The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 06, 1888, Image 1

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" Y' ' J' ,. . ' ' , ' i ilium 'l y
: -1 ' - "-.I.-
A .i Fntrz
OtFioK Front Iloom, Over Postoffloo.
nLooStBDUnu, pa.
Office over 1st National Hank. 1)"om"'"g.-,
vr U.FUNK,
OmcolnKnt'BBuUalng,' .H'
JOHN it. OliAlUC,
Offlcs over Moyer Bros, Drug Store.
Offlce In tirower'sbulldlng.secondnoor.rooia No.)
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Bloomjibrtrg, Pa.
omce corner of centre ana Mats Btreets. Clark
Can bo consulted In German,
Uloomsuuuo, Pa.
OCfco on First floor, front room of Col
ombian Building, Main street, ociow
cbahgo Hotel.
Offljo In Columbian Building, Third Coor.
Office In Mowers' Building, 2nd floor,
may 4-tf
Offles tu lat National Bank building, second floor,
first door to the left Corner of Main and Markei
streets utoomsourg, i'a.
'Peiutont and BourXiet ColUcted.
SrOflico over .Dentler's; shoo'fstore,
Uloomsburgi Pa. apr-30.86.
Hriiii awn!
Catawlua, Fa.
Offlce, corner of Third and Mains tree tB.
Conveyancer, Collector of Claims.
rroax In rentier's building with F. P. Bill
meyer, altorncy-at-law, front looms, 2nd floor
Bloomsburg, I'a. apr-o-8.
Offlce and residence, West First street, Blooms
burg, I'a. novMSfily.
B. McKELVY, M. D.,8ureeon and Pbj
. Blrtan, north side Main streetbelow Markei
rR. J. 0. RUTTEB,
rnrsici an burgeon,
Otnce, North Markei street,1
Bloomsburg, Pt
DR. WM. M. REBER Surgeon and
Physician. Offlce corner of Bock and Market
opposite oourt nonsB.
Large and convenient sample rooms. Bath room,
bot and cold water; una all modern conveniences.
bimimints rat tollowiko
North American of Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania, " "
York, of Pennsylvania.
Hanover, of N. Y.
Queens, of London.
North British, of London.
Offlce on Market street, No, s, Bloomsburg.
oct.M. l-
These old cori-orations are well seasoned by
age and fikb tistid and have never yet bad a
I oss settled by any court of law. Their asseu are
all invested In solid beocritiis are liable to the
hazard of fire only.
Losses fkomptlv and bohbstlt adjusted and
Said as soon as determined by christuk
TheDeonleof Columbia coimtv should natron.
Ize the agency where louses If any are settled and
paia oy one 01 laer own ciiizens.
f AGENCY. Moyer's new building, Main street,
moomsbuiK. Pa.
vntna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn T,C78,wo
ltoyal of Liverpool js,H,ooo
Lancashire 10,000,000
rire Association, rniiaaeipnia 4,ido,yiu
rhoenlx, of London 0,266,370
London Lancashire, of England 1,109,76
Hartford of Hartford 3,275,060
Sprmgoeld Fire and Marine 2,082,580
As the agencies are direct, policies are written
or the Insured. without delay In the office at
lsioomsourg. ucuxo,'ou
Bloomsbubo, Columbia, County, Pa
All styles of work done in a superior
warranted as represented. Turn Extra ct
id witboct Pain by tho use of Gas, and
tree of chargownenartlflclalteetn
are Inserted.
Offlco in Barton's building, Main street,
below Market, nvo doors, below Klelm'a
"drug store, first floor.
To be open at all Kourt during tht dai
'rrrAiNWRiaiiT & co.,
I'llILADKLrmA, Pi.
N. E. Corner Second and Arch Sts. '
wordcrs will receive prompt attention.
Benton Hotel,
This well-known hotel has been re-opened and
many Improvements niado for the accommodation
of the t raveling public. The bar and table are
supplied with the best the market anorda. A large
and commodious stable Is connected with the
hotel. Terms always reasonable.
&7inay87 LEMUEL DHAKE, Proprietor.
rnanurartrucrsof the celebrated Keystone Djna-
mite. This explosive lsglvlog universal satisfac
lai satisiac
isuugtm tion, quotations cnteriuuy given,
Caveats and Trade Marks obtalnrd.and all Patent
buttnesa conducted for lioDKlt ate fees.
OFFICE We have no sub-agencies, all business
.direct, hence can transact patent busliebs In less
tlmeaiid at LESS cost than those remote from
tend moil i-l, drawing, or pboto,wlth description.
Vie advise if patentable or not, free of charge.
'Our fee not due till patent Is cecurtd.
A book,llow to Obtain Patents, ''with references
to actual clients In your btate, county, or town,
sent free. Address
C A. SNOW & CO.,
opposite Patent Offlce, Washington, i. fx
Is (he oriental salutation,
knowing that good health
cannot exist without a
healthy liver. When the
'liver is torpid the bowels 1
are-sluggish and constipa
ted, the food lies in the
stomach undigested, pois
oning the blood; frequent
lieadacho ensues; a feeling
of 'lassitude, despondency
and nervousness indicate
how the whole system is
deranged. Simmons Liver
Regulator has been the
means of restoring more
people to health and hap
piness by giving them a
healthy Hvqv than any
agency known on earth.
It acts with extraordi
nary power and efficacy.
As a general family remedy for ayspepsla,torpld
liver, constlptttlon,efc.,I hardly ever use nnythlng
else, and have been disappointed In the effect pro
duced; It seems W bo almost a perfect euro for all
uacooco vi uiuMumacn ana Dowels.
W. J. McKlrot, Macon, Oa.
It elves a brilliant light.
11 win not Binoko thecnlmneys.
It will not Char the wick.
It has a high Ore lest.
It will not explode.
It la pre-eminently a family safety oil.
With any oihef Illuminating oil made.
We Stake Our Reputation,
ab renners, upon me statement that It Is
Ask your dealer for
Trade for Bloomsburg and Vicinity Supplied by
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Qents' Fur&ishin Goods, Hats & Cap&
SuRXlimuje to order at short notice
andln fit always cwarauteed or no sale.
Call ani,ckatnino tbo larccst and best
sblectod stock of goods ever shown in
Columbia county.
Btorc next door to First National Bank,
Bloomsburg Pa.
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds
The following shows the Picket Gothic, one ot
the several beautiful stylesof Fence manufactured
by tne unaersignea.
Forbaautyand Durability they areunsurpas
ea. ei up ey experienced nanus ana warrautet
to give satisfaction.
Prices and specimens of other de
siens sent to any address.
Manufacturers of
First-class work always on hand.
Prices reduced to tuit the timet.
The nnderslirned havluc out his Planlnr Ml
on Kallroad street, In flrst-ciass condition. Is pro
pared to do all Kinds of work in his line.
urnlshed at reasonable prices, All lumber used
s well seasoned and none but skilled workmen
axe employed.
urnlshed on application. Plans and spoc'fflea
ons prepared by an experienced draughtsman
UlonlUKliui , I'M
You Can't I tFor G,""1,FT"X !!!
