The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 13, 1888, Image 2

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The Columbian.
t, Ilwill, t
J. X. BitUnb4r., f
Tho Democratic Stale Central Com
mittee, according to the rules of tho
putty, will nvet In-the City of IInri.g.
burg, at 4 p. m., on WocliiestUy, Jan
uary 18th, at the Bolton limine, to
elect a chairman, Secretary and Exec
utivo Committee and to transact siu-h
otbir hul(ieps as iho Committee may,
under the rules, determine.
D all ah S ankers, Chairman.
Wm, F. Dakneuowkr, Secret ry.
It is amusing, if nothing elso, to ob
serve the posltiocB taken by som of
our republionn contemporaries in their
endeavors to explain toe present pro-t
perous oondition of the nation. The
fact that all their gloomy predictions
of idnr years ago ot the dire calamities
that would surely fall upon tho whole
people nad blast the business interests
of the oouutry should a democratic
President be elected, have most signally
failed, wo really believe has been a bit
ter disappointment to them. They
would rather tho country should suffer
Irom financial iianio than that a demo
oratio administration' should havo tho
credit of restoring tho nation to an era
ot almost unprecedented prosperity.
No such a business boom was known
during tho last twelve years of repub
lican administration, a ha como npon
us in the third year nf Graver Cleve
land's presidency. Illustrative of this
we dip the following from the Phila
delphia Press :
"Ooean freights began to rise about
four months ago, principally upon the
short distance voyages about Great
Britain. English ports which at the
opening of tho year bad 100 or 200
steamers lying idle were suddenly
emptied, and all the tonnage in exist
ence found employment. The ship
yards have been so overtaxed by tho
demand for new steamers that ship-
- builders aro charging 25 per cent moro
for new vessels than three months neo.
Activity in much the same lino has
added enormously to rolling stock in
the United States, 14,000 freight cars
having been built in 1887, and the
Pennsylvania Railroad having added
to its cars through a large pait of the
year at the rate of one an himr. This
great increase in the freight of the
worhl, on laml ai d sea, is a mark quite
as much of enlarg- d demand a of
growing production, and it suggests
the possibility that the causes whieh
have so long been reduoing prices are
Hearing their end.''
And yet the Pre) is one of the
papers that says that this condition nf
things in own g entirely to tho confj
dence established by thn republican
, party, and lhat the democracy has not
(land to do anything to overthrow it.
Daring twenty-five years of misrnle the
repnblioan party failed to bring about
prosperity to anything but highly pro
tected monopolies, and yet they have
the cheek to claim all thn credit for thr
condition of things after three years of
democratic rule; Such claimB as. this
ought not to he made in the expecta
tion that inttbgeut people will, believe
from our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington. D. C, Jan. 9, 1888.
,Tisli(.g the tail of the British
Lieu, had long been a favorite and per
fectly burmltss pat-lime of Ameriean
slatetmen in the 1 gislativo halls of the
nation. And it wtiuld siera that this
mighty animal is not to esoape his per
iodical torture 'durine the present pes
sion of Congress. The Lion might do
well to heed the admonition of tbe pio-turei-que'
Ingalls, who Bays ''if the
British L.ion does not wart his tail
twisted, he must keep it between his
tegs.'' The Tall Syaamore of the Wo
bash, ludiana's must popular son, has
expressed tbe same opinion also,
JUr.-.Josepn Uhamberlain, tbe But
ish Fisheries Commissioner, who by
virtue of his being a member of Parli.
ament, has tbe privelege of the flnorof
Congress, according to custom, is the
disturbing cause at present. The din.
tioguished Englishman held a sort of
reception In tbe Senate while Mr.
Voorheeswas makiug bis tariff speech
in replj to Mr. Sherman's attack upon
tbe President's message. The conver
sation was pitched in such bigb tones
that Senatorial diunity was Beriouidy
offended, and tbe President of the Sen
ate fell called upon to silence tbe dis
tarbance with his gavel. As for Mr.
Chamberlain, he is probably more
einued againt than sinning. Tho
group of Republican senators who
gathered about him on this occasion
were tbe real offenders, for they
should have bad the grace to conduct
their guest to one of the adj iuent
cloak rooms. The Democratic Sena
tors were intently listening to the able
effort of-Mr. Voorbees in refutation of
Mr. Shermans argument, and they
justly comphiinoil that tuough they
paid undivided attention to the re
inarkB of tho Ohio Senator, when it
came the turn of Mr, Voorbees, tbe
attention of the It-publicans was al
most entirely withdrawn irom the Or
ator and the discussion. This was a
grave breech of decorum on the part
of those whoi-e duty it wa-i to obserte
it, The matter hai not yet been pub
licly alludtd to in tbe Senate, though
it may be in the near future.
One ot the most important bills yet
introduced in the Senate is that offered
by Senator Hoar fur a world's fair at
Washington in 1892. In connection
with this it is proposed to establish in
this oily permanent exposition of
tho arts, industries and resources of
Morth, South and Ctntral America,
the United States, as a muter of
course, to lake the lead. If carried out
on the scale projected, this scheme will
rival, if not surpass, the glorious ricord
ot our great Centennial.
speaker uantsles committees are
probably moro capable and satisfac
tory to tho public, if not to those as
signed, than if the work had been by
any other, lor lit a matur ot this kind
experience is everything on the part
ot the presiding olucer. The Uoust
is now thoroughly organized for bus!
ness, and lb? present week will be
season of muoh interest and activity
as the committees aro hard at work
sbapiug tho course of legivlation. The
result of their deliberations will appear
During the past week tho Commit
Ice on Elections had under cocsldira
tiou tho contestod election caso of
Thohe against Carlisle, and a numb
of affidavits have been filed by the
contestant and so vera! allegations pre
sented by the counsel Tbe bearing
of tbe case has been postponed till the
list of this w!k, ia order that the
Speaker may havo an opportunity of
defcuding the n1idity of his title,
which hii desires to do. Mr. Thobo'a
counsel is attempting to make his
client play the role of tho persecuted
workingman, in his vain effort to make
a plausible caso.
A striking and singular instanco of
Republican official irregularity acd
incompetency has just como to light
hero in tho capital. M iro than nine
teen ycr a co Gen. J. S. Cro-jker was
appointed Warden of tho District Jail,
for a term of four years, under a bond
of $5,000 1 and although lie has never
boen re-appointed, nor given a new
hond, the lueky Joncral still swings to
his ofllco. "Turn tho rascals out."
Tho indications are that in a day or
two the Prcsidont will send to the
Senate two important nominations
Mr. Stoukslnger, who is Asssistant
Commissioner of the Land Office, to
bo Cotnmi'sinner of the Laud Oflioe,
nud Goueral E. A. Bogg, ex-Congress
man from Wisconsin, to be Minister
to Mo lien. It was Gen. Bogg who
raado thn memorable, epceoh in the
Chioago Convention, landing Grover'
Cleveland: "Wo all love him for tho
enemies which ho has made." The
Wisconsin statesman hns had a distin
gniehed career, both in war and in
peace, and it is known that tho Presi
dent is desitious of honoring him.
