The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 04, 1887, Image 2

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The Columbian.
J. K. BltUntwdor., f
Qlvo one day to your country and
go to tho polls noxt Tuesday.
Voters should bear in mind that
thcro aro thrco sutnrate tlokcts to bo
voted next Tuesday. Ono is headed
"State," and has tho namo of tho can
didates fo.' Stato Treasurer on it. An
other is headed "Judiciary," and has
tho names of the candidates for Judgo
of Supremo Court and Associate Judgo
thereon. The third is headed "County"
atid contains tho names of tho looal
Tho republicans hono to oarrv Peun
evlvania bv a larco raaiority this year,
to givo thorn a boom for noxt year in
tho Presidential campaign. Let ovory
Democrat do his duty towards keeping
tho majority down, and possibly over
coming it altogether. The local fights
among the republicans in Philadel
phia uud Allegheny mako it possible
for the democrats to carry tho stato,
but if voters stay at home it oan't bo
Columbia county lost 84,500 by the
failure of the Revenue at last session
of tho legislature. Tho bill passed both
brauches and would bavo becomo a
law, but the Govornor discovered that
it had not been signed by the Presi
dent of tho Senato nnd so it failed. Its
failure was through the negligence of
a republican official. Every domoornt
in this county is personally interested
in rebuking a party whose carelessness
has cost us $4,500. Go to the polls
on Tuesday and vote for J. Ross
Thompson for Supreme Judge, and
Bernard J ,MoGrann for Stato Treasur
er, and for the full local ticket, and let
Columbia county show by a rousing
majority that s'ich blunders will re
ceive no endorsement here.
To return to
License Law for
tho Brookes High
a further disoussion
of its provisions.
The Act, as before noticed, has no
repealing clause, and it displaces pre
vious legislation on tbo subject of
vending liquors only so far as its pro
visions olesrly take the place of prior
Acts : And this notwithstanding that
the law is not a supplement, but is
"An Act to restrain and regulate the
ealo of vinous and spirituous, malt or
brewed liquors, .or any admixtures
thereof :" and the first seotion of the
Act is as follows, to-wit :
"Section 1. Me it enaoted, &c. That
it shall do unlawful to keep or main
tain any house, room or place, hotel,
inn or tavern, where any vinous,
spirituous, malt or brewed liquors, or
any admixture thereof, are sold by re
tail, except a license therefor shall
have been previously obtained as here
inafter provided."
Under this seotion some Judges
hold that no restaurant or saloon can
be licensed at all ; others hold that the
law relating to tho licensing of restau
rants, saloons or eating-houses remain
as before. It is to be feared that the
Judaea may construe the law, nnoon-
sciously, no doubt, according to their
several individual opinions. But under
this section two things must bo true :
First, a house can be licensod, a room
nun lm Hnerifipil. a nlace can be licensed!
7fijQtjmVCtue liceusce can sell there
in and tbereaCny vinous, spirituous,
malt or brewed liqudn. or any admix
ture thereof, or any one" or more of
them as he sees fit, excluding if be
chooses vinous and spirituous liquors i
And bis house, room or place need
not hare any thing but conveniences
for drinking, whereby tho public is ac
commodated. His house is the present
restaurant; 'jut the room or place is a
mere corner grogery and may be, per.
haps will be according to looality, al
together disreputable Mid disgraceful.
Iii a statute so loosely drawn as this,
dropping a namo does not soem to drop
the thing, or if it does, drops it to a
lower place. And if it should bo held
that every license granted for "any
house, room or plaon',must be for tho
eale of vinous, spirituous, malt and
brewed liquors, then this act is the
worst one ever put on tho statute book.
As to limitations there are none as to
the house, there are none as to the
place, as to the room you are prohibit
ed from selling in one wherein grocer
ies aro sold at wholesale or retail. But
the Act makes no dialiuution you get
a license to null vinouss, pirituous, malt
and brewed liquors and any admixture
thereof, in "any bouse, room or place,
hotel, inn or tavern" Bet out in your
But the word "place," also, is used
with equal carelessness, as other
words or dtsigrations upon which com
ment lias beeu made, we have seen
that by tho first section a man ran
licenee and ke-p a place ; in the fourth
the "petition shall contain" "Tho par
ticnlar place for which a license is de
sired, and also the place of birth of tho
applicant, and also that the place to be
licensed is, X'a ," in every case, the
word being used in a different sense.
Although there aro several other
features of the law whioh might be
made the subject of just animadversion
I forbear, except as to one. While the
Aot announces itself to ho "An Act
to restrain and regulate the sale ol" liq
uora, yet it is so constructed as to be An
Act to increase and and mako popular
the sale ot liquors. The whole com
inanity is interested in the granting of
licenses and in-tbe increase of liquor
Boilers, ind in the multiplication ot
houses, rooms and places where liquors
ftro lo be sold. For in cities of the
flrtt class four filths of the licenses 'go
to the city nnd county t in cities of tbo
wcoi.d and third class, two-fifths to tho
city and two-litths to the county i in
all other cities or boroughs, three-fifths
ior the nso ol the city or borough, and
one fifth for the county i in townships
one-half to the township, ono fouith to
the oounty and in all cases tho remain
der to the state. In townships it is to J
go to tho keeping of tho roads in good
repair and tho county treasurers aro 1
to appropriate to their own ue com
illusions on the county dividend. So
that every citizen In the county lias a
bid made to him for the lowering ot
taxes and tho well keeping of publlo
loads. Theto aro proper objects and
Appeal to the cupidity of everybody,
not only to thu drinker, hut to tho
temperance man as well. lie is equal
ly Luriftited, and while liquors do not
tiiipty his purso, Iicensi3 tend (o keep
it I tiller by prov'dingafund heretofore
depleting his pockit-book.
Th&nksginng Froolusatlon. !
Tho Governor has itsncd the follow
ing proclamation:
Tho President of tho United States
having designated by a publlo proola-t
mation Thursday, tlio 2111 day or.
November, as a day of general thanks
giving to bo observed by the people
of the United States, I do cordially
recommend the pooplo ot this com
monwealth to assemble in tho several
places of worship on tho day afore-
stated to render beaity and united
thanks to Almighty God for the good
ness and meroy whioh have been vouch'
sated by mm to us as a people during
tho past year.
