The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 30, 1887, Image 4
COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOM8BTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Many Ttoz.b to Doalh. THK TEnRtllLR SUKFK1I1KOS Of VI10M5 V AMI UK. IN TUB WKaT. Topeka, Kim., Diccmbor 22. A nrtnci tinmoil L C. Clark, living tioar Golden, Grant counly, left his family at homo Monday to go to Hartland, the noaroit rnllroad point, for tho pur pose of getting coal, his family being entirely without fuol. Ho loft Hart land late Monday evening with his coat and tho next morning was found about six milts from home lying by the side of bis hows frozen stiff. Tho animals wero also frozen and all of tho bodies wero partly covered by snow. Clark's wlfo and' threo children had in the muantimo nearly perished and had only saved themselves from death by leaving tho shell of a house and taking refugo from tho blizzard in a cavo. Two deaths aro reported from Greeley county, tiituated on tho Color ado line. A brother and sinter named llobort and Sarah Holseapfel, who lived on a claim in an unsettled por tion of tho county, found themselves without fuel Sunday evening. They tore down a small shed to barn tlio lumber and tint night all but tho small amount which they had them selves burned was stolen from their.. Early in tho morning the young man went to the town of Horace, about seven miles distant, and succeed cd in getting two hundred pounds of coal laio in the afternoon, Being ob liged to travel against tho furious wind then blowing ho did not reach home until nearly midnight. His limbs wero then numb, and ho was so exhausted that it was with great difllculty ho gained admission to tho house. He found his lister in bed, insensiblo and almost stiff. She had been without firo all day, and tho poorly built houso afforded her liitlu protection. Al though tho young man was almost frozen himself ho tried to revive his sister, but to no avail. The other death reported from Greeley county is that of a farmer CO years old, whoso name cannot be learned. He lived alone and was not only without fuel, but without food. Being a recent settler in the county he had no acquaintances. MOTHER AND CHILDREN FROZEN. A widow named Mrs. Reilly and her two children perished in the storm of Monday night near Dighton, in .Lane county. They were without fuel and the storm came so suddenly upon them that they wero unable to get it. Tho woman's oldest son started out in tho storm to get coal. Ho was over come by the inteni'o cold, but fortun ately wandered to tho houso of a nnchbor. Ho was unable to speak and his nrm-i, feet and ears were froz en. By strenuous efforts his life was saved, although he will probably lose his teet. There are also reports of great suf fering in Clark county, on the Indian Territory line. A family of four were traveling overland, and being but ten miles from home and several miles from any other houe, determined to Teach home that night in spite of the terrible storm. Th horses were over come and tho family were obliged to abandon the horses and wagon and walk miles to the nearest house. A two-year-old child froze to death in its father's arms botore shelter was reach ed. The others reached the bonse badly frozen. The condition of the people in "YYestern and Southwestern Kansas is very bad. This part of the State has been only recently settled and some of the counties are still unorganized. iNearly all the people settled on gov ernment claims and were without money, depending entirely on the crop to be raised this fall. The crop, how ever, was a total failure because of drought, leaving tho people as a gen eral thing destitute. Tho majority of the peoplo livo in rudely built houses which afford very little protection. Horrible Tragedy at Sea. CAPTAIN TAYLOR HOIlIiKD AND MURDERED BY 111S MEN ON A SINKING VESSEL. Captaic Walton, of tho schooner C. G. Cranmer, which arrived at Phila delphia last Friday from Norfolk, saia that last Sunday morning fifty miles east'Boutheabt of Cape Uenlopen, bis vessel fell in with th ibinrinned and waterlogged schooner D. & E. Kelly. Tho mato and two seamen of the Cran mer boarded the vessel and were borri iled at seeing the body of Captain Taylor, her master, lying under the lozarette with finger-marks on his throat and several deep and ugly gashes on his head. His pockets had been ransacked, turned insido out and torn, and nothing but an old tow bill was found in ttiem. His pistol was lying on tho quarter deck with one chamber empty. The Norwegian steamship Odin, which arrived at