The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 06, 1888, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM8BURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. f ROYAI yWv.WH7X. S POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel or parity strength and wbolosomenesa. More economical than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In compe tition wltbtbe multitude ot low testation weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans. Hotal UiilNO rowDin Co.. Wall St., N. T. The Columbian BLOOMSBURG, FA FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1888. coeevct Biitaoin tin tisml BLOOM8BUKO ft BUIXIVAN RAILROAD SOUTIL NORTH. Arrive. Arrive, Leave. Leave. STATIONS. T.U. A.M. A.M. r.H. Bioomsbunr. ....... in s oo s e 40 MalnBtroet. 144 !M 8 4 e 43 Irondale 141 7 w sou i Paper Mill. H! I 4l V 14 6 M Llifht street. l 28 T 33 9 sa m orangevtlle 1 13 7 83 8 40 7 10 Fori! 18 67 7 11 08 a TUbtH I8 60 7 0S 10 05 7 17 Stillwater tS 43 7 00 10 18 7 S3 Benton,... 18 so ew wso 7 43 Leave. Leave. Arrive. Arrive. T.U. A.M. A.M. T.U. o Trains on the P. K. U. R. leave Rupert is follows : KOBTH. . SOUTH. 7:9T a. m. 11:00 a. m. 3:37 p. in. :04 p. m. o Trains on tbe D. I ft W. H. It. leave Bioomabnrt astollowa: NORTH. SOUTH. 7:11a.m. 8:33 a. m. 11:07 a. m. 18:03 p. m. 2:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m. S:38 p.m. 8:47 p.m. Trains on the N.ftW.B. Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows : XOXTll. ' SOUTH. 10:43 a. m. M:S4 a. m. e,sp.o. 419 p.m. SUNDAY. NORTH. SOUTH. 10:13 a m 8:8' P m 8AI.CS. Jan. 21. Eons Jacoby, Trustee of John Jacoby, deceased, will sell valuable real es tate, on the premises, In Bloomsburg, at 10 o'clock a. m. Jauuury 7. Elias Keicbard, executor of the estate of Wm. N. A. Rogers, late ot Orange township, deceased, will sell valu able real estate on the premises, at 10 o'clock a. id. Notice of Selection. There will bo an election of a Board of Directors of the Bloomsburg Banklog Com pany, to serve for the ensuing year, at their uanklng House in uioomsourg on mes dy, January 10, 1888, at 2 o'clock p. m. 11. H. Gbotz, Cashier. Buy Lester's Binghamton Kip iJoots. best made. personal. Engineer Lutz went to Annapolis, Md., last week. Miss Annie Ent returned from Brooklyn last Friday evening. F. G. Thome, Jr., ot Philadelphia, visit ed friends iu town last week. Miss Simon, of llarrlsburg, has been visiting Miss Pauline Hester. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Shipley of Cincin nati, recently burled their infant son. Warren Eycr started south last Friday morning to join an engineer corps at An napolis, Md. W. W. Drinker went to Scranton on Wednesday, where he will attend a busi ness college. Mr. Frank Bcrtsch of Mauch Chunk, has been visiting his brother, Q. W. Bertsch, during the past week. Miss Dora Marr left last week for Provi dence, R. I., to take a course In steno graphy and type writing. Hany Chemberlln spent the Christmas holidays at this place. He is encaged in business at Bethlehem, Pa. Dr. D. 11. Montgomery of Mlfflinville was in town on Tuesday. He is a progressive cltiz"n and believes In free bridges across the river. Mr. Lloya P. Zaner, son of John Zaner, started West Wednesday morning. Be ex pects to visit at Columbus, Ohio, and Audubon, Iowa. Mrs. A. M. Rea, Misses Alice and Tillie Res, and W. G. Shoop, all of Danville, Pa., Teglstered at the St. James yesterday. Jacksonville, Fla., Nevi-Uerald, Dec. 26. Mr. A. W. Musgravo returned on Wed nesday to Philadelphia, where he is attend ing tbe College of Pharmacy. lie has been spending tbe holidays with his parents at Welltversville. The following students spent tbe Christ mas holidays at home ; Miss Mildred Knorr, Miss Carrie Jameson, J. C. Rclf snyder, E F. Smith, F. A. Ikeler, F. T. lkelrr, Sam llarman, J. Herring, Matthew McReynolds, Frank Aurand, Lee Harman, Geo. Hassert. Mr, Lloyd M. Kelcbner, of Llghtstreet, left Wednesday morning for Delaware, Ohio, where he will bo one of the Instruct ors In penmanship in tbe school In which be was taught tbe art. Mr. Eelcbner seems to have a natural talent and with cultiva tion will b very successful. The public schools will open on Monday. Our fox hunters were out Tuesday, but were not successful. Every one of the Institute lccturel last week was largely attended. The Wllllamsport toboggan slide was put In operation last week. The Montour county teachers' Institute was held at Danville last week. Go to L- Ylereck's Shaving and Hair cut ting saloon. Twelve shaves for 91. 6w , Cbriatmas comes this year on Tuesday, skipping Monday because It Is leap year. Particular attention given to Ladles' and Cblldrcna' Hair cutting at Louis Ylereck's. Many handsome calendars have been Is sued for 1888 by large business firms all over Ihe country. Qui te a number of country weeklies en joyed tbe holiday season last week by not publishing a paper. O. 8. Herring's dwelling on North Main street is fast nearing completion, and looks better with each day's progress, Ent Post, 250, G, A. R. will have apub llo Installation of officers at 7 o'clock Fri. day evening, Jau. 0. All are Invited. A sleighing party ot young people from Danville came up here Tuesday night and spent the evening at the Exchange Hotel, The Normal school opened Tuesday morning. Newly arrived students wer) to be seen passing up Main street all day. Street Commissioner Ulllmcycr, Is busy laying sewer p'.pe up East street from Sixth. Ho has a largo forco of workmen. Wm. Kramer has bought, the Chsmbcr lln property on 'upper Main street for $8,000 from tba executors of John M. Cberabcrllh. We aro better prepared than ever beforo to do printing, and we make the printing business hum tbls year. Bring In your orders. It Is now I. W. Uartman & Sons, Robert E. Uartman haying gono luto the firm on Monday. They are among our foremost business men. Seventeen Tears experience In the Barber business. Am prepared to please the most fastidious. Clean towels, and twelve shaves tor 91 at Louis Ylereck's. JanS-Ow. Throw salt or ashes on your pavements It you cannot get the Ice off In any other way. Soiled doorsteps and carpets are preferable to broken limbs. Col. Freeze received a postal card, mail ed at Bhcnandoab, and very carefully ad dressed, but upon which the sender bad forgotten to write his message. Fodder cutters and crushers, also a full line of bob