Bridging: the English OhanneL
A railway communication between
Franco and England'si ems at last to
be on the eve of realization. Admiral
Clone, ex-Minislcr of Marine, has the
plans in charge and thus describes the
gigautio project: '
"A solid viaduct built up on stout
piers from tho bed of the sea, with a
masivo iron superstructure, will be
erected. This will start from Amble
teuse. whiob has the advantage of a
small rotdstead on the French coast.
Tbo bridge: is to form ouo continuous
way and to extend ia a northerly di
rection as far as Folkestone. Its
longth will be thirty-five kilometres.
A slight bend wilt occur at two points,
where reefs afford splendid opportuni
ties for abutments and cantilevers.
These reofs are in mid-channel and in
dicated on n'tval maps a the rocks of
Colbart and Varne.
"We do not take tbo shortest, but
tho best and shallowest route. Tbe
sea depths vary between fifty and
twelve metres, tbo deepest water being
on the French side of the channel.
Tbe piers aro to bo built of hard con
crete and masonry, and to measure
each about fifty atetree ioug by thirty
metres wide; they are to rise ten met
res above tho waves, and to support
lofty pier towers on whoso iron frame
work the superstructure will rest,
"The interval betweon two piers will
be from 500 to GOO metrcB, an venor
mous span, since the superincumbent
weight of Lhe iron work would amount
at least to twenty-five thousand tons
"Instead of having recourse to the
usual Rjatem of projecting or under
girdets, and instead of gradually con
structing from the pier outwards one
half of tbe span until it meets the other
midway, where both halves are con
joined, the whole span ot ironwork
will be manufactured on shore. This
section of the superstructure will then
bo transported in fair weather on four
elevated air-tight pontoon cases, each
of which is able lo support a weight of
10 ,000 toiiH, and when brought into
position, that is, when plaucd on a
parallel lino with tbo stono piers
(whereon some kind of elastic body
ha been placd to deaden the shook
and prevent injury to the masonry),
water is allowed to float into the pon
toon cases, which, on slowly sinking,
bring tho superstructure at both ex
tremities on a line level with the flat
surface ot the piers. The whole mass
is then gradually raised as tho iron
pier towers are built up und r it.
"The bridge, will be thiitv metres
Wide, and have four railway lines, be-
sides a roa-l for foot pasiei.gers, ve-
hides, and inspectors. BoW ior ,
guards and shunting lines will be es- j
tablished at stated distances. Eton
pier will b provided with a powerful
r. . .. . r . . - .
electrio light, besides sirens and alarm-
bells for fogay weather.
"Tho superstructure on the pier tow
ers will, of course, rise to a height
umciont to allow the tallest shins to
ride under it at ease Bar, between
fifty and sixty metres. Buoys like
thoso used in tbe Suez Canal will be
placed at regular points to show the
way at night to approaching ships, so
that these may sail through the broad
arches without danger of colliding
with the piers.
"A company has" been formed to
carry out tho giant enterprise, under
tho name of 'Tho Cnannet Bridge
nnd Railway Company, Limited.' An t
lie engiceer nnd contractor. 61.
Heraeut, who has done extraordinry
engineering teats already at Suez,
Antwerp and elsewhere, and who eu
enjoys a world wido reputation, is to
construct the French portion of tho
stone piers to a height of ti n metres
abovo tho sea level, while the ironwork
of tho towers and superstructure de
olves on tho famom Creuzot Works.
These gentlemen will be seconded by
Messrs. I'owler & Baker, the well
known L ndon firm. The plars and
sections of the masonry aro now ready,
wuiie mo ureuzoi establishment is busy
on the plans and sections whiob relate
to tbe ironwork.'
Wives andDaughti
The attractions of literature and art
havo rarely been moro happily com
bined than in the otler of the well-
known Hoiitou publishinp; house of i
llolman & Co., who, in return for the I
trlflinrv mm nf fllll-l v.fivn narita aunrl
their beautiful phoio-etchinc of Mun -
. "
kansv'a wor il tnmnna naintinn 'llhr w
Before Pilate," and their eWant new
illustrated monthly, Wives and
daughters, on a three mouth's trial 1
The picturo is too well known to
need description, its. sale to John
Wnnaraakt-r for $120,000 having been
universally otirontoiiU hy tho press,
but a word of euthuaiii-tic comtnen
datiou of tlo new magazine may be
Wives and Daughters is an ideal
production, of spaikling literary and
artistio merit, filled with bright stories
aud charming poems from tho pens of
such niitbnrs a Miss N ra l'rry, Mrs.
Mary K. Rlakr, Mis. Graeo W. Oliver,
Mrs Lavina S. OocUin, Charles
Richards Dodge, Miss Minnie. U. Bal
lard, Miss Helen F. O'Nell, aud a host
of popular writers. lis illustrations
are under the charge of Mr. Fred
Webster. Tho publication is a marvel
of good reading in attraotive form at
a iihenoiiionallv low nriep. nnd will h
found thoroughly worthy of its dedi
cation to pure womanhood. The pub
lishera may be addressed at 2830
Washington strett, Bottou, Mast.
Report of Superintendent of Pnblio Inilruo
lion. Tho state Superintendent of Public
Instruction has made his report for the
year ending June 0, 1887. We glean
tho following from itt
Tho general ndvanco of tho schools
during tho past yiar has bcon verj
satisfactory. Fifteen new school dis
tricts havo been formed, making the
fireseut number 2,281. Tho increa
n number of schools has been 870.
making the total at present 21,062
Tho inoroaso in number of graded
schools his been 857. making tho pre
ent number 0,444. Four- superintend
enta havo been added to the work of
school supervision, making tho present
number 115. Tho inoreaso in numbtr
of teachers has been 510 1 male
teachers 840, and female 170, making
tho present total 23,822. There has
been a slight increat-o in tho average
monthly salary of male teachers, and
a small decreaso in tho average
monthly salary of femalo tcsohor
Tbo average monthly salary of male
teachers is $38 53, and of female
teachers $20 8G. Tbe length ot school
term is steadily advancing.
reckkt legislation;
Tho increased appropriation of fivi
hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to
our public chools ought to give great
encouragement to onr educational
work, removing the necessity of too
severe local taxation. In our centres
of advanced culture, it is true, schools
will be vigorously carried forward at
any cost. Here tho pnblio sentiment
Is snoh as to enforco a proper attention
to Ihe young. But in the many sec
tions of the Commonwealth where the
benefits of intellectual discipline are
not so fully recognized, schools will
not advance if made to depend too
largely upon local taxation. Here the
absence of culture shows itself in the
want of interest in tbo some. In onr
judgment, therefore, the increased ap
prnpriation will greatly aid the depart
ment in bringing tho schools, especially
of such sections, up to a higher stand
ard of efficiency. There must bo cate
on every hand, that the increased fund
be rightly applied. It is for tho good
of the schools. It must not be used
by the townships or sohool districts n
such way as to lessen their own vig
orous support of the school'.
