.OOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. E. Elwoll, l.iii,,. J. S. BlttonotnJor., f Edlton. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, MOVKMBKR 18, 1887. Every now nnd tbcn I boo n para cruph iu thu nowppapora calllna upon iho Administration to no cot in, to a bet ter treaty of osctra.lltlon with Groat JSntatn ono that will keen our escap ing boodlcrs nnd bank ciiHlriora out of Uaoaua. In ilisciisaincr the onto of W. S. McGnrritf,W',tiiB Chicago boodlcr,tho latest of this sort, for example, the newspapers, almost withont exception, have had something to say about the necessity ot negotiating a now txtradt tion treaty with Great Britain cover ing all siioh oases. They all appear to havu quite forgotten that ono of the very first thine Secretary Bayard did was to negotiate a new extradition treaty with Great IJjilain oovoriog tho very points they talk so much about, That treaty wa Bont to tho Senate in May, 1880. and thero it has Btopt over since. Tho President sent a special message with it pointing out to tho Donate its importanco and urging im mediate action. Secretary Bayard personally pointed out to tho members ot tbe Uommitteo on foreign Kola tlons tho necessity for action. But thoy did nothing. And whyt Oh, simply because that's tho policy they'vo adopted a? to every treaty sent to tho Sonata by the Administration It is to be ignored. If it cannot be ig nored, then it is to bo defeated. Jie- cord. The Bestilt in New York State. Tho voto of yesterday serves notice on tho Republican i..?iy that Piatt and iilaine, whom, lor the timo being, Piatt represented, must bo given up or all hopo of success m tho Presidential campaign noxt year must be abandon cd. That such notice has been served is a great gain for honest government . , . .1 C. 1 . not oniy in tins oiaiu uut m mu nation. . . . But tho victory of tho Democrats is as full of promising of advantage to tho country aa is tho downfall of Piatt. Tho re buko to tho latter is an encouragement for tho former. Tho Democrats of New York had tho sagacity to sea that now was tho time, and this state tho arena, in whiuh to fight for tho principle of rovenue reform. Thoy put that prlnci "ple clearly, definitely into their plat form, and they have met their protec tionist opponents at every point on this issue. Thoy have won a signal victory, and thoy will go from their battle here before tho marity of their party in the House and demand that this same fight shall be made in tho national elections next year. Tho majority must listen to them. The logic of this contest and its splendid result cannot bo ignored. A revenue reform bill on the lines laid down by tho New York Democrats must pass tho House before adjournment, and the party, with a New York candidate, backed by the triumph in bis own State, mast go to tbe country on that issue. For the first timo Bincu the war closed there is a fair prospect that a square national vote will bo had on the most important of national questions. This ii all that is needed to secure, at lost, tho reform which the interests of tho country so plainly require, Neto York Times Ind. Jtep.) This is a mighty free country, except inside the Uemocratio party. There the machine is stronger than public sentiment aud the newspapers put to gether. Jyete lorc Tribune Uiep.) The result ot tho election in this Slato settle three points as thoroughly as auy p ilitioal event can bo settled in advance ; President Cleveland will m renominated by his party ; Mr. Blaine will not bo renominated by tho Republicans ; Mr. George will not control the election next year. Now York is tho pivotal State. Mr, Clove laud's friends havo had a completo tri umph. They are entitled to tbe fruits of tho victory, Grovtr Cleveland U indeed a lucky man ; and James G. Blaine may be said to be a dead cock Sn tbe pit. New York World Ind) Due credit for tho cohesion and con fidence that brought about tho glorious result of yesterday should be given to Grover Cleveland, whose manly aud sensible letter was as timely as it was wise. New York Sun Jnd.) The elections aio a complete tri umph for tho Administration. The victory L along the whole line. The national, S.ate and municipal admin istrations were alike on trial, and the voidiet as regards Proaident Cleve land, Governor Hill and Mayor Hew itt is; "Well dour, good and faithful servants!'1 . . , Vo do not view this r'Bult with satisfaction because we care anything for tho Democratic par ty. Wo reali.o that it has done very much for the countryt that it is the party of peace and represents national drosperity. Now York is satisfied to maintain it iu power, and as Now York spoke yesterday tho nation, un less tho Democratic leaders waste their heritage, will in the coming Pres idential oampaigu, New York Her ald.(lnd.) ' The Vote by Oouuties. Following is tbo ofiioial voto of Pennsylvania by oouutiec, with tho ex ceptitn of Allegheny, Armstrong, Cen tre, Lawrence, Montgomery, Philadel pbia, Snyder, Sullivan and Warren, which are estimated. The figures show a net Democratic gain of 1,440 over the voto of 1885, wheu Quay, Iiep., for State Treasurer, had a plurality of 84,. CIO: nxr. majobitixs. n. mjOKims Adams. 407 llerk. wtl lruclta,...,.!... 7 Cambria, 601 Carbon. 8(3 Centre. . 850 Clarion., wa Clertteld. Too Clinton 80 Aiievueuy ... ..... Armstrong .. Beaver Bedford lilair. Bradford. ..... Butler WO US! til 1911 8133 SIT 1T1 'Jin ron.. Mietter till :rawrord ... 1174 Columbia.. 