T&E 'WttBlAN AND DEMOCRAT. xM)6M8BtJli&, OOKUMBIA COTETO PA1 What tho Holghbora Bald. The neighbors received tho dowi thai wo wn coin' to n watcriti' jilaoo coldly, or with ill-conceived envy. Undo Jorrns llently told its ho Mioulitn't think we would want to go round to wnterin' troughs nt our ngo. And 1 told him It Wuzn't a watorin' trough, and if it wuz, I thought bur ago wuz jest os good n ono cs any, to to to it. Ho had tho impression that Saratoga wuz a itnmensa watorin' trough whero tho country nil drova thcmsclyei sum mere to bo watered, llo is (deaf iaa, a homlook post, and I yelled up at him jest as loud as I daat for fear of break in' open my own chest, that tho water got Into us, instld of "Our gettiifdntq tho water, but I didn't mako him understand, for I hoarn. afterwards of hi sayintr', tha', e nirrh cs he could mako out wo all sot into the watorin' trough and wuz watered. Tho school teaouer, a young mat), With lone, small limn, and nomo pimp les on tho face, but well moanin', ho scz to mo : "Saratoga is a bouutiful spah." And I sez warmly, "It ain't no such thing, it Is a village, for I havp.soeri a peddler who wont right' Ihrougb it,J and watered his horses there, and he scz it is a waterin plaoe and a village." "Yes," sez he, "it Is a beautiful'' vltf lage, a modern retiren oity, and at the same'timo it is tho most noted Spah on, this continenti" I wouldn't contend with hira for It wuz on tho stoop of the' meetin' house, and I beliovo in bcin' reverent. But I knew it wasn't no "spah," that had a dreadful flat sound lo me. And any way l lnow Ihoald;faotf its realties soon and know alf about lU T.ots of wimmen said that for anybody who lived right on the sido of a canal, and had two good cisterns on the place, aud a well, they didn't see why I should feel in a' snfforinf ,'obndUton; for any moro water j and, if I did, why didn't I. ketch rain "water T '-PVori ' Samanlha at Saratoga? by Josiah Allen's Wife. A Cigar Shot Out. A COAI, MINER'S NAKflOW ESCArS FROM A MOLLY Sf AQUIRe's llBLLET. A group of gentleman were sitting in a coach yosterday on a train which arrives in this city over tho Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg at, 12:30, tell ing stories. The last began by telling the group that bo was engaged a the coal business, and eigbteen" years ago bad charge of a mine near Mahanoy City. In some way ,he had jncurred the enmity of the Molly Maguires', who passed resolutions to remoyo him. A dosperato scoundrel, but a man ,who Was1 rated as a first-class shot "was ap pointed to do the dirty work. Tbe assassin concealed himself on a dark blustering Vifht near a p&th'wber ho knew his victim would pass and waited bis appearance. The speaker said be had al ways been an habitual smoker, and on the night in question wag smoking ja cigar from wbicH he had just knocked the' ashes before approaching the .murderer's place of concealment, put he:cigar .in his' 'mouth and turned his head,(asjan unusually strong gust of wind camo around a point a head of him, when be hoard a shot and simultaneously a bul let whistled past his faoe and took off the end ot bis cigar, tie turned 1m mediately, and before the purpose of the Mollie could be accomplished be was out of Bight. Several' years, after ward the man wbo bad attempted to murder him was dying" nnd 'rrmdii'a death-bed confession, stating that he bad been appointed to kill the speaker, and had Bred directly at the end of his lighted cigar, bnt for'sorae runaocount- abl reason had raiesed bis mark, As be concluded the narrator drew f sigh of apparent relief and said itMwas' the most narrow escape ho ever had, and attributed the saving of his life to his habit of Bmoking, Bradford Star. The Mayor was d'oss- I was in tho "Two Orphans" saloon atKaula Pas? City, Wy.oue day, en gaged iu tho fatiguing buBirfeBB of li.nninf acraioat the wall and watcbing the' barkeeper polislCtti 'glasses', when a strikingly largd into with a ferocious black, moustache and a 'band the size of a St. Paul man's snowshoo 'pame in and directly to where I stood. I tried to look as if I wasn't doing anything and got one corner of my eye on the side door. The man