New York Tuenday last frm Jamaica, rescued from the D. & E Kelly the previous day David U. Campbell, male, and two seamen, Frank Taylor and John W. Coleman On being landed in New York they told a heartrending tale of their suffer ings, which their 'appearances helped them to bear out. They said tbo ves sel enoounli red the hurricane of the inn on i' on ulcus island, which wa accompanied with blinding snow storm", aud that tho steward and Cup. tain Taylor had been washed over board by a mountainous sea. Tht mate's statement as to the loss of Cap. tiiti Taylor was at follows: "Soon after midnight on the night of the storm Uaptain Tavior started ut and cried that he could uot see. His utiuVriiigs soon resulted in blindness, then his mind began to wander, and ho made a few remarks as though wanueriug, ana saw uu was hungry nud thirsty and wantea to be taken to a hotel. Then ho reached out his hand and groped for 8"me one to lead. 'i lie mate, aucm ding to his story, tin. ally sutceodt d in persuading mm to sit down on dock. Then he sank back una ms seu-o ot suit ring gave wiy aud he expired Hardly had he breathed his last when the sea swept over and carried his remains with it." As soon as Captain Walton told his story dispatches were at once sent to Now York to plai o the rescued men under arrest. A steamboat w ill be at once sent to tow the derelict into port, bo that further examination can be made ot the captain's body, which is still on board. When Captain Taylor left Norfolk ho had his outward freight in ca-b in his pooket, aud ill) giippodtion is whm thu men saw tho vosel was nbout to founder tl.ey thought they could murder him, lake liU money and 6ay he was swept overboard. In their hurry to leave tbo ship on seeing ni sittauce coming they, forgot to com plete their ghastly deed by throwing tho captain's remains overboard. "ItV my only chance of getting a little fresh air without taking tbo old lady along, tee t" White Houso Eecoptlons. OmciAT, r-ROClRAMMK FOR NEW YEAR'S ltAV. Tho following is tho official pro- urammo for tho l rcsidonts reception on New Year's Dav. Monday. Jan. 2 s At 11 a. m. tbo President will re- eclvu tho members of tho Cabinet and tho Dlp'omatio Corps. At 11.15 a. m. the Chief-Justice and tho Associate Justices of tho Supreme Court of the United States, tho Judges of the United States Court of Claims and tho Judges ol the Supremo Court of the District of Columbia. At 11,20 a m. Senators and Ilcnro sentatives In Congress, tho Commiss ioners of the Diitriot of Columbia aud tho judicial officer of the District, ox members of thn Cabinet and ex-Mlnls-tors of the United Statis. At II. '15 a. m. tho officers of tho array and navy. At 12.10 p. m. tho Regents and tho Secretary of tho Smiiheonlan Institu tion, tho Commissioner of Agriculture tho Civil Service Commissioners, the Interstate Commerce Commissioners, tho Assistant Secretaries of the De partments, the Assistant PotmaHers Gencral, the Solicitor-General, tho Assistant Attorneys-General, tho heads of tho Bureaus of the several depart ments and the President of the Colum bian Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. At 12 25 p. m. th Associated Soldiers of tho War of 1812, the Associated Veterans of the war of 184o the Grand Array of the Republio and tho members of tho Oldest Inhabitants' Association of tho District of Columbia. At 12.40 p. m. reception of citizens, which will terminato at 2 p. M. Carri ages will approach tho Executivo Man sion by the eastern gato and leavo by the western. Pedestrians will approaoh the mansion by the western gate and leave by the eastern. The President will be assisted by Mrs. Cleveland and the ladies of the Cabinet. Mrs Cleveland's Saturday afternoon receptions from 3 until 5 o'olook will begin on Saturday, Jan. 7, aud contin ue on alternate Saturdays .through tho season. A Muoh-Needed Bale President Cleveland's refusal at the close of the last session of Congress to sign appropriation and other important bills which he had not been givon time to examine promises to bear good fruit. The Houso Committee on Rules has under consideration an amendment to existing regulations which provides that all peneral appropriation bills shall be reported at a stated date suf ficiently early in the session to give both branches of Congress and the Executive opportunities to deal with them properly. It is not improbable that the House will adopt a measurp of this description, Mr. McCreary. of Kentuoky, who ad vocates it, asserts that sueh a rule pre- yailed in the House from 1837 to 1880 when for