In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hand and oausod the great
seal of the Stato to bo affixed, this Slst
day of October, in tho year of our
Lord, onu thousand eight hundred and
eighty seven, and of tho Common
wealth, the ono hundred and twelfth.
Jamks A. Beavkh, Governor.
A Vain Attempt-
It is an Insult to tho intelligence of
tbo people for the republican organs ot
tbo state to attempt to maico tnem no
lieve that the success of tho democrat-
it party at the next oleotion will in any
way imperii tho sanctity ol ino jurist
ian Sabbath or in any way aid tho
plans of any political clement that has
communistio tendencies.
There was a time bofore tho demo
cratic party had in latter days been en
trusted with power in state and nation,
when a nnliov of misrepresentation, and
one which appeals to tho prejudices of
tho people alone, might have boon ot
some avail.
But tho peoplo of Pennsylvania to
day, quietly contemplating a country
in peace and prosperity throughout its
length and breadth undir a domocrotio
administration, and also without much
effort of memory recalling the demo
cratic administration of Governor Pat
tison in Pennsylvania and its record of
nuro and economical government, are
not now likely to be imposed upon by
the ridiculous cry raised by desperate
leaders and more dosporate republican
organs to draw pnblio attention away
from the very assailablo record .01 mo
party in powner in its administration of
stateattairs. Patriot.
East Benton.
Large flocks of wild geese hava been
seen migrating southward, several
were shot in the vicinity of Stillwater.
There are many infallible signs of
the approach of an early and severe
Vinter. Should these, however, prove
to be an illusion, it would be better to
prepare and make ready for such as
Mrs. Judge Krickbaum returned hut
Saturday after a week's visit among
friends in Conyngham, Lux. Co.
The is. CB a. is progressing right
along and will soon be .wending its
way over tbo mountain to iJermee, put
the W. & W. and Milton roads are as
dry as empty powder-horns.
The corn crop, which is an unusual
ly large one, is pretty nearly gathered
Joe Myres, near Stillwater, exhibited
a pumpkin at the Benton lair which
weighed 183 lbs.
Every democrat, please take notice.
Election day Nov. 8. The ticket, the
whole ticket, and nothing but tin tloket
and the Columbian are true, principal
representatives of Democracy. "Eternal
vigilance is the price of liberty." Your
duty therefore is to go and vote the
whole ticket, every one of you,
Hulmes mills are. doing a rushing
business. They will become an estab
lished grain market for our locality.
On Saturday of the Bloomsburg
fair, the ovprcrowded excursion train
on its return trip, oyer the B. & S.
railroad, sped by the Main street cross
ing of that plaoe, without stopping
for noithward bound passengers. Mrs.
Spinnogle, who happened to he left,
with scores of others, was heard to re
mark, "Vot a drick. Dey not spites
me, I would liefer walk as dravel any
dime. Dey not sells me in dot way."
Jacob S. Beishline, near Cambra, is
very low with consumption. He can
not live many days.
Corn grains, turnips, tomatoes, and
pabbage by the wholesale. Hollowe'en
was served ' old style.
On Monday a bicyclist passed
through these parts and so frightened
a cow belonging to C. F. Deitteriak,
that she jumped a fence to get away
and broko a leg Whether it was the
rider or bioycle that caused the soare is
C. M. Terwilliger is cauvasing Hem
lock and Madison with Cram's Family
Atlas of tho World, a work that
should be in every famjly. Give it a
tair examination be tote you say no.
False men are quite a common sight
on our streets some nights. The practice
may continue until one of these would
be mascullno characters is disrobed,
and proves to be a being of the femi
nine kind. A hint has the same effect
as a,kick if it is understood.
Rev. W. A. Lepley, of the M. E.
Church, has b-eu appointed successor
(o Rev. J. L. Beishline, deceased.
Grapgo this Friday evening. A full
turn out is desirod;
C. L. Ilartman drives a new bprso,
Been trading.
Geo. Bogart started for Missouri
A Great Victory
A Terrible Case of fprofijla
Cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
H la tno winter ot 1879 I was attacked with
Scrofula In one ot the moat aggravating forms.
At one time I bad no leu than thirteen large
abscesses over and around my neok and tbroa),
continually exuding an offensive mass ot
bloody matter disgusting to behold, and
almost Intolerable to endure. It Is impossible
to fnljy describe my sufferings, as the case
was coupllftited with Chronic Catarrh. After
three years ot mlry, having been treated by
three physicians, I wa worse than ever,
finally, on the recommendation ot Vf, J,
Jfuntley, drngglit, ot Locltport, I was Induce"?
U try Mood's Barwparilla. And now, after
bavins taken twelve bottles, within the last
twelve months, the scrofulous eruptions have
E It mi.
bare done for others, but I do know that lb
my case, Hood's Haraaparllla has proved an
ruectlre specific Indeed. As an evidence of
' fralltude I send these facta unsolicited.
jidTaia ready t.o verify the authenticity of
anv i
s cure, iy yriwnw correspondence with
any one Who doubts It.'r puAUUU A. BOB-
jnx, ast Wilson, N, Y.
TJjJi statement It continued by W. J. Hunfc
ey, druggist, ot Lockport, N. Y., .who calls' the
cure a gnat ptelqry for Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Send for book giving statements of many curei
Hood's SarsaparllllK
Bob) by all druggists. HislxforSS. Made)
tnly by O, I. HOOD A CO,, Lowell, Mass, ,
100 Di.ontlir.l
Dead leaves should b gathircd up and
placed on tho compost heap In tbo garden.
The old-time boll rope, which for years
has adorned the colling of all cars, Is to be
supplanted by a concealed wire with push
boltons, lusldo and outsldo tho car, only
a touch being needed to glvo the signal.