regarded mo scornfully foria moment, then sudden ly 'jumped up and cracked' his heels together twice, brought' his fist down on the edge of a card table so that it tipped over and rolle.d away, and with a whoop that jarred the chandelier yelled: "Strangfr, I eat snakes!" ' As I remember it, I replied that I bad no doubt of it, abo that I fully believed lie was the only man in the country who did eat snakes, aud that I presumed ho ratber preferred rattle snakes and yellow headed moccasins, when he made a leap at me and again whooped: "'Stranger, I'm a wolf J Hear me howl!" I was backing towards the door and trying to look as sociable' jwd agrco able as possible, when be added, with astonishing emphasis: "I'm a wildcat! I want blood! I want it to drink!'' I was now moving on the door so rapidly as to resemble a' dark-colored streak several yards long, when he started for me, bowling: "I'm a man-eater! I'm from Bitter CreeU Gimme some raw snakes! Lemmo at him!" All the timo kicking the chairs through the air and making the building tremble. I managed to get through the door and fell across an alley and two vacant lott! Fifteen miputes later' when J ventured out'on another stredt I hap. nenrd to ravel the barkeeper and said; "What was tho matter with that man who tried to kill me at your place t. "Mavor Everts, you mean, I reckon O, nothing muoh; only the Council passed nr. ordinance that ho had vetoed over his head lat night and it has made him cross all day." Chicago Tribune. Eudencsa or tho Traveling Public 'Tho other day at dinner tho 'conver sation turned tiiiotrtho'selBsh Yu'doness of a portion of tho traveling public. Ono of the persons at the table related "this UicSdonti Somo months' .'ftgotbo paisencers oii anight train'orijabVanch railroad wcro kept nwako by 'lho,'16ud and incessant conversation inauigou In by two men silting at ono end of tho car. Theto wero no sleeping cars attaohed to the train, and ono ot tno men In tho course of tholr woansomo babble rcmaikudi "It seems to md .that a road whjoh d can't furnish sleep ers ounht nt least to Ht up tbeir cars with head rests, euoh as you find on somo of the o.ii-teru roads." Wbcro- tiDon a volco?at' the other end of tho car replied: "Head rests wouldn't help much in this car so long na thoso two men down nt tho other end kept on talking." Tho passengers roared with dollnM. and ono of tho two of fenders prtstlcd up and declared he'd talk 'jbst-as" much as 'hot pleased, but pretty soon quiet reigned. Tho pas souiror who so neatly1 ad'mlaisloifcd tho ncoded reproof was1 Edwrtid Kverrett Hale. New York Tribune. An bmeletto of Soorpion. A onrious dish was- prepared the 6tber;day f6r a British traveler In Mexioo. Tho attendants scived up an 'omblettfc hbd thtt servant partook" Very heartily of tho dainty morsel, but 'tho traveler mistrusted tho. food owing' to oertain blaok particles Triitod', therein. Inquiring into tho naturo of tho bus picious ingredients, he could scarcely believe his owii ears when the reply was given '"Oh.i thosoi nro' scorpions," anu an mveauguuuii yiuveu ium tu wo true, the lower orders 'in Mexiooithus utilizing thb 'young e'c'orpibns, ' which aro due out. hundreds in a nest, their sting being cu,t off bofore cooking. What They Trembled for Out West- A rovivalist in a Michigan town' Gad discoursed on the Biblo for two hours and got' his auuMnco worked up to the DOIIlt Ul Ull t u UHlUplIl. "Now. mv hearerfc'tbere is one thing it would bo impossible Hoi hs "to get along without. Who cau tell what it 181 He expected the audience to say "religion." but hejJiscoverednhat he bad mistaken, the character of his" bear ers when S grizzly long-beard arose and said: "Quinine." Judge. A Curious Mexican Plant. Pitkfibri a Mexloan produot, U found laroelv in Honduras. It grows Jn.canes from five to twelvofoet high and from twbHoUbrce' nhehes- in dia meter. Efforts are being made by the Mexican Govef nmeotito encourage its cultivation. ' !Trie,IndiansVBe'it for tho manufacture of boots and shoes, nets, fishing lines, haltersand canes. Mats pFgreat'beauiy) sdrnej pf"Ubem valued as bigh as 550 each, are maae irom iu It also makes a good imtatioi eijk., for a. 