Dl:TTUCUII,1l", 'M,V ''
ALL other klada.
r . . , miriiMAfiilhlfhivin6dialaAl.
I ,JLt rm Vroah UtM. SAluma. XltnaU
and Oiuni, yrai m ultt mwIIii.
5Tib mtoia ana tjuiim wi iuw, uuu,
talimaaUan and iiuUntlr UnUh pla whtthar
.k. RiriM. lrin. 1jr. KIAnm. JolaU.
BhouWr, ChMt, Bnut, Btomach Xvuolw,
Powcrruuy ootning, pm murium nw .u.hi
enlsff. pifltr ir(UtIivnUBt ol
. i . ... . . v.fiA fMnrluAbvcrotirlatan.
H9p f, w
nralndKn abroadl Tbla slutar la apiwd
oa w&lt mtulln, read? for luUut tw SO
tjitTIa CO., alc&atun oa rrary puntr.
I I . A A
by r, w. noimsos.
Not so very obtuse either, but very quick
to take a hint nnd to guess whon he was dis
liked and lila company objoctod to. Wo
linseed each other twico or turico a day after
that, but he never Ventured to speak to mo
again. lie boned with great gravity nnd
exhibited extraordinary formality In taking
oft his hat, seizing It In the middle of the
crown and raising it Uko the lid off a sauce
pan, and there was no further occasion U
objoct to hl expansive smllo. He wo a
stolid, oven a woebegone young man, with
something on his mind. Had It not been for
that e r,rUtlng telescopo under his ai m ons
eonld havd Imagined him a prey to the deep
est rooted sorrow,
I think ho w as tho most sad when I passed
him In company with the captain who some
times condescended to promenado with me,
and the most angry when I was out with Mr,
Ooode, to whom I was a relief from the wear
and tear of two boys wonderfully full of ani
mal spirits on unreasonable occasions. When
I was with Lily llrliui, he soemed to brighten
Up a littlo, and Lily was curious concerning
him, nnd asked me many quostloas.
'Who is that good looking young man,
Jane, who Is always taking his hat?oirP slia
asked ono morning.
"He Is a carver and gilder; I don't know
him that is, I hardly know him," I said.
"Ho called onco about something ho had
dropped down our area, and ho has clalmod
an acquaintance ever since."
"Then why doesn't he speak P asked th
"HoV-much too quick with his speech; and
It's a very good thing he's a trifle quieter
Just now," I said, sharply, and Lily looked at
tno nnd said, eagerly,
"Tell me all about 111 Is ho"
"No, ho is not."
"Oh, I beg your pardon, Jano; I thought
An enlgmatio dialogue, but we perfectly
understood each other. And I hoped that I
had made Lily understand I had no Interest
In Mr. Bird, for young girls jump so rapidly
nt conclusions where young men aro con
cerned. Not that Lily was in the liabit of
jumping after young men In anyway I do
not moan to convoy that impression. Lily
was full of spirits, but a good girl in every
respect, with not an atom's worth of the
ordinary Margate Jotty girl In her constitu
tion; not she. Still, curiously enough, I was
tlecei vod in and by Lily Brian. I had no idea
sho could ha vo beeri so cunning or so easily
deceived. One morning when I walked
down the jetty I found to my Intense aston
ishment Mr. and Mrs. Brum, lily, George, the
eldest Master Brian and Mr. Ooode, all talk
ing and laughing with Mr. Bird, and taking
it in turns to peer through his telescopo at
somo object on tho far horizon. I walkod up
slowly, and with blushes on my cheeks, I am
turo, In my surprise.
"Jane, my1 dear, here's a gunboat," said
Mr. Brian, as I approached; "this gentleman
bos been kind enough to allow us to Inspect
It through his very powerful telescope. Look
here, child."
Mr. Bird did smile a little, in a sheep faced
and ombarrassed kind of manner, as ho
glanced toward mo, but ho did not say a
word when Mr, Brian handed me the instru
ment. He even let Mr. Ooodo focus tho in
strument for mo without Interfering in any
way, although I fancied I heard him grind
ing his toeth.
"Ifs a capital glass, sir," said Mr. Brian to
him. Mr. Brian, being of a genial turn, was
always disposed to be friendly with the first
stranger whom he encountered out of town.
"Yes, it's a good gloss."
"Had it long, sirl Would you like to dis
pose of it now I" was tho insinuating inquiry.
"It belonged to my father," was the reply,
"therefore it has not a money valne to me.
It was his present when I was ono-and-twenty,
and I shouldn't like to part with it."
Another birthday present, I thought.
Heavens, it ho wero to lote this tool
"Certainly not, certainly not," said Mr.
Brian, "I admlro your good feeling, sir.
George, you hear that," he said to his son,
who was lacking in filial sentiment, and was
nt that identical moment sucking1 thebare
knob nf his stick as if it wero an egg.
George nodded and then winked ut me." A
most objectionable lout was George, and Mr.
Bird scowled ferociously at him, and from
him to me. "
I inspected the gunboat, or tried to Inspect
It, for the object glass was very misty with
little transparent worms that seemed to bo
wriggling and dancing all over it; I returned
tho telescope to its owner, who said: "Thank
you, ma'am," very quietly, and with his look
of sadness highly devoloil again.
Still lie remained remarkably non-obtrusive:
ho did not attempt to force his conver
sation upon me in any way, and presently ho
was walking down the jetty with Mr. Brian,
and talking and laughing as if-he had known
him all his life.
I thought all this was a new and deep laid
scheme of his, but it was really Lily Brian
who was at the bottom of it, all, or who at
leist Induced her parents and brother to say
from that day "Good morning" to Mr. Bird,
nnd oven to shake hands with him. Hence I
was obliged to soy "Good morning" also
when ho directly addressed me, and to be
come by degrees on speaking terms with him
again, and almost to forget that umbrella
quobtion which had boon a bone of conten
tiona whalebone of contention between
us. Not that tho umbrella was oil his mind
in any way, for he had been introduced to
Capt. Choppers on one occasion by Capt.
CbopiOTs' express request, as that gentleman
wantwl to lwrrow his telescopo and to my
astonishment I heard Mr. Bird say, five
minutes after the introduction,
"You see, it was not for the value of tho
umbrella, but of tho associations con
nected with it, I hope you understand, cap
tain." "I understand perfectly," was tho reply;
"but that was no reason why you should
havo kicked up such an abominable uproar,
Capt. Choppers had borrowed the telescope,
and was now dominant and rude.
The time was drawing toward the end of
tho holiday v lien Mr. Bird and I were f riemUi.
I may remark, actually friends, although I
will soy very flrmly, and despite Lily Brian's
opinion, nothing more than friends. Mr.