1315 Dauphin wu Delaware Kan Cumberland.. .. Kile Kayetle. Fulton. Uroeue. lunlala , LaclcaWuui.... Lehlgb , ., . Luzerne, ,.. Lycoming Monroe lloniour Northampton ,., tike .cuuy!fclll ....... SUlllV U anr, ..... Wioiolig,,..., York Erie.. ms 17 l-Oi H-. SKI Franklin mi iiiuaifKuoQ "M , 23 , 1051 , SO Iodliua... saa . 673 . 1M)I Jenerann ,,..., in Lancaster............. IW Lawrence.. lift) Lebanon 1EU7 McKean, 11111 .i.riixr. ....., . itit Alllillu ... lto iluutcouH-r Wi HonhuiJiUNlatul. 1ST mry 3U I'liltadelpbla. UU) 1'otter ., w Hn)dcr....... 10. hoineiset S!3I uviueliaDna .... IMi TKVJ. to to lb!-.' . 173S , 40U , 3.1 IS , m , S17 , 430 . n 4 , 1775 Total.- K7W3 J'tou 7l euaiigo.. .... Varnu Wuslimgion ... tveiunureltnj.. till I'm XA JotaL .mm IIWU i Jlart'a VI ir'tjr 4uc OFFICIAL RETURNS OF TOWNSIltrS. lloaver. ., , Benton Berwick, K Berwick, W..,.. . llloom, I! , Doom, W Brlarcrcck Catawlsaa , ... .,...,., Ccntrolla cent ra. ..... ......... ConjDKliam, N ConTngbam, s. FUiilngcrcok., , , Franklin. , (Irecnwood Hemlock Jackson , Locust. ... ... Mdlson.... Main Mimtn Montour. Mt. Pleasant Orange lino.. Roarlngcreek Scott, B . Pcolt, W ....-, SugarloaL. Totals.., TO THE PUBLIC. Intending purchasers of Pond's Extoact cannot take too much pro caution to proveutsuhstltution. Somo druggists, trading on tliopopularityof tho great Family Itcincdy, ntterapt to palm on other preparations, unscru pulously nsscrting them to bo "tho samoas" or "equal to" Pond's Ex TiiACT, indifferent to the deceit prac ticed upon and disappointment there by caused to tho purchaser, so long as larger profits accruo to themselves. Always insist on having Pond's Ex tract. Take no other. SOLD IN BOTTLES ONLY; NEVER BY MEASURE. Quality uniform. Prepared only by POND'S EX TRACT CO., 2Tew York and London. Sco our narao on every wrapper nnd label. Noto picture of bottlo below. For Plies, Catarrl, Sots meat, mpMMiij, Seres, IMamna- tlOBS, and Eemcr- 01 Ell Hsu, Soiialjja, Mucin), Brutes, Bins, tnr Vrrtut The Faraom lecturer, J0HH TJ. 001011, wrolo : " For Sow Tnroat, especially when tend ing to nlceratlon, I have found t vcrr bencflclal." AXDnF.W P. 1TniT1!,'Ex-Pieldcnt of Cornell University, uy i "One of tbe absolute nawU tlaat houMluKplng." JUtuutOQtt the genuine, T.liyiX. ATinOTT, the celebrated prima donna. " Valuable and beneficial." iiktwood. sunn, m. n., m. it., c. p.. of England. " I hare need It with marked benefit." II. G. PRESTOX, M. !., Brool lyn, N. Y-"I know of no remedy to generally tuefnL" AUTntm ouixKiss, m.d., F.n.r.s..of England. "I have prpecrlbcd lOffD'S EX TRACT with great mcccaf." 3CSTIS P, ri'LTOX, p. p., BrwjMjTi, N, T. " ProTlnz ltialf to be a noeeaelty n onrhin)a.' P. A. mSTERTELT. M. P., NaAvUIe, Tcnn. " nave need large qnanUtlea of POND'S EX TRACT In my pracUco." Urn. S. It. lltrotin, Matron, noma of Desti tute Children." We find It moat efficacious and useful." Ja Bottlii only. Prleen, SOe., 91, $1.75. XiU our pairu en ettrv wrapper and label. Prepared only liy FOSD'S EXTBiCT CO., NEW TOBK AND lOliPPX, Seasonable -AT- H. J. Clark d Son's. 1 lot Ladies' DresiOloths AJixturef, at 85o., worth 50e. 1 lot All-Wool Cro'se, 30 in., at 33c, worth SOo. I lot All-Wool Trio its, 3C in , at 40a, worth 50o. I lot Silk and Wool Dr. 83 Giods, 25c a yard, former price, -Joo. 1 lot G-4 All-Wool Trioote, 74a. a yard, good value at OQo. 1 lot G-4 Cloaking, 05a. a yard, good value at $1.25. Stockiuet, 12c. a yard, or $1.25 a' pound. 1 lot Silk Velvets at 75c. a yard, former price, SI. 00 a yard. 1 lot Silk Velvetf, Striped, $1.15 a yard, former price, &J.40. 1 lot 40-in. Plain All Wool Cloths at 50c. a yard. 1 lot J.adits' Goj-iamero, gl.O!) each, former price, $1.50 and $2.00. 1 lot Linen Handkerchief), at one third and one-half former prices. 1 lot Ladie?' ilerino Vests, 35a, ex tra value. Cotton Flannels,, 7, 0, Q, 10, U, I2J, 13, 14, 15, 10, 18o. a yard. The Best 25-c. All Wool Twilled Red 'Flannels sold and finer qualities in proportion. Flush Coats at $20, $25, $30, $32 50, $37.50, $40, $50. Plush Jackets at SJ8.00, was $22.50, $14.00 was $16 00. Plush Wraps ai. $16 50 was $20.00, $25.00 was $20.50. A lot of Children's Coats at redooed prices, from 75o. up. A lot of Lalies' Jackets at reduced prices to oloso. Pall and see. Extra quality IJlack and Colored Dress Silks at $1 00 a yard, See thrm. Good valuta iu Blaukets, from $1.00 a pair to S7.50. Full lines of Astrachans for 3oats and Trimming. Full lines of Pur and Braid Trim wines. Bead Trimmings at greatjy red oed prices. A oall will pay you. H. J. CLARK & SON. 'f&lfllLEj; fHflFlNCr. SH trouiles cure for ma ai-y seases, for use Aftt !havibffor lf.o Alunscw'l u rtr iv1 led-f Near, c efw , fwjiif summiuit FOB Tim COLUMBIAM, ELECTION, HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1887. 8, Treaa. ,1, ot a U Asao, J. lYoUir. H. ft a f H 1 iff i afoslfd t !!!!! lonor... "w ii-iM it irriaTiofnoTiM -ioiiiNnonft . noirno'jriffi5 165 83 14 1M 8S 161 Si 174 411 175 4l! 17 41 115 IM 47 18 173 173 41 178 81 00 It 82 9) 141 80 HI ) OS I 87 01 88 81 101 8 88 SO W 88 (0 184 8 47 140 71 107 M 144 1 89 1HH Hi 1P.9 CO 48 149 4 49 49 149 4T 209 139 8 211 137 918 131 921 181. 985 19.1 fit Mill '41 181 159 4 ?.'l fiO 140 991 191 140 17 191 149 I HI 139 131 148 153 191,110 150! 14- 111 181 9T 131 131 147 193 81 SH I IU It t) il 81 31 89 89 HI 84 ' 09 81 14 89 88 81 37 84 147 149 4 147 141 W 137 1 47 138 1 104 1 61! t44 130 101 191 141) 6ll 193 1(6 14.1 131 80 1(19 1 81 u; 89 H6 , 83 100 81 101 81 101 . 84 81 91 8 ! 84 84 1'S 61 (3 31 83 39 B9 99 83 S7 81 37 M 31, 81 89 89 61 81 84 89 84 U 83 ..., 70 34 70 .11 70 SI 70 84 1 7(1 81 70 63 3 SS 70 70 81 70 81 88 .... 