MOFEStllNALCftilf, A l. Fiurz " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office Front Room, Over Postoffloe. BLOOMSDUnO, PA. T E. WALLBH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Ft Office over 1st. National Out, KT U. FUNK, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. BUMMUVM.PA Offloe in Knt'g Building. J OUN M. CLAltK, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW AMD JUSTICE OF THE PEAOE. BLOomiroa, Pi ome oyer Moyer Pro. Prog store. p W. MILLER, A.TTORNKT-AT-LAW, Offlce lo Brower'a buudlng.tecond Ho.l Bloomsburg. Pa. FRANK ZARB, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. omce corner of Centre ana Main Streets. Clara a Building. Can be consulted In Gorman. Q.EO. E. ELWELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bloombbbho, Pa. Office on First floor, front room, of Cot- umbiah Huildlnjr, Main 'street, below jsi. change uotei. pAUL E. WIRT, Altorney-at-Law. onloo In coiuhbum bdildimo, Third noor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. H, V. WHITE, AT .ORNEY-AT- LAW, BLOOMSBURQ, PA. Office In iiiowera' BuUdlng, 2nd floor, may 1-tf fl.iNoaa. i a. wurrisaTSix. KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, Attorneys-at-Law. OMoa in 1st National Bank HJfcn m51 first door to the left Corner of Main and Market treeta uloomsourg, ra. Pennon and Bounta Oolleetta. P. BILLMEVER, (DJJS2'JIG2' ATTORNEY?) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 3-0fflce over J)cnUer'Ohoo'Jstorc, nioomsbure. Pa. rapr-&UB6. H. RHAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlata, Pa, Offlce.corner ot Third and Mala atrtew.' jyj-ICHAEL F. EYERLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Clalmo. AMD 1 LBQAL ADVIfiE IN THE SETTLEMENT OF USTATES. 0. - t- i-.'. VmlMlntr with F. P. BUI mBrer"maoSeV-Uw, SSST Tooma,; nd noor Bloomsburg, Pa. (apr-e-MT D R. nONORAA. BOBBINS. Offlce and residence, West First street Blooms burg, Pa. u u.CTT.VY. M. T.J?nreeon and Phj . siclan , north aide Main treet.pelow Market 0. RUTTER, PHYilCIAN 8URQKN, oraoe. North Market street, Bioomaborc, P .n -atxr xt Rnrzeon and I Physician. Offlce oorner of Bock and Market treet. EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BMOMSBTOG, FA. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. i.anra and convenient sample rooms. Bath room, hot and cold water; and all modem conTemepcqi T F. IIARTMAN Biraxsima tns roixowtMO AMERICAN INBURANOE.COMPANIEB North American ot Philadelphia. Franklin, " " Pennsylvania, " " York, ot Pennsylvania. Hanover, ot N. Y. Queens, ot London. North British, of London. Otnoe on Market street, No, , Bloomsburg. oot. st, 1- ' P IRE INSURANCE UCHRIHTIAN Y. KNAPP, BLOOMSBURG, PA, HOME, OF N. T. . MKUCHANTS'.OF NEWARK, N. J. CLINTON, N.Y. PEOPLES' N. Y. iininiNn PA. These u cokporations are well seasoned by age and fir tsbtid and have never yet had a in. wttiMi tiv nnv murr. of law. Their assets are all invested in solid bkodkiiiss art liable to the hazard otrias only. Losses rROvnLT and bonxstlt adjusted and oald as Boon as aeterminea oj i;bitij t. KNArr, BPICIAL AOXMT AMD AOJUSTSB ULOOMiStlllO, Ho The people of Columbia county should patron ise the agency where losses If any are settled and pall by one ot ther own citizens. , PROMPTNESS. EQUITY. FAIR DEALING. nnOWN'S INSURANCE 'agency. Mover's new building, Mala street, Slooi nfinmahiinr Pft. - op- A qedI. TTartford. Conn 17.078.220 Royal ot Liverpool JJ-SiS'SS Lancashire...... 10,000,000 Fire Association, Philadelphia MfHiS Phoenti, of London SSf.S2 Hartford ot llarttord JSffi spnngneia nra ana iarme ''""Sr iuilm mnAanrA iiinvt. noilcles are written or the Insured without delay w tho ptBoe at AiloomaDurg. ,10, w rr n. UOUSE, DENTIST, Bloomsuuko, Columbia. County, Pa Alt styles ot work done In a superior manner, work id without I'aih by tho use of tree ot charge when artificial teeth are Inserted. In Ttnrtnn'a linllillnc. Main street. below Market, live doors below Klelm's drug store, first tloor. Jo be open at all hourt during tht da nor wit -TTTAINWRIQHT & CO., WHLESALE QROCERS, Philadelphia, Fa. teas, byrurs, coffee, sugar, molasses r10x, spioxb, bioakb soda, etc., sto. N. K. corner Second and Arch Sta. vorders will receive prompt attention. Benton Hotel, LEMUEL DRAKE, Prop'r. Tula well-known hotel baa been re-opened and many Improvements made tor the accommodation of the traveling public The bar and table are supplied with the best the market affords. A large and commodious stable Is connected with the hotel. Terms always reasonable, xlmays?) LEMUEL DRAKE, Proprietor. WILLIAM HART . BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A,, AflENT FOR THE KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO., manufactrueraof tha celebrated Key Btono Dyna mite, THls ex plosive la BlviDg nnlvenial satUfao- PATENTS lAvpatR unit Trade Marks obtalnfxland all Patent "business conducted io-MOUlltTK FEES. OUK OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. B. PATENT ntwinit We have no sun-Sfrencles. all business direct, hence can transact patent business la less time ana aijuros tuai vaui iuuw iiwuwuwi Washington. Kpnii mndrl. rtrawlntr. or nhotawlth deacrlDtlon. Wo adtlao If patentable or not, tree of charge, rfinr fra nnt due till naint Is secured. A book,"llow to obtain Patents,"" Uh references to actual clients in your Bute, county, or town, oppcait rtust oeooe, wuUacteo, i? o HOW'S YOUR LIVER ? Is the oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy liver. When the liver is torpid the bowels are sluggish and constipa ted, the food lies in the stomach undigested, pois oning the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassitude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is deranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring moro people to health and hap piness by giving them a healthy liver than any agency known on earth. It acta with extraordi nary power and efficacy. ravin untH tithAppointbd. As a ceneral family remedy for dyspepsia, torpid liver. nnnurin&t.tnn.tin..l hardly overuse anything I else, and havo been Disappointed In the effect pro duced; it seems to be almost a perfect cure for all diseases ot tne stomacn ana dowcis. W. -MCELROY, .-UOCUU, Utt. CROWN ACME THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoko ihocnlmneys. It win not cnar me wick. It has a high Are test. It will not explode. . ., It Is pre-eminently a family satety oil. WE CHALLENGE COMPARISON With any other Illuminating oil made. We Stake Our Reputation, As refiners, upon tho statement that It Is THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. Ask your dealer for CROWN ACME. Trade for Bloomsburg and vicinity Supplied by BloomsburR, Pa. sepi-ly. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! O. W. BERTSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. 