'UatrhTul colored pltturee ntri Jadfrrff . Jblarfrftw mode wiferti. Tarmeaicntai, Value h faint fbedtitA'the. ViTiiLOPriOjfoS r Strains, bain in back.zidt orcfifA mm Hamlii Mason.v& Organs and Pianos. Tha Cabinet Oman tu introduced Iv.'HuAn A Iiamun lnuauu uuon s unum uryani mm ftlwaTtmilnUliird their (npremtcr orer all otnei twavft mHlntiifnMl their knrtrpmftTT nTer all otheri. avlnn received Ulehest Honora at all Great World't ISxblbUlona alpro jBflf. The Improved Mode of BtrtuKing nanoa,lnTerited It? urchaters, miiflcjitna, and tnaera, and Plana and piano construction, experts pronoanclnirflt Vtbe ureatMt lmproYement In planoa In half a ccntnry.1' ijr Maaon a uamun in vssi, Jano circular, cnntainln; Urgan UatalogaeiL (roe, MABON & HAMLIN AND PIANO C0, r-tros-BOpSO. (THE NEW QUININE.) Hospital I'liysiolaiis Affirm tliat Knskino is Superior to Quinine. A POWERFUL TONIC that tho most delicate stomach will hoar. A 8PRCIFI0 Kill MAI.MtlA, I11IEUM AT1SM, TBltV0tJH PTtOSTltATlON. TIIB MOST 8CIKNTIP10 AND SUCCESSFUL BLOOD 1'UHIFIElt. Superior to quinlno. Dr. F. K. Miller, houso )liylclnn at Ht. Francis Hospital, New York, and vHtlng phyBlcan to Ht. Joseph's I!ospltMf.J$w YrJrIf.Uas uiod Kasklno for over a rear wltlKoMLilntnm iinfalllnff Riirrrrei lie says "kftlina)U& nVMlcloo ot tho lilslii-sl value as an BfiVpyrctlo, anll.fvrnotlo and nntlsep Uc H lowers too temperature permanent ly. pto dvops no Iwid eScct, and la pleamnt to the test c. other lot tors ot a similar character trom proml nent Individuals, which slAtnp Kasklno asarcin' bdyol undoubted merit, win bo sent on applica tion. I Kasktne carl be taken without any special mod' Icaladvloe. Il.oo per bottle or t bottlci for K. Bold byMOYKll UB08.. Hloomsburg, Pa., or sent by mall on recelpt ol price. THK'KASKrNKCO.rM Warrca St., NSW York. Chimney, all are imitatibns. 3& BBrXS!iByp IT!N I SEINESy v TS and Rponr. ;o oooDfl. Double llarrel Krecch Loadlnff Shot anna, ohoka liornl, tie to Itnl- eiriKle Drooch I)adlnir Hhot (luna, M to m. Every. Vlnd or llrocch tovlBift and llepcatlng utiles, ti to 1 10. Nuitlo Loading Don. bis HhotUiiAsi n toiU.' Sidgle Bhot: (lutiMl BO totn.no. Rovolvers, 11.00 toim. Doublo Action Hell cockers, w to io. All kinds ot t'artrtdsea, Shells, caps. Wads, Tools. Powder iFlaiki, shot Pouches, Primers Bond 8 cohU for Illvuftmtrd Catolpguo. Address, tilt BAT WKHTKItN OUil W01tkH,'lliSMITHFIttLD l'lTTHIIUIlO, PA.. N. It. This Is a eo-year-otd, reliable firm, lr fcctly trustworthr. orders' filled 'promptly and goods tent by mall or express to any part ot the world. Not matter what you want inlhegun'rloo you can tret It at the Urcat Western by writing a letter. (Inns raado to Order, Guns and Revolvers ltepalrcd. seplo-6ms can live at homo,, ona maVe'Moro ntotiej?' at work tor u than anvtblntr else In' this world, rnpltal rot neededi ymi are started trre. Tlnlh rptps; nil ncrm. Anrnnn raft An tho work. Lariro carnlntPt Burefroro first start. Costly outfit and terms free. Hotter pot delay. Costs you nothlnt? to send (W your address and tlnd out! If you ate wise you will do so at once. II n illitt Co., Portland, Maine. decH-so-ly BUBSOBIBE FOR OlTer special IndiioementH to farlnera for tho next six weeks on the following r ifnn MOJli aihlr of ni.r fltiAlN TIOUSIC. nnd will dolivcr frcb of clmrgo to any Btation on tho D. L. & W, or H, A S railioads, tho cckbratt d "Economv Hone" and "Good Crop" brands, both high grade, stniidard goodrf. inbdo from piiro materials, free from sour aoids ami heavy wortiiiess liners, anu uaranteed as goott as tno ucst. 31IFIEE MAOTWJM t tnr trio Trnntirin. Pminbln nnd Stationary Entrincs, Threshers, completo with lover power, in six Rizcsj Clover Hullers, Saw Atlllflj Urain Drills and Uorn Hhellers. All stamtartl goous, jum wnai larmers wm need very soon. Sprout's rust what every fanner needs. Urintls well. ROAD AMI FARM COLUMBIAN, HANDSOME yptwik WEDDINQ, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. THE WONDERFUL 1H LUBURG CHAIR Combining a Parlor. Llbrarjr, Bmoklnfr. IU-cllxitnff or Inralld vaanaii) lAVil V rUf M. C Ur VUUVlIt - Ji'lflfl (id a?auJ?