The pnrpoBC of all State appropria
tion to tho schools is to help tho chil
dren of the Commonwealth, that they
all may havo every opportunity of
securing that culturei without which
ihe possibilities of their personal being
cannot bo realized. Any movement,
therefore, upon the part of directors
to weaken the autonomy of their
districts by making tbcm dependent
upon the State appropriation, or to
lesson, in any way, their sf nse of the
necessity of vigorous self supporting
work, violate-i the very spirit and
intent of the act of appropriation.
Let the increased fund be used in
granting better salarifs to teacher
underpaid, in securing better teachers
by a general advances of salaries, in
lengthening the school term, and in
increasing apparatus and libraries.
Wo aro gratified that at last the
minimum school term has been ex
tended to six months. Tbo teaobers
of the State have been urging this
for years. By tbo act of May 8", 1854.
tho minimum term was fixed at four
months, and so it continued for
eighteen years. By aot of April 0.
1872, it was extended to five months,
and so continued until this year. It
is surprising that during all this time
about -eight hundred townships or
sohool districts, embracing nearly six
thousand scb 'ols, failed to inoreaso
the term a single day.
It must not bo supposed for a mo
ment that the Legislataro, in fixing
the minimum term now at six months,
intended to favor so short a teim, or
to establish it as a proper standard.
The aim of the law is to lengthen
'7,"' no1 lo BU.orlu" ufi T
mA lt 18 " encouraging fact that our
average school term ,s quite beyond
hatTias teen fixed as the minimum
XeT A 'tead'ly advancing,
The bte"l'fi,B of tlns w .moet. bo
flnnnrunl irk a nv nn It. irlll IT VP.
i . vv. j .....
dur ns the coming yer, one additional
month ot sch'-ol discipline to over
two hundred and tenty fivo thousand
children in Pennsylvania. We must
guard again t weakening the beuifits
-of this law to teachers as well as to
children. Directors should not make
teachers bear the burden of this effort
to advance, by lowering their mcnthly
salaries so ai to make the cost the
same es before. Any condnct of this
kind will rapidly shcw i's evil effects
'Good teachers will be driven to other
and more advanced districts, and a
lazy indifference soon ch raeterizo the
dUtrict in which it is
practiced. Wm
. that only in
are satisfied, howevo
rare ca-.ea will any such course be
pursurd. On tho contrary, we feel
convinced that it will not be long
before a school of only six months will
bo regarded us nn anomaly.
Tho enactment of the present law is
wh'it we have all along desied. Wo
liave now a detiuito school month of
tw uty days of actual teaching, or one
hundred and i wenty days for the mini
mum six months, not the bo interfered
with by tho o-Hintiiig of any holidays
or the week of institute or any other
contingency. The ins'itotes now stand
upon their own merit. Proper remun
eration is given to teachers for their
attendance upon them, carofully
guarded by official rporls sent to tho
vat ions boards; and all schools are
cloned during the time of institute,
that no teachers may have engage
ments to Keep them trom attendi ig.
IMS is as it should bu i tor our in
stitutes are ot inesttmtnio value o our
I .l...l 1. J .l 1.1 1 .1
l?,'"uu, uou'iuragcu
'""'"J .uootu.o ,, "hiiuk m
tended iniUtutei in various other
States, wo are more aud moro con
vineed mat fonnsyivama lias rca-on
to be proud in that her county insti
tutes carry with them a wide spread
educational power. jnoi oily nr
teauhers encouraged and benefited by
unm, mil wnoie communine. come
under their influence, and thn Depart
imut can iiiid no surer Iway to nao)
the mass of tho people than tlirouh
their iiutrum ntality.
Tbe roiumoudable service now being
rendered in the public schools of th
uommonwoilth hy teaobers who havo
had tho advantage of normal school
training is tbe best evidence that can
he offon d in proof of the fact that
these schools are co-operating in the
woric of education within their prone
aud legitimate, sphere. The marked
inoreaso in tho number of earnest and
faithful students in attendance during
tho pa-t year shows that Ihe Stati
Normal schools as a whole nro re
garded hy thoughtful Ptoplo with
growing favor, and aro proving them
selves worthy of a most generous
support. .
. . HlQBKE,
TIONAL 8. a SERIES, JAN. ID, 1888.
Qommttitt t7 IUr. Wllllnm Nwton, D.
J). Text of lbs Letton, Matthew sir,
83-30 Golden Tut, Matthew xlr, 9-7.
Memorise Verne 97-St
(rroin Lruon Helper Qunrterljr, by permlmloa
ot II. B. Hoffman. rhiladelrhlA, publisher.
Note-i. Comtralnod, tit-Red with groat
force, or Induced by most weighty reason.
Bhlp, 1. a flsblng boat. Other tide, 1.6.,
of the ten, or lake. Evening, the second
evening or night. Fourth watch, or about
8 o'clock, the darkest portion of the night.
A spirit, the HoviMxl Version says "an ap
parition." Tho meaning is clear; they
thought It was a disembodied spirit, and so
were afraid. Baw tho wind, or tho effect of
the wind In the boisterous state of tbe too.
Doubt, or thl.ik I would let thoo porisht
Qennesaret, a small, crescent shaped plain
on the northwest ot the sea. It Is mentioned
only twleo in tho New Testament, Matt,
xlr, St and Mark vl, 63.
V. 23. Tho effect of this feeding tho 6.000
was so groat that tbe people determined to
take him by force and make him their king.
Could not ho, who could do such mighty
works, off tbe Roman yoke and restore
the power and splendor of David's throne!
And the dlsclplos probably shared thepeoplo's
enthusiasm and entered Into their design. It
would bo a great thing for them for would
thoy not be high in office when he was klngt
Jesus perceived all this, and at once his action
was determined on. 'Not from their hands
would he accept his kingdom. Not under
present surroundings would he reign. Ills
"kingdom was not of this world." "He con
strained them" to depart as bo said I. e., to
go to the other side ot the lako "before him"
calling along the coast, or in order to take
htm up, after he -bad sent the multitude
away. This dono, ho went up Into a moun
tain alone to pray.
Jesus alone on tho mountain top in prayer.
What a eight to awe tbe spirit, and to
touch the heart. And wheroforo was he
there! TVero there not two reasons! Did he
not yearn, nmld the noise and tumult of tho
worldly minded multitude, for the calmness
and quiet of communion with the father!
Was not Us humanity llko our own, In all
things, "yet without sinf Did he not more
in tbo presence of what might bo danger,
calm, and steady, and true, because he met it
in perfect accord with the father's will!
And only In that is there safety always, be
cause only in that Is there perfect truth. He
would have us do as he did flee from the
danger, and strengthen ourselves by com
munion with God.
V. What a striking contrast do these
verses present. Jesus alone on tho mountain
in prayer; the disciples in midnight darkness
and storm. Manifestly, the storm had burst
upon them suddenly, and driven them out of
their courso, for they were now "in tho midst
of the sea" instead of sailing quietly along
the coast. And yet they were exactly In the
position which He intended them to occupy.