1 GenU' Fturnishing Goods, Bats & Gaps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits made to order at short notice and a fit alwavs Guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine the largest and best seleoted stock of goods ever shown in Columbia oounty. ! Store next door to First National Bank, MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg Pa. OBHAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST CR WROUGHT IRON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds :o: The following shows the Picket Gothic, one ol the several beautiful styles ot Fence manufactured uy tne unaersigneo. . Foroiautrand Dvirabll lty they areunsurpas ed. et up by experienced hands and warranted to giveeatisiacuon. Prices ana specimens of other de signs sent to any address. Address ! HEf, sum BLOOMSBURG PA M. C. SLOAH & BAD., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUDDIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFCRM WAOONS &0 First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEA1LY D0N&. Priett reduced lo tutl the timer. BLOOMSBURG FLAWING MILL :o. The undersigned havinir nut his Planing Ml on Railroad street, In nret-cisBS condition, Is pre pared to do all kinds ot work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, POORS, BLINDS.MOUt.DWGS, FLOORING, Etc. urnlshed at reasonable prices, All lumber used s well seasoned and Aoue out iuuvu nuiuuvu areemployed. ESTIMATES FOB BUILDINGS urnlabed on application. Flan and specifics oas prepared by an experienced draughtsman CHARLES KBCfl, "Vflorastiurir, V ' 'rorOaMraiyamUVnH' You Can't BEAT THEM! tkty art Vastly Bprlar t ALL otasr Mais. THE FAMOUS ffOP BLASTERS a . fcml. mnUT and hlsUj nsdlatnsl, rnpand tow rnA Hop. JtalMms. tts Ttur Mstors and vlums wok p. sufcdos UitaauasUo and lasUnt7bulh pals whstharj an nmni. Itmoa M KnllMIWHik la sas VMS.' pu. -.- 1 HhoukUr, CbMt, tnut, Btomaofc or XusaUs, hm&iU, aaothliur. xtAbt mUsTUia and sttasm' nine. ITk lt jJa.l.r en wrlA U th wrdirt of inmif"?- VaUsdfer pries by propriston. llp a'UaU C.Mpufi UMtsa, am. SrawlnilUn abrosdt This plwtw Is spnad1 an whit, nulla, ready tor tuUnt . BO CO., slcaatto on rrsty piuux. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, CORNER LOTS, T ROBERT HOWS fLETCnin. CONOITDED FROM t.AOT WEEK At this, both of the gentlemen arose, and Mr, Brown, speaking for the first time, soldi "Wo are very sorry, Indeed wo are. We had no Idea that that your mother was not well. In fact, I hopo that you will pardon ns for taking the liberty ot calling on you about so trifling a matter." Now, although Mr. Brown's apology was not very eloquont, there was a sincerity and sympathctio feeling In the young man's voice that made Its way to the hearts of both of the women. The senora raised her head, and, drying her eyes, said, with smiling sim plicity! "Ah, senor, do not feel distressed becanso I cry a little. I often cry; I am not very strong since my husband dlod. But it Is nothing." TulitA meanwhile, having arisen, had gono to tin door, in tho evident expectation ot the immediate departure of her unexpected guests. In fact, Mr. Brown himself stood bat in hand ready to go, but Mr. Benton was lingering to make some reply to tho senora's words. Then Mr. Brown, on tho Impulse of the moment, said to tho girl, who stood near him, "You are not annoyed or angry with me with us, I mean, for coming P "Why should I be I" replied Tulita, with dignity. "It is of no consoquonce." "May I hope, then, that you will make the lavender sticks for met I will call for them, ot eourso," said Mr. Brown. "I will make nomo moro for sale nt tht newsstand," replied Tulita;, "no doubt you can get them there," Having administered which little cut Tulita turned her big dark oyes sorercly upon the still tarrying Mr. Benton. Brown, convinced now that their visit had displeased tho young lady, also turned and glared at tho cause of his discomfiture. What was their lurprlio to And that Mr. Benton had reseated himself, and that be ana the senora had ap- parcntly launched Into an extended con' versation. 'Are 30U coming, BentonP said Brown, impatiently. "In n minute, my dear fellow," replied his friend: "I havo just discovered that Mrs. Lunuvurita and I havo a whole lot ot mutual friends up In San Francisco." And the Senora hcnclf, turning to her daughter, ccmllrmod this in quite on ani mated way, repeating several names, evt dentlr tboso of the friends referred to. Then 3Ir. llrown's eyes sought Tullta's with such solemn protest that she in her turn could not help smiling. Common politeness forced her to say, "Will you not sit down!" But no. Mi. Brown would not sit down; ho preferred to do penance standing. Then ho looked so unhappy, casting gloomy glances at his friend, which that gentleman Ignored, that Tulita Anally began to feol a little pity for the young man. Perhaps she had been too severe. After all he was very evidently a gentleman, and was not bad looking, and he had the good taste to approciato her lav ender -.ticks. And so, after a little hesita tion, she venturod to ask him if he was a stranger In San Diego. She almost laughed again to see how grateful ho looked for this bit of condescension. In fact this young man was so modest and courteous so differ nt from his companion, for instance it wa really a pleasure to encourage him a little. Then gradually Mr. Brown ceased to oast remonstrative glances at his friend, and pres ently, when he saw that he was keeping Miss Lunavarita standing, he consented' to .sit down. It was growing dark when Mr. Brown again arose to his feet and exclaimed, peremptorily, "Come, Benton, we must gol I don't know what Mrs. Lunavarlta and her daughter will think ot us." Now, even if Mrs. Luna varita's daughter had cared to give expression to her thoughts just then, she was the next moment rendered speechless by her mother's behavior, diving Mr. Benton her hand as he bade her good night, the senora said, in a pleased and most vivacious manner, "Good night, "senor, I shall look tor you to-morrow at 10 o'clock, and then we will take our little ride." After leaving the house Mr. Benton and Mr. Brown plodded along through the dusk and dust in silence for some minutes. Then Mr. Benton said, "Women are strange crea tures." To which trit remark his companion mode no reply. But, having arrived at the end ox nis reueciions, anu uruueii i-uu suouw, Mr. Benton continued: "Do you remember my telling you, Frank, that I had a sort of superstition that your $3 Investment was goiugtobringusluckr And as Brown as sented, with a nod ot his head, "Well, I think it has, though I had no idea when I Inquired the name of your friends, of the peoplo next door, that the luck was all ready, laid away in lavender, as It were, waiting for us to come and get it. Mrs. Lunavanta has 200 or 300 acros of land over on the sea shore. What do you think of that! It Is the some old story. They once owned leagues and this is all they have left, and they have got that, as Mrs.TiUnavarita says, because it is not worth anything, although she is wrong there. At any rate she is holding it for her daughter, hoping that it may be worth some thing, some day. It is all they have got. Two thousand dollars is the', highest figure shohas thought of. If it is anything like she 'describes it. and if she will let me handle it, I proiKwe to make it worth $100,- 000 in the next year." "Look here-Tom." said Brown, impulsively, "it you do get hold of this thing, you will do the best you can by Mi's. Lunavarlta, won't youf "My dear fellow," said Mr. Benton in a rather cold tone, "is it necessary to ask me that) I nm not a devouror of widows and omhans." "Oh. liann'it. don't be touchy," said Brown. "You kuew I did not mean anything like that. Only these two women are so lonely, and innocent, and plucky, they really have mado quite an impression on me,'' "I noticed tliat ono of them seemed to," re plied Mr, Benton, dryly, "but I did not ob servo the other had. .As for the proposition, if everything turns out as I expect, it was a luckv d:iv for Mrs. Lunavarlta