- fendttamp-SIItPPKDWH ' V W for CtIoKn. prti or the trorld. CHILDREN'S CARR AO.rfi All AirnfollOil WltVl Iria Aiinm.l OT '."T," fltonrAVlioleale Prices, Send Btamn for CutnlAinio una vnVntirtn ta? THE LUBURC MANF'C CO.. 145 N. 8th St.. Phllada.. Ia. October satyrs. for Infants' and Children. Wo have?in Btock. roadv for insncction. tho O'Hricn Wncons. in any siiio desired, for farm or roatl, and invito tho public to call mm seo them. OUR STOCK ! In addition to the abovo wo keep a full lino of Flour, Ilrnn, Middlings, Chop anil, Feed at .lowest market prices. bait tor lanu anu dairy use. special prices to dealers on job iota. Clover, Timothy and fancy crass seeds. Coal in -nil sixes. Delivered to any part of town. It will pay School Directors to buy Coal from, uh for their, dis tricts and thoinselyes, All kinds of Grain taken nt, highest market prices for cash, or in oxchango at any lime. Soliciting a fair sharo of trade, wo remain, Very truly, II. V. WHITE & CO.. 'August . Blooiusburg, PA Orders May "bo. Left with Albertson & Hulme, Benton, Pa. "Cactoria la ao wtll adapted to cMldran that I Cutotaa tares Colls. Oosstlpatlon, r i.. t . ... I flmt flbMuh. Ttl.rrtwM. Eructation. 111 Bo, Oxfert Bi, Bmktyn, M. T. I nnnooi tojartoni medkoasttm. , Tn Ctarritnt Coxriirr, IB) Fulton atrMt, H. T. noTlieiy INDUCEMENTS f We are offering great inducements to persons desiring to purcnase Pianos, Urgans and evlng Macinnes. ' Vi Amonr? the Pianos we handle are the IVUUS. & POND, O. C. B BIGGS. BA US & CO., SCHOMACKUM Gold OT I J 73 'PI.,. D.'nnno nvn oil ft fO t-'nl 1L , and fully warranted for five years. Our leading Organs are the celebrated ESTE Y, MILL EE, UNITED STATES and other makes. Our leading Sewing Machines are thp celebrated WHITE, a, rTT n a ttq wiw Tin nrii'WTn atm iw Hn.M h . HOUSEHOLD. ROYAL ST. JOffJV and STAJVJJ- ARD ROTARY Seivim! Machine, tho finest and best, Rotary Rewing Machine in the world. Before nurchasintr write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa. THIS is the top of the gen, uine "Pearl Top" Lamp others similar "This is the exact label on each one of the iPeJarl Top 1 1 r The dealer may say arjd, think he has as trood. but he has not. Insist upon the exact label and top, f . . , , GEO. A. MACBETH & CO, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deaf Mutes' and their Ohildren. 'Th'p fiulennleiident nt Hellovue home, Toronto, states in liis report that CGI children and young people have attended tho institution, and not oue of them had deaf-mute parents, and of the pupils jio bad from Mmo, a time intermarried not ono.lo his knowledge, had a deaf-mute child. "All this is ry Mtisfaclory," ho say?, 'and should take away tho fear that many !areiit have of df afanuta marriages, for much as a mixing up of those with other clafgea in marriage might be con pldored desirable, it is not likely to be tlio case, and a deaf inute girl, trained and intelligent, often make a happy MstlUmcntiii life WJib rffJl instructed tk-af-mulo partuer. , YOU Can't I raerairanillxa. UL-OI lllkRII to ALL other Madi. THE FAM0US(HO P BLASTERS 1 r I I Cluh, rraarant, ourattra A4 Mt))7indlotiialj prtpued (roa Jre.! Hop.. Mhh, "v4 andOuma,tprM4ontMt(inMltjt. Thtf nator aoid Tttallu Hk jta , aubdoa IntUmmaUou and InaUnUy baniA jia wattlwi . . . . . .... Tf VUmi T..,. aaoaldar. Cheat. Jlit, Btoxuaeb.or MuaolM, rowarfull j- aooth I ng. paU llylo and .trtrpjUu nlair, ru lt ymtr oh tarn ia u. veraun trirmiinilt, UaiLed tot price by propzaetora, ll.r J'U.t.r Cwiur, UmIm, Mi DarUu lotot arUvWn abroad! TMa plaatn to apirat eaMbtM ywlbt. roly tot Uataat tia. UOt ?ULTEa CO., anatux. oa wrtry plMtar. j A SPECIALTY. I0H 10SNTS FOB F. F. ADAMS tc CO., PINB CUT CHEWING tOBACCO ;igara. HBIJUT CLAY, LONDltES, HOllMAL, INDIAN PIIINCES3, BAMS0N, BlLVBlt ABU. Boleaeentaof tho fol lowing Dranaa 01 ci 'Alexander Bros. & Co., WHOLESALE DKALE1LS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, PRUITS IP NUTS. BOLEAQENTS FOU HEKRT MAILLARDS 1HCA.NDII5S. FllESII EVEUV WEEK. Bloomsburg, !Pa. ANY OlibKK PQIt FESTIVAL will lie SUPPLIED WITH 'THE LOWEST U1 it ! as follows: OltANdKS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS! CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, TOP