some unexplained reason it whs dropped. This will in a measure prevent the congestion of bills demand ing action which the close of a Congr sional term, and it would be well if further preventives of the evil were provided. At the time when the resident de clined to follow the custom that had prevailed and convert himself into a mere signing-machine he was severely criticised for permitting certain meas ures to lapse. It was charged that be was stopping needed improvements, blocking the wheels of things, etc. The fact is, however, thate has assert ed the nehts and the dignity of the Executive office and evinced a proper appreciation of its responsibilities. He has taught a needed and salutary les- on. Congress has no right to crowd in upon him within a few honrs or days more business than anv human being can possibly attend to. It was much better that he should call its attention to this fact in a thoroughly practical way than to pprmit the evil to continue. The Effect of High License On Saloons in Connecticut. Tho agitaiion of the prohibitionists, particularly of the Womens' Christian Temperance association, which sent a perfect avalanche of bills to tbo tem perance committee of the legislature last winter, resulted in securing an in crease of from 100 to 8150 for licenses making the price $300. Tho advocates of high license, who have insist) d that high license would reduce the number of places where liquor is sold, have Deen anxiously awaiting the effect of the increased price. All licenses ex pired on Nov. 1, and sinco that time the county commissioners ot the sever al counties to grant the new licenses. The falling ou in tbo number of applications has been a surprise even to the most sanguine nigh-license ad vocates. In small towns at least ono- third of the sellers have not asked for renewals, and these towns have receiv ed a greatly increastd revenue, though having a le-s number of saloons. In the city ot JSew Uaven ntty more retailers have decided not to apply for renewals, and in Hartford and othf r itics of the state there has been sum Ur falling off. It is thought that some of the small dealers will try to cell without a license, but the prosecut ing attornevs, backed up by dealers who have paid tor the privilege ot sell ing, will crush out promptly all illegal tratlio. A Novel Business Calendar and Stand. A most novel, convenient, and val uable business calendar for 1888 is the Columbia Bicycle Calendar and Stand, just issued by the Popo Mfg. Co., of Botop, Mas. In this calendar a now departure has been made, decidedly unique and different from any previous attempt in calendar construction. Too calendar proper is in the form of a pad, containing 3GG leaves, ono for each day in the year, to be torn off daily. Him leaves are 5J by 2j inches, and a portion of eacli leaf is loll blank for memoranda,H0 arrange! that tho mem- otandum blank for any coring nay can bo turned to immediately at any time. Tho pad rests upon a portablo stand, and when placed upon tho desk or writing-table the entire surface of the dato leaf is brought directly, and left conctantly, before the eye, furnish ing dato and memoranda, impossible to be overlooked. Upon eaoh slip appear, as in tho previous Columbia calendar1, quotations pertaining to ov'olmg from loading pulilicationi and prominent writers. The paragraphs are e illrely new from provious years' calendars, and although llioro seems to be but lit' lo when read from day to day, altogether tho Items would tnako a medium sized pamphlet, aud, added to thp collection of other years, a large volume a collection of quotations which illustrate the popularity and uni versality of eyeing the world over. rSnnio people tro as backward in pay inp their reaped ru though rupee! I were knottier word lor debt. A Mother's Dream Realised, nun runs horned to death as noTtm fcl IN II KR SLEEP. Mrs. Jacob Condon, living a fow miles from Reed, Pa. dreamed a few nights ago that her year-old baby was burned 16 death, and that she sent word of tho burning to her husband, who was working at a distance from home, by James Pmtlewaith, a neigh bor. Thu next morning sho told her htisbaud of her dream. She was do spondent but ho lauuhed at her fears and went away to bis work. Lato in tho forenoon Mrs. Coudon loft her kitchen to go to tho woodshed a few steps away. Whiln sho was there sho heard her baby screamtng. Sho ran Into the house And found the child lying in front of nn open grate, wrapped in flames. The mother tbrew an old coat about tho child and smothered the Harms, but it was so badly