Should a coupling break, the electric con
nection Is sevorod, and the .gong la the
cab warns tho engineer of tho fact. A test
ot the apparatus has been mado on an Erie
passenger train, and it has been found to
work perfectly.
uy a new regulation of the Postofflce Dc
partment, which went Into effect on tho
16th of September, fourth-class mall mat
ter must be sent In wrappers frco from any
printing, oxcept tho namo of the person
who sends tho rjackago and tho one to
whom It Is addressed. In caso more, than
this Is added, cither by printing or writing,
the rates ot first-class matter will he charg
ed. No advertisement ot any kind what
ever Is now allowed to bo put on tho pack
The Atuerlcan Farmer Free to All
Our Mulmcrltjcnt.
All ot our subscribers who will pay their
subscription accounts to this paper In full
to date, and ono year In advance, will be
presented with one year's subscription to
page agricultural magazine, published by
E. A. K. Uackctt, at Fort Way no, Indiana,
and which la rapidly taking rank as one of
tho leading agricultural publications of tho
country. It Is devoted exclusively to tho
Interests of tho Farmer, Stock Dreedcr,
Dairyman, Uardencr and tuelr household,
and overy species of Industry connected
with that great portion of the people of
tho world, tho Farmer. Tbo subscription
price Is 91.00 per year. Farmers cannot
well get along without it. It puts now
Ideas Into their minds. It teaches them
how to farm with profit to themselves. It
makes the home happy, the young folks
cheerful, the growler contented, tho down,
cast happy, and tbo demagogue honest. A
large number of our subscribers have tak
en adyantago of this offer, and al) are
well pleased. tf
Fort Judok or Soprkmr Court,
Of Erie.
Fort State Treasurer,
Of Lancaster.
For Associate Judge,
Of Fishingcreek. ,
Fob Pbotiionotart and Clerk op the
Several Courts,
Of Bloomsburg.
For County Treasurer,
Of Bloomsburg.
For Register and Recorder,
Of Bloomsburg.
For Cprwrr Comwissiohers,
Of Blonrasbnnr.
Of Beaver.
For Auditors,
Of Catawissa.
Of Fishingcreek.
Fob Countt Survetor,
Of Bloomsburg.
T h,Mhv nnnntifii-a mvaalf la a .-anrlMata frti-
County commls loner, to be voted tor 31 tbe No
vember election.
OrangevlUe, Pa., October T. l&w.
Everybody likes a good cup
pf coffee but how few there are
who get it j not oyer oue-half the
coffee brought on the table is fit
to drink, and yet you go on and
drink it because you can't do
apy better. Some one perhaps
asks, ypu put to dinner and
serves a delicious cup of coffee,
and you' inwardly think how
much you would give if you
could have such a cup of coffee
at home ; you feel a little deli
cacy in asking the housewife
how she made it and go home
and drink your weak bitter mix
ture with the best grace you can.
And yet properly equipped,good
coffee is within the reach of every
one, "VVe claim with our "One
Minute Coffeo Pot" any plld 8
years old can make as good a
cup of coffee as the most experi
enced cook, requires no fish skins
egg etc. to clear it, it is
plear as wine every time and of
a rich strong fjayor. This is all
the space wp can give to poftee,
the balance to explain wo will
take pleasure in doing at our
takes tho cako and makes it too.
beats tho white of an egc stiff
enough in 0 spponds to bo toss
ed into a ball. Makes potatoes
as light and flaky as snow, it
will whip up anything to a de
gree of fineness impossible with
any other machine, is useful for
mixing drjnks, beating cakes,
custards, puddings, cranberry
sauce, pjes, preparing strawber
ries, bananas, ppachps, apnlps
various waya nnd will last a lJfcT
A npw lot just in.
Very Reap,
J. B. Sohuyleb & Co,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vaites. A marvel of purity
s'rengtb and wholesomeneaa. More economical
l bin ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in compe
tition with the multitude ot low test,anort weight,
alum or phospbato powders. Bold only in cans.
1I0TAL IUiiwo rowDR Co,. Wall Br,N, Y.
In buying Boots, Shoes, Slip
pers, or any other kind of foot
wear, people will go where they
can find the largest assortment
to select from, and where they
can get the best goods for the
least money. Such advantages
can bo found at the best in an
establishment that deals exclu
sively in foot wear. Almost ev
ery general store keeps a few
boxes of boots and shoes, but at
Dentlor's shoe store the stock
consists entirely of this line of
foods. Boots, Shoes, Slippers,
'umps, Eubbers, Sandals, Gai
ters, &c, for Men, Women and
Children, qpeupy sliolf after
shelf, and even the floor of the
large room is stocked with boxes.
Here the customer can find all
styles, all sizes, all prices, from
the heaviest cow hide, to the
finest kid, with prices as low as
can bo found anywhere for the
same class of goods. We are
provided with implements for
removing pegs, and for resetting
buttons, so that our goods are.
made comfortable, and made to
fit any foot.
Among 'the special lines are
the W. L. Douglas Shoe for gen
tlemen, Curtis & Wheeler's La
dies' Fine Shoes, the celebrated
Towanda Boot, for men and boys.
No trouble to show goods.
F. D. Dentler,
Scrap, a large and complete line at J. n.
Mercer's Drug and Book store, Evans' Block.
Pachets, Pomades, Hair Dyes and Bay Bum
at J. II. Mercer's Drug end Book store, Evans'
Block, opposite Eplssopal Church.
at J. II. Mercers Drug and Book Htore, oppo
site Episcopal Church.
line stock at Mercer's Drug and Book Store
opposite Episcopal Churcb, Bloomsburg, Pa.
j a full line at J. IL Mercer's Drug and Book
store, Upper Mala -treot.
at very low prices at J. II. Mercer's Drug and
Book store, third door above Iron street, Blooms
burg, Pa.
I Cooper's Gelatine. Tapioca, Baire, Arrow Boot
and all the prepared foods ror children and In
valids at Mercer's Drug and Book mora, nml door
above Hess' Boot and Shoe Store, Bloomsburg, Pa.
I Mixed seed for tbe birds, at J. II. Mercers
Drag and Book store, am door below Creasys
Grocery store.