Bird's holiday would expire u few dayabeforo
our own, I learnwl, and, though I.would not
have owned it for untold wealth, I was orry
he was going back to London. He hail In
formed mo of liis'rkfeitiou by that tlmo', nnd
of his prospects for the future, or of odmb of
them. He hud given up the business, and his
father's business before him, of carver hnd
gilder in the Goswcllrood; he was very clever
at his trade, I felt sure, for he had been of
fered the post of superintendent of work by
an eminent firm In Oxford street, with whom
bo had done business for years, and at a very
respectable salary Indeed.
He was exceedingly communicative the
last day of his Btay in Margate; wo were sit
ting together under the shelter of tho veranda
of the refreshment room, with the bund play
lug out in the rain. We were alone for a
wonder; the Brians were on tho rocks In
search of nnemonoa, with the exception of
Lily, who hod left me half an hour ago, with
an injunction to coma houio if it "poured,"
and with an umbrella to shelter me, as I hod
ventured out without my own. Sho had seen,
having Very iharp eyes of her 6wu Mr,
Gooffry Bird advancing down tho jotty, and
had made some trivial littlo excuse to leave
me "to give the loor fellow a chance," os'sho.
toll me afterwords. And there, ha was sitting
by my side, cool and comfortable, and with
tho rain coming Uowu In big drops and start
ling and confounding the pleasure seekers.
"I shall bo quite tho gentleman ou, Miss
Nelld," ho wild, with a laugh, "aud with a
soul atovo shop keeping, I only want a'few
friends nboufma to niako life worth living,
but I luvo iWteY'had onyifrienda, Utrer
hod the time, or nover saw anybody who was
worth taking any trouble about, until until
I could not reply to this. I did not know
what ho meant by "lately,"
'Teople never took to ma, either, he con
fessed, ruefully; "1 have a bad liabtt ot
(peaking out what U on my mind, aud I'm
liujuhHtiro and suspicious at times, and so
forth. Altogether a beastly character,"
Ha waited for mo to reply to this, I had
thought him abrupt and inquisitive and su.
piclous, but that seemed a very long time
ago now. Ho bad improved wonderfully, of
late days: there wers little traits of charao
Ur, of frankness, earnestness, generosity, on
. . & . MUmHUDE FED.
Could almost admire, but 1 wal not golbg to
tell him so, though he waited patiently as If
ho expected something of the kind. As if
men were not vain enough In themselves,
without boing told it their accomplishments!
"You would not llko anybody to soy that
but yourself," I said, however; and it was a
remark which did not commit me to any.
"No. I should knock hint down, prob
ably," ho replied, "especially if It were the.
captain or that railway goods Inspector fel
low." "Don't ytm llko thcmP I asked Innocently,
"Do you P ho rejoined.
"They aro old friends,- almost."
"You don't mako your lodgers your
frlendsP he remorkod.
"Not always."
"I should think not," he said, very scorn
fully now,
"But these twd gentlemen knew mo when I
was a little girl."
"Ah, that makes a difference, I supposo;
that's why they are both so fond of you," he
added, with a sigh.
"Fond of tneP
"You might marry either of them to-morrow,
if you enred to hold up your littlo
finger; I can oe that."
"What nonsense I"
"Oh, it's true enough," ho cried.
I lnughod.
"Then I shan't hold'up my Utile finger."
"That's right," he said; and ho actually
drow n long, dwp breath, as though it relieved
him to hear mo say no; "for that captain's a
lwmpous old noodle a selish party, who's
stuek to my telescope a whole week and tho
railway man would fidget any woman out of
her life In a fortnight,"
"What's tho matter with hlmP
"He's nn'61d woman, that's all"
"Upon my honor, you are very uncompli
mentary in your verdict upon my lodgers."
"I hate your keeping a lodging house," ho
"My poverty nnd not my will consents," I
answered. ,
He was very silent for a long time new.
Tho visitors had hurried homeward, or had
sought shelter like ourselves, tho band had
ceased playing, the rain was coming down In
' 'May I ask a favor of you before I go back
to London P he said soddenly and very
"What is itp
"Will you say 'yes'P
"Not till I know what it is about," I re
plied, with spirit, "certainly not."
"Well, then," he cried, "don't give mo
back that little bird I carved. You said you
would, and It has been preying on my mind
that it will come flying back some day when
I loast expect it and so upset me terribly. 1
want it hanging on your wall, t remind you
of me semetlmes, you know; being a bird
llko me, you see, it must. And though our
acquaintance did not commence auspiciously,
still you have forgotten and fergiven,
haven't youP
" Well yes almost."
"And you'll keep that little carvlngP
"Perhaps I will."
"Bless you, Jane Miss Ncild, I mean.
And now"
I was getting alarmed at his vehemence,
and very much afraid of what he would say
next. I jumped up.
"I think I will go home to Lily. She's all
alono, poor girl."
"But it's raining cats' nnd dogs."
"I don't mind the rain, and Via fond of
cats and dogs," I said, tripping from the
shelter and struggling to open the umbrella
which Lily had lent to me.
"You have caught cold in the rain before
now," he said, dryly; "do stop a few minutes
"No," I said, shaking my head, "I would
rather not."
"Hore, let me manage that thing' for 70U,
then," ho said, making a dash at the umbrella,
oponing it and holding it above my head, "If
you must run away; but you'll got very wet."
"I've got ray" waterproof."
"Yes, but oh, Lord!"
"What Is the raattorP I exclaimed, as he
turned very red and white, just as I had seen
ltim on tho fort, only now he looked at me as
if I were a ghost and my spectral appearance
had frightened him.
no did not reply at once, and I cried:
"Oh, what is the matter) Arent you well!
Won't you tell meP
"It's all right; that Is, I shall be all right
in a minute," he answered, In quite a new and
hard tone of voice; "don't minAme."
"What can it beP
"I tell you it's nothing, Miss Neild,"he
said. "Don't tako any notice of me, please. I
had rather you didn't."
It was a strange request, but I did not. I
maintained a rigid silence, being a little net
tled presently at his own silent movements at
my side, his steady store ahead of him, the
stem expression on his face. He marched
along in so grave and dumb a fashion at last
that I could havo slapped his face for him.
What did ho mean by such behavior, I won
dered I At the end of the jetty he brought
my heart Into my mouth by suddenly roaring
"No, I'll nev,er believe itl It's magic, it's
a lying dream, It's anything bnt thisl I can't
believe it of you; I'd rather jump into tho
soa than think. ot it tor another moment."
"Think what? Good gracious I why don't
you tell meP
"Think that you havo deceived me all the
time. You, too, of all the lot of them I"
"What have I done, Mr. BlrdP
"This-thts umbrella," be cried.
"It it's the umbrella I dropped down your
area! My father's present; I can swear to it
nuywhero. They're my initials on that silver
collar, 'G, B.' Oh heaven and earth, to
fancy for one instant that you Miss Noild,
I am going raving mod. Look at it, look
I stared from htm to tho umbrella, which
he'had thrust Into my hands, and felt going
mad myself. I looked so terribly mean and
guilty, and yet I was bo perfoctly innocent,
and I did not want him now to have one
thought against mo. I was confused; I did
not know how to explain; I felt too indig
nant in tho midst of my grief oven to try to
explain; for he should not have juiiiixxl to
conclusions in this way, bat havo waited,
and then I burst Into teal's.