when I knocked at her door. And now let us quit work for the day. and go and have a respect' able dinner as a send olf for the new llrni of Benton & Brown, real estate dealers." A vear and a half have elapsed. It Is Christmas Eve. Once more Tulita is watch ing the sun set, but tltls time from another home, where Point Lonia does not intervene its hugo bulk, where she con sue the golden Hlau illunluff down between tho blue of the Pacillo and the blue of the evoU' Ins-iiVv. until tho last burnished tip dis apiwars. Then tho soft warm air Is filled with rich color as the afterglow stains sky and water with its hues. Turnlug away, Tulita proceeds with her occupation of ratharlnir roses which this celestial pageant had interrupted, while the air grows heavy with their twrfuma. Behind Tulita is a Urge so called "Queen Anne" cottage, and on the veranda sits her mother, lazily rocking and fanning herself. Next to tho senora sits on elderly gentleman, and on the bock of the elderly gentleman's cnair leans nr. urunu, of PhllodelDhla. As Tulita passes the side of the porch, she dexterously losses a row vo mo elderly gentleman, and laughs, as he success fully catches it, and presses it to his lips with a gallant bow, "Well. well, well." he says, breaking the si lence, "Imagine being out of door without a wrap, gathering roses on Christmas Eva, And you really mean to tell me, Frank, that this place has been set out only a j earr' "Yes, sir," replied the young man, "Just about. You see,- father, in this country water (novervthluir. If you can only get plenty of water, thlngi grow like magic. I remember that is what' worried us most when we put Lunavarita town lota on the market, water was the great question, and we were afraid we would haye to pipolt from town. But as soon as wa struck that artesian well we were flrnl The nronerty doubled lu value in twenty-four hours, and we sold enough lots thn first week to pay for laying out the town, putting down water and sewer pipes, and subsidising a street car line to ruu a motor out here. After that tho people useu to come and stand In line all day long at our office waiting to buy lots. We rubed the prico re ligiously on tho first of each month, and now you can't buy a lot In Lunavarlta for less than $300, Waterls king In California. There is a company formed to flume it down from tho mountains about sixty miles from here; it U a good schema, too," "It must cost great deal," said the elder iff -it lit tit iff tft Mr, Brown, doubtfully. "Oh, no," aild his son, "a million ought to dolt." "A mere trifle," said the old gentlsman, mimicking Frank's airy tone. "Upon my soul," ha continued, with sudden energy, "If I Btay hero mucn longer a snail oe as suitk, staring mad ns all of tho rest of you ore. Why, they toll me that that peninsula over there, with that absurdly Dig noiei, wuicu mu never fill lu the world" "All of the rooms cro engaged already," murmured Frank, but his father, with n snort of Incredulity, pro ceeded without heeding him "with its jiuriu, and Its drives, and Its zoological gar dens, and Ood knows what, begging your pardon, insula mo, they tell me that that was n sn;o desert lost year. I don't beliova It I won't bcllevoitl" "My dear father," said his son, "two or tbroo years ago Ban Diego itself was little more than that you could havo bought pretty noar the wholo place for a short bit. But n railroad camo in here and that brought people, and when tho world at large began tolllnd out what a magnificent harbor" "Thore, there I" exclaimed his father, hastily, ''don't got started now, I havo heard all about the harbor." "And the glorious climate!" "Yes," said Mr. Brown, emphatically, "and the climate, too." "I am afraid you don't appreciate it, though," said his son, reproachfully, "Just think of tho Boston cast wind to-night and compare it with this air, where you can feel your lungs grow. Why, I bellevo I have sprouted an extra one myself since I have been here." "I believe that you have, my door boy," said the old gentleman, chuckling, "from the amount ot talking that you dp, I believe that you have. Eh, senora, I rather think I got him there! Did you hoar that, Tulita, my dear! Ilathathal" At this moment a carriage was seen coming up the hill toward the house. "Ahl" cried Tulita. "here comes Aladdin." Tho carriage stopped, and Benton descend ed. Tulita, waving the bunch of roses before his face, bade him good evening. "Well, sir," said the elder Mr. Brown, "and how many towns havo you built today! " "Not many," said Benton, laughing. Then drawing from his coat pocket a package ot papers, he handed It to Mr, Brown, saying: "Here are your deeds and abstracts: they ore all right I" "Whatl" shouted Frank. "Father, have you" but here he burst out laughing. "Father," he continued, regaining his gravi ty, "father, look me in tho oyo. Is it possiblo that you, you, a conservative merchant of Philadelphia, have, at tho present ruinous pAces, been indulging in wild, insane specu lation, that you" "There, there, Master Frank," said his father, joining in the laughter; "wo all know that you have sprouted an extra lung." "Dont mind him, Mr. Brown," said Ben ton. "You have got a bargain. As soon as you get your vines well under way one year's crop of raisin grapes will pay for it." "Oh, of course, of course," said the old gentleman, "it is a bargain. They all are. Though to my mind," he continued, putting his .arm around Tulita and drawing her to his side, "this is the best bargain over got In southern California." "Yes," said his son, looking at his wife proudly, "and to think that I only had to put up 13 for the option." "Men are so conceited," said Tulita, con fidingly to her father-in-law; "that was not the way.of it-at all. It was I who gave a dozen lavender sticks for a husband and tne town of Lunavarita." Paper to Wrap Turkeys In. nt almost entirely in grocers' brown naner." said a Duane street paper merchant to the ubiquitous reponer. mills are situated in the New England states, but a great quantity of paper Is manufac tured throughout New Tof k state, especially along the eastern bordor." What Is the paper maw uuv uu ucucu tho reporter. "Straw and water. Almost any kind of straw will answer, and I think that corn stalks have also been pressed into service, nithraih tha naner made from this material was Inferior in quality, r uui mraueu v, uc. - nn rfraw. well bound, is preferred. In ih. manufacture of naner the straw is un bound and laid closely In hugs vats. A.ime is mrinirloct nvpr every layer, and when the vats aro full, lime water Is thrown over the whole. Steam' Is then turned on at mo ooi m nf tha vats, and the straw is allowed to cook until It is thoroughly purified. It is then passed through a large revolving washer and cleansed from the lime and other Imparl Mm. The straw, or what is left of it, is next passed through grinders, which reduce it to a pulp, when It is let down Into a large tank nnfW tha floor. "The pulp Is now pumped up, and Is ready to pass over the machine. It is first thinnod with water. If the" paper. is intended to be light, and then Is transferred to the 'first felt' by means ot a revolving wire cyunuer. "What ao vou mean by the 'first feltr " "Ob, it's the finest kind of a woolen felting which carries the bulp through any number of rollers. Frontitke' first felti it is trans ferred to the second and third felts, each of which Is coarser than tho first. By the