89 BP 8-J 97 40 27 S3 89 i 49 531 81 S'l 9 43 89 39 98 38 191 89 .... 187 49 197 93 113 3(! IV 41 19 89 110 113 31 89 199 191 31 180 84 14 .... 81 14 31 14 31 II S3 19 39 II 81 81 B 14 ill 83 14 85 134 91 91 134 93 137 90 163 (3 150 FH 16 100 149 189 160 93 144 141 100 143 S tf S 85 ) 84 91 8-4 99 87 80 1 88 99 84 84 96 6 87 87 98 88 OS 7 (8 8 91 8 98 8 91 10 1 it 8 M 7U 83 1 97 98 8 07 140 03 .... 140 65 140 83 149 69 13 1 71,140 64 138 137 M 3 140 t4 64 140 1U8 S3 4 1(9 87 109 27 10." 9.11110 23 110 2.1 W 98 23 211 110 110 21 110 87 9 4 8T 9 87 9 86 9 1 84 1 87 9 89 84 9 2 87 64 10 88 148 40 144 39 148 88 149 89 1 149 39' 148 39 147 14 89 1 148 141 89 148 39 31 .... 63 31 63 81 47 8.1 ' 47 31 59 30 49 53 26 13 59 33 80 53 69 89 .... B 37 58 87 60 88, 60 88 60 89 41 67 39 S3 60 60 88 59 lit (0 11 199 81 198 14 146 4V, 178 63 194 63 60 83 10 173, 193 191 66 193 C4 21 .... 64 21 61 21 64 91 64 21' 64 21 61 64 29 .... 64 01 21 64 61 21 I 81 21 61 21 Ml 28 60 99 ! SS 61 M U 20, 50 XI 28 60 84 58 8 81 68 83 69 88 66, 90 67i 89 C8 D! FB II 1 89 89 58 89 63 40 9 66 40 07 43 69 4 88 45 86 47 60 69 2.1 87 60 61 48 66 136 1 4 .... 133 1 4 1 33 1 4 13! 14 133 14 136 14 131 180 26 ,... 137 137 14 137 i8?6 1561 114 Siii 1663 3004 1396 13021 133o' 2931 13 SJM 1561 2760 2687 iT&S "s05 '22 2M3 10OD ,2953 T. W, EDGAR, OF ESPY, PA., Respectfully informs his friends and publio generally that ho lias refitted his planing mill. In addition to the planing mill work ho is now prepared to furnish to order doors and inside finish for nouses. WESTERW PIWE, veneered with all our native woods, also foreign wooils, such aa Mahogany, Rosewood, ifcc., &. All hard wood Mouldings is used for Veneered Doors and Inside Finioh. All work shall bo guaranteed. Water proof Ohio is ucd for veneering all our Doors and Casings, Base Board, &o., &c Also Walnot, Ash, Sycamore, Oak, Butternut, Maple, Cherry, Poplar, Veneers, for sale at the Mill, Biz to ten feet long, six to thirty inches wide. T. W. EDOAR ETA HANDSOME WEDDING, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. S Combining a Parlor, TvipP. Si?? X I vjtj p 4 All furnish Dd With at our Wholesale Prices. THE LUBURC MANF'C CO.. The Best Blood Purifier IS THAT WHICH KEEPS THE LIVER AND STOMACH IN A HEALTHY CONDITION: AND NOTHING in THE WORLD CAN 80 SUCCESSFULLY DO THIS AS MANDRAKE, WHICH, AS IN J)r. ebenel's pills, ISA NEVER-FAILING REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH. For Sale by all Druggists. Trice 25 cts. rr box; Sboxefl for C5 cti.;or tnt bypia!. postage frei. oil receipt or price. I)r. J. U.Mclieock Son, IUIad'a. Bitten bender & Co., WAGON MAKER'S AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. No. 12C & 128 Franklin Ave., SCRANTON, PA. Iron, and Steel. aprlll-iy. CLOT ! CLOTHING -:o:- Cr. W. BERTSCH, THE MEHOHANT TAILOR. -:o:- Gents Furnishing Boods, Bq,U & Cap; OF EVEHY DESCRIPTIOI"). Suits rando to order at short notice and afitalwajB guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine the largest and best aclepted etoek of good a pvpr 8jjoyn in LOiuinbia count y. Btore next door to KIrt National Uauk, MAIN STREET, Plpojusburjj Pii. J. R. SMITHS CO, LIMITKD. MILTON, Pa., PtULKUB IN PIANOS uy tue louowiog wen Known makers: bickering, Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of tho cheaper makes at manufacturers Jirices. Do not huy a piano bo bro getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application, fliO THE II0M)KR4 OV THE UOND8 X of the liloomsbutv State Normal School, se cured by Bret mnrtnage, dated eptemuer 1, l8: Notice U hereby given that the interest on all bond ouutopdlng up to -epteiuuer 1, 1887, win bo bald on meseu auan of Lh(.H.imH tn ninTM.iiM, at his ofllce In liloorasbunr. at auy I Ime w.thtn ii diys from Noveiuber I, lt&7. If the bonds are not presented by December l, 1B87, the Interest will be defaulted tad the fund applied to other purposes. !L.J,mitK,THaurM; 2 jmtes&z - It Treas. Comrs. Aada. Bur. THE WONDERFUL tffeHI M IM LUBURG CHAIR tlbrary, Smoking, Reellnlno; or Invnlld fifk 1HP- fradetampl OS-SHIPPED to nil ,JU for CMalopue. parta or the iroilil. CHILDREN'S CAE?mAri& thn Automatic r.'nsrlm Rralr. ..n..t Send Etamn for CfttaloeuQ andmpntinn 145 N. 8th St.. Phltada.. Pa. October 23 81 arrs. N OTICE. Notice lsnerebr clvcn that the (nllovlntr ac count has tcen filed in the Coi-rt of Common rieas ot Columbia county, and mil be presented to the said court on tho first Monday ot Decem ber, A. I). 1R87, and continued nisi, and unless ex-ccptl-ns are nled wit bin tour days thereafter will bo confirmed baolute: 1. The account of Anna Conner, surrlvlnj part ner of the lato arm of K. retormnn. 1VS!. II. tNYDElt,rroth'j-. rrothy's omce, Nov. 7, itw. 11)0 W8 APPHAISEMENTa. The following Widow's ADDral9ments will bo presented to the orphans' ccurt of Columbia coutty omhe nnt Monday of December, A. D. 1SS7, and confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions are filed within four da) s thereafter, w 111 be confirmed absolute! John L. Belshllne, estate, Hemlock, rersonalty, 1290.00. George lynn, estate, Montour. Personalty, fsoo. John Levan. estate, ltoartngcrcek. rersonalty, 130'. Joslah Ithoads, estate, IiOcnst. rersonalty 1810 Mills uhambcrlln, estate, llloomBburg. i'erson. alty, $8AT9; realty JS17.21. 300. Isaao D. Pattpn, estate, (Ircenwood. Ilealty, 1300. WM. 17. MiVDEB, Clerk of O. C. Clerk's office, lUpomsburg, J'n:, Nor. 7, 147. JULE ON UEIHS. 