Derby bat and a woe-begone countenance, dropped off the rear plat form of the car about a minute later. Minneapolis Journal. The Leading Manufio taring Industry. The report of the United States Geo logical Survey has been issued for 1886, containing among other matters of in formation statistics of ttio production of minerals in this country. The value of these productions in that year amounted to about $465,000,000, tho largest yet teoorded in any country, and showing an increase ot $29,000, 000 as compared with tho production of the previous year. The greatest in crease was in iron and steel which alone amounted to 830,000,000. This showing is particularly gratify ing to FennsylvamanB, as the benefits are largely Bhared by this State which is the leading iron manufacturing sue tion of the conntry. In view of tho changes that aro proposed to be made in the tariff it is in order to consider the effect tbey may have upon the pro duotive interest that so olosely concerns our State. As the reforms proposed are not intended to be free trade meas ures, it is not to bo expected that there will bo any considerable reduction of duties on manufactured iron, if any at all. The removal of the tariff from raw materials would inolnde iron ore, Thousands of tons of foreign ore, abso lutely needed in the manufacture of iron, and for which our native mines havo as yet furnished no substitute are imported and a heavy duty is paid on it. There is not a ton of it used without a good many more tons of domestic ore being used with it. There fore it is reasonable to believe that the use of the product of our mines would bo stimulated by any measures that would increase the use ot tbe indlspnn sable foreign ores. Diminishing the cost of the latter would appear to get in its good effects by inore&sing tho iiso of the former. It is olalmed that in this way cheap raw materials, al though tbe production of other countries stimulate tho activity aud promote tho interest ot our home industries. Farm Notes For bamble-fnot make the roosts low and keep tho afflicted fowl confined. For debility, keen the fowl In a warm dry place, feed meat, and give n piece ot gtnjjer daily. m- ... .. l i i and feed meat and milk, with plenty ot gram at night, omitting oorn. For lice, dust PersianMnscct powder freely in evorycrack and orevioe, and on tho bodies of tho hens among the feathers. The American Garden says bubach powder blown into ant hills with a strong bellows will kill or drive away tho insects. For indigestion, glvo the birds plon ty of sharp gravel, aud also a teaspoon fill of fenugreek, in the soft food, for overy ten hens. Cnnada's honey crop is estimated to tin nn nvnrmm of nnlv twenty pounds to tho colony. Many colonics will find .pelcut workmen, liberal Icediug to carry ttiem over tne winter in safety. For soft shell eggs, pnt the hens at work scratching, as it Indicates tbey aro too (at. Soft egg, apoplexy, egg bound, and nearly all such diseases, aro due to the bens being too tat. You can cut off the combs of fowls, if you profcr. Uso a sharp knife i out off both combs and wattles. Mo pro vent bleeding, first wash the head with Btrong alum water, and then sprinkle with powdered tannin. For swelled eves, batho tho head with a warm solution made by dissolv- kl to! Lowest Prices!! S. iMDlUS $ CO., HEADQUARTERS TOR Soliiuci. Krsuiicli c&Bsicli Fischer, Emerson, Pcaisc AND TUB CELEBRATED Wilcox & White Organs STI&nos Tuned and Repaired by com- orkmen. Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Williamsport, Pa. novll-87-ly. 2 . MV.iit.VWj Revolvers, Nines, NETS, TRNTS and SPORT 1KU GOODS. Double Uarrel Breech Loadlnff Shot duns, choice bored, $10 to lion, blnsrle Ureoch Loadlnz imoj duns, M to 25. Every kind of Breech leading and Repeating Hides, M W$0. Mutzlo Loadlnir Dou. bla Shot Guns, M to3 Single Shoi puns,J.S0 to moo. Revolvers, 1.00 tolJO. Double Action self cockers, I2.S0 to flO. All kinds or cannacea, SEINES, ing a teaspoonlul ot powdered ooracio shells, caps,waas, toois, rowaer iaMs,.enoi. p, , . . i.i. Pouches. Primers, send s cents for Illustrated acid in a pint of water, and thon anoint cataioSie. Address, oiikat western gun with a few drops of glycerine. Repeat wonft, m Rg&, HwsnyKO, pa. be this dally. For roup, dissolve a teaspoonful of oblorido ot lime iu a pint of water, and give tne bnd a teaspoontui ot tne so lution. Burn tar and turpentine in tho poultry houso after tho fowls haye gone on tho roost at nignu In storing onions .spread them out so that tho air can get to tnem. iney will not keep well if piled up, but in a cool plaoe there will be no difficulty with them if they be spread in thin layers, no uecayeu oqiuub huuuiu allowed, as they may damage all. In their native hills it is said that the Cheviot sheep are oxcelled by cone. They aro as. large as the Cotswolds, while tho mutton is considered better and the fleece finer and closer. On good pasture the fleeco grows finer and sell for a higher price than when the animals are fed on coarse grass. The ideal soil in which to set a plant is one that is moist without being water soaKed. neither too dry nor too wet. In such soil even a poor plant will take root. The plant will make its own root just as the outting does, For setting in dry soil the plant should be well rooted and stocky, as it must depend on tho roots it already has for a start. The Middletown (N. Y.) Argus says swarm of bees for a year made a home in tbe piazza of a residence thorn, and on investigation it was discovered that the bees had found a way of get ting under tbe floor of one of tbe bed rooms, and fifty pounds of honey and a quantitiy of brood comb were taken from between two ot tne noor oeams. Nothing is more easily grown than a grapevine. It will almost take care of itself, if you will. give it a reason able cuauce; and 'tnen, Having Deen trimmed on very simnle principles for three years, you can let it run over a tree, a shed, a barn or a trellis. Keep its feet clean of weeds, and well shod with ashes and manure, and yoa will have.enough to eat. A Nebraska farmer, who has been experimenting with alfalfa, finds that tho i ilnn Is raided one SDrinc are likelv to be killed the following winter. If they survive, however, they will be strong enough to live through succeed ing winters, and will produce a large amount of foliage. This alfalfa patoh afforded excellent teed last summer while tbe drought put a stop to the growth of grass and clover. Prof. Stewart says a very valuable use of flaxseed can be made by grind ing one bushel with eight bushels of oats, or all the flaxseed that can be ground with oats without sticking to tbe millstones. Then mix one nun- dredpounds of this ground oats and Qaxsead with two hundred ponnds oi bran. This will be the best kind of feed for young pigs, and it will be good for them 'all tho time np to fat tening: and besides this they will be smooth, rangy pigs, making good roasters at all times. . . ..... i . - 1 1 ... 1 . or... roods sent br m!"or "Press to any part of tho world. No matter what you want In the gun line rou can get it ut the Great Western by writing a letter. Quna made to order. Guns and Revolvers Itepalred. seplo-Cma" PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPING 3 CARS WITHOUT CHANGE, St. Louis to Los Aneglet and San Francltco, VIA THE WON MOUNTAIN ROUTK Leave St. Louis at 8ao P. U. . Dally. THE ONLY LINE THAT DOES III NO HtOH ALTITUDES. NO SNOW BLOCKADES TOI.AJlfl rays flar LIFE HOHOIiABUHIPla PALMS' BUSINESS COLLEGE 17C3Clitrtialt,rkiliJf!flk Positions for Graduates. ime required 3 to 4 mo. he Best Equipped. Best Course of Bludy. Best erythlng. Write for Oireulus, If you have abused your