burned that it died in a fow minutes. As Mrs. Condon went to tho door to call for assistance James Portlowaith was pass ing tho gato and sho sent him to her husband with tho dreadful news. Everybody up hero is talking abou' the remarkable story. Five i'emule Voters Indicted, Tho grand jury nt Lockport, N. Y. presented five indictments against as many ladies who voted at tho recent state and county election. Mrs. Martha Lane, Mrs. Matilda Fox, Mrs. Nancy McCollum and Miss Carrio McCollitm were arraigned separately, and each interposed a demurrer to tho indictment. The counsel for the ladies is Hon. John E Pound, who helped prosecute Susan B. Anthony in Rochester some timo sino". Tho announcement of tho action of the grand jury created no littlo excitement, and tho result is anxiously looked forward to. The ladies were nil oarnest prohibition workers and voted tho straight prohi bition ticket. Look out for the Belgian Minors. Secretary Fairohild has taken official notice of the report that 2.000 Belgian miners are to be imported to tako the place of the ' miners in the Lehigh region now on Btrike. Ho sent telegrams to tho collectors of customs at New York, Philadelphia, Bostou and Baltimore, calling attention lo the report, and instructing them to be vigilant in provonting any violation of the Allen contract law. ff)i I cfiD be cured of your orEnoueflEoiCHE by using rtTH-LfrPHO-ROS. it Ilao Mint mm is today ffta inlX sue- J. rattntl :emeay tomtit Send for tiiieiMil eolr for' picture THE BUCUESSFUL REMEDY FOR CATARRH ELY'S CRSA1I DALV contains no injurious drugs ana has no offensive odor. You will Save Money, Time, Pain, Trouble, Catarrh 1KB WILL CUM r,-ATAMB By using ELY'S Cream BalmH ay-fever EirS CREAM II ALU Zs not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into nosiriU is quickly absobed. It cleanses ttie liead. Allays inflammation. Heals Vie sores. Restores Vie senses of taste and smelt. 60 unts at Vrugglsts; oy mail, registered, CO cents. ELY BROTHERS, Office, 235 Greenwich St, New York City. dec9d4t. ivrjfi 1 1 W I J ft V J sj Hare jtn PARKII nucunta Cough, Bronchltl. Arthrru, IndlgMtton t Uh R'ft OINOKR TOMIO without defer. II for all affection! of the throat and lann, and disease arldnjr from impure blood and exhaustion. The feeble and tick. ttnicnrUnit ajpUiut dlanaee, aad Hlowlr drifting to the rrTfi, will la manj canes recover their health by the tlmatj nae of Parker's Olnaer Tonic, but delay 1 dan ferooa. Take It In time. It lit Invaluable for all palnj and disorder of stomach aad bcwaU. frOe. at tnmlsts. dltdec9. man t of th worrt out'i and u toe bert remedy SAMPLE TREATMENT TV.,. f lulalTH We mall enough to cod. i?TCB 1 l Ylnce. U. 8. LaUDXRBacu & Co., Uroad at,, Newark, N, J. PATENTS P. A. LIUIMANN Washington,!. C Send (or circular decSldlU t r r WTi I'ltOVIT ana SAMPLES I I If I 1 kk to men canvassers I I II IrMrWP 'r Dr. bcotfa Genuine JU V J KlliVi 1 .Klectrlo Belts, Urushes, Sc. Lady agents wanted tor Klectrlo Corsets. Quick sale. Write at once (or terms. Ur. soott, ntt Broadway, N. Y. decaadlt. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA dec23dit. NERVOUS DEBILITY WEAKNESS, c, and all disorders broueht on by Indiscretions, excesses or overwork: or the brain and nervous aj stera, speedily and radically cured WINCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILL. a purely vegetable preparation, the most bucccss (ul remedy known. Send (or circular. I'rice tl per box; six boxes, 15, by matt. WISCIIESTKU A CO., Chemists, Hi William St., New Yorlc UdM UEB1G "COMPANY'S Finest and cheapest MEAT FLAVOURING STOCK, SOUPS, MADE DISHES AND SAUCES. Annual sales, 8,000,000 Jars. N. B. Genuine only with fae-iimi'.e of iiaron uoo'.g s SIGNATURE IN IU.UE INK across label. To be had of all uorekeepei a. grocers and druo gists. dec23dil HHIfl 1 All DniflUU, U, 4-. 4 tl u. Ff'Pirtd only by (,& I. octsittem "Tdv .adMiaV EXTRACT nn i n !kt Fianos ! Lowest Prices!! 0 S. MORBUS $ CO. IIBADQUARTEns FOR Stcinwny, Soliiiici, Hrsinieli Tk llsich Fischer, Emerson, case AND TUB CKl.F.nitATKI) Wjlcnx & White Organs. WPIanos Tuned and Itcpnlrcil by com pclvnt workmen. Send for Catalogues. 