sleds. WniTi, CoNNin & Sloan, decOtf Orangevtlle, Pa. Mrs. James Brown Potter, the celebrated amatuer actress who made her debut in London a short time ago as a professional, played "Romeo and Juliet" In Wllkcsbarre last week. Mr. James Cadman and family removed, the fore part of this week, from Main street to the house formerly occupied by Mr. Rosenstock, on the corner of East and Third streets. Great hopes of good sleighing were rais ed In the minds ot many by tho snow that fell thick and fast all day Saturday, but tboy were dashed to earth by the rain that succeeded it. A gospel mass meeting will be held in tho Opera House V)n Sunday afternoon, January 6th, at 3 o'clock. Rev. Thomas Needham will conduct the services. Every body will be welcomed. The old democratic court crier of North ampton county, w.ho has held tbe office for twenty-one years, was, a few days ago, re moved, by tho two now republican judges. That Is civil service reform, don't you see? We aro glad to note that some ot our readers are appreciating the column devot ed to the International Sunday School les son. We hopo all our readers may becomo Interested. It will bo a valuable assistant to Sunday School teachers. A masquerade ball was given at Muslo Hall last Monday evening and was well at tended. There were a large number present from Danville as well as from town. Danc ing was kept up until a Iatehour. Mether ells orchestra f urnisbi d the music List of letters remaining in the postoffice at Benton for month ending Dec. 31, 1837. W. C. Hallford, Mr. J. R. Hess. Persons calling for these letters will please say "advertised." Ella E. ArruuAN, P. M. A handsomely carved super-altar, brass rod and dosel were placed in tho chancel of the Episcopal church on Christmas. They were the gifts of Miss Sarah Chase ot Boston, Mass., a niece of Rev. W. C. Leverett's. The dosel is of crimson plush, and tbe entire effect Is very beautiful. It will soon bo time for attorneys who have cases in the Supreme Court to have their paper books printed. If all put It off until the last moment It will be difficult for the printers to do tbe work in time. The Columbian office can turn them out at the rate of sixteen pages a day, if necessary. Communion services will be held in the Evangelical cburcb, on next Sunday morn ing by Rev. M. J. Carotbera of Milton, He will also preach on Saturday evening, Sunday morning and Sunday evening. All are cordially Invited. Rsv. J. F. Shultz, Pastor. An accident occured Monday on Main street in front of I. W. McKelvy's store that might have resulted more seriously than It did. A horse attached to a sleigh belonging to Chas. Werkhelser of Buck, horn, slipped and fell down. Fortunately, no damage was done beyond breaking the shafts of the sleigh. Dr. T. C. Harter, who has been visiting the different medical institutions in several states, during tho last year, is home spend ing the holidays. He has become noted for tbe successful treatment ot diseases ot the throat and lungs. He expects to spend the winter In Mew York and return In the spring to practice hit profession in Blooms, burg. Messrs. Whll, Conner & Sloan, pro prietors of tbe Orangevllle Agricultural Works; speak ncll of Iheir business during the past year. Their thresher and separ ator has a wide reputation and tho sales in creasing from year to ytar. Our farmers Mn nrit fin hnftur flian nalrnnl?n llinm fnr their machines aro first-class. f A surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. J. Cadman Friday evening of last week at their former home on upper Mam street. The evening was spent in dancing, which was kept up until a lata hour; a stop being made only for refreshments. Tbe dancing was done In the rooms on tho first floor, formerly occupied by Mr. Cadman as a furniture store. All present enjoyed a very pleasant evening. List ot letters remaining In the Post Of fice at Bloomsbmrg for week ending Jan. 4, 1B88. Jackson Davis, Miss Maggie Fawbcr, Mr. L. E. Fry, Mr. Hiram B. Girton Ed. Lercb, John Roat, Samuel Btratton, Mr. W. E. Smith, Rev. J. F. Shultz, E. Treat, Chas. Wbltenlght. CARDS. George Ginter. Persons calling tor theso letters will please say "advertised." Usoboi A. Clark, P. M. The number of applicants for license Is fifteen less tbls year tban last. Tbe high license Is probably tbe cause of it. While the number Is thus reduced, the revenue to the County is far in excess. The revenue from all applicants last year was $ 3760.00) while this year It aggregates 97350 00. There are tbirty.thrce applicants from Bloomsburg, Berwick and Centralia, leav ing only thirty-two.tor tho balance of tbe county, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Flcckenstlno of Orangevtlle celebrated their golden wed ding on December 28. Tbeie were present many guests, Including seven children, Joseph, George, Jacob, William, Mrs. Sam uel Hldlay, Mrs. W. II. Snyder, and Mrs. G, W, Bertsch, There were also some grandchildren, and (wo great grandchild, ren. Numerous beautiful gifts were be stowed upon Mr. add Mrs, Fleckenstlne, and the day was a happy one Tho Welsh Prise Singers gavo their con. cert at the Opera Houso last Monday oven, lng to a much smaller audience than they deserved. A two part program was well carried out, Both the chorus singing and solos, duets and quartettes were very prettily rendered. The harp playing ot Mr. Walter T. Barker, who also presided at the piano, was an excellent feature of tho program. He Is an artist ot great ability, and his .selections wero both finely rendered and well received by tbe audience. Tho whole entertainment was a very en joyablo ono and should have had a largo attendance, Speaking of tho appointment of Ex. Superintendent Wolvcrton ot Northumber land county as principal of tho public schools of this Dlaco the Milton Argu saysi Tho above appointment will be balled with much pleasure by the friends of Professor Wolvcrton. His duties as Superintendent for this county for threo terms gavo great satisfaction. H6 Is a flno educator, and will carry to the peoplo ot Bloomsburg an abundance) of learning which tho exper ience of yeara enables htm to impart to others. We shall regret to see him leavo Milton aid trust that he may meet with the samo favor among our neighbors as ho has here. Mr. R, L. F. Colley died last Sunday morning at bis home on lower Main street, after an lUness ot only a few days. He