1h tbi Orphans' Cocbt of Colcjibii County: In the matter ot the partition and valuation ot real estate ot George Miller, late ot Nescopeck, Luierno countv, ra. To Adam Milter, Mifflin township, Columbia county, I'a., William Miller, Wetberly, Carbon county, Pa., John Miller, Nescopeck Luzerne county, Pa. Nathan Miller, Nescopeck. Luzerne county. Pa., Caroline. Intermarried with Jacob Kavlsou. Wetheily. Carbon county, Pa., Polly, 1 n tcrmarrled with John Klshbach, Ilazleton, Luz ern county. Penn'a, Salllo A. wnatnecht, NosoopocK, mjorne county, Pa., Maria ln lermarttod with Levi Klshbach, Nescopeck, Luz erne county. Pa , and Jacob Miller, Wetherly, Car. bon county, pa. You and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear before the Judges of tho Orphans' court, to be held at Illoomsburg, on the first Monday of Decomber next, then and there to ac cept or rcfuso to take the real estate ot said George Miller, deceased, at tbe appraised valua tion put upon It by the Inquest, duly awaided by Ibesald Court, and returned by the Sheriff, or Bhow cause why It shall not be sold. Witness the Hon William Klw'ell, President Judgo ot sold Court, this Bill day at October, A. 1). U87. V. II. SNVDBIt, octii 4U clerk o. c. "TULE ON HEIK9. est1te of john j1cobt, dkc'd. Columbia Codntv, b TP Joseph liendersbott, husband of Malrlna Ilenderehott, Nofman llendc rehott, Bio&msburg, Po. Lamia Jamison. Intermarried with Alfred Jamison, Washlngton.D.C, Albert Y. Uendershott, Washington, U. CM Annie Uendershott, Inter married with II. W, Moan, nioomsbuiy, Pa.', Maria Sutherland, Akron, Ind ; o. A. Jacoby. illooms burg, I'a.; Frank M. Crawford, Philadelphia; I ram 1). Crawford, Macon. Georgia: Braiford Cnwford, Wllkcs-Ilarre, Pa.; Noah schull Crawford, Dayton, Ohio; J. hn Crawford, Macn, Georgia; Lulu Craw, ford, Wllkes-Uarre, Pa : Knoa Jacoby, Illoomsburg, Pa.: Martha. Intermarried with A Dram cmsa. HuntooL Illinois, lineal descendants of John Jo- cooy, aeceasea,ana to an otuer perbons, interest', a, greeting: You and each of yon are hereby cited to he and aDnear before thaJudce; Of our Orphans' court. to be held at Bloomshurg, Pa., on th- llrst Monday or wecemper cexv, men unu inero to acceptor re fuse to take real o-tato of said John Jae.nbv. iln- tea.ed, at Ihe nppraWd valuation upon It by the Inquest, duly awarded b the said court, aid re lumed by the sheriff, or show cause why It shall not be cold. And lien of full not, u Itneas the Honorable llllam Klwell, President oi our said court, at uioomsourg, the eleventh day ct October, A. l. 1B87. WM. II. SNYDBR, Clerk of o. C. Eberirf's office, Nov. i, i87. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OP OAST Gil WROUGHT WON, Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots JPulblic Grounds The following shows the Ticket Oothlo, one of the several beautlfulstylesof fence manufactured Poreaatyana Durability they areunsurpass l'ricos and epoolmens of other de? signs sent to any address. Audresa W WW BLOOMSBURG PA- SALESMEM WANTED IU StA Woailyemploimentguaranleeil. HALARV ANU KXl'hNKH PAID. Apply atoi co.statingoK, if UVll HOCHKSTKlt, N. V. ' 'AugscsepJmoT HAIR BALSAM th iopuUr fvorlt tor Arfmlna f rr, na4 prvrebtlnff liandrutf. Mir taliiinf, luij U fcUf-0 (o J)lt'u). btto. mi 1 1.00 at l)i urirlkta. HINDERCORNS. f Tlit) af tit, kttrta ud Uwt ear for Cora. Bunion. . OirM OonjrrS. OoW, Rmmm Crottn,Antlim I Broach tla, lYhooplng Uoiisb, Incipient Con romp-1 Itlfftl of 4-f ft. 1 1on, Odii.Loft Dt Hull'ti iwito bffrvp ia voiq onir i trhitt tmimfn an J bcara en rfwtitrfx1 Tri1.lirk to rll A V.uU t Imrl M a virvte,nHet-1 Strip Cavtlon-LabtU n1 the I ifaVfllmtenlirniitar4of John W I if nil it A. a Utytr ft Co., Sola I x rvp r, iwuumoro, no., u. b, j SALVATION OIL, "Tht Greatest Cure on Earth for Pain," Will relieve more quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wounds, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle. A FEW 1 IT 1 COM Hand IN GOOD CONDITION, Single & Double Heaters, AT H. Gr. Eshlteman's, OPERA HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPH, AUTOORAPn AND Scran, r lnnra and mmnleta tine ar. J. 11. Mercer's uiug and Book Store, Evans' mock. ALL THE FINEST EXTRACTS COLOONE Sachets. Pomades. Hair lives and llnv lmm at ,1. H. Mercer's Druir and Hook btore, Evans' Mima, upHibibo Apuuiai iuun:il. ALL PROPIIIETAltY ANnrATENTMKDIClNES at J. II. Ulercer'a nrut? And llonlc t-tom. nnrm. silo Episcopal Church. BOOES, STATIONERY ANU WALT, PAPER, A fine Rtock at Wercer'a Druir and imnk stnm opposite Episcopal Church, Dloomshurg, Pa. CA8TILLE, TOILET AND MEDICATED SOAPS, a full line at J. II. nercer's Drug and Book Store, Upper Main treet ClOMnS OP ALL KINDS, WELL 8ELECTED, AND ; at very low prices at J. H. Mercer's Drug and Book store, third door above Iron street, Blooms burg, Pa. (CONDENSED MILK, COXKB, NELSOJT8 AND j Cooper's Gelatine, Tapioca, Sage, Arrow Hoot and all tbe prepared foods for children and In valids at Mercer's Prugand Book worn rtrst door above Hess' Boot and Shoe store, Uloomsburg, I'a. C1ANAKV, HEMP, RAPE, MILLET, MAW AND Mixed Seed for the birds, at J. II. Mercers Drug and Hook store, first door below Creasy's Grocery store. PINE WRITING PAPERS, BY BOX, LOOSE OR In Tablet form, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book store, Bloomsburg, Pa. XTUItSINO BOTTLES VIPPr.KH. ltrtnnKK Itl'l ni ties. Teething Rings and all requisites, ot the Nursery that will contribute to the toby's happi ness, at .1. U. Mercer's Drug and Hook More, two .WIS AIMU Sb AJCI O IrflUbUUlf OWTO. PnYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY receipts carefully prepared at all hours at oicivcr o uru)f uuu