btomacn by eating or drinking too much, or of the wrong kind of food or liquid, you will suffer because your Stomach is angry. Now beware of all temporary expedients. TRY that never-failing, safe Remedy, J)r SchCDCk 5 mr t t niT Tor 8lt tT all DruHliti. Frlca 25 cli. wr box: S boxes for 65 cu.i or otnt by mall, pooUgo frro, on VT.J.U. BCBUUI B0) rtMlptof price. J.B. Bohuck Bod, riillad'a. Ms Pills CURB Malaria, Dumb Chills. Fever and Ague. Wind Colic. Bilious Attacks. They n rod nee resrulftr. natural evac uation, never srriue or Interfere wlln. dally buslnefttt. Ah a family metllriue, tbey ftbould be In every houMeuold. SOLD pVEItlTWIIERE. novssn.c&coiy. ESS Li The Difference, Omaha tcaoher "Yes, my child, re member there is no humun love equal to a mother's love." Little girl "Wo men loe their children bettor than their hushanrls, don't tbey." "Very oltoa.' "Yes, inded. WnonweeeU tbe hic-couch mamma gets sorry and tries to cure them, but when papa gets the hiccougu sue gets mad. Enterprise Beady for the 'Worst- Now York Editor "Is everything ready in case the Emperor William snould diet Hive all the necesssary outs been procured! subordinate "ies, sir, we nave them all." "Have we the cancer of the Crown Prince!" "Wo have, and an excellent like ness." "Have we tbe Empress' paralyzed lower law!" "It oame by special cable last night.1' "And the withered arm of Prince Williaral" "Wo have had it throe days. The only thing laoking is tho abscess in his ear. and Fezneot that to-niuht." "Very wells tell Shyster to make out an nllidawt to 2UU,0UU copies and nave it ready tur tho morning alter.' All Dru gUti, 2Sa, 50e. ead SI-OX Fnptred oclj bf oCS81t0n) 3. R. SMITH & CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DlitRRS IX PIANOS D j the following troll known m.iera; Cuickcring-, Knabc. Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of tho cheaper makes at manufacturers iriccs. Do not buy a piano be bro getting'Oiir prices. .oA Catalogue and Prico Lists On application. Bepts-6tf. mm nas revolutionized the world dur irig the last halt centu'y. Not least among tbe wonders ot in. Tcuuvcf mKriH3 ia aiaemou ana system ot work that can bo pertormoe all over the country without nepartlng the worker dom their nnmes. ray lioerai, any one can ao ub wora; either sex. TO'inff or old: no snecl.al nbllltr re. quired. Capital net needed; you aro started tree. Cut this out and return to 03 and wo will send you tree, something ot great value and tmprt- ance to on, iiwt win piari you in uu&inew,ivmcn will brine rou In more raoner rkrht nwar. ttinn anymiDg oiso in mo worm, urana ouvu jree AddrcasTRU. 6 Co., Augusta, Jlalne. lydecio KAXZiKOAD SIMB TAILS wmwk rELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NORTH. ru rii a. v. a. x. Northumberland. s 40 1 85 10 10 s is Cameron. .. 5 65 ...... 10 25 e 30 chulasky ... eoa .... loss est Dannue o w i w iu o. e u Catawlssa.... U 2 14 10 53 ft BS Rupert... e so S 19 11 00 T us Bloomshurg 6 3d ill 11 07 7 u Kspy S 42 2 W 11 IS 7 SO Llmeltldge. S BO .... n S3 7 ST willow (iroTe..... ... e 61 .... use 7 si llrlnrcreek.. M n 30 7 85 IlerwtCk 7 05 9 49 11 87 7 49 neaeh Haven 7 II s 54 11 44 7 49 Hick's Ferry- - 7 is s 69 11 4S 65 sutckshtnny .. 70 309 n on sea Ilunlock'a 7 4.1 8 19 U OS 8 IT Nantlcoko 7 60 3 SO 19 16 8 21 Avondale 7 54 la so s as Plymouth .... 7 69 3 85 19 8 8.1 I'ljmouth Junction,.... 8 ai 3 39 19 30 8 88 Kingston 8 0S 8 43 12 37 8 45 Uennctt 8 12 .... 12 41 8 49 iMaltby .' 8 17 ... 12 45 8 63 Wyoming 8 S2 3 62 12 60 8 68 West llttston 8 27 8 66 1 65 9 03 PlttHton .... 8 83 4 01 1 03 9 09 Laokawanna 8 40 .... 1 11 9 17 Talorrllle...... 8 48 .... 1 19 9 25 Ileilevue 8 64 ... l!l 9 CO SCRAHTOM - 9 00 4 22 1 30 9 SB i' m ru rx aii STATIONS. SOUTH. All All fm ru KCRAHTOH S 10 9 60 8 03 6 SO Ileilevue 0 it 9 65 ... 6 25 Taylorvllle. 