time the pulp has passed over the third felt the water Is pretty 'well squeezed out of it, and the damp pajier is able tq support its own weight as it passes' over a space of about three feet to the Mryers. These are big, hol low iron cylinders five feet lu diameter and heatal by steam. They are usually seven in number, an by the time the damp paper passes over tbeui ana inrougn a set 01 smoothing calendars, it is thoroughly dry and is then wound uv on reels. "It is now in one long sheet about four and a half or five feet wide. Tho paper on four and sometimes five reels Is unreeled and cut and counted. Finishers then take the paper, fold and tie It." After being tied up into bundles it is pressed, and is then ready for the market." New York i ress. Mummies Dirt Cheap. Dr. J, A. S. Grant Bey, of Cairo, Egypt, has spent twenty-five yearn in the laud of tho Pharaohs and speaks all the languages of that polyglot'country. In order to instruct the native doctors, two years ago he started an Arablo medical paper, which has met with success. For years he has devoted his time to the study of archasology, and has amassed enough Egyptian gods, from Horus and Osiris down, to nearly fill the Metropol itan Museum of Art. The' mummies of Eevpt. he said, were now dirt cheap, owing to recent discoveries. They sold from tlO to 120 each, the price depending chiefly on their state of preservation. He brought over a mummified hawk as a curiosity and presented it to the Smithsonian Institution Scientists, who formerly paid high prices for fine,' first class mummies, of late years, the doctor said, purchased vsry few. The cheap mummies were, bought principally by the aeonts for museums." New York Com- merdal Advertiser. Ailments of Nervous Subjsete. Some affsct to believe that nervous sub jects feign their ailments for the purpose of attracting attention and sympathy. It is quite true they frequently exaggerate their sufferlnirs. but that is no sxeuse tor denying their existence. Besides, it Is natural to ex aggerate a grievance so long as it remains unrecognised. Others admit the reality of the diseased sensations, but maintain that the only way to abolish them is by means ot reason. They hold that nervous persons ought to be taught to control their nerves by their reason, and they insist that "plain sneaking" is the strongest aid to recovery. Their experience seems to corroborate this opinion. The sufferers cease to comphdn to them, so tliey fancy that their "plain siioak. inn" has effected a cure, This fancy is, how. ever, very far from the fact, which Is that the patients have transferred their com plaints to a more sympathetic ear, Nine teenth century, rollteness In the Hookies. Eastern Lady (traveling In Montana) The Idea of calling this the "Wild West." Why I never saw such perfect politeness anywhere. Native We're alien perllte to ladles, marm. "Ob. as for that, there Is plenty of nolito ness everywhere, but I am referring to tlx man. Why in New York the men behave horridly to one another, but here they all treat each other as delicately as gentlemen li a drawlns room." "Yes, inarm, it's safer," Omaha World. nUtt PAIIT I. T71E MYSTERIOUS PACKAGE. Thcro is not a class of men in tho world who possess such a horror of police ami prisons, and regard with such veneration and respect the low ami its oftentimes mys terious workings as "those who go down to tho sea In ships," and although they often find themselves "fouled'' In Its mesho, It Is generally duo to accident, or tho machina tions of soma ''land shark;" or perhaps, In dealing with unprincipled people "along shore," tho sailor may bo unwittingly caught In the net spread to ensnaro him. Although the, mariner may be n veritable giant when upou tho broad, trackless ocean, he is a mere child if placed among meu.who have received thoir training upon terra Ornia; and tha simplicity ot the sailor is often the oauso of his being arraigned before ihe bar ot justice. It is very seldom that one will find a sea man deliberately committing a deod which will lay himself liable to arrest, and when such a cose is met with it will almost invari ably be found that tho act was dono to assist a friend or shield a comrade- from tho conse quences of some misdeed. A few vears aeo. shortly after the capture of Capt. Frye and crew of the American steamer Vlrginlus, and tho subsequent execu tion of a part of the same by the Cuban authorities, I became entangled with tho Spanish soldiers of the beautiful troplo islo of Cuba, and my acquaintance with them came very near putting an end to my voyage of Ufo. I was a master of a trim little bark sailing from Boston and engaged in the West India trade. One evening while the vessel was lying at a wharf in the latter port, where sho was re ceiving cargo for Matantas, I was sitting upon tho quarter rail enjoying- an after sup per smoke when I observed a young man of perhaps 25 years ot age coming down the dock very leisurely. As ho got abreast of where I was seated he stopped and with a vary affable smflo, bado mo "good evening" and then inquired if wo were not bound to tho West Indies. .Assur ing him that we wero, he stepped aboard, re marking tliat ho belonged In Cuba and was looking for a vessel in which to take assago. I rather liked tho appearance ot tho stranger, and seeing a chanco to make n few dollars for my owners by taking a passenger, as wo had plenty of room in tho cabin, I offered to take him and wo soon agrood upon terms, the stranger promising to givo mo fifty dollars in the morning for his passago to tho island. Tho following day, while sipping coffee in company with the mate, I was surprised to soe our prospective passenger with n small valise in hand hurrying down the wharf. There was no one about, ns tho hour was qui to early. Ho stopped quickly on board, and with the utmost politeness bid mo a very "Oood morn ing." After partaking of a cup of coffee with us I Invited him below and showed him the room he was to occupy during the pas sage. He was very well satlsned with tno accom modations, and taking out a well filled wallet he paid me tho price agreed upon, then and there. "This bag," ho remarked, Indicating the small sachel in his hand, "contains somo articles of value, and I should be. well pleased if you would take caro of It for me until, we reach Matonzos." Of courw I was perfectly willing to accom modate him, and took the bag; ho then wont ashoro, promising to bo on board in the even ing, as we were going to sea tho following morning. When left alone 1 turned ray attention to the bag, which was still in my hand; it was small and neat, and, I judged, quite an ex pensive affair. Turnniz It over I observed an address painted in white letters upon tho bottom; it read : 1 'Senor Itoderiquez Gonzalez, 13 Plaza dl Poco, Matani, Cuba." The Plaza dl Poco 1 know quito well, as i had been u .any times to Matanzas and had roamed coxsiderabiy about the city. It was a pleasant llttlo open square, sur rounded by the homos of the middle class, most of whom wero native bora Cubans. However. I had not not much time to spend with tho bag, to I threw it into my bunk and closed and locked tho stateroom door before going ashoro. A master of a vessol Is always very busy on the day before sailing, as there is sure to bo a great deal ot business to attend to, aud my passenger never entered my mind nut onco, anil that was when I went to "clear" at tho custom house. It was quite lato when