IIWK BW)n), UlOOmSDUTg, Pa. rpoILET AND INFANT POWDERS, ROUGE, street, lUooroaburff, Pa, WALL PAPRH MANY KINDS AND MANY pneea-at Mercer's Drug and Book Store, VfrtykMu n(ii,x-uu'n vuuiiiu. uiuuiuauunti i iu Junea.iy.s:. rhuglrii's gnrdroare. COFFEE. Everybody likes a good cup of coffee but how few there are who get it ; not over one-half the. coffee brought on the table is fit to drink, and yet you go on tnd drink it Itppjvqsp you, ca't 1q any uetter. tsorae ono perhaps asks you out to dinner and serves a delicious cup of coffee, and you inwardly think how much you would give if you could have such a cup of coffee at home ; you feel a little deli cacy in askiiiK the housewife how she madp it and go home and drink your weak bitter mix ture with the be9t grjco you can. And yet properly equipped.good coffee is within tho reach of every one. Wq claim with our "One Minute Cp.(Tcp Pd flqy phild 8 years pjd paq make as good a cup of po(feo a,s thp m,ost experi enced QQok, renulrea no flsli Bklns suit, ogg etp. to. cloar it, it is clear as wine eyery time and ot a rich strong flavor. This is all the space wo Can civo to coffee, tho halanpo to, explain wo will tako pleasure in doing at our store. The Keystone BEATER takes tho cako and makes it too, beats tho white of an egg stiff enough in 15 seconds to bo toss ed into a ball. Makes potatoes as light and flaky as snow, it will whin up anything to a de gree of fineness impossible with iiy other machine, is useful for mixing urinl?s, heating cakes, custards, puddings, cranberry smice, plea, preparing strawber ries, hauanus, pouches, apples eta. oh flavors, can bo used In various ways and will Inst a life time. A. new lot just in, Very Resp. J, R, Sohuyleu & Co, Uloomsburg, Ptv. Stoves Ml m DAYS : ALB ! The entire stoch of the late D. Lowenbevg will be offered at greatly reduced prices, as the complete stoch must be sold before the 1st of the New Yea?: Hemember,the goods are not cheap goods, but fine goods at COST PRICE, The stock consists of fino Kadyllail LOTlHI&, . FINE SATIN LINED iBSTftflTSi PRINCE ALBERT S TJITS, YOUTHS', BOYS' & CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS, KILT nSUITS, For L ttle Boys, ALSO, AND- VALISES HAJS, cps, CALL and SEE FOR YOURSELYES, let lour Eyes t: Tour Judges ! If-you ivisji) oiir oppion we loill recommend goods mat will iifOt injure the rfputqtiqn of this Estab Usjynent. All we ash is the public to come and see and judge for tem s,eltyes. A full line of Fall and Winter suits inadp up in Way below the Regular Price t A FUL.L LINE. QF ftoltl and Silver WATCHES of tbo best make, Must be told AT COS?. BY THE ADMINISTRATORS OF D. LOWENBERG'S EttO. Pretty Overcoats SHERIFF'S SALES. BjTtlrtue of sundry wtltn, Issued out of the Court of Common l'loas of Columbia county, Ta, and to mo directed, will bo cxpol M PUDlw Mle' on the prcmlson, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, '87, at 10 o'clock a. m., all that ccHaln mill property and piece of land, situate In lljlarcreelt towimhlp, Columbia countr Pa., and bounded and described aa follows, to-wlt! Ilfgtnnlng at a stone In a pub lio road, In lino of land of A. Clayton, menco oj the same south forty and ono-halt degrees west, twenty-one and thrce-tenths perches to a post, south seventy.nlne and one-half degrees wcat,two and seven-tenths perches to a post, in line or iana of Win Lamon, thence by the same south ne de gree wcbLIwo and tUree-tcnths perches to a black oak, thence by land of fettle, south eighty-two degrees cast, eight and four-tenins perencs loa black oak, thence south fifty-two and one-fourth degrees cast, fire and Blx-tcnths potches to a poet, thence soutli seventy-two an thrco-fourths de grees east.nvo and four-tenths perches to a double maple, thence south thirteen And one-half degrees east, two and four-tenths perches to an nsn on tno bank of creek, thence north forty-eight and one half degrees cast, seventeen pcrchcto a stone In main road, running between mill and dwelling house, thenco along said road north thirty-four and throe fourths degrees wcst,elghteen and elz-tentbs perches to the place ot beginning, containing ten acres and nineteen perches ot land,str1ct meAsure, be tho same more or leas. In connection with tho above the water right for mill Is conveyed, c , a portion of the premises being farm land. There Is erected on tbe premises an excellent water power, suitable for grist mill or manufactory pur poses. The property was formerly known as the Trough mill property.sltuate about one mile from Berwick, Pa. be'zed. taken In execution, and to bo sold as the property ot Nelson Freas. and Jonas Crlsman and E. M. Crlsman, terre tenants. Lev. Fa. jtcisoN, Airy. ALSO, At tho Cross Keys hotel In Berwick, on tho saine day, at i o'clock p. m., alt that certain piece, parcel or lot ot ground, situate in tho bor ough of Berwick, county ot Columbia nnd state of Pennsylvania, being In lot number elghty-clght, (k8) as marked and numbered In the generl plan ot M W Jackson's addition to the borough ot Ber wick, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt, Begtnnlng at the northwestwardly side of Sixth street, in Bald borough, at tho corner ot lot num ber ctghty-nlne, thence along Klitti street, a dis tance ot forty-rive and a half feet, to line ot lot number eighty-seven, thense along lot number eighty-seven, a dtttanco ot one hundred and eighty-one and one-halt feet to Seventh street, thence along Seventh street, a distance ot forty five and and one-half feet to a line of lot number ninety-two, thence by lots numbers