He saw it all before they sailed. This sudden
outburst of supposed danger real onough
but for his knowledge and intention about
it this darkness, this howling wind, thesa
boisterous waves, and his own bodily nbsenco
from them, all entered into his plan, and oven
meant to point tho Josson be intended them
to learn.
V. 25. This verse tells us Jesus had not for
gotten his disciples. The midnight darkness
had not shut them from his sight. "He saw
them toiling in rowing," and his heart
yearned toward them In their utter helpless
ness. And just when their dangor seemed
greatest, and the darkness deepest, "In the
fourth watch of the night," he moved in
their behalf. But he is on the mountain and
they "in the midst of the boo." How shall be
reach them! Thwe is no difficulty here. Is
it not written, that "all things servo theeT'
And so the sea bows down its waves before
him and spreads them for a path for him to
walk on. And so he came to them "walking
on the sea" teaching them and us that no
creature of his hand can come in between
htm and his people's need. It is In vain for
us to speculate on how this was done. We do
not know tbe how of any process by which
God works in nature.
V. 20-27. How intensely human the poor
disciples were. How exactly like ourselves.
For with all our boasted attainments in
science and philosophy, we should have been
as frightened as they. We may call it supersti
tion or whatever else we choose. No one
thinks of accounting for something that is by
referring it to an agency which he believes is
not At onco Jesus soothes their fears. He
bids them bo of good cheer, and speaks tba
good words which have rung through the
ages In every storm and brought the sweet
ness of peace, wherever faith has hoard them :
"It Is I. Be not afraid."
V. S3. No attestation could have been
more fitting than this: "Thou art the Son of
God." None so perfectly justified by all the
facts of the case. The feeding of the
5,000, the walking on tho sea, tho ceasing
of tbe wind as be entered into the ship, and
Immediate arrival of the vessel at land,
John vl, 21. What else could these things
mean to those who saw them!
V. 33-30. This land of Qennesaret was on
the western side of the lake. And the inci
dent here related is one of great simplicity
and beauty, and brings, very distinctly, throe
lines of thought L c. :
1. Tho men of the place came to learn who
Jesus was.
3. Learning this they went out and brought
to him all tbe sick in the country round
about; and
3. All who touched him were made per
fectly whole. What volumes of truth am
condensed in these linesl
1, The meaning and tbe power of faith. It
we ask what Is faith! the answer will be, lt
is belief. And while this Is certainly true, it
is not all the truth. Does not the present
lesson show this! Does not the eleventh
chapter of Hebrew show it! Faith connects
the soul with God, and so becomes a factor In
tho kingdom of God, as all these cases show.
As we stand before Jesus on the cross, faith
becomes tho medium through which bis
saving power flows into our souls. It is all
"of grace through faith." And in all the
acts of the Christian lifo, through which this
same power manifests Itself, faith Is the
medium through which it acts. It holds up
every sinking l'etor, and makes us victors in
tho "good fight," and winners in the hcavonly
2. Our most subtle tempatlons may of ten
times bo found in teeming zeal for tho cause
ot Christ, just as those people seemed to be
zealous for Jesus when they sought to make,
him King. He saw it was a snare, and fled
from It. Is there a certain test and guide
for us! Yen. Under all circumstances tbe
revealed will of God will guide us in the only
way we can nafely tread.
H, Jesus, In bodily presence, walking on tbe
sea to go to t Is disciples lu distress is simply
an object lesson of "this same Jesus" present
uy nis spirit wncrever tnoy are In need,
l'rcsent everywhere, in all tho tenderness of
his love, in all the might of his power,
Tbereforo ho could well sav to them: "It Is
expedient for you tljat I go away." For his
spirit makes his prcseuro universal.
Whlt atrrlllns.
Mr M.S. Hamlin, one of the best known
insurance men in North Carolina, writes
from Winston, as follows: " Kvrr since I
was seven years of uge I have had what
tbe doctors call hip disease, and wldch I
call white swelling. My hip was drawn
out ot place, Thsre was a swelling at the
knee-joint, where thera is a profuse run
ning, which has been there for yera. Of
course thin has (rrrutly depleted my sys
tem, together with surgical operation on
the leg bone; I tried avery known blood
puriSor to build up my system, but none
am me gooa until i toon a. a. a.
I use it
every spring.
It always builds roe up,
giving me appotlto and digestion, and ena
bles me In stand tho long, trying, ener
vating, hot summer days. To rao there is
no such ini-dlclne for pyrifylng the blood
and building up the waited system as
8. 8. S. On using it I soon became strong
of body and easy of mind. My color
changed from a pale, worn look: to a
lieultliy. robust complexion "
Mr, G. N, Frlnel, of Farmerivllle,
Texus, writes; "About August 1st, 1HC5,
an ei upturn appeared on my arms and
lrgr, which pained me much aud soenwd
to affect my physical condition generally.
On the advice of a physician at this place,
1 finally commenced ulng Swift's Specific.
I am glad to say that after using three
largo bottles the sores have all healed "
'JrcatUe on Illcxxl and Skin Diseases
mailed free. TllK Swift Sl'EVU'lC Oo,
Drafter 3, Atlanta, Ga.
AGENTS WANTED to Cnnvasn for Ad
vertlslnGT Patronize. A small amount n
work done with tact and intelligence may produce
a considerable Income. Agenta earn Boveral hun
dred dollars la co-otnUstons In a single srason and
incur no personal respon-tbllltr. Kuauu-o at the
I nearest neusuaper onlce and learn that ours is
tbe beat known and bet equipped establishment
or placing- anerii3"iaenis m newspapers sua con
veying lo advertuer-4 the tnlormatlon which they
require in order to moke their Investments wisely
11 ntll iuiuiiuuu auu uratuuai, way umum Ulliuur-
llj io auuciv auvenuiuic puirunaffe (or us.
by letter to Una p. Itowsu. & Co.. Newspapej
vertlslng Bureau, 10 spruce St., New York,
luUparUcuUrawluUtaatbjr mura.uau.
r au-
The Ohinoeo Disaster.
II. ,)!
TION oujseo nr tiik iioano no's
London, Jan. 6. Tho special corres
pondent of the Standard gives to day
a very graphic picture of tho tremen
dous hns of llfo in China from tho
over'low of tho river Iloung Ho nnd
tho treramdous famine now threatened.
Ho sajs about one sixth of tho entire
area of "tho Garden of China," as
Honan is styled, is now converted into
a vast lake, with hero and there a
pagoda top or tho gable of somo high
wall rising over the increasing water
to mark tho sites of what were a short
timo ago prosperous cities of many
thousand inhabitants. The rest of tho
country is overrun with wi etched refu
gees who were fortunite enough to
esoape with their lives, though with
naught else. In hundreds of instances,
men who threo short moons ago were
men of wealth, to-day sit gazing on
the inland sea, stunned, hungry, stupid
and df jected, without a rag lo wear or
a morrul of food to eat.