was taken lit on Wednesday, with pleurisy, and lingered only until Sunday morning about six o'clock, when he passed away. The deceased was aged about sixty-four years, and leaves a wife and three child ren to mourn bis loss. Services wero held at the honse on Tuesday moraine, and the remains were taken by tho mornlag train on the II. & B. road to Benton, where tho funeral sermon was preached at the Chris tian church by Rev. D. M. Klnter, and the remains Interred In the cemetery there. Tho widow and children have the sympathy of the community. During tho year 1885 the number of jobs ot printing done at tbls office was the larg est within the knowledge ot the present owners, and we may safely say larger than any previous year since tbe establish ment ot the paper, or any of its predeces sors. In 1886 the number ot jobs done was olo hundred greater than 1835, and during the past year, 1887, It was fifty more than 1836. This may not be of any interest to any one but ourselves, but it shows the steady and constant growth of our trade m the faco ot strong competition. This wc attribute to tbe fact that our facil ities fnr doing all kinds of printing are un excelled, and the workmanship and prices aro satisfactory to our patrons. We guar antee satisfaction on all our work. At tbo residence of Mrs. R. A. Snyder, on December 20th, a very pleasant affair took place In tbe marriage of Mr. George W. Kitchen ot Millville and Miss Ada L. Beers, of Mordansville. A number of guests bad been invited, and tbe party as sembled at 9 o'clock a. m. Tbe bride and groom were united in holy wedlock by Rev. A. B. Hooven ot Orangevllle. After the congratulations had been extended, re freshments were served up in good style, and all partook of them with relish. A pleasant exchange ot social greeting fol lowed, and the happy couple started on a short trip, bearing with them tho best wishes of all present. A number of val uable preseuts were given by the friends, accompanied by their unanimous wish that the future of the new couple might be one of unbounded success and happiness. A Gdxst. Mr. J. K. Lockard has submitted plans to mechanics for the construction of his new brick building on corner of Main and Centra street. Work will bo commeuced about April 1st. The main part of ihe old frame building has been purchased by Mr. Clark and will be moved across tbe street. Tho "new building will be a threo story brick. Tbe front will be of different archi tecture from any ot our present buildings. The first story front will have galvanized Iron columns. The second and third story fronts will be heavily coped with brown stone. Mr. Lockard has some thought of of finishing the second story into rooms suitable for small families, who wish to board at, hotels and the prefer private rooms. He has had tcveral applications for such rooms, and will determine as the building progresses, by the applications received. The building will be 99 feet wide and 80 feet deep. Tbe new year was ushered In as usual last Saturday nlgbt by the ringing of church bells, tooting of horns, etc Watch meetings were held in several of the churches. The noise on the streets was not as loud as usual, on account of tbe rain that fell all night and continued all day Sunday, taking away nearly all tbe snow that had fallen Saturday. The water overflowed the pavements and in some places was more than an Inch in depth, causing very sloppy walking and prevent ing many from attending church during the day. Sunday night It began to glow colder and continued to do so, until by noon Monday It was exceedingly cold. A strong wind blew all Monday afternoon, making it much colder. Quito a cumber took advantage of tho snow still on tbe ground to go slelgh-rldlng Monday, but tbe snow had been nearly all takeu away by tbo stead) rain, and the sleighing was rather poor, except in places where tbo ground was covered with ice, where sleighs flipped along smoothly. The cold weath er, too, was rather sharp, for pleasant Blelehing. In town, the banks and post office wero closed, but nearly all tbe busi ness places were open all day long. Yery few New Year calls were made. This cus tom, however, has not been generally ob served on previous years. In tbe evening the Welsh Prize Singers gave an entertain, ment In tho Opera House, which was uot largely attended. There was yery little drunkonness in town either on New Year's eve or on Monday. A Marrow Escape. Monday morning small boys were coast ing on Centre street above Main. Chris, a young son of Chas. E. Rlece, got on his sled at the top of the bill. Lying flat upon tbe sled be began the descent. A gentle man and lady were coming up Main street with horse and buggy, driving leisurely. Tbe sled coming with such rapidity could not bo stopped, and darted under the horse Tbo horse began jumplug and kicking, and stepped closely bcsldo the boy completely demolishing the sled. The front wheel of the wagon ran over the boy, wben be was taken out between the wheels, with a few bruises. It was a miraculous escape, and should be a lesson to parents, to keep their children off the bills leading across our streets. Tbe officers ot tbe town should see that our ordinances are enforced. TP lu Good Kuoujfb. Mr. O. E. Bartholomew, Kalkasks,Mlch., say si "I owe my lite solely to Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Rondout, N. Y. I had liver and kidney disease,and for five years was unable to go About. I am now well, and cau do a man's work on my farm. I shall always hold up both bands for Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, Price 91.08 a bottle; six for 95. (dec23dt Buy Lester's Binghamton Kip Boots. Best made, Away from the eyes, away from the mind Do away with. Impure blood, and the evt dence of 111 health will soon disappear. Uso Warner's Log Cabin Sarsspatllla and secure ptue blood and good health, Tbe largest bottle in tho market. 