"Oh, pray don't cry," ho called out, "for
mercy's sake, don't, Jane; I don't core about
tho umbrella now, I doiit mind your tak
ing" "It's It's not mlnol" Iscreamed outat last
"It was lent me by Lily Brian, .bocauso slit
thought it it it would rain before I got
homo. Tberol"
"Thank God I What an awful thief sho is
for ono so young," he cried. ;i am so tre
mendously glad, though, so awfully glad"
"Tako your umbrella," I cried, pitclilng It
at him; "and I'm glad It's found, too, very,"
"I don't mean I'm glad I'vo found it, but
that you"
"How dare you suspect mo I cried, iweep
Ingnnjestlcally away from hlm.'but ho fol
lowed ine and held the umbrella over my
hoad again, and overwhelmed me with hur
ried and Incoherent apologies; which I de
clined to
"Perhaps it's not mine," he said at last.
"Pray bo rational, Miss Neild. 'B' stands for
Brian as well as Bird. Is Mr. Brian's Chris
tian name George, do you thlnkP
"Don't speak to me. You know it's your
"It Is a littlo like it," he said, dismally.
"I dont want any miserable evasions, Mr.
Bird, and I hover want to see or speak' to you
again, and I"
"Why, Jenny, what's the matterP cried
Lily Brian, suddenly appearing round the'
corner of the streot, and under another um
brella, and with a shawl over her arm.
"Where have you boon! Ma waa'afraid you
wanted more wraps, and has sent me out
with them, and how d'ye do, Mr. Birdl
Who'd havo thought of seeing you this wet
"I've offended Miss Neild," he said, not
smiling in the least at her arch manner of
address to him,
"Youl Ob, what aboutP she cried.
"That nasty, hateful umbrella," I said.
"Where did you get it, Lilyf oh where did
you get ItP
"What's the matter with the umbrella P
asked Lily, vary cool and self possessed.
"It It's not yoursl" I exclaimed. "It
never was yours!"
"No, it's Uoorgo's. He lent It me this
'.'Anywhere where did your brother ret
"I don't know,"
But we did very shortly. George had
found it la his' father's area, and. r, j a total
diarcar of other peQshVa rilt itng
young and short ot Umbrellas had qnletty
appropriated it without any fuss. It was
like a merciful dispensation having his ini
tials already engraved for him, too. Yes, It
was down Mr. Brian's area thaVMr. Bird had
dropped his umbrella that night, and Oeoflry
had knocked at tho next door by mistake.
I call him Geoltry now. And a very lucky
mistake It was, he always says, even to this
day, and I have been Mrs. Bird three years,
and there Is another little Bird crowing in Its
nest, too.
Tullta Anita de Lunavarita stood in the
garden, picking lavender. Although the sun
sboue, and the waters of tho bay sparkled,
and the distant Coronados Islands and the
hills of Mexico floated In a blue haze before
her, Tulita had no eyes for tho pretty picture.
Her mind was occupied with weightier mat
ters. Perhaps she was not oven aware that
she herself raodo a much prettier picturo
with her girlish figure relieved against tbo
white adobe houso behind her, nnd her
shapely head poisod on one side, as she critic
ally examined, with ber big dark eyes, each
Spray of lavender. Bhe may even have been
unaware that tho young man walking on the
other side of tho road was evidently of this
opinion, although when he made a misstep
into a chuck holo full of dust, through hav
ing his eyes on her, Tulita's rosy lips puck
ered themselves up, and a suspicious little
movement of her shoulders suggested that
she was not entirely Ignorant of the young
man's mishap.
But, as has been said, her mind was en
gaged with weightier matters, and scarcely
vouchsafing a nocond glance at the retreating
figure of the young man, she entered tho
white odobo house. Flaeing her fragrant
load upon a tfcble, she took up an old copy of
The Fashion Guide, which she hod left face
downward when she went to gather laven
der, and consulted It with a studious frown.
Then going to a chest of drawers, sho pro
cured somo odds nnd ends of ribbons, and,
seating herself with a business liko air, pro
ceeded, with many references to the instruc
tions, to braid the sprigs ot lavender together
with tho ribbons.
"Theso useful as well as ornamental littlo
articles," the book said, at the end of Its dis
quisition, "are rapidly becoming indispensa
ble in every household. In fact, wo know of
several young ladles who derive a comforta
blo Income from the manufacture and sale of
lavender sticks."
"I don't know," said Tulita, to herself, as
she regarded her first effort disparagingly,
"it seems to mo that anybody would be a
fool to buy that. But, thero," she continued,
more hopefully, "you never can tell about
these Americans."
And, proceeding with, the work, she soon
oxhaustod her lavender and ribbons, and had
instead a neat little pilo of "lavender sticks."
"Madrode Dlosi" said Tulita, as with her
chin on ber hand sho gazed at tho result of
her labors, "If that little mother of mine was
to catch mo at this, how quickly thoso things
would go out of tho window," and sho laughed
softly at tho thought. "Although," she con
tlnuod, "if she can do sewing for money, why
should not I also workl At any rate, I must
have omo shoes, that is the truth." And
thrusting her foot out, she leaned over the
table to look at It. It won a dainty, slender
foot with an arched instep, but the shoe upon
It was unmistakably, hopelessly ragged.
"Ah! go hide yourself," said Tulita, severely;
"you make me ashamed."
Then sinking back on her chair, she rested
her chin on her hand onco more, and thought :
"Ah, if only I could make enough to buy a
pair of shoes." And after awhile a tear
rolled down her cheek and fell on the laven
der stieks.
But at this moment tho click of the latch
on the garden gate made Tulita spring to hor
feet. With a quick movement she swept tho
lavender sticks into a drawer, and when tho
new comer entered the room, Tulita was be
foro the mirror singing to herself, while she
braided her long hair, which hod fallen as
suddenly as a southern night.
"Is it thou, madrep she sold.
" isl-ell that is left of mo," said
tho lady who had entered, a woman whoso
still handsomo faco was lined by grief and
trouble. "Sainted Motherl but it is warm iu
tho sun," tho.contlnued, fanning herself witk
that indolent, graceful sweep of the wrist pe
culiar to women of tho south. Then, pausing
n moment, sho elevated her hoad and said:
"What Is that odor in tbo houso, like sage
"Perhaps it Is this bit of lavender," said
Tulita, hiding her guilty face behind her
"Fuughl" said her mother. "It la too
strong. Throw it away."
And ns sho obeyed, Tulita's hoart went
down into her ragged boots at this unexpect
ed disparagement of the odor of lavender.