I returned to the vessel, and on entering my room tho presence of tho bag reminded mo of the Cuban, so call ing the mate I Inquired if the stranger bad yet come aboard. No, sir, l'vo seen nothing ot mm," was tne officer's reply. In tho morning everything was ousuing and active. Tho crew wero aboard and tho towboat alongside shortly after daylight, but nothing had yet been seen ot our passenger. The pilot and tho captain of tho tug wero anxious to start, but I was bound to wait un til tho last moment to give the young f ellow a chance. Bow our overtaxed patieneo was rewarded. A hack dashed down the wharf and drew up at tho vesutl's sido. It was not the Cuban who alighted, how ever, but a telegraph boy waving a dispatch in his hand and calling for "Capt. Graham, bark Itomblcr." "Hero, boy, herel" I cried, jumping into tho mtzzen channels to reach the message, which I quickly tore open and read; Capt. uraliam, baric iiamuier, uousutuiiou wharf, Boston. "Through unforoseoa circumstances it will bo Impossible for me to mako the passago with you. Please deliver tho llttlo bag I left to tho address upou it, and return the money I paid you for your trouble, Uonzalez." Hastily thrusting tho bit of paier into ray pockot, I colled to tho pilot, "All right, pilot, let her go" and In a few moments wo wero heading down tho harbor, tho tow boat puff ing away alongside, while tho crew wero rap Idly spreading tho white canvas to catch tho strong westerly wind that was to glvo us a good start upon our voyage, and, as may bo supposed, thero was no thought ot the Cuban lelt behind. The passage down to tbo island was with out event and wo camo to anchor in Mautan zas after a run ot eighteen days. We were, of course, boarded by tho full forco of Cuban officials revenue, military and naval and after a close scrutiny of our papora and a rigid search of tho bark I was allowed to go ashoro to rewrt to tho con-. slgnees and "enter" tbo vessel. I had not thought it necessary to Inform tho customs authorities of tho Cuban's trust, as I felt assured tliat I could any time during our stay in port deliver it to the address and no ono would bo the wiser. It Is true that tho officers looked at me very queerly when I explained the absence of the assenger whose name, was on the manifest, but as he had not been found on board tho vessel, thoy wero obliged to accept my story ; still I noticed that my moveiueiiU were moro closely watched than inoy naa ever before boon; they even went so far as to place, beside tho regular custom house officer, a soldier ot tho army on board tho vessel. This strict surveillance did not at all please me, and I was now determined to deliver the bag to No. 13 Plaza dl Poco lu spite of all the Spaniards on the island. I fully realized that it would bo no easy matter to get tho bag out of tha vessel with out the officers delecting me, although it was but a small parcel. I watched my chance, however, and ono day it came. Several American captains, whose vessels were In port, had made up a iirty to visit tho renowned Crystal cavo, that lies upon the eastern side of the Bay ot Matanzas. Of eourso each one must carry some refresh ments for themselves and their boat's crew, aud here I saw an opportunity to smuggle the .bag ashore. Accordingly, tho night before the picnic, I spoke to the officers over a glass of brandy which I put out tor their special benefit, aud requested permission to take some eatables ashore tho next day. They gayo their" consent without hesita tion, and I at onco called tho steward to sick up ills "dog basket" with provisions and drinkables, and purposely had him make a display ot doing this before the officials, as I wanted them to set everything that went Into the UakeL , . . 1888. After It was full we left it on the cabin table ready for tho morning, as we were to start by daylight Along the middle of the night, when I was sure that everything was. quiet, I turned out, and, securing the basket, hurried back to my room, where I removed some of the food and put the Cuban's bag In its stead and again returned the basket to tho cabin table.. All the time I could hear tho footsteps of the officer who was on watch pacing the deck overhead, but at there was no light in the cabin I had no fear ot being detected. In the morning everything' worked as I bad expected ; I went over into the boat in which were two of my men, and the steward handed down the basket; waving an adieu to the offi cers we pulled away across tho bay. When well over to tho eastern shore I took the bag out of the basket and changed tha course of the boat jo as to land on tha out skirts of the city. Reaching the shoro I instructed my men to pull for the cave where they would meet the other captains and deliver the basket to them, and say that "business bad called roe to town, but I would join them some time during the day." A few minutes later I was seated, in a vo lants (Cuban carriage) and was being driven slowly (a Cuban team will never travel fast) in the direction of the Plaza dl Poco. Turning into the square, In the center of which were growing rare and beautKul plants, I observed several policemen and Spanish soldiers lounging about,-but as tne cannot take fifty steps in any Cuban city without meeting one or more of these nor. vanh) of the crown, I paid but little attention to thoir presence. I, however, ordered tho carriage to stop soveral doors from tho house of which I was in search, and, after dismissing the driver, I proceeded on foot Number thirteen differed little from its neighbors save an unusual air ot quiet by which it seemed to be surrounded ; It had the same Urge Iron gateway leading into. the In. closed area peculiar to all Cuban houses; tho same long, barred, open windows, but, like tho majority, those were furnished withcloso blinds, which effectually precluded the passerby from obtaining the slightest glimpse of the Interior of the dwelling. Approaching the gate I rapped loudly with tho ponderous knocker and my summons was quickly answered by an old man who took in my wholo dimensions before dropping thi fastenings of alio gate, and then not until I bad repeated tho name of nodeiiquez Gonza lez, 13 Plaza dl Poco, several times. Finally, appearing satisfied that I had a right to call, he opened tho gate just far enough for me to squeezo in, and then, after again securing the fastenings, be led the way across a paved court, in tha center of which was playing a minlaturo fountain, into a largo, cool room, and from thence into an other which was quite dark, but as my eyes Income accustomed to tho gloom 1 could seo that it was a chamber nicely furnished, and upon a couch in tho middle ot tho apartment was tho outline ot a recumbent form which started up at our approach. My guide spoke a few words in Spanish and then retired, while tbo person upon the couch arose and, throwing open one of tho blinds, allowed a stream of light to enter the apartment, and by Its aid I could see that I was In tho presence of a, fine looking gentle man somewhat past the meridian of life but with a tall figure still erect and with eyes that flashed out brightly from beneath a pair of gray brows. Turning ho addressed me in his native tonguo, only a few words of which I could understand, but by those few I know be bade me welcome and inquired the object of my visit. I replied in English, asking If I had the pleasure of speaking to Senor Itoderiquez Gonzalez, "I am he," ho