CORN IJALTiS. . Jft. JBOBMNS, DEALER IN Can nttacli to any horflc-iiowt r. Huns ens y R.AIX.B.OAD TIMO TAIi DEtiAWARE, LACKAWANNA Asiu InnnmmiM t it TT Tn i T BLOOMSBURG DIVISfON. ECONOMY THJE PRACTICAL QUESTION OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH FOR TIB SEASON CAN BE BOUGHT CmiAJPIM THAI EYER, A Large and Varied Stock of HIHG JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A IjARGE AND SELECT .LINE OF Call and be Convinced that ou have the LAMEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE L-ATist STYkE, 'BEST tytAUTY, AND AT The Lb'west Pbssible Prices AT TtilE -OE- DAVID LOWERS ERG Rloomburg, Pa, , PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKEY. TJibtilLid Irom selected hrley Malt and iruarantced to be rhprnlralimn and free trom Injurious oils and icldsonen contained In alcoliolle liquors. It Is especially adapted to persons requiring a stimulating tcr.lc, Consumptives being greatly pcnentted by its use. liecommended by leading j hyslclans as a Diuretic, nervine, iolio una .Alterative. or vuubuuiuiiveti it. is luvaiuanio. I'KItlUNK' VVKK AHLKY MALT WHISKEY Insures a rctumof vigor to tbe stomach, u good nutrcuic, a iru auu auuuuau. uim bluiuucwuijedu uiiu ulusculurilSouP. stimulant mild and gem le In effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all wastin? dl eases can be entirely conquered by the use or I'errlhe's 1 ure ismer alt Whisker, It. la a tnnla una dmretioand a nowerrul strenirthener to I he flntlrAsrntpm ppii. ntNU-SUHB HAiaBY MAIT yvilUkK has proved a medlclnarproiectlon to those whp pursue their avocatl6ns in the open air and whose dally work calls it gsceinionai powers 01 enuurauce. ami juur uarevt. uruggist or grocer lorior lt'llTrxrl?lU mlniA ll Alii W UllTU'IlthlfhrritVlviw thn.nnlu St l.r.nn ..- out with excesblvo tKxllly or mental effort and acts as a saleguar In wrf.nnri Hirnrnii weather. It will drive all milarloua dlsPAcr Hard workers ot every vocation and persons Whoiy a seflentaryllre renders prone to Malt Whiskey t powerful invlgorantf Tho ia helper to dlgestlou. E UAItLBY .MAL'l without 'unduly stimulating the Kid anc runs PKIlltTNK'M yiIlBKKY nrys Increases their naggings activity, counteracts the meets of fatigue, has tens convalescence -and Is a wnoielome and prompt diuretic Watch tbqlabellj tura analvfils as It amte&ra bv thA t.a bol.on every bottle: ,1 have carefully an alyjod.thel'OBK Uaklit Milt wbis (Xt made br M. & J. K l'errlne and iibiil iv entirely tree iromtusei oil. tnnuroLi metals and acids and Is absolutely pure.- oivrtru, vamuta. jirutvr jtaurJ uvjuvu una h eitvaam Vol suie dj all druggist and grocers throughout the united Stales and Can ad as. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38 NORTH WATER ST., PHILA run oAuuiMuuui i ahu all. UKAUKUa. aatir Foreign andJSQtaesMo WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. I Unttci, Tr and Conmu RhMk . Ask your rtUlIf r for the JAMKH MEANS 4 HIIOIS or Ut'jAMKH MEANH 83 bllOK.aocordlDtftorournrtdi. l'oaluvclr none eo uint unlenourtUuQntjtpeAri plAinloaUia toll, JAMES MEANS 34 SHQE TVUt not wear ao long a tta JAMES MEANS 93 SHOE, IWfiDit li 1i nid for mm wheia ccap4Uoni tr lacb M lr&4 Ucm to call fur a llghtir nl mart dresiy thim ihta the JAM EH MVAMS S3 bllUK. Our l Bh(x bis lUblUticd fur Itself pcrmtnent repaUtlon for comfort nddurtbilltriuch na other thaa h&i ever known In th Milorrof ttiatrtdt. Is'ocomtitori r Uoto upprotch WE'NTS BEST MADE.CLDTHING YATES UCQ-bT1,&CH'ESTNUT '.It. '4 (tAW VtKItK. nd,npw(nl poltireTr' tr , otherappllanceB. Sample In SS! artthe only original and genuine. No huiibn? Ur. Boott, Ml Broadway, N. V. oc diC' CTElG COMPANY'S EXTHACTdP MEAT tor Improved and Economic Cookery. N.B. Clenuina only with fac-slmlla cf Baron MOBigs signaturo In blue across Label. To be had ot all ttorckeepers. grocers and . gist OCSSdlt. Marvels of the New WesI the vast wonder-land west of tho Missouri niter BU books In one volume, comprising Marvels li Nature, marvels of Ilacc. Marvels ofEntercrlw Marvels of Mining. Marvels of stock ltalalnit, Mar. vcls Of Agrlculturo. over 850 original fine