"Sagebrush, Indeed." It dliheojtened her
so that the Idea of attempting to "derive n
comfortable income from the manufacture
and salo of lavender sticks" was at once dis
missed in scorn. Even the possibility ot new
shoes grow very faint.
But with the next morning's sun tho hope
nnd high spirits of youth returned, and when
Tulita started to walk in to flan Diego to
mako somo purchases for her mother, the
lavender 6ticks were hidden beneath her
shabby littlo black mantle. Last night, after
sho hod gone to bed, tho hud loin awake f 01
at least an hour deciding where to offer then'
for sale. Senna & Squills' drug store was
tho favored place. It was on the principal
street, and had fine large windows full of
fancy goods. It would lie a very simple mat
ter to walk in and ask them to sell the sticks
for her. Of courso sho would pay them some
thing for their troublo. Then, too, sho had
heard that very morning thero vt ere an un
usual number of eastern tourintn, In town, and
she hurried her steps so as not to loaeany
But when Tulita came In sight of Senna ft
Squills' establishment her enthusiasm ebbed.
Sho chided herself for walking so rapidly and
getting boated and out of breath. What
would the people in the store think ot bert
Slower aud slowe grew her jiace, until, ar
riving In front ot her destination, she stopped
aud looked at tho display of fancy goods In
tho window. The comparison was not favor
able to her lavender sticks.
"Perhaps, after, all," thought Tulita, "the
idea of anybody wanting to buy such things
is absurd." Suppote Senna & Squills should
laugh at her I She concluded to think about
it a littlo more and walkod on.
The further Tulita went, howovcr, the
more her courage returned, until, telling
herself she was behaving ridiculously, she
resolutely retraced her steps until the store
was once more reached. But again she paused
irresolutely before tho window. Then she
crossed tho street to look In the window of a
book store that might perhaps be better
adapted to her purose. Deciding against
the book store, sho returned to the drug
(tore, Then the dreadful thought occurred
to her than her movements must bo attract
ing attention. The policeman on the corner
had certainly looked at her very hard.
What If be should speak to her! This idea
was so appalling that Tulita hurriedly
walked on down the street, without looking
to tho right or left. It was net until sho hod
turned tho first corner sho came to that sbo
recovered her equanimity. Then scolding her
self severely for this panic, she continued on
slowly around tho block, ontll onco mora she
found herself In front of Senna & Squills'
establishment. Bracing up her treacherous
courage with a great effort she walked in.
One ot the clerks, observing the hesitation
of a young and pretty customer, advanced
toward her, and, In his sua vest manner, said;
"What can I do for you today, uilssl"
"Is-a-is Mr. Senna inP faltered Tulita,
"Mr, Senna, miss I'' exclaimed tho young
man, with a look of surprise, "Mr. Senna Is
'Oh," murmured Tulita, t'l an, Very
And, with burning cheeka, she found her
self in the street once more. How far or
where she walked after that Tullta was never
quite sure. When her thoughts were sum.
deutly collected she discovered that she was
in front of one of the principal hotels. Bhe
saw a hows stand near the main entrance.
On the impulse of the moment she stopped,
and, opening her bundle ot lavender sticks,
ho showed them to the proprietor urol asked
him It he would try to sell them for her. 'Ho
was an elderly man, and while not eutbual.
astlo over the prospects ot a brisk buiu in
lavender sticks, he was very kind to tht girl
and readily agreed to do all in his power to
advanoe Ijor Uttly venture.
ma or ber bundle OT lavender, which she
had begun to hate, Tulita turned her steps
homeward In high spirits. How easy It had
been to arrange the matter, and what a little
fool she was to have worried herself to.
After all, though, It was much tatter that
she had not left the sticks With Senna ft
Bqulll. This news stand was by far tho best
plaoe, being right In tht hotel, where the
astern tourists would be sure to see them.
And Tullta fell to wondering whether the
man would sell any that day, and how many,
and how long it would be before they were
all sol A And when she passed a shoe (tore
(he stopped and looked at the display in tho
window to see what kind ot shoes she should
buy although, to be sure, the variety of
(hoes to be had for 3 was not great.
Meantime the newsdealer had sold all of
Tulita's lavender sticks. Not that they had
filled one of tho public's long felt wants, for
they had all been bought by one person, that
person being Mr. Brown, of Philadelphia.
Mr Brown, while leaning idly against the
news stand, had teen Tullta como up, and on
getting a sight of her face had said to himself
In surprise, "By Jove I That la the pretty
girl I bow in the garden yesterday af tcniooa"
And although he politely moved away out of
hearing of the conversation, ho furtively
watched the pretty girl, and had no difficulty
In understanding tho nature of hor trans
action with the old newsdealer, "Hard up,
of course," said Mr. Brown, sympathetically.
Then as Tulita tripped away he returned to
his lounging place by tho news stand, and
picking up one of the lavender sticks with an
air ot Idle curiosity, asked what they were
"They are made of lavender," replied the
dealer, "and you put them in the bureau
drawer to make your clothes smell nice, at
any rate that is whit the young lady who
left them here says. I never sow any myself
before. I guess IU sell 'cm for sottveutrs of
southern California, They aro made by(a
native Calif ornian, and it will be a change on
horned toads."
"That Is a good idea," said Mr. Brown
calmly. "In fact I have an aunt at home
who would not liko horned toads, so I will
tako some of these. How many have you
got! A dozenl Well, you can let me have
the lot."
As the pleased dealer was wrapping up Mr.
Brown's purchase that gentleman flipped the
ash from his cigar and said, after a pause,
"What do you mean by 'native Collfornianr
Is not everyone born in California a native P
"Well, yes," said the dealer, with patient
forbearance for thd Ignorance of this "tendor
foot," who waa bo good a customer, "I sup
pose they are. But when we say native Cali
foruinn we mean the Spanish or Mexican
people, who lived hero when tho country be
longed to the greasers. Have you over read
'Two Yeara Before the Mast,' by Mr. Dana I
It you haven't I have got a copy here I would
like to sell you. Mr. Dana was in San Diego
bock in the thirties, 'there was not much
hero then except a few adobe houses In Old
Town and tho mission, but ho gives you a
pretty good idea of the native Callfornian.
Somo of them came originally from Spain,
and had grants of land from the king so big
that they could ride for days ns the crow
flics and not leave their ranches. They lived
like lords that you read about, with a hun
dred or so Indians to herd their cattle, and
every one that happened along was welcome
to tho best. Helen Hunt gives you a good
idea of that In 'Ramona.' I would like to
sell you this copy; it's tho last I got left You
havo read itt Well, as I was saying, when
tho Americans commenced coming in here
tho native Californians began losing their
land. Thoy found it necessary to have money
to keep up with tho procession, and the most
of their ranches got pretty well plastered, so
that ono way or another tho big grants got
broke up, and so did the natives. I guess
thoro are mighty few of them now that could
pan out anything but law suits. I shouldn't
wonder now if tho f rther of that young lady
once owned a million or so of aores, you can't
tell But, you bet, if he hod any of it left,
now that tho boom has struck the town, sho
wouldn't be making thoso things," touching
Mr. Brown's parcel. "Not," ho added
haftlly, "but what they are a first class or-tic'-e
in their way. In fact I must get her to
make some more, I guess they'll take pretty
welt You don't want to buy Helen Hunt's
book! Mr. Dana's! Well, so long."