21 WEST THIRD ST., Williaraaport, Pa. BOTll-SMy. nines LW VtW. 2 iur-i SEINES, NETS, TKNTS and STOIIT. IXO GOODS. Double Uarrel Breech Loading Shot Guns, choke bored, $10 to iua Mnjflo lireech Loading: Shot Guns, 14 to tli. Every kind o( lireech I oadlneand Hcpeatlnit Itines,M to 140. Mimlo Loadlmr IJou- totU.CK). Itevolvrra tl.00 tot2(i. Double Action feir Cockers, W W to no. All kinds or artrldces. Shells, Caps. V ads, Tools, l'owdcr Flasks, .shot Pouches, rrlmers Send 4 cents ror Illustrated Catalogue. Address, GltttAT WESTKHN GUN WOltKS, Bdl HMITHKIELD ST.. riTTHHUKG, I'A. N. B. This Is a 20-year-old, reliable firm. Per fectly trustworthv, orders rilled promptly and goods tent by manor express to any part of tho world. No matter what you want In the gun line you can get It at the Great Western by writing a letter. Guns made to Order. Guns and Ilovolrers Itepalrcd. sepls-ems' KAXXiKOAD TIMS XA1LE T-ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA. AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBUliG DIVISION. bTATIONS. NORTH. FH PM A. K. A, If. Northumberland e 40 1 35 10 10 ii is Cameron. S S3 10 25 s 30 Cbulasky era .... 1029 6 34 Danville o 01 l 68 10 so e 40 catawlssa 6 85 ii 14 10 S3 H 68 Rupert. 6 Sil S 19 11 00 7 (5 Illoomsburg 6 SO s S4 11 07 7 18 Kspy 6 42 2 29 11 It 7 20 Lime Ridge. ....... 0 60 .... 11 W 7 J7 W11I0W GrOVO... 6 64 .... 11 20 7 31 Brlarcreek....., 8 BS 11 30 7 35 Berwick ... 7 05 S 49 11 87 7 4J Beach Haven 7 11 2 64 11 44 7 49 lllck'a Ferry. 7 1s 2 69 11 4s &5 shlckshinny . 7 so am n 6a 8 re HunlOCk'S 7 43 3 19 12 OS 8 II Nantlcoke 1 60 3 St IS IB 8 25 Avondale 7 64 IS 20 8 38 Plymouth .... 7 69 3 35 U 23 8 S3 PltmouthJunctlon,.... 8 03 8 39 19 30 8 38 Kingston 8 03 3 43 12 37 8 45 Bennett 8 12 .... 12 41 8 49 Maltby 8 17 12 45 8 63 Wyoming 8 22 3 62 12 60 B 68 West Plttston 8 27 3 6S 12 6& 903 PlttStOn 8 S3 4 01 1 03 9 09 Lackawanna 8 40 .... 1 11 9 17 TaWonllle. 8 48 .... 1 19 9 26 Bellevue. 8 64 1 S3 9 30 SCBAXTON 9 00 4 22 I 80 36 T U T U T U AH STATIONS. SOUTH. am am m ru HCRAMTOK. 6 10 960 203 820 Bellevue 6 '5 9 65 ... e 25 Taylorvlllo 6 20 10 oo 1 14 e i Lackawanna e 24 10 08 2 21 6 37 PltlBton 6 3d 10 16 2 28 6 43 Vest PlttStOn t 43 10 22 2 34 6 60 Wyoming 6 47 10 27 2 39 6 63 Maltby 6 61 10 30 ... c 69 Bennett 65 10 34 2 47 7 03 Kingston 8 63 10 39 2 50 7 07 Plymouth Junction 705 1042 2 54 712 Plymouth 7 10 10 47 2 69 7 1 Avondale. .... 7 14 10 m s 03 7 21 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 55 3 06 725 HunlOCk'S 7 26 11 02 8 19 7 43 Shlckshtuny . .. I 47 11 12 s 29 7 5 Hick's Ferry. r 6j 11 22 3 39 8 07 neach Haven, 8 01 11 23 3 45 8 13 , Berwick 8 07 11 37 8 61 8 20 Bnarcreek. 8 13 8 57 8 27 Willow Grove....-... 8 16 11 43 4 01 8 31 Lime lUdge. 8 20 11 62 4 05 8 33 Espy.. .. 28 11 19 4 12 8 41 Bloomsburg . 8 32 12 05 4 18 8 47 Rupert. 8 37 12 10 4 24 8 62 Caiawlssa 8 2 12 13 4 29 8 67 Danville 8 67 12 30 4 48 9 15 Chulasky. . 9 03 4 64 9 23 Cameron 9 07 12 40 6 00 9 28 NOBTHCUBSBL1ND........ 9 22 IS 6 6 15 9 46 ah ru r x t u Connections at Rupert with Phlladelnhla & Reading Railroad tor id for Tamanend. Tamaav amanend, Tamaqua, Will tsmsoort. Sunbury. Pott svlile, i tc At N3rthum berland with P. E. Dlv. P. K. It. for Uarrtsburg, Lock uuven, Emporium, warren, corry ana una T. Y. HALS TRAD, Gen. Man scranton, Pa Pennsylvania Railroai Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. -Ml TIME TABLE. In effect May 29. 1887. Trains leave Sunbury EASTWARD. 9.40 a. m.. sea Shore Exnress (dally except tsunaay), ror uarnsourg ana intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.15 p. m. ; New York, 6.20p.m.; Baltimore, 3.10 p.m.; Washington, &u p. m., connecting at ruiiuueipma iur uu m nore Mints. Through oasaenger coach t Philadelphia. 1.43 dallr excect Sundavl.for Han rlsburgand tnterme- dlate stations, arriving at l'h ladelph la 6.10 p. m. ; New York, 9.35 p. m. Baltimore t.45 p. m. ; Washington, p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,45 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (daily for Uarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arrlv- uil: ill I'miauciuuia u. ui. . i.ew New York lnirton 6 0 Baltimore, 4.65 1. m. ; Washington 6 06 a. m. t.iu a. m. Kleenini? car accommodations can be necured a' narrlsbunr for Phlladelobla and New York. On Sun days a through sleeping car will be run; on this train from WUUamsp't to Philadelphia. Philadelphia passengers can remain in sleeper uutuaturuea uuti a. m. fcr Uarrlsburg and Intermediate stations, 2.60 a. m. Erie Man many exceni uonaay. 11.3 - m. ; Baltimore 8.16 a. m. ; W ashington, 9.50 a. m. TnrouKn muman sleeping cars are run on tu a train to rhiuaeionia. uaitimora and wasnin: ton, and through passenger coaches to Fhlladel pma ana u&uuuuro. B.iii a. m. Erie Mall (daily excent Sunday), to 1. 1 ,1 AJ1U. Erie ari all Intermediate stations ana canandai trua ard intermediate Btations. Rocnester. Buna. loand Niagara Falls, with tbiougb Pullman Pal. ace cars and passenger coaches to Erie and Koch ester. 