6 SO 10 00 9 14 6 1 Lackawanna 6 24 10 os a 21 6 87 llttfcton 1 10 18 2 S8 6 45 iWestlHtStOn 8 42 10 22 2 SI 8 60 Wyoming 6 47 10 S7 8 89 6 65 .Maltby 8 61 10 30 ... a 61 Dennett 65 10 St 2 47 7 03 Kingston 8 68 10 34 2 60 7 07 Plymouth Junction..... 7 05 10 42 2 61 7 it Plymouth . 7 10 10 47 S 69 7 1 Avondale 7 14 10 61 3 03 7 21 Nanucoke....' 7 19 10 65 3 OS 7 15 HunlOCk'S 7 26 11 09 3 19 7 43 Hhlckshluny 7 47 11 12 SSV 7 61 Hlck'a Furry. T es u 22 3 89 8 07 Beach Haven, 8 01 II S3 8 46 8 18 UerWICk 8 07 11 87 3 61 8 20 llnarcreek. s is 3 67 8 27 iWl.low drove. 8 IS 11 48 4 01 8 81 Lime Ridge. ... 8 20 11 62 4 05 8 8.1 Espy. 8 E 11 (9 4 12 8 41 Bloomshurg S 82 12 05 4 18 8 47 Rupert 8 87 12 10 4 24 8 62 catawlssa 8 '2 12 IS 4 29 R 67 Danville 8 67 .19 30 4 4 9 IB Chulaaky. 9 03 4 64 9 21 Cameron 9 07 12 40 5 oo gat NOSTlIUMBIRLAMD.... t 92 H 65 5 IS i 48 au r u r u r u Connections at Rupert with Phlladelphl. A Reading Railroad tor Tsmanend, Tamaqua, Will iamsport, siinbury. Pottsvl.le, i to. At Northum berland with P. K. Dir. P. R. R. ror uarrlsbupg, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry and Erie. V. V. HALSTEAS, Gen. Han., Scranton, Pa .HANOSfME WEOQINI. BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. mi Qas.s.H 3 2 Vfe -5W MB THE uoa LUBURG UflfllH Comblnlnt a Parlor, Uhnrr, ftmokln, JUrllHlnf or Xatalld CHILDREN'S CARRIACPX ATI ftirtVUho.1 tsrtth ttiAl A4nMA. a. j n.aT at out Wholesale PHeea, Send tUmn fbr C&Utninin and tn'nntinti ... URC JVIANF'C CO.. 140 N. 8th St., Phllada.. W&. October ei yrs BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACH! Don't ITail to Call apt lajic EXTENSIVE SXOCJt F fiu m wibter mm JUST OIMGNEP. pfcpr, and n Tb t f qUowlnf boeki r (mbllilifd la L nal MtophUt form, prioud from rood ttJbl tTM on fr& aw una vr ia(v4j. paq larnisui vn wis piiiwi ui mm ruopm mu if th Chf at tha moat trlfllnr iiMnu. In anr othtr aaiicl thtm HtMi th pritm at vtUeti lbT r btr oiferM. Each out li complf t In Itpelf: mr land or innui, had famlth to th maaMi of tat rotl an oPDortonltr to tretira tha ltt liuratnrt t( tfat da tt tha moat triUor iimon. . In any othtr aartea thtnt great woiil wonld coat many Wm4m sk aha VTaHi. MimiL an Oraaa. Maa MirttHM aa inaatraitoal t iht tntut mtitiitrtni vwktof ottir aadefiaaa. , Varr laturnllat an4 laaiincllta. WmI ara 4f tk A dmrlptlaa trf h many vtnUf fat aal baaaiiral tatqfi toaad al It botum ef tha otMa.wlth 'trvfTllamatlan. " ' 1 ' T tosniw ALtaa Wirt? i MiaotlM M fn-MMlbl faknt atttobM a taa asoai aaaaiar aamorava wi 1'ha Atiat KaaUh PaiMra. ar OtiaA Avaoatii author at' Taa Sait tHwauaata." a nl rldtaalaaaly fanoj booh lTrf waf anaal la "Widow Hadatt." Okrlalaaaa Hirtl r Oaana pfcaava. Coalalm a a. an tor ef tha aanatebartalaf Ctir1stm atorln a?r wrlltta niiimiNi wruar waaavtr iitm. aaranna neetnritia. ad tha Ktaaliijr Umb. A bnok of iiorlM.tilctirat. aaaalaa and latHM, for tna Hill ruti al bona. flaatar HcfllaUau aad Dlaloanc, bamnrcat, drama. Ma and aafatle. lnlai)ac ail ih llm, bt and Mott fpniar. TheHfir.niade Ma t MrirrnTlm. Coalaluapor. tratu aat aUitrspal tf Uniaai aaif-mada ABtlcana(rrn tha ioijm rriitiia id im prmni, raaatUa Qaatatlaaa. OoaUtnlatUaartf hip of raaar phrua fi-MacaUy mt laraa4(a( Law Ufh In NawJTork. A Htlaa f vItM ia pletaraa ahawlat tha dark alila ot IKa la Uta f real Mr. lUttHrtUi. K Tha itHd U Wealth. MM an admlli.af ctrcaUf, hat a thoroacMr prtfllral vara, rtnllir aal a waf fef WMth all may rna monr, caallr. mpWIr and banMtlr. Oaa Ilttnr4 lBtilar "wia. MnttrataUlfrlbitIo aad eorile, Inrln.tlai niMl eriba fanrlla. aw aad old. lrMra IIHf. 1 Nortl, Br Mra. Mir iaatl PiiMtaoi A tlartrii Ufa. ANovtl. tot Miaioa tfiatrtt. Am 014 MaM'a Userilfe. A hovtl. Bj Mra. Av I. Th rtt11tiit UaUaa. A Kant. Braf.T. OlLAaa. TMOUOakfNlhfit. A !. BirtTiFCt Coaa, Jr. The laarl rtt r A Naval. Br Cuu ioaciti. Hollow Aah Hall. A If oral. Kj Miaaaaat toviT, IlMth-aiirl. l-llffalfaaar, A Vaaal. Br Btta W. rtaaa. Ladfr tha LUaa. A ttaval. Br Ina aatkar mt tHrt tVo'DUm. Brala4. A Karal. By Mra. Baaat Wono, tUvttrtttd. Thal.wfaraBart. Alfovrlj BrlinU,B.Baitpaa. Tha Hraave aaa af Dn Jakyll and Mr. Bj4a. A Hovtti Br B. I- flTivaaaaa, A tVi Ulrl. ArtaMl. BrMiat CaoiLHar. 