160 doses for 91.00 Ikctcrtowti. , Where Is It? It Is on the main road up tho creek, about a mile below Stillwater. Much ot tho land In sight once belonged to William Ikclcr. Ha sold several building lots and laid out a llttto town, and though he was unfortunate, and all bis flno prop, crty went out of Ills hands before his death, yet, .in memory, of tho old gentleman, wo catHt.Ikelertown. It Is made up ot eight dwelling houses and tbclr accompaniments, together, with a planing mill where T. H Edgar Is doing a fine business, Thero is no part of the valley, that I know of, that affords 'more diversity of scenery, or a more beautiful landscape. On the cast of us, and close by, the ridge rises abruptly and forms an almost perpen dicular ledge ot rocks for some distance, then it Is broken Into rugged points by deep ravines that cut through It. Down ono of theso a, llttlo dashes and supplies a tank, out 'gfcsvh leb, the "Iron II orse" Is watered e'vefday. The R R. Is built along the baser ot tho ridge, and the waters of our far famed Fishing creek, now quietly, then spreading Into a wider space, rlpplo over tbelr rocky bed. Tbcso naked rocks, tbls broken rldgo, a train ot cars, that leaves behind It a cloud of melting vapor, mako a sexne not every whero found. Looking North and West wo have a view, '.though not so romantic as tho other, is beautiful. A number of fine farms aro In sight tbe fields of some of which ascend gently from the bottom lands until they almost reach the tops of the west ern rldgc. Flno rural homes also, are In view, among them the late residence of tho much lamented Silas Mcllenry, of Daniel McUenry, of' Judge O. B. McUenry, Stott E. McUenry, Henry Kelcbner and others: And hero, on nn eminence, stands the unique little church, whero tbo Christian Congregation meet every Lord's day for the work of the Sundayschool and tho wor ship nf God. This to me, Is the most In teresting spot In the whole landscape. Forty-seven years ago I was active In the erec tion, on tbls spot, of the first house of worship In three adjoining townshlp.i; there too, Ho the most of the old people, of this part of tbe valley, who have departed this life, and though I am not a native of this place, uor akin to these old peoplo yet I re member them gratefully, tor when I was a stranger they took mo In; when I was hun gry they fed mo, and their social and rellg. lous lives were intimately connected with my early manhood. Being mostly farmers, a quotation from tho "Farmer's Elegy,'' by Lord, will apply here. On a green grass? knoll on tho banks of the broolc, Thu so long.and so often,bad watered bis Btocx, Tho ola farmer rests In bis long, last sleep, And tbe luw , lapsing waters a lullaby keep. Tbe flowers In beauty may bloom on toe spot, Tbe birds mar be singloir.he heedetb them nnn For be has plowed bis last furrow and reaped bis malt Kiniuj No morning shall wake bun to labor again. Dec. 29, 1887. John Bbttok. Farmer's Institute. The following Is the programme ot the Farmers'" Institute and General Farmers' Convention, to be held under tbe auspices ot tho Pennsylvania State Board of Agri culture, in' accordance with an Act of the Legislature, in tho Free Church, Mlllvllle, Columbia County, Penn'a, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, January 11, 12 and 18, 1888. Obdkb Or Business. Wxdnisdat Aftkbnoon. Call to Obdxb at 1:80 p. m. Organization. Opening Exercises. Essays & Discussions. 1. "Pure Bred Poultry" by W. B. Ger man, Millville, Pa. 2. "Stock Raising for Profit" by Thos. L. Clapp, Member ot State Board of Agri culture, Limestonevllle, Pa. 3. "How can tbe farmer mako the most money out ot his Domestic Animals?" by Col. John Jameson, Bloomsburg, Pa. 4. -'Facts Learned in tho Department of hygiene and food inspection" by Dr. Hen ry Leffman, inspector, Philadelphia, Pa. Wednesday Eve. Call to Order at 7:15 p. m 1. Music 2. Illustrated Lecture Dr. nenry Left mann, Mlcroacopist and Food Inspector of the Boaid, will deliver an Illustrated Lec ture on "The Causes of Disease." Admission freo. Lecture to commence at 7:30 p. m. Thub. Mobnino. Call to Order at 9:30 a. m. 1. "Yaluo and Advantage ot the Cream ery to the Farmer' by John Holla, Mem ber of State Board ot Agriculture, Milton, Pa. 2. "Dairying In Columbia County" by A. P. Young, Millville, Pa. 8. "How shall we Increase the profits of our Dairy Products?. -by Mortoi Decker, Manufacturer of Gilt Edged Butter and Wholesalo Cream Dealer, East Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pa. 4. "Grain for Farm and Market" by H. V. Wbl'te, Secretary of Columbia Coun ty Agricultural Society, Bloomsburg, Pa. Thub. Afteb. Call to Order at 1:30 p. m. 1. "Pleasure and Profit Of Bee Keep ing'sby II . H. Brown, Light Street, Pa. 2. "Care of the Houey Bee during the Winter and Spring" by W. G. Follmcr, Milton, Pa. 3. Illustrated Lecture on the "Repro duction of the Honey Bee" by G, G.Grofft, Professor of Natural History, Bucknell University, LcwUburg, Pa. 4. "Wintering Bees Tho Best Way" by William McEwen, Mlllvllle, Pa. 5. "Grapes, and bow to grow them"-, by J. U. Townscnd, Bloomsburg, Pa. Tiiubsday Eve. Call to Order at 7il5 p. m. 1, Music. 2. Address by Dr. Elwood Harvey, Member of State Board of Agrlcalture, Chester, Pa Subjects "The Near Future of Farming Interest." Adm. free. Lecture to commence at 7:30 p.m Fbidat Mobn Call to Order at 7i30 p. ra. 1. "Principles of FertllizatIon" Wil liam Frear, Ph. D. Agricultural Chemist, State College, Centre county, Pa. 2. "Lime vs. Phospate" by Moses Bond, Turbotville, Pa. 8. "Experiments with .Commercial Fer. tlllzers" by John A. Gundy, Member of State Board ot Agriculture, Lowisburg, Pa. 4. Answer to Question Relating to Fer tilizers by Thomas J, Edge, Secretary of State Board of Agriculture, llarrlsburg, Pa. 5. "Fruit Culture as a Specialty" W. Vorls, Pottsgrove, Fa. Fbidat Aft. Call to Order at JiSO p. m. 1, Music. 2. "The Homo and the Household" by G. W. Henrie, Mlllvllle, Pa. 8, "Adornment of Farmers' Homes"-, by Wlnthrop Bryfoglo, Bloomsburg, Pa. 4. "Choose Ye"-Mlss Amelia Armstong, Bloomsburg, Pa. 5. Subject to, be selected-by E. II. Cut ler, Principle ot the Friends' School, at Millville, Pa. Fkiday Eve. Call to Order at 7:15 p. m. 1, Music 2. Address by E. R. Ikeler, Esq., of Bloomsburg, Pa Subjccti "A Pica for Planters." Adm. free. Lecture to com. at 7:30 p. in. for PlUi, Bonn, Bruises, Cuts, Bore throat, Stiff Neck, Pond's Extract Is an lu valuable remedy. Neuralgia and ltbeuma tlsm, and many other Ills alike In character and any external or internal Inflammations or Bleedings, yield quickly to its maglo In. fluence. Pond's extract Is sold everywhere. Avoid Imltatlens. CHARLGI H. RROCKWAV, Captain Chatlcs B. Brockway died at his homo on Tuesday morning at ton o'clock, after an Illness of several weeks. He had been In falling health for some time, and his death was