Shoving the bundle of lavender Into the
pocket of the light overcoat that hung across
his arm, Mr. Brown left the hotel, and with
tho air of a man who has nothing to do and
all the day before him ho walked along tho
streets. Finally ho entered a tall frame build
ing bearing tho legend "Furnished rooms to
lot." Ascending to the top floor, he opened
tho door of what proved to bo a small apart
ment, well filled with a bed and bed loungo,
both presenting evidence of recent use. In a
comer before a small looking gloss stood a
well dressed man of about SO years of age,
carefully arranging a four in hand tie. Uo
turned as Mr. Brown entered, and looked at
him expectantly, but immediately resumed
his occupation.
"Well, old man," he said, "anything newP
"No," said Mr. Brown, throwing his over
coat on tho bod. The bundle of lavender
dropped out of the pocket, and Mr. Brown,
picking It up, tided It after the coat.
"What is thatP said tho gentloman at the
looking glass; "manuscriptP
"No," said Mr. Brown, with a slight look
of ombarrassment; "somethiug I got at the
hotel. Why tho devil hasn't that Chinaman
made the beds upP he continued, impatient
ly. "It is nearly 13 o'clock." And going to
the door Mr. Brown colled out In no geutlo
tones: "Here youl Sing Leo! Sing Leel"
"My dear fellow," exclaimed his com
palon, with an affectation of terror, "for
heaven's sake, don't do thatl You will stlr
up the old woman. I spent a whole hour
this morning persuading her to be quint for
another week." And drawing Brown back
into tho room, ho tiptoed Into the entry, and
cautiously peered over the banisters. Then
coming back, ho closed the door softly, and
heaved a sigh of relict.
Brown's puzzled expression changed too
Binile. "Oh," he said, "I forgot about tho
rent. But, I say, Benton, we can't owo her
very much for this littlo coop; can't you pay
her enough to let me kick that Chinaman
Into some Idea of deoeucyl"
"Can't bo done, my dear boy," said his
companion. "You must learn to deny your
self these luxuries."
"Talking of denial," said Brown, "I am
frightfully hungry, nave you had your
"This don't happen to bo breakfast day,"
said Bonton, "this is lunch day: but we will
have it early, in fact, I was only waiting for
you to ceme In. We dined oft the last of my
watch last night, you know, so as not to
break that 5 piece of yours."
At this Brown's faco changed, and bis eyes
(ought Tulita's lavender sticks, which lay
upon the unmade bed. "I'll tell you what It
It, Tom," ho said, finally, looking up at his
frlond comically, "you ought to break my
"WhyP said Mr. Benton.
"Simply because I am not to bo trusted
alont. I threw away tD of that money this
morning. You see," ha continued more
earnestly, "I never had an axjrienco of this
tort before, and I keep forgetting."
"Of oourse," said Benton, aympathctically,
"We cant expect a leopard to change his
spots in an instant,"
"Here," continued Brown, taking out hit
purse, "you take charge of the rost of this."
"No, I'll be hanged if I do," replied Ben
ton. "You forgot our agreement in San
Francisco after that unlucky stock deal Into
which I got you"
"And In which you lost, fifty- thousand to
tuy flve,"liiterruptedBrowu.'"" -
"You forget our agreement," continued
Benton, without heeding this remark, "that
we wero to pool our resources, and (hare
equally gains and losses, from a tw o bit piece
to a hundred thousand dollars."
"A hundred thousand dollars," repeated
Brown, meditatively,
"That is nothing," said Benton, "I have
made as much a that before now,"
"In stocks, yes," said Brown, "but they
have no stocks here." "
"No," said Uenton, "but they have some
thing a hundred times better; they have a
magnificent climate, and harbor, and every
thing to make a big city. And you mark
my word, there is going to be ono of the big
gest booms right here that the world hot
ever teen, Kansas City wont boaclrcuiu
stance to It Why the climate alono"
"Oh, come down" Interrupted Brown, ir
rertrently, Benton laughed and sold, "Seriously,
Frank, if weoijly can inauaga taxct hold ot
tome land our fortune (s made. lam as sure
ot that as that at present we nro dead broke.
If that wealthy father of yours back In the
respectable village of Philadelphia only
knew what a glorious chance there waa to
make a million or to right hero" and Mr,
Benton sighed.
"Well, he won't know through me," replied
Brown. "If the worst comes I can always
drive a team, but I woat ask him for help."
"I think you are wrong, old man," said
Benton. "Not on account ot tho money, but
on general principles. However, we will
make our stake just the same. And now
about lunch; I am starved."
"I think I ought to be mado to eat the lav
ender," said Brown, looking ruefully at his
purchase, as he disclosed the contents of the
bundle to his friend. "There, how is that
for a (3 luvostmentP
"But what Is UP said Benton, picking up
one of the lavender (ticks and looking at it
suspiciously. "Dynamltol PhlzVa'tl For
the old woman P with an expressive refer
ence to the region occupied by the landlady.
"No, you old Anarchist," replied Brown.
Then in a fine lady's voice he said: Tia
(weet lavender. Placed in your bureau
drawer, It will give a pleasing odor to your
linen. That's right," he continued In his own
voice, "laughl I was going to glvo you ono.
I shan't now," .
"Did thoy throw a bureau InP said Ben
ton; 'Jothorwise, it is not much use to us."
"Usol" said Brown, Bcornf ully ; "think of a
man who has to go without his breakfast
buying. t3 worth of lavcnderl"
"Don't make me laugh any more," sold
Benton; "it is weakening, and wo can't afford
it Tell me, how did you como to buy those
Whereupon Mr. Brown narrated tho story
of bis purchase.
"Young," said Bonton, at IU conclusion,
"and pretty"
"I did not say so," Interposed Brown.
"It was hot necessary," replied his- friend;
"we must get acquainted with her."
"WhyP said Brown, in not altogether
pleased surprise.
"Because, sho may have friends among the
natives here, who have land that we can
handle for them. Land, my dear boy, land,
that Is what we want You don't seem to
fancy t)io idea," continued Bonton, as Brown
remained silent; "but we cannot afford to be
romantic just now. It Is absolutely necessary
to use every chance. You have made a
three-dollar investment, and I dont proposo
to throw it away. I am superstitious in
money matters, you know, and I have a
fancy that this generous act of yours may
bring us luck. Three dollars' worth of brood
on the waters, as it were. I shall moke a
point ot getting acquainted with your friend,
and I should liko to have you stand in with
mo. If you would rather not, why, ot
But Mr. Brown said he would "stand In,"
only, be it understood, for the solo purpose of
keeping Mr. Benton's business proclivities
within docent bounds.