01 Jlwortha IMawaaJa. A Boval. Bf Taf nct"en Two RIaa. A Naval. Br tha aaUar af Bvd Thnraa," UuHrmlsd, Taa Nlaa of llaart. A Hot. I, RrB.L.pAUao, Ifarla'a KortHne. A Naval. Bf Ptoaaaca Waai. A Law Marrtace. A Naval. Br Ml Uotoca. JUm Th aisitllv Ulfx A Naval. Br Wittia ColLImI. ftl jaapa. ptvi. rj r io..m h.iii.t, Thal'ol4Mior Aapa. A Meat Uraace. A Ivoval, AftV-ratlfttaT the Fetlara.. A lHrwHbfa lUach ol. B ilrt. iLatiisaa. htr. A Naval. Br Mra, Aalia iDwiirti, tvwrrra. rair hut raiaa. Thnrn. ItlttMtrmltd. . La ncat r'a i'ahln riarnc IvUfftana Oath. AVartl. By Mra. Mia A. DaailoD. fliuirttd. The Wonsi IUti A No t.I, B Pr. J.R.Roatoiaa JUuttraHd. The Caltferal CaUn. A Novil. B M. T. Citeoa A Nevtl. Br tta aatbor af Dora . Kovat. Bf Wrt. at.T.Yieroa. -Wa wilt pawl anf ftwrf thaahnva bmltaby Toatljwwt palJ Tjrnn raralrtof onlr 19 Cental inflm Toi SAfntataiirftrYnyirf for (OOniii thantlrellit(hmk)for7ft Centati put) re lit tmiia.i Inbonrja wtlh cloth bark, for I. IO. ThlalthareataiitbarTalnlnb4V)kaaTarotTirH. Io tint fall tOtxkaatlranlarorit. totltflu-tlmqtsirunii or monsy refunded. ww irier auy n-wnpntrr ruon waruinaiL Aaoraiaaiuvltcra Pontaie atamra takan for rraetlnna of a doltar, As to our rrlUMlttj. lahft In Nw Turk llkewlms to the Oommftrl"! Aaviicli-a. All orilcra fll'M tiy 1. M. AjuV tu?i I'uuiiaher iki .tinrrtiy Htrei,er lora. T, W, EDGAR, OF ESPY, PA., Jlespcctfully informs his friends and public generally that heMias. refitted bis, planing mill. In addition to the planing mill work ho is now 'prepared to famish to order doors anl inside finish for houses. WESTERN PESOS, veneered with all our native wood, also foreign woods, such as Mahogany, Rosewood, &&, &j. All bard wood Mouldings is used for Veneered Doors and Inside Finish. All work shall bo guaranteed. Waterproof Glno is used for veneering all onr Doors and Casings, Base Board, &o., &o. AHo SValnut, Ash,. Sycamore, Oak, Butternut, Maple, Cherry, Poplar, Veneers, for sale at the Mill, six to ten frct long, six to thirty .inches wide. I nm offering great bargains ill tho following dress, coods: Dolaincs, Flannels, Plaids, Cashmeres, Heavy Qoating8,vitli'Tnm mings nnd Buttona to match, Opera Flannels, Volyetcens, Dress Godus of every description, with Braids nnd Trimmingalonatch. Women's Misses nnd Children Hood's, all styles, Sljawls, .&c Women's Shoes, $1.00 up, Wen's, Youths' A Hoys9 Clolliiiis , very large stock. Men's Suits, $5 00 up. Overcoats, $4 75 up. Men's Shoes and Boots, Horse Blankets, Bobcs, Bells, Trun s i Valises, Bed Blankets, Comfortables, &c. My stock is complete in every branch and would respectfully solicit your patronage. Examine beforo purchasing elsewhere. You will find goods at my store not kept in this place. Styles latest, on account ot visiting the mar ets Inst. Trices cannot bo beaten iu the city. ECONOMY, THJE PRACTICAL QUESTION OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH F01 TIE SEASOS CMEAHEB .1 Pennsylvania Railroad. Ml Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. 1111 TIME TABLE. In effect May 29, iar. Trains leave Sonbory EASTWARD. 9.40 a. m.. sea snore Exoresa (dallr exeeot Sunday), (or HarrlaDurg and intermediate stations, arriving at IHlladelphla S.15 f. m. ; New York, d.u p. m. ; tiaiiunore. aau p. m. ; waaamgwo, 0.50 d. m.. connectlnz at PhliadelDnla for all Sea Snore points. Through paasenger coach to 0.50 p. m., connecting at PI snore poinu Phlladelnhla 1.13 p. ra. Day express dally except Sonday),for IlaniBburg and lcterme- Lions arnviUK at roiiBflDi new Yorx, s.ss p. m. : liaitlmore i.up. (.M p.m. j .io p. m. ; Washington, 5 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches mrougntorauaaeipiuaaoa tsaiiunore. 