not unexpected. He was born In this county April 1, 1840. At tbo age ot ten years, he commenced driving a team on the canal during tbo summer months and In winter btrcd out his services as best bo could, sometimes on tbe repairs ot tbe canal, sometimes In the family of some prominent citizen. At tho age of fifteen he filled tho position of wclgbmastcr on tbe canal at Beach Haven. In 1858 be was appointed chief clerk In the Attorney General's office at llarrlsburg, whero he remained until Mr. Buckalcw's appointment as Minister Resident at Quito, Ecuador, whom be accompanied In the capacity of private secretary. During bis stay In that country he mastered the Span. Ish language, became familiar with the geography and topography ot the country, the manners and habits of tbo people to surprising degree, as manifested In his correspondence with Eastern magazines over the signature ot "Quicn babe" (who knows.) On his return from Spain ho taught school one winter, and then entered the of fice of E H. Little, Esq., to study tho leual profession. In 1861, when the war commenced, he was mustered into Company A, 6th P. R. Y. C , (the Iron Guards) and was elected Bergcant. He afterward enlisted as a pri vate In the three years service, and waff mustered Into Battery F, First Pennsyl vania Light Artillery, then commanded by Captain Matthews, and afterward by Col. Rlckctts. In tbls organization be soon be came a Sergeant. The battery was at first attached to the Reserve Corps at Tenally. town, but soon after was detatcbed and ordered to Bank's command atDarnestown, Maryland. Here a section of Parrolt guns was added to the. battery, and immediately after it was ordered to Wllllamsport, Mary- land. Captain Matthews being short of officers, applied to Governor Curlin for an order for election to fill the vacancy, which was made. Captain Brockway was unani mously elected, and at once took 'command of the section. He made himself a high reputation as a brave officer. Col. Bryan's official report of Hull Run says: "Lieut. Brockway, with the other offi cers captured, was marched on foot to the Rapldan River, and from thence was con. veyed to Llbby Prison, as one of Pope's felons, where he remained until exchanged, lie was a prisoner when Antletam was fought, and it was the only engagement ot the war he missed In which his Battery participated. At Fredericksburg it held an important position, covering tbo lower pontoon bridge, and was subject to heavy fire." The Battery participated In all the other battles of the Campaign, and distinguished Itself at Bpottsylvanla. North Anna River, the Tolopolomy, Cold Harbor, and the var ious fights In front of Petersburg. Boon after reaching Petersburg Capt. Brockway was appointed Assistant Chief of Artillery to Gen. Uazzard, then on Gen, Hancock's Staff as Chief ot Artillery ot the Second Corps. This position he held until after tbe Mine explosion, when he was attacked with typhoid fever,broughton by over exertion, and was first granted a leavo of absence, and then sent to tbe Uos. pital at Annapolis. His health continuing feeble be felt com polled to resign after threo years and near, ly eight months continuous service. Sub sequently, Gov. Curtin commissioned blm Captain of bis old Battery. For gallant and meritorious conduct at Bull Run, be was also breveted Captain. After tbe close ot the war be finished his studies, and was admitted to tbe bar where he developed marked ability. In 1870 ho was tho Democratic nominee for Congress in this district, then Btrongly Republican, and was defeated by UIyss3s Mercer by only 124 votes. Ho represented this county In the State Legislature in 1371-2-3. Ia 1807 he became associated with Col. Freeze in publishing Tub Columbian, and subsequently became sol owner. In Sep. tember 1874 be formed a law partnership with Geo. E Elwell, and in October 1875 they purchased The Columbian and con ducted It for years. Since October 1879, Mr. Brockway has attended to bis law practice. Mrs. Brockway and three daughters sur vive him. The funeral will take place at the house this Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and will be conducted by Ent Post G. A. R. The members ot tbe Bar will atten d In a body. DeatU of Wm. Drown. Mr. Wm. Brown, a former resident of his town, died suddenly at Pottsgrove Thursday ot last week, of pneumonia, He had a severe cough tor several days pre ceding, but did not tblnk It serious enough to call In a physician. Thursday he was sitting on a sofa, with his head reclining on a chair, to get relict from coughing; he attempted to Ho down on the sofa and expired without a word ot warning. He was 40 years of age. His body was Inter red at Milton Saturday. Mr. Brown was a brother-in-law of our townsman, Mr. O. E. Bavage. He was In the grocery business Id tbls place for a number of years. Winona Reception. The Seventh Winona Kccrptlon was giv en at tbe Exchange Hotel on Friday nlgbt December !0. Dancing began In tbo din. lng room at about ten o'clock and contin ued until five In the morning with an inter mission for supper. Tbe muslo was fur nished by Henry's orchestra ot Bunbury, and consisted ot seven pieces. It was very good. Tbe supper was excellent and em braced all tbe delicacies of the season. Tbo costumes of 'ho ladles wero beautiful, and most of the gentlemen wero In full evening dress. Forty.three couples were present. The following named persons from out ot town were In attendance i Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Cougblln, Milford, N, J.) Mrs. J, J. Loicer, Helena, Montana; Miss Kato Price, Edlogton, Pa ; Misses Jtnale and Sara Moody, Miss Jessie Mann, Sunbury; Miss Mary Falrcblld, Montandon; Miss Mame Simon, llarrlsburg; Misses Nellie and May Dean, Danville; Mr. W. E. Renshaw, Plymouth; Mr. H. B. Hughes, Plttston; Mr. J. J. VanOrt, Bcranton; Miss Eyans, Mr. A. M. Freas, Mr. Thos, nanly, Berwick; Mr. J. O, Wiegand, Mr. Joe Stone, Hazleton; Mr. F. G, Thorno Jr., Philadelphia; Mr. Frank Foreman, Wllllamsport; Mr, M. Bruner, Muncy, Mr. Ira Speaker, Lewisburg; Mr. Frank Bertsch, Mauch Chunk. CouHuniplton Hurely Cured. To the Editou Please inform your read crs that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By Its timely uso thousands of hopeless cases bavo been per manently cured. I shall bo glad to send two bottles of my remedy freo to any of your readers who have consumption