9.53 News Express (dally except Sunday) tor IKK uaven uuu lutcrmcuiaKi bl&uuub. 12.62 p. m. Kiagara Express (daily except bun vt (or Kane and Intermediate stations and Can alma and principal Intermediate stations. thr.uKb passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester u ruesier, uunaio am and Niagara and Parlor carlo Wllllamsport. qq 1'anor cariu nuuamspori. s.90 n. m. 1'iist Line (dallr.exceot Snndarlfor Re. novo and Intermediate stations, and Elmlra, Wat- klna and Intermediate stations. lib throng! Bencer coaches to ltenovo and watklns. ogn i pas- ..j0 a. m Sunday mall tor ltenovo and Interme diate station- . TllltOUUIl TIUINS FOltStTNlllOlV FltOM Ttitt Sunday mall leaves Phlladelnhla 4. SO a. m KA b I ANU SO UUli narrlsburx 7.40 arrlvlne at Bunburv B.20 a. m. with through Bleeping car Irom Philadelphia to Wll. liamspuru narrlsbure. 1.10 a. m. dally exceot Bundai nuwB axuress leaves rauaaejouia a. m. arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. m. Niagara jupress leaves Phlladelnhla. 7.40 a. m. : Baltimore 7.30 a. m. (dally except sunda) arriving at Hunbury, Mil p. m., wun turougn rarioi car irom rnuaaeipnu ana Luruugu piumcugur uoacura irom rauaaei. nnia ana uauimore. Fast Lino leaves New York 9.00 a. m. i Fhlladel' Dbla.11.50 a. m. 1 Washlnirlon. Ul m. : Ualtl. more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at Bunuury, o.ou p. m., wuu inruuga passenger trie Man leaves new tone ttuup. m. ; rnuadei. phla, 11.85 p. m. : Washington, 10.00 p. m. i Haiti more, 11. iw p. m., (dally except Saturday) arriving at sunbury 5.10 a. in., with through Pullman sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and itaiumure ana mrougu passenger coacnes iron I'uuuueiimia. HUN HUH V, 1IA.I.KTON Oe WII.KKHnAltllE KAII.IIUAII 1II nillfTII Anil WUKT llir ANII1I KA I. WAY. (Dally except auiiuay.) Wllkesbarre Mall leaves sunuury 9.(5 a. m. arriving at Uloom ferry 10.44 a. m., wilkea-barrt 12.15 u.m. wiikOH-iiarre accom. ieas sunuury p m, ar- nviuif uiuiuuui rerryoi: v iiKra-uarrv, o:ui p in. Itxpress East leaves sunbury 6.C5 p. m., arriving aL uiuum rerry p. in.. miKea-uarre p. m Sunbury M all leaves Wl lie esbarre 10.15 a. m. arrlv. Ingat Uloom Ferry li.M a. m.,Hunbury U.45p. m rlvtng at Uloom Kerry 4.1 r, ra. sunburv MOp.ra urn.. iuq aw.u. ifnicaticown u.uu V ui, r Ivlng at Uloom Kerry 5W p in; liunbury, f.n p m. SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:35 a. m., arriving at Uloom Ferry 10.1s a. in., wlllieu-linrre 11:45 a.m. buoday accomioodatlOD leaves Wllkea-Btrre 5:10 y.m. amrlnsatliioomrernr,J.8p.BL,suiiburjr, oiu.& roan. j.k. wood. QttLUtatstr, Ota. MMcgtr Aat PTLA HANDSOME WEDDlNI, IIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. Combining a Parlor, Price .H7.00 r mssssttfmtt- All fhrnlfthMl with cmrlVlioleMla PrleM MANF'C CO.. ' at THE LUBURC BOOES,THEEECENTSEACii! t folliwlar ! t robllih.d In t r.tDthUt form, printed from tool itUaUa tri on ril rir, tod am 1 u.m lllaitnud. Tli.y n.h.d la aoy ioa or i.ncn., ana iarai.n to in. tltMfl th price at vbtcb thy n br lfird. Bath i nf ths dt.r kt th mtmi trifllnr itMi dm. tela Mr!pliAai ad tllMtrttloai r tk nMl wa4rfuF vrtiot ir f mn. , Vtrf IkUrMtlat trnt lntreli-. W4eraf th . A nrrlrlloitotlb rniar wnlr fM ! iMatlfat irOnit foaM at tfa botlon of lh actta. with rvtaM UUMrallffa. . VA-PlwuBr Kitrtlas. aad OUtr RttrUhM. Ur iiua ALtaaa Wtra." A tcUtHn nf lrritilblr fuanj BUaM tf IA MMl apaUf aaowroai vr llf af ttia dif. Tha Aaal Ktlah layrra. br Ctia aoacira. anlhor f Tha Mate DocamaaU." A mt V14lcatnaty fanny book 1aTrr wa 4u)U Wlio Bailatt." Chrialaaat iurlaa, by CttaLBa Dicbbvs. Caua a TBtr of Ika moaieliarmlBt Ctinlaia tor If tvtr vrlllta H IttafftMtMl wrIUr wboavar 114. Karhoaa UcamH1 Uai4Ua Kf La-maw A bank f iUriti.pletam, aaalM and iikim, for lb mil h.tka at hota-. ! ap ItarlUtlnM mm DlaUxac. baraAraai. 4ran a.4M t lia Wrti. IfiTtTkAt. Amm Or alt. Ott flaail rtthttlf, tnctndU( all IbaUl trait aarl blotraphlM of famon Mil mad Birlct, from iba ThHatr,.aaJallB af If aJaHi FftaallUr QiaUUaa. OinUIalaf iU artfta aa aatlir M mil Mint vrawBi. 0lp9l n.Br hruM rraqntntlr tn.l I. rMdtef ... eo.t.r, IJti. A, .rk .1 r.r.rtM LnlUI, In Tk. rlM.(ltlnnllrM ..owl.f lo. dark .M. .t llr. Is Ik. f til,. Uwrfra(4. Tk. Um4 I. Wrttk. H.t ....rllal.f rlrt.l.r, ft.t . thoro.lhl, pracllr.l work, itMlnr nl . w.f y vklck .11 map mak, rnor.a.aaitlp, ra.ldlr an4 knnMtl.. Oa. ila.a'rW l.p.tar B..r Mnllm.iital.r.alkatl Mil eoi.t. InrNHInf rnn.t of Ui. fa.Arlt.l, .aw .il .Id. Hlr Nim1'. IIHr. A Naval. By Hra. Ma. ri.MI... A nnrirrrn. 