Tho it undatinns commenced at a
little distance from Kaifung Fu, otio
of the largest cities of lhe province,
and in ono instanco somo four miles of
solid embankment of stones, brick,
Band and clay wore swept away with
innumerable moles and fascines. In
tho districts of Ching Chow and Chen
Cbow uo less than threo thousand laigo
villages are staled to have been engulf
ed in a very few moments and scarcely
any of their ill-fated people had time
to savo themselves, as the breech oc
curred in tho night time. The extent
of the disaster will bo belter under
stood when I say that an extent of
country much larger than tho principal
ity of Wales and much moro thickly
populated is now a sea and all the in
habitants either drowned or fled. Tho
people so terribly visited can uot num
ber far short of the wholo population
of Ireland, an tbe province includes
about 25,000,000, with area of 05,
000,000 sqnaio miles, and tho waters
of tho river now cover between f,000
and 10,000 t-quare mitei. Accounts
daily publish ril in the naiivn and for
eign papers and in the Fckin Gazette
reveal the most horrible sufferings of
tbe survivors, who are perishing of
I am told that in hundreds of in
stances, when tho waters rushed ioto
tho cities, sweeping walls, houses and
everything before ihoin, people refused
to stir and met their deaths with that
wonderful indifference whioh charnct
rizes tho Chinese iu somo cases, for
tho Celestial is n( thing if uot a fatalist
of the most pronounced and nnioason
ing type. According to the best and
moat trustworthy auhorities which I
have b- en able to consult, the loss ol
life will not bf numbered by thong
ands, or tens of thousands but literal!)
hy hundreds of thousands, whilo the
starving people mut-t amount to many
millions, who aro utterly beggared, and
depending for subsistence upon the
charity of others. The Emperor has
already contributed T00,000 taels, or
about $128,000, out of the privy purse,
besides ordering 2,000,000 taels, or
$2,50,000, out of the imperial Treas
ury towards the relief of tVo sufferers.
Spies' Brut
Life size plaster of paris busts of
Augnst Spies are beinrr largely pnr
cbaced by the sympathizers with the
Ohioago Anarchists. After tho bodies
of the men bad been removed from tbe
jail to their former homes an unknown
sculptor tcok plfster impression of
Iheir faces. The bnst is a startling
eproduclion of the appearance of-tbe
Anarcbiht as he lay in his ct.flin, the
marks of the noose upon tbe neck be
ing especially plain.
Intending purchasers of Pond's
Extract cannot tako too much pro
caution to prevent substitution. Somo
druggists, trading on the popularity of
tho great Family Remedy, nttompt to
palm off other preparations, unscru
pulously asserting them to bo "tho
sarnons" or "equal to" Pond's Ex
tract, indifferent to the deceit prac
ticed upon and disappointment there
by caused to tho purchaser, so long
as larger profits accrue to themselves.
Always insist on having Pond's Ex
tract. Take no other.
BY MEASURE. Quality uniform.
Prepared only by POND'S EX
TRACT CO., ow York and London.
See our namo on every wrapper and
label Noto picture of bottlo bolow.
tlsm, Ketraljja,
ihm of an
sore Ires,
The Famous Lecturer, JOHJt B. COUGH,
wrote i " For Bore Throat, especially when tend
log to ulceration, I have found lt very beneficial."
ANDREW D. WHITE, Ex-President of "Cornell
University, sars; "One of the absolute nMi
tUt of housekeeping." 2Utur4togtth4 genvlnt.
KMHA ABBOTT, the celebrated prima donna.
" Valuahla aod beoeacUl." '
IIFTWOOD. RSITII, M. D., M. R., f. V.. of
England." I have used lt with marked benefit."
If. 0. PRESTON, M. D., BrooUjm, K. Y. "I
faunr of so remedy so ceneralrr useful."
ARTrtUB fJUISSESS, M. D., r. R. C. S.. of
England. "I have prescribed POND'S EX
TRACT with great success."
Jl'STIX D. rmTOX, D. D., Brooklyn. N.T.
Provuur Itself tons a necessity In our homo."
P. A. WESTER VELT, !-. Nashville. Tenn.
" Have used law quauutles of POND'H EX
TRACT In my practice."
Hri. B. B. XefflRD, Matron, Homo of Desti
tute Children.'1 We find It most efficacious and
Ia Bottlts only. Prices, 60c, tl, S1.;S.
Xoti mr iw on ttcty tcmpptr and laid.
rrtpsted oaly hy POXDH EXTRACT CO.,
Tne undersigned, nn Auditor appointed by
tbe Orphan' court of Columbia conntr
to make distribution of fund In hands ot
the admlnlurator, is hown by account nied to
cm. o, r-epi, -lerm. ibot, win sit ai uis omcu in
Bloomsburg. on Wednesday. Febnmr 1. luM.
at 10 o'clock a. m., to attend to the duties ol his
appoiutu'Cnt, when and where all persons having
claims against said estate must appear Hnd prove
them, ot be forever debarred from any share ot said
Jan e.
u d. nifliniuiAbn,
ssraTK or CATUiiiNs risvii, dkciisip.
Tbe undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or-
Enaus- luurv or I'oiumoia county, to mam
ution ot the fund arising irom sale of
tate. as shown by account bled to ho. 13. 1
1807, will fclt at his onlce to,- the purposes of his
appointment on Wednesday, I-ebruary I, iBtH, at a
o'clock p. in., when xnd wbi re all persous having
them, or be forever debarred from any share of
said fund.
Jn 0.
u o. wim ana l BUM,
Leadfnfl1 k
a no
ver been.
made Yvifef,
for medicinal
Value fcr&im
toequr the
ir Sthalni. bain
tteyaretvorft ffieirwsw
(Irvijirf tor trttm.
jSthuiilrrs (gnrdware.
In making your selections for
holiday presents nothing is an
preeinted better than an article
that is useful. Pretty, useless
articles are soon laid to ono side
and forgotten, but an article of
daily use is a constant reminder
of the giver. Wo give below
some suggestions from our stock,
and cordially invito an inspec
tion, whether yo.u wish to buy or
not. For the Mother, Agate
Iron ware is always welcome; wo
have a large assortment, Tea and
Coffee note, Tea Kettles, Dish
fians, Wash basins, Stew pans,
Cettles, Water buckets, Pudding
pans, Drinking cups, Pie jilates,
Dippers, Spoons, Cake griddles,
Batter pails, or a set of fanny
Toilet ware, Bird cages large va
riety, Clothes wringers, Fancy
Metal Tea pots, One Minute Cof
fee pots, Copper Tea Kettles,
Nickle nlated Kettles. Mrs.
Potts Sad irons, scissors, Egg
Our stock is the largest in this
section, consisting ot Call bells,
Drinking Cups, Pie, Cuke,
.ruit, Fish, Butter, Dinner, lea
and Carving knives, Nut picks,
button hooks irom o to 10 inch
es long. Breakfast, Dinner and
rickle Casters, liutter, Berry
and Cake dishps, Cream aud
Water pitchers, Table, Dessert,
ea, bugar, bait and Berry
spoons, bpoon holders, bugar
tongs, Napkin rings, Sugar
bowls, byrup cups, Candle sticks.