returned in English, which had but a slight accent "In whatj can X serve your Before I could respond his eyes fell upon tho bag. Instantly his whole manner changed. Involuntary ho sprang forward and reached out Ids hand as it to grasp It, and then collecting himself he looked searcb ingly into my face. "That bag where did you get it!" ha ex claimed, Impetuously, but In a low, subdued voice. "It is yours," I replied, handing him tho sachel; "at least this is the place where I was instructed to leave it." If the bag had contained the riches of Gol conda he could not have received it moro eagerly. "Excuso mo a moment, but remain here," and with that be hurricly left the apartment He might have been gono perhaps ten min utes when ho returned, and approaching tho window closed the blind, which left us in total darkness, then drawing a chair closo to mine, he Inquired eagerly as to how the bog had come in my possession. I gave him tho wholo story, described the young Cuban, and showed him thojnessagn which I had received the morning of sailing. "My boy, my boy," ho murmured, and several times during the recital he broke in upon mo as though, he was about to tell mo something, but would then quickly check himself. At the close of my narrative I arose to go, when tho strange old man requested mo to bo seated a few minutes longer, and then again left the room. t To say that I was surprised at his manner does not express it There was certainly something very mysterious in it all, and I was half tempted to sneak out ot tho house like a thief, so wrought up were my feelings, when my host again entered. "Captain," he began, "you havo rendered a service, the value ot whisk you may never know, and thousands yet unborn will bless you for It It is imposslblo for me to repay you for all th risk you havo run, but take this" thrusting a packet into my hand "as a slight memento of my gratitude, l snouiu invito you to renew this call upon rac, but It would be dangerous to us both; even this may do you injury, though I trust not," and pressing my hand ho unceremoniously pushed me before him through a scries of hallways and rooms to a rear entrance and left bio be wildered upon tho street with tho package In my hand'whlch I had not had thopresenceof mind to refuse For a moment I stood still, not knowing ex actly which way to turn, and feeling that I had undoubtedly escaped from a call upou a lunatic, when I was startled by tho exclama tion: "Bonis dios, senor I" and looking up recog nized the features ot an army officer who hod frequently been loitering around the ship chandler's, the custom houso and other places about the water front where my business called me. His appearance recalled me to my senses, and awkwardly answering the salutation, I turned on my heel and hurried away nor stopied for anything until seated in a boat and being pulled off to my vessel, and did not breathe easy until I stepped over the rail to the deck, and even then a glance at tbo packet which I still clutched In my hand v. as sufficient to cause me to tremble. nurrying through the cabin I entered my own room, closed the door and broke open tho package and to my surprise out fell sev eral United States bank bills. PART n. TBS ARREST. I gathered the money up, and It counted just $250; then I sat down and pondered. Surely tho contents of the bag must havo been ot great value to havo called forth such a piesent, but tho more I tried to explain tho affair to myself, the more I was puzzled. The day wore slowly away; at sundown the boat returned bringing word that thn other captains were disappointed at my not being with them. At an early hour I sought my bed In any thing but a tranquil frame of mind, tor I knew that should tho authorities discover that I bad carried the bag ashoro and left It, no matter what tho contents might bo, it would go hard with me, for tho Spaniard of the West Indies has little love for the Ameri can, and is only too well pleased to catch ono tripping. It might have been midnight when I was awakened from a troubled sleep by tho sound of a boat bumping alongsldo and the voices of strangers on deck. At length several men canie down tho forward companion way, but they were met by the mate, who refused them admission to tho cabin. They then began loudly calling for I lie captain. I tremblod, I'll admit it; but thero was no alternative, I must face them. So hurrying ou my clothing I came out Into tho cabin and met the ofiloera. "Wo must take you ashore, captain," re marked one ol tho soldiery in English, THE COLUMBIAN, VOL XXII. NO 3 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VOL LI, NO 41 "For whatr 1 demanded. "That the captain will loom when we resell there" was the only tatlsf action that I got, and unceremoniously they hustled me out of the vessel and away but not before I bad a chance to tell my mate to Inform the Amer ican consul early In the morning ot what had taken place. On leaving the bark I was surprised to seo that they did not tako thecoursofor the city, but kept away to tho wostward. "Where aro you taking mel" I inquired, in dismay. "See, bimeby," was the pnty answer, and I held my peace. Soon tho dark outlines of the shore arose before me, but the formation of tho outllno as it broke upon my view caused a shudder to creep over me and almost froze the blood in my veins. It was tho fort that we wero approaching, and the sharp angles and lofty turrets stood out grim and threatening against tho star lit sky in the west All the tales that I had ever read of the Spanish inquisition and tho manner in which they administer justice (!) in Cuba rushed to my mind, and again tho fato of poor Capt Frye was still fresh in my memory. Still I was sure that they could only pun ish mo with a fine for smuggling tho bag ashoro; yet, suppose that tho bag contained something of importance to the Cuban patriots! What it I had unwittingly been the bearer of valuable, messages to tho in surgents! Tbo thought almost unnerved me. If it was so, and thn government bad found the packet, I could expect no bettor fate than fell to the lot of, so many of tho crew of tho Vlrglnius. When tho keel of the boat grated upon the coral rocks at the foot of a flight of stone steps, I was ordered to disembark, and be tween two soldiers with muskets, and pro- ceded by an officer, the ascent was began up the damp, slimy stairs. We had not taken many steps when we wero hailed by a sentry, who was answered by the olUcer In whose charge I was we then resumed our way; soon a bright light shone In our faces, and we could seo an open door a llttlo abovo us. Through this door wo passed and as it swung to again upon its massive hinges wo found ourselves between two rows of soldiers with drawn swords; tho apartment seemed to bo a sort of guard roam or keep. A few momenta after our entrance, during which tlmo wo had remained standing with out a word being spoken, a door in tho fur ther end of tho room opened and an officer. gayly bedecked with gold lace, entered and approaching our party took some papers from tho soldier in charge and began to read them very carefully. When bo hud finished ho waved an adieu to those who had arrested me, and they at once turned and left tho apartment by the same door through which wo had enteral. Then, at the Word of command, two sol diers stepped from the ranks and began to search my pockets and clothing, taking every thing that they could trad, oven to my