ninety-two, ninety-one, ninety and elgbty-nlne, a distance of ono hundred and eubty-one and one-half feet to tho place of beginning, whereon are erected a large two-story frame dwelling house. Also, a small double frame dwelling house and outbuild- ings. ALSO, The undivided one-halt tLtercst ot all that cer tain lot of ground, situate on the westerlr side of Tenth street, between lino and Chestnut streets, In the borough of Ber wick, county of Columbia and state ot Pennsylva nia, It being lot number sixteen, (16) as marked and numbered In lilchard 1 hompson's addition to tho borough ot Berwick, bounded and described as ioUowb, to-wlt: Begtnnlng on Tenth street, at a corner ot lot number fifteen, thenco along s aid lot one hundred and eighty-one and one-half feet to a ono-rod alley, thence along said alley forty nine and one-half feet to a corner of lot number seventeen, thnco along the same one hundred and eight) -one and one-half feet to Tenth street afore said, thence along the same forty-nine and one halt feet to the o'ace of beginning, whereon Is erected a framo dwelling house. Seized, taken In execution, nt the suit ot Wm. J. Knorr vs. Geo. W. Vannatta, and to be sold as the property ot Geo W. Vannatta. Kvans, Ht'y. At. FL Fa. By virtue ot a writ of Levari Facias, lamed out the Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, will be exposed to public Bale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1887, at ten o'clock a. m., all that certain real estate, farm, messuage or tract of land, situate In Fish- tngcreck township, county ot Columbia and state ot Pennsylvania: Beginning at a chestnut oak, thence by laod ot William Bobbins north twenty degrees west, two hundred and forty-five perches ana seven-tenths to a white oak, then:e by land ot Thomas Hutchlncon south seventy degrees west flrtj-Blx perches to a post, thence by land ot Sam uel Ash south twenty degrees east, one hundred and three perches and five-tenths to a stone, thenco by tbe same south sixty-four degrees west eight perches and eight-tenths to a stone, thence by the same south twenty degrees east, one hundred and forty perches to a stone, thence by land ot John Fowler north seventy-one df grces east, sixty-four perches and, ehfbt-tentns to the place of beginning, containing eighty-eight acres and forty-four perches of land and the usual a!- owane$sj tor roads, it, whereon are erected a two-story trace house, bank barn, hog pen and other outbuildings. Terms ot Bale to be as follows: Ten per cent, ot the purchase money at the striking down of. the property; nttcen per cent on tbo sixth Cloy o( De cember, 1W7, and the iemlnder to t wenred by pona anij mortgage, with Scire Sodas and insur ance clause upon th? premises, In which, the exec utor of Satnu,ol Ash, Bhall be the mortgagee, con, dHlpncil tor the payment ot one-halt of the re. malnlng purchase, money on the ru-st flay of June, 184, and the balance of purchase rnoAoy on the first ot November, 1898, with Interest from 7th uecember, 1S87, on each payment. Seized, taken In execution, at the suit of Jacob TerwilUger, executor ot Samuel Ash, deceased, vb, EUaa Ash and Susan Ash, his wife, and to. bo sold as the property of Ellas Ash and, 8Ja,n, Ash, his W'lLLIB, Att'y. By virtue of sundry wrl,ts, Issuea o,ut of the vyuji. m iuuuuofi rjasof vojunvta county, Pa., an.3, t;0 me directed, will bo exposed to publio sale, at the Court House, in Bloomsburg. on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1887, at tWO O'ClOCk TL TO., all thnrlcht tltlA anri lnt.M.1 Of David T. Jones In the following descrlbid teal eatate,sltuato In Scott township o.olu,rab!a county, Penna., bounded oqlho nchby tanteof JAmea hhnA nnH flar t,a . .... . - -"1 "vv Wuumu,gn vua east oy lanq ot VlllVW Creating, on the Bomh by lands ot Wm. Vaalanq I. S. Kuhn, and on the west by l,ana d Jacpv Musaclman and Mathlas Sharper, niatalng .....nuncLca, more or leas, wnereon are .iwriuiD...... ... . i't . o."jh unoiug apupe anq ouiDuiuungs. Seized, taken In pvpriittan at rh. ...i. v.. warn W. Ivey vs, David T. Jooeg, and to.tjSKM a Ukohr jf wiibsthc.k, Afy. Vend. Ex. ALSQ, All tha certain messuage, tenement or tract ot land, situ itein Centratownshlp,columbl ocunty, Pennsylvania, bnimiif.i On the north by land, of Qcorge 1C lless, on the ui ram zaner and Silas Uarman, on tho south by lands of Stephen swank and George K, Hess, and on the west by land ot David C. Item ley, containing seventeen acres, more or less, whereon is erected a dwelling house, stable and outbuildings. helzed, taken In execution, and to be o;d,ajUhA Uroia, Atfys, n Fa, ALSO. AU that certain lot ot groundsltuate In the tOWn Of Cat&WlRHA. In thA tnn.hlH A . , In the county ot Columbia and staU pi PennsyU vanla, bounded Jn theeast by Third Btrcct, on the south by land ot Mrs. Sarah Vastlne.on thowaat by Una of Jacop Haines, and on tho north by laud frame dwelllnir house 1 ALSO. AU th,at oertaln lot of grcMnd. situate In Shuman's -wvWV yu mo iw o t-atawissa, township, countr and state afnrwmiri in . J as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point on Pfahler v.i.uoaiuvuwnai corner of 3t No. sevftntys nine in the plot ot said Shuman's adou. th,enca north along tbe line of sMd. to No, Beventy-nlne, ono hundred and foity-aye f,eet more or less, to an alley, thenco east ftinnv mm nu tq another alley.tbence south along nald. alley one ...V. ,uu luivi-iKuieev more qr leas tq Pfanter street aforesaid, thence street forty eel tq the place of beginning, said, bl cijsuvy m ma Bnvw&n'a addllVa. Wb,ereonU erected a trame