Our line of cutlery deserves
special mention. Scissors and
Shears of the celebrated Heinisch
make put up in sets in handsome
cases or singly, pocket knives
all kinds and prices, a special line
ot tine -bnjriish goods lor best
trade. Table knives and forks
GOc. to $30.00 a doz. in hand
some plush .satin lined cases or
without. Carving sets in great
variety, breakfast and dinner
carvers from 75c. to $20.00
set in coaco, rubber, celluloid,
Statr bone, ivory, Walrus and
pearl handles, put up in hand
some plush cases or without.
Razors and shaving sets.
The new circular thermometer
five to eight inch dial, price re
duced to $2.50, every one war
ranted, r ishing rods, b ly books,
Reels, etc, Guns, Revolvers,
Tools for everybody. Sleigh
Skates! Skates!
Especially for the holidays,
all sizes : the new adjustable all
clamp skate is all the go since the
Erico has dropped so low every
ody can buy them.
We havo on hand left from
the season's sale a few muzzle
and breech loading Guns which
wc wish to close out tins season
No reasonable olfer refused; now
is your chance ior a good gun
at a low price.
Yours llesp.
J. R. Schuyler & Co,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Notice Is hereby given to all legatees, creditors'
ana otner persons iniereaipa in intf eHcau-8 or ine
In? administrators', executors' and guarauns' ac
rcttuccufe uei-ucuu iuu minors mai im luiiuw-
ci.untB nave ueen uiea in tne orate ui me
of columbU county, and will bo preeented for
confirmation and allowance In the Orphan's court
to ne n--ia in tJioom&Durg on jduhuai. rnuiiu.
aky etn iwxf, at z ociocic p. ra. on saia aat
No 1. First and final account ot Hsrman Pah.
ringer, and Isaiah Uower, executors of Itebecca
iranringr law oi Locust vuwnsuip ucceoatxi.
No. 2. First and tlnal account ol Cnarles Halier.
administrator at John Hater, late of the townolilp
D( uc&ver, ueccasuu wuu uiunuuuuu bibiciui-ui.
Nn s. First and nnal account of II. C. Munroe.
auuiluigiraiur ui nmr waicro, lata ul tug iuwu.
BMP Ol Msaison, aeceasea.
No. 4. First ana n lal account of M. u. Freaa,
ad ulnlstrator ol Hamuel Freaa late o( Qreenwooa
township, ui.-ce.isca.
No. s. First and final account of Isaiah B. Evans
executor 01 Uu-.annah uvans, late ot Bern tck, de-
No. a. First and final account ot W. I'. Iietler
administrator of Stephen iietler late ol Winiln
townsnip, aeceafcea
NO. 7. First and partial account ol Thomas Mo.
uenry, 1. & Apnieinan, executors ot Bamuei u.
fiuituu ui Aiuuut, ru-asant, ueceasea.
No. 6. First and tlnal account of n P. Peter.
man, administrator ot Elizabeth Peterman late ot
luoumuui uiuuiusuuri, ucuvostfu.
Nat First and final account of Jacob Oelslng.
Kit nuuuuuiruLur ui v.u 1'uuicr, MUD t( j-i&ning
creelc township, deceased.
No. 10. First and final account nf William 11
Wagner, administrator ot David Wagner, late ot
vunusmp, i-uiuiuuui cuuuiy, ru , ueccosea First and final account of N. U Funk,
vitc wivuauiij lAjiuinuia, county, ra., aeccasea.
Kuu.twwv.uvw, w. U..U1U vp,UCuUvli la vu UI
NO. IS. First and final Ai-eount of Chsrlea Unm.
boy. administrator of joud l. IieUhiinn. iaia nr
the township ot Hemlock, county 01 (
No. 18. An account of the admlnlsiniinn nf it
.1. D Hutan, Executilx 4a of a It Itutan, lite ol
FUblngcreek township Columbia county Pa., de
ceased. The First and final account ot William
A Miller admlnlatrator of John Miller, late of
iHuiiwk vunuautu, wuiuuiuitl CUUOiy, QQ.
No. 15. First and final account of Howard
ness, administrator or Andriw J, lless. late ol
uugarloaf township, deceased,
No. IS. First and final account ot Ellas ltelcbard
I-, ui ui. .i. a. twyvn iuvw ui ursjure towmuilD,
"lpivaufifvl i
colored trm
hlftllre K,AWW
ltcul Instate!
nrAfr nf thn Ornhsna' Court Of
Co umbla county, t'a., tho undersigned trustee,
sppolntcd by said Coutt for that puri oso, will ox
poso to publlosslo, on the premises, on
SATlTimAY. .TANILMtY 21. lBfcB,
st 10 o'clock a. m., tho following described rrat
csttte, to wltt All that cervun io or p i
land, situate In tho town of Bloomsburg, on the
south Bldeof Second or Main street of sAld
north by second or Main street, on the east by lot
, L?.7 Th. ,th bv nioem
alley of snld town, ana on mo west uy nuemm
ot aid lown.telng slsty-stx feet four Inohcs front
on 6.ild Second or Main street, and two hundred
and fourteen feet accp, on wnicn are crecveu
frame stable nnd other outbuildings. All kinds of
fruit on the premises.
TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. 01 one-iourin
of the purchaso money to bo paid t the striking
down of tho property; tho one-fourtU less the ten
per cent, at tbcconflrmatlon absoluto, and tho re
maining throo-fourths In one year thcroalter, with
Interest from confirmation nisi. Possession to bo
given April 1, 1883. Dtcd to be made at the ox
penso of the purchaser, All personal property on
tho premises resorved. ,,,.
Iiilir & IIxriuno, Attys. Trustee.
December SO, 1SS7.
Real Estate !
tiintimnt to an order ot the Ornhans' Court ot
luiuiuuin uuuuiji. tunc nminmiui, iiuuiib ruv,
oH the premises, (n Brlarcieck township, on
Saturday, January H
ij WW)
nt 9 o'clock a. m.. the following described real ca
tatt), late ot Ktephen Thomas, deceased, viz:
First. All that certain tract of land, bounded
on tbe north bt Rombach's land, on the east and
south bv O, P. Lcarn'B land, and on the west by
Subtle road, leading from the Orangovllle read to
i. L. & V. it, It., contalnlnlng
1-4 ACRE,
more or less, and Is known as the "school bouse
KECOxo. A tr-tct ot land, bounded on tho north
b towing path ot Fenn'a, Canal, on the east bj
land ot r. imunhouse, on tbe south and west by
lands ot A. B. croop, containing
more or less.
Tnmo. All that tract, bounded on the north and
west by a public rond,lc.iblng rrom the Orangevllle
road to the D. L. W . lt It, on the south by the
ri. I. w il It., on the cast bv land of D. Rom
bach's estate and land ot O. I'. Learn, containing
more or less, on which aro erected a large
large barn and outbuildings
bv towlnir natb ot Pennsylvania i anal Co.. on tho
rociiTii. tract 01 innu. oounuea on uie norm
south by ti'isquehanna river, on the east by 1 ind ot
A. u. uruup, uu tuu wueb uy mini ui mens' ucirs,
more or less, on which are creeled a FRAME
I),- KJ.U1P1U, siaoio ana ouiouuaingq.