7. d. m. Kenovo Accommodation (daily tor llarrlsburg and all Intermediate BtaUons. arriv ing at Phiiaiieipnia 4.39 a. m. ; new York 7.1a a. m. .1 1. days a through sleeping car will be run; on this 4.K5 v m. : Waahmeton a. 05 a. m. Hloemcir car accommodations can be aecored al uamsourgiorriuittuciyiuttauariewurK. uaoun days a through sleeping car will be run; on this tralnlromWimamsptto Philadelphia. Philadelphia Passengers can remain in sleeper undisturbed untl a.m. s. do a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Monday, tor llarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, arving ai rnuaueipnia vja a. m. new xorx, ll.Vi . m. : Baltimore 8.15 a. m. 1 Washington, 9.81 a. m. Through Pullman Bleeping cars are run on this train to I'nuaaeipma, Baltimore an ton, and through passenger coaches to pbla and Baltimore. WESTWARD. 6.10a.m. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), fo Erie ard all Intermediate statlona ana canandaL guaard Intermediate stations, KochnHtcr, llun"a 10 ana Niagara iraiig, wun through Pullman pal. ace cars ana passenger coacnes 10 jsrie ana Kocn ester. 9.6J News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 12.52 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun- a y ) tur ikam uuu iuu:ruiuuiai siaiions ana urn aualgua and principal Intermediate stations. Rochester, Uutfalo and Niagara Falls with through paasenger coaches to Kane and Rochester G.bO p. m. fast Line (dally .except 8unday)(or Re IUO iUlU tUbVI UllAUBMI DI;ltlUUai V. 1 1 U ,U senger coaches to Renovo and watklns. novo and Intermediate stations, and Glmlra, Wat. kins ana iniermeaiaui stauona, w nn through pas- 9.S0 a. m. Sundar mall ror Renovo and Intermo. dlate ftatlOD- TUItoyUIl TRAINS roRBDNBiaiY FUOMTHK Sundar mall leaves Phlladelnhla 4.80 a. m Harrlsburz 1.40 arriving at Sunburr 9.20 a m. with iuruu)(u sleeping car irum rniiaaeipnia to wu News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m. llarrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arrlvlnir at Sunbury S.U. u. in. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. 1 Baltimore 7.30 a.m. (dally except tsunda) arriving at Sunbury, 1S.6 p. m., with through Parlor car trom Philadelphia ftiw tynjuifu iaiaugur ixacuea 1 rum riuiaaej. nbla and lfaltlinore. Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. m. t Phll&del phla.ll.50a. m. ; Washington, 9.60 a. m.; Balti more, ia45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving n puwagei "My sod, did I not see you reading an account of a prize fight in tbe paper tbis morning!" "Yes, fatber, 'but I will never, never do it again so long as I Jive"' "Never mind about tbat,roy son. I merely warded lo ask what you did with tho paper." Jturllngton JYee J'reas. Tho superiority of man to nature is continually illustrated. Nature needs an immense quantity of quills to make a goose wuu, but a man can make gooso of himself with one. The smoke stack of the Alleutown thread mill will be 227 feet high, the tallest in the United States. "WnEitK Divouces Gnow on Trees, He (at n Chicago evening entertain' mem.) "Do you know that very tiril- lianl-looking woman at the piano, Miss iircezy v Miss Breezy. "Ob, yes, intimately. I will be glad to present you, Mr, Wal do." " lie. "Thanks. Is sho an unmarried lady T" Miss Hree zy. "Yes, sho has boon un- married twice. "Why, Pat, for Heaven's sake, what B tho matter V "Well, sorr. I swallled n pertater bug, and although, Borr, I took simo parrns green widin live minutes after ter kill tb' baste, sthill he's Just raisin! tb' divll inside 0' me, sorr.' J-je. Bittcnbcnder & Co., WAGON MAKER'S AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. No. 120 X-128 Franklin Ave., SORANTON, PA. Ivou and Steel. aprlll-iy. y kr I CURE & FITS! Diniel Uoyle, of Wijmote, Cambria county, has been arrested ou informa tion made by Miss Mary ilaney'cbarg. Ins him with breach of promise. Tho young lady wants $10,009 dussges. Wlirn I say Cubic I do not mean merely to .top them lor a Urn., anil tlirii luv.tliin re turn axaln. I hkan A 11AD10AL CUUK. I have made the disease ot FITS, EPIKEPSYor ' FALLING SICKNESS, A lite long study, I waubant my remedy to Cuitic the worst eases, llecaute others have lalleillano rrason tor not now rerelvlntru cure bf nd at once tor a trealhe and a I'ltKt ilnrrLH Ot HIV iNFAt.I.lllLK llKMIUV. CllVO KltHC.. fnd Post onice. u coits you nothing tor a rial, snil It will cure you. Address H.O.ROOT.M.Cf IMPmUSl.HtwYw ftOVSSn Ctcotma. '" " ooacbeitrom Philadelphia and Haiti with through ila and Ualtpni phla, ll.ssp. m. ; Washington, lac more, 11.90 p, m., (dally except Satt at Hunbury 5.10 a. m., with" th bieepmg cars irom ruuaaeipnia, v liaitlmore and through passenger tore. Krte Mall leavfes New tork S.D0 p. m. 1 l'hllade' iroay) rough coaches from oop. m. 1 Bait: hrautrh Bieepmg cars trom PhUadelphla, Washington and more, 11.90 p. m., (dally except Saturday) arriving iu., mm luruutfa nuiman phlUdelphla. HUNIIDUY, IIAZr.KTUN Oc VI,KEHBAHUB Aii.nuAu Ann nuaTiitanu wbst UVaNIIII IUII.WAY. ' rTJallr eziwnt hiibiiav.i Wllxesbarre Mall leaves Sonburr a.55 a. m. arriving at nioom Jfprry 10.4s a. m., wiUes-barrs 19 is n m ' wuues-uarre accom. ieit-8 Suatmrr W P to, ai Kxuress East leaves Hunbury 5.35 p. m.. arnvlDff 6.:p.m.. Wllkes-barre7.55 p. a. H nAm V..n Sunbury lallleavesWlikeabarreiae3a.m.arrlv. at Illoom Perrr li.M a. m..Hnnhurv li!.4a n. m uxpress west leaves WlUes-barrea.50 p. m., ar. nving at. uioom Kerry ..iv p. m.. eunnprys.iop.rn lrng at Uloom Ferry 6:30 p w, bunbury, 6: p m, . BUWOAX UNliT. Sunday mall leavos sunbury 0:SIJ a, m., arrlvti at Uloom Ferry 10:18 a. in., Wllkes-llarre 11:4b i-i Sundar accommodation leaves wuvea-Baira 6 p. m., arriving at bloom Ferry, s.89 p. m., sunbury, 1:80 p. m. OUAH. B. 1'IIUU, flen.il anager, J. It WOOD. Oen. Paanenger Agent NERVOUS DEBILITY WKAKNKSM. 4c. and all disorders brouehton br Indlscretloni, excesses or overwork ot the brain and nervous system, Bpeoillly and radically cured WINOHESTEiT'8 bpecifio till. a purely vegetable preparation, the moat success. iui (vuicuj iwiiuwu. ccuu lur Lireuiur. rn per box; alx boxes, 15, by mall. WISUilBST Co., Vhcml.ts, 103 William bt., New Yoi k. 8unsniiBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN novil-ems T. W. EDOAR. Voi saie oy au dru( 1st and grocera throughou the united .states and Canadaa. 37 NORTH FRONT ST, CAN BE BOUGHT PENNEY GOODS A SPECIALTY. SOLI iOSXTI FOB F. P. ADAMS CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO EYER A Large and Varied Stock of JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE AND SELECT LINE OF Call and be Convinced that ou have the LAESEST SELECTION OF GOODS OP THE LATEST STYLE, REST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE -OF-: iBIooiiibui', Pa, J. W, RAEDER, EULER AND BINDER, Nos. 7 and 9 Mark t St., WILKEStBARJVE, p. txpn-Ijctbro. HARRIED SINGLE, SUFFERINGWOMEK RhM trooblsxl with thOMOaooiloK Irrtvltritlot m tqonUr follow ln ft cold or f-iponnre, or t rem IXiar UtbUoBkl WwIuiwwsm so pMuliu lo tht mi, hould Um DR.OuOHeiNB'B OaUbraled. FEMALE REQULATINQ PILLS. rium, impart wnuLateoxj. RBUGKLE8' name on a paokage of COFFEE In i guarantee or excellence. ARIOSA COFFEE Is kept la all first-class stores trom the Atlantlo to the Pacific COFFEE Is never good 'when exposed tq the nlr, Always buy this brandinhermettcuUy mn.nr Qnakor Catanli .Remedy, Cures the worst cases, also liar Verer. llroo ubltla&tidull bead andlbroat troubles, restores