1.11. B, Maai.ilHa.l.aat.. Ail Old M'. SarHlrr. A K.t.l. Kr an. Ai . rr.BHB. irW will nil any fmir nt tht kbov. book, bj mkil Hlirloililiiirk.riirW 1 .10. Ttillatlirtrallir(.ln I'rnlaianr riwn. rlor ISO Out. i th.fnl r.llt(40liok)Innn 'ril.lii. ii'i imnrni tMtlMlonmviHint.itormmrrrrninited. Poatii. !mi.. lunilal...! Ml nrw inrr T, W, EDGAR, t OF ESPY, PA., Repprctfullv informs bin frirnds and iiublio Koncrallv that he ha- refitted bin planing mill. In addition to the planing mill work bo la now prepared to famish to order doors nnj insido finish for houses. WESTERN PD.E, veneered with all our native woods, also foreign woods, snoh as Mahogany, Rosewood, Ac, &j. All hard wood Moulding used for Venco'od Doors and Inside Fiuih. All work fliall be (itiaratiU'ed. W-iUt irroof Glue U ticed fur veneering all our Doors and Ciioing-, IWe B nrd-, &i' , Ac. Aho Walnut, Ash, Sycamore, Oak, Butternut, Maple, Cherry, Poplar, Voi oors, for sale at the Mill, six to ten feet long, six to thirty inches wide. T. novll-tms ECONOMY, THJK PRACTICAL QUESTION OF EVERY THING STYLISH FH CAN BE CHEAF1K TMAI ETER A Large and JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE AND SELECT LINE OF Call and be Convinced that . u have the LARGEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF LATEST STYLE, AND The Lowest AT DAVID IaOWENBERG Blouuii It'll rs, P11, J. W, RAEDER, SLOE BOOK I'llll RULER KIT) BINDER, No-. 7 and 9 Mmkel St., aeplt-lj-cibro. SUFFERINC WOMEN MARRIED OK SINGLE. frii.iiUr fallowin, oorio-uT.or froiolojv FEMALE REQULATiNQ PILLS, Th.rar. I toth. .ntlrf .jil.ra, lmp.rt . l.n..nA, fureAtd.ll f.QCl Au.of tOJ T iiTimiii. B.ot b7m.u, iouivi aaif4. It. Adjraaa, i Dr.lHarter Medicine Co., 8f. LOUIS. MO. I j Mrmacoir. LUBURG CHAIR library - , Rmokln, lUellnlHK or Invalid BKD.or COUCH. and up. Send stamp I rj-SMIPPED to nil for Catalogue. I part of the world. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES thn Anlnmttl CM&rh ft rait, inrl flxkllxf Bend itunp for CAUInfio infl mention catrlagf I4D N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Pa. October syri r wimout ttc.puon in. cn..r o. mbi idum. oi m. rev opimrtunitr to aaeur (he tct id an other aoriti tiif'e giru woiii wrau con waoy od U com pie t In llnelft TheOldOUn hrat. KI. By f ttiai'l Coaa. Jt, Thl'arlori.' rOir.n. i Nl. By Ct.a aaciTa, Hallow All llall. A Nv). By Unatatt BLavaf, rUvtlrattd. . . 4'lltTftlloaaft. A Not. By Rtt W. Ptiaca. I'luUr the LIUrt. A Movtl. B Iba aatbof af'lMH TTh"Dlaaaiitl Ilrale(- A So?.t. By Mr. Baaat WThai l.mnttr'rtrUt A By Mha W. Mmm TLa Iaaa11lal lthtA. 1 Ktlll. tf W. T. Cat M. IB) PiraafV 'r. wchjii nu r A iri.L.A III.L A Hw..l. Brk l..dr a.lworth. alMn..dA. rltrrl .1 Dcratti. llalwM Twn ai.a. A Naval. B, Ik. a.lh.r .1 " Dara Tkortta." llNilralrrf, Th. Mm f ll.arU. AKot.l. BB.L.rakl.o. Il.rl.'. K.rtaarv A n.l. Wa.nui. A Law Marriarr. A, B Mia. Mtii.oc. mm Tha Uallly lllf.r. A No.l. B, Wn.i.nai iiai. Tkal'.laanar Aapa. ANot.I Bf noaa.c. Miaatar Moat 4iraar II lira. Mtaa. Wood. Farirlar if. P.ll.r. A l.l. BrHn- Al.iaa... A llarwrialil'. H.mtiLr. A Moral. Bf Bra. laail Pair bat Falais Br lb. ..tkor of " Bon l.anrnal.r'1 I'abla. A Itirll Bf rf. M.V.Vicra. '"KK'ncri Irln.loi,'. ( AX.rrl. B Mr.. A. W.aia..., Uwairalad. Tk W.maa lUUr. Ur Df.J.H. oh TUutlrattJ. The lalir.rala uabla. a e.oieu ir ... pnt rl I ri rrwlatefnnly ll'nlt r.jl rr.; nf at tli. ll.t lM.tln.1 III In.i In br.k. llano! rail totk..lin lkrnfi.rlrctlon.iirilnll.r. Ailoourrw, Mr. M. l,Ul'rIN.I"ulll.her." till Mtui'iiy IKrl,.rir l ink ii.rwi.i. ... m . m.-mi. . . . .r-. All nr.lrt.ll t li W. EDGAR. THE HOUR. THAT IS NEW AND TIE SEASON BOUGHT Varied Stock of THE BEST QUALITY, AT Possible Prices THE -OF- RBUCKLES name on paokace of COFFEE la a guarantee of excellence. ARI0SA COFFEE is kept In all flrst-oUjj stores from the Atlantto to the Pacific. COFFEE Is never good when exposed to the pi". Always buy this brandinhermettcnlly cealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. mari.rljr Quaker Catarrh Romtdy. ' cures the worst cues, alto Ilr Fever, liron cLmaaudull bead andtbroat troubles, restores liearluir, smell aud taale, Krtat rcllet to codbuiop tlves, oiten cues tbem. 111. nature's own rem edy. It baa cured us aud thousand! ot ut uera, at UrtrjlngevorvtbloKelae. It 111 po-ltlveU cure i you. JTioe U cents, la stanipa, hj mall. MILLS 1 CO., B9 ti. Ulh b., hblladttpbla, fa. DSWaiS Don't Vail to t j". a. EXTENSIVE FALL m WIMTER GOtDS JUST OIJEWEI, I inn oiTerhiE cront bariinins