euirrav. lnga. A perfect picture gallery. It has more sell, lng qualities than any other book. AUKNT8 WANTKD. Apply at once to W. A. houuu jo.n, u cast utn St., New York oc2sdlU DISCOVERY. Wholly unllko art lflclal systems. Any' book Iranicd In ono reading, liecommended by Mark Twain, lllclianl Proctor. the dentist. Hon. W. W. ABtor. Judah P. iienin. mln. Dr. Minor, C "Class ot 100 Columbia Law studentB; two classes of !O0 each at Yale; 400 at University, otllenn. l'hlla., 4"0 at WelleBlcy Col. lege, 850 at Obenin College and three large classes at Chautauqua University, 4c. Prospectus i ost frh. from, rilOF. LOIaKTl'K, S3I illth Ave., New York. oc2sd. 1 M li 14 8 19 2 !4 2 9 1 43 2 M 2 69 3 09 8 19 3 S6 s'ia 3 89 8 43 3 52 3 M 4 01 10 25 10 S9 10 30 10 M 11 00 11 07 11 IS 11 22 It SS 11 30 11 87 11 44 11 49 It S3 12 OS 12 16 11 20 12 25 12 30 12 87 19 41 12,43 12 50 1166 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 80 r SOUTH. 6 80 S 84 40 B r9 T 05 7 11 7 SO 7 S7 7gl 7 S3 7 41 7 49 7 05 8 06 8 IT 8 8 8 33 8S8 B4S 8 '49 8 3 8S 903 909 9 57 US3 9 9 S3 A M STATIONS. NORTH. ttoRTncMnnLAND s 40 1 85 10 10 4 is Cameron. S 53 Cbulasky 6 DO Danville 6 08 Catawlssa- e 23 ltuperu. " Bloomsburg 6 so Espy, ... 6 42 Lime Kldgo............ 6 50 wu low u rove . ...do Ilrinrcreek 6 53 Ilerwlck 7 05 Iieach Haven .- 7 11 lllrlt'a Verrv. 7 18 rihlckshlnny 7 DO Hunlock's 7 43 Nantlcoke 7 50 Avonaaie v m Plymouth 7 69 Plymouth Junction 8 03 Kingston 8 03 tmuneib.... ....... o Maltby., 8 17 Wyoming 8 22 West Huston 8 27 Plttston 8 33 Lackawanna 8 40 Taylorvllle....... 8 48 ueuevue o-i 8CB1NT0N 9 00 4 22 F H r a STATIONS. 8C1UKT0X 10 9 50 2 05 Bellevue 16 9 55 .... Taylorvtue. 20 10 oo 2 14 Lacnawanna o iu.uo Httston 36 10 16 2 28 est nttston inn x m .Wyoming - 6 47 10 27 2 39 .....(.. a....... w .v uv Dennett . 55 10 34 ,2 47 Kingston 6 68 10 S3 2 50 Plymouth Junction...... 7 us 10 42 2 54 PlvnlOUth 7 10 10 47 2 59 Avondale. 7 14 10 si 3 03 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 53 8 06 IlunlocK'a 7 20 it in n KhlckBhlnny 7 47 11,12 8 29 hick's Ferry. i oi u -e a o Beach Haven 8 01 II 88 a 45 Ilerwlck 8 07 11 87 a si Unarcreek. 8 13 s ai willow Grove 8 16 11 43 4 Ot IlmoKldee, 8 20 11 52 4 05 Kspy... i. 8 2 11 t9 4 11 uioomsourg a iiw iw ltupert 8 37 12 10 4 24 Catawlssa 8 2 12 is 4 29 DanvllIeT. 8 67 12 80 4 46 Cbulasky. 9 03 ..... 4 54 Cameron 9 07 12 40 5 00 NOKTHDMBIXLANn 9 22 12 0-) 0 10 AH T r H r uonnectioDS ai. nupcr.. wivii i unauciiium, Heading ltallroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Wilt lamsnnrt. Sunhnrv. Pottavlile. ftc At NirthUm. warren, uorry anaji.rie. OKATKFUL COMFORT1NO. EPPSS COCOA. BREAKFAST. 'Bya thorough knowledge of tho natural laws which govern the operations of, digestion and nu trition, and by. a careful application of tho nno properties, ot well-selected Coco, Mr. Kpps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills, it Is by the Judicious use of such ar ticles ot diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every ten dency lo disease. Hundreds ot subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack whercier there is a weak point. We mayescapo many a laLai suaiiuy Keeping ourselves wen lunutcu wua pure blood and a properly nourished frame." Clc ll Service Oaiette. Made slmolv with bolllne water or milk. Bold only In half-pound tins, uy grocers, labelled thus: jamkskitsico., (28) Uomawpathlo Chemists, London, England. TIM 6,20 ;ss 61 8 37 6(45 6, tO 6,55 6 59 7 03 7i07 7!1 7 16 7 21 7 S3 7 43 ,7 5 8!07 8 18 8 20 8'S7 8'Sl 8 85 8 41 8 47 8115 8,57 9,15 9,23 9 28 9 45 berland with KiB Ur. I1 ponum. Lock Haven, Eta W, n t T OKV 4 n Slan Uon Bcranton. Fa Pennsylvania Railroad. hiladelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. TIME TABLE, In effect May 29, 1887. Trains leave Sunbury EASTWARD. 