dwelling h,aus. Seized taken In exnnnMnn h. . Wagner, . W, AluHley and IX F, Wagner trading Mr the Brm namo of Watsontown Planing MIU company vs. o. r. Harder and to be sold as th property of O. V. Harder. ALSO, AU that certain mMeu&rwi a, int nt n.m. t In thij borough of OentraUa, county ol Cowa. w uux v reqnyivania,t)oundtKra tollowa: On th.o north by Dt ot John Nertney, on the t by an alley, on the south brint nr .iniin i u. - . w 1 . fl, non, and. on the west, by iusj avequo, being aad fortr feet dpen. nn whtMtta . . .... . v - - m -im - viwvm ti vnv siory franio d,weinng house and outUulidinja, ALSO, AU that certain inrvtuiitPAnr ... uate Id CoayDCuam towD8Uip,oounty ox Coiumbia. P,n,n lAiamiwHiuiwn: tuo north by an Uey, on tho east by lot o celta and Harry uer. rtty.op squti, b, Centfe ,t,rew,an4 on the west by lot of Mary Ilendrlck, said lot being twn,. nvo feet In front and ono hundred and forty tcet in depth, on which Is erected a two-story frm dwelling house and outbuUdlngs. ALSO, AU that ccitalncssnago or lot ot ground situ ate In tho bjrough of Centralis, county and'sti aforesaid, bounded as follows: On tho north bv Park street, on the cast by lot of Michael Martin on tho Bouth by an alley, and on tho west by lot ot Cornelius Lonltmn, said lot being twenty.flve tcet front and one hundred aud forty feet In depth on which is erected a two-story framo dwelling house and outbuildings Sotzed, taken In execution, and to bo sold as the property ot Mrs. Ellen Kane. MAmi,Att'y. n Fl, SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. COURT PROCLAMATION TirHEEAS,t!,ollon. William Etwru VV President Judgo of Uie Court ot Oyer ana Terminer andOeneralJall Delivery, Court ottjuar ter Sessions ot tho Teaco and tho Court otCoamon Pleas and Orphans' Court In the !tth Judicial Dls. trlct, composed of tho counties of Columbia and Montour, and the Hons. C. (1. Murphy and c. n, McIIcnry, Assnclato Judges of Columbia county' havo Issued their procept,bearlng date tho Sth day of Oct, tn the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and eighty -seven, and to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, "Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in Bloomsburg, In the county ot Columbia, on the first Monday, being the tth day of Dec. next to continue for two Notice Is hereby given to the Coronor.to tho Jus. tlocs ot the Peace, and tho Constables of tho sail County of Columbta,that they bo then and then In their propor person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon ot aid sth day of Dec with their records Inqul si tlons and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to bo dono. And those that are bound by recognizance to proscauto against the prisoners that aro or may bo In thelaii of the said county of Columbia, to bo then and there to prosecute them as shall be u.tt. Jurors aro re quested to bo punctual In their attendance" agreenoiy ui i neir nutiue. uaiea at Illoomsburg . 1 M1G HIQ QKV DI ilQT.. D ntl, nt n... y Lord one thousand eight hundred and 'I etffhtr-seven. and In the one hnnfimrt ,m eleventh year of the independence of the United states ot America, shonn'sumce, SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. J-OTICE IN DIVORCE. Lydla L. Mears, by her next friend, J. p. snds vs. Clarence E. Mears. 1 In rax court or common pwab or Colombia Cooktt, No. HO, Mv Tihm, lis:. To Clarence Mears. respondent above named: Whereas, upon the petition or libel of tho slid Lydla L. Mears, abovo named, a subpeena betnir awarded by the Court ot common Pleas ot sail county, a subpama issued out of tho said Court, commanding you, tho Bald Clarence K. Mears, to bo and appear at the next regular term ot said Court., to show cause, If any you havo, why tho said Ubollant Bhould not bo divorced from the bonds of matrimony which she has contracted with you, agreeably to the prayer ot tho petitioner, and, whereas, upen the return ol the said sub.. Kcena, due proof was made that you could not, a found orBervcd with the same In the bailiwick of the sheriff ot Bald county; whereupon an alias; subpama was awarded by said Court, command. Ing you to be appear at the then next regular' term of said Court, to answer, Ac, as aforesaid, to which the same return was made by tho Sheriff.' Vou are therefore required to be and appear on' tbe nrst dav of regular term of said Court, to be held at Bloomsburg, for the said county, on the first Monday of December next, A. D. 1887, to. answer Slid complaint aforesaid. , SAMUEL SMITH, Wk. CnmsHAN, Atty. Sheriff;. Sheriff's onice, Bloomsburg, Pa., Nov. 4, 1S87. OTICE"lNljlVOHCIE! Maggie Shellenberger, by her fathtr anr next friend, Iteeeo Falrman, vs. Horn.i N. Slielli, berger. Ih the Court or coiiuon Plis op Comsia Countt, No. iw, Mat tksi, ids. To Horace N. Shellenberger, respondent abovo named: Whereas, upon tho petition or libel of the said Maggie Shellenberger, above named, a Bubpaaia being awarded by tbe court ot common Pleas ot said county, a subpeena Issued out or tho said Court, commanding you, the said Horace N. Shell, enberger, to be and appear at tho next regular term of said Court, to 'bow cause, if any you have, why the. said llbellnnt should not be di vorced from the bonds of matrimony which sho has contracted with you, agreeably to tho prayer ot aald petitlttoner; and, whereas, upon the re turn ot the said subpeena, duo prcof was maO that you could not be round or reived with uc aame In the bailiwick ot tbe Vherlff of (aid county; whereupon an alias subpama was awarded by-' tho sata Court, commanding