1 he sale will begin at tho dwelling house on
tract No. 3.
TKiuiBOK balk. Ten per cent, ot onc-iounn
ot the purchase money to be paid at lhe striking
down of the property, the one fourth less the ten
per cent, at 1 be connrmat on absolute, and the
remaining three-fourths In one year thereaiter,
w lh Interest from confirmation nisi. Purchaser
to pay for maKingaeea.
aecicj. u. u. dAunou, Aum-r.
Nit Ice Is hereby given that the following named
persons have tiled with tbe Cl-rk of the Court
of Quarter salons of the Peace of Colum
bia conrty their petitions tor License, which
will be presented to thn said Court on Monday,
the sixteenth day of January, A D. lass, at ten
o'clock a. m.:
A'nrae. Tioj). or Hero. Jflnd of License.
Aurana, uoo s sons, uioomsDiirg, Tavern,
Ash A Dro,
Bakey, James A,
Klllman, George W,
Koran, Thomau.
Vrennan. M V
llerarer. it.
Caldwell, John F
curry, Daniel r
cole, W II
Collins, Thomas,
ue-irencK, unarms u
Drake, Lemuel
Fdgar, BFSCo
Falrman, lieece
Fetterman. Charles
Flshlngcreek, Distillers,
urinific, Auveru,
Fullmer, A II
ruwier. j n uu
Glrton, Jacob L
Gllmore. William II
Gllmore, Frederick M
Glgger, William
Gnlnss orthy, John W Centralla,
moss, reier
nazledlne, Samuel
iianev, 11 J
nets Olive,
lb ss, Aaron W
Keller, John II
msiier, iiesier
Kline, John L
Klnse. George W
Knnrr. Nathan
Li filer, George II
Markle, v A
Miller, George W
iiciirearty, James
do do
Centralis, Wholesale ag't,
1 avern,
do . Tavern.
McIIenry, Rohr&Co
Slcllenry, J U
McFadden Edward
McLaughlin, Arthur
Ni uney, John
O'Connor, Johanna
Benton, Distillers,
do Tavern.
Centralis, Restaurant,
ao vvuoiesaie,
do do
do Liquor store,
mner, Aiuanaus
11 rry, J w
Rluwn, Stephen B
Rook. William O
Hobblns, 1 ortez B
Ryon, MichaelJ
t-human, Addison W
uu -1 averu,
Suirarloaf. do
Catawlssa, Restaurant
Berwick, Tavern.
Bloomsburg, Wholesale,
Centralla, Restaurant
Main, Tavern,
Madison, do
Beaver. do
Kiiiitn, "ilea
Smith, Mary
Sponenbeiger. BenJ
Ktohner. Bernard
Berwick, Restaurant
iiioomnnurg, do
do Bottler,
Berwick, do
Scott. Tavern!
Taylor, ttililam
'i u ne, August
Thr.ish. A J
Tiuckenmlller, Adam
Catawlssa, Restaurant
1"UU, V it
Turner, J 11
Yeager, Wellington
Yetter, Boyd It
Yetter, Wright A
Bloomsburg, Tavern,
orange, do
Lo-usl, do
Main, do
Catawlssa, do
Clerk ot court. Quarter sessions.
Clerk's office, Bloomsburg, Pa., Dec. 30, issi.
Salute of Elizabeth llojrman, tate of Vloomtbure,
tvu. aeccasea.
Letters of admlnutriiMo 1 on the -iitd cslatahav,
Ing been granted to the undersigned administrator
alt persons Indebted to said estate are hereby no
tified to pay tbe same, and those having claims
MKuiwt, nam csiaio prutcm. iuh same 10
vauu,.DU Jk JAUUlll, AamT,
The undershrned auditor, nnnolntad br thn
Orphans' court otcolumhla county, to make dH
tributlon or tbo balance In the hands or norgo
Kuckln. Administrator, as shown bv bis final an.
count, :to and among the p-rtlea entitled, will
ancuu in 1110 uuiimui uu apuutaimenv, at vue ot
nMnrr-h.riiMfi iin.i.ian i. iiiun.h.i
Saturday, Februiry4th. 188, at V o'clock In the
fo enoon, when and where all persons having
claims against the estate of slid deceased must
nppear and proe them, or be forever debarred
11 vim ixjuuuK iu iur u snire 01 saia tuna.
St Auditor.
vstiti or aitoaoi W. ViKXITTi.
The ucderslgned Auditor, appointed by the
ii'uu ui Miwiuuu j ica- ui uuiumuiu county, ra..
to dlstrlbut" proceeds in hands ot tbe Court, arls-
Inc- tmtn vihnnfra aalAnf thA rnnl batata t ei
W Vannatta, to. and among the several creditors
cui'iiea ineteio, win sit at nis omce, wuu c. W.
Ml ler. in tiloom&buKr. on Fndav. thn V7th iiav nf
January. 1E68. at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where
mi umuoa luvorotiuxi iuu-b appear ana present
their claims, or be thereafter debarred rrom any
0 1 1 1. . I . ....... . v, ...... a -
oua,uui BUlUiuUU. A. n. lUQl,
DecSO. Auditor.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by tbe
Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, to distribute
uu- muii iu iue uanas 01 josepn u. kck, adm'r
Of Sarah A. Kek. &s ner ReenuTif nlArt liinrnh.n.i
Ct urt or said county, hereby gives notion that he
win attend to the duties ol his appointment at his
,-uivvi, iu ucrn.c, wiiumuia county, on trriaay.
January 87. issh at a o'clock u m when onM
where all part'es Interested are required to make
thelrclalms known, or be forever deb.rred from
wuiuiK iu uu cam iuuu. ii. l, AUItsun,
decSJ Auditor.
4arouiif q Anna Conner, turttrtna partner of the
firm of K. Itterman.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by tto
Court ot common Pleas of Columbia county, to
distribute the fund In the hands of the accountant,
to and among tbe parties eqll led thereto, will alt
at bis omce. In Uloomsburg, on Sitrrday, January
tl, 188a, at JOo'clock In tun loi enoon, for the pur
poses ot his appolntmtkt, whea and where all per
so s must appear and prove their claims, or bo de-
V . 1 1 V VI iiuiu HUJ DUUVUI BUlll IUUU.
dcc.I-lt. GEO. E. ELWELL, Auditor.
Kttateo William .Y. A, Roqert.'tate of Orange
totrniMp, aeceafta.
Lettters testamentary on the said estate having
been granted to tbo undershrned, an persona in
debted lo said estate are hereby notified to pay the
same, and those having claims against said estate
will present the same for teltlement to
w Kaectttor,
a uiUMft, ritirroanAi'i., AUToonArn and
J scrap, a large nd complete Itne nt J. II,
Sorter's Uiug and rook store, Evans' Mock;.