band- kerchief. I was next ordered to fall into lino with the guard and was marched off through long, gloomy passageways, down filght after flight of damp, moldy steps; past strong iron doors "which was easy enough for mo to imagine were closed upon somo poor mortals who were destined never again to breathe the pure air of heaven, but to lie entombed within this dismal pile of masonry until wel come death should release them from their suffering, perhaps years after their very names had been forgotten in their own homes. Once I heard or thought I heard alow, distinct moan that seemed to rise from the stono flagging beneath our foot Narrower grew the passago as wo ad vanced, and by .the foeble rays of tho single torch carried by one of tbo. guard I could tee numberless lizards, scorpions and other creeping reptiles scamper away at our ap proach. At length, after a journey which soemod to have led mo into tho very boweUof the earth, we were halted before one of the. nu merous iron doors, which tho officer unlocked and opened, and .without further ceremony I was thrust into a small, damp, fetid cell, with bare stone walls, floor and roof. By tho light of the torch, which streamed Into tho npartmont before tho heavy door was swung to, I could see that It was entirely empty, save a countless number of those loathsome creatures which bad darted across our pathway as wo camo down tbo corridor. Qh, what a feeling ot despair camo over mo when 1 found myself alone In total dark ness, cntomlied In this loathsome, subterra nean dungeon. Slowly tho remaining hours of tho night wore away, giving me plenty of timo to think over tho incidents of the past few wocks and soe if I hod done anything to deserve such treatment Easy it was to trace my trouble to the strange youth who had formed my acquaint ance in Boston, but I liad committed uo crime In delivering bis effects to bis fondly, save In the act of smuggling them ashore, and that in itself was a trivial olienso. The more my mind dwelt upon the matter, the more I was convinced that I bad allowed myself to become a medium between the Cuban patriots and their sympathizers in tho United States, and the Information or what ever it was that ,1 had delivered must havo been of great importance to call forth such a reward from Gonzalez. Yes, there was no doubt but what I was In for it, and knowing the irascible temper ot the Spaniards I felt that my death was well nigh certain. After what seemed an age from tho timo of my commitment to tho prison, a faint streak made its appearance upou one of tho walls of my cell; it was the first break of day. The small aperture through w hlch the light struggled was only about Ave feet from tbo floor, and I could easily look out. Tho slit was too narrow to allow a very ex tended range to my vision, but I could see that I was confined on the water side of tbo fort, and directly fronting tho shipping. But this fact afforded me little consolation, for I felt suie that I should only leave this dreary dungeon to march to my death. I was gazing wistfully out through the tiny aperture, when I heard the heavy bolt thrown back and tbo ponderous door swung open on its rusty hinges; and turning I wus confront ed by an officer and a file of soldiers armed with muskets. The ofilcer, with drawn sword, stepped Into the cell, aud in a pom pous manner ordered mo to "tall in," and we took up our march through the tortuous passageway to the light of day above. Issuing from the underground labyrinth ot corridors we emerged into a spacious square, across which I was conducted and placed with my back against the stone face ot a wall, while the soldiers wore drawn up in Una a few paces in front of mo. Several soldiers now apjieared carrying a table and some light camp stools, which they placed quite near me, but little to ono side, and then retired; two ot them almost imme diately returaod bearing that grim symbol of death, a coftlu. That my time bad coma I was certain, but I resolved to make a very vigorous protest against such summary measures, and called loudly for a hearing. But I might have saved my strength, for my protestations were not taken the slightest notice ot. Presently a, number of officers appeared crossing tho plaza, and to my unspeakable relief I recognized tbo American consul in their midst, I was then to bo granted tho somblanco of a trial at least The officials wasted no time in further cer emony, but soating themselves at the table began at onco by ono ot their number read ing the indictment, which was repeated in r-ngutn uy an interpreter, and which ac cused ma of "aiding and abetting tho Cuban Insurgents, w ho were in arms against their lawful sovereign, tha king of Spain, by de livering into tho hands ot one ot the chiefs nt the Insurgents incendiary uiiers to incite tha people of Cuba to further deods of violence against the government, aud also money to enable them to carry on a desultory war fare." To have attempted to disguise anything or withhold any part of my share in the unfor tuuate affair I knew would U disastrous to my cause; so I told my story straightforward from beginning to end, and tho consul, I saw, was faithfully translating it Several times, I afterward learned, tho party employed as interpreter construed my language ao ns to make mo appear much more guilty than I really was. The fact tliat I bad concealed tbo presence of the bag In my cabin from the officers, and then stealthily conveyed it ashore and deliv ered it to tho address upon It, was a strong, very itrgng. pole againi tqa, and it r- qnJfed atl UhT etoqtfeHee 6f M' oomoI U prove mat i was ignorant ot tne contenw or the bag. "If the prisoner had been aware what wst within tho bag, would ha havo dnred to have taken It to HI lis so dl I'ovo In broad day light, when the jilnta is full of soldiers and members of the secret service f asked my countryman and defender. This argument bore weight For some ten minutes tho officers conversed apart, while tho consul did his best to cheer me up. When everything had boon fixed appar ently to their satisfaction an elderly soldier, ono who soemedtobo chief among my judges, arosa and In a lengthy speech imposed ray sentence. "The court bad found that I had been but on unwitting agept, and therefore was not wholly responsible, but inasmuch as I baa surreptitiously conveyed the .bag ashore l had thereby violated tho customs rule and was conftoquently found guilty" arid ordered to pay a fine ot 300 in gold,' arid to remain imprisoned within tho fort at Matanau until the sum was paid." Oh, what a relief. I almost fainted on hearing tho sentence, tho reaction Wat to greatt , At may bo Imagined it required but a few moments for tho consul to give, hit bend for tho amount, and I was a f roo man. , I had no doslro to remain longer within tho walls of tho grim old fortress, after my release, and In company with ray 'defender hurried out through a sally port which'wat opened for our egress, and as we were pott, lng through, much to our surpriso, the con tents of my pockets (which bad been taken from mo the previous night), were returned, tome. Thus was ended my first and last tilt with tho bill d goddess, which far famed lady may be said to bo doubly blind In the distant Islands of the Antilloi. I afterward ascertained that tho Spaniard bad failed to secure tho person of Senor Gon zalez as he hud left the city the same, day of lny visit, but as I bad been ween to enter bis house with a ling und lvavo it without one, and as he was known to hold strong revolu tionary principles the authorities thought it their duty to arrest me, thinking that I was at least a syinithlzer, and that through fear ot Instant death I would reveal some- secret of the insurgents. , , GEORGE Si. PULLMAN. 