In Tablet form, at J. II. Mercer's Drug and
Book store, Bloomsburg, Pa.
doors above ISyans & Byerf ClotWmf Store,
receipts carefully prepared at all hours at
ercer's Drug and Book store, Bloomsburg, pa.
cosmetlo and gold and silver Diamond Dust,
at J. II. Mercer's Drug and Book Store, No 8 Main
street, Bloomsburg, Pa.
prices -at Mercer's Drug and Book Store,
opposite jlpfsoopil Churcb, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Single & Double
eeTirr or John JAcosr, sip's.
L'OLmsu Countt, s
To .lowph llendershott, husband ot Malvlna
Ilendcrehoit, Norman llendershott, Bloomsburg,
pa.; Lsvllla Jamison. Intermarried with Alfred
Jamison, Washington, D.O., Albert P. HenderBhott,
Washington, D. O.; Annie llenderehoit, Inter,
married with II. w. moan, Ulootnsburg, Pa.; Maria
UUlherlafed, Akron, lnd I O. A. Jacoby. blooins-
uuiy, i-a.; rrani. . uruwrora, rnaawpuiu jpt!
ull Crawford,
i, Georgia' 1.1)1
i Jacoby, lllooi
Ohio: J hn Crawford. Macon.
i fe&f Pwas, ViWrp4-i;
Iisra lurru, ra 1 Jtno
I You and eacb ot you are bereby cited to be and
I appear before the Judges ot our Orphans' Court,
' to be held at IllnnmRhnnr l'A nn IhM tire, LfAnrtciv
of December next, then and there to accept or re.
fuse Lo Lake rrial nrntA nf hrM .Irtlm .far..h A
ceawd, at I hi appralard valuation upon It by tbe
Inquent, duly awarded br tbe said Court, aud re
turned by tbe Nherlff, or show cause woy u shall
, put be cold. And terror fall not.
I Itnexs the Honorable William Kl well, President
of oursald Court, at Bloomsburg, tbe eleventh day
V, AM.MI, l. JOS,,
The entire stock of the
late ID. Lowenberg will be
offered at greatly reduced,
prices, as the complete
stoch must be sold before
the 1st of the New Year.
Renember,the goods are
not cheap goods, but fine
goods at
The stock consists of fine
For Little Boys,
HTS, Cips,
QQ& &Q
for youRsjjvEa
Let k Eyes te Juiges !
If you ivish our opinion
ipe will recommend goods
that will not injure the
reputation of .this Estab
lishment. All we ash is
the public to come and
see and judge for tjem
pelves. .
A full lin e of Fall and
Winter suits made up in
Way below te Regular
Crolclsiii4l Silver
of the best make. Must be sold
Lydtat. Mean, by her next trlend, J, v. 8nds,
vtl 1'iarerico jw Clears.
Ik rni court or Common Pmis or ComtmiU
COUXTT, NO. 110, Mix TKSM, 1817.
To Clarence Mcars respondent above named!
Whereas, upon the petition or lirxl of the tntd
Lydla U hears, above named, a submsna being
awarded by i he Court ot common Pleas of said
county, a subpeona Issued out ot tbo said Court,
commanding you, tho said Clarence K Hears, to
be and appear at the nest regular term of said
Court, to snow cauno, It any you have, why the
said llbellant should not bo divorced from the
bonds of matrimony which she has contracted
with you.sgrceably Iothe pmycrof the petitioners
and, whereas, linen the return of tho said sub-
peons, auo proor was maae tuai you coma not
bo found or serv d with tho Bime In the bailiwick
of tho ttherlff ot said county; whereupon an alias
subpoena was awarded by said Court command
ing you tone appear at the then next regular
icrmoi sam ivuri, ui nitswur, aiorcaaiu,
to which the same return was made by the Sheriff.
You are therefore required to be and appear on
tbe first day of regular term ot satd Court, lo be
held at Moomsburg, for tho said county, on the
nrst Monday of December next, A. I). 1687, to
answer stld complaint aforesaid
W. CnsisMiK, Atty. sheriff.
Sheriffs oniio, Bloomsburg, Pa., NovM, lS8t,
Maggto Shellenberger, by her father and next
friend, ltccse Palrman, vs. Iloraco N. Snellen
berger. Im nil court or common Plus or Colombia
To Horace N. shsltenberger, respondent above
Whereas, upon tbo petition or libel of tho said
Maggie She) lenberKCr, above named, a Bubprcna
being awarded by the court ot Common Pleas ot
Bald county, a subpeona Issued out of the said
Court, commanding you, the said Horace N. Shell
enberger, to bo and appear at tho nxt legular
term of satd court, to how cause, It any you
have, why tho said llbellant should not bo di
vorced from the bonds ot matrimony which she
bas contracted with lou. airrceablv to the nrittrr
ot said petitltloner; end, whereas, upon the re
turn of the said subpepna. due proof was made
that you could not be found or rerved wltb the
same In the balllwv k ot the Sheriff ot said oounty;
whereupon an alias subpoena was awarded by
the said Court, commanding you to be and appear
at the then next regular term ot said i ourt, to
f.nswer, &c, as aforesaid, to which tho same ro
urn was made by the Sheriff.
iou aro inererorp required to De and appear on
tho first day of regular term of said o mrt, to be
held at llloomsbuiy, for the laid county, on tbe
nrst Monday ot December next, A. D. 1B87, to
answer tbe complaint aforesaid.
LlTTLKS. AttVS. kharl.
Sheriff's omce, Bloomsburg, Pa., Nov. 4, 1R87.
Susie Winner, by her uncle and next friend, John
In tbi COURT op Common li.sis op tolumbia
COUNTY. No. d7. MIT Ivnu. 1U1T-
To Oswell Winner, respondent above named:
Whereas, upon the petition or libel ot tho said
Susie vsii ner, above named, a subpoena being
awarded by the court of Commou Pleas of said
countr. a subDOBna laauMnuLnr the ram i-nnrt
commanding you. the said Oswell winner, to b
and appear at the next regular term ot said Court
to show cause. If any you have, why the said
ww-h-u, nuumu nut, no a.Yorcea rrotn me trOQds
of matrimony which sho has contracted with you,
agreeably to the rjraver of tho netitionnr! urn
wbereas, upon the re' urn of the said subpoena,
due proof was mado that you co Jld not be round
orBerved with the Bamo in the batuwlokot the
Sheriff of said county; whereupon an alias sub
poena was awarded by said Court, commanding
you to be and appear at thothca next regular
term of said court, to answer, ac as aforesaid.