If they will send me their express and post ofllco address. Respectfully, T, A. Slocum, M. O., 181 Pearl Bt., New York, nonov250m Dr. Kilmer & Co., of Binghamton, N, Y., are now working a night and day forco to supply tbe druggists' orders tor tbelr Swamp-Root Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure. Jiinghamttn Daily Jlejmiliean. (23dlL coanty Inatttnte, The annual convention of the teachors of Columbia county assembled In the Opera House, tbls town, on Monday Dec. 20th, at 2 o'clock p. m. Superintendent Grimes having called the Instltuto to order, Rev. W. O. Leverett con ducted the devotional exorcises by reading a portion of Ihe scriptures and offering a prayer. Rev. D. J. Waller, Br,, was then Intro duced, who welcomed the teachers In a fow pertinent remarks, after which all were en tertained with music. The committee on arrangements reported tbe following officers who vyxo Immediate ly elected by tbe Institute i President, Prof. Grimes i Vice-President, 11. G.Clark Sec retary, I. II. Winter; Treasurer, J. B. Kline, and Door-keeper, Mr. Grotz. J. C. Brown and Prof. Wilbur then re sponded to Rev. Waller's address In short but very Interesting addresses. After which muslo appropriate tor this season "Bilently Falling Snow." "Tbe Dignity of Common Schools" wns then ably discussed by Prof. Clark, princi pal of tbe Berwick schools. Dr. Waller followed In an address on "Primary Physiology." The Dr. gave the following necessary conditional principles t 1. "Teachers should have a clear con ception of the object of tho study tho pro motion of tbe physical well-being of tho community and especially of tbo children. 2. Should understand tbo mental stato of those with whom you aro dealing. Should cultivate the senses, which are tho gate-ways from the external world to the mind. 8. "Must believe what you wish to teach." Music "Thoughts of Wonder." Prof. GrtmcB then announced that the Institute would be divided for the morning sessions the primary teachers to report in tbe Third Btreet school building and all others In the Opera House. After a few remarks by Dr. Waller and Prof. Grimes concerning the evening lec tures, tbe Institute sang tbe "Long Metre Doxology" and dismissed for the day. tuebday mobnino. The exercises of tbe day wero opened by singing "All Halt the Power of Jesus Name;" and reading of scripture and pray, cr by Rev. Manbart. Prof. Neff, the first Bpcakcr, introduced the subject of "Heading," which undorllcs everything. "In teaching reading you aro teaching every subject. Reading aloud Is no test as to whether you bnve the thought It Is not necessary to give it in tho Ian guage of tho book. It pupils have thought they will give proper gesture. Therefore, ventures need not be taught." After singing, Mr. Curry gave a very in teresting and instructive talk on tbe sub ject of "History." Mr. W. C. Johnston next spoke on tbe subject "How to Improve our Public Schools?" followed by music and a short Intermission. When Institute vta called to order again Prof. Neff continued tbe subject ot reading. "We get thought from sentence end Ian guage dovelop sentence by coming tn con tact with that which Is to be impressed." Dr. Waller then discussed tbe subject of "Self Education." "No one Is too old to begin No one will ever become educated merely by the use of a hand book It you wish to become proficient In any branch, It Is necessary to develop power in that direc tion. TUESDAY p. it. After singing several selections, Mr, McUenry, director from Berwick, read a paper on "School Government." Prof. Welsh, teacher In tho West Chester State Normal School, followed In sn ad dress on "Letter Writing," as it should be taught in our schools. Dr. L. B. Kline next read & paper on "Supplementary Reading." He stated "that newspapers, journals, etc., should be taken and used as supplementary reading, Theso should be secured by eppropitatlon from School Board, or by contributions from pupils, Prof. Neff then gave a class drill, tbe object ot wblch was to show that a pupil may be ablo to pronounce all tho words, even read with a fair degree of fluency, and yet he losing tho benefit that should be de rived from every reading lesson. The Pro fessor was followed by Dr. Wlnshlp, who showed bow Important it is that the teach, er should understand that upon which he operates. Adjourned to Wednesday a. m. WEDNESDAY 31I.BN1NO. After the usual opening exercises, Prof. Neff continued the subject of "Beading." "If tbe pupils are able to get the thought, good oral impression will follow as a cause from an effect. The whole responsibility ot starting the pupils right, rests on the pri mary teacher; for if started correctly noth ing afterward can spoil tbe child. Reading is the foundation upon which all other branches rest. Mistakes will have to bo passed as correcting takes the child's mind from" the thought Teachers should not teach tbe pronunciation they do not uso themselves. Much ot the trouble Is caused by going to fast Reading Is all done In the mind pupils should not read orally until they can do so without thinking of tbe words; if the words are thought of, the thought will be lost. Singing. "Twilight Is Stealing." Supt. W. S. Monroe then took up the subjtct of Language. "Too often children not understanding the thought of the prob lem lose It. Cblldrcn.dcligbt In tbo power of expressing themselves. --Teachers should be good story-tellers. Teach tbe children to paragraph without knowing It. Do not allow carelessness take Interesting sub jects. Teacher should keep scrap book and save everything wblch would answer for a language lesson. Books ot tables bavo an excellent effect take something Instructive as well as Interesting, Avoid use of text books. Keep a list of common errors an'1 impress them at tbe proper time. When children are too young to write, cul tivate oral expression language should be begun very early." Dr. Wlnshlp then spoke on School Disci pllnc "An element of weakness In disci pline when you wish to hold attention Is, you must get your pupils closo to you when you can not command attention at a dis tance. To scold Is an clement of weakness the voice scolds, not tbe words. Tbe teacher needs elocutionary training tn the highest degree. A teacher needs a mild, Arm and penetrating voice. A teacher ought always to smile a genutno smile, not a sickly, sentimental or a grim smile. To be a