Tullta sat upon tho door step of the white
adobo house looking out upon the shining
waters of the bay. The sun was sinking Into
tho Pacific behind Point Loma .and the
toft air, was full of a golden haze.
The Coronados islands and tho distant hills
of Mexico were outlined in a purple silhou
ette against the evening sky nnd everything
was still end peaceful everything except
Tulita's poor little heart Her mother had
not been very well for the lost two or threo
days, and the death of her father was recent
enough to cause the slightest illness to fill
Tullta" with alarmed foreboding. Then they
were so lonely, she and hor mother, with no
one to care for them, and they wero so poor;
it was all very forlorn, nnd they had just
been crying over it together, thoy two, in tho
twilight. And now, with that vague inter
est which the mind after" great emotion feels
in trifling matters, Tulita sat on the door
tep and Idly watched tho son gulls fluttering
and squabbling over some scraps thrown
from a passing steamer, and then her eyes
followed a jack rabbit which lopod across the
road and disappeared In the sage brush ; then
she saw tvo men come along and stop at the
houso next to hers. This latter Incident
rather aroused her curiosity, because, while
sea gulls and jack rabbits were plentiful
enough in that neighborhood, gentlemen
were not, and these appeared to lo gentle
men. Evidently, from their gestures, thoy
were Inquiring for some one; but what was
her surprise when theso gentlemen left the
other house and coming directly to her gar
don gate opened it and approached her.
"Is this where Mrs. Lunavarita llvosPsaid
tbo elder of tho two gentlemen, as they both
politely removed their hats.
Restraining an impulse to tako refuge In
the house, Tulita replied that it was.
"If it will not disturb ber," continued tho
gentleman, "may we see her for a moment P
At this juncture the tenora herself, hearing
the voices, came to the door and answered by
bidding them enter.
"I hope that we ore not intruding," con
tinued the stranger who did the talking:
"my name is Benton and Hits is my friend
Mr. Brown."
The senora bowed In a stately way.
"My friend here," continued Mr. Benton,
"bought some lavender sticks at the Blank
hotel this morning which wo understand
wero mado by you."
"Lavender sticks," related tho senora,
slowly, shaking her head; "I do not know
what that is that you call lavender sticks.
Tulita," she continued, turning to her daugh
ter, "de que esta hablando el caballcrof Que
son poll tea de lAvandrila, hlja mia, sabes tup
Yes, Tullta knew. At tho sound of tho fa
miliar words her faoe flushed hotly, and then
grew very pale. What was tho matter! Had
shooffended some law in regard to the saloot
lavender sticks, and were these sheriffs come
to arrest hor! Or more dreadful thought
wero hers so badly made that tho people who
had bought them came to make complaint to
her mother? Then sbo heard the gentlemen
(ay something about souvenirs of California,
aunts In the east, all of the lavender sticks nt
the hotel being sold, and taking tho liberty
of coming to Mrs. Lunavarita hortlf to sco
If she would make him a dozon more. All of
her lavender sticks soldi Could it bo wsslblof
Tulita's heart gave a happy liound, and in
the excitement of the moment tho turned to
her bewildered mother and poured forth her
confession, in what Mr. Brown afterward de
clared was the most musical Spanish he had
over heard iu his life. This was followed by
quick, sharp questions from tho mother, and
pleading, faltering answers from the girl,
and then what seemed a torrent of reproach
and protest foil from tho Hps of the senora.
"It seems," said Mr. Benton, in a low tone
to his friend, "that tho old lady was not
"No, confound you," indignantly whit
iwred Mr. Brown, "you have let the littlo
girl In for a ulco scolding."
Then the Senora Lunavarita, with flashed
face and glistening eyes, turned to tho two
gentlemen and said, with dignity and pathos:
"Senores, I have to mako tho njiology to
you. It is my daughter that mokes these
"Lavender sticks," suggested Bonton,
"Those lavender sticks, and I did not know.
She is a young lady, uud I would not havo
her do work, Sainted Motherl It isMwd
enough for mo, who am old. And I did not
kuow, you understand! Not that my daugh
ter ever does' anything without telling mo,"
she addod,hastily; "110, 6enor, never! She
has no rets from her mother. But ber
father Is dead and we aro jioor." Hero the
tonora's voice faltered a little, and one of tho
tears that had been gathering In her eyes
rolled tlowly down her face, "We are poor,
and I havo to work, and my daughter, sho
loves me, and she says It makes her sad to
see me sew, sow, all tho time tew, end slio
do nothing, aud to she makes these things to
help hor poor mother, That is the way of It,
tenor. She is a good daughter, and and
"here tho tonora't feeling overcame her,
and, turning to Tullta, who bad stolen to her
side, with a little gesture of surrender the al
lowed her tears to flow unrestrained.
Quickly putting her arms around her
mother's neck, Tullta drew her head down
u(on her shoulder, and sjxike to hor sooth
ingly in Spanish, Then, turning gravely, al
most defiantly to tbeyouii" men, the soldi
"My mothT has not been iry well f tr tho
last few diya, sauorcs, and to-night she Is not
herself. You wilj excuse her."
io n k oi'Siisrun,
Tokc bonnets In vtlvct or pliuli ure very
stylish and ure trimmed hlch In front with
a group of floo ostrich lips of ono color
TIONAL 3. 8. SERIES, JAN. 8 898.
Comments by Rev. William Newton, t. B,
Text of the tsaon, Matt xlv, IS-tl.
Golden Text,' John l, 39 Memorise
Verses, 10-30.
From Lesson Helper Quarterly, by permission
of II. 8. Hoffman, Philadelphia, publisher.
Notes. Jesus heard, I. e., what John's dis
ciples told him. Desert, or uninhabited
place. Luke Ix, 10, says it waa to a place
CAlled Bethtalda, or house of fishing. Com
passion, or pity for their desolate condition.
Evening, L e., the first evening, extending
from Vi o'clock to 0; while the second
evening, verso 20, began at 6. Tlmo It
now pnssnl, or the day Is closing in; or the
time for buying food Is passing away,
Loavos, or bread cakes In the form of a plat.
To sit down, I. e., to recline, after the Jewish
manner. Fragment, or broken plecrai, not
crumbs. Baskctn, round and plaited, fcr
holding bread and fishes.
V. 111. Vicwed'from one point, it seems a
strange thing that Jesus should have heeded
this communication. For could Herod have
touched him before tho tlmcl No. But he
would avoid the danger to which he was hot
called. Thecliild Jesus must flee from the
power of this Herod's father, while the angel
that directed the flight could have screened
him from the tyrant's wildest rage. Yet he
quietly departed Into Egypt, nnd so was
placed beyond his reach. Bo in this case. It
might have been as the disciples of John sup
posed, I. e., that danger threatened Jesut
from tho same hand that slew their master.
They told him of It, and be at onco quietly
withdrew. Yet when "his hour was come,"
with what perfect ca) mness he did go forth to
meet tho soldiers commissioned to take him.