you to be and asnear at tbe then next regular term of said ( oujt, to . answer, Ac, as aforesaid, to which the same re turn was made by the Sheriff. You are therefore required to be anil appear on i tbe first day of regular term of said u mrt, to bo held at Bloomsburg, for tbe Bald ceitnty, on tho nrst Monday of December next, A. D. 1887, tc, answer the complaint aforesaid. SAMUEL SMITH, LiTTLia, Attys. sheriff. Sheriff's omce, Bloomsburg, Pa., Nov. 4, isar. ' N OTICE IN DIVORCE. Susie Winner, by her uncle and next friend, John J. Coyle, vs. Oswell Winner. In tbi court or Con mom Plkas or (""olcmbu COUNTT, NO. 47, MAT TRW, 1S87. To Oswell Winner, respondent above named: Whereas, upon the petition or libel of tho aald Susie Winner, above named, a subpeena being awarded by the Court of Common Pleas of said county, a subpoena Issued out ot tho said Court, commanding you. the aald Oewcli Winner, to be and appear at the next regular term of said Court, to show cause, it any you have, why the said UbeUaat should not te divorced from the bonds ot matrimony which Bhe has contracted with you. agreeably to the prayer ot the petitioner; arj! whereas, upon the return of the Bald subpcomT due proof was made that you could not be round or served will) tbe same In the balUwIckMUio Sheriff ot Bald county; whereupon an alias, sub peena waa awarded by said court, commanding you to he and appear at. the then next regular termor aald court, to answer, ac. as aroresald, to which the same return was made by the Sheriff. You aro therefore required to bo and appear on , the Bret day of regular term ot said Court, to be , held at Bloomsburg, tor the said county, on the nrst Monday ot December next, A. D. 1887, to, answer the complaint aforesaid. SAMUEL SMITH, Knorr & WiNTiHsrHN, Attys. Sheriff. Sheriff's ooicc, Bloomsburg, Pa , Nov. 4, 18S7, OTICE IN DIVORCE! William Krtc vs. Susannah Krlck. Is Tm Covrt op Common Plias c'p Coicstm COUNTT, NO. 4, MAT TKKM, 1S8C To Susannah Krlck respondent above named: .Y.herea?. uPa tne petition or libel of tho said William Krlck. above named, a subpeona being awarded by the Court of Common lleai of said county, a subpoena Issued out of the said court, commanding you, tho aald Susannah Krlck, to be and appear at th.9 next regular term of said Court, to show cawo. If any you have, why the Bald llbellaqv should not ba divorced from the bonds of mutrlmony wnVch he has contracted with you, agreeably to the rrayer of the petitioner; and, Wereas, upon the return of the said subpcona.duo prool was inado that you could not be found or served with tbe same In tho balUwlck of the Sheriff o( aald county; whereupon an alias sub sucpojna was awarded by Hald Court,commandlng you to, be and appear at the then next regular term of said Court to answer, etc,, aa aforesaid, to which tho same return was made by the bherlff You are therefore required to be and appear on the first day of regular term of said court, to be held at Bloomsburg, for the said county, on the nrst Monday ot Lecembar next, A. D. 1SS7, to -answer the complaint aforesaid. SAMUEL SMITH, Gbtkr, Atty. sheriff. SherWB omce, Bloomsburg, Pa., Nov. 4, 1887. N' OTIOE IN DIVORCE. Charity It, Xveland, by hor noxt friend, John P.. Creasy, vs. Stephen A. Eveland. In tus Court op Common Plias op Columbia, Countt. No. 48, Mat Thru, 18SI. To Stephen A. Et eland, respondent above namedr Whereas, upon the petition or libel ot the said . Charity IL Eveland. above named, a subpoena be ing awarded by tho court oi Common Pleas off said county, a subpeena Issued out of the said Court, commanding you, the said Stephen A. Eveland, to ba and appear at the next regular." term of said Court. 10 show causo. If any yout hav,wby the aald uoellanl should not bo divorced I from the bonds ot matrimony which she has con. tiacted with you, agreeably to the prayer of thei petitioner; and, whereas, upon the return ot the said subpeena, duo proof was made that you couidl not be found or served with the same In the baili wick ot the Sheriff ot said county; whereupon an alias subpeena was awarded by said Court, com mandlng yon to appear at taa then next regu lar term of silJ Court.to answer. &c as aforesaid, to which the same return was made by the Sheriff. .. Xou ate Ut)tetor required to be and appear on the Rrat day ol tegttfar term of said Court, to ho held at Bloonuvburg, tor the aald county, on tha nrst Monday of December nrxt, A. D. DBT, to aqswer the complaint aforesaid. SAMUEL SMITH, Vit, Atty. sheriff. Sherirra omce, Bloomsburg, Pa.. Nov. 4, W7. UDITOR'S NOTICE. 1ST ATK Op JOHN UI10LX8SHQXA, DKC'P. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or pbans' court, to distribute the fund in the hands M Harry W. Beaver, executor of John itelnbold, !'?otJx'f townihlp, will meet at the office of Jkeler Herring, la uBomsburg, on Friday, tho M of December; A. a I8r, at ! o'clock p. m,of ir? ?ay lu purpose of his appointment, at which timo and piaco hll parties interested aro Wquested to attend, or forever be debarred from coining In tor a share ot said fund. hovil HOUT. b. HOWELL, Auditor. BLOOMSBURG MARKET.. :o: "Wholesale 83 60 SO Ileal'. Wheat npr hl.nlinl Hye o Cora " Ohts " C5 S3 45 Flour bbl llutter 4.(0 tb 025 22 8 Eggs 'Z I'ntatnn 20 00 ta 03 07 09 08 23 70 IS 05 10 13 10 13 80 1 00 Harai,.,,!!!""!""." Dried Apples Bldo " Buouliler...,,,.,,,.,,, Chickens Oeose. iAtd per lb Vinegar per gal..., Onions per bushel, Veal skins Wool per lb 10 30 7(1 07 S5 uiucs,. n if, 7 Coal on Wiuiir. nou utu oi a,o, ttiiui No. Q 8,00 Bltumluut 3.8S i, o, a tiuiup f