lieartnir, emell and taste, great relief to coosmnp. iiTtn, uuen cu-ds iucui. ib w nttiuros owo rem. edr. It baa cured us ncd tbousands ot otnera. at. ter trying everxthlos else. It will potltlvelr cure you. rrtoe CO cents, In stamps, by mail. MILLS ft CO., W N. UUk tta.i raiadtftlla, fa, Aai PERRINE'S BARLEY MALT WHISKEY. Si stillid from selected Barter Malt and (tuarantccd to be chcmtcallr nnm and tree rrom Injurious oils and i-clds often contained in alcobollo liquors.. Jtla esjieclallr adapted to persons requiting a stimulating tcnlo, consurnptlTes being greatly benenttcd by its use. Recommended by leading physicians as a Diuretic, Kerrlne, Tonic and Iterative, for Consumptives It Is Invaluable. I'HIIUNK'8 TURK liAHLUY MALT WHISKEY Insures a return of vigor to tbo stomacb, u good appetite, a rich and abundant blood and Increased flesfi and muscular tissue. A stimulant mud and gentle In effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all wasting din cases can bo entirely conquered by the uso or l'crnne s l ure linrley alt Whiskey. It is a tonic and diuretic and a powerful strengtbener to the entire system. PKlt HINE'S 1'UHK BAULKY MALT WI1ISKK1 has croed a medicinal protection t those who pursue their ovocatlonn in tbe open air and whose dally work calls it exceptional Dowers ot endurance. Ask jour nearest druggist or grocer forlor l'filtltlNE'H PUKK BAKLBY MALT WllItiKhY revlvea tbe energies ot those worn out with excessive bodily or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposuro In wet and rlgoroun weather. It will drive all malarious diseases trom tbe system. iiara woncers or every vocation ana persona wnom aneoenLary iirerenaera prone to Drsnensta nnd in 1-crrlne'B Pure Darley Malt Whiskey a powerful lnvlgorant and helper to digestion. rEKUINK'S PUnB 13AKLKY MALT WHISKEY without unduly stimulating tbo kld nrya Increases their nagging activity, counteracts the nsecls of fatigue, baa tens convalescence and is a wholesome and prompt diuretic. Watch the label I Kane genuine unless bearing the signature The analysis as It appears by tbe La bel on every bottle: 1 nave carefully an alyzed tbe Puna iurmt Milt Wnis rxt made by M. J. K rerrlne and nod It entirely tree from fusel oil, furturol, metals and acids and Is abtolulely pure." stpwa, Camilla Arthur Mater, Uraduate of the UntvertUM of ilurttch. uenevaana tteisoaaen 38 NOKTH WATER ST., PHILA FOIl SALE DY DRUGQIT AND ALL DEVLEK3. an Bole agents of the fol lowing annus oi Cigars. 11EK11Y CLAT, LONDRES, NORMAL, INDIAN PRrUCESB, - SAMSON, SILVER ASH. ilexaiir Bros do WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, ITOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE GENTS FOR HEKRY MA1LLAEDS MECA.NDIES.- FRESH EVERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa, ANY OI DEB FOR FESTIVAL will be SUPPUED WJTU THE LOWEST Market Friees, as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. - C. JB. DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. INDUCEMENTS f We are offering great inducements to persons desiring to purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. s "2 u m & So N Among tho Pianos we handle aro tho IVERS & POND. G. C. BRIGGS, BA US & CO., SCHOJUA CKER Gold Rfa'i.ii.fi rtii.rl. Onavn. Pirtnnsi Thoflf. Plnnrw nrn nil firof-lom and fuuy warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are tho celebrated ESTEY. ;MILL- ER, UNITED ST A TES and other maes, ' Our leading Sewing Machines are tho celebrated WRITE NE W DA VIS, NE W DOMESTIC. NE W E OME, HO USE HOLD, R O YAL ST. JOHN and STAND ARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, tho finest and best Rotary Rowing Machine in the wprld. Beforo purchasing writo for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'& PALACE OF MUSIC AND QREAT SEWING MACHINE. ' DEPOT, Main B., Bloonttburg, Pa. 1 V -' J.