Is tho desire to avoid needless danger a part
of the same spirit that' holds us firm and
calm and true In the presence of that which
must bo mett
V, 11. How long Jesus had been In this
desert place lief ore he went forth we are not
told. But when ho went forth, "he saw a
great multitude1 out of the surrounding
cities and villages. The most Intense desire
to see him and to hear him seems to have
possessed tho ;eople. And among low and
unworthy motives, thero were, beyond doubt,,
many that wero high and noble and true.'
They followed him on foot They ran, cir
cling tho lake, in order to reach the point
where he wojl They brought their sick.
They thirsted to bear his words. Is it any
wonder be was moved with compassion!
V. 13. Thus the day wore away, it wal
nowevoning. Was thero any provision for
the night! Could they pass It there! How
were theso thousands to be fed! And to the
disciples thoughtful, prudent souls, the
world's wisdom would call them como and
asked Jesus to send the multitude away, that
they might go Into tho neighboring villages
and make some provision for their wants. It
was in their minds a real difficulty. These
5,000 souls must bo fod, and the women and
children cared for. And how could this be'
done, If they remained in that desert place!
V, 16. No doubt they were, beyond meas
ure, surprised when he calmly replied:
"They need not depart. Give ye them to
eat" And Philip, doubtless, spoke the feel
ings of all the disciples when he spoke of the
Impossibility of their doing It For this
"200 pennyworth of bread" about 130 in
our currency whence were they to obtain ltt
V. 17. And their reply came from tho tame
side, I. e., from their belief in tiiat which
they could see and handle. They had five
loaves nnd two fishes. And were they to
undrtako the task of feeding these thousands
with such a miserable supply!
V. IB. What a picture this verse tots be
fore us I Jesus, In the midst of these
6,000 men, with tho lad's scanty supply
in his hands, looking up to heaven in thanks
giving ere he commenced the work of distri
bution to the hungry throng. He had di
rected the order of their sitting down, i. e.,
by fifties, or in ranks, or bonds of that num
ber, probably extending in circles around
him, for the sake of more convenient access.
Seel He breaks and gives to the disciples,
and they distribute to the multitude. But
tho supply in his hands is not diminished.
Stilt he breaks and gives to the disciples, And
they bear It to the waiting thousands before
them. There is no uoiso; no attempt to em
phasize the wondrous work. It (till goes on,
and tho bread) Is multiplied In his bands as
quietly as the dew is formed upon the grass.
And how long does this continue!
V. 20. This verso tolls us, i.e., till all were
satisfied. "They did ail eat, and were filled."
Nor was this alL Foi they had more at the
ending than at the beginning of their desert
meal "They took up of the fragments that re
mained, twelve baskets full" or as John
puts It, "which remained over and above, to
them that had eaten." Now, in view of this
narrative, it may bo well to remark: 1st
These evangelists manifestly relate a simple
matter of fact. There Is no room for theoriz
ing or explaining It away. tVhat they do as
sert Is thut 5,000 hungry men, besides women
and children, were fed In a desert place from
flvo loaves and two fishes, that all had abund
ance, and tliat twelve baskets full of frag
ments were token up when the meal was con
cluded. This is what they do assert In the
most simple and matter of fact way. The
bread moans bread, and nothing else. The
6,000 hungry men, the feeding of them, the
sutlsfying of their hunger, and the twtlvs
baskets of fragments that remained all
mean exactly those very things. It Is simply
unmanly trilling with the gravest truths to
affirm anything elso.
L Miracle as signs. The works which
commonly wo call miracles aro in the Bible
known as mighty works, wonders, and in the
Now Testament always in John's gospel
assigns. Aud the distinction way be well
pondered; mighty works impress us with the
power involved in them; wonders with a
tenso of tho marvelous; whHe signs concern
tho purpose for which they were wrought, or
tho end thoy nro meant to serve. Even with
us, as individuals, or, with human govern
ments, it the end iu view be of sufficient Im
portance, any cxiieuditure can be justified.
And in that caso tho neglect to make the ex
penditure would be criminal. Now the purpose
lying back of these miracles or signs of our
Lord was to prove tho reality of his claim to
bo tho Son of God. Therefore he wrought
such works as none but God could work. To
them he always oppeuled. And In view ot
them, it was criminal not to bear him.
2. How sweetly the example of Jesus
points tho lesson of giving thanks at meals.
Tho act that in this regard -became him is
surely tho right and fitting thing in us.
3. How tho example of our Lord reproves
all waste. He could multiply bread to any
extent, but he could not countenance the
waste of a single fragment Aud that is
waste that turns aside any creature of
God front its natural and legitimate end.
Tho example of Jesus forbids it A
spirit of thankfulness forbids It because jio
0110 can waste that which ho is thankful to
receive. And therefore the entire lesson and
spirit ot the Bible forbids It It has uo place
there, and therefore must have no tolerance
st our hands.
The Minotlng of Gen. Nelioiu
Mr. Lincoln was much troubled when he
learned that his "sailor dragoon," Gen. Nel
son, bad been shot by Gen. Davis In a hotel
at Louisville. Gen. Nelson was over tlx feet
In height, weighed over 250 pounds, and was
notoriously strong, while Gen. Davis was a
quiet little gentleman, who never troubled
any one.
Senator Morton, with Gens. Nelson and
Davis, were conversing together, wbou Nel
son became excited and deliberately slapped
Davis In the right cheek. Davis and Morton
stepped back, and Morton gave Davis a pis
tol. Davis advanced toward Nelson, who
was leaning against the bar, leveled the pistol
and fired. At tho puff ot the revolver Nelson
put his band on his hoart, and when the by
standers ran up thoy heard him say: "I'm ft
dead man. Send for an Episcopal clergy
man." His friends carried him Into a little room
under tho stairs. They opened his clothes
and found near tho heart a littlo blue mark
about the size ot a buckshot, and that was all.
Tho wound had rtbsed; no blood wot run
ning; you would hardly notice that Iv was a
wound. By good luck there was an Episco
pal clergyman, a man with whom Kelson
was intimate, In tho house. Ho was sent for
and came Immediately, uud when he entered
the room all others withdrew. In about tea
minutes we were told that Nelson was dead.
Quito n number came running up at the
sound of the shot and among them a police
man, w ho arrested Davis. Davis went with
him quietly, but ujwn Gen. Bucll being in
formed of It ho laule a demand uvn the
mayor for tho delivery ot Davis to him,
which, after a momentary hesitation, wot
done. No notice was token of tbo affair.
Everybody felt sorry that Nelson was killed,
but they understood that Davis could not do
anything eU than what be did do. Ho had
been struck, and if be hadn't resented It he
would havo boen disgraced and compelled to
leave tho army. Ho could not 'resent f tuny
other way. lien: l'urley l'oore in Boston
Two colors are sometimes used together
In tbo rullles which term a tblck ruchlsx
on tbo bottnn of tho undir-eklrl, maklsg
cuuci'.llkc tflicl.