successful elocutionist, the whole face must vibrato with feeling. Thero is as much force in the glow ot the forehead as In the smile. It requires more work to bold llttlo children to tbelr work than to bold older children." Mr, A. M. Freas read a paper nn Civil Government He says "tho subject is very iiracllcal and yet not known by tbe masses, ilcn aro being elected to Congress who are Ignorant ot tbe Nation's wants. Tho place to teach Civil Government Is In the com mon schools, not In college; for lu tbe com. uion schools the masses can be reached. Tho subject should first be taken up. as a whole and the pupil be taught to got the why and wherefore. Civil Government should bo made a requisite, and put on an equal with the other branches." Tho noxt speaker not having arrived, Prof. Clark and Mr, Curry made short ad dresses emphasizing ffhat was said by Mr. Freas. After muslo and a short recess. Prof. Nell gave an Interesting talk on criticising. "Po know how to criticise, is oue of utmost importance the object is to remove the cause," Institute adjourned to 2 p. m, WEDNESDAY AFTEBNOON. After sluglng by tbe Institute, Mr, Moy. er, principal ot the Kingston schools, gavo an Interesting and Instructive talk on sup plementary reading. ur, winsnip men gavo a snort taix on addition, after which he discussed tbe sub. jeet of school government, emphasizing wnat no sau in mo forenoon. Prof. Neff then talked on Phonetics, af ter which a pupil irom the high school of this town favored tho Institute with a well rendered solo. Miss Qu e was then Introduced, who talked on reading. "Pupils have books above their ability. Put suitable work on board or on printed slips making reading a talking exercise. All difficult words should bo pronounced and defined before rcaa." Institute adjourned. Tiiubsday Mobnino. After singing, readlnc of tho scrlpturo and prayer. Dr. Brooks delivered an ad dress on tbo nature and culture of tbe mind. Prof. Frve ot Cambrldeo. Mass.. was then Introduced who spoke on Geography. aiu;r giving me nistory oi tua science, ne showed how tbe subject should be taught. Dr. Wlnshlp spoke on tbe cultivation of the memory. Mr. Kline, teacher In the Berwick schools, gavo an Interesting talk on Friday afternoon rhetorical exercises. Instltuto adjourned. Tiiubsday Aftebnoon. Tho Institute sang several selections, after which Or. Waller, Jr., talked on school manners. Pupils should bo 'taught to be neat In dress and person. No one need Indulge In tbe offensive habit of spit ting. Attention should be given to sitting and walking. Lead pupils to see that whatever tbey wish to ho tbey can be. Dr. Brooks then delivered a lecture on trio Imagination, tbe whole ot which was intensely interesting. After music by tu Institute, Miss Gule gave a recitation which was welt rendered. Prof. Bevan mado a short address After some remarks by Dr. Waller, Profs. Monroo and Wolverton concerning the evening lecture, the Institute adjourned. Friday Mobnino. After music, reading ot scripture and prayer by Dr. Waller, Jr., Prof. Uarkcns addressed tbe Instltuto on composition writing. Pupils study a few branches which are of no more importance than other branches wblch aro not taught. Pupils who are proficient tn some branches are deficient in tbe use of words and in language. Composition writing ;alds greatly to cultivate tbe mind Teachers should give necessary Information on the subject, Prof. Frye continued the subject, of Geography. No time on bo set as to when a child should study tho globe. It depends upon tho child's mind, You should teach tbe globe before the continent. Dr. Waller, tbe next speaker, talked on advanced reading. Reading, like talking, consists in tbo oral expression of thought. A correct utterance is not the object ot reading. Pupils may observe punctuation mams end glvo proper pronunciation but this is not all. Ho must understand and appreciate. After singing by tho Institute Dr. Brooks talked on tbe uso of perception to us as teachers. After music by Institute, Miss Buckbce talked on "Clay Modeling." Institute adjourned. Friday Afternoon. Prof. Fry answered soma questions. Singing "Swinging 'Neath tbe Old Ap plo Tree." Dr. Brooks next taught on memory. The following were elected a committee to examine applicants tor permanent certi ficates: Miss Ent, Miss Brcecc, Mr. Rey nolds, Mr. Johnston, and I. 11. Winter. The auditing committee consisting of Miss Hattie Hughes, Mr. (1. H. Reynolds, and Mr. Chas. Girton, reported that tbey had examined tbe accounts ot the treasur er snd found tho receipts to be 9720 85 and tbe expenses 9063.22, leaving a balance of 957.63 in tbe treasury. Tbe committee on resolutions reported as follows: Rttolvtd tbat the thanks of tbe Institute are due to Dr. Wlnshlp, Dr. Brooks, Dr. Waller and Profs. Neff, Fry, Monroe, Welsh, Moyer, and to all others who by addresses or papers on educational topics have made the Iustitute so Interest ing and Instructive. Rooked That to Mrs. Welsh, tbe Misses Gule, Robbies, Terrell whose excellent recitations have been the means of so pleasantly entertaining tho Institute, wo extend tbe sincere thanks ot the Institute. Resoked Tbat we heartily thank Capt. Straw, Misses Ent, Robbins, and others who so delighted tbe Instltuto with their vocal and instumcntal music Raolced Tbat we thank the people of Bloomsburg and vicinity for their aid and encouragement during the Institute. Rooked Tbat the Instltuto highly appre ciates the executive ability displayed by Supt. Grimes In tho selection of instructors and lecturers and the carrying out of tbo general program of the Institute, and we take this means of congratulating blm on the successful termination of this the best Institute ever held in tho history of Colum bia county. 