9.40 a. m.. Sea shore Exnress (dally ezcent rjunaay), zor uamsnurg ana uiermeaiata stations, arriving at Philadelphia 3.16 p. m.; New York, o.xuy. m. : isaiumorv. a.iu p.m.: nnwiingwa. cunnucimg ai, rmiaaeipuia lor an Bea paaaenger coaca to 3 P. m. Day express rrtsbunrand lnterme- pnuaoeipn ia tu c.50 d. m. Shore points. Through Philadelphia. l.3 daily ezceDt sundayi.ror Ha: diate Btatlons. arriving at 6.50. p.m.; New York, 9.85 a.43 p. m. ! w aanmgton, 15 p. T.45p. m. : p. m. Baltimore Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches tnrougn 10 rnuaueipuia ana Baltimore. r.45 n. m. Kenovo Accommodation, (dailv for Uarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at rmiaaeipuia ft.ua. xo. : new xorK7.iua m. uauimore, .vm.i Washington e.00 a. m. steeping car aocommoaations canoe secured narrlsburgforrhlladelphuandNew.York. on sun days a through sleeping car will be runl'on thu train Irom Wllllainsp'ttoPlilUdelphhi.PhlladelrjIiU lassengera can remain Inaleeper undliturbed untt U. ill. 2.50 a. m. Erie Mall (dally ezcent llondav. for Uarrlsburg and intermediate Btatlons, F-lalnn n . n.T,.A-k,a a M k m ........ v.-,.' . m. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; WMhtngton, V.30 m. Through rauman aloeotnir cars are, run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia ana uauimore. WESTWARD, 5.10 a. m. Erie Hall (dally except Sunday), fo Erie ord all Intermediate stations and canandal gua ord Intermediate Btatlons, Rochester, Butfa- iuuuu niat,ui-.iaua, wivu fciiruiucu ruiuoao rai ace cars and Dascemrer coaches to Erie and Roch. ester. 9.53 News Express, (dally except., Sunday) for llujia,niluu luvciwcuiuw Dbtluuuo. 12.62 p. to. Niagara Exoress (dallr axoent Sun y) for Kane and tatermedtato stations and Can. a iialgua and nrlnolnal Intermediate stations. R"rhester. Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester iuiu ruriur curto ivuiiamsporu E.SO D. m. Y&xt 1 Jnfi tdBllv.nTeAftt Rnndavltnr ItA. UUVU IUlVlUlllftbO HVUIlUUH. ttUU AimiTI amsauuimrmeaiaiainauons.kwitn tnro aencercQnr.hna tn HAnnvn an1 Wiklna. y.tu a. m Sunday mail for ttenovo and Interme. OCSMdlt. F. A. LEltAMu Washington,!), a Bond for circular MARVELOUS MEMORY TO CONSUMPTIVES line .WINOUSETER'S HYPOPnoSPlIITE OP LIME and SODA. For consumption, weak lungs, ma, Droncnuis, ana general aeDiiity ion ledgcd spcclttai remedy. THY IT. Price II and 12 per bottle. Prepared otly by WINCHESTER CO., Chemists, 163 William St., New York, sold by druggists. Send for circular. otzsait. r WORKEORiALts. to energetic men and women every where. fSOawcek ana all expenses paid. &tm ues worm ana mu pariicumrairvu. Auurvss r. I. VICKKUY. Aurusta, Wo. Don't mlts this chance. Write to-day. octudn. nre yon Conffh, Brtmchltli, Aithma, Indlireitlrjnt Um PARKKRS OINQKR fONIO !ftwit deUr. II dm cured muivuilue wumo&eaaMuthi3DPtrt?inly tor fcli ftCMtloBi of lira throat ud lunn. Md Lhmii tricing from impure tlctod and eibauitlba, Tbo feclil ftiid lick, tramrtlng iralot dlaeaM, and tlowlj diiftlmr to lb BTTe, will In muxny cues rwoorer their health If VHyOHTIRVt mjMr u uiuijor luuiu, uuvuoiaj iiunu rcroua. Take H la time, Itblnvaluahlo for ail palrn and dtaorders ot Btomach and bo tl. ftOo. at UrufTKkU. OCtl4d4t. LADIES a week and you bare tho fines t-polished store In Ins world. For tale by all Urovers aud Stove Uealen. OCtUdlt. THE Mm kt 1 Banking Companj, Of'ATCniSON, KANSAS. SENATOR INQ ALLS, - ITestaent. oners guaranteed Farm Bonds ot Eastern Kau nas, semi- annual coupons payable at the Chatham National iianic, new or. Kaatcrn ofllec: 187 1IROADWAT. New Y OKI. B.-M. Maniit, Gen'I M'g'r. Bend for l'amphlet. rltoci4. RBUCKLES' nomo ori a paokago of COFFEE is n guaranton of excellence. ARIOSA COFFEE Is kept in all flrst-clnss stores from the Atlantio to the Pacific. COFFEE 13 never good -when exposed to tho atr. Always buy thlshrandinhermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. marl.rly WANTED. LADIES for otir Fall and Christmas Trade, to take light pleasant woik at their own homes, tl to $3 per day can be quietly made. Work sent by mall any distance. oitESCKNT aiit t;o.. ur Milk St.. Iloston. Mass. no aim. OCHNt. dlatfl Rtat lnrt' TmtOUQIl TItAINS TOR SUNBIIBY FlibU THE BAbT AND SOUTH. , . Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. at Uantsburg 7.40 arriving at Sunbury 9.90 a. to. wlih through sleeping car, trom rhllMMpWa W, WU llamsport. i News tijproaa loaves FhUadelpula 4.S0.a,'ra. Harruiburg, 8.19 a. m. dally except Sunaai atrlvtng at Sunbury S-M a, nu Niagara Express leaves and through passenger coaches trom 1'hUadel- iuiu anu uaiiiuiurv. ' yast Lino leaves Ney York ,00 a. m, ; Phlladel phla,lt.l a. m. ; Washington, g.so a. m. ; Ualtl more, 10.43 a. m., (dally except Sunday) armm at HunbUry. B,sop. m.. wita throafftf paasonzei coaches from miadwpWa and staUImor. PWa,JV4p. m.Waalngton, at aunuury 0.11? a. U'la$ Jainnt Jtleant Mi khot U JVM autlttUh. I andltliaaduraU ai nr ilioe 6f iti'wtljht vf vinu. lacmrta. . cnnucnujr.aien w in tu vuai.ra. Ulled toe kin jr, aitd reuulrra liq 'brv prrfectlyraijp tha fin l ijmt It u Vorn. Ilka a ' trtHktuK In, Utitt country to lxterilvtr adrenlifd If yotf tutt Uca liI(Milnll la oilier adrtrtUvtl Bhoti, yuur ciperlfiica tught to teirh ym thtt It li lifer to tuy tio tnadt by I tha ldr ?( a tyiltu). rrUr than ttte toadt ly tin fullowm, Tticta bho?s ar aold ty tho U.t rrtallcrt a ct of Mnoui iiiBtas. v r"p -v -7 - Wf k la AIkum 1U fta.lr . VT.'iT:1 II VVUV4T. tmnaumms r-- UanlllhM tbroufheut lot UnJUd -fitttei, and wa will Plata tUciu cailly within your reh. iu auy bUtt of Territory. m Vr)l(icosluaa.IiUlc4rit, ' 1 James Mcans 6c Co, 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass, Full Lines of the Above Shoes for Sale by augi.i Solo Agents for Bloomsburg, Pa. orktoup. m. t Phlladel nffton.la.0On.nl.!. Haiti. (dally except.Saturday) arriving a. tn.. with tbromrti luiiman Sleeping cars from rhlladelpbla, Washington and uaiumore ana tnrouKa paasenger coaches' trow Philadelphia,, , , , w SUNDDRY, IIA'I.KTHN & WII.KKMHAIIRE UAII.UUAU ANU NIIUTll ANU WKklT UlN)H IUH.WAY. (OAlljr except sunaky.) 'Wtlkesbarre Man leaves Sunbury 9.1s t, m. arriving at bloom yerry 10.H a. m., Wllkes-barre li.isp.m. w unos-uarre accom, leaves sunbury K p m, ar riving atbloom Ferry U:9i; Wtikes-uarro, fcuo p m. JExnreas East, leaves sunburv d. m.. arriving at Bloom Ferry 6.sa p. m., Wllkes-barre T.M p, m Sunbury M all leaves Wl lkesbarre iai! a. in. arrtv. lng at bloom Ferry li.M a. m.,Hunbury RUD. tn Express West Itaves , 1 Wllke-barres.oa n. 111 u. riving at bloom Ferry 4.18 D. m., Hunbunr win.a CatawUsa accom. leaves Nesoopeck 6:0a n ra, ar riving at Uloom Yen yjp mSunbury, ousp tn. snndsy mall leaves Sunbury Ml a. m., arriving at lllooin Ferry 10:16 a. m.. Wllkea-Barre li:4s a.m Sunday accommodation leaves wuxes-Uam 6:10 . w., urnrmtf ut. viuuxu avrry, .9v p. m., sunbury, cuas.1!!' I'canr j. k. wood, Oeu.Uanager, Oea. 1'aaaenger Agent J. W, RAIDER, nm uu mn RULER ADD BINDER, No?. 7 and 0 Maiket St., WILKES.BrrE, p. arpie-tyctbro. WANTED "Wo want a few live men to take orders for a . full line of choice nursery stock. Our stock is all selected and guaranteed llrst-class. Wo furnish a hand some Outfit Free, also nut Samples in Season. A Wokkeb noYer fails with us. Don't de lay hut write ab once for terms, &c., to EDW. O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, scpMot. Rochester, N. Y. l b'tatned and all patent business attended to tor moderate fees. . . our omce Is opposite the U. 8. Talent offlce, ana we can obtain I'atentBln less time than those re mote trom Washington. ,nf. send model or drawing. We udvlse Mtopoi entauillty free of charge, and we make no cnargo unless patent la secured. , , Wo refer here, to the l-ostmaster. the supt.o Money Order Dir., and to olllclals otthe U. . Patent omce. For olrcuUr, advice, terms anu references to actual clients in your owu slate or county, write to . C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposltn Patent omce, W'sUlnrwa 0" Working Glasses Attention. We ore now prepared to furnish all classes employment at li'me, tho hole of the lime, or for their spare moments, lluhlncas new, light anu E rentable, rereonsof either sex easily ta"1,.'? ) cents to tJ.UO per oenlng, aud a proportional sum by devoting all their time lo the buslne. Boys and girls earn nearly as much ns men. i n" all wbo see this may send their address, ana teat the business, we make this on er. To " rJ not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay tor the trouble of writing. Full particulars n outnt free. Address uiosas Sth.som Co., For land, Maine. aec-6-iy.