4l THE STORY OF THE MODERN PAL ACE CAR RETOLD. First Experiments Made on the Altoa Boad Headlining: ot the Palaea 'Car.' Hollaing of the "Pioneer" llallroad Men Laugh Cutting riatformt. George M. Pullman was born in Brocton, Chautauqua county, and hit birth year 1BSL He lived in Brocton fourteen years and then' moved to Albion, where he also resided four teen years, At Albion ha became acquainted with Senator Ben Field, A member ot, the state senate in '1834-6. Mr. Field was inter ested In legislation concerning sleeping car fares, and the Woodruff Bleeping Car -company, in acknowledgment of his Interest in their behalf, had given him the right to run their sleepers on a couplo of western roads. While Mr; Pullman was in Chicago in 18W he was called upon by Senator Field with request for several loans, and out of, thesa ac- commodationson arrangement grew between them to run sleeping cars on the Alton road, Pullman to pay the senator, who had secured the right to run the cars, halt of tho prospec tive earnings. Matters went on In this -way for a short time, and meanwhile Field, who had no business tact, lost his sleeping car ser vice on the other two western roads which had been given him. One day ho came to Mr. Pullman and told him that ho had an op portunity to buy back the privileges, on the. other roads, and that he would like to sell his half interest in tho copartnership line to Mr. Pullman. A bargain was struck, and Mr. Pullman paid his partner t3,5O0 This was at the opening of the war, when tho night train on the Alton road, bad been taken offby the superintendent, who was a 'sympathiser with the south, and who thought that before the war was over grass would grow in .tb' streets of .the north. Tha outlook, for.tha Air. ton road was very dubious. It Is a .singular, illustration of Mr. Pullman's good fortune that he had hardly concluded the purchaatof his partner's half Interest before business. be came so good that the night i train .sriara started again and the sleeping car ibutUitfi began at once to make return.. Thea sleep ing cars on the Alton road, with which 'Mr. Pullman's first experiment were tried,, were simply two ordinary, passenger coach,' which he had changed into the .commonest kind ot sleeping cars at alight expense, .Fifty cents .was charged for a berth, and the .first night, four bertha wero sold.' About thit time the Pike' peak fever set in, and XT; Pullman gravitated west and spent two or three years at Pike's peak. Ho. returned in 1804 and again took up his sleeping car project- . . BEarattiKa or toe palace cab. In 1804 Mr. Pullman, who had been giving; the sleeping car business close attention, and who had become deeply Interested .Jn tha thought, that there was a wide Held for. In ventiye genius in that direction, met a master, car builder of the Alton railroad, who was an old friend, and paid him 1 100 a month to take In charge the construction ot a model car. He obtained the priyfleRo of using,, shed of the Alton, railroad In ito yard at Chi cago, and told the builder what sort of a car he wanted. The great question .with him was how to havo an upper and lower berth tbat would be comfortable. Thoy were at that time tho merest makeshifts to afford . night's rest Mr. Pullman determined that the new car should be the handsomest, vr made. Heretofore a sleeping car had cost not more, than f 4,000 or (4,&00. Looking th matter over and wondering bow he could ar range two berths that would be roomy, com fortable and convenient, ho was perplexed a to the disposition of the mattresses. At that time all the mattresses were put away in on section during the daytime. In fact, th early sleeping cars were simply used tor night cars and not run in the daytime. Mr. Pullman's idea was to have a car that could be run on long trips cither as a day. or a night car. With this object is view he started to build the "Pioneer," He found the mattresses could not be put on the floor because of the dust and discomfort. There was no place between the windows, and he finally said to his car builder, "Why not hinge an upper berth near the roof and put the mattresses in it when tho berth is closed during tho daytime!" Tho cor builder re plied at once that the car was not high enough and that tho space would be too smiU. This was before cars were built with raised "deckt" or roofs, "Then," said Mr, Pullman, "why not raise the car!" The outcome of this con versation was a direction that plans should be drawn tor a car as wide aud as high as would be necessary to get lu two berths, in cluding one hinged to the upper side of tho car. The plan was accurately drawn for a car one foot wider and two and one-half feet higher thau any car that had heretofore been built in this country, RAILROAD illN LACOB. Of course railroad men who heard of Mr. Pullman's plans smiled, and said that it Mr. Pullman was a railroad man be would know better than to pursue bis Impracticable propo- " litioni; that he he would only meet disaster and lose all that he had. But his conviction was strong and clear, and with that pluck and audacity which have always charac terized his clear sighted business policy, h went ahead and the car was built Th next question was the decoration ot it Mr. Pull man determined that it should be th hand somest car in all respects that ever had been made in the country. He came on to New York and thero happened to meet the artist who bad just decorated the bouse ot Samuel J, Tllden. He at once closed with this artist, took him west and tet him at work decorating the car. When the Pioneer was finished It had cost tho extraordinary sum of 118,000, a Urge price even now for a sleeping ar. It was a wonder to everybody. It was just as Mr. Pullman had expected. The beauty of. the finish and the marvelous innovation he had mode wero advertised far and near by the newspapers and by railroad men, and somo of the latkcr began to believe that the Idea ot the Inventor after all were practicable. The Pioneer was rn process ot building for a whole year. The assassination ot Lincoln oc curring at this time, It was suggested that the Pioneer lie used In the funeral train, and it was run from Springfield to Chicago on the Alton road. As had been predicted when the car was built, It was too wide to run on the roads as then constructed. It was neces sary for the Alton road to send along its line and cut oil tho platforms that projected, and to make numerous changes at stations so that the car, with its width of an additional foot, could pass. Thus the railroads had to make way tor the improvement that the convenience ot the traveling publla demanded. Everywhere the beauty of the Pioneer wot talked of, and it was not strange that toon after, when Gen. Grant came home, the use, of the car was asked to convey the great hero from Detroit to Galena. The Michigan Central railroad was coiiqielled to do precisely what tho Alton road did cut its platforms, aud in other ways make way for the car and from this time on the railroads pi eparod themselves for tho new palace cur, "J. A. H." in Albany Journal. It 'pear like de meanea' men hat dt toad iuenc obtr d Us' womtn.