Haclieta, l'omntlrs, llalr Dyes and Hay Rum
at J. II. Mercer's Drug nnd Hook blorc, Evans'
block, opposite Episcopal church.
at J. Hi Mercer's Drug and Hook Moro, oppo
site Episcopal Church.
fine stock at Mercer's Drug and tlook Store,
opposite Episcopal Church, luoomsburg, Pa.
h Afnll linoat J. II. verccr's Drug and Boole
a 11111 11UU lib tf. 11. 1
re, Upper Main treet,
im nv At.t.
at very low
store, intra
Cooper's oclatlne. Tapioca, Sage, Arrow Hoot
and all the prepared foods for children and In
valids at Mercer's Drug and Uook More. nrt door
above 11cm' Root and Shoo Store, Uloomsburg, Pa.
Mixed seed for the birds at J. II. Mercer's
Drug and Book Btorc, first door below Creasy 's
Grocery Store.
I1 in Tablet form, at J. II.
Mercer's Drug and
book store, Uloomsburg, pa.
N ties, Teething Rings and all requisite ut ibe
nrscry (hat win contribute to the beby's happi
ness, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book store, two
doors above Evans & Eycra Clothing store.
receipts carefully prepared at all hours at
term's Drug nnd book More, Bloomsburg, Fa.
at J, H. Mercer's Drug and Bock Store, No 08 Main
cosmetto anagoia ana Bluer inamona liust,
street, 1
t, Bloomsburg, ra.
nrlces-at Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
opposite Episcopal Church, Bloomsburg, Pa,
Hen Wonders exist In thousands of
forms, but are surpassed oy tne marvels or
Invention. Thoso who aro In need of prof
itable work that can be done while living
at home should at onco send their address to
llallet 6 Co., Portland, Maine, and receive free,
full information bow either tex, of all ages can
earn from 19 to 1 2s ccr lay and upwards wher-
ever they live. You are started free, capltnl not
required, somo have made over fso In a slnglo
day at this work. All succeed. lydecao.
alarril Wo mall enough to con- J.TC6
vlnce. B. S. Lacoersacu & Co., uroad st,,
Newark, N. J. dec.3dt.
Washington, D. O
send for circular
-t s Pl?T? ritoriT ana bahi'lhii
I III I 1 Jt-'i FREE to men canvassers
I I II im?'KtV tor Dr. ecotfa (lenulno
L J J UilliN 1 .Kiectrlc Helta. Brushes. 0.
t nrtr Bc-entn wanted for Electric Corsets. Quick
salos. write at once for terms. Dr. scott. Ml
Broadway, N. Y. dec23d4t.
Finest and cheapest
Annual sales, 8,000,000 Jars.
N. B. Genuine only with fac-slmile of
Baron Lie'oig's
To bo had ot all oorekccperB, grocers and drug
D NERVE TOBIB removes all consequences ot
t oUy ana axoeut renswt the snergr, ooarun and rigor
of Tooth. Ourra weakoeH of mind and bod 7 1 Nerrona
Debllltr, Spinal Exhaustion, Loat Manhood, ato. A
powarf ol nerronii 1 nvteprator and reatoratlra. Partlo
nlara free. BAKER UEU. CO., Bos KM, buffalo, N. Y.
Re-n-ardecl aro those that read
this and then act: they will find honor
able employment that will not tako
them from their bomes and famines.
The profits are large and sure for every Industri
ous ptrson, many nave made and are now making
several hundred dollars a month. It Is eary for
any one to make )5 and upwards per day, who Is
willing to work. Either sex, young or old; capital
not needed; wo start you. "Everything new. No
special ability required; you, reader, con do lt as
well as any one. Write lo us at once tor full par
ticulars, which we mall tree. Address Stlnson &
Co., Portland, Maine. lydecso.
fiiikEX RjsfQ.vrs.
Wheat per bushel
Rve " "
50 05
S3 45
4.1 0 to 650
24 20
22 24
60 80
09 13
00 10
10 ' 13
20 80
75 1 00
5 to 7
Ccrn " " ....
Oats "
Flour " bbl
Uutter .T.
Dried Apples
Geese i
Lard per lb
Vlnecar per gal
Onions per bushel
Veal skins
Wool per lb
Coal on Wham-.
No 6 $3.00; Nos 2. 3, & Lump '$3.25
No. 5 93.00 Dltumlnuf $3.25
flew Y1k Phukets.
Reported by a. S. Palmer, Wholesale Commission
Merchant, 161 Reaae St., X V.
New York. Jan. 9, 1888.
Tho week opens with bright, clear
weather and the dullness of trade that has
prevailed since tho holidays wo truBt will
now bo followed hy a reaction. Poultry,
however, has continued in good demand,
and with present light receipts, stock Is
held at Arm prices. Choice Btato and Pa.
turkeys selling from 11 to 12c. Chickens
and fowls 11 to 12c Ducks 12 to 18c.
GeesolOto 12c. Quail la light supply
and worth from $3 to 2 25 per doz Wild
ducks, red head, $3 to 2 25 per pr., mal
lard 75 to 00c. Habblts 25 to 35o per pr.,
as to quality. Dressed calves moving slow
ly to-day, but will be in better demand lat
er in the week; selling' choice stock from
10 to lie; fair 8 to 9o. Dressed hogs con
tinue scarce and selliug from 7 to 8o.
State and Penu. eggs, fresh, 25 .to 20c;
limed 17cj fancy white leghorn 80 to 35c.
The market on butter Is rather quiet, al
though there Is a scarcity of strictly fancy
grades and selling extra creamery from 33
to 84c; fancy fresh flavored dairy tubs and
palls 25 to 27c; good 23 to 25c; entire dair
ies 10 to 23c; rolls 18 to 20c. Fancy apples
such as spitz and kings, In demand and
bringing from $3 to $4 a bbl,, choice bald
wins 3 60 to 2 75; jjreenings and other win
ter varieties $3 to 3 60. Fancy, large,
datk cranberiles very scaroo and in de
mand and selling Irom $10 to $11 per bbl.
crates $3 to 3 60. Catawba grapes Oo per
lb. The continued heavy Imports of pota
toes from Europe keep our market heavily
stocked and prices are depressed for homo
grown and rose, burb&nk and hebron aro
held at former prices, 3 25 to 2 60 per bbl.
foreign $1 to $3 per sack as to quality.
Sweet potatoes 8 50 to 8 75 per bbl. Kus.
sla turnips 7Bo per bbl, Red onions, clioico,
8 25 to 875 per bbl., yellow 3 60 to $3. Cel
ery 25 to 80c per doz. roots, Receipts ot
cabbage contlnuo very light and good
stock bringing from $0 to $10pcr 100
heads. Marrow beans in light supply and
selling from 2 85 to 3 40. Medium 3 87i to
2 40. White kidney 3 60i red $3. Evap.
orated apples dull; selling fancy stock
from 9 tclOc; choice 8 to 8Jc; auu dried 5
to 6a Haspborrles 23 to 21o. Cherries
21c, White clove, honey In demand and
bringing to-day from 10 to 17o per lb,,
buckwheat 10 to He. Ginseng $3 per lb.
Market on furs shows no material change.
Beaver 3 60 to $7. Mink 40 to 80c. Coon
70o toil. Fox60otol&0. bkunk25 to
95c, as to kind and quality, Muskrat 10 to