Dclainca. Flnnnels, l'lnids Citshnicrcs, Hcnvy Contings.tvith Trim mings and Button to match, Opera Flannels, Velveteens, Dross Goods of every description, with Braids and Trimmings to match. Women's Misses and Children's Hood's, all styles, Shawls, &c. Women's Shoes, $1.00 up. Hen's, Youths' very large stock. Men's Suits, Boots, Horse Men s blioes and Valises, Bed Blankets, Comfortables, Ac. My stock is complete in every branch and would respectfully solicit your patronage. Examine before purchasing elsewhere. You will' find goods at my store not kept in this place. Styles atcst, on account of visiting tho beaten in the city. J. J. McMINmi, Benton, Fa. PE1RINES PUHE BARLEY Distillid from selected ll&rlc; Malt and guaranteed to bo chemically para and tree from Injurious oils and icldsoltcn contained In nlcobollc liquors. Ills especially adapted to persons rcqulilnga stlmulatlnB tonic, Consumptives belne greatlj bcnenited by lUusv. liccommended by lending pbjtlclans as a Diuretic, Nervine, and Alterative. For consumptives it Is Invaluable. I'HiniNE'8 PUHK IlAItLKV MALT WII18KKY Insures a return ol vleor to tbo stomach, u cooil annetlte. a rich and abundant blood and Increased flesh and niutculartlM.i!i a stimulant mild and gem io In effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and nil wasting aii eases cai bo ei tlrely conquered by the use or I'enliif 's 1 ure lii ili-y alt Whiskey. It is a tonm nnd diuretiu and a nowerful strencthener to the entire svstem. rut. HINE'8 rUIIE 1IAIILKY MALT inosewno purBue ineir avocations in mu opcu air aim wuuuu uaiiy worn cans it exceptional powers ul endurance. Ask our nearest druggist or grocer lor lor out with excessive Dodllj or mentalellort and actB as a safeguard ogalnst exposure In wet and rlgorouH weather. It will drive nil mAlarloua diseases rrom the system. Hard workers of every vocation and persons whom a sedentary lite lenders prone to I'UHlUMt aruilJi uaiilhj uyspepsiA nna in rernne's l'ure Malt whiskey a powerful Invtgorant and helper to digestion. l'KHKINK'S PUllE BAHLKV MALT WHISKEY without unduly stimulating tho kid neys Increases their flagging activity, counteracts the effects of fatigue, has tens convalescence and is a wholesome and prompt diuretic Watch the label I None genuine unless bearing the signature Km suie vj all druggist and grooera throughou the united BtaMB and Canadaa. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38 KOU S.LE I1Y PENNEY (100DS A SPECIALTY Alexander Bros. (S Co., WHOLESALE i DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO. CANDIES, FRUITS AKD KUTS. 80LI AOftMTB FOB F. F. ADAMB ft CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBAtCO Sole agents ot the fol lowing Draoos vi Cigars. QENHY CLAY, LONDItES, NORMAL, INDIAN PRINCESS, SAMSON, SILVER A8E. SOLE HEiKY HUILUIBS HSOA.NDIES. FUE8I1 EVERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOM SBUKO, PA. GREAT INDUCEMENT We are offering great inducements to persons desiring purchase Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Z 9 4) ft Among the Pianos wo handle arc the J )' IiS & POND, C. C. BRIGGS, BA US $ CO.. SUIIOJUM KEIt Gold String and Opera Pianos. Thest Pianos aro all first-clata and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are tho celebrated ESTE 3.', MILL' EB, UNITED STA TES and other maes. Our leading Sowing Machines are the celebrated WE ITE, ,VE TP DA VIS, NE W DOMESTIC, NE W II OME, HOUSEHOLD, ROYAL ST. JOHN and STAND ARD ROTARY Sewing Machine, the finest and best Rotary Sewing Machine in the world. Before purchasing writo for Catalogues to J. SALTZEll'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING'MAGHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa. i ll ami HJxaimUic STOC3K OE ! in the fbllowhit' tlrci?8 Roods: A Boys9 Clothing, $5 00 up. Overcoats, $4 75 up. Blankets, Robes, Bells, Trunks. markets last. Prices cannot be ivIALT WHISKEY. W11IHKK1 has proved a medicinal protection to mAi.Twuir.uri revivcH me energies ortnosevorn uancy The analysis as It appears by the I. a ulyzed thel'uiiK Uaih-kt Malt Wins iituT made by M.&J.N IVrrlne and nnd It entirely tree from fusel oll.furlurol metals and acids and Is abolutel pure." Signed, Camilla Arthur Mater, uei on every dollic: i uuvh carciui v nn uraauaie a trie untrersutes oj Munich Ueneva and Welslxiden NORTH WATER ST., PHTLA. DUIIOOIT AND ILL. DRVLKrf an ANY Ol I)ER FOR FESTIVAL, will be r II THE LOWEST i s J as follows: ORANGES. I.KWOKS, BANANAS. 1'EAMJTS. ENGLISH WALNUTS C'REAJI NU'JS, ALMONDS. 1'OP CORN HALLS GENTS FOR torn fa IIMI III II Hi hi I to