UJVU mu.j i ciuru was mnao ov me Hnerin.
You are therefore rpnutrfvi tn ho niui anuipmi
the nrst day of regular term ot said Court, to be
held at Bloomsourg, for tho Bald county, on the
first Monday of December next, A. 1). 1837, to
answer the complaint aforesaid.
Sheriff's omce, B.oamsburg, pa , Nov. 4, 1837.
William Uriel, vs. Susannah Krlclc
IN Tint court op Common Plras op Columbia
Countt, No. 46, MATTKRM, 1S87.
To Susannah Erlck respondent above named:, oreas UDQD tne Petition or libel of the said
William Krlci. above named, a subpoena being
awarded by the Court of Common Pleas of said
county, a subpoana issued out ot the said ( ourt,
commanding you, the said Susannah Krlclt, to be
and appear at the next regular term of said Court,
to show cause, if any ou have, why the said
llbellant should not bo divorced from the bonds of
matrimony which he bas contracted wltb you.
agreeably to tbe rrarer of the petitioner, and,
whereas, unon the return of thp raM Riihnmna mm
proof was msde that you could not be found or
ocrcu wivu iqo same in tne oaiuwlclc of th-
Sheriff of said county; whereupon an alias sub
sutpmna was awarded by said court,commandIng
you to be and appear at tho then next regular
term of said Court to answer, Sc., as aforesaid,
to which the same return was made by the sheriff.
You are therefore required to be and appear on
the nrjt day of regular term of said Court, to h
held at Bloomsburg, for the Bald county, on the
nrst Monday ot liecember next, A. 1). IS&7, to
answer the complaint aforesaid.
n.,. ... - SAMUEL SMITH,
.. OarxB, Atty. Sheriff.
HheritTfl office, Bloomsburg, Pa., Nov. 4, 1887.
Cbarlty R. Eveland, by her next mend. John P.
IN thm court op Common Plsas op Columbia
To Stephen A. Eveland, respondent above named:
n!iH?re5?'Jfp!11 tbepctlllon or libel of tho said
Chanty It. Eveland. above named, a subpoena be
ing awarded by the court of Common Pleas of
Bald county, a subpeena Issued out ot the said
Court, commanding you, the said Stephen A.,5'.t?.,,?L"ml appn.'r at the next regular
term of said Court, to show cause, If any you
have. why the said llnellant should not be divorced
r.v Jivvr Aw.innuujr wmrui-nenaa con
tracted with you, agrireably to the prayer of the
MLl tinner nnri wharaaa iinnn . . -
said i BUbpcona, due proof was made that you could
not be found nr n-rvv1 nlrhtha.a iit,. k.m
wlcUoi tUeHherttf of aald county; whereupon an
auaa subpeona was awarded by said court, com-
irira0.,kuM tx"irt 10 answer. c. as aforesaid,
to which the same return was made by the Sheriff.
t,n r...Za . i-4uiiuu lu u aaa appear on
ffilil ? imX0' rSU,i'' ter,n of 8aW cou"' t0 00
niif ilniii. I. Vf ' i"" V1"1 county, on tne
?I?LJlcl.,!.'lay ', December ri-xt, a. U. 1S87, to
answer tbe complaint aforesaid.
.iIT?' tty- hherlff.
SherUTa office, Bloomsburg, Pa., Nov. 4, 1881.
By vrto pf sundry writs, issued out of the
Court of Common I'leas'ot Columbia county, Pa.,
and to me directed, will be exposed to pubUc sale,
on the premises, on
at 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain mill property
and piece of. land, situate In Brlarcreck township,
Columbia county Pa., and bounded nd described
as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone In a pub-
no roaa, in line of land ot A. Clayton, thence by
the same south fortr aim nntt.if An,,
twenty-one and three-tenths perches to a post!
oumu wjveuiy-nine and one-halt degrees west.two
and seven-tenths perches to a post, in line of land
ot Win Lamon, thence by the same south ono de
gree weat.two and three-tentha rhra tn , m,
oak, thenoe by land ot Pettle, south elghty-two
bioto cignt, ano four-tenths perches to a
black oak, thence south nrty-two and one-fourth
degrees east, nve and alx-tenths perches to a post,
vupwn ouum seveniy-iwo an t three-fourths de
grees east,nve and four-tc ntha nerrhpo tn a rtni,
maple, thence south thirteen and one-half degrees
P fl Cf tvpn anrl
.uui.iruiua percuss toan ash on the
" ' creeK, mence north forty-eight and one-
uau uegrees easu sevont-en wrci,a tn n O,no
main road, running between mm nnri rt,.nin.
houso.thenoe along said load north thlrty.four and
.uuivua ucurecs weeignteen and Blx-tenths
perehej to tho placj of beginning, containing ten
acres, and n)n etcep perches of land.stnct measure,
"pr "uro or loss. n connection with
above the water rlcrht ror mm iun
a portion ot the premises being farm land. There
la erected on the premises an excellont water
wnci, uivnmoiorgnmiu or manufactory pur
poses. The property was rormenr irnon
Traugh mill property .situate about one mile from
belied, taken in execution, and to be told as the
property of Nelson Frtas. and Jonas Crlsman and
n. ju. riauttui, tcrre venauta.
UT ya- 'mm, Atty,
At the Cross Keys hotel In Berwick, on the
same day, at a o'clock p. m., all that certain
piece, parcel or lot ot ground, situate In the bor
ougb of Berwick, county ot Columbia and state of
Pennsylvania, being in lot number elghty-elght,
(fc8) as marked and numbered In the general plan
of M W Jackson's addition tn ti, i....v. . n
wick, boundol and, flescrtbed as iSilows, to-wlt
Beirlnnlnu it ih u.tu.,. .
...51. r" 7.1 ""-ra( wuoorBUin
aueut, In said barouzh. at thx mm. .
berelghty-nlne, thence along Mxth street, a dli
flnnflnf faii va..J - t--n . .
w,w.u.uu u usu lect, to line ot lot
number eshtr-seven. thpn-o nmnn
elghty-sevcn, a distance ot one btjudjcd ana
.iZLZ. , r uuo-'.iu' S"V " seventh street,
thence alone Seventh i nit i......
)ve and and one-halt feet to a line ot lot number
iut u, iota uumDers nlnety-two,
ninety-one, ninety and eiirhtv.nina i. .......
one hundred and. tUftty-tvitt anq one-balf feet to
thS r.ia.w n( hPirlnnlno. .VJ, '
; ;r --i r, -o vvwm an? erectea a
large two story frame dwelling u... r
smalt aoub,le frame dweuiny tlQt&o m ,PUtbuU4.
The undivided one-half Uterest ot all that cer.
tain lot ot ground, sltunn nn n..
side ot Tenth street, between lint and
Chestnut streets, In the borough ot Ber
,v, WUui, vt vviuiuinnanoiwieof rennayiva belnvlot numhar inn nm
and. nu, in It(ctiam ibompson'g addition to
111. hnpnimh ... n..,.i.i. . . ...
uuuuueq and described
as lollQwa, to-wtts. neglnmngon. Tenth, street, at
aoo.rnero.nql number fifteen, thence along said
mwawm aun eigmy-o ne and one-Ualf foet
to a one-rod alley, thence alomruaM ......
nine and one-half feet to a corner o( lot number
eventeen,th-nw alona the same one hundred and
elghtj-ouo and one-lialt feet lo Tenth street afore,
aid, thence along tbe earn" forty.clne and one-
Mi... icvv m luo oi oeginning, vrhereon Is
erecteda framedwelllng house,
setwd, taken la execution, at tbe suit ot Wm. J.
Knorr vs. Geo. W, Vannatta, an.d to he sold as the
property of uso w. Yopatt,a,
JtTAMi. Atfy. AL PL Ja.
Don't Fail to Cnll and Examine
I nm offering great bargains in the following dress goods:
Delaines, Flannels, Plaids, Cashmeres, Heavy Coatings,with Trim
mings and Buttons to match, Opera Flannels, Velveteens, Dress
Goods of every description, with Braids and Trimmings to match.
Women's Misses nnd Children's Hood's, nil styles, Bliawls, &c
Women's Shoes, $1.00 up.
ftlcn's, Youths' &
very largo stock. Men's Suits, $5 00 up. Overcoats, $4 75 up.
Men's Shoes and Boots, Horso Blankets, Robes, Bells, Trunks'
Valises, Bed Blankets, Comfortables, &c. '
My stock is complete in overy branch and would respectfully
solicit your patronage. Examine before purchasing elsewhere.
You -will fina goods at my store not kept in this place. Styles
latest, on account of visiting the markets last. Prices cannot be
beaten iu the city.
J. J. McHEBTBT, Benton, Fa,
I, SAMUEL SWITII, High Sheriff ot Co
lumbla county. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
do hereby make known and proclaim to the quail
nea electors or uoiumoia county mat a genera
election will bo beld on
being tbe Tuesday next following the first Mon
day of said month) for tho purpose of electing
several persons hereinafter named, to-wlt:
One person for State Treasurer,
one person for Associate Judge.
Ono person for Prothonotary and Cleric ot tbe
Several courts.
One person for County Treasurer.
. Three persons tor County commissioners.
Three oersons for Auditors.
one porso i for county Burveyor.
i uisu uemuv uimeitiinwa ana give noucemat
the places or holding the aforesaid election In tho
several wards, boroughs, districts and townships
within the countr ot Columbia are as follows, viz:
Heaver township, at the public bouse or Potter
licnton township, at the publlo nouso of Mrs.
Olive lless. In tho town of licnton.
juiai, uiuuin, ui, uie uouro uouso, in. woomsourg.
West llloom. at the Court House. inDloomsburg.
Bast Berwick, at the little orucoot Jackson 6
Woodln In the borough of Herwlct.
West Berwick, at the onico ot W. J. Knorr. In
the borough of Berwick.
tlnrmm), nf I'nntroll. n. flm mMi. i.n..Bn. wit
Uam roller.
Briarci eek township, at tbe public school house
near Kvansvllle.
Catftwlsaa tnwnshln. at th. ntthlln ttAtten nfW.
A. Yetter.
Centre riwnfthlrv iit.thaasti.wtl hnK...... t.a..
ette creasys,
norm vonyngnam uistnet, at the school bouse
near the colliery of John Anderson Co.
NnnthrAlivnirliam rtlo,4 n. ...........
... u.ujuiuu vHitivua, unuuiun ui jnm.
Thomas Monroe.
nsmngcreek township, at tho school house near
C. 11 White's.
ffrnnlrlln ttwn.Tiln c .tin T 1
(Jrecnwood township, at tbo bouse ot I. D
Hemlock township, at tho public houso of Chas.
II. Ulettcrlch, In the town of Buck Horn.
ttty., ui, luu ucuuui uuuse &i waucr.
InOllfif. trtwnattln a tha nnhll. Km., n a. tt..l.l
Knorr, In Numedla.
Mifflin township, at the public houso ot Aaron
Ileus, in the town of Mlaiinvllle.
Madison township, at tbe publlo school house
tn Jerseytown.
ML Pleasant towntthln fit. tha Ulll.rt.tBn
ho 18".
Montour township, at tho publlo house of
Samu 1 II ailedtne, at Ilupert.
Mflln tnwn.hln at tha nnhll. hmu. a. .J.J..
W. Shuman.
j oanngcreek township, at the bouse of Samuel
OranCfl tftwnatiln. at n 1taal'tnnn, w.n.n.
angevllie. '
rino township, at tbo Centre School House,
Want Gtntt n. Khiu ... .
i. " kLlu iuu"u uuu8t) vi A, i, jurusu
In Llghtstrcet.
T.SriS"01' tpwnsnip, at the publlo house of
Jacob Illosser, In Kspy.
v" , cl-"u"l Mureuiwjr neia unaer tne laws of
this Commonwealth, the election polls shall be
shall continue open without Interruption or ad
journment until seven o'clock In the evening when
tbo polls will be closed.
lltflf Ota.ff niHnn r. ....... I ...... .
iv.t-, aVrt 'iv w.iiuk oustices oi me
.v. munLisu, .tuu.iitv i-uuuu ana per
sons In tbo mllltla service ot tbe state, who
........ wuui.iimu inu luuuias nave neid
any onico or appointment of pront or trust under
w j w u, oune, ana city or
corporated district, whothr a commissioned
Omcer or OtuprwlAR. n snhnnllnfltn .fllu,. ... .. .
who is or BhaU be employed under the Legisla
ture, Executive or Judiciary Department ol this"
State, or of any city or ot any Incorporated dis
trict, nnrt nlan. tliot ..... amha. .,Jrr
and of tho State Legislature, and ot tho select
v. wumvuwwiHi ui uuj uiij, ur commissioners
"i any incorporated district, are by lawlncapable
of holding or exercising at the same tlmethe
onico or aniwlntmnnt. nr .lntm. i.BnM. V ...rr."
ot any election of this CommonweiUUi, an J taat
no inspector, Judge or other omcer of such elec
tion shall be eligible to be then voted for.
The Inspectors and Judgo of the elections shall
nect at the respective places appointed for
holding the election in tbe district to wblcb tuey
respectively belong, before seven o'clock In the
morning, and eaih of said Inspectors shall ap
su'ch dfctrto ' W" shaU 606 SaWaToteFof
The qualified voters of the several districts In
a3,,'i,0,un,ty.a.taU eneral. towrlpboSglJand
H2S,.aiJ!leetl0.ns!. ar8 neroby bereaftcr author
SJA?la re1m,'.e,0 10 vote by tickets printed or
written, or partly printed and partly mitten
severally classlnod as follows i One ticket shall
embrace the names ot aU Judges of Courts voted
for, and labelled, outside, "Judiciary?1 one
ticket shall embrace the aamcs of all fee state
f,1ue.rsvot,? for and to be labelled ''state:" one
ticket shall embrace the names of ail count?
SPrt!? "if" ,or; tocluoUnetbTomcioiMtor
and Members of Assombfy, u voted for. and
members of Congress, it voted for, aid be lab?:
led "county ; " one ticket shall embrace Tthe names
of all township offlcera voted tor, and be labelled
"Township;" one ticket shall emoraSe the names
?'B0."811 mccre T0ted for,d9b7b5SlSed
hann?wSaCla83 allbo deposited Inscparato
ocl" Sherltj.
Jnin.emart!0, the partition of the ertate of
Jonas I oty law of Fishlngoreek township deceas-
Ir'in.?a'Ii!,laDetl,Kocl'. KUswortb county.
Kansas, and George Doty, :Luierne Co. Pal tkfe
notice that an inquest wfl b?ld at thi atS
"Sf J,0.ufS9? Jonas Doty deceased in the
unusmpui risningcreek. Co umbla countr l-il
, Monday the seventh day ol ! Xemb?r 1&I bt
Badfl.t110A0l1a0, ""'clock a. m. andTpVnLf
children and letrai renrtntoM JoV ri?!S
be done without prejudloa W M iSt tS5
rniilSnS7Sr:. WKU luuB ana place you are
HA MTTTPv. UUTlrn na.
iuWUamU oucnu
., nn, uuer lur oaio wnai is known as tho m
?nLraerty' on. Saturday, Novemb?r 5 lsra a?
10 o'clock a the i niiM.'nni,J; i. rrAr Al
we i
all that certain piece' ol Tai trHhe n"
or Uloomeburg,ltU a liont on Vjtre i5
SK anj'a front on Arsu street, mtSt on
SSIS at" greeted a brVk dwelUnf- house: lan
Seln outbuudlnk cWW
Arrasn-John a Casey, cierkT
Commissioners' Officcjlloomirjarg, ra-, w
In rat Osruixa' Codkt or Culukbii Cocnth
In the matter of the partition and valuation of
real estate ot Qeorgo filler, late T0l Nelrjeck
Lmerne oounty. Pa. ' "peck(
county, Pa, Nathan MUleri vSxanaZ lSSSS
county, Pa,. Caroline. WternfajrleTwIth jS?
avtm. Wetheily. Caruon rouSy: Pa.. lAlrTr?
teruiarrled wltb Jonn Klshtact' lililetoi'i nS"
erne county. I-onn'a, Hali WnaSecnt"
Neaoopeck, 'i-vueroe "oounty, pi, iftrta ffi
terinarrlea wltn. (v( Klshbach. Ncacoiieck ' i K
You and each of you are bereby notified ta ha
and appear before the Judges q( tha tfohan?
gwrt. to beheld at Blooinshuri, 2a the first
Jl?,? "r'WV ,Mbend there to. aS
cept or reluw to take tle real estate of said
lieurgo Miller, deceased, at tha
lion put upon It by the (nauest iilv mm TS
. the said court, irlr
cause why it shall nnt h u.m' m" ww, ursnow
fete ?S!
Boys' Clotliiu
Of t he0Cons?.tTue,n.olnb' ,D A.t.c.evl?!
.ioint resolution proposing an amendment m ti.a
constltntton of the commonwealth! 10 tUo
skctiom t. De U resiilvea try the SniaUs mid
House of JlepreseutatUre ,tr Uie ComnumSmUhal
Sn7,'.nfi!? p.roP 88 "n amendment or tho
S??Bt.nUi10an.f tfio commonwealth of i-cnnsylv
ct-v. - . . AMENDMENT,
strike out from section one, of nrtlclo elsht the
oquauncatlons for voters whS reXastol-
ha'va mM'titT? tt50' aR0 orupwardi,ho shall
nave paid, within two y are, a stato or cour t
mJl.S1 Sn,,1.i?aTe "n asJfssS at leart t S
KSlt,nnS?.ta!a.'i.tIea9t no bctort'tlio
low" the section which reads as til-
"Every male citizen, twenty-ono years uf are
SSSTiS?? ,6 'Ollowirg qualification?, hal ibo
entitled to vote at all elections:
o. . iIe s.ua11 naT0 0660 a citizen of tho United
States at loast ono month.
v?S?ifUS"Sft!!l oralded in the state ono
year (or If, having prevlousOv been a nuallned
elector or native born citizen of the state, Yeshall
have removed thereform and rcturnedVthen sLt
mZll$ immoaiateijr preceding I ho elect ion.
Inird. He shall have resided in tho elect ion
district where he Bli.ll offer t5 vow it leSt twS
months Immediately preceding the election?
Fourth. If twenty-two years of age or up.
wards, he shall have paid, within two years a
otate or county tax.whlch Bhali have been assessed
at least two months, and jaldst least one month
before the i election?- Bhall be amended, so as to
read as follows: '
Every male citizen twenty-one years of age.
possessing the following qualifications, shall
entitled to vote at t he polling placo ot the election
district of which he shall at the tlmo be a resident
and not elsewhere:
First. He Bhall have been a citizen ot the United
mates at least thirt j days.
Second. He shall have resided In tho state ono
year (or If, having previously been a qualiaed
elector or native born citizen of the state, he shall
have removed therefrom and returned, then slv
months) Imme'latcly preceding tho election.
Third1 Ho shall have resided In tho election dis
trict where re shall offer to vote at least thirty
days Immediately preceding the election. Tho
legislature, at the session thereof next alter tho
adoption ot this section, shall and from time to
time thereafter may,cnact laws to prope'ly enrorco
this provision.
Fourth. Every male citizen of tho ago ot twen.
ty-one yeara, who shall have been a citizen for
thirty days ar.d an Inhabitant of this state for one
year next preceding an election, except at munlel-
Sal elections, and for tho last thirty days a resl
ent of the election dlstilct In which he may offer
bis vote, shall bo ei.tltled to vote at such election
In the election district of which bo Bhall at the
time be a resident and not elsewhere for all officers
that now are or hereafter may be elected by tho
poople: Prmiaea, That In time of war n elector
In tho actual military service ot tho t-tato or ot
the United States, tn trie army or navy thereof,
shall be deprlvf d ot lis vote by reason of his ab
sence from such election district, and I lie Iciflala
ture shall have power to provldo tho manner la
which and the lime and placo at which such ab
sent electors may vote, aud for i he return and
canvas of their votes in tho election district In
which they respectively reside.
Fifth. For the purposo of person shall
bo deemed to have gained or lost a residence by
reason o bis presence or absence while employed
In the service of the United States or the Mate,
nor while engaged In the navigation of the waters
of the State nor of the high sea, nor while a stu.
dent of any nolle, e or seminary of learning, nor
while kept at any almshouse or public ins ltutlon,
except tbe Inmates of any homo for disabled and
Indigent soldiers and sailors, who, tor the purnoio
ot voting, shall be deemed to reside In the election
district where said home Is located. Laws shall
be made for ascertaining, by proper proofs, t no
citizens who shall be entitled to tho right of suff
rage hereby e-tabllshed.
A true copy ot the joint resolution.
Secretary of the commonwealth,
TION proposed to the citizens of this Cora
monwealihfor their approval or rejection by tho
General Assembly of the Commonwealth of 1'cnn
Bylvanla. Published by order ot the H- cretary ot
tho Commonwealth, In pursuance of Artlclo XV11I
of the Constitution
Joint resolution proposing an amendment to tUo
Constitution ot thfc Commonwealth:
Skctioh 1. Be It resolved by the Fenate and.
House of ltepresentnives of the commonweilth
of Pennsylvania In Oencral Assomblt met. That,
the following amendment Is propifd to Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, In
accordance with the KlghteentU Article thereof;
There shall be an additional artlclo to said Con
stitution to be designated as Artlclo XIX, as fol
Tne manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale of In
toxicating liquor to bo used as a beverage. Is
hereby prohibited, and any violation of this
prohibition shall be a misdemeanor, punishable ua
shall be prowled by law.
Tbe manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale of In
toxicating liquor for other purposestban as a bev
erage may be alloweu In such manner only as may
by prescribed by law. The (leneral Assembly shall,
at the first session succeeding the adoption oi this
article of the Constitution, enact laws with ade
quate penalties for Its enforcement,
A true copy ot the Joint ltesolutlon.
a&ugSma. secretary of the commonwealth.
Xslnze or John A. Ontver, late of ftoomsduiv, .
Letters testamentary on tbe Bald estate having
been granted to tbe undersigned, all persons.
Indebted to aald estate are bereby notified
to pay the same, and thote having claims against
said estate wui present thesamfor settlement,
to K MAltY C. OltUVKH,
UloomsMrg. l a.
Nantlcoke, Pa.
Jonw It. CUemih, AWt. sepa.
JSttaU of Clemvtl Y. Dfloni, of Orange nrp.
Letters testamentary on tbo said estate
having been granted to the undersigned T,
all persona Indebted to said tstate are bereby no
tified to pay the same. nd tboho having claims
against said estate present the same to
sep30' 4II. J, CONNKlt, Admt.
ot the Blonraslwjrf State Normal School, te
cured by Orst uvurvaage, dated -eptember 1, bo
Notice Is hereby given that the Interest on all
bqnfls outstanding up to "eptember 1. 1687, 111 bo
paid on presen' atlon of the same to tbe 'I reasurer,
at his omce la Bloomsburg, at any lime within is
days from November 1, lbST. It the bouds are not
presented by December 1, lSUT, the Interest will bo
defaulted and the fund applied to other purposes.
oa ui ,j, cLAKK,'Jieaturer.
Wholesale. Retat
50 65
S3 45
4.f0 to 035
20 23
"20 23
CO 70
13 10
OJ 05
07 10
00 19
03 10
10 12
20 80
78 1 00
8 to 7
Wheatper buslicl....
Rye " "
Corn " " ..
Oata "
Flour " bbl..,.,
Dried Apples
Bide ..
Cbtckens.. ,
Lard per lb
Vinegar per gal
Onions per bushel....
Veal aklna...,
Wool per lb
Coat, on Wiimr.
No 8 $3.00; No 9. 8, & Lump 3.25
No. 6 (J8.00 Hltiimlnilf 3.25
cltrkbtu. o.
sheriff oflut, Nor, 1, 1W7,