4 Rtsaived That we thank the officers of the Institute for general courtesy with which tbey havo performed their respect ive duties. H. G, Claiik, "I Thomas Cuhry, I J. F. Haiikins, I Com. Candaob Brown, NOBA M. FlNNEY.J Tbe Co. Supt. announced tho following fiersons whose duty It shall bo to see tbat ocal institutea are held In the different parts of tho county: I. II. Winter, H. G. Clark, W. J, Wolverton, Thomas Curry. W. W. Heflner, J. F. Uarkens, 8. S. Frllz, W. O. Johnston and Chas. Girton. After a few remarks by Dr. Waller and Rev. Manhart, the Co. Supt. adjourned tbe Institute. You who lead sedentary lives will find great relief from constipation, headache and nervousness, by taking Simmons Regulator. It is a simple, harmless, vegetable com. pound, sure to relieve you. Persons of Bedentary habits often suffer with' kidney affections. It they would maintain tbe strength ot tbo digestive organs and lm prove tho quality ot the blood by taking the Regulator it would restore the kidneys to health and vigor. Here are a few ways to hclo vour town bell all you can and buy all you can at home; if you are rich, invest your money in manufactories; be courteous to strangers that come among you, so tbat tbey go away with good impressions. Kt. wanamaker's. PfliLADiLr hia, Monday, Jan. s, lsi A New Year's Letter from John Wanamaker to his friends everywhere : We mark 1887 with a star in the history of our business. The bright and good old year fades out, but not so its experi ences and encouragements. Ten thousand thanks to those who helped to crowd the year with gratifying incident. Accept our most hearty good wishes and cordial congratula tions. The impetus given by the great current of events dashing through last year carries us for ward to attempt larger things for the new year. 1888 shall be indeed a leap year : better service and useful ness in every direction. In this lightning age we can not rest on past achievement or crawl laggard-like along. Not even for one day shall tho store go into winter quarters after its busy season, but with WanAmaker's. to-morrow, the first full business day of the new year, we shall open the new campaign. Circumstances combine to help us do some fine things for our friends from the beginning of the new year. We haven't more than a single sentence to say about great sales. We are making them every day. That's what the store is for. We always have lots of goods that are mark ed down. A daily drum-beat calls up all the old soldiers of goods and gives them a double-quick step toward the door. So, then, note the fact that, no matter what the reason, there can always be found here lots and lots of good things as cheap and often cheaper, than else where reduced from day to day because they must be closed out. We cannot wait for a certain month to sell down, but contin ually watch, like the lookout on the ship. We seek the open channel of quickest progress and steer clear of all that stops our way. Now then let us strike the key-note of the new year. With might and main we grasp the ropes and, as we haul, ring out loud and long "The newest goods" ' "The freshest goods" "The choicest goods" , "The very best of very best" We crowd ourselves to open the new thtnes. Your money shall take fresh goods at no greater cost than might otherwise go into old, hammered-down stock. Thus we hope to brighten our store, increase the activity of our stock, and greaten our trade. This is our way of starting the new year. If you like it when you see what we are do ing say so to your friends. John Wanamaker, Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets, miu iu7-nau square LOCAL NOTICES. RO rf r.a.1Ia. PI.IK. Til. Mr and Colored CaBbmeres, &c- to7 yards 10 do soia this ana next week at a W. Uartman & Sons. Ready trimmed bats and bonnets, felt bats, fancy feathers. Toboggan and Tom, O'Shanter caps, reduced in price at Mils E. uarkiey'8, Alain street, oelow Market. All in need of such goods can secure bargains by calling soon. You will find bargains in Blankela.Coats. Shawls, &c, at Clark & Bon's. Prices greatly reduced to close. Ladies, Misses and Children's Coats at 1. W. Uartman & Sons. Tbe undersigned, having secured all the appliances for embalming, Is now prepared to attend to all calls pertaining o the un dertaking business. 11. U. ANOLX, 4Uan6. Espy, Pa. Wben you write to I. W. Uartman fc Son, after tbls, place an S at the end, which win mane it i, vv. uartman seons. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3. doz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. tf. Keep your eye open on I.W. Hartman & Sons' advertisements this year, 1883. Muslins all kinds at lowest prices at Clark & Son's. Also Table Linens, Towels, Counterpanes, Ac. Stamping and pinking done to order on short notice at Miss E. Barkley's also chil dren's plush or velvet hoods, ready made or to order. Mourning goads, in bonnets, veils, &c, a specialty. All at very reason able prices. A change In tho firm of 1. W. Uartman & Son makes It necessary tbat all old accounts be settled immediately. Statements are ' being sent out this week. Wo oiler big bargains in Remnants of Dfcss Goods, Silks, Linens, Lace Curtains, Scrims, &o. Clark & Bon. Go to Bharpless' foundry to buy the cheapest ranges, cook stoves, all kinds of stove repairs. Bled soles, &o. 8tdS0. You will find good lines of Dress Goods at Clark & Bon's. Bee our Black Dress Goods. I. W, Haitman & Bona are headquarters for Wedding and Birthday Presents, In Plush Goods, in Books, in Photograph Al bums, In Silverware, ia Fancy Dishes, Glassware, Lamps, &c. BUSINESS NOTICES. To Pbeskbvb Natdbal Floweus. Dip the tlowcn in melted parafliuc, withdraw, lng them quickly. The liquid should be only just hot enough to maintain Its flaid. ity and tbe tlowers should bo dipped oue at a time, held by tbo stocks and moved about for an Instant to get rid of air bub bles. Fresh cut flowers, tree from moist ure, mako excellent specimens in this way. If you would preserve your health and In. vlgoruto your entire system uso Perrine's Pure Barley Malt Whiskey. For sale by 0. B. Hobblns, Bloomsburg, l'a. feow, J7i;i Ptatttn aro made from pure and re liable medicinal agents, Cureacbcs, pains, weak parts. What am 1 to do ? Tho symptoms of biliousncfs are unhappily but too well known. They differ In different Individ uals to some cxient. A bilious man is sel. ilom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, be has an excellent appcttto for liquids but none for solids ot a morning. Ills tongue will hardly bear Inspection at any time; If It ia not white and furred, It Is rough, at all events. The digestlvo system is wholly out of or der and dlarrha-a or constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are oltcn hemorrhoids or eveu loss ot blood. Thero may bo giddiness snd often headache and acidity or flatulence and tenderness In tbe stomach. To correct all tbls